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WebSockets on the JVM: 
Atmosphere to the rescue! 
@atmo_framework @jfarcand
WebSockets: Myth or Reality 
WebSocket a standard? Really? 
Tricks for Production Ready 
WebSocket Application 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
is a web technology providing for bi-directional, 
full-duplex communications channels 
over a single TCP connection. 
Polling Long Polling Streaming 
Browser Server 
empty response 
Browser Server Browser Server 
response part 
response part 
Browser Server 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•Who I am 
•WebSockets: Serveur Side 
•WebSocket: Client Side 
•Socket.IO and Socks.js 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Who is this strange accent guy 
• Creator of Frameworks 
• Grizzly (NIO Framework) 
• AsyncHttpClient 
• Atmosphere Framework 
• Ex-GlassFish, Tomcat & Jetty 
« committer » 
• Ex Sun Microsystem, France 
Telecom, Ning, Sonatype 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•Founder anf CTO Async- 
•Since 2013 
•Atmosphere Support, 
Atmosphere Pro & Elite 
•Atmosphere is still licenced 
Apache 2 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
@atmo_framework @asyncio
WebSockets: Server Side 
blank slide 
for your own 
WebSockets: Server Side 
•Tomcat 7+, Jetty 7+, GlassFish 3+, Resin 2+, JBoss 
7.1.2+ native Websocket API 
•Non Portable, Unstable API 
•Missing Functionality 
•What the point of Atmosphere then??????? 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
blank slide 
for your own 
WebSockets: Server Side 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•Portable, Stable, EVERYWHERE 
•Use Native API or JSR 356 
•Javascript API(s) & Java (wAsync) 
•950+ mailing list 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
JAX Awards 2014 
Nominated for Most 
Innovative Java 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Well Established!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Run on top of 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•100% Javascript Library 
•Small, portable, mobile optimized 
•Transparent Fallback 
•One API to Rule them all: WebSockets/Server Sides 
Event/Long-Polling/HTML File/JSONP/Polling/Streaming 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere : Clients 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Browsers 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Into the Cloud 
•Your Atmosphere’s Application transparently work into 
the cloud 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Cloud 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
blank slide 
for your own 
Atmosphere Pro! 
• atmosphere-satellite: replicate your data and code together In-Memory for 
faster execution and seamless elastic scalability across your 
Atmosphere's Nodes/Servers. 
• atmosphere-tower-control: Monitor your Atmosphere's Node/Server state 
via any JMX compliant tool like Java Mission Control. Get statistics on 
how many websocket or long-polling clients are currently connected, 
add/move connected clients from one node to another, for example in 
case of a node being restarted, etc. 
• atmosphere-postman: Client/Server extension to Atmosphere to support 
message delivery guarantee. 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Fix broken 
ervers for 
you! ` 
blank slide 
for your own 
var socket = atmosphere; 
var subSocket; 
var request = { url: document.location.toString() + 'chat’, contentType : "application/json”, transport : "websocket" , trackMessageLength : 
true }; 
request.onOpen = function(response) { 
content.html($('<p>', { text: 'Atmosphere connected using ' + response.transport })); 
request.onMessage = function (response) { 
var json = atmosphere.util.parseJSON(response.responseBody) 
request.onClose = function(response) {…}; 
request.onReopen = function(response) {….} 
request.onTransportFailure = function(errorMsg, request) {…} 
subSocket = socket.subscribe(request);
@ManagedService(path = "/chat”) 
public class Chat { 
public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} 
public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} 
@Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, 
decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) 
public Reply onMessage(Message message){ 
return handleAndReply(message); 
Problem #1 – Fallback 
• Old version 
• No support (IE 9) 
• Disconnect, block 
•Load Balancer 
• Breaks Session Affinity 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Fallback with Atmosphere 
public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) { 
switch (r.transport()) { 
case SSE: 
case JSONP: 
case POLLING: 
r.write(“Atmosphere is cool”); 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere I/O 
•WebSocket uses « non blocking I/O » 
•Fallback simulates « non blocking I/O> 
Browsers behave the same way as packet are delivered 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #2 –Protocol 
Tomcat 7.x/8.x => RFC 
6455 (Version 13) !!<= 
Safari 5.0.x 
Jetty9.1+ => Hixie 76 
<= Safari 5.0.x 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Protocol Version 
•Atmosphere => Transparent Fallback in case the 
protocol is not supported 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #3 – Lost Lost Lost 
• I/O error, websocket message 
will be lost. 
• Message must be put inside a 
• Message must be discarted if 
the connection never come 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere – Messages Lost 
@ManagedService(path = "/chat”) 
public class Chat { 
public void onMessage(AtmosphereResource r, String message){ 
// Transparently cache the message in case of a problem 
// Transparently write it back once reconnected 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #4 – Proxy 
• Existing Proxy are cutting the 
• Must recover transparently 
from a disconnect. 
• Heartbeat saves your day! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere – Proxy ? No Problem! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #5 – New Spec! 
• Difference between Tomcat, 
Undertow and Jetty already! 
• Spec is young, missing fondamental 
• Tomcat 8.0.12 is stable. GlassFish 4 
is dead, Jetty 9.1.3 stable, 
Undertow 1.1.Final is stable, 
WelLogic is broken. 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #5 – JSR 356: Tomcat vs 
public void onMessage(String m, Session s) { 
for (Session s: sessions.getOpenSessions()){ 
// Tomcat will throw an IllegalStateException 
// if more than one thread call sendXXX. 
// Jetty won’t! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #5 – JSR 356: Tomcat vs 
private final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1, true); 
public void onMessage(String m, Session s) { 
for (Session s: sessions.getOpenSessions()){ 
session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(m, …); 
}finally { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #5 – Tomcat vs Jetty 
• I/O Event aren’t delivered the same 
• CloseReason not the same depending 
on the server!!!! 
// Hack 
if (closeCode == 1000 && getContainerName().contains("Tomcat")) { 
closeCode = 1005; 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Firefox is the new Internet Explorer 
// Reload a tab/window 
// Firefox => 1001 
// Chrome => 1000 
if (isFirefox && c.getCode() == CloseReason.GOING_AWAY 
|| c.getCode() == CloseReason.NO_STATUS_CODE) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Firefox is the new Internet Explorer 
Reload in Firefox produces phantom 
websockets connections!!!!!!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #6 – Closing Code 
• How to detect if a 
websocket was closed by a 
Proxy, a Load Balancer or 
the Browser!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Hell exists!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
public void onClose(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) { 
if (e.isClosedByClient()){ 
} else if (e.isClosedByApplication()) { 
} else if (e.isUnexpectlyClosed()) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
WebSockets: Client Side 
blank slide 
for your own 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
WebSockets: Javascript API 
W•ebWSo3cCk eStpewcsifi=ca tnieown WebSocket(“ws://”); 
ws.onopen = function (message) { 
ws.onclose = function (message) { 
ws.onmessage = function (message) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
WebSocket: Supported Browsers 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•Pong/Ping: No exposed 
•Headers: Can’t add/read 
•Query String: No API, append them to the url 
•Cookie: Impossible to read them 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: First request 
•W3C Specification T -> [AP] 
GET /chat?X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=0&X-Atmosphere- 
Type=application/json&X-atmo-protocol=true HTTP/1.1. 
Upgrade: websocket. 
Connection: Upgrade. 
Sec-WebSocket-Key: TCBKrAyFFwW8HUXqLpj2wg==. 
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13. 
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; 
client_max_window_bits, x-webkit-deflate-frame. 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: First request 
•W3C Specification 
T -> [AP] 
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols. 
X-Atmosphere-first-request: true. 
X-Atmosphere-tracking-id: bb7aeeb7-9e44-4aa9-848d-14bba6532de9. 
Connection: Upgrade. 
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 5mHABDQFkWBtjoinv3lj+6dVwHg=. 
Upgrade: WebSocket. 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #1 – onclose 
• Firefox will execute the 
ws.onclose function on F5 
• Chrome/Safari ….. NOT! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #1: onclose 
•W3C Specification 
ws.onclose = function(closeReason) { 
switch(closeReason.code) { 
case 1000: 
// Firefox will execute this logic on every reload 
// closeReason.wasClean unreliable 
if (dirtyClose) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: onclose 
•W3C Specification 
// Hahahaha go to hell Firefox!! 
atmosphere.onClose = function (callback) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #2 – Messages’ length 
• Messages can be truncated 
when the server write 
• The Browser received 
them in two chunks or I/O 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #2: Messages’ length 
•W3C Specification 
// Craaaaaaashhhhhhhhhhhhh 
ws.onmessage = function (callback) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #2: What’s Up, Doctor! 
•W3C Specification 
// atmosphere.js transparently 
// handles it 
atmosphere.onMessage = function (callback) { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #3 – UUID and Cookie 
• No Cookie to identify 
the client 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #3 – UUID and Cookie 
• Solutions: 
• Normal request => set-cookie 
• Next WebSockets 
• Useful if you deploy on 
(1) HTTP 
(2) websockets 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Atmosphere: Handshake Protocol 
•W3C Specification 
T -> [AP] 
T -> [AP] 
T -> [AP] 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #4 – Proxy 
• Proxy can close the websocket or 
completely ignore the websocket 
handshake, completely fooling the 
server…and the browser! 
• never called!!!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #4 – Proxy 
•W3C Specification 
websocket.onopen = function (message) { 
alert(“Ha ha ha good luck!!!”); 
websocket.onmessage = function(message) { 
// Never called 
alert(“Sleep on it!!!”); 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Problem #4 – Proxy 
•W3C Specification 
atmosphere.onReopen = function (callback) { 
// Yeahhhh!!! 
atmosphere.onTransportFailure = function (callback) { 
// Apache Proxy, I hate you!!! 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Socket.IO and Socks.js 
SockJs et 
blank slide 
for your own 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
• For Node.js 
• Streaming, Long-Polling and now Websocket 
• Extremely popular, lot of »issues » 
602 => 
• Supported by Atmosphere, both client and server side. Replace 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Socket.IO - Atmosphere 
@•ManWag3eCdS Serpveiccief(ipcaatthi o=n "/chat”) 
public class Chat { 
public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} 
public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} 
@Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, 
decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) 
public Reply onMessage(Message message){ 
return handleAndReply(message); 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Socket.IO - Atmosphere 
•W3C Specification 
var socket = io.connect('', {'resource’:document.location.toString() + 'chat'}); 
socket.on('connect', function () { 
{ text:'Atmosphere connected using})); 
socket.on('chat message', function() { 
var json = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); 
socket.on(‘error’, function (e) {…}); 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•For Node.js 
•Emulate WebSocket, with « fallback » 
•Socks.js popularity increase, due to Spring 4, Vert.x 
and Atmosphere support 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Socks.js - Atmosphere 
@•ManWag3eCdS Serpveiccief(ipcaatthi o=n "/clavarder”) 
public class Chat { 
public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} 
public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} 
@Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, 
decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) 
public Reply onMessage(Message message){ 
return handleAndReply(message); 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
Socks.js- Atmosphere 
•W3C Specification 
var socket = new SockJS('http://' + + '/chat', null, { 
'protocols_whitelist': ['websocket', 'xhr-streaming', 
'iframe-eventsource', 'iframe-htmlfile', 
'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling'] }); 
socket.onopen = function() { 
content.html($('<p>', { text: 'Atmosphere connected using SockJs client'})); 
socket.onmessage = function (response) { 
var message =; 
var json = JSON.parse(message); 
socket.onclose = function() { 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
•WebSockets in Prod without fallback? You’re Crazy!! 
•Atmosphere is production ready, and fixes all the 
issues listed here! 
•What are you waiting for? 
@atmo_framework @asyncio
@All images copyright JeanFrancois Arcand 
@atmo_framework @asyncio

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Websockets on the JVM: Atmosphere to the rescue!

  • 1. WebSockets on the JVM: Atmosphere to the rescue! @jfarcand, CTO @atmo_framework @jfarcand
  • 2. WebSockets: Myth or Reality WebSocket a standard? Really? Tricks for Production Ready WebSocket Application @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 3. WebSockets is a web technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection. Polling Long Polling Streaming Browser Server request empty response request response event Browser Server Browser Server request response request event request response part event response part event response request event event WebSocket Browser Server request Response event response event @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 4. Agenda •Who I am •Atmosphere •WebSockets: Serveur Side •WebSocket: Client Side •Socket.IO and Socks.js •Conclusion @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 5. Who is this strange accent guy • Creator of Frameworks • Grizzly (NIO Framework) • AsyncHttpClient (HTTP/WebSocket) • Atmosphere Framework • Ex-GlassFish, Tomcat & Jetty « committer » • Ex Sun Microsystem, France Telecom, Ning, Sonatype @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 6. Currently •Founder anf CTO Async- •Since 2013 •Atmosphere Support, Atmosphere Pro & Elite •Atmosphere is still licenced Apache 2 @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 8. WebSockets: Server Side blank slide for your own pictures
  • 9. WebSockets: Server Side •Tomcat 7+, Jetty 7+, GlassFish 3+, Resin 2+, JBoss 7.1.2+ native Websocket API •Non Portable, Unstable API •Missing Functionality •What the point of Atmosphere then??????? @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 10. blank slide for your own pictures
  • 11. WebSockets: Server Side Atmosphere To The Rescue! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 12. Atmosphere: •Portable, Stable, EVERYWHERE •Use Native API or JSR 356 •Javascript API(s) & Java (wAsync) •950+ mailing list @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 13. JAX Awards 2014 Nominated for Most Innovative Java Technology @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 14. Atmosphere: Well Established!! http://www.parleys.c om/play/514892260 364bc17fc56bde7/c hapter0/about @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 15. Atmosphere: Run on top of @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 16. atmosphere.js •100% Javascript Library •Small, portable, mobile optimized •Transparent Fallback •One API to Rule them all: WebSockets/Server Sides Event/Long-Polling/HTML File/JSONP/Polling/Streaming etc. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 17. Atmosphere : Clients @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 18. Atmosphere: Browsers 6+ 3.5+ 4+ 3+ 10+ @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 19. Atmosphere: Into the Cloud •Your Atmosphere’s Application transparently work into the cloud Proxy/Load balancer @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 21. blank slide for your own pictures Enterprise Ready?
  • 22. Atmosphere Pro! • atmosphere-satellite: replicate your data and code together In-Memory for faster execution and seamless elastic scalability across your Atmosphere's Nodes/Servers. • atmosphere-tower-control: Monitor your Atmosphere's Node/Server state via any JMX compliant tool like Java Mission Control. Get statistics on how many websocket or long-polling clients are currently connected, add/move connected clients from one node to another, for example in case of a node being restarted, etc. • atmosphere-postman: Client/Server extension to Atmosphere to support message delivery guarantee. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 23. Fix broken browsers/s ervers for you! ` blank slide for your own pictures
  • 25. Atmosphere var socket = atmosphere; var subSocket; var request = { url: document.location.toString() + 'chat’, contentType : "application/json”, transport : "websocket" , trackMessageLength : true }; request.onOpen = function(response) { content.html($('<p>', { text: 'Atmosphere connected using ' + response.transport })); }; request.onMessage = function (response) { var json = atmosphere.util.parseJSON(response.responseBody) … }; request.onClose = function(response) {…}; request.onReopen = function(response) {….} request.onTransportFailure = function(errorMsg, request) {…} subSocket = socket.subscribe(request);
  • 26. @ManagedService(path = "/chat”) public class Chat { @Ready public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} @Disconnect public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} @Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) public Reply onMessage(Message message){ return handleAndReply(message); } } Atmosphere
  • 27. Problem #1 – Fallback •Browser • Old version • No support (IE 9) •Proxys • Disconnect, block •Load Balancer • Breaks Session Affinity @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 28. Fallback with Atmosphere public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) { switch (r.transport()) { case WEBSOCKET: case SSE: case LONG-POLLING: case STREAMING: case JSONP: case POLLING: r.write(“Atmosphere is cool”); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 29. Atmosphere I/O •WebSocket uses « non blocking I/O » •Fallback simulates « non blocking I/O> Browsers behave the same way as packet are delivered uniformely. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 30. Problem #2 –Protocol Tomcat 7.x/8.x => RFC 6455 (Version 13) !!<= Safari 5.0.x Jetty9.1+ => Hixie 76 <= Safari 5.0.x @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 31. Protocol Version •Atmosphere => Transparent Fallback in case the protocol is not supported @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 32. Problem #3 – Lost Lost Lost • I/O error, websocket message will be lost. • Message must be put inside a cache • Message must be discarted if the connection never come back. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 33. Atmosphere – Messages Lost @ManagedService(path = "/chat”) public class Chat { @Message public void onMessage(AtmosphereResource r, String message){ // Transparently cache the message in case of a problem // Transparently write it back once reconnected r.write(message); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 34. Problem #4 – Proxy • Existing Proxy are cutting the connection. • Must recover transparently from a disconnect. • Heartbeat saves your day! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 35. Atmosphere – Proxy ? No Problem! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 36. Problem #5 – New Spec! • Difference between Tomcat, Undertow and Jetty already! • Spec is young, missing fondamental concepts. • Tomcat 8.0.12 is stable. GlassFish 4 is dead, Jetty 9.1.3 stable, Undertow 1.1.Final is stable, WelLogic is broken. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 37. Problem #5 – JSR 356: Tomcat vs Jetty @Message public void onMessage(String m, Session s) { for (Session s: sessions.getOpenSessions()){ // Tomcat will throw an IllegalStateException // if more than one thread call sendXXX. // Jetty won’t! session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(m); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 38. Problem #5 – JSR 356: Tomcat vs Jetty private final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1, true); @Message public void onMessage(String m, Session s) { for (Session s: sessions.getOpenSessions()){ try{ semaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(); session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(m, …); }finally { semaphore.release(); } } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 39. Problem #5 – Tomcat vs Jetty • I/O Event aren’t delivered the same way. • CloseReason not the same depending on the server!!!! // Hack if (closeCode == 1000 && getContainerName().contains("Tomcat")) { closeCode = 1005; } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 40. Firefox is the new Internet Explorer 6! // Reload a tab/window // Firefox => 1001 // Chrome => 1000 if (isFirefox && c.getCode() == CloseReason.GOING_AWAY || c.getCode() == CloseReason.NO_STATUS_CODE) { ... } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 41. Firefox is the new Internet Explorer 6! Reload in Firefox produces phantom websockets connections!!!!!!! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 42. Problem #6 – Closing Code • How to detect if a websocket was closed by a Proxy, a Load Balancer or the Browser!! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 44. Atmosphere @Disconnect public void onClose(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) { if (e.isClosedByClient()){ } else if (e.isClosedByApplication()) { } else if (e.isUnexpectlyClosed()) { } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 45. WebSockets: Client Side blank slide for your own pictures @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 46. WebSockets: Javascript API W•ebWSo3cCk eStpewcsifi=ca tnieown WebSocket(“ws://”); ws.onopen = function (message) { }; ws.onclose = function (message) { }; ws.onmessage = function (message) { } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 47. WebSocket: Supported Browsers 10+ 10+ 6+ 5+ 10+ ? 2+ @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 48. W3C API Ohhhhhhhhh •Pong/Ping: No exposed •Headers: Can’t add/read •Query String: No API, append them to the url •Cookie: Impossible to read them @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 49. Atmosphere: First request •W3C Specification T -> [AP] GET /chat?X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=0&X-Atmosphere- Framework=2.2.0-javascript&X-Atmosphere-Transport=websocket&X-Atmosphere- TrackMessageSize=true&X-Cache-Date=0&Content- Type=application/json&X-atmo-protocol=true HTTP/1.1. Upgrade: websocket. Connection: Upgrade. Host: Origin: Sec-WebSocket-Key: TCBKrAyFFwW8HUXqLpj2wg==. Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13. Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits, x-webkit-deflate-frame. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 50. Atmosphere: First request •W3C Specification T -> [AP] HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols. X-Atmosphere-first-request: true. X-Atmosphere-tracking-id: bb7aeeb7-9e44-4aa9-848d-14bba6532de9. Connection: Upgrade. Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 5mHABDQFkWBtjoinv3lj+6dVwHg=. Upgrade: WebSocket. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 51. Problem #1 – onclose • Firefox will execute the ws.onclose function on F5 (reload) • Chrome/Safari ….. NOT! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 52. Problem #1: onclose •W3C Specification ws.onclose = function(closeReason) { switch(closeReason.code) { case 1000: …. } // Firefox will execute this logic on every reload // closeReason.wasClean unreliable if (dirtyClose) { reconnectTo(…); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 53. Atmosphere: onclose •W3C Specification // Hahahaha go to hell Firefox!! atmosphere.onClose = function (callback) { }; @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 54. Problem #2 – Messages’ length • Messages can be truncated when the server write them • The Browser received them in two chunks or I/O operation @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 55. Problem #2: Messages’ length •W3C Specification // Craaaaaaashhhhhhhhhhhhh ws.onmessage = function (callback) { window.JSON.parse(; }; @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 56. Problem #2: What’s Up, Doctor! •W3C Specification // atmosphere.js transparently // handles it atmosphere.onMessage = function (callback) { window.JSON.parse(callback.responseBody); }; @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 57. Problem #3 – UUID and Cookie • No Cookie to identify the client @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 58. Problem #3 – UUID and Cookie • Solutions: • Normal request => set-cookie • Next WebSockets • Useful if you deploy on Amazon (1) HTTP (2) websockets @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 59. Atmosphere: Handshake Protocol •W3C Specification T -> [AP] .651|bb7aeeb7-9e44-4aa9-848d-14bba6532de9|1397426374301| T -> [AP] .. T -> [AP] .. @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 60. Problem #4 – Proxy • Proxy can close the websocket or completely ignore the websocket handshake, completely fooling the server…and the browser! • never called!!!! @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 61. Problem #4 – Proxy •W3C Specification websocket.onopen = function (message) { alert(“Ha ha ha good luck!!!”); } websocket.onmessage = function(message) { // Never called alert(“Sleep on it!!!”); } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 62. Problem #4 – Proxy •W3C Specification atmosphere.onReopen = function (callback) { // Yeahhhh!!! }; atmosphere.onTransportFailure = function (callback) { // Apache Proxy, I hate you!!! }; @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 64. Socket.IO and Socks.js SockJs et blank slide for your own pictures @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 65. Socket.IO • For Node.js • Streaming, Long-Polling and now Websocket • Extremely popular, lot of »issues » 602 => • Supported by Atmosphere, both client and server side. Replace node.js @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 66. Socket.IO - Atmosphere @•ManWag3eCdS Serpveiccief(ipcaatthi o=n "/chat”) public class Chat { @Ready public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} @Disconnect public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} @Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) public Reply onMessage(Message message){ return handleAndReply(message); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 67. Socket.IO - Atmosphere •W3C Specification var socket = io.connect('', {'resource’:document.location.toString() + 'chat'}); socket.on('connect', function () { content.html($('<p>', { text:'Atmosphere connected using})); }); socket.on('chat message', function() { var json = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); … } ); socket.on(‘error’, function (e) {…}); @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 68. Socks.js •For Node.js •Emulate WebSocket, with « fallback » •Socks.js popularity increase, due to Spring 4, Vert.x and Atmosphere support @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 69. Socks.js - Atmosphere @•ManWag3eCdS Serpveiccief(ipcaatthi o=n "/clavarder”) public class Chat { @Ready public void onReady(AtmosphereResource r) {..} @Disconnect public void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent e) {..} @Message( encoders = {JacksonEncoder.class}, decoders = {JacksonDecoder.class}) public Reply onMessage(Message message){ return handleAndReply(message); } } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 70. Socks.js- Atmosphere •W3C Specification var socket = new SockJS('http://' + + '/chat', null, { 'protocols_whitelist': ['websocket', 'xhr-streaming', 'iframe-eventsource', 'iframe-htmlfile', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling'] }); socket.onopen = function() { content.html($('<p>', { text: 'Atmosphere connected using SockJs client'})); } socket.onmessage = function (response) { var message =; var json = JSON.parse(message); } socket.onclose = function() { } @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 71. Conclusion •WebSockets in Prod without fallback? You’re Crazy!! •Atmosphere is production ready, and fixes all the issues listed here! •What are you waiting for? @atmo_framework @asyncio
  • 72. @All images copyright JeanFrancois Arcand Credits @atmo_framework @asyncio