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The Sacraments
                               An Introduction

                          Memorization Verses:
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name
of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of
the Holy Spirit.‖
1 Cor. 1:28 [God] chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—
and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.
 LSB 602                           The pastor’s words are         Is food from Calvary.
 1 The gifts Christ freely gives   Christ’s                       The body and the blood
  He gives to you and me            For us to trust and know.      Remove our ev’ry sin;
  To be His Church, His bride,      Forgiveness that we need       We leave His presence in
  His chosen, saved and free!       Is granted to us there;        His peace, renewed again.
  Saints blest with these rich      The Lord of mercy sends
  gifts                             Us forth in His blest care.   6 All glory to the One
  Are children who proclaim                                        Who lavishes such love;
  That they were won by Christ  4 The gifts are there each day    The triune God in love
  And cling to His strong name. The holy Word is read;             Assures our life above.
                                   God’s children listen, hear,    His means of grace for us
 2 The gifts flow from the font   Receive, and they are fed.      Are gifts He loves to give;
  Where He calls us His own;       Christ fills them with          All thanks and praise for His
  New life He gives that makes     Himself,                        Great love by which we live!
  Us His and His alone.            Blest words that give them
  Here He forgives our sins        life,
  With water and His Word;         Restoring and refreshing
  The triune God Himself           Them for this world’s strife.
  Gives to call Him Lord.
                                  5 The gifts are in the feast,
 3 The gifts of grace and peace   Gifts far more than we see;
  From absolution flow;            Beneath the bread and wine
Sacrament = Mystery
μυστήριον (mysterion)

Help the fallen
Lutheran Teaching on the Sacraments
                                  is a
                              sacred act
                                by God,

                            in which God
                             Himself has
                          joined His Word
                           of promise to a
                           visible element,

                           and by which He
                           offers, gives, and
                               seals the
                          forgiveness of sins
                           earned by Christ.

• Sacrament
• Mystery
• Baptism
• Lord's Supper
• Word enclosed

P raise
R epentance
A ppreciation
Y ou
E veryone
R esolve
LSB 720
                                         3 Help then, O Lord, our unbelief;
                                         And may our faith abound;
1 We walk by faith and not by sight,
                                         To call on You when You are near
No gracious words we hear
                                         And seek where You are found.
From Him who spoke as none e’er spoke,
But we believe Him near.
                                         4 For You, O resurrected Lord,
2 We may not touch His hands and side,   Are found in means divine:
Nor follow where He trod;                Beneath the water and the Word,
But in His promise we rejoice            Beneath the bread and wine.
And cry, ―My Lord and God!‖
                                         5 Lord, when our life of faith is done,
                                         In realms of clearer light
                                         We may behold You as You are
                                         With full and endless sight.
The first saving ordinance is baptism. Thus,
with baptism, to use the Prophet Joseph
Smith’s metaphor, we step onto the ladder.
Once on the ladder, there are more steps to
take. Climbing the ladder requires many
things: the saving grace of our Savior, our
own faith and repentance and good works,
and the assistance of the priesthood
(see D&C 84:19–22). In particular, our own
good actions are aided by additional
enabling power that comes through
priesthood ordinances: first baptism, and
eventually the temple endowment and
sealing. In effect, we are helped up the
ladder by the grace of Christ ―after all we
can do‖ (2 Ne. 25:23). There is no other way
(see 2 Ne. 31:21).
Speaking in other tongues was
the first physical manifestation
of the Holy Spirit baptism
throughout the book of Acts
(Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6). Once
you have asked for this baptism,
ask God to anoint you. Then in
praise and worship, wait for the
anointing. This witness of
tongues will come forth. Expect
it! Rejoice in it! You are a
unique individual, and your
experiences will be your own.
 Baptism was given to take away
  the sin inherited from Adam
  (original sin) and any sins we
  personally committed before
  baptism—sins we personally
  commit are called actual sins,
  because they come from our own
 For sins committed after baptism,
  a different sacrament is needed. It
  has been called penance,
  confession, and reconciliation,
  each word emphasizing one of its
 • What is a sacrament?
 •How many such sacraments are there?
 • Why are we to treasure the sacraments, when water, bread, and
  wine are such common elements?
 SS: Defined
 M: Mystery
                                   Say         Mean         Matter
 T: Baptism
 W: Holy Communion                Key phrases Own words    Answer the
 Th: Word and Promise                                      questions/
 You ever hear the expressions:
   1.    ―Let Jesus reign in your heart‖?
   2.   ―Jesus leaves inside my heart‖?
   3.   ―Jesus is with me always‖?
   4.   ―Jesus is talking to you today‖?
 What do these expressions
  mean? Are they:
    Literalistic Truths?
    Figures of Speech?
    Spiritual Realities?
    Something ineffable?
 These popular phrases develop a basic
  entry into the realities of Sacramental
 What is your connotation of the
 word ―symbol‖?
   Fake?
   Different?
   Representative?
   Picture?
 Have you ever been gripped in a
 perfect, perhaps overly kitsch
 moment of aesthetic perfection and
   Would not the expression ―symbol‖
    take on a different, and perhaps, more
    efficacious meaning?
 Sacrament Etymology:
    L. Sacramentum, ―a consecrating‖, o.
     sacred. Oath of loyalty
    Gk. musth/rion, ―something that is
     unknown‖ usually used in the context
     of God’s will, secret consel, a hidden
     purpose, or a exclusively revealed
        Col. 1:26 ―Even the mystery which hath been hid
          from ages and from generations, but now is made
          manifest to his saints:‖

 Sacrament Theology:
    The use of MEANS, biblically
     instituted, that create, impute, declare,
     and reinforce the unity the Saints have
     in Christ (both person, and action)
 A sacrament is a sacred act
 A. instituted by God,
 B. in which God Himself has joined
  His Word of promise to a visible
 C. and by which He offers, gives, and
  seals the forgiveness of sins earned by
 •
 Note: The word sacrament comes to us        world, taken up in glory.
  from the Latin Bible, where it translates  ….Later it was narrowed down to our
  the Greek word mystery. μυστήριον           present sense.
  (mysterion). At first this word
                                             •
  described all the saving truths of the
  faith, such as the Trinity, the
  incarnation, the redemption, the church
  (see for instance …
 1 Cor. 4:1 This is how one should
  regard us, as servants of Christ
  and stewards of the mysteries of God.
 Eph. 5:32 This mystery is profound,
  and I am saying that it refers to Christ
  and the church.
 I Tim. 3:16 Great indeed, we confess,
  is the mystery of godliness: He was
  manifested in the flesh, vindicated by
  the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed
  among the nations, believed on in the
 What if a doctor knew a
 patient had a terrible illness,
 but required that the patient
 blindly anticipate or
 understand his serious
 predicament without any
 MEANS of communication?

 How long would this
 doctor be licensed?
 God creates and sustains the
    Therefore, He also creates and
      sustains language and substances to
      be used towards His purpose.
 Why was language created?
   To glorify God, to tell of his salvation
    (Ps. 40:3)
 Why was water created?
   To instruct towards a reliance beyond
    myself (John 4:13-14)
   To be redeemed as a consecration
    when delivered with God’s language
    to us. (John 3:5)
 While not being a sacrament proper
  (discussed later), many archetypes and
  foreshadowing of sacramental Theology
  exist in the OT.
    Animal Clothing
    Tower of Babel
    Circumcision
    Noah and the Flood
    Sacrificial System
    Passover and Festivals
    The Ten Commandments
    Marriage
    Warfare
    Government
    Temple
 Lutherans interpret the number of Sacraments
  according to its most basic scriptural
    Instituted directly by Christ and
      developed in thought by the disciples as
      they continued the practice for future
    Pertaining to a consecrated substance or
      metaphysical truth (such as language and
      spiritual ideas) with Christ’s very
      presence and authority (―in the name of‖)
      sealing the believer in unity.
 There clearly exist two concrete
  sacraments (and one transitory):
    Baptism (Matt. :19, Acts 2:38)
    Communion (Lk. 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24)
    Confession/Absolution (James 5:16)
 By this definition there are two            reveal, give, and convey unto me the
  sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord's saving grace which Christ has
  Supper. Note: Sometimes Holy                obtained for me. And I thank You for
  Absolution is counted as a third            Your holy Sacraments, through which
  sacrament, even though it has no            You did deal with me in
  divinely instituted visible element (Large particular, and did seal unto me Your
  Catechism IV 74; Apology XIll 4).           grace by means of visible signs. I pray
 Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be     You, my gracious God, thus to make
  baptized, every one of you, in the name     me firm and glad in faith, and
  of Jesus Christ for the for giveness of     altogether sure of Your grace. Amen.
  your sins. And you will receive the gift    (C.M. Zorn, 1846-1928).
  of the Holy Spirit."                       •
 1 Cor. 10:16 The cup of blessing which
  we bless, is it not the communion of the
  blood of Christ? The bread which we
  break, is it not the communion of the
  body of Christ? (NKJV).
 Pray: I thank You, my God, for Your
  Holy Gospel, through which You did
 Describing faith as a ―gift‖ leaves
  us with inadequate connotations
  and misperceptions:
    Gifts may be incomplete
    Gifts may only exist for a while,
     then break or become obsolete
    Gifts may require good behavior
     (do we have an example of this
     coming up?)
 Ultimately, gifts are transient,
  stuck in time, are only a single
  unit, or are simple rewards for
  already inward goodness.
 Let us think of the gift of the Sacraments as
   unity in RELATIONSHIP:
     When did you love your spouse more, on
       your wedding day, or now? (don’t
     When were you more connected with your
       son or daughter, when they were babies or
       when they grew up?
 Baptism, Confession, Communion are all
   COMPLETE gifts that confirm the
   SAME, FULL truth of Christ
     Some are one time, like births
     Others are after faults, like ―I’m
     Still others are routine like ―oh do you
      like it? I am not partial to deserts
      myself…but…‖ 
 A Sacrament is only effective in so
  far as God’s will is active and
  sovereign over the world and in
  the life of the Church.
   A clear power in the declarative
    promises of God in Scripture
   A clear power in the actual
    intercession of God in human and
    world affairs
 Just as with any miracle, the
  sacramental life of the Church
  exists because of God’s decree
  to forgive and commune with
  His Saints.
 "The sacraments and all the external
  things ordained and instituted by God
  should be regarded not according to the
  gross, external mask (as we see the
  shell of a nut) but as that in which
  God's Word is enclosed" (Large Cat.
  IV, 19).
 1 Cor. 1:28 God chose what is low and
  despised in the world, even things that
  are not, to bring to nothing things that
 •
 The Father’s proceeding willto be
  active in covenant, OT
  foreshadowing through sacrifice,
  and preservation of Israel as an
  efficacious symbol of Christ.
 The Christ’s suffering, death, and
  resurrection towards sinful
  humanity is the ―primordial‖
 The Spirit imparts the Church
  communion, the individual will and
  discernment, and everlasting thirst
  for the means of grace given for
  both bodily and spiritual edification
 Christ immerses Himself in the boundaries
  of human limitation and experience.
    This miraculous infusion of God and man is
      unknown except through scripture and by
      faith with the conviction of the HS
 Every consecration and participation in the
  Eucharist is a breaking down of barriers
  between Holiness and the profane.
    It is an efficacious representation and a true
      ―living within‖ the incarnation of Christ
 Every Baptism is a declaration of Christ’s
    Water now is a symbol of my complete
     rebirth and future resurrection
    I ―live my baptism‖ everyday, just as Christ
     lived his humanity everyday for me.
 Bible narrative: By God's promise the      precious Word. Again we ask You to
  plain Jordan River had the power to cure   give us thankful hearts that we may
  Naaman's leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14).         love Your holy Word, prize it very
 •                                          highly , hear it reverently, and
                                             improve our lives accordingly. And so
 Pray: Almighty and everlasting
                                             may we not only understand Your
  God, we pray in the name of Your dear
                                             Word rightly but also meet its
  Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
                                             requirements by our deeds. May we
  First, send a spiritual kingdom and
                                             live in accordance with it and daily
  the blessed Gospel ministry. Give us
                                             increase in faith and good works. May
  devout and faithful preachers who will
                                             these hallow Your name, let Your
  bring forth the treasure of Your divine
                                             kingdom come, and Your will be done.
  Word in truth and purity. Graciously
                                             Amen. (Luther).
  guard us against schisms and heresies.
  Do not look upon our ingratitude with
  which we have long ago deserved that
  You take Your Word away from us.
  Do not punish us as severely as we
  deserve. Rather let other harm come
  to use, but do not deprive us of Your
 TLH 65
 4. When Jesus comes, --O blessed story!--
  He works a change in heart and life;
  God's kingdom comes with power and glory
  To young and old, to man and wife;
  Through Sacrament and living Word
  Faith, love, and hope are now conferred.
A sacrament is a sacred act
A. instituted by God,
B. in which God Himself has joined
His Word of promise to a visible
C. and by which He offers, gives, and
seals the forgiveness of sins earned by
By this definition there are two
sacraments: Holy Baptism and the
Lord's Supper.
"The sacraments and all the external
things ordained and instituted by God
should be regarded not according to
the gross, external mask (as we see the
shell of a nut) but as that in which
God's Word is enclosed" (Large Cat.
IV, 19).
 The Holy Sacrament
 of Holy Baptism

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Based on these criteria, Lutherans recognize two sacraments explicitly instituted by Christ:1. Baptism 2. Holy CommunionWhile affirming other practices like confession, marriage and ordination are important, Lutherans see only Baptism and Communion as direct sacramental institutions of Christ in the Gospels and early Church

  • 1. The Sacraments An Introduction Memorization Verses: Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.‖ 1 Cor. 1:28 [God] chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things— and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.
  • 2.  LSB 602 The pastor’s words are Is food from Calvary.  1 The gifts Christ freely gives Christ’s The body and the blood He gives to you and me For us to trust and know. Remove our ev’ry sin; To be His Church, His bride, Forgiveness that we need We leave His presence in His chosen, saved and free! Is granted to us there; His peace, renewed again. Saints blest with these rich The Lord of mercy sends gifts Us forth in His blest care.  6 All glory to the One Are children who proclaim Who lavishes such love; That they were won by Christ  4 The gifts are there each day The triune God in love And cling to His strong name. The holy Word is read; Assures our life above. God’s children listen, hear, His means of grace for us  2 The gifts flow from the font Receive, and they are fed. Are gifts He loves to give; Where He calls us His own; Christ fills them with All thanks and praise for His New life He gives that makes Himself, Great love by which we live! Us His and His alone. Blest words that give them Here He forgives our sins life, With water and His Word; Restoring and refreshing The triune God Himself Them for this world’s strife. Gives to call Him Lord.  5 The gifts are in the feast,  3 The gifts of grace and peace Gifts far more than we see; From absolution flow; Beneath the bread and wine
  • 3. Sacrament = Mystery μυστήριον (mysterion) Help the fallen phrases:
  • 4. Lutheran Teaching on the Sacraments A sacrament is a sacred act instituted by God, in which God Himself has joined His Word of promise to a visible element, and by which He offers, gives, and seals the forgiveness of sins earned by Christ.
  • 5. PRAYER • Sacrament • Mystery • Baptism • Lord's Supper • Word enclosed P raise R epentance A ppreciation Y ou E veryone R esolve
  • 6. LSB 720 3 Help then, O Lord, our unbelief; And may our faith abound; 1 We walk by faith and not by sight, To call on You when You are near No gracious words we hear And seek where You are found. From Him who spoke as none e’er spoke, But we believe Him near. 4 For You, O resurrected Lord, 2 We may not touch His hands and side, Are found in means divine: Nor follow where He trod; Beneath the water and the Word, But in His promise we rejoice Beneath the bread and wine. And cry, ―My Lord and God!‖ 5 Lord, when our life of faith is done, In realms of clearer light We may behold You as You are With full and endless sight.
  • 7. The first saving ordinance is baptism. Thus, with baptism, to use the Prophet Joseph Smith’s metaphor, we step onto the ladder. Once on the ladder, there are more steps to take. Climbing the ladder requires many things: the saving grace of our Savior, our own faith and repentance and good works, and the assistance of the priesthood (see D&C 84:19–22). In particular, our own good actions are aided by additional enabling power that comes through priesthood ordinances: first baptism, and eventually the temple endowment and sealing. In effect, we are helped up the ladder by the grace of Christ ―after all we can do‖ (2 Ne. 25:23). There is no other way (see 2 Ne. 31:21).
  • 8. Speaking in other tongues was the first physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit baptism throughout the book of Acts (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6). Once you have asked for this baptism, ask God to anoint you. Then in praise and worship, wait for the anointing. This witness of tongues will come forth. Expect it! Rejoice in it! You are a unique individual, and your experiences will be your own.
  • 9.  Baptism was given to take away the sin inherited from Adam (original sin) and any sins we personally committed before baptism—sins we personally commit are called actual sins, because they come from our own acts.  For sins committed after baptism, a different sacrament is needed. It has been called penance, confession, and reconciliation, each word emphasizing one of its
  • 10.  • What is a sacrament?  •How many such sacraments are there?  • Why are we to treasure the sacraments, when water, bread, and wine are such common elements? ______________________________  SS: Defined  M: Mystery Say Mean Matter  T: Baptism  W: Holy Communion Key phrases Own words Answer the  Th: Word and Promise questions/ Personal application
  • 11.  You ever hear the expressions: 1. ―Let Jesus reign in your heart‖? 2. ―Jesus leaves inside my heart‖? 3. ―Jesus is with me always‖? 4. ―Jesus is talking to you today‖?  What do these expressions mean? Are they:  Literalistic Truths?  Figures of Speech?  Spiritual Realities?  Something ineffable?  These popular phrases develop a basic entry into the realities of Sacramental Theology
  • 12.  What is your connotation of the word ―symbol‖?  Fake?  Different?  Representative?  Picture?  Have you ever been gripped in a perfect, perhaps overly kitsch moment of aesthetic perfection and beauty?  Would not the expression ―symbol‖ take on a different, and perhaps, more efficacious meaning?
  • 13.  Sacrament Etymology:  L. Sacramentum, ―a consecrating‖, o. sacred. Oath of loyalty  Gk. musth/rion, ―something that is unknown‖ usually used in the context of God’s will, secret consel, a hidden purpose, or a exclusively revealed truth.  Col. 1:26 ―Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:‖  Sacrament Theology:  The use of MEANS, biblically instituted, that create, impute, declare, and reinforce the unity the Saints have in Christ (both person, and action)
  • 14.  A sacrament is a sacred act  A. instituted by God,  B. in which God Himself has joined His Word of promise to a visible element,  C. and by which He offers, gives, and seals the forgiveness of sins earned by Christ.  •
  • 15.  Note: The word sacrament comes to us world, taken up in glory. from the Latin Bible, where it translates  ….Later it was narrowed down to our the Greek word mystery. μυστήριον present sense. (mysterion). At first this word  • described all the saving truths of the faith, such as the Trinity, the incarnation, the redemption, the church (see for instance …  1 Cor. 4:1 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Eph. 5:32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.  I Tim. 3:16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the
  • 16.  What if a doctor knew a patient had a terrible illness, but required that the patient blindly anticipate or understand his serious predicament without any MEANS of communication?  How long would this doctor be licensed?
  • 17.  God creates and sustains the world:  Therefore, He also creates and sustains language and substances to be used towards His purpose.  Why was language created?  To glorify God, to tell of his salvation (Ps. 40:3)  Why was water created?  To instruct towards a reliance beyond myself (John 4:13-14)  To be redeemed as a consecration when delivered with God’s language to us. (John 3:5)
  • 18.  While not being a sacrament proper (discussed later), many archetypes and foreshadowing of sacramental Theology exist in the OT.  Animal Clothing  Tower of Babel  Circumcision  Noah and the Flood  Sacrificial System  Passover and Festivals  The Ten Commandments  Marriage  Warfare  Government  Temple
  • 19.  Lutherans interpret the number of Sacraments according to its most basic scriptural elements:  Instituted directly by Christ and developed in thought by the disciples as they continued the practice for future generations.  Pertaining to a consecrated substance or metaphysical truth (such as language and spiritual ideas) with Christ’s very presence and authority (―in the name of‖) sealing the believer in unity.  There clearly exist two concrete sacraments (and one transitory):  Baptism (Matt. :19, Acts 2:38)  Communion (Lk. 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24)  Confession/Absolution (James 5:16)
  • 20.  By this definition there are two reveal, give, and convey unto me the sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord's saving grace which Christ has Supper. Note: Sometimes Holy obtained for me. And I thank You for Absolution is counted as a third Your holy Sacraments, through which sacrament, even though it has no You did deal with me in divinely instituted visible element (Large particular, and did seal unto me Your Catechism IV 74; Apology XIll 4). grace by means of visible signs. I pray  Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be You, my gracious God, thus to make baptized, every one of you, in the name me firm and glad in faith, and of Jesus Christ for the for giveness of altogether sure of Your grace. Amen. your sins. And you will receive the gift (C.M. Zorn, 1846-1928). of the Holy Spirit."  •  1 Cor. 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? (NKJV).  Pray: I thank You, my God, for Your Holy Gospel, through which You did
  • 21.  Describing faith as a ―gift‖ leaves us with inadequate connotations and misperceptions:  Gifts may be incomplete  Gifts may only exist for a while, then break or become obsolete  Gifts may require good behavior (do we have an example of this coming up?)  Ultimately, gifts are transient, stuck in time, are only a single unit, or are simple rewards for already inward goodness.
  • 22.  Let us think of the gift of the Sacraments as unity in RELATIONSHIP:  When did you love your spouse more, on your wedding day, or now? (don’t answer!)  When were you more connected with your son or daughter, when they were babies or when they grew up?  Baptism, Confession, Communion are all COMPLETE gifts that confirm the SAME, FULL truth of Christ  Some are one time, like births  Others are after faults, like ―I’m Sorry’s‖  Still others are routine like ―oh do you like it? I am not partial to deserts myself…but…‖ 
  • 23.  A Sacrament is only effective in so far as God’s will is active and sovereign over the world and in the life of the Church.  A clear power in the declarative promises of God in Scripture  A clear power in the actual intercession of God in human and world affairs  Just as with any miracle, the sacramental life of the Church exists because of God’s decree to forgive and commune with His Saints.
  • 24.  "The sacraments and all the external things ordained and instituted by God should be regarded not according to the gross, external mask (as we see the shell of a nut) but as that in which God's Word is enclosed" (Large Cat. IV, 19).  1 Cor. 1:28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are.  •
  • 25.  The Father’s proceeding willto be active in covenant, OT foreshadowing through sacrifice, and preservation of Israel as an efficacious symbol of Christ.  The Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection towards sinful humanity is the ―primordial‖ sacrament  The Spirit imparts the Church communion, the individual will and discernment, and everlasting thirst for the means of grace given for both bodily and spiritual edification
  • 26.  Christ immerses Himself in the boundaries of human limitation and experience.  This miraculous infusion of God and man is unknown except through scripture and by faith with the conviction of the HS  Every consecration and participation in the Eucharist is a breaking down of barriers between Holiness and the profane.  It is an efficacious representation and a true ―living within‖ the incarnation of Christ  Every Baptism is a declaration of Christ’s birth.  Water now is a symbol of my complete rebirth and future resurrection  I ―live my baptism‖ everyday, just as Christ lived his humanity everyday for me.
  • 27.  Bible narrative: By God's promise the precious Word. Again we ask You to plain Jordan River had the power to cure give us thankful hearts that we may Naaman's leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14). love Your holy Word, prize it very  • highly , hear it reverently, and improve our lives accordingly. And so  Pray: Almighty and everlasting may we not only understand Your God, we pray in the name of Your dear Word rightly but also meet its Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. requirements by our deeds. May we First, send a spiritual kingdom and live in accordance with it and daily the blessed Gospel ministry. Give us increase in faith and good works. May devout and faithful preachers who will these hallow Your name, let Your bring forth the treasure of Your divine kingdom come, and Your will be done. Word in truth and purity. Graciously Amen. (Luther). guard us against schisms and heresies. Do not look upon our ingratitude with which we have long ago deserved that You take Your Word away from us. Do not punish us as severely as we deserve. Rather let other harm come to use, but do not deprive us of Your
  • 28.  TLH 65  4. When Jesus comes, --O blessed story!-- He works a change in heart and life; God's kingdom comes with power and glory To young and old, to man and wife; Through Sacrament and living Word Faith, love, and hope are now conferred.
  • 29. A sacrament is a sacred act A. instituted by God, B. in which God Himself has joined His Word of promise to a visible element, C. and by which He offers, gives, and seals the forgiveness of sins earned by Christ. By this definition there are two sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper. "The sacraments and all the external things ordained and instituted by God should be regarded not according to the gross, external mask (as we see the shell of a nut) but as that in which God's Word is enclosed" (Large Cat. IV, 19).
  • 30.  The Holy Sacrament of Holy Baptism