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Vaccination is NOT Immunization
Measles Epidemic
Risk of Vaccination
Risk of Disease
According to the U.S. manufacturer, Merck & Company, Inc., the current
MMR vaccine -- MMR-II -- contains attenuated live measles and mumps
viruses propagated in chick embryo cell culture, plus "the Wistar RA 27/3
strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid
lung fibroblasts."
Principal studies reveal that the rubella strain was cultured from an
aborted human fetus. In addition, the growth medium for the three live
viruses that are needed to produce the MMR vaccine is a buffered salt
solution "supplemented with fetal bovine serum." Other ingredients
include sucrose, phosphate, glutamate, recombinant human albumin,
sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin stabilizer, and approximately 25 mcg of
neomycin (an antibiotic). American Journal of Diseases of Children,
American Journal of Epidemiology,
The MMR vaccine does not contain a preservative. In fact, according to
the FDA, MMR-II never contained thimerosal, a potentially dangerous
chemical used in some vaccines. However, trace amounts of mercury
were detected in an earlier MMR formulation.
Congressional Investigation on the link between Autism and Vaccination
On April 6, 2000 Republican Dan Burton …increasing scientific evidence
linking vaccination to the increasing dramatic rise in Autism in this
Mary Megson, MD explained that autistic children have a total deficiency of
Vitamin A as early on as 15 months of age. Her research shows it is directly
related to the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. Also in her research
she found the Pertussis toxoid found in the DPT shot disrupted certain proteins
needed for retinal formation. This finding accounts for the prevalence of night
blindness and loss of 3 dimensional vision in autistic children.
John O'Leary, Ph.D. in molecular biology found measles virus in the gut of
96% of autistic children compared to 6.6% of normal children. Dr. O'Leary
reports that the virus did not come from natural sources it came from the MMR
vaccine. He also stated finding the measles virus in 75% of children with
Crohn's Disease.
V. Singh, MD studied over 400 cases of autism and found that these children
experienced an autoimmune episode, in which their bodies where made to
attack their own nervous system. He stated that 55% of the families stated that
the autism appeared after the MMR vaccine and 33% stated autism appeared
after the DPT vaccine was administered.
Andrew Wakefield, MD noted an almost 100% incidence of Lymphoid Nodular
Hyperplasia or swollen lumps throughout the intestinal system of autistic
children. The condition typically follows soon after the MMR shot is
administered. He also found that the intestine of newborns cannot function
properly because of this swollen condition thus allowing undigested toxins to be
stored in the liver.
Kathy Pratt, Ph.D.. stated that ONE in FOUR HUNDRED children in Indiana
are autistic! She stated that autism is now more common than Down's
Congressional Investigation on the link between Autism and
Vaccination On April 6, 2000 Republican Dan Burton …increasing
scientific evidence linking vaccination to the increasing dramatic rise
in Autism in this country.
Multiple antibiotics affecting gut
Normal Abnormal
Measles History
•900 AD, Rhazes, a Persian physician, distinguished measles
from smallpox
•1676, Thomas Sydenham, MD, distinguished measles from
scarlet fever
•1757 Francis Home, MD, successfully infected healthy patients
with blood from patients with measles in 1757
•1916, Charles Nicolle, MD, and Ernest Conseil, MD, French
researchers, discovered that people with measles developed
protective antibodies in their blood, making them immune to
the disease; the researchers used a serum made of the
antibodies to show that the antibodies could protect healthy
people from the virus
•1954, Thomas Peebles, MD, isolated the measles virus from a
blood sample of 13-year-old David Edmonston
•1958, Sam Katz, MD, tested the first measles vaccine, which
worked but caused measles symptoms
•1960, researchers in Boston tested a measles vaccine on
children with intellectual disabilities in New York; the vaccine was
effective at preventing illness but caused many side effects
•1961, Henry Rubin, developed a method of growing vaccines in
chicken eggs to prevent leukemia that proved useful for
developing the measles vaccine
•1962 a killed-virus measles vaccines failed
•1963, John Enders, MD, a biomedical scientists and the "Father
of Modern Vaccines,” and his team proved their measles vaccine
was safe to the FDA and effective; the vaccine was licensed the
same year
•1968, Maurice Hilleman, MD, debuted an improved version of the
vaccine created by John Enders, MD, that eliminated the use of
human blood proteins and is still used as of July 22, 2014.
Measles History
Atypical measles – a new phenomenon only in the
It resisted all orthodox treatment and carried a high mortality
It has become known as atypical measles. (AMS)
Rauh and Schmidt (1965) described nine cases of AMS which
occurred in 1963 during a measles epidemic in Cincinnati. The
authors followed 386 children who had received three doses of
killed measles virus vaccine in 1961. Of these 386 children, 125
had been exposed to measles and 54 developed it measles
The new, atypical measles, occurring in the vaccinated was
characterised by high fever, unusual rash and pneumonia, often
with history of vaccination with killed measles vaccine.
Rauh and Schmidt (1965) concluded that, “It is obvious that three injections
of killed vaccine had not protected a large percentage of children against
measles when exposed within a period of two-and-a-half years after
Fulginiti (1967) also described the occurrence of atypical measles in ten
children who had received inactivated (killed) measles virus vaccine five to
six years previously.
Nichols (1979) wrote that atypical measles is generally thought to be a
hypersensitivity response to natural measles infection in individuals who have
previously received killed measles vaccine, although several investigators
have reported AMS-like illness in children who had been vaccinated only with
live measles vaccine.
a measles epidemic in 1974-1975 in Northern California, a number of
physicians reported laboratory-confirmed measles in patients who had signs
and symptoms, compatible with AMS
Continuing measles outbreaks signal increasing
incidence comparable with the prevaccine era.
(1971) published about the dynamics of measles in the US in the last four
years and conceded that measles was on the increase and that
“eradication, if possible, now seems far in the future”.
(1970) investigated an outbreak in Florida from December 1968 to
February 1969 and found little difference in the incidence of measles
in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
1980s, measles outbreaks in fully vaccinated children have
continued all over the US and all other countries with high
vaccination rates all over the world.
Robertson et al. (1992) wrote that in 1985 and 1986. 152 measles
outbreaks in US school-age children occurred among persons who had
previously received measles vaccine. “Every 2-3 years, there is an
upsurge of measles irrespective of vaccination compliance”.
MMWR (2009) reported that the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) …US. 64 cases of measles were noted between January 1
and April 15 2008.
A widespread outbreak of measles was reported across Europe during
European Immunization Week (April 25, 2011). Some 6,500 cases of measles
were reported in 30 countries according to WHO’s press release.
MMWR Wkly Rep 2012; 61: 253-257 reported a quadruple increase in the
incidence of measles in 2011. …The outbreaks were blamed on imported
measles cases
(1973) concluded that measles vaccines were not provoking a proper
immunological response in vaccinated children.
(1984) summarized data on the ineffectiveness of re-vaccination published by
several authors, who demonstrated that “antibody titer in re-immunised children
may fall after several months to very low levels, and that children vaccinated
twice may still experience clinically recognizable measles, although in a much
milder form ”. They concluded that, “this state in which a child is
immunologically sensitized, but not immune to infection, we shall call
inadequate immunity.”
While the role of antibodies in preventing virus infection and
reinfection is unquestionable, their contribution to the resolution
of viral disease is much more controversial.
When humoral deficiencies, in particular Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA)
(8), were initially described, it was observed that bacterial infections rather than viral
infections represented the main cause of morbidity and early mortality.
On this basis it was proposed that humoral deficiencies could be seen as experiments
of nature, demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral
infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections (discussed in
reference 24). Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is
commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications.
Role of Antibodies in Controlling Viral Disease:
Lessons from Experiments of Nature and Gene
J Virol. 2000 Nov; 74(21): 9813–9817.
demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in
controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the
resolution of bacterial infections …. Such a view has
acquired dogma status over the years and is
commonly found in immunology textbooks and other
scientific publications
Scientists were surprised when they learned that individuals with a
deficit in antibody production, called agammaglobulinemia,
recovered from measles just as well as normal antibody
producers. This “disconcerting” discovery was made in the 1960s
when measles vaccinations were just getting under way.
One of the most disconcerting discoveries in clinical
medicine was the finding that children with congenital
agamma-globulinaemia, who could make no antibody and
had only insignificant traces of immunoglobulin in
circulation, contracted measles in normal fashion, showed
the usual sequence of symptoms and signs, and were
subsequently immune. No measles antibody was detectable
in their serum
“Measles as an Index of Immunological
Function,” The Lancet,
September 14, 1968, p. 611.
American Journal of Epidemiology
1984 Volume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48.
Little is known about how an intensive measles elimination program changes
the overall immune status of the population. A computer model was created to
study the effect of the measles elimination program in the United States on the
number of susceptibles in the population.
•the prevaccine era, approximately 10.6% of the population was
susceptible to measles
•With the institution of the measles immunization program, the
proportion of susceptibles in the population fell to 3.1% from 1978
through 1981
•then began to rise by approximately 0.1% per year to reach about
10.9% in the year 2050.
American Journal of Epidemiology
Volume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48.
•The susceptibles at this time were distributed evenly throughout
all age groups.
•The model did not consider the potential effect of waning
•The results of this study suggest that measles elimination in the
United States has been achieved by an effective immunization
program aimed at young susceptibles combined with a highly,
naturally immunized adult population.
• However, despite short-term success in eliminating the disease,
long-range projections demonstrate that the proportion of
susceptibles in the year 2050 may be greater than in the
prevaccine era.
•Present vaccine technology and public health policy must be
altered to deal with this eventuality.
Measles Vaccine Putting
mothers and Children at Risk
“Implications of Vaccination
and Waning Immunity,”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 276, 2009
J. M. Heffernan and M. J. Keeling
When immunity wanes, vaccination has a far more limited
impact on the average number of cases. While this observation
has clear public-health implications, the dynamic
consequences of the interaction between vaccination, waning
immunity and boosting are far more striking.
For high levels of vaccination (greater than 80%) and
moderate levels of waning immunity (greater than 30 years),
large-scale epidemic cycles can be induced.
Herd Immunity … Not Based in fact
Then when that didn’t work….
•Mortality flu season 7.8% in vaccinated
•Mortality flu season 9.8% unvaccinated
•Standard death rate 4.6%
•So instead of the difference of 7.8% from 9.8% they
took the standard death rate of 4.6% vs 9.8%
Am J Epidemiol 170: 650-656
Criminally Misleading by Manipulating Data
Increased risk of non-influenza respiratory virus
infections associated with receipt of inactivated
influenza vaccine
We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza
vaccine (TIV) or placebo.
Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had increased risk of
virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40;
95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8).
Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack
temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other
respiratory viruses.
CDC 2011 Recommendation
USA Babies to 18 months old:
•4 doses of Hep B
•3 doses of rotavirus
•4 doses of DTaP9 (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
•4 doses of Hib (haemophilus influenza B)
•4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine (prevnar 13)
•3 doses of polio vaccine
•2 doses of Flu vaccine
•1 MMR (measels, mumps, rubella)
•1 chicken pox vaccine
22 Medical Studies That
Show Vaccines Can
Cause Autism
 a macaque monkey (primates) study of the very same vaccines given to children
during 1994-1999, Laura Hewitson, PhD
 “Vaccine-exposed and saline-injected control infants [monkeys] underwent MRI and PET
imaging at approximately 4 and 6 months of age, representing two specific timeframes within
the vaccination schedule. …
 “These results suggest that maturational changes in amygdala volume and the binding
capacity of [11C]DPN in the amygdala was significantly altered in infant macaques receiving
the vaccine schedule.” “many significant differences in the GI tissue gene expression profiles
between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals.”
 biological changes and altered behaviors did occur in vaccinated
monkeys, which resembled … ASD diagnosed children.
 no such symptoms showing or present in unvaccinated monkeys.
 Research Paper :Neurobiological Experimentals in 2010 and titled “Influence
of pediatric vaccines on amydgala growth and opioid ligand binding in
rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.”
J Autoimmun. 2011 Feb;
The role of various environmental factors in the pathogenesis
of immune mediated diseases is well established.
Of which, factors entailing an immune adjuvant activity such as
infectious agents, silicone, aluminium salts and others were
associated with defined and non-defined immune
mediated diseases both in animal models and in humans.
•Gulf war syndrome (GWS)
•macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF)
•post-vaccination phenomena
'ASIA' - autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome
induced by adjuvants.
Vitamin A administration also reduces opportunistic infections
such as pneumonia and diarrhea associated with measles virus-
induced immune suppression. Vitamin A supplementation has
been shown to reduce risk of complications due to pneumonia
after an acute measles episode.
A study in South Africa showed that the mortality could be
reduced by 80% in acute measles with complications,
following high-dose vitamin A supplementation.
Prakash Shetty, Nutrition Immunity & Infection, 2010,
p. 82.
Dr. Ellison reported in 1932 that well-nourished children rarely died or had serious
infectious complications from measles…
. As early as 1932, scientists found that mortality dropped by 58 percent when children
hospitalized with measles were given cod liver oil, which contains vitamins A and D
and omega-3 fatty acids.
Later studies in the 1990s showed amazing results of vitamin A reducing deaths by 60
to 90 percent
Combined analyses showed that massive doses of
vitamin A given to patients hospitalized with measles
were associated with an
•approximately 60% reduction in the risk of death
•…approximate 90% reduction among infants . . .
•Administration of vitamin A to children who
developed pneumonia before or during hospital stay
reduced mortality by about 70% compared with
control children.
“Vitamin A Supplementation and Child Mortality:
A Meta-Analysis,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
February 17, 1993, p.
Experiments done in the 1940s showed that vitamin C was effective against
measles, especially when used in higher doses.
During an epidemic [of measles] vitamin C was used prophylactically and all
those who received as much as 1000 mg. every six hours, by vein or muscle,
were protected from the virus.
Given by mouth, 1000 mg. in fruit juice every two hours was not protective
unless it was given around the clock. It was further found that 1000 mg. by
mouth, four to six times each day, would modify the attack; with the appearance
of Koplik’s spots and fever,
if the administration was increased to 12 doses each 24 hours, all signs
and symptoms would disappear in 48 hours
“The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus
Diseases with Vitamin C,”
Southern Medicine & Surgery,
July 1949 Fred R. Klenner, MD,
“Nancy” 17 yo A.S.I.A.
from DPT vaccine
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Get Educated and Share this Info:
The unvaccinated don’t care what the vaccinated do, or what
they read. But now suddenly the vaccinators want to take away
the right of anyone to disagree with their beliefs, and even the
right to study the issue.
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Vaccination is NOT Immunization - The Risks of Vaccination vs Disease

  • 1. Vaccination is NOT Immunization Measles Epidemic
  • 3. According to the U.S. manufacturer, Merck & Company, Inc., the current MMR vaccine -- MMR-II -- contains attenuated live measles and mumps viruses propagated in chick embryo cell culture, plus "the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts." Principal studies reveal that the rubella strain was cultured from an aborted human fetus. In addition, the growth medium for the three live viruses that are needed to produce the MMR vaccine is a buffered salt solution "supplemented with fetal bovine serum." Other ingredients include sucrose, phosphate, glutamate, recombinant human albumin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin stabilizer, and approximately 25 mcg of neomycin (an antibiotic). American Journal of Diseases of Children, American Journal of Epidemiology, The MMR vaccine does not contain a preservative. In fact, according to the FDA, MMR-II never contained thimerosal, a potentially dangerous chemical used in some vaccines. However, trace amounts of mercury were detected in an earlier MMR formulation.
  • 4. Congressional Investigation on the link between Autism and Vaccination On April 6, 2000 Republican Dan Burton …increasing scientific evidence linking vaccination to the increasing dramatic rise in Autism in this country. Mary Megson, MD explained that autistic children have a total deficiency of Vitamin A as early on as 15 months of age. Her research shows it is directly related to the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. Also in her research she found the Pertussis toxoid found in the DPT shot disrupted certain proteins needed for retinal formation. This finding accounts for the prevalence of night blindness and loss of 3 dimensional vision in autistic children. John O'Leary, Ph.D. in molecular biology found measles virus in the gut of 96% of autistic children compared to 6.6% of normal children. Dr. O'Leary reports that the virus did not come from natural sources it came from the MMR vaccine. He also stated finding the measles virus in 75% of children with Crohn's Disease.
  • 5. V. Singh, MD studied over 400 cases of autism and found that these children experienced an autoimmune episode, in which their bodies where made to attack their own nervous system. He stated that 55% of the families stated that the autism appeared after the MMR vaccine and 33% stated autism appeared after the DPT vaccine was administered. Andrew Wakefield, MD noted an almost 100% incidence of Lymphoid Nodular Hyperplasia or swollen lumps throughout the intestinal system of autistic children. The condition typically follows soon after the MMR shot is administered. He also found that the intestine of newborns cannot function properly because of this swollen condition thus allowing undigested toxins to be stored in the liver. Kathy Pratt, Ph.D.. stated that ONE in FOUR HUNDRED children in Indiana are autistic! She stated that autism is now more common than Down's Syndrome Congressional Investigation on the link between Autism and Vaccination On April 6, 2000 Republican Dan Burton …increasing scientific evidence linking vaccination to the increasing dramatic rise in Autism in this country.
  • 6. Multiple antibiotics affecting gut Normal Abnormal
  • 7.
  • 8. Measles History •900 AD, Rhazes, a Persian physician, distinguished measles from smallpox •1676, Thomas Sydenham, MD, distinguished measles from scarlet fever •1757 Francis Home, MD, successfully infected healthy patients with blood from patients with measles in 1757 •1916, Charles Nicolle, MD, and Ernest Conseil, MD, French researchers, discovered that people with measles developed protective antibodies in their blood, making them immune to the disease; the researchers used a serum made of the antibodies to show that the antibodies could protect healthy people from the virus •1954, Thomas Peebles, MD, isolated the measles virus from a blood sample of 13-year-old David Edmonston
  • 9. •1958, Sam Katz, MD, tested the first measles vaccine, which worked but caused measles symptoms •1960, researchers in Boston tested a measles vaccine on children with intellectual disabilities in New York; the vaccine was effective at preventing illness but caused many side effects •1961, Henry Rubin, developed a method of growing vaccines in chicken eggs to prevent leukemia that proved useful for developing the measles vaccine •1962 a killed-virus measles vaccines failed •1963, John Enders, MD, a biomedical scientists and the "Father of Modern Vaccines,” and his team proved their measles vaccine was safe to the FDA and effective; the vaccine was licensed the same year •1968, Maurice Hilleman, MD, debuted an improved version of the vaccine created by John Enders, MD, that eliminated the use of human blood proteins and is still used as of July 22, 2014. Measles History
  • 10. Atypical measles – a new phenomenon only in the vaccinated It resisted all orthodox treatment and carried a high mortality rate. It has become known as atypical measles. (AMS) Rauh and Schmidt (1965) described nine cases of AMS which occurred in 1963 during a measles epidemic in Cincinnati. The authors followed 386 children who had received three doses of killed measles virus vaccine in 1961. Of these 386 children, 125 had been exposed to measles and 54 developed it measles The new, atypical measles, occurring in the vaccinated was characterised by high fever, unusual rash and pneumonia, often with history of vaccination with killed measles vaccine.
  • 11. Rauh and Schmidt (1965) concluded that, “It is obvious that three injections of killed vaccine had not protected a large percentage of children against measles when exposed within a period of two-and-a-half years after immunization”. Fulginiti (1967) also described the occurrence of atypical measles in ten children who had received inactivated (killed) measles virus vaccine five to six years previously. Nichols (1979) wrote that atypical measles is generally thought to be a hypersensitivity response to natural measles infection in individuals who have previously received killed measles vaccine, although several investigators have reported AMS-like illness in children who had been vaccinated only with live measles vaccine. a measles epidemic in 1974-1975 in Northern California, a number of physicians reported laboratory-confirmed measles in patients who had signs and symptoms, compatible with AMS
  • 12. Continuing measles outbreaks signal increasing incidence comparable with the prevaccine era. (1971) published about the dynamics of measles in the US in the last four years and conceded that measles was on the increase and that “eradication, if possible, now seems far in the future”. (1970) investigated an outbreak in Florida from December 1968 to February 1969 and found little difference in the incidence of measles in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. 1980s, measles outbreaks in fully vaccinated children have continued all over the US and all other countries with high vaccination rates all over the world. Robertson et al. (1992) wrote that in 1985 and 1986. 152 measles outbreaks in US school-age children occurred among persons who had previously received measles vaccine. “Every 2-3 years, there is an upsurge of measles irrespective of vaccination compliance”.
  • 13. MMWR (2009) reported that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) …US. 64 cases of measles were noted between January 1 and April 15 2008. A widespread outbreak of measles was reported across Europe during European Immunization Week (April 25, 2011). Some 6,500 cases of measles were reported in 30 countries according to WHO’s press release. MMWR Wkly Rep 2012; 61: 253-257 reported a quadruple increase in the incidence of measles in 2011. …The outbreaks were blamed on imported measles cases (1973) concluded that measles vaccines were not provoking a proper immunological response in vaccinated children. (1984) summarized data on the ineffectiveness of re-vaccination published by several authors, who demonstrated that “antibody titer in re-immunised children may fall after several months to very low levels, and that children vaccinated twice may still experience clinically recognizable measles, although in a much milder form ”. They concluded that, “this state in which a child is immunologically sensitized, but not immune to infection, we shall call inadequate immunity.”
  • 14. While the role of antibodies in preventing virus infection and reinfection is unquestionable, their contribution to the resolution of viral disease is much more controversial. When humoral deficiencies, in particular Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) (8), were initially described, it was observed that bacterial infections rather than viral infections represented the main cause of morbidity and early mortality. On this basis it was proposed that humoral deficiencies could be seen as experiments of nature, demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections (discussed in reference 24). Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications. Role of Antibodies in Controlling Viral Disease: Lessons from Experiments of Nature and Gene Knockouts J Virol. 2000 Nov; 74(21): 9813–9817. demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections …. Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications
  • 15. Scientists were surprised when they learned that individuals with a deficit in antibody production, called agammaglobulinemia, recovered from measles just as well as normal antibody producers. This “disconcerting” discovery was made in the 1960s when measles vaccinations were just getting under way. One of the most disconcerting discoveries in clinical medicine was the finding that children with congenital agamma-globulinaemia, who could make no antibody and had only insignificant traces of immunoglobulin in circulation, contracted measles in normal fashion, showed the usual sequence of symptoms and signs, and were subsequently immune. No measles antibody was detectable in their serum “Measles as an Index of Immunological Function,” The Lancet, September 14, 1968, p. 611.
  • 17. THE FUTURE OF MEASLES IN HIGHLY IMMUNIZED POPULATIONS A MODELING APPROACH American Journal of Epidemiology 1984 Volume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48. Abstract Little is known about how an intensive measles elimination program changes the overall immune status of the population. A computer model was created to study the effect of the measles elimination program in the United States on the number of susceptibles in the population. •the prevaccine era, approximately 10.6% of the population was susceptible to measles •With the institution of the measles immunization program, the proportion of susceptibles in the population fell to 3.1% from 1978 through 1981 •then began to rise by approximately 0.1% per year to reach about 10.9% in the year 2050.
  • 18. THE FUTURE OF MEASLES IN HIGHLY IMMUNIZED POPULATIONS A MODELING APPROACH American Journal of Epidemiology Volume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48. •The susceptibles at this time were distributed evenly throughout all age groups. •The model did not consider the potential effect of waning immunity. •The results of this study suggest that measles elimination in the United States has been achieved by an effective immunization program aimed at young susceptibles combined with a highly, naturally immunized adult population. • However, despite short-term success in eliminating the disease, long-range projections demonstrate that the proportion of susceptibles in the year 2050 may be greater than in the prevaccine era. •Present vaccine technology and public health policy must be altered to deal with this eventuality.
  • 19. Measles Vaccine Putting mothers and Children at Risk
  • 20. “Implications of Vaccination and Waning Immunity,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 276, 2009 J. M. Heffernan and M. J. Keeling When immunity wanes, vaccination has a far more limited impact on the average number of cases. While this observation has clear public-health implications, the dynamic consequences of the interaction between vaccination, waning immunity and boosting are far more striking. For high levels of vaccination (greater than 80%) and moderate levels of waning immunity (greater than 30 years), large-scale epidemic cycles can be induced.
  • 21. Herd Immunity … Not Based in fact Then when that didn’t work….
  • 22. Facts: •Mortality flu season 7.8% in vaccinated •Mortality flu season 9.8% unvaccinated •Standard death rate 4.6% •So instead of the difference of 7.8% from 9.8% they took the standard death rate of 4.6% vs 9.8% Am J Epidemiol 170: 650-656 Criminally Misleading by Manipulating Data
  • 23. Increased risk of non-influenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine Abstract We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.
  • 24. CDC 2011 Recommendation USA Babies to 18 months old: •4 doses of Hep B •3 doses of rotavirus •4 doses of DTaP9 (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) •4 doses of Hib (haemophilus influenza B) •4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine (prevnar 13) •3 doses of polio vaccine •2 doses of Flu vaccine •1 MMR (measels, mumps, rubella) •1 chicken pox vaccine 22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism
  • 25.  a macaque monkey (primates) study of the very same vaccines given to children during 1994-1999, Laura Hewitson, PhD  “Vaccine-exposed and saline-injected control infants [monkeys] underwent MRI and PET imaging at approximately 4 and 6 months of age, representing two specific timeframes within the vaccination schedule. …  “These results suggest that maturational changes in amygdala volume and the binding capacity of [11C]DPN in the amygdala was significantly altered in infant macaques receiving the vaccine schedule.” “many significant differences in the GI tissue gene expression profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals.”  biological changes and altered behaviors did occur in vaccinated monkeys, which resembled … ASD diagnosed children.  no such symptoms showing or present in unvaccinated monkeys.  Research Paper :Neurobiological Experimentals in 2010 and titled “Influence of pediatric vaccines on amydgala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.”
  • 26. J Autoimmun. 2011 Feb; The role of various environmental factors in the pathogenesis of immune mediated diseases is well established. Of which, factors entailing an immune adjuvant activity such as infectious agents, silicone, aluminium salts and others were associated with defined and non-defined immune mediated diseases both in animal models and in humans. •Siliconosis •Gulf war syndrome (GWS) •macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF) •post-vaccination phenomena 'ASIA' - autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.
  • 27. Vitamin A administration also reduces opportunistic infections such as pneumonia and diarrhea associated with measles virus- induced immune suppression. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce risk of complications due to pneumonia after an acute measles episode. A study in South Africa showed that the mortality could be reduced by 80% in acute measles with complications, following high-dose vitamin A supplementation. Prakash Shetty, Nutrition Immunity & Infection, 2010, p. 82. Dr. Ellison reported in 1932 that well-nourished children rarely died or had serious infectious complications from measles… . As early as 1932, scientists found that mortality dropped by 58 percent when children hospitalized with measles were given cod liver oil, which contains vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. Later studies in the 1990s showed amazing results of vitamin A reducing deaths by 60 to 90 percent
  • 28. Combined analyses showed that massive doses of vitamin A given to patients hospitalized with measles were associated with an •approximately 60% reduction in the risk of death overall, •…approximate 90% reduction among infants . . . •Administration of vitamin A to children who developed pneumonia before or during hospital stay reduced mortality by about 70% compared with control children. “Vitamin A Supplementation and Child Mortality: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of the American Medical Association, February 17, 1993, p.
  • 29. Experiments done in the 1940s showed that vitamin C was effective against measles, especially when used in higher doses. During an epidemic [of measles] vitamin C was used prophylactically and all those who received as much as 1000 mg. every six hours, by vein or muscle, were protected from the virus. Given by mouth, 1000 mg. in fruit juice every two hours was not protective unless it was given around the clock. It was further found that 1000 mg. by mouth, four to six times each day, would modify the attack; with the appearance of Koplik’s spots and fever, if the administration was increased to 12 doses each 24 hours, all signs and symptoms would disappear in 48 hours “The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C,” Southern Medicine & Surgery, July 1949 Fred R. Klenner, MD,
  • 30. “Nancy” 17 yo A.S.I.A. from DPT vaccine
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  • 33. Get Educated and Share this Info: CLARENCE DARROW The unvaccinated don’t care what the vaccinated do, or what they read. But now suddenly the vaccinators want to take away the right of anyone to disagree with their beliefs, and even the right to study the issue.
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