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   Andalusia, one of the largest regions in Europe, is located in the south of Spain, with
 its coastline bathed by the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

 With a size of 87,597 square kilometers, and a population of 8.059.461 inhabitants,
 Andalusia is the most populated autonomous community in Spain. 16,22% of the
 population is younger than 15 years of age and 14,63% is older than 65.

          Main figures

                        1.500         Primary care centres (387 Main PHC, 1.113 Local PHC)

                              44      Public hospitals (5 level I, 9 level II, 6 level III, 14 level IV, 10
                                      proximity H)1
                      8               Transfusion centers

                 88.310               Healthcare professionals

           9.518,91 M €               Health budget

       Level I (≥1.000 beds), Level II (500-1.000 beds), Level III (250-500 beds), Level IV (≤250 beds); Proximity Hospitals in
      remote areas.

 Life expectancy at birth (2006):
 Men 76,4 years, Women 82,5 years

     PoLIcy GoALS

             IMprove the publIc healthcare SySteM,

             based on the values of universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity.

             ModernIze health organIzatIonS,

             making them more flexible and citizen – centred, ensuring good governance and

             IncreaSe the value of the publIc ServIce SySteM.


    Quality as the driving force:

      • A strongly coordinated and efficient public system in continuous growth.
      • Quality-driven for response time, accessibility, continuity, familiarity, comfort,
         human touch, high technology, safety and efficient performance.

    Accesibility and Transparency:

      • More and better-informed citizens with increased freedom to make decisions,
         take greater responsibility over their own health, and gain equal opportunities
         through transparent and accurate information.

    Social Control:

      • Active social participation on an individual and collective basis.
      • An organization that listens to its citizens as allows them to participate in
         decisions making.

    Professional Participation:

      • obtaining, recognizing and stimulating commitment by professionals is the key
         to success and to secure their essential participation.

cItIzENS at the center of
     the Health System

              citizens are the center of the Andalusian Public Health System. they show great
              sympathy for the health care received, the professionals and the organization, which is
              measured with an annual user - satisfaction survey.

              Different measures have been designed to empower citizens and patients with

              new rights in health care:

                •	 SeConD MeDICAL oPInIon: in case of severe diseases, citizens have the right to
                   demand a qualified second opinion, which is provided by experts within 30 days
                   since the application.
                •	 LIVIng wILLS: Andalusian citizens have the right to record their wills, on a specific
                   registry, about the limits to health care when being in situations of not possible
                   communication. Physicians have the obligation to consult this registry before
                   applying special treatment to patients not able to communicate.
                •	 DenTAL CAre for CHILDren AnD PregnAnT woMen: free from 6 to 15 years
                   old, and women during pregnancy.
                •	 Surgery wAITIng LISTS: the Andalusian government has been the first in our
                   area to introduce the legal right to a guaranteed maximum waiting period for
                   surgery (180 days). recently it has been updated, reducing the waiting time for
                   the most common interventions to 120 days. the information is available at the
                   Department of Health web page.
                •	 ouTPATIenT SPeCIALIzeD CAre AnD DIAgnoSTIC ProCeDureS wAITIng LISTS:
                   legal rights has been extended to guarantee a maximum delay for outpatient
                   specialized care (60 days for first referral from primary health physician) and the
                   most common diagnostic procedures (30 days).
                •	 PreIMPLAnTATIonAL geneTIC DIAgnoSIS (PgD): the Public Health care System
                   has included PGD to avoid the transmission of genetic disorders. this service is
                   offered in a public hospital.
                •	 geneTIC CounSeLIng: among a number of measured listed in the Andalusian
                   Genetic Plan, new integrated genetic units, providing genetic testing and
                   counseling, are being implemented.

•	 DenTAL CAre for HAnDICAPPeD: the coverage by the public dental care services
         has been extended to handicapped people.
      •	 CHILDren neeDS In HeALTH CAre fACILITIeS AnD SerVICeS: health care
         facilities and services are being adapted to the special needs and requirements
         of children and newborns, such as being accompanied by a close relative (mother
         or father) during their stay in hospitals.
      •	 eLDerLy AnnuAL CHeCk-uP: people over 65 years old are being contacted, in
         order to assess their health status, and are being offered with the health services
         they may need.
      •	 PoDIATrIC/CHIroPoDIC CAre for PeoPLe wITH DIAbeTeS, under the Diabetes
         care Plan.

    family support measures

      •	 chronic homecare plans and community nursing activities
      •	 Extension of rehabilitation units throughout the territory, including mobile units
         for home rehabilitation care.
      •	 Improvement of mental health care services.

    The citizens’ voice

      •	 Area Health committees by province.
      •	 Annual survey on user satisfaction.
      •	 Virtual office –InterS@S-, where the user can choose a primary health care
         physician or center, update his/her personal data, make requests,…
      •	 call center: single telephone number, where demands and suggestions can be
         made, as well as asking for medical appointments or basic medical advice.
      •	 citizens’ expectations Bank: web site to foster citizens’ participation as well as
         associations and other health system stakeholders.

ProtEctING Health
     and Promoting Wellness

              III andaluSIan health plan (2003-2008)

                •	 Strategic	initiative	to	reach	the	goals	set	out	as	a	result	of	the	analysis	of	the	
                   health problems in our region. It follows the recommendations of the XXI Health
                   Policy by WHo-Europe.

                Specific Health Promotion Programmes:

                   •	 Food	Safety	and	Quality
                   •	 Environmental	Health	Activities

                Health Programmes:

                   •	 Young	People	(Young	Form):	promotes	healthy	life	style	providing	consultation	
                      services in high schools.
                   •	 Immigrants:	 specific	 health	 care	 services,	 minimizing	 language	 and	 cultural	
                      barriers, with the active participation of NGo.
                   •	 Deafness	screening:	early	detection	of	hearing	impairment	at	birth.

Integrated and coMprehenSIve planS have been designed to compile the

    different measures and actions adopted in a wide range of fields, in respond to
    major health problems. Some highlights of the different Plans are detailed below.

      •	 Diabetes	 Care	 Plan: information for the public and patients, improve health
         care services, including early detection for major complications (retinopathy),
         prevention and health education, citizens participation, training and research.
      •		 OnCOlOgy	Plan: health promotion activities, oncology day care in all hospitals,
         palliative care, new radiotherapy units, improve social and emotional support.
         research and training.
      •		 CarDiOvasCular	Disease	Care	Plan: secondary prevention and rehabilitation
         programme, pediatric surgery, adult congenital cardiovascular disease unit,
         training and research.
      •		 Mental	HealtH	Plan: mental welfare promotion, information for the public, increase
         accessibility, community mental health units, day care units, training and research.
      •		 tObaCCO	Plan: media campaigns, web portal and telephone service supporting
         tobacco cessation, training programmes for health professionals, education and
         work, special smoking cessation units at primary and specialized care, special
         situations (mental health patients, prisons), training and research. Legal actions
         (suit) against tobacco companies.
      •		 DePenDent	PeOPle	strategy: designed to support people with special needs.
         coordinated with the Social Welfare Department.
      •		 alZHeiMer’s	Disease	Plan: in collaboration with associations of relatives and
         caregivers, includes different programmes designed for the needs of these
         patients and their families, such as healthcare, family support, stimulation and
         reeducation, training, volunteering and research.
      •		 infant	 Obesity	 Plan: includes more than a hundred preventive, healthcare,
         training and research measures. School dining rooms support services.
      •		 aCCiDents	HealtHCare	Plan: different measures in order to reduce accidents,
         and to minimize their consequences.

•		 Patient	safety	strategy: designed to improve the management, training and
        information systems. Includes an observatory on Patient Safety and a registry on
        adverse events.
     •	 genetiCs	 Plan: establishes a network for providing genetic services for the
        population, identifying and optimizing the available resources, and opening new
        lines for the development for research and health care.
     •	 rare	Diseases	Plan: early identification of rare diseases, structured health care
        network within the health system, coordination with different units involved.
     •	 Palliative	 Care	 Plan: designed to attend patients at end stages of their
        diseases, under a common protocol, and to support their families and close
     •	 Pain	 Care	 Plan: standardizes care and pain relief throughout the Andalusian
        health system.
     •	 assisteD	rePrODuCtiOn	PrOgraMMe: extension of public health care services
        of assisted reproduction techniques in the public hospitals and centers for those
        who need them, including women without male partners.


    In 2005, the Department of Health launched its Second Quality Plan for the Andalusian
    Public Health System, continuation of the first comprehensive Quality and Efficiency
    Plan of 2002. this Second Healthcare Quality Plan echoes the vocational search for a
    different, more modern organization, placed at the service of the Andalusian public,
    that strives to provide a public service committed to guaranteeing the best possible
    care, imbuing the Andalusian Public Health System of an entrepreneurial attitude with a
    view to taking on new challenges to ensure survival of a public healthcare system that
    is caring, fair and sustainable.

    This second Healthcare Quality Plan has a process-based structure. five major

    strategic processes have been pinpointed:

      •	 To ASSuMe CITIzenS’ neeDS AnD exPeCTATIonS: defines the relationship
          between citizens and the APHS, and points to the public’s central role in the
          system, as well as the duty to establish a set of guidelines to safeguard that
          principle. the plan suggests developing new rights and fresh mechanisms to step
          up citizen’s participation and decision-making powers, as well as their clinical
          safety, fostering projects that will enhance interaction between citizens and the
          system in a more individualized, transparent and interactive manner.
      •	 To guArAnTee HeALTH CAre SerVICeS QuALITy MAnAgeMenT: attempts to
          build up the innovations in service management that have unfolded in Andalusia
          over the last few years. Indeed, clinical management, process-based management
          and skills management, continue to be vital tools that need to be enhanced by
          implementing actions that will lead to their definitive consolidation in the system.
          It incorporates an Andalusian Accreditation Model, reinforcing the Andalusian
          Healthcare Quality Agency.
      •	 To guArAnTee QuALITy In PubLIC HeALTH PoLICIeS: intends to bring about
          a system of public guarantees on the basis of three processes; foster policies
          targeting health promotion and disease prevention, boosting quality in public
          health surveillance policies and promote quality policies in health protection.

•	 knowLeDge MAnAgeMenT: the health system is a knowledge factory, an
                intelligence system, implementing a health information strategy, promoting and
                consolidating research excellence in Andalusia.
             •	 InnoVATIon AnD MoDernIzATIon of THe SySTeM: innovation is a cross-cutting
                process influencing the entire array of actions to be unfurled by the Second
                Healthcare Quality Plan.

           two major strategic strands are established: horizontal innovation policies and
           information and technology management.

           It is a proposal to address the Healthcare System challenges in an efficient

           manner. The challenges can be summarized as follows:

             • Improve all aspects concerning relations with the public.
             • create an organization in line with the healthcare targets.
             • continue process-based work, so that all healthcare activities revolve around
                the patient.
             • Make further progress in skills management for professionals.
             • Strive towards the integration of healthcare in a knowledge-based society.
             • Enhance the system’s overall transparency – financial, operational, quality, etc
                –in the eyes o the public, bearing in mind at all times that we are managing vast
                and increasing, albeit limited resources.
             • Boost organizational research and Innovation.
             • Provide added value to the Second Modernization Plan for Andalusia by
                contributing to well-being and creativity while fostering a more modern public
                administration, which is closer to community grassroots.

≥ 10
rESEArcH and

    one of the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Health of the Andalusian regional
    Government is to foster the generation of knowledge within the Andalusian Public
    Health System, in particular biomedical research. therefore, the Strategic Plan for
    research, Development and Innovation for the period 2006-2010 has been launched
    by the regional Ministry of Health, which is aligned with and coordinated by existing
    programmes at a European, national and regional level, including all parties actively
    involved in the innovation system. the Plan’s structure reflects the articulation of
    biomedical r+D+i in its triple perspective: of resources, production and the transfer of
    research results.

    Legal framework for stem cell research: Law for cellular reprogramming for therapeutic
    purposes. Support to clinical trials, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in Andalusian
    public hospitals.

    research centers and institutions: combining basic research (at universities

    and the Spanish research Council) and applied research (health professionals
    at the Andalusian Public Health System) with the biotechnology sector.

      •	 new THeMATIC reSeArCH CenTerS: linked to the main research areas in the
          region, molecular biology and regenerative medicine, genetics and nanomedicine.

          1. regenerative Medicine (cABIMEr - Andalusian Molecular Biology and regenerative
             Medicine center) is a groundbreaking multidisciplinary biomedical research
             center in Andalusia, drawing together basic and applied research with the aim
             of transforming the results of the scientific work carried out there into direct
             improvements to citizens’ health and quality of life, Seville.
          2. Genomics and oncology (GENyo), Granada. *
          3. Nanomedicine (BioNAnd), Malaga.*
          4. Advanced technologies in Medical traning (cMAt), Granada.

          * construction in process

                                                                                                ≥ 11
•	 MultiDisCiPlinary	researCH	institutes:

                 1. IBIS (Biomedical research Institute of Seville) is a model in which basic and
                    applied research live together, within a big hospital complex, Seville. *
                 2. Maimonides Institute, cordoba. *
                 3. IMABIS, Malaga (in project).
                 4. cádiz (in project).

             •	 bIobAnkS:

                 1. Andalusian Stem cell Bank, central node of the Spanish Sc Bank.
                 2. Andalusian tumor Bank (network).
                 3. Andalusian Human DNA Bank (network).*

             •	 sPeCifiC	suPPOrt	PlatfOrMs:

                 1. olive oil and Health Excellence center, Jaen.
                 2. tobacco Smoking, Seville.
                 3. Sports and health (in project).

                 * construction in process

           research foundations (fIbAo, fAbIS).

           Virtual Library of the Andalusian Public Health System.

           Three-fold increase in the scientific production of our region from 1992 to


           Within the framework of Innovation and Modernization Policies in Andalusia, the
           regional Ministry of Health has assumed a firm commitment to continue its promotion
           of scientific knowledge and place itself at the forefront of high-quality research in the
           fields of biomedicine and biotechnology.

≥ 12
e-HEALtH Strategy

    the Andalusian Public Healthcare System has adopted corporate information systems as a
    strategy, given the increasing mobility of the citizens and the participation of many professionals
    in attending to the processes, forming complex multidisciplinary teams. All this, linked to the
    integrated concept of health and the leading role of the citizen in democratic societies, leads
    to the concept of the Single Health record and the use of unified procedures.


    computer system for information and care management support. Diraya integrates all
    the information of each user, into a Single Health record, so that it is available where
    and when it is needed for his/her care. It also facilitates accessibility to all the services
    and provisions of the health system, and ensures that all the relevant information is
    structured. Diraya, meaning “knowledge” in Arabic, is the outcome of the organization’s
    shared knowledge.

    Diraya consists of a set of related modules that share information

      •	 basiC	COMPOnents:

          - User Data Base (UDB): supply every citizen with a Single Andalusian Health
              record Number (NUHSA), to which all his/her information is linked. 7.96
              millions registered users (98.8% of the population).
          - centralized operator Access Module (coAM).
          - Structure Module, including departments and functional units as well as
              physical locations.

      •	 single	HealtH	reCOrD, in 682 primary health care centers, covering 7,373,409
          inhabitants (93.7% total population); 6.6 millions with relevant clinical data (90%).
          In specialized care: 71.1% emergency episodes, 14.4% outpatient visits.

      •	 PresCriPtiOn	XXi: electronic prescription: in 653 primary health care centers,
          covering 7,272,090 inhabitants (92.4% total population), 3,496 pharmacies
          (97.8%), and 70 millions prescriptions (38%).

                                                                                                          ≥ 13
•	 aPPOintMent: manages primary care, outpatient specialized consultations
                 and diagnostic procedures agendas. 73.439.928 appointments in Diraya during

             •	 InterS@S: Public Health System Virtual office, allows users to change doctor, to
                 see and update their personal data, or request a second medical opinion.

           HeALTH reSPonDS (SALuD reSPonDe)

           Information and Service center, available 24 hours a day all days of the year. Multi-channel
           access to the Public Health System of Andalusia, designed to satisfy the information and
           service needs of citizens and health professionals, improving the capacity of response
           of the health system and making it faster. It services include medical appointments
           for primary care, information of the Public Health System of Andalusia, information

≥ 14
about the health smart card, dental health programme, free choice of hospial, second
    medical opinion, community link nursing, living will statement, health campaigns, follow-
    up on fragile patients after hospital discharge or heat waves, and medical advice. It also
    offers SMS information services (health campaigns, appointments reminder, health
    prevention measures,...), information on tobacco (quit-line), citizens’ service line for
    health technology and devices.

    InforMArSe.eS SALuD

    Health information service using multichannel platforms such as internet, mobile phones,
    tV and other media. A new model of communication in health, based on innovation,
    assuring information accuracy and quality, and accessible trough different channels
    and platforms.

    oPInAr.eS SALuDAbLe

    New tool for the reception and knowledge of citizens’ expectations. People can leave
    opinions, suggestions and needs. It helps the Health System to seek what the citizenship
    expect from the services provided, and the initiatives launched.

    InnoVATIVe PrACTICe bAnk

    Strategy for the identification, sharing and acknowledgement of innovative professional
    practices. It includes a network of agents among the health professionals in the
    organization. It promotes the development of innovation forums ,ideas contests and
    best practices identification and diffusion.

    obSerVATory of InnoVATIVe PrACTICeS In CHronIC DISeASe MAnAgeMenT

    created as a network focused on the identification, process, synthesis and dissemination
    of innovative practices in Spain and the world. Accessible at a web page, it supports
    knowledge management, as well as collaboration between excellence focuses. Developed
    in open source technology.

                                                                                                 ≥ 15
       Healthcare System

                              activity figures 2007

                              gP and pediatricians consultations                                     57.933.420
                              nurses home visits                                                      2.812.821
                              Admissions                                                               557.970
                              Hospital stays                                                          4.142.563
                              outpatient specialist consultations                                    10.094.015
                              emergencies PHC                                                         5.658.895
                              emergencies hospitals                                                   3.599.682
                              Surgical interventions                                                   503.806
                              Ambulatory major surgery                                                 149.556
                              organ transplantations                                                       595
                                   kidney                                                                  344
                                   Liver                                                                   175
                                   Heart                                                                    37
                                   Lung                                                                     26
                                   Pancreas                                                                 13

                                 “The modern Andalusian public health system is a sector
                                 of public policy closely affecting the daily concerns of
                                 its citizens. It is also an element of primary importance
                                 in welfare policy which is founded on the principles of
                                 equality and solidarity.”

Mª Jesús Montero
regional Minister of Health
Andalucia, Spain

                                                       w w w. j u n t a d e a n d a l u c i a . e s / s a l u d
≥ 16
Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Salud
Avda. de la Innovación s/n Edif. Arena 1
41020 Sevilla (SPAIN)
Phone: +34 955 00 63 00
Fax: +34 955 00 63 28

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Más de Jose Luis Rocha Castilla

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Healthy andalucia

  • 2.
  • 3. ANDALUSIA Andalusia, one of the largest regions in Europe, is located in the south of Spain, with its coastline bathed by the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. With a size of 87,597 square kilometers, and a population of 8.059.461 inhabitants, Andalusia is the most populated autonomous community in Spain. 16,22% of the population is younger than 15 years of age and 14,63% is older than 65. Main figures 1.500 Primary care centres (387 Main PHC, 1.113 Local PHC) 44 Public hospitals (5 level I, 9 level II, 6 level III, 14 level IV, 10 proximity H)1 8 Transfusion centers 88.310 Healthcare professionals 9.518,91 M € Health budget 1 Level I (≥1.000 beds), Level II (500-1.000 beds), Level III (250-500 beds), Level IV (≤250 beds); Proximity Hospitals in remote areas. Life expectancy at birth (2006): Men 76,4 years, Women 82,5 years ≥1
  • 4. HEALtH PoLIcy GoALS IMprove the publIc healthcare SySteM, > based on the values of universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity. ModernIze health organIzatIonS, > making them more flexible and citizen – centred, ensuring good governance and transparency. IncreaSe the value of the publIc ServIce SySteM. > ≥2
  • 5. BASIc INSPIrING PrINcIPLES Quality as the driving force: > • A strongly coordinated and efficient public system in continuous growth. • Quality-driven for response time, accessibility, continuity, familiarity, comfort, human touch, high technology, safety and efficient performance. Accesibility and Transparency: > • More and better-informed citizens with increased freedom to make decisions, take greater responsibility over their own health, and gain equal opportunities through transparent and accurate information. Social Control: > • Active social participation on an individual and collective basis. • An organization that listens to its citizens as allows them to participate in decisions making. Professional Participation: > • obtaining, recognizing and stimulating commitment by professionals is the key to success and to secure their essential participation. ≥3
  • 6. cItIzENS at the center of the Health System citizens are the center of the Andalusian Public Health System. they show great sympathy for the health care received, the professionals and the organization, which is measured with an annual user - satisfaction survey. Different measures have been designed to empower citizens and patients with > new rights in health care: • SeConD MeDICAL oPInIon: in case of severe diseases, citizens have the right to demand a qualified second opinion, which is provided by experts within 30 days since the application. • LIVIng wILLS: Andalusian citizens have the right to record their wills, on a specific registry, about the limits to health care when being in situations of not possible communication. Physicians have the obligation to consult this registry before applying special treatment to patients not able to communicate. • DenTAL CAre for CHILDren AnD PregnAnT woMen: free from 6 to 15 years old, and women during pregnancy. • Surgery wAITIng LISTS: the Andalusian government has been the first in our area to introduce the legal right to a guaranteed maximum waiting period for surgery (180 days). recently it has been updated, reducing the waiting time for the most common interventions to 120 days. the information is available at the Department of Health web page. • ouTPATIenT SPeCIALIzeD CAre AnD DIAgnoSTIC ProCeDureS wAITIng LISTS: legal rights has been extended to guarantee a maximum delay for outpatient specialized care (60 days for first referral from primary health physician) and the most common diagnostic procedures (30 days). • PreIMPLAnTATIonAL geneTIC DIAgnoSIS (PgD): the Public Health care System has included PGD to avoid the transmission of genetic disorders. this service is offered in a public hospital. • geneTIC CounSeLIng: among a number of measured listed in the Andalusian Genetic Plan, new integrated genetic units, providing genetic testing and counseling, are being implemented. ≥4
  • 7. • DenTAL CAre for HAnDICAPPeD: the coverage by the public dental care services has been extended to handicapped people. • CHILDren neeDS In HeALTH CAre fACILITIeS AnD SerVICeS: health care facilities and services are being adapted to the special needs and requirements of children and newborns, such as being accompanied by a close relative (mother or father) during their stay in hospitals. • eLDerLy AnnuAL CHeCk-uP: people over 65 years old are being contacted, in order to assess their health status, and are being offered with the health services they may need. • PoDIATrIC/CHIroPoDIC CAre for PeoPLe wITH DIAbeTeS, under the Diabetes care Plan. family support measures > • chronic homecare plans and community nursing activities • Extension of rehabilitation units throughout the territory, including mobile units for home rehabilitation care. • Improvement of mental health care services. The citizens’ voice > • Area Health committees by province. • Annual survey on user satisfaction. • Virtual office –InterS@S-, where the user can choose a primary health care physician or center, update his/her personal data, make requests,… • call center: single telephone number, where demands and suggestions can be made, as well as asking for medical appointments or basic medical advice. • citizens’ expectations Bank: web site to foster citizens’ participation as well as associations and other health system stakeholders. ≥5
  • 8. ProtEctING Health and Promoting Wellness III andaluSIan health plan (2003-2008) > • Strategic initiative to reach the goals set out as a result of the analysis of the health problems in our region. It follows the recommendations of the XXI Health Policy by WHo-Europe. Specific Health Promotion Programmes: > • Food Safety and Quality • Environmental Health Activities Health Programmes: > • Young People (Young Form): promotes healthy life style providing consultation services in high schools. • Immigrants: specific health care services, minimizing language and cultural barriers, with the active participation of NGo. • Deafness screening: early detection of hearing impairment at birth. ≥6
  • 9. Integrated and coMprehenSIve planS have been designed to compile the > different measures and actions adopted in a wide range of fields, in respond to major health problems. Some highlights of the different Plans are detailed below. • Diabetes Care Plan: information for the public and patients, improve health care services, including early detection for major complications (retinopathy), prevention and health education, citizens participation, training and research. • OnCOlOgy Plan: health promotion activities, oncology day care in all hospitals, palliative care, new radiotherapy units, improve social and emotional support. research and training. • CarDiOvasCular Disease Care Plan: secondary prevention and rehabilitation programme, pediatric surgery, adult congenital cardiovascular disease unit, training and research. • Mental HealtH Plan: mental welfare promotion, information for the public, increase accessibility, community mental health units, day care units, training and research. • tObaCCO Plan: media campaigns, web portal and telephone service supporting tobacco cessation, training programmes for health professionals, education and work, special smoking cessation units at primary and specialized care, special situations (mental health patients, prisons), training and research. Legal actions (suit) against tobacco companies. • DePenDent PeOPle strategy: designed to support people with special needs. coordinated with the Social Welfare Department. • alZHeiMer’s Disease Plan: in collaboration with associations of relatives and caregivers, includes different programmes designed for the needs of these patients and their families, such as healthcare, family support, stimulation and reeducation, training, volunteering and research. • infant Obesity Plan: includes more than a hundred preventive, healthcare, training and research measures. School dining rooms support services. • aCCiDents HealtHCare Plan: different measures in order to reduce accidents, and to minimize their consequences. ≥7
  • 10. • Patient safety strategy: designed to improve the management, training and information systems. Includes an observatory on Patient Safety and a registry on adverse events. • genetiCs Plan: establishes a network for providing genetic services for the population, identifying and optimizing the available resources, and opening new lines for the development for research and health care. • rare Diseases Plan: early identification of rare diseases, structured health care network within the health system, coordination with different units involved. • Palliative Care Plan: designed to attend patients at end stages of their diseases, under a common protocol, and to support their families and close carers. • Pain Care Plan: standardizes care and pain relief throughout the Andalusian health system. • assisteD rePrODuCtiOn PrOgraMMe: extension of public health care services of assisted reproduction techniques in the public hospitals and centers for those who need them, including women without male partners. ≥8
  • 11. QUALIty-DrIVEN cArE In 2005, the Department of Health launched its Second Quality Plan for the Andalusian Public Health System, continuation of the first comprehensive Quality and Efficiency Plan of 2002. this Second Healthcare Quality Plan echoes the vocational search for a different, more modern organization, placed at the service of the Andalusian public, that strives to provide a public service committed to guaranteeing the best possible care, imbuing the Andalusian Public Health System of an entrepreneurial attitude with a view to taking on new challenges to ensure survival of a public healthcare system that is caring, fair and sustainable. This second Healthcare Quality Plan has a process-based structure. five major > strategic processes have been pinpointed: • To ASSuMe CITIzenS’ neeDS AnD exPeCTATIonS: defines the relationship between citizens and the APHS, and points to the public’s central role in the system, as well as the duty to establish a set of guidelines to safeguard that principle. the plan suggests developing new rights and fresh mechanisms to step up citizen’s participation and decision-making powers, as well as their clinical safety, fostering projects that will enhance interaction between citizens and the system in a more individualized, transparent and interactive manner. • To guArAnTee HeALTH CAre SerVICeS QuALITy MAnAgeMenT: attempts to build up the innovations in service management that have unfolded in Andalusia over the last few years. Indeed, clinical management, process-based management and skills management, continue to be vital tools that need to be enhanced by implementing actions that will lead to their definitive consolidation in the system. It incorporates an Andalusian Accreditation Model, reinforcing the Andalusian Healthcare Quality Agency. • To guArAnTee QuALITy In PubLIC HeALTH PoLICIeS: intends to bring about a system of public guarantees on the basis of three processes; foster policies targeting health promotion and disease prevention, boosting quality in public health surveillance policies and promote quality policies in health protection. ≥9
  • 12. • knowLeDge MAnAgeMenT: the health system is a knowledge factory, an intelligence system, implementing a health information strategy, promoting and consolidating research excellence in Andalusia. • InnoVATIon AnD MoDernIzATIon of THe SySTeM: innovation is a cross-cutting process influencing the entire array of actions to be unfurled by the Second Healthcare Quality Plan. two major strategic strands are established: horizontal innovation policies and information and technology management. It is a proposal to address the Healthcare System challenges in an efficient > manner. The challenges can be summarized as follows: • Improve all aspects concerning relations with the public. • create an organization in line with the healthcare targets. • continue process-based work, so that all healthcare activities revolve around the patient. • Make further progress in skills management for professionals. • Strive towards the integration of healthcare in a knowledge-based society. • Enhance the system’s overall transparency – financial, operational, quality, etc –in the eyes o the public, bearing in mind at all times that we are managing vast and increasing, albeit limited resources. • Boost organizational research and Innovation. • Provide added value to the Second Modernization Plan for Andalusia by contributing to well-being and creativity while fostering a more modern public administration, which is closer to community grassroots. ≥ 10
  • 13. rESEArcH and Innovation one of the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Health of the Andalusian regional Government is to foster the generation of knowledge within the Andalusian Public Health System, in particular biomedical research. therefore, the Strategic Plan for research, Development and Innovation for the period 2006-2010 has been launched by the regional Ministry of Health, which is aligned with and coordinated by existing programmes at a European, national and regional level, including all parties actively involved in the innovation system. the Plan’s structure reflects the articulation of biomedical r+D+i in its triple perspective: of resources, production and the transfer of research results. Legal framework for stem cell research: Law for cellular reprogramming for therapeutic purposes. Support to clinical trials, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in Andalusian public hospitals. research centers and institutions: combining basic research (at universities > and the Spanish research Council) and applied research (health professionals at the Andalusian Public Health System) with the biotechnology sector. • new THeMATIC reSeArCH CenTerS: linked to the main research areas in the region, molecular biology and regenerative medicine, genetics and nanomedicine. 1. regenerative Medicine (cABIMEr - Andalusian Molecular Biology and regenerative Medicine center) is a groundbreaking multidisciplinary biomedical research center in Andalusia, drawing together basic and applied research with the aim of transforming the results of the scientific work carried out there into direct improvements to citizens’ health and quality of life, Seville. 2. Genomics and oncology (GENyo), Granada. * 3. Nanomedicine (BioNAnd), Malaga.* 4. Advanced technologies in Medical traning (cMAt), Granada. * construction in process ≥ 11
  • 14. • MultiDisCiPlinary researCH institutes: 1. IBIS (Biomedical research Institute of Seville) is a model in which basic and applied research live together, within a big hospital complex, Seville. * 2. Maimonides Institute, cordoba. * 3. IMABIS, Malaga (in project). 4. cádiz (in project). • bIobAnkS: 1. Andalusian Stem cell Bank, central node of the Spanish Sc Bank. 2. Andalusian tumor Bank (network). 3. Andalusian Human DNA Bank (network).* • sPeCifiC suPPOrt PlatfOrMs: 1. olive oil and Health Excellence center, Jaen. 2. tobacco Smoking, Seville. 3. Sports and health (in project). * construction in process research foundations (fIbAo, fAbIS). > Virtual Library of the Andalusian Public Health System. > Three-fold increase in the scientific production of our region from 1992 to > 2004. Within the framework of Innovation and Modernization Policies in Andalusia, the regional Ministry of Health has assumed a firm commitment to continue its promotion of scientific knowledge and place itself at the forefront of high-quality research in the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology. ≥ 12
  • 15. e-HEALtH Strategy the Andalusian Public Healthcare System has adopted corporate information systems as a strategy, given the increasing mobility of the citizens and the participation of many professionals in attending to the processes, forming complex multidisciplinary teams. All this, linked to the integrated concept of health and the leading role of the citizen in democratic societies, leads to the concept of the Single Health record and the use of unified procedures. DIrAyA > computer system for information and care management support. Diraya integrates all the information of each user, into a Single Health record, so that it is available where and when it is needed for his/her care. It also facilitates accessibility to all the services and provisions of the health system, and ensures that all the relevant information is structured. Diraya, meaning “knowledge” in Arabic, is the outcome of the organization’s shared knowledge. Diraya consists of a set of related modules that share information • basiC COMPOnents: - User Data Base (UDB): supply every citizen with a Single Andalusian Health record Number (NUHSA), to which all his/her information is linked. 7.96 millions registered users (98.8% of the population). - centralized operator Access Module (coAM). - Structure Module, including departments and functional units as well as physical locations. • single HealtH reCOrD, in 682 primary health care centers, covering 7,373,409 inhabitants (93.7% total population); 6.6 millions with relevant clinical data (90%). In specialized care: 71.1% emergency episodes, 14.4% outpatient visits. • PresCriPtiOn XXi: electronic prescription: in 653 primary health care centers, covering 7,272,090 inhabitants (92.4% total population), 3,496 pharmacies (97.8%), and 70 millions prescriptions (38%). ≥ 13
  • 16. • aPPOintMent: manages primary care, outpatient specialized consultations and diagnostic procedures agendas. 73.439.928 appointments in Diraya during 2007. • InterS@S: Public Health System Virtual office, allows users to change doctor, to see and update their personal data, or request a second medical opinion. HeALTH reSPonDS (SALuD reSPonDe) > Information and Service center, available 24 hours a day all days of the year. Multi-channel access to the Public Health System of Andalusia, designed to satisfy the information and service needs of citizens and health professionals, improving the capacity of response of the health system and making it faster. It services include medical appointments for primary care, information of the Public Health System of Andalusia, information ≥ 14
  • 17. about the health smart card, dental health programme, free choice of hospial, second medical opinion, community link nursing, living will statement, health campaigns, follow- up on fragile patients after hospital discharge or heat waves, and medical advice. It also offers SMS information services (health campaigns, appointments reminder, health prevention measures,...), information on tobacco (quit-line), citizens’ service line for health technology and devices. InforMArSe.eS SALuD > Health information service using multichannel platforms such as internet, mobile phones, tV and other media. A new model of communication in health, based on innovation, assuring information accuracy and quality, and accessible trough different channels and platforms. oPInAr.eS SALuDAbLe > New tool for the reception and knowledge of citizens’ expectations. People can leave opinions, suggestions and needs. It helps the Health System to seek what the citizenship expect from the services provided, and the initiatives launched. InnoVATIVe PrACTICe bAnk > Strategy for the identification, sharing and acknowledgement of innovative professional practices. It includes a network of agents among the health professionals in the organization. It promotes the development of innovation forums ,ideas contests and best practices identification and diffusion. obSerVATory of InnoVATIVe PrACTICeS In CHronIC DISeASe MAnAgeMenT > created as a network focused on the identification, process, synthesis and dissemination of innovative practices in Spain and the world. Accessible at a web page, it supports knowledge management, as well as collaboration between excellence focuses. Developed in open source technology. ≥ 15
  • 18. ANDALUSIAN Public Healthcare System activity figures 2007 gP and pediatricians consultations 57.933.420 nurses home visits 2.812.821 Admissions 557.970 Hospital stays 4.142.563 outpatient specialist consultations 10.094.015 emergencies PHC 5.658.895 emergencies hospitals 3.599.682 Surgical interventions 503.806 Ambulatory major surgery 149.556 organ transplantations 595 kidney 344 Liver 175 Heart 37 Lung 26 Pancreas 13 “The modern Andalusian public health system is a sector of public policy closely affecting the daily concerns of its citizens. It is also an element of primary importance in welfare policy which is founded on the principles of equality and solidarity.” Mª Jesús Montero regional Minister of Health Andalucia, Spain w w w. j u n t a d e a n d a l u c i a . e s / s a l u d ≥ 16
  • 19.
  • 20. Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Salud Avda. de la Innovación s/n Edif. Arena 1 41020 Sevilla (SPAIN) Phone: +34 955 00 63 00 Fax: +34 955 00 63 28