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Zabair Ul Hassan
Junaid Raja
Salman Waheed
Asim Shehzad
Majid Mughal
Contents & Sub-Contents :-
1. Origins
2. Supernatural Explanations
1. Where it is ?
2. Flight 19
Islamic Interpretation of Bermuda Triangle
 Myths & Facts
Notable Incidents
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is
a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic
Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have
disappeared under mysterious circumstances. According to
the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not
recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names. Popular
culture has attributed various disappearances to
the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial
beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant
percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately
reported, or embellished by later authors. In a 2013 study,
the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s 10 most
dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was
not among them.
Triangle Area
The first written boundaries date from an article by Vincent
Gaddis in a 1964 issue of the pulp magazine Argosy, where
the triangle's three vertices are in Miami, Florida peninsula;
in San Juan, Puerto Rico and in the mid-Atlantic island
of Bermuda. But subsequent writers did not follow this
definition.Some writers give different boundaries and vertices
to the triangle, with the total area varying from 1,300,000 to
3,900,000 km2
(500,000 to 1,510,000 sq mi).Consequently, the
determination of which accidents have occurred inside the
triangle depends on which writer reports them. The United
States Board on Geographic Names does not recognize this
name, and it is not delimited in any map drawn by US
government agencies.
The earliest allegation of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared
in a September 17, 1950 article published in The Miami Herald by Edward Van
Winkle Jones.Two years later, Fate magazine published "Sea Mystery at Our
Back Door",a short article by George X. Sand covering the loss of several planes
and ships, including the loss of Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger
bombers on a training mission. Sand's article was the first to lay out the now-
familiar triangular area where the losses took place. Flight 19 alone would be
covered again in the April 1962 issue of American Legion magazine.In it, author
Allan W. Eckert wrote that the flight leader had been heard saying, "We are
entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water
is green, no white." He also wrote that officials at the Navy board of inquiry stated
that the planes "flew off to Mars." Sand's article was the first to suggest a
supernatural element to the Flight 19 incident. In the February 1964 issue of
Argosy, Vincent Gaddis' article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" argued that Flight
19 and other disappearances were part of a pattern of strange events in the
region.The next year, Gaddis expanded this article into a book, Invisible
Horizons.Others would follow with their own works, elaborating on Gaddis' ideas:
John Wallace Spencer (Limbo of the Lost, 1969, repr. 1973);Charles Berlitz (The
Bermuda Triangle, 1974);[15] Richard Winer (The Devil's Triangle, 1974), and
many others.
Triangle writers have used a number of supernatural concepts to
explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on leftover
technology from the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Sometimes
connected to the Atlantis story is the submerged rock formation
known as the Bimini Road off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas,
which is in the Triangle by some definitions. Followers of the
purported psychic Edgar Cayce take his prediction that evidence
of Atlantis would be found in 1968 as referring to the discovery of
the Bimini Road. Believers describe the formation as a road, wall,
or other structure, though geologists consider it to be of natural
origin.Other writers attribute the events to UFOs.This idea was
used by Steven Spielberg for his science fiction film Close
Encounters of the Third Kind, which features the lost Flight 19
aircrews as alien abductees.Charles Berlitz, author of various
books on anomalous phenomena, lists several theories attributing
the losses in the Triangle to anomalous or unexplained forces. 12
The first written boundaries date from an article by Vincent Gaddis in
a 1964 issue of the pulp magazine Argosy,where the triangle's three
vertices are in Miami, Florida ; in San Juan;.But subsequent writers
did not follow this definition.Consequently, the determination of which
accidents have occurred inside the triangle depends on which writer
reports them.The United States Board on Geographic Names does
not recognize this name, and it is not delimited in any map drawn by
US government agencies.The area is one of the most heavily traveled
shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for
ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Cruise
ships are also plentiful, and pleasure craft regularly go back and forth
between Florida and the islands. It is also a heavily flown route for
commercial and private aircraft heading towards Florida, the
Caribbean, and South America from points north.
 The Bermuda Triangle is a place where
mysterious things happen.
 Planes and boats disappear in the Bermuda
Triangle, sometimes without a trace.
 Sometimes boats are washed up on shore
with nobody on board.
 It is also known as the devils triangle.
 On the 14th
of October 1961 a B52 bomber
disappeared in the Bermuda triangle.
• Atlantic ocean
•Existing by
•Miami ,San Juan,
Flight 19
 A training flight of bombers went missing
on December 5th
 It was a calm day, but they had strange
compass readings.
 A search and rescue aircraft with a 13
man crew sent to find them also went
Islamic Interpretation of Bermuda
There is a place where Dajjal
(antichrist) is supposed to be residing
in chains, only to emerge when the
time has come. A hadith in Shahi
Muslim which speaks of a person who
had met Dajjal and reported the
incident to the Prophet. It maybe that
this is the same place. But let me
remind you that this cannot be verified
and it is only my personal view which
cannot be taken as 100% true.
Shahi Muslim 41:7028
Tamim Dari, a Christian, who came and accepted Islam narrated
that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men of Bani Lakhm
and Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the ocean for
a month. Then these (waves) took them (near) the land within the
ocean (island) at the time of sunset. They sat in a small side-boat
and entered that Island. There was a beast with long thick hair
(and because of these) they could not distinguish his face from
his back. They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Thereupon it
said: I am al-Jassasa. They said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said:
O people, go to this person in the monastery as he is very much
eager to know about you. He (the narrator) said: When it named a
person for us we were afraid of it lest it should be a Devil. Then
we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery and found a
well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having
iron shackles between his two legs up to the ankles 23
We said: Woe be upon thee, who are you? And he said: You
would soon come to know about me, but tell me who are you.
We said: We are people from Arabia and we embarked upon
a boat but the sea-waves had been driving us for one month
and they brought as near this island. We got Into the side-
boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with
profusely thick hair and because of the thickness of his hair
his face could not be distinguished from his back. We said:
Woe be to thee, who are you? It said: I am al-Jassasa. We
said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: You go to this very
person in the monastery for he is eagerly waiting for you to
know about you. So we came to you in hot haste fearing that
might be the Devil.
He (that chained person)said:
Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baisan. We said: About what
aspect of theirs do you seek information? He said: I ask you
whether these trees bear fruit or not. We said: Yes Thereupon he
said: I think these would not bear fruits. He said: Inform me about
the lake of Tabariyya? We said: Which aspect of it do you want to
know? He said: Is there water in it? They said: There is abundance
of water in it. Thereupon he said: I think it would soon become dry.
He again said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. They said:
Which aspect of it you want to know? He (the chained person)
said: Is there water in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to
him: Yes, there is abundance of water in it and the inhabitants (of
Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said: Inform me about
the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? We said: He has come
out from Mecca and has settled In Yathrib (Medina). He said: Do
the Arabs fight against him? 25
We said: Yes. He said: How did he deal with him? We informed him
that he had overcome those in his neighbourhood and they had
submitted themselves before him. Thereupon he said to us: Had it
actually happened? We said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If it is so that is
better for them that they should show obedience to him. I am going to
tell you about myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon permitted to
get out and so I shall get out and travel in the land, and will not spare
any town where I would not stay for forty nights except Mecca and
Medina as these two (places) are prohibited (areas) for me and I
would not make an attempt to enter any one of these two. An angel
with a sword in his hand would confront me and would bar my way
and there would be angels to guard every passage leading to it; then
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) striking the pulpit with
the help of the end of his staff said: This implies Taiba meaning
Medina. Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this?
The people said: Yes, and this account narrated
by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it
corroborates the account which I gave to you in
regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca.
Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea
(Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea).
Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in
the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his
hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I
preserved It In my mind (this narration from
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him).
Myths & Facts
 Strong currents.
 Aliens.
 Atlantis.
 Human error.
 Sceptics chalk the
"mystery" up to the
strong currents of the
region, the gulf stream
forcing a large portion of
the Triangle's tides to
flow directly north,
throwing many sailors off
course and out to sea.
 Aliens are another theory of the Bermuda
 Aliens may have abducted the sailors.
 The aliens took them to experiment on.
 It is believed that the Bermuda Triangle
Phenomena is caused by the Lost City of
Atlantis, sunk thousands of feet below the
water's surface.The energy from Crystals
that powered it cause the phenomena.
 The boats might have broken down.
 Pilots could have crashed into the sea.
 Someone could have tampered with the
Notable Incidents
1492 - Christopher Columbus reported strange lights and strange
compass readings.
1609 - The Sea Venture got wrecked during the first attempt to
colonize Bermuda.
1812 - Theodosia Burr Alston was the daughter of former United
States Vice President Aaron Burr. Her disappearance has been
cited at least once in relation to the Triangle. She was a passenger
on board the Patriot, which sailed from Charleston, South Carolina
to New York City on December 30, 1812, and was never heard of
1814 - The USS Epervier and her crew disappeared while carrying
the peace treaty to end the war between America and the North
African Barbary States.
1855 - The schooner James B. Chester was found floating in the
ocean. The crew was missing but there was no sign of struggle, and
the lifeboats were still in place.
1872 - Mary Celeste: Known as one of the ghost ships of Bermuda
Triangle, Mary Celeste had many misadventures even before her
mystery voyage in 1872.
1881 - The Ellen Austin on its voyage in 1881 came across another
ship that was sailing without a single soul on board. Ellen Austin
transferred some of its crew onto the other ship and attempted to
sail with it to New York. The other ship suddenly disappeared. Later
it re-appeared, but again without a person on board. Then it again
disappeared without trace.
1941 - The USS Proteus and the USS Nereus vanished, just as
their sister ship the USS Cyclops previously did along the same
1976 - The Sylvia L. Ossa, a 590-foot ore carrier with a crew of 37
disappeared 140 miles from Bermuda.
1991 - The pilot of a Grumman Cougar jet made a routine radio
request to increase altitude. While ascending, the aircraft gradually
faded from radar and vanished.
1999 - The cargo freighter Genesis sent a radio signal to a nearby
vessel, indicating a problem with the bilge pump. Despite extensive
searches by the Coast Guard, the ship and crew were never seen
or heard from again.
2003 - A newly married couple Frank and Romina Leone went for
fishing on their brand new 16-foot boat on June 18, 2003. They left
from the Byonton beach inlet in Florida but never returned. The US
Coast Guard eventually gave up the search & rescue operation
after having combed a large part of the sea area for several days.
2005 & 2007 - On two separate incidents, two Piper-PA planes
disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area. One on June 20,
2005 between Treasure Cay island of Bahamas and Fort Pierce
of Florida. There were three persons on board. The second
incident took place on April 10, 2007 near Berry Island. Only
the pilot was on board and no passengers..
2008 - A Britten-Norman Islander (also known as 3-engine
Trislander) took off from Santiago for New York on December
15, 2008 at around 3:30pm with 12 persons on board. After
about 35 minutes from take off, the aircraft fell off the radar. A
massive search operation was launched by US Coast Guards,
but the aircraft was never traced again. Its last known location
was about 4 miles west of West Caicos Island. No debris has
been found until now.
The Mystery

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Bermuda triangle

  • 1. 1
  • 3. Presenter’s Zabair Ul Hassan Junaid Raja Salman Waheed Asim Shehzad Majid Mughal 3
  • 4. 4 Contents & Sub-Contents :- Introduction Triangle 1. Origins 2. Supernatural Explanations History 1. Where it is ? 2. Flight 19 Islamic Interpretation of Bermuda Triangle  Myths & Facts Notable Incidents
  • 6. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. According to the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names. Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors. In a 2013 study, the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s 10 most dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was not among them. 6
  • 8. 8 The first written boundaries date from an article by Vincent Gaddis in a 1964 issue of the pulp magazine Argosy, where the triangle's three vertices are in Miami, Florida peninsula; in San Juan, Puerto Rico and in the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. But subsequent writers did not follow this definition.Some writers give different boundaries and vertices to the triangle, with the total area varying from 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km2 (500,000 to 1,510,000 sq mi).Consequently, the determination of which accidents have occurred inside the triangle depends on which writer reports them. The United States Board on Geographic Names does not recognize this name, and it is not delimited in any map drawn by US government agencies.
  • 10. The earliest allegation of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a September 17, 1950 article published in The Miami Herald by Edward Van Winkle Jones.Two years later, Fate magazine published "Sea Mystery at Our Back Door",a short article by George X. Sand covering the loss of several planes and ships, including the loss of Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger bombers on a training mission. Sand's article was the first to lay out the now- familiar triangular area where the losses took place. Flight 19 alone would be covered again in the April 1962 issue of American Legion magazine.In it, author Allan W. Eckert wrote that the flight leader had been heard saying, "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white." He also wrote that officials at the Navy board of inquiry stated that the planes "flew off to Mars." Sand's article was the first to suggest a supernatural element to the Flight 19 incident. In the February 1964 issue of Argosy, Vincent Gaddis' article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" argued that Flight 19 and other disappearances were part of a pattern of strange events in the region.The next year, Gaddis expanded this article into a book, Invisible Horizons.Others would follow with their own works, elaborating on Gaddis' ideas: John Wallace Spencer (Limbo of the Lost, 1969, repr. 1973);Charles Berlitz (The Bermuda Triangle, 1974);[15] Richard Winer (The Devil's Triangle, 1974), and many others. 10
  • 12. Triangle writers have used a number of supernatural concepts to explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on leftover technology from the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Sometimes connected to the Atlantis story is the submerged rock formation known as the Bimini Road off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas, which is in the Triangle by some definitions. Followers of the purported psychic Edgar Cayce take his prediction that evidence of Atlantis would be found in 1968 as referring to the discovery of the Bimini Road. Believers describe the formation as a road, wall, or other structure, though geologists consider it to be of natural origin.Other writers attribute the events to UFOs.This idea was used by Steven Spielberg for his science fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which features the lost Flight 19 aircrews as alien abductees.Charles Berlitz, author of various books on anomalous phenomena, lists several theories attributing the losses in the Triangle to anomalous or unexplained forces. 12
  • 13. The first written boundaries date from an article by Vincent Gaddis in a 1964 issue of the pulp magazine Argosy,where the triangle's three vertices are in Miami, Florida ; in San Juan;.But subsequent writers did not follow this definition.Consequently, the determination of which accidents have occurred inside the triangle depends on which writer reports them.The United States Board on Geographic Names does not recognize this name, and it is not delimited in any map drawn by US government agencies.The area is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Cruise ships are also plentiful, and pleasure craft regularly go back and forth between Florida and the islands. It is also a heavily flown route for commercial and private aircraft heading towards Florida, the Caribbean, and South America from points north. 13
  • 15. WHAT IS THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE?  The Bermuda Triangle is a place where mysterious things happen.  Planes and boats disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, sometimes without a trace.  Sometimes boats are washed up on shore with nobody on board.  It is also known as the devils triangle.  On the 14th of October 1961 a B52 bomber disappeared in the Bermuda triangle. 15
  • 16. WHERE IT IS. • Atlantic ocean •Existing by •Miami ,San Juan, Bermuda 16
  • 17. 17
  • 19. 19
  • 20. FLIGHT 19  A training flight of bombers went missing on December 5th 1945.  It was a calm day, but they had strange compass readings.  A search and rescue aircraft with a 13 man crew sent to find them also went missing. 20
  • 21. Islamic Interpretation of Bermuda Triangle 21
  • 22. There is a place where Dajjal (antichrist) is supposed to be residing in chains, only to emerge when the time has come. A hadith in Shahi Muslim which speaks of a person who had met Dajjal and reported the incident to the Prophet. It maybe that this is the same place. But let me remind you that this cannot be verified and it is only my personal view which cannot be taken as 100% true. Shahi Muslim 41:7028 22
  • 23. Tamim Dari, a Christian, who came and accepted Islam narrated that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men of Bani Lakhm and Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the ocean for a month. Then these (waves) took them (near) the land within the ocean (island) at the time of sunset. They sat in a small side-boat and entered that Island. There was a beast with long thick hair (and because of these) they could not distinguish his face from his back. They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Thereupon it said: I am al-Jassasa. They said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: O people, go to this person in the monastery as he is very much eager to know about you. He (the narrator) said: When it named a person for us we were afraid of it lest it should be a Devil. Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery and found a well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having iron shackles between his two legs up to the ankles 23
  • 24. We said: Woe be upon thee, who are you? And he said: You would soon come to know about me, but tell me who are you. We said: We are people from Arabia and we embarked upon a boat but the sea-waves had been driving us for one month and they brought as near this island. We got Into the side- boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with profusely thick hair and because of the thickness of his hair his face could not be distinguished from his back. We said: Woe be to thee, who are you? It said: I am al-Jassasa. We said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: You go to this very person in the monastery for he is eagerly waiting for you to know about you. So we came to you in hot haste fearing that might be the Devil. 24
  • 25. He (that chained person)said: Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baisan. We said: About what aspect of theirs do you seek information? He said: I ask you whether these trees bear fruit or not. We said: Yes Thereupon he said: I think these would not bear fruits. He said: Inform me about the lake of Tabariyya? We said: Which aspect of it do you want to know? He said: Is there water in it? They said: There is abundance of water in it. Thereupon he said: I think it would soon become dry. He again said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. They said: Which aspect of it you want to know? He (the chained person) said: Is there water in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to him: Yes, there is abundance of water in it and the inhabitants (of Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said: Inform me about the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? We said: He has come out from Mecca and has settled In Yathrib (Medina). He said: Do the Arabs fight against him? 25
  • 26. We said: Yes. He said: How did he deal with him? We informed him that he had overcome those in his neighbourhood and they had submitted themselves before him. Thereupon he said to us: Had it actually happened? We said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If it is so that is better for them that they should show obedience to him. I am going to tell you about myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon permitted to get out and so I shall get out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town where I would not stay for forty nights except Mecca and Medina as these two (places) are prohibited (areas) for me and I would not make an attempt to enter any one of these two. An angel with a sword in his hand would confront me and would bar my way and there would be angels to guard every passage leading to it; then Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) striking the pulpit with the help of the end of his staff said: This implies Taiba meaning Medina. Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this? 26
  • 27. The people said: Yes, and this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the account which I gave to you in regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca. Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I preserved It In my mind (this narration from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him). 27
  • 29.  Strong currents.  Aliens.  Atlantis.  Human error. 29
  • 30. STRONG CURRENTS  Sceptics chalk the "mystery" up to the strong currents of the region, the gulf stream forcing a large portion of the Triangle's tides to flow directly north, throwing many sailors off course and out to sea. 30
  • 31. ALIENS THEORIES  Aliens are another theory of the Bermuda triangle.  Aliens may have abducted the sailors.  The aliens took them to experiment on. 31
  • 32. ATLANTIS  It is believed that the Bermuda Triangle Phenomena is caused by the Lost City of Atlantis, sunk thousands of feet below the water's surface.The energy from Crystals that powered it cause the phenomena. 32
  • 33. HUMAN ERROR  The boats might have broken down.  Pilots could have crashed into the sea.  Someone could have tampered with the components. 33
  • 35. 35 1492 - Christopher Columbus reported strange lights and strange compass readings. 1609 - The Sea Venture got wrecked during the first attempt to colonize Bermuda. 1812 - Theodosia Burr Alston was the daughter of former United States Vice President Aaron Burr. Her disappearance has been cited at least once in relation to the Triangle. She was a passenger on board the Patriot, which sailed from Charleston, South Carolina to New York City on December 30, 1812, and was never heard of again. 1814 - The USS Epervier and her crew disappeared while carrying the peace treaty to end the war between America and the North African Barbary States.
  • 36. 36 1855 - The schooner James B. Chester was found floating in the ocean. The crew was missing but there was no sign of struggle, and the lifeboats were still in place. 1872 - Mary Celeste: Known as one of the ghost ships of Bermuda Triangle, Mary Celeste had many misadventures even before her mystery voyage in 1872. 1881 - The Ellen Austin on its voyage in 1881 came across another ship that was sailing without a single soul on board. Ellen Austin transferred some of its crew onto the other ship and attempted to sail with it to New York. The other ship suddenly disappeared. Later it re-appeared, but again without a person on board. Then it again disappeared without trace. 1941 - The USS Proteus and the USS Nereus vanished, just as their sister ship the USS Cyclops previously did along the same route.
  • 37. 37 1976 - The Sylvia L. Ossa, a 590-foot ore carrier with a crew of 37 disappeared 140 miles from Bermuda. 1991 - The pilot of a Grumman Cougar jet made a routine radio request to increase altitude. While ascending, the aircraft gradually faded from radar and vanished. 1999 - The cargo freighter Genesis sent a radio signal to a nearby vessel, indicating a problem with the bilge pump. Despite extensive searches by the Coast Guard, the ship and crew were never seen or heard from again. 2003 - A newly married couple Frank and Romina Leone went for fishing on their brand new 16-foot boat on June 18, 2003. They left from the Byonton beach inlet in Florida but never returned. The US Coast Guard eventually gave up the search & rescue operation after having combed a large part of the sea area for several days.
  • 38. 38 2005 & 2007 - On two separate incidents, two Piper-PA planes disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area. One on June 20, 2005 between Treasure Cay island of Bahamas and Fort Pierce of Florida. There were three persons on board. The second incident took place on April 10, 2007 near Berry Island. Only the pilot was on board and no passengers.. 2008 - A Britten-Norman Islander (also known as 3-engine Trislander) took off from Santiago for New York on December 15, 2008 at around 3:30pm with 12 persons on board. After about 35 minutes from take off, the aircraft fell off the radar. A massive search operation was launched by US Coast Guards, but the aircraft was never traced again. Its last known location was about 4 miles west of West Caicos Island. No debris has been found until now.