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FOr   The   BeAn & BriTTOn residence     iT wAs impOrTAnT TO TAke inTO
cOnsiderATiOn Their hOme And iT’s hisTOry.         BUilT   in The   1950’s,   The
hOmeOwners lOve iT’s chArAcTer, And iT wAs impOrTAnT FOr me TO
UTilize inspirATiOn FrOm ThAT sTyle And erA.

The   pUrpOse FOr This spAce wAs TO Be One The cOUple cOUld Use TO
enTerTAin in, And hAve gUesTs sTAy The nighT.        They   enjOy hAving
Friends And FAmily Over TO wATch spOrTing evenTs And enjOy A Few
drinks.     They   AlsO wAnTed A spAce TO plAy videO gAmes, wATch T.v.
Or TO jUsT cUrl Up wiTh A BOOk.

sOme    impOrTAnT FeATUres They wAnTed in This spAce were wOOd
FlOOrs And dUrABle mATieriAls.        They   AlsO wAnTed TO Add A BATh-
rOOm, And BAr AreA TO mAke iT eAsier FOr enTerTAining.

in   This spAce, cOlOrs And mATeriAls were inspired By The          1950’s
And mid-cenTUry hOmes.        The   Use OF wOOd On The FlOOrs And ceil-
ing, cOlOrs like Olive greens And BUrnT OrAnges, sTArBUrsT inspired
pendAnTs, And sTAinless sTeel Tiles lAid in A diAgOnAl pATTern Are
jUsT A Few pArAllels TO hOmes dUring ThAT periOd.
This   spAce grew OUT OF my reseArch OF The neTherlAnds, And Their
exTensive Use OF The Bicycle As A mAin mOde OF TrAnspOrTATiOn.
lOOking    AT The TrAdiTiOnAl Types OF Bikes Used There,   i   wAs inspired
By The FrAme, And spOkes, As well As A Bicycle in mOTiOn.          i   FelT
       ArT nOUveAU sTyle wAs
ThAT The                           One ThAT cApTUred The essence OF
mOvemenT ThAT i hAd imAgined.

i   lOOked AT This prOjecT sTrUcTUrAlly, And ArTisTicAlly.       hOw    dO
i   represenT The jUxTApOsiTiOn OF The rOTATiOn OF The Tires wiTh The
sOlid, sTUrdy nATUre OF The FrAme?

This   sTrUcTUre is essenTiAlly TwO BUildings ThAT engUlF The inhABiT-
AnT As They wAlk in One OF The TwO BUildings, Or As They ride Their
Bike UnderneATh The OverlApping OverhAng ABOve The TrAil.              This
BUilding is creATed TO Be enjOyed And experienced As A FUncTiOnAl
piece OF ArT.    ThrOUgh   The shArp, disTOred glAss pAnes ThAT mAke Up
This enTire insTAllATiOn, The OUTside wOrld is BlUrred, And The BUild-

ing BecOmes An experience.

The AUrOrA BOreAlis      BAr wAs creATed FOr An AirpOrT.      This   spAce
drew inspirATiOn FrOm The nOrTh lighTs, And FOcUsed On hOw lighTing
design cAn creATe Any spAce.        Using   BrighT pink lighTs, rich pUrple
velveT seATing, And shimmeringing whiTe Tile wAlls ThrOUghOUT, This
spAce lends iTselF TO Be experienced.

ThrOUghOUT      The BAr, There is seATing FOr every Type OF persOn.     indi-
vidUAl TABles FOr The Tired TrAveler whO needs A mOmenT AlOne, The
grOUp ThAT is TrAveling TOgeTher cAn siT AT A BUilT-in BOOTh, Or The
sOciAl BUTTerFly whO enjOys The cOmpAny OF OThers, cAn siT AT The
BAr.    eAch   seATing ArrAngemenT is creATed By A recessed ceiling wiTh
glimmering pink lighTs shining On The whiTe Tile wiThin.       every   TABle
AlsO hAs A smAll glOBe shAped FixTUre TO FOcUs ATTenTiOn inwArd,
creATing An individUAlized ATmOsphere.

The    cOlOrs And mATeriAls UTilized in This spAce, creATe A glOw ThAT
resemBles ThAT OF The    nOrThern   lighTs dAncing in The sky.

lOcATed   in The prAirie, This hOme wAs inspired By The mOvemenT OF
The nATUrAl grAsses ThAT sUrrOUnds iT, The ideA OF resT, And repOse.
enTiTled inerTiA, i   imAgine This hOme Being lOcATed BeTween TwO smAll
hills, And grOwing, TwisTing And TUrning Up OUT OF The eArTh.        On
The inside, The sTAircAse is A cenTrAlized FOcUs, shOwing hOw The
hOme Begins TO TwisT And cAnTilever Over The nATUrAl sUrrOUnds.
clAd   On The exTeriOr wiTh slATe And cOpper, This sTrUcTUre sTAnds
AlOne As iT grOws FrOm The eArTh.

BecAUse   The sTrUcTUre is lOng And Thin, windOws line every inch Al-
lOwing The OUTside in, And The inhABiTAnT TO experience The sTrUcTUre
As iT climBs UpwArds.     The inTeriOr is simple, BecAUse iT is meAnT TO
Be A plAce OF ThOUghT.      yOU Are cenTered in This spAce, cenTered
BeTween TwO smAll     hills, TO resT And cOnTemplATe yOUr Being.
Three sTOne yOgA       is A spAce ThAT UTilizes Three mAin impOrATnT
AspecTs OF A hUmAn’s well Being: mind, BOdy, And sOUl.            This   spAce
TAkes The ideA OF Three, And Applies iT in plAn, sTrUcTUre, And FUnc-

in   The   UniTed sTATes,   Three mAin Types OF yOgA Are prAcTiced, And
This spAce cATers TO ThOse As well As prOmOTing A heAlThy BOdy, A
heAlThy mind, And A heAlThy sOUl.

wiThin This     spAce, There Are Three sTUdiOs And TwO TherApy rOOms.
eAch rOOm       AllOws FOr FlexiBilTy And chAnge in FUncTiOn.       mATe-
riAls Are simple, And Only pillOws wiTh nATUrAls cOlOrs And mO-
TiFs Are wiThin eAch sTUdiO.       ceiling    heighT chAnges cOrrespOnd
TO which sTUdiO yOU Are in.        There is   AlsO A smAll reTAil AreA in
The FrOnT pOrTiOn OF The spAce where yOU cAn pUrchAse heAlThy
snAcks, And Any yOgA eqUipTmenT ThAT yOU mAy need.

The   ArT OF design is The ABiliTy TO creATe A sOlUTiOn FOr every inTe-
riOr ThAT is nOT Only BeAUTiFUl BUT FUncTiOnAl.     every   spAce lends
iTselF As A cAnvAs TO Be creATed inTO sOmeThing ThAT will Be lOved
And Used By eAch inhABiTAnT.     The   prOcess TO creATe eAch spAce
reqUires A cOnsciOUs mind And A
ThOUghTFUl heArT.    every   siTUATiOn lends iTselF TO BecOme greAT, BUT
iT is Up TO The designer’s skillFUl hAnd TO creATe eAch mAsTerpiece.
Design Portfolio
Design Portfolio
Design Portfolio
Design Portfolio
Design Portfolio
Design Portfolio

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Design Portfolio

  • 1.
  • 5. ABOUT: FOr The BeAn & BriTTOn residence iT wAs impOrTAnT TO TAke inTO cOnsiderATiOn Their hOme And iT’s hisTOry. BUilT in The 1950’s, The hOmeOwners lOve iT’s chArAcTer, And iT wAs impOrTAnT FOr me TO UTilize inspirATiOn FrOm ThAT sTyle And erA. The pUrpOse FOr This spAce wAs TO Be One The cOUple cOUld Use TO enTerTAin in, And hAve gUesTs sTAy The nighT. They enjOy hAving Friends And FAmily Over TO wATch spOrTing evenTs And enjOy A Few drinks. They AlsO wAnTed A spAce TO plAy videO gAmes, wATch T.v. Or TO jUsT cUrl Up wiTh A BOOk. sOme impOrTAnT FeATUres They wAnTed in This spAce were wOOd FlOOrs And dUrABle mATieriAls. They AlsO wAnTed TO Add A BATh- rOOm, And BAr AreA TO mAke iT eAsier FOr enTerTAining. in This spAce, cOlOrs And mATeriAls were inspired By The 1950’s And mid-cenTUry hOmes. The Use OF wOOd On The FlOOrs And ceil- ing, cOlOrs like Olive greens And BUrnT OrAnges, sTArBUrsT inspired pendAnTs, And sTAinless sTeel Tiles lAid in A diAgOnAl pATTern Are jUsT A Few pArAllels TO hOmes dUring ThAT periOd.
  • 10. ABOUT: This spAce grew OUT OF my reseArch OF The neTherlAnds, And Their exTensive Use OF The Bicycle As A mAin mOde OF TrAnspOrTATiOn. lOOking AT The TrAdiTiOnAl Types OF Bikes Used There, i wAs inspired By The FrAme, And spOkes, As well As A Bicycle in mOTiOn. i FelT ArT nOUveAU sTyle wAs ThAT The One ThAT cApTUred The essence OF mOvemenT ThAT i hAd imAgined. i lOOked AT This prOjecT sTrUcTUrAlly, And ArTisTicAlly. hOw dO i represenT The jUxTApOsiTiOn OF The rOTATiOn OF The Tires wiTh The sOlid, sTUrdy nATUre OF The FrAme? This sTrUcTUre is essenTiAlly TwO BUildings ThAT engUlF The inhABiT- AnT As They wAlk in One OF The TwO BUildings, Or As They ride Their Bike UnderneATh The OverlApping OverhAng ABOve The TrAil. This BUilding is creATed TO Be enjOyed And experienced As A FUncTiOnAl piece OF ArT. ThrOUgh The shArp, disTOred glAss pAnes ThAT mAke Up This enTire insTAllATiOn, The OUTside wOrld is BlUrred, And The BUild- ing BecOmes An experience.
  • 13. ABOUT: The AUrOrA BOreAlis BAr wAs creATed FOr An AirpOrT. This spAce drew inspirATiOn FrOm The nOrTh lighTs, And FOcUsed On hOw lighTing design cAn creATe Any spAce. Using BrighT pink lighTs, rich pUrple velveT seATing, And shimmeringing whiTe Tile wAlls ThrOUghOUT, This spAce lends iTselF TO Be experienced. ThrOUghOUT The BAr, There is seATing FOr every Type OF persOn. indi- vidUAl TABles FOr The Tired TrAveler whO needs A mOmenT AlOne, The grOUp ThAT is TrAveling TOgeTher cAn siT AT A BUilT-in BOOTh, Or The sOciAl BUTTerFly whO enjOys The cOmpAny OF OThers, cAn siT AT The BAr. eAch seATing ArrAngemenT is creATed By A recessed ceiling wiTh glimmering pink lighTs shining On The whiTe Tile wiThin. every TABle AlsO hAs A smAll glOBe shAped FixTUre TO FOcUs ATTenTiOn inwArd, creATing An individUAlized ATmOsphere. The cOlOrs And mATeriAls UTilized in This spAce, creATe A glOw ThAT resemBles ThAT OF The nOrThern lighTs dAncing in The sky.
  • 16. ABOUT: lOcATed in The prAirie, This hOme wAs inspired By The mOvemenT OF The nATUrAl grAsses ThAT sUrrOUnds iT, The ideA OF resT, And repOse. enTiTled inerTiA, i imAgine This hOme Being lOcATed BeTween TwO smAll hills, And grOwing, TwisTing And TUrning Up OUT OF The eArTh. On The inside, The sTAircAse is A cenTrAlized FOcUs, shOwing hOw The hOme Begins TO TwisT And cAnTilever Over The nATUrAl sUrrOUnds. clAd On The exTeriOr wiTh slATe And cOpper, This sTrUcTUre sTAnds AlOne As iT grOws FrOm The eArTh. BecAUse The sTrUcTUre is lOng And Thin, windOws line every inch Al- lOwing The OUTside in, And The inhABiTAnT TO experience The sTrUcTUre As iT climBs UpwArds. The inTeriOr is simple, BecAUse iT is meAnT TO Be A plAce OF ThOUghT. yOU Are cenTered in This spAce, cenTered BeTween TwO smAll hills, TO resT And cOnTemplATe yOUr Being.
  • 20. ABOUT: Three sTOne yOgA is A spAce ThAT UTilizes Three mAin impOrATnT AspecTs OF A hUmAn’s well Being: mind, BOdy, And sOUl. This spAce TAkes The ideA OF Three, And Applies iT in plAn, sTrUcTUre, And FUnc- TiOn. in The UniTed sTATes, Three mAin Types OF yOgA Are prAcTiced, And This spAce cATers TO ThOse As well As prOmOTing A heAlThy BOdy, A heAlThy mind, And A heAlThy sOUl. wiThin This spAce, There Are Three sTUdiOs And TwO TherApy rOOms. eAch rOOm AllOws FOr FlexiBilTy And chAnge in FUncTiOn. mATe- riAls Are simple, And Only pillOws wiTh nATUrAls cOlOrs And mO- TiFs Are wiThin eAch sTUdiO. ceiling heighT chAnges cOrrespOnd TO which sTUdiO yOU Are in. There is AlsO A smAll reTAil AreA in The FrOnT pOrTiOn OF The spAce where yOU cAn pUrchAse heAlThy snAcks, And Any yOgA eqUipTmenT ThAT yOU mAy need.
  • 24. ABOUT: The ArT OF design is The ABiliTy TO creATe A sOlUTiOn FOr every inTe- riOr ThAT is nOT Only BeAUTiFUl BUT FUncTiOnAl. every spAce lends iTselF As A cAnvAs TO Be creATed inTO sOmeThing ThAT will Be lOved And Used By eAch inhABiTAnT. The prOcess TO creATe eAch spAce reqUires A cOnsciOUs mind And A ThOUghTFUl heArT. every siTUATiOn lends iTselF TO BecOme greAT, BUT iT is Up TO The designer’s skillFUl hAnd TO creATe eAch mAsTerpiece.