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Ketan Thummar
3rd B.Sc Nursing
Diverse group of conditions characterised by excessive CSF

in the brain. Thus:

1. Impaired flow
2. Decreased reabsorbtion
3. Increased production
COMMUNICATING (non obstructive)

1. AQUEDUCTAL STENOSIS: genetic(sex linked
recessive), neurofibromatosis, mumps
2. AQUEDUCTAL GLIOSIS: meningitis, intraventicular
3. AQUEDUCTAL COMPRESSION: malformations of
the great vein of galen
4.Dandy walker
5.Posterior fossa tumors
NON COMMUNICATING( obstructive)
1. Meningitis with thick purulent exudates- s.

Pneumoniae, mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
3. Leukemic infiltrates
Accumulation of fluid leads to increased pressure in

the proximal part of pathway and progessive

Pressure effect on the surrounding nervous pathways

and delicate portions of brain: pyramidal tracts,
cortex, tectum
Big head
Poor feed
In older patients:

 Changes in personality
 Academic deterioration
Anterior fontanel wide open and bulging, increased

head circ.
Dilated scalp veins
Setting sun sign
Brisk tendon reflexes, spasticity
Clonus, babinsky
Macewen sign “cracked pot”
Prominent occiput (dandy-walker)
Child with hydrocephalus
X-ray plain films:
Separation of sutures
Erosion of posterior clinoids
Increased convolutional markings (beaten silver



Surgical: main stay
V-p shunt placement
Extraventricular drainage
©2007, National League for Nursing
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Vital Signs
144-36-88/60-37.6 C (99 F)
Pain, irritable
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Pupils sluggish L>R
Irritable, crying
• Sunsetting eyes
• Projectile vomiting
• Irritability
• Full fontanel
• Slightly separated
• Floppy
• Lethargic

• LP - elevated pressure
• No RBCs or WBC’s
• CT scan/serial
demonstrate fluid/
signs of trauma, swelling,
or bleeding
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Skin turgor: Skin supple
Weight: WNL
I&O: diaper dry
Last void 8 hours ago
Vomiting: 30-60 cc q 1h
Elevated specific gravity
Normal blood glucose
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Well developed, floppy
Weight: Weight WNL
I&O: Intake = Output
Last void 8 hours ago
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Parental anxiety
Lack of primary, well child care
Poor eye contact
Mother’s comments


Family signs of stress

No signs of trauma
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Report: Assessments
Patient has met age-appropriate milestones
Patient is alert, crying, irritable
Patient able to roll and sit with support
Developmental Milestones
• Overall development
Gross and fine motor
Social skills
• Social and Emotional Development
• Speech and Language Development
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Priority: Safety/Developmental Care

Nursing Actions
Provide developmentally-appropriate

safety measures
Name band
Allergy bracelet
Provide developmentally-appropriate
toys and stimulation
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Priority:
Nursing Actions
Principles of IV therapy
IV therapy - replace for losses

Restrict fluids as indicated
for IICP
Assess and maintain IV site
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Priority:
Care of the patient related to surgery
Nursing Actions
Consents, teaching, preparation, sedation
Assessments: prep for the operating room
Post-operative care:
Incision assessment
Advancing diet and

activity as tolerated
Pumping of shunt
as ordered
Assess for infections
Pulmonary care
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Priority: Family-centered care
Nursing Actions
Ensure patient safety
Family-oriented teaching and explanations
Include family in care
Adapt family orientation for specific family needs
Family support, counseling, and referral
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Patient Priority: Pain assessment and
management/meeting comfort needs
Nursing Actions
Pain assessment across the lifespan -

Using behavioral signs/vital signs/parental report
Non-pharmacological measures Positioning, music, contact, comfort measures
Pharmacological measures - Fentanyl (Duragesic) or
acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3 )
Assessing response to pain interventions
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Signs of increased intracranial pressure (IICP)
The night before surgery the patient
demonstrates signs of IICP
Monitor for Symptoms:
• Increased systolic
blood pressure
• Decreased HR and RR
• Irritability
• Sluggish pupils
• Vomiting
• Decreased level of

Nursing Actions:
• Providae oxygen
• Encourage ventilation
to blow off CO2
• Diuretics to decrease ICP mannitol (Osmitrol)
• Surgery
• Monitor
Ketan Thummar-Hydrocephalus in children

Complications: Hypothermia
Following surgery, during frequent vital sign while in
the PACU, the nurse assesses the child’s temperature.
The electronic thermometer reads 35.8 C (96.5 F).
Nursing Actions:

Monitor for Symptoms:

• Warming blankets
• Warmed blankets
• Warmed intravenous
• Frequent assessments

• Body temperature
• Signs of vasoconstriction
• Decreased level of
Ketan Thummar-Hydrocephalus in children

Complications: Seizures
Patient has a seizure upon transfer to the patient care unit.
The child becomes mildly cyanotic around the lips, has
rapid eye movements, demonstrates tonic/clonic
movements of upper and lower extremities.
Monitor for Symptoms:
Aura, seizure activity (tonic/clonic movement, random muscle
movement,eye movement, cyanosis)
Nursing Actions:
Maintain patent airway, seizure precautions, padded siderail,
loosen clothing, oxygen, suction at bedside, safety, monitor
timing and characteristics of seizure activity,
Anticonvulsants: phenytoin (Dilantin); status epilepticus
diazepam (Valium)
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Complications: Infection
Two days after the insertion of the VP shunt,
the patient develops signs of a shunt infection.
Temperature at 1600 39.4 C (103 F).
Child demonstrating behaviors consistent with IICP.
Monitor for Symptoms:
• Temperature
• Pain and tenderness
• Irritability
• Incisional changes,
abdominal distension/ pain
assess for meningitis
(nuchal pain, etc.)

Nursing Actions:
• Culture wound (+S. Aureus)
• CSF (from LP)
• Provide antipyretics
acetaminophen [Tylenol]or
ibuprofen [Advil]
• Administer antibiotics
cefuroxine [Ceftin])
• Comfort
Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

Complications: Family Stress
During the post-operative period, the unit nurses note
the interactions are strained between the mother and
father. The father interacts little with the infant but visits
frequently. Both parents express concern about cost of
hospitalization and missed work.
Monitor for Symptoms:
Nursing Actions:
• Body language
• Family support,
counseling, and referral
• Family aspects
• Role as mandatory
(family communication,
boundaries, dynamics,
and decision-making)
• Referral to resources/
• History
social service consult
• Stress levels
• Assess for cardinal signs of abuse
Increased risk for developmental disabilities
Mean IQ is reduced compared to general population
Abnormalities in memory
Some patients show aggressive or delinquent

Visual problems:
Visuospatial abnormalities
Decreased visual acuity
Visual field defects

Patients require long term follow up

Ketan Thummar
3rd BSc.(N)
Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes
surrounding the brain & spinal cord, including the
dura, arachinoid & pia matter.
Meningitis can occur at all ages but it is commonest

in infancy. While 95% of the cases take place between
1 month- 5 years of age.

It is more common in males than females.
The bacteria are transmitted from person to

person through droplets of respiratory or throat

Close and prolonged contact (e.g. sneezing and

coughing on someone, living in close quarters or
dormitories (military recruits, students), sharing
eating or drinking utensils, etc.)

The incubation period ranges between 2 -10 days.
Routes of Infection
Blood stream
Direct spread (skull fracture, meningo and

Middle ear infection
Infected Ventriculoperitoneal shunts.
Congenital defects
Signs & Symptoms
The symptoms of meningitis vary and depend on the age of the
child and cause of the infection. Common symptoms are:
Flu-like symptoms
Altered consciousness
stiff neck
Brudzinski sign
Kernig sign
skin rashes
Other symptoms of meningitis in Neonates/infants
can include:
neck rigidity
Abnormal temperature (hypo/hyperthermia)
poor feeding /weak sucking
a high-pitched cry
bulging fontanelles
Poor reflexes
Viral (aseptic)
Pyogenic Meningitis

 ‘Meningococcal’ meningitis- N. meningitidis. A, B, C and W135) are
recognized to cause epidemics
 The commonest organisms according to age groups are:

0-2 months

E.Coli, Group B streptococci, S.Aureus, Listeria

2 months- 2yrs H.Influenzae type b, S.Pneumoniae,

2 yrs – 15+yrs

N.Meningitides (serotypes A,B,C, Y & W135)
S.Pneumoniae (serotypes 1,3, 6,7)
Bacterial Meningitis
Entry of organism through blood brain barrier
release of cell wall & membrane products
Outpouring of polymorphs & fibrin
cytokines & chemokines
Inflammatory mediators
Inflamed meninges covered with exudate (most
marked in pneumoccocal meningitis).
Meningeal irritation signs: inflammation of the spinal nerves &


Hydrocephalus: Adhesive thickening of the arachinoid in basal

cistern or fibrosis of aqueduct or Foramina of Lushka or

Cerebral atrophy: thrombosis of small cortical veins resulting in

necrosis of the cerebral cortex.

Seizures: depolarisation of neuronal membranes as a result of

cellular electrolyte imbalance.

Hypoglycorhachia: decreased transport of glucose across

inflammed choroid plexus & increased usage by host.
Viral meningitis
Viral meningitis comprises most aseptic

meningitis syndromes. The viral agents for aseptic
meningitis include the following:

Enterovirus (polio virus, Echovirus,

Coxsackievirus )
Herpesvirus (Hsv-1,2, Varicella.Z,EBV )
Paramyxovirus (Mumps, Measles)
Togavirus (Rubella)
Rhabdovirus (Rabies)
Retrovirus (HIV)
Fungal Meningitis
It’s rare in healthy people, but is a higher risk in those

who have AIDS, other forms of immunodeficiency or

The most common agents are Cryptococcus

neoformans, Candida, H capsulatum.
Parasitic Meningitis
Infection with free-living amoebas is an infrequent

but often life-threatening human illness.

It’s more common in underdeveloped countries

and usually is caused by parasites found in
contaminated water, food, and soil.

The most common causative agents are:

Free-living amoebas (ie, Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia,
Helminthic eosinophilic meningitis
Non-infectious meningitis
Rarely, meningitis can be caused by exposure to certain
medications, such as the following:
Immune globulin
Mumps and rubella vaccines
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen,

diclofenac, naproxen)
Tuberculous meningitis
It’s a complication of Childhood

tuberculosis & common cause of
prolonged morbidity, handicap &
Children below 5 years are specially
Always sec. to primary tuberculosis.
First Phase: Vague symptoms.
Child doesn’t play, is irritable, restless or drowsy.
Anorexia & vomiting may be present
Older child may complain of headache.
Possibly preceding history of Measles or another illness
with incompletely recovery

Child is drowsy with neck stiffness, &

Kernig & Brudzinski sign may become
positive, anterior fontanels bulges
Twitching of muscles, convulsions, raised
strabismus, nystagmus, and papilloedema
may be present.
Fundoscopy: Choroidal TB may be seen
Child is characteristically comatose

with opisthotonus, & multiple focal
Cranial nerve palsies are present.
High grade fever often occurs
Diagnostic Tests
Lumbar Puncture: pressure usually raised,

10-500 PMNs early but later lymphocytes
Protein- 100-500,raised
Glucose less than 50mg/dl in most cases
Culture for tubercle bacilli.
Presence of tuberculous focus elsewhere in the
body is strong supportive diagnosis.
Chest X-Ray.
Tuberculin skin test.
Antituberculous Therapy:
Includes simultaneous administration of 4 drugs

(Isoniazid, rifampicin,streptomycin , pyrazinamide) for
first 3 months, followed by 2 drugs for another 15 months
usually Rifampicin & INH.
Total period: 18 months.
STEROIDS: to reduce cerebral edema and to prevent

subsequent fibrosis & subsequent obstruction to CSF

2mg/kg/24 hours of prednisolone for 6-8 weeks at the start
of treatment starting 3 days after initiation of anti
tuberculous therapy.
 General physical- Check for Consciousness level according to GCS

scoring, jaundice or irritability.

 Resuscitation: incase of septic shock, or DIC.
 Vitals: temperature , HR, B.P., R/R.
 Signs of Increased ICP- Bulging fontanelle, headache, nausea,

vomiting, ocular palsies, altered level of consciousness, and

 Fundus: papilloedema
 CN palsies: (esp. occulomotor, facial, and auditory)

Meningismus - check for nuchal rigidity with passive
neck flexion (gives 'involuntary resistance).


Brudzinski sign (hip & knee flexion with neck


Kernig sign (extend knee with hip flexed)




Rash: petechial or purpuric rash (not only in
meningococcal but also pneumococcal bacteremia).
Blood culture
Gram staining
LP- D/r, C/s (color, leukocyte count, differential, glucose,

Coagulation profile
liver and kidney function
Chest X-ray
Blood gases
Diagnostic Tests
CSF picture is quite diagnostic of the kind of

meningitis present.
Diagnostic Tests
Latex particle agglutination: detects presence of

bacterial antigen in the spinal fluid. useful for detection
of H.influenzae type b, S.Pnemoniae, N.Meningitidis,

Concurrent immuno-electrophoresis (CIE)-used for

rapid detection of H.influenza, S.pneumoniae &

Smears: taken from purpuric spots may show

meningococci in Meningococcaemia

DNA sequences : are helpful in identifying bacteria
Supportive therapy:
Maintain fluid & electrolyte balance as required
Transfuse whole blood,or platelets as required.
Maintain temperature control

Dexamethasone useful for H.influenzae type b, First
dose should be given 1 hr prior to starting
Antibiotics IV.

Duration:1-3 weeks depending on age & type of
Initial till results of




C/S are known



2-5 lac units /kg/day
Probable H.Influenzae

Ampicillin +

Probable E.Coli

 Ampicillin +

chloramphenicol or
3rd generation
200mg/kg+2.5-4 mg/kg IV
Probable group B



Other Drugs available
Penicillin G

Ganciclovir (>3mths)
Amphotericin B
The vaccines against Hib, measles, mumps, polio,

meningococcus, and pneumococcus can protect against

Hib vaccine: all infants should receive at 2,4,6 months of

age & booster 1 year later.
After 1 year 1 dose is given till the age of 5 years.

Pneumococcal vaccine: 0.5 ml is given IM (<2 yrs)
High-risk children should also be immunized routinely.
Vaccination before travelling to an endemic area
Chemoprophylaxis for susceptible individuals or close

H influenzae type b : Rifampin(20 mg/kg/d) for 4 days
N meningitidis: Rifampin (600 mg PO q12h) for 2 days upto
Ceftriaxone (250 mg IM) single dose or
Ciprofloxacin(500-750 mg) single dose.
Bacterial meningitis may result in
Cranial nerve palsies
Subdural empyema
Brain abscess
Hearing loss
Obstructive hydrocephalus
Brain parenchymal damage: Learning disability, seizures,
Mental retardation.
Septic shock
SIADH (Na+ <130 mE/l), puffiness of face, dec UO.
Treatment of Complications:
Convulsions: Diazepam I.V, Can be

repeated q4 hours as required.

Cerebral edema: *I.V Mannitol 1g/kg in 20-

30 mins 6-8 hourly given for first few days.

IV Dexamethasone can then be used 6 hourly.
Subdural effusion:

Aspirate subdural effusion if large.
Shock: Treat with IV Fluids, maintanence of BP.
SIADH: Increase body weight, decreased serum

osmolality, hyponatremia.
Prevented by fluid restriction to 800-1000ml/m2/24
Hyperpyrexia: Tepid sponging, correction of

Nursing care
Obtain a history of recent infections such as

upper respiratory infection, and exposure to
causative agents
Assess neurologic status and vital signs,signs of
meningeal irritation
Assess sensorineural hearing loss (vision and
cranial nerve damage.
(eg, facial nerve d diminished cognitive function.

Reducing Fever
Administer antimicrobial agents on time to

maintain optimal blood levels.
Monitor temperature frequently or continuously,
and administer antipyretics as ordered.
Institute other cooling measures, such as a
hypothermia blanket, as indicated.

Maintaining fluid balance
Prevent IV fluid overload, which may worsen

cerebral edema.
Monitor intake and output closely.
Monitor CVP frequently.
Enhancing Cerebral Perfusion
Assess LOC, vital signs, and neurologic parameters

frequently. Observe for signs and symptoms of ICP (eg,
decreased LOC, dilated pupils, widening pulse
Maintain a quiet, calm environment to prevent
agitation, which may cause an increased ICP.
Prepare patient for a lumbar puncture for CSF
evaluation, and repeat spinal tap, if indicated. Lumbar
puncture typically precedes neuroimaging
Notify the health care provider of signs of deterioration:
increasing temperature. decreasing LOC. seizure

Redusing Pain
Administer analgesics as ordered; monitor for

response and adverse reactions. Avoid opioids which
may mask a decreasing LOC.
Darken the room if photophobia is present.
Assist with position of comfort for neck stiffness, and
turn patient slowly and carefully with head and neck
in alignment.
Elevate the head of the bed to decrease ICP and
reduce pain.

Promoting Return to Optimal Level of Functioning
Implement rehabilitation interventions after admission

(eg, turning, positioning).
Progress from passive to active exercises based on the
patient's neurologic status.
Patient Education and Health Maintenance
Advice close contacts of the patient with meningitis
that prophylactic treatment may be indicated: they
should check with their health care providers or the
local public health department.
To help prevent the development of meningitis,

teach patients with chronic sinusitis or other
chronic infections the importance of proper
medical treatment.
Encourage the patient to follow medication
regimen as directed to fully eradicate the
infectious agent.
Encourage follow-up and prompt attention to
infections in future.
Inform patient who have children about

the importance of vaccination with measles,
mumps, rubella vaccine, H. influenzae type
B vaccine, pneumocococcal vaccine as a
preventive measure. Vaccination is
recommended for children younger than
school age.
It depends on the age of the patient, the duration of the

illness, complications, micro-organism & immune status.

Patients with viral meningitis usually have a good

prognosis for recovery.

The prognosis is worse for patients at the extremes of age

(ie, <2 y, >60 y) and those with significant comorbidities
and underlying immunodeficiency.

Patients presenting with an impaired level of

consciousness are at increased risk for developing
neurologic sequelae or dying.
A seizure during an episode of meningitis also is a

risk factor for mortality or neurologic sequelae.

Acute bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency

and delays in instituting effective antimicrobial
therapy result in increased morbidity and

The prognosis of meningitis caused by

opportunistic pathogens depends on the
underlying immune function of the host as may
require lifelong suppressive therapy.
Convulsion is involuntary contraction or

series of contraction of voluntary muscle.
It occur due to disturbance of brain
function resulting from abnormal
excessive electrical discharge from brain.
It may be associated with alteration of
level of consciousness.
Convulsion is also termed as SEIZURE.


asphyxia & injury
Hypoglycemia & hypocalcemia
Narcotic & anesthetic drug
Septicemia, meningitis Birth, tetanus ,
• Congenital malformation
• Intra uterine infection
Twiching of limb
Tongue bite
Discharge from the mouth
Pale face
sucking movement
Infant & young children
Febrile convulsion
CNS infection
Accidental & non accidental

Metabolic disturbance
Drug & poison
Febrile convulsion
It refers to the seizures

associated with fever but
excluding those related to CNS

It is related to increase in body

temperature rather than degree of
Typical febrile

convulsion :-

• it is usually found in children between 6 month

& 5 years of age.

• The fits occur within 24 hours of the onset of


• Higher incidence occur in twins & genetic

predisposition or immature neuronal membrane.
There may have abnormal EEG
for 2 weeks after attack.
The children may have focal
convulsion of more than 20
minutes duration even without
significant fever.
Anticonvulsive drug :

Diazepam 0.3mg/kg iv
Phemobarbital 5mg/kg
Antipyratic drug :

Mefanamic acid
Tapid sponge bath.
Clearing the airway % oxygen

Provide Rest , comfortable
position .
Explanation & emotional support.
Epilepsy is recurrent episodic

paroxysmal transient disturbance of
brain function due to abnormal
electrical activity of neurons.

It is manifested as abnormal motor

sensory or psychomotor phenomena &
loss of consciousness.
Tonic – clonic seizures
absence seizures : - typical
: - atypical
Atopic seizures
Myoclonic seizures

An Aura:

1. Dizzines
2. Convulsion
 Tonic spasm phase
1. Body become stiff
2. Pale face
3. Eye fixe one position
4. Unconciouness
5. Discharge from the mouth
6. Breathing difficulty & cynosis
7. Muscular spasm
8. Pulse mazy be weak
1. Jerky movement
2. Contraction of muscle
3. Tongue bite
4. Involunantry pass stool & urine


Jerky movement
Contraction of muscle
Tongue bite
Involunantry pass stool & urine


1. Become sleepy
2. Confused
3. Headache
1. Staring appearance
2. Discontinue activity suddenly
3. Duration: 5 to 10 sec
4. Fatigue
5. Stress situation
1. Ataxia
2. Aphasia
3. Cardiopulmonary arrest
4. Aspiration of vomitus
5. Duration: 30 min
1. Mental retardation
2. Cerebral abnormality
3. Contraction of muscles of trunk,

neck, extremities
4. Duration: less than 1min
with motor sing
 with somato-sensory or special
 with autonomic manifestation

Impaired consciousness

: 3 to 5mg/kg/day
Diphenylhydantoin : 10 to
: 10 to
Sodium valproate : 15 to
: 10 to
Ensuring safety during seizures
 protect child from injury
 side rail of bed
 oxygen therapy should be given
 close observation & monitoring child

condition for vital sign & airway
Preventive respiratory arrest &


 loosen the clothing around neck &

placing the child flat

 Do not give anything between teeth

or in mouth when teeth are
during convulsion
 Clear airway, remove secretion &
Providing health teaching
Continuation of medication, care during convulsion &

diet therapy, restricted activities.

 Ketogenic diet should be given.
 Protien & fat amount should be calculated.
 Child should not be given IV fluid with dextrose.
 Strict fluid restriction
Head injury includes any

injury including scalp,
skull, meninges or any
portion of the brain caused
by external forces.
It is one of the important
cause of childhood
mortality & morbidity.
One third of all head
injury cases are children.
NEONATES - birth injury

instrumental delivery

TODDLER - fall from height

hits on head by hard object


- automobile accident
road traffic accident
sports injury

Fracture of skull
Intracranial hemorrhage
Concussion of brain
Cerebral contusion
Extradural hematoma
Acute subdural hematoma
Brain swelling
Diagnostic test
Physical & neurological examination
Examination of blood, urin , CSF
X-RAY of skull
Fracture of the skull
A typical “ping-pong” fracture may

occur due to elasticity of bone.

The fracture may be fissured or

depressed type.

Older children may have comminuted

fracture with dural tear & laceration
with brain damage.

Excessive moulding of skull bone
Rupture of delicate surface veins

leads to acute subdural

About 20 to 25 % neonatal death

due to intracranial hemorrhage
Concussion is reversible neurological


Transient loss of consciousness &

loss of memory

Injury at occipital area & shearing

srain at brain stem
It is bruising or petechial

hemorrhage in brain tissue
It consist of hemorrhagic brain
necrosis & infraction
Contusion at frontal & temporal
lobe are common
It occurs mostly in temporal or

frontal lobe.

Blood may be collected due to

bleeding from fracture line.
It results from any severe injury.
It is an accumulation of fluid, blood within potential

subdural space between dura & arachnoid.
When sutures are not fused, the hematoma can grow
It may be occur due to

vascular congestion, may be
due to neurogenic vasoparalysis
& increase blood flow.
Loss of consciousness
Respiratory obstruction
Increase icp
Loss of memory
Bladder bowel dysfunction
Physical examination
Glasgow coma scale
Neurological examination
X – RAY
Lumber puncture
Maintain the airway
Establishment of breathing
Assessment of neurological status
Maintain nutritional status
Prevent infection & related

Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

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Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children

  • 2. DEFINITION Diverse group of conditions characterised by excessive CSF in the brain. Thus: 1. Impaired flow 2. Decreased reabsorbtion 3. Increased production
  • 4. ETIOLOGY COMMUNICATING (non obstructive) 1. AQUEDUCTAL STENOSIS: genetic(sex linked recessive), neurofibromatosis, mumps 2. AQUEDUCTAL GLIOSIS: meningitis, intraventicular hemorrhage 3. AQUEDUCTAL COMPRESSION: malformations of the great vein of galen 4.Dandy walker 5.Posterior fossa tumors
  • 5. ETIOLOGY NON COMMUNICATING( obstructive) 1. Meningitis with thick purulent exudates- s. Pneumoniae, mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3. Leukemic infiltrates
  • 6. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Accumulation of fluid leads to increased pressure in the proximal part of pathway and progessive dilatation. Pressure effect on the surrounding nervous pathways and delicate portions of brain: pyramidal tracts, cortex, tectum
  • 8. CLINICAL FEATURES SYMPTOMS: Irritability Big head Poor feed Lethargy Vomiting In older patients: Headache  Changes in personality  Academic deterioration 
  • 9. CLINICAL FEATURES SIGNS: Anterior fontanel wide open and bulging, increased head circ. Dilated scalp veins Setting sun sign Brisk tendon reflexes, spasticity Clonus, babinsky Macewen sign “cracked pot” Prominent occiput (dandy-walker)
  • 11. IMAGING STUDIES X-ray plain films: Separation of sutures Erosion of posterior clinoids Increased convolutional markings (beaten silver appeareance) Ultrasound CT SCAN MRI
  • 14. ©2007, National League for Nursing
  • 15. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Vital Signs 144-36-88/60-37.6 C (99 F) Pain, irritable
  • 16. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Neurological/behavioral Pupils sluggish L>R Irritable, crying VS: WNL History: • Sunsetting eyes • Projectile vomiting • Irritability • Full fontanel • Slightly separated sutures • Floppy • Lethargic Labs: • LP - elevated pressure • No RBCs or WBC’s • CT scan/serial transilluminations demonstrate fluid/ no signs of trauma, swelling, or bleeding
  • 17. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Hydration Skin turgor: Skin supple Weight: WNL I&O: diaper dry VS: WNL History: Last void 8 hours ago Vomiting: 30-60 cc q 1h Labs: Elevated specific gravity Normal blood glucose
  • 18. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Nutrition Well developed, floppy Lethargic Weight: Weight WNL I&O: Intake = Output Vs: WNL History: Last void 8 hours ago Vomiting
  • 19. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Family Parental anxiety Lack of primary, well child care Poor eye contact Mother’s comments History: Labs: Family signs of stress No signs of trauma
  • 20. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Report: Assessments Developmental Patient has met age-appropriate milestones Patient is alert, crying, irritable Patient able to roll and sit with support Developmental Milestones • Overall development Gross and fine motor Language Cognitive Social skills • Social and Emotional Development • Speech and Language Development
  • 21. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Priority: Safety/Developmental Care Nursing Actions Provide developmentally-appropriate safety measures Siderails Name band Allergy bracelet Provide developmentally-appropriate toys and stimulation
  • 22. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Priority: Hydration Nursing Actions Principles of IV therapy IV therapy - replace for losses (bolus) Restrict fluids as indicated for IICP Assess and maintain IV site
  • 23. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Priority: Care of the patient related to surgery Nursing Actions Consents, teaching, preparation, sedation Assessments: prep for the operating room Post-operative care: Incision assessment Advancing diet and activity as tolerated Pumping of shunt as ordered Assess for infections Pulmonary care
  • 24. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Priority: Family-centered care Nursing Actions Ensure patient safety Family-oriented teaching and explanations Include family in care Adapt family orientation for specific family needs Family support, counseling, and referral
  • 25. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Patient Priority: Pain assessment and management/meeting comfort needs Nursing Actions Pain assessment across the lifespan - Using behavioral signs/vital signs/parental report Non-pharmacological measures Positioning, music, contact, comfort measures Pharmacological measures - Fentanyl (Duragesic) or acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3 ) Assessing response to pain interventions Documentation
  • 26. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Complications: Signs of increased intracranial pressure (IICP) The night before surgery the patient demonstrates signs of IICP Monitor for Symptoms: • Increased systolic blood pressure • Decreased HR and RR • Irritability • Sluggish pupils • Vomiting • Decreased level of consciousness Nursing Actions: • Providae oxygen • Encourage ventilation to blow off CO2 • Diuretics to decrease ICP mannitol (Osmitrol) • Surgery • Monitor
  • 27. Ketan Thummar-Hydrocephalus in children Complications: Hypothermia Following surgery, during frequent vital sign while in the PACU, the nurse assesses the child’s temperature. The electronic thermometer reads 35.8 C (96.5 F). Nursing Actions: Monitor for Symptoms: • Warming blankets • Warmed blankets • Warmed intravenous fluids • Frequent assessments • Body temperature • Signs of vasoconstriction • Decreased level of consciousness
  • 28. Ketan Thummar-Hydrocephalus in children Complications: Seizures Patient has a seizure upon transfer to the patient care unit. The child becomes mildly cyanotic around the lips, has rapid eye movements, demonstrates tonic/clonic movements of upper and lower extremities. Monitor for Symptoms: Aura, seizure activity (tonic/clonic movement, random muscle movement,eye movement, cyanosis) Nursing Actions: Maintain patent airway, seizure precautions, padded siderail, loosen clothing, oxygen, suction at bedside, safety, monitor timing and characteristics of seizure activity, Anticonvulsants: phenytoin (Dilantin); status epilepticus diazepam (Valium)
  • 29. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Complications: Infection Two days after the insertion of the VP shunt, the patient develops signs of a shunt infection. Temperature at 1600 39.4 C (103 F). Child demonstrating behaviors consistent with IICP. Monitor for Symptoms: • Temperature • Pain and tenderness • Irritability • Incisional changes, abdominal distension/ pain assess for meningitis (nuchal pain, etc.) Nursing Actions: • Culture wound (+S. Aureus) • CSF (from LP) • Provide antipyretics acetaminophen [Tylenol]or ibuprofen [Advil] • Administer antibiotics cefuroxine [Ceftin]) • Comfort
  • 30. Ketan Thummar-Hydrochephalus in children Complications: Family Stress During the post-operative period, the unit nurses note the interactions are strained between the mother and father. The father interacts little with the infant but visits frequently. Both parents express concern about cost of hospitalization and missed work. Monitor for Symptoms: Nursing Actions: • Body language • Family support, counseling, and referral • Family aspects • Role as mandatory (family communication, boundaries, dynamics, reporters and decision-making) • Referral to resources/ • History social service consult • Stress levels • Assess for cardinal signs of abuse
  • 31. PROGNOSIS Increased risk for developmental disabilities Mean IQ is reduced compared to general population Abnormalities in memory Some patients show aggressive or delinquent behavior.
  • 32. PROGNOSIS Visual problems: Strabismus Visuospatial abnormalities Decreased visual acuity Visual field defects Patients require long term follow up (multidisciplinary)
  • 33.
  • 35. Definition Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain & spinal cord, including the dura, arachinoid & pia matter.
  • 36. Incidence Meningitis can occur at all ages but it is commonest in infancy. While 95% of the cases take place between 1 month- 5 years of age. It is more common in males than females.
  • 37. Transmission The bacteria are transmitted from person to person through droplets of respiratory or throat secretions. Close and prolonged contact (e.g. sneezing and coughing on someone, living in close quarters or dormitories (military recruits, students), sharing eating or drinking utensils, etc.) The incubation period ranges between 2 -10 days.
  • 38. Routes of Infection Nasopharynx Blood stream Direct spread (skull fracture, meningo and encephalocele) Middle ear infection Infected Ventriculoperitoneal shunts. Congenital defects Sinusitis
  • 39. Signs & Symptoms The symptoms of meningitis vary and depend on the age of the child and cause of the infection. Common symptoms are: Flu-like symptoms fever lethargy Altered consciousness irritability headache photophobia stiff neck Brudzinski sign Kernig sign skin rashes seizures
  • 40. Symptoms Other symptoms of meningitis in Neonates/infants can include: Apnea jaundice neck rigidity Abnormal temperature (hypo/hyperthermia) poor feeding /weak sucking a high-pitched cry bulging fontanelles Poor reflexes
  • 42. Pyogenic Meningitis ETIOLOGY  ‘Meningococcal’ meningitis- N. meningitidis. A, B, C and W135) are recognized to cause epidemics  The commonest organisms according to age groups are: 0-2 months E.Coli, Group B streptococci, S.Aureus, Listeria Monotocytogenes 2 months- 2yrs H.Influenzae type b, S.Pneumoniae, N.Meningitides. 2 yrs – 15+yrs N.Meningitides (serotypes A,B,C, Y & W135) S.Pneumoniae (serotypes 1,3, 6,7) H.Influenzae
  • 43. Bacterial Meningitis Pathogenesis: Entry of organism through blood brain barrier release of cell wall & membrane products Outpouring of polymorphs & fibrin cytokines & chemokines Inflammatory mediators Inflamed meninges covered with exudate (most marked in pneumoccocal meningitis).
  • 44. Pathogenesis Meningeal irritation signs: inflammation of the spinal nerves & roots. Hydrocephalus: Adhesive thickening of the arachinoid in basal cistern or fibrosis of aqueduct or Foramina of Lushka or Magendie Cerebral atrophy: thrombosis of small cortical veins resulting in necrosis of the cerebral cortex. Seizures: depolarisation of neuronal membranes as a result of cellular electrolyte imbalance. Hypoglycorhachia: decreased transport of glucose across inflammed choroid plexus & increased usage by host.
  • 45. Viral meningitis Viral meningitis comprises most aseptic meningitis syndromes. The viral agents for aseptic meningitis include the following: Enterovirus (polio virus, Echovirus, Coxsackievirus ) Herpesvirus (Hsv-1,2, Varicella.Z,EBV ) Paramyxovirus (Mumps, Measles) Togavirus (Rubella) Rhabdovirus (Rabies) Retrovirus (HIV)
  • 46. Fungal Meningitis It’s rare in healthy people, but is a higher risk in those who have AIDS, other forms of immunodeficiency or immunosuppression. The most common agents are Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida, H capsulatum.
  • 47. Parasitic Meningitis Infection with free-living amoebas is an infrequent but often life-threatening human illness. It’s more common in underdeveloped countries and usually is caused by parasites found in contaminated water, food, and soil. The most common causative agents are: Free-living amoebas (ie, Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia, Naegleria) Helminthic eosinophilic meningitis
  • 48. Non-infectious meningitis Rarely, meningitis can be caused by exposure to certain medications, such as the following: Immune globulin Levamisole Metronidazole Mumps and rubella vaccines Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen)
  • 49. Tuberculous meningitis It’s a complication of Childhood tuberculosis & common cause of prolonged morbidity, handicap & death. Children below 5 years are specially prone.
  • 50. CLINICAL FEATURES Always sec. to primary tuberculosis. First Phase: Vague symptoms. Child doesn’t play, is irritable, restless or drowsy. Anorexia & vomiting may be present Older child may complain of headache. Possibly preceding history of Measles or another illness with incompletely recovery
  • 51. SECOND PHASE: Child is drowsy with neck stiffness, & rigidity. Kernig & Brudzinski sign may become positive, anterior fontanels bulges Twitching of muscles, convulsions, raised temperature. strabismus, nystagmus, and papilloedema may be present. Fundoscopy: Choroidal TB may be seen
  • 52. TERMINAL PHASE Child is characteristically comatose with opisthotonus, & multiple focal paresis. Cranial nerve palsies are present. High grade fever often occurs terminally.
  • 53. Diagnostic Tests Lumbar Puncture: pressure usually raised, 10-500 PMNs early but later lymphocytes predominate Protein- 100-500,raised Glucose less than 50mg/dl in most cases Culture for tubercle bacilli. Presence of tuberculous focus elsewhere in the body is strong supportive diagnosis. Chest X-Ray. Tuberculin skin test.
  • 54. Treatment Antituberculous Therapy: Includes simultaneous administration of 4 drugs (Isoniazid, rifampicin,streptomycin , pyrazinamide) for first 3 months, followed by 2 drugs for another 15 months usually Rifampicin & INH. Total period: 18 months.
  • 55. Treatment STEROIDS: to reduce cerebral edema and to prevent subsequent fibrosis & subsequent obstruction to CSF 2mg/kg/24 hours of prednisolone for 6-8 weeks at the start of treatment starting 3 days after initiation of anti tuberculous therapy.
  • 56. Examination  General physical- Check for Consciousness level according to GCS scoring, jaundice or irritability.  Resuscitation: incase of septic shock, or DIC.  Vitals: temperature , HR, B.P., R/R.  Signs of Increased ICP- Bulging fontanelle, headache, nausea, vomiting, ocular palsies, altered level of consciousness, and papilledema  Fundus: papilloedema  CN palsies: (esp. occulomotor, facial, and auditory)
  • 57. Examination  Meningismus - check for nuchal rigidity with passive neck flexion (gives 'involuntary resistance).  Brudzinski sign (hip & knee flexion with neck movement)  Kernig sign (extend knee with hip flexed)  Hemiparesis.  Rash: petechial or purpuric rash (not only in meningococcal but also pneumococcal bacteremia).
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Investigations CBC Blood culture Gram staining LP- D/r, C/s (color, leukocyte count, differential, glucose, protein) Electrolytes PCR Coagulation profile liver and kidney function Chest X-ray CT/ MRI Blood gases EEG ECG
  • 61. Diagnostic Tests CSF picture is quite diagnostic of the kind of meningitis present.
  • 62. Diagnostic Tests Latex particle agglutination: detects presence of bacterial antigen in the spinal fluid. useful for detection of H.influenzae type b, S.Pnemoniae, N.Meningitidis, E.Coli Concurrent immuno-electrophoresis (CIE)-used for rapid detection of H.influenza, S.pneumoniae & N.meningitides. Smears: taken from purpuric spots may show meningococci in Meningococcaemia DNA sequences : are helpful in identifying bacteria
  • 63. Treatment Supportive therapy: Maintain fluid & electrolyte balance as required Transfuse whole blood,or platelets as required. Maintain temperature control
  • 64. Treatment Steroids: Dexamethasone useful for H.influenzae type b, First dose should be given 1 hr prior to starting antibiotics. Antibiotics IV. Duration:1-3 weeks depending on age & type of organisms.
  • 65. Treatment Initial till results of Ampicillin Probable/Proved Penicillins C/S are known Meningococci 300mg/kg/day+ Chloramphenicol 2-5 lac units /kg/day
  • 66. Treatment Probable H.Influenzae Ampicillin + Probable E.Coli  Ampicillin + chloramphenicol or 3rd generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime 200mg/kg/day) gentamycin 200mg/kg+2.5-4 mg/kg IV 12hrly
  • 68. Other Drugs available Anti-microbials Ceftriaxone Cefotaxime Penicillin G Vancomycin Ampicillin Gentamicin Anti-Virals Acyclovir Ganciclovir (>3mths) Anti-fungals Amphotericin B Fluconazole
  • 69. Prevention The vaccines against Hib, measles, mumps, polio, meningococcus, and pneumococcus can protect against meningitis Hib vaccine: all infants should receive at 2,4,6 months of age & booster 1 year later. After 1 year 1 dose is given till the age of 5 years. Pneumococcal vaccine: 0.5 ml is given IM (<2 yrs)
  • 70. Prevention High-risk children should also be immunized routinely. Vaccination before travelling to an endemic area Chemoprophylaxis for susceptible individuals or close contacts: H influenzae type b : Rifampin(20 mg/kg/d) for 4 days N meningitidis: Rifampin (600 mg PO q12h) for 2 days upto 10weeks Ceftriaxone (250 mg IM) single dose or Ciprofloxacin(500-750 mg) single dose.
  • 71. Complications Bacterial meningitis may result in Cranial nerve palsies Subdural empyema Brain abscess Hearing loss Obstructive hydrocephalus Brain parenchymal damage: Learning disability, seizures, Mental retardation. Septic shock Ataxia Stroke SIADH (Na+ <130 mE/l), puffiness of face, dec UO.
  • 72. Treatment of Complications: Convulsions: Diazepam I.V, Can be repeated q4 hours as required. Cerebral edema: *I.V Mannitol 1g/kg in 20- 30 mins 6-8 hourly given for first few days. IV Dexamethasone can then be used 6 hourly.
  • 73. Subdural effusion: Aspirate subdural effusion if large. Shock: Treat with IV Fluids, maintanence of BP. SIADH: Increase body weight, decreased serum osmolality, hyponatremia. Prevented by fluid restriction to 800-1000ml/m2/24 hours. Hyperpyrexia: Tepid sponging, correction of dehydration.
  • 74. Nursing care Obtain a history of recent infections such as upper respiratory infection, and exposure to causative agents Assess neurologic status and vital signs,signs of meningeal irritation Assess sensorineural hearing loss (vision and cranial nerve damage. (eg, facial nerve d diminished cognitive function.
  • 75. Cont; Reducing Fever Administer antimicrobial agents on time to maintain optimal blood levels. Monitor temperature frequently or continuously, and administer antipyretics as ordered. Institute other cooling measures, such as a hypothermia blanket, as indicated.
  • 76. Cont; Maintaining fluid balance Prevent IV fluid overload, which may worsen cerebral edema. Monitor intake and output closely. Monitor CVP frequently.
  • 77. Cont; Enhancing Cerebral Perfusion Assess LOC, vital signs, and neurologic parameters frequently. Observe for signs and symptoms of ICP (eg, decreased LOC, dilated pupils, widening pulse pressure). Maintain a quiet, calm environment to prevent agitation, which may cause an increased ICP. Prepare patient for a lumbar puncture for CSF evaluation, and repeat spinal tap, if indicated. Lumbar puncture typically precedes neuroimaging Notify the health care provider of signs of deterioration: increasing temperature. decreasing LOC. seizure
  • 78. Cont; Redusing Pain Administer analgesics as ordered; monitor for response and adverse reactions. Avoid opioids which may mask a decreasing LOC. Darken the room if photophobia is present. Assist with position of comfort for neck stiffness, and turn patient slowly and carefully with head and neck in alignment. Elevate the head of the bed to decrease ICP and reduce pain.
  • 79. Cont; Promoting Return to Optimal Level of Functioning Implement rehabilitation interventions after admission (eg, turning, positioning). Progress from passive to active exercises based on the patient's neurologic status. Patient Education and Health Maintenance Advice close contacts of the patient with meningitis that prophylactic treatment may be indicated: they should check with their health care providers or the local public health department.
  • 80. Cont; To help prevent the development of meningitis, teach patients with chronic sinusitis or other chronic infections the importance of proper medical treatment. Encourage the patient to follow medication regimen as directed to fully eradicate the infectious agent. Encourage follow-up and prompt attention to infections in future.
  • 81. Cont; Inform patient who have children about the importance of vaccination with measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, H. influenzae type B vaccine, pneumocococcal vaccine as a preventive measure. Vaccination is recommended for children younger than school age.
  • 82. Prognosis It depends on the age of the patient, the duration of the illness, complications, micro-organism & immune status. Patients with viral meningitis usually have a good prognosis for recovery. The prognosis is worse for patients at the extremes of age (ie, <2 y, >60 y) and those with significant comorbidities and underlying immunodeficiency. Patients presenting with an impaired level of consciousness are at increased risk for developing neurologic sequelae or dying.
  • 83. Prognosis A seizure during an episode of meningitis also is a risk factor for mortality or neurologic sequelae. Acute bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency and delays in instituting effective antimicrobial therapy result in increased morbidity and mortality. The prognosis of meningitis caused by opportunistic pathogens depends on the underlying immune function of the host as may require lifelong suppressive therapy.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. DEFINITION Convulsion is involuntary contraction or series of contraction of voluntary muscle. It occur due to disturbance of brain function resulting from abnormal excessive electrical discharge from brain. It may be associated with alteration of level of consciousness. Convulsion is also termed as SEIZURE.
  • 87. CAUSES OF CONVULSION NEONATAL PERIOD : • • • • asphyxia & injury Hypoglycemia & hypocalcemia Narcotic & anesthetic drug Septicemia, meningitis Birth, tetanus , kernicterus • Congenital malformation • Intra uterine infection
  • 88. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Twiching of limb Tongue bite Discharge from the mouth Pale face sucking movement Tremors
  • 89. Infant & young children Febrile convulsion CNS infection Accidental & non accidental injury Metabolic disturbance Drug & poison
  • 90. Febrile convulsion It refers to the seizures associated with fever but excluding those related to CNS infection. It is related to increase in body temperature rather than degree of
  • 91. Types Typical febrile convulsion :- • it is usually found in children between 6 month & 5 years of age. • The fits occur within 24 hours of the onset of fever. • Higher incidence occur in twins & genetic predisposition or immature neuronal membrane.
  • 92. ATYPICAL FEBRILE CONVULSION There may have abnormal EEG for 2 weeks after attack. The children may have focal convulsion of more than 20 minutes duration even without significant fever.
  • 93. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Anticonvulsive drug : Diazepam 0.3mg/kg iv Phemobarbital 5mg/kg Antipyratic drug : Paracetamol Mefanamic acid
  • 94. NURSING MANAGEMENT Tapid sponge bath. Clearing the airway % oxygen therapy. Provide Rest , comfortable position . Explanation & emotional support. 
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. EPILEPSY Epilepsy is recurrent episodic paroxysmal transient disturbance of brain function due to abnormal electrical activity of neurons. It is manifested as abnormal motor sensory or psychomotor phenomena & loss of consciousness.
  • 98. 1 GENERALIZED SEIZURES Tonic – clonic seizures absence seizures : - typical : - atypical  Atopic seizures  Myoclonic seizures  
  • 100.
  • 101. CLINICAL MENIFESTATION An Aura: 1. Dizzines 2. Convulsion  Tonic spasm phase 1. Body become stiff 2. Pale face 3. Eye fixe one position
  • 102. 4. Unconciouness 5. Discharge from the mouth 6. Breathing difficulty & cynosis 7. Muscular spasm 8. Pulse mazy be weak  CLONIC PHASE 1. Jerky movement 2. Contraction of muscle 3. Tongue bite
  • 103. 4. Involunantry pass stool & urine 5. 6. 7 8. Jerky movement Contraction of muscle Tongue bite Involunantry pass stool & urine POSTICAL STAGE 1. Become sleepy 2. Confused 3. Headache
  • 104. ABSENCE SEIZURE (PETIT MAL) 1. Staring appearance 2. Discontinue activity suddenly 3. Duration: 5 to 10 sec 4. Fatigue 5. Stress situation
  • 105. STATUS EPILEPTICUS 1. Ataxia 2. Aphasia 3. Cardiopulmonary arrest 4. Aspiration of vomitus 5. Duration: 30 min
  • 106. MYOCLONIC SEIZURE 1. Mental retardation 2. Cerebral abnormality 3. Contraction of muscles of trunk, neck, extremities 4. Duration: less than 1min
  • 107. PARTIAL SEIZURES SIMPLE PARTIAL SEIZURES with motor sing  with somato-sensory or special sensory  with autonomic manifestation  COMPLEX PARTIAL SEIZURES Impaired consciousness
  • 108. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Phenoberbital : 3 to 5mg/kg/day Diphenylhydantoin : 10 to 20mg/kg/day Carbamazepin : 10 to 20mg/kg/day Sodium valproate : 15 to 20mg/kg/day Ethosuximide : 10 to
  • 109. NURSING MANAGEMENT Ensuring safety during seizures  protect child from injury  side rail of bed  oxygen therapy should be given  close observation & monitoring child condition for vital sign & airway
  • 110. Preventive respiratory arrest & aspiration  loosen the clothing around neck & placing the child flat  Do not give anything between teeth or in mouth when teeth are clenched during convulsion  Clear airway, remove secretion &
  • 111. Providing health teaching Continuation of medication, care during convulsion & diet therapy, restricted activities. DIET THERAPY  Ketogenic diet should be given.  Protien & fat amount should be calculated.  Child should not be given IV fluid with dextrose.  Strict fluid restriction
  • 113. Head injury includes any injury including scalp, skull, meninges or any portion of the brain caused by external forces. It is one of the important cause of childhood mortality & morbidity. One third of all head injury cases are children.
  • 114. CAUSES NEONATES - birth injury instrumental delivery TODDLER - fall from height hits on head by hard object OLDER CHILDREN - automobile accident road traffic accident sports injury
  • 115. TYPES OF INJURY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fracture of skull Intracranial hemorrhage Concussion of brain Cerebral contusion Extradural hematoma Acute subdural hematoma Brain swelling
  • 116. Diagnostic test Physical & neurological examination Examination of blood, urin , CSF EEG X-RAY of skull CT SCAN MRI
  • 117. Fracture of the skull A typical “ping-pong” fracture may occur due to elasticity of bone. The fracture may be fissured or depressed type. Older children may have comminuted fracture with dural tear & laceration with brain damage.
  • 118. INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE Excessive moulding of skull bone Rupture of delicate surface veins leads to acute subdural hemorrhage About 20 to 25 % neonatal death due to intracranial hemorrhage
  • 119. CONCUSSION OF BRAIN Concussion is reversible neurological dysfunction Transient loss of consciousness & loss of memory Injury at occipital area & shearing srain at brain stem
  • 120. CEREBRAL CONTUSION It is bruising or petechial hemorrhage in brain tissue It consist of hemorrhagic brain necrosis & infraction Contusion at frontal & temporal lobe are common
  • 121. EXTRADURAL HEMATOMA It occurs mostly in temporal or frontal lobe. Blood may be collected due to bleeding from fracture line.
  • 122. ACUTE SUBDURAL HEMATOMA It results from any severe injury. It is an accumulation of fluid, blood within potential subdural space between dura & arachnoid. When sutures are not fused, the hematoma can grow slowly.
  • 123. BRAIN SWELLING It may be occur due to vascular congestion, may be due to neurogenic vasoparalysis & increase blood flow.
  • 124. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Loss of consciousness Respiratory obstruction Increase icp Headache Vommiting Convulsion Loss of memory Bladder bowel dysfunction
  • 125. DIAGNOSTIC STUDY Physical examination Glasgow coma scale Neurological examination CT SCAN X – RAY EEG ABG Lumber puncture
  • 126. NURSING MANAGEMENT Maintain the airway Establishment of breathing Assessment of neurological status Maintain nutritional status Prevent infection & related complication

Notas del editor

  1. Image of a child with hydrocephalus and suspected child abuse
  2. Infant with stethescope/Bloodpressure cuff
  3. Syringe drawing blood?
  4. Pictures of baby food
  5. ?
  7. Nurse at baby’s bedside, Name band on tiny wrist
  8. IV bags, tubes, equipment possibly with baby and nurse.
  9. Consent forms, paperwork. Baby on gurney in hallway. OPERATING ROOM sign
  10. Counseling office sign. Conselor with mother…
  11. ? Bills, Children’s meds, liquid meds. Uncomfortable baby.
  12. ? Baby in hospital bed. More emergency stuff around.
  13. Bundled up baby
  14. Brain scan, paper trace.
  15. ?
  16. Stressed family members.