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Business Research
           (Lecture 5)
  Muhammad Fahid Saleem
Literature Review
   A body of text that aims to review the critical points of
    current knowledge on a particular topic.
   A comprehensive survey of publications in a specific field of
    study or related to a particular line of research.
   Non-quantitative summary of existing published literature
    made by experts who select and weigh findings available from
    the literature.
   A summary and interpretation of research findings reported in
    the literature.
   A process and documentation of the current relevant
    research literature regarding a particular topic or subject of
Purpose of Literature Review
1.       Define and Limit Problem
        Develop familiarity and clarity with the topic
        Limit the research to a subtopic within the larger body of
2.       Place study in historical perspective
        Analysis of way in which study relates to existing knowledge
3.       Avoid unintentional and unnecessary replication
        Awareness of prior studies so as to avoid unneeded replication
        Replication is reasonable if it is needed to verify prior results,
         investigate results that failed to be significant, or relate problem
         to a specific site
Purpose of Literature Review                            (Cont.)

1.       Select promising methods and measures
        Knowledge of and insight into specific research designs for
         investigating a problem
        Awareness of specific instruments, sampling procedures, and
         data analyses
2.       Relate findings to previous knowledge and suggest
         future research needs
        Relating prior research to what is known places current study
         in perspective
        This knowledge allows researcher to focus problem on what is
         not known
3.       Develop research hypotheses
        Suggestions for specific research hypotheses
What is Literature
   Books
   Journals
   Conference Papers
   Theses
   Bibliographies
   Internet
   Indexes/Abstracts
   Audio-Visual material
   Government Reports
   News Papers
   Grey Literature
    The Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature in Washington, DC, in
    October 1999 defined grey literature as follows: "That which is produced on all
    levels of government, academics, business and industry in print and electronic
    formats, but which is not controlled by commercial publishers”.
    Grey literature is not a specific genre of document, but a specific, non-commercial
    means of disseminating information. (Wikipedia)
Three types of literature
Primary              Secondary                 Tertiary
Reports              Newspapers                Indexes
Thesis               Books                     Abstracts
Emails               Journals                  Dictionaries
Conference Reports   Internet                  Bibliographies
Company Reports      Some Govt. Publications   Catalogues
Online Searching Techniques
   Boolean Operators
   Phrase Searching
   Truncation/Wildcard
   Proximity Searching
   Focusing/Limiting a Search
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators allow you to join terms together, widen a search or exclude
terms from your search results. This means you can be more precise in locating
your information.



Boolean Operators at Emerald
Phrase Searching
   It narrows your search down by searching for an exact
    phrase or sentence.
   It is particularly useful when searching for a title or a
   Usually quotation marks are used to connect the words
     For example
    “Towards a healthier Pakistan”
Truncation / Wildcard
   These search techniques retrieve information on similar
    words by replacing part of the word with a symbol usually a *
    or ?.
   However, different databases use different symbols, so check
    what is used.
   In truncation the end of the word is replaced.
       For example physiother* will retrieve physiotherapy, physiotherapeutic,
        physiotherapist and so on.
   In wildcard searching, letters from inside the word are
       For example wom*n will retrieve the terms woman and women.
Proximity Searching
   It looks for documents where two or more separately
    matching term occurrences are within a specified
    distance, where distance is the number of intermediate
    words or characters
   For example
       Term A NEAR Term B
       Term A ADJ Term B
Focusing / Limiting a Search
There are many ways to focus your search and all search tools
  offer different ways of doing this. Some of the ways of limiting
  your search are as follows:
 Date
 Language
 Place
 Publication type
 Age groups
 Type of material e.g. you could just need to find case studies
General Search Engines
   Google
   Yahoo
   AltaVista
   FAST Search
   MSN Search
   Lycos
   Excite
Scholarly Search Engines
   Google Scholar
   Infomine
   Librarians’ Internet Index
   Intute
   Pinakes
   Business Research
   ISI Web of Science
Subject Directories
Also called Information Gateways and Virtual Libraries
 Yahoo Directory
 Google Directory
 Librarians’ Internet Index
 Infomine
 The WWW Virtual Library
 Specialized Subject Directories
     Abi Logic
     Solid Crawler
     Academic Info
     SOSIG - Social Science Information Gateway
Electronic Theses and Dissertations - ETDs
   Networked Digital Library of Theses and
       Catalog of theses and doctoral dissertations contributed by
        some 176 universities and 27 institutions worldwide
   British Library EThOS
       250,000+ theses of British universities
       Many are free
   Proquest Dissertations & Theses Database
       World’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations
        and theses with over 2.7 million titles
Online Databases
   Bibliographic databases
       ERIC, Agricola, Medline, EconLit, PsychINFO
   Numeric databases
       Stat-USA, UN Common Database
   Full text databases
       ScienceDirect, Emerald, JSTOR
Free e-books
   Gigapedia
       300,000+ books, the largest e-book repository
   The Online Books Page
       35,000+ books
   Project Gutenberg
       30,000+ books
   Internet Public Library
       20,000+ books
HEC – Online Resources
   National Digital Library
       Over 30 databases with over 23,000 journals
       Accessible by 250 institutions in Pakistan
       50,000 e-books
       Links to open access resources
   Pakistan Research Repository
       Full text of over 1800 Pakistani doctoral theses
Evaluating Information Sources
Evaluating information sources for
    relevance – Book
   Skim its index for your key words, then skim the pages on
    which those words occur.
   Skim the first and last paragraphs in chapters that use a lot
    of your key words.
   Skim introduction, summary chapters, and so on.
   Skim the last chapter, especially the first and last two or
    three pages.
   If the source is a collection of articles, skim the editor’s
   Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
Evaluating information sources for
relevance – Article
   Read the abstract.
   Skim the introduction and conclusion, or if they are not
    marked by headings, skim the first six or seven
    paragraphs and the last four or five.
   Skim for section headings, and read the first and last
    paragraphs of those sections.
   Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
Evaluating information sources for
relevance – Online
   If it looks like a printed article, follow the steps for a
    journal article.
   Skim sections labeled “introduction,” “overview,”
    “summary,” or the like. If there are none, look for a
    link labeled “About the Site” or something similar.
   If the site has a link labeled “Site Map” or “Index,”
    check it for your key words and skim the referenced
   If the site has a “search” resource, type in your key
Use colour post-its to mark relevance

   Red  - high relevance
   Blue – medium relevance
   Yellow – low relevance
Evaluating information sources for reliability
   Audience
   Authority
   Bias
   Currency
   Scope
Evaluating          information                       sources             for
reliability (Cont.)
   Audience
       What age group/education level/political affiliation/etc. is the
       Is this for a person with in-depth knowledge or a layperson?
   Authority
       Does the author’s name appear on the Web page?
       What are his/her credentials?
       Does the author provide contact information?
   Bias
       Is the source objective?
       Could the writer or the organization’s affiliation put a different spin
        on the information presented?
       What is the purpose of the source?
Evaluating          information                   sources            for
reliability (Cont.)
   Currency
       When was the work published?
       When was the work last updated?
       How old are the sources or items in the bibliography?
       How current is the topic?
       If a Web page, do the links work?
   Scope
       What does/doesn’t the work cover?
       Is it an in-depth study (many pages) or superficial (one page)?
       Are sources and statistics cited?
       If a site, does it offer unique info not found in any other
Writing and Presenting Literature
Literature Review (How)

   Points to note & report about any study
       Main objectives and Sub-objectives
       Any significant Theory in LR
       Methodology
           Population
           Sample
           Limitations
           Nature of Data
           Dimensions
           Variables etc.
       Statistical Test Applied
       Findings
Structure of review articles
   Literature reviews are in reality a type of research
   Should conform to the anatomy of a typical scholarly
       Abstract
       Introduction
       Methods
       Results
       Discussion
       Conclusion
       References
Structure of literature review
       Introduction
        Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the
         central theme or organizational pattern.

       Body
        Contains your discussion of sources.

       Conclusions/Recommendations
        Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far.
         Where might the discussion proceed?
Organization of literature review
   A general organization looks like a funnel

       Broader topics
       Subtopics
       Studies like yours
How to organize studies
   Chronological
       By publication date
       By trend
   Thematic
       A structure which considers different themes
   Methodological
       Focuses on the methods of the researcher, e.g., qualitative
        versus quantitative approaches
Making links between studies
   Agreements
       Similarly, author B points to…
       Likewise, author C makes the case that…
       Author D also makes this point…
       Again, it is possible to see how author E agrees with
        author D…
   Disagreements
       However, author B points to…
       On the other hand, author C makes the case that…
       Conversely, Author D argues…
       Nevertheless, what author E suggests…
Summary table
   It is useful to prepare.
   Such a table provides a quick overview that allows the
    reviewer to make sense of a large mass of information.
   The tables could include columns with headings such as
       Author
       type of study
       Sample
       Design
       data collection approach
       key findings
Citation             Sample         Environment              Method                          Conclusions

                              Atmospherics in service environments
Summary table of literature
                                                                     Bellizzi, Crowley and   125 Adults       Furniture store    Laboratory      Warm and cool colours created different emotional
                                                                     Hasty (1983)                                                experiment      responses. Customers view red retail environments as
                                                                                                                                 Photographic    more negative and unpleasant than blue.
                                                                     Bellizzi, & Hite        70 Adult women   Televisions        Laboratory      Study based on PAD affect measures and approach-
                                                                     (1992)                  107 Students     shown       with   experiments     avoidance behaviours.
                                                                                                              different colour   Photographic    More positive retail outcomes occurred in blue
                                                                                                              backgrounds        slide           environments than red.
                                                                                                              Furniture stores   simulations

                                                                     Smith and      Curnow   1100             Retail store        Field          Time in store reduced with loud music but level of sales
                                                                     (1966)                  Supermarket                         experiment      did not.
                                                                     Milliman (1982)         216 Shoppers     Supermarket        Field           The tempo of background music influenced the pace at
                                                                                                                                 experiment      which customers shopped. Slow tempo music slowed
                                                                                                                                                 customers down but resulted in increased volume of
                                                                     Hui, Dubé and Chebat    116 Students     Bank branch        Laboratory      The positive impact of music on approach behaviours is
                                                                     (1997)                                   - waiting for      experiment      mediated by an emotional evaluation of the environment
                                                                                                              service.           Video           and the emotional response to waiting. Pleasurable music
                                                                                                                                 simulation      produced longer perceived waiting times.

                                                                     Areni and Kim (1994)    171 Shoppers     Wine store         Field           The investigation found that brighter in-store lighting
                                                                                                                                 experiment      influenced shoppers to examine and handle more of the
                                                                                                                                                 merchandise in the store
                                                                     Summers and Hebert      2367 Customers   Hardware store     Field           Confirmed Areni and Kims (1994) results. Increased
                                                                     (2001)                                   Apparel store      experiment      levels of lighting will produce arousal and pleasure and
                                                                                                                                                 increase the approach behaviours of customers.

Citation styles
   Information prominent citation
       For viscoelastic fluids, the behaviour of the time-dependent stresses in
        the transient shear flows is also very important (Boger et al., 1974).
   Author prominent citation
       Close (1983) developed a simplified theory using an analogy between
        heat and mass transfer and the equivalent heat transfer only case.
       Several authors have suggested that automated testing should be
        more readily accepted (Balcer, 1989; Stahl, 1989; Carver & Tai,
Active or passive voice
   You should use, where appropriate, both active and
    passive voice
   As a general rule, use active voice unless there is good
    reason not to
Reporting verbs
   Argue            Note
   Assert           Object
   Assume           Observe
   Challenge        Persuade
   Claim            Propose
   Contend          Prove
   Contradict       Purport
   Describe         Recommend
   Dispute          Refute
   Emphasize        Reject
   Establish        Remark
   Examine          Suggest
   Find             Support
   Maintain
Verb tenses – Present
   A statement about what the thesis, chapter or section
      This thesis presents a report of an investigation into …….
      This chapter thus provides a basis for the next.
      In this section, the results from the first set of experiments are reported.

   A statement of a generally accepted scientific fact
      There are three factors that control the concentration of aluminum in
      The finite rate coefficients have an effect on heat transfer through a
       horizontal porous layer.
Verb tenses – Present
   A review of current research work, or research work
    of immediate relevance to your study.
      Schulze (2002) concludes that hydraulic rate has a significant effect on
       future performance.
   Comments, explanations and evaluative statements
    made by you when you are reviewing previous studies.
      Therefore, this sequential approach is impractical in the real world where
       projects are typically large and the activities from one stage may be carried
       out in parallel with the activities of another stage.
      The reason for this anomalous result is that the tests were done at low
       hydraulic rates at which the plastic packing was not completely wetted.
Verb tenses – Past
   Report the contents, findings or conclusions of
    past research
     Haberfield (1998) showed that the velocity of many enzyme
       reactions was slowed down if the end product had an increased
     Allington (1999) found that the temperatures varied
       significantly over time.
Verb tenses – Present perfect
   In citations where the focus is on the research area of
    several authors
      Several studies have provided support for the suggestion that the amount
       of phonological recoding that is carried out depends on orthographic depth
       (Frost, 1994; Smart et al, 1997; Katz & Feldman, 2001, 2002).
      Joint roughness has been characterized by a number of authors (Renger,
       1990; Feker & Rengers, 1997; Wu & Ali, 2000).
   To generalize about the extent of the previous
      Many studies have been conducted in this field.
      Few researchers have examined this technique.
      There has been extensive research into.........
The Writing Process
   Rough Draft
   Final Draft
   Edit
   Edit Again
Show others
    Have someone else look at your literature review for
   Clarity
       Can they understand what you’re trying say?
   Flow
       Does the organization make sense?
   Completeness
       Are there areas left out?
       Questions left unanswered?
       Statements without citations?
A Good Literature Review is:
   Focused - The topic should be narrow. You should only present ideas and
    only report on studies that are closely related to topic.
   Concise - Ideas should be presented economically. Don’t take any more
    space than you need to present your ideas.
   Logical - The flow within and among paragraphs should be a smooth,
    logical progression from one idea to the next
   Developed - Don’t leave the story half told.
   Integrative - Your paper should stress how the ideas in the studies are
    related. Focus on the big picture. What commonality do all the studies
    share? How are some studies different than others? Your paper should
    stress how all the studies reviewed contribute to your topic.
   Current - Your review should focus on work being done on the cutting
    edge of your topic
   Vagueness due to too much or inappropriate
   Limited range
   Insufficient information
   Irrelevant material
   Omission of contrasting view
   Omission of recent work
Common errors in reviewing literature
    Hurrying through review to get started could mean
     that you will miss something that will improve your
    Relying too heavily upon secondary sources.
    Concentrating on findings rather than methods.
    Overlooking sources other than academic journals.
     Don’t forget newspaper articles, magazines, blogs,
    Searching too broad or too narrow of a topic.
    Inaccuracy in the compiling of bibliographic
When should I cite (Other than literature

         Is it your idea?          Yes


     Is it common knowledge?   Do not cite


             Cite it!!
Performance Appraisal (Sequence)
   Introduction (Introductory remarks about)
   History and philosophy of …..
   Reasons for (Importance) ………
   Trends in (Global & Subcontinent)
   History & Trends in Punjab (Pak)
   The Act or Policy of……
   Problems and Issues in ……
   Gaps in the Literature
   Your Objective

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Business Research Literature Review

  • 1. Business Research (Lecture 5) Muhammad Fahid Saleem
  • 2. Literature Review  A body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge on a particular topic.  A comprehensive survey of publications in a specific field of study or related to a particular line of research.  Non-quantitative summary of existing published literature made by experts who select and weigh findings available from the literature.  A summary and interpretation of research findings reported in the literature.  A process and documentation of the current relevant research literature regarding a particular topic or subject of interest.
  • 3. Purpose of Literature Review 1. Define and Limit Problem  Develop familiarity and clarity with the topic  Limit the research to a subtopic within the larger body of knowledge. 2. Place study in historical perspective  Analysis of way in which study relates to existing knowledge 3. Avoid unintentional and unnecessary replication  Awareness of prior studies so as to avoid unneeded replication  Replication is reasonable if it is needed to verify prior results, investigate results that failed to be significant, or relate problem to a specific site
  • 4. Purpose of Literature Review (Cont.) 1. Select promising methods and measures  Knowledge of and insight into specific research designs for investigating a problem  Awareness of specific instruments, sampling procedures, and data analyses 2. Relate findings to previous knowledge and suggest future research needs  Relating prior research to what is known places current study in perspective  This knowledge allows researcher to focus problem on what is not known 3. Develop research hypotheses  Suggestions for specific research hypotheses
  • 5. What is Literature  Books  Journals  Conference Papers  Theses  Bibliographies  Internet  Indexes/Abstracts  Audio-Visual material  Government Reports  News Papers  Grey Literature The Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature in Washington, DC, in October 1999 defined grey literature as follows: "That which is produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in print and electronic formats, but which is not controlled by commercial publishers”. Grey literature is not a specific genre of document, but a specific, non-commercial means of disseminating information. (Wikipedia)
  • 6. Three types of literature Primary Secondary Tertiary Reports Newspapers Indexes Thesis Books Abstracts Emails Journals Dictionaries Conference Reports Internet Bibliographies Company Reports Some Govt. Publications Catalogues
  • 7. Online Searching Techniques  Boolean Operators  Phrase Searching  Truncation/Wildcard  Proximity Searching  Focusing/Limiting a Search
  • 8. Boolean Operators Boolean operators allow you to join terms together, widen a search or exclude terms from your search results. This means you can be more precise in locating your information. AND OR NOT
  • 10. Phrase Searching  It narrows your search down by searching for an exact phrase or sentence.  It is particularly useful when searching for a title or a quotation.  Usually quotation marks are used to connect the words together.  For example “Towards a healthier Pakistan”
  • 11. Truncation / Wildcard  These search techniques retrieve information on similar words by replacing part of the word with a symbol usually a * or ?.  However, different databases use different symbols, so check what is used.  In truncation the end of the word is replaced.  For example physiother* will retrieve physiotherapy, physiotherapeutic, physiotherapist and so on.  In wildcard searching, letters from inside the word are replaced.  For example wom*n will retrieve the terms woman and women.
  • 12. Proximity Searching  It looks for documents where two or more separately matching term occurrences are within a specified distance, where distance is the number of intermediate words or characters  For example  Term A NEAR Term B  Term A ADJ Term B
  • 13. Focusing / Limiting a Search There are many ways to focus your search and all search tools offer different ways of doing this. Some of the ways of limiting your search are as follows:  Date  Language  Place  Publication type  Age groups  Type of material e.g. you could just need to find case studies
  • 14. General Search Engines  Google  Yahoo  AltaVista  FAST Search  MSN Search  Lycos  Excite
  • 15. Scholarly Search Engines  Google Scholar  Infomine  Librarians’ Internet Index  Intute  Pinakes  Business Research  ISI Web of Science
  • 16. Subject Directories Also called Information Gateways and Virtual Libraries  Yahoo Directory  Google Directory  Librarians’ Internet Index   Infomine  The WWW Virtual Library  Specialized Subject Directories  Abi Logic  Solid Crawler  Academic Info  SOSIG - Social Science Information Gateway
  • 17. Electronic Theses and Dissertations - ETDs  Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations  Catalog of theses and doctoral dissertations contributed by some 176 universities and 27 institutions worldwide  British Library EThOS  250,000+ theses of British universities  Many are free  Proquest Dissertations & Theses Database  World’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses with over 2.7 million titles
  • 18. Online Databases  Bibliographic databases  ERIC, Agricola, Medline, EconLit, PsychINFO  Numeric databases  Stat-USA, UN Common Database  Full text databases  ScienceDirect, Emerald, JSTOR
  • 19. Free e-books  Gigapedia  300,000+ books, the largest e-book repository  The Online Books Page  35,000+ books  Project Gutenberg  30,000+ books  Internet Public Library  20,000+ books
  • 20. HEC – Online Resources  National Digital Library  Over 30 databases with over 23,000 journals  Accessible by 250 institutions in Pakistan  50,000 e-books  Links to open access resources  Pakistan Research Repository  Full text of over 1800 Pakistani doctoral theses
  • 22. Evaluating information sources for relevance – Book  Skim its index for your key words, then skim the pages on which those words occur.  Skim the first and last paragraphs in chapters that use a lot of your key words.  Skim introduction, summary chapters, and so on.  Skim the last chapter, especially the first and last two or three pages.  If the source is a collection of articles, skim the editor’s introduction.  Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
  • 23. Evaluating information sources for relevance – Article  Read the abstract.  Skim the introduction and conclusion, or if they are not marked by headings, skim the first six or seven paragraphs and the last four or five.  Skim for section headings, and read the first and last paragraphs of those sections.  Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
  • 24. Evaluating information sources for relevance – Online  If it looks like a printed article, follow the steps for a journal article.  Skim sections labeled “introduction,” “overview,” “summary,” or the like. If there are none, look for a link labeled “About the Site” or something similar.  If the site has a link labeled “Site Map” or “Index,” check it for your key words and skim the referenced pages.  If the site has a “search” resource, type in your key words.
  • 25. Use colour post-its to mark relevance Red - high relevance Blue – medium relevance Yellow – low relevance
  • 26. Evaluating information sources for reliability  Audience  Authority  Bias  Currency  Scope
  • 27. Evaluating information sources for reliability (Cont.)  Audience  What age group/education level/political affiliation/etc. is the audience?  Is this for a person with in-depth knowledge or a layperson?  Authority  Does the author’s name appear on the Web page?  What are his/her credentials?  Does the author provide contact information?  Bias  Is the source objective?  Could the writer or the organization’s affiliation put a different spin on the information presented?  What is the purpose of the source?
  • 28. Evaluating information sources for reliability (Cont.)  Currency  When was the work published?  When was the work last updated?  How old are the sources or items in the bibliography?  How current is the topic?  If a Web page, do the links work?  Scope  What does/doesn’t the work cover?  Is it an in-depth study (many pages) or superficial (one page)?  Are sources and statistics cited?  If a site, does it offer unique info not found in any other source?
  • 29. Writing and Presenting Literature Review
  • 30. Literature Review (How)  Points to note & report about any study  Main objectives and Sub-objectives  Any significant Theory in LR  Methodology  Population  Sample  Limitations  Nature of Data  Dimensions  Variables etc.  Statistical Test Applied  Findings
  • 31. Structure of review articles  Literature reviews are in reality a type of research  Should conform to the anatomy of a typical scholarly article  Abstract  Introduction  Methods  Results  Discussion  Conclusion  References
  • 32. Structure of literature review  Introduction  Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern.  Body  Contains your discussion of sources.  Conclusions/Recommendations  Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?
  • 33. Organization of literature review  A general organization looks like a funnel  Broader topics  Subtopics  Studies like yours
  • 34. How to organize studies  Chronological  By publication date  By trend  Thematic  A structure which considers different themes  Methodological  Focuses on the methods of the researcher, e.g., qualitative versus quantitative approaches
  • 35. Making links between studies  Agreements  Similarly, author B points to…  Likewise, author C makes the case that…  Author D also makes this point…  Again, it is possible to see how author E agrees with author D…  Disagreements  However, author B points to…  On the other hand, author C makes the case that…  Conversely, Author D argues…  Nevertheless, what author E suggests…
  • 36. Summary table  It is useful to prepare.  Such a table provides a quick overview that allows the reviewer to make sense of a large mass of information.  The tables could include columns with headings such as  Author  type of study  Sample  Design  data collection approach  key findings
  • 37. Citation Sample Environment Method Conclusions Atmospherics in service environments Summary table of literature Colour Bellizzi, Crowley and 125 Adults Furniture store Laboratory Warm and cool colours created different emotional Hasty (1983) experiment responses. Customers view red retail environments as Photographic more negative and unpleasant than blue. slide simulations Bellizzi, & Hite 70 Adult women Televisions Laboratory Study based on PAD affect measures and approach- (1992) 107 Students shown with experiments avoidance behaviours. different colour Photographic More positive retail outcomes occurred in blue backgrounds slide environments than red. Furniture stores simulations Music Smith and Curnow 1100 Retail store Field Time in store reduced with loud music but level of sales (1966) Supermarket experiment did not. shoppers Milliman (1982) 216 Shoppers Supermarket Field The tempo of background music influenced the pace at experiment which customers shopped. Slow tempo music slowed customers down but resulted in increased volume of sales. Hui, Dubé and Chebat 116 Students Bank branch Laboratory The positive impact of music on approach behaviours is (1997) - waiting for experiment mediated by an emotional evaluation of the environment service. Video and the emotional response to waiting. Pleasurable music simulation produced longer perceived waiting times. Lighting Areni and Kim (1994) 171 Shoppers Wine store Field The investigation found that brighter in-store lighting experiment influenced shoppers to examine and handle more of the merchandise in the store Summers and Hebert 2367 Customers Hardware store Field Confirmed Areni and Kims (1994) results. Increased (2001) Apparel store experiment levels of lighting will produce arousal and pleasure and increase the approach behaviours of customers. 37
  • 38. Citation styles  Information prominent citation Example:  For viscoelastic fluids, the behaviour of the time-dependent stresses in the transient shear flows is also very important (Boger et al., 1974).  Author prominent citation Examples:  Close (1983) developed a simplified theory using an analogy between heat and mass transfer and the equivalent heat transfer only case.  Several authors have suggested that automated testing should be more readily accepted (Balcer, 1989; Stahl, 1989; Carver & Tai, 1991).
  • 39. Active or passive voice  You should use, where appropriate, both active and passive voice  As a general rule, use active voice unless there is good reason not to
  • 40. Reporting verbs  Argue  Note  Assert  Object  Assume  Observe  Challenge  Persuade  Claim  Propose  Contend  Prove  Contradict  Purport  Describe  Recommend  Dispute  Refute  Emphasize  Reject  Establish  Remark  Examine  Suggest  Find  Support  Maintain
  • 41. Verb tenses – Present  A statement about what the thesis, chapter or section does Examples:  This thesis presents a report of an investigation into …….  This chapter thus provides a basis for the next.  In this section, the results from the first set of experiments are reported.  A statement of a generally accepted scientific fact Examples:  There are three factors that control the concentration of aluminum in seawater.  The finite rate coefficients have an effect on heat transfer through a horizontal porous layer.
  • 42. Verb tenses – Present  A review of current research work, or research work of immediate relevance to your study. Example:  Schulze (2002) concludes that hydraulic rate has a significant effect on future performance.  Comments, explanations and evaluative statements made by you when you are reviewing previous studies. Examples:  Therefore, this sequential approach is impractical in the real world where projects are typically large and the activities from one stage may be carried out in parallel with the activities of another stage.  The reason for this anomalous result is that the tests were done at low hydraulic rates at which the plastic packing was not completely wetted.
  • 43. Verb tenses – Past  Report the contents, findings or conclusions of past research Examples:  Haberfield (1998) showed that the velocity of many enzyme reactions was slowed down if the end product had an increased paramagnetism.  Allington (1999) found that the temperatures varied significantly over time.
  • 44. Verb tenses – Present perfect  In citations where the focus is on the research area of several authors Examples:  Several studies have provided support for the suggestion that the amount of phonological recoding that is carried out depends on orthographic depth (Frost, 1994; Smart et al, 1997; Katz & Feldman, 2001, 2002).  Joint roughness has been characterized by a number of authors (Renger, 1990; Feker & Rengers, 1997; Wu & Ali, 2000).  To generalize about the extent of the previous research Examples:  Many studies have been conducted in this field.  Few researchers have examined this technique.  There has been extensive research into.........
  • 45. The Writing Process  Rough Draft  Final Draft  Edit  Edit Again
  • 46. Show others Have someone else look at your literature review for  Clarity  Can they understand what you’re trying say?  Flow  Does the organization make sense?  Completeness  Are there areas left out?  Questions left unanswered?  Statements without citations?
  • 47. A Good Literature Review is:  Focused - The topic should be narrow. You should only present ideas and only report on studies that are closely related to topic.  Concise - Ideas should be presented economically. Don’t take any more space than you need to present your ideas.  Logical - The flow within and among paragraphs should be a smooth, logical progression from one idea to the next  Developed - Don’t leave the story half told.  Integrative - Your paper should stress how the ideas in the studies are related. Focus on the big picture. What commonality do all the studies share? How are some studies different than others? Your paper should stress how all the studies reviewed contribute to your topic.  Current - Your review should focus on work being done on the cutting edge of your topic
  • 48. Pitfalls  Vagueness due to too much or inappropriate generalizations  Limited range  Insufficient information  Irrelevant material  Omission of contrasting view  Omission of recent work
  • 49. Common errors in reviewing literature  Hurrying through review to get started could mean that you will miss something that will improve your research.  Relying too heavily upon secondary sources.  Concentrating on findings rather than methods.  Overlooking sources other than academic journals. Don’t forget newspaper articles, magazines, blogs, etc.  Searching too broad or too narrow of a topic.  Inaccuracy in the compiling of bibliographic information.
  • 50. When should I cite (Other than literature Review)? Is it your idea? Yes NO Is it common knowledge? Do not cite No Cite it!! 50
  • 51. Performance Appraisal (Sequence)  Introduction (Introductory remarks about)  History and philosophy of …..  Reasons for (Importance) ………  Trends in (Global & Subcontinent)  History & Trends in Punjab (Pak)  The Act or Policy of……  Problems and Issues in ……  Gaps in the Literature  Your Objective