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About Me

 var name = “Suylong Khou”;
 var profession = “Javascript Developer”;
 var partTime = “Missionary”;
 var myCore = “Give, and it will be given to
  you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken
  together and running over, will be poured
  into your lap. For with the measure you use, it
  will be measured to you.“.luke(6, 38);
Data Types

   Object
   Function
   Numbers
   Strings
   Booleans
   null - a value that isn’t anything
   undefined - default value for variables and
    parameters, value of missing members in the
    object etc

 Objects can contain data and methods
 Objects can inherit from other objects
 An object contain an unordered collection of
  name/value pairs
 Values can be any type including other
Object Literals

 Objects are wrapped in {}
 Names can be string
 Value can be an expression
 ; used for separation
 , separate pairs
Object Example

 var myobject = {
       name : “Jack Appleseed”,
       “data”: { foo: 10, bar: 20}
 var data =;
 var foo =;
typeof Prefix Operator

 The typeof prefix operator returns a
 string identifying the type of value
 Use instanceof instead

 Array inherits from Object (like every other
  object in JavaScript)
 No need to provide length when creating a
  new one
 Unlike object they have a length member and
  is always 1 larger than the highest subscript
Array Methods

 concat
 join (can also be used for concatenating
    multiple strings)
   pop
   push
   slice
   sort
   splice
Checking for Array

• Use construction
    value.constructor === Array
• User instanceof
    value instanceof Array

 They are first class Objects
 Can be passed, stored and returned just like
  any value
 Inherit from object
 Function can appear anywhere an expression
  can appear
Function Cont...

 Functions can be contained inside other
 Inner function has access to the variable and
  parameters of the function it is contained
 This is static or lexical scoping
 The scope that inner function has access to
  continues even after the parent function has
  returned is called Closure
function sayHello2(name) {
  var text = 'Hello ' + name; // local variable
  var sayAlert = function() { alert(text); }
  return sayAlert;
var say2 = sayHello2(“Foo”);
Function Cont...

 Function inside an object is called a method
 When invoked with too many arguments, the
  rest are ignored
 When invoked with fewer arguments,
 the rest are set to undefined
Function’s arguments

 var showMe = function(f00, bar){
     return foo + bar,

 showMe(“foo”, “bar”, “foobar”); //Last
 argument will be ignore
 showMe(“foo”) //bar will be undefined
Function Cont...

 When a function is invoked in method
  format, this refers to the object containing it.
 var foo = {
     baz: 10,
     bar: function() {
Function Cont...

 When object is invoked in function, this refers
  to the global object

 var global_variable = 5;
 function test() {
Function Cont...

 When new Function is used (implicit return is
  optional), then this returns the new object
var Test = function(id) {
      this.something = id; = function() {
            console.log('this is a test: ' +
var o = new Test(10),
i = new Test(111);;;
Function (arguments)

 When function is invoked, in addition to its
    parameters it has a special parameter called
   Contains all arguments from invocation
   arguments.length will tell you how many
    arguments were passed
   arguments is not of type Array even
   though it has length
Function (arguments)

var foo = function() {
  var a = new Array();
  console.log( typeof a );
  console.log( typeof arguments );
  console.log( arguments instanceof Object );
  console.log( arguments instanceof Array );
(global) Object

 As crockford says, the object that dare not
  speak of its name
 It is the container for all global variables and
  all built in objects
 On browsers window is the global object
 Variables defined with a var makes it local to
  the scope

 Un-namespaced values can clash each others
 Use of it should be minimized or gotten rid of
 Variables defined in the function / module
  should start with var otherwise they have a
  global scope
Object Oriented Javascript
Object-Oriented Basics
 Object (instance): representation of a "thing"
  (someone or something)
 Class - a blueprint, or recipe for an object
 Encapsulation : illustrates the fact that an
  object contains (encapsulates) :
   Data (stored in properties)
   The means to do something with the data (using
 Inheritance
Object Creation

 Two simple ways

  var obj = new Object(); = “Foo”;
  obj.say = function(){ return “hello”;};

  var obj = {
        name: “Foo”,
        say: function(){
              return “helllo”;

 When a property is a function we can call it a
          var object = {
             method: function(){
                   alert("here’s method");

 JavaScript functions work as
  methods, constructors and modules
 It has Prototypal Inheritance, which offers
  great expressive powers
 All objects are directly or indirectly linked to

 Each object is linked to its parent via a magic
 When a member is accessed the compiler
  looks at the object and then looks up to its
  parent via the magic link
 It keeps going all the way up to
 Go to console of firebug and type

 Looking for, found it in the object itself
 Looking for my_object.baz looks in the object and if it
  doesn’t find it there it goes to my_object_parent which is
 Looking for my_object.some_random_member can’t
  find it in the object, look at my_object_parent, can’t find
 there either, goes to Object can’t find it there and is set
  to undefined
var Person = function(){ = “Mr.Foo”;
      this.callMe = function(){
            alert(“I am “ + );
var personObj = new Person();
personObj.myFoo(); //will return undefined
Object Augmentation

  New members can be added to any object

Person.prototype.callMeAgain = function(){
      alert(“I said my name is: “ +;
Prototype usage

 callMeAgain() is a property of
 the prototype object

 but it behaves as if it's a
 property of the dude object
Own properties vs. prototype’s

   will return true
   will return false;
 true

 OOP ensures code reuse
 Two forms of OOP
     Classical with Mixin
     Prototypal
Prototypal Inheritance

var Boy = function(){};
Boy.prototype = new Person();
var boyObj = new Boy();
Inheritance through Mixin
var Person = function(name){
   this.greet = function(){
      alert("Hello, I'm " + name);
var Employee = function(name){
   Person.apply(this, [name]);
   this.getTeam = function(){ return "UI Library";}
//instantiate object of Employee
var employee = new Employee("Borey");

var team = employee.getTeam();
alert("Team: " + team);

 There is no need to produce a class-like
  constructor for an object that will have
  exactly one instance
 This is typical of JavaScript applications
 Use an object literal to get started instead
Module Pattern

 The methods of a singleton can enjoy access
  to shared private datum and private methods
 Variables defined in a module are only visible
  in a module
 Variables defined in a function are only visible
  to the function
 Function can be used as module containers
Module Pattern
var my_module = function() {
      var privateVariable,
      privateFunction = function() {
            // stuff
      return {
         firstMethod: function(a,b) {
            // can access privateVariable
            // can access privateFunction
Dom and Event

 Dom (document object modeling)
 Retrieving Nodes
   document.getElementById(id)

   document.getElementsByName(name)

   node.getElementsByTagName(tagNam
Document Tree Structure

     #document               <html>
         HTML                   <h1>Heading 1</h1>
                                  <h2>Heading 2</h2>
                 BODY         </body>



firstChild        firstChild








                                                      child, sibling, parent



child, sibling, parent


                          nextSibling                          nextSibling                         nextSibling
             H1                                    P                                  H2                                   P
                  previousSibling                      previousSibling                     previousSibling






             #text                                #text                               #text                               #text
child, sibling, parent


                                nextSibling                                nextSibling                               nextSibling
             H1                                           P                                       H2                                          P
                           previousSibling                            previousSibling                           previousSibling









             #text                                      #text                                     #text                                     #text
child, sibling, parent


                     nextSibling                    nextSibling                    nextSibling
             H1                              P                             H2                              P



             #text                          #text                          #text                          #text


  0                1       2        3

      H1               P       H2       P

          CSS                JavaScript
   background-          backgroundColor
                         borderRadius
   border-radius
                         fontSize
   font-size
                         listStyleType
   list-style-type
   word-spacing         wordSpacing
   z-index              zIndex
Making Elements



   Clone an individual element.

   Clone an element and all of its descendents.

 The new nodes are not connected to the document.
Linking Elements


node.insertBefore(new, sibling)

node.replaceChild(new, old)

old.parentNode.replaceChild(new, old)
Removing Elements

  It returns the node.
  Be sure to remove any event handlers.


 The W3C standard does not provide access to the
  HTML parser.

 All A browsers implement Microsoft's innerHTML

 node.innerHTML = “<p> this is text
Which Way Is Better?

 It is better to build or clone elements and append
  them to the document?

 Or is it better to compile an HTML text and use
  innerHTML to realize it?

 Favor clean code and easy maintenance.

 Favor performance only in extreme cases.

 The browser has an event-driven, single-
  threaded, asynchronous programming model.

 Events are targeted to particular nodes.

 Events cause the invocation of event handler
Mouse Events

 The target is the topmost (z-index) node containing
  the cursor.
    click
    dblclick
    mousedown
    mousemove
    mouseout
    mouseover
    mouseup
Input Events

 The target is the node having focus.
    blur
    change
    focus
    keydown
    keypress
    keyup
    reset
    submit
Event Handlers

 Classic
   node["on" + type] = handler;

 Microsoft
   node.attachEvent("on" +
    type, handler);

 W3C
   node.addEventListener(type, handler, fal
Event Handlers

 The handler takes an optional event parameter.
      Microsoft does not send an event parameter, use the
      global event object instead.
Event Handlers

var handler = function (e) {
    e = e || event;
    var target = || e.srcElement;

 Bubbling means that the event is given to the
  target, and then its parent, and then its
  parent, and so on until the event is canceled.
Why Bubble?

 Suppose you have 100 draggable objects.

 You could attach 100 sets of event handlers to
  those objects.

 Or you could attach one set of event handlers to
  the container of the 100 objects.
Cancel Bubbling

 Cancel bubbling to keep the parent nodes from
  seeing the event.

     e.cancelBubble = true;
     if (e.stopPropagation) {
Prevent Default Action

 An event handler can prevent a browser action associated
  with the event (such as submitting a form).

     e.returnValue = false;
     if (e.preventDefault) {
     return false;
Introduction to YoolkUi
What is YoolkUi

 The YoolkUI is a comprehensive suite of
  controls, written with JavaScript and CSS, for
  building rich responsive windows style web
 It is an open source
 Copatible with

 Events
   Dom event handler
   Object event hander following observer parttern
 Util: provides all necessary utilities methods
 Widget
   Container widget
   Control widget
 Ajax, Sadly we don’t provide any ajax helper
Dom event handler

  Help to bind the event and its handlers to
Var div = YK.domBuilder.create({tag: “div”, append:
YK.Event.addDomListener(div, “click”, function(e){
      alert(“hello world”);
Object event handler

 Follow Observer parttern

Var obj = new Object();
YK.Event.addListener(obj, “showMe”, function(){
      alert(“show me please”);
YK.Event.trigger(obj, “showMe”);

 Provide all the utilities needed for Yoolkui.
 See
Container Widget

  Provide wrapper for control widget and
   position it accordingly.
  Complet list of Container widget
• YK.Accordion             •   YK.Scroller
• YK.Container             •   YK.Table
• YK.Dragger
• YK.Frame
• YK.Hbox
• YK.Vbox
• YK.LiquidBox
• YK.MultiPanelContainer
• YK.NoteBook
• YK.VPaned
• YK.HPanded
Control widget

      Have ui presentation
      Most of the time, will be wrapped around and
       positioned inside Container widget
      Complet list of control widget
•   YK.Button        •YK.EntryDropDown     •   YK.SmartEntry
•   YK.CheckButton   • YK.Image            •   YK.SmartEntryDropDon
•   YK.ClipBoard     • YK.JustifiedLabel   •   YK.TextEditor
•   YK.ComboBox      • YK.Label            •   YK.TextView
•   YK.ComboEntry    • YK.LiquidLabel      •   YK.UnicodeEditor
•   YK.DatePicker    • YK.List             •   YK.TreeView
•   YK.Dom           • YK.ListView
•   YK.Entry         • YK.RadioButton
•   YK.EntrySearch

 The theory of dom by Douglas Crockford
 A Quick Intro to Javascript by Rajat Pandit
 YoolkUi

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Introduction to javascript and yoolkui

  • 2. About Me  var name = “Suylong Khou”;  var profession = “Javascript Developer”;  var partTime = “Missionary”;  var myCore = “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.“.luke(6, 38);
  • 3. Data Types  Object  Function  Numbers  Strings  Booleans  null - a value that isn’t anything  undefined - default value for variables and parameters, value of missing members in the object etc
  • 4. Objects  Objects can contain data and methods  Objects can inherit from other objects  An object contain an unordered collection of name/value pairs  Values can be any type including other objects  JSON
  • 5. Object Literals  Objects are wrapped in {}  Names can be string  Value can be an expression  ; used for separation  , separate pairs
  • 6. Object Example var myobject = { name : “Jack Appleseed”, “data”: { foo: 10, bar: 20} }; var data =; var foo =;
  • 7. typeof Prefix Operator  The typeof prefix operator returns a  string identifying the type of value  Use instanceof instead
  • 8. Array  Array inherits from Object (like every other object in JavaScript)  No need to provide length when creating a new one  Unlike object they have a length member and is always 1 larger than the highest subscript
  • 9. Array Methods  concat  join (can also be used for concatenating multiple strings)  pop  push  slice  sort  splice
  • 10. Checking for Array • Use construction value.constructor === Array • User instanceof value instanceof Array
  • 11. Function  They are first class Objects  Can be passed, stored and returned just like any value  Inherit from object  Function can appear anywhere an expression can appear
  • 12. Function Cont...  Functions can be contained inside other functions  Inner function has access to the variable and parameters of the function it is contained within  This is static or lexical scoping  The scope that inner function has access to continues even after the parent function has returned is called Closure
  • 13. Closure function sayHello2(name) { var text = 'Hello ' + name; // local variable var sayAlert = function() { alert(text); } return sayAlert; } var say2 = sayHello2(“Foo”); Say2();
  • 14. Function Cont...  Function inside an object is called a method  When invoked with too many arguments, the rest are ignored  When invoked with fewer arguments,  the rest are set to undefined
  • 15. Function’s arguments var showMe = function(f00, bar){ return foo + bar, } showMe(“foo”, “bar”, “foobar”); //Last argument will be ignore showMe(“foo”) //bar will be undefined
  • 16. Function Cont...  When a function is invoked in method format, this refers to the object containing it. var foo = { baz: 10, bar: function() { console.log(this.baz); } };;
  • 17. Function Cont...  When object is invoked in function, this refers to the global object var global_variable = 5; function test() { console.log(this.global_variable); } test();
  • 18. Function Cont...  When new Function is used (implicit return is optional), then this returns the new object created var Test = function(id) { this.something = id; = function() { console.log('this is a test: ' + this.something); } } var o = new Test(10), i = new Test(111);;;
  • 19. Function (arguments)  When function is invoked, in addition to its parameters it has a special parameter called arguments  Contains all arguments from invocation  arguments.length will tell you how many arguments were passed  arguments is not of type Array even  though it has length
  • 20. Function (arguments) var foo = function() { var a = new Array(); console.log( typeof a ); console.log( typeof arguments ); console.log( arguments instanceof Object ); console.log( arguments instanceof Array ); } foo();
  • 21. (global) Object  As crockford says, the object that dare not speak of its name  It is the container for all global variables and all built in objects  On browsers window is the global object  Variables defined with a var makes it local to the scope
  • 22. GLOBAL VARIABLES ARE EVIL  Un-namespaced values can clash each others values  Use of it should be minimized or gotten rid of totally  Variables defined in the function / module should start with var otherwise they have a global scope
  • 24. Object-Oriented Basics  Object (instance): representation of a "thing" (someone or something)  Class - a blueprint, or recipe for an object  Encapsulation : illustrates the fact that an object contains (encapsulates) :  Data (stored in properties)  The means to do something with the data (using methods)  Inheritance
  • 25. Object Creation  Two simple ways var obj = new Object(); = “Foo”; obj.say = function(){ return “hello”;}; var obj = { name: “Foo”, say: function(){ return “helllo”; } }
  • 26. Methods  When a property is a function we can call it a method var object = { method: function(){ alert("here’s method"); } }
  • 27. prototype  JavaScript functions work as methods, constructors and modules  It has Prototypal Inheritance, which offers great expressive powers  All objects are directly or indirectly linked to Object.prototype
  • 28. prototype  Each object is linked to its parent via a magic link  When a member is accessed the compiler looks at the object and then looks up to its parent via the magic link  It keeps going all the way up to Object.prototype  Go to console of firebug and type Object.prototype
  • 29. prototype  Looking for, found it in the object itself  Looking for my_object.baz looks in the object and if it doesn’t find it there it goes to my_object_parent which is my_object.prototype  Looking for my_object.some_random_member can’t find it in the object, look at my_object_parent, can’t find it  there either, goes to Object can’t find it there and is set to undefined
  • 30. prototype var Person = function(){ = “Mr.Foo”; this.callMe = function(){ alert(“I am “ + ); } } var personObj = new Person(); personObj.callMe(); personObj.constructor(); personObj.myFoo(); //will return undefined
  • 31. Object Augmentation  New members can be added to any object Person.prototype.callMeAgain = function(){ alert(“I said my name is: “ +; }; personObj.callMeAgain();
  • 32. Prototype usage  callMeAgain() is a property of the prototype object  but it behaves as if it's a property of the dude object
  • 33. Own properties vs. prototype’s personObj.hasOwnProperty(“callMe”);  will return true personObj.hasOwnProperty(“callMeAgain”);  will return false;
  • 35. Inheritance  OOP ensures code reuse  Two forms of OOP  Classical with Mixin  Prototypal
  • 36. Prototypal Inheritance var Boy = function(){}; Boy.prototype = new Person(); var boyObj = new Boy(); boyObj.callMe();
  • 37. Inheritance through Mixin var Person = function(name){ this.greet = function(){ alert("Hello, I'm " + name); } }; var Employee = function(name){ Person.apply(this, [name]); this.getTeam = function(){ return "UI Library";} } //instantiate object of Employee var employee = new Employee("Borey"); employee.greet(); var team = employee.getTeam(); alert("Team: " + team);
  • 38. Singleton  There is no need to produce a class-like constructor for an object that will have exactly one instance  This is typical of JavaScript applications  Use an object literal to get started instead
  • 39. Module Pattern  The methods of a singleton can enjoy access to shared private datum and private methods  Variables defined in a module are only visible in a module  Variables defined in a function are only visible to the function  Function can be used as module containers
  • 40. Module Pattern var my_module = function() { var privateVariable, privateFunction = function() { // stuff }; return { firstMethod: function(a,b) { // can access privateVariable // can access privateFunction } } }(); my_module.firstMethod();
  • 42. Dom  Dom (document object modeling)  Retrieving Nodes  document.getElementById(id)  document.getElementsByName(name)  node.getElementsByTagName(tagNam e)
  • 43. Document Tree Structure #document <html> <body> HTML <h1>Heading 1</h1> <p>Paragraph.</p> HEAD <h2>Heading 2</h2> <p>Paragraph.</p> BODY </body> </html> H1 #text P #text H2 #text P #text
  • 44. firstChild firstChild H1 #text lastChild BODY firstChild lastChild P #text lastChild firstChild H2 #text lastChild child, sibling, parent firstChild P #text lastChild
  • 45. child, sibling, parent BODY lastChild firstChild nextSibling nextSibling nextSibling H1 P H2 P previousSibling previousSibling previousSibling firstChild firstChild firstChild firstChild lastChild lastChild lastChild lastChild #text #text #text #text
  • 46. child, sibling, parent BODY lastChild parentNode firstChild nextSibling nextSibling nextSibling H1 P H2 P previousSibling previousSibling previousSibling parentNode parentNode parentNode parentNode firstChild firstChild firstChild firstChild lastChild lastChild lastChild lastChild #text #text #text #text
  • 47. child, sibling, parent BODY firstChild nextSibling nextSibling nextSibling H1 P H2 P firstChild firstChild firstChild firstChild #text #text #text #text
  • 48. childNodes BODY childNodes 0 1 2 3 H1 P H2 P
  • 49. Style  CSS JavaScript  background-  backgroundColor color  borderRadius  border-radius  fontSize  font-size  listStyleType  list-style-type  word-spacing  wordSpacing  z-index  zIndex
  • 50. Making Elements document.createElement(tagName) document.createTextNode(text) node.cloneNode()  Clone an individual element. node.cloneNode(true)  Clone an element and all of its descendents.  The new nodes are not connected to the document.
  • 52. Removing Elements node.removeChild(old)  It returns the node.  Be sure to remove any event handlers. old.parentNode.removeChild(old)
  • 53. innerHTML Parse  The W3C standard does not provide access to the HTML parser.  All A browsers implement Microsoft's innerHTML property.  node.innerHTML = “<p> this is text </p>”;
  • 54. Which Way Is Better?  It is better to build or clone elements and append them to the document?  Or is it better to compile an HTML text and use innerHTML to realize it?  Favor clean code and easy maintenance.  Favor performance only in extreme cases.
  • 55. Events Event  The browser has an event-driven, single- threaded, asynchronous programming model.  Events are targeted to particular nodes.  Events cause the invocation of event handler functions.
  • 56. Mouse Events  The target is the topmost (z-index) node containing the cursor.  click  dblclick  mousedown  mousemove  mouseout  mouseover  mouseup
  • 57. Input Events  The target is the node having focus.  blur  change  focus  keydown  keypress  keyup  reset  submit
  • 58. Event Handlers  Classic  node["on" + type] = handler;  Microsoft  node.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);  W3C  node.addEventListener(type, handler, fal se);
  • 59. Event Handlers  The handler takes an optional event parameter.  Microsoft does not send an event parameter, use the global event object instead.
  • 60. Event Handlers var handler = function (e) { e = e || event; var target = || e.srcElement; ... }
  • 61. Bubbling  Bubbling means that the event is given to the target, and then its parent, and then its parent, and so on until the event is canceled.
  • 62. Why Bubble?  Suppose you have 100 draggable objects.  You could attach 100 sets of event handlers to those objects.  Or you could attach one set of event handlers to the container of the 100 objects.
  • 63. Cancel Bubbling  Cancel bubbling to keep the parent nodes from seeing the event. e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); }
  • 64. Prevent Default Action  An event handler can prevent a browser action associated with the event (such as submitting a form). e.returnValue = false; if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false;
  • 66. What is YoolkUi  The YoolkUI is a comprehensive suite of controls, written with JavaScript and CSS, for building rich responsive windows style web applications  It is an open source  Copatible with
  • 67. Componetns  Events  Dom event handler  Object event hander following observer parttern  Util: provides all necessary utilities methods  Widget  Container widget  Control widget  Ajax, Sadly we don’t provide any ajax helper
  • 68. Dom event handler  Help to bind the event and its handlers to dom Var div = YK.domBuilder.create({tag: “div”, append: document.body}); YK.Event.addDomListener(div, “click”, function(e){ alert(“hello world”); YK.Event.stopBubble(e); });
  • 69. Object event handler  Follow Observer parttern Var obj = new Object(); YK.Event.addListener(obj, “showMe”, function(){ alert(“show me please”); }); YK.Event.trigger(obj, “showMe”);
  • 70. YK.Util  Provide all the utilities needed for Yoolkui.  See documentation/
  • 71. Container Widget  Provide wrapper for control widget and position it accordingly.  Complet list of Container widget • YK.Accordion • YK.Scroller • YK.Container • YK.Table • YK.Dragger • YK.Frame • YK.Hbox • YK.Vbox • YK.LiquidBox • YK.MultiPanelContainer • YK.NoteBook • YK.VPaned • YK.HPanded
  • 72. Control widget  Have ui presentation  Most of the time, will be wrapped around and positioned inside Container widget  Complet list of control widget • YK.Button •YK.EntryDropDown • YK.SmartEntry • YK.CheckButton • YK.Image • YK.SmartEntryDropDon • YK.ClipBoard • YK.JustifiedLabel • YK.TextEditor • YK.ComboBox • YK.Label • YK.TextView • YK.ComboEntry • YK.LiquidLabel • YK.UnicodeEditor • YK.DatePicker • YK.List • YK.TreeView • YK.Dom • YK.ListView • YK.Entry • YK.RadioButton • YK.EntrySearch
  • 73. Reference  The theory of dom by Douglas Crockford  A Quick Intro to Javascript by Rajat Pandit (  YoolkUi