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Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski 
GeeCON 2014 @ Kraków, PL 
Akka Streams 
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski 
Tokyo Scala User Group @ Tokyo 2014
hAkker @ 
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski
hAkker @ 
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski / / @ London
ありがとうございました, Benedict! 
For translating the slides!
z ?
z ? 
z ? 
“You cannot enter the same river twice” 
~ Heraclitus
Real Time Stream Processing 
When you attach “late” to a Publisher, 
you may miss initial elements – it’s a river of data.
Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams 
Stream processing
Reactive Streams 
Stream processing
Reactive Streams 
Stream processing
Reactive Streams 
Stream processing 
Standardised (!)
Reactive Streams: Goals 
1. Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing 
2. Standard implemented by many libraries
Reactive Streams - Specification & TCK
Reactive Streams - Who? 
Kaazing Corp. 
rxJava @ Netflix, 
reactor @ Pivotal (SpringSource), 
vert.x @ Red Hat, 
akka-streams @ Typesafe, 
spray @, 
java (?) – Doug Lea - SUNY Oswego 
Reactive Streams - Inter-op 
We want to make different implementations 
co-operate with each other.
Reactive Streams - Inter-op 
The different implementations “talk to each other” 
using the Reactive Streams protocol.
Reactive Streams - Inter-op 
The Reactive Streams SPI is NOT meant to be user-api. 
You should use one of the implementing libraries.
Back-pressure, なにですか?
Back-pressure? Example Without 
Publisher[T] Subscriber[T]
Back-pressure? Example Without 
Fast Publisher 速度が遅いサブスクライバー 
Slow Subscriber
Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model 
Subscriber usually has some kind of buffer.
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model 
What if the buffer overflows?
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) 
Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) 
Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending 
Kernel does this! 
Routers do this! 
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b) 
Increase buffer size… 
Well, while you have memory available!
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b)
Why NACKing is NOT enough
Back-pressure? Example NACKing 
Buffer overflow is imminent!
Back-pressure? Example NACKing 
Telling the Publisher to slow down / stop sending…
Back-pressure? Example NACKing 
NACK did not make it in time, 
because M was in-flight!
パブリッシャーの速度 < サブスクライバーの速度 
speed(publisher) < speed(subscriber)
Back-pressure? Fast Subscriber, No Problem 
No problem!
“Dynamic Push/Pull”
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
プッシュ一方 - 速度が遅いサブスクライバーの場合、 
Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber 
プル一方 - 速度早いサブスクライバーの場合、 
Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
プッシュ一方 - 速度が遅いサブスクライバーの場合、 
Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber 
プル一方 - 速度早いサブスクライバーの場合、 
Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber 
Dynamic adjustment (Reactive Streams)
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
るほどデータを送らない。Slow Subscriber sees it’s buffer can 
take 3 elements. Publisher will never blow up it’s buffer.
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
Fast Publisher will send at-most 3 elements. This is pull-based-backpressure.
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
できる!Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data arrives!
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data 
arrives. Publisher can accumulate demand.
Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand 
リクエストを溜める. Publisher accumulates total demand per subscriber.
Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand 
Total demand of elements is safe to publish. 
Subscriber’s buffer will not overflow.
Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot” 
Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot” 
Fast Subscriber, can request “a lot” from Publisher. 
This is effectively “publisher push”, and is really fast. 
Buffer size is known and this is safe.
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 
Akka = アッカ 
Akka is a high-performance concurrency 
library for Scala and Java. 
At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
Akka = アッカ 
Akka is a high-performance concurrency 
library for Scala and Java. 
At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model: 
• メッセージを送信・受信する (Send / receive messages) 
• アクターを作る (Create Actors) 
• 自分の動作を変える (Change it’s behaviour)
Akka has multiple modules: 
Akka-camel: integration 
Akka-remote: remote actors 
Akka-cluster: clustering 
Akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing 
Akka-streams: stream processing 
Akka Streams 
0.7 early preview
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
FlowFrom[Double].map(_.toInt). [...] 
No Source attached yet. 
“Pipe ready to work with Doubles”.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
ActorSystem is the world in which Actors live in. 
AkkaStreams uses Actors, so it needs ActorSystem.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 
Contains logic on HOW to materialise the stream.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 
Apache Spark (?!) 
A materialiser can choose HOW to materialise, it could even use 
Apache Spark (?!) if someone would implement that… :-)
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 
You can configure it’s buffer sizes etc.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 
val foreachSink = ForeachSink[Int](println)! 
val mf = FlowFrom(1 to 3).withSink(foreachSink).run() 
Uses the implicit FlowMaterializer
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! 
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 
val foreachSink = ForeachSink[Int](println)! 
val mf = FlowFrom(1 to 3).withSink(foreachSink).run()(mat)
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val mf = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
withSink(ForeachSink(println)) // needs source,! 
// can NOT run 
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val f = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! 
! ! // needs Source to run! 
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val f = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! 
! ! // needs Source to run!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val f = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! 
! ! // needs Source to run!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val f = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! 
! ! // needs Source to run! 
! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run() 
Akka Streams – Linear Flow 
val f = FlowFrom[Int].! 
map(_ * 2).! 
! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! 
! ! // needs Source to run! 
! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run() 
Akka Streams – Flows are reusable 
! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run()! 
! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 100)).run()! 
! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 1000)).run()
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! 
FlowFrom(1 to 100).! 
filter(_.length == 2).! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! 
FlowFrom(1 to 100).! 
filter(_.length == 2).! 
Each “group” is a stream too! It’s a “Stream of Streams”.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
GroupBy groups “11” to group “1”, “12” to group “2” etc.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
It offers (groupKey, subStreamFlow) to Subscriber
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
It can then start children, to handle the sub-flows!
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
For example, one child for each group.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! 
FlowFrom(1 to 100).! 
filter(_.length == 2).! 
普通 Akka Actor, will consume SubStream offers.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! 
with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! 
with ActorLogging {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! 
val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! 
with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! 
with ActorLogging {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! 
val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! 
with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! 
with ActorLogging {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! 
val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! 
with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! 
with ActorLogging {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! 
val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! 
with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! 
with ActorLogging {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! 
val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! 
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced 
class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber {! 
override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! 
override def receive = {! 
case OnNext(n: String) => println(s”n = $n”) ! 
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Linear Flows 
non-akka pipelines 
Could be another RS implementation!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Fan-out elements 
Fan-in elements
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Fan-out elements 
Fan-in elements 
Now you need a FlowGraph
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// first define some pipeline pieces! 
val f1 = FlowFrom[Input].map(_.toIntermediate)! 
val f2 = FlowFrom[Intermediate].map(_.enrich)! 
val f3 = FlowFrom[Enriched].filter(_.isImportant)! 
val f4 = FlowFrom[Intermediate].mapFuture(_.enrichAsync)! 
// then add input and output placeholders! 
val in = SubscriberSource[Input]! 
val out = PublisherSink[Enriched]!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
val b3 = Broadcast[Int]("b3")! 
val b7 = Broadcast[Int]("b7")! 
val b11 = Broadcast[Int]("b11")! 
val m8 = Merge[Int]("m8")! 
val m9 = Merge[Int]("m9")! 
val m10 = Merge[Int]("m10")! 
val m11 = Merge[Int]("m11")! 
val in3 = IterableSource(List(3))! 
val in5 = IterableSource(List(5))! 
val in7 = IterableSource(List(7))!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// First layer! 
in7 ~> b7! 
b7 ~> m11! 
b7 ~> m8! 
in5 ~> m11! 
in3 ~> b3! 
b3 ~> m8! 
b3 ~> m10!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// Second layer! 
m11 ~> b11! 
b11 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture2 ! 
b11 ~> m9! 
b11 ~> m10! 
m8 ~> m9!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// Third layer! 
m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! 
m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// Third layer! 
m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! 
m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
// Third layer! 
m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! 
m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Sinks and Sources are “keys” 
which can be addressed within the graph 
val resultFuture2 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val resultFuture9 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val resultFuture10 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val g = FlowGraph { implicit b =>! 
// ...! 
m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10! 
// ...! 
Await.result(g.getSinkFor(resultFuture2), 3.seconds).sorted! 
should be(List(5, 7))
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
Sinks and Sources are “keys” 
which can be addressed within the graph 
val resultFuture2 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val resultFuture9 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val resultFuture10 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! 
val g = FlowGraph { implicit b =>! 
// ...! 
m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10! 
// ...! 
Await.result(g.getSinkFor(resultFuture2), 3.seconds).sorted! 
should be(List(5, 7))
Akka Streams – GraphFlow 
val g = FlowGraph {}! 
FlowGraph is immutable and safe to share and re-use! 
Think of it as “the description” which then gets “run”.
Available Elements 
0.7 early preview
Available Sources 
• FutureSource 
• IterableSource 
• IteratorSource 
• PublisherSource 
• SubscriberSource 
• ThunkSource 
• TickSource (timer based) 
• 簡単に自分のものを追加できる! 
… easy to add your own! 
0.7 early preview
Available operations 
• buffer 
• collect 
• concat 
• conflate 
• drop / dropWithin 
• take / takeWithin 
• filter 
• fold 
• foreach 
• groupBy 
• grouped 
• map 
• onComplete 
• prefixAndTail 
• broadcast 
• merge / “generalised merge” 
• zip 
• 自分のオペレーションを追加する事は可能! 
… possible to add your own! 
0.7 early preview
Available Sinks 
• BlackHoleSink 
• FoldSink 
• ForeachSink 
• FutureSink 
• OnCompleteSink 
• PublisherSink / FanoutPublisherSink 
• SubscriberSink 
• 簡単に自分のものを追加できる! 
… easy to add your own! 
0.7 early preview
Spray => Akka-Http && ReactiveStreams 
Spray is now merged into Akka, as Akka-Http 
Works on Reactive Streams 
Streaming end-to-end!
• <- ask questions here! 
Ask questions, 
get Stickers! 
ktoso @ 
twitter: ktosopl 
github: ktoso 
team blog:
©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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2014 akka-streams-tokyo-japanese

  • 1. Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski GeeCON 2014 @ Kraków, PL Akka Streams Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski Tokyo Scala User Group @ Tokyo 2014
  • 3. hAkker @ Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski / / @ London
  • 7. You? ? z ? ?
  • 8. You? ? z ? ? ?
  • 11. Streams “You cannot enter the same river twice” ~ Heraclitus
  • 12. Streams ライルタイムストリーム処理 Real Time Stream Processing !パブリッシャーにつけることが遅ければ、 データは川のように流れるため、最初の 要素を逃がしてしまう可能性がある When you attach “late” to a Publisher, you may miss initial elements – it’s a river of data.
  • 14. Reactive Streams ! ! Stream processing
  • 15. Reactive Streams Back-pressured ! Stream processing
  • 16. Reactive Streams Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing
  • 17. Reactive Streams Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing Standardised (!)
  • 18. Reactive Streams: Goals 1. Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing ! 2. Standard implemented by many libraries
  • 19. Reactive Streams - Specification & TCK
  • 20. Reactive Streams - Who? Kaazing Corp. rxJava @ Netflix, reactor @ Pivotal (SpringSource), vert.x @ Red Hat, Twitter, akka-streams @ Typesafe, spray @, Oracle, java (?) – Doug Lea - SUNY Oswego …
  • 21. Reactive Streams - Inter-op システム達を協力させたい. We want to make different implementations co-operate with each other.
  • 22. Reactive Streams - Inter-op リアクティブストリームのプロトコールを 使ってシステム達を話し合わせる The different implementations “talk to each other” using the Reactive Streams protocol.
  • 23. Reactive Streams - Inter-op リアクティブストリームSPIはユーザーAPIではない。 対象システムのライブラリを使うべき。 The Reactive Streams SPI is NOT meant to be user-api. You should use one of the implementing libraries.
  • 25. Back-pressure? Example Without Publisher[T] Subscriber[T]
  • 26. Back-pressure? Example Without 速度が早いパブリッシャー Fast Publisher 速度が遅いサブスクライバー Slow Subscriber
  • 27. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 28. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 29. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model 通常の場合、サブスクライバーはバッファーがある. Subscriber usually has some kind of buffer.
  • 30. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 31. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 32. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model バッファーが溢れてしまった場合、どうなる? What if the buffer overflows?
  • 33. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) 有界バッファーを利用して、溢れてしまったメッセージを 落とし、再送を求める. ! Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending
  • 34. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) 有界バッファーを利用して、溢れてしまったメッセージを 落とし、再送を求める. ! Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending Kernel does this! Routers do this! (TCP)
  • 35. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b) バッファーの容量を増やす・・・まぁ、 メモリ容量がある限り! Increase buffer size… Well, while you have memory available!
  • 36. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b)
  • 37. Back-pressure? Why NACKing is NOT enough
  • 38. Back-pressure? Example NACKing たいへんですよ! バッファーが溢れるまで間もなく! Buffer overflow is imminent!
  • 39. Back-pressure? Example NACKing データを送る速力を落とす、または送信を停止する、 ようにパブリッシャーに告げる. Telling the Publisher to slow down / stop sending…
  • 40. Back-pressure? Example NACKing メッセージが送信されている最中のため、 NACKが間に合わなかった! NACK did not make it in time, because M was in-flight!
  • 41. Back-pressure? ! パブリッシャーの速度 < サブスクライバーの速度 speed(publisher) < speed(subscriber)
  • 42. Back-pressure? Fast Subscriber, No Problem 速度が速いサブスクライバーなら、問題ない! No problem!
  • 43. Back-pressure? Reactive-Streams = “Dynamic Push/Pull”
  • 44. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull プッシュ一方 - 速度が遅いサブスクライバーの場合、 安全じゃない Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber ! ! プル一方 - 速度早いサブスクライバーの場合、 遅すぎる Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber
  • 45. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull プッシュ一方 - 速度が遅いサブスクライバーの場合、 安全じゃない Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber ! ! プル一方 - 速度早いサブスクライバーの場合、 遅すぎる Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber ! Solution: 動的な調整(リアクティブストリーム) Dynamic adjustment (Reactive Streams)
  • 46. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 速度が遅いサブスクライバーは自分のバッ ファーが3つの要素まで受け取られる。パブリッ シャーはサブスクライバーのバッファーが溢れ るほどデータを送らない。Slow Subscriber sees it’s buffer can take 3 elements. Publisher will never blow up it’s buffer.
  • 47. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 速度が速いパブリッシャーは最大でも3つの要 素を送る。これは、プル型のback-pressure. Fast Publisher will send at-most 3 elements. This is pull-based-backpressure.
  • 48. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 速度が速いサブスクライバーは、実際のデータ が届く前に、たくさんリクエストを送ることが できる!Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data arrives!
  • 49. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull パブリッシャーはサブスクライバーの全てのリ クエストを溜める. Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data arrives. Publisher can accumulate demand.
  • 50. Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand パブリッシャーはサブスクライバーの全ての リクエストを溜める. Publisher accumulates total demand per subscriber.
  • 51. Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand 溜まった要素をパブリッシュすることは安全だ。 サブスクライバーのバッファーは溢れない。 Total demand of elements is safe to publish. Subscriber’s buffer will not overflow.
  • 52. Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot” 速度が速いサブスクライバーは、パブリッ シャーに対し要求が多くても良い。これは「パ ブリッシャー・プッシュ」だ。バッファー容量 は知られているので、安全だ。
  • 53. Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot” Fast Subscriber, can request “a lot” from Publisher. This is effectively “publisher push”, and is really fast. Buffer size is known and this is safe.
  • 54. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull MAX速度
  • 55. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull 安全!溢れ ること絶対 ない! MAX速度
  • 57. Akka = アッカ Akka is a high-performance concurrency library for Scala and Java. ! At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
  • 58. Akka = アッカ Akka is a high-performance concurrency library for Scala and Java. ! At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model: アクターができること: • メッセージを送信・受信する (Send / receive messages) • アクターを作る (Create Actors) • 自分の動作を変える (Change it’s behaviour)
  • 59. Akka Akka has multiple modules: ! Akka-camel: integration Akka-remote: remote actors Akka-cluster: clustering Akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing Akka-streams: stream processing …
  • 60. Akka Streams 0.7 early preview
  • 61. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 62. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 63. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 64. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 65. Akka Streams – Linear Flow FlowFrom[Double].map(_.toInt). [...] ソースはまだ付けられていない. パイプはダブルを処理する準備を整いた. No Source attached yet. “Pipe ready to work with Doubles”.
  • 66. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! ! アクターが住んでいる世界. AkkaStreamsはアクターを使うため、 アクターシステムは必要. ! ActorSystem is the world in which Actors live in. AkkaStreams uses Actors, so it needs ActorSystem.
  • 67. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! ストリームをどうやって具体化するかの ロジックが含まれている. ! Contains logic on HOW to materialise the stream.
  • 68. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! 単純にアクターか、 もしくは実装されていれば、 Apache Spark (?!) ! A materialiser can choose HOW to materialise, it could even use Apache Spark (?!) if someone would implement that… :-)
  • 69. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! バッファーの容量を設定できるなど ! You can configure it’s buffer sizes etc.
  • 70. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! val foreachSink = ForeachSink[Int](println)! val mf = FlowFrom(1 to 3).withSink(foreachSink).run() Uses the implicit FlowMaterializer
  • 71. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")! implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()! val foreachSink = ForeachSink[Int](println)! val mf = FlowFrom(1 to 3).withSink(foreachSink).run()(mat)
  • 72. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val mf = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! withSink(ForeachSink(println)) // needs source,! // can NOT run 走らせるためにソースが必要!
  • 73. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! ! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! ! ! // needs Source to run! インプットが必要 走らせるためにソースが必要!
  • 74. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! ! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! ! ! // needs Source to run!
  • 75. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! ! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! ! ! // needs Source to run!
  • 76. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! ! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! ! ! // needs Source to run! ! ! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run() 準備完了!
  • 77. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = FlowFrom[Int].! map(_ * 2).! ! ! ! withSink(ForeachSink(i => println(s"i = $i”))).! ! ! // needs Source to run! ! ! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run() 準備完了!
  • 78. Akka Streams – Flows are reusable ! ! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run()! ! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 100)).run()! ! ! ! f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 1000)).run()
  • 79. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! ! FlowFrom(1 to 100).! map(_.toString).! filter(_.length == 2).! drop(2).! groupBy(_.last).! publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subscriber))!
  • 80. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! ! FlowFrom(1 to 100).! map(_.toString).! filter(_.length == 2).! drop(2).! groupBy(_.last).! publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subscriber))! 各グループもストリームだよ! Each “group” is a stream too! It’s a “Stream of Streams”.
  • 81. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced ! groupBy(_.last). 「11」をグループ「1」に、「12」をグループ「2」になど GroupBy groups “11” to group “1”, “12” to group “2” etc.
  • 82. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced ! groupBy(_.last). サブスクライバーに[グループキー、サブストリームフロー]を提供する It offers (groupKey, subStreamFlow) to Subscriber
  • 83. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced ! groupBy(_.last). 子供を起動させ、サブーフローを扱わせる It can then start children, to handle the sub-flows!
  • 84. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced ! groupBy(_.last). 例えば、グループ毎に1人の子供 For example, one child for each group.
  • 85. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced val subscriber = system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent")! ! FlowFrom(1 to 100).! map(_.toString).! filter(_.length == 2).! drop(2).! groupBy(_.last).! publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subscriber))! 普通 Akka Actor, will consume SubStream offers.
  • 86. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! with ActorLogging {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! ! val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! s"sub-$groupId")! subStream.publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subSub))! }! }!
  • 87. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! with ActorLogging {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! ! val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! s"sub-$groupId")! subStream.publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subSub))! }! }!
  • 88. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! with ActorLogging {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! ! val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! s"sub-$groupId")! subStream.publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subSub))! }! }!
  • 89. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! with ActorLogging {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! ! val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! s"sub-$groupId")! subStream.publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subSub))! }! }!
  • 90. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber ! with ImplicitFlowMaterializer ! with ActorLogging {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext((groupId: String, subStream: FlowWithSource[_, _])) =>! ! val subSub = context.actorOf(Props[SubStreamSubscriber], ! s"sub-$groupId")! subStream.publishTo(ActorSubscriber(subSub))! }! }!
  • 91. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced class SubStreamParent extends ActorSubscriber {! ! override def requestStrategy = OneByOneRequestStrategy! ! override def receive = {! case OnNext(n: String) => println(s”n = $n”) ! }! }!
  • 92. Akka Streams – GraphFlow GraphFlow
  • 93. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Linear Flows or non-akka pipelines Could be another RS implementation!
  • 94. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Fan-out elements and Fan-in elements
  • 95. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Fan-out elements and Fan-in elements Now you need a FlowGraph
  • 96. Akka Streams – GraphFlow // first define some pipeline pieces! val f1 = FlowFrom[Input].map(_.toIntermediate)! val f2 = FlowFrom[Intermediate].map(_.enrich)! val f3 = FlowFrom[Enriched].filter(_.isImportant)! val f4 = FlowFrom[Intermediate].mapFuture(_.enrichAsync)! ! // then add input and output placeholders! val in = SubscriberSource[Input]! val out = PublisherSink[Enriched]!
  • 97. Akka Streams – GraphFlow
  • 98. Akka Streams – GraphFlow val b3 = Broadcast[Int]("b3")! val b7 = Broadcast[Int]("b7")! val b11 = Broadcast[Int]("b11")! val m8 = Merge[Int]("m8")! val m9 = Merge[Int]("m9")! val m10 = Merge[Int]("m10")! val m11 = Merge[Int]("m11")! val in3 = IterableSource(List(3))! val in5 = IterableSource(List(5))! val in7 = IterableSource(List(7))!
  • 99. Akka Streams – GraphFlow
  • 100. Akka Streams – GraphFlow // First layer! in7 ~> b7! b7 ~> m11! b7 ~> m8! ! in5 ~> m11! ! in3 ~> b3! b3 ~> m8! b3 ~> m10!
  • 101. Akka Streams – GraphFlow ! // Second layer! m11 ~> b11! b11 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture2 ! b11 ~> m9! b11 ~> m10! ! m8 ~> m9!
  • 102. Akka Streams – GraphFlow ! // Third layer! m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
  • 103. Akka Streams – GraphFlow ! // Third layer! m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
  • 104. Akka Streams – GraphFlow ! // Third layer! m9 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture9! m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10!
  • 105. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Sinks and Sources are “keys” which can be addressed within the graph val resultFuture2 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! val resultFuture9 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! val resultFuture10 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! ! val g = FlowGraph { implicit b =>! // ...! m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10! // ...! }.run()! ! Await.result(g.getSinkFor(resultFuture2), 3.seconds).sorted! should be(List(5, 7))
  • 106. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Sinks and Sources are “keys” which can be addressed within the graph val resultFuture2 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! val resultFuture9 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! val resultFuture10 = FutureSink[Seq[Int]]! ! val g = FlowGraph { implicit b =>! // ...! m10 ~> FlowFrom[Int].grouped(1000) ~> resultFuture10! // ...! }.run()! ! Await.result(g.getSinkFor(resultFuture2), 3.seconds).sorted! should be(List(5, 7))
  • 107. Akka Streams – GraphFlow ! val g = FlowGraph {}! FlowGraphは不変で、安全に共有でき、 何度も使いまわせる! ! FlowGraph is immutable and safe to share and re-use! Think of it as “the description” which then gets “run”.
  • 108. Available Elements 0.7 early preview
  • 109. Available Sources • FutureSource • IterableSource • IteratorSource • PublisherSource • SubscriberSource • ThunkSource • TickSource (timer based) • 簡単に自分のものを追加できる! … easy to add your own! 0.7 early preview
  • 110. Available operations • buffer • collect • concat • conflate • drop / dropWithin • take / takeWithin • filter • fold • foreach • groupBy • grouped • map • onComplete • prefixAndTail • broadcast • merge / “generalised merge” • zip • 自分のオペレーションを追加する事は可能! … possible to add your own! 0.7 early preview
  • 111. Available Sinks • BlackHoleSink • FoldSink • ForeachSink • FutureSink • OnCompleteSink • PublisherSink / FanoutPublisherSink • SubscriberSink • 簡単に自分のものを追加できる! … easy to add your own! 0.7 early preview
  • 112. Spray => Akka-Http && ReactiveStreams Spray is now merged into Akka, as Akka-Http Works on Reactive Streams Streaming end-to-end!
  • 113. Links • • • <- ask questions here! •
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