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Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
GeeCON 2014 @ Kraków, PL
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski
reactive stream processing
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski
Akka Team
Reactive Streams TCK
hAkker @
Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski / / @ London
hAkker @
• Reactive Streams
• Background and Specification
• Protocol details
• Akka Streams
• Concepts and goals
• Building Blocks
• Akka Streams in Action
• Q & A
“You cannot enter the same river twice”
~ Heraclitus
Real Time Stream Processing
When you attach “late” to a Publisher,
you may miss initial elements – it’s a river of data.
Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams
Stream processing
Reactive Streams
Stream processing
Reactive Streams
Stream processing
Reactive Streams
Stream processing
Standardised (!)
Reactive Streams: Goals
1. Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing
2. Standard implemented by many libraries
Reactive Streams - Specification & TCK
Reactive Streams - Who?
Kaazing Corp.
rxJava @ Netflix,
reactor @ Pivotal (SpringSource),
vert.x @ Red Hat,
akka-streams @ Typesafe,
spray @,
java (?) – Doug Lea - SUNY Oswego
Reactive Streams - Inter-op
We want to make different implementations
co-operate with each other.
Reactive Streams - Inter-op
The different implementations “talk to each other”
using the Reactive Streams protocol.
Reactive Streams - Inter-op
The Reactive Streams SPI is NOT meant to be user-api.
You should use one of the implementing libraries.
package com.rolandkuhn.rsinterop
import ratpack.rx.RxRatpack
import ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
import ratpack.handling.Handler
import ratpack.handling.Context
import rx.Observable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import rx.RxReactiveStreams
import ratpack.http.ResponseChunks
import java.util.function.Consumer
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import reactor.rx.Streams
object ScalaMain extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("InteropTest")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()(system)
Reactive Streams - Inter-op
EmbeddedApp.fromHandler(new Handler {
override def handle(ctx: Context): Unit = {
// RxJava Observable
val intObs = Observable.from((1 to 10).asJava)
// Reactive Streams Publisher
val intPub = RxReactiveStreams.toPublisher(intObs)
// Akka Streams Source
val stringSource = Source(intPub).map(_.toString)
// Reactive Streams Publisher
val stringPub = stringSource.runWith(Sink.fanoutPublisher(1, 1))
// Reactor Stream
val linesStream = Streams.create(stringPub).map[String](new reactor.function.Function[String, String] {
override def apply(in: String) = in + "n"
// and now render the HTTP response (RatPack)
}).test(new Consumer[TestHttpClient] {
override def accept(client: TestHttpClient): Unit = {
val text = client.getText()
Reactive Streams - Inter-op
What is back-pressure?
Back-pressure? Example Without
Publisher[T] Subscriber[T]
Back-pressure? Example Without
Fast Publisher Slow Subscriber
“Why would I need that!?”
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Subscriber usually has some kind of buffer.
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
What if the buffer overflows?
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a)
Use bounded buffer,
drop messages + require re-sending
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a)
Kernel does this!
Routers do this!
Use bounded buffer,
drop messages + require re-sending
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b)
Increase buffer size…
Well, while you have memory available!
Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b)
NACKing is NOT enough.
Negative ACKnowledgement
Back-pressure? Example NACKing
Buffer overflow is imminent!
Back-pressure? Example NACKing
Telling the Publisher to slow down / stop sending…
Back-pressure? Example NACKing
NACK did not make it in time,
because M was in-flight!
speed(publisher) < speed(subscriber)
Back-pressure? Fast Subscriber, No Problem
No problem!
“Dynamic Push/Pull”
Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber
Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Dynamic adjustment
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber
Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Slow Subscriber sees it’s buffer can take 3 elements.
Publisher will never blow up it’s buffer.
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Fast Publisher will send at-most 3 elements.
This is pull-based-backpressure.
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n),
before more data arrives!
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n),
before more data arrives.
Publisher can accumulate demand.
Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand
Publisher accumulates total demand per subscriber.
Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand
Total demand of elements is safe to publish.
Subscriber’s buffer will not overflow.
Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot”
Fast Subscriber can issue arbitrary large requests,
including “gimme all you got” (Long.MaxValue)
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
A Publisher may be able
to pre-generate some data…
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
…and since signalling happens asynchronously…
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
pending demand pending demand
reserve buffer space
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
signal demand
buffer space for
incoming elements
Pipelining in Reactive Streams
The goal here is to never wait, unless back-pressured.
Reactive Streams SPI
Reactive Streams SPI
public interface Publisher<T> {
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
Reactive Streams SPI
public interface Publisher<T> {
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
gives a public interface Subscription {
public void request(long n);
public void cancel();
Reactive Streams SPI
public interface Subscriber<T> {
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
public void onNext(T t);
public void onError(Throwable t);
public void onComplete();
public interface Publisher<T> {
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
gives a
to a
public interface Subscription {
public void request(long n);
public void cancel();
How does fit in here?
Akka has multiple modules:
akka-actor: actors (concurrency abstraction)
akka-remote: remote actors
akka-cluster: clustering
akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing
akka-camel: integration
akka-streams: stream processing
Akka is a high-performance concurrency
library for Scala and Java.
At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
An Actor can only:
• Send and receive messages
• Create Actors
• Change it’s behaviour
Akka is a high-performance concurrency
library for Scala and Java.
At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
class Player extends Actor {
def receive = {
case NextTurn => sender() ! decideOnMove()
def decideOnMove(): Move = ???
Akka has multiple modules:
akka-actor: actors (concurrency abstraction)
akka-camel: integration
akka-remote: remote actors
akka-cluster: clustering
akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing
akka-streams: stream processing
Akka Streams – design decisions
• reusability
• expansibility
• performance
• bound buffer space
• Java and Scala APIs
Akka Streams – bounded buffer space
Why reasoning about buffer space is a big deal:
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
Flow[Double].map(_.toInt). [...]
No Source attached yet.
“Pipe ready to work with Doubles”.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
An ActorSystem is the world in which Actors live in.
AkkaStreams uses Actors, so it needs ActorSystem.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
Contains logic on HOW to materialise the stream.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
A materialiser chooses HOW to materialise a Stream.
The Flow’s AST is fully “lifted”.
The Materialiser can choose to materialise the Flow in any way it sees fit.
Our implementation uses Actors.
But you could easily plug in an SparkMaterializer!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
You can configure it’s buffer sizes etc.
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
val foreachSink = Sink.foreach[Int](println)
val mf = Source(1 to 3).runWith(foreachSink)
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
val foreachSink = Sink.foreach[Int](println)
val mf = Source(1 to 3).runWith(foreachSink)(mat)
Uses the implicit FlowMaterializer
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys")
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
// sugar for runWith
Source(1 to 3).foreach(println)
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val mf = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
// is missing a Source,
// can NOT run == won’t compile!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val f = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))).
// needs Source to run!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val f = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))).
// needs Source to run!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val f = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))).
// needs Source to run!
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val f = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))).
// needs Source to run!
f.connect(Source(1 to 10)).run()
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
val f = Flow[Int].
map(_ * 2).
runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))).
// needs Source to run!
f.connect(Source(1 to 10)).run()
With a Source attached… it can run()
Akka Streams – Linear Flow
runWith(Source(1 to 10), Sink.ignore)
Connects Source and Sink, then runs
Akka Streams – Flows are reusable
f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run()
f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 100)).run()
f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 1000)).run()
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
val subscriber = ActorSubscriber(
system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”))
Source(1 to 100).
filter(_.length == 2).
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
Each “group” is a stream too! It’s a “Stream of Streams”.
val subscriber = ActorSubscriber(
system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”))
Source(1 to 100).
filter(_.length == 2).
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
GroupBy groups “11” to group “1”, “12” to group “2” etc.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
It offers (groupKey, subStreamSource) to Subscriber
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
It can then start children, to handle the sub-flows!
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
For example, one child for each group.
Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced
val subscriber = ActorSubscriber(
system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”))
Source(1 to 100).
filter(_.length == 2).
The Actor, will consume SubStream offers.
Akka Streams – FlowGraph
Akka Streams – FlowGraph
Linear Flows
non-akka pipelines
Could be another RS implementation!
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
Fan-out elements
Fan-in elements
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
// first define some pipeline pieces
val f1 = Flow[Input].map(_.toIntermediate)
val f2 = Flow[Intermediate].map(_.enrich)
val f3 = Flow[Enriched].filter(_.isImportant)
val f4 = Flow[Intermediate].mapFuture(_.enrichAsync)
// then add input and output placeholders
val in = SubscriberSource[Input]
val out = PublisherSink[Enriched]
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
FlowGraph { implicit b =>
import FlowGraphImplicits._
val bcast = Broadcast[Intermediate]
val merge = Merge[Enriched]
in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge
bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
FlowGraph { implicit b =>
import FlowGraphImplicits._
val bcast = Broadcast[Intermediate]
val merge = Merge[Enriched]
in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge
bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out
Akka Streams – GraphFlow
val g = FlowGraph {}
FlowGraph is immutable and safe to share and re-use!
in action
There’s more to explore!
Topics we did explore today:
• asynchronous non-blocking back-pressure
• complex graph processing pipelines
• streams powered TCP server / client
• a sneak peek into custom elements
There’s more to explore!
Topics we didn’t explore today:
• explicit buffering, and overflow strategies
• integrating with Akka Actors
• time-based operators (takeWhile, dropWhile, timer transforms)
• plenty additional combinators and junctions
• implementing custom processing stages and junctions
There’s more to explore!
Future plans:
• API stabilisation and documentation (1.0 soon)
• Improve testability & TestKit
• Performance tuning of Streams & HTTP
• Provide more Sinks / Sources and operations
• Visualising flow graphs
• great experiment by Tim Harper
• Distributing computation graphs (?)


• Tim Harper’s awesome complex pipeline example + visualisation

• 1.0-M2 Documentation (not complete)
• Complete JavaDSL for all operations
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[Tokyo Scala User Group] Akka Streams & Reactive Streams (0.7)
[Tokyo Scala User Group] Akka Streams & Reactive Streams (0.7)[Tokyo Scala User Group] Akka Streams & Reactive Streams (0.7)
[Tokyo Scala User Group] Akka Streams & Reactive Streams (0.7)Konrad Malawski
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Building Stateful Microservices With Akka
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Reactive Stream Processing with Akka Streams

  • 1. Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski GeeCON 2014 @ Kraków, PL Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski streams reactive stream processing with
  • 2. Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski Akka Team Reactive Streams TCK sbt-jmh … hAkker @
  • 3. Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski / / @ London hAkker @
  • 5. Agenda • Reactive Streams • Background and Specification • Protocol details • Akka Streams • Concepts and goals • Building Blocks • Akka Streams in Action • Q & A
  • 8. Streams “You cannot enter the same river twice” ~ Heraclitus
  • 9. Streams Real Time Stream Processing When you attach “late” to a Publisher, you may miss initial elements – it’s a river of data.
  • 15. Reactive Streams: Goals 1. Back-pressured Asynchronous Stream processing 2. Standard implemented by many libraries
  • 16. Reactive Streams - Specification & TCK
  • 17. Reactive Streams - Who? Kaazing Corp. rxJava @ Netflix, reactor @ Pivotal (SpringSource), vert.x @ Red Hat, Twitter, akka-streams @ Typesafe, spray @, Oracle, java (?) – Doug Lea - SUNY Oswego …
  • 18. Reactive Streams - Inter-op We want to make different implementations co-operate with each other.
  • 19. Reactive Streams - Inter-op The different implementations “talk to each other” using the Reactive Streams protocol.
  • 20. Reactive Streams - Inter-op The Reactive Streams SPI is NOT meant to be user-api. You should use one of the implementing libraries.
  • 21. package com.rolandkuhn.rsinterop import ratpack.rx.RxRatpack import ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp import ratpack.handling.Handler import ratpack.handling.Context import rx.Observable import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import import rx.RxReactiveStreams import import import import ratpack.http.ResponseChunks import java.util.function.Consumer import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient import reactor.rx.Streams object ScalaMain extends App { val system = ActorSystem("InteropTest") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()(system) Reactive Streams - Inter-op
  • 22. EmbeddedApp.fromHandler(new Handler { override def handle(ctx: Context): Unit = { // RxJava Observable val intObs = Observable.from((1 to 10).asJava) // Reactive Streams Publisher val intPub = RxReactiveStreams.toPublisher(intObs) // Akka Streams Source val stringSource = Source(intPub).map(_.toString) // Reactive Streams Publisher val stringPub = stringSource.runWith(Sink.fanoutPublisher(1, 1)) // Reactor Stream val linesStream = Streams.create(stringPub).map[String](new reactor.function.Function[String, String] { override def apply(in: String) = in + "n" }) // and now render the HTTP response (RatPack) ctx.render(ResponseChunks.stringChunks(linesStream)) } }).test(new Consumer[TestHttpClient] { override def accept(client: TestHttpClient): Unit = { val text = client.getText() println(text) system.shutdown() } }) } Reactive Streams - Inter-op
  • 25. Back-pressure? Example Without Fast Publisher Slow Subscriber
  • 27. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 28. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model Subscriber usually has some kind of buffer.
  • 29. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 30. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model
  • 31. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model What if the buffer overflows?
  • 32. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending
  • 33. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (a) Kernel does this! Routers do this! (TCP) Use bounded buffer, drop messages + require re-sending
  • 34. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b) Increase buffer size… Well, while you have memory available!
  • 35. Back-pressure? Push + NACK model (b)
  • 38. Back-pressure? Example NACKing Buffer overflow is imminent!
  • 39. Back-pressure? Example NACKing Telling the Publisher to slow down / stop sending…
  • 40. Back-pressure? Example NACKing NACK did not make it in time, because M was in-flight!
  • 42. Back-pressure? Fast Subscriber, No Problem No problem!
  • 44. Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull
  • 45. Solution: Dynamic adjustment Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Just push – not safe when Slow Subscriber Just pull – too slow when Fast Subscriber
  • 46. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Slow Subscriber sees it’s buffer can take 3 elements. Publisher will never blow up it’s buffer.
  • 47. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Fast Publisher will send at-most 3 elements. This is pull-based-backpressure.
  • 48. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data arrives!
  • 49. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Fast Subscriber can issue more Request(n), before more data arrives. Publisher can accumulate demand.
  • 50. Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand Publisher accumulates total demand per subscriber.
  • 51. Back-pressure? RS: Accumulate demand Total demand of elements is safe to publish. Subscriber’s buffer will not overflow.
  • 52. Back-pressure? RS: Requesting “a lot” Fast Subscriber can issue arbitrary large requests, including “gimme all you got” (Long.MaxValue)
  • 53. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull MAX speed
  • 54. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Easy MAX speed
  • 55. Back-pressure? RS: Dynamic Push/Pull Easy MAX speed
  • 57. Pipelining in Reactive Streams A Publisher may be able to pre-generate some data…
  • 59. Pipelining in Reactive Streams Request(5)
  • 65. Pipelining in Reactive Streams …and since signalling happens asynchronously…
  • 66. Pipelining in Reactive Streams pending demand pending demand reserve buffer space
  • 67. Pipelining in Reactive Streams signal demand buffer space for incoming elements
  • 68. Pipelining in Reactive Streams The goal here is to never wait, unless back-pressured.
  • 70. Reactive Streams SPI public interface Publisher<T> { public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s); }
  • 71. Reactive Streams SPI public interface Publisher<T> { public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s); } gives a public interface Subscription { public void request(long n); public void cancel(); } A
  • 72. Reactive Streams SPI public interface Subscriber<T> { public void onSubscribe(Subscription s); public void onNext(T t); public void onError(Throwable t); public void onComplete(); } public interface Publisher<T> { public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s); } gives a to a public interface Subscription { public void request(long n); public void cancel(); }
  • 73. How does fit in here?
  • 74. Akka Akka has multiple modules: akka-actor: actors (concurrency abstraction) akka-remote: remote actors akka-cluster: clustering akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing akka-camel: integration akka-streams: stream processing …
  • 75. Akka Akka is a high-performance concurrency library for Scala and Java. At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
  • 76. An Actor can only: • Send and receive messages • Create Actors • Change it’s behaviour Akka Akka is a high-performance concurrency library for Scala and Java. At it’s core it focuses on the Actor Model:
  • 77. class Player extends Actor { def receive = { case NextTurn => sender() ! decideOnMove() } def decideOnMove(): Move = ??? } Akka
  • 78. Akka Akka has multiple modules: akka-actor: actors (concurrency abstraction) akka-camel: integration akka-remote: remote actors akka-cluster: clustering akka-persistence: CQRS / Event Sourcing akka-streams: stream processing …
  • 80. Akka Streams – design decisions Superior: • reusability • expansibility • performance • bound buffer space • Java and Scala APIs
  • 81. Akka Streams – bounded buffer space Why reasoning about buffer space is a big deal:
  • 82. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 83. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 84. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 85. Akka Streams – Linear Flow
  • 86. Akka Streams – Linear Flow Flow[Double].map(_.toInt). [...] No Source attached yet. “Pipe ready to work with Doubles”.
  • 87. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") An ActorSystem is the world in which Actors live in. AkkaStreams uses Actors, so it needs ActorSystem.
  • 88. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() Contains logic on HOW to materialise the stream.
  • 89. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() A materialiser chooses HOW to materialise a Stream. The Flow’s AST is fully “lifted”. The Materialiser can choose to materialise the Flow in any way it sees fit. Our implementation uses Actors. But you could easily plug in an SparkMaterializer!
  • 90. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() You can configure it’s buffer sizes etc.
  • 91. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() val foreachSink = Sink.foreach[Int](println) val mf = Source(1 to 3).runWith(foreachSink)
  • 92. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() val foreachSink = Sink.foreach[Int](println) val mf = Source(1 to 3).runWith(foreachSink)(mat) Uses the implicit FlowMaterializer
  • 93. Akka Streams – Linear Flow implicit val sys = ActorSystem("tokyo-sys") implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer() // sugar for runWith Source(1 to 3).foreach(println)
  • 94. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val mf = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) // is missing a Source, // can NOT run == won’t compile!
  • 95. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))). // needs Source to run!
  • 96. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))). // needs Source to run!
  • 97. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))). // needs Source to run!
  • 98. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))). // needs Source to run! f.connect(Source(1 to 10)).run()
  • 99. Akka Streams – Linear Flow val f = Flow[Int]. map(_ * 2). runWith(Sink.foreach(i => println(s"i = $i”))). // needs Source to run! f.connect(Source(1 to 10)).run() With a Source attached… it can run()
  • 100. Akka Streams – Linear Flow Flow[Int]. map(_.toString). runWith(Source(1 to 10), Sink.ignore) Connects Source and Sink, then runs
  • 101. Akka Streams – Flows are reusable f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 10)).run() f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 100)).run() f.withSource(IterableSource(1 to 1000)).run()
  • 102. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced val subscriber = ActorSubscriber( system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”)) Source(1 to 100). map(_.toString). filter(_.length == 2). drop(2). groupBy(_.last). runWith(subscriber)
  • 103. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced Each “group” is a stream too! It’s a “Stream of Streams”. val subscriber = ActorSubscriber( system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”)) Source(1 to 100). map(_.toString). filter(_.length == 2). drop(2). groupBy(_.last). runWith(subscriber)
  • 104. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced groupBy(_.last). GroupBy groups “11” to group “1”, “12” to group “2” etc.
  • 105. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced groupBy(_.last). It offers (groupKey, subStreamSource) to Subscriber Source
  • 106. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced groupBy(_.last). It can then start children, to handle the sub-flows! Source
  • 107. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced groupBy(_.last). For example, one child for each group. Source
  • 108. Akka Streams <-> Actors – Advanced val subscriber = ActorSubscriber( system.actorOf(Props[SubStreamParent], ”parent”)) Source(1 to 100). map(_.toString). filter(_.length == 2). drop(2). groupBy(_.last). runWith(subscriber) The Actor, will consume SubStream offers.
  • 109. Akka Streams – FlowGraph FlowGraph
  • 110. Akka Streams – FlowGraph Linear Flows or non-akka pipelines Could be another RS implementation!
  • 111. Akka Streams – GraphFlow Fan-out elements and Fan-in elements
  • 112. Akka Streams – GraphFlow // first define some pipeline pieces val f1 = Flow[Input].map(_.toIntermediate) val f2 = Flow[Intermediate].map(_.enrich) val f3 = Flow[Enriched].filter(_.isImportant) val f4 = Flow[Intermediate].mapFuture(_.enrichAsync) // then add input and output placeholders val in = SubscriberSource[Input] val out = PublisherSink[Enriched]
  • 113. Akka Streams – GraphFlow
  • 114. Akka Streams – GraphFlow FlowGraph { implicit b => import FlowGraphImplicits._ val bcast = Broadcast[Intermediate] val merge = Merge[Enriched] in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out }
  • 115. Akka Streams – GraphFlow FlowGraph { implicit b => import FlowGraphImplicits._ val bcast = Broadcast[Intermediate] val merge = Merge[Enriched] in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out }
  • 116. Akka Streams – GraphFlow val g = FlowGraph {} FlowGraph is immutable and safe to share and re-use!
  • 118. There’s more to explore! Topics we did explore today: • asynchronous non-blocking back-pressure • complex graph processing pipelines • streams powered TCP server / client • a sneak peek into custom elements
  • 119. There’s more to explore! Topics we didn’t explore today: • explicit buffering, and overflow strategies • integrating with Akka Actors • time-based operators (takeWhile, dropWhile, timer transforms) • plenty additional combinators and junctions • implementing custom processing stages and junctions
  • 120. There’s more to explore! Future plans: • API stabilisation and documentation (1.0 soon) • Improve testability & TestKit • Performance tuning of Streams & HTTP • Provide more Sinks / Sources and operations • Visualising flow graphs • great experiment by Tim Harper • Distributing computation graphs (?)
  • 121. Links • •
 • Tim Harper’s awesome complex pipeline example + visualisation
 • 1.0-M2 Documentation (not complete) • Complete JavaDSL for all operations
  • 122. ©Typesafe 2015 – All Rights Reserved Reactive Application Development! SBT in Action! Akka in Action! Play for Scala! Play for Java! Atomic Scala! Check out eBooks at Typesafe!! Visit to view all!! Check out eBooks at Typesafe Visit to view all  
  • 123. ©Typesafe 2015 – All Rights Reserved