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Good Corporate Governance
 Legal System
Major Legal System in The World
                     Common law                         Civil law                       Socialist law                Islamic law
                     Anglo-American, English, judge- Continental, Romano-
Other names          made                            Germanic
                                                                                        Communist                    Religious law

Source of law        Case law, legislation              Statutes, legislation           Statutes, legislation        Qur'an
Lawyers              Experienced lawyers                Judges dominate trials          Judges dominate trials       Secondary role
Judges'                                                                                 Career bureaucrats, Party    Religious as well as legal
                     Control courtroom                  Career judges
qualifications                                                                          members                      training

                                                        High; separate from the
Degree of judicial
                     High                               executive and the legislative   Very limited                 Very limited
independence                                            branches of government

                                                        May adjudicate in conjunction
Juries               Provided at trial level            with judges in serious criminal Often used at lowest level   Not allowed

                                                                                                                      Courts and other government
                                                        Courts have equal but           Courts are subordinate to the
Policy-making role   Courts share in balancing power
                                                        separate power                  legislature
                                                                                                                      branches are subordinate to
                                                                                                                      the Shari'a

                     Australia, England, Hong Kong,     France, Spain, Germany,
                     Ireland, USA (except Louisiana),   Louisiana, Brazil, Japan,
Examples             Canada (except Québec),            Mexico, Québec, Switzerland,
                                                                                     Soviet Union                    Saudi Arabia
                     Pakistan, India, Malaysia          The Netherlands
Legal System Map Around the World

 Biru : Continental Law (Civil Law)
 Merah Marun: Anglo Saxon Law (Common law)
 Coklat Tua: Bijuridical (Civil &Common)
 Hijau Tua: Customary Law
 Kuning Emas: Fiqh
Three major legal systems

        The three major legal systems of the world today
         consist of
            Continental legal system (civil law)
            Anglo-American legal system (common law)
            Religious legal systems
        Each country often develops variations on each
         system or incorporates many other features into
         the system.
Continental legal system
        It is a legal system inspired by Roman law, the primary feature of
         which is that laws are written into a collection, codified, and not
         determined, as in common law, by judges.
        The principle of this system is to provide all citizens with an
         accessible and written collection of the laws which apply to them
         and which judges must follow.
        It is the most prevalent and oldest surviving legal system in the
        Continental legal system is sometimes inappropriately referred to
         as Roman law or otherwise called Romano-Germanic law,
         especially by people under its jurisdiction.
        The civil law system is based on Roman law, especially the
         Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian, as later developed by
         the Middle Ages
        The acceptance of Roman law had different characteristics in
         different countries. In some of them its effect resulted from
         legislative act - it became positive law, whereas in other ones it
         became accepted by way of its processing by legal theorists.
        A second characteristic, beyond Roman law foundations, is the
         extended codification of the adopted Roman law - its inclusion
         into civil codes. The concept of codification dates back to the
         Code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon.
        The concept of codification was further developed during the 17th
         and 18th century, as an expression of both Natural Law and the
         ideas of the Enlightenment.
        The political ideal of that era was expressed by the concepts of
         democracy, protection of property and the rule of law. That ideal
         required the creation of certainty of law, through the recording of
         law and through its uniformity.
        So, the mix of Roman law and customary (local) law ceased to
         exist, and the road opened for law codification, which could
         contribute to the aims of the above mentioned political ideal.
        The French Napoleonic Code of 1804, Austrian civil code of 1811
         and the German civil code of 1900 were the most influential
         national civil codes.
       However, since continental European traditions are by no means
        uniform, scholars of comparative law usually subdivide civil law
        into four distinct groups:
       French civil law – in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Quebec
        (Canada), Louisiana (USA), Italy, Spain and former colonies of
        those countries
       German civil law – in Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Portugal,
        Turkey, Japan, South Korea, China
       Austrian civil law – in Austria, Czech republic, Slovakia,
        Greece, Serbia, Romania
       Scandinavian civil law – in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Anglo-American legal system

       Common law is law developed by judges through
        decisions of courts and similar tribunals (called case law),
        rather than through legislative statutes or executive action,
        and to corresponding legal systems that rely on
        precedential case law.
       Common law legal systems are in widespread use,
        particularly in England where it originated in the Middle
        Ages, and in nations that trace their legal heritage to
        England as former colonies of the British Empire, including
        the United States, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Ghana,
        Cameroon, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa,
        Hong Kong and Australia
History of the common law
        The term "common law" originally developed after the Norman
         Conquest of England
        The "common law" was the law that the whole country had in
         common, rather than particular tribal laws that might apply
         between smaller communities
        The doctrine of precedent developed under the inquisitorial
         system in England during the 12th and 13th centuries
        Equity is the name given to the set of legal principles, in
         jurisdictions following the English common law tradition, which
         supplement strict rules of common law where their application
         would operate harshly
Religious legal systems

        Religious law refers to the notion of a religious
         system or document being used as a legal source
        The main kinds of religious law are Sharia in
         Islam, Halakha in Judaism, and Canon law in
         some Christian groups
Islamic law

        The Islamic legal system of Sharia (Islamic law) and Fiqh
         (Islamic jurisprudence) is the most widely used religious
         law, and one of the three most common legal systems in
         the world alongside common law and civil law.
        Mainstream Islam distinguishes between fiqh (deep
         understanding, discernment), which refers to the
         inferences drawn by scholars, and sharia, which refers to
         the principles that lie behind the fiqh.
Socialist law

        Socialist law is the official name of the legal system used in
         Communist states. It is based on the civil law system, with major
         modifications and additions from Marxist-Leninist ideology
        Prior to the end of the Cold War, Socialist law was generally
         ranked among the major legal systems of the world
        However, many contemporary observers no longer consider it to
         be such, due to similarities with the civil law system and the fact
         that it is no longer in widespread use following the dismantling of
         most communist states.
Mixed legal systems

        Mixed legal systems are mostly defined as the
         combination of civil law and common law
        Examples - South Africa, Louisiana, Israel
        Israel's legal system combines English common
         law, civil law, and Jewish law
        Legal enclaves – territories surrounded by different
         legal culture
Continental System

       Struktur Organisasi (SO) dalam Sistem
        Continental, Board of Directors (Dewan Direksi)
        dipisahkan menjadi dua lapis,yaitu:
           Dewan Pembina (Supervisory Board)
           Manajemen Perusahaan (Management Board)
       Istilah OECD untk SO dengan Continental System
        adalah Two Tier Boards
Sistem Continental di Indonesia

        Supervisory Board = Dewan Komisaris
        Management Board = Dewan Direksi
        Anggota Supervisory Board terdiri dari Non
         Executiv Members; atau Independent Directors
        Dalam perusahaan skala menengah dan besar,
         management board memiliki 2 atau lebih Directors
Penerapan Sistem Continental

       Negara-negara pemakai SO Continental System
        untuk Corporate Management:
       Indonesia
       Belanda
       Jerman
       Perancis
       Belgia
       Luxemburg
Governance Board Sample (2)

Copyright ©2000 by PT TELKOM Indonesia .All rights reserved
Anglo Saxon System

       Struktur Organisasi (SO) untuk Board of Directors
        dengan Sistem Anglo Saxon terdiri dari satu
        satuan atau unit organisasi
       Istilah OECD untuk sistem Anglo Saxon =
        Uniterary Board
Elemen Board di Anglo Saxon System
     Para anggota di Board dengan SO Anglo Saxon system
     Chairman
     Non Executive Directors
     Executive Directors
     Jumlah anggota Board Directors untuk negara2 penganut
      sistem ini beranekaragam (7 samai dengan 14 orang Non
      Executive Directors + satu atau beberapa Executive
Penerapan Sistem Anglo Saxon

       Negara2 pemakai Sistem Anglo Saxon untuk
        Corporate Managment:
       Amerika Serikat
       Australia
       India
       Inggris
       Singapore
       Hong Kong (China)
Corporate Executive Office
                           Chairman & CEO

                                                            Corporate Staff
        Service Divisions                       Finance   Business       R&D       Human     Legal
                                                          Development              Resources

                                      GE                                 GE            GE
GE Aircraft       GE Trans-                             GE
                                   Industrial                         Appliances      Supply
 Engines          portation                           Plastics

       GE Power       GE Medical           GE                                              GE
                                                          Specialty        NBC
       Systems         Systems           Lighting                                         Capital

                              26 businesses organized into 5 segments:
                              Consumer Mid-market Specialized Specialty                  Equipment
                              Services    Financing Financing        Insurance           Management

         General Electric’s Organization Structure, 2002
PT merupakan perusahaan yang oleh undang-
undang dinyatakan sebagai perusahaan yang
berbadan hukum. Dengan status yang demikian itu,
PT menjadi subyek hukum yang menjadi pendukung
hak dan kewajiban, sebagai badan hukum, PT
memiliki kedudukan mandiri (persona standi in
judicio) yang tidak tergantung pada pemegang
sahamnya. Dalam PT hanya organ yang dapat
mewakili PT atau perseroan yang menjalankan
perusahaan (Ery Arifudin, 1999: 24). Hal ini berarti
PT dapat melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan hukum
seperti seorang manusia dan dapat pula mempunyai
kekayaan atau utang (ia bertindak dengan
perantaraan pengurusnya).
   Secara khusus badan usaha Perseroan
    Terbatas diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.
    40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas
    (UUPT), yang secara efektif berlaku sejak
    tanggal 16 Agustus 2007. Sebelum UUPT
    2007, berlaku UUPT No. 1 Th 1995 yg
    diberlakukan sejak 7 Maret 1996 (satu tahun
    setelah diundangkan) s.d. 15 Agt 2007, UUPT
    th 1995 tsb sebagai pengganti ketentuan ttg
    perseroan terbatas yang diatur dalam KUHD
    Pasal 36 sampai dengan Pasal 56, dan segala
Definisi PT (Perseroan Terbatas)

         Badan hukum yang merupakan
          persekutuan modal, didirikan
          berdasarkan perjanjian, melakukan
          kegiatan usaha dengan modal dasar
          yang seluruhnya terbagi dalam saham,
          dan memenuhi persyaratan yang
          ditetapkan dalam undang-undang ini
          serta peraturan pelaksanaannya.
         (Ref: Pasal 1 UUPT No. 40/2007)
Unsur-unsur PT
    Sebuah PT menurut UUPT harus memenuhi
    Berbentuk badan hukum, yg merupakan
     persekutuan modal;
    Didirikan atas dasar perjanjian;
    Melakukan kegiatan usaha;
    Modalnya terbagi saham-saham;
    Memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan
     dlm UUPT serta peraturan
Persyaratan Material Pendirian PT
 1.   perjanjian antara dua orang atau lebih;
 2.   dibuat dengan akta autentik
 3.   modal dasar perseroan
 4.   pengambilan saham saat perseroan
Perbedaan Persyaratan PT pada
Umumnya dg PT Bank
PT pada Umumnya:                PT Bank :
1.   Prosedur pengesahan        1.   Prosedur pengesahan
     badan hukum: tidak              badan hukum: PT bank
     perlu adanya                    persetujuan prinsip dari
     persetujuan prinsip dari        Dewan Gubernur BI
     intansi terkait                 mrpkan kausa
2.   Kegiatan Usaha: boleh           diberikannya
     melakukan kegiatan              pengesahan
     usaha rangkap/lebih        2.   Kegiatan usaha:
     dari satu kegiatan              perbankan merupakan
     usaha                           satu-satunya kegiatan
Lanjutan ….

3. Permodalan: Modal        3. Permodalan: Modal disetor
                               minimal Rp 3 Trilyun utk
  dasar minimal Rp 50          pendirian Bank Umum;
  juta.                        sedang BPR di DKI Jakarta
4. Kepemilikan: tidak ada      raya: Rp 5 M, di Ibukota
                               Ibukota Propinsi di P. Jawa &
  pembatasan.                  bali dan di wil. Kab/Kota
5. Direksi dan Komisaris:      Botabek: Rp 2 M, di Ibukota
                               Prop. Di luar P. Jawa & bali:
  dapat dilakukan oleh         Rp 1 M, dan wilayah lain di
  siapa saja yang              luar wil. di atas: Rp. 500 juta.
  memenuhi ketentuan           (PBI No. 2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI
                               No. 6/22/PBI/2004).
Lanjutan PT Bank …….

4. Kepemilikan: ada pembatasan sebagaimana diatur
   dalam UU & perat. Pelaksanaannya (PBI No.
   2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI No. 6/22/PBI/2004).
5. Direksi dan Komisaris: untuk PT bank perlu ditambah
   adanya fit and proper test dari BI dan persyaratan lain
   yang diatur dalam PBI No. 2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI
   No.6/22/PBI/2004 jo PBI No. 6/23/PBI/2004 jo SEBI
   No. 6/35/DPBPR tgl 16 Agustus 2004).

      RUPS mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada
       Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris, dalam batas yang ditentukan
       dalam Undang-Undang PT dan/atau anggaran dasar.
      Dalam forum RUPS, pemegang saham berhak memperoleh
       keterangan yang berkaitan dengan Perseroan dari Direksi
       dan/atau Dewan Komisaris, sepanjang berhubungan dengan
       mata acara rapat dan tidak bertentangan dengan kepentingan
      RUPS dalam mata acara lain-lain tidak berhak mengambil
       keputusan, kecuali semua pemegang saham hadir dan/atau
       diwakili dalam RUPS dan menyetujui penambahan mata acara
      Keputusan atas mata acara rapat yang ditambahkan harus
       disetujui dengan suara bulat.
Jenis RUPS

       RUPS terdiri atas RUPS tahunan dan RUPS lainnya.
       RUPS tahunan wajib diadakan dalam jangka waktu paling
        lambat 6 (enam) bulan setelah tahun buku berakhir.
       Dalam RUPS tahunan, harus diajukan semua dokumen
        dari laporan tahunan Perseroan
       RUPS lainnya dapat diadakan setiap waktu berdasarkan
        kebutuhan untuk kepentingan Perseroan.
       Direksi menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan dan RUPS
        lainnya dengan didahului pemanggilan RUPS.
   Direksi merupakan organ yang membela kepentingan
    perseroan --- Prinsip Fiduciary Duties.
   Tugas ganda Direksi; melaksanakan kepengurusan dan
   Tugas kepengurusan secara kolegial oleh msg-msg
    anggota direksi.
   Direksi perseroan yang mengerahkan dana
    masyarakat, menerbitkan srt pengakuan hutang, PT
    terbuka: minimal 2 org anggota Direksi.

   Tugas utamanya: mengawasi kebijakan direksi dlm
    menjalankan perseroan serta memberi nasihat direksi
   Pengangkatan Komisaris oleh RUPS.
   Keanggotaan Komisaris: jika pemegang saham maka
    hrs melaporkan kepemilikan sahamnya baik di
    perseroan yang diawasi maupun saham yg dimiliki di
    perseroan lain.
   Kriteria yg dpt mjd Komisaris spt halnya direksi.

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Gcg major legal system

  • 2. Major Legal System in The World Common law Civil law Socialist law Islamic law Anglo-American, English, judge- Continental, Romano- Other names made Germanic Communist Religious law Source of law Case law, legislation Statutes, legislation Statutes, legislation Qur'an Lawyers Experienced lawyers Judges dominate trials Judges dominate trials Secondary role Judges' Career bureaucrats, Party Religious as well as legal Control courtroom Career judges qualifications members training High; separate from the Degree of judicial High executive and the legislative Very limited Very limited independence branches of government May adjudicate in conjunction Juries Provided at trial level with judges in serious criminal Often used at lowest level Not allowed matters Courts and other government Courts have equal but Courts are subordinate to the Policy-making role Courts share in balancing power separate power legislature branches are subordinate to the Shari'a Australia, England, Hong Kong, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, USA (except Louisiana), Louisiana, Brazil, Japan, Examples Canada (except Québec), Mexico, Québec, Switzerland, Soviet Union Saudi Arabia Pakistan, India, Malaysia The Netherlands
  • 3. Legal System Map Around the World Biru : Continental Law (Civil Law) Merah Marun: Anglo Saxon Law (Common law) Coklat Tua: Bijuridical (Civil &Common) Hijau Tua: Customary Law Kuning Emas: Fiqh
  • 4. Three major legal systems  The three major legal systems of the world today consist of  Continental legal system (civil law)  Anglo-American legal system (common law)  Religious legal systems  Each country often develops variations on each system or incorporates many other features into the system.
  • 5. Continental legal system  It is a legal system inspired by Roman law, the primary feature of which is that laws are written into a collection, codified, and not determined, as in common law, by judges.  The principle of this system is to provide all citizens with an accessible and written collection of the laws which apply to them and which judges must follow.  It is the most prevalent and oldest surviving legal system in the world.  Continental legal system is sometimes inappropriately referred to as Roman law or otherwise called Romano-Germanic law, especially by people under its jurisdiction.
  • 6. History  The civil law system is based on Roman law, especially the Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian, as later developed by the Middle Ages  The acceptance of Roman law had different characteristics in different countries. In some of them its effect resulted from legislative act - it became positive law, whereas in other ones it became accepted by way of its processing by legal theorists.  A second characteristic, beyond Roman law foundations, is the extended codification of the adopted Roman law - its inclusion into civil codes. The concept of codification dates back to the Code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon.
  • 7. Codification  The concept of codification was further developed during the 17th and 18th century, as an expression of both Natural Law and the ideas of the Enlightenment.  The political ideal of that era was expressed by the concepts of democracy, protection of property and the rule of law. That ideal required the creation of certainty of law, through the recording of law and through its uniformity.  So, the mix of Roman law and customary (local) law ceased to exist, and the road opened for law codification, which could contribute to the aims of the above mentioned political ideal.  The French Napoleonic Code of 1804, Austrian civil code of 1811 and the German civil code of 1900 were the most influential national civil codes.
  • 8. Subgroups  However, since continental European traditions are by no means uniform, scholars of comparative law usually subdivide civil law into four distinct groups:  French civil law – in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Quebec (Canada), Louisiana (USA), Italy, Spain and former colonies of those countries  German civil law – in Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Portugal, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, China  Austrian civil law – in Austria, Czech republic, Slovakia, Greece, Serbia, Romania  Scandinavian civil law – in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway
  • 9. Anglo-American legal system  Common law is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals (called case law), rather than through legislative statutes or executive action, and to corresponding legal systems that rely on precedential case law.  Common law legal systems are in widespread use, particularly in England where it originated in the Middle Ages, and in nations that trace their legal heritage to England as former colonies of the British Empire, including the United States, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Ghana, Cameroon, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong and Australia
  • 10. History of the common law  The term "common law" originally developed after the Norman Conquest of England  The "common law" was the law that the whole country had in common, rather than particular tribal laws that might apply between smaller communities  The doctrine of precedent developed under the inquisitorial system in England during the 12th and 13th centuries  Equity is the name given to the set of legal principles, in jurisdictions following the English common law tradition, which supplement strict rules of common law where their application would operate harshly
  • 11. Religious legal systems  Religious law refers to the notion of a religious system or document being used as a legal source  The main kinds of religious law are Sharia in Islam, Halakha in Judaism, and Canon law in some Christian groups
  • 12. Islamic law  The Islamic legal system of Sharia (Islamic law) and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is the most widely used religious law, and one of the three most common legal systems in the world alongside common law and civil law.  Mainstream Islam distinguishes between fiqh (deep understanding, discernment), which refers to the inferences drawn by scholars, and sharia, which refers to the principles that lie behind the fiqh.
  • 13. Socialist law  Socialist law is the official name of the legal system used in Communist states. It is based on the civil law system, with major modifications and additions from Marxist-Leninist ideology  Prior to the end of the Cold War, Socialist law was generally ranked among the major legal systems of the world  However, many contemporary observers no longer consider it to be such, due to similarities with the civil law system and the fact that it is no longer in widespread use following the dismantling of most communist states.
  • 14. Mixed legal systems  Mixed legal systems are mostly defined as the combination of civil law and common law  Examples - South Africa, Louisiana, Israel  Israel's legal system combines English common law, civil law, and Jewish law  Legal enclaves – territories surrounded by different legal culture
  • 15. Continental System  Struktur Organisasi (SO) dalam Sistem Continental, Board of Directors (Dewan Direksi) dipisahkan menjadi dua lapis,yaitu:  Dewan Pembina (Supervisory Board)  Manajemen Perusahaan (Management Board)  Istilah OECD untk SO dengan Continental System adalah Two Tier Boards
  • 16. Sistem Continental di Indonesia  Supervisory Board = Dewan Komisaris  Management Board = Dewan Direksi  Anggota Supervisory Board terdiri dari Non Executiv Members; atau Independent Directors  Dalam perusahaan skala menengah dan besar, management board memiliki 2 atau lebih Directors
  • 17. Penerapan Sistem Continental  Negara-negara pemakai SO Continental System untuk Corporate Management:  Indonesia  Belanda  Jerman  Perancis  Belgia  Luxemburg
  • 18. Governance Board Sample (2) Copyright ©2000 by PT TELKOM Indonesia .All rights reserved
  • 19. Anglo Saxon System  Struktur Organisasi (SO) untuk Board of Directors dengan Sistem Anglo Saxon terdiri dari satu satuan atau unit organisasi  Istilah OECD untuk sistem Anglo Saxon = Uniterary Board
  • 20. Elemen Board di Anglo Saxon System  Para anggota di Board dengan SO Anglo Saxon system adalah:  Chairman  Non Executive Directors  Executive Directors  Jumlah anggota Board Directors untuk negara2 penganut sistem ini beranekaragam (7 samai dengan 14 orang Non Executive Directors + satu atau beberapa Executive Directors)
  • 21. Penerapan Sistem Anglo Saxon  Negara2 pemakai Sistem Anglo Saxon untuk Corporate Managment:  Amerika Serikat  Australia  India  Inggris  Singapore  Hong Kong (China)
  • 22. Corporate Executive Office Chairman & CEO Corporate Staff Service Divisions Finance Business R&D Human Legal Development Resources GE GE GE GE Aircraft GE Trans- GE Industrial Appliances Supply Engines portation Plastics Systems GE GE Power GE Medical GE GE Specialty NBC Systems Systems Lighting Capital Materials 26 businesses organized into 5 segments: Consumer Mid-market Specialized Specialty Equipment Services Financing Financing Insurance Management General Electric’s Organization Structure, 2002
  • 23. PT = SUBYEK HUKUM PT merupakan perusahaan yang oleh undang- undang dinyatakan sebagai perusahaan yang berbadan hukum. Dengan status yang demikian itu, PT menjadi subyek hukum yang menjadi pendukung hak dan kewajiban, sebagai badan hukum, PT memiliki kedudukan mandiri (persona standi in judicio) yang tidak tergantung pada pemegang sahamnya. Dalam PT hanya organ yang dapat mewakili PT atau perseroan yang menjalankan perusahaan (Ery Arifudin, 1999: 24). Hal ini berarti PT dapat melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan hukum seperti seorang manusia dan dapat pula mempunyai kekayaan atau utang (ia bertindak dengan perantaraan pengurusnya).
  • 24. DASAR HUKUM UUPT  Secara khusus badan usaha Perseroan Terbatas diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT), yang secara efektif berlaku sejak tanggal 16 Agustus 2007. Sebelum UUPT 2007, berlaku UUPT No. 1 Th 1995 yg diberlakukan sejak 7 Maret 1996 (satu tahun setelah diundangkan) s.d. 15 Agt 2007, UUPT th 1995 tsb sebagai pengganti ketentuan ttg perseroan terbatas yang diatur dalam KUHD Pasal 36 sampai dengan Pasal 56, dan segala perubahannya
  • 25. Definisi PT (Perseroan Terbatas)  Badan hukum yang merupakan persekutuan modal, didirikan berdasarkan perjanjian, melakukan kegiatan usaha dengan modal dasar yang seluruhnya terbagi dalam saham, dan memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam undang-undang ini serta peraturan pelaksanaannya. (Ref: Pasal 1 UUPT No. 40/2007)
  • 26. Unsur-unsur PT Sebuah PT menurut UUPT harus memenuhi unsur-unsur:  Berbentuk badan hukum, yg merupakan persekutuan modal;  Didirikan atas dasar perjanjian;  Melakukan kegiatan usaha;  Modalnya terbagi saham-saham;  Memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan dlm UUPT serta peraturan pelaksanaannya.
  • 27. Persyaratan Material Pendirian PT 1. perjanjian antara dua orang atau lebih; 2. dibuat dengan akta autentik 3. modal dasar perseroan 4. pengambilan saham saat perseroan didirikan
  • 28. Perbedaan Persyaratan PT pada Umumnya dg PT Bank PT pada Umumnya: PT Bank : 1. Prosedur pengesahan 1. Prosedur pengesahan badan hukum: tidak badan hukum: PT bank perlu adanya persetujuan prinsip dari persetujuan prinsip dari Dewan Gubernur BI intansi terkait mrpkan kausa 2. Kegiatan Usaha: boleh diberikannya melakukan kegiatan pengesahan usaha rangkap/lebih 2. Kegiatan usaha: dari satu kegiatan perbankan merupakan usaha satu-satunya kegiatan usaha
  • 29. Lanjutan …. 3. Permodalan: Modal 3. Permodalan: Modal disetor minimal Rp 3 Trilyun utk dasar minimal Rp 50 pendirian Bank Umum; juta. sedang BPR di DKI Jakarta 4. Kepemilikan: tidak ada raya: Rp 5 M, di Ibukota Ibukota Propinsi di P. Jawa & pembatasan. bali dan di wil. Kab/Kota 5. Direksi dan Komisaris: Botabek: Rp 2 M, di Ibukota Prop. Di luar P. Jawa & bali: dapat dilakukan oleh Rp 1 M, dan wilayah lain di siapa saja yang luar wil. di atas: Rp. 500 juta. memenuhi ketentuan (PBI No. 2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI No. 6/22/PBI/2004). UUPT.
  • 30. Lanjutan PT Bank ……. 4. Kepemilikan: ada pembatasan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU & perat. Pelaksanaannya (PBI No. 2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI No. 6/22/PBI/2004). 5. Direksi dan Komisaris: untuk PT bank perlu ditambah adanya fit and proper test dari BI dan persyaratan lain yang diatur dalam PBI No. 2/27/PB/2000 jo PBI No.6/22/PBI/2004 jo PBI No. 6/23/PBI/2004 jo SEBI No. 6/35/DPBPR tgl 16 Agustus 2004).
  • 32. RUPS  RUPS mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris, dalam batas yang ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang PT dan/atau anggaran dasar.  Dalam forum RUPS, pemegang saham berhak memperoleh keterangan yang berkaitan dengan Perseroan dari Direksi dan/atau Dewan Komisaris, sepanjang berhubungan dengan mata acara rapat dan tidak bertentangan dengan kepentingan Perseroan.  RUPS dalam mata acara lain-lain tidak berhak mengambil keputusan, kecuali semua pemegang saham hadir dan/atau diwakili dalam RUPS dan menyetujui penambahan mata acara rapat.  Keputusan atas mata acara rapat yang ditambahkan harus disetujui dengan suara bulat.
  • 33. Jenis RUPS  RUPS terdiri atas RUPS tahunan dan RUPS lainnya.  RUPS tahunan wajib diadakan dalam jangka waktu paling lambat 6 (enam) bulan setelah tahun buku berakhir.  Dalam RUPS tahunan, harus diajukan semua dokumen dari laporan tahunan Perseroan  RUPS lainnya dapat diadakan setiap waktu berdasarkan kebutuhan untuk kepentingan Perseroan.  Direksi menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan dan RUPS lainnya dengan didahului pemanggilan RUPS.
  • 34. DIREKSI  Direksi merupakan organ yang membela kepentingan perseroan --- Prinsip Fiduciary Duties.  Tugas ganda Direksi; melaksanakan kepengurusan dan perwakilan  Tugas kepengurusan secara kolegial oleh msg-msg anggota direksi.  Direksi perseroan yang mengerahkan dana masyarakat, menerbitkan srt pengakuan hutang, PT terbuka: minimal 2 org anggota Direksi.
  • 35. DEWAN KOMISARIS  Tugas utamanya: mengawasi kebijakan direksi dlm menjalankan perseroan serta memberi nasihat direksi  Pengangkatan Komisaris oleh RUPS.  Keanggotaan Komisaris: jika pemegang saham maka hrs melaporkan kepemilikan sahamnya baik di perseroan yang diawasi maupun saham yg dimiliki di perseroan lain.  Kriteria yg dpt mjd Komisaris spt halnya direksi.