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Table of Contents:
List of Tables:
................................. 1
................................... 2
Energy Audit of New Castle House:
House Description:
..................... 2
Electronic Appliances & Energy Consumption:
......................................................................... 3
Cost of Energy Consumption:
.... 5
Potential Saving in Electricity:
........ 5
Energy Saving in Refrigerators:
. 6
Energy Saving in Washing Machine & Dryers:
......................................................................... 6
Energy Saving in Electric Oven:
Energy Saving in Lighting Load:
Energy Saving in Water Heating & Space Heating:
.................................................................. 7
Summary of Energy and Cost Saving:
.......................................................................................... 7
.................................... 8
.................................... 9
List of Tables:
Table 1. Household appliances with their wattage and average
daily usage ............................... 4
Table 2. Average annual consumption of energy (kWh/year) by
the household appliances ........ 4
Table 3. Cost of energy consumption by the appliances annually
................................................ 5
Table 4. Potential saving in energy consumption and saving in
energy cost ............................... 8
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Sustainable Energy System
In any modern societies in the world there are continuously
increasing concerns over availability
of energy, energy consumption efficiency and reduction in
losses over network. In developed
countries it is a challenging task to achieve sustainability in
energy efficiency and growth. On the
other hand for developing countries challenge is to achieve self-
reliance and energy
independence. But in both the cases the gap between supply and
demand of energy has
narrowed down over the years. Within household the most
common form of energy is electricity.
Consumption of electricity therefore serves as an indicator of
economic development of a society.
Higher income of individual results in ownership of more
electronic and electric appliances thereby
resulting in growth in electricity consumption. Over time due to
arrival of newer and cheaper
electronic appliances in market consumption of electricity has
increased non-linearly making
conservation of energy an extremely critical concern (Brems et
al, 2016). Individual consumers
are advised on the usage of specific electrical appliances as well
as adoption to different
adjustments. In doing so it is necessary to first estimate the
energy consumption pattern over
time. With energy sustainability becoming concern for
researchers, policy makers, industries as
well as for common people it becomes essential to achieve
conservation of energy efficiently.
This is especially true for energy generated from non-renewable
resources (DOE, 2011).
Energy audit in general refers to the systematic process in order
to obtain required knowledge on
profile of energy consumption by any individual or building or
society or commercial and industrial
applications. Energy audit is also intended to identify and
quantify opportunities or measures of
energy saving and to report the observations or conclusions in
the form specific documents (HC
552, 2016).
Energy Audit of New Castle House:
House Description:
In this report energy audit is carried out for a New Castle house
which is let out for students. This
house is located at Murton House, Grainger Street, Newcastle
Upon Tyne, NE1 5JQ.
This house consists of two bedrooms for students. It contains a
bright and big living room with a
LCD TV mounted on wall. The kitchen in this house is equipped
fully with all electronic appliances.
It also contains a dishwasher which is a major consumer of
electricity. There are LCD TVs
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mounted in both the bedrooms. The laundry room is common
and it contains three washing
machines and three dryers. All the rooms in this house are
equipped with substantial electrical
Electronic Appliances & Energy Consumption:
This report is intended to carry out a thorough energy audit in
terms of consumption of energy.
This will not only provide an indication about the energy
consumption pattern but also will point
out the possible scope of energy saving. This audit will also
identify possible scopes of sustainable
energy implementation.
In the house under analysis following appliances are identified
as energy consumers:
• Refrigerator
• Washing machine
• Dryer for clothes
• Electric Oven
• Dishwasher
• Water heating
• Room heating
• Computer and laptop
• LCD Television
• Room lightings
• Electric kettle
• Electric cooker
• Microwave oven
Following table summarizes wattage and average daily usage of
these appliances in the house
under consideration:
Household Appliance Wattage (W) Average Daily Usage (hour)
Refrigerator 160 5
Washing machine 350 1
Dryer for clothes 500 2
Dishwasher 350 2
Microwave oven 700 0.5
Cooker 1000 0.5
4 | P a g e
Electric Oven 800 1.5
Room Lighting 50 8
Electric Kettle 500 0.5
LCD television 200 4
Computer and laptop 150 4
Space heating 550 2
Water heating 800 0.5
Table 1. Household appliances with their wattage and average
daily usage
Therefore based on the wattage and average daily usage kWh of
the appliance is calculated using
the following relationship = (wattage * daily usage)*365/1000.
Using this relationship kWh of the
appliances are calculated and listed in the following table:
Household Appliance Average annual consumption of
energy (kWh/year)
Refrigerator 292
Washing machine 127.75
Dryer for clothes 365
Dishwasher 255.5
Microwave oven 127.75
Cooker 182.5
Electric Oven 438
Room Lighting 146
Electric Kettle 91.25
LCD television 292
Computer and laptop 219
Space heating 401.5
Water heating 146
Table 2. Average annual consumption of energy (kWh/year) by
the household appliances
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Cost of Energy Consumption:
Now average cost of electricity in the City of New Castle is
assumed to be 12.5 pence/kWh
(Intertek, 2012). Therefore cost of electricity for individual
appliance is calculated and presented
in the following table:
Household Appliance Average annual energy cost (£)
Refrigerator 36.5
Washing machine 15.96875
Dryer for clothes 45.625
Dishwasher 31.9375
Microwave oven 15.96875
Cooker 22.8125
Electric Oven 54.75
Room Lighting 18.25
Electric Kettle 11.40625
LCD television 36.5
Computer and laptop 27.375
Space heating 50.1875
Water heating 18.25
Table 3. Cost of energy consumption by the appliances annually
From the above analysis it is observed that total energy
consumption in the house under analysis
is 3084.25 kWh. Now it is already mentioned that cost of energy
per kWh is 12.5 pence. Hence
total cost of energy annually is calculated to be =
3084.25*12.5/100 = 385.53 £. Therefore, on
average this house spends 32.13 £ per month as energy
consumption charge. This amount is
substantially high and thereby it suggests to implement alternate
energy sources for reduction in
energy cost (Intertek, 2012).
Potential Saving in Electricity:
This report is intended to find out potential scopes of energy
saving in daily energy consumption.
There are several ways for saving energy in daily applications.
These include replacement of the
existing appliances with new low wattage appliances. Apart
from that there are several appliances
6 | P a g e
which are kept at standby mode consuming substantial
electricity. These energy saving measures
can be summarized as follows:
• Replacement of the existing high wattage appliances with low
wattage innovative and new
• Usage of CFL for all lighting loads
• For computer and audiovisual appliances reduction in standby
• Replacing all desktops with Laptop (Mckay et al, 2014)
In last few years apart from the above conventional measures of
energy saving there are some
innovative appliances named “smart appliances” are introduced
in the market. Based on the
energy usage pattern of the users these appliances manage their
operations and energy demand.
These appliances are also able to integrate supply of renewable
energy based on user energy
demand. All the appliance manufacturers have invested
substantially in their R&D programs for
the development of smart appliances in last few years (Chhetri
et al, 2014).
Energy Saving in Refrigerators:
One of the major electricity consumers with annual consumption
of 292 kWh is resulted from
refrigerators. It is observed that the refrigerator in use is in 3-
star energy category. Therefore it is
recommended that usage of 5-star category of refrigerator will
lower energy consumption. From
the database of different appliance manufacturers it is observed
that approximately 20% energy
saving is possible by replacing a 3-star refrigerator with a 5-
start one (Intertek, 2012). Hence in
this house potential energy saving in refrigerator is = (292*0.2)
kWh = 58.4 kWh. This results in
annual cost saving of approximately = (58.4*12.5)/100 £ = 7.3
Energy Saving in Washing Machine & Dryers:
In this work it is identified that washing machine and dryers in
use are conventional and
substantially high in energy conservation. In market there are
some innovative and intelligent
appliances which make use of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to
optimize energy consumption. Best on the
clothing, level of humidity, temperature etc. these appliances
optimize energy consumption.
According to the case studies smart appliances reduce
consumption on average by 15% (Intertek,
2012). Now total energy consumption by washing machine and
dryers is = 127.75 + 365 = 492.75
kWh. Hence potential saving in electricity = (492.75*0.15) kWh
= 73.91 kWh. This results in annual
cost saving of approximately = (73.91*12.5)/100 £ = 9.24 £.
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Energy Saving in Electric Oven:
Annual energy consumption of electric oven is 127.75 kWh.
Now this can be replaced entirely by
biogas produced from household wastes. Now this require new
installation of biogas production
plant thereby requiring substantial initial investment. But over
time it will soon reach break-even
point and then ensure saving in energy cost (DOE, 2011). After
achieving break-even point
potential annual saving in energy cost = (127.75*12.5)/100 =
15.97 £.
Energy Saving in Lighting Load:
To reduce the energy consumption by the room lighting the
most useful measure is to make use
of solar panels. Based on the average number of sunny days
over the year it is possible to reduce
lighting energy consumption by 30 – 40 %. For analysis in this
report average reduction in lighting
load is assumed to be 35% (Intertek, 2012). Therefore out of
total 146 kWh of energy consumption
potential saving in energy through renewable solar panels is =
(146*0.35) = 51.1 kWh. Hence
saving in energy cost = (51.1*12.5)/100 = 6.39 £.
Energy Saving in Water Heating & Space Heating:
Usage of solar water heaters on rooftop of building has
substantial potential energy saving
capability. This renewable solar energy heated water can be
circulated through pipes in the rooms
of house can significantly lower energy consumption in space
heating. On average it is possible
to reduce energy consumption by around 30% through these
measures (DOE, 2011). Hence
potential saving space heating = (401.5*0.3) = 120.45 kWh
whereas potential saving in water
heating = (146*0.3) = 43.8 kWh. Therefore annual energy cost
saving in space heating =
(120.45*12.5)/100 = 15.06 £ and in water heating =
(43.8*12.5)/100 = 5.48 £.
Summary of Energy and Cost Saving:
From the above analysis saving in energy and corresponding
saving in energy cost can be
summarized in the following table:
Household Appliance Saving in annual energy
consumption (kWh)
Saving in annual energy
cost (£)
Refrigerator 58.4 7.3
Washing machine &
73.91 9.24
Electric Oven 127.75 15.97
Room Lighting 51.1 6.39
8 | P a g e
Space heating 120.45 15.06
Water heating 43.8 5.48
Total Saving 475.41 59.44
Table 4. Potential saving in energy consumption and saving in
energy cost
In this report energy audit is carried out for a house located at
Murton House, Grainger Street,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5JQ. All the household appliances
used in this house, corresponding
wattage, annual energy consumption and corresponding energy
cost are documented in this audit
report. Based on this audit report several potential energy
saving measures using smart
appliances, optimized usage, renewable energy sources such as
biogas, solar energy etc. are
identified and quantified. Through this analysis potential annual
energy saving an cost of energy
saving are also presented in this report.
9 | P a g e
• Brems, A. Steele, E. Papadamou, A., 2016. A Study on Energy
Efficiency in Enterprises:
Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems. [ONLINE]
Available at:
report%20FINAL.pdf. [Accessed 2
November 2018].
• Chhetri, R. Wangchuk, K. Sastry, M. K. S., 2014. Home
Energy Audit- A case study of
Phuentsholing, Bhutan. [ONLINE] Available at:
of_Phuentsholing_Bhutan. [Accessed 4 November 2018].
• DOE., 2011. UK Renewable Energy Roadmap. [ONLINE]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 October 2018].
• HC 552., 2016. Home energy efficiency and demand
reduction. [ONLINE] Available at:
rgy/552/552.pdf. [Accessed
30 October 2018].
• Intertek., 2012. Household Electricity Survey A study of
domestic electrical product usage.
[ONLINE] Available at:
eportissue4.pdf. [Accessed 6
November 2018].
• Mckay, D. Rauscher, R., 2014. ESD Strategies at the Local
Government Level: Case Study
of the City of Newcastle. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 4 November 2018].
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Individual Energy Audit and Investigation Report
There are two sections to this report:
Section A: Undertake an energy audit of your home. Present an
analysis (including
supporting data) of your energy bills and energy losses. Utilise
appropriate diagrams
to help communicate your analysis.
Section B: By reference to section A, show how energy losses
can be reduced and
how a suitable renewable energy technology can be
advantageous for your energy
Your tasks:
1. There is no need to measure any quantity. Make best estimate
of the energy
consuming equipment in your home. For example, for an
electric heater, use
the wattage as written on the heater. Make reasonable
estimations of the
usage and undertake the audit. You can compare your findings
with your
Module title: Sustainable Energy Systems
Project title:
Energy generation audit and assessment of a
sustainable energy conversion system for your
Academic year: 2018 - 19
Date and time of submission by
Individual report eLP submission will take
place on Thursday 29th Nov 2018
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energy bills or, if the bill is unavailable, use some
representative data from
reliable internet sources. Make sure you give the full reference
to internet
2. Formulate your arguments assuming that you are the legal
owner of your
home and have the right to modify/install energy sources and
equipment within regulations.
3. Your report should reflect an awareness of ethical, economic,
political and
social implications
Please consider the following points while preparing the report;
• Use Arial font, size11 with 1½ spacing.
• Report should contain no more than 2,000 words (max 8 sides
of A4 sheets)
including ALL graphs, Tables and references. Please provide a
word count.
Over the limit will result in a 10% mark deduction penalty.
• Use Harvard reference style
Assessment criteria / marking scheme:
Individual report: marked as an individual
Assessment layout Total mark
Energy Audit
• Development and energy analysis of the audit plan
• Identify energy management opportunities
Renewable Energy Implementation:
• Critical state of the art research and technology report of
chosen renewable energy system
• Feasibility, installation and engineering
• Management and maintenance
• Comparative Cost justification 10
• Overall Conclusions & references 10
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  • 1. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS 1 | P a g e Table of Contents: List of Tables: ............................................................................................... ................................. 1 Introduction: ............................................................................................... ................................... 2 Energy Audit of New Castle House: .............................................................................................. 2 House Description: ............................................................................................... ..................... 2 Electronic Appliances & Energy Consumption:
  • 2. ......................................................................... 3 Cost of Energy Consumption: ............................................................................................... .... 5 Potential Saving in Electricity: ............................................................................................... ........ 5 Energy Saving in Refrigerators: ............................................................................................... . 6 Energy Saving in Washing Machine & Dryers: ......................................................................... 6 Energy Saving in Electric Oven: ............................................................................................... 7 Energy Saving in Lighting Load: ............................................................................................... 7 Energy Saving in Water Heating & Space Heating: .................................................................. 7 Summary of Energy and Cost Saving: .......................................................................................... 7 Conclusion: ............................................................................................... .................................... 8 References:
  • 3. ............................................................................................... .................................... 9 List of Tables: Table 1. Household appliances with their wattage and average daily usage ............................... 4 Table 2. Average annual consumption of energy (kWh/year) by the household appliances ........ 4 Table 3. Cost of energy consumption by the appliances annually ................................................ 5 Table 4. Potential saving in energy consumption and saving in energy cost ............................... 8 2 | P a g e Sustainable Energy System Introduction: In any modern societies in the world there are continuously increasing concerns over availability of energy, energy consumption efficiency and reduction in losses over network. In developed countries it is a challenging task to achieve sustainability in energy efficiency and growth. On the
  • 4. other hand for developing countries challenge is to achieve self- reliance and energy independence. But in both the cases the gap between supply and demand of energy has narrowed down over the years. Within household the most common form of energy is electricity. Consumption of electricity therefore serves as an indicator of economic development of a society. Higher income of individual results in ownership of more electronic and electric appliances thereby resulting in growth in electricity consumption. Over time due to arrival of newer and cheaper electronic appliances in market consumption of electricity has increased non-linearly making conservation of energy an extremely critical concern (Brems et al, 2016). Individual consumers are advised on the usage of specific electrical appliances as well as adoption to different adjustments. In doing so it is necessary to first estimate the energy consumption pattern over time. With energy sustainability becoming concern for researchers, policy makers, industries as well as for common people it becomes essential to achieve conservation of energy efficiently.
  • 5. This is especially true for energy generated from non-renewable resources (DOE, 2011). Energy audit in general refers to the systematic process in order to obtain required knowledge on profile of energy consumption by any individual or building or society or commercial and industrial applications. Energy audit is also intended to identify and quantify opportunities or measures of energy saving and to report the observations or conclusions in the form specific documents (HC 552, 2016). Energy Audit of New Castle House: House Description: In this report energy audit is carried out for a New Castle house which is let out for students. This house is located at Murton House, Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5JQ. This house consists of two bedrooms for students. It contains a bright and big living room with a LCD TV mounted on wall. The kitchen in this house is equipped fully with all electronic appliances. It also contains a dishwasher which is a major consumer of electricity. There are LCD TVs
  • 6. 3 | P a g e mounted in both the bedrooms. The laundry room is common and it contains three washing machines and three dryers. All the rooms in this house are equipped with substantial electrical lightings. Electronic Appliances & Energy Consumption: This report is intended to carry out a thorough energy audit in terms of consumption of energy. This will not only provide an indication about the energy consumption pattern but also will point out the possible scope of energy saving. This audit will also identify possible scopes of sustainable energy implementation. In the house under analysis following appliances are identified as energy consumers: • Refrigerator • Washing machine • Dryer for clothes • Electric Oven • Dishwasher
  • 7. • Water heating • Room heating • Computer and laptop • LCD Television • Room lightings • Electric kettle • Electric cooker • Microwave oven Following table summarizes wattage and average daily usage of these appliances in the house under consideration: Household Appliance Wattage (W) Average Daily Usage (hour) Refrigerator 160 5 Washing machine 350 1 Dryer for clothes 500 2 Dishwasher 350 2 Microwave oven 700 0.5 Cooker 1000 0.5
  • 8. 4 | P a g e Electric Oven 800 1.5 Room Lighting 50 8 Electric Kettle 500 0.5 LCD television 200 4 Computer and laptop 150 4 Space heating 550 2 Water heating 800 0.5 Table 1. Household appliances with their wattage and average daily usage Therefore based on the wattage and average daily usage kWh of the appliance is calculated using the following relationship = (wattage * daily usage)*365/1000. Using this relationship kWh of the appliances are calculated and listed in the following table: Household Appliance Average annual consumption of energy (kWh/year) Refrigerator 292 Washing machine 127.75
  • 9. Dryer for clothes 365 Dishwasher 255.5 Microwave oven 127.75 Cooker 182.5 Electric Oven 438 Room Lighting 146 Electric Kettle 91.25 LCD television 292 Computer and laptop 219 Space heating 401.5 Water heating 146 Table 2. Average annual consumption of energy (kWh/year) by the household appliances 5 | P a g e Cost of Energy Consumption: Now average cost of electricity in the City of New Castle is assumed to be 12.5 pence/kWh (Intertek, 2012). Therefore cost of electricity for individual
  • 10. appliance is calculated and presented in the following table: Household Appliance Average annual energy cost (£) Refrigerator 36.5 Washing machine 15.96875 Dryer for clothes 45.625 Dishwasher 31.9375 Microwave oven 15.96875 Cooker 22.8125 Electric Oven 54.75 Room Lighting 18.25 Electric Kettle 11.40625 LCD television 36.5 Computer and laptop 27.375 Space heating 50.1875 Water heating 18.25 Table 3. Cost of energy consumption by the appliances annually From the above analysis it is observed that total energy consumption in the house under analysis
  • 11. is 3084.25 kWh. Now it is already mentioned that cost of energy per kWh is 12.5 pence. Hence total cost of energy annually is calculated to be = 3084.25*12.5/100 = 385.53 £. Therefore, on average this house spends 32.13 £ per month as energy consumption charge. This amount is substantially high and thereby it suggests to implement alternate energy sources for reduction in energy cost (Intertek, 2012). Potential Saving in Electricity: This report is intended to find out potential scopes of energy saving in daily energy consumption. There are several ways for saving energy in daily applications. These include replacement of the existing appliances with new low wattage appliances. Apart from that there are several appliances 6 | P a g e which are kept at standby mode consuming substantial electricity. These energy saving measures can be summarized as follows: • Replacement of the existing high wattage appliances with low
  • 12. wattage innovative and new appliances • Usage of CFL for all lighting loads • For computer and audiovisual appliances reduction in standby power • Replacing all desktops with Laptop (Mckay et al, 2014) In last few years apart from the above conventional measures of energy saving there are some innovative appliances named “smart appliances” are introduced in the market. Based on the energy usage pattern of the users these appliances manage their operations and energy demand. These appliances are also able to integrate supply of renewable energy based on user energy demand. All the appliance manufacturers have invested substantially in their R&D programs for the development of smart appliances in last few years (Chhetri et al, 2014). Energy Saving in Refrigerators: One of the major electricity consumers with annual consumption of 292 kWh is resulted from refrigerators. It is observed that the refrigerator in use is in 3- star energy category. Therefore it is
  • 13. recommended that usage of 5-star category of refrigerator will lower energy consumption. From the database of different appliance manufacturers it is observed that approximately 20% energy saving is possible by replacing a 3-star refrigerator with a 5- start one (Intertek, 2012). Hence in this house potential energy saving in refrigerator is = (292*0.2) kWh = 58.4 kWh. This results in annual cost saving of approximately = (58.4*12.5)/100 £ = 7.3 £. Energy Saving in Washing Machine & Dryers: In this work it is identified that washing machine and dryers in use are conventional and substantially high in energy conservation. In market there are some innovative and intelligent appliances which make use of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to optimize energy consumption. Best on the clothing, level of humidity, temperature etc. these appliances optimize energy consumption. According to the case studies smart appliances reduce consumption on average by 15% (Intertek, 2012). Now total energy consumption by washing machine and dryers is = 127.75 + 365 = 492.75 kWh. Hence potential saving in electricity = (492.75*0.15) kWh = 73.91 kWh. This results in annual
  • 14. cost saving of approximately = (73.91*12.5)/100 £ = 9.24 £. 7 | P a g e Energy Saving in Electric Oven: Annual energy consumption of electric oven is 127.75 kWh. Now this can be replaced entirely by biogas produced from household wastes. Now this require new installation of biogas production plant thereby requiring substantial initial investment. But over time it will soon reach break-even point and then ensure saving in energy cost (DOE, 2011). After achieving break-even point potential annual saving in energy cost = (127.75*12.5)/100 = 15.97 £. Energy Saving in Lighting Load: To reduce the energy consumption by the room lighting the most useful measure is to make use of solar panels. Based on the average number of sunny days over the year it is possible to reduce lighting energy consumption by 30 – 40 %. For analysis in this report average reduction in lighting load is assumed to be 35% (Intertek, 2012). Therefore out of total 146 kWh of energy consumption
  • 15. potential saving in energy through renewable solar panels is = (146*0.35) = 51.1 kWh. Hence saving in energy cost = (51.1*12.5)/100 = 6.39 £. Energy Saving in Water Heating & Space Heating: Usage of solar water heaters on rooftop of building has substantial potential energy saving capability. This renewable solar energy heated water can be circulated through pipes in the rooms of house can significantly lower energy consumption in space heating. On average it is possible to reduce energy consumption by around 30% through these measures (DOE, 2011). Hence potential saving space heating = (401.5*0.3) = 120.45 kWh whereas potential saving in water heating = (146*0.3) = 43.8 kWh. Therefore annual energy cost saving in space heating = (120.45*12.5)/100 = 15.06 £ and in water heating = (43.8*12.5)/100 = 5.48 £. Summary of Energy and Cost Saving: From the above analysis saving in energy and corresponding saving in energy cost can be summarized in the following table: Household Appliance Saving in annual energy consumption (kWh)
  • 16. Saving in annual energy cost (£) Refrigerator 58.4 7.3 Washing machine & Dryers 73.91 9.24 Electric Oven 127.75 15.97 Room Lighting 51.1 6.39 8 | P a g e Space heating 120.45 15.06 Water heating 43.8 5.48 Total Saving 475.41 59.44 Table 4. Potential saving in energy consumption and saving in energy cost Conclusion: In this report energy audit is carried out for a house located at Murton House, Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5JQ. All the household appliances
  • 17. used in this house, corresponding wattage, annual energy consumption and corresponding energy cost are documented in this audit report. Based on this audit report several potential energy saving measures using smart appliances, optimized usage, renewable energy sources such as biogas, solar energy etc. are identified and quantified. Through this analysis potential annual energy saving an cost of energy saving are also presented in this report. 9 | P a g e References: • Brems, A. Steele, E. Papadamou, A., 2016. A Study on Energy Efficiency in Enterprises: Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems. [ONLINE] Available at: Art8- Energy%20audits%20recommendations-Task%205- report%20FINAL.pdf. [Accessed 2 November 2018].
  • 18. • Chhetri, R. Wangchuk, K. Sastry, M. K. S., 2014. Home Energy Audit- A case study of Phuentsholing, Bhutan. [ONLINE] Available at: ergy_Audit_A_Case_Study_ of_Phuentsholing_Bhutan. [Accessed 4 November 2018]. • DOE., 2011. UK Renewable Energy Roadmap. [ONLINE] Available at: tem/uploads/attachment_da ta/file/48128/2167-uk-renewable-energy-roadmap.pdf. [Accessed 27 October 2018]. • HC 552., 2016. Home energy efficiency and demand reduction. [ONLINE] Available at: rgy/552/552.pdf. [Accessed 30 October 2018]. • Intertek., 2012. Household Electricity Survey A study of domestic electrical product usage. [ONLINE] Available at: tem/uploads/attachment_da ta/file/208097/10043_R66141HouseholdElectricitySurveyFinalR
  • 19. eportissue4.pdf. [Accessed 6 November 2018]. • Mckay, D. Rauscher, R., 2014. ESD Strategies at the Local Government Level: Case Study of the City of Newcastle. [ONLINE] Available at: 972&rep=rep1&type=pdf. [Accessed 4 November 2018]. Page 1 of 3 Individual Energy Audit and Investigation Report There are two sections to this report: Section A: Undertake an energy audit of your home. Present an analysis (including supporting data) of your energy bills and energy losses. Utilise appropriate diagrams to help communicate your analysis. Section B: By reference to section A, show how energy losses can be reduced and
  • 20. how a suitable renewable energy technology can be advantageous for your energy needs. Your tasks: 1. There is no need to measure any quantity. Make best estimate of the energy consuming equipment in your home. For example, for an electric heater, use the wattage as written on the heater. Make reasonable estimations of the usage and undertake the audit. You can compare your findings with your COURSEWORK SPECIFICATION Module title: Sustainable Energy Systems Project title: Energy generation audit and assessment of a sustainable energy conversion system for your home Academic year: 2018 - 19 Date and time of submission by
  • 21. student: Individual report eLP submission will take place on Thursday 29th Nov 2018 Page 2 of 3 energy bills or, if the bill is unavailable, use some representative data from reliable internet sources. Make sure you give the full reference to internet sources. 2. Formulate your arguments assuming that you are the legal owner of your home and have the right to modify/install energy sources and related equipment within regulations. 3. Your report should reflect an awareness of ethical, economic, political and social implications Please consider the following points while preparing the report; • Use Arial font, size11 with 1½ spacing.
  • 22. • Report should contain no more than 2,000 words (max 8 sides of A4 sheets) including ALL graphs, Tables and references. Please provide a word count. Over the limit will result in a 10% mark deduction penalty. • Use Harvard reference style Assessment criteria / marking scheme: Individual report: marked as an individual Assessment layout Total mark 100 Energy Audit • Development and energy analysis of the audit plan • Identify energy management opportunities 20 10 Renewable Energy Implementation: • Critical state of the art research and technology report of chosen renewable energy system • Feasibility, installation and engineering • Management and maintenance
  • 23. 30 10 10 • Comparative Cost justification 10 • Overall Conclusions & references 10 Page 3 of 3