networks mathematics applied mathematics complex systems physics network science multilayer networks social networks opinion dynamics topological data analysis temporal networks dynamical systems bounded-confidence models community structure dynamical systems on networks statistical physics science voter models threshold models spatial systems worldcon exposition nonlinear systems writing centrality data science mathematicians spatial networks adaptive networks random graphs node-weighted networks coevolving networks polyadic interactions higher-order networks social contagions social modeling mathematical modeling research infodemics epidemics network epidemiology disccon iii geospatiotemporal systems geospatial systems covid-19 social systems science fiction nonlinear dynamics chaos twitter teaching publications presentation skills academia publishing papers hubs and authorities brexit data analysis voting data kuramoto model education privacy education and training big data human data network data ethics open data complex networks role coloring role equivalence role assignment core–periphery structure concepts language history granular materials granular force networks null models soft condensed-matter physics modularity granular force chains percolation korea human mobility human migration statistical mechanics cascades complex contagions generating functions social influence branching processes multiplex networks networks of networks tensors graphs
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