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Static or Dynamic Typing?
     Why Not Both?
       Mixing JRuby and Scala

           Mario Camou

ā€¢ Why?
ā€¢ Why Scala?
ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala
ā€¢ Q&A
Why Not?

ā€¢ The JVM allows us to mix-and-match
ā€¢ Use the right tool for each part of
  the job

Ruby (and dynamic languages in general) are
ā€¢   Rapid development
ā€¢   Flexibility
ā€¢   Duck-typing
ā€¢   Metaprogramming

...but there are some pitfalls
ā€¢   Integration
ā€¢   Correctness
ā€¢   Performance
ā€¢   Productivity

JRuby gives you access to any Java libraries
and frameworks...
...but not all of them are JRuby-friendly
   (even though JRuby keeps getting better!)
   ā€¢  Class names and actual classes (beyond jrubyc)
   ā€¢  Method signatures
   ā€¢  Overloaded methods
   ā€¢  Type erasure in generics
   ā€¢  Subclassing
   ā€¢  Annotations
   ā€¢  Executable JAR ļ¬les
   ā€¢  Legacy applications

Use statically-typed proxies to bridge the gap

 ā€¢   Static analysis

 ā€¢   Refactoring

 ā€¢   Self-documentation

 ā€¢   Type errors

 ā€¢   Unit tests can help...
     ā€¢   ...but they have to be complete...
     ā€¢   ...and they donā€™t cover all possible scenarios...
     ā€¢   ...and tracking down type errors can be Hell
ā€¢ Use a statically-typed language for critical or
  library code
ā€¢ Use a dynamically-typed language for high-
  level dynamic code and DSLs

JRuby performance is great and getting
(and it doesnā€™t matter if the application is waiting for the
user 10 times faster)

ā€¢ For some tasks, static typing can be faster
     ā€¢    Heavy computation
     ā€¢    Method lookup
     ā€¢    method_missing
     ā€¢    Some benchmarks:

Implement performance-critical tasks in a
compiled statically-typed language

ā€¢ Refactoring (again!)
ā€¢ Code navigation
ā€¢ IDE help (method parameters, autocomplete, ...)

ā€¢ Why?
ā€¢ Why Scala?
ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala
ā€¢ Q&A
Why Scala?
ā€¢ Simpliļ¬ed syntax
ā€¢ Functional programming
ā€¢ Dynamic-language features
  ā€¢   Mix-ins (traits)
  ā€¢   Structural types
  ā€¢   Implicits
  ā€¢   The Dynamic trait

ā€¢ Scala libraries
Simpliļ¬ed Syntax
ā€¢   Case classes
case class Person (ļ¬rstName:String, lastName:String)

ā€¢   Type inference
val m = new HashMap[Int, String]

ā€¢   No getters / setters
Unless you really need them

ā€¢   More ļ¬‚exible method names (think DSLs)
Use (almost) any character
Translated to legal names in bytecode (i.e., + is $plus, += is $plus$eq)
Functional Programming

Mixed OO - Functional model
ā€¢   Closures / partial functions
    ā€¢   foreach, map, fold, ļ¬lter, ...
    ā€¢   Deļ¬ne your own control structures

ā€¢   Immutable eager and lazy values
ā€¢   Pattern matching
ā€¢   For comprehensions

ā€¢ Interfaces with method deļ¬nitions
ā€¢ Can be used for mix-ins
ā€¢ Calling the previous method in the chain
  with no aliasing
ā€¢ Dependency injection (ā€œcake patternā€)
Structural Types
ā€¢ Declare what you need, not the type
ā€¢ Statically-typed duck typing
class Foo {Ā def x = "Foo.x" }

class Bar {Ā def x = "Bar.x" }

def doIt (arg: { def x:String }) = arg.x

scala> doIt(new Foo)
res0: String = Foo.x

scala> doIt(new Bar)
res1: String = Bar.x

ā€¢ Automatically convert one object to another type
ā€¢ Solve some of the same problems as open classes
class MyRichString(str: String) {
Ā Ā def acronym = str.toCharArray.foldLeft("") { (t, c) =>
Ā Ā Ā Ā t + (if (c.isUpperCase) c.toString else "")
Ā Ā }
implicit def str2MRString(str: String) = new MyRichString(str)

scala> "The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy".acronym
res0: java.lang.String = THHGTTG
In Scala:                                       In Ruby:
implicit def newLT(i: Int) = new {              class Fixnum
Ā Ā def <(str: String) = i < str.length           Ā Ā alias_method :__old_lt, '<'.to_sym
}                                               Ā Ā def <(target)
                                                Ā Ā Ā Ā if target.kind_of? String
                                                Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā __old_lt__ target.size
scala> 1 < "foo"                                Ā Ā Ā Ā else
res0: Boolean = false                           Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā __old_lt__ target
                                                Ā Ā Ā Ā end
scala> 5 < "foo"                                Ā Ā end
res1: Boolean = true                            end
The Dynamic Trait
  ā€¢ Similar to method_missing
  ā€¢ Experimental in 2.9, available in 2.10
object Test extends Dynamic {
Ā Ā def applyDynamic (method:String) (args: Any*) {
Ā Ā Ā Ā println ("%s (%s)".format(method, args.mkString(",")))
Ā Ā }

scala>"bar",'baz, 1)
foo (bar,'baz, 1)
Scala Libraries

ā€¢ Akka
ā€¢ Parser combinators
ā€¢ Play / Lift / Scalatra / ...
ā€¢ Based on the Actor model (Erlang)
ā€¢ Message passing
ā€¢ Transparent distribution
ā€¢ Messaging system integration
 ā€¢   AMQP
 ā€¢   Apache Camel
 ā€¢   HTTP
 ā€¢   ...

ā€¢ Software Transactional Memory

ā€¢ Mikka: Actors in JRuby by Theo Hultberg
ā€¢ Thin wrapper around Akka Java API to
  make it more Ruby-like
ā€¢ ...for more info ask Theo!

ā€¢ Why?
ā€¢ Why Scala?
ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala
ā€¢ Q&A
Calling Scala from JRuby

ā€¢ Just like Java!
ā€¢ JRuby sugar
  ā€¢   1.6.0+
  ā€¢   1.6.6+
Just like Java!
In Scala:                                 In JRuby:
package app.helpers                       require ā€˜javaā€™
                                          => true
import scala.reflect.BeanProperty         f =
                                          => #<Java::AppHelpers::Foo:0x325bc91>
class Foo {                               f.q = "Life, the Universe and Everything"
Ā Ā private var question: String = ""       => "Life, the Universe and Everything"
Ā Ā @BeanProperty var a: String = ""        f.a = "42"
                                          => "42"
Ā Ā def questionAndAnswer = "Unknowable"    f.q
                                          => "Life, the Universe and Everything"
Ā Ā def setQ(s:String) = { question = s }
Ā Ā def getQ = question
                                          => "42"
                                          => "Unknowable"
Just like Java!
     Functions / blocks / closures
In Scala:                             In JRuby:
package app.helpers                   f =
                                      => #<Java::AppHelpers::Foo:0x325bc91>
class Foo {                           f(1, 2, 3) { |x, y| x + y }
Ā Ā def test(x:Int, y:Int, z:Int,       => true
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā f:(Int, Int) => Int) = {
Ā Ā Ā Ā f(x,y) == z
Ā Ā }
JRuby Sugar - 1.6.0+

  Singleton (Scala object) support
  Call Singleton methods just like static/class methods

In Scala:                            In JRuby:

package app.helpers                  require ā€˜javaā€™
                                     # => true
object Foo {                         Java::app.helpers.Foo.test
Ā Ā def test = "Static method"         # => ā€œStatic methodā€
JRuby Sugar - 1.6.6+

 Operator aliases
 $plus -> +
 $minus -> -
 $div -> /
 $plus$eq -> +=
 apply (a.k.a. ()) -> []
 update (a.k.a. ()=) -> []=

               There are some caveats... see

ā€¢ Why?
ā€¢ Why Scala?
ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala
ā€¢ Q&A
Calling JRuby from Scala

ā€¢ JRuby Embed API (RedBridge / JSR-223)
ā€¢ Scuby
JRuby Embed API

val container = new ScriptingContainer
val receiver = container.runScriptlet("""
# Radioactive decay
def amount_after_years(q0, t)
  q0 * Math.exp(1.0 / $half_life * Math.log(1.0/2.0) * t)
def years_to_amount(q0, q)
  $half_life * (Math.log(q) - Math.log(q0)) / Math.log(1.0/2.0)
container.put("$half_life", 24100) // Plutonium
val args = Array[Object](10.0:java.lang.Double, 1000:java.lang.Integer)
val result = container.callMethod("amount_after_years", args, Double.class)


ā€¢ Goals
ā€¢ Assumptions and defaults
ā€¢ Usage and examples
ā€¢ Future steps
Scuby Goals

ā€¢ Thin DSL layer between Scala and JRuby
ā€¢ Simplify calling JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby should be as transparent as possible
ā€¢ Static typing as far as possible
Assumptions & Defaults
ā€¢   Single JRuby engine
    ā€¢   For our needs, we donā€™t need more
    ā€¢   You donā€™t have to pass in the engine to every call

ā€¢   Singleton interpreter scope (default)
    ā€¢   Otherwise you can get things like nil != nil
    ā€¢   Can be changed before ļ¬rst JRuby call

ā€¢   Transient local variable behavior (default)
    ā€¢   Local variables donā€™t survive multiple evaluations
    ā€¢   If you need them to persist, store in a Scala val (and pass as
    ā€¢   ...or change before ļ¬rst JRuby call

ā€¢ require & eval
ā€¢ Creating objects
ā€¢ Calling methods
ā€¢ Convenience methods
ā€¢ Additional facilities
Example Ruby File
# File test.rb (from the Scuby tests)
module Core
Ā Ā class Person
Ā Ā Ā Ā attr_accessor :firstname, :lastname
Ā Ā Ā Ā def initialize (firstname, lastname)
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā @firstname = firstname
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā @lastname = lastname
Ā Ā Ā end

Ā Ā Ā Ā def fullname
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "#{firstname} #{lastname}"
Ā Ā Ā Ā end

Ā Ā Ā Ā def get_label
Ā Ā Ā Ā end
Ā Ā end

Example Ruby File

Ā Ā module Backend
Ā Ā Ā def self.get_people
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get data from the backend and return an Array of Person
Ā Ā Ā Ā end

Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_data
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā { :people => get_people, :other_data => get_other_data }
Ā Ā Ā Ā end

Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_person(name)
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get a person's data from the DB and return a Person object
Ā Ā Ā Ā end

Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_other_data
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get some other data that is needed for the app
Ā Ā Ā Ā end
Ā Ā end
require & eval

import cc.abstra.scuby.JRuby._

// Require a Ruby file from the classpath

// Eval a Ruby statement discarding the return value
eval("import Core")

// Eval a Ruby statement that returns a Ruby object
val array = eval[RubyObj]("[]")

// Or with type inference
val array2:RubyObj = eval("[]")
Creating Objects

import cc.abstra.scuby._

// Create a Ruby object
val array3 = new RubyObject('Array)

// Create a proxy object for the Ruby BackEnd class
val backend = RubyClass('Backend)

// Create an instance of the Person class
val person = new RubyObject('Person, "Zaphod", "Beeblebrox")
val person2 = RubyClass('Person) ! ('new, "Ford", "Prefect")
Calling Methods
Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a method on a Ruby object (in this case, the Ruby class),
Ā Ā Ā Ā // passing in parameters, and get back another Ruby object
Ā Ā Ā Ā val zaphod = backend ! ('get_person, "Zaphod")

Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a Ruby method with no parameters
Ā Ā Ā Ā val data = backend ! 'get_data

Ā Ā Ā Ā // Ruby method chaining
Ā Ā Ā Ā val length = backend ! 'get_people ! 'length

Ā Ā Ā Ā // Get a reference to a Ruby method that can later be called
Ā Ā Ā Ā val getPerson = backend --> 'get_person

Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call the method. Returns an AnyRef.
Ā Ā Ā Ā // With the above, these 2 lines are equivalent:
Ā Ā Ā Ā getPerson("Zaphod")
Ā Ā Ā Ā backend('get_person, "Zaphod")

Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a Ruby method which returns a Java object,
    // in a type-safe way
Ā Ā Ā Ā val label = person.send[JLabel]('get_label)
Arrays and Hashes

// Access to a Ruby Hash or Array (i.e., anything that implements [])
// and creating a Ruby Symbol using %
val people = data(%('people))
val zaphod2 = people(0)

// Multidimensional Hashes or Arrays (i.e., data["parm1"]["parm2"])
val ford = data(%('people), 1)

// Modify/add an element to a Hash or Array (or anything that
// implements []=)
people(2) = RubyClass('Person) ! ('new, "Arthur", "Dent")
Convenience Methods
ā€¢ toString, equals, hashCode
   ā€¢   Forwarded to their Ruby equivalents (#to_s, #==,

ā€¢ respondTo_?
       array3 respondTo_? 'length // true
       array3 respondTo_? 'foo       // false

ā€¢ isA_?
       array3 isA_? 'Array // true
       array3 isA_? 'Hash   // false
Wrapping in Traits
trait   Person {
Ā Ā def   firstname: String
Ā Ā def   firstname_=(f: String): Unit
Ā Ā def   lastname: String
Ā Ā def   lastname_=(l: String): Unit
Ā Ā def   fullname: String
Ā Ā def   getLabel: JLabel

val zaphod = backend('get_person, "Zaphod").as[Person]
zaphod.firstname = "The Zeeb"
val label = zaphod.getLabel
To use Scuby:
 ā€¢ Use the Source! (Pull requests welcome)
   ā€¢   Build using Maven
 ā€¢ Download the compiled artifacts
   ā€¢   You also need scala-library-2.9.2.jar and jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar
   ā€¢   Add all the .jarā€™s to your CLASSPATH
 ā€¢ Use Maven (or SBT, Gradle, ...)
   ā€¢   groupId: cc.abstra.pasilla
   ā€¢   artifactId: scuby
   ā€¢   Current version: 0.1.8
Future Steps
ā€¢ Scala side
  ā€¢   Ruby collections
  ā€¢   Java-friendly API
  ā€¢   Optimization

ā€¢ Ruby side
  ā€¢   Create a Scuby gem
  ā€¢   FunctionN -> block conversion
  ā€¢   Wrapping Scala collections
  ā€¢   Object#to_scala
  ā€¢   scala top-level function (so we can, i.e., import scala.*)

ā€¢ Why?
ā€¢ Why Scala?
ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby
ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala
ā€¢ Q&A
Thank you
         Mario Camou

  Special thanks to @MadridJUG

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Static or Dynamic Typing? Why not both?

  • 1. Static or Dynamic Typing? Why Not Both? Mixing JRuby and Scala Mario Camou @thedoc
  • 2. Agenda ā€¢ Why? ā€¢ Why Scala? ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ Q&A
  • 4. Why Not? ā€¢ The JVM allows us to mix-and-match ā€¢ Use the right tool for each part of the job
  • 5. Why? Ruby (and dynamic languages in general) are great ā€¢ Rapid development ā€¢ Flexibility ā€¢ Duck-typing ā€¢ Metaprogramming
  • 6. Why? ...but there are some pitfalls ā€¢ Integration ā€¢ Correctness ā€¢ Performance ā€¢ Productivity
  • 7. Integration JRuby gives you access to any Java libraries and frameworks...
  • 8. Integration ...but not all of them are JRuby-friendly (even though JRuby keeps getting better!) ā€¢ Class names and actual classes (beyond jrubyc) ā€¢ Method signatures ā€¢ Overloaded methods ā€¢ Type erasure in generics ā€¢ Subclassing ā€¢ Annotations ā€¢ Executable JAR ļ¬les ā€¢ Legacy applications
  • 9. Integration Use statically-typed proxies to bridge the gap
  • 10. Correctness ā€¢ Static analysis ā€¢ Refactoring ā€¢ Self-documentation ā€¢ Type errors ā€¢ Unit tests can help... ā€¢ ...but they have to be complete... ā€¢ ...and they donā€™t cover all possible scenarios... ā€¢ ...and tracking down type errors can be Hell
  • 11. Correctness ā€¢ Use a statically-typed language for critical or library code ā€¢ Use a dynamically-typed language for high- level dynamic code and DSLs
  • 12. Performance JRuby performance is great and getting better... (and it doesnā€™t matter if the application is waiting for the user 10 times faster)
  • 13. Performance ā€¢ For some tasks, static typing can be faster ā€¢ Heavy computation ā€¢ Method lookup ā€¢ method_missing ā€¢ Some benchmarks:
  • 14. Performance Implement performance-critical tasks in a compiled statically-typed language
  • 15. Productivity ā€¢ Refactoring (again!) ā€¢ Code navigation ā€¢ IDE help (method parameters, autocomplete, ...)
  • 16. Agenda ā€¢ Why? ā€¢ Why Scala? ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ Q&A
  • 17. Why Scala? ā€¢ Simpliļ¬ed syntax ā€¢ Functional programming ā€¢ Dynamic-language features ā€¢ Mix-ins (traits) ā€¢ Structural types ā€¢ Implicits ā€¢ The Dynamic trait ā€¢ Scala libraries
  • 18. Simpliļ¬ed Syntax ā€¢ Case classes case class Person (ļ¬rstName:String, lastName:String) ā€¢ Type inference val m = new HashMap[Int, String] ā€¢ No getters / setters Unless you really need them ā€¢ More ļ¬‚exible method names (think DSLs) Use (almost) any character Translated to legal names in bytecode (i.e., + is $plus, += is $plus$eq)
  • 19. Functional Programming Mixed OO - Functional model ā€¢ Closures / partial functions ā€¢ foreach, map, fold, ļ¬lter, ... ā€¢ Deļ¬ne your own control structures ā€¢ Immutable eager and lazy values ā€¢ Pattern matching ā€¢ For comprehensions
  • 20. Traits ā€¢ Interfaces with method deļ¬nitions ā€¢ Can be used for mix-ins ā€¢ Calling the previous method in the chain with no aliasing ā€¢ Dependency injection (ā€œcake patternā€)
  • 21. Structural Types ā€¢ Declare what you need, not the type ā€¢ Statically-typed duck typing class Foo {Ā def x = "Foo.x" } class Bar {Ā def x = "Bar.x" } def doIt (arg: { def x:String }) = arg.x scala> doIt(new Foo) res0: String = Foo.x scala> doIt(new Bar) res1: String = Bar.x
  • 22. Implicits ā€¢ Automatically convert one object to another type ā€¢ Solve some of the same problems as open classes class MyRichString(str: String) { Ā Ā def acronym = str.toCharArray.foldLeft("") { (t, c) => Ā Ā Ā Ā t + (if (c.isUpperCase) c.toString else "") Ā Ā } } Ā  implicit def str2MRString(str: String) = new MyRichString(str) scala> "The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy".acronym res0: java.lang.String = THHGTTG
  • 23. Implicits In Scala: In Ruby: implicit def newLT(i: Int) = new { class Fixnum Ā Ā def <(str: String) = i < str.length Ā Ā alias_method :__old_lt, '<'.to_sym } Ā Ā def <(target) Ā Ā Ā Ā if target.kind_of? String Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā __old_lt__ target.size scala> 1 < "foo" Ā Ā Ā Ā else res0: Boolean = false Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā __old_lt__ target Ā Ā Ā Ā end scala> 5 < "foo" Ā Ā end res1: Boolean = true end
  • 24. The Dynamic Trait ā€¢ Similar to method_missing ā€¢ Experimental in 2.9, available in 2.10 object Test extends Dynamic { Ā Ā def applyDynamic (method:String) (args: Any*) { Ā Ā Ā Ā println ("%s (%s)".format(method, args.mkString(","))) Ā Ā } } scala>"bar",'baz, 1) foo (bar,'baz, 1)
  • 25. Scala Libraries ā€¢ Akka ā€¢ Parser combinators ā€¢ Play / Lift / Scalatra / ...
  • 26. Akka ā€¢ Based on the Actor model (Erlang) ā€¢ Message passing ā€¢ Transparent distribution ā€¢ Messaging system integration ā€¢ AMQP ā€¢ Apache Camel ā€¢ HTTP ā€¢ ... ā€¢ Software Transactional Memory
  • 27. Akka ā€¢ Mikka: Actors in JRuby by Theo Hultberg (@iconara) ā€¢ Thin wrapper around Akka Java API to make it more Ruby-like ā€¢ ā€¢ ...for more info ask Theo!
  • 28. Agenda ā€¢ Why? ā€¢ Why Scala? ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ Q&A
  • 29. Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Just like Java! ā€¢ JRuby sugar ā€¢ 1.6.0+ ā€¢ 1.6.6+
  • 30. Just like Java! In Scala: In JRuby: package app.helpers require ā€˜javaā€™ => true import scala.reflect.BeanProperty f = => #<Java::AppHelpers::Foo:0x325bc91> class Foo { f.q = "Life, the Universe and Everything" Ā Ā private var question: String = "" => "Life, the Universe and Everything" Ā Ā @BeanProperty var a: String = "" f.a = "42" => "42" Ā Ā def questionAndAnswer = "Unknowable" f.q => "Life, the Universe and Everything" Ā Ā def setQ(s:String) = { question = s } f.a Ā Ā def getQ = question => "42" } f.question_and_answer => "Unknowable"
  • 31. Just like Java! Functions / blocks / closures In Scala: In JRuby: package app.helpers f = => #<Java::AppHelpers::Foo:0x325bc91> class Foo { f(1, 2, 3) { |x, y| x + y } Ā Ā def test(x:Int, y:Int, z:Int, => true Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā f:(Int, Int) => Int) = { Ā Ā Ā Ā f(x,y) == z Ā Ā } }
  • 32. JRuby Sugar - 1.6.0+ Singleton (Scala object) support Call Singleton methods just like static/class methods In Scala: In JRuby: package app.helpers require ā€˜javaā€™ # => true object Foo { Java::app.helpers.Foo.test Ā Ā def test = "Static method" # => ā€œStatic methodā€ }
  • 33. JRuby Sugar - 1.6.6+ Operator aliases $plus -> + $minus -> - $div -> / $plus$eq -> += apply (a.k.a. ()) -> [] update (a.k.a. ()=) -> []= ... There are some caveats... see
  • 34. Agenda ā€¢ Why? ā€¢ Why Scala? ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ Q&A
  • 35. Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ JRuby Embed API (RedBridge / JSR-223) ā€¢ Scuby
  • 36. JRuby Embed API val container = new ScriptingContainer val receiver = container.runScriptlet(""" # Radioactive decay def amount_after_years(q0, t) q0 * Math.exp(1.0 / $half_life * Math.log(1.0/2.0) * t) end def years_to_amount(q0, q) $half_life * (Math.log(q) - Math.log(q0)) / Math.log(1.0/2.0) end """) container.put("$half_life", 24100) // Plutonium val args = Array[Object](10.0:java.lang.Double, 1000:java.lang.Integer) val result = container.callMethod("amount_after_years", args, Double.class)
  • 37. Scuby ā€¢ Goals ā€¢ Assumptions and defaults ā€¢ Usage and examples ā€¢ Future steps
  • 38. Scuby Goals ā€¢ Thin DSL layer between Scala and JRuby ā€¢ Simplify calling JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby should be as transparent as possible ā€¢ Static typing as far as possible
  • 39. Assumptions & Defaults ā€¢ Single JRuby engine ā€¢ For our needs, we donā€™t need more ā€¢ You donā€™t have to pass in the engine to every call ā€¢ Singleton interpreter scope (default) ā€¢ Otherwise you can get things like nil != nil ā€¢ Can be changed before ļ¬rst JRuby call ā€¢ Transient local variable behavior (default) ā€¢ Local variables donā€™t survive multiple evaluations ā€¢ If you need them to persist, store in a Scala val (and pass as parameter)... ā€¢ ...or change before ļ¬rst JRuby call
  • 40. Usage ā€¢ require & eval ā€¢ Creating objects ā€¢ Calling methods ā€¢ Convenience methods ā€¢ Additional facilities
  • 41. Example Ruby File # File test.rb (from the Scuby tests) module Core Ā Ā class Person Ā Ā Ā Ā attr_accessor :firstname, :lastname Ā Ā Ā Ā def initialize (firstname, lastname) Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā @firstname = firstname Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā @lastname = lastname Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā Ā Ā def fullname Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "#{firstname} #{lastname}" Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā Ā Ā def get_label Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā end ...
  • 42. Example Ruby File ... Ā Ā module Backend Ā Ā Ā def self.get_people Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get data from the backend and return an Array of Person Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_data Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā { :people => get_people, :other_data => get_other_data } Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_person(name) Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get a person's data from the DB and return a Person object Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā Ā Ā def self.get_other_data Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā # Get some other data that is needed for the app Ā Ā Ā Ā end Ā Ā end end
  • 43. require & eval import cc.abstra.scuby.JRuby._ // Require a Ruby file from the classpath require("test") // Eval a Ruby statement discarding the return value eval("import Core") // Eval a Ruby statement that returns a Ruby object val array = eval[RubyObj]("[]") // Or with type inference val array2:RubyObj = eval("[]")
  • 44. Creating Objects import cc.abstra.scuby._ // Create a Ruby object val array3 = new RubyObject('Array) // Create a proxy object for the Ruby BackEnd class val backend = RubyClass('Backend) // Create an instance of the Person class val person = new RubyObject('Person, "Zaphod", "Beeblebrox") val person2 = RubyClass('Person) ! ('new, "Ford", "Prefect")
  • 45. Calling Methods Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a method on a Ruby object (in this case, the Ruby class), Ā Ā Ā Ā // passing in parameters, and get back another Ruby object Ā Ā Ā Ā val zaphod = backend ! ('get_person, "Zaphod") Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a Ruby method with no parameters Ā Ā Ā Ā val data = backend ! 'get_data Ā Ā Ā Ā // Ruby method chaining Ā Ā Ā Ā val length = backend ! 'get_people ! 'length Ā Ā Ā Ā // Get a reference to a Ruby method that can later be called Ā Ā Ā Ā val getPerson = backend --> 'get_person Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call the method. Returns an AnyRef. Ā Ā Ā Ā // With the above, these 2 lines are equivalent: Ā Ā Ā Ā getPerson("Zaphod") Ā Ā Ā Ā backend('get_person, "Zaphod") Ā Ā Ā Ā // Call a Ruby method which returns a Java object, // in a type-safe way Ā Ā Ā Ā val label = person.send[JLabel]('get_label)
  • 46. Arrays and Hashes // Access to a Ruby Hash or Array (i.e., anything that implements []) // and creating a Ruby Symbol using % val people = data(%('people)) val zaphod2 = people(0) // Multidimensional Hashes or Arrays (i.e., data["parm1"]["parm2"]) val ford = data(%('people), 1) // Modify/add an element to a Hash or Array (or anything that // implements []=) people(2) = RubyClass('Person) ! ('new, "Arthur", "Dent")
  • 47. Convenience Methods ā€¢ toString, equals, hashCode ā€¢ Forwarded to their Ruby equivalents (#to_s, #==, #hash) ā€¢ respondTo_? array3 respondTo_? 'length // true array3 respondTo_? 'foo // false ā€¢ isA_? array3 isA_? 'Array // true array3 isA_? 'Hash // false
  • 48. Wrapping in Traits trait Person { Ā Ā def firstname: String Ā Ā def firstname_=(f: String): Unit Ā Ā def lastname: String Ā Ā def lastname_=(l: String): Unit Ā Ā def fullname: String Ā Ā def getLabel: JLabel } val zaphod = backend('get_person, "Zaphod").as[Person] zaphod.firstname = "The Zeeb" println(zaphod.fullname) val label = zaphod.getLabel
  • 49. Usage To use Scuby: ā€¢ Use the Source! (Pull requests welcome) ā€¢ ā€¢ Build using Maven ā€¢ Download the compiled artifacts ā€¢ pasilla/scuby/0.1.8/ ā€¢ You also need scala-library-2.9.2.jar and jruby-complete-1.6.7.jar ā€¢ Add all the .jarā€™s to your CLASSPATH ā€¢ Use Maven (or SBT, Gradle, ...) ā€¢ groupId: cc.abstra.pasilla ā€¢ artifactId: scuby ā€¢ Current version: 0.1.8
  • 50. Future Steps ā€¢ Scala side ā€¢ Ruby collections ā€¢ Java-friendly API ā€¢ Optimization ā€¢ Ruby side ā€¢ Create a Scuby gem ā€¢ FunctionN -> block conversion ā€¢ Wrapping Scala collections ā€¢ Object#to_scala ā€¢ scala top-level function (so we can, i.e., import scala.*)
  • 51. Agenda ā€¢ Why? ā€¢ Why Scala? ā€¢ Calling Scala from JRuby ā€¢ Calling JRuby from Scala ā€¢ Q&A
  • 52. Thank you Mario Camou @thedoc Special thanks to @MadridJUG

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