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 (On Rails)
   Mike Desjardins
Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.
Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

   Factory                             Bridge
Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

   Factory                             Bridge
Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

   Factory                             Bridge

Design Pattern?
        Per our good friends at Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
within a given context in software design.

   Factory                             Bridge

        Visitor                    Decorator

     MVC!   Note to any Microsoft
         This is not a presentation on
Model View

Model                 Views
GOsh, What’s Wrong With
    As your project gets more complex, the
Controllers and Views become “bloated” despite
                your best efforts.
GOsh, What’s Wrong With
    As your project gets more complex, the
Controllers and Views become “bloated” despite
                your best efforts.
These are just the filters in CityEats’ Orders
skip_before_filter :protect_private_environments, except: [:new]
before_filter :set_user,
           only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :create, :iframe, :payment_form, :offer_details]
# Are all three of these filters necessary? It doesn't seem so at a glance. -Tim
before_filter :load_restaurant,
           only: [:new, :create, :iframe, :credit_user_account, :payment_form, :offer_details],
           :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_id].present? }
before_filter :load_restaurant_and_authenticate,
           only: [:new],
           :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_id].present? || params[:restaurant_offer_id].present? }
before_filter :load_offer_and_set_restaurant,
           only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :create, :payment_form, :offer_details],
           :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_offer_id].present? }
before_filter :require_restaurant,
           only: [:new]
before_filter :merge_request_ip_address,
           only: [:create]
around_filter :load_restaurant_time_zone,
           only: [:new, :show, :create, :destroy, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account]
before_filter :load_watched_video,
           only: [:create]
before_filter :init_reservation,
           only: [:new, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account, :create, :offer_details]
before_filter :init_order,
           only: [:new, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account, :create, :offer_details]
before_filter :set_price,
           only: [:new, :create, :credit_user_account, :payment_form]
before_filter :init_gateway_request_filter,
           only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :payment_form]
AW SHUCKS, Actions
                 too! create action:
 Here’s the OrdersController’s
def create
 if params[:iframe]
   @styling = @restaurant.try(:restaurant_widget_customization) ||
 => @restaurant.try(:id))
   @styling.merge(params["restaurant_widget_customization"]) if params["restaurant_widget_customization"].present?

 @order.group_emailable = params[:group_emailable]
 @reservation.landing_tag = cookies['landing_tag'] if cookies['landing_tag'].present?

   flash["ignore_order_is_conversion"] = true #this is used to render the conversion tracking pixel - naudo feb.6.2012
   flash_message(:notice, 'Your order was successfully created.')

  if @order.invite_facebook_friends_to_reservation? && current_user.present? && current_user.is_a_facebook_user?
    render(:invite_on_facebook) and return
  render(:iframe_confirm, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe]
  cookies['landing_tag'] = nil
  redirect_to @order
  # Reverse any preauth and/or subscription
  @gateway_transaction.reverse_authorization_and_or_subscription if @gateway_transaction.present?

  render(:iframe, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe]
  render :new, layout: choose_layout
AW SHUCKS, Actions
                 too! create action:
 Here’s the OrdersController’s
def create
 if params[:iframe]
   @styling = @restaurant.try(:restaurant_widget_customization) ||
 => @restaurant.try(:id))
   @styling.merge(params["restaurant_widget_customization"]) if params["restaurant_widget_customization"].present?

 @order.group_emailable = params[:group_emailable]
 @reservation.landing_tag = cookies['landing_tag'] if cookies['landing_tag'].present?

   flash["ignore_order_is_conversion"] = true #this is used to render the conversion tracking pixel - naudo feb.6.2012
   flash_message(:notice, 'Your order was successfully created.')

  if @order.invite_facebook_friends_to_reservation? && current_user.present? && current_user.is_a_facebook_user?
    render(:invite_on_facebook) and return
  render(:iframe_confirm, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe]
  cookies['landing_tag'] = nil
  redirect_to @order
  # Reverse any preauth and/or subscription
  @gateway_transaction.reverse_authorization_and_or_subscription if @gateway_transaction.present?

  render(:iframe, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe]
  render :new, layout: choose_layout
It’s not just the controllers
  that get bloated, Views
   get messed up, too...
Thicker than a five dollar
   = order_form.fields_for :reservation do |reservation_form|
    = render "orders/reservation_hidden_fields", :reservation_form => reservation_form

     - unless mobile_prefered?
      = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form

       - if
        - if @ios_app
          = render "orders/reservation_details"
        = render "orders/reservation_datetime_form_new", :order_form => order_form, :reservation_form => reservation_form
       - if mobile_prefered?
        = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form
       = render "orders/reservation_info_form_new", :reservation_form => reservation_form
       = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_receiptResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url
       = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_declineResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url

      - if @ios_app
         - if @payment_required
           - no_show_fee_amount = @restaurant.no_show_fee(@order.reservation)
           - if no_show_fee_amount && no_show_fee_amount > 0.0
             = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type =>
'noshow', :no_show_fee_amount => no_show_fee_amount }
           - else
             = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type =>
'purchase', :no_show_fee_amount => 0.0 }

      = render "orders/reservation_submit", :reservation_form => reservation_form, :order_form => order_form

 - if @layout != 'nometro' && @restaurant.metro.published?
    = render "orders/reservation_faq"
    = render :partial => "orders/loyalty_box", :locals => {:restaurant => @restaurant}
    - if @order.has_offer?
Thicker than a five dollar
   = order_form.fields_for :reservation do |reservation_form|
    = render "orders/reservation_hidden_fields", :reservation_form => reservation_form

     - unless mobile_prefered?
      = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form

       - if
        - if @ios_app
          = render "orders/reservation_details"
        = render "orders/reservation_datetime_form_new", :order_form => order_form, :reservation_form => reservation_form
       - if mobile_prefered?
        = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form
       = render "orders/reservation_info_form_new", :reservation_form => reservation_form
       = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_receiptResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url
       = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_declineResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url

      - if @ios_app
         - if @payment_required
           - no_show_fee_amount = @restaurant.no_show_fee(@order.reservation)
           - if no_show_fee_amount && no_show_fee_amount > 0.0
             = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type =>
'noshow', :no_show_fee_amount => no_show_fee_amount }
           - else
             = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type =>
'purchase', :no_show_fee_amount => 0.0 }

      = render "orders/reservation_submit", :reservation_form => reservation_form, :order_form => order_form

 - if @layout != 'nometro' && @restaurant.metro.published?
    = render "orders/reservation_faq"
    = render :partial => "orders/loyalty_box", :locals => {:restaurant => @restaurant}
    - if @order.has_offer?
Who will
and test
 all this
rs to the
Let’s Review...

Model                 Views
GOLLY, that’s bad

 Model                 Views


 Model             View
Represent “Current State of the


   Model                   View
  Scripps needed a
   way to preview
Invoices that were to
      be sent to
 Restaurants, as well
   as view existing
class InvoicePresenter                  Presenter
 attr_accessor :reservation_transactions, :non_reservation_transactions, :transactions, :id, :date, :due_date, :account,
           :reservation_transactions_total, :restaurant

    def initialize(thing) = thing.account.accountable
     self.transactions = thing.transactions =
     self.account = thing.account
     self.reservation_transactions = thing.reservation_transactions
     self.non_reservation_transactions = thing.non_reservation_transactions
     if thing.is_a? Invoice
     elsif thing.is_a? InvoicePreview
       raise"I don't know what to do with this thing.")

     def init_from_invoice(invoice) =
      self.due_date = invoice.due_date || + Invoice::INVOICE_DAYS_AFTER

  def init_from_invoice_preview(preview) = "PREVIEW"
    invoiced_on_date = < ? :
    due_date = invoiced_on_date + Invoice::INVOICE_DAYS_AFTER
    self.due_date = due_date
def render_performance_summary(context)
 by_source = {}
 total = 0
 reservation_transactions.each do |txn|
  unless txn.source.nil? # how does this happen?
    by_source[] =
      by_source.fetch(,0) + 1
    total = total + 1
 context.render partial: 'invoice_performance_summary',
            locals: {total: total, by_source: by_source}
def render_line_items(context)
                                                                  Yeah, it can still be kinda gross...
  output = []

  # First, the one time fees.
  one_time_fee_total = 0.0
  one_time_fees.each do |otf|
   amount = otf[:unit_price] * otf[:quantity]
   item = {unit_price: otf[:unit_price], quantity: otf[:quantity], description: otf[:description], discount: 0.00, amount: amount}
   one_time_fee_total = one_time_fee_total + amount
   output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_item', locals: {item: item})
  unless one_time_fees.empty?
   output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: one_time_fee_total, description: 'One Time Fees Subtotal', cssclass: 'sub-total'})

  # Next, the reservation transactions
  reservation_fee_total = 0.0
  grouped_reservation_transactions.each do |txn|
   amount = txn[:unit_price] * txn[:quantity]
   item = {unit_price: txn[:unit_price], quantity: txn[:quantity], description: txn[:description], discount: 0.00, amount: amount}
   reservation_fee_total = reservation_fee_total + amount
   output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_item', locals: {item: item})
  unless grouped_reservation_transactions.empty?
   output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: reservation_fee_total, description: 'Reservation Fees Fees Subtotal', cssclass: 'sub-total'})

  unless monthly_fee_cap_amount.blank? ||
   output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: "After Monthly Fee Cap - #{number_to_currency monthly_fee_cap_amount}", description: 'Balance at the
end of last period', cssclass: 'monthly-cap'})

  # Other Totals
  output << context.render(partial:   'invoice_total', locals: {total: balance_at_end_of_last_period, description: 'Balance at the end of last period', cssclass: 'sub-total'})
  output << context.render(partial:   'invoice_total', locals: {total: last_payment_received_amount, description: "Payment Received - #{last_payment_received_on} - Thank
You", cssclass: 'sub-total'})
  output << context.render(partial:   'invoice_total', locals: {total: sales_tax, description: 'Tax', cssclass: 'tax'})
  output << context.render(partial:   'invoice_total', locals: {total: reservation_fee_total + one_time_fee_total + sales_tax, description: 'Total', cssclass: 'total'})
  %img{:alt => 'CityEats', :src => '/assets/logo-cityeats-black.png'}
  %h4 Invoice Summary:

                                                                 But the view is
       Invoice Id:

                                                                   outta site!
    %th Invoice Date:

    %th Due Date:
    %td= @presenter.due_date
      Amount Due:
    %td= number_to_currency(@presenter.amount_due)

  %h4 Bill To:
  = render partial: 'invoice_bill_to_address', locals: {name:, address:}

  %h4 Remittance
  %p The amount owing will automatically be charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account, according to the terms of your contract. <br /><em>If paying by check, please
include a copy of this statement.</em>

 %h4 Fee Summary

                                                                                          Gosh, no references to
   %th Description
   %th.quantity Quantity
   %th.unit-price Unit Price Discount

                                                                                           models anywhere!
   %th.amount Amount
  = raw @presenter.render_line_items(self)

 %h4 Performance Summary
 = raw @presenter.render_performance_summary(self)

= javascript_include_tag "invoicing"
...and the controller is tiny, too!

def show
 invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id])
 @presenter =

def new
 account = @restaurant.account
 invoice_date = @restaurant.next_invoice_date
 @presenter =, invoice_date))
Made in the
Have you ever written
 a good view test?
Have you ever written
 a good view test?
  No, seriously. Be
Can’t I just do all this with
Helpers don’t have
Not Jesus.
Avdi Grimm
Exhibitor Pattern
 Uses “Decorator Pattern” to extend an
 existing model
 Implements Decorator Pattern using
 Ruby’s SimpleDelegator class
Decorator Pattern?
Decorator Pattern?
  Delegate                Decorator

 Hey look, it’s UML! I read
 about this in a Computer
 Science Archaeology Book
Decorator Pattern?
     Delegate           Decorator
Decorator Pattern?
     Delegate               Decorator
+jumpFromSpaceBalloon   +jumpFromSpaceBalloon
Decorator Pattern?
     Delegate           SimpleDelegator
+jumpFromSpaceBalloon   +initializer(thing: Delegate)

 Gosh, Ruby
sure is spiffy!
Decorator Pattern?

  Model         Exhibitor
          +initializer(a_model: Model)
Exhibitor Pattern
          Uses “Decorator Pattern” to extend an
          existing model
          Implements Decorator Pattern using
          Ruby’s SimpleDelegator class
# exhibits/text_post_exhibit.rb
require 'delegate'
class TextPostExhibit < SimpleDelegator
 def initialize(model, context)
   @context = context

 def render_body
  @context.render(partial: "/posts/text_body", locals: {post: self})
some People in the rails
Community conflate these
two notions (exhibitor vs.

 But now you’re smarter
    than all of them!

Simple one, does some similar stuff w/ delegation like Avdi without using

Does some neat stuff with memoization
Very Good RailsConf 2012 Presentation by Mike Moore. Uses
ActiveDecorator to implement a form of Exhibitor
Quest ions?

    Retro Clip Art Provided By Tack-o-Rama

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Presenters in Rails

  • 1. Presenters! (On Rails) Mike Desjardins @mdesjardins
  • 2. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design.
  • 3. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer
  • 4. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer Factory
  • 5. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer Factory Bridge
  • 6. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer Factory Bridge Singleton
  • 7. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer Factory Bridge Singleton Decorator
  • 8. Design Pattern? Per our good friends at Wikipedia: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Observer Factory Bridge Singleton Visitor Decorator
  • 9. Swell! MVC! Note to any Microsoft knuckleheads: This is not a presentation on “MVP.”
  • 10. Model View Controller Controllers Model Views
  • 11. GOsh, What’s Wrong With MVC? As your project gets more complex, the Controllers and Views become “bloated” despite your best efforts.
  • 12. GOsh, What’s Wrong With MVC? As your project gets more complex, the Controllers and Views become “bloated” despite your best efforts.
  • 13. These are just the filters in CityEats’ Orders Controller! skip_before_filter :protect_private_environments, except: [:new] before_filter :set_user, only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :create, :iframe, :payment_form, :offer_details] # Are all three of these filters necessary? It doesn't seem so at a glance. -Tim before_filter :load_restaurant, only: [:new, :create, :iframe, :credit_user_account, :payment_form, :offer_details], :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_id].present? } before_filter :load_restaurant_and_authenticate, only: [:new], :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_id].present? || params[:restaurant_offer_id].present? } before_filter :load_offer_and_set_restaurant, only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :create, :payment_form, :offer_details], :if => lambda { |c| params[:restaurant_offer_id].present? } before_filter :require_restaurant, only: [:new] before_filter :merge_request_ip_address, only: [:create] around_filter :load_restaurant_time_zone, only: [:new, :show, :create, :destroy, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account] before_filter :load_watched_video, only: [:create] before_filter :init_reservation, only: [:new, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account, :create, :offer_details] before_filter :init_order, only: [:new, :iframe, :payment_form, :credit_user_account, :create, :offer_details] before_filter :set_price, only: [:new, :create, :credit_user_account, :payment_form] before_filter :init_gateway_request_filter, only: [:new, :credit_user_account, :payment_form]
  • 14. AW SHUCKS, Actions too! create action: Here’s the OrdersController’s def create if params[:iframe] @styling = @restaurant.try(:restaurant_widget_customization) || => @restaurant.try(:id)) @styling.merge(params["restaurant_widget_customization"]) if params["restaurant_widget_customization"].present? end @order.group_emailable = params[:group_emailable] @reservation.landing_tag = cookies['landing_tag'] if cookies['landing_tag'].present? if UserMailer.confirm_order(@order).deliver @order.user.accept_current_terms_of_service!(request.remote_ip) flash["ignore_order_is_conversion"] = true #this is used to render the conversion tracking pixel - naudo feb.6.2012 flash_message(:notice, 'Your order was successfully created.') if @order.invite_facebook_friends_to_reservation? && current_user.present? && current_user.is_a_facebook_user? render(:invite_on_facebook) and return end render(:iframe_confirm, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe] cookies['landing_tag'] = nil redirect_to @order else # Reverse any preauth and/or subscription @gateway_transaction.reverse_authorization_and_or_subscription if @gateway_transaction.present? render(:iframe, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe] render :new, layout: choose_layout end end
  • 15. AW SHUCKS, Actions too! create action: Here’s the OrdersController’s def create if params[:iframe] @styling = @restaurant.try(:restaurant_widget_customization) || => @restaurant.try(:id)) @styling.merge(params["restaurant_widget_customization"]) if params["restaurant_widget_customization"].present? end @order.group_emailable = params[:group_emailable] @reservation.landing_tag = cookies['landing_tag'] if cookies['landing_tag'].present? if UserMailer.confirm_order(@order).deliver @order.user.accept_current_terms_of_service!(request.remote_ip) flash["ignore_order_is_conversion"] = true #this is used to render the conversion tracking pixel - naudo feb.6.2012 flash_message(:notice, 'Your order was successfully created.') if @order.invite_facebook_friends_to_reservation? && current_user.present? && current_user.is_a_facebook_user? render(:invite_on_facebook) and return end render(:iframe_confirm, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe] cookies['landing_tag'] = nil redirect_to @order else # Reverse any preauth and/or subscription @gateway_transaction.reverse_authorization_and_or_subscription if @gateway_transaction.present? render(:iframe, layout: 'minimal') and return if params[:iframe] render :new, layout: choose_layout end end
  • 17. It’s not just the controllers that get bloated, Views get messed up, too...
  • 18. Thicker than a five dollar malt = order_form.fields_for :reservation do |reservation_form| = render "orders/reservation_hidden_fields", :reservation_form => reservation_form - unless mobile_prefered? = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form .psuedo-section - if %p.logo=image_tag( %section#reservation_show - if @ios_app = render "orders/reservation_details" = render "orders/reservation_datetime_form_new", :order_form => order_form, :reservation_form => reservation_form - if mobile_prefered? = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form = render "orders/reservation_info_form_new", :reservation_form => reservation_form = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_receiptResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_declineResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url - if @ios_app #payment-info - if @payment_required - no_show_fee_amount = @restaurant.no_show_fee(@order.reservation) - if no_show_fee_amount && no_show_fee_amount > 0.0 = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type => 'noshow', :no_show_fee_amount => no_show_fee_amount } - else = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type => 'purchase', :no_show_fee_amount => 0.0 } = render "orders/reservation_submit", :reservation_form => reservation_form, :order_form => order_form - if @layout != 'nometro' && @restaurant.metro.published? .sidebar = render "orders/reservation_faq" = render :partial => "orders/loyalty_box", :locals => {:restaurant => @restaurant} - if @order.has_offer?
  • 19. Thicker than a five dollar malt = order_form.fields_for :reservation do |reservation_form| = render "orders/reservation_hidden_fields", :reservation_form => reservation_form - unless mobile_prefered? = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form .psuedo-section - if %p.logo=image_tag( %section#reservation_show - if @ios_app = render "orders/reservation_details" = render "orders/reservation_datetime_form_new", :order_form => order_form, :reservation_form => reservation_form - if mobile_prefered? = render "orders/restaurant_offer_details", :reservation_form => reservation_form = render "orders/reservation_info_form_new", :reservation_form => reservation_form = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_receiptResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url = hidden_field_tag :orderPage_declineResponseURL, credit_user_account_orders_url - if @ios_app #payment-info - if @payment_required - no_show_fee_amount = @restaurant.no_show_fee(@order.reservation) - if no_show_fee_amount && no_show_fee_amount > 0.0 = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type => 'noshow', :no_show_fee_amount => no_show_fee_amount } - else = render :partial => "shared/payment_details", :locals => { :countdown_minutes => nil, :payment_type => 'purchase', :no_show_fee_amount => 0.0 } = render "orders/reservation_submit", :reservation_form => reservation_form, :order_form => order_form - if @layout != 'nometro' && @restaurant.metro.published? .sidebar = render "orders/reservation_faq" = render :partial => "orders/loyalty_box", :locals => {:restaurant => @restaurant} - if @order.has_offer?
  • 20. Who will maintain and test all this logic?!?
  • 22. Let’s Review... Controllers Model Views
  • 23. GOLLY, that’s bad news! Controllers Model Views
  • 24. Presenter s Presenter Controller Model View
  • 25. Represent “Current State of the View” Presenter Controller Model View
  • 26. Invoicing! Scripps needed a way to preview Invoices that were to be sent to Restaurants, as well as view existing invoices
  • 27. Invoice class InvoicePresenter Presenter attr_accessor :reservation_transactions, :non_reservation_transactions, :transactions, :id, :date, :due_date, :account, :reservation_transactions_total, :restaurant def initialize(thing) = thing.account.accountable self.transactions = thing.transactions = self.account = thing.account self.reservation_transactions = thing.reservation_transactions self.non_reservation_transactions = thing.non_reservation_transactions if thing.is_a? Invoice init_from_invoice(thing) elsif thing.is_a? InvoicePreview init_from_invoice_preview(thing) else raise"I don't know what to do with this thing.") end end . . . private def init_from_invoice(invoice) = self.due_date = invoice.due_date || + Invoice::INVOICE_DAYS_AFTER end def init_from_invoice_preview(preview) = "PREVIEW" invoiced_on_date = < ? : due_date = invoiced_on_date + Invoice::INVOICE_DAYS_AFTER self.due_date = due_date end end
  • 28. Invoice Presenter def render_performance_summary(context) by_source = {} total = 0 reservation_transactions.each do |txn| unless txn.source.nil? # how does this happen? by_source[] = by_source.fetch(,0) + 1 total = total + 1 end end context.render partial: 'invoice_performance_summary', locals: {total: total, by_source: by_source} end
  • 29. Invoice def render_line_items(context) Presenter Yeah, it can still be kinda gross... output = [] # First, the one time fees. one_time_fee_total = 0.0 one_time_fees.each do |otf| amount = otf[:unit_price] * otf[:quantity] item = {unit_price: otf[:unit_price], quantity: otf[:quantity], description: otf[:description], discount: 0.00, amount: amount} one_time_fee_total = one_time_fee_total + amount output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_item', locals: {item: item}) end unless one_time_fees.empty? output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: one_time_fee_total, description: 'One Time Fees Subtotal', cssclass: 'sub-total'}) end # Next, the reservation transactions reservation_fee_total = 0.0 grouped_reservation_transactions.each do |txn| amount = txn[:unit_price] * txn[:quantity] item = {unit_price: txn[:unit_price], quantity: txn[:quantity], description: txn[:description], discount: 0.00, amount: amount} reservation_fee_total = reservation_fee_total + amount output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_item', locals: {item: item}) end unless grouped_reservation_transactions.empty? output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: reservation_fee_total, description: 'Reservation Fees Fees Subtotal', cssclass: 'sub-total'}) end unless monthly_fee_cap_amount.blank? || output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: "After Monthly Fee Cap - #{number_to_currency monthly_fee_cap_amount}", description: 'Balance at the end of last period', cssclass: 'monthly-cap'}) end # Other Totals output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: balance_at_end_of_last_period, description: 'Balance at the end of last period', cssclass: 'sub-total'}) output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: last_payment_received_amount, description: "Payment Received - #{last_payment_received_on} - Thank You", cssclass: 'sub-total'}) output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: sales_tax, description: 'Tax', cssclass: 'tax'}) output << context.render(partial: 'invoice_total', locals: {total: reservation_fee_total + one_time_fee_total + sales_tax, description: 'Total', cssclass: 'total'}) output.join end
  • 30. Invoice %section %h4#invoice-header Invoice %h4#ce-logo Presenter %img{:alt => 'CityEats', :src => '/assets/logo-cityeats-black.png'} #invoice-summary %h4 Invoice Summary: %table %tr But the view is %th Invoice Id: %td= outta site! %tr#invoice-date %th Invoice Date: %td= %tr#due-date %th Due Date: %td= @presenter.due_date %tr#amount-due %th Amount Due: %td= number_to_currency(@presenter.amount_due) #bill-to %h4 Bill To: = render partial: 'invoice_bill_to_address', locals: {name:, address:} %h4 Remittance %p The amount owing will automatically be charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account, according to the terms of your contract. <br /><em>If paying by check, please include a copy of this statement.</em> %h4 Fee Summary %table#fee-summary %tr Gosh, no references to %th Description %th.quantity Quantity %th.unit-price Unit Price Discount models anywhere! %th.amount Amount = raw @presenter.render_line_items(self) %h4 Performance Summary = raw @presenter.render_performance_summary(self) = javascript_include_tag "invoicing"
  • 31. ...and the controller is tiny, too! def show invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) @presenter = end def new account = @restaurant.account invoice_date = @restaurant.next_invoice_date @presenter =, invoice_date)) end
  • 32. Made in the Shade
  • 34. Have you ever written a good view test?
  • 35. Have you ever written a good view test? No, seriously. Be Honest.
  • 37. Can’t I just do all this with Helpers?
  • 39.
  • 43. Exhibitor Pattern Uses “Decorator Pattern” to extend an existing model Implements Decorator Pattern using Ruby’s SimpleDelegator class
  • 45. Decorator Pattern? Delegate Decorator Hey look, it’s UML! I read about this in a Computer Science Archaeology Book once!
  • 46. Decorator Pattern? Delegate Decorator +jumpFromSpaceBalloon
  • 47. Decorator Pattern? Delegate Decorator +jumpFromSpaceBalloon +jumpFromSpaceBalloon +drinkRedBull
  • 48. Decorator Pattern? Delegate SimpleDelegator +jumpFromSpaceBalloon +initializer(thing: Delegate) +drinkRedBull Gosh, Ruby sure is spiffy!
  • 49. Decorator Pattern? SimpleDelegator Model Exhibitor +initializer(a_model: Model) +render_body(context:View)
  • 50. Exhibitor Pattern Uses “Decorator Pattern” to extend an existing model Implements Decorator Pattern using Ruby’s SimpleDelegator class # exhibits/text_post_exhibit.rb require 'delegate' class TextPostExhibit < SimpleDelegator def initialize(model, context) @context = context super(model) end def render_body @context.render(partial: "/posts/text_body", locals: {post: self}) end end
  • 51. some People in the rails Community conflate these two notions (exhibitor vs. presenter) But now you’re smarter than all of them!
  • 53. FURTHER Reading Simple one, does some similar stuff w/ delegation like Avdi without using SimpleDelagator Does some neat stuff with memoization Very Good RailsConf 2012 Presentation by Mike Moore. Uses ActiveDecorator to implement a form of Exhibitor
  • 54. Quest ions? Retro Clip Art Provided By Tack-o-Rama

Editor's Notes

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