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Modern C++ 
(less == more) || (more == more) 
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
What is C++? 
• A general purpose programming language 
• Has a strong bias towards systems programming 
• One layer above assembly language 
int do_rdrand() 
• Multi-paradigm language 
int r; 
asm("retry: rdrand eaxn” 
" jnc retry;n" 
: "=a" (r)); 
return r; 
• Imperative (C99 superset) 
• Object-oriented (polymorphism, inheritance) 
• Functional (immutability, lambdas, currying) 
• Meta-programming (templates, algorithms)
Why C++ 
• ISO/IEC 14882:2011 
• International standards organisation represented 
by national bodies from 164 member countries 
• Not open to manipulation by individuals or 
corporations for proprietary control 
• COBOL, Fortran, Ada, Prolog, C, C++, Forth, 
• C++ is a software engineering language that 
enables the production of high performance 
type-safe, statically verifiable native software.
Why C++ 
• C++ is popular 
C++ projects 
• GNU Compiler Collection, LLVM, Clang 
• Java Virtual Machine, Dart, V8, Facebook HHVM 
• Webkit, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 
• MySQL, LevelDB, MongoDB, SAP DB 
• Adobe, Autodesk, Apple, Microsoft, … 
• Scientific computing, Computer Aided Engineering, 
Operations Research, Telecommunications, … 
• Bitcoin ☺
What is Modern C++? 
• Modern C++! 
• feels like “a new language” (Bjarne Stroustrup) 
• C++11 refines the C++ language in a backwards 
compatible way to support existing C++ code while 
enabling simpler and more modern idioms 
• Pass-by-value everywhere 
• STL containers got smarter with r-value references 
• Lambdas, initializer lists, variadic templates, etc 
• Improved memory management 
• Improved standard library
Less is exponentially more 
“I was asked a few weeks ago, "What was the biggest surprise 
you encountered rolling out Go?" I knew the answer instantly: 
Although we expected C++ programmers to see Go as an 
alternative, instead most Go programmers come from languages 
like Python and Ruby. Very few come from C++. 
We—Ken, Robert and myself—were C++ programmers when we 
designed a new language to solve the problems that we thought 
needed to be solved for the kind of software we wrote. It seems 
almost paradoxical that other C++ programmers don't seem to 
care.” –Rob Pike
C++11 has got more 
auto lambda 
std::shared_ptr <thread> 
<regex> <mutex> 
<atomic> static_assert 
C++11 has got less 
C++98 C++11 
#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
vector<int> v; 
vector<int>::iterator i; 
for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) { 
cout << *i << endl; 
#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
vector<int> v = {2,3,5,7}; 
for (auto a : v) { 
cout << a << endl; 
or even less 
int main() 
for (auto a : {2,3,5,7}) 
cout << a << endl; 
Template Metaprogramming 
• The C++ template system is turing complete at compile time 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
template <int N> 
struct Factorial 
enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value }; 
template <> 
struct Factorial<0> 
enum { value = 1 }; 
int main() 
cout << Factorial<4>::value << endl; 
cout << Factorial<0>::value << endl; 
Zero-copy layout 
OO Language C++11 
class Price 
int timestamp; 
int volume; 
double price; 
Price(int timestamp, int volume, double price) 
this.timestamp = timestamp; 
this.volume = volume; 
this.price = price; 
static void main(String args[]) 
ArrayList<Price> prices; 
prices.add(new Price(1307725482, 5, 26.05)); 
prices.add(new Price(1307725483, 40, 26.15)); 
prices.add(new Price(1307725493, 100, 26.1499)); 
prices.add(new Price(1307725493, 112, 26.15)); 
struct Price 
int timestamp; 
int volume; 
double price; 
Price(int timestamp, int volume, double price) 
: timestamp(timestamp), volume(volume), price(price) {} 
}; ! 
int main() 
vector<Price> prices; 
prices.emplace_back(1307725482, 5, 26.05); 
prices.emplace_back(1307725483, 40, 26.15); 
prices.emplace_back(1307725493, 100, 26.1499); 
prices.emplace_back(1307725493, 112, 26.15); 
• Containers use polymorphism and type erase 
• Need to devolve to structure of primitive arrays 
to get reasonable performance, but SoA has 
bad cache behaviour 
• Looks are deceiving 
• Templates instantiate optimized code for the type 
• Superset - allows implementation of polymorphic 
containers i.e. vector<object>
Zero-copy layout 
OO Language - 176 bytes, 5 allocations 
Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) array object reference 
Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 
Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 
64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) 64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) 64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) 
Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 
Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 
1307725482 5 26.05 
1307725483 40 26.15 
1307725493 100 26.1499 
C++11 - 72 bytes, 2 allocations 
array ptr size capacity 
1307725482 5 26.05 1307725483 40 26.15 1307725493 100 26.1499
No more leaks 
• std::unique_ptr 
• Singleton pointer wrapper 
• Ensures a single copy of an object 
• No performance overhead 
• Automatic release (no more delete) 
• std::shared_ptr 
• Reference counting pointer wrapper 
• Thread-safe reference counter 
• Acts like a normal pointer but has overhead 
• Use when correctness is more important than performance 
• Automatic release (no more delete)
R-value references 
• template<typename T> void foo(T&&) 
• New signature to detect r-values (temporaries) 
• In a nut shell enables compile time detection of 
r-value temporaries (versus l-values) to implement efficient 
zero-copy move semantics and perfect forwarding 
• What is an r-value? 
vector<Price> raise(vector<Price> prices) { /* does something */ } 
raise({Price(1307725482, 5, 26.05), Price(1307725483, 40, 26.15)}); 
• Adds complexity to hide complexity 
• Feature designed for STL and library writers 
• std::forward, std::move 
• Efficient pass by value and return by value for containers 
• Simplifies idiom of user code
Initializer lists 
• Array initialization 
was a C++98 bugbear 
• Adds new initializer syntax 
• Can be used in constructor 
member initialization 
• New header 
• New template 
struct myclass { 
myclass (int,int); 
myclass (initializer_list<int>); 
/* definitions ... */ 
}; ! 
myclass foo {10,20}; // calls initializer_list ctor 
myclass bar (10,20); // calls first constructor 
template <typename T> 
struct vec 
vec(T x) : m{x, 0, 0, 1} {} 
vec(T x, T y) : m{x, y, 0, 1} {} 
vec(T x, T y, T z) : m{x, y, z, 1} {} 
vec(T x, T y, T z, T w) : m{x, y, z, w} {} 
T m[4]; 
vec<float> a(1, 2, 3);
Delegating constructors 
• Really. C++98 didn’t have them 
template <typename T> 
struct vec 
vec(T x) : vec(x, 0, 0, 1) {} 
vec(T x, T y) : vec(x, y, 0, 1) {} 
vec(T x, T y, T z) : vec(x, y, z, 1) {} 
vec(T x, T y, T z, T w) : m{x, y, z, w} {} 
T m[4]; 
Threads and Futures 
• std::thread 
• std::async 
• std::future 
• C++ is in now line 
with other modern 
languages thread 
#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <numeric> 
#include <future> ! 
// source ! 
template <typename I> 
int parallel_sum(I beg, I end) 
typename I::difference_type len = end - beg; 
if (len < 1000) { 
return std::accumulate(beg, end, 0); 
I mid = beg + len/2; 
auto handle = std::async(std::launch::async, 
parallel_sum<I>, mid, end); 
int sum = parallel_sum(beg, mid); 
return sum + handle.get(); 
} ! 
int main() 
std::vector<int> v(10000, 1); 
std::cout << "The sum is " << parallel_sum(v.begin(), v.end()) << ‘n'; 
Compile-time type identification 
• New header <type_traits> 
• std::is_void<T> 
• std::is_integral<T> 
• std::is_array<T> 
• std::is_class<T> 
• std::is_pointer<T> 
• std::is_volatile<T> 
• std::rank<T>, std::extent<T,N> 
• …. many many more …. 
template <typename R> static const EGType& typeOf() 
typedef typename std::remove_extent<R>::type A; 
typedef typename std::remove_pointer<R>::type P; 
if (std::is_array<R>::value) { 
typedef typename std::remove_const<A>::type V; 
return arrayType<V>(); 
} else if (std::is_pointer<R>::value) { 
typedef typename std::remove_const<P>::type V; 
return pointerType<V>(); 
} else { 
typedef typename std::remove_const<R>::type V; 
return integralType<V>(); 
Variadic templates 
• Variadic templates allow 
implementation of a compile 
time type safe printf(…) 
• Variadic templates combined 
with compile time type 
identification gives super 
powers to C++ 
• Can collect type information 
at compile time and use at 
• Allows creation of an 
Objective-C style messaging 
system with late-binding 
#include <type_traits> 
#include <functional> 
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> ! 
using namespace std; 
using namespace std::placeholders; ! 
template<typename T> 
void reflect_compiler_reflect(T value) 
cout << setw(70) << typeid(T).name() 
<< " is_pointer=" << is_pointer<T>::value 
<< " is_integral=" << is_integral<T>::value 
<< " is_floating_point=" << is_floating_point<T>::value 
<< " is_class=" << is_class<T>::value 
<< " is_empty=" << is_empty<T>::value 
<< endl; 
} ! 
template<typename T, typename... Args> 
void reflect_compiler_reflect(T value, Args... args) 
} ! 
int main() 
int a = 1; 
float b = 4.5f; 
double c[71]; 
string d; 
auto e = [] (int a) {}; 
auto f = std::bind(e, 99, _1); 
struct {} g; 
reflect_compiler_reflect(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); 
User-defined literals 
• Allow definition of type 
safe SI units and other 
creative uses 
• Solve Mars Climate 
Orbiter type problems 
class Symbol 
string name; 
Symbol(const char *name) : name(name) {} 
}; ! 
Symbol operator "" _symbol(const char* name, size_t) { 
return Symbol(name); 
} ! 
int main() 
Symbol Foo = "Foo"_symbol; 
More functional 
• lambdas 
• [], [=], [&] 
• use in place of old-style function objects 
• combine with existing STL generic algorithms 
e.g. std::partition 
• currying 
• std::function 
• std::bind 
• std::placeholders::_1
Lots more STL 
• Compile time reflection 
• <type_traits> 
• Containers 
• <array>, <unordered_set>, <unordered_map>, <forward_list> 
• Multi-threading 
• <atomic>, <thread>, <mutex>, <future>, <condition_variable> 
• More utility 
• <tuple>, <regex>, <chrono>, <codecvt> 
• Numerics 
• <random>, <ratio>, <cfenv>
auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) {return x + y;}; 
• Generic lambdas 
• lambda initializers 
• Variable templates 
• make_unique 
• Runtime sized arrays 
• Filesystem (Boost::filesystem) 
• Networking 
auto lambda = [value = 1] {return value;}; 
template<typename T> 
constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385); 
auto u = make_unique<some_type>(ctor, params); 
void foo(size_t n) { int a[n]; }
LLVM / Clang 
• Modular compiler toolchain 
• 2012 ACM Software System Award 
• Clang memory sanitizer 
• Clang address sanitizer 
• Clang thread sanitizer 
• Clang modernize 
• Firefox - emscripten C++ to asm.js 
• Chrome - PNaCl C++ LLVM bitcode 
• Foundation of many OpenCL implementations
C++ - pros 
• Maturity and Performance 
• 30 years of evolution and production use in large scale systems 
• ~ 2x - 3x faster than Java 
• ~ 10x - 100x faster than Ruby and Python 
• Compiler and architecture choices 
• GCC 4.9, Clang 3.4, Intel C++ 14, Visual C++ 2013, etc 
• Easy access to processor features 
• SSE4 Streaming Extensions, AVX-512 SIMD Vector Extensions 
• Compile time static checking and type safety 
• Static analysis tools, valgrind, clang memory sanitizer,… 
• Multi-paradigm 
• Offers a choice of programming styles
C++ - cons 
• Big language, big learning curve 
• Define an idiom with C++: google c++ style 
• Long compile times 
• Idea is to spend time now to save it in the future 
• Missing standard libraries 
• networking, database, graphics, sound, xml and json 
serialization, etc 
• The cost of runtime performance 
• Buffer overflows,Illegal memory accesses 
• Requires static analysis 
• Potential solution: Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions)
• Pick the right language for the job 
• C++ is suitable for infrastructure code where 
performance and type safety are important 
• C++ requires care with memory management 
(leaks, buffer offer-flows, off-by-one errors) 
• Give C++ a go!
Comments / Questions

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Modern C++

  • 1.
  • 2. Modern C++ (less == more) || (more == more) !
  • 3. History 1958!!ALGOL!58!!(Bauer,(Backus(et(al) 1957!!FORTRAN!!(John(Backus) 1969!!C!!(Dennis(Ritchie) 1968!!ALGOL!68 1966!!FORTRAN!66 1983!!AT&T!C++!/!Cfront!!(Bjarne(Stroustrup) 1981!!Objec:ve<C!!(Brad(Cox(and(Tom(Love) 1979!!C!with!Classes!!(Bjarne(Stroustrup) 1978!!K&R!C!!(Brian(Kernighan(and(Dennis(Ritchie) 1977!!FORTRAN!77 1989!!ANSI/ISO!C89 1987!!GNU!C!Released 2003!!ISO!C++03 1999!ISO!C99 1998!!ISO!C++98 2017!!ISO!C++17 2014!!ISO!C++14 2011!!ISO!C++11 2008!!Clang!Released 2008!!ISO!C++!TR1 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
  • 4. What is C++? • A general purpose programming language • Has a strong bias towards systems programming • One layer above assembly language int do_rdrand() { • Multi-paradigm language int r; asm("retry: rdrand eaxn” " jnc retry;n" : "=a" (r)); return r; • Imperative (C99 superset) } • Object-oriented (polymorphism, inheritance) • Functional (immutability, lambdas, currying) • Meta-programming (templates, algorithms)
  • 5. Why C++ • ISO/IEC 14882:2011 • International standards organisation represented by national bodies from 164 member countries • Not open to manipulation by individuals or corporations for proprietary control • COBOL, Fortran, Ada, Prolog, C, C++, Forth, ECMAscript • C++ is a software engineering language that enables the production of high performance type-safe, statically verifiable native software.
  • 6. Why C++ • C++ is popular Source:
  • 7. C++ projects • GNU Compiler Collection, LLVM, Clang • Java Virtual Machine, Dart, V8, Facebook HHVM • Webkit, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer • MySQL, LevelDB, MongoDB, SAP DB • Adobe, Autodesk, Apple, Microsoft, … • Scientific computing, Computer Aided Engineering, Operations Research, Telecommunications, … • Bitcoin ☺
  • 8. What is Modern C++? • Modern C++! • feels like “a new language” (Bjarne Stroustrup) • C++11 refines the C++ language in a backwards compatible way to support existing C++ code while enabling simpler and more modern idioms • Pass-by-value everywhere • STL containers got smarter with r-value references • Lambdas, initializer lists, variadic templates, etc • Improved memory management • Improved standard library
  • 9. Less is exponentially more “I was asked a few weeks ago, "What was the biggest surprise you encountered rolling out Go?" I knew the answer instantly: Although we expected C++ programmers to see Go as an alternative, instead most Go programmers come from languages like Python and Ruby. Very few come from C++. We—Ken, Robert and myself—were C++ programmers when we designed a new language to solve the problems that we thought needed to be solved for the kind of software we wrote. It seems almost paradoxical that other C++ programmers don't seem to care.” –Rob Pike
  • 10. C++11 has got more std::future auto lambda <functional> std::shared_ptr <thread> std::async <random> <type_traits> <memory> constexpr decltype <regex> <mutex> std::tuple std::unordered_map std::unordered_set nullptr <atomic> static_assert std::unique_ptr <chrono>
  • 11. C++11 has got less C++98 C++11 #include <iostream> #include <vector> ! using namespace std; ! int main() { vector<int> v; v.push_back(2); v.push_back(3); v.push_back(5); v.push_back(7); vector<int>::iterator i; for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) { cout << *i << endl; } } #include <iostream> #include <vector> ! using namespace std; ! int main() { vector<int> v = {2,3,5,7}; for (auto a : v) { cout << a << endl; } } or even less int main() { for (auto a : {2,3,5,7}) cout << a << endl; }
  • 12. Template Metaprogramming • The C++ template system is turing complete at compile time #include <iostream> // ! using namespace std; ! template <int N> struct Factorial { enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value }; }; ! template <> struct Factorial<0> { enum { value = 1 }; }; ! int main() { cout << Factorial<4>::value << endl; cout << Factorial<0>::value << endl; }
  • 13. Zero-copy layout OO Language C++11 class Price { int timestamp; int volume; double price; Price(int timestamp, int volume, double price) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.volume = volume; this.price = price; } static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<Price> prices; prices.ensureCapacity(4); prices.add(new Price(1307725482, 5, 26.05)); prices.add(new Price(1307725483, 40, 26.15)); prices.add(new Price(1307725493, 100, 26.1499)); prices.add(new Price(1307725493, 112, 26.15)); } } struct Price { int timestamp; int volume; double price; Price(int timestamp, int volume, double price) : timestamp(timestamp), volume(volume), price(price) {} }; ! int main() { vector<Price> prices; prices.reserve(4); prices.emplace_back(1307725482, 5, 26.05); prices.emplace_back(1307725483, 40, 26.15); prices.emplace_back(1307725493, 100, 26.1499); prices.emplace_back(1307725493, 112, 26.15); } • Containers use polymorphism and type erase • Need to devolve to structure of primitive arrays to get reasonable performance, but SoA has bad cache behaviour • Looks are deceiving • Templates instantiate optimized code for the type • Superset - allows implementation of polymorphic containers i.e. vector<object>
  • 14. Zero-copy layout OO Language - 176 bytes, 5 allocations Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) array object reference size length Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) 64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) 64-bit Object Reference (8-bytes) Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) Opaque Object Header (16-bytes) 1307725482 5 26.05 1307725483 40 26.15 1307725493 100 26.1499 C++11 - 72 bytes, 2 allocations array ptr size capacity 1307725482 5 26.05 1307725483 40 26.15 1307725493 100 26.1499
  • 15. No more leaks • std::unique_ptr • Singleton pointer wrapper • Ensures a single copy of an object • No performance overhead • Automatic release (no more delete) • std::shared_ptr • Reference counting pointer wrapper • Thread-safe reference counter • Acts like a normal pointer but has overhead • Use when correctness is more important than performance • Automatic release (no more delete)
  • 16. R-value references • template<typename T> void foo(T&&) • New signature to detect r-values (temporaries) • In a nut shell enables compile time detection of r-value temporaries (versus l-values) to implement efficient zero-copy move semantics and perfect forwarding • What is an r-value? vector<Price> raise(vector<Price> prices) { /* does something */ } raise({Price(1307725482, 5, 26.05), Price(1307725483, 40, 26.15)}); • Adds complexity to hide complexity • Feature designed for STL and library writers • std::forward, std::move • Efficient pass by value and return by value for containers • Simplifies idiom of user code
  • 17. Initializer lists • Array initialization was a C++98 bugbear • Adds new initializer syntax foo{1,2,3,4} • Can be used in constructor member initialization • New header <initializer_list> • New template initializer_list<T> struct myclass { myclass (int,int); myclass (initializer_list<int>); /* definitions ... */ }; ! myclass foo {10,20}; // calls initializer_list ctor myclass bar (10,20); // calls first constructor template <typename T> struct vec { vec(T x) : m{x, 0, 0, 1} {} vec(T x, T y) : m{x, y, 0, 1} {} vec(T x, T y, T z) : m{x, y, z, 1} {} vec(T x, T y, T z, T w) : m{x, y, z, w} {} T m[4]; }; ! vec<float> a(1, 2, 3);
  • 18. Delegating constructors • Really. C++98 didn’t have them template <typename T> struct vec { vec(T x) : vec(x, 0, 0, 1) {} vec(T x, T y) : vec(x, y, 0, 1) {} vec(T x, T y, T z) : vec(x, y, z, 1) {} vec(T x, T y, T z, T w) : m{x, y, z, w} {} T m[4]; };
  • 19. Threads and Futures • std::thread • std::async • std::future • C++ is in now line with other modern languages thread capabilities #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <numeric> #include <future> ! // source ! template <typename I> int parallel_sum(I beg, I end) { typename I::difference_type len = end - beg; if (len < 1000) { return std::accumulate(beg, end, 0); } I mid = beg + len/2; auto handle = std::async(std::launch::async, parallel_sum<I>, mid, end); int sum = parallel_sum(beg, mid); return sum + handle.get(); } ! int main() { std::vector<int> v(10000, 1); std::cout << "The sum is " << parallel_sum(v.begin(), v.end()) << ‘n'; }
  • 20. Compile-time type identification • New header <type_traits> • std::is_void<T> • std::is_integral<T> • std::is_array<T> • std::is_class<T> • std::is_pointer<T> • std::is_volatile<T> • std::rank<T>, std::extent<T,N> • …. many many more …. template <typename R> static const EGType& typeOf() { typedef typename std::remove_extent<R>::type A; typedef typename std::remove_pointer<R>::type P; if (std::is_array<R>::value) { typedef typename std::remove_const<A>::type V; return arrayType<V>(); } else if (std::is_pointer<R>::value) { typedef typename std::remove_const<P>::type V; return pointerType<V>(); } else { typedef typename std::remove_const<R>::type V; return integralType<V>(); } }
  • 21. Variadic templates • Variadic templates allow implementation of a compile time type safe printf(…) • Variadic templates combined with compile time type identification gives super powers to C++ • Can collect type information at compile time and use at runtime • Allows creation of an Objective-C style messaging system with late-binding #include <type_traits> #include <functional> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> ! using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; ! template<typename T> void reflect_compiler_reflect(T value) { cout << setw(70) << typeid(T).name() << " is_pointer=" << is_pointer<T>::value << " is_integral=" << is_integral<T>::value << " is_floating_point=" << is_floating_point<T>::value << " is_class=" << is_class<T>::value << " is_empty=" << is_empty<T>::value << endl; } ! template<typename T, typename... Args> void reflect_compiler_reflect(T value, Args... args) { reflect_compiler_reflect(value); reflect_compiler_reflect(args...); } ! int main() { int a = 1; float b = 4.5f; double c[71]; string d; auto e = [] (int a) {}; auto f = std::bind(e, 99, _1); struct {} g; reflect_compiler_reflect(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }
  • 22. User-defined literals • Allow definition of type safe SI units and other creative uses • Solve Mars Climate Orbiter type problems class Symbol { public: string name; Symbol(const char *name) : name(name) {} }; ! Symbol operator "" _symbol(const char* name, size_t) { return Symbol(name); } ! int main() { Symbol Foo = "Foo"_symbol; }
  • 23. More functional • lambdas • [], [=], [&] • use in place of old-style function objects • combine with existing STL generic algorithms e.g. std::partition • currying • std::function • std::bind • std::placeholders::_1
  • 24. Lots more STL • Compile time reflection • <type_traits> • Containers • <array>, <unordered_set>, <unordered_map>, <forward_list> • Multi-threading • <atomic>, <thread>, <mutex>, <future>, <condition_variable> • More utility • <tuple>, <regex>, <chrono>, <codecvt> • Numerics • <random>, <ratio>, <cfenv>
  • 25. C++14 auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) {return x + y;}; • Generic lambdas • lambda initializers • Variable templates • make_unique • Runtime sized arrays • Filesystem (Boost::filesystem) • Networking auto lambda = [value = 1] {return value;}; template<typename T> constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385); auto u = make_unique<some_type>(ctor, params); void foo(size_t n) { int a[n]; }
  • 26. LLVM / Clang • Modular compiler toolchain • 2012 ACM Software System Award • Clang memory sanitizer • Clang address sanitizer • Clang thread sanitizer • Clang modernize • Firefox - emscripten C++ to asm.js • Chrome - PNaCl C++ LLVM bitcode • Foundation of many OpenCL implementations
  • 27. C++ - pros • Maturity and Performance • 30 years of evolution and production use in large scale systems • ~ 2x - 3x faster than Java • ~ 10x - 100x faster than Ruby and Python • Compiler and architecture choices • GCC 4.9, Clang 3.4, Intel C++ 14, Visual C++ 2013, etc • Easy access to processor features • SSE4 Streaming Extensions, AVX-512 SIMD Vector Extensions • Compile time static checking and type safety • Static analysis tools, valgrind, clang memory sanitizer,… • Multi-paradigm • Offers a choice of programming styles
  • 28. C++ - cons • Big language, big learning curve • Define an idiom with C++: google c++ style • Long compile times • Idea is to spend time now to save it in the future • Missing standard libraries • networking, database, graphics, sound, xml and json serialization, etc • The cost of runtime performance • Buffer overflows,Illegal memory accesses • Requires static analysis • Potential solution: Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions)
  • 29. Conclusion • Pick the right language for the job • C++ is suitable for infrastructure code where performance and type safety are important • C++ requires care with memory management (leaks, buffer offer-flows, off-by-one errors) • Give C++ a go!