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Symfony Components & Friends
Michael Peacock, PHPNE August 2012
About Me
Head Developer @ Ground Six
  Leading the development team and managing the
  development process
  We are a tech investment company: you bring ideas, we
  partner and build the product
Occasional Speaker
Symfony Components
Routing            YAML
Event dispatcher   Finder
Form               Dependency Injection
Process            HttpFoundation
Security           HttpKernel
Console            Locale

Pimple: dependency injection container
Twig: templating engine

Solve common web application problems
Incredibly well documented
Standalone: use them how you want
[Components] Ideal for:
 Create a composer.json file in the root of your project
                          "require": {
                          "company/project": "version",

 Download Composer

           curl -s | php

 Run Composer

                        php composer.phar install

                                  "require": {
                                      "symfony/routing": "dev-master"

Looks at the users request and converts it into a
Controller::method paid
Request Context: POST|GET|PUT|DELETE
Looks within a list of pre-defined routes
Returns a class name and a method
Defining Routes

PHP Code (A collection of Routes)
  pattern: /news/{category}/{date}/{article}
  defaults: { class: 'CommentsController::addComment' }
    date: "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}"
    _method: POST
// look in our routes folder
$locator = new SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator(array(__DIR__ . '/../../'));
$loader = new SymfonyComponentRoutingLoaderYamlFileLoader($locator);
// the URL the user requested / is visiting
$request = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
// combine it with the request method to create a request context
$requestContext = new SymfonyComponentRoutingRequestContext($request,
// Create a router
$router = new SymfonyComponentRoutingRouter($locator, 'routes.yml',
array('cache_dir' => null), $requestContext);

try {
   $requestURL = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
   $requestURL = (strlen($requestURL) > 1) ? rtrim($requestURL, '/') :
   $route = $this->router->match($requestURL);
   // explode the resulting route
   $usersRoute = explode('::', $route['class']);
   $controller = new $usersRoute[0]();
   $variables = $route;
   $action = $controller->$usersRoute[1]($container, $variables);
} catch (SymfonyComponentRoutingExceptionResourceNotFoundException $e) {
   header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
   die('Page not found.');
Event                      {
                               "require": {
                                   "symfony/event-dispatcher": "dev-master"

Dispatcher                 }

At key points in your application you create an event
Pass this event to the dispatcher
Observers listen for specific events
  Observers can be ordered - some events are observed by
  multiple observers
Example: Displaying a “flash notification”
  Set some sessions containing the notification
  Redirect the user
Event: Notify
 namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents;

 class Notify extends RequestRedirection implements NotifiableMessageInterface
     protected $notification;
     protected $class = 'notice';

     public function __construct($url = null, $notification = null, $class = 'notice')
         $this->class = $class;
         $this->notification = $notification;

     public function getNotification()
         return $this->notification;

     public function getClass()
         return $this->class;

namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents;

use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;

class RequestRedirection extends Event
    protected $url;

    public function __construct($url = null)
        $this->url = $url;

    public function getURL()
        return $this->url;

           namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents;

           interface NotifiableMessageInterface
               public function getNotification();
               public function getClass();
Listener: Set Notification
namespace ProjectFrameworkListeners;

use ProjectFrameworkEvents;
use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;

class SetPersistantNotification
    public function setNotification( EventsNotifiableMessageInterface $event )
        $_SESSION['system_notification'] = $event->getNotification();
        $_SESSION['system_notification_class'] = $event->getClass();

Listener: Redirect
  namespace ProjectFrameworkListeners;
  use ProjectFrameworkEvents;
  use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;
  class Redirect
      public function redirectUser( EventsRequestRedirection $event )
          header("Location: " . $event->getURL() );

        Create an event dispatcher

        Create instance of listener

        Add the listener

           Event name

           Callable: e.g. Object > Method array combo, Closure (event is passed)

           Priority: for multiple listeners listening for the same event

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

// Notification (Success, Warning, Error)
$setPersistantNotification = new ListenersSetPersistantNotification();
$dispatcher->addListener('notify', array($setPersistantNotification, 'setNotification'), 10);

// Redirect
$redirectUser = new ListenersRedirect();
$dispatcher->addListener('notifiy', array($redirectUser, 'redirectUser'), 0);
Raise and Dispatch Event

 $url = $baseUrl . 'account';
 $message = 'Your password was changed successfuly.';
 $event = new EventsRedirectableNotification($url, $message, 'success');
 $dispatcher->dispatch('notify', $event);

                                       "require": {
                                           "symfony/form": "dev-master"

A little fiddly to get running in a stand-alone mode
  READ: I didn’t have time to figure it out for this talk :-(
  Creating forms programmatically
  Processing form submissions
  Uploading Files
  Validating submissions with the Validator
Creating a form: with Silex
$data = array();
$data['a_hidden_field'] = 'the value';
$form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form', $data)
	 ->add('image', 'file')
	 ->add('a_hidden_field', 'hidden')
return $app['twig']->render('form.twig', array('form' => $form->createView()));

            <form action="/" method="post" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
                {{ form_widget(form) }}

                <input type="submit" name="submit" />
Process form submission

    if(   'POST' == $request->getMethod()) {
    	 	    if($form->isValid()) {
    	 	    	 $data = $form->getData();
File upload

    $uploadedFile = $form['image']->getData();
    $path = $uploadedFile->getPath();
    $originalName = $uploadedFile->getOriginalName();
    $mimeType = $uploadedFile->getMimeType();
    $uploadedFile->move( '/var/www/uploads/upload.png');

                                     "require": {
                                         "symfony/validator": "dev-master"

 Takes a series of constraints
 Checks an input against these constraints
 Returns a collection of violations
Validation Constraints
 Constraints define the rule that an input must satisfy
   Min/Max Length
   Min / Max / Null / NotNull / Empty / Not Empty
Documentation Example
  use SymfonyComponentValidatorValidation;
  use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;

  $validator = Validation::createValidator();

  $constraint = new AssertCollection(array(
      'name' => new AssertCollection(array(
          'first_name' => new AssertMinLength(101),
          'last_name' => new AssertMinLength(1),
      'email'    => new AssertEmail(),
      'simple'   => new AssertMinLength(102),
      'gender'   => new AssertChoice(array(3, 4)),
      'file'     => new AssertFile(),
      'password' => new AssertMinLength(60),

  $violations = $validator->validateValue($input, $constraint);

                                  "require": {
                                      "symfony/security": "dev-master"

 Provides a framework for:
     Firewall: who can access which areas e.g. “edit”
     Access Control: what data the user can
     manipulate e.g. edit home page
HTTP                   {
                           "require": {
                               "symfony/http-foundation": "dev-master"


Abstracts core HTTP functions
  Request: Super Globals ($_POST, $_GET, etc)
  Response: Status Codes, Cache, Cookies, Sessions
HTTPFoundation: Request
Object-Oriented wrapper for SuperGloabls
          use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
          $request = Request::createFromGlobals();

                      Property          Purpose

                       request        store $_POST

                        query         store $_GET

                       cookies      store $_COOKIE

                      attributes   Application specific

                        files             $_FILE

                       server          $_SERVER

                      headers      subset of $_SERVER
Request properties are all ParameterBag or sub-classes
Provides special methods to manage contents, including:

 $value = $request->query->get(‘my_get_parameter’);
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;

$response = new Response();
$response->setContent('Hello PHPNE');
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');

// alternatively...
$response = new Response('Hello PHPNE', 200, array('content-type', 'text/plain'));


// send the response to the user
                        "require": {
                            "pimple/pimple": "dev-master"

   Dependency Injection Container
     Use it to store and pass objects, and other things
     your code depends on
   What is dependency injection?
                public function __construct()
Not injected      $this->database = new mysqli();

                public function __construct($database)
    Injected      $this->database = $database;
Pimple: Lazy Loading
        We can use anonymous functions to prevent
        (dependent) objects being instantiated until they are
$container['database'] = $container->share(function($container) {
    try {
         $db = new
         atabase_name']}", $container['database_user'], $container['database_pass'], array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT

          $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

          return $db;
      catch (PDOException $e) {
          echo $e->getMessage();

          $container['my_parameter'] = 'Some Value';


$container['my_object'] = function($container){
	 //will return this each and every time $container['my_object'] is accessed
	 return new MyObject();
Sharing Objects
    $container['my_object'] = $container->share(function($container){
    	 // will return a new instance first time accessed
    	 // same object returned every other time
    	 return new MyObject();

Protecting Parameters

$container['my_object'] = $container->protect(function($container){
	 // lets you return the result of an anonymous function as a parameter	
	 return some_function();

A warning: You can’t modify a parameter
                         "require": {
                             "twig/twig": "dev-master"

Lightweight template engine
Really easy to extend and use

    // create a twig filesystem loader so it can access templates
    $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');
    // create a new twig environment and pass it the loader
    $twig = Twig_Environment($loader);
    // load the template
    // render it
    $twig->render(array('title' => 'variable'));
Twig Template Syntax

      {{ some_variable }}

      {# some comment #}

      {% set list_of_items = variable.getItems() %}

      {%   for item in list_of_items %}
      	    <li>{{loop.index}}: {{}}</li>
      {%   else %}
      	    <li>Empty :-(</li>
      {%   endfor %}
                     "require": {
                         "silex/silex": "dev-master"

 A “micro-framework” based off some of these
 components and pimple
 Designed for single-page PHP apps
Silex: A note on closures

 Anonymous function: created without a name
 Can accept parameters
 Can use variables from compile time scope if defined

         $objectToInject = new stdClass();
         $test = function($parameter) use ($objectToInject){
         	 // here we can use $parameter and $objectToInject

        require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

        use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
        use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;

        use SymfonyComponentProcessProcess;

        $app = new SilexApplication();
        // Enable debugging.
        $app['debug'] = true;
Silex: Before running

$app->before(function () use ($app)
    $app->register(new SilexProviderTranslationServiceProvider(), array(
        'locale_fallback' => 'en',
    $app->register(new SilexProviderFormServiceProvider());
    $app->register(new SilexProviderTwigServiceProvider(), array(
                 'twig.path' => __DIR__.'/views',
     $app['conn'] = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'app');
Silex: Routes
     $app->get('image.{format}', function( $format ) use ($app)
         $form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form', array())
                     ->add('image', 'file')
         return $app['twig']->render("upload.{$format}.twig",
     array('title' => 'Upload image', 'form' => $form->createView()));
     })->assert('format', 'json|html' );

$app->post('/image.{format}', function( $format, Request $request) use ($app)
    return $app['twig']->render("image.{$format}.twig", array));
})->assert( 'format', 'json|html');
Silex: Run

Silex & Components

Silex has a number of “providers” which allow certain
components to be plugged in
Silex knows nothing about the component
The component knows nothing about Silex
The provider bridges the gap
Silex Providers:
 Doctrine: ORM
                     URL Generator
 Monolog: Sessions
                     HTTP Cache
                     Any that you create

Lots of components
Solve lots of problems
Easy to use
Why reinvent the wheel? Use a Symfony Component or
one of their friends

Thanks for listening!

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Phpne august-2012-symfony-components-friends

  • 1. Symfony Components & Friends Michael Peacock, PHPNE August 2012
  • 2. About Me @michaelpeacock Head Developer @ Ground Six Leading the development team and managing the development process We are a tech investment company: you bring ideas, we partner and build the product Author Occasional Speaker
  • 3. Symfony Components Routing YAML Event dispatcher Finder Form Dependency Injection Process HttpFoundation Security HttpKernel Console Locale
  • 4. Friends Pimple: dependency injection container Twig: templating engine Silex
  • 5. Why? Solve common web application problems Incredibly well documented Standalone: use them how you want [Components] Ideal for: Refactoring
  • 6. Installing Create a composer.json file in the root of your project { "require": { "company/project": "version", } } Download Composer curl -s | php Run Composer php composer.phar install
  • 7. { Routing "require": { "symfony/routing": "dev-master" } } Looks at the users request and converts it into a Controller::method paid Request Context: POST|GET|PUT|DELETE Looks within a list of pre-defined routes Returns a class name and a method
  • 8. Defining Routes YAML PHP Code (A collection of Routes) Annotations
  • 9. comment_story_add: pattern: /news/{category}/{date}/{article} defaults: { class: 'CommentsController::addComment' } requirements: date: "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}" _method: POST
  • 10. // look in our routes folder $locator = new SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator(array(__DIR__ . '/../../')); $loader = new SymfonyComponentRoutingLoaderYamlFileLoader($locator); // the URL the user requested / is visiting $request = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; // combine it with the request method to create a request context $requestContext = new SymfonyComponentRoutingRequestContext($request, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); // Create a router $router = new SymfonyComponentRoutingRouter($locator, 'routes.yml', array('cache_dir' => null), $requestContext); try { $requestURL = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; $requestURL = (strlen($requestURL) > 1) ? rtrim($requestURL, '/') : $requestURL; $route = $this->router->match($requestURL); // explode the resulting route $usersRoute = explode('::', $route['class']); $controller = new $usersRoute[0](); $variables = $route; unset($variables['name']); unset($variables['class']); $action = $controller->$usersRoute[1]($container, $variables); } catch (SymfonyComponentRoutingExceptionResourceNotFoundException $e) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); die('Page not found.'); }
  • 11. Event { "require": { "symfony/event-dispatcher": "dev-master" Dispatcher } } At key points in your application you create an event Pass this event to the dispatcher Observers listen for specific events Observers can be ordered - some events are observed by multiple observers Example: Displaying a “flash notification” Set some sessions containing the notification Redirect the user
  • 12. Event: Notify <?php namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents; class Notify extends RequestRedirection implements NotifiableMessageInterface { protected $notification; protected $class = 'notice'; public function __construct($url = null, $notification = null, $class = 'notice') { parent::__construct($url); $this->class = $class; $this->notification = $notification; } public function getNotification() { return $this->notification; } public function getClass() { return $this->class; } }
  • 13. <?php namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents; use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent; class RequestRedirection extends Event { protected $url; public function __construct($url = null) { $this->url = $url; } public function getURL() { return $this->url; } } <?php namespace ProjectFrameworkEvents; interface NotifiableMessageInterface { public function getNotification(); public function getClass(); }
  • 14. Listener: Set Notification Session <?php namespace ProjectFrameworkListeners; use ProjectFrameworkEvents; use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent; class SetPersistantNotification { public function setNotification( EventsNotifiableMessageInterface $event ) { $_SESSION['system_notification'] = $event->getNotification(); $_SESSION['system_notification_class'] = $event->getClass(); } }
  • 15. Listener: Redirect <?php namespace ProjectFrameworkListeners; use ProjectFrameworkEvents; use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent; class Redirect { public function redirectUser( EventsRequestRedirection $event ) { header("Location: " . $event->getURL() ); exit(); } }
  • 16. Dispatcher Create an event dispatcher Create instance of listener Add the listener Event name Callable: e.g. Object > Method array combo, Closure (event is passed) Priority: for multiple listeners listening for the same event $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); // Notification (Success, Warning, Error) $setPersistantNotification = new ListenersSetPersistantNotification(); $dispatcher->addListener('notify', array($setPersistantNotification, 'setNotification'), 10); // Redirect $redirectUser = new ListenersRedirect(); $dispatcher->addListener('notifiy', array($redirectUser, 'redirectUser'), 0);
  • 17. Raise and Dispatch Event $url = $baseUrl . 'account'; $message = 'Your password was changed successfuly.'; $event = new EventsRedirectableNotification($url, $message, 'success'); $dispatcher->dispatch('notify', $event);
  • 18. { Forms "require": { "symfony/form": "dev-master" } } A little fiddly to get running in a stand-alone mode READ: I didn’t have time to figure it out for this talk :-( Supports: Creating forms programmatically Processing form submissions Uploading Files Validating submissions with the Validator
  • 19. Creating a form: with Silex $data = array(); $data['a_hidden_field'] = 'the value'; $form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form', $data) ->add('image', 'file') ->add('name') ->add('a_hidden_field', 'hidden') ->getform(); return $app['twig']->render('form.twig', array('form' => $form->createView())); <form action="/" method="post" {{ form_enctype(form) }}> {{ form_widget(form) }} <input type="submit" name="submit" /> </form>
  • 20. Process form submission if( 'POST' == $request->getMethod()) { $form->bindRequest($request); if($form->isValid()) { $data = $form->getData(); } }
  • 21. File upload $uploadedFile = $form['image']->getData(); $path = $uploadedFile->getPath(); $originalName = $uploadedFile->getOriginalName(); $mimeType = $uploadedFile->getMimeType(); $uploadedFile->move( '/var/www/uploads/upload.png');
  • 22. { Validator "require": { "symfony/validator": "dev-master" } } Takes a series of constraints Checks an input against these constraints Returns a collection of violations
  • 23. Validation Constraints Constraints define the rule that an input must satisfy Examples: Min/Max Length Email Regex Date Min / Max / Null / NotNull / Empty / Not Empty
  • 24. Documentation Example <?php use SymfonyComponentValidatorValidation; use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert; $validator = Validation::createValidator(); $constraint = new AssertCollection(array( 'name' => new AssertCollection(array( 'first_name' => new AssertMinLength(101), 'last_name' => new AssertMinLength(1), )), 'email' => new AssertEmail(), 'simple' => new AssertMinLength(102), 'gender' => new AssertChoice(array(3, 4)), 'file' => new AssertFile(), 'password' => new AssertMinLength(60), )); $violations = $validator->validateValue($input, $constraint);
  • 25. { Security "require": { "symfony/security": "dev-master" } } Provides a framework for: Authentication Authorisation Firewall: who can access which areas e.g. “edit” Access Control: what data the user can manipulate e.g. edit home page
  • 26. HTTP { "require": { "symfony/http-foundation": "dev-master" Foundation } } Abstracts core HTTP functions Request: Super Globals ($_POST, $_GET, etc) Response: Status Codes, Cache, Cookies, Sessions
  • 27. HTTPFoundation: Request Object-Oriented wrapper for SuperGloabls use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); Property Purpose request store $_POST query store $_GET cookies store $_COOKIE attributes Application specific files $_FILE server $_SERVER headers subset of $_SERVER
  • 28. ParameterBag Request properties are all ParameterBag or sub-classes Provides special methods to manage contents, including: all keys add get set has remove $value = $request->query->get(‘my_get_parameter’);
  • 29. Response use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; $response = new Response(); $response->setContent('Hello PHPNE'); $response->setStatusCode(200); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); // alternatively... $response = new Response('Hello PHPNE', 200, array('content-type', 'text/plain')); $response->prepare(); // send the response to the user $response->send();
  • 30. Pimple { "require": { "pimple/pimple": "dev-master" } } Dependency Injection Container Use it to store and pass objects, and other things your code depends on What is dependency injection? public function __construct() { Not injected $this->database = new mysqli(); } public function __construct($database) { Injected $this->database = $database; }
  • 31. Pimple: Lazy Loading We can use anonymous functions to prevent (dependent) objects being instantiated until they are needed $container['database'] = $container->share(function($container) { try { $db = new PDO("mysql:host={$container['database_host']};port={$container['database_port']};dbname={$container['d atabase_name']}", $container['database_user'], $container['database_pass'], array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'utf8'",PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true)); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return $db; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); exit(); } });
  • 32. Parameters $container['my_parameter'] = 'Some Value'; Objects $container['my_object'] = function($container){ //will return this each and every time $container['my_object'] is accessed return new MyObject(); };
  • 33. Sharing Objects $container['my_object'] = $container->share(function($container){ // will return a new instance first time accessed // same object returned every other time return new MyObject(); }); Protecting Parameters $container['my_object'] = $container->protect(function($container){ // lets you return the result of an anonymous function as a parameter return some_function(); }); A warning: You can’t modify a parameter
  • 34. Twig { "require": { "twig/twig": "dev-master" } } Lightweight template engine Really easy to extend and use // create a twig filesystem loader so it can access templates $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates'); // create a new twig environment and pass it the loader $twig = Twig_Environment($loader); // load the template $twig->loadTemplate('index.twig'); // render it $twig->render(array('title' => 'variable'));
  • 35. Twig Template Syntax {{ some_variable }} {# some comment #} {% set list_of_items = variable.getItems() %} {% for item in list_of_items %} <li>{{loop.index}}: {{}}</li> {% else %} <li>Empty :-(</li> {% endfor %}
  • 36. Silex { "require": { "silex/silex": "dev-master" } } A “micro-framework” based off some of these components and pimple Designed for single-page PHP apps
  • 37. Silex: A note on closures Anonymous function: created without a name Can accept parameters Can use variables from compile time scope if defined $objectToInject = new stdClass(); $test = function($parameter) use ($objectToInject){ // here we can use $parameter and $objectToInject };
  • 38. Setup require_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; use SymfonyComponentProcessProcess; $app = new SilexApplication(); // Enable debugging. $app['debug'] = true;
  • 39. Silex: Before running $app->before(function () use ($app) { $app->register(new SilexProviderTranslationServiceProvider(), array( 'locale_fallback' => 'en', )); $app->register(new SilexProviderFormServiceProvider()); $app->register(new SilexProviderTwigServiceProvider(), array( 'twig.path' => __DIR__.'/views', )); $app['conn'] = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'app'); });
  • 40. Silex: Routes $app->get('image.{format}', function( $format ) use ($app) { $form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form', array()) ->add('image', 'file') ->getform(); return $app['twig']->render("upload.{$format}.twig", array('title' => 'Upload image', 'form' => $form->createView())); })->assert('format', 'json|html' ); $app->post('/image.{format}', function( $format, Request $request) use ($app) { return $app['twig']->render("image.{$format}.twig", array)); })->assert( 'format', 'json|html');
  • 41. Silex: Run $app->run();
  • 42. Silex & Components Silex has a number of “providers” which allow certain components to be plugged in Silex knows nothing about the component The component knows nothing about Silex The provider bridges the gap
  • 43. Silex Providers: Doctrine: ORM URL Generator Monolog: Sessions Validator SwiftMailer HTTP Cache Session Form Twig Any that you create Translation
  • 44. Conclusion Lots of components Solve lots of problems Easy to use Why reinvent the wheel? Use a Symfony Component or one of their friends

Editor's Notes

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  11. Problem with not using an event for this is that code is littered with SESSION setting and Header Redirects. What if we change how this needs to work? Lots of find and replaces\n
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  35. Dot syntax is very special. It can be used to access object properties, object methods, array elements, and even object getter methods. Templates can also be extended to chain multiple templates together.\n
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  40. Request parameter is optional, the Type Hint is used to work out if its used or not\n
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