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ICT-based Creativity and
5. Knowledge Innovation Factory
Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition
Institute of Cognitive
Sciences and Technologies
• Digital Methodologies and Tools for Innovation
• Enabling and Supporting Platforms
• The BIVEE Framework
• Doc-centred approach (Doc as a Knowledge unit)
• Macro-architecture: Knowledge Innovation
• Doc Innovation Dependency Map
• Semantic-based collaboration
– Enterprise Innovation Ontology Federation
Digital Methodologies and Tools
• The narrow path between rigid prescriptions and
an unguided territories
• Soft Methodologies
– Guidelines and Best practices
– Innovation Patterns
– Shared Innovation Space engagement
• A collection of advanced, flexible, enabling tools
– Collaborative Content Management
– Advanced Semantic KM
– Collaborative workspace management
– Data Analytics, BI, DSS, Simulation, Creative Problem
Solving, ...
Innovation Enabling Tools
A first list of relevant classes of tools
• Enterprise Architecture modelling & management
• Doc template & report management
• Monitoring and assessment
• Simulation and What-If tools
• Knowledge representation and management
• Knowledge search and retrieval (knowbots)
• Text mining, Knowledge mining
• Big Data Analytics
• Knowledge and data visualization
• Collaborative work and social computing
• Reasoning engines, Decision Support Systems
• Recommendation Systems, Collaborative Problem Solving
... Testing a baseline Environment
Google, a ‘ready made’ environment for
experimenting Collaborative Innovation
• Gdrive
• GDoc
• GForm
• GSheet
• Google+
• Hangouts
And ...
• Trello, for collaborative management
Innovation Support Platforms
Besides the listed advanced platforms that can be
used for Innovation Support & Management,
there are focused platforms:
Idea Management
• Ideascale
• Skild
Innovation competency management
• InnoCentive
• OpeniSME
Full lifecycle management
• Cloud-based Open Innovation Platform,
employing the principles and practices of
• Network for the development and growth of
• Supported the Open Government Initiative of
• Large installation base:
– Non-profit and government organizations, colleges
and universities, small and large enterprises
• Philosophy: competition-based business idea selection
• Online engagement platform
• Collect fresh new perspectives from your employees or
the general public
• Attract people who share your beliefs
• platform and software for running competitions among
different teams proposing different innovative ideas
• Organising auditors
• Tap into the wisdom of the crowd
• Web-based community matching for scientists
• Research and development challenges managed
within an Open Innovation Platform
• Post your ideas, get feedbacks (Seeker)
• Global network of 375,000+ diverse and creative
thinkers and problem solvers (Solvers)
• Qualified users: Procter & Gable, La Roche, NASA,
Nature, The Economist
• Largest (potentially) platform for competency
searching and partnering (the whole Web)
• Targeted to SMEs
• Searches on publications, tech reports, projects,
• Manages a dynamic directory of people, teams,
organizations, and their expertise
• Retrieves addresses, contacts, etc.
• EU ongoing project:
Business Innovation in Virtual
Enterprise Ecosystem
BIVEE Philosophy
• Covering the whole Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle
• Highly dynamic teams, evolving in the composition and
competencies, as innovation activities progress
• Knowledge Innovation Factory, as an organization
• No defined workflows, but knowledge items to be
• No Knowledge Management skill required (scarcely
available in SMEs): Document-based approach
• Guidelines represented essentially by:
– Templates of Documents to be created
– Dependency constraints (ex. DocB requires DocA to be
– Articulation of work based on 4 macro-phases: BIVEE Waves
• Towards a full digital enterprise, all relevant
information is digital (see UDE: Unified Digital
Enterprise, see FInES Research Roadmap)
• Everything is documented, by people for people
• What is not documented does not exist ... !!!
• The enterprise knowledge is captured by a wealth
of document collections (preparatory of KB)
• Documents need to be semantically enriched
• Semantic annotation, tagging:
– document categories
– Knowledge categories (ontologies)
Innovation Patterns
• Derivation of Design Pattern research
• Reusable solutions to a commonly reoccurring
• Aimed at accelerating both the creation and
adoption of innovations
• Push forward Collections of Innovation
Patterns, to be suggested to innovators, in
different contexts / situations
Driving Ideas of BIVEE
• A Framework for the support of the whole
Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle (EILC)
• Challenge: protect the freedom of invention
while providing guidance and support to
• Innovation seen as a collaborative knowledge
building adventure
• Key actors are networked SMEs, operating in an
Open Innovation Ecosystem
• Highly flexible and adaptable framework, to be
used in different production sectors
Knowledge Innovation Factory
• Innovators get out of the ‘ivory tower’ of R&D Dept, and
swarm in the whole enterprise, ecosystem
• Innovation permeates the whole enterprise, becoming a
common practice / min state
• Alike the Quality Rooms invented by Toyota, we need to
have the Innovation Rooms, where to meet periodically
to invent, propose, challenge, ...
• Innovation rooms, everywhere in the enterprise, open
to all
• A cultural shift, endorsed by management (and
rewarding system)
Knowlege Innovation Factory
Production Map
Spare Parts
Innovation Map
Raw /
KnowldgeBusiness Innovation Space
dimension )
Internal Innovation
Value Production Space
KIF Operations
• KIF operates according to BIVEE Innovation Waves
• There are no processes, but Innovation Knowledge
– To be achieved: IKO (Innovation Knowledge Objective)
– Already created: IKA (Innovation Knowledge Artefact)
– Dynamic evolution: IKO evolves into IKA that can be later
revised; IKO can be created / deleted in conditions require
• IKO / IKA are connected according to a dependency
• The final outcome: InnoBoK, is the union of all the
achieved IKA
Open Innovation K-Map
IKA: Released Docs IKO: Planned Docs
Document Dependency Map
{...} External players’
Project progress
KIF Architecture
• Knowledge Innovation Factory UI, including
Shared Semantic Whiteboeard
• Collaborative Innovation Monitoring and
Management (with dedicated I-KPI)
• Innovation Knowledge Repository (IKR), including
Open Innovation Observatory
• Open Collaborative Space for Creativity and
• Enabling Services Platform, to interoperate the
different tools, subsystems, data sources
Shared Semantic Whiteboard
User Interface
Open Collab
Enabling Technology Platform
Monitoring Dashboard
A Document-centric Approach
• A set of predefined (Document Ontology:
– Knowledge Items (IKAs), Knowledge Sets
– Templates, to organise IKAs
Represented in a set of
• Structured Docs
• Set of Docs dependencies
• Transformations: state-based semantic
descriptors (e.g., missing parts, achievement
degree, ..)
Enterprise Doc Categories
• Business Doc: describe the business transaction
documents (invoice, Req for Quotation, Order, ...)
• Actors & Roles Doc: describe the competencies, skills,
and capabilities, useful in value production (Yellow Pg)
• Domain Doc: capture the industry sector (Catalogues,
BoM, ...)
• Process Doc: describe the production process (plan,
build, manange, ...)
• Performance Doc: describe the indicators and the
measuring methods, to keep performance under control
(measurmenet methods, KPIs, ...)
• Report Doc: all the base studies and reports useful for
innovation (technical reports, Feasibility studies, market
analysis, ...) 24
Semantic Doc Management
• Semantic Descriptors of Docs are the missing
ring between humans and computers
• InnoDocs give account of entities, phenomena
and manifestations that make sense for
humans (tech experts, business people,
customers and suppliers, etc.)
• We need to make such knowledge fully
available to computers ...
Let’s go semantics with Ontologies
What is what and Who is who
The InnOnto Federation
Each ontology is used to define the structures of
corresponding docs, supporting the generation of the
related doc instances
• DocOnto – Document Ontology
• BusOnto – Business Ontology
• DomOnto – Domain Ontologies
• ProcOnto – Process Ontology
• PerfOnto – Performance Ontology
• AROnto – Actors & Roles Ontology
Besides the DocOnto, that defines the structure of the
document, other ontologies contribute to ‘semanticise’
the content, with different points of view.
Multi-Ontology Doc Annotation
GREBECO – Calle Sol, 23 18003 –
Granada (Spain)
Ph. 958203734 Fax. 558282885
Date: 11-08-05
Seller Info
Pedro Texeira, 8 28020 – Madrid
Ph. 913301003 Fax. 913301005
Tax number: G12345678
Contact: John Smith
Quantity ProdUnitCost(€)
ON229 Wardrobe 49*99 2 78.00
Sheft unit panel
1 59.00
OP481 Rear panel 2 20.00
OP873 Bunk bed ladder 1 21.00
Upper bed for a
youth bedroom
1 65.00
Buyer Info
Purchase Order
InnoBoK Construction
I n f o in t e r n e s
F o n c t i o n s
N i v e a u x
P r é v is io n s d e
v e n t e s
B e s o in s c lie n t s
D é f in ir e t
r é v is e r la
p o lit iq u e q u a lit é
P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
B u d g e t
D é f in i e t r é v is e r
la p o lit iq u e
d 'e m b a u c h e e t
d 'é q u ip e m e n t
P r é v is io n s d e
c o m m a n d e s
R e v u e d e
d ir e c t io n q u a lit é
F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n D ir e c t e u r
d e P r o d u c t io n
R é s iv e r le
p la n n in g d e s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s p r o d u it s
f in is
C a r n e t d e
c o m m a n d e
P la n d 'a c t io n s
q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n d e c h a r g e
A ju s t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s d e
p iè c e s
C o m m a n d e s
f e r m e s
P la n n in g
o p é r a t io n n e l d e
la q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s à
c o u r t t e r m e
O r d o n n a n c e m e n t
R é s e r v e r d e la
c a p a c it é
C o m m a n d e s
e n r e g is t r é e s
L a n c e r le s
a c t io n s q u a lit é
E n r e g is t r e r le s
E / S d e p iè c e s
L a n c e m e n t
A f f e c t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
H = 1 A n n é e ( s )
2 0
P = 6 M o is
H = 6 M o is
3 0
P = 1 M o is
H = 1 M o is
4 0
P = 1 S e m a in e ( s )
T e m p s R é e l
5 0
H = 3 A n n é e ( s )
1 0
P = 1 A n n é e ( s )
I n f o e x t e r n e sG é r e r la Q u a lit é
G é r e r le s
P r o d u it s
P la n if ie r
G é r e r le s
R e s s o u r c e s
Y D -
M H G1 7 / 0 9 / 2 0 0 01G r ille G lo b a leS G Q 3 -
6 V 2
A n a l y s t eD a t e d e C r é a t i o nV e r s i o nP h a s eN o m G r i l l eE t u d e
P r é v is io n s d e
v e n t e s
B e s o in s c lie n t s
D é f in ir e t
r é v is e r la
p o lit iq u e q u a lit é
P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
B u d g e t
D é f in i e t r é v is e r
la p o lit iq u e
d 'e m b a u c h e e t
d 'é q u ip e m e n t
P r é v is io n s d e
c o m m a n d e s
R e v u e d e
d ir e c t io n q u a lit é
F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n D ir e c t e u r
d e P r o d u c t io n
R é s iv e r le
p la n n in g d e s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s p r o d u it s
f in is
C a r n e t d e
c o m m a n d e
P la n d 'a c t io n s
q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n d e c h a r g e
A ju s t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s d e
p iè c e s
C o m m a n d e s
f e r m e s
P la n n in g
o p é r a t io n n e l d e
la q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s à
c o u r t t e r m e
O r d o n n a n c e m e n t
R é s e r v e r d e la
c a p a c it é
C o m m a n d e s
e n r e g is t r é e s
L a n c e r le s
a c t io n s q u a lit é
E n r e g is t r e r le s
E / S d e p iè c e s
L a n c e m e n t
A f f e c t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
I n f o in t e r n e s
F o n c t i o n s
N i v e a u x
P r é v is io n s d e
v e n t e s
B e s o in s c lie n t s
D é f in ir e t
r é v is e r la
p o lit iq u e q u a lit é
P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
B u d g e t
D é f in i e t r é v is e r
la p o lit iq u e
d 'e m b a u c h e e t
d 'é q u ip e m e n t
P r é v is io n s d e
c o m m a n d e s
R e v u e d e
d ir e c t io n q u a lit é
F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n D ir e c t e u r
d e P r o d u c t io n
R é s iv e r le
p la n n in g d e s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s p r o d u it s
f in is
C a r n e t d e
c o m m a n d e
P la n d 'a c t io n s
q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n d e c h a r g e
A ju s t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s d e
p iè c e s
C o m m a n d e s
f e r m e s
P la n n in g
o p é r a t io n n e l d e
la q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s à
c o u r t t e r m e
O r d o n n a n c e m e n t
R é s e r v e r d e la
c a p a c it é
C o m m a n d e s
e n r e g is t r é e s
L a n c e r le s
a c t io n s q u a lit é
E n r e g is t r e r le s
E / S d e p iè c e s
L a n c e m e n t
A f f e c t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
H = 1 A n n é e ( s )
2 0
P = 6 M o is
H = 6 M o is
3 0
P = 1 M o is
H = 1 M o is
4 0
P = 1 S e m a in e ( s )
T e m p s R é e l
5 0
H = 3 A n n é e ( s )
1 0
P = 1 A n n é e ( s )
I n f o e x t e r n e sG é r e r la Q u a lit é
G é r e r le s
P r o d u it s
P la n if ie r
G é r e r le s
R e s s o u r c e s
Y D -
M H G1 7 / 0 9 / 2 0 0 01G r ille G lo b a leS G Q 3 -
6 V 2
A n a l y s t eD a t e d e C r é a t i o nV e r s i o nP h a s eN o m G r i l l eE t u d e
P r é v is io n s d e
v e n t e s
B e s o in s c lie n t s
D é f in ir e t
r é v is e r la
p o lit iq u e q u a lit é
P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
B u d g e t
D é f in i e t r é v is e r
la p o lit iq u e
d 'e m b a u c h e e t
d 'é q u ip e m e n t
P r é v is io n s d e
c o m m a n d e s
R e v u e d e
d ir e c t io n q u a lit é
F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n D ir e c t e u r
d e P r o d u c t io n
R é s iv e r le
p la n n in g d e s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s p r o d u it s
f in is
C a r n e t d e
c o m m a n d e
P la n d 'a c t io n s
q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s
d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s
P la n d e c h a r g e
A ju s t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
S t o c k s d e
p iè c e s
C o m m a n d e s
f e r m e s
P la n n in g
o p é r a t io n n e l d e
la q u a lit é
A ju s t e r le s
p a r a m è t r e s à
c o u r t t e r m e
O r d o n n a n c e m e n t
R é s e r v e r d e la
c a p a c it é
C o m m a n d e s
e n r e g is t r é e s
L a n c e r le s
a c t io n s q u a lit é
E n r e g is t r e r le s
E / S d e p iè c e s
L a n c e m e n t
A f f e c t e r le s
r e s s o u r c e s
• A Complex Object, that is progressively built
during the Innovation Project
Creativity Feasibility Prototyping Engineering
KIF in Action
Doc Network
W1 W2 W3 W4
DocOnto DomOnto
AROnto ProcOnto
Next: 6/6.OpenInnov-Conclsion

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ICT-based Creativity and Innovation Factory

  • 1. 1 ICT-based Creativity and Innovation --oo--oo-- 5. Knowledge Innovation Factory M.Missikoff Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition ISTC-CNR, Rome ( Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
  • 2. ToC • Digital Methodologies and Tools for Innovation • Enabling and Supporting Platforms • The BIVEE Framework • Doc-centred approach (Doc as a Knowledge unit) • Macro-architecture: Knowledge Innovation Factory • Doc Innovation Dependency Map • Semantic-based collaboration – Enterprise Innovation Ontology Federation
  • 3. Digital Methodologies and Tools • The narrow path between rigid prescriptions and an unguided territories • Soft Methodologies – Guidelines and Best practices – Innovation Patterns – Shared Innovation Space engagement • A collection of advanced, flexible, enabling tools – Collaborative Content Management – Advanced Semantic KM – Collaborative workspace management – Data Analytics, BI, DSS, Simulation, Creative Problem Solving, ...
  • 4. Innovation Enabling Tools A first list of relevant classes of tools • Enterprise Architecture modelling & management • Doc template & report management • Monitoring and assessment • Simulation and What-If tools • Knowledge representation and management • Knowledge search and retrieval (knowbots) • Text mining, Knowledge mining • Big Data Analytics • Knowledge and data visualization • Collaborative work and social computing • Reasoning engines, Decision Support Systems • Recommendation Systems, Collaborative Problem Solving 4
  • 5. ... Testing a baseline Environment Google, a ‘ready made’ environment for experimenting Collaborative Innovation • Gdrive • GDoc • GForm • GSheet • Google+ • Hangouts And ... • Trello, for collaborative management
  • 6. Innovation Support Platforms Besides the listed advanced platforms that can be used for Innovation Support & Management, there are focused platforms: Idea Management • Ideascale • Skild Innovation competency management • InnoCentive • OpeniSME Full lifecycle management • BIVEE
  • 7. Ideascale • Cloud-based Open Innovation Platform, employing the principles and practices of crowdsourcing • Network for the development and growth of ideas • Supported the Open Government Initiative of Obama • Large installation base: – Non-profit and government organizations, colleges and universities, small and large enterprises
  • 8. Skild • Philosophy: competition-based business idea selection • Online engagement platform • Collect fresh new perspectives from your employees or the general public • Attract people who share your beliefs • platform and software for running competitions among different teams proposing different innovative ideas • Organising auditors • Tap into the wisdom of the crowd
  • 9. InnoCentive • Web-based community matching for scientists • Research and development challenges managed within an Open Innovation Platform • Post your ideas, get feedbacks (Seeker) • Global network of 375,000+ diverse and creative thinkers and problem solvers (Solvers) • Qualified users: Procter & Gable, La Roche, NASA, Nature, The Economist
  • 10. OpeniSME • Largest (potentially) platform for competency searching and partnering (the whole Web) • Targeted to SMEs • Searches on publications, tech reports, projects, etc. • Manages a dynamic directory of people, teams, organizations, and their expertise • Retrieves addresses, contacts, etc. • EU ongoing project:
  • 11. BIVEE Business Innovation in Virtual Enterprise Ecosystem
  • 12. BIVEE Philosophy • Covering the whole Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle • Highly dynamic teams, evolving in the composition and competencies, as innovation activities progress • Knowledge Innovation Factory, as an organization paradigm • No defined workflows, but knowledge items to be completed • No Knowledge Management skill required (scarcely available in SMEs): Document-based approach • Guidelines represented essentially by: – Templates of Documents to be created – Dependency constraints (ex. DocB requires DocA to be completed) – Articulation of work based on 4 macro-phases: BIVEE Waves
  • 13. Precondition • Towards a full digital enterprise, all relevant information is digital (see UDE: Unified Digital Enterprise, see FInES Research Roadmap) • Everything is documented, by people for people • What is not documented does not exist ... !!! • The enterprise knowledge is captured by a wealth of document collections (preparatory of KB) • Documents need to be semantically enriched • Semantic annotation, tagging: – document categories – Knowledge categories (ontologies) 13
  • 14. Innovation Patterns • Derivation of Design Pattern research • Reusable solutions to a commonly reoccurring problem • Aimed at accelerating both the creation and adoption of innovations • Push forward Collections of Innovation Patterns, to be suggested to innovators, in different contexts / situations 14
  • 15. Driving Ideas of BIVEE • A Framework for the support of the whole Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle (EILC) • Challenge: protect the freedom of invention while providing guidance and support to innovators • Innovation seen as a collaborative knowledge building adventure • Key actors are networked SMEs, operating in an Open Innovation Ecosystem • Highly flexible and adaptable framework, to be used in different production sectors
  • 16. Knowledge Innovation Factory • Innovators get out of the ‘ivory tower’ of R&D Dept, and swarm in the whole enterprise, ecosystem • Innovation permeates the whole enterprise, becoming a common practice / min state • Alike the Quality Rooms invented by Toyota, we need to have the Innovation Rooms, where to meet periodically to invent, propose, challenge, ... • Innovation rooms, everywhere in the enterprise, open to all • A cultural shift, endorsed by management (and rewarding system) 16
  • 17. Knowlege Innovation Factory 17 Production Map Raw Materials, Spare Parts Final Product Innovation Map Raw / Enabling Knowledge New Operative KnowldgeBusiness Innovation Space (intangible dimension ) (concrete dimension) OntoKRBiz Data Internal Innovation triggers External Innovation triggers Value Production Space
  • 18. KIF Operations • KIF operates according to BIVEE Innovation Waves • There are no processes, but Innovation Knowledge items – To be achieved: IKO (Innovation Knowledge Objective) – Already created: IKA (Innovation Knowledge Artefact) – Dynamic evolution: IKO evolves into IKA that can be later revised; IKO can be created / deleted in conditions require • IKO / IKA are connected according to a dependency network • The final outcome: InnoBoK, is the union of all the achieved IKA
  • 19. Open Innovation K-Map IKA: Released Docs IKO: Planned Docs Document Dependency Map {...} {...} External players’ Docs {...} {...} POND Inno BoK Project progress frontier 19 today
  • 20. KIF Architecture • Knowledge Innovation Factory UI, including Shared Semantic Whiteboeard • Collaborative Innovation Monitoring and Management (with dedicated I-KPI) • Innovation Knowledge Repository (IKR), including Open Innovation Observatory • Open Collaborative Space for Creativity and Innovation • Enabling Services Platform, to interoperate the different tools, subsystems, data sources
  • 23. A Document-centric Approach • A set of predefined (Document Ontology: DocOnto): – Knowledge Items (IKAs), Knowledge Sets – Templates, to organise IKAs Represented in a set of • Structured Docs • Set of Docs dependencies • Transformations: state-based semantic descriptors (e.g., missing parts, achievement degree, ..) 23
  • 24. Enterprise Doc Categories • Business Doc: describe the business transaction documents (invoice, Req for Quotation, Order, ...) • Actors & Roles Doc: describe the competencies, skills, and capabilities, useful in value production (Yellow Pg) • Domain Doc: capture the industry sector (Catalogues, BoM, ...) • Process Doc: describe the production process (plan, build, manange, ...) • Performance Doc: describe the indicators and the measuring methods, to keep performance under control (measurmenet methods, KPIs, ...) • Report Doc: all the base studies and reports useful for innovation (technical reports, Feasibility studies, market analysis, ...) 24
  • 25. Semantic Doc Management • Semantic Descriptors of Docs are the missing ring between humans and computers • InnoDocs give account of entities, phenomena and manifestations that make sense for humans (tech experts, business people, customers and suppliers, etc.) • We need to make such knowledge fully available to computers ...  Let’s go semantics with Ontologies 25
  • 26. What is what and Who is who 26
  • 27. The InnOnto Federation Each ontology is used to define the structures of corresponding docs, supporting the generation of the related doc instances • DocOnto – Document Ontology • BusOnto – Business Ontology • DomOnto – Domain Ontologies • ProcOnto – Process Ontology • PerfOnto – Performance Ontology • AROnto – Actors & Roles Ontology Besides the DocOnto, that defines the structure of the document, other ontologies contribute to ‘semanticise’ the content, with different points of view. 27
  • 28. Multi-Ontology Doc Annotation 28 OrderNum 5796 GREBECO – Calle Sol, 23 18003 – Granada (Spain) Ph. 958203734 Fax. 558282885 Email: Date: 11-08-05 Seller Info PERMASA Group Pedro Texeira, 8 28020 – Madrid Ph. 913301003 Fax. 913301005 Email: Tax number: G12345678 Contact: John Smith Product Code Quantity ProdUnitCost(€) ON229 Wardrobe 49*99 2 78.00 OP328 Sheft unit panel 60*175 1 59.00 OP481 Rear panel 2 20.00 OP873 Bunk bed ladder 1 21.00 OP874 Upper bed for a youth bedroom 1 65.00 Total(€) 341.00 Buyer Info Description AROnto PerfOnto DomOnto Purchase Order BusOnto
  • 29. InnoBoK Construction I n f o in t e r n e s F o n c t i o n s N i v e a u x P r é v is io n s d e v e n t e s B e s o in s c lie n t s D é f in ir e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e q u a lit é P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s B u d g e t D é f in i e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e d 'e m b a u c h e e t d 'é q u ip e m e n t P r é v is io n s d e c o m m a n d e s R e v u e d e d ir e c t io n q u a lit é F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n D ir e c t e u r d e P r o d u c t io n R é s iv e r le p la n n in g d e s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s p r o d u it s f in is C a r n e t d e c o m m a n d e P la n d 'a c t io n s q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n d e c h a r g e A ju s t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s d e p iè c e s C o m m a n d e s f e r m e s P la n n in g o p é r a t io n n e l d e la q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s à c o u r t t e r m e O r d o n n a n c e m e n t R é s e r v e r d e la c a p a c it é C o m m a n d e s e n r e g is t r é e s L a n c e r le s a c t io n s q u a lit é E n r e g is t r e r le s E / S d e p iè c e s L a n c e m e n t A f f e c t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s H = 1 A n n é e ( s ) 2 0 P = 6 M o is H = 6 M o is 3 0 P = 1 M o is H = 1 M o is 4 0 P = 1 S e m a in e ( s ) T e m p s R é e l 5 0 H = 3 A n n é e ( s ) 1 0 P = 1 A n n é e ( s ) I n f o e x t e r n e sG é r e r la Q u a lit é G Q G é r e r le s P r o d u it s G P P la n if ie r P L G é r e r le s R e s s o u r c e s G R Y D - M H G1 7 / 0 9 / 2 0 0 01G r ille G lo b a leS G Q 3 - 6 V 2 A n a l y s t eD a t e d e C r é a t i o nV e r s i o nP h a s eN o m G r i l l eE t u d e I M A G I M P r é v is io n s d e v e n t e s B e s o in s c lie n t s D é f in ir e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e q u a lit é P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s B u d g e t D é f in i e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e d 'e m b a u c h e e t d 'é q u ip e m e n t P r é v is io n s d e c o m m a n d e s R e v u e d e d ir e c t io n q u a lit é F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n D ir e c t e u r d e P r o d u c t io n R é s iv e r le p la n n in g d e s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s p r o d u it s f in is C a r n e t d e c o m m a n d e P la n d 'a c t io n s q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n d e c h a r g e A ju s t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s d e p iè c e s C o m m a n d e s f e r m e s P la n n in g o p é r a t io n n e l d e la q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s à c o u r t t e r m e O r d o n n a n c e m e n t R é s e r v e r d e la c a p a c it é C o m m a n d e s e n r e g is t r é e s L a n c e r le s a c t io n s q u a lit é E n r e g is t r e r le s E / S d e p iè c e s L a n c e m e n t A f f e c t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s I n f o in t e r n e s F o n c t i o n s N i v e a u x P r é v is io n s d e v e n t e s B e s o in s c lie n t s D é f in ir e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e q u a lit é P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s B u d g e t D é f in i e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e d 'e m b a u c h e e t d 'é q u ip e m e n t P r é v is io n s d e c o m m a n d e s R e v u e d e d ir e c t io n q u a lit é F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n D ir e c t e u r d e P r o d u c t io n R é s iv e r le p la n n in g d e s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s p r o d u it s f in is C a r n e t d e c o m m a n d e P la n d 'a c t io n s q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n d e c h a r g e A ju s t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s d e p iè c e s C o m m a n d e s f e r m e s P la n n in g o p é r a t io n n e l d e la q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s à c o u r t t e r m e O r d o n n a n c e m e n t R é s e r v e r d e la c a p a c it é C o m m a n d e s e n r e g is t r é e s L a n c e r le s a c t io n s q u a lit é E n r e g is t r e r le s E / S d e p iè c e s L a n c e m e n t A f f e c t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s H = 1 A n n é e ( s ) 2 0 P = 6 M o is H = 6 M o is 3 0 P = 1 M o is H = 1 M o is 4 0 P = 1 S e m a in e ( s ) T e m p s R é e l 5 0 H = 3 A n n é e ( s ) 1 0 P = 1 A n n é e ( s ) I n f o e x t e r n e sG é r e r la Q u a lit é G Q G é r e r le s P r o d u it s G P P la n if ie r P L G é r e r le s R e s s o u r c e s G R Y D - M H G1 7 / 0 9 / 2 0 0 01G r ille G lo b a leS G Q 3 - 6 V 2 A n a l y s t eD a t e d e C r é a t i o nV e r s i o nP h a s eN o m G r i l l eE t u d e I M A G I M P r é v is io n s d e v e n t e s B e s o in s c lie n t s D é f in ir e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e q u a lit é P o lit iq u e d 'a c h a t s e t d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s B u d g e t D é f in i e t r é v is e r la p o lit iq u e d 'e m b a u c h e e t d 'é q u ip e m e n t P r é v is io n s d e c o m m a n d e s R e v u e d e d ir e c t io n q u a lit é F ix e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n D ir e c t e u r d e P r o d u c t io n R é s iv e r le p la n n in g d e s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s p r o d u it s f in is C a r n e t d e c o m m a n d e P la n d 'a c t io n s q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s d 'a p p r o v is io n n e m e n t s P la n d e c h a r g e A ju s t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s S t o c k s d e p iè c e s C o m m a n d e s f e r m e s P la n n in g o p é r a t io n n e l d e la q u a lit é A ju s t e r le s p a r a m è t r e s à c o u r t t e r m e O r d o n n a n c e m e n t R é s e r v e r d e la c a p a c it é C o m m a n d e s e n r e g is t r é e s L a n c e r le s a c t io n s q u a lit é E n r e g is t r e r le s E / S d e p iè c e s L a n c e m e n t A f f e c t e r le s r e s s o u r c e s • A Complex Object, that is progressively built during the Innovation Project Creativity Feasibility Prototyping Engineering
  • 30. KIF in Action 30 Whiteboard Diary Doc Network W1 W2 W3 W4 DocOnto DomOnto BusOnto PerfOnto ! Idea AROnto ProcOnto Final InnoBoK Video: Innovation Teams Next: 6/6.OpenInnov-Conclsion