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How to Achieve Scale with 
Jake Angerman 
Sr. Solutions Architect, MongoDB
Today’s Webinar Agenda 
Schema Design 
Monitoring your Workload 
Achieve Scale 
Optimization Tips 
Scale Vertically 
Optimization Tips to 
Scale Your App
Premature Optimization 
• There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. 
Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, 
or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their 
programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong 
negative impact when debugging and maintenance are 
considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 
97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. 
Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. 
- Donald Knuth, 1974
Premature Optimization 
• "There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. 
Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, 
or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their 
programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong 
negative impact when debugging and maintenance are 
considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 
97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. 
Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%." 
- Donald Knuth, 1974
Premature Optimization 
• "There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. 
Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, 
or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their 
programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong 
negative impact when debugging and maintenance are 
considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say 
about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of 
all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that 
critical 3%." 
- Donald Knuth, 1974
Schema Design 
• Document Model 
• Dynamic Schema 
• Collections 
{ "customer_id" : 123, 
"first_name" : ”John", 
"last_name" : "Smith", 
"address" : { 
"street": "123 Main Street", 
"city": "Houston", 
"state": "TX", 
"zip_code": "77027" 
policies: [ { 
policy_number : 13, 
description: “short term”, 
deductible: 500 
{ policy_number : 14, 
description: “dental”, 
visits: […] 
} ] 
The Importance of Schema Design 
• MongoDB schemas are built oppositely than relational 
• Relational Schema: 
– normalize data 
– write complex queries to join the data 
– let the query planner figure out how to make queries efficient 
• MongoDB Schema: 
– denormalize the data 
– create a (potentially complex) schema with prior knowledge of your 
actual (not just predicted) query patterns 
– write simple queries
Real World Example: Optimizing Schema for 
Product catalog schema for retailer selling in 20 countries 
_id: 375, 
en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
de_DE: …, 
de_CH: …, 
<… and so on for other locales …> 
What's good about this schema? 
• Each document contains all the data about the 
product across all possible locales. 
• It is the most efficient way to retrieve all translations of 
a product in a single query (English, French, German, 
But that's not how the data was accessed 
db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { en_US: true } ); 
db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { fr_FR: true } ); 
db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { de_DE: true } ); 
… and so forth for other locales 
The data model did not fit the access pattern.
Why is this inefficient? 
Data in RED are 
being used. Data in 
BLUE take up 
memory but are not in 
_id: 375, 
en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
de_DE: …, 
de_CH: …, 
<… and so on for other locales …> 
_id: 42, 
en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, 
de_DE: …, 
de_CH: …, 
<… and so on for other locales …> 
Consequences of the schema 
• Each document contained 20x more data than the 
common use case requires 
• Disk IO was too high for the relatively modest query 
load on the dataset 
• MongoDB lets you request a subset of a document's 
contents via projection… 
• … but the entire document must be loaded into RAM 
to service the request
Consequences of the schema redesign 
• Queries induced minimal memory overhead 
• 20x as many distinct products fit in RAM at once 
• Disk IO utilization reduced 
• Application latency reduced 
_id: "375-en_GB", 
name: …, 
description: …, 
<… the rest of the document …> 
Schema Design Patterns 
• Pattern: pre-computing interesting quantities, ideally with each 
write operation 
• Pattern: putting unrelated items in different collections to take 
advantage of indexing 
• Anti-pattern: appending to arrays ad infinitum 
• Anti-pattern: importing relational schemas directly into 
Schema Design Tips 
• Avoid inherently slow operations 
– Updates of unindexed arrays of several thousand elements 
– Updates of indexed arrays of several hundred elements 
– Document moves 
• Arrays are great, but know how to use them
Schema Design resources 
• Blog series, "6 rules of thumb" 
– Part 1: 
– Part 2: 
– Part 3:
• Indexes are tree-structured sets of references to your 
• Indexes are the single biggest tunable performance factor in 
the database 
• Indexing and schema design go hand in hand
Indexing Mistakes 
• Failing to build necessary indexes 
• Building unnecessary indexes 
• Running ad-hoc queries in production
Indexing Fixes 
• Failing to build necessary indexes 
– Run .explain(), examine slow query log, mtools, system.profile 
• Building unnecessary indexes 
– Talk to your application developers about usage 
• Running ad-hoc queries in production 
– Use a staging environment, use secondaries
mongod log files 
Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { 
"22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } 
ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 
keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 
locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 
reslen:20 1156ms
mongod log files 
date and time thread operation 
Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { 
"22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } 
ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 
keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 
locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 
reslen:20 1156ms 
of yields
You need a tool when doing log file analysis
• log file analysis for poorly performing queries 
– Show me queries that took more than 1000 ms from 6 am to 6 pm: 
– mlogfilter mongodb.log --from 06:00 --to 18:00 --slow 
1000 > mongodb-filtered.log
Graphing with mtools 
% mplotqueries --type histogram --group namespace --bucketSize 3600
Real World Example: Indexing for Scale 
Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { 
"22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } 
ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 
keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 
locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 
reslen:20 1156ms
Document schema 
_id: ObjectId("53b9ab7e939f1e229b4f574c"), 
firstName: "Alice", 
lastName: "Smith", 
parent: { 
company: 22794, 
employeeId: 83881 
But there's an index!?! 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { 
"company" : 1, 
"employeeId" : 1 
"ns" : "", 
"name" : "company_1_employeeId_1" 
But there's an index!?! 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { 
"company" : 1, 
"employeeId" : 1 
"ns" : "", 
"name" : "company_1_employeeId_1" 
This isn't 
the index 
looking for.
Did you see the problem? 
_id: ObjectId("53b9ab7e939f1e229b4f574c"), 
firstName: "Alice", 
lastName: "Smith", 
parent: { 
company: 22794, 
employeeId: 83881 
The index was created incorrectly 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { 
"" : 1, 
"parent.employeeId" : 1 
"ns" : "", 
"name" : 
Indexing Strategies 
• Create indexes that support your queries! 
• Create highly selective indexes 
• Eliminate duplicate indexes with a compound index, if possible 
– db.collection.ensureIndex({A:1, B:1, C:1}) 
– allows queries using leftmost prefix 
• Order compound index fields thusly: equality, sort, then range 
– see 
• Create indexes that support covered queries 
• Prevent collection scans in pre-production environments 
– mongod --notablescan 
– db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand( { setParameter: 1, notablescan: 1 } )
Monitoring Your Workload 
• Log files, iostat, mtools, mongotop are for debugging 
• MongoDB Management Service (MMS) can do metrics 
collection and reporting
What can MMS do?
Database Metrics
Hardware statistics (CPU, disk)
MMS Monitoring Setup
Cloud Version of MMS 
1. Go to 
2. Create an account 
3. Install one agent in your datacenter 
4. Add hosts from the web interface 
5. Enjoy!
Today’s Webinar Agenda 
Hardware Considerations 
Achieve Scale 
1 Optimization Tips 
Scale Vertically 
Vertical Scaling 
– RAM 
– Disk 
– CPU 
– Network 
Replica Set 
Replica Set 
Horizontal Scaling
Working Set Exceeds Physical 
RAM - Measure your working set and index 
• db.serverStatus({workingSet:1}).workingSet 
{ "computationTimeMicros": 2751, 
"note": "thisIsAnEstimate", 
"overSeconds": 1084, 
"pagesInMemory": 2041 
• db.stats().indexSize 
• In this example, 
(2041 * 4096) + 2032880640 = 2041240576 bytes 
= 1.9 GB 
• Note: this is a subset of the virtual memory used by mongod
Real World Example: Vertical Scaling 
• System that tracked status information for entities in the 
• State changes happen in batches; sometimes 10% of entities 
get updated, sometimes 100% get updated
Initial Architecture 
Sharded cluster with 4 shards using spinning disks 
Application / mongos 
Adding shards to scale horizontally 
• Application was a success! Business entities grew by a factor of 
• Cluster capacity multiplied by 5, but so did the TCO 
Application / mongos 
…16 more shards…
More success means more shards 
• 10x growth means … 200 shards 
• Horizontal scaling with sharding is linear scaling, but an order 
of magnitude was needed 
• Bulk updates of random documents approaches speed of 
Final architecture 
• Scaling the random IOPS with SSDs was a vertical scaling 
Application / mongos 
mongod SSD
Before you add hardware… 
• Make sure you are solving the right scaling problem 
• Remedy schema and index problems first 
– schema and index problems can look like hardware problems 
• Tune the Operating System 
– ulimits, swap, NUMA, NOOP scheduler with hypervisors 
• Tune the IO subsystem 
– ext4 or XFS vs SAN, RAID10, readahead, noatime 
• See MongoDB "production notes" page 
• Heed logfile startup warnings
Today’s Webinar Agenda 
Achieve Scale 
1 Optimization Tips 
2 Scale Vertically 
The Horizontal Basics of Sharding 
The basics of 
Horizontal Scaling
The basics of 
Horizontal Scaling 
(aka Sharding)
The Basics of Sharding
Rule of Thumb 
To make good decisions about 
MongoDB implementations, you 
must understand MongoDB and your 
applications and the workload your 
applications generate and your 
business requirements.
• Don't throw hardware at the problem until you examine all 
other possibilities (schema, indexes, OS, IO subsystem) 
• Know what is considered "normal" performance by monitoring 
• Horizontal scaling in MongoDB is implemented with sharding, 
but you must understand schema design and indexing before 
you shard 
Sharding a sub-optimally designed 
database will not make it performant
Today’s Webinar Agenda 
Achieve Scale 
1 Optimization Tips 
The Horizontal Basics of Sharding 
Schema Design 
Monitoring your Workload 
2 Scale Vertically
Limited Time: Get Expert Advice for Free 
If you’re thinking about 
scaling, why reinvent the 
Our experts can collaborate 
with you to provide detailed 
Sign Up For a Free One Hour 
Stay tuned after the webinar and take our survey 
for your chance to win MongoDB schwag.
Thank You 
Jake Angerman 
Sr. Solutions Architect, MongoDB

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How to Achieve Scale with MongoDB

  • 1. How to Achieve Scale with MongoDB Jake Angerman Sr. Solutions Architect, MongoDB
  • 2. Today’s Webinar Agenda Schema Design Indexes Monitoring your Workload Achieve Scale Optimization Tips Scale Vertically Horizontal Scaling 1 2 3
  • 3. Optimization Tips to Scale Your App
  • 4. Premature Optimization • There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. - Donald Knuth, 1974
  • 5. Premature Optimization • "There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%." - Donald Knuth, 1974
  • 6. Premature Optimization • "There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%." - Donald Knuth, 1974
  • 7. Schema Design • Document Model • Dynamic Schema • Collections { "customer_id" : 123, "first_name" : ”John", "last_name" : "Smith", "address" : { "street": "123 Main Street", "city": "Houston", "state": "TX", "zip_code": "77027" } policies: [ { policy_number : 13, description: “short term”, deductible: 500 }, { policy_number : 14, description: “dental”, visits: […] } ] }
  • 8. The Importance of Schema Design • MongoDB schemas are built oppositely than relational schemas! • Relational Schema: – normalize data – write complex queries to join the data – let the query planner figure out how to make queries efficient • MongoDB Schema: – denormalize the data – create a (potentially complex) schema with prior knowledge of your actual (not just predicted) query patterns – write simple queries
  • 9. Real World Example: Optimizing Schema for Scale Product catalog schema for retailer selling in 20 countries { _id: 375, en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, de_DE: …, de_CH: …, <… and so on for other locales …> }
  • 10. What's good about this schema? • Each document contains all the data about the product across all possible locales. • It is the most efficient way to retrieve all translations of a product in a single query (English, French, German, etc).
  • 11. But that's not how the data was accessed db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { en_US: true } ); db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { fr_FR: true } ); db.catalog.find( { _id: 375 }, { de_DE: true } ); … and so forth for other locales The data model did not fit the access pattern.
  • 12. Why is this inefficient? Data in RED are being used. Data in BLUE take up memory but are not in demand. { _id: 375, en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, de_DE: …, de_CH: …, <… and so on for other locales …> } { _id: 42, en_US: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, en_GB: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_FR: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, fr_CA: { name: …, description: …, <etc…> }, de_DE: …, de_CH: …, <… and so on for other locales …> }
  • 13. Consequences of the schema • Each document contained 20x more data than the common use case requires • Disk IO was too high for the relatively modest query load on the dataset • MongoDB lets you request a subset of a document's contents via projection… • … but the entire document must be loaded into RAM to service the request
  • 14. Consequences of the schema redesign • Queries induced minimal memory overhead • 20x as many distinct products fit in RAM at once • Disk IO utilization reduced • Application latency reduced { _id: "375-en_GB", name: …, description: …, <… the rest of the document …> }
  • 15. Schema Design Patterns • Pattern: pre-computing interesting quantities, ideally with each write operation • Pattern: putting unrelated items in different collections to take advantage of indexing • Anti-pattern: appending to arrays ad infinitum • Anti-pattern: importing relational schemas directly into MongoDB
  • 16. Schema Design Tips • Avoid inherently slow operations – Updates of unindexed arrays of several thousand elements – Updates of indexed arrays of several hundred elements – Document moves • Arrays are great, but know how to use them
  • 17. Schema Design resources • Blog series, "6 rules of thumb" – Part 1: – Part 2: – Part 3:
  • 18. Indexing • Indexes are tree-structured sets of references to your documents • Indexes are the single biggest tunable performance factor in the database • Indexing and schema design go hand in hand
  • 19. Indexing Mistakes • Failing to build necessary indexes • Building unnecessary indexes • Running ad-hoc queries in production
  • 20. Indexing Fixes • Failing to build necessary indexes – Run .explain(), examine slow query log, mtools, system.profile collection • Building unnecessary indexes – Talk to your application developers about usage • Running ad-hoc queries in production – Use a staging environment, use secondaries
  • 21. mongod log files Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { "22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 reslen:20 1156ms
  • 22. mongod log files date and time thread operation Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { "22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 reslen:20 1156ms n… counters lock times duration number of yields
  • 23. You need a tool when doing log file analysis
  • 24. mtools • • log file analysis for poorly performing queries – Show me queries that took more than 1000 ms from 6 am to 6 pm: – mlogfilter mongodb.log --from 06:00 --to 18:00 --slow 1000 > mongodb-filtered.log
  • 25. Graphing with mtools % mplotqueries --type histogram --group namespace --bucketSize 3600
  • 26. Real World Example: Indexing for Scale Sun Jun 29 06:35:37.646 [conn2] query query: { "22794", parent.employeeId: "83881" } ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 nscanned:806381 keyUpdates:0 numYields: 5 locks(micros) r:2145254 nreturned:0 reslen:20 1156ms
  • 27. Document schema { _id: ObjectId("53b9ab7e939f1e229b4f574c"), firstName: "Alice", lastName: "Smith", parent: { company: 22794, employeeId: 83881 } }
  • 28. But there's an index!?! db.system.indexes.find().toArray() [{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "company" : 1, "employeeId" : 1 }, "ns" : "", "name" : "company_1_employeeId_1" }]
  • 29. But there's an index!?! db.system.indexes.find().toArray() [{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "company" : 1, "employeeId" : 1 }, "ns" : "", "name" : "company_1_employeeId_1" }] This isn't the index you're looking for.
  • 30. Did you see the problem? { _id: ObjectId("53b9ab7e939f1e229b4f574c"), firstName: "Alice", lastName: "Smith", parent: { company: 22794, employeeId: 83881 } }
  • 31. The index was created incorrectly db.system.indexes.find().toArray() [{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "" : 1, "parent.employeeId" : 1 }, "ns" : "", "name" : "parent.company_1_parent.employeeId_1" }] Subdocument needed
  • 32. Indexing Strategies • Create indexes that support your queries! • Create highly selective indexes • Eliminate duplicate indexes with a compound index, if possible – db.collection.ensureIndex({A:1, B:1, C:1}) – allows queries using leftmost prefix • Order compound index fields thusly: equality, sort, then range – see • Create indexes that support covered queries • Prevent collection scans in pre-production environments – mongod --notablescan – db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand( { setParameter: 1, notablescan: 1 } )
  • 33. Monitoring Your Workload • Log files, iostat, mtools, mongotop are for debugging • MongoDB Management Service (MMS) can do metrics collection and reporting
  • 38. Cloud Version of MMS 1. Go to 2. Create an account 3. Install one agent in your datacenter 4. Add hosts from the web interface 5. Enjoy!
  • 39. Today’s Webinar Agenda Hardware Considerations Achieve Scale 1 Optimization Tips Scale Vertically Horizontal Scaling 2 3
  • 40. Vertical Scaling Factors: – RAM – Disk – CPU – Network Replica Set Primary Secondary Secondary Replica Set Primary Secondary Secondary Horizontal Scaling
  • 41. Working Set Exceeds Physical Memory
  • 42. RAM - Measure your working set and index sizes • db.serverStatus({workingSet:1}).workingSet { "computationTimeMicros": 2751, "note": "thisIsAnEstimate", "overSeconds": 1084, "pagesInMemory": 2041 } • db.stats().indexSize 2032880640 • In this example, (2041 * 4096) + 2032880640 = 2041240576 bytes = 1.9 GB • Note: this is a subset of the virtual memory used by mongod
  • 43. Real World Example: Vertical Scaling • System that tracked status information for entities in the business • State changes happen in batches; sometimes 10% of entities get updated, sometimes 100% get updated
  • 44. Initial Architecture Sharded cluster with 4 shards using spinning disks Application / mongos mongod
  • 45. Adding shards to scale horizontally • Application was a success! Business entities grew by a factor of 5 • Cluster capacity multiplied by 5, but so did the TCO Application / mongos mongod …16 more shards…
  • 46. More success means more shards • 10x growth means … 200 shards • Horizontal scaling with sharding is linear scaling, but an order of magnitude was needed • Bulk updates of random documents approaches speed of disks
  • 47. Final architecture • Scaling the random IOPS with SSDs was a vertical scaling approach Application / mongos mongod SSD
  • 48. Before you add hardware… • Make sure you are solving the right scaling problem • Remedy schema and index problems first – schema and index problems can look like hardware problems • Tune the Operating System – ulimits, swap, NUMA, NOOP scheduler with hypervisors • Tune the IO subsystem – ext4 or XFS vs SAN, RAID10, readahead, noatime • See MongoDB "production notes" page • Heed logfile startup warnings
  • 49. Today’s Webinar Agenda Achieve Scale 1 Optimization Tips 2 Scale Vertically The Horizontal Basics of Sharding Scaling 3
  • 50. The basics of Horizontal Scaling
  • 51. The basics of Horizontal Scaling (aka Sharding)
  • 52. The Basics of Sharding
  • 53. Rule of Thumb To make good decisions about MongoDB implementations, you must understand MongoDB and your applications and the workload your applications generate and your business requirements.
  • 54. Summary • Don't throw hardware at the problem until you examine all other possibilities (schema, indexes, OS, IO subsystem) • Know what is considered "normal" performance by monitoring • Horizontal scaling in MongoDB is implemented with sharding, but you must understand schema design and indexing before you shard Sharding a sub-optimally designed database will not make it performant
  • 55. Today’s Webinar Agenda Achieve Scale 1 Optimization Tips The Horizontal Basics of Sharding Scaling 3 Schema Design Indexes Monitoring your Workload 2 Scale Vertically
  • 56. Limited Time: Get Expert Advice for Free If you’re thinking about scaling, why reinvent the wheel? Our experts can collaborate with you to provide detailed guidance. Sign Up For a Free One Hour Consult:
  • 57. Questions? Stay tuned after the webinar and take our survey for your chance to win MongoDB schwag.
  • 58. Thank You Jake Angerman Sr. Solutions Architect, MongoDB

Notas del editor

  1. trap: concern about correctness overrides optimization at scale
  2. importing a relational schema directly into MongoDB is an anti-pattern!
  3. different parts of the world are awake and shopping at a given time
  4. Anti-pattern: embedding highly volatile data in an array
  5. these may look like performance tips instead of schema design tips sub-optimal query might be $unwind followed by $match instead of projection
  6. 100ms threshold by default
  7. shard key aside
  8. Indexes should be contained in working set.
  9. In this case I had a 50GB database but only ~2GB were needed in RAM
  10. this applies to both vertical and horizontal scaling
  11. The order presented is the order you should analyze