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Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
classname = :container
classname = :jumbotron
H1 { text("Bootstrap Page") }
classname = :row
for x = 1 to 3
classname = "col-sm-4"
H3 { html("Welcome to the Ring programming language") }
P { html("Using a scripting language is very fun!") }
classname = :row
classname = "col-sm-4"
classname = "btn btn-info btn-lg"
datatoggle= "modal"
datatarget = "#myModal"
text("Open Large Modal")
classname = "col-sm-4"
Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-lg" text("default") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-md" text("primary") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-sm" text("sucess") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-xs" text("info") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-warning" text("warning") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-danger" text("danger") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-link" text("link") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-block" text("default") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-block" text("primary") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-block" text("sucess") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-block" text("info") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-warning btn-block" text("warning") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-danger btn-block" text("danger") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-link btn-block" text("link") }
52.20. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 479
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname = "btn-group"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname = "btn-group btn-group-lg"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
div {
classname = "btn-group-vertical btn-group-lg"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
div { classname="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog"
div { classname = "modal-dialog modal-lg"
div { classname="modal-content"
div { classname="modal-header"
button { classname="close" datadismiss="modal"
h4 { classname="modal-title"
text("Modal Header")
div { classname = "modal-body"
p { text("This is a large model.") }
div { classname="modal-footer"
button { classname = "btn btn-default" datadismiss="modal"
Screen Shot:
52.20. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 480
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
52.21 CRUD Example using MVC
The next example uses the weblib.ring & datalib.ring.
The datalib.ring contains classes for creating database applications using MVC pattern.
In this example we create an object from the SalaryController class then call the Routing method.
We define the website variable to contains the basic url of the page.
When we create the SalaryModel class from the ModelBase class, the salary table will be opened and the columns
data will be defined as attributes in the model class.
The SalaryView class create an object from the SalaryLanguageEnglish class to be used for translation.
The method AddFuncScript is used to call the form for adding/modifying record data.
The method FormViewContent is used to determine the controls in the form when we add or modify a record.
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex24.ring"
New SalaryController { Routing() }
52.21. CRUD Example using MVC 481
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Class SalaryModel from ModelBase
Class SalaryController From ControllerBase
Class SalaryView From ViewBase
oLanguage = new SalaryLanguageEnglish
Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController
return oPage.scriptfuncajax("myadd",oController.cMainURL+
Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage
return [
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2], "textbox", "name",
oController.oModel.Name, oPage.stylewidth("100%") ],
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3], "textbox", "salary",
oController.oModel.Salary, oPage.stylewidth("50%") ]
Class SalaryLanguageEnglish
cTitle = "Salary Table"
cBack = "back"
aColumnsTitles = ["ID","Name","Salary"]
cOptions = "Options"
cSearch = "Search"
comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"]
cAddRecord = "Add Record"
cEditRecord = "Edit Record"
cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!"
aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"]
cPage = "Page"
cOf = "of"
cRecordsCount = "Records Count"
cSave = "Save"
temp = new page
cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight()
cNoRecords = "No records!"
Screen Shot:
52.21. CRUD Example using MVC 482
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
52.22 Users registration and Login
We have the users classes (Model, View & Controller) to deal with the users data like username & email.
The next code is stored in ex25_users.ring
Class UsersModel from ModelBase
cSearchColumn = "username"
Class UsersController From ControllerBase
52.22. Users registration and Login 483
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
aColumnsNames = ["id","username","email"]
Func UpdateRecord = aPageVars[cRecID]
oModel.updatecolumn("username", aPageVars[:username] )
oModel.updatecolumn("email", aPageVars[:email] )
Class UsersView from ViewBase
oLanguage = new UsersLanguageEnglish
Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController
return oPage.scriptfunc("myadd",oPage.scriptredirection("ex26.ring"))
Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage
return [
Class UsersLanguageEnglish
cTitle = "Users Table"
cBack = "back"
aColumnsTitles = ["ID","User Name","Email"]
cOptions = "Options"
cSearch = "Search"
comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"]
cAddRecord = "Add Record"
cEditRecord = "Edit Record"
cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!"
aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"]
cPage = "Page"
cOf = "of"
cRecordsCount = "Records Count"
cSave = "Save"
temp = new page
cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight()
cNoRecords = "No records!"
In the file ex25.ring we load ex25_users.ring then create an object from UsersController class.
Using the created object, we call the routing method.
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex25.ring"
New UsersController { Routing() }
Screen Shot:
52.22. Users registration and Login 484
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
See the next code for the registration page
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex26.ring"
new page {
text( "Register")
divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ])
link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")])
divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","160") + stylegradient(52) ])
tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") +
stylewidth("90%") ])
cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)])
text("User Name")
cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ])
textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")])
cellstart([ :Style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"])
52.22. Users registration and Login 485
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
submit([:value = "Register" ])
Screen Shot:
The Registration response
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
52.22. Users registration and Login 486
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Import System.Web
oUser = new UsersModel
if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"])
new page {
text("The user name is already registered")
if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"])
new page {
text("This email is already registered")
aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32))
aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"])
aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32))
new page {
text("New User Created!")
text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"])
See the next code for the Login page
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex28.ring"
new page {
text( "Login")
divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ])
link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")])
divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ])
tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") +
stylewidth("90%") ])
cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)])
text("User Name")
cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ])
textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")])
52.22. Users registration and Login 487
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ])
submit([:value = "Login" ])
Screen Shot:
The response page
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
52.22. Users registration and Login 488

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 206 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 204 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 205 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 206 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 206 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 206 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 204 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 203 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 203 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212


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The Ring programming language version 1.9 book - Part 52 of 210

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 BootStrapWebPage() { div { classname = :container div { classname = :jumbotron H1 { text("Bootstrap Page") } } div { classname = :row for x = 1 to 3 div { classname = "col-sm-4" H3 { html("Welcome to the Ring programming language") } P { html("Using a scripting language is very fun!") } } next } div { classname = :row div { classname = "col-sm-4" Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-lg" datatoggle= "modal" datatarget = "#myModal" text("Open Large Modal") } } div { classname = "col-sm-4" Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-lg" text("default") } Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-md" text("primary") } Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-sm" text("sucess") } Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-xs" text("info") } Button { classname = "btn btn-warning" text("warning") } Button { classname = "btn btn-danger" text("danger") } Button { classname = "btn btn-link" text("link") } } div { classname = "col-sm-4" Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-block" text("default") } Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-block" text("primary") } Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-block" text("sucess") } Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-block" text("info") } Button { classname = "btn btn-warning btn-block" text("warning") } Button { classname = "btn btn-danger btn-block" text("danger") } Button { classname = "btn btn-link btn-block" text("link") } } 52.20. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 479
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 div { classname = "col-sm-4" div { classname = "btn-group" button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") } } } div { classname = "col-sm-4" div { classname = "btn-group btn-group-lg" button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") } } } div { classname = "col-sm-4" div { classname = "btn-group-vertical btn-group-lg" button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") } button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") } } } } div { classname="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog" div { classname = "modal-dialog modal-lg" div { classname="modal-content" div { classname="modal-header" button { classname="close" datadismiss="modal" html("&times") } h4 { classname="modal-title" text("Modal Header") } } div { classname = "modal-body" p { text("This is a large model.") } } div { classname="modal-footer" button { classname = "btn btn-default" datadismiss="modal" text("close") } } } } } } } Screen Shot: 52.20. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 480
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 52.21 CRUD Example using MVC The next example uses the weblib.ring & datalib.ring. The datalib.ring contains classes for creating database applications using MVC pattern. In this example we create an object from the SalaryController class then call the Routing method. We define the website variable to contains the basic url of the page. When we create the SalaryModel class from the ModelBase class, the salary table will be opened and the columns data will be defined as attributes in the model class. The SalaryView class create an object from the SalaryLanguageEnglish class to be used for translation. The method AddFuncScript is used to call the form for adding/modifying record data. The method FormViewContent is used to determine the controls in the form when we add or modify a record. #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex24.ring" New SalaryController { Routing() } 52.21. CRUD Example using MVC 481
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Class SalaryModel from ModelBase Class SalaryController From ControllerBase Class SalaryView From ViewBase oLanguage = new SalaryLanguageEnglish Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController return oPage.scriptfuncajax("myadd",oController.cMainURL+ oController.cOperation+"=add","mysubpage") Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage return [ [ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2], "textbox", "name", oController.oModel.Name, oPage.stylewidth("100%") ], [ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3], "textbox", "salary", oController.oModel.Salary, oPage.stylewidth("50%") ] ] Class SalaryLanguageEnglish cTitle = "Salary Table" cBack = "back" aColumnsTitles = ["ID","Name","Salary"] cOptions = "Options" cSearch = "Search" comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"] cAddRecord = "Add Record" cEditRecord = "Edit Record" cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!" aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"] cPage = "Page" cOf = "of" cRecordsCount = "Records Count" cSave = "Save" temp = new page cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight() cNoRecords = "No records!" Screen Shot: 52.21. CRUD Example using MVC 482
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 52.22 Users registration and Login We have the users classes (Model, View & Controller) to deal with the users data like username & email. The next code is stored in ex25_users.ring Class UsersModel from ModelBase cSearchColumn = "username" Class UsersController From ControllerBase 52.22. Users registration and Login 483
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 aColumnsNames = ["id","username","email"] Func UpdateRecord = aPageVars[cRecID] oModel.updatecolumn("username", aPageVars[:username] ) oModel.updatecolumn("email", aPageVars[:email] ) oView.UpdateView(self) Class UsersView from ViewBase oLanguage = new UsersLanguageEnglish Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController return oPage.scriptfunc("myadd",oPage.scriptredirection("ex26.ring")) Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage return [ [oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2],"textbox","username", oController.oModel.UserName,oPage.stylewidth("100%")], [oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3],"textbox","email", oController.oModel.Email,oPage.stylewidth("50%")] ] Class UsersLanguageEnglish cTitle = "Users Table" cBack = "back" aColumnsTitles = ["ID","User Name","Email"] cOptions = "Options" cSearch = "Search" comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"] cAddRecord = "Add Record" cEditRecord = "Edit Record" cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!" aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"] cPage = "Page" cOf = "of" cRecordsCount = "Records Count" cSave = "Save" temp = new page cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight() cNoRecords = "No records!" In the file ex25.ring we load ex25_users.ring then create an object from UsersController class. Using the created object, we call the routing method. #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex25.ring" New UsersController { Routing() } Screen Shot: 52.22. Users registration and Login 484
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 See the next code for the registration page #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex26.ring" new page { boxstart() text( "Register") newline() boxend() divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ]) link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")]) newline() divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","160") + stylegradient(52) ]) formpost("ex27.ring") tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") + stylewidth("90%") ]) rowstart([]) cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)]) text("User Name") cellend() cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ]) textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :Style = styleheight(30)]) text("Password") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"]) 52.22. Users registration and Login 485
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Email") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) cellend() cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) submit([:value = "Register" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The Registration response #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" 52.22. Users registration and Login 486
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Import System.Web oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"]) new page { text("The user name is already registered") } return ok if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"]) new page { text("This email is already registered") } return ok aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32)) aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"]) aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32)) oUser.Insert() new page { cookie("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) text("New User Created!") newline() text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"]) newline() } oUser.Disconnect() See the next code for the Login page #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex28.ring" new page { boxstart() text( "Login") newline() boxend() divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ]) link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")]) newline() divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ]) formpost("ex29.ring") tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") + stylewidth("90%") ]) rowstart([]) cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)]) text("User Name") cellend() cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ]) textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() 52.22. Users registration and Login 487
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Password") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ]) cellend() cellstart([]) submit([:value = "Login" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The response page #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web 52.22. Users registration and Login 488