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Understanding SparseNet: Theory and Practice
Nicholas Dronen
July 2, 2013
• First half technical, then practical
• Theory is necessary for intuition of good practice
• Practice - examples using R
What is SparseNet?
• sparsenet: an R package (2012) based on MC+
• Related packages: lars (2003), glmnet (2008)
• More geneology later
• SparseNet fits linear models
A linear model
m = y/x
Linear models with many predictor variables
Y = Xβ + ǫ
• Y is a (n × 1) vector of response variables
• X is a (n × p) matrix of predictor variables
• β is a (p × 1) vector of coefficients
• ǫ is noise
Two tasks:
• Parameter estimation: estimate β
• Subset selection: find ≤ p variables to include in model
Task 1: Parameter estimation: which β is best?
A common measure of quality of a particular β is residual sum of
squares (RSS). Let
ˆyi = p
j=1 xijβj
be the prediction for essay i. Then
RSS(β) = n
i=1(yi − ˆyi)2
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
}|yi − yi
Task 1: Parameter estimation: minimizing RSS
ˆβ = arg minβ RSS(β)
Is ˆβ computed by exhaustive search of βs? No
Task 1: Parameter estimation (cont.)
After some matrix calculus, estimating the parameters becomes a
linear algebra problem (an inversion and a few multiplications):
ˆβ = (XT
This solution sometimes called “ordinary least squares”
Task 2: Subset selection
• Find ≤ p predictor variables to include in model
• Reasons for subset selection
• Principle of parsimony, Occam’s razor
• Interpretation: each βi should be meaningful
• Prediction: p too large, model overfits train data
Task 2: Subset selection; linear models
• Different methods, different eras
• Stepwise regression (circa Common Era)
• Leaps and bounds (Furnival, 1974)
• Ridge regression: constrain β (Hoerl and Kennard,
• Lasso, sparsenet: constrain β, shrink irrelevant βi s to
0 (Tibshirani, 1996; Mazumder et al, 2012)
• Ridge, lasso, sparsenet are shrinkage methods
Task 2: Subset selection; leaps and bounds
• Intelligently enumerate all possible subsets -
computationally expensive
• ∼ O(2p
) time complexity – very high latency
• Prevents modeler from iterating quickly
• Not feasible for wide matrices (p > 50) – job runs a day
or more
Shrinkage methods
When computing ˆβ add a penalty term J and parameter λ
ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λJ(β)]
ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β)
subject to J(β) ≤ t
Correspondence between λ and t is one to one
When λ is 0, ˆβ(λ) is just the ordinary least squares solution
Most penalty terms based on some norm of β:
• ℓ2: ||β||2 = i β2
i (Euclidean norm)
• ℓ1: ||β||1 = i |βi | (Manhattan/taxicab norm)
• ℓ0: ||β||0 = i I(βi = 0) (Number of non-zero entries)
Norms (concretely)
Let x be the vector [2, 1]
• ||x||2: 22
+ 12
= 5
• ||x||1: |2| + |1| = 3
• ||x||0: I(2 = 0) + I(1 = 0) = 2
Visualizing norms
Visualizing norms: ℓ2
||x||2 = 22
+ 12
Visualizing norms: ℓ1
||x||1 = |2| + |1|
Visualizing norms: ℓ0
||x||0 = I(2 ≠ 0)+ I(1 ≠ 0)
Penalty terms
• Ridge: J(β) = ||β||2
• Lasso: J(β) = ||β||1
• Geometry of a penalty defines the region of possible
Ridge regression: ℓ2 penalty
ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λ p
i=1 β2
i ]
ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β)
subject to p
i=1 β2
i ≤ t
Region of an ℓ2 ball (λ = 1)
β1 = 1
β2 = 0
β1 = 0.67
β2 = 0.74
β1 = 0.33
β2 = 0.94
β1 = 0
β2 = 1
Lasso: ℓ1 penalty
ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λ p
i=1 |βi|]
ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β)
subject to p
i=1 |βi| ≤ t
Region of an ℓ1 ball (λ = 1)
β1 = 1
β2 = 0
β1 = 0.67
β2 = 0.33
β1 = 0.33
β2 = 0.67
β1 = 0
β2 = 1
Sparsity and shrinkage
Unlike the ℓ2 penalty (right green region), the ℓ1 penalty (left
green region) produces sparse models
✦✶ ✦
Hastie et al., The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2009
Why (some) shrinkage methods are great
Lasso and sparsenet perform two tasks simultaneously:
• Estimate β
• Find ≤ p predictor variables to include in model
Rest of talk
• Lasso (with examples)
• Model selection concepts
• SparseNet
Solving the lasso: original approach
• Estimating ˆβ for the lasso is a convex optimization
problem (specifically, quadratic programming [QP])
• Original approach - not terribly fast
• Find λ0 such that β is 0
• Run QP solver to estimate ˆβ(λi ) for each λi in some
subset of the range [0, λ0]
• Use cross validation to determine best λi
Solving the lasso: newer approaches
• Fastest algorithms for obtaining lasso solution are
implemented as R packages:
• lars (Hastie and Efron, 2003)
• Least angle regression
• Lasso solution is piecewise linear; a series of
clever projections
• glmnet (Friedman et al, 2008)
• Very fast coordinate descent
• Compute ˆβ(λ) by iteratively computing each
ˆβi (λ) until convergence; akin to solving
univariate regressions
• These methods are as fast as a single ordinary least
squares solution.
Lasso examples
> l i b r a r y ( l a r s )
> o b j e c t <− l a r s (X, y )
> coef ( o b j e c t )
V1 V2 V3 V4
[ 1 , ] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.00000
[ 2 , ] 0.000000 4.059090 0.0000000 0.00000
[ 3 , ] 0.000000 5.597966 0.1454205 0.00000
[ 4 , ] 1.081084 5.712019 0.1590585 0.00000
[ 5 , ] 2.723949 6.789427 0.2128308 −10.53639
Coefficient profile (LARS)
* * *
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
* *
* *
* * * *
0 1 2 4
> l i b r a r y ( glmnet )
> o b j e c t <− glmnet (X, y , nlambda=5)
> coef ( o b j e c t )
s0 s1 s2 s3 s4
( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.07 −2.193 3.068 3.593 3.644
V1 . 1.362 2.586 2.709 2.723
V2 . 5.895 6.700 6.781 6.789
V3 . 0.168 0.208 0.212 0.213
V4 . −1.792 −9.664 −10.450 −10.528
Coefficient profile (GLMNET)
0 5 10 15 20
L1 Norm
0 2 4 4 4
Theory of the lasso
restricted regression
minimal adaptive
restricted eigenvalue
Theorem 7.3
Corollary 6.13
Theorem 7.2
 ✁✂✄☎✆ ✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞✞✁ ✌✁✆✡✍✄✎✍✞✠ ✂✠✡ ✏✑✒✆✁✁✞✁
✓✔✕✖✗✘ ✙✚✛✜✢✣ ✤✚✔ ✏✥✦✘✔✔✚✔
Theorems 6.2 and 6.4
Lemma 6.11
Buhlmann and van de Geer, Statistics for High-Dimensional Data:
Methods, Theory, and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2011
Some limitations of the lasso
• “The lasso penalty is somewhat indifferent to the choice
among a set of strong but correlated variables” –
Tibshirani (link)
• Variable selection consistency only under the
irrepresentable condition (“On Model Selection
Consistency of Lasso”, Zhao and Yu, 2006)
• Some theoretical conditions apply only in the extreme
p >> n
• For our purposes: does the learner yield models with high
predictive accuracy?
Model selection concepts
Cross validation
• LOO cross validation is unbiased but high variance
• Bias: accurate estimate of performance on held-out data
• Variance: sensitive to variations in training data
• K-fold cross validation is preferred (K = 5 . . . 20)
Model selection
You are given a set of models and their K-fold CV performance
estimates. How do you choose the one that will perform well on
unseen data?
Model selection: choose best
• Choose the model with the best CV performance estimate
• If you trust CV estimates, why not?
Model selection: choose using 1 standard-error rule
Choose the model that
• is the most parsimonious
• has CV performance close enough to the best one
Breiman’s one standard-error rule (Classification and Regression
Trees, 1984, Breiman et al, p. 80) defines “close enough” as
having an error no more than one standard error above the error of
the best model
Model selection: best vs. 1 SE rule
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0 10 20 30 40
One SE
One SE
Model selection example with GLMNET
> l i b r a r y ( glmnet )
> o b j e c t <− cv . glmnet (X, y , nlambda=5)
> object$lambda .1 se ; object$lambda . min
[ 1 ] 0.182
[ 1 ] 0.00182
> p r e d i c t ( object , newX , s=object$lambda .1 se ) [ 1 , ]
> p r e d i c t ( object , newX , s=object$lambda . min ) [ 1 , ]
• Based on Cun-Hui Zhang’s (Rutgers statistics) MC+
• “Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax
concave penalty”, Zhang, 2010
• Uses same coordinate descent approach as glmnet
• MC+ has two components
• Minimax concave penalty (MCP) (more complex than
l1 penalty)
• Penalized linear unbiased selection (PLUS) algorithm
• Variable selection consistent under more general
conditions than the lasso
• Zhang has implementation on CRAN: plus
> l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t )
> o b j e c t <− s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5, ngamma=4)
> coef ( o b j e c t )
l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4
( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.1 e+00 −2.22 3.03 3.58 3.61
V1 . 1.39 2.62 2.72 2.75
V2 2.1 e−15 5.89 6.69 6.78 6.78
V3 . 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.21
V4 . −1.77 −9.64 −10.44 −10.51
l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4
( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.1 e+00 −2.05 3.30 3.67 3.66
V1 . 1.30 2.49 2.70 2.72
V2 4.2 e−15 5.95 6.77 6.79 6.79
. . . .
Coefficient profile (SparseNet)
0 5 10 15 20
L1 Norm
0 2 4 4 4
0 5 10 15 20
L1 Norm
0 2 4 4 4
Gamma = 150
0 5 10 15 20
L1 Norm
0 1 2 3 3
Gamma = 12.2
0 5 10 15 20
L1 Norm
0 1 2 2 3
Model selection example with SparseNet
> l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t )
> o b j e c t <− cv . s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5)
> object$parms .1 se ; object$parms . min
gamma lambda
8.563 0.081
gamma lambda
9.9 e+35 8.1 e−04
Model selection example with SparseNet (cont.)
> l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t )
> o b j e c t <− cv . s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5)
> p r e d i c t ( object , newX , which=”parms . min ” ) [ 1 , ]
> p r e d i c t ( object , newX , which=”parms .1 se ” ) [ 1 , ]
• Refinement of the lasso (1996, Tibshirani)
• Strong theoretical guarantees, good empirical performance
• Best-in-class linear modeling algorithm

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  • 1. Understanding SparseNet: Theory and Practice Nicholas Dronen July 2, 2013
  • 2. Overview • First half technical, then practical • Theory is necessary for intuition of good practice • Practice - examples using R
  • 3. What is SparseNet? • sparsenet: an R package (2012) based on MC+ algorithm • Related packages: lars (2003), glmnet (2008) • More geneology later • SparseNet fits linear models
  • 5. Linear models with many predictor variables Y = Xβ + ǫ • Y is a (n × 1) vector of response variables • X is a (n × p) matrix of predictor variables • β is a (p × 1) vector of coefficients • ǫ is noise Two tasks: • Parameter estimation: estimate β • Subset selection: find ≤ p variables to include in model
  • 6. Task 1: Parameter estimation: which β is best? A common measure of quality of a particular β is residual sum of squares (RSS). Let ˆyi = p j=1 xijβj be the prediction for essay i. Then RSS(β) = n i=1(yi − ˆyi)2
  • 7. Residuals 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 x y yi yi ^ }|yi − yi ^|
  • 8. Task 1: Parameter estimation: minimizing RSS ˆβ = arg minβ RSS(β) Is ˆβ computed by exhaustive search of βs? No
  • 9. Task 1: Parameter estimation (cont.) After some matrix calculus, estimating the parameters becomes a linear algebra problem (an inversion and a few multiplications): ˆβ = (XT X)−1 XT y This solution sometimes called “ordinary least squares”
  • 10. Task 2: Subset selection • Find ≤ p predictor variables to include in model • Reasons for subset selection • Principle of parsimony, Occam’s razor • Interpretation: each βi should be meaningful • Prediction: p too large, model overfits train data
  • 11. Task 2: Subset selection; linear models • Different methods, different eras • Stepwise regression (circa Common Era) • Leaps and bounds (Furnival, 1974) • Ridge regression: constrain β (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970) • Lasso, sparsenet: constrain β, shrink irrelevant βi s to 0 (Tibshirani, 1996; Mazumder et al, 2012) • Ridge, lasso, sparsenet are shrinkage methods
  • 12. Task 2: Subset selection; leaps and bounds • Intelligently enumerate all possible subsets - computationally expensive • ∼ O(2p ) time complexity – very high latency • Prevents modeler from iterating quickly • Not feasible for wide matrices (p > 50) – job runs a day or more
  • 13. Shrinkage methods When computing ˆβ add a penalty term J and parameter λ ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λJ(β)] Equivalently ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β) subject to J(β) ≤ t Correspondence between λ and t is one to one When λ is 0, ˆβ(λ) is just the ordinary least squares solution
  • 14. Norms Most penalty terms based on some norm of β: • ℓ2: ||β||2 = i β2 i (Euclidean norm) • ℓ1: ||β||1 = i |βi | (Manhattan/taxicab norm) • ℓ0: ||β||0 = i I(βi = 0) (Number of non-zero entries)
  • 15. Norms (concretely) Let x be the vector [2, 1] • ||x||2: 22 + 12 = 5 • ||x||1: |2| + |1| = 3 • ||x||0: I(2 = 0) + I(1 = 0) = 2
  • 19. Visualizing norms: ℓ0 (0,0) (2,1) ||x||0 = I(2 ≠ 0)+ I(1 ≠ 0)
  • 20. Penalty terms • Ridge: J(β) = ||β||2 • Lasso: J(β) = ||β||1 • Geometry of a penalty defines the region of possible solutions
  • 21. Ridge regression: ℓ2 penalty ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λ p i=1 β2 i ] Equivalently ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β) subject to p i=1 β2 i ≤ t
  • 22. Region of an ℓ2 ball (λ = 1) β1 = 1 β2 = 0 β1 = 0.67 β2 = 0.74 β1 = 0.33 β2 = 0.94 β1 = 0 β2 = 1
  • 23. Lasso: ℓ1 penalty ˆβ(λ) = arg minβ [RSS(β) + λ p i=1 |βi|] Equivalently ˆβ(t) = arg minβ RSS(β) subject to p i=1 |βi| ≤ t
  • 24. Region of an ℓ1 ball (λ = 1) β1 = 1 β2 = 0 β1 = 0.67 β2 = 0.33 β1 = 0.33 β2 = 0.67 β1 = 0 β2 = 1
  • 25. Sparsity and shrinkage Unlike the ℓ2 penalty (right green region), the ℓ1 penalty (left green region) produces sparse models ✦ ❫ ✦ ❫✷✦ ✶ ✦✷ ✦✶ ✦ Hastie et al., The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2009
  • 26. Why (some) shrinkage methods are great Lasso and sparsenet perform two tasks simultaneously: • Estimate β • Find ≤ p predictor variables to include in model
  • 27. Rest of talk • Lasso (with examples) • Model selection concepts • SparseNet
  • 28. Solving the lasso: original approach • Estimating ˆβ for the lasso is a convex optimization problem (specifically, quadratic programming [QP]) • Original approach - not terribly fast • Find λ0 such that β is 0 • Run QP solver to estimate ˆβ(λi ) for each λi in some subset of the range [0, λ0] • Use cross validation to determine best λi
  • 29. Solving the lasso: newer approaches • Fastest algorithms for obtaining lasso solution are implemented as R packages: • lars (Hastie and Efron, 2003) • Least angle regression • Lasso solution is piecewise linear; a series of clever projections • glmnet (Friedman et al, 2008) • Very fast coordinate descent • Compute ˆβ(λ) by iteratively computing each ˆβi (λ) until convergence; akin to solving univariate regressions • These methods are as fast as a single ordinary least squares solution.
  • 31. LARS > l i b r a r y ( l a r s ) > o b j e c t <− l a r s (X, y ) > coef ( o b j e c t ) V1 V2 V3 V4 [ 1 , ] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.00000 [ 2 , ] 0.000000 4.059090 0.0000000 0.00000 [ 3 , ] 0.000000 5.597966 0.1454205 0.00000 [ 4 , ] 1.081084 5.712019 0.1590585 0.00000 [ 5 , ] 2.723949 6.789427 0.2128308 −10.53639
  • 32. Coefficient profile (LARS) * * * * * 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −50510152025 |beta|/max|beta| StandardizedCoefficients * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LASSO 4132 0 1 2 4
  • 33. GLMNET > l i b r a r y ( glmnet ) > o b j e c t <− glmnet (X, y , nlambda=5) > coef ( o b j e c t ) s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 ( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.07 −2.193 3.068 3.593 3.644 V1 . 1.362 2.586 2.709 2.723 V2 . 5.895 6.700 6.781 6.789 V3 . 0.168 0.208 0.212 0.213 V4 . −1.792 −9.664 −10.450 −10.528
  • 34. Coefficient profile (GLMNET) 0 5 10 15 20 −10−505 L1 Norm Coefficients 0 2 4 4 4
  • 35. Theory of the lasso coherence adaptive restricted regression minimal adaptive restricted eigenvalue restricted eigenvaluecompatibilityirrepresentable Theorem 7.3 Corollary 6.13 Theorem 7.2  ✁✂✄☎✆ ✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞✞✁ ✌✁✆✡✍✄✎✍✞✠ ✂✠✡ ✏✑✒✆✁✁✞✁ ✓✔✕✖✗✘ ✙✚✛✜✢✣ ✤✚✔ ✏✥✦✘✔✔✚✔ Theorems 6.2 and 6.4 Lemma 6.11 Buhlmann and van de Geer, Statistics for High-Dimensional Data: Methods, Theory, and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2011
  • 36. Some limitations of the lasso • “The lasso penalty is somewhat indifferent to the choice among a set of strong but correlated variables” – Tibshirani (link) • Variable selection consistency only under the irrepresentable condition (“On Model Selection Consistency of Lasso”, Zhao and Yu, 2006) • Some theoretical conditions apply only in the extreme p >> n • For our purposes: does the learner yield models with high predictive accuracy?
  • 38. Cross validation • LOO cross validation is unbiased but high variance • Bias: accurate estimate of performance on held-out data • Variance: sensitive to variations in training data • K-fold cross validation is preferred (K = 5 . . . 20)
  • 39. Model selection You are given a set of models and their K-fold CV performance estimates. How do you choose the one that will perform well on unseen data?
  • 40. Model selection: choose best • Choose the model with the best CV performance estimate • If you trust CV estimates, why not?
  • 41. Model selection: choose using 1 standard-error rule Choose the model that • is the most parsimonious • has CV performance close enough to the best one Breiman’s one standard-error rule (Classification and Regression Trees, 1984, Breiman et al, p. 80) defines “close enough” as having an error no more than one standard error above the error of the best model
  • 42. Model selection: best vs. 1 SE rule ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0 10 20 30 40 NVars MSE type ●● ●● ●● ●● Best One SE Test Train Rule Best One SE
  • 43. Model selection example with GLMNET > l i b r a r y ( glmnet ) > o b j e c t <− cv . glmnet (X, y , nlambda=5) > object$lambda .1 se ; object$lambda . min [ 1 ] 0.182 [ 1 ] 0.00182 > p r e d i c t ( object , newX , s=object$lambda .1 se ) [ 1 , ] 1 5.21 > p r e d i c t ( object , newX , s=object$lambda . min ) [ 1 , ] 1 5.36
  • 45. SparseNet • Based on Cun-Hui Zhang’s (Rutgers statistics) MC+ algorithm • “Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax concave penalty”, Zhang, 2010 • Uses same coordinate descent approach as glmnet • MC+ has two components • Minimax concave penalty (MCP) (more complex than l1 penalty) • Penalized linear unbiased selection (PLUS) algorithm • Variable selection consistent under more general conditions than the lasso • Zhang has implementation on CRAN: plus
  • 46. SparseNet > l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t ) > o b j e c t <− s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5, ngamma=4) > coef ( o b j e c t ) $g1 l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 ( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.1 e+00 −2.22 3.03 3.58 3.61 V1 . 1.39 2.62 2.72 2.75 V2 2.1 e−15 5.89 6.69 6.78 6.78 V3 . 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.21 V4 . −1.77 −9.64 −10.44 −10.51 $g2 l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 ( I n t e r c e p t ) 4.1 e+00 −2.05 3.30 3.67 3.66 V1 . 1.30 2.49 2.70 2.72 V2 4.2 e−15 5.95 6.77 6.79 6.79 . . . .
  • 47. Coefficient profile (SparseNet) 0 5 10 15 20 −10−505 L1 Norm Coefficients 0 2 4 4 4 Lasso 0 5 10 15 20 −10−505 L1 Norm Coefficients 0 2 4 4 4 Gamma = 150 0 5 10 15 20 −10−505 L1 Norm Coefficients 0 1 2 3 3 Gamma = 12.2 0 5 10 15 20 −10−505 L1 Norm Coefficients 0 1 2 2 3 Subset
  • 48. Model selection example with SparseNet > l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t ) > o b j e c t <− cv . s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5) > object$parms .1 se ; object$parms . min gamma lambda 8.563 0.081 gamma lambda 9.9 e+35 8.1 e−04
  • 49. Model selection example with SparseNet (cont.) > l i b r a r y ( s p a r s e n e t ) > o b j e c t <− cv . s p a r s e n e t (X, y , nlambda=5) > p r e d i c t ( object , newX , which=”parms . min ” ) [ 1 , ] 1 5.4 > p r e d i c t ( object , newX , which=”parms .1 se ” ) [ 1 , ] 1 5.2
  • 50. Summary • Refinement of the lasso (1996, Tibshirani) • Strong theoretical guarantees, good empirical performance • Best-in-class linear modeling algorithm