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Vocabulary Language focus Language booster
• countries, nationalities and languages
• numbers and the alphabet
• school subjects, days and times
• the family and describing people
• talking about jobs
• free time activities
• party things
• shopping
• the home
• food
• menus
• films
• clothes
• introductions
• present simple
• making questions
• present tenses
• making suggestions
• making offers and requests
• past simple
• relative prDnouns
• countable and uncountable nouns
• ordering food
• pronouns
• modals for ability and obligation
• spelling
• adverbs of frequency
• have got
• imperatives
• this, that, these, those
• plural nouns
• possessive's and s'
• conjunctions • a pair of
• festivals
• health problems
• sports
• animals
• nature and the weather
• holidays
• transport
• buildings
• places in town
• technology
• books and reading
• verbs with -ing or to + infinitive
• advice and possibility
• first conditional
• comparatives and superlatives
• going to and will
• present continuous for future
• too and not enough
• present perfect versus past simple
• giving directions
• believe, hope, know, say and think
• past continuous
• talking about how you feel
• irregular adjectives
• too much and too many
• just, yet and already
• when and while
Vocabulary list

About l!ET and KET for Schools
KET (Key English Test) is an exam set by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. It tests your
ability to read, write, listen and speak in English. If you pass, you will get a qualification which shows that
you have a basic knowledge of English and that you can do things like:
• ask questions to find out about someone's family or hobbies
• give facts about yourself p
• talk about your likes and dislikes
• understand simple instructions
• follow simple travel directions.
KET for Schools is the same format as KET, but is for students aged between 11 and 14. It reflects the
interests of young people, and includes topics like friends and family, shopping, sports and free time
activities, animals, places, technology, and travel.
About Target KET for Schools
Target KET for Schools is a short, intensive course which will help you improve your English, practise th e
question types used in KET for Schools, and develop all the skills you need to pass the exam. There are
12 units in the book, each divided into two lessons. Each lesson looks at one of the topics which could
appear in the exam.
Exam practice
Each lesson contains at least one exam task, so you will get plenty of opportunities to practise every
part of the exam. The exam tasks are supported by Exam tips that give you useful advice on how to do
that task, and at the back of the book there is an Exam guide (pages 68 to 95) which describes each
part of the exam in detail. This includes an exampl e of each part of the exam and gives more hints and
tips on how to do it well. There are also lots of Exam practice questions in the Workbook. There is also a
complete practice test in the Workbook.
Language focus and Vocabulary
In every lesson, you will learn some important' vocabulary for the topic and you will practise key
language points that could be used in the exam. There is also a Language summary section at the back of
the book (pages 96 to 108), which looks at the language points covered in the lessons in more detail. You
can get further practice of the language points and vocabulary in the Workbook and in the Review units.
The CD-ROM Exam Trainer
There are two ways you can use the CD-ROM. You can do a normal practice test under exam conditions,
or you can use the Exam Trainer to get extra tips and advice for how t o do each question. You can also
print out your scores to see how you improve while you are studying.
Icons used in Target KET for Schools
There is a list of the things you will practise
in each lesson below the lesson title:
E =Exam skills
V =Vocabulary skills
L = Language skills
Each lesson also uses these icons:
ti07 This is the track number on the Teacher's CD.
.,f':o This is a page reference to the Exam guide.
jj; This is a page reference to the Language summary.
The format of the exam
Reading and Writing Paper
This paper takes 1hour and 10 minutes. Parts 1-5 test your ability to read a variety of different texts
and parts 6-9 test your writing ability.
Part Task format Number of questions Exam guide
1 Match five sentences to eight notices. 5 p68
2 Choose the correct words to complete five sentences. 5 p70
3 (a) Choose the correct answer to complete five short 5 p71
= conversations.
3 (b) 	 Fill five gaps in a conversation by choosing from eight 5 p72
possible answers.
4 Read a text and choose the correct answers to seven 7 p74
:~ .he 5 Choose the correct words to complete a text. 8 p76
6 Read the definitions and then write the words and spell 5 p78
them correctly.
7 Write one word to fill each space in a short text. 10 p79 

8 Read two texts and use the information to complete 5 p80 

someone's notes. 


9 	 Write a short message which includes three pieces of p82
_ d
Listening Paper
This paper takes about 30 minutes. You hear each part twice.
Part 	 Task format Number of questions Exam guide
1 Listen and choose the correct picture. 5 p84
2 Listen and match the questions to five of the eight 5 p86
possible answers.
3 Listen and choose the correct answers to five questions. 5 p88
4 Listen to a conversation and complete some notes. 5 p90
Listen to one speaker and complete some notes. 5 p905
Speaking Paper
This paper lasts about 10 minutes. You do this part of the exam with one other candidate.
Part Task format Time Exam guide
Answer the examiner's questions about you. 5-6 minutes p92
2 Use the cards to ask and answer questions with your 3-4 minutes p94
Where are you from?
E Listening Part 4 • Speaking Part 11V countl·ies. nationalities and languages' numbers and the alphabet IL introductions
Hi! My name's Sara and I'm 13 years old. I'm sailing around the world
with my family. I love visiting different countries and meeting new
people wherever I go. Here are some of my new friends.
J' F 3*6. 1 h '; 1
(rrfj- ,.. 0-;/
• /
Vocabulary: countries, nationalities and languages
Hi! I'm Dan. I'm from Sydney. Match the countries to the flags on the map.
I'm twelve years old.
• 	 Argentina _ Australia _ Brazil_ Canada _ China ...... Greece
Ireland _ Italy _ Mexico _ Poland _ Spain _ Thailand
Write the nationality and language(s) for each country.
BraZJ/ ~ BraZlI/cm ~ Porfvtglltese
Which countries are Sara's new friends from? 

What nationalities are they? What languages do they speak? 

Hello. I'm Carlos. I'm fourteen
~ l Language focus: introductions
Choose the best reply.
o Hello. ... _ A I'm thirteen.
How are you? B Anthony, but call me Tony.
2 This is my friend Dan. C I'm fine, thanks.
3 What's your name? D Hi!
4 Where are you from? E 41 Kellet Road.
5 How old are you? F tlice to meet you.
6 What's your address? G I'm from Scotland.
Adverbs of frequency
ft Language focus: present simple
Read the examples and match the two halves of the rules.
What do we have at 1o'clock? We have Geography.
Our History teacher always gives us lots of homework.
I don't know where my timetable is.
1 We use the present simple to talk about A he, she and it.
0% 2 We add s to regular verbs for B what we do every day.
3 We use do or does to make C negative sentences and
• 	 Use the present simple to complete the sentences in this interview
with a young actor.
INTERVIEWER: Tell me about your school, Jodie.
JODIE: (0) I go (1/ go) to a theatre school in London.
INTERVIEWER: What .subjects (1) (you / study)?
JODIE: Well, (2) (I / study) subjects 'like English, Maths and
Science, but (3) _ _ ___ (I / do) Drama, dance and singing too.
INTERVIEWER: Which subject (4) __. (you / like) best?
JODIE: (5) (1/ love) Drama. (6) (we / always have)
a lot of fun.
INTERVIEWER: (7) _ ___ (you / like) singing?
JODIE: No, (8) (1/ hate) it! (9) _ _ __ (my teacher /
always tell) me I need to practise more.
Use the interview to write five sentences about Jodie.
jodiegoes to a thee/rre 5( hool iYl LOVidon.
Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 2
Read the whole sentence
: I Read the sentences about a boy on a football course. Choose the bestbefore you chooseyour
word (A, B or C) for each space.answer.
o Tom __ to the David Beckham Football Academy in the school
®goes B stays C visits
1 On the first day, everyone _ _ a free football shirt.
A gives B pays C gets
2 The students some of their lessons in a classroom.
A make B have C let
3 There is a at 11.00 a.m. for drinks and snacks.
A stop B delay C break
4 They usually _ _ matches in the afternoon.
A practise B play C keep
5 Tom always has a _	 _ time on the course.
A high B great C large
• 	 Interview your partner about his or her usual school day.
A: Wf]t-rtHme du LjOU getup)
B: I (.,~Vtrrll'11et II/p ai-sf.Vol.
What does she look like? 

E Listening Part 1IV th e family and describing people IL making questions
Vocabulary: the family and d escribing people
Complete the family words with a, e, i, 0 and u.
o q!i nt 3 f th 6 m th 

1 br th 4 gr _ ndf _ th _ r 7 s st 

2 c__ s_n 5 gr ___ ndm _ th _ r 8 ncl 

Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
children daughter husband parents son wife
o Molly is Dave's Wife 3 Lucy and Carl are Molly's ____'
Dave is Molly's ____ ' 4 Lucy is Dave's .____. 

2 Carl is Dave's ____' 5 Dave and Molly are Lucy's _ ___ 

Sophie is asking Jane about her family. Listen and match the names 

to the people in the picture. 

o Jane _F_ 2 Tom 4 Colin 6 Granddad 

1 Alice 3 Ben 5 Dad 7 Grandma 

Write the words in the table. Some words can go in more than one
beautiful black blonde blue brown dark fair fat green
grey long old pretty red short tall thin white youn g
He/She's got ... eyes. He/She's got .., hair, He/She is ....
D Describe the people in the picture.
Jtme's prethj. She'sgotshort-blonde hairand bh1C eyes,
What does he do? 

E Listening Part 2 • Speaking Part 1 I V talking about jobs I L present tenses
Hi! I'm Rob. I go
to Wood street
School, but I don't
go to school on
Saturdays. So
today I'm watching
a football match
with my friends.
:e= x# , ;z;:a:c ;::&
This is my older
brother, Johnny.
He's a police officer.
He wears a uniform
when he's working.
He's not wearing it
today. He's enjoying
the football too.
My mum's a teacher
in a school. She
teaches young
children. At the
moment she's
making a cake.
She loves cooking.
Vocabulary: talking about jobs
Use the words in the box to talk about the jobs in the cartoons.
boring difficult dirty exciting interesting scary tiring
WOlAld tjolA./lki' to be [/ v/O(tiy7 Nt', ih (.j (/O''1,liffiudtjOI:,
Correct these silly sentences.
0 A builder checks a newspaper.
1 A dentist cuts aeroplanes.
2 A farmer flies animals.
3 A gardener grows cars.
4 A hairdresser keeps flowers and vegetables.
5 A journalist looks a~ houses.
6 A mechanic builds your hair.
7 A nurse paints pictures
8 A painter repairs sick people.
9 A pilot writes for yourteeth.
0 M I:Jv,rlde' ,/t)f<.y)'f dl/'{.~~11'l(I·iI5p(/per A flU 'icier i..JAIJrl" :IOt/St'
~; JRead the cartoons about Rob and his family. What are their jobs?
What are they doing now?
ft Language focus: present tenses
My dad's a doctor.
It's his day off
today, so he's not
at the hospital. He's
playing his guitar in
a band with some
You might not hear the
exact words you see in
A-H. So, instead of 'cook',
you might hear 'she gets
the food ready in the
Try to keep talking until the
examiner stops you.
Read the examples and choose the correct words to complete 

the rules. 

Present simple: Rob's mother teaches children to read and write. 

Present continuous: She isn't teaching now. She's making a cake. 

We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about 

things we are doing now. 

2 We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about 

things we often do. 

Complete the mini-dialogues.
A: What does your dad do? 

-8: (he / drive) a taxi. 

A: Is he driving his taxi at the moment?
B: No, (he / not be) ____ 

(he / eat) . his lunch. 

2 A: What does your sister do?
B: My sister (be) a nurse, but 

she (not work) today. 

She (paint) a picture. 

3 A: It's Sunday, so (we / not study) ____ 

in school today. 

B: What (you / do) ?
A: (we / ride) our bikes.
Ask your partner about his or her family.
What,.Ioe5 /four fcdhev/ m thfr / aunr/ i1l1rJe do? 

What is he.l she doiYl'J nqhf now: 

Exam practice: Listening Part 2
Listen to Karen talking to her friend about the people in her family. What
job does each person do? Write a letter (A - H) next to each person.
0 dad -A.. A actor
1 mum B cook
2 sister C doctor
3 uncle D nurse
4 aunt E painter
5 cousin F receptionist
G teacher
H tour guide
Exam practice: Speaking Part 1
• 	 The examiner may ask you about your family. Tell your partner 

about your family. Try to say at least five sentences. 

• ;" , " ' " ...: " I v )",i t ...
" 	 TJ ICI,?i ~
Let's do something! 

E Reading and Writing Part 3 (a) and Part 7 IV free time acti vities I L making suggestions

Vocabulary: free time activities
Complete the word wheels with the words.
baseball the beach the cinema computer games a DVD a film
a restaurant running shopping surfing tennis television
5wlmmmg a Ulfe
watchplay go to
{ootball a football ma
What do you usually do at the weekend? Tell your partner.
Isometimes platj football With mtj fYJe/'lds.
-'" 11 U Jo is talking to Sam about Saturday. Listen and circle their plans.
a.m.: go shopping / go swimming p.m.: play tennis / go to a restaurant
D Listen again and complete the dialogue with these phrases.
How about Let's Shall we What about
Jo: Are you free this Saturday, Sam?
SAM: Yes, I am.
Jo: Great! (1) do something! (2) going shopping?
SAM: That's a great idea. Where shall we meet?
Jo: (3) meeting outside the station at half past ten ?
SAM: OK. (4) play tennis in the afternoon?
Jo: No, that sounds boring. (5) going to a restaurant?
SAM: Yeah, OK. (6) try that new pizza restaurant near the
o Jo: Good idea!
First look at the question
and think of some possible
answers. Then read the
three choices carefully and
choose your answer.
)'!!-' Language focus: making suggestions
iii) Choose the correct words to complete the rules.
Let's do something! How about going to a restaurant?
We use Let's... and Shall we... with -ing / the infinitive without to.
2 We use How about... and What about... with -ing / the infinitive without to .
Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct forms of the words in
the box.
do go goto play play watch
1 A: Let's something this weekend.
B: OK. What about surfing? 

2 A: How about the cinema tonight? 

B: That sounds great. Which film shall we _ ___? 

3 A: Shall we baseball on Saturday? 

B: No, I don't·like baseball. What about ____ tennis?
Exam Practice: Reading andWriting Part 3 (a)
, Complete the five conversations. Choose A, B or C.
Look at the words before
and after each space to
help you to decide on the
Exam practice: Reading and Writing Part 7
: Complete this email. Write OIlE word for each space.
Let's go surfing on Saturday.
A Is he free? B No, I don't.
2 I love playing computer games.
A Me too! B Of course not.
3 Can I speak to Chris?
A Yes, I can. B Just a moment.
4 It's very hot in here.
A Let's go somewhere else. B Sorry I can't.
5 Shall we watch a baseball match tomorrow?
A Yes, we do. B Sometimes.
C What time?
C That's all right.
C Is it you?
C Here you are.
C That's a great idea.
That-sounds boY/nt!. 


SV1J1Jl)1 11'1IYIg ?
To:: Chris
~ Subject: : Party .
Hi Chris, 

How (0) are you? It's great that you are coming to stay with me 

(1) the weekend. What about (2) to the cinema on
Saturday? I looked on the website and there's a funny film on about
(3) boy who becomes a farmer. (4) I book tickets?
(5) the evening we are invited (6) a party, And don't
(7) your swimming things because the pool is open on Sunday. I
know we'll (8) lots of fun.
Oh yes, (9) you give me your mobile number again?
See (10) soon,
In pairs, role-playa conversation between two friends making plans
for the weekend.
, '----"1 it ..
Can you bring some drinks?
E Spea king Part 2 • Reading and Wri ting Part 8 I V party things I L making offers and req uests
Give answers in full
sentences. Don't just read
the words from the card.
Exam practice: Speaking Part 2
Make questions using the prompts. Then ask and answer the
questions with your partner.
how old / YOU?
2 when / birthday?
3 you / like birthday parties?
4 what / kind of parties / like?
Shall I bring something
to the party?
Can you bring

B Work in pairs. Student A, look at page 62. Student S, look at page 65.
Vocabulary: party things
Match the words to the things in the picture.
balloon barbecue _ burger _ cake candles card
CD chicken crisps _ cups _ disco drinks
fruit juice _ glass _ ice cream _ pizza _ plate_ present _
You will hear Nicole talking to Tom about her party. What will each
person bring?
o Nicole ~l2L- 2 Carl 4 Tom
Lisa 3 Rosie 5 Mike


D Work in groups. Plan II pilrty.


.. Imp""tiu to t~1I
--.e to do something:
.... VOUr glass.
doII't + ~n imperative
someone not to do
: 'Ol'ge! to Come to my
Think about 1M kind 01
Mlswers YOU ar~ looking
tor. 00 you n,*,d numtK>rs.
davs. times. pl ~ces. or
something else?
(6rne t6 rr'l1.f
p.:Ar-tl.f !
!!) Language focus: miling offelS and requests
iii Read tile sentences. Write R for requests (asking for help). and 0 for
offers (gi ~ing Il"p).
1 Can you bring some drinh? 

2 CJnlbri"9som.. pl~tes? 

3 Could you ~Sk him to brinq some musiC? 

4 S h ~1 1 1 brin9 something to the p"rty~ 

iii Complete the mini-di,lIogucs with 5h<llll. Ciln I, can you. or could you.
A: pOur me a glass 01 oranQe juice7
B: Sure. Pass me- your qlJss.
2 A: br,09 ~ome drinks tonight?
B: No. Il'~ Oil. We've ~Ireildy Qot 501fle. 

3 A: Len make" birthday cilke lor NIcole. 

B: COO(! kle..! Mum. help us?
4 A: ma~e SOfTIe s.<Indwicho:>s for th@party?
8: Th~rd be gre~ t . Dnn·t to-rgel to m<lk@WfIlo:>withoutmeat.
Exam practice: Reading and Writing Part 8
g look at St@~e's notn and find the <ln5Wer that might be...
1 II time 3 a phone number
2 a place 4 <llhiflg
D Read the in~ltatlon and the email. Fill in the information in Steve's
....:........,."l I"""'''' .~ ...,'"
'" SIeve
[i:I """"" ~11"'. P~"1
Hi Ste~,
I'm gOIng 10 Geo.~'s party, but I do",! know
where the soorts centre IS. um you meet ~ ..t
the stlltlon so we CII<1 walk there lJJgethcr~ HOw
"bout mctt"'g at 10.45' let me know. My J>ew
moDlte Is 07876'538724.
""" ..,
I-----~ It....) ftlf!f
""Y' "'" (0) !!.:
pU'" (11 _,.., (2) __ ­
Mt<1""''Y'" (3) _
(S) ~ _ _"""'....... '" 
~~ c..-<- dO !".o-"'":l .,..,
""'"" ....,... " ..... ..., I'!(I p....
flIt~..........'1 ...""". f<"c" """".I
c_ <:f"~' c.o -. '"
, "d10s~wq~wosUl~I
• ,,-sOlolJI~lIl





ill""''''I'! '1'/)'!8s.awpu..IV'!'wes'001
, ""J~J~qWW)JaDmqa~EJL
,AeNojela,~usaW'lawos, '"IElI'"


, "too~uoppa~1I1~PJIJa
til Complete tht' nniences with the correct
forms of the verbs.
be (orne 9010 I,)ve IlaVt(}Ot We<lr work
o My mitt always pln~ shoes.
1 My dad blue eyes.
2: My 9r <lndp ~relts from Cnlna.
J I thr~e COusins in ....ustralia.
4 My brot~er Tor a computer company.
5 My brothe,'s girlfriend very pretty.
6 My mum "flU I often the clncmJ M
~aturday s.
Q Look at the picture. What are the people doing?
II	Complete the dialO1;)ue with in. on and lit.
ST[II" Hi. Oil". Are you qoing to CJlh's party?
Yes, I am. you?
Yes. bUll don'l know where my
invitalion 'S! IS lhe party this wnkeod?
No. it's (1) Saturday 24th June.
HN birlhddy', (2:) July but soc's
on holiday then.
Oh. righL And in (3) ltl ~
afternoon ;s""' in (4) 2: O'clOCk?
Actually, it's (5) 2.30. Can you 

remember where it is? 

II's at Top Pin Bowlinl< isn·t it? 

That's righi' The ~ddres~ i~ 2.4 H'911Lane. 

III Complele Ihe rest of the dialogue with these
C~n you LN's Shall we WtliIl ~boll'
SrtVt: ,,> < buy tile presenl
0....: OK. What OJ gel her?
Sl[vl: I"m not sure. (2)
her ~j"er wh<lt she wanls. ".0....: Good idea. (3)
slopping 00 Salurday'
STt'I[; Ineed to ask my mum lirsl.
(4 ) 	 call me at home
th,~ eve";,,,!?
0",,; No problem. Spea~ to you later, Steve.
Sr[v[: Bye.OJn.
L ~I word. tOl'l"l!Clly~.-.d;)',t, people to 'PI" word.
' ? L 	 d~ ",mpor,p 10 r~l'E'<ll ..r..n U....y ""d
L 	 ..... """ <l"SW('f" QUMlion.
L IJ$Q ('" pr~~enl SJmpif dnd pr~''''''l conhnuou, tenst"i
L 	 m" ~f ~n~ rf"llIOfId 10 olfe... reque.t. ~nd ",q~esti()",
E Eum skills V V~abula'y ,kill. L L a ngU~ge skills
~ Language focus: past simple
o We use the pa~t simple to about things that happened in the
p~st and are now finished. Re..d tl>e examples and complete the
Tile slloppinq rf.'f.,/rl! ...IS closed yes/eTlldy. All tile shops were closed.
Did you qo to tile to/lre shop? No. WI' didn·t. We went 10 tile par~.
1/1JO~ed ~I some bocScs. t listened 10 some CDs.
The P<lst lorms of be are and
2 We use to make qUi'stions in the p<lst s,mple.
) We use to make l>egali,e ,enten,e, in the pa,t ,impll!.
4 We c ~" m~k e the past form. of .ome verbs by addinQ
a Complete the speech bubbles with the past simple forms of the
I hI,/~ , 1I<>pp,ngll (0) (go) into to wn I"" w~.."" I>f'cau," I
IlJ (",,,,I) 10 wy swn~ newjOIJll51~'t ...eelr""d. bull""./lOpS
12) (bt) rONlly OOIY and I (3) (not sui ~ny""n<) ! "lre<!.
! (oil) ('ry) on ~ COOp/<' 0'""",.oo l t~e y (5) ("", fj/! mil
NO" l/ldve to go ~,I)~,t ..~end!
OIy IfJ~' and 19o Sh<lPpm9 ~'<:"f"y w('t'4l'1l(i L~st "'H4end ...e
(6) (17Iff1HI too·c/oclo ",od "'~ (7j ('po:nd) IJIJ m<:V""""J
1001Un<; 31 "Pw c/OthpJ In I~ CHpa/"tmMt 5lore. TIetI we 18! rut!
lime/! in aUf r~vo""',, co/(N' Sh<Ip. "' 'IK' ~II<'1r>OO1l. "'" (9) (cJK~)
10 loo~ ~I CO. """ tletl we (1/)) /".w) "" " " w.t> '}IPdIl
Exazn practice: Reading- and Writing- Part 2
Try all three oplion~ in the II Read 1M sentences about 90ln9 shopping. Choose the best word (A.
B or C) for each before you choose
your <'In~wer. o Carlos w..nled 1(1 a(Ie'" m(lb,le phQne.
(A)gct B spend C make
1 He went to the department stor~ becau~e il hod _ _ prices.
A I ,ttl~ Blow C small
2 He took thi' lill to t r.c top where they sold phone~.
A f loor B pla,.f. C slolfs
) The os~ i stJnt showed him sevef~1 ph()neS but they wNe too
A high B rich C c ~pen sl , c
4 (3r105 to buy 3 computer game inst ead.
A thought B decided C ~ne w
S 	Carlos paid IOf the game and the ilssi5tJnt gJve him some __ .
A bil! B card C clla~
D Think 01 something you bought recently. In pairs, ask and answer
questions about it. Can you lind out what your partner bought?
Whe"---? Where___? HOw mucll._? WM I (olour._? Why...?
The house where I live
[ ~,., I L r< .. , .r•
." 0'1 e·"' .1 V
IThefe an: ~e vpral big chajrs in
Ip~re. which are really
I There's a desk wilh my
(Omputl!r un ii, ' domy
I"ve '101 iJ friend (oJUed -'ames
wltop!.1ys Ihe gultdr.
Vocabulary: the home
D Do you live in" house or an apartment? U5e the word5 in the box to
talk aboul your home.
~partme<J1 bathroom ~d(oom dining room q<lrden
garage hall hOUSi' kitchen living rOOm
B Match the wordS 10 the Ihinqs in the pictures.
bath bell bookcase carJl('t ceil,nq ch.lir computer
(urt",n de$k door lloot "'mp I'ghl pillow postet
shelf shower sink sota towel TV wall window
a Ttll yovr plIrtner about 50me ot the rooms in your house.
.... a Listen to Gina, Harry and Daniel t alking ilbout I he rooms in the
picture-soMatch the people 10 the rooms.
1 Gin~ 2 HJrry 3 D~niel
ft Language focus: relative pronouns
a RE'3d the examples and complete the rules.
1 We uS<! to give mort ",fQrm~tion ~b nut ~ pldce.
2 We uS<! !<> 'live more information about a ~crson_
3 We U$C to givt more inf o"n~t'Qn dbout J tnln9_
- ....::::::::::::::
o Jay Shal~n Ioose has eV{>fything ereept a bathroom.
3 When Jav IS on his 100..... he spends most of his time r~adlng.
J~V enjoyed t<llkinq to Journah,ts <lbout his houS<'.
Q Complete the sentences with where, whkh or who.
I My brother. 'S ten....anlS to palnl hIS bedroom black.
2 I want to put my desk undel the w'ndo.... heu!'"s more hght.
3 Tri,h~. loves music. hils lois 01 po~ll'l~ 01 pOp SllIrs in her
<I I·ve qot a p,<lure 01 a 1>ol!oe. my grandmolher p.1lnted.
5 I pul your card on my Shelf. I ~eep <III my speCidl Ih nilS.
6 My parenls' room. ,s on the second trOOf, is ,cally big.
Exatn practice: Reading and Wntmg Part 4
a Read the arlicle about Jay Shaler. Are sentences 1-7 ·Right· (A) or
'Wron9' (8)? " there Is not enough Information 10 IInswer 'Right· (A)
or 'Wrong' (8). cl>oo!oe ·Doesn·t say' (C).
Jay Shafer's home is small but it has everything he needs to live comfortably. On 

the Ji;round floor, there's a kitchen, a tiny bathroom with a toilet, and a room 

~xto which he uses as a livinJi; room, work area and dining room. Upstairs there's
a double bedroom. The kitchen has a sink, a IridJi;e, a cooker and some
cupboards. In Ihe work area. Ihere's a laptop and shelves lull of books.
Everyone asks Jay why he wants to live like this. 'When I was a teacher, 

I lived in a big apartment. It had lots of rooms that I never u!oed but I still 

had 10 clean them and pay lor them: ho explains. 'So I decided to build 

myself a small house. It took me aboutlwo months. with some help from 

my friends,' 

People W(lre very interested in his new way of life. His story was told on TV
and in ne...spapers and maJi;a~ines all over Ihe US. Now Jay has a new job.
building little houses for other people. Not everyone lives in them 01 cour.;e 

they put them in the garden or use them as holiday homes. ·It's my idea of a dream 

home' says Jay. 'but ifs not right for everyon('!: 

, Jay's house hils two lIoors. 

IlrS, th"l, these. those 
 2 Jay"s ~droom is big er.)tlgh lor two people.
We use this lind these 10( 

things th,,' "re near us: 4 Jay neelif'd all the rooms in his old lIat. 

!"his is my room. 5 Jav built hi5 house by lI,m....IL 

rhese at" my drums. 6 

We use th.Jt lind thou for 7 People pay Jay to build houses 10( them. 

Ihlngs that are oot MlIr us; 

'na/"s my sofi/.
SpeakingThose are my curtams.
Q Draw a pklure 01 your dream hous,," and describe it to your partner.
Alw<lYs find the right p;"t
of Ihe led for tile question
dnd re<ld It carelully belore
(h005i09 your answer.

Plur,l nouns 

Add '$ to mO$t word" 

Cilrrots. N"irnilS
Add ·es to words that end
In -ch. -0. os. -sh. and -.:
bo~e.s. pot~lot'S
lIh oil -r or -re and ad.:I
l'I.J!ves. *nives
"'.Read the d~scriptio(
carelully to see whether
you n~e<! to wrlle a
singular or plural word.
''''' no<'¢ 4 '1o<... ~f"' ...d, . ~
_ ..., cI:ocor..t. 'P"'<I. pO.voJl ~Jlt...
_I~' "",t t.~. tho S~.r>"'! tl>O
l»n>O" MId <'";,irllo ~~O<.
""'"Pll' SCI""~ on ,~. 0,."_ .....~ . '""""""'~ wit~ t ... t>or>aro>
-'It" ~ <ho<OIat. """"" on ~p CO ,I><
...-dw'ch _ put ono!!>or "I( ~ 01 ..-_
on too.
,,"or tlJOt out C>Nt>Jt ""11•• "" It!> o!
_. n:1 t""" "I <HI I". Ia5IlJir. of
-~,,",".c.I~ n"""_Nl .~
Language focus: countable and uncountable nouns
EJ Read the rul{'s and wril{' C n{'Xt to th{' countable nouns and U nnl lo
tile uncountable nouns in Activity 1.
Uncountable nouns dr{' tlt'IlI}S
you can't count.
Countable nouns are Ihings
you can cou(!.
o Read the cartoons and choose Ihe correct words 10 complete t lte rules.
We use How m.:Jnr,..? to ask about countable I uncountable nouns.
2 Wf' U'<e How milch... ? to a$k ~bout countable I uocou(l able nouo~.
3 We use some I a(y ,n factu.ll questions il(d nel.ltille sente(ces.
4 we use some I a(y ,n quest'o(s th"t ~re '!!<Iuests or offe".
S We u${' some I aoy in ~rllrm~live senleoces will> plurals and Uncou(table
II Complet e the dialogue with some• .lnr. how mUCh and how many.
S...: Mum. can we lIave omelette for donner tonight?
Muw: Good ,dea. Sam, (I) milk have we Qot ,I' tne Irld(le?
SA"; We h~"en't got (2) milk.
Muw: O~, Well, can vou go 10 lho shop ~nd buy (3) ?
SA..: Sure. Do we nee<! (4) chee~e? Shall I buy (5) or
MVN; NO, tn~f!"S I()! ~ 01clteelCC, Bul edit vuu buy me (6) eQQs?
s.~; OK. (7) do vou wanl?
Mv..: J on~ tIo~. Thanks, Sam.
Exaxn practice: Reading and Writing Part 6
o Read the descriptions of some food words, What Is the word lor each
o(e? The IlrSI letter Is already there. There Is one space for each
other letter In the word.
o Some people have this YEII()w 1r",III' Ih~ i ' tl!~ ,
You oftcn have thiS on top 01 pina, ( 

2 Som!' ~p le like 10 eM these Iflf.d at bre,tklasl lime. E 

J This "", k ~s (a k~s and bi$Cu,ts niCE and sweet s 

4 Tho?S~ J rf f~ ~nd CJn ~ cook{'(j or put in saladS. I 

5 When you are .~rv Ihirsty. yoo should drink Ihls 'Ii 

o Read thi~ recipe. Would yo" like
to try this sandwich?
U Writ{' your own Monsler Sandwlch
recipe. Who has the best idea?
"".... ~tl@ ~.,dJ.
Pay for
Are you ready to order?
l ~'''''''' ri'" W, _•••, P.I" , l Ye, , I L '" .... ,,~ I"""
'.....~ ,"""~k... ...,.""
j : atthe bu


Exant practice: Reading and Writing Part 1
Be carelul: SGmC D look at the nolicn (A-H). Wh..,,~ un you see th",,. nclien7
sentencl'S may usc
t h~ same words as tile
B Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)1
notices. but lh~ moan;nq
,of the whole sentence 	 o You must (l<Iy for your meal I>t!fore yOu cat it.
miQht 1M! difr.~r(>Ot. 	 l Our tood costs le55 if vou <'al it ~t homf'.
l We ~H.· closed a the weekend.
3 Don'llE'~ve your pl"l.. on th" table iI tl>e roll of your meal.
4 A I'l)('f1lbef 01 stall will show you where 0 sit
5 You 000'1 P"Y e,tr~ tor J glass of lemonade
Voc abulary: menus
U Write the words in Ihe in the spaces (A- D) in the menu.
Oe$serts Orin~s MoJln coursE'S Side dishes
• 	 C
Ice <rum
(.~ "."'" 0 ,. "".ili>. <~t~)
ClIocob.t~ brown..
&nan. ake
Frbh fruit ""bdI,
I 	 , o
Chop' 	 £I.SO F,....~ fruit juioc
Q,--,ion ling. (oc.",e.'PP;'.l"'f"I. p;..upoplo)
Green ....d '"£1.75 Cob., lCtllOfUdo
«r-' •
Ttli$ table
Sll" only.
" food
• Ct......t>ucg.r £3.S0
• Chid<.eoi>u'1:cr
• Voggiebul'f"c
• Pin;,
0-..., "-" ~'--.<OfDI<o'
t.tll~e que~tion~ far til!' waiter's anSwers. U~e Wllat Is/are...1,
Wllat...llave yau go/? How muell isla~...1.
W.lJTtR: It's made af "eqet~l>le,. There', na meal in it.
Z W.,,<~: All kinds. you can choo,e any four topping"
3 W.,,,", II's £5.75.
4 W"" l ~: They're polalo pieccs cooked in hoI oil.
S W."E"' We've got slrawberry, "~nilla. ~nd chocoldte,
-iii.. a t.t l~e and AmV are ordering some food at Happy Joe's Cafe. Listen
and write down wllal tlley want to drink.
a Listen again and Circle all the things on the menu that they order.
ft Language focus: ordering food
II Read the sentences, Write C for things the customer says and
Wfor things tile waiter says.
I'd hke a c~e~eburger please. 

.2 Would you like 1oOfflt' ,11'1>'>7 

3 I'lIl'IiIve iI salild. 

4 00 you w<lnl <I"Y ~Ilk! dIshes" 

S Can I have a glass 01 watN? 

6 A chocolate 1lI'0wnie for me, plea~. 

7 What atioul d 1In~~t1? 

8 Are ~ou rea.dy to ordN' 

Q Match the sent"nc"s with the same meanings.
1 111~e ctlocoliile A I want some (hKoldte.
.2 I'd tikI' some ctlocolale. 8 Ilh,nk (hocol.W~·$ great
g Choose the correct words to ,omplete tile dialogues.
o A~.r0~Ii!l.e-l Would you hke hsh?
8: 100. bull dOn'1 ,,<It it YE'fy olte-n. 

I A: What do you li~.. , would you Ilk.. on your p,ua7 

S: I'll haye h3m. poneapple and cMe,.. 

.2 A: t lik.. , I'd lik.. <I chKkenburger wilh (h,p~ pie<lse. 

8: OK. Do ~OJ want (h,PS with thai? 

3 A: Would you lik.. , 00 you like Me~ican tood7 

B: I don'l know. I've neYe. hoed it 

4 A: Do you lik.. ' Would you like J l>oil~d ('99 for br('akrJst? 

B: Yes ple~se. and ~()mp hrpan ann huttpr
Ir:) Role ptay a convprsation in a restaurant. Use the menu tram Happy
Joe's Cafe. One per~on is the waiter. The oIlier peeple are cuslomer$.
A ~,. ,, ', I,r, ,I"
fl· " :' .-, .: ,', , ~
They make him laugh
(Pe" d;'<l ",.JI'/" " I' '.j ' 0" ~. ,~ 41 Y Ii"", I ~ '" '"",,,,.
- Vocabulary: films
Milich the words to the film posl",rs.
all action film an adventure film "'comedy " fantasy
a horrat lilm a romance a science fichon him oJ thfliler
Match the phrases to the pictures below.
It w~s bOring. It was e,dtin!l. It wa5 runny.
II was interesting. It was sad. 1 was ~(~ ry
It WdS str~nge. _ It was terr;bl~. It was wonderful.
It made me cry. It made m~ smIle. It mJde = laugh.
"', Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 3 (b)
Read the example carefully
as it wHI teU you what the a Complete IIle conversation between I wo friends. What does Gary
cOfwersatioo is IIbool. say 10 Oavl!?
OAvr; Hi, Gciry. 00 you w~nt to go to lhe Cir,ema Ihis w""k@nd?
C""", 0
Du.: Just TIm ilnd Elll'. 

Cu.: I 

O.vt: I'm not sure. What so.t of Ihl"9 (IQ yoo like? 

CA~" 2:

0."" II I k~ science fict ion. but I know ( lie hate, it. 

CARY: 3 

D~vt; Good idea. What lime IS bi!st for you? 

C...; 4 

O~'I'(: r,ne. I'll tell Tim illld (ltl'. Wolt you (heck the fIlm times? 

GOIIr: 5 

D~v£; Than~s. I'll weilk to you lilll!I', Gary. Bye. 

II. 	Sure, I'll 00 that tonight.
8 	<ifeat! I like them. WlI<lllitm
stlall we 5<>1'")
C Saturday arterrlOOO - I've q.ol
football pri1clk e on SundilY_
o 	Yeah, OK. Who are you
going w,th?
E II.nythlng e,ceDI r()man(~ !
What about ~OU?
F Whdllim" does that Itlm start?
G Well, what ilOOutthat new throller?
t hearoJ It's reallY@reltlng,
H 	Are they hiends of yOurs?
Ex<Ut practice: Reading and Writing Part 4
D Read the information about three young actors and then "Jl5Wer t he
questions. Choose A for Emma, B for Daniet and C for Rupert.
Rupert Gmt was born
on lo)rillSItl 1990 from
ClcJrMIItoddiftIII WU'i
the oge of ~
only 0CIcd In WIOOI ploys When she
• not ocflng. Emmo loves 10 study cod
n is 0150 good 01hoc~cy. Emmo Ir.cs
EtNYICI W~ ""0$ born
born ,n 1989 end has no n 1988 He IS the ~
she brothc<s Of sislCrS He of!f.oe childtoo. Poylng
:ney; she wanted to be was ifo two films before the par! 01 Ron ~
on OCIOf. buI betore she wos his ksI octifog job.
goot the pori ot HenTIione
he was chosen to pjoy
the pori et Harry Pone< but betor<' 1ha! he wo.
ifo the I"iofry PoIter films. He i$ no1 W>ry sporty once ill 0 x~ pI<ry
ond doesr.t ~ko studying. but he has 0 In his free Timo he plays !he guilor ond
101 of CDs tw>d oIways t.:Js t-<s MP3 pfayer wutd>es footboU on IV His f(JVOl)rile ector
with ~ Hc says he does net !:now how is Jom Cor"V ood he kwe<i tams thot make
""" her mother ond he< 'fOIJflO(lI" b<othc<. mlJCh money he !los oorne<.! pI<ry~ t.m tough. like 9lml:ond Ace Veniuro.
.oIex. Her /oYoo..oite OCt0<5 ore ..k.Jlio HOIry Pon(!l ood says !hoTbe;ng rich ond He also IlMls t:...r,-ing things wilh on the
!i!Qbcrl$. John CIoos.c ood SOodro Bollock lemous hos no! thongod him el oU rnoooy he has e<lmed!
a Who detided 10 be an attor at a very early age? (~) B ,, , ,, Who en,oys spcrldong money? 

There will he' information ,Who I,stens 10 alot 01 music? , , , 

"bout the Question in more ,Who plavs a sport wel17 , , , 

than one 01the three teds, , Who enjoys doing school work? , , , 

so you must read all three S 1'1110 l i k e~ wdtthmg torned,es? , , C 

le1ts very urefutly 10 lind 	 , , ,6 WhO has several brothers and sislers?
oot which one answers the 7 Who workl'fl as an artor helor~ !leiog 'n Ihe Harrv Pot!pr film.? A , ,Question corrt'Ctiy.
~ Language focus: pronoWlS
a Read the iostrudlons and tolour the circles.
, - ,
theyPossessIve '5 .nd 5'
(:~T::;Y::r Y h~~y· ~~~''y 
 ,t 	 Ih(>m Ih~ir )
Use ·s l ar one pt'"on:
Ihelrs/my IriC'fl!l·s lavmmte film :~./ ~~V ~iS ~er~s 

Use s' for more than one
I Use blu~ if the ptooouns c~n only he useod for boys.
l us,," p,n~ il the pronouns can only bl> used 10< 'l,rls.
my friends· fjckefs
3 Us.. green i[ tht' pronouns can be uSC<! lor l)OYS Of q.rls.
.4 Us.. red if ttw pronouns ("nnot be used for boys or guls.
II Complete the spnlencl's with a pronoun.
,, watched lavourlt", actors IIf'W hIm.
was a !JOOd film butt can·, remember __ flame!
cha,,, were very uncomIOfl..ble. bul __ wer, hnf.
, d.oplK'd popco," on Ute 1I00r. but d,dn·' drop
S sweets'
II 	Write some w ntences "bout "n "dor then read them to your
!Mltne, . Can your paltllt'r guess who it is?
, "

Can you play the guitar? 

[ ',h-, ~o,.,;.... "'>;l.""t,O<j~.• , "I v,-, ,1 ~ 1t,·", .1","" I(Y . '"..... ~.-.1. ·	 ".,
Vocabulary: muaic
D t.tlltcl'lll'le types 01 music to In. photos.
1 roo 	 3 ddnu.' 5 hip hop
4 fe<!gae 6 c'as~lcal
" ,,'

or ind then Instruments In the pictures.
drums IIKtrl' gu,lnr k ~ybnll rd pillMO violin
D Ask and answer 11'1. questions In the music survey.
Exam. practice: 	Lillcning Pari 4
a You willh"r II boy nk,nq about music 'fuons. lIslellilnd (Ircle t he
numbers you hUf.
, 9.lCl
"(J,SQ £17.50 [30.00 [)500 (15700 (17').00
"'" " "" 1)11'1
EI U~ll'n aqain and complet~ neh question.


rw..siL. lesSC1'S
_of ....
Gu..tu l.u:lOm Oft
Tl8t of cU.:;~
l""qo;~t ~~ :I<U_
¥na pa ~~~
c.o...~.. ~l4rl «Ilt..

") -,.."..
'"(4) l

I I,


... >"-'" +""."."It ~'
<ie')'«< /,,/fJl ;., - ....:. 

"" ..,. MI'l ,."yfJ. ..... C() 

pI..yLl. ot """,11£'

c.~ ~,,~"Y"" ",./",-""JlI'
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, III Y"'" 1aJ'O'Y
pI..y IV .".1,..,..,.1>1
to.~,ld)'<'k ' ''''- /() plAy aJo
• .-.,1,...,.u>1 "••••J<A Y"'"
Ij,t. i<> ".II.I~I
LISten carefully. You may
hNr two tllTM'S. pri<:ts ~
dales. but only ~ will be
~ Langua g e focus: modals for ability and obligation
a 	Match Ihe madals to their me<lnings. An ilbilily is something we can
do. An obligation is something WI' have to do.
o Can you play 1111' guilJr?
1 You neetl to come 10 tile Cldl"S at 9.30.
2: You dem'/ "ave to brinQ anytlJing to rile lC5S0n 

3 We must h~v~ six peopJe jn fil e class. 

4 Younefdn'tl!~ylt>d"y. 

5 I could pl~y IIlCpiaM when I wJS four, 

6 I had to mW a music boo/( tor the (ourse. 

II Choose the corro~ct words to complete the rules.
A ~<nt ab,htV
B oresen! obl i g~tion
C past obliQahon
o no obliqation
E present ~h ' l lt y
T0 tal~ about must in the P<lSI. we u~c had to I ne<'dn't.
2: To l<llk Jbout can In the pa~t. we- u:;e could I had to.
a Choose the correct words to complete the sentence~.
1 I mustn·t I can't ptay an Instrument. but I'm a good singer. 

l yO.! coutdn't I n"dn't buy your own quitil•. Yoo can use Ihe schoot·s, 

) tcoutd I l"rn.IsI pI~Y Ihe pi~no when I was younqer. 

4 I lave to I need book my place on the coorsc by tomorrow. 

5 These days. you can I must download mllsic from the Intt'"rnet. 

6 You mustn·t I don't have to buy COs if you don"t want to. 

7 When my tatller was you"'}. he needn·t I couldn·t download music. 

8 He must I had to buy rt><".ords nr CO< in a mll<k shop 

EXilln practic e: Reading and Writing Part 9
g 	In groups, rt ad the posttr and talk about the things you need to do
before you go Ihls festlyal and the things you can do there.
,,/', " . !" ' 11,-: .11.; til .," 1, .d .."I<
Ill) You wanl 10 invile your friend Sam 10 go to a music festival with
you. Write an email 10 your friend. Say:
when the festival is on
- how you can t ravel there
- what you need to take
~mber to start vour
'OOIe wilh O<'ar... or HI-. and
"IISh it wltll Besl wishes,
or from. aM yl)Ur name.
Write 25- 35 words.


•0' "Jnl!UIfI.IIJpput90
0'alnl0'. ,. ~,ASCIR,"4' ~,"" 00do''w
'''' SP'OM10PUlSPJC)M10llltlS


U Complete the arll"e with the past simple form of I ll" verb~_
LaSI month 1(0) it, ,,1 (go) to lO$ AngeleS on he US on a
Di..ney trip. I (1) (howe) II Spooo31 lour of the Dis!e'f
cartoon library arid studios.
I121 lseel some of the lirst d,ew;ngs for Snow White,
They (3) (draw) them in 1937. They (4) (kH Pj
them In II spedal underground room wIlich 1$ alw;)"s the same
tl!mperalure as the paper is not very strong now.
The guido (5) (take) us to see the lirst plans for Jungle
Book. There (6) (~) an extra charaCl<l. in thorn. a rhioo
called RockY. blJ! they (7) (cut) him out 01 1M film In the
end. I (8) (learn) SOme interesting facts aDOut the Disney
IIrtwon< and they (9) (show) us how they made The
Nightmare before Christmas_ It (101 (be) amazonol
II Complete the mini-dialogues with Ihe ,orr~1 pronouns.
o A: I~ Mike t'<Iling a banana?
B; NO. _I?!_" drinkIng a bottle of ml l~. 

I A: I~ Ih;5 K.nen's CD? 

B: Ve~ Ih<l,'5 CO.
- ::..,2 A: Has Robon got a comic booI<?
B: Yes.. lias. 

1 A:1< Ih'$ K~ren'$ m.lg3zin('? 

B: Y ~S. irs 

4 A:Wl1at is Mike wea, ing? 

B: 	 1< we ~rinq IJvourite 

football shirt 

5 	A: W he r~ are Robin. Mike and Karen? 

are In houses. 

E IU"I(! """ und~r;l and inlorlTlillion on ~ ,..-.g 1 ~.1
E Il$.t~n ~nd compl('l~ so"....,.....', nol~'
V tftlk .,1>001 my """" and mv bMtoom
V ",de< lUO<l ,md 'JO S/><:>PPng
V 1"lk a-.,',Ims Md music
l IIW tne Impl('- ~t t~
L IJI~ aoo...labilities and Qbliq.too","
UW proooum (O<fecUv
E Eum SkillS V VQt abulary $kllls l Language skills


by Simone Watkins (~!lC
Mum and I have pink dl~ dod
he hat~ the <oIoUI bUI he S(,I
Vocabu lary: festivals
D rind these things in thE.' photO<}raphs_
a band costumes (powds ddnc~" drums
.r,. a festival food it headdress a lorry a pJrJM
worry il ther", is a
word you don't know. Read
the whole sentence 10 E XilIn p ractice: Reading and Writing Part 4
help you und~ rs l'lIld the
fJ Read the ~rticle about the Nolting Hill Carnival and an~wer
He enjoys being in the parad
[ R,;>J,"~ or'" W"" "'l P"" ~ •...., P••! I I V ,,,,,.., 1, Il ,.,1» '~'I~ '"0 '" ro ' ·nllo·li,o
london's NOIII'19 HIli CamlVal is tile b;gqet
street f~tival in EIJfClpe. There are large festival-;
in Gefmany 100, but DIlly the (.lrnival in Rio in
Brazil is biggeI
II'~ on the Last weekffid 111 AlJ9IISl and more th.ln
fifty b.nIs and ciscos drive through t/wI streel~
on trucks playing really loud West Indian
My!1anOdad is eighty now and he's played in
eYe!Y ~aI ~nce it began fony.fN! yea~ ago.
My dad's ifl a rewae group and he's le.xhing
me 10 ~ rile dlUms. Iwan! to ~ m, own
Dad's band. Mum staru planning the w..turrtes
band one day. Ilove 9E!tong ready lor the yrnrvaL That',
Between the bands thefe a,e paiiJde-. 01 dancffS . - let'! sad when il md~ bKalM' • knc
In famaW( W"tufl'le!" My 1om,1y all ~fICl! Wlth
a year before and my si~ter and I help her 0
make them during the ~ holidays. This
white beh and Lilp.Thr boys have pink loU,'
My bfother ~
enj~ bl'ing in the parade
My older sister's (ostume is a swimsuil with lot:
of gold and silver de<:oraltOOS, and silver shoes.
Her heacklress is '<elY he.wy and alrTlOS1 a
tugh - she found dancing In it d,lficult at hIS!.
soon ~tan to male plans lor the next one!

the questions, 

o 	Th~ biqgesl ,Ireet lestival <n the world IS in 4 Slmonc'~ carnival cap i, th. ,arne cokJur ~'h ....
A London, A dress.
S Germany, S belt.
©Rio. e lights.
How many carnival~ has S'mo"""~ 5 Siflllme's bfother doesn·t hke

grdndlather be{>" in? A dancing ....<th his sister~. 

A 45. B help;n,) hiSmolher. 

B 50. C wedung h<s coslume. 

COO 6 S,mone's s"ter had problent5 d'lndng bl'<:atr.;e 

2 Simon" hopes to 	 A twr hed!ld'e~~ WdS ~o Idrge.
A join I(or rathl'f'~ bdoo. B ller Shoes were so hi-gh. 

I S learn to pldY dn instrumenL C h8 dress w~s so heavy. 

C hav" h"r own band. 1 Huw does S,moroe feel .11 the end at the 

3 What d~ ~i"I0"" 'dY ..bout her mother? carnival? 

A She no looge-r danel'S in 11K> carnival. A TirE'<l arter!oOmuc:h work. 

B Shl' spend, a Yl'ar m~~'"'l the costum",. B E~c,ted aboutlhe next one,
e She works as d school teach",-	 C GIJd thaI ,r~ flni<h~(f.
ad ~ Language focus: verbs with ~mgor /0 + infinitive
D Write the verbs in the table.
I"m learning to plJy Ihe drrims.
He enjoys b('ing in tI,e pilrade.
Ihope 10 go <loain next y<?')r.
My bwlhl'f hales wCMing pink. 

I WMl lo />Jve my own tNlnd ont' d~y, 

110"" getMIj (elidy for the carnival.
"his year
""th a
~ sull
loIost of the answers in this
part w,ll lui grammar. Th~y
ml9ht look dl ~~rb lorm~
go or went). preposition,
on ()t ,m. pronouns (my
or mine) fnd conjo,mo;lions
;bfcause or so),
as her
verbs followed by to • infinitive verbs IOllowQ(l by -;119 form
a Complete the dialQ(jue with the right forms althe verbs.
.4:(0) (t I want I ~o) to the c;lrnlval. Will yuu come wrth me?
e: Su.e-. (I) (I/Iove 1 90) to f..sllVal~ 

.4:(2) (your sister 'wanl I comelloo? 

B: I dQf1'( In,n~ so. III (she /hle I boo) in crowd~.
4: That's too h3d. (4) (1/ enjoy I be) with lois 01 peoople and
Idan.ce) on 11'1(' ~lr~1.
B: Me 100. And (S) (f I like I try) dll the d,tterenl snacks (rom
the food·sell~r~. don·t you>
A: Yeah. Let's qo! (6) (we I not w ~nt I miss) ~n~th'fQ.
a Ask your partner about special days in their town or ~ity.
f • <I' ll'il {I,
Exa:m pra ctice: Reading and Writing Part 7
a Comptete this letter. Write ONE word for each space.
Dc,r ~imon<. 

1"'I"l-.:d ""d,n!t (0) yo,,, con""1. In lapan. tl><

_on<! MOO>d.y "I (.an"",,;' .Ii....lal d'r. (1) 

nin<1«n·....·.r-olJs b<>:OnIt ..Jul''­
'~ ....rt (2) ",;aJv w.y <·~rlr In .1>0: m,,"mng 

(3) ..... Iu.... " .......... bo.'.u"hll ki_ .lr 

mothe. hdr> n.... I" put (4) "n. '~ abo ..'Nr "'hi1~ 

>0..:1<> and "uoJ..., .........,If. mu<h ~»lt1" (5) men. 

They ju.1 ~",-.l (6 ) dJn. su,' 

'< >II go (1) a ",.,..,,,,MY II Ih', r.....·" II.ll .,1<1

afk.,...·ard' (8 ) i. 'I"'~', 

I~nJ<'l" ..·~...i"!; (fUr nah"",1 <(b'um,: (9) 

"ery comfon:ilik (0) )'01 10...· iI' 

L","", M,,;
II Choose three word5 and make up your own festival! Then tell a
cla5smate aboul your leslival.
(Iown co,;tllme W'lle dfums f,reworks p~rad(' SBacks
Yournigm have the flu
I, .,.... :",'" ,b...", ,., 'I V ,""',,", ' 'i ~
' "
0 ") WII.!l s the m.Jitl'f? 0
(WMf" lilt m.l1f:;:> O~ /
i I •
........ __ h~ 

hlkln, .bout how you tn'
W. use ""VI" go/ with nouns: 

,.v.901if he.Jd6che. 

rve gol. cold 

w. use IHI w,lh adJKtlves:
lacml fH'/ ftl'.
Vocabulary: health problems
a Find th" p(I'is 0111'1" body In the pictures.
J.m ba(~ ("~. tye la.:, toot hand
head 1'9 mouth IKl no~ slOlTliKh
...... 0 Match th. adl/ice to the cartoon.. Then listen to ChKk your
A !l 1ool~ ~Hy rtd YOU shoukl l a~(' Ih.S medk;",. II""" '"JKM; a~. 

8 Why do.n '00 go ~OITII' ~nd 'hl? YOU mognt ha•• /Ill' 111,1.

C It mIght be $OI....,.thonq YOU ~le YOU Should Int "lid drill. some wat.... 

o You sl'>olOd 90 0 hO<prt/il loo an x-r,,,. Your oWn! may be booken.
r Language focus: ..dvice and possibility
II Ruel tile eumpln and compte'f tht rules.
WflY don" J'OtI qo />omt' "00 ,~ t ? You mlghl /I,)~ the Ilv.
YOU should go /0 fIQlpol<lJ for '" X-r.w Your ~rm m.Jr be bf~.".
1 Weu"
"'" 0 q"'t lQI'I'M'<)r'oC .d.l(t
2 We u.l' ~nd " fWn we·r.. nul '(lfC. 

3 ....... use tt~ pllf~'1S w,tn t.... ,nllnit;ye (without lol '·/ng lorm. 

a Compll'l' the erl icfl' with should/shouldn't, m'y/m.y nol and
mlghl/mighl not.
. .r,.
WMll' sur. the Ioentencl'
you choosl' "t~ wiln wt,)
CDInfi btfore.1Id .lter
U. wnte-nce.
A ThJllh. M,~e. O()(>~ Pele know "'h,)1
101M,: Oh no' How looq ..ill you be' in hosp,tal? B t ~ntlW I'nl 't'dlly happy about thaI.
C;",r.: 1 C Cool. Why oorl'l you ~~k my mum il 

MMc: Th<llS 900<1, So ..-,11 you lie b<lCk ~I S<:hool on MOI'l(I.JV~ IharsOK? 

C;",c: 2 o But I'm flat' Mr Hartley SJys I should 

"'",l: VOU'fC so luc~y You'rt 9O,nq to miss $0 m,:my boli"'J It-sw<1s! ~tudy ~t hOmc. 

G...~: 1 E Too doctor wants tn~ to stay at home
"'WI': what a p,ty' Well, 1"11 hl'lp you w,th i. lor two wetks
GIK': 4 r On hi. M,~C. I tl'M off my bokf dod brolt:e
_.: rilE'll him. We fI'II9I"It vYSOt you ned W~~
c;.a: !5 G """"They m'llhl lei me (to home on Sunday.
),t~c Good odea' H I mj, b(> I>tre for anothf'f fl'IOtolh.
Exazn practice: Reading and Wnting PilrI 9
.r.. a Read Ihls email from your friend Mike.
• nttln lull sl'ntenees,
U$Ing corred puoctoation
Ioe.4 "p'111 ~lItrs. 'on
ops and qUMtioo marksl. 

Greg hoiIs broken illS Ieog and ~ ...ann me 10 V'SotI hom lit home 

Would yoo like 10 come w,th me~ When shoill ~ 901 Wh., 

prHtrIl $houkl _ g~ h,m? 

Exazn practice: ReadIng- andWntmq Part 3 (b)
a Compt!!'t!!' Ihl' phone converulion bttwl'l'n two frol'oos. What does
Greg ,,,y10 Mlk!!'?
M,d: H" Grcq, Sorry 10 hl'ar you're in hospoill" W~t h<lp[X'nl"P
G"'G: 0
Write an email to M'ke and answer Ihe qu.slions. Write Z5- 35
words. Slart like this 'O'fijr Mih , I'd love 10_:
II Work In ~irs. Studl'nt A. look at page 63. Student B. look al page
66. ralk aboul some health probl('ms and give lome advice.






~,o"O~ fO_so..... -''"no.'-~.....







- - - - - - - -
- - - -
. .r.,
There will uswlly be two ot
, ..«h kind at number (e.g.
two days. two limes or Iwo
pr1(~). Read carefully to
de<:ide whk ll one i. cOfrect.
Speak to your partner.
"01 the uilminer.
j:? 	Language focus: first conditional
a R('ad Ih....xampl... and chaos.. the correct words to complete I he
rull" .
-	 - if claus,,- - , , - mil1n cLau,.. - ,
1/ you W01k /wId. yo<! wil/ do welL ,L 	 , L
, - mil," Ck>U5t' - , , - -;I clilus.e- - ,
L r~ WOl'ft hurt YO<J~lf J If you ilre r;nre/ul. ,L ­
I We use Ihe hrSI cooditional!o talk aboul Ihat are lik(>ty I
unlikely In Mpppn In Ihe tu'u,P.
I The verb in Ike maIn cl.lusl' JII clause IS in the pres.enl tense.
1 The verb ,n the main cI~usl' I i' clause uses ...", . ,nlinitivl' wllhoullo_
a 	Mak.. fiat conditional sentences.
il I play 10010011in Ihe fiJin I get very dirty
2 make new I.iends I il I JOIn thoc lootball lNm
3 It I hOlsh Ihe cour~ 1ge1a (em'kate
4 a silver cup I if I WIn the roKe
5 ,I , ,,,)tCh TV.l1I d.lY' not bt v~y he.llthy
6 " I ..~I ~ to school I ,11.'1 hi
Q 	What will or won" happen it you do or don" do these things?
1 Nl~lot o l rastrood 4 90 to bed J<lte every day 

2 le<lrn iI new sport 5 stop t;ok,ng Ih" tou, 

3 lOon a sparh club 6 stay ,ndoors alilhe lime 

Exun practice: Reading and Writing Fart 8
II	Read the emllil and Ihe information IIbout the karate courses,
Complete Katy's nolu,
Karate Courses
Dora: MoncIoy 01 FriOov
TilTle$: 330 pm 01 4.30 pm1lI~nk5 f..... aSl<,r.g me to do"
8eginnetf: £750!XII"....::>okkarate courSe wltro yOOJ . ....hat ~
ImpTOYetf: ~ 20 Pf!< weekgreat idul 1 preter tte ..arlo<1:r ume
if th,,'S OK ....,to VO". and Mondav COlI 07896-876345 10 000/( now! 

. . ." ", me beC<!uSf' I ha~e
,5 not g""" 'v
~ tenn's Icssun alter so:;ho<>i that ~'s Notes ,Cou~e. ~ lJ,oiul.$'O 

.....t d~Ss' My pl'><>n" number IS 

day. 01 course ....e ShlJOJld do he
Le.~d.: 1ea~· 	 .
07859-567398 - <:31! m" if there >s TUfOe.: Z.
~: 	 3II problem.
Lu k~5 'f'ria: "
CWb's ~ r"i,urkr :5
Exant practice: Speaking Pari 2 

Q Work in pllirs. Student A, look at page 63. Siudent B. look al page 66. 

It's bigger than a cat 

".' , I '. I ~ l
'" ",,' .~'"
Vocabulazy: IInimals
Write the words in the ta~. CiI" you add ilny mo.e words?
... (~ t ..t r_ (focodi" dog ciep/l.¥lt
""'I ...~ "" monkey P<l"01 ~ hljoCf
WIld 	 rarm Inlmal~
B Read the clues and write the an,mals' names.
rm I kind of Q, but rm mudI .....e~I 	 ,
PtopIt ndo .... my bad; 3I'Id ron good ~l pulling ~ too.
~ ~ ~ ...... "'"' ...,."... ..wi I§OII"of1""" work lor 1M poIicf. d
 J: I c.w.., ~ ;>("'" the S/lnd ;)rid I . -gtI,h••ty. , 

J: ~ ........ "....,"" from the wooIlh.Jt grows .... my bold. , 

I 	 1::1"-~ IutIltn and you can to:.u. ,.10~
:l: ron,MIlt! ugIJ ..d! W>rt IeoJ';.IIong r.-.. iIId loIS of ~ ,
:a::rm....., s1rong.. WI'" • hd< coaT _ I ~ OIl InCIO.IIIt.lIns ..... 1uRm. bI 	
I For longer adjecti.e,
2 For mo~t one-syllable adj('ct i~e$
3 ForQIW-syliilbi<' 3djedivel that 0i'<Id in -y
~ For short ~dje clives that end wIth
j}l Language focus: comparatives and superlatives
o Read the e1ample-s and comple-te- the- rules in the- table.
T~e car is smaller Ifldn t~e d09. The mouse is Ihe smdll~,t. 

Ihe (at r~ prettier than (he dOG_ rile mouse IS tile prettiest. 

T~e (at is bigger than r~e mouse_ The dog is tile biggest. 

Tile Cdt is morp dangerous tim, tile mouse_ 

T~c dog is the most dangerous. 

Comparative adjectives Superlative adjective-s
in front of the adj~djve ill front of the adjective
""' ""'to thl' end to the end
"" ""change _yto change -y to
double the t~st letter ~nd add doubte the last letter "nd add
vowel + consoll~nt
D Comp~re these_animals using the ~djedives in the box.
trrl-9ul.r .djedivis beJutiful big dJngerous dirty IJ~t I r i ~ndly
Qood -+ better -+ the best good heJvy intelligent noisy ~Iow strong
b~d -+ worse -+ the "mrst
o cat I dD<} I sheep 3 bear I shark I tiger
1 crocodile I elephant I lion 4 dolphin I mouse / monkey
Z CJmel.l COw I horse 5 chicken / Ir09 / parrot
O/.,t I' ,.Ii. 11,. "I,' _'.It II. .j) ••.. 1. ·.1
Exam practice; Reading and Writing Part 5
Read the whote artict" firsl 

to lind out what it i~ about. 
 a Re-ad the artic le about sea lions. Choose the best word (A. 8 or C)
for each SpJCe,
",any a, SW anl!Hals thcrc. IYln;: In the
""" hi,,,· (5) , lowl} ,wi",,,,,,,;.:
" round in Ihe w"l~r. Tllq· arc' ,·err '''''')"
"~'. T" u""'~"I") (6) thel" btll
Ih<")· a,c (.:" I~,p"bf wj,h l i ,h~m"'"
bee"u", Ihey """llh<,, li sh and hreak
Ihei. I~",,,.
(7 ) i, "."Y I,) I<"",h "-·3 t" .", ~_, lhe)"
"ct· (8) HlI elli~~nt d,,,,, "",ny "'her
;mi",,,k ·11",,·, wh,· lh~r~ M~ ,,!i~!l """
l,on ,how, at ZOo, and "n;"",t t~"b_
,O(A)JrC , ", , A because , ,N
A Thi, 8 That ,These ,A wJtching ,'"wat ch C watches
Z A grow ,"
grow", ,'1ro"'''19
,A There
, " ,
, Her..
3 A qood , better C ~$t ,A much B very more
4 A At ,Durillg C Along
D Do a class survey about animals. Then tell the class what VOli found out.
.'1(1, "" .',. ,.. .,'
found in 1h< PacifIC
(kc.n. from the "m,h ofCalitOt,,;, '"
tCXKO. (1) large 'Ul;m,l, li,·<
IIOr "1' lO20 Y""'" ,nd ,an (2) to
umo" th."" Ill~tr~, I",,:;:.
The (3) place to:s<:c:!ea lio ~,,,
F"herm.' n·, Wharf i n S,n F."nri",,_
" tho winter Iher< "'")" he os


•• ••









...... fsjJO!.jSIl!n1/1~J01/0JItdrs.".IitHZ




I, "'II.UOP1l1li1SpJOMilllllOSSOJ)D
a Give Ihese people so~ adviu usim. yOY
sllew/d and wily don" you.
o My lootll re~tly hurk
Ilo~t weight and now my trou,ers keep tailing
2 I bought some new ,~, but they dIe .eally
3 I'm going to tile Ile.Jcll tomorrow bull don'l
want to get sunburn.
<I	 I w~nt 10 Iry a new sport and meet some new
5 	I'm going to d Pdrty, but I don't know wM! to
(smart shirt)
a Choose the corred words to complete I he
o I really enjoy to go ~i5lCe !okalll"1Cj on Ille
lake 1(1 wInter.
1 I nato to go I 1,10;19 to school ..-twn ,"s sunny.
2 U's so WIndy loday. I found t o walk I..-~ I k i nq
really dilficuli.
3 When it rilin~ ~I I day, I love 10 go / going to
4 It therO Is" thund~rsl{)fm ton>9h1. I waot to
stay / st"ying ill ho",e.
5 look out the ..",odow - it's st')rtlnq to Sr>QW!
II Make sentences using comparativ@and
superlative adject ives.
o 	a Iraq I a horse I ~n elephant (big)
a bilscbaU I" football! iltable I@.misbal!
2 a hill/ a mountaIn / a t(eo (t<lll)
3 	a di ~mond ring I a T·shirt I a leathN i ac~et
4 	"sheep I a crocodile / J 0e3r (dangerous)
S skateboardinG I karate /toolball (easy)
E c~oosc t~e r;Qht woros to compl~l~ d ",,,,I ted
"ntc ~ ,hQrt emJil
t~... oboul clothe" SPQ<ts ~ n d fe~li"..I<
till< about hC'alih ~nd Qlvt hultn otdvire
us~ ""II ana gomq to to tatk iDOOI thfo ful......
u.c com"","'''''' anO ""pf!ldto.e ..dl<'Cto.~,
use <OO1II1""IIOO1s to join ,enh,Il<.<" 1"9"ltWf
E Exam s~ l l l s V vocabul~ ry skillS L L~nguage skil,.
are we doing on Saturday'
[ L,,!."'"'l p"" 5IV""I,""" Il ~'O>~N '''''''o'w, ,," 'uM,· .. "...",",,·,.h
Vocabulary: holidays
D Complete the phr;Jses with then words.
guKle book holid~V hotel journey lU{Jgage map OO'.it<ard
5uilcase t'CkfS tour guide lourl~t information ofhce travel ~e(lt
o send a , 6 listen 10 the", read a 7 pac~ yOOf
2 $layala 8 coilKI YOllr 

3 book yool 'I plan your 

<I pay the 10v i~it the 

5 i0oi< ill a 11 carTy your 

a Which thing~ do you do before you gO on holid~y? WhiCh IhinQS do
you do while you are On holiday?
oRf'ad the email. Are the sentl'llCU true or fals,,'>
, Sam bookeCl the hooIid~y ill the tra~el agtnl's. 

2 S3m packed his ~ult«,,,.,. kist weekend. 

.3 Sam li,nows the name 01 the hotel. 

<I S~m w~nts t o s" Stella '" Lun(lOfl. 

r-" _ '__"i>~ '~~~·~=================::::::======:
HI 5u,II...
Guess wh;)t' I'm comIng 10 london next month - WIthout my pa~1$1
W@ booI<ed me hOlidav over the (ntemet lMI n.g~t. Hum"s taking m(! tl1is weekend to buy a <uitea"" ~nd a guide bo<.>k. ["m 00..... with
8 g!"(lup of ten teeMgers ~nd ~ tour 9uide. we're staying In a hotel In the
~,ty tentre called The P~lace . Do you know it ? IVMaI are yOIl doing this
summer~ Are you stllylng In London? If you aN!, Shlill we meel up?
Wnte soon,
i the
notes ~nd the information
th~t you he~ r will be the
s.ame, but they might use
diUerent words. You need
to re~d and listen carefully
to Qel the right answer
ft 	Language focus: present continuous for future arrangements
a Read Ihe e~amples and choose the correct wordS to (Ompletf thf
Sentfnces below.
I'm comIng 10 l 0IId0Jl ne~/ month. 

Mum's f~tlng me shopping Illis weel<end. 

What ~re yo:>u do:>ing tllis summ....? 

These examples ar(> about ttle present / the futu'@
2 We un U!.e t~ preM'nt wni...UOtJ~ 10 t<llk aboullulure arfallQ'!m~...ts /
3 we USUJlly wy I do:>n't wy a future time fOf sentences Irke thr$.
a 	Mak~ sentences using the pre5ent continuous_
o we I stay I in a hotel I r>ear the beach_
1 Wfo/ go I on "oo~ tnu, I tnlnOlfO:>W. 

2 tlowlong/wefstay/alttlemuseum? 

3 wncr(> I tou' guuk I tJk(> I us I todJY? 

4 I I huy I some postc,trds / 10' my Iamily f later. 

5 you I brinQ / your Qulde book? 

Exam practice : Listening Part 5
.... Q You will hear sOrTIe into'mation about a tour 01London. Listen and
complete eacll question.
tJc/e.s ak>u.-f -f0lll0l"fQ4AJ
(0) - -­ll".aJ<f",-,/ ""
/t...u (I) __ __ "'I'kl~
Ji;wM.y ;0 /.U'dDI> lye.,
(2)tlid- oIlwcJ> ",J CD<,.ItI GiutUft"
DUll (3 )~ P-...<b.ftt - __ "I " ...
(4) _ _
1/<£,,. oWv"J ",I 1M.
a Work in p,tirs. Ask arnl answer qllestions abollt Slinday's tOllr.
Student A, look at page 63. Stlldfnt B, loo~ at page 66.
WI!.J! lime ar.. w.....? WIl;,1 are we doing aL? 

Where are we gOlnglll... ? How lire we gell,ng 10...? 

Q 	Work ill groups. Plan a one·day tour ot your ar~a, Make a
progrilmme of things to do. Then tell othe' groups about your tour.
v The buses are too crowded
£ 1""",·"" ,", ' IV ' '' <j)<ltI IL'", """ "",",'h
a Going to San Francisco!"

D," 	 I'm going to 530 Francisco on holiday and I want to know the best Wiry to tr..wel
UK	 "round when I get there.
Louis 	 Wallo;' San Frilnc,sco isn't 11 vcry big ~lIy and many of the Interestong places are
USA 	 close together. There ilrt:' lots of h,lIs but just thir-k how fit you w,1I get! The buses
arc good but they do get very crowded. Doo'l even think about rentong iI <:<lr. The
roads are dIfficult to drille on &nil it Ciln take a 10nQ time to find a parking space
!1i bec3use there are very few in the city.,
Vu Cheng 	 The underground, (or subway), is a great way to gel around some parts of SlIn
UK Francisco, but it doesn't go to all the tourist areas. Walking illong th" waterfront
is 11 good Idea because there's so much to see, but you won't w3nl to walk
everywhere. San Francisco ,5 a very hilly city l The famou$ cable cars, which ~re
actually trams, 	art' fun, but th~y cost too mU(:h to use all the time.
A nne Take the bus' There ilre bus stops on every corner, and If you miss one, there
USA will be another one along ~on. Walking is also a good way to get around, if you
are fit enough. If you are planning to take trips outside the City, then renting a
1- Car might be a good idea, but p~ ri< ing spaces in the city are very e~pensive . The
subw&y i$ good for gettIng to and from the airport.
Vocabulary: transpon
a r ind the modes 01 transport in t he pictures.
btcycle b(ldl bu~ car Co.lf.h h~ l icopler motorbike
~ I~ne I ~~i traIn !Jam the underground (the subw~y)
a Which verbs can we use with each kind (II transport?
C<llth drive tly gel on/off get in/out 01 miss ride ~a l l tJ~e
D Read the website "nd answer the questions.
1 Who thinks It costs a lot of money 10 park your Cdr '" San Fr~nci scol 

2 WhO S6YS there are too I!3ny peopleun the buses? 

3 Who th,nks irs "'penSIve 0 Ira'·el on the cable cars? 

4 Who S~ VS the,e aren·t enough parking sp.jces in San r ranClsc07 

S Who thInks the subw"y ~~sn· t 90 to eMugh places? 

6 Who says San Francisco is too h,lIy to wal~ eve-tywhl're? 

1 Who lh,n" there are enough bust's In Sdn r ranCIS(O? 

~ Language focus: 100 and nol enough
too much and too m.ny
w. IlH 100 mIlCh w,th, noun~:
100 muc'" mon.y
100 muc'" tr,ll"
We u~e 100 m,ny with, nOuns:
/00 many/OO'is/s
10(l many C<lf$
a Rud Ih. uamples.nd complete the rules ..lIh too and 1101 ellOu9....
Sao r'dOC,SCQ is too ('l pt'n';i".,. 11'$ 001 ,heilp ."ough'
r.... ITolms cost 100 much mont'y. Thell.- ..' (>0', ~ooll9h park1r19 sp.lces
I We uu when Ihere Is more Ihan we wanl 

2 W, when Ihere is les, Ih<ln we w~nl 

o 	Make sentlinelS about these pictures.
o .•
. .r­
,II the optiom. Excun practice: Listerung PM1 3
for e.xl"! que-slion but 

on!yone will /IIlS_ the .iii"a lisl,n to hfl"Slt.lkinq ,bout • trip to til, us. fOf '«h question, 

ouestoon cOIltctly. choon Ih, right Inswer (.... B or CI. 

o How IoOCJ clo( Tt(tW ~ ,n lhot US?
... three wHh B lou' wte~s l.C " ' wteh
How did rtf. s,) trilvel iI,ound wh,le slM wn on hohd.Jv7
Ab v bu~ S by l,,,,,, C byr ~r
2 Teru,'S parenu Inouqhl Oisneyland was too
A crowd~. B e' pt'ns,ve. C big
30 dod Te' e,lI do "t the Grand Ca,'Yon?
A ..enl 101 a walk 8 1001< a rl(le In I helOCOj)ter C ..ent on a plane
4 Teresa and her lam,ly did root ~'Sll
A l os A"geies. B l "s V~s C P~n...
S Wh,l dod T('(('SI'S moIher t'<l1OY most In SIn r rlnCi$C07
... Ihe Ir",dge B the 100(1 C the lOO
II	Imagine some friends are- visiting your aru and wenl to ~MW about
travelling around. Think of some ~dvlce to give them.
Have you been there?
[ I " I, '''l "or, 4 • ~<a<1"~ "'.' 1'1',,1'"'l p,,, 4 I v ~," ..", " I L I'" '0' ~., I" , 'O<w, pd,. "">"
VocahulaJ'y: buildmg.
ofrKf builOingl
_ lm<'nI buddinlj
a look at II>t- photos and d.el. wh,,1 kind 01 buildIngs t~y I"'~. 00 yOl
know the tIoIImts olll1e OOlldi"9s1 Wher, an. Ih.y?
Exam practice: Listening ParI"mOlo,waV I bridge I "OW~$
Somehmcs Ih' lI¥TIe QI a
p«son Of , pI"c.' is spelltod
In this part. VO! m,nt wrile
,t down ,orr.ttly.
Y.' and ",../ly
UIfJu$1 With ',llons ttwot
twp~1I4'd no! 10"9 ago:
SINo', jusl bou9h1 5Offll'
J IMlp$.
UI, MreKy wilh Klions
thl ar. compt.tMl:
She', .'rfWy bouqhl SOfTIf'
Us, yel with .ctlons that
ar. nol complelPd:
Silt /1<1sn', oolJ9hl any
sl.omps ytt.
......0 You 1'1'111 hear a girl a.king about things to do In II town callf d Hadley.
Lislen and complet. UCI'! questIon.

wtu. bIolit .....

'0'""-",... 	 m
~ of th&$ -.u's fitro . (2) ~ TiW. of
c..-.. !u:ttts on _~ ~ (3)~ 

St~ , ~th(. ,<)

Pl),t Offiu ~ U : (5) 

r Language focus: present perfect V8rt1U1 ~t limple
D Read the examples and choo5e the corrK! word, to complete Ille rule­
TII'Iot ~n/ 10 Il'If' 5'"1mInIII9 pool w.1 WH4c
TII'ICI h.I, t>een to the C~ but she', "..,., /IoNn 10 the sk..I..part,
Ul MS DeM", (nqIimd sil>CelolOtld.t~. 

rrna Il00. lived Itl ~ lor IE'll ~ 

I 	 we usc the POIsl simple ' present ~rfecr wile" we art talking ..boul th4!
day nr lIllie lhill :<OmI!thlnq tlappened
2 	We use the ","sl simple I present ""'ecl ...hen we are talkIng about
something that happcnc<lln the JWIsl. but we ~re not sayIng when it
3 	We ~ I so use the present ".rfed W,lh 111< 01 smce to talk alXKJt tllln,), thai
uarted In the p.lst and are not finIshed. We ~5e for f since w,th t'mes.
ddys dnd ddte,,y.d we uS. for I since la ~y how long.
Ijvcrpool', Albert Dod. 3 ~o rt
walk j'DIIl the city c. ntr~, h ~
.rf311~ops, m~!.t u ms.. Clubs and
""Ii<; wh~", you can srt and watch
'h~ actIVIt'; "" th( notr.
ih( Alb(rt Dockwas built in 1846,
Nh~n li~rpool was a busy port.
Nrth big sh,ps bn"gmg 9QOd!
'Tom all ~r th~ wol'ld. but by
lI1e 1950s the dock was u~ ~'V
11(_For ~ 20 yo:a"!IIIW1 h....
tttn >'try popular w th toulists..
a Complete the dialogues using the present peri ect Or the past simple.
1 	A: (you / go to) the cinema last night?
B:No. 0/ go) Ihere on friday_ 

2 A' (vou / ever I visii) Live,pooP 

B: Yes. (1/ go) th<'<e two years ago. 

3 A: (vou I arrille) on S"turday? 

8: No. (1/ be) here s'n~e Wednesday_
4 A: 	 (vou I see) Ihe bridge ye ste rd~y? 

£I: No, (1/ no / 1M) yet. 

Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 4
a Read Ihls page Irom iI guide book about Liverpool. Are senlE'ncE's
1- 7 'Righi' (A) or 'Wrong' (£I)'? II there is not enough inlormiltion to
answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (£I), choose 'Doesn', say' (C).
ThIngs to do
lh( Miirlt i m~ MU!'lJm t~ ll~ the ~T()t'y nf Th. ""'xt door. T.te lJ~rpool hOI'; many
men who once worked on the big sh,ps. In Import_nT work. of 20!~ -....nwry "'. Th~
th'~ b,g 19tn-l-entury dod ~nlfan~ h311 01 thi<; f,~ old
bUilding, vlsirors can alSO bu Id'ng h.~ "'"1'1 t..<omr an
le~fI'I ~bOut lilt many profll~ .rra 11>1" ,,".atl~r uhibilions
who "';I~d 110m liverpool ~"rro~i"9V(' lnwDlJ(kmori'lf
to look fOl a bc:r~I life rn '~a bOI lh~l "~I.' wm. of 11'1.
otlltr rounll'~ llltr. are 'nl~'~ling p~ akmg th~
also loomS lu I 01 b(aut,/ul Irvtl ~dO<t d.iv,ng down into
fu""tu.( hom til( ~h,1)!, the .rvt' al t~t Albert Dod
tllat ra"ird r<"h paS'oC1lgers to Ntw Yort. YOU'IIt' ~I de>nr an~'horgl,~~ th,s lx:'OlC'
The reading lexl and the
questions use dlffere"t
words to talk ilbout simiI".
things.. Look for words that
mean the same 10 help you
find lhe right anSw",.
o II,s ~asy 10 reach tile Albe. t Dock 00 loot hom Ih~ ,<ty centre 'lY B C
1 TOUI i~b h.ove eujoyo.'d cOIT"ng 10 Iht AIw, I Do<:k Sir>Ce 18116. , "2 The Maritime Museum is In a new !)u,ldlllQ. " ,1 Til... peop~ whoo moved to olh'" counllHlS tound the"
lives Improved. " ,4 You Coln sec mOdCfn art in Tate L,verpool. " ,S The exllibrllons III the entrallCe hall of Tale Live,pool
often change_ A "
6 P.J5Wn9l'fS Ciln gel 00 and 011 the YellOW Duckmarrne
du"ng Ille lour. " ,7 The Yellow Ouckmann~ Iravel!; on roads and in the watl". " ,
a Ask ilnd answer questions about pl<llces your p<llrlner has visited.
anothe, country an unusual art 9i'liery a famous bulld,ng
an inlE',esling muSeum a famous place a ternble le,tauTant
a very quiet pla«~ a very old building
f Turn left at the traffic lights 

( I; "" ""ft,.1 "!P.., o<>.lP-Yt'l v ,. ,otc~~' ~ "'''' 1'.1
behind belwef!n
I The ,~atepark .s
Z The' librJry IS
3 Tfle b~ 51()p j<
4 The bank is
5 The pohc§' ~t~t lon IS
€ K)
Vocabulary: places in town 

a Look at the m~p ~nd comptete the sentences wilh these words, 

"',..B Listen to three people asking for dirl'dions. Which pl~u'S are they
looking for? Draw lines 0<1 the map Irom the peopl~ to tile places
they want to go to.
I l'G:J
G ')
in Ilont of ne.lto oppo.,'e
the s..'mmj~g pool aM Inc river.
ti,e bank.
the (in"mil_
Ih~ holel.
08 ;l! Language focus : giving diroClions
D Mateh the directions to the pictltrl.'~.
Turn k>1t ill 1M Irani( li9hl<. 4 T~ke Ihc ,eccnd road on the riqht
2 Turn riglll dt the crossroads. 5 Go ove, the br,dqe.
3 Go straight on ~t th ~ fQurxlilbouL 6 Gop~stthehbr"ry _
():) a Work In pairs. Help your partner l ind some place$ on your map.
Student A.look at pitQe 64. Studenl B. look at page 67.

EXan practice: Reading and Wntmg Part I
o e
. .r,. B Which notice (A- H) s"ys this (I-51?
o SOme 1';lllIe .,. not be able to 9" urQ< this.
The IlOhC~ Will otten be
t YOU mvsl ~I orr yOll' blh ' ill th,s place.onlhe wne topic. Look
2 YOUr IOUr~ m;ty la~(' longer" YOU dmc str"'ghl on.Ihr0U9h'le nOhCM and
3 YOI.IlTII,Is! not lu",! your here ,,' certain 1I1ll.'S.deckle ...hat It Is. It may Mlp
4 1 .,11'o~t you money to fide your bicycle here.YO(J <loess the mUflil19 01
S CarS.lorrk:'s and bo~es must not turn 119hl or Iffr nffl'.some words.
II Which two notices did you not lise? Wrile sentences like Ihe ones in
Activity 5 to e~pl" ln what they melln•
. .r" Exam. practice: and Writing Part 7
Rt'member you musl only
II Complel" these emalls. Write ONE word 10< uch space.wrole ONE WOfd in Ihe
SJI~e and it must be slWlltod
cor.tell.,.. F""" l....e
• • To- l ....
HI luiS
HI Jake,
My !eiKher 11M a~ ~ed me (2)
pi.,.,. in1(0)
II fOO1bail mJl ct> alld I .....orn b<! IIlJm~d...:>d.,:! to come on the
(3) 3 30 Sorry' But , 'S ~asy to hr>d1_15 tra,n on Sbturd3y
m y !'louse a lld Mum MId OAd 1'1',11 b<!
WiM'lOtI meet me
(4 ) • When 'OU (5 ) off
(1) IN!
st_ ~ ttle trilln w"l~ II'IIlJU9h tI>e C¥ PMt< a nd then 9"
(6 ) 011. AI the lind (1)
w. <>gill _ cross the!'GAd My ~ IS n"mber H .
y.... can't moss (8) . If rou 90
(9) tIM! cnun-h you ""~e IIO"It
nO) 'IIr'
II TIII~ 01 a place in your town. Tel' your "lIumat!!, how to ge' there
from your school. Who C<1n guess the pIa" Iirst7
I think technology is great
~ ,·:,.06<'-1.' ... I'i' ,I,,"l I'. ., ~ I v Icctloc><XlY I L(>0<
..,,"" ~ ,,,...'" ."'" t" '"
1 Do you spend more than two houni
a day In ffonl 01 a screen?
I 00 yoo have a TV,g.ames C<lnsoIe
or computer in I'OIIf bedroom?

• 	 00 you ever eat a meal while
watching a TV ShOw? y~
<II Do roo think yOU spend too
mllCh time on the internet? Yes,,'No
I 	Do yOU send more than 20 tert
messages a day from yoor mobile? y~o
• 	 Has a teacher ever I3ken your
phone away !rom you at school? Yes.'Wc
7 	Do JIIII spend three hours a day or
mol1lliStenlng to your MP3 player? Yes,,'tto
• 	 DO you checlc. your emails more
than once aday? Yes.'No
• 	 00 you spend a lot 01 lime
chatting online? Yes:.'no
Vocabulary: technology
a Find the technology items in the picture.
computl'f game! console keyt>O¥d mobile pho~
MP) pl~yer radio scret>fl television
Q Use these words to make silly Sl!'nte'nces about the things in Ihe
picture. Ciln you corrKi your partner's sentences?
Actions 	 Things
chat to hsten to play cartoon~ emails 'riend5
record ~end sur. IYIl!! III<> internet music
watch v;,;" l prOQr.Jmmt'S website~
a Try the t e<:hnology quiz. TlI<>n check the results on page 64.
-ii" a You will hear a teenager (ailed Annie speakinq on a radio phon,,-in
programme. Llslen and answer the questions.
I How long does IInnl" spend online every day?
2 How many Ie" mCS5.<1ges dr>es she ,end every d~v7
3 When did the teil~her take h"r phone aw~y hom her?
<I Doe, Annie trllnk lAodern te<:hnolQjJy Is bad lor t""n51
r Language focus: believe, hopq, .blow. say and !hirtk
a Rud the examples and choose ihe correct words to complete
1M rules.
SOme.' p¥CflIS belie.'... (IN/) Il'd.,lOIogr is I).1Id for lheIr choldren. 

U( mum UrS (1M} I liS" 100 rrnx:h 1«hn0!09Y. 

Idon', 'hlnk rth.J1) c.o me~5 '5 a 101.

I IIOfM /l1Ia1/ roo ",,,,,,,,'/~"nd'''9I"xf mt'5Sol9"s m cl.:l~s.. 

Y",j/l, 1ho", W""I) 151'011100'1 liSt' my vI'~ !II (lJIs..
, We ","ve to I don" have to use- IMI aUer lhese woros. 

2 W" ollel"l U'. / ,.....K use thl' cnntinuous forms of bfol,,,ve and t no",. 

II Malch the two halves of tile senlences,
Ann~ ~s (tla) PIe. A 's po$Sltlie to Sludt and send texl
2 AM.. IIopfl(lhat )~he_ ITIflSiIgH allhe s.>nW i,mi'.
3 Ann... ~~ Ilhdn ~h(o~. 8 ~pend~ Iwo houlS a day onioni'.
4 Annie thonks (lhat) II.. C Shollid worry !.O muc.h about
S Annlfodo)f-sn'lthink{that) tf'eMQl'fs
ildults D '11'.' ~I her pIone bad '><IOf
6 Ann,e bth"vu (l1J!1 modern E ,s good for tcen.:JQ('rs.
l«tH'OIo<n··· F shouldn'! u~e h(or phon" in cl<'l%.
r once Exan practice: Reading and Writing Part !I 

before choosiOV IhI! words 

for the SPoKes. 
 II	Rud Ihe IItlele aboul a qlrl who won a prize. Choose Ihe but word
(A, B Of C) for taCh sp.&Ce.
The $25,000 Text Jllessage ...oJ I"'" 'Iorpn ....., 'M p'.1 :!om. ' IMP" PMp, ,h",=Y"",...ok! >, ,he " ....,
bo:;~"", ,he r.N (0) !I<"I1d, (4 ) ,...." '.I.l00 ,",
'"1~""",,1 1".."tI~ CIIJmr"''' Ie" ".:""1«"' ~ monlh "'~" 1"'1I1 "''' ha<I ~ 0 .... £JI.TY
of lh" I lnl','I St~.... Sh" "Oft In Ih. ~n.,1 .... ...."' • kry",",,,ni "" " ~-., (7)
lhe compem.Qn In r,,,,, Y.". 21-)"aro(lIJ a,,1 "~ II,,,I 1.1; '" u,", ,han • ""nnal "'u~,1<
(1) ')r, n ~., "ICIs<,goof Tim,h. Hi 11I,,,I,,,lli"'l a "~ rh,,,,,, (8) ,h~ ""u.
1;1 Ie""... ,n ~2 ,.:,,,,,J,,.Sho "'cr)"""" (5) 110", It.,. M or~~ " s;"d. - I ~" n ', ....1"',·"
bea':~ (2 ) I""pk to ",,, ,he ''''''''''. Ru, ,I><" ,II< I ""'"all) '..", ,he "kok
" '" ,he '''I' !~"" "r S15.<~10 i'kll"'" ["uoo a """a,. '" '~''''I"''''' i,'" 1"" I "'J''II '0
I",,"". (l) ...... (6) t~." lI>I'S!'Itf. M>d !:O 'h<>rf>t",'­
o ti 'levl'l 8 onlv C yel ,A th,nkl 8 Ih'nlung C thought
, ." 	 •A ,Ii .,", C lhelfC
"'" 8 each C other 1
•c-,,~ C ea$'e$1
,A 'uch A NW 

3 A 8 wj"clo 8 A When C Wh,ll'
-"4 A mo'e 8 mucro C moSI 	 '"
" Speaking
Q Do a short survey about t",hnology. Ask qll,stions about some of
lhese topics: computers, mobile phones. televl5lon. video g"mn.
An amazing story
I ', " '"I' "~""""' r>(j P,"" IY '" " ""l ll 'o,' ,'"..",
Vocabulary: boo~ &nd readJng
D Match tilt "0<111/0 Itll' Itlimjs ln the piclur•.
,~~ diclKlNfy maq~11flC ne..~r nov.'
B Where can you lind the things In the box? Use the words from
Activity 1.
<!dvert'!ofoffiI.'nl ~rlicl. t ~d Oln crossword on/ormation
...bout <l ploK. or person ,nlormJhon about II word photOtltllph
p;clufe spo<ls news .(Clt,1'I9 ~t Of y weather report
li5tKl car./ully to your ExaIn Puctico: Speak:r.nIJ Part 2
par1:Mf', qUMtlOl"l$.1I you
don'l uncI«stand 'fO'Jf II Work in pairs. Student It, look 011 ~. 65. Student B. look.t P"9,67.
~rlner. say 'Can YOl.l
.tope"l Illal please?'
~ Language focus: past connnuous
La......._.n a 	RHd the uampln arid look at til. diall,am. Which verb is A and 

which is 81
wlNn and "h,I,
1 Cldud,,, ....IS "I/dlng ~ tom;, w~n Ihe learllt< ",,,Ihd in.Un wt..n tlelor. tile
2 Wilen tile tMChl'l" ""tked in. PiN~ "'dS sjWng jn~, c""Jr.past simple:
Wlll'n SM "~'~ed m.' was
•.. I 	 •~'''9.
Un wllile before 1M ~st
oChoose U.. corre(t "'Olds to comptl'le thl' (ule.
She w,,"'rd In whll. I .."s
sIffpi"!l. 	 We IN' l' I~ Pd~1 COr"lhr"luous "'lIh th.. Pi'~ 01to Iw I to do ,rid 11M
·jfHJ I ·l'd lorm 01 tIM vf'rb.
iii 	A~k and an~wer questions about the people in the picture.
II 	rell your partner what you well' doing yestelday at these times. Make
tlue and lalse sentences. Ale your paltner's sentences true?
8.00 a.m. 9,lO iI,m, 1,00 p.m. 4 ,00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 11.00 p.m,
ExaIn practice: Rpding and Wnt1Jg Part 4
g 	Rud the artici. below. Who is the story about? What happened?
Wher" did it happen?
Q 	Re<ld the artlc'e again. AI" sentences 1-? 'Rlght' (A) 01 'Wro,....' (B)?
II there Is nol enou1)h inlormillion to inswer 'RighI' (AI or 'Wlong' (6).
choose 'Doesn't SiJY·(C).
A 	Teenage Heroine foo- """"""" ,,, caU 3n .ml>u........ L.u,," ,hen .".,..""" ,hi: I>u,
PvI«'~ ",,,<,,,,10,, '''Y Ih., 'hi" ,un' I" '''~ found ~ ,ordl, ~"" "",,..~I ,he " ,1'10. "....,.,nF'" ,off
.." ...n.•~a'..-.Id I....ur. S,mr-vn .n "",.nI ,~-
An.... 11>0 ~","',I~...... HI. l..urA ptI,,,,",,, ,lie I,."or t>r.,0'I) I>«""U,"" """ ",,,-.J ,.... h"... c,," M
romp;in) anJ ~"" ...I r,,, ~ ....... <1m•.,. 11< J..J,,',
paut'n,.", ...... h,,, I....,. " ...' 11."1,,,,,
...".. (rom ho:r ......."Jm~ ...h,~)1 ..,"'" 
 "m'~ u'"II 'h<- """ do) 'hik '''', "en: ".""'~
...J,h;d'Ylb. t.;. lUmru "IT ,110: ........ f•..- lum. ,he .",1 ......"'" or ,1>0 <>Ihcr "..."""~,,,
pt.)'..., ,."",1>,,11 .nd "'''r """p_ 

,..;I. ~bullbrn If", a ""! ..ok up 

II "'" HI" am,'" I ..., ""'1""1-. loouno
Lou""-'''(If) ""< I><cn in . 11"'" """~""""D .".1
t'bc bu< ...". nIT ,.... "",d ........"n, ",,,..,<1, "" TV ............,.. ",.on me frum ~...,,"nJ' I
coa'. tid .... """ for i, h.!. l""""- >IIo: .....,J L.","* II'<'> I k><>kc:d ., ' '''' <In',,, .nod ",,.
... "a.I)Jo~ 0..,,' ,he: ,,""",.noJ hI> hp> ..,,'" hi"" II~ •••,"', I'bn. '0 '1"''''' bcr ,,,I>00I hoIKl.y hctpu>, hcr [JiI'.'"" "" IhOOf
__"'f. JJumJ'<'d 0'" ..r my",... .on" .,.." II>< .. hc.:1 ' _"""In! f.rm and k:r.rmn~ '" ..,,,.. . , h,'f'" I ".... n,y 1......'- "'" ,.,..J
,0 The Au~tr,)I,~n POlice thonk l"Uf" sllQJlIJ ~I ~ pnle. , •,
L6UI" ..."S on h'" way 10 KIIooI when It,,, oICcident hdPPf'!,pn,
, •,
,Alllht p.5W~f' on the bus Weft students allofura"s school. , •,

When l"...." wo~e up she SolW 11;11 lht (Ir,ve< w~s ill.
, •, 
question, thooW c.. 4 Anottlt'f tJ<'5Sf'n'}'!f help...! L~ur" to stoP 'he bu~_
, •,
5 Wilen the new bus drive, "rrived some 01tht p;l5serogers
were 115'''''ng to music.
, • ,
•lit...... 15 ,III P<15~ 11<11 po!Oplt on d,trcrt'fll countries hMe
• , ,, hea'd her SIOIV. 

llIu'iI illlNdy hols') driving licence, , • , 

fa In pailS, wrote a story about meeting iJ famous person. Use thls pliJn 10
help you. Then .ud your sl ory to the clUJ. Which is the !)est story?
8e1jinn,"'if Wlel'e were you? Wt>.11 were you doil'll? 

Middle: Which t.wnous person did you SC('? Wt>.1t was he 01 ~ dOIng? 

[nd: Wt>.1 did you S<lY? Wl,jt did the tamous pel'5011 say?










a Make H'ntences u~ill9 the "rompts. II look at the plttures and make 5fntli!'nct'S.
Use thli!' past tontlnuous and the past simpleo 	Sam: "I like listeninq to music."
with .../'Ien or because.
ne I s~Y5/ 1 'kes I music I to I Sam /Iisten,ng !.
0	 1", ,I',,,, 11'1,  ' I ,J '" ." ,,' J
Claudia: "I wanl to make my own websIte this 


this year I hop~ I to I website I ma~e I own, 

~ I CI<ludia I. 

Z 	Viktor. "1Ihlnl< Ih~l we won't use keyt>O<lrds in
the lulure,"
fut ure f the I ke yb oar~s f USe I people I
won't I bQlieves I Viktor I in I .
" 3 LOfrella:"1 ehal to my friends online every
she I says I eVNy I day I uses I LOft-tta I
chalrooms/ .
4 Cassanar",: "I spend too much t ime surhflllhe
k!lows ! t oo I much I Sp('nlis/ time I onlme I
Cassandra I she f.
5 	Jun: -TYPIng eJTlilII! i'S boring. 11"5 eas,e, to
phOI>C my froends."
phOlln''91 Pt'uple I Jun I emailmg Ilhin~51
better f is I them I Itl,)n I .
How well can you do these thlnqs?
E lislen I.,.. . ~v In1ormilt.on
[ rcad r", .,..tailed uMerslilnd'Arj
E use Qr~mm~' knowif<l9o to compl~l~ ~ ShOI1 t~..
V t~lk ~boot t.w'lOIOQr
v tar. dl>OOt tr""~1 JM P>OIod.Iy.
E b am skills v Vocabulary skills l lan'lua'l<' 'kills
- -
, ,~
Pairwork activities
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Student A 

D Ask and answer the questions in pairs to complete Sue"s tlmel abl" , 

lit' , (>11
10.30 IBREAK
11 '25~
12.05 LUNCH
I . I 5 Sc:Ionce
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Student A
0 1 	H"re is some information about II party.
Student B does not know <lnything about
the party, so he/She will ask you some
questions about it.

Veronika', 13th Birthday Party!
at Club Starlight
on Saturday 10th June
from8 prn - l l pm
No jeans or T_shirts
R..ply to:
__ J1

;j,' Science
2 Student B h,n some information about II
shop. You don"' know anything about the
shop. Use the question prompts to ask
Sludt'nt B about the shop.
• rliime of the shop?
• address?
• When:' open?
• wel:)si[e?
• What I seU?
" 	 , . '  '.
~e 	 10
.. '
r ..J , 	 •,
l ~ ~
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
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Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
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Target ket-for-schools-students-book
Target ket-for-schools-students-book
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Target ket-for-schools-students-book

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. - - - - - Vocabulary Language focus Language booster • countries, nationalities and languages • numbers and the alphabet • school subjects, days and times • the family and describing people • talking about jobs • free time activities • party things • shopping • the home • food • menus • films • clothes • introductions • present simple • making questions • present tenses • making suggestions • making offers and requests • past simple • relative prDnouns • countable and uncountable nouns • ordering food • pronouns • modals for ability and obligation • spelling • adverbs of frequency • have got • imperatives • this, that, these, those • plural nouns • possessive's and s' • conjunctions • a pair of • festivals • health problems • sports • animals • nature and the weather • holidays • transport • buildings • places in town • technology • books and reading • verbs with -ing or to + infinitive • advice and possibility • first conditional • comparatives and superlatives • going to and will • present continuous for future arrangements • too and not enough • present perfect versus past simple • giving directions • believe, hope, know, say and think • past continuous • talking about how you feel • irregular adjectives • too much and too many • just, yet and already • when and while Vocabulary list
  • 5. Introduction About l!ET and KET for Schools KET (Key English Test) is an exam set by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. It tests your ability to read, write, listen and speak in English. If you pass, you will get a qualification which shows that T~ you have a basic knowledge of English and that you can do things like: ar • ask questions to find out about someone's family or hobbies • give facts about yourself p • talk about your likes and dislikes • understand simple instructions • follow simple travel directions. KET for Schools is the same format as KET, but is for students aged between 11 and 14. It reflects the interests of young people, and includes topics like friends and family, shopping, sports and free time activities, animals, places, technology, and travel. About Target KET for Schools Target KET for Schools is a short, intensive course which will help you improve your English, practise th e question types used in KET for Schools, and develop all the skills you need to pass the exam. There are 12 units in the book, each divided into two lessons. Each lesson looks at one of the topics which could appear in the exam. Exam practice Each lesson contains at least one exam task, so you will get plenty of opportunities to practise every part of the exam. The exam tasks are supported by Exam tips that give you useful advice on how to do that task, and at the back of the book there is an Exam guide (pages 68 to 95) which describes each part of the exam in detail. This includes an exampl e of each part of the exam and gives more hints and tips on how to do it well. There are also lots of Exam practice questions in the Workbook. There is also a complete practice test in the Workbook. Language focus and Vocabulary In every lesson, you will learn some important' vocabulary for the topic and you will practise key language points that could be used in the exam. There is also a Language summary section at the back of the book (pages 96 to 108), which looks at the language points covered in the lessons in more detail. You can get further practice of the language points and vocabulary in the Workbook and in the Review units. The CD-ROM Exam Trainer There are two ways you can use the CD-ROM. You can do a normal practice test under exam conditions, or you can use the Exam Trainer to get extra tips and advice for how t o do each question. You can also print out your scores to see how you improve while you are studying. Icons used in Target KET for Schools There is a list of the things you will practise in each lesson below the lesson title: E =Exam skills V =Vocabulary skills L = Language skills Each lesson also uses these icons: ti07 This is the track number on the Teacher's CD. .,f':o This is a page reference to the Exam guide. jj; This is a page reference to the Language summary. o
  • 6. :nat The format of the exam Reading and Writing Paper This paper takes 1hour and 10 minutes. Parts 1-5 test your ability to read a variety of different texts and parts 6-9 test your writing ability. Part Task format Number of questions Exam guide 1 Match five sentences to eight notices. 5 p68 2 Choose the correct words to complete five sentences. 5 p70 3 (a) Choose the correct answer to complete five short 5 p71 = conversations. 3 (b) Fill five gaps in a conversation by choosing from eight 5 p72 possible answers. 4 Read a text and choose the correct answers to seven 7 p74 questions. :~ .he 5 Choose the correct words to complete a text. 8 p76 6 Read the definitions and then write the words and spell 5 p78 them correctly. 7 Write one word to fill each space in a short text. 10 p79 8 Read two texts and use the information to complete 5 p80 someone's notes. "]0 9 Write a short message which includes three pieces of p82 information. _ d Listening Paper This paper takes about 30 minutes. You hear each part twice. Part Task format Number of questions Exam guide 1 Listen and choose the correct picture. 5 p84 2 Listen and match the questions to five of the eight 5 p86 possible answers. 3 Listen and choose the correct answers to five questions. 5 p88 4 Listen to a conversation and complete some notes. 5 p90 Listen to one speaker and complete some notes. 5 p905 Speaking Paper This paper lasts about 10 minutes. You do this part of the exam with one other candidate. Part Task format Time Exam guide Answer the examiner's questions about you. 5-6 minutes p92 2 Use the cards to ask and answer questions with your 3-4 minutes p94 partner. o
  • 7. Where are you from? E Listening Part 4 • Speaking Part 11V countl·ies. nationalities and languages' numbers and the alphabet IL introductions Hi! My name's Sara and I'm 13 years old. I'm sailing around the world with my family. I love visiting different countries and meeting new people wherever I go. Here are some of my new friends. J' F 3*6. 1 h '; 1 (rrfj- ,.. 0-;/ ~ • / Vocabulary: countries, nationalities and languages Hi! I'm Dan. I'm from Sydney. Match the countries to the flags on the map. I'm twelve years old. • Argentina _ Australia _ Brazil_ Canada _ China ...... Greece Ireland _ Italy _ Mexico _ Poland _ Spain _ Thailand Write the nationality and language(s) for each country. BraZJ/ ~ BraZlI/cm ~ Porfvtglltese Which countries are Sara's new friends from? What nationalities are they? What languages do they speak? Hello. I'm Carlos. I'm fourteen ~ l Language focus: introductions Choose the best reply. o Hello. ... _ A I'm thirteen. How are you? B Anthony, but call me Tony. 2 This is my friend Dan. C I'm fine, thanks. 3 What's your name? D Hi! 4 Where are you from? E 41 Kellet Road. 5 How old are you? F tlice to meet you. 6 What's your address? G I'm from Scotland. o
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Adverbs of frequency ft Language focus: present simple Read the examples and match the two halves of the rules. 100% What do we have at 1o'clock? We have Geography. Our History teacher always gives us lots of homework. I don't know where my timetable is. 1 We use the present simple to talk about A he, she and it. 0% 2 We add s to regular verbs for B what we do every day. 3 We use do or does to make C negative sentences and questions. • Use the present simple to complete the sentences in this interview with a young actor. always usually often sometimes never INTERVIEWER: Tell me about your school, Jodie. JODIE: (0) I go (1/ go) to a theatre school in London. INTERVIEWER: What .subjects (1) (you / study)? JODIE: Well, (2) (I / study) subjects 'like English, Maths and Science, but (3) _ _ ___ (I / do) Drama, dance and singing too. INTERVIEWER: Which subject (4) __. (you / like) best? JODIE: (5) (1/ love) Drama. (6) (we / always have) a lot of fun. INTERVIEWER: (7) _ ___ (you / like) singing? JODIE: No, (8) (1/ hate) it! (9) _ _ __ (my teacher / always tell) me I need to practise more. Use the interview to write five sentences about Jodie. nday? jodiegoes to a thee/rre 5( hool iYl LOVidon. Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 2 Read the whole sentence : I Read the sentences about a boy on a football course. Choose the bestbefore you chooseyour word (A, B or C) for each space.answer. o Tom __ to the David Beckham Football Academy in the school holidays. ®goes B stays C visits 1 On the first day, everyone _ _ a free football shirt. A gives B pays C gets 2 The students some of their lessons in a classroom. A make B have C let 3 There is a at 11.00 a.m. for drinks and snacks. A stop B delay C break 4 They usually _ _ matches in the afternoon. A practise B play C keep 5 Tom always has a _ _ time on the course. A high B great C large Speaking • Interview your partner about his or her usual school day. A: Wf]t-rtHme du LjOU getup) B: I (.,~Vtrrll'11et II/p ai-sf.Vol.
  • 11. -- What does she look like? E Listening Part 1IV th e family and describing people IL making questions Vocabulary: the family and d escribing people Complete the family words with a, e, i, 0 and u. o q!i nt 3 f th 6 m th 1 br th 4 gr _ ndf _ th _ r 7 s st 2 c__ s_n 5 gr ___ ndm _ th _ r 8 ncl Who Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. children daughter husband parents son wife o Molly is Dave's Wife 3 Lucy and Carl are Molly's ____' Dave is Molly's ____ ' 4 Lucy is Dave's .____. 2 Carl is Dave's ____' 5 Dave and Molly are Lucy's _ ___ Sophie is asking Jane about her family. Listen and match the names to the people in the picture. o Jane _F_ 2 Tom 4 Colin 6 Granddad 1 Alice 3 Ben 5 Dad 7 Grandma Write the words in the table. Some words can go in more than one category. beautiful black blonde blue brown dark fair fat green grey long old pretty red short tall thin white youn g He/She's got ... eyes. He/She's got .., hair, He/She is .... blw D Describe the people in the picture. Jtme's prethj. She'sgotshort-blonde hairand bh1C eyes, e
  • 12.
  • 13. - What does he do? E Listening Part 2 • Speaking Part 1 I V talking about jobs I L present tenses Hi! I'm Rob. I go to Wood street School, but I don't go to school on Saturdays. So today I'm watching a football match with my friends. :e= x# , ;z;:a:c ;::& This is my older brother, Johnny. He's a police officer. He wears a uniform when he's working. He's not wearing it today. He's enjoying the football too. My mum's a teacher in a school. She teaches young children. At the moment she's making a cake. She loves cooking. Vocabulary: talking about jobs Use the words in the box to talk about the jobs in the cartoons. boring difficult dirty exciting interesting scary tiring WOlAld tjolA./lki' to be [/ v/O(tiy7 Nt', ih (.j (/O''1,liffiudtjOI:, Correct these silly sentences. 0 A builder checks a newspaper. 1 A dentist cuts aeroplanes. 2 A farmer flies animals. 3 A gardener grows cars. 4 A hairdresser keeps flowers and vegetables. 5 A journalist looks a~ houses. 6 A mechanic builds your hair. 7 A nurse paints pictures 8 A painter repairs sick people. 9 A pilot writes for yourteeth. 0 M I:Jv,rlde' ,/t)f<.y)'f dl/'{.~~11'l(I·iI5p(/per A flU 'icier i..JAIJrl" :IOt/St' Reading ~; JRead the cartoons about Rob and his family. What are their jobs? What are they doing now? o
  • 14. ft Language focus: present tenses My dad's a doctor. It's his day off today, so he's not at the hospital. He's playing his guitar in a band with some ~ You might not hear the exact words you see in A-H. So, instead of 'cook', you might hear 'she gets the food ready in the kitchen.' Try to keep talking until the examiner stops you. s? Read the examples and choose the correct words to complete the rules. Present simple: Rob's mother teaches children to read and write. Present continuous: She isn't teaching now. She's making a cake. We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about things we are doing now. 2 We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about things we often do. Complete the mini-dialogues. A: What does your dad do? -8: (he / drive) a taxi. A: Is he driving his taxi at the moment? B: No, (he / not be) ____ (he / eat) . his lunch. 2 A: What does your sister do? B: My sister (be) a nurse, but she (not work) today. She (paint) a picture. 3 A: It's Sunday, so (we / not study) ____ in school today. B: What (you / do) ? A: (we / ride) our bikes. Ask your partner about his or her family. What,.Ioe5 /four fcdhev/ m thfr / aunr/ i1l1rJe do? What is he.l she doiYl'J nqhf now: Exam practice: Listening Part 2 Listen to Karen talking to her friend about the people in her family. What job does each person do? Write a letter (A - H) next to each person. PEOPLE JOBS 0 dad -A.. A actor 1 mum B cook 2 sister C doctor 3 uncle D nurse 4 aunt E painter 5 cousin F receptionist G teacher H tour guide Exam practice: Speaking Part 1 • The examiner may ask you about your family. Tell your partner about your family. Try to say at least five sentences. • ;" , " ' " ...: " I v )",i t ... " TJ ICI,?i ~
  • 15. Let's do something! E Reading and Writing Part 3 (a) and Part 7 IV free time acti vities I L making suggestions S - Vocabulary: free time activities Complete the word wheels with the words. baseball the beach the cinema computer games a DVD a film a restaurant running shopping surfing tennis television 5wlmmmg a Ulfe watchplay go to {ootball a football ma What do you usually do at the weekend? Tell your partner. Isometimes platj football With mtj fYJe/'lds. Listening -'" 11 U Jo is talking to Sam about Saturday. Listen and circle their plans. a.m.: go shopping / go swimming p.m.: play tennis / go to a restaurant D Listen again and complete the dialogue with these phrases. How about Let's Shall we What about Jo: Are you free this Saturday, Sam? SAM: Yes, I am. Jo: Great! (1) do something! (2) going shopping? SAM: That's a great idea. Where shall we meet? Jo: (3) meeting outside the station at half past ten ? SAM: OK. (4) play tennis in the afternoon? Jo: No, that sounds boring. (5) going to a restaurant? SAM: Yeah, OK. (6) try that new pizza restaurant near the station. o Jo: Good idea!
  • 16. First look at the question and think of some possible answers. Then read the three choices carefully and choose your answer. ~ )'!!-' Language focus: making suggestions iii) Choose the correct words to complete the rules. Let's do something! How about going to a restaurant? We use Let's... and Shall we... with -ing / the infinitive without to. 2 We use How about... and What about... with -ing / the infinitive without to . Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct forms of the words in the box. do go goto play play watch 1 A: Let's something this weekend. B: OK. What about surfing? 2 A: How about the cinema tonight? B: That sounds great. Which film shall we _ ___? 3 A: Shall we baseball on Saturday? B: No, I don't·like baseball. What about ____ tennis? Exam Practice: Reading andWriting Part 3 (a) , Complete the five conversations. Choose A, B or C. Look at the words before and after each space to help you to decide on the answers. Exam practice: Reading and Writing Part 7 : Complete this email. Write OIlE word for each space. Let's go surfing on Saturday. A Is he free? B No, I don't. 2 I love playing computer games. A Me too! B Of course not. 3 Can I speak to Chris? A Yes, I can. B Just a moment. 4 It's very hot in here. A Let's go somewhere else. B Sorry I can't. 5 Shall we watch a baseball match tomorrow? A Yes, we do. B Sometimes. C What time? C That's all right. C Is it you? C Here you are. C That's a great idea. That-sounds boY/nt!. What-abot1rgoing SV1J1Jl)1 11'1IYIg ? To:: Chris ~ Subject: : Party . Hi Chris, How (0) are you? It's great that you are coming to stay with me (1) the weekend. What about (2) to the cinema on Saturday? I looked on the website and there's a funny film on about (3) boy who becomes a farmer. (4) I book tickets? (5) the evening we are invited (6) a party, And don't (7) your swimming things because the pool is open on Sunday. I know we'll (8) lots of fun. Oh yes, (9) you give me your mobile number again? See (10) soon, Miki Speaking In pairs, role-playa conversation between two friends making plans for the weekend.
  • 17. ~ A ~ i ... ,; , '----"1 it .. Can you bring some drinks? E Spea king Part 2 • Reading and Wri ting Part 8 I V party things I L making offers and req uests ~ Give answers in full sentences. Don't just read the words from the card. Exam practice: Speaking Part 2 Make questions using the prompts. Then ask and answer the questions with your partner. how old / YOU? 2 when / birthday? 3 you / like birthday parties? 4 what / kind of parties / like? Shall I bring something to the party? Can you bring o B Work in pairs. Student A, look at page 62. Student S, look at page 65. Vocabulary: party things Match the words to the things in the picture. balloon barbecue _ burger _ cake candles card CD chicken crisps _ cups _ disco drinks fruit juice _ glass _ ice cream _ pizza _ plate_ present _ Listening You will hear Nicole talking to Tom about her party. What will each person bring? o Nicole ~l2L- 2 Carl 4 Tom Lisa 3 Rosie 5 Mike
  • 18. :s? • , ~e"'nt D Work in groups. Plan II pilrty. A R A riives .. Imp""tiu to t~1I --.e to do something: .... VOUr glass. doII't + ~n imperative someone not to do hing: : 'Ol'ge! to Come to my Think about 1M kind 01 Mlswers YOU ar~ looking tor. 00 you n,*,d numtK>rs. davs. times. pl ~ces. or something else? (6rne t6 rr'l1.f p.:Ar-tl.f ! !!) Language focus: miling offelS and requests iii Read tile sentences. Write R for requests (asking for help). and 0 for offers (gi ~ing Il"p). 1 Can you bring some drinh? 2 CJnlbri"9som.. pl~tes? 3 Could you ~Sk him to brinq some musiC? 4 S h ~1 1 1 brin9 something to the p"rty~ iii Complete the mini-di,lIogucs with 5h<llll. Ciln I, can you. or could you. A: pOur me a glass 01 oranQe juice7 B: Sure. Pass me- your qlJss. 2 A: br,09 ~ome drinks tonight? B: No. Il'~ Oil. We've ~Ireildy Qot 501fle. 3 A: Len make" birthday cilke lor NIcole. B: COO(! kle..! Mum. help us? 4 A: ma~e SOfTIe s.<Indwicho:>s for th@party? 8: Th~rd be gre~ t . Dnn·t to-rgel to m<lk@WfIlo:>withoutmeat. Exam practice: Reading and Writing Part 8 g look at St@~e's notn and find the <ln5Wer that might be... 1 II time 3 a phone number 2 a place 4 <llhiflg D Read the in~ltatlon and the email. Fill in the information in Steve's note5. ....:........,."l I"""'''' .~ ...,'" Speaking '" SIeve [i:I """"" ~11"'. P~"1 Hi Ste~, I'm gOIng 10 Geo.~'s party, but I do",! know where the soorts centre IS. um you meet ~ ..t the stlltlon so we CII<1 walk there lJJgethcr~ HOw "bout mctt"'g at 10.45' let me know. My J>ew moDlte Is 07876'538724. """ .., I-----~ It....) ftlf!f ""Y' "'" (0) !!.: pU'" (11 _,.., (2) __ ­ Mt<1""''Y'" (3) _ Mttf'~~: (S) ~ _ _"""'....... '" ,wuttw: ~~ c..-<- dO !".o-"'":l .,.., ""'"" ....,... " ..... ..., I'!(I p.... flIt~..........'1 ...""". f<"c" """".I c_ <:f"~' c.o -. '" ,
  • 19. '-I"Yew"'01/JJVf'''''411SO>ll'(!C • • , "d10s~wq~wosUl~I IU~) , .,eUI~jO'"I • ,,-sOlolJI~lIl 11001D ~IaW'III!lM,'SI'AiJedAePl1J1qI)no. ,, <'1noA/aJe!IM!'4'PIO(] .JapJo1116"allul~PJO'""l.Illnda LWO)jnoA"J~ilJiIIIM-noAI";'IUI0OI)IOJ'14'403 i145"s,Ie41(] "awOl",)n,hill$IOS-A)JOM"uop'uaM:l iI!lIolds IOAopMOHLU'etilljl'41Aes110'VIIJ'A.l1osa -a).)JJ9we'lSiH,UOJppo..IV'!'solnodolAl'ds,11I (S)""""111 IwalqoJd;,wesD'.II"All.,.<IN.os140:.....'8 (7):.....~V'I L-NJeuJMJnoAS,Il'4M....14MlAllI'''!!:J"'~'9 ItI:."'."1'1 -AesOl3ldo~4'!16,,]JOllln)!U'p "llnbs.II'l+':HH-BS.letjl"1,6)'9~.II:11'»111 ill""''''I'! '1'/)'!8s.awpu..IV'!'wes'001 noA,,,aUl01pase~",.uewJa9WOJIW.I"~19 (II""'.'W '~N;II)01~"11'M6u!Ae1S S,i"lS·P""PI·uJdAwS,5'41'eUlJef'j:Nf$ 'S~UI'41~'IW.I'wes',H:."'.'1'1 inoA;IJ"MOH"eu!,eV'!'OllilH:W"S 'MOI~s;llualuas al.llI.lI'MUOll~sJa~uoJS!1.l1alaldwGJII ,uel~lIM·~~JnP,da41UI~ldOildallll~ I uo,J~41~jpueJblunepuPQ$n49 , ""J~J~qWW)JaDmqa~EJL 1~l!dsOj",JnuJ~ueapJOllOP9 p,wlqUMOJqAaJ6S ,AeNojela,~usaW'lawos, '"IElI'" 4S!todIjJU,UlUl"pl'ueJI"PJij,I AuaJdJ!l'1.lU!1I1Z ~)ual),"jql.'liIW'j"'"'1.l1l'UllIS'jbU3, ".(§i.j),~-awe-u0 , "too~uoppa~1I1~PJIJa
  • 20. til Complete tht' nniences with the correct forms of the verbs. be (orne 9010 I,)ve IlaVt(}Ot We<lr work o My mitt always pln~ shoes. 1 My dad blue eyes. 2: My 9r <lndp ~relts from Cnlna. J I thr~e COusins in ....ustralia. 4 My brot~er Tor a computer company. 5 My brothe,'s girlfriend very pretty. 6 My mum "flU I often the clncmJ M ~aturday s. Q Look at the picture. What are the people doing? II Complete the dialO1;)ue with in. on and lit. ST[II" Hi. Oil". Are you qoing to CJlh's party? Yes, I am. you? Yes. bUll don'l know where my invitalion 'S! IS lhe party this wnkeod? No. it's (1) Saturday 24th June. HN birlhddy', (2:) July but soc's on holiday then. Oh. righL And in (3) ltl ~ afternoon ;s""' in (4) 2: O'clOCk? Actually, it's (5) 2.30. Can you remember where it is? II's at Top Pin Bowlinl< isn·t it? That's righi' The ~ddres~ i~ 2.4 H'911Lane. N' III Complele Ihe rest of the dialogue with these phrases. C~n you LN's Shall we WtliIl ~boll' SrtVt: ,,> < buy tile presenl together" 0....: OK. What OJ gel her? Sl[vl: I"m not sure. (2) her ~j"er wh<lt she wanls. ".0....: Good idea. (3) go"" slopping 00 Salurday' STt'I[; Ineed to ask my mum lirsl. (4 ) call me at home th,~ eve";,,,!? 0",,; No problem. Spea~ to you later, Steve. Sr[v[: Bye.OJn. L ~I word. tOl'l"l!Clly~.-.d;)',t, people to 'PI" word. ' ? L d~ ",mpor,p 10 r~l'E'<ll ..r..n U....y ""d L ..... """ <l"SW('f" QUMlion. L IJ$Q ('" pr~~enl SJmpif dnd pr~''''''l conhnuou, tenst"i L m" ~f ~n~ rf"llIOfId 10 olfe... reque.t. ~nd ",q~esti()", E Eum skills V V~abula'y ,kill. L L a ngU~ge skills -3im»
  • 21.
  • 22. ~ Language focus: past simple o We use the pa~t simple to about things that happened in the p~st and are now finished. Re..d tl>e examples and complete the rules. Tile slloppinq rf.'f.,/rl! ...IS closed yes/eTlldy. All tile shops were closed. Did you qo to tile to/lre shop? No. WI' didn·t. We went 10 tile par~. 1/1JO~ed ~I some bocScs. t listened 10 some CDs. The P<lst lorms of be are and 2 We use to make qUi'stions in the p<lst s,mple. ) We use to make l>egali,e ,enten,e, in the pa,t ,impll!. 4 We c ~" m~k e the past form. of .ome verbs by addinQ a Complete the speech bubbles with the past simple forms of the verbs. I hI,/~ , 1I<>pp,ngll (0) (go) into to wn I"" w~.."" I>f'cau," I IlJ (",,,,I) 10 wy swn~ newjOIJll51~'t ...eelr""d. bull""./lOpS 12) (bt) rONlly OOIY and I (3) (not sui ~ny""n<) ! "lre<!. ! (oil) ('ry) on ~ COOp/<' 0'""",.oo l t~e y (5) ("", fj/! mil NO" l/ldve to go ~,I)~,t ..~end! OIy IfJ~' and 19o Sh<lPpm9 ~'<:"f"y w('t'4l'1l(i L~st "'H4end ...e (6) (17Iff1HI too·c/oclo ",od "'~ (7j ('po:nd) IJIJ m<:V""""J 1001Un<; 31 "Pw c/OthpJ In I~ CHpa/"tmMt 5lore. TIetI we 18! rut! lime/! in aUf r~vo""',, co/(N' Sh<Ip. "' 'IK' ~II<'1r>OO1l. "'" (9) (cJK~) 10 loo~ ~I CO. """ tletl we (1/)) /".w) "" " " w.t> '}IPdIl Exazn practice: Reading- and Writing- Part 2 Try all three oplion~ in the II Read 1M sentences about 90ln9 shopping. Choose the best word (A. B or C) for each before you choose your <'In~wer. o Carlos w..nled 1(1 a(Ie'" m(lb,le phQne. (A)gct B spend C make 1 He went to the department stor~ becau~e il hod _ _ prices. A I ,ttl~ Blow C small 2 He took thi' lill to t r.c top where they sold phone~. A f loor B pla,.f. C slolfs ) The os~ i stJnt showed him sevef~1 ph()neS but they wNe too A high B rich C c ~pen sl , c 4 (3r105 to buy 3 computer game inst ead. A thought B decided C ~ne w S Carlos paid IOf the game and the ilssi5tJnt gJve him some __ . A bil! B card C clla~ Speaking D Think 01 something you bought recently. In pairs, ask and answer questions about it. Can you lind out what your partner bought? Whe"---? Where___? HOw mucll._? WM I (olour._? Why...?
  • 23. I , The house where I live [ ~,., I L r< .. , .r• ." 0'1 e·"' .1 V , IThefe an: ~e vpral big chajrs in Ip~re. which are really co",'ort~bJl!_ I I There's a desk wilh my (Omputl!r un ii, ' domy ho",,,...OI1:. I"ve '101 iJ friend (oJUed -'ames wltop!.1ys Ihe gultdr. Vocabulary: the home D Do you live in" house or an apartment? U5e the word5 in the box to talk aboul your home. ~partme<J1 bathroom ~d(oom dining room q<lrden garage hall hOUSi' kitchen living rOOm B Match the wordS 10 the Ihinqs in the pictures. bath bell bookcase carJl('t ceil,nq ch.lir computer (urt",n de$k door lloot "'mp I'ghl pillow postet shelf shower sink sota towel TV wall window a Ttll yovr plIrtner about 50me ot the rooms in your house. ~ Listening .... a Listen to Gina, Harry and Daniel t alking ilbout I he rooms in the picture-soMatch the people 10 the rooms. 1 Gin~ 2 HJrry 3 D~niel ft Language focus: relative pronouns a RE'3d the examples and complete the rules. 1 We uS<! to give mort ",fQrm~tion ~b nut ~ pldce. 2 We uS<! !<> 'live more information about a ~crson_ 3 We U$C to givt more inf o"n~t'Qn dbout J tnln9_ 0)
  • 24. - ....:::::::::::::: o Jay Shal~n Ioose has eV{>fything ereept a bathroom. 3 When Jav IS on his 100..... he spends most of his time r~adlng. J~V enjoyed t<llkinq to Journah,ts <lbout his houS<'. , , , , ,,, , (8'l , , ,,, •, Q Complete the sentences with where, whkh or who. I My brother. 'S ten....anlS to palnl hIS bedroom black. 2 I want to put my desk undel the w'ndo.... heu!'"s more hght. 3 Tri,h~. loves music. hils lois 01 po~ll'l~ 01 pOp SllIrs in her tK>dfOOm. <I I·ve qot a p,<lure 01 a 1>ol!oe. my grandmolher p.1lnted. 5 I pul your card on my Shelf. I ~eep <III my speCidl Ih nilS. 6 My parenls' room. ,s on the second trOOf, is ,cally big. Exatn practice: Reading and Wntmg Part 4 a Read the arlicle about Jay Shaler. Are sentences 1-7 ·Right· (A) or 'Wron9' (8)? " there Is not enough Information 10 IInswer 'Right· (A) or 'Wrong' (8). cl>oo!oe ·Doesn·t say' (C). smaLL Jay Shafer's home is small but it has everything he needs to live comfortably. On the Ji;round floor, there's a kitchen, a tiny bathroom with a toilet, and a room ~xto which he uses as a livinJi; room, work area and dining room. Upstairs there's a double bedroom. The kitchen has a sink, a IridJi;e, a cooker and some cupboards. In Ihe work area. Ihere's a laptop and shelves lull of books. Everyone asks Jay why he wants to live like this. 'When I was a teacher, I lived in a big apartment. It had lots of rooms that I never u!oed but I still had 10 clean them and pay lor them: ho explains. 'So I decided to build myself a small house. It took me aboutlwo months. with some help from my friends,' People W(lre very interested in his new way of life. His story was told on TV and in ne...spapers and maJi;a~ines all over Ihe US. Now Jay has a new job. building little houses for other people. Not everyone lives in them 01 cour.;e they put them in the garden or use them as holiday homes. ·It's my idea of a dream home' says Jay. 'but ifs not right for everyon('!: , Jay's house hils two lIoors. IlrS, th"l, these. those 2 Jay"s ~droom is big er.)tlgh lor two people. We use this lind these 10( things th,,' "re near us: 4 Jay neelif'd all the rooms in his old lIat. !"his is my room. 5 Jav built hi5 house by lI,m....IL rhese at" my drums. 6 We use th.Jt lind thou for 7 People pay Jay to build houses 10( them. Ihlngs that are oot MlIr us; 'na/"s my sofi/. SpeakingThose are my curtams. Q Draw a pklure 01 your dream hous,," and describe it to your partner. Alw<lYs find the right p;"t of Ihe led for tile question dnd re<ld It carelully belore (h005i09 your answer. Living , , , , , , , ,
  • 25.
  • 26. Plur,l nouns Add '$ to mO$t word" Cilrrots. N"irnilS Add ·es to words that end In -ch. -0. os. -sh. and -.: bo~e.s. pot~lot'S lIh oil -r or -re and ad.:I ·~u: l'I.J!ves. *nives , "'.Read the d~scriptio( carelully to see whether you n~e<! to wrlle a singular or plural word. ''''' no<'¢ 4 '1o<... ~f"' ...d, . ~ _ ..., cI:ocor..t. 'P"'<I. pO.voJl ~Jlt... _I~' "",t t.~. tho S~.r>"'! tl>O l»n>O" MId <'";,irllo ~~O<. ""'"Pll' SCI""~ on ,~. 0,."_ .....~ . '""""""'~ wit~ t ... t>or>aro> -'It" ~ <ho<OIat. """"" on ~p CO ,I>< ...-dw'ch _ put ono!!>or "I( ~ 01 ..-_ on too. ,,"or tlJOt out C>Nt>Jt ""11•• "" It!> o! _. n:1 t""" "I <HI I". Ia5IlJir. of -~,,",".c.I~ n"""_Nl .~ Language focus: countable and uncountable nouns EJ Read the rul{'s and wril{' C n{'Xt to th{' countable nouns and U nnl lo tile uncountable nouns in Activity 1. Uncountable nouns dr{' tlt'IlI}S you can't count. Countable nouns are Ihings you can cou(!. o Read the cartoons and choose Ihe correct words 10 complete t lte rules. We use How m.:Jnr,..? to ask about countable I uncountable nouns. 2 Wf' U'<e How milch... ? to a$k ~bout countable I uocou(l able nouo~. 3 We use some I a(y ,n factu.ll questions il(d nel.ltille sente(ces. 4 we use some I a(y ,n quest'o(s th"t ~re '!!<Iuests or offe". S We u${' some I aoy in ~rllrm~live senleoces will> plurals and Uncou(table nou(s. II Complet e the dialogue with some• .lnr. how mUCh and how many. S...: Mum. can we lIave omelette for donner tonight? Muw: Good ,dea. Sam, (I) milk have we Qot ,I' tne Irld(le? SA"; We h~"en't got (2) milk. Muw: O~, Well, can vou go 10 lho shop ~nd buy (3) ? SA..: Sure. Do we nee<! (4) chee~e? Shall I buy (5) or Ihalloo? MVN; NO, tn~f!"S I()! ~ 01clteelCC, Bul edit vuu buy me (6) eQQs? s.~; OK. (7) do vou wanl? Mv..: J on~ tIo~. Thanks, Sam. Exaxn practice: Reading and Writing Part 6 o Read the descriptions of some food words, What Is the word lor each o(e? The IlrSI letter Is already there. There Is one space for each other letter In the word. o Some people have this YEII()w 1r",III' Ih~ i ' tl!~ , You oftcn have thiS on top 01 pina, ( 2 Som!' ~p le like 10 eM these Iflf.d at bre,tklasl lime. E J This "", k ~s (a k~s and bi$Cu,ts niCE and sweet s 4 Tho?S~ J rf f~ ~nd CJn ~ cook{'(j or put in saladS. I 5 When you are .~rv Ihirsty. yoo should drink Ihls 'Ii Writing o Read thi~ recipe. Would yo" like to try this sandwich? U Writ{' your own Monsler Sandwlch recipe. Who has the best idea?
  • 27. - Q ~~' of"''''' "".... ~tl@ ~.,dJ. Pay for yo - _ .­ Are you ready to order? l ~'''''''' ri'" W, _•••, P.I" , l Ye, , I L '" .... ,,~ I""" o '-l!~....~ 1~~1~ ~'''''''',,' '.....~ ,"""~k... ...,."" _ j : atthe bu ,I I Exant practice: Reading and Writing Part 1 ~ .0-; ~ Be carelul: SGmC D look at the nolicn (A-H). Wh..,,~ un you see th",,. nclien7 sentencl'S may usc t h~ same words as tile B Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)1 notices. but lh~ moan;nq ,of the whole sentence o You must (l<Iy for your meal I>t!fore yOu cat it. miQht 1M! difr.~r(>Ot. l Our tood costs le55 if vou <'al it ~t homf'. l We ~H.· closed a the weekend. 3 Don'llE'~ve your pl"l.. on th" table iI tl>e roll of your meal. 4 A I'l)('f1lbef 01 stall will show you where 0 sit 5 You 000'1 P"Y e,tr~ tor J glass of lemonade Voc abulary: menus U Write the words in Ihe in the spaces (A- D) in the menu. Oe$serts Orin~s MoJln coursE'S Side dishes • C Ice <rum (.~ "."'" 0 ,. "".ili>. <~t~) ClIocob.t~ brown.. &nan. ake Frbh fruit ""bdI, I , o Chop' £I.SO F,....~ fruit juioc Q,--,ion ling. (oc.",e.'PP;'.l"'f"I. p;..upoplo) Green ....d '"£1.75 Cob., lCtllOfUdo ~ £2.50 £3.50 £l.SO «r-' • Ttli$ table ;,;Ior Sll" only. " food • Ct......t>ucg.r £3.S0 £3.SO D.'" l5.7S • Chid<.eoi>u'1:cr • Voggiebul'f"c • Pin;, 0-..., "-" ~'--.<OfDI<o' "",,,_'_04._~.,.-,.ppIo
  • 28. --- Listening t.tll~e que~tion~ far til!' waiter's anSwers. U~e Wllat Is/are...1, Wllat...llave yau go/? How muell isla~...1. W.lJTtR: It's made af "eqet~l>le,. There', na meal in it. Z W.,,<~: All kinds. you can choo,e any four topping" 3 W.,,,", II's £5.75. 4 W"" l ~: They're polalo pieccs cooked in hoI oil. S W."E"' We've got slrawberry, "~nilla. ~nd chocoldte, -iii.. a t.t l~e and AmV are ordering some food at Happy Joe's Cafe. Listen and write down wllal tlley want to drink. a Listen again and Circle all the things on the menu that they order. ft Language focus: ordering food II Read the sentences, Write C for things the customer says and Wfor things tile waiter says. I'd hke a c~e~eburger please. .2 Would you like 1oOfflt' ,11'1>'>7 3 I'lIl'IiIve iI salild. 4 00 you w<lnl <I"Y ~Ilk! dIshes" S Can I have a glass 01 watN? 6 A chocolate 1lI'0wnie for me, plea~. 7 What atioul d 1In~~t1? 8 Are ~ou rea.dy to ordN' Q Match the sent"nc"s with the same meanings. 1 111~e ctlocoliile A I want some (hKoldte. .2 I'd tikI' some ctlocolale. 8 Ilh,nk (hocol.W~·$ great g Choose the correct words to ,omplete tile dialogues. o A~.r0~Ii!l.e-l Would you hke hsh? 8: 100. bull dOn'1 ,,<It it YE'fy olte-n. I A: What do you li~.. , would you Ilk.. on your p,ua7 S: I'll haye h3m. poneapple and cMe,.. .2 A: t lik.. , I'd lik.. <I chKkenburger wilh (h,p~ pie<lse. 8: OK. Do ~OJ want (h,PS with thai? 3 A: Would you lik.. , 00 you like Me~ican tood7 B: I don'l know. I've neYe. hoed it 4 A: Do you lik.. ' Would you like J l>oil~d ('99 for br('akrJst? B: Yes ple~se. and ~()mp hrpan ann huttpr Speaking Ir:) Role ptay a convprsation in a restaurant. Use the menu tram Happy Joe's Cafe. One per~on is the waiter. The oIlier peeple are cuslomer$. A ~,. ,, ', I,r, ,I" fl· " :' .-, .: ,', , ~
  • 29. They make him laugh (Pe" d;'<l ",.JI'/" " I' '.j ' 0" ~. ,~ 41 Y Ii"", I ~ '" '"",,,,. --­ - Vocabulary: films Milich the words to the film posl",rs. all action film an adventure film "'comedy " fantasy a horrat lilm a romance a science fichon him oJ thfliler Match the phrases to the pictures below. It w~s bOring. It was e,dtin!l. It wa5 runny. II was interesting. It was sad. 1 was ~(~ ry It WdS str~nge. _ It was terr;bl~. It was wonderful. It made me cry. It made m~ smIle. It mJde = laugh. "', Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 3 (b) Read the example carefully as it wHI teU you what the a Complete IIle conversation between I wo friends. What does Gary cOfwersatioo is IIbool. say 10 Oavl!? OAvr; Hi, Gciry. 00 you w~nt to go to lhe Cir,ema Ihis w""k@nd? C""", 0 Du.: Just TIm ilnd Elll'. Cu.: I O.vt: I'm not sure. What so.t of Ihl"9 (IQ yoo like? CA~" 2: 0."" II I k~ science fict ion. but I know ( lie hate, it. CARY: 3 D~vt; Good idea. What lime IS bi!st for you? C...; 4 O~'I'(: r,ne. I'll tell Tim illld (ltl'. Wolt you (heck the fIlm times? GOIIr: 5 D~v£; Than~s. I'll weilk to you lilll!I', Gary. Bye. II. Sure, I'll 00 that tonight. 8 <ifeat! I like them. WlI<lllitm stlall we 5<>1'") C Saturday arterrlOOO - I've q.ol football pri1clk e on SundilY_ o Yeah, OK. Who are you going w,th? E II.nythlng e,ceDI r()man(~ ! What about ~OU? F Whdllim" does that Itlm start? G Well, what ilOOutthat new throller? t hearoJ It's reallY@reltlng, H Are they hiends of yOurs? 0)
  • 30. -- Ex<Ut practice: Reading and Writing Part 4 D Read the information about three young actors and then "Jl5Wer t he questions. Choose A for Emma, B for Daniet and C for Rupert. Rupert Gmt was born on lo)rillSItl 1990 from ClcJrMIItoddiftIII WU'i the oge of ~ only 0CIcd In WIOOI ploys When she • not ocflng. Emmo loves 10 study cod n is 0150 good 01hoc~cy. Emmo Ir.cs EtNYICI W~ ""0$ born born ,n 1989 end has no n 1988 He IS the ~ she brothc<s Of sislCrS He of!f.oe childtoo. Poylng :ney; she wanted to be was ifo two films before the par! 01 Ron ~ on OCIOf. buI betore she wos his ksI octifog job. goot the pori ot HenTIione he was chosen to pjoy the pori et Harry Pone< but betor<' 1ha! he wo. ifo the I"iofry PoIter films. He i$ no1 W>ry sporty once ill 0 x~ pI<ry ond doesr.t ~ko studying. but he has 0 In his free Timo he plays !he guilor ond 101 of CDs tw>d oIways t.:Js t-<s MP3 pfayer wutd>es footboU on IV His f(JVOl)rile ector with ~ Hc says he does net !:now how is Jom Cor"V ood he kwe<i tams thot make """ her mother ond he< 'fOIJflO(lI" b<othc<. mlJCh money he !los oorne<.! pI<ry~ t.m tough. like 9lml:ond Ace Veniuro. .oIex. Her /oYoo..oite OCt0<5 ore ..k.Jlio HOIry Pon(!l ood says !hoTbe;ng rich ond He also IlMls t:...r,-ing things wilh on the !i!Qbcrl$. John CIoos.c ood SOodro Bollock lemous hos no! thongod him el oU rnoooy he has e<lmed! a Who detided 10 be an attor at a very early age? (~) B ,, , ,, Who en,oys spcrldong money? There will he' information ,Who I,stens 10 alot 01 music? , , , "bout the Question in more ,Who plavs a sport wel17 , , , than one 01the three teds, , Who enjoys doing school work? , , , so you must read all three S 1'1110 l i k e~ wdtthmg torned,es? , , C le1ts very urefutly 10 lind , , ,6 WhO has several brothers and sislers? oot which one answers the 7 Who workl'fl as an artor helor~ !leiog 'n Ihe Harrv Pot!pr film.? A , ,Question corrt'Ctiy. ~ Language focus: pronoWlS a Read the iostrudlons and tolour the circles. , - , theyPossessIve '5 .nd 5' (:~T::;Y::r Y h~~y· ~~~''y ,t Ih(>m Ih~ir ) Use ·s l ar one pt'"on: Ihelrs/my IriC'fl!l·s lavmmte film :~./ ~~V ~iS ~er~s Use s' for more than one I Use blu~ if the ptooouns c~n only he useod for boys. pl'fson: l us,," p,n~ il the pronouns can only bl> used 10< 'l,rls. my friends· fjckefs 3 Us.. green i[ tht' pronouns can be uSC<! lor l)OYS Of q.rls. .4 Us.. red if ttw pronouns ("nnot be used for boys or guls. II Complete the spnlencl's with a pronoun. ,, watched lavourlt", actors IIf'W hIm. was a !JOOd film butt can·, remember __ flame! cha,,, were very uncomIOfl..ble. bul __ wer, hnf. , d.oplK'd popco," on Ute 1I00r. but d,dn·' drop S sweets' Speaking II Write some w ntences "bout "n "dor then read them to your !Mltne, . Can your paltllt'r guess who it is? , "
  • 31. I - Can you play the guitar? [ ',h-, ~o,.,;.... "'>;l.""t,O<j~.• , "I v,-, ,1 ~ 1t,·", .1","" I(Y . '"..... ~.-.1. · "., Vocabulary: muaic D t.tlltcl'lll'le types 01 music to In. photos. 1 roo 3 ddnu.' 5 hip hop 4 fe<!gae 6 c'as~lcal " ,,' or ind then Instruments In the pictures. drums IIKtrl' gu,lnr k ~ybnll rd pillMO violin D Ask and answer 11'1. questions In the music survey. Exam. practice: Lillcning Pari 4 a You willh"r II boy nk,nq about music 'fuons. lIslellilnd (Ircle t he numbers you hUf. 9.00 , 9.lCl " 10.00 " 10,30 "(J,SQ £17.50 [30.00 [)500 (15700 (17').00 "'" " "" 1)11'1 EI U~ll'n aqain and complet~ neh question. ~ UI HU rw..siL. lesSC1'S _of .... Gu..tu l.u:lOm Oft Tl8t of cU.:;~ l""qo;~t ~~ :I<U_ ¥na pa ~~~ c.o...~.. ~l4rl «Ilt.. i-/HiHHi ,n ") -,..".. '"(4) l ".,., '5l , I I, I I , ... >"-'" +""."."It ~' <ie')'«< /,,/fJl ;., - ....:. "" ..,. MI'l ,."yfJ. ..... C() pI..yLl. ot """,11£' c.~ ~,,~"Y"" ",./",-""JlI' ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, III Y"'" 1aJ'O'Y pI..y IV .".1,..,..,.1>1 ' to.~,ld)'<'k ' ''''- /() plAy aJo ,,,..lrI<J"U>/1 • .-.,1,...,.u>1 "••••J<A Y"'" Ij,t. i<> ".II.I~I LISten carefully. You may hNr two tllTM'S. pri<:ts ~ dales. but only ~ will be cornel
  • 32. ~ Langua g e focus: modals for ability and obligation a Match Ihe madals to their me<lnings. An ilbilily is something we can do. An obligation is something WI' have to do. o Can you play 1111' guilJr? 1 You neetl to come 10 tile Cldl"S at 9.30. 2: You dem'/ "ave to brinQ anytlJing to rile lC5S0n 3 We must h~v~ six peopJe jn fil e class. 4 Younefdn'tl!~ylt>d"y. 5 I could pl~y IIlCpiaM when I wJS four, 6 I had to mW a music boo/( tor the (ourse. II Choose the corro~ct words to complete the rules. A ~<nt ab,htV B oresen! obl i g~tion C past obliQahon o no obliqation E present ~h ' l lt y T0 tal~ about must in the P<lSI. we u~c had to I ne<'dn't. 2: To l<llk Jbout can In the pa~t. we- u:;e could I had to. a Choose the correct words to complete the sentence~. 1 I mustn·t I can't ptay an Instrument. but I'm a good singer. l yO.! coutdn't I n"dn't buy your own quitil•. Yoo can use Ihe schoot·s, ) tcoutd I l"rn.IsI pI~Y Ihe pi~no when I was younqer. 4 I lave to I need book my place on the coorsc by tomorrow. 5 These days. you can I must download mllsic from the Intt'"rnet. 6 You mustn·t I don't have to buy COs if you don"t want to. 7 When my tatller was you"'}. he needn·t I couldn·t download music. 8 He must I had to buy rt><".ords nr CO< in a mll<k shop EXilln practic e: Reading and Writing Part 9 g In groups, rt ad the posttr and talk about the things you need to do before you go Ihls festlyal and the things you can do there. ,,/', " . !" ' 11,-: .11.; til .," 1, .d .."I< ", Ill) You wanl 10 invile your friend Sam 10 go to a music festival with you. Write an email 10 your friend. Say: when the festival is on - how you can t ravel there - what you need to take ~mber to start vour 'OOIe wilh O<'ar... or HI-. and "IISh it wltll Besl wishes, or from. aM yl)Ur name. Write 25- 35 words.
  • 33. "LIO~UlII Itpu.ursPUll'J,,!I(I,,(I--~IV puuIpu't·1I6101,1aaq11.11'111;wooooJ u»,diliJlI1J() 0'"'1106~IUO"~.I(.(9);""'1'1 PlliIUisoll"'~1·a","S.11''"1I1;wooooJ )JIloq1"lJlillIluliMJOf.-):0011'1 I.S~It) 106..file!pu,,"S~1IfiR!0"'1:.-..ooJ ,IUt''''flOAOPIt)·SIO!u}.:"1'1 ,UOIt'lodIII tolli....iI~l'H"WiI<Illa6 ","IOUldIp"a.101"'-'0~»dJnOJ~J 4Pi'iIUooJ.OPU<lpUp~I"'"'WI/(0) "iJIUA.IV.s~1<'111:""I'! "SiIOl~lod p"eua~)l,.ppa~(>()i~ew01lUll'"I 11161001Jauu,p~OO)01a~'1P.I·wnl'!:>'MOOJ "'~MUls.aJ~laulOSawos'I>nwMOH 'pnulMOHAuewNlOHAueAu~ "SIUO'"asa'l,IU!'"wnwJ~pu" I'UOIJ~~....,~U01II'SJ""UO:l"'U~1~ldwo)D "01;oAt'..,.IOUl':llm""14nalii ""s6UlltJwl'llnoql'SiI:lualU,U01'1'i11i1ldwo)II ·JiUU'p .II)..punlAnQUI'lnoAilJ;tjM;o:J('jdl'S'S''Il9 ·~I'ldasn...PI'<' zn"""""0II;1!'IM;I!SIlW10PU'~01111s,s''I1'i "siU'~roew PUl'"S'I)I'IMdollS~S'S''Il.. ·POOIIjOOJi1)dGi1d"H04MWOOlI'S.11( ·sJilbJllCj'I"",ea UilIiOiI!dOiId~..POOl10PtJIlIeiI.IE'iISiI'IlZ ~lJilp.ll) 014lo!'i11ooJ.fl'';'_sAn0<1.uos.lidts.lOlUI _.r.,.·uur:rbrw ptIl'SIjOOQJ.nQI,Il')noJ.~J~doo.(s~s.I0 "SPIOMI>.JUO)ollliill!I'"putSinpii'llpn~D ,Ii"1 •0' "Jnl!UIfI.IIJpput90 0'alnl0'. ,. ~,ASCIR,"4' ~,"" 00do''w ""'".., ...,H, 0',"~, 'po,,,'"~,'" "..."P""'l,0'", ~, '''' SP'OM10PUlSPJC)M10llltlS ·"plppiJJO) atllulWiI"Il,ndUiI"I'putSpJOMiI~tl'lD I, ,I ., 9-17 ~
  • 34. U Complete the arll"e with the past simple form of I ll" verb~_ LaSI month 1(0) it, ,,1 (go) to lO$ AngeleS on he US on a Di..ney trip. I (1) (howe) II Spooo31 lour of the Dis!e'f cartoon library arid studios. I121 lseel some of the lirst d,ew;ngs for Snow White, They (3) (draw) them in 1937. They (4) (kH Pj them In II spedal underground room wIlich 1$ alw;)"s the same tl!mperalure as the paper is not very strong now. The guido (5) (take) us to see the lirst plans for Jungle Book. There (6) (~) an extra charaCl<l. in thorn. a rhioo called RockY. blJ! they (7) (cut) him out 01 1M film In the end. I (8) (learn) SOme interesting facts aDOut the Disney IIrtwon< and they (9) (show) us how they made The Nightmare before Christmas_ It (101 (be) amazonol II Complete the mini-dialogues with Ihe ,orr~1 pronouns. o A: I~ Mike t'<Iling a banana? B; NO. _I?!_" drinkIng a bottle of ml l~. I A: I~ Ih;5 K.nen's CD? B: Ve~ Ih<l,'5 CO. - ::..,2 A: Has Robon got a comic booI<? B: Yes.. lias. 1 A:1< Ih'$ K~ren'$ m.lg3zin('? B: Y ~S. irs 4 A:Wl1at is Mike wea, ing? B: 1< we ~rinq IJvourite football shirt 5 A: W he r~ are Robin. Mike and Karen? are In houses. , , E IU"I(! """ und~r;l and inlorlTlillion on ~ ,..-.g 1 ~.1 E Il$.t~n ~nd compl('l~ so"....,.....', nol~' V tftlk .,1>001 my """" and mv bMtoom V ",de< lUO<l ,md 'JO S/><:>PPng V 1"lk a-.,',Ims Md music l IIW tne Impl('- ~t t~ L IJI~ aoo...labilities and Qbliq.too"," UW proooum (O<fecUv E Eum SkillS V VQt abulary $kllls l Language skills
  • 35. ,.. .poq)110.liOspue~;no""0 iSpJOM~JOW.lUI?ppe!loAueJ·"Iq~lillliU!SpJOM allloJl!JMUillU"u,qqnqo.paads"41U!SpJOMsa4loPil41ilUIiJilpUnB ·W"'Ija_" IOIMP).)Q/OOIJ~S01S>aU,"'1JNM UI')~'"('('/6W'/aWO<j/,)6,WljM IJII/S.LepuesuN!110,00sAp"'/p j"w.JO/!UIl/OO'psAw/0/.11'<1 ilJ)illl1lnqallpup/JII/5,JI//JO S""SOD'/"'''L/I6UIJeilMiI~'1'-!lOpI ~ssel6uns.l<l/pIX!del S'1I1~Y'I)./1....//·sPJ"~Jle ptOJS.I'ilsne:>iIQHIt>.1/1Se "lP/1pcit'$~JIAw1/1'''' oo'pnsJOJIIJNqalII01ob I"3<1."<POliS;'Sillil,IN""I ·<;)Jnp!dil4101sillqqnqo.p""dsil41"Ple~D $;){IOP:A.:I'lllnqe:JOA "w"'!/,.."",,aA,")(I/ osSJss,up"~'II.UOfJI-)eO)WJ~'" PlIO1001.10Iill)!>{f'JroMIptOJ s./'/1-AiHltIw''''1JOd,,-,,0Awtil'''' wal/lll/6noQput''filsAww3<j/ .)WlPI"dol.,pup$,,,mol/II)'''' JO1111<P'W"UJilIiIJ""."lJP.JI ilsnp:.aqSjOOQ}O)It'dS'ul'l.iQjI o I, , .. ., is~ooqasall~aAolI ~
  • 36.
  • 37. by Simone Watkins (~!lC Mum and I have pink dl~ dod he hat~ the <oIoUI bUI he S(,I Vocabu lary: festivals D rind these things in thE.' photO<}raphs_ a band costumes (powds ddnc~" drums .r,. a festival food it headdress a lorry a pJrJM worry il ther", is a word you don't know. Read the whole sentence 10 E XilIn p ractice: Reading and Writing Part 4 help you und~ rs l'lIld the fJ Read the ~rticle about the Nolting Hill Carnival and an~wer i , He enjoys being in the parad [ R,;>J,"~ or'" W"" "'l P"" ~ •...., P••! I I V ,,,,,.., 1, Il ,.,1» '~'I~ '"0 '" ro ' ·nllo·li,o london's NOIII'19 HIli CamlVal is tile b;gqet street f~tival in EIJfClpe. There are large festival-; in Gefmany 100, but DIlly the (.lrnival in Rio in Brazil is biggeI II'~ on the Last weekffid 111 AlJ9IISl and more th.ln fifty b.nIs and ciscos drive through t/wI streel~ on trucks playing really loud West Indian My!1anOdad is eighty now and he's played in eYe!Y ~aI ~nce it began fony.fN! yea~ ago. My dad's ifl a rewae group and he's le.xhing me 10 ~ rile dlUms. Iwan! to ~ m, own Dad's band. Mum staru planning the w..turrtes band one day. Ilove 9E!tong ready lor the yrnrvaL That', Between the bands thefe a,e paiiJde-. 01 dancffS . - let'! sad when il md~ bKalM' • knc In famaW( W"tufl'le!" My 1om,1y all ~fICl! Wlth a year before and my si~ter and I help her 0 make them during the ~ holidays. This . white beh and Lilp.Thr boys have pink loU,' My bfother ~ enj~ bl'ing in the parade My older sister's (ostume is a swimsuil with lot: of gold and silver de<:oraltOOS, and silver shoes. Her heacklress is '<elY he.wy and alrTlOS1 a tugh - she found dancing In it d,lficult at hIS!. soon ~tan to male plans lor the next one! meaning. the questions, o Th~ biqgesl ,Ireet lestival <n the world IS in 4 Slmonc'~ carnival cap i, th. ,arne cokJur ~'h .... A London, A dress. S Germany, S belt. ©Rio. e lights. How many carnival~ has S'mo"""~ 5 Siflllme's bfother doesn·t hke I grdndlather be{>" in? A dancing ....<th his sister~. A 45. B help;n,) hiSmolher. B 50. C wedung h<s coslume. COO 6 S,mone's s"ter had problent5 d'lndng bl'<:atr.;e 2 Simon" hopes to A twr hed!ld'e~~ WdS ~o Idrge. I A join I(or rathl'f'~ bdoo. B ller Shoes were so hi-gh. I S learn to pldY dn instrumenL C h8 dress w~s so heavy. C hav" h"r own band. 1 Huw does S,moroe feel .11 the end at the 3 What d~ ~i"I0"" 'dY ..bout her mother? carnival? A She no looge-r danel'S in 11K> carnival. A TirE'<l arter!oOmuc:h work. B Shl' spend, a Yl'ar m~~'"'l the costum",. B E~c,ted aboutlhe next one, e She works as d school teach",- C GIJd thaI ,r~ flni<h~(f. o
  • 38. ad ~ Language focus: verbs with ~mgor /0 + infinitive D Write the verbs in the table. I"m learning to plJy Ihe drrims. He enjoys b('ing in tI,e pilrade. Ihope 10 go <loain next y<?')r. My bwlhl'f hales wCMing pink. I WMl lo />Jve my own tNlnd ont' d~y, 110"" getMIj (elidy for the carnival. """'" "his year ""th a ",00 ~ sull .r" loIost of the answers in this part w,ll lui grammar. Th~y ml9ht look dl ~~rb lorm~ go or went). preposition, on ()t ,m. pronouns (my or mine) fnd conjo,mo;lions ;bfcause or so), as her auw verbs followed by to • infinitive verbs IOllowQ(l by -;119 form a Complete the dialQ(jue with the right forms althe verbs. .4:(0) (t I want I ~o) to the c;lrnlval. Will yuu come wrth me? e: Su.e-. (I) (I/Iove 1 90) to f..sllVal~ .4:(2) (your sister 'wanl I comelloo? B: I dQf1'( In,n~ so. III (she /hle I boo) in crowd~. 4: That's too h3d. (4) (1/ enjoy I be) with lois 01 peoople and Idan.ce) on 11'1(' ~lr~1. B: Me 100. And (S) (f I like I try) dll the d,tterenl snacks (rom the food·sell~r~. don·t you> A: Yeah. Let's qo! (6) (we I not w ~nt I miss) ~n~th'fQ. a Ask your partner about special days in their town or ~ity. f • <I' ll'il {I, .'" Exa:m pra ctice: Reading and Writing Part 7 a Comptete this letter. Write ONE word for each space. Dc,r ~imon<. 1"'I"l-.:d ""d,n!t (0) yo,,, con""1. In lapan. tl>< _on<! MOO>d.y "I (.an"",,;' .Ii....lal d'r. (1) nin<1«n·....·.r-olJs b<>:OnIt ..Jul''­ '~ ....rt (2) ",;aJv w.y <·~rlr In .1>0: m,,"mng (3) ..... Iu.... " .......... bo.'.u"hll ki_ .lr mothe. hdr> n.... I" put (4) "n. '~ abo ..'Nr "'hi1~ >0..:1<> and "uoJ..., .........,If. mu<h ~»lt1" (5) men. They ju.1 ~",-.l (6 ) dJn. su,' '< >II go (1) a ",.,..,,,,MY II Ih', r.....·" II.ll .,1<1 afk.,...·ard' (8 ) i. 'I"'~', I~nJ<'l" ..·~...i"!; (fUr nah"",1 <(b'um,: (9) "ery comfon:ilik (0) )'01 10...· iI' L","", M,,; Speaking II Choose three word5 and make up your own festival! Then tell a cla5smate aboul your leslival. (Iown co,;tllme W'lle dfums f,reworks p~rad(' SBacks
  • 39. Yournigm have the flu I, .,.... :",'" ,b...", ,., 'I V ,""',,", ' 'i ~ ' " 0 ") WII.!l s the m.Jitl'f? 0 (WMf" lilt m.l1f:;:> O~ / i I • - ........ __ h~ hlkln, .bout how you tn' W. use ""VI" go/ with nouns: ,.v.901if he.Jd6che. rve gol. cold w. use IHI w,lh adJKtlves: 'f~w. lacml fH'/ ftl'. I I Vocabulary: health problems a Find th" p(I'is 0111'1" body In the pictures. J.m ba(~ ("~. tye la.:, toot hand head 1'9 mouth IKl no~ slOlTliKh ...... 0 Match th. adl/ice to the cartoon.. Then listen to ChKk your "Mw.r~. A !l 1ool~ ~Hy rtd YOU shoukl l a~(' Ih.S medk;",. II""" '"JKM; a~. 8 Why do.n '00 go ~OITII' ~nd 'hl? YOU mognt ha•• /Ill' 111,1. C It mIght be $OI....,.thonq YOU ~le YOU Should Int "lid drill. some wat.... o You sl'>olOd 90 0 hO<prt/il loo an x-r,,,. Your oWn! may be booken. r Language focus: ..dvice and possibility II Ruel tile eumpln and compte'f tht rules. WflY don" J'OtI qo />omt' "00 ,~ t ? You mlghl /I,)~ the Ilv. YOU should go /0 fIQlpol<lJ for '" X-r.w Your ~rm m.Jr be bf~.". 1 Weu" "'" 0 q"'t lQI'I'M'<)r'oC .d.l(t 2 We u.l' ~nd " fWn we·r.. nul '(lfC. 3 ....... use tt~ pllf~'1S w,tn t.... ,nllnit;ye (without lol '·/ng lorm. o
  • 40. a Compll'l' the erl icfl' with should/shouldn't, m'y/m.y nol and mlghl/mighl not. . .r,. WMll' sur. the Ioentencl' you choosl' "t~ wiln wt,) CDInfi btfore.1Id .lter U. wnte-nce. A ThJllh. M,~e. O()(>~ Pele know "'h,)1 nappen«l? 101M,: Oh no' How looq ..ill you be' in hosp,tal? B t ~ntlW I'nl 't'dlly happy about thaI. C;",r.: 1 C Cool. Why oorl'l you ~~k my mum il MMc: Th<llS 900<1, So ..-,11 you lie b<lCk ~I S<:hool on MOI'l(I.JV~ IharsOK? C;",c: 2 o But I'm flat' Mr Hartley SJys I should "'",l: VOU'fC so luc~y You'rt 9O,nq to miss $0 m,:my boli"'J It-sw<1s! ~tudy ~t hOmc. G...~: 1 E Too doctor wants tn~ to stay at home "'WI': what a p,ty' Well, 1"11 hl'lp you w,th i. lor two wetks GIK': 4 r On hi. M,~C. I tl'M off my bokf dod brolt:e _.: rilE'll him. We fI'II9I"It vYSOt you ned W~~ c;.a: !5 G """"They m'llhl lei me (to home on Sunday. ),t~c Good odea' H I mj, b(> I>tre for anothf'f fl'IOtolh. Exazn practice: Reading and Wnting PilrI 9 .r.. a Read Ihls email from your friend Mike. • nttln lull sl'ntenees, U$Ing corred puoctoation Ioe.4 "p'111 ~lItrs. 'on ops and qUMtioo marksl. Greg hoiIs broken illS Ieog and ~ ...ann me 10 V'SotI hom lit home Would yoo like 10 come w,th me~ When shoill ~ 901 Wh., prHtrIl $houkl _ g~ h,m? Exazn practice: ReadIng- andWntmq Part 3 (b) a Compt!!'t!!' Ihl' phone converulion bttwl'l'n two frol'oos. What does Greg ,,,y10 Mlk!!'? M,d: H" Grcq, Sorry 10 hl'ar you're in hospoill" W~t h<lp[X'nl"P G"'G: 0 Write an email to M'ke and answer Ihe qu.slions. Write Z5- 35 words. Slart like this 'O'fijr Mih , I'd love 10_: Speaking II Work In ~irs. Studl'nt A. look at page 63. Student B. look al page 66. ralk aboul some health probl('ms and give lome advice. A 8 A
  • 41. LA~M,UJUI01~~'InoAPlnoMpodsI,P!!.IM5 i.<llIOZ$1.10110;utul01;t~11no~PlnoMI> iW"'IIOIlnoloOJ)11<110NlOH£ ,flUIOP"~IInoAOIl$.100$PI~MZ ,6uI1.IJleM.~IInoAOIlsimsI.I)I.IM1 'SJlrdU!SUOIlS;tnbiU41J""'!iUl'P'UI'~$'r'II ino..OQI:01.I.CIdD4AaOCllII'AllPUOewoo01UMOl 9Q1._1101&I,I'>QoVpuvlt'luoo!UI.)oO1"''1'''11pulJ~ UI.~uu~,.......rQA"dwnlpUOun, pooC~MIl4;;w..PInal.P..... UOOno/.,'POOUOOOO>01;)0'o()OQII.oOoY>no.'-AiI:.t.IJOO~ -a.ono/._Iil4M~<luJ <.>PPur.>Atr!,;IJOO'*'.no/.~V'IQ ~uwop~UI1IIt>qq~-.noo80.;1 U~CjA~o...$IUU"If)u!PflS6U'i>JE'Oq"OUS6uIPll'Oqill..~S bUIWWlNlSflu,1'1.'S6u,uuru,)leJe~6u'PIJ.H.IOIj SJllSlE'uwAbIleQloolfiu'4~116,,'IlW?pUPll'<l1SE'(l lWOZspodSIVOpnoA Ul'lS,JQds"salH10IPNM·illI!;q"...."41ulnUilW,nmo)"41'.~OOla .. ~....~I~""~Iotdo """'-"pucIPQMOt;0100IInoJ. $SOdno.'.~PUO9U'OO:lewJOP<M ;lUll"(WI0S""""U__OJ)•.n<'IoI. ~.....,,If'CI.'J,WOIOU'~ ~,o"O~ fO_so..... -''"no.'-~..... ~ 4lI ."( •f) ~0 it: 0 ~ e '4fJ Vo El '-VO •-, ••• I, I i I, I'"'1'1-">'''''1..,"Ill ",w""rll>.'..,- "' ---a:JB.IatHU~nOAJI
  • 42. - - - - - - - - - - - - "" . .r., There will uswlly be two ot , ..«h kind at number (e.g. two days. two limes or Iwo pr1(~). Read carefully to de<:ide whk ll one i. cOfrect. or.. Speak to your partner. "01 the uilminer. j:? Language focus: first conditional a R('ad Ih....xampl... and chaos.. the correct words to complete I he rull" . - - if claus,,- - , , - mil1n cLau,.. - , 1/ you W01k /wId. yo<! wil/ do welL ,L , L , - mil," Ck>U5t' - , , - -;I clilus.e- - , L r~ WOl'ft hurt YO<J~lf J If you ilre r;nre/ul. ,L ­ I We use Ihe hrSI cooditional!o talk aboul Ihat are lik(>ty I unlikely In Mpppn In Ihe tu'u,P. I The verb in Ike maIn cl.lusl' JII clause IS in the pres.enl tense. 1 The verb ,n the main cI~usl' I i' clause uses ...", . ,nlinitivl' wllhoullo_ a Mak.. fiat conditional sentences. il I play 10010011in Ihe fiJin I get very dirty 2 make new I.iends I il I JOIn thoc lootball lNm 3 It I hOlsh Ihe cour~ 1ge1a (em'kate 4 a silver cup I if I WIn the roKe 5 ,I , ,,,)tCh TV.l1I d.lY' not bt v~y he.llthy 6 " I ..~I ~ to school I ,11.'1 hi Q What will or won" happen it you do or don" do these things? 1 Nl~lot o l rastrood 4 90 to bed J<lte every day 2 le<lrn iI new sport 5 stop t;ok,ng Ih" tou, 3 lOon a sparh club 6 stay ,ndoors alilhe lime Exun practice: Reading and Writing Fart 8 II Read the emllil and Ihe information IIbout the karate courses, Complete Katy's nolu, Karate Courses Dora: MoncIoy 01 FriOov ~,. TilTle$: 330 pm 01 4.30 pm1lI~nk5 f..... aSl<,r.g me to do" 8eginnetf: £750!XII"....::>okkarate courSe wltro yOOJ . ....hat ~ ImpTOYetf: ~ 20 Pf!< weekgreat idul 1 preter tte ..arlo<1:r ume if th,,'S OK ....,to VO". and Mondav COlI 07896-876345 10 000/( now! . . ." ", me beC<!uSf' I ha~e ,5 not g""" 'v ~ tenn's Icssun alter so:;ho<>i that ~'s Notes ,Cou~e. ~ lJ,oiul.$'O .....t d~Ss' My pl'><>n" number IS day. 01 course ....e ShlJOJld do he Le.~d.: 1ea~· . 07859-567398 - <:31! m" if there >s TUfOe.: Z. ~: 3II problem. Lu k~5 'f'ria: " CWb's ~ r"i,urkr :5 Exant practice: Speaking Pari 2 Q Work in pllirs. Student A, look at page 63. Siudent B. look al page 66. G
  • 43. It's bigger than a cat ".' , I '. I ~ l '" ",,' .~'" " .1 Vocabulazy: IInimals Write the words in the ta~. CiI" you add ilny mo.e words? ... (~ t ..t r_ (focodi" dog ciep/l.¥lt ""'I ...~ "" monkey P<l"01 ~ hljoCf WIld rarm Inlmal~ ..." B Read the clues and write the an,mals' names. rm I kind of Q, but rm mudI .....e~I , PtopIt ndo .... my bad; 3I'Id ron good ~l pulling ~ too. • ~ ~ ~ ...... "'"' ...,."... ..wi I§OII"of1""" work lor 1M poIicf. d I J: I c.w.., ~ ;>("'" the S/lnd ;)rid I . -gtI,h••ty. , J: ~ ........ "....,"" from the wooIlh.Jt grows .... my bold. , I 1::1"-~ IutIltn and you can to:.u. ,.10~ :l: ron,MIlt! ugIJ ..d! W>rt IeoJ';.IIong r.-.. iIId loIS of ~ , :a::rm....., s1rong.. WI'" • hd< coaT _ I ~ OIl InCIO.IIIt.lIns ..... 1uRm. bI • 0)
  • 44. .....-- I For longer adjecti.e, 2 For mo~t one-syllable adj('ct i~e$ 3 ForQIW-syliilbi<' 3djedivel that 0i'<Id in -y ~ For short ~dje clives that end wIth j}l Language focus: comparatives and superlatives o Read the e1ample-s and comple-te- the- rules in the- table. T~e car is smaller Ifldn t~e d09. The mouse is Ihe smdll~,t. Ihe (at r~ prettier than (he dOG_ rile mouse IS tile prettiest. T~e (at is bigger than r~e mouse_ The dog is tile biggest. Tile Cdt is morp dangerous tim, tile mouse_ T~c dog is the most dangerous. Comparative adjectives Superlative adjective-s in front of the adj~djve ill front of the adjective ""' ""'to thl' end to the end "" ""change _yto change -y to double the t~st letter ~nd add doubte the last letter "nd add vowel + consoll~nt D Comp~re these_animals using the ~djedives in the box. trrl-9ul.r .djedivis beJutiful big dJngerous dirty IJ~t I r i ~ndly Qood -+ better -+ the best good heJvy intelligent noisy ~Iow strong b~d -+ worse -+ the "mrst o cat I dD<} I sheep 3 bear I shark I tiger 1 crocodile I elephant I lion 4 dolphin I mouse / monkey Z CJmel.l COw I horse 5 chicken / Ir09 / parrot O/.,t I' ,.Ii. 11,. "I,' _'.It II. .j) ••.. 1. ·.1 Exam practice; Reading and Writing Part 5 Read the whote artict" firsl to lind out what it i~ about. a Re-ad the artic le about sea lions. Choose the best word (A. 8 or C) for each SpJCe, ",any a, SW anl!Hals thcrc. IYln;: In the """ hi,,,· (5) , lowl} ,wi",,,,,,,;.: " round in Ihe w"l~r. Tllq· arc' ,·err '''''')" "~'. T" u""'~"I") (6) thel" btll Ih<")· a,c (.:" I~,p"bf wj,h l i ,h~m"'" bee"u", Ihey """llh<,, li sh and hreak Ihei. I~",,,. (7 ) i, "."Y I,) I<"",h "-·3 t" .", ~_, lhe)" "ct· (8) HlI elli~~nt d,,,,, "",ny "'her ;mi",,,k ·11",,·, wh,· lh~r~ M~ ,,!i~!l """ l,on ,how, at ZOo, and "n;"",t t~"b_ ,O(A)JrC , ", , A because , ,N A Thi, 8 That ,These ,A wJtching ,'"wat ch C watches Z A grow ," grow", ,'1ro"'''19 ,A There , " , , Her.. 3 A qood , better C ~$t ,A much B very more 4 A At ,Durillg C Along Speaking D Do a class survey about animals. Then tell the class what VOli found out. .'1(1, "" .',. ,.. .,' found in 1h< PacifIC (kc.n. from the "m,h ofCalitOt,,;, '" tCXKO. (1) large 'Ul;m,l, li,·< IIOr "1' lO20 Y""'" ,nd ,an (2) to umo" th."" Ill~tr~, I",,:;:. The (3) place to:s<:c:!ea lio ~,,, F"herm.' n·, Wharf i n S,n F."nri",,_ " tho winter Iher< "'")" he os
  • 45. (")0)01eaJe/~!~Ja~l)(""',Ill unONSa~!parp'I' LSPJOI'IIaJOwliueppenoliu~:>'alq~1~l1 UIW~l1~I!JI'IIpueSUOOIJ~J~l1U!SpJOI'IIJalleal'llallileau!papUna e~~<I"eldsUI~lunow,)~el ~1I'1<wJ61$0).101SJa"'otJ 'a~oqesaJedsp,)JJO~ allUI(J,)jU/Mpueuwnjn",'Nwwns'6UIJds)suosusall')I!JMD pu~Auun.pue10<I1iJiI~<,II'ilWllal!Jno~eJAwSI~J.liitlll.U!SNJI;JulJO<,nOlO)14fl!JQ'"11 ® UI""S•...WJ.:> "tIuljOU~IUJ ~J.lia41_<WJOISJ~""IIaJe~JilI.IIS~II.JWOS'SjlIJiIlJl}oJJJ 1.I1''''II'''llial!o~MJdpueWI"'~0)4111i.J;o""I)~"""'II01061 PUV10d·'.WOl 1IIuOOu3<!,6pueusaJjSIap!sIiJluno)a41pueInos~wo)un. "'1SPJeM'~lIe1"'1'SUIPJI!pueApnopsl~6IIS~II~woS>PI"" 1U!111NJ!ueAq~qpue<lueJdpue'JaMOII~,e~'Jl1pue"'IU'M 0001"'IIJJ1IVWJpM1~6016u!IJe1S<,II'alla~OjI 'IIsn',alad 'SiI1'~JtIOAilJCJOUI]le'IoblRl"'"')IUI...600'1<II<.,)'<MII II-fluotIi~pIf<'~51A~sal.llPIll'<ao6IOOS60J;!,j!lnq 'S6uUIOW~IIJII.66oJ'.11s;}WIl~-"01l~1ipoe~6ueJO~J UII-lhfr'O~I~'II,. 'sulelunow"'IIII u!6UlpJeoQMOU<pue6u!!~,oliaMPUQ~~111~uluoal!"41uoI ale~suRJaM'Ams,JI~j411r'IQPIO)AJ;J~s.1Ipuc$"'OU~~JljO II'uwdvrjOJ-J~dliwu!uo<va$a!Jno.ejAws, I~.....::-- •• •• ,I .'_."''''(>,·''''_''1''·""'1"""''''I''~161'''d'''",..",.'1",'~"I"J''''I]
  • 46.
  • 47. = ";lOPAlql!qOJdII'M~lJ "Ss;u~8'Aoq.5""".JI'I~~~1~n] ....,,..MIlOSlal01POO6$.1'a -AId",.~eSlJeWOSJ'~I;) -"..,Jd.lfl'J6!Ql'1i6I''''noAII dns.x!OIJOI~I.I!e"OISIA'ISJ.jnN!i'HV -'H~OSIHlulMU~MS -,lSn,~}t>p~i:>UO.JOOPii6p0),~IswdoAlia"$11" --I'.wllilQ~s~1J01atll(: -UOOS001dn.~"'..A~IIIZ _---,:-JI)"IUI."'II60,,111)dna~u.ANIS;)SlOl101I ....,...'-il'fi"'JJS~SJVI~noAJI0 -soJ)uajUU.'H10S,,/llel,j.'11'PI"VID '1I,!,..8"'IIi'.><n<>'l'''f!p>lUtjO'ul w.>o.t"MIWII''''"I'""'l'purdn11.1"'1'~'I"""ijMOp 11''''''fIlIu,...!,"l'iii-.('I'I""'1''''KW<I1>II'd",0. ~,'!"'It""f'I"'"''"IJ<>.'J~'.Ito.1"'"""'I' ~..,.p'"IOOr>$pUJ~l",>do>If".(rp.w..q"F'I01 ""'1':mdpUTIW<flp>tfll'q.(t»N"'10'1'LXU.'.UJ"" »'>NI'"F~won""'fl'"POOJInOll'...."P'''':WII' IU~'n>O...oJ"">!1PUJ"'I'Ii'Iii,,..(.>'('J~"8 ';p"'ud,n."mb""""H"'!uup.»i0l.4f>UJ ''I',,,lu.","''''''''~W)O'uoJq'.lm~''''l'"II ".('1"''''''''muJ.....SUIU>!1"""'I'.~'">II'»lj ~~p1JJ"11'">.lTnu><!Lu>I"'IJJO>''I'I.UfOO"U' ''I'd,,~'"""t>"'1..>,~0)'Fl"o",jI"",,"""Iroo 11''''""'F'~~lpLlt,In.~<'".{..u.{.~,lOw,"",.,..:J" )1''''''''''1'gpurtu»..wquJn"J>Jw"'I'>J~ru< m~""""I'JOtlf'uow""'I'f"""1'Suunl'dnt>.u.u. "L.UOtjQu...<~J«I''''''''''''''""t"'l""l.!,uNUW '"f>l&4LIf'.....~...~-."....., "If'f'III"<>""'1"'lftJdnoI"'~l.d»t.,....UO"'" Af.I.'JI"'I'J.J....:.uo.(f'I"""':I"""~QQOUO. pugn~~no.{oiSr"J""'"...Ip.>:-;·4>'~swdono.{)' mq'4puJ.II&'If'lIuLLlf'U!I.lrrrnm}."''I'no..{ ;d<)<)IS018U!A.l.1<).I.,<)M •.lOOp<)'ll<)SOI3 '~awOJoolJds<I~l-­ do$~!OIJOI~Ia~~",II''''Ala<lN$Ji'jS .~alIO!)1a~1~uado a~i$lJdJl"l$tPfIJOI'S,""auo" JOt'IIUJIiWOS1<16A~IAt'p ~A<I'000abpIJIilllsuadoAI"ilN~'i'j( ',<lIU'M"Ill6uIJnpdni~~MI.UOp Aa~lOOP!'J;)~l"IW;)~ISd;)a~ailSl 'SliMOlliDsauD6oq;JI1l u.oqJ'ISeldUI~oIJOII~WSaliisind611$ I 'SJ"II U'S<lS'OI'OIsdaa~AlaiNAeIJI4$II a6PIJ'illl"I.,00,du~"IdeadISOV'!0 'Ui~'"oue'os'jnq'pu,41lMuJuiluas <1111<llildwo)PUll"PIIJ'illlPl'a~II 'jll6!w put.!tW1111111sasun6"~'I'Ii.lnoql!' ill!IJI!'<1111511tllM'olOlldillll'~oo,B 'Uil~)Je6s'lIlu,6"'MO.6S.,ooM Isn.IISJaMOU11'''tld.Jt""1119II, 6"IP!J 16uICjW!IJfll'qiuq1&u1l'l1'06S.I~'S 'I~J~UfIiIi~pril rliJnlrJtd~1fJ010),)06~,I" 1IOI1'ladwO) IwnI/IlJlttw/i~JiliIUO/l<lM( ...... fsjJO!.jSIl!n1/1~J01/0JItdrs.".IitHZ 'AI"pOIp/OJlAp.".IlnlJApnops.11L ·sflo,"'....CIsu'n~ /Sa!IIJinnS/u..1jO.IOi<tJSIOJJ'd0 I, "'II.UOP1l1li1SpJOMilllllOSSOJ)D
  • 48. a Give Ihese people so~ adviu usim. yOY sllew/d and wily don" you. o My lootll re~tly hurk (dentIst) Ilo~t weight and now my trou,ers keep tailing down. (wll) 2 I bought some new ,~, but they dIe .eally uncomfortable, (trillnerS) 3 I'm going to tile Ile.Jcll tomorrow bull don'l want to get sunburn. 11;01) <I I w~nt 10 Iry a new sport and meet some new hie"d~. (tlaskrtbJII) 5 I'm going to d Pdrty, but I don't know wM! to wear. (smart shirt) a Choose the corred words to complete I he sentences. o I really enjoy to go ~i5lCe !okalll"1Cj on Ille lake 1(1 wInter. 1 I nato to go I 1,10;19 to school ..-twn ,"s sunny. 2 U's so WIndy loday. I found t o walk I..-~ I k i nq really dilficuli. 3 When it rilin~ ~I I day, I love 10 go / going to !h@ci"ema. 4 It therO Is" thund~rsl{)fm ton>9h1. I waot to stay / st"ying ill ho",e. 5 look out the ..",odow - it's st')rtlnq to Sr>QW! snowIng! II Make sentences using comparativ@and superlative adject ives. o a Iraq I a horse I ~n elephant (big) ,, a bilscbaU I" football! iltable I@.misbal! (small) 2 a hill/ a mountaIn / a t(eo (t<lll) 3 a di ~mond ring I a T·shirt I a leathN i ac~et (exp<'nsive) 4 "sheep I a crocodile / J 0e3r (dangerous) S skateboardinG I karate /toolball (easy) E c~oosc t~e r;Qht woros to compl~l~ d ",,,,I ted "ntc ~ ,hQrt emJil t~... oboul clothe" SPQ<ts ~ n d fe~li"..I< till< about hC'alih ~nd Qlvt hultn otdvire us~ ""II ana gomq to to tatk iDOOI thfo ful...... u.c com"","'''''' anO ""pf!ldto.e ..dl<'Cto.~, use <OO1II1""IIOO1s to join ,enh,Il<.<" 1"9"ltWf E Exam s~ l l l s V vocabul~ ry skillS L L~nguage skil,.
  • 49. • I' are we doing on Saturday' [ L,,!."'"'l p"" 5IV""I,""" Il ~'O>~N '''''''o'w, ,," 'uM,· .. "...",",,·,.h • Vocabulary: holidays D Complete the phr;Jses with then words. guKle book holid~V hotel journey lU{Jgage map OO'.it<ard 5uilcase t'CkfS tour guide lourl~t information ofhce travel ~e(lt o send a , 6 listen 10 the", read a 7 pac~ yOOf 2 $layala 8 coilKI YOllr 3 book yool 'I plan your <I pay the 10v i~it the 5 i0oi< ill a 11 carTy your a Which thing~ do you do before you gO on holid~y? WhiCh IhinQS do you do while you are On holiday? oRf'ad the email. Are the sentl'llCU true or fals,,'> , Sam bookeCl the hooIid~y ill the tra~el agtnl's. 2 S3m packed his ~ult«,,,.,. kist weekend. .3 Sam li,nows the name 01 the hotel. <I S~m w~nts t o s" Stella '" Lun(lOfl. r-" _ '__"i>~ '~~~·~=================::::::======: HI 5u,II... Guess wh;)t' I'm comIng 10 london next month - WIthout my pa~1$1 W@ booI<ed me hOlidav over the (ntemet lMI n.g~t. Hum"s taking m(! tl1is weekend to buy a <uitea"" ~nd a guide bo<.>k. ["m 00..... with 8 g!"(lup of ten teeMgers ~nd ~ tour 9uide. we're staying In a hotel In the ~,ty tentre called The P~lace . Do you know it ? IVMaI are yOIl doing this summer~ Are you stllylng In London? If you aN!, Shlill we meel up? Wnte soon, Som 0)
  • 50. i the notes ~nd the information th~t you he~ r will be the s.ame, but they might use diUerent words. You need to re~d and listen carefully to Qel the right answer ft Language focus: present continuous for future arrangements a Read Ihe e~amples and choose the correct wordS to (Ompletf thf Sentfnces below. I'm comIng 10 l 0IId0Jl ne~/ month. Mum's f~tlng me shopping Illis weel<end. What ~re yo:>u do:>ing tllis summ....? These examples ar(> about ttle present / the futu'@ 2 We un U!.e t~ preM'nt wni...UOtJ~ 10 t<llk aboullulure arfallQ'!m~...ts / Ideas. 3 we USUJlly wy I do:>n't wy a future time fOf sentences Irke thr$. a Mak~ sentences using the pre5ent continuous_ o we I stay I in a hotel I r>ear the beach_ 1 Wfo/ go I on "oo~ tnu, I tnlnOlfO:>W. 2 tlowlong/wefstay/alttlemuseum? 3 wncr(> I tou' guuk I tJk(> I us I todJY? 4 I I huy I some postc,trds / 10' my Iamily f later. 5 you I brinQ / your Qulde book? Exam practice : Listening Part 5 .... Q You will hear sOrTIe into'mation about a tour 01London. Listen and complete eacll question. •••••••••••••••••••• tJc/e.s ak>u.-f -f0lll0l"fQ4AJ (0) - -­ll".aJ<f",-,/ "" /t...u (I) __ __ "'I'kl~ Ji;wM.y ;0 /.U'dDI> lye., (2)tlid- oIlwcJ> ",J CD<,.ItI GiutUft" DUll (3 )~ P-...<b.ftt - __ "I " ... (4) _ _ 1/<£,,. oWv"J ",I 1M. (5) Speaking a Work in p,tirs. Ask arnl answer qllestions abollt Slinday's tOllr. Student A, look at page 63. Stlldfnt B, loo~ at page 66. WI!.J! lime ar.. w.....? WIl;,1 are we doing aL? Where are we gOlnglll... ? How lire we gell,ng 10...? Q Work ill groups. Plan a one·day tour ot your ar~a, Make a progrilmme of things to do. Then tell othe' groups about your tour.
  • 51. v The buses are too crowded £ 1""",·"" ,", ' IV ' '' <j)<ltI IL'", """ "",",'h a Going to San Francisco!" I, D," I'm going to 530 Francisco on holiday and I want to know the best Wiry to tr..wel ,, • UK "round when I get there. I Louis Wallo;' San Frilnc,sco isn't 11 vcry big ~lIy and many of the Interestong places are USA close together. There ilrt:' lots of h,lIs but just thir-k how fit you w,1I get! The buses arc good but they do get very crowded. Doo'l even think about rentong iI <:<lr. The roads are dIfficult to drille on &nil it Ciln take a 10nQ time to find a parking space !1i bec3use there are very few in the city., I Vu Cheng The underground, (or subway), is a great way to gel around some parts of SlIn <t UK Francisco, but it doesn't go to all the tourist areas. Walking illong th" waterfront is 11 good Idea because there's so much to see, but you won't w3nl to walk everywhere. San Francisco ,5 a very hilly city l The famou$ cable cars, which ~re actually trams, art' fun, but th~y cost too mU(:h to use all the time. ~ A nne Take the bus' There ilre bus stops on every corner, and If you miss one, there USA will be another one along ~on. Walking is also a good way to get around, if you are fit enough. If you are planning to take trips outside the City, then renting a 1- Car might be a good idea, but p~ ri< ing spaces in the city are very e~pensive . The subw&y i$ good for gettIng to and from the airport. G Vocabulary: transpon a r ind the modes 01 transport in t he pictures. btcycle b(ldl bu~ car Co.lf.h h~ l icopler motorbike ~ I~ne I ~~i traIn !Jam the underground (the subw~y) a Which verbs can we use with each kind (II transport? C<llth drive tly gel on/off get in/out 01 miss ride ~a l l tJ~e Reading D Read the website "nd answer the questions. 1 Who thinks It costs a lot of money 10 park your Cdr '" San Fr~nci scol 2 WhO S6YS there are too I!3ny peopleun the buses? 3 Who th,nks irs "'penSIve 0 Ira'·el on the cable cars? 4 Who S~ VS the,e aren·t enough parking sp.jces in San r ranClsc07 S Who thInks the subw"y ~~sn· t 90 to eMugh places? 6 Who says San Francisco is too h,lIy to wal~ eve-tywhl're? 1 Who lh,n" there are enough bust's In Sdn r ranCIS(O? I
  • 52. ~ Language focus: 100 and nol enough too much and too m.ny w. IlH 100 mIlCh w,th, noun~: 100 muc'" mon.y 100 muc'" tr,ll" We u~e 100 m,ny with, nOuns: /00 many/OO'is/s 10(l many C<lf$ a Rud Ih. uamples.nd complete the rules ..lIh too and 1101 ellOu9.... Sao r'dOC,SCQ is too ('l pt'n';i".,. 11'$ 001 ,heilp ."ough' r.... ITolms cost 100 much mont'y. Thell.- ..' (>0', ~ooll9h park1r19 sp.lces I We uu when Ihere Is more Ihan we wanl 2 W, when Ihere is les, Ih<ln we w~nl o Make sentlinelS about these pictures. o .• o - . .r­ o ,II the optiom. Excun practice: Listerung PM1 3 for e.xl"! que-slion but on!yone will /IIlS_ the .iii"a lisl,n to hfl"Slt.lkinq ,bout • trip to til, us. fOf '«h question, ouestoon cOIltctly. choon Ih, right Inswer (.... B or CI. o How IoOCJ clo( Tt(tW ~ ,n lhot US? ... three wHh B lou' wte~s l.C " ' wteh How did rtf. s,) trilvel iI,ound wh,le slM wn on hohd.Jv7 Ab v bu~ S by l,,,,,, C byr ~r 2 Teru,'S parenu Inouqhl Oisneyland was too A crowd~. B e' pt'ns,ve. C big 30 dod Te' e,lI do "t the Grand Ca,'Yon? A ..enl 101 a walk 8 1001< a rl(le In I helOCOj)ter C ..ent on a plane 4 Teresa and her lam,ly did root ~'Sll A l os A"geies. B l "s V~s C P~n... S Wh,l dod T('(('SI'S moIher t'<l1OY most In SIn r rlnCi$C07 ... Ihe Ir",dge B the 100(1 C the lOO Speaking II Imagine some friends are- visiting your aru and wenl to ~MW about travelling around. Think of some ~dvlce to give them.
  • 53. o Have you been there? [ I " I, '''l "or, 4 • ~<a<1"~ "'.' 1'1',,1'"'l p,,, 4 I v ~," ..", " I L I'" '0' ~., I" , 'O<w, pd,. "">" VocahulaJ'y: buildmg. ofrKf builOingl _ lm<'nI buddinlj ~-'" a look at II>t- photos and d.el. wh,,1 kind 01 buildIngs t~y I"'~. 00 yOl know the tIoIImts olll1e OOlldi"9s1 Wher, an. Ih.y? Exam practice: Listening ParI"mOlo,waV I bridge I "OW~$ Somehmcs Ih' lI¥TIe QI a p«son Of , pI"c.' is spelltod In this part. VO! m,nt wrile ,t down ,orr.ttly. Y.' and ",../ly UIfJu$1 With ',llons ttwot twp~1I4'd no! 10"9 ago: SINo', jusl bou9h1 5Offll' J IMlp$. UI, MreKy wilh Klions thl ar. compt.tMl: She', .'rfWy bouqhl SOfTIf' S',,",ps. Us, yel with .ctlons that ar. nol complelPd: Silt /1<1sn', oolJ9hl any sl.omps ytt. 0) ......0 You 1'1'111 hear a girl a.king about things to do In II town callf d Hadley. Lislen and complet. UCI'! questIon. Hadlf:H wtu. bIolit ..... '0'""-",... m ~ of th&$ -.u's fitro . (2) ~ TiW. of c..-.. !u:ttts on _~ ~ (3)~ St~ , ~th(. ,<) Pl),t Offiu ~ U : (5) r Language focus: present perfect V8rt1U1 ~t limple D Read the examples and choo5e the corrK! word, to complete Ille rule­ TII'Iot ~n/ 10 Il'If' 5'"1mInIII9 pool w.1 WH4c TII'ICI h.I, t>een to the C~ but she', "..,., /IoNn 10 the sk..I..part, Ul MS DeM", (nqIimd sil>CelolOtld.t~. rrna Il00. lived Itl ~ lor IE'll ~ I we usc the POIsl simple ' present ~rfecr wile" we art talking ..boul th4! day nr lIllie lhill :<OmI!thlnq tlappened 2 We use the ","sl simple I present ""'ecl ...hen we are talkIng about something that happcnc<lln the JWIsl. but we ~re not sayIng when it happ@ritd. 3 We ~ I so use the present ".rfed W,lh 111< 01 smce to talk alXKJt tllln,), thai uarted In the p.lst and are not finIshed. We ~5e for f since w,th t'mes. ddys dnd ddte,,y.d we uS. for I since la ~y how long. I
  • 54. Ijvcrpool', Albert Dod. 3 ~o rt walk j'DIIl the city c. ntr~, h ~ .rf311~ops, m~!.t u ms.. Clubs and ""Ii<; wh~", you can srt and watch 'h~ actIVIt'; "" th( notr. ih( Alb(rt Dockwas built in 1846, Nh~n li~rpool was a busy port. Nrth big sh,ps bn"gmg 9QOd! 'Tom all ~r th~ wol'ld. but by lI1e 1950s the dock was u~ ~'V 11(_For ~ 20 yo:a"!IIIW1 h.... tttn >'try popular w th toulists.. a Complete the dialogues using the present peri ect Or the past simple. 1 A: (you / go to) the cinema last night? B:No. 0/ go) Ihere on friday_ 2 A' (vou / ever I visii) Live,pooP B: Yes. (1/ go) th<'<e two years ago. 3 A: (vou I arrille) on S"turday? 8: No. (1/ be) here s'n~e Wednesday_ 4 A: (vou I see) Ihe bridge ye ste rd~y? £I: No, (1/ no / 1M) yet. Exam. practice: Reading and Writing Part 4 a Read Ihls page Irom iI guide book about Liverpool. Are senlE'ncE's 1- 7 'Righi' (A) or 'Wrong' (£I)'? II there is not enough inlormiltion to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (£I), choose 'Doesn', say' (C). ThIngs to do lh( Miirlt i m~ MU!'lJm t~ ll~ the ~T()t'y nf Th. ""'xt door. T.te lJ~rpool hOI'; many men who once worked on the big sh,ps. In Import_nT work. of 20!~ -....nwry "'. Th~ th'~ b,g 19tn-l-entury dod ~nlfan~ h311 01 thi<; f,~ old bUilding, vlsirors can alSO bu Id'ng h.~ "'"1'1 t..<omr an le~fI'I ~bOut lilt many profll~ .rra 11>1" ,,".atl~r uhibilions who "';I~d 110m liverpool ~"rro~i"9V(' lnwDlJ(kmori'lf to look fOl a bc:r~I life rn '~a bOI lh~l "~I.' wm. of 11'1. otlltr rounll'~ llltr. are 'nl~'~ling p~ akmg th~ also loomS lu I 01 b(aut,/ul Irvtl ~dO<t d.iv,ng down into fu""tu.( hom til( ~h,1)!, the .rvt' al t~t Albert Dod tllat ra"ird r<"h paS'oC1lgers to Ntw Yort. YOU'IIt' ~I de>nr an~'horgl,~~ th,s lx:'OlC' The reading lexl and the questions use dlffere"t words to talk ilbout simiI". things.. Look for words that mean the same 10 help you find lhe right anSw",. rules. o II,s ~asy 10 reach tile Albe. t Dock 00 loot hom Ih~ ,<ty centre 'lY B C 1 TOUI i~b h.ove eujoyo.'d cOIT"ng 10 Iht AIw, I Do<:k Sir>Ce 18116. , "2 The Maritime Museum is In a new !)u,ldlllQ. " ,1 Til... peop~ whoo moved to olh'" counllHlS tound the" lives Improved. " ,4 You Coln sec mOdCfn art in Tate L,verpool. " ,S The exllibrllons III the entrallCe hall of Tale Live,pool often change_ A " 6 P.J5Wn9l'fS Ciln gel 00 and 011 the YellOW Duckmarrne du"ng Ille lour. " ,7 The Yellow Ouckmann~ Iravel!; on roads and in the watl". " , Speaking a Ask ilnd answer questions about pl<llces your p<llrlner has visited. anothe, country an unusual art 9i'liery a famous bulld,ng an inlE',esling muSeum a famous place a ternble le,tauTant a very quiet pla«~ a very old building A"
  • 55. f Turn left at the traffic lights ( I; "" ""ft,.1 "!P.., o<>.lP-Yt'l v ,. ,otc~~' ~ "'''' 1'.1 ,. !' , behind belwef!n I The ,~atepark .s Z The' librJry IS 3 Tfle b~ 51()p j< 4 The bank is 5 The pohc§' ~t~t lon IS € K) Listening Vocabulary: places in town a Look at the m~p ~nd comptete the sentences wilh these words, "',..B Listen to three people asking for dirl'dions. Which pl~u'S are they looking for? Draw lines 0<1 the map Irom the peopl~ to tile places they want to go to. I l'G:J G ') in Ilont of ne.lto oppo.,'e the s..'mmj~g pool aM Inc river. ti,e bank. the (in"mil_ Ih~ holel. Ihcmuscum. 08 ;l! Language focus : giving diroClions D Mateh the directions to the pictltrl.'~. Turn k>1t ill 1M Irani( li9hl<. 4 T~ke Ihc ,eccnd road on the riqht 2 Turn riglll dt the crossroads. 5 Go ove, the br,dqe. 3 Go straight on ~t th ~ fQurxlilbouL 6 Gop~stthehbr"ry _ ():) a Work In pairs. Help your partner l ind some place$ on your map. Student A.look at pitQe 64. Studenl B. look at page 67. 0) 1
  • 56. EXan practice: Reading and Wntmg Part I o e . .r,. B Which notice (A- H) s"ys this (I-51? o SOme 1';lllIe .,. not be able to 9" urQ< this. The IlOhC~ Will otten be t YOU mvsl ~I orr yOll' blh ' ill th,s place.onlhe wne topic. Look 2 YOUr IOUr~ m;ty la~(' longer" YOU dmc str"'ghl on.Ihr0U9h'le nOhCM and 3 YOI.IlTII,Is! not lu",! your here ,,' certain 1I1ll.'S.deckle ...hat It Is. It may Mlp 4 1 .,11'o~t you money to fide your bicycle here.YO(J <loess the mUflil19 01 S CarS.lorrk:'s and bo~es must not turn 119hl or Iffr nffl'.some words. II Which two notices did you not lise? Wrile sentences like Ihe ones in Activity 5 to e~pl" ln what they melln• . .r" Exam. practice: and Writing Part 7 Rt'member you musl only II Complel" these emalls. Write ONE word 10< uch space.wrole ONE WOfd in Ihe SJI~e and it must be slWlltod cor.tell.,.. F""" l....e • • To- l .... HI luiS HI Jake, My !eiKher 11M a~ ~ed me (2) pi.,.,. in1(0) II fOO1bail mJl ct> alld I .....orn b<! IIlJm~d...:>d.,:! to come on the (3) 3 30 Sorry' But , 'S ~asy to hr>d1_15 tra,n on Sbturd3y m y !'louse a lld Mum MId OAd 1'1',11 b<! WiM'lOtI meet me (4 ) • When 'OU (5 ) off (1) IN! st_ ~ ttle trilln w"l~ II'IIlJU9h tI>e C¥ PMt< a nd then 9" (6 ) 011. AI the lind (1) w. <>gill _ cross the!'GAd My ~ IS n"mber H . y.... can't moss (8) . If rou 90 (9) tIM! cnun-h you ""~e IIO"It nO) 'IIr' Speaking II TIII~ 01 a place in your town. Tel' your "lIumat!!, how to ge' there from your school. Who C<1n guess the pIa" Iirst7
  • 57. I I think technology is great ~ ,·:,.06<'-1.' ... I'i' ,I,,"l I'. ., ~ I v Icctloc><XlY I L(>0< ..,,"" ~ ,,,...'" ."'" t" '" 1 Do you spend more than two houni a day In ffonl 01 a screen? I 00 yoo have a TV,g.ames C<lnsoIe or computer in I'OIIf bedroom? • y~'tIQ Ya.'NlI • 00 you ever eat a meal while watching a TV ShOw? y~ <II Do roo think yOU spend too mllCh time on the internet? Yes,,'No I Do yOU send more than 20 tert messages a day from yoor mobile? y~o • Has a teacher ever I3ken your phone away !rom you at school? Yes.'Wc 7 Do JIIII spend three hours a day or mol1lliStenlng to your MP3 player? Yes,,'tto • DO you checlc. your emails more than once aday? Yes.'No • 00 you spend a lot 01 lime chatting online? Yes:.'no ~ Vocabulary: technology a Find the technology items in the picture. computl'f game! console keyt>O¥d mobile pho~ MP) pl~yer radio scret>fl television Q Use these words to make silly Sl!'nte'nces about the things in Ihe picture. Ciln you corrKi your partner's sentences? Actions Things chat to hsten to play cartoon~ emails 'riend5 record ~end sur. IYIl!! III<> internet music watch v;,;" l prOQr.Jmmt'S website~ A " a Try the t e<:hnology quiz. TlI<>n check the results on page 64. Listening -ii" a You will hear a teenager (ailed Annie speakinq on a radio phon,,-in programme. Llslen and answer the questions. I How long does IInnl" spend online every day? 2 How many Ie" mCS5.<1ges dr>es she ,end every d~v7 3 When did the teil~her take h"r phone aw~y hom her? <I Doe, Annie trllnk lAodern te<:hnolQjJy Is bad lor t""n51 ~ .­ 41
  • 58. r Language focus: believe, hopq, .blow. say and !hirtk a Rud the examples and choose ihe correct words to complete 1M rules. SOme.' p¥CflIS belie.'... (IN/) Il'd.,lOIogr is I).1Id for lheIr choldren. U( mum UrS (1M} I liS" 100 rrnx:h 1«hn0!09Y. Idon', 'hlnk rth.J1) c.o me~5 '5 a 101. I IIOfM /l1Ia1/ roo ",,,,,,,,'/~"nd'''9I"xf mt'5Sol9"s m cl.:l~s.. Y",j/l, 1ho", W""I) 151'011100'1 liSt' my vI'~ !II (lJIs.. , We ","ve to I don" have to use- IMI aUer lhese woros. 2 W" ollel"l U'. / ,.....K use thl' cnntinuous forms of bfol,,,ve and t no",. II Malch the two halves of tile senlences, Ann~ ~s (tla) PIe. A 's po$Sltlie to Sludt and send texl 2 AM.. IIopfl(lhat )~he_ ITIflSiIgH allhe s.>nW i,mi'. 3 Ann... ~~ Ilhdn ~h(o~. 8 ~pend~ Iwo houlS a day onioni'. 4 Annie thonks (lhat) II.. C Shollid worry !.O muc.h about S Annlfodo)f-sn'lthink{that) tf'eMQl'fs ildults D '11'.' ~I her pIone bad '><IOf 6 Ann,e bth"vu (l1J!1 modern E ,s good for tcen.:JQ('rs. l«tH'OIo<n··· F shouldn'! u~e h(or phon" in cl<'l%. r once Exan practice: Reading and Writing Part !I before choosiOV IhI! words for the SPoKes. II Rud Ihe IItlele aboul a qlrl who won a prize. Choose Ihe but word (A, B Of C) for taCh sp.&Ce. The $25,000 Text Jllessage ...oJ I"'" 'Iorpn ....., 'M p'.1 :!om. ' IMP" PMp, ,h",=Y"",...ok! >, ,he " ...., bo:;~"", ,he r.N (0) !I<"I1d, (4 ) ,...." '.I.l00 ,", '"1~""",,1 1".."tI~ CIIJmr"''' Ie" ".:""1«"' ~ monlh "'~" 1"'1I1 "''' ha<I ~ 0 .... £JI.TY of lh" I lnl','I St~.... Sh" "Oft In Ih. ~n.,1 .... ...."' • kry",",,,ni "" " ~-., (7) lhe compem.Qn In r,,,,, Y.". 21-)"aro(lIJ a,,1 "~ II,,,I 1.1; '" u,", ,han • ""nnal "'u~,1< (1) ')r, n ~., "ICIs<,goof Tim,h. Hi 11I,,,I,,,lli"'l a "~ rh,,,,,, (8) ,h~ ""u. 1;1 Ie""... ,n ~2 ,.:,,,,,J,,.Sho "'cr)"""" (5) 110", It.,. M or~~ " s;"d. - I ~" n ', ....1"',·" bea':~ (2 ) I""pk to ",,, ,he ''''''''''. Ru, ,I><" ,II< I ""'"all) '..", ,he "kok " '" ,he '''I' !~"" "r S15.<~10 i'kll"'" ["uoo a """a,. '" '~''''I"''''' i,'" 1"" I "'J''II '0 I",,"". (l) ...... (6) t~." lI>I'S!'Itf. M>d !:O 'h<>rf>t",'­ o ti 'levl'l 8 onlv C yel ,A th,nkl 8 Ih'nlung C thought , ." •A ,Ii .,", C lhelfC "'" 8 each C other 1 •c-,,~ C ea$'e$1 ,A 'uch A NW 3 A 8 wj"clo 8 A When C Wh,ll' C -"4 A mo'e 8 mucro C moSI '" " Speaking Q Do a short survey about t",hnology. Ask qll,stions about some of lhese topics: computers, mobile phones. televl5lon. video g"mn.
  • 59. An amazing story I ', " '"I' "~""""' r>(j P,"" IY '" " ""l ll 'o,' ,'"..", Vocabulary: boo~ &nd readJng D Match tilt "0<111/0 Itll' Itlimjs ln the piclur•. ,~~ diclKlNfy maq~11flC ne..~r nov.' B Where can you lind the things In the box? Use the words from Activity 1. <!dvert'!ofoffiI.'nl ~rlicl. t ~d Oln crossword on/ormation ...bout <l ploK. or person ,nlormJhon about II word photOtltllph p;clufe spo<ls news .(Clt,1'I9 ~t Of y weather report li5tKl car./ully to your ExaIn Puctico: Speak:r.nIJ Part 2 par1:Mf', qUMtlOl"l$.1I you don'l uncI«stand 'fO'Jf II Work in pairs. Student It, look 011 ~. 65. Student B. look.t P"9,67. ~rlner. say 'Can YOl.l .tope"l Illal please?' ~ Language focus: past connnuous La......._.n a RHd the uampln arid look at til. diall,am. Which verb is A and which is 81 wlNn and "h,I, 1 Cldud,,, ....IS "I/dlng ~ tom;, w~n Ihe learllt< ",,,Ihd in.Un wt..n tlelor. tile 2 Wilen tile tMChl'l" ""tked in. PiN~ "'dS sjWng jn~, c""Jr.past simple: Wlll'n SM "~'~ed m.' was •.. I •~'''9. Un wllile before 1M ~st (ont,nuous: oChoose U.. corre(t "'Olds to comptl'le thl' (ule. She w,,"'rd In whll. I .."s sIffpi"!l. We IN' l' I~ Pd~1 COr"lhr"luous "'lIh th.. Pi'~ 01to Iw I to do ,rid 11M ·jfHJ I ·l'd lorm 01 tIM vf'rb. ~
  • 60. iii A~k and an~wer questions about the people in the picture. II rell your partner what you well' doing yestelday at these times. Make tlue and lalse sentences. Ale your paltner's sentences true? 8.00 a.m. 9,lO iI,m, 1,00 p.m. 4 ,00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 11.00 p.m, A " ExaIn practice: Rpding and Wnt1Jg Part 4 g Rud the artici. below. Who is the story about? What happened? Wher" did it happen? Q Re<ld the artlc'e again. AI" sentences 1-? 'Rlght' (A) 01 'Wro,....' (B)? II there Is nol enou1)h inlormillion to inswer 'RighI' (AI or 'Wlong' (6). choose 'Doesn't SiJY·(C). A Teenage Heroine foo- """"""" ,,, caU 3n .ml>u........ L.u,," ,hen .".,..""" ,hi: I>u, PvI«'~ ",,,<,,,,10,, '''Y Ih., 'hi" ,un' I" '''~ found ~ ,ordl, ~"" "",,..~I ,he " ,1'10. "....,.,nF'" ,off .." ...n.•~a'..-.Id I....ur. S,mr-vn .n "",.nI ,~- An.... 11>0 ~","',I~...... HI. l..urA ptI,,,,",,, ,lie I,."or t>r.,0'I) I>«""U,"" """ ",,,-.J ,.... h"... c,," M romp;in) anJ ~"" ...I r,,, ~ ....... <1m•.,. 11< J..J,,', paut'n,.", ...... h,,, I....,. " ...' 11."1,,,,, ...".. (rom ho:r ......."Jm~ ...h,~)1 ..,"'" "m'~ u'"II 'h<- """ do) 'hik '''', "en: ".""'~ ...J,h;d'Ylb. t.;. lUmru "IT ,110: ........ f•..- lum. ,he .",1 ......"'" or ,1>0 <>Ihcr "..."""~,,, pt.)'..., ,."",1>,,11 .nd "'''r """p_ ,..;I. ~bullbrn If", a ""! ..ok up II "'" HI" am,'" I ..., ""'1""1-. loouno Lou""-'''(If) ""< I><cn in . 11"'" """~""""D .".1 t'bc bu< ...". nIT ,.... "",d ........"n, ",,,..,<1, "" TV ............,.. ",.on me frum ~...,,"nJ' I coa'. tid .... """ for i, h.!. l""""- >IIo: .....,J L.","* II'<'> I k><>kc:d ., ' '''' <In',,, .nod ",,. ... "a.I)Jo~ 0..,,' ,he: ,,""",.noJ hI> hp> ..,,'" hi"" II~ •••,"', I'bn. '0 '1"''''' bcr ,,,I>00I hoIKl.y hctpu>, hcr [JiI'.'"" "" IhOOf __"'f. JJumJ'<'d 0'" ..r my",... .on" .,.." II>< .. hc.:1 ' _"""In! f.rm and k:r.rmn~ '" ..,,,.. . , h,'f'" I ".... n,y 1......'- "'" ,.,..J ,0 The Au~tr,)I,~n POlice thonk l"Uf" sllQJlIJ ~I ~ pnle. , •, L6UI" ..."S on h'" way 10 KIIooI when It,,, oICcident hdPPf'!,pn, , •, ,Alllht p.5W~f' on the bus Weft students allofura"s school. , •, ,67. When l"...." wo~e up she SolW 11;11 lht (Ir,ve< w~s ill. , •, question, thooW c.. 4 Anottlt'f tJ<'5Sf'n'}'!f help...! L~ur" to stoP 'he bu~_ , •, 5 Wilen the new bus drive, "rrived some 01tht p;l5serogers were 115'''''ng to music. , • , •lit...... 15 ,III P<15~ 11<11 po!Oplt on d,trcrt'fll countries hMe • , ,, hea'd her SIOIV. llIu'iI illlNdy hols') driving licence, , • , Writing fa In pailS, wrote a story about meeting iJ famous person. Use thls pliJn 10 help you. Then .ud your sl ory to the clUJ. Which is the !)est story? 8e1jinn,"'if Wlel'e were you? Wt>.11 were you doil'll? Middle: Which t.wnous person did you SC('? Wt>.1t was he 01 ~ dOIng? [nd: Wt>.1 did you S<lY? Wl,jt did the tamous pel'5011 say?
  • 61. (POob) SIdt>wSItU,"'OU~LOOP(:g £11'"illl?<UittlM:VS '141itJ ,XitUiI~1,)~{'1'(UOGI)s.1'ON:9 iillls~,~I01la60;/HllIII60,umllPII'IOItS:'1V '6u'~IAJaAil,)otS011/IOtiUI?s,)~el AIUOII-(bill)~,1I11lQ')10S.II:9 ,POOl>iI~W""$flWil41SI:'1( -",ol>Ot.t/01,'''ou(.I~)S.II'ON:9 (.illsV'J~l01060lui'''''lOAO<J:'O'Z ("'oIS)sl'nq~1'~'1,)4'iI~~1:9 ,1,111'11~41JUSOC)iI~1'WIIPII'IOtlS:'1 (J"nIOUs.U 'p~Ol"41u...op1,1014b'(>JIS015IS"!'SilA:9 ,ilJil4'e')ulfUI?Il"illil41lil:'10 '~6noUilJOIl lU00/1111'"Hn60,IP]pilillilliJdwOJa 'i:lll"j01 I"~~S ,~, "'ilNUJsroq~('''lIPIOU)P'''''O, 'MIIia""",e1,11(AUIOUI 'UOpuo,IIIfUlell punOl6J,)pUnil41(illin) "IHntl'~nI?Ufl?'Ie('~'" 'PS1O'"11111pUOOJe "pA)ICjI?(ilP!1IOU)~.PIAl'(]0 'S,))UilIJOKI.iI liI....'1s.P(UOInoq.SiI)Hlu",~liI'iljdwoJD ,, " W9.d01'"·l;rp.IottOS _I.....,........;q>)pq~"",~ "'"'-""'"-'I_,,,,6,......."'"s.-,...."'U "'"""'"'i""--l'>i.~", ........111~_1rrpn~J. noo,_""""""~ ·_il....S(1I1101$U~JdS,"POPlfIlnoq.allJMa , £PJ~OqAa~AwUiIi!SnoA(lACH:'1S " iJIUlOJAw_.iI""......:'17 " il'$I,)J;MjMlilApjd(OwAu,pUIII.UII')n'( " " i.ilJOtl(!iIIlQOWAwSIilUoI/M:'1t " illIJIlOJIVJill,sqa...1.lIJ"',ul......11108 ~"I~ISnowU""')'IPleoqAiI~L l,)~"l."'IPAll'III''''9 ",lA,,,,!ulellsnqliI~~'"S ~""q,uatws"'JUla~J~uu.ldn.dU4S~ooqV lrooq~1OOI'lSOj)1,)~JI'WS1tll>!1"ne'l( 11'4'JiKJIldS"'o3U"'pPJUOlSIMlilll 1'''''liln,)fiu'tUJilIUIAuun,fluroqL A/PUolUJCWo])AsnqAdd~40 LlnoauoppO~IIi]pJo...II>!IMD L-O -SJ.INn;
  • 62. a Make H'ntences u~ill9 the "rompts. II look at the plttures and make 5fntli!'nct'S. Use thli!' past tontlnuous and the past simpleo Sam: "I like listeninq to music." with .../'Ien or because. ne I s~Y5/ 1 'kes I music I to I Sam /Iisten,ng !. 0 1", ,I',,,, 11'1, ' I ,J '" ." ,,' J Claudia: "I wanl to make my own websIte this yur." this year I hop~ I to I website I ma~e I own, ~ I CI<ludia I. Z Viktor. "1Ihlnl< Ih~l we won't use keyt>O<lrds in the lulure," fut ure f the I ke yb oar~s f USe I people I won't I bQlieves I Viktor I in I . " 3 LOfrella:"1 ehal to my friends online every day." she I says I eVNy I day I uses I LOft-tta I chalrooms/ . 4 Cassanar",: "I spend too much t ime surhflllhe interne!." k!lows ! t oo I much I Sp('nlis/ time I onlme I Cassandra I she f. 5 Jun: -TYPIng eJTlilII! i'S boring. 11"5 eas,e, to phOI>C my froends." phOlln''91 Pt'uple I Jun I emailmg Ilhin~51 better f is I them I Itl,)n I . Ii) How well can you do these thlnqs? E lislen I.,.. . ~v In1ormilt.on [ rcad r", .,..tailed uMerslilnd'Arj E use Qr~mm~' knowif<l9o to compl~l~ ~ ShOI1 t~.. V t~lk ~boot t.w'lOIOQr v tar. dl>OOt tr""~1 JM P>OIod.Iy. E b am skills v Vocabulary skills l lan'lua'l<' 'kills ).
  • 63. -- - - , ,~ Pairwork activities Unit 1 Lesson 2: Student A D Ask and answer the questions in pairs to complete Sue"s tlmel abl" , lit' , (>11 9.10 '50 10.30 IBREAK 10.45 11 '25~ 12.05 LUNCH I . I 5 Sc:Ionce 1.55 2.35 3.15 I GOHOMZ Unit 3 Lesson 2: Student A 0 1 H"re is some information about II party. Student B does not know <lnything about the party, so he/She will ask you some questions about it. £l:.I.'~!'#J<~·tliti Veronika', 13th Birthday Party! at Club Starlight on Saturday 10th June from8 prn - l l pm No jeans or T_shirts R..ply to: __ J1 @ "-"",, ;j,' Science M_ History """"" 2 Student B h,n some information about II shop. You don"' know anything about the shop. Use the question prompts to ask Sludt'nt B about the shop. ~~ • rliime of the shop? • address? • When:' open? • wel:)si[e? • What I seU? " , . ' '. ~e 10 .. ' r ..J , •, - l ~ ~