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a general term used to describe any bacterial
infection of the genital tract after delivery
-PAST: constitutes the LETHAL TRIAD of maternal
death, along with preeclampsia and obstetrical
-PRESENT: maternal deaths from infection have
become uncommon due to effective
antimicrobials (13% of maternal deaths)
Puerperal Fever
Puerperal Fever
-A temperature of 38.0°C or higher in the puerperium
-Common causes of puerperal fever:
1. Genital tract infection
-Cause most persistent fevers after childbirth
2. Breast engorgement
-in 15% of women who don’t breastfeed
-rarely exceeds 39.0°C
3. Pyelonephritis
-fever: first sign of renal infection
-signs and symptoms that follow: costovertebral
angle tenderness, nausea and vomiting
Puerperal Fever
Puerperal Fever
-Common causes of puerperal fever:
4. Respiratory complications after cesarean delivery
-atelectasis: caused by hypoventilation and
best prevented by coughing and deep
breathing on a fixed schedule following
-fever: follows infection by normal flora that
proliferate distal to obstructing mucus plugs
5. Superficial or deep-venous thrombosis of the legs
-occasionally cause minor temperature
elevations in the puerperium
Uterine Infection
-Postpartum uterine infection has been called
variously endometritis, endomyometritis and
-Preferred term: metritis with pelvic cellulitis
-because infection does not only involve the
decidua but also the myometrium and parametrial
Uterine Infection
Predisposing Factors
1. Route of delivery
-single most significant factor for the development of uterine
-25-fold increased infection-related mortality with cesarean versus
vaginal delivery
-manual removal of the placenta increase puerperal metritis 3-fold
-metritis following vaginal delivery is relatively uncommon
Low risk women without complications 1-2%
High risk women due to membrane rupture,
prolonged labor, and multiple cervical exams
Women with intrapartum chorioamnionitis 13%
Uterine Infection
Predisposing Factors
1. Route of delivery
-single-dose perioperative prophylaxis is given almost universally at
cesarean delivery
-Risk factors for infection following surgery include:
-prolonged labor
-membrane rupture
-multiple cervical examinations
-internal fetal monitoring
-Increased risk of infection include cesarean delivery for:
-multifetal gestation
-young maternal age
-prolonged labor induction
-meconium-stained amnionic fluid
Uterine Infection
Predisposing Factors
2. Lower socioeconomic status
3. Anemia and Poor Nutrition
-in very rare cases
4. Previous bacterial colonization if the lower genital
tract with certain microorganisms like:
-Group B streptococcus
-Chlamydia trachomatis
-Mycoplasma hominis
-Ureaplasma urealyticum
-Gardnerella vaginalis
Uterine Infection
-Most female pelvic infections are caused by bacteria indigenous to
the female genital tract
-Reports show that group A -hemolytic streptococcus may cause
toxic shock-like syndrome and life-threatening infection
-Prematurely ruptured membranes is a prominent risk
-Women in whom group A streptococcal infection was manifested
before, during, or within 12 hours of delivery had a maternal
mortality rate of almost 90% and fetal mortality rate of >50%
-Skin and soft-tissue infections due to community-acquired
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus—CA-MRSA—have
become common  NOT for puerperal metritis, but for
incisional wound
-Study: A woman with episiotomy cellulitis with CA-MRSA had
hematogenously spread necrotizing pneumonia
Uterine Infection
Common Pathogens
-Infections are polymicrobial which promotes bacterial synergy
-Other factors that promote virulence are hematomas and
devitalized tissue
-The cervix and vagina routinely harbor such bacteria BUT the
uterine cavity is usually sterile before rupture of the amnionic
-The amnionic fluid and uterus commonly become contaminated
with anaerobic and aerobic bacteria as the consequence of
labor and delivery and associated manipulations
-Cultured amnionic fluid obtained at cesarean delivery in women in
labor with membranes ruptured more than 6 hours  all had
bacterial growth and an average of 2.5 organisms was identified
from each specimen
Uterine Infection
Common Pathogens
-Anaerobes included Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus species,
Bacteroides species and Clostridium species
-Aerobes included Enterococcus, group B streptococcus, and
Escherichia coli
-Chlamydial infections have been implicated in late-onset, indolent
-When cervical colonization of U. urealyticum is heavy, it may
contribute to the development of metritis
- Threefold risk of puerperal infection in women in whom
bacterial vaginosis was identified in early pregnancy
Uterine Infection
Cervical Examinations
Internal Monitoring
Prolonged Labor
Uterine incision
Surgical Trauma
Devitalized Tissue
Blood and Serum
Uterine Infection
-Gram-positive cocci — group A, B, and D streptococci,
enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
-Gram-negative bacteria — Escherichia coli, Klebsiella,Proteus
-Gram-variable — Gardnerella vaginalis
-Mycoplasma and Chlamydia species, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
-Cocci — Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus species
-Others — Clostridium and Fusobacterium species Mobiluncus
Uterine Infection
Bacterial Cultures
-Routine pretreatment genital tract cultures are of
little clinical use and add significant costs
-Routine blood cultures seldom modify care
-Before perioperative prophylaxis: blood cultures
were positive in 13 percent of women with
postcesarean metritis
-Bacteremia in only 5 percent of almost 800 women
with puerperal sepsis.
-Puerperal infection following vaginal delivery primarily
-placental implantation site
-decidua and adjacent myometrium
-cervicovaginal lacerations
-The pathogenesis of uterine infection following cesarean
delivery is that of an infected surgical incision
-Bacteria that colonize the cervix and vagina gain access to
amnionic fluid during labor and invade devitalized uterine
tissue postpartum
-Parametrial cellulitis next follows with infection of the pelvic
retroperitoneal fibroareolar connective tissue
-With early treatment, infection is contained within the
paravaginal tissue but may extend deeply into the pelvis
Clinical Course
-Fever is the MOST IMPORTANT criterion for the diagnosis of postpartum
-Degree of fever is believed proportional to the extent of infection and sepsis
-Temperatures commonly are 38 to 39°C
-Chills that accompany fever suggest bacteremia
-Women usually complain of:
-abdominal pain
-parametrial tenderness on abdominal and bimanual examination
-offensive odor of lochia (but many women have foul-smelling lochia
without evidence for infection)
*those due to group A -hemolytic streptococci, are frequently
associated with scanty, odorless lochia
-Leukocytosis may range from 15,000 to 30,000 cells/L
*cesarean delivery itself increases the leukocyte count
-Mild metritis following vaginal delivery: outpatient treatment with an oral
antimicrobial agent is usually sufficient
-Moderate to severe infections: intravenous therapy with a broad-spectrum
antimicrobial regimen is indicated
-Improvement follows in 48 to 72 hours in nearly 90% of women treated
with one of several regimens
-Persistent fever after 48 to 72 hours mandates a careful search for causes
of refractory pelvic infection including:
-Parametrial phlegmon—an area of intense cellulitis
-Abdominal incisional or pelvic abscess
-Infected hematoma
-Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
-Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria or drug side effects  SELDOM
-Patient may be discharged home after she has been afebrile for at least 24
hours and further oral antimicrobial therapy is NOT needed
Choice of Antimicrobials
-Although therapy is empirical, initial treatment
following cesarean delivery is directed against
most of the mixed flora which typically cause
puerperal infections
-Anaerobic coverage is included for infections
following cesarean delivery
-Such broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage is
often not necessary to treat infection following
vaginal delivery  respond to regimens such as
ampicillin plus gentamicin
Antimicrobial Regimens for Pelvic Infection
Following Cesarean Delivery
Regimen Comments
Clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicin 1.5
mg/kg, q8h intravenously
"Gold standard" 90–97% efficacy, once-
daily gentamicin dosing acceptable
Ampicillin added to regimen with sepsis
syndrome or suspected enterococcal
Clindamycin + aztreonam Gentamicin substitute with renal
Extended-spectrum penicillins Piperacillin, ampicillin/sulbactam
Extended-spectrum cephalosporins Cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefotaxime
Imipenem + cilastatin Reserved for special indications
Choice of Antimicrobials
-Clindamycin-gentamicin – 95% response rate, and this regimen
-still considered by most to be the standard by which others are
-Enterococcal infections: add ampicillin to the clindamycin-gentamicin
regimen, either initially or if there is no response by 48 to 72 hours
-Serum gentamicin levels be periodically monitored or only with altered
renal function
*Once-daily dosing has a cure rate similar to 8-hour dosing
-Gentamicin: potential nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity in the event of
diminished glomerular filtration
-Alternatives in altered renal function:
-Clindamycin and a second-generation cephalosporin
-Clindamycin and aztreonam (monobactam with aminoglycoside-like
Choice of Antimicrobials
-The spectra of -lactam antimicrobials include activity against many anaerobic
pathogens and are inherently safe and free of major toxicity except for allergic
-cephalosporins such as cefoxitin, cefotetan, and cefotaxime
-extended-spectrum penicillins such as piperacillin, ticarcillin, and mezlocillin
-The -lactamase inhibitors, clavulanic acid, sulbactam, and tazobactam, have been
combined with ampicillin, amoxicillin, ticarcillin, and piperacillin to extend
spectra of lactams
-Metronidazole has superior in vitro activity against most anaerobes
-Given with ampicillin and an aminoglycoside to provide coverage against most
organisms encountered in serious pelvic infections
-Imipenem is a carbapenem that has broad-spectrum coverage against most
organisms associated with metritis
-Used with cilastatin, which inhibits renal metabolism of imipenem
*Combination is effective in most cases of metritis, it seems reasonable
from both a medical and an economic standpoint to reserve it for more serious
Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
-Administration of antimicrobial prophylaxis at the time of cesarean
delivery  reduce the rate of pelvic infection by 70 to 80
*Observed benefit applies to both elective and nonelective
cesarean delivery and also includes a reduction in abdominal
incisional infections
-Single-dose prophylaxis with ampicillin or a first-generation
cephalosporin is ideal, and both are as effective as broad-spectrum
agents or a multiple-dose
-Extended-spectrum prophylaxis with azithromycin added to standard
single-dose prophylaxis showed a significant reduction in
postcesarean metritis
-Women known to be colonized with methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcusaureus—MRSA—are given vancomycin in addition
to a cephalosporin
Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
-Infection rate is lowered more if the selected antimicrobial is given
before the skin incision compared with cord clamping
-A number of locally applied antimicrobials have been evaluated to
prevent puerperal infection
-Intrapartum vaginal irrigation with chlorhexidine did not reduce
the incidence of postpartum infection
-Conflicting studies on use of Povidone-iodine:
-vaginal irrigation before cesarean delivery had no effect on
the incidence of fever, metritis, or abdominal incisional infection
-Preoperative vaginal cleansing with povidone-iodine had
a significantly lower infection rate following cesarean
delivery—7 versus 14 percent
-Metronidazole gel: reduction in rate of metritis but no significant
effect on febrile morbidity or wound infections
Treatment of Vaginitis
-Prenatal treatment of asymptomatic vaginal infections has
not been shown to prevent postpartum pelvic infections
-No beneficial effects for women treated for asymptomatic
bacterial vaginosis
-Similar postpartum infection rate in women treated for 2nd
trimester asymptomatic Trichomonas vaginalis infection
compared with that of placebo-treated women
Operative Technique
-Allowing the placenta to separate spontaneously compared with
removing it manually lowers the risk of infection
-Changing gloves by the surgical team after placental delivery DOES
NOT lower infection rates
-Exteriorizing the uterus to close the hysterectomy may decrease
febrile moridity
-Single versus 2-layer uterine closure: no difference in
postoperative infection rate
-Closure versus Non-closure of Peritoneum: no effect on infection
-Closure of subcutaneous tissue in obese women: does NOT lower
infection rate but LOWERS incidence of wound separation
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Wound Infection
-When prophylactic antimicrobials are given, incidence of
abdominal incisional infections following Cesarean delivery is
less than 2%
-Wound infection is a common cause of persistent fever in women
treated for metritis
-Risk factors:
-Corticosteroid therapy
-Inadequate hemostasis with hematoma formation
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Wound Infection
-Incisional abscesses that develop following cesarean delivery
usually cause fever or cause persisting fever beginning on the 4th
day – may be accompanied by wound erythema and drainage
-Treatment for abscess include antimicrobials and surgical
drainage, with careful inspection to ensure that fascia is intact
-Wound care given 2-3 times daily: secondary en bloc closure at 4-
6 days of tissue involved in superficial wound infection
-After closure: polypropylene or nylon suture of appropriate gauge
enters 3 cm from one wound edge  crosses the wound to
incorporate the full wound thickness  emerges 3 cm from the
other wound edge – placed in series to close the opening
-Sutures may be removed on postprocedural day 10
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Wound Dehiscence
-Disruption or Dehiscence refers to separation of the fascial
-Requires secondary closure of the incision in the operating
-Most disruptions manifested on 5th postoperative day and
is often accompanied by a serosanguineous discharge
-May be associated with concurrent fascial infection and
tissue necrosis
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Necrotizing Fasciitis of Abdominal Wall Incisions
-Uncommon, severe wound infection with necrosis associated with
high mortality
-may involve abdominal incisions, or may complicate episiotomy or
other perineal lacerations
-Risk factors: Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension
-Usually are polymicrobial and are caused by organisms that
comprise normal vaginal flora
-Can also be caused by single virulent bacterial species such as
group A β-hemolytic streptococcus
-Treatment consists of broad-spectrum antibiotics along with
prompt fascial debridement until healthy bleeding tissue is
-In extensive resection, synthetic mesh may be required
Complications of Pelvic Infections
-unusual to develop following cesarean delivery
-invariably preceded by metritis and uterine incisional necrosis and
-may be due to:
-inadvertent bowel injury at cesarean delivery
-after rupture of parametrial or adnexal abscess
-vaginal delivery (very rare)
-Abdominal rigidity MAY NOT be prominent with puerperal peritonitis
because of abdominal wall laxity from pregnancy
-Severe pain may be experienced, but FIRST SYMPTOM is frequently
adynamic ileus
-Bowel distention may develop
-Treatment: antimicrobial treatment alone may suffice for infections that
begin with an intact uterus and extend to peritoneum
-surgical treatment is for peritonitis caused by uterine incisional necoris or
bowel perforation
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Adnexal Infections
-Ovarian abscess rarely develops in the puerperium
-Presumed to be caused by bacterial invasion through a rent
in the ovarian capsule
-Usually unilateral
-Present 1-2 weeks after delivery
-Rupture is common and peritonitis may be severe
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Parametrial Phlegmon
-Phlegmon: an area of induration within the leaves of the
broad ligament in those with parametrial cellulitis
-Develops following cesarean delivery in women with
-Considered when fever persists after 72 hours despite IV
-Phlegmons are usually unilateral, frequently limited to the
parametrial area at the base of the broad ligament
-In intense cases, cellulitis extends along natural lines of
cleavage – most common of which is laterally along broad
ligament with tendency to extend to pelvic sidewall
-Posterior extension may involve rectovaginal septum,
producing a firm mass on the cervix
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Parametrial Phlegmon
-Severe cellulitis of uterine incision may lead to
necrosis and separation
-Puerperal metritis with cellulitis: typically a
retroperitoneal infection  evidence of peritonitis
suggests possibility of uterine incisional necrosis,
bowel injury, or other lesions
-Treatment: broad-spectrum antimicrobial regimen
*Fever resolves in 5-7 days but may last longer
-surgery is reserved for uterine incisional necrosis
-uterine debridement and resuturing are feasible
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Imaging Studies
-Persistent puerperal infections can be evaluated using
computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR)
-Uterine incisional dehiscence is sometimes suspected by CT
scanning images but these must be interpreted within the
clinical context because apparent uterine incisional
defects thought to represent edema can be seen even on
images after uncomplicated cesarean delivery
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Pelvic Abscess
-Rarely, a parametrial phlegmon suppurates, forming a
fluctuant broad ligament mass that may point above the
inguinal ligament
-Abscesses may dissect:
-anteriorly - amenable to CT-directed needle drainage
-posteriorly to the rectovaginal septum - surgical drainage
is easily effected by colpotomy incision
-Psoas abscess: rare, may require percutaneous drainage
despite antimicrobial therapy
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
-common complication in the preantibotic era
-Pathogenesis: puerperal infection may extend along venous routes
and cause thrombosis
-Lymphangitis often coexists
-Ovarian veins may become involved because they drain the upper
uterus and therefore, the placental implantation site
-Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis is likely to involve one or both
ovarian venous plexuses
-Clot may extend into the inferior vena cava and occasionally to the
renal vein
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
-1:9000 - following vaginal delivery
-1:800 - with cesarean delivery
-Overall incidence of 1:3000
-Women with septic thrombophlebitis usually have clinical
improvement of pelvic infection with antimicrobial treatment but
they continue to have fever
-Occasionally there is pain in one or both lower quadrants but
patients are usually asymptomatic except for chills.
-Diagnosis can be confirmed by either pelvic CT or MR imaging
-Before imaging methods were available, the heparin challenge test
was advocated
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Episiotomy infections are NOT common because the operation is
performed much less frequently now than in the past
-With infection, dehiscence is a concern - 0.5% of episiotomy wounds
dehisced and 80% of these were due to infection
-Infection of a fourth-degree laceration is likely to be more serious
-Although life-threatening septic shock is rare, it may still occur as a
result of an infected episiotomy
-Pathogenesis and Clinical Course:
-Factors associated to episiotomy dehiscence:
-coagulation disorders
-HPV infection
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Pathogenesis and Clinical Course:
-Common symptoms of episiotomy dehiscence:
-Local pain 65%
-Purulent discharge 65%
-Fever 44%
-dysuria, with or without urinary retention
-Edema, ulceration and exudation of the vulva
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Pathogenesis and Clinical Course:
-Vaginal lacerations may become infected directly or by extension
from the perineum  mucosa becomes red and swollen and may
then become necrotic and slough
-Parametrial extension may result in lymphangitis.
-Cervical lacerations are common but seldom are noticeably
infected and may manifest as metritis
-Deep lacerations which extend directly into the tissue at the base
of the broad ligament may become infected and cause
lymphangitis, parametritis, and bacteremia
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Infected episiotomies are managed like other infected surgical
-Drainage is established
-Sutures are removed
-Infected wound debrided
-Cellulitis but NO purulence: broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy
with close observation
-Dehiscence: local wound care is continued along with intravenous
-Early repair after infection subsided is advocated - average
duration of 6 days from dehiscence to episiotomy repair
-Rarely, intestinal diversion may be required to allow healing
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Technique for Early Repair:
Before performing early repair, diligent preparation is essential
PREOPERATIVE PROTOCOL for Early Repair of Episiotomy Dehiscence
1. Open wound, remove sutures, begin intravenous antimicrobials
2. Wound care
-Sitz bath several times daily or hydrotherapy
-Adequate analgesia or anesthesia—regional analgesia or general anesthesia
may be necessary for the first few debridements
-Scrub wound twice daily with a povidone-iodine solution
-Debride necrotic tissue
3. Closure when afebrile and with pink, healthy granulation tissue
4. Bowel preparation for fourth-degree repairs
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Technique for Early Repair:
-Most important is that the surgical wound must be properly
cleaned and free of infection
-Surface of the episiotomy wound free of infection & exudate and
covered by pink granulation tissue  secondary repair can be done
-Tissue must be adequately mobilized, with special attention to
identify and mobilize the anal sphincter muscle
-Secondary closure of the episiotomy is accomplished in layers
-Postoperative care includes:
-local wound care
-low-residue diet
-stool softeners
-nothing per vagina or rectum until healed
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Necrotizing Fasciitis of Perineal and Vaginal Wound Infections
-Fatal complication of perineal and vaginal wound infections is deep
soft-tissue infection involving muscle and fascia
-Common in women with diabetes or those immunocompromised
but may develop in otherwise healthy women
-Microbiology is similar to those of other pelvic infections, as well
as necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall incision
-Necrotizing fasciitis of the episiotomy site may involve any of the
several superficial or deep perineal fascial layers  may extend to
the thighs, buttocks, and abdominal wall
-Early Postpartum: Group A β-hemolytic streptococci infections
typically do NOT cause symptoms until 3 to 5 days after delivery
Complications of Pelvic Infections
Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix
-Necrotizing Fasciitis of Perineal and Vaginal Wound Infections
-If myofasciitis progresses, the woman may become ill from
septicemia  profound hemoconcentration from capillary leakage
with circulatory failure commonly occurs  death
-Early diagnosis, surgical debridement, antimicrobials, and intensive
care are of paramount importance in the successful treatment of
necrotizing soft-tissue infections
-Surgery includes extensive debridement of all infected tissue, leaving
wide margins of healthy tissue including extensive vulvar
debridement with unroofing and excision of abdominal, thigh, or
buttock fascia
-Mortality is virtually universal without surgical treatment, and rates
approach 50% even if extensive debridement is performed
Toxic Shock Syndrome
-Acute febrile illness with severe multisystem derangement has a
case-fatality rate of 10-15%
-Presents usually with:
-Mental confusion
-Diffuse macular erythematous rash
-Subcutaneous edema
-Nausea and vomiting
-Watery diarrhea
-Marked hemoconcentration
-Renal failure followed by hepatic failure, disseminated intravascular
coagulation, and circulatory collapse may follow in rapid sequence
Toxic Shock Syndrome
-During recovery, the rash-covered areas undergo desquamation
-Staphylococcus aureus has been recovered from almost all afflicted
persons specifically, a staphylococcal exotoxin, termed toxic
shock syndrome toxin-1
-TSST-1—causes the clinical manifestations by provoking profound
endothelial injury
-A very small amount of TSST-1 has been shown to activate 5-30%
of T cells to create a "cytokine storm”
-Other possible causes: Clostridium sordellii colonization, group A β-
hemolytic streptococcal infection (more virulent serotypes: M1,
Toxic Shock Syndrome
-Delayed diagnosis and treatment may be associated with fetal or
maternal mortality
-Principal therapy for toxic shock is supportive, while allowing
reversal of capillary endothelial
-Antimicrobial therapy to include staphylococcal and streptococcal
coverage is given
-With evidence of pelvic infection, antimicrobial therapy must also
include agents used for polymicrobial infections
-Women with these infections often require extensive wound
debridement and possibly hysterectomy

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OBSTETRICS - Puerperal Infection

  • 2. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Introduction PUERPERAL INFECTION a general term used to describe any bacterial infection of the genital tract after delivery -PAST: constitutes the LETHAL TRIAD of maternal death, along with preeclampsia and obstetrical hemorrhage -PRESENT: maternal deaths from infection have become uncommon due to effective antimicrobials (13% of maternal deaths)
  • 3. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Puerperal Fever Puerperal Fever -A temperature of 38.0°C or higher in the puerperium -Common causes of puerperal fever: 1. Genital tract infection -Cause most persistent fevers after childbirth 2. Breast engorgement -in 15% of women who don’t breastfeed -rarely exceeds 39.0°C 3. Pyelonephritis -fever: first sign of renal infection -signs and symptoms that follow: costovertebral angle tenderness, nausea and vomiting
  • 4. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Puerperal Fever Puerperal Fever -Common causes of puerperal fever: 4. Respiratory complications after cesarean delivery -atelectasis: caused by hypoventilation and best prevented by coughing and deep breathing on a fixed schedule following surgery -fever: follows infection by normal flora that proliferate distal to obstructing mucus plugs 5. Superficial or deep-venous thrombosis of the legs -occasionally cause minor temperature elevations in the puerperium
  • 5. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection -Postpartum uterine infection has been called variously endometritis, endomyometritis and endoparametritis -Preferred term: metritis with pelvic cellulitis -because infection does not only involve the decidua but also the myometrium and parametrial tissues
  • 6. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Predisposing Factors 1. Route of delivery -single most significant factor for the development of uterine infection -25-fold increased infection-related mortality with cesarean versus vaginal delivery -manual removal of the placenta increase puerperal metritis 3-fold -metritis following vaginal delivery is relatively uncommon RISK FOR METRITIS Low risk women without complications 1-2% High risk women due to membrane rupture, prolonged labor, and multiple cervical exams 5-6% Women with intrapartum chorioamnionitis 13%
  • 7. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Predisposing Factors 1. Route of delivery -single-dose perioperative prophylaxis is given almost universally at cesarean delivery -Risk factors for infection following surgery include: -prolonged labor -membrane rupture -multiple cervical examinations -internal fetal monitoring -Increased risk of infection include cesarean delivery for: -multifetal gestation -young maternal age -nulliparity -prolonged labor induction -obestiy -meconium-stained amnionic fluid
  • 8. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Predisposing Factors 2. Lower socioeconomic status 3. Anemia and Poor Nutrition -in very rare cases 4. Previous bacterial colonization if the lower genital tract with certain microorganisms like: -Group B streptococcus -Chlamydia trachomatis -Mycoplasma hominis -Ureaplasma urealyticum -Gardnerella vaginalis
  • 9. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Bacteriology -Most female pelvic infections are caused by bacteria indigenous to the female genital tract -Reports show that group A -hemolytic streptococcus may cause toxic shock-like syndrome and life-threatening infection -Prematurely ruptured membranes is a prominent risk -Women in whom group A streptococcal infection was manifested before, during, or within 12 hours of delivery had a maternal mortality rate of almost 90% and fetal mortality rate of >50% -Skin and soft-tissue infections due to community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus—CA-MRSA—have become common  NOT for puerperal metritis, but for incisional wound -Study: A woman with episiotomy cellulitis with CA-MRSA had hematogenously spread necrotizing pneumonia
  • 10. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Common Pathogens -Infections are polymicrobial which promotes bacterial synergy -Other factors that promote virulence are hematomas and devitalized tissue -The cervix and vagina routinely harbor such bacteria BUT the uterine cavity is usually sterile before rupture of the amnionic sac -The amnionic fluid and uterus commonly become contaminated with anaerobic and aerobic bacteria as the consequence of labor and delivery and associated manipulations -Cultured amnionic fluid obtained at cesarean delivery in women in labor with membranes ruptured more than 6 hours  all had bacterial growth and an average of 2.5 organisms was identified from each specimen
  • 11. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Common Pathogens -Anaerobes included Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus species, Bacteroides species and Clostridium species -Aerobes included Enterococcus, group B streptococcus, and Escherichia coli -Chlamydial infections have been implicated in late-onset, indolent metritis -When cervical colonization of U. urealyticum is heavy, it may contribute to the development of metritis - Threefold risk of puerperal infection in women in whom bacterial vaginosis was identified in early pregnancy
  • 12. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection NORMAN FLORA CERVICOVAGINAL BACTERIA Cervical Examinations Internal Monitoring Prolonged Labor Uterine incision INNOCULATION ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS Surgical Trauma Sutures Devitalized Tissue Blood and Serum CLINICAL INFECTION BACTERIAL PROLIFERATION
  • 13. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Aerobes -Gram-positive cocci — group A, B, and D streptococci, enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis -Gram-negative bacteria — Escherichia coli, Klebsiella,Proteus species -Gram-variable — Gardnerella vaginalis Others -Mycoplasma and Chlamydia species, Neisseria gonorrhoeae Anaerobes -Cocci — Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus species -Others — Clostridium and Fusobacterium species Mobiluncus species
  • 14. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Uterine Infection Bacterial Cultures -Routine pretreatment genital tract cultures are of little clinical use and add significant costs -Routine blood cultures seldom modify care -Before perioperative prophylaxis: blood cultures were positive in 13 percent of women with postcesarean metritis -Bacteremia in only 5 percent of almost 800 women with puerperal sepsis.
  • 15. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Pathogenesis -Puerperal infection following vaginal delivery primarily involves: -placental implantation site -decidua and adjacent myometrium -cervicovaginal lacerations -The pathogenesis of uterine infection following cesarean delivery is that of an infected surgical incision -Bacteria that colonize the cervix and vagina gain access to amnionic fluid during labor and invade devitalized uterine tissue postpartum -Parametrial cellulitis next follows with infection of the pelvic retroperitoneal fibroareolar connective tissue -With early treatment, infection is contained within the paravaginal tissue but may extend deeply into the pelvis
  • 16. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Clinical Course -Fever is the MOST IMPORTANT criterion for the diagnosis of postpartum metritis -Degree of fever is believed proportional to the extent of infection and sepsis syndrome -Temperatures commonly are 38 to 39°C -Chills that accompany fever suggest bacteremia -Women usually complain of: -abdominal pain -parametrial tenderness on abdominal and bimanual examination -offensive odor of lochia (but many women have foul-smelling lochia without evidence for infection) *those due to group A -hemolytic streptococci, are frequently associated with scanty, odorless lochia -Leukocytosis may range from 15,000 to 30,000 cells/L *cesarean delivery itself increases the leukocyte count
  • 17. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Treatment -Mild metritis following vaginal delivery: outpatient treatment with an oral antimicrobial agent is usually sufficient -Moderate to severe infections: intravenous therapy with a broad-spectrum antimicrobial regimen is indicated -Improvement follows in 48 to 72 hours in nearly 90% of women treated with one of several regimens -Persistent fever after 48 to 72 hours mandates a careful search for causes of refractory pelvic infection including: -Parametrial phlegmon—an area of intense cellulitis -Abdominal incisional or pelvic abscess -Infected hematoma -Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis -Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria or drug side effects  SELDOM -Patient may be discharged home after she has been afebrile for at least 24 hours and further oral antimicrobial therapy is NOT needed
  • 18. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Treatment Choice of Antimicrobials -Although therapy is empirical, initial treatment following cesarean delivery is directed against most of the mixed flora which typically cause puerperal infections -Anaerobic coverage is included for infections following cesarean delivery -Such broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage is often not necessary to treat infection following vaginal delivery  respond to regimens such as ampicillin plus gentamicin
  • 19. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Treatment Antimicrobial Regimens for Pelvic Infection Following Cesarean Delivery Regimen Comments Clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg, q8h intravenously "Gold standard" 90–97% efficacy, once- daily gentamicin dosing acceptable + Ampicillin added to regimen with sepsis syndrome or suspected enterococcal infection Clindamycin + aztreonam Gentamicin substitute with renal insufficiency Extended-spectrum penicillins Piperacillin, ampicillin/sulbactam Extended-spectrum cephalosporins Cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefotaxime Imipenem + cilastatin Reserved for special indications
  • 20. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Treatment Choice of Antimicrobials -Clindamycin-gentamicin – 95% response rate, and this regimen -still considered by most to be the standard by which others are measured -Enterococcal infections: add ampicillin to the clindamycin-gentamicin regimen, either initially or if there is no response by 48 to 72 hours -Serum gentamicin levels be periodically monitored or only with altered renal function *Once-daily dosing has a cure rate similar to 8-hour dosing -Gentamicin: potential nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity in the event of diminished glomerular filtration -Alternatives in altered renal function: -Clindamycin and a second-generation cephalosporin -Clindamycin and aztreonam (monobactam with aminoglycoside-like action)
  • 21. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Treatment Choice of Antimicrobials -The spectra of -lactam antimicrobials include activity against many anaerobic pathogens and are inherently safe and free of major toxicity except for allergic reactions -cephalosporins such as cefoxitin, cefotetan, and cefotaxime -extended-spectrum penicillins such as piperacillin, ticarcillin, and mezlocillin -The -lactamase inhibitors, clavulanic acid, sulbactam, and tazobactam, have been combined with ampicillin, amoxicillin, ticarcillin, and piperacillin to extend spectra of lactams -Metronidazole has superior in vitro activity against most anaerobes -Given with ampicillin and an aminoglycoside to provide coverage against most organisms encountered in serious pelvic infections -Imipenem is a carbapenem that has broad-spectrum coverage against most organisms associated with metritis -Used with cilastatin, which inhibits renal metabolism of imipenem *Combination is effective in most cases of metritis, it seems reasonable from both a medical and an economic standpoint to reserve it for more serious infections
  • 22. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Prevention Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis -Administration of antimicrobial prophylaxis at the time of cesarean delivery  reduce the rate of pelvic infection by 70 to 80 *Observed benefit applies to both elective and nonelective cesarean delivery and also includes a reduction in abdominal incisional infections -Single-dose prophylaxis with ampicillin or a first-generation cephalosporin is ideal, and both are as effective as broad-spectrum agents or a multiple-dose -Extended-spectrum prophylaxis with azithromycin added to standard single-dose prophylaxis showed a significant reduction in postcesarean metritis -Women known to be colonized with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus—MRSA—are given vancomycin in addition to a cephalosporin
  • 23. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Prevention Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis -Infection rate is lowered more if the selected antimicrobial is given before the skin incision compared with cord clamping -A number of locally applied antimicrobials have been evaluated to prevent puerperal infection -Intrapartum vaginal irrigation with chlorhexidine did not reduce the incidence of postpartum infection -Conflicting studies on use of Povidone-iodine: -vaginal irrigation before cesarean delivery had no effect on the incidence of fever, metritis, or abdominal incisional infection -Preoperative vaginal cleansing with povidone-iodine had a significantly lower infection rate following cesarean delivery—7 versus 14 percent -Metronidazole gel: reduction in rate of metritis but no significant effect on febrile morbidity or wound infections
  • 24. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Prevention Treatment of Vaginitis -Prenatal treatment of asymptomatic vaginal infections has not been shown to prevent postpartum pelvic infections -No beneficial effects for women treated for asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis -Similar postpartum infection rate in women treated for 2nd trimester asymptomatic Trichomonas vaginalis infection compared with that of placebo-treated women
  • 25. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Prevention Operative Technique -Allowing the placenta to separate spontaneously compared with removing it manually lowers the risk of infection -Changing gloves by the surgical team after placental delivery DOES NOT lower infection rates -Exteriorizing the uterus to close the hysterectomy may decrease febrile moridity -Single versus 2-layer uterine closure: no difference in postoperative infection rate -Closure versus Non-closure of Peritoneum: no effect on infection rates -Closure of subcutaneous tissue in obese women: does NOT lower infection rate but LOWERS incidence of wound separation
  • 26. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Wound Infection -When prophylactic antimicrobials are given, incidence of abdominal incisional infections following Cesarean delivery is less than 2% -Wound infection is a common cause of persistent fever in women treated for metritis -Risk factors: -Obesity -Diabetes -Corticosteroid therapy -Immunosuppression -Anemia -Hypertension -Inadequate hemostasis with hematoma formation
  • 27. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Wound Infection -Incisional abscesses that develop following cesarean delivery usually cause fever or cause persisting fever beginning on the 4th day – may be accompanied by wound erythema and drainage -Treatment for abscess include antimicrobials and surgical drainage, with careful inspection to ensure that fascia is intact -Wound care given 2-3 times daily: secondary en bloc closure at 4- 6 days of tissue involved in superficial wound infection -After closure: polypropylene or nylon suture of appropriate gauge enters 3 cm from one wound edge  crosses the wound to incorporate the full wound thickness  emerges 3 cm from the other wound edge – placed in series to close the opening -Sutures may be removed on postprocedural day 10
  • 28. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Wound Dehiscence -Disruption or Dehiscence refers to separation of the fascial layer -Requires secondary closure of the incision in the operating room -Most disruptions manifested on 5th postoperative day and is often accompanied by a serosanguineous discharge -May be associated with concurrent fascial infection and tissue necrosis
  • 29. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Necrotizing Fasciitis of Abdominal Wall Incisions -Uncommon, severe wound infection with necrosis associated with high mortality -may involve abdominal incisions, or may complicate episiotomy or other perineal lacerations -Risk factors: Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension -Usually are polymicrobial and are caused by organisms that comprise normal vaginal flora -Can also be caused by single virulent bacterial species such as group A β-hemolytic streptococcus -Treatment consists of broad-spectrum antibiotics along with prompt fascial debridement until healthy bleeding tissue is encountered -In extensive resection, synthetic mesh may be required
  • 30. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Peritonitis -unusual to develop following cesarean delivery -invariably preceded by metritis and uterine incisional necrosis and dehiscence -may be due to: -inadvertent bowel injury at cesarean delivery -after rupture of parametrial or adnexal abscess -vaginal delivery (very rare) -Abdominal rigidity MAY NOT be prominent with puerperal peritonitis because of abdominal wall laxity from pregnancy -Severe pain may be experienced, but FIRST SYMPTOM is frequently adynamic ileus -Bowel distention may develop -Treatment: antimicrobial treatment alone may suffice for infections that begin with an intact uterus and extend to peritoneum -surgical treatment is for peritonitis caused by uterine incisional necoris or bowel perforation
  • 31. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Adnexal Infections -Ovarian abscess rarely develops in the puerperium -Presumed to be caused by bacterial invasion through a rent in the ovarian capsule -Usually unilateral -Present 1-2 weeks after delivery -Rupture is common and peritonitis may be severe
  • 32. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Parametrial Phlegmon -Phlegmon: an area of induration within the leaves of the broad ligament in those with parametrial cellulitis -Develops following cesarean delivery in women with metritis -Considered when fever persists after 72 hours despite IV antibiotics -Phlegmons are usually unilateral, frequently limited to the parametrial area at the base of the broad ligament -In intense cases, cellulitis extends along natural lines of cleavage – most common of which is laterally along broad ligament with tendency to extend to pelvic sidewall -Posterior extension may involve rectovaginal septum, producing a firm mass on the cervix
  • 33. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Parametrial Phlegmon -Severe cellulitis of uterine incision may lead to necrosis and separation -Puerperal metritis with cellulitis: typically a retroperitoneal infection  evidence of peritonitis suggests possibility of uterine incisional necrosis, bowel injury, or other lesions -Treatment: broad-spectrum antimicrobial regimen *Fever resolves in 5-7 days but may last longer -surgery is reserved for uterine incisional necrosis -uterine debridement and resuturing are feasible
  • 34. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Imaging Studies -Persistent puerperal infections can be evaluated using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging -Uterine incisional dehiscence is sometimes suspected by CT scanning images but these must be interpreted within the clinical context because apparent uterine incisional defects thought to represent edema can be seen even on images after uncomplicated cesarean delivery
  • 35. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Pelvic Abscess -Rarely, a parametrial phlegmon suppurates, forming a fluctuant broad ligament mass that may point above the inguinal ligament -Abscesses may dissect: -anteriorly - amenable to CT-directed needle drainage -posteriorly to the rectovaginal septum - surgical drainage is easily effected by colpotomy incision -Psoas abscess: rare, may require percutaneous drainage despite antimicrobial therapy
  • 36. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis -common complication in the preantibotic era -Pathogenesis: puerperal infection may extend along venous routes and cause thrombosis -Lymphangitis often coexists -Ovarian veins may become involved because they drain the upper uterus and therefore, the placental implantation site -Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis is likely to involve one or both ovarian venous plexuses -Clot may extend into the inferior vena cava and occasionally to the renal vein
  • 37. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis -Incidence: -1:9000 - following vaginal delivery -1:800 - with cesarean delivery -Overall incidence of 1:3000 -Management: -Women with septic thrombophlebitis usually have clinical improvement of pelvic infection with antimicrobial treatment but they continue to have fever -Occasionally there is pain in one or both lower quadrants but patients are usually asymptomatic except for chills. -Diagnosis can be confirmed by either pelvic CT or MR imaging -Before imaging methods were available, the heparin challenge test was advocated
  • 38. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Episiotomy infections are NOT common because the operation is performed much less frequently now than in the past -With infection, dehiscence is a concern - 0.5% of episiotomy wounds dehisced and 80% of these were due to infection -Infection of a fourth-degree laceration is likely to be more serious -Although life-threatening septic shock is rare, it may still occur as a result of an infected episiotomy -Pathogenesis and Clinical Course: -Factors associated to episiotomy dehiscence: -infection -coagulation disorders -smoking -HPV infection
  • 39. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Pathogenesis and Clinical Course: -Common symptoms of episiotomy dehiscence: -Local pain 65% -Purulent discharge 65% -Fever 44% -dysuria, with or without urinary retention -Edema, ulceration and exudation of the vulva
  • 40. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Pathogenesis and Clinical Course: -Vaginal lacerations may become infected directly or by extension from the perineum  mucosa becomes red and swollen and may then become necrotic and slough -Parametrial extension may result in lymphangitis. -Cervical lacerations are common but seldom are noticeably infected and may manifest as metritis -Deep lacerations which extend directly into the tissue at the base of the broad ligament may become infected and cause lymphangitis, parametritis, and bacteremia
  • 41. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Treatment: -Infected episiotomies are managed like other infected surgical wounds -Drainage is established -Sutures are removed -Infected wound debrided -Cellulitis but NO purulence: broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with close observation -Dehiscence: local wound care is continued along with intravenous antimicrobials -Early repair after infection subsided is advocated - average duration of 6 days from dehiscence to episiotomy repair -Rarely, intestinal diversion may be required to allow healing
  • 42. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Technique for Early Repair: Before performing early repair, diligent preparation is essential PREOPERATIVE PROTOCOL for Early Repair of Episiotomy Dehiscence 1. Open wound, remove sutures, begin intravenous antimicrobials 2. Wound care -Sitz bath several times daily or hydrotherapy -Adequate analgesia or anesthesia—regional analgesia or general anesthesia may be necessary for the first few debridements -Scrub wound twice daily with a povidone-iodine solution -Debride necrotic tissue 3. Closure when afebrile and with pink, healthy granulation tissue 4. Bowel preparation for fourth-degree repairs
  • 43. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Technique for Early Repair: -Most important is that the surgical wound must be properly cleaned and free of infection -Surface of the episiotomy wound free of infection & exudate and covered by pink granulation tissue  secondary repair can be done -Tissue must be adequately mobilized, with special attention to identify and mobilize the anal sphincter muscle -Secondary closure of the episiotomy is accomplished in layers -Postoperative care includes: -local wound care -low-residue diet -stool softeners -nothing per vagina or rectum until healed
  • 44. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Necrotizing Fasciitis of Perineal and Vaginal Wound Infections -Fatal complication of perineal and vaginal wound infections is deep soft-tissue infection involving muscle and fascia -Common in women with diabetes or those immunocompromised but may develop in otherwise healthy women -Microbiology is similar to those of other pelvic infections, as well as necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall incision -Necrotizing fasciitis of the episiotomy site may involve any of the several superficial or deep perineal fascial layers  may extend to the thighs, buttocks, and abdominal wall -Early Postpartum: Group A β-hemolytic streptococci infections typically do NOT cause symptoms until 3 to 5 days after delivery
  • 45. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Complications of Pelvic Infections Infections of the Perineum, Vagina, and Cervix -Necrotizing Fasciitis of Perineal and Vaginal Wound Infections -If myofasciitis progresses, the woman may become ill from septicemia  profound hemoconcentration from capillary leakage with circulatory failure commonly occurs  death -Early diagnosis, surgical debridement, antimicrobials, and intensive care are of paramount importance in the successful treatment of necrotizing soft-tissue infections -Surgery includes extensive debridement of all infected tissue, leaving wide margins of healthy tissue including extensive vulvar debridement with unroofing and excision of abdominal, thigh, or buttock fascia -Mortality is virtually universal without surgical treatment, and rates approach 50% even if extensive debridement is performed
  • 46. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Toxic Shock Syndrome -Acute febrile illness with severe multisystem derangement has a case-fatality rate of 10-15% -Presents usually with: -Fever -Headache -Mental confusion -Diffuse macular erythematous rash -Subcutaneous edema -Nausea and vomiting -Watery diarrhea -Marked hemoconcentration -Renal failure followed by hepatic failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and circulatory collapse may follow in rapid sequence
  • 47. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Toxic Shock Syndrome -During recovery, the rash-covered areas undergo desquamation -Staphylococcus aureus has been recovered from almost all afflicted persons specifically, a staphylococcal exotoxin, termed toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 -TSST-1—causes the clinical manifestations by provoking profound endothelial injury -A very small amount of TSST-1 has been shown to activate 5-30% of T cells to create a "cytokine storm” -Other possible causes: Clostridium sordellii colonization, group A β- hemolytic streptococcal infection (more virulent serotypes: M1, M3)
  • 48. PUERPERAL INFECTION: Toxic Shock Syndrome -Delayed diagnosis and treatment may be associated with fetal or maternal mortality -Principal therapy for toxic shock is supportive, while allowing reversal of capillary endothelial -Antimicrobial therapy to include staphylococcal and streptococcal coverage is given -With evidence of pelvic infection, antimicrobial therapy must also include agents used for polymicrobial infections -Women with these infections often require extensive wound debridement and possibly hysterectomy