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Oral & 
 Definition 
 Classification 
 Pathogenesis 
 Clinical examination 
 Odontogenic cyst 
 Inflammatory cyst 
 Conclusion 
 References
 Killey and kay(1966) – cyst constitutes an 
epithelium –lined sac filled with fluid or 
semifluid material. 
 Fit for odontogenic and fissural cyst but wat 
STAFNE’S CYST????????????
 Killey and kay (1966) – revised definition”A 
cyst is an abnormal cavity in hard or soft 
tissue which is contains fluid, semifluid or 
gas and is often encapsulated and lined by 
 Kramer’s(1974) – A cyst is pathologic cavity 
having fluid, semifluid, or gaseous contents 
that are not created by the accumulation of 
pus; frequently, but not always, is lined by 
 Various classifications have been given: 
 Robinson (1945) 
 Thoma-Robinson-Bernier (1960) 
 Kruger (1964) 
 WHO (1971) 
 Shear (1983)
 According to shear’s - 
 Cyst of jaws 
 Cyst associated with maxillary antrum 
 Cyst of soft tissues of the mouth,face,neck 
and salivary glands
cyst of jaws 
Epithelial Non-epithelial 
Developmental Inflammatory 
Odontogenic Non-odontogenic
 Odontogenic cyst - 
 Odontogenic keratocyst 
 Dentigerous cyst 
 Eruption cyst 
 Gingival cyst of infants 
 Gingival cyst of adults 
 Developmental lateral periodontal cyst 
 Botryoid odontogenic cyst 
 Glandular odontogenic cyst 
 Calcifying odontogenic cyst
 Non-odontogenic cyst 
 Midpalatal raphe cyst of infants 
 Nasopalatine duct cyst 
 Nasolabial cyst
 Inflammatory origin 
 Radicular cyst, apical and lateral 
 Residual cyst 
 Paradental cyst and juvenile cyst 
 Inflammtory collateral cyst
 Non-epithelial lined cyst 
 Solitary bone cyst 
 Aneurysmal bone cyst 
 Traumatic bone cyst 
 Hemorrhagic bone cyst
 Cyst associated with maxillary antrum - 
 Mucocele 
 Retention cyst 
 Pseudocyst cyst 
 Post operative maxillary cyst
 Cysts of the soft tissue of the mouth ,face and 
neck – 
 Dermoid and epidermoid cyst 
 Branchial cyst 
 Thyroglossal duct cyst 
 Anterior median lingual cyst 
 Oral cyst with gastric or intestinal epithelium 
 Cystic hygroma 
 Nasopharyngeal cyst 
 Thymic cyst 
 Cyst of salivary glands 
 Hydatid cyst
 Odontogenic cyst are derived from 
odontogenic epithelium of stomodeum 
Enamel organ 
Reduced enamel epithelum 
Remnants of dental lamina(cell rests of serrae) 
Remnants of hertwig’s root sheath(cell rests of 
Formation of cyst take place in generally three 
stages : 
 Initiation 
 Cyst formation 
 Enlargement or expansion of cyst cavity
 Initiation of cyst formation mostly from 
odontogenic epithelium 
 Stimulus which initiates this process is 
 Factors involved 
Proliferation of epithelial lining 
I. Fluid accumulation in cystic cavity 
II. Bone resorption
 Cavity lined by stratified squamous 
epithelium ??????????????? 
 Shear (1963),Tencate (1972), Harris(1974) , 
 If a cleft produced by accumulation of a 
purulent exudate in the form of a 
microabscess involved one of the 
proliferating strands of epithelium , then the 
epithelial cells would be expected to line the 
Another mechanism- epithelial cells become 
oriented in relation to their source of nutrition 
and the adjacent connective tissue. 
In normal situation they cover a surface and 
finally desquamated 
If the proliferating epitheliun beneath the 
surface ,as in granuloma ,cells will migrate 
inwards and desquamate in the center of 
 Basic mechanism for cyst enlargement is 
similar but additional factors involved which 
differ from type to type 
 Steps involved: 
 Attraction of fluid into cyst cavity 
 Retention of fluid in the cavity 
 Production of a raised internal hydrostatic 
 Resorption of surrounding bone with an 
increase in size of bone cavity
 Harris (1974) classified theories of cyst 
 Mural growth 
a) Peripheral cell division 
b) Accumulation of cellular content 
 Hydrostatic enlargement 
a) Secretion 
b) Transduation and exudation 
 Bone resorbing factor
 Diagnostic features 
 Symptoms of cyst 
 Signs of cyst 
 Clinical stages of cysts 
 Secondary effects on jaw 
 Investigation
 Diagnostic features : 
Sign and symptoms of a cystic lesion depend 
1. Dimension of lesion 
2. Type of cyst 
3. Location of cyst 
4. Important structures adjacent to cyst 
5. Presence of infection in the cyst
 Symptoms of cyst : 
1. Pain and swelling 
2. Salty taste 
3. Difficulty in mastication 
4. Ill fitting denture 
5. Displaced teeth 
6. Space between the teeth
 Signs of cyst : 
1. Bone expansion 
2. Fluctuant swelling under oral mucosa 
3. Non vital tooth(if radicular cyst) 
4. Missing tooth 
5. Sinus formation with discharge 
6. Large cyst distortion of adjacent structures 
7. Hollow sound on percussion
 Clinical stages of cyst : 
1. Periosteal stimulation : curved enlargement 
of bone 
2. Tennis ball consistency:can be indented on 
3. Egg shell crackling :micro cracks on cortical 
4. Fluctuation :complete resorption of bone 
overlying the cyst 
5. Sinus formation 
6. Infection due to contamination from oral 
 Secondary effects on jaw due to cyst : 
1. Numbness 
2. Pathological fracture of jaw 
3. Secondary infection 
4. Malignant transformation
 Investigation includes : 
1. Radiographic examination/C.T. scan 
2. Contrast studies 
3. Aspiration 
4. Vitality test 
5. Biopsy
 Radiograph for cyst 
1. IOPA for small periapical cyst to see tooth 
2. Occlusal view to check lingual cortical 
3. PNS view (occipitomental)to show relation to 
maxillary antrum and nasal cavity 
4. Lateral oblique (mandible)to check proximity to 
lower border 
5. PA view to check expansion of ramus of 
mandible,survey of symphysis ,body and rami 
of mandible 
6. OPG (shows entire affected region.size and 
site of the region can be assessed
 Radiographic interpretations 
 Radiographs help to define site ,size,extent 
and marginal outline of lesion 
 Characteristic appearance of a cyst is a 
round or oval radiolucency surrounded by 
sharp radioopaque line of condensed bone 
(this line missing in an infected cyst or a very 
large cyst that is growing rapidly. 
 Large cyst in mandible may displace inferior 
nerve canal, clearly seen in radiograph
 Contrast studies 
 To find out exact size and relation of the cyst 
whose extent is doubtful. 
 Water soluble contrast solution can be 
injected to cyst after removing cystic fluid 
 Avoid painful excess pressure in cystic cavity 
 After filling with radiopaque dye ,essential 
radiographs are taken 
 Contrast medium removed by aspiration 
carefully to avoid negative pressure in cystic 
 Aspiration 
Cystic contents are aspirated using a wide 
bore needle(18 guage) and syringe(5 ml) 
Different types of aspirates obtained 
Provisional diagnosis may be based on types 
of aspirate
Types of Aspirate Diagnosis 
Clear , pale , straw coloured fluid 
with cholesterol crystals 
Dentigerous cyst 
Creamy white , thick aspirate Odontogenic cyst 
Yellowish ,foul smelling fluid Infected cyst 
Blood 1. Needle in blood vessel 
2. Vascular lesion 
Air 1. Maxillary antrum 
2. Traumatic bone cyst
On biochemical evaluation of aspirated fluid 
If total protein content >4gm/100 ml indicataed 
radicular cyst or dentigerous cyst 
If total protein content <4gm/100 ml indicated 
odontogenic keratocyst
 Vitality test : 
Vitality test is done for tooth involved in the 
cyst and those adjacent to it. 
If tooth non-vital, it is most likely to be a 
radicular cyst.
 Biopsy 
When type of cyst is not confirmed by 
aspiration , a biopsy may be done to 
categorise the cyst prior to treatment plan. 
Gold standard to determining the cyst and to 
differentiate from neoplasm.
Dentigerous Cyst 
 Term given by Paget in 1963 
 Cyst which enclose the crown of an 
unerupted tooth by expansion of its follicle, 
and attached to its neck – shears 1983
 Developmental in origin 
 Considered to arise by the accumulation of 
fluid between reduced enamel epithelium 
and the crown of an unerupted tooth or an 
impacted tooth 
 The eruptive forces in the tooth cause 
changes in the vascular hydrodynamics 
which results in sepration of reduced enamel 
epithelium from crown. 
 There is fluid accumulation between these 
 Basis of observations at operation and 
histologic examination distinguish two types : 
1. Standard dentigerous cyst 
2. Extrafollicular variety
Clinical features 
Second most common cyst 
Commonly seen in 1st and 3rd decade of 
Males more affected than females 
Capable to becoming aggressive lesion
 Asymptomatic unless they develop into very 
large cyst or get infected 
 Expansion of bone 
 Facial asymmetry 
 Displacement and root resorption of adjacent 
 Pain may occur if secondary infection 
Radiographic Features 
 Unilocular ,well defined radiolucency with 
sclerotic margins around the crown of an 
unerupted tooth 
 Three radiographic types 
Cyst Contents 
 Yellowish straw coloured fluid rich in 
cholestrol crystals 
 If cyst infected ,purulent material can be 
obtained on aspiration
 Histopathological features 
 Lined by stratified squamous epithelium 
 Lumen may contain fibrillar keratin 
 Presence of bilaminated eosinophilic 
amorphous hyaline like Rushton bodies 
 Cholestrol crystals
 Treatment 
 Marsuplization 
 Enucleation of cyst together with removal of 
unerupted teeth 
 This permits decompression of a resulting 
decrease in the size of bone defects.
 Odontogenic keratocyst term first coined by 
philipsen in 1956 
 These cyst are quite aggressive and usually 
extensive at the time of diagnosis 
 Very high recurrence rate
 Pathogenesis – 
Developmental anomaly 
Arises from odontogenic epithelium 
Dental lamina 
Basal cells from overlying mucosa 
Enamel organ-by degenration of stellate 
 Clinical features 
Most common in 2nd and 3rd decade of life 
Males more commonly affectd 
Mandible more affected than maxilla 
Most common site is mandibular angle region 
Greatest recurrence rate –as high as 60% 
Asymtomatic usually until secondarily infected
 Radiographic features – 
Unilocular or multilocular radiolucency 
In early stages ,unilocular radiolucency with 
well defined sclerotic margin 
It can arise in any part of jaw and is 
independent of the teeth,it can mimic any of 
the cyst radiographically e.g. dentigerous 
cyst,primordial cyst,radicular cyst 
As OKC expands it causes severe bone 
destruction producing a multilocular 
radiolucency and soap bubble appearance 
 Cyst contents 
Contains dirty white material 
Cystic fluid has a large amount of exfoliated 
keratin squamous 
Smear can be stained and examined for 
keratinized cells 
When keratin content is high ,the fluid may 
appear thick and can be mistaken for pus but 
is odourless 
Electrophoresis shows total protein content of 
fluid to be 4g/dl
 Histological features 
Epithelium lining is usually parakeratinized 
Epithelial lining is of uniform thickness ,5-8 
layers of cells 
Basal layer cell tall columnar and nuclei are 
polarized giving tomb stone appearance 
Connective tissue layer shows satellite cells or 
daughter cyst which have a high rate of 
 Causes of high recuurence rate 
Aggressive pecularity was first reported by 
pindborg and Hansen (1963) 
Tendency to multiplicity 
Presence of satellite cyst 
Cystic lining is very fragile and thin , making it 
difficult to remove in one piece 
Epithelial lining og keratocysts have an intrinsic 
growth factor 
Cyst can arise from basal cell of mucosa
 Treatment 
Bramley (1971/1974) had very rationally 
outlined the surgical management of these 
cyst as followes 
Small single cyst with regular spherical 
outline,enucleated from intra oral approach 
Large or less accessible cyst with regular 
spherical outline ,enucleated from extraoral 
approach. Care should taken to ensure that 
all fragments of extremly thin lining are 
Unilocular lesions with scalloped or 
loculated periphery and small multilocular 
lesions , treated by marginal resection 
,while maintaining the continuity of 
posterior and inferior border. 
If cystic lining is found to be adherent to 
overlying mucosa or muscle then it should 
be excised along with marginal excision 
Defect is closed primarily and can be left to 
heal by secondary intention 
Can be filled with hydroxyapatite crystals, 
autogenous bone graft, corticocanellous 
Larger multilocular lesion with or 
without cortical perforation,may require 
resection of the involved bone followed 
by primary or secondary reconstruction 
with reconstruction plates or stainless 
stell mesh or bone graft like iliac crest 
graft,costochondral graft or allogenous 
bone graft.
 It is a dilatation of the normal folicular 
space above the crown of the erupting 
tooth caused by accumulation of tissue 
fluid or blood 
Smilar to dentigerous cyst which 
developes during the eruption of tooth 
when tooth is within the soft tissues 
surrounding the bone. 
 Also known as eruption hematoma
 Clinical features 
Smooth , round soft tissue swelling over an 
erupting tooth 
Pink or bluish in colour 
Not commonly seen as they undergo 
spontaneous rupture or disappears from 
masticatory trauma as the tooth enters the 
oral cavity
 Radiographic features – 
Cyst in soft tissues, no significant radiographic 
features are soon
 Treatment – 
 Soft tissue cysts on the alveolar crest of the 
gum pads of a newborn 
 Arise from remnants of dental lamina
 Clinical features 
Appears as pearly white nodules 2-3 mm in 
diameter on the alveolar ridge 
May be solitary or multiple 
Cyst appears white in colour due to presence 
of keratin within the cyst 
Similar lesions on mid palatine raphe are called 
epstein’s pearls 
Similar lesions on lingual , buccal aspect of 
alveolar ridge are called Bohn’s nodules
 Pathology 
Thin lining of stratified squamous cell 
epithelium which may reveal 
Contain desquamated keratin
 Treatment 
No treatment as they rupture spontaneously on 
eruption of underlying teeth
 Soft tissue odontogenic developmental cyst 
 Location in gingival tissue 
Etiology : 
Remnants of dental lamina or cell rests of 
From enamel organ or epithelial islands of the 
surface epithelium 
As traumatic implantation cyst
 Clinical features 
No sex predilection 
Occurs in 5th or 6th decade of life 
Mandible is more frequently involved 
Rarely seen in anterior part of jaw 
Asymptomatic, painless, slow growing, Soft 
and fluctuant 
Seen in attached gingiva or the inter den tal 
papilla on labial aspect, smooth surface 
Adjacent teeth are normal
 Hitopathology 
Lined by stratified squamous cell epithelium 
and contains fluid 
 Treatment 
Surgical excision 
No tendency to recurrence
 First reported by standish and shafer in 1958 
 Cysts occur in the lateral peridontal position 
 Inflammatory etiology
 Clinical features 
Occurs in 4th to 7th decade of life 
Males are affected more than females 
Most frequent locations mandibular premolar 
area,followed by anterior region of maxilla 
Associated teeth vital 
3rd molar most common and any infection can 
cause spreading infection of submandibular 
 Radiographic features 
Well defined radiolucency round or ovoid with 
sclerotic margin 
Lamina dura of the tooth destroyed 
Smaller than 1cm in size and present between 
the cervical margin and apex of the tooth 
In case of 3rd molar seen to be present in the 
bifurcation, buccal or lingual surface of roots
 Pathogenesis 
Reduced enamel epithelium 
Remnants of dental lamina 
Cell rests of malassez 
 Cystic contents 
Serous caseous contents
 Pathology 
Lined by well formed , non keratinized stratified 
squamous epithelial lining 
Localized epithelium proliferation may be seen 
Connective tissue wall may show inflammatory 
cell infiltrate 
 Treatment plan 
Weathers and Waldron 1973 
 Arises from odontogenic epithelial rests 
 Variant of lateral periodontal cyst 
 Gross appearance of large lesion resembling 
a bunch of grapes ,hence the term botryoid
 Clinical features 
Occurs in 5th -7th decade of life 
Most frequent location mandible in cuspid-premolar 
Swelling may be present 
Discharge (rarely)
 Radiographic features 
Unilocular radiolucency 
 Treatment 
 First described by Gorlin in 1964 
 Shows features of cyst and tumour 
Clinical features 
Relatively rare cyst 
Most often seen in second decade,no sex 
predilection but more common in children 
and young individuals 
Mostly seen in anterior part of the jaw
Initially Symptomless 
Pain (rare) 
Peripheral or intraosseous lesion may be seen 
Later stages hard bony expansion 
Some cyst arise close to periosteum and 
produce a saucer shaped depression in bone 
Remnants of dental lamina 
Stellate Reticulum, Reduced enamel 
 Radiographic features 
Well defined lesions with sclerotic or diffuse 
Small radiopaque flecks are seen in the cystic 
cavity which is characterstic of this cyst 
Some lesions are unilocular and some exhibit 
multilocular radiolucency 
Cortical perforation 
May be associated with unerupted tooth 
Resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth
 Histological features 
Basal layer is composed of cuboidal or 
columnar cells with polarised nuclei 
Most peculiar feature is presence of ghost 
cells. these are eosinophilic ,pale,swollen 
epithelial cells that have lost their nuclei 
 Treatment 
 Padayachee and Van wyk 1987 
 Same characteristic with lateral peridontal 
cyst or botryoid cyst 
 Unilocular or multiloculat radiolucency 
 Cortical plare expansion
 Treatment 
Marsupialisation if lesion approach vital 
 Also known as apical periodontal cyst 
 Associated with roots of non-vital teeth 
 Most common odontogenic cyst .in all cases 
the pulp iis necrosed 
Dental caries 
Fractured tooth 
Thermal /chemical injury to pulp 
Iatrogenic pulp injury
 Initiation and progression 
Dental caries 
Chronic pulpitis 
Pulp necrosis 
Periapical granuloma
 Clinical features 
Most common 
Males affected more than females 
Occurs in 3rd -4th decade of life 
Incidence highest in anterior maxilla 
Tooth must be non-vital 
Pain if associated with suppuration 
Temporary parasthesia
 Radiological features 
Round or pear shaped or oval shaped 
radiolucency outlined by a narrow radio-opaque 
 Treatment 
Enucleation with primary closure
 Residual cyst ,that is overlooked after 
causative tooth or root is extracted 
 An incomplete removed pariapical granuloma 
 An impacted tooth associated with a lateral 
dentigerous cyst but cystic lesion 
unrecognized and left in situ,residual cyst 
persist and will enlarge 
 Cystic lesion developes on either a decidous 
or retained tooth which either exfoliatesor is 
extracted without knowledge of underlying 
 Mainly in middle aged and elderly patient 
 No sex predilection 
 Incidence greater in maxilla than mandible 
 Asymptomatic 
 Occasionally sign of pathologic fracture or 
signs of encroachment
Enucleation with primary closure
 First reported by Main 1970 
 Associated with a lateral accessory root 
canal of a non vital tooth 
 In 3rd decade of life 
 Male mostly affected 
 Mandibular 3rd molar mostly
 Radiological features 
Often superimposed on the buccal root face as 
well demarcated radiolucencies,often with 
corticated margin. 
Periodontal ligament space not widened and 
lamina dura is intact around the tooth 
 Treatment 
 Nasopalatine duct cyst 
Derived from embryonic epithelial residues in 
nasopalatine canal 
Or from epithelium included in lines of fusion of 
embryonic facial process 
May be occur within the nasopalatine canal or 
in soft tissues of the palate 
At the opening of the canal – cyst of palatine 
 Clinical features 
Mostly 3rd to 6th decades of life 
Higher ratio of man affected 
Common symptom swelling 
Also occurs in midline on labial aspect 
May produce bulging of nose 
Pain and discharge which is salty in taste 
Displacement of teeth
 Radiological features 
Round or oval shape radiolucency some time 
Heart shape radiolucency in between the 
central incisors 
 Treatment 
Surgical enucleation
 Nasolabial cyst – 
Occurs outside the bone in nasolabial folds 
below the alae nasi 
Arises from epithelium enclaved at the site of 
fusion of the globular, lateral nasal and 
maxillary process 
It could develop from remnants of embryonic 
nasolacrimal rod or duct
Wide age spread from 12-75 years 
Women affected more 
Pain and difficulty in nasal breathing 
Slow growing 
Swelling of lip, fill out the nasolabial and lift the 
alae nasai 
Radiological features- 
Radiolucency of alveolar process above the 
apices of incisors teeth 
 Enucleation
 Solitary bone cyst 
 Aneurysmal bone cyst
 Jaffe and Litchtenstein 1942 
 Often seen in lonf bones and spine 
 Aetiology 
Possible relationship with giant cell lesion 
Variations in hemodynamics of area 
Sudden venous occlusion
 Clinical features 
Very rare 
Children and young adults mostly affected 
Mandible affected more than maxilla 
Firm swelling 
Displacement of teeth 
Egg shell crackling 
Lesion not pulsatile
 Treatment 
Complete curretage 
Local excision with bone grafting
 Termed as haemorrhagic bone cyst
 Aetiology 
Trauma and haemorrhage with failure of 
 Spontaneous atrophy of the tissue in a 
central benign giant cell lesion 
 Abnormal calcium metabolism 
 Chronic low grade infection 
 Clinical features 
Occurs in children and adolescent 
Male predliction 
Mandible affected more 
Expansion of lingual cortex
 Removal of lining or enable the body to rearrange 
position of abnormal tissue to eliminate from 
within, and prevention of recurrence. 
 Minimum trauma to patient and maximum 
conservation of tissue mainly of dental 
 Preserve adjacent important structures 
 Achieve rapid healing; to minimize number of 
 Restore the part to near normal and normal 
 Prevention of pathologic fracture 
 Facial esthetics.
 Rationale behind treating a cyst 
 To avoid displacement and loosening of teeth 
 To avoid pathological fractures of the jaw due 
to expanding lesion 
 To avoid displacement of the inferior alveolar 
canal and destruction of other vital structure 
around the cyst 
 To aim at removing the entire lining, 
preserving the adjacent structures
 Operative Procedures 
Basically two types 
 Enucleation 
 Marsupialization
Enucleation and packing 
Enucleation and primary closure 
Enucleation and primary closure with 
Enucleation wth chemical cauterisation 
Partsch I 
Partsch II 
Marsupialization by opening into nose or antrum
 Marsupialisation or Partsch I operation 
also known as cystotomy or decompression 
 Partsch 1892 described a type of 
compression procedure 
Principle : 
Marsupialization or decompression refers to 
creating a surgical window in the wall of cyst, 
and evacuate cystic contents
 Indication 
Age - Young child with developing tooth buds 
When development of the displaced teeth has 
not progressed,and enucleation would 
damage the tooth buds. 
Proximity to vital structures – when proximity of 
cyst to vital structures, could create an 
oronasal ,oro antral fistula , injure 
neurovascular structures or damage vital 
Eruption of teeth – marsupialization permit the 
eruption of unerupted teeth 
Size of cyst – very large cyst where 
enucleation could result in a pathological 
Vitality of teeth- when apices of the many 
adjacent teeth are involved with in the large 
 Advantages 
Simple procedure to perform 
Spares vital structures 
Allows eruption of teeth 
Prevents oro nasal oroantral fistula 
Prevents pathological fracture 
Reduces operating time 
Reduces blood loss 
Helps shrinkage of cystic lining 
Allows for endosteal bone formation to take 
 Disadvantages 
Pathologic tissue is left in situ 
Histologic examination of entire lining is not 
Prolonged healing time 
Inconvenience to the patient 
Prolonged follow up visits 
Periodic irrigation of cavity 
Regular adjustment of plug 
Periodic changing of pack 
Secondary surgery may be needed
 Anaesthesia 
 Aspiration 
 Incisions – circular 
inverted ‘u’ 
 Removal of bone 
 Removal of cystic lining specimen 
 Irrigation of cystic cavity
 Suturing 
 Packing – white head’s varnish 
tincture of benzoin 
bismuth iodine paraffin 
 Maintenance 
 Use of plug 
 Healing
 Waldron’s method(1941) 
 Two stage technique 
 Combination of two standard technique 
 First marsupialization 
 Second enucleation,when the cavity 
becomes smaller
 Indications 
When bone has covered the adjacent vital 
Adequate bone fill has strengthened the jaw to 
prevent fracture during enucleation 
Pt. finds difficult to clean cavity 
For detection of any occult pathologic condition
 Advantages 
Development of a thickened cystic lining which 
makes enucleation easier 
Spares adjacent vital structures 
Combined approach reduces morbidity 
Accelerated healing process 
Allows histopathological examination of 
residual tissue
 Disadvantages 
Patient has to undergo secondary surgery and 
possible complications
Cyst that have destroyed a large portion of of 
the maxilla and have ancroached on the 
antrum or nasal cavity 
1. Anaesthesia 
2. Incision – gingival curvilinear incision taken 
along the involving teeth 
3. Two releasing incision are made at 45°angle 
and extending in to buccal sulcus
Mucoperiosteal flap is raised 
Removal of bone(usually in large cysts ,an 
opening already exist) 
This stage a window is made by removing a 
portion of cystic lining like partsch I technique 
Second unroofing is performed by removing 
antral lining presents between the cavities
 This allows the cyst cavity to become 
lined with normal ciliated and mucous 
secreting epithelium regenrating from 
the respiratory mucosa other than a 
squamous epithelium 
 Additionally intranasal antrostomy may 
be performed . 
Cavity packed with a ribbon gauze 
soaked withtincture of benzoin or 
antibiotic ointment
 Principle - surgical removal of entire 
cystic lining 
 Shelling out of the entire cystic lining 
without rupture 
 After enucleation of the cyst the 
underlying space filled with blood 
clot,which eventually organizes to form 
normal bone
 Indications 
Treatment of OKC 
Recurrence of cystic lesions of any cyst 
Primary closure of wounds 
Rapid healing 
Postoperative care is reduced 
Thorough examination of entire cystic 
lining can be done
 Disadvantages – 
In young persons , the unerupted teeth in 
dentigerous cyst will be removed with 
the lesion 
Removal of large cystic lesion in 
mandible ,making it prone to fracture 
When a cyst involves the apices of one or 
more teeth in such a way that the blood 
supply to the pulp passes through the 
capsule of lesion,enucleation of cyst 
could be result in pulpal necrosis
 Enucleation with primary closure- 
Incision- envelope flap 
Elevation of Mucoperiosteal flap 
Bone removal 
Exposure of cystic lining 
Try to remove entire cyst lining in a single 
Irrigation of cavity and hemostasis ensured 
Enucleation with open packing 
large cyst which was previously infected 
,closure may not be possible 
the wound is packed with gauze 
impregnated with bismuth idoform 
parafin paste (BIPP) or whitehead’s 
Whitehead’s varnish contains Benzoin 10 
gm, Storax 7.5 gm, Balsam of tolu 5gm, 
iodoform 10 gm, solvent ether upto 
Enucleation with bone curettage 
After enucleation if there is a doubt that a 
part of lining has been left behind, it can 
be curetted out 
A bone curett is used to scrap the bone 
and remove any remaining lining 
Enucleation with peripheral osteotomy 
Instead of using a curett a large round 
burr may be used to remove around 1- 
2mm of bone around the entire 
peripheral cavity
 Enucleation with chemical cauterisation 
 Stoelinga has advocated the use of carnoy’s 
Mainly indicated in OKC. 
Carnoy’s solution contains Glacial acetic acid, 
Choloroform, Absolute alcohol, Ferric 
Enucleation with bone grafting 
Bone grafting with autogenous cancellous 
bone grafts can be done in case of large 
bony defects 
Bone graft obliterates the cavity and 
stimulates osteogenesis 
There is , however , a risk of infection of 
the bone graft which may lead to failure
Segmental resection 
Indicated when there is a large 
odontogenic keratocyst with massive 
bone destruction 
Indicated when there is suspected 
neoplastic transformation of the cyst
Incision – a submandibular incision , 
which may at times be required to 
extend into postramal region,is taken 
1.5 – 2 cm below thr inferior border of 
Incision extends ,through skin and 
subcutaneous tissue,blunt and sharp 
dissection carried out layerwise through 
tissue planes e.g. superficial cervical 
fascia ,platysma ,and deep cervical
Care is taken to marginal mandibular 
nerve and facial artey and vein are 
clamped and ligated 
Small bleeders cauterized with diathermy 
Pterygomassetric sling divided 
,periosteum incised down to bone and 
flap is raised superiorly to expose the 
Depending upon the extent of lesion 
involvement to surrounding tissues 
,enucleation or marginal resection done.
 Risk of bone fracture (pathological) 
If fracture occurs during surgery,after removal 
of cyst bone plating should be done to 
strength the mandible 
 Inferior dental nerve involvement 
If cyst is in very close proximity with to 
neurovascular bundle,possibility of damage 
must be explained to advance 
Management of teeth related to cyst
Diagnosis is always very important to decide 
the treatment plan of the cyst 
Care always should be done to prevent nearer 
structure or tooth or tooth bud.
 A text book of cyst and management by 
 Text book of minor oral surgical procedure by 
jeffery L.hoe 
 Text book of oral surgery part II-by laskin 
 Text book of oral minor surgery by killey n 
 Text book of oral pathology by shafers 
 Text book of oral maxillofacial surgery by 
neelima malik

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  • 1. PRESENTED BY :DR.NIKIL JAIN P.G. 1ST YEAR CYST Of Oral & Maxillofacial Tissues
  • 2. CONTENTS  Definition  Classification  Pathogenesis  Clinical examination  Odontogenic cyst  Inflammatory cyst  Conclusion  References
  • 3. DEFINITION  Killey and kay(1966) – cyst constitutes an epithelium –lined sac filled with fluid or semifluid material.  Fit for odontogenic and fissural cyst but wat about SOLITARY BONE CYST OR STAFNE’S CYST????????????
  • 4.  Killey and kay (1966) – revised definition”A cyst is an abnormal cavity in hard or soft tissue which is contains fluid, semifluid or gas and is often encapsulated and lined by epithelium.”
  • 5.  Kramer’s(1974) – A cyst is pathologic cavity having fluid, semifluid, or gaseous contents that are not created by the accumulation of pus; frequently, but not always, is lined by epithelium.
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION  Various classifications have been given:  Robinson (1945)  Thoma-Robinson-Bernier (1960)  Kruger (1964)  WHO (1971)  Shear (1983)
  • 7.  According to shear’s -  Cyst of jaws  Cyst associated with maxillary antrum  Cyst of soft tissues of the mouth,face,neck and salivary glands
  • 8. cyst of jaws Epithelial Non-epithelial Developmental Inflammatory Odontogenic Non-odontogenic
  • 9.  Odontogenic cyst -  Odontogenic keratocyst  Dentigerous cyst  Eruption cyst  Gingival cyst of infants  Gingival cyst of adults  Developmental lateral periodontal cyst  Botryoid odontogenic cyst  Glandular odontogenic cyst  Calcifying odontogenic cyst
  • 10.  Non-odontogenic cyst  Midpalatal raphe cyst of infants  Nasopalatine duct cyst  Nasolabial cyst
  • 11.  Inflammatory origin  Radicular cyst, apical and lateral  Residual cyst  Paradental cyst and juvenile cyst  Inflammtory collateral cyst
  • 12.  Non-epithelial lined cyst  Solitary bone cyst  Aneurysmal bone cyst  Traumatic bone cyst  Hemorrhagic bone cyst
  • 13.  Cyst associated with maxillary antrum -  Mucocele  Retention cyst  Pseudocyst cyst  Post operative maxillary cyst
  • 14.  Cysts of the soft tissue of the mouth ,face and neck –  Dermoid and epidermoid cyst  Branchial cyst  Thyroglossal duct cyst  Anterior median lingual cyst  Oral cyst with gastric or intestinal epithelium  Cystic hygroma  Nasopharyngeal cyst  Thymic cyst  Cyst of salivary glands  Hydatid cyst
  • 15. PATHOGENESIS OF CYST FORMATION  Odontogenic cyst are derived from odontogenic epithelium of stomodeum Enamel organ Reduced enamel epithelum Remnants of dental lamina(cell rests of serrae) Remnants of hertwig’s root sheath(cell rests of malassez)
  • 16.
  • 17. PATHOGENESIS Formation of cyst take place in generally three stages :  Initiation  Cyst formation  Enlargement or expansion of cyst cavity
  • 18. INITIATION  Initiation of cyst formation mostly from odontogenic epithelium  Stimulus which initiates this process is unknown  Factors involved Proliferation of epithelial lining I. Fluid accumulation in cystic cavity II. Bone resorption
  • 19. CYST FORMATION  Cavity lined by stratified squamous epithelium ???????????????  Shear (1963),Tencate (1972), Harris(1974) , Valderhauge(1974)
  • 20.  If a cleft produced by accumulation of a purulent exudate in the form of a microabscess involved one of the proliferating strands of epithelium , then the epithelial cells would be expected to line the cleft.
  • 21. Another mechanism- epithelial cells become oriented in relation to their source of nutrition and the adjacent connective tissue. In normal situation they cover a surface and finally desquamated If the proliferating epitheliun beneath the surface ,as in granuloma ,cells will migrate inwards and desquamate in the center of mass.
  • 22. ENLARGEMENT  Basic mechanism for cyst enlargement is similar but additional factors involved which differ from type to type  Steps involved:  Attraction of fluid into cyst cavity  Retention of fluid in the cavity  Production of a raised internal hydrostatic pressure  Resorption of surrounding bone with an increase in size of bone cavity
  • 23.  Harris (1974) classified theories of cyst enlargment:  Mural growth a) Peripheral cell division b) Accumulation of cellular content  Hydrostatic enlargement a) Secretion b) Transduation and exudation  Bone resorbing factor
  • 24. CLINICAL EXAMINATION  Diagnostic features  Symptoms of cyst  Signs of cyst  Clinical stages of cysts  Secondary effects on jaw  Investigation
  • 25.  Diagnostic features : Sign and symptoms of a cystic lesion depend on 1. Dimension of lesion 2. Type of cyst 3. Location of cyst 4. Important structures adjacent to cyst 5. Presence of infection in the cyst
  • 26.  Symptoms of cyst : 1. Pain and swelling 2. Salty taste 3. Difficulty in mastication 4. Ill fitting denture 5. Displaced teeth 6. Space between the teeth
  • 27.  Signs of cyst : 1. Bone expansion 2. Fluctuant swelling under oral mucosa 3. Non vital tooth(if radicular cyst) 4. Missing tooth 5. Sinus formation with discharge 6. Large cyst distortion of adjacent structures 7. Hollow sound on percussion
  • 28.  Clinical stages of cyst : 1. Periosteal stimulation : curved enlargement of bone 2. Tennis ball consistency:can be indented on percussion 3. Egg shell crackling :micro cracks on cortical plate 4. Fluctuation :complete resorption of bone overlying the cyst 5. Sinus formation 6. Infection due to contamination from oral cavity
  • 29.  Secondary effects on jaw due to cyst : 1. Numbness 2. Pathological fracture of jaw 3. Secondary infection 4. Malignant transformation
  • 30.  Investigation includes : 1. Radiographic examination/C.T. scan 2. Contrast studies 3. Aspiration 4. Vitality test 5. Biopsy
  • 31.  Radiograph for cyst 1. IOPA for small periapical cyst to see tooth involvegd 2. Occlusal view to check lingual cortical expansion 3. PNS view (occipitomental)to show relation to maxillary antrum and nasal cavity 4. Lateral oblique (mandible)to check proximity to lower border 5. PA view to check expansion of ramus of mandible,survey of symphysis ,body and rami of mandible 6. OPG (shows entire affected region.size and site of the region can be assessed
  • 32.  Radiographic interpretations  Radiographs help to define site ,size,extent and marginal outline of lesion  Characteristic appearance of a cyst is a round or oval radiolucency surrounded by sharp radioopaque line of condensed bone (this line missing in an infected cyst or a very large cyst that is growing rapidly.  Large cyst in mandible may displace inferior nerve canal, clearly seen in radiograph
  • 33.  Contrast studies  To find out exact size and relation of the cyst whose extent is doubtful.  Water soluble contrast solution can be injected to cyst after removing cystic fluid  Avoid painful excess pressure in cystic cavity  After filling with radiopaque dye ,essential radiographs are taken  Contrast medium removed by aspiration carefully to avoid negative pressure in cystic cavity
  • 34.  Aspiration Cystic contents are aspirated using a wide bore needle(18 guage) and syringe(5 ml) Different types of aspirates obtained Provisional diagnosis may be based on types of aspirate
  • 35. Types of Aspirate Diagnosis Clear , pale , straw coloured fluid with cholesterol crystals Dentigerous cyst Creamy white , thick aspirate Odontogenic cyst Yellowish ,foul smelling fluid Infected cyst Blood 1. Needle in blood vessel 2. Vascular lesion Air 1. Maxillary antrum 2. Traumatic bone cyst
  • 36. On biochemical evaluation of aspirated fluid If total protein content >4gm/100 ml indicataed radicular cyst or dentigerous cyst If total protein content <4gm/100 ml indicated odontogenic keratocyst
  • 37.  Vitality test : Vitality test is done for tooth involved in the cyst and those adjacent to it. If tooth non-vital, it is most likely to be a radicular cyst.
  • 38.  Biopsy When type of cyst is not confirmed by aspiration , a biopsy may be done to categorise the cyst prior to treatment plan. Gold standard to determining the cyst and to differentiate from neoplasm.
  • 39. Dentigerous Cyst  Term given by Paget in 1963  Cyst which enclose the crown of an unerupted tooth by expansion of its follicle, and attached to its neck – shears 1983
  • 40. Etiology  Developmental in origin  Considered to arise by the accumulation of fluid between reduced enamel epithelium and the crown of an unerupted tooth or an impacted tooth  The eruptive forces in the tooth cause changes in the vascular hydrodynamics which results in sepration of reduced enamel epithelium from crown.  There is fluid accumulation between these two.
  • 41.  Basis of observations at operation and histologic examination distinguish two types : 1. Standard dentigerous cyst 2. Extrafollicular variety
  • 42. Clinical features Second most common cyst Commonly seen in 1st and 3rd decade of life Males more affected than females Capable to becoming aggressive lesion
  • 43.  Asymptomatic unless they develop into very large cyst or get infected  Expansion of bone  Facial asymmetry  Displacement and root resorption of adjacent teeth  Pain may occur if secondary infection supervenes
  • 44. Radiographic Features  Unilocular ,well defined radiolucency with sclerotic margins around the crown of an unerupted tooth  Three radiographic types circumferential lateral paradental
  • 45.
  • 46. Cyst Contents  Yellowish straw coloured fluid rich in cholestrol crystals  If cyst infected ,purulent material can be obtained on aspiration
  • 47.  Histopathological features  Lined by stratified squamous epithelium  Lumen may contain fibrillar keratin  Presence of bilaminated eosinophilic amorphous hyaline like Rushton bodies  Cholestrol crystals
  • 48.  Treatment  Marsuplization  Enucleation of cyst together with removal of unerupted teeth  This permits decompression of a resulting decrease in the size of bone defects.
  • 49. ODONTOGENIC KERATOCYST  Odontogenic keratocyst term first coined by philipsen in 1956  These cyst are quite aggressive and usually extensive at the time of diagnosis  Very high recurrence rate
  • 50.  Pathogenesis – Developmental anomaly Arises from odontogenic epithelium Dental lamina Basal cells from overlying mucosa Enamel organ-by degenration of stellate reticulum
  • 51.  Clinical features Most common in 2nd and 3rd decade of life Males more commonly affectd Mandible more affected than maxilla Most common site is mandibular angle region Greatest recurrence rate –as high as 60% Asymtomatic usually until secondarily infected
  • 52.  Radiographic features – Unilocular or multilocular radiolucency In early stages ,unilocular radiolucency with well defined sclerotic margin It can arise in any part of jaw and is independent of the teeth,it can mimic any of the cyst radiographically e.g. dentigerous cyst,primordial cyst,radicular cyst As OKC expands it causes severe bone destruction producing a multilocular radiolucency and soap bubble appearance radiographically
  • 53.  Cyst contents Contains dirty white material Cystic fluid has a large amount of exfoliated keratin squamous Smear can be stained and examined for keratinized cells When keratin content is high ,the fluid may appear thick and can be mistaken for pus but is odourless Electrophoresis shows total protein content of fluid to be 4g/dl
  • 54.  Histological features Epithelium lining is usually parakeratinized Epithelial lining is of uniform thickness ,5-8 layers of cells Basal layer cell tall columnar and nuclei are polarized giving tomb stone appearance Connective tissue layer shows satellite cells or daughter cyst which have a high rate of invasiveness
  • 55.  Causes of high recuurence rate Aggressive pecularity was first reported by pindborg and Hansen (1963) Tendency to multiplicity Presence of satellite cyst Cystic lining is very fragile and thin , making it difficult to remove in one piece Epithelial lining og keratocysts have an intrinsic growth factor Cyst can arise from basal cell of mucosa
  • 56.  Treatment Bramley (1971/1974) had very rationally outlined the surgical management of these cyst as followes Small single cyst with regular spherical outline,enucleated from intra oral approach Large or less accessible cyst with regular spherical outline ,enucleated from extraoral approach. Care should taken to ensure that all fragments of extremly thin lining are removed
  • 57. Unilocular lesions with scalloped or loculated periphery and small multilocular lesions , treated by marginal resection ,while maintaining the continuity of posterior and inferior border. If cystic lining is found to be adherent to overlying mucosa or muscle then it should be excised along with marginal excision Defect is closed primarily and can be left to heal by secondary intention Can be filled with hydroxyapatite crystals, autogenous bone graft, corticocanellous chips
  • 58. Larger multilocular lesion with or without cortical perforation,may require resection of the involved bone followed by primary or secondary reconstruction with reconstruction plates or stainless stell mesh or bone graft like iliac crest graft,costochondral graft or allogenous bone graft.
  • 59. ERUPTION CYST  It is a dilatation of the normal folicular space above the crown of the erupting tooth caused by accumulation of tissue fluid or blood Smilar to dentigerous cyst which developes during the eruption of tooth when tooth is within the soft tissues surrounding the bone.  Also known as eruption hematoma
  • 60.  Clinical features Smooth , round soft tissue swelling over an erupting tooth Pink or bluish in colour Not commonly seen as they undergo spontaneous rupture or disappears from masticatory trauma as the tooth enters the oral cavity
  • 61.  Radiographic features – Cyst in soft tissues, no significant radiographic features are soon
  • 62.  Treatment – Marsupialisation
  • 63. GINGIVAL CYST OF INFANTS  Soft tissue cysts on the alveolar crest of the gum pads of a newborn  Arise from remnants of dental lamina
  • 64.  Clinical features Appears as pearly white nodules 2-3 mm in diameter on the alveolar ridge May be solitary or multiple Cyst appears white in colour due to presence of keratin within the cyst Similar lesions on mid palatine raphe are called epstein’s pearls Similar lesions on lingual , buccal aspect of alveolar ridge are called Bohn’s nodules
  • 65.  Pathology Thin lining of stratified squamous cell epithelium which may reveal parakeratinization Contain desquamated keratin
  • 66.  Treatment No treatment as they rupture spontaneously on eruption of underlying teeth
  • 67. GINGIVAL CYST OF ADULTS  Soft tissue odontogenic developmental cyst  Location in gingival tissue Etiology : Remnants of dental lamina or cell rests of serres From enamel organ or epithelial islands of the surface epithelium As traumatic implantation cyst
  • 68.  Clinical features No sex predilection Occurs in 5th or 6th decade of life Mandible is more frequently involved Rarely seen in anterior part of jaw Asymptomatic, painless, slow growing, Soft and fluctuant Seen in attached gingiva or the inter den tal papilla on labial aspect, smooth surface Adjacent teeth are normal
  • 69.  Hitopathology Lined by stratified squamous cell epithelium and contains fluid  Treatment Surgical excision No tendency to recurrence
  • 70. LATERAL PERODONTAL CYST  First reported by standish and shafer in 1958  Cysts occur in the lateral peridontal position  Inflammatory etiology
  • 71.  Clinical features Occurs in 4th to 7th decade of life Males are affected more than females Most frequent locations mandibular premolar area,followed by anterior region of maxilla Asymptomatic Associated teeth vital 3rd molar most common and any infection can cause spreading infection of submandibular space
  • 72.  Radiographic features Well defined radiolucency round or ovoid with sclerotic margin Lamina dura of the tooth destroyed Smaller than 1cm in size and present between the cervical margin and apex of the tooth In case of 3rd molar seen to be present in the bifurcation, buccal or lingual surface of roots
  • 73.  Pathogenesis Reduced enamel epithelium Remnants of dental lamina Cell rests of malassez  Cystic contents Serous caseous contents
  • 74.  Pathology Lined by well formed , non keratinized stratified squamous epithelial lining Localized epithelium proliferation may be seen Connective tissue wall may show inflammatory cell infiltrate  Treatment plan Enucleation
  • 75. BOTRYOID ODONTOGENIC CYST Weathers and Waldron 1973  Arises from odontogenic epithelial rests  Variant of lateral periodontal cyst  Gross appearance of large lesion resembling a bunch of grapes ,hence the term botryoid
  • 76.  Clinical features Occurs in 5th -7th decade of life Most frequent location mandible in cuspid-premolar region Swelling may be present Pain Parasthesia Discharge (rarely)
  • 77.  Radiographic features Unilocular radiolucency  Treatment Enucleation
  • 78. CEOC  First described by Gorlin in 1964  Shows features of cyst and tumour Clinical features Relatively rare cyst Most often seen in second decade,no sex predilection but more common in children and young individuals Mostly seen in anterior part of the jaw
  • 79. Initially Symptomless Swelling Pain (rare) Peripheral or intraosseous lesion may be seen Later stages hard bony expansion Some cyst arise close to periosteum and produce a saucer shaped depression in bone Pathogenesis Remnants of dental lamina Stellate Reticulum, Reduced enamel epithelium
  • 80.  Radiographic features Well defined lesions with sclerotic or diffuse border Small radiopaque flecks are seen in the cystic cavity which is characterstic of this cyst Some lesions are unilocular and some exhibit multilocular radiolucency Cortical perforation May be associated with unerupted tooth Resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth
  • 81.  Histological features Basal layer is composed of cuboidal or columnar cells with polarised nuclei Most peculiar feature is presence of ghost cells. these are eosinophilic ,pale,swollen epithelial cells that have lost their nuclei  Treatment Enucleation
  • 82. GLANDULAR ODONTOGENIC CYST  Padayachee and Van wyk 1987  Same characteristic with lateral peridontal cyst or botryoid cyst  Unilocular or multiloculat radiolucency  Cortical plare expansion
  • 83.  Treatment Enucleation Marsupialisation if lesion approach vital structure
  • 84. RADICULAR CYST  Also known as apical periodontal cyst  Associated with roots of non-vital teeth  Most common odontogenic cyst .in all cases the pulp iis necrosed Etiology- Dental caries Fractured tooth Thermal /chemical injury to pulp Iatrogenic pulp injury
  • 85.  Initiation and progression Dental caries Chronic pulpitis Pulp necrosis Periapical granuloma
  • 86.
  • 87.  Clinical features Most common Males affected more than females Occurs in 3rd -4th decade of life Incidence highest in anterior maxilla Asymptomatic Tooth must be non-vital Pain if associated with suppuration Temporary parasthesia
  • 88.  Radiological features Round or pear shaped or oval shaped radiolucency outlined by a narrow radio-opaque margins  Treatment Enucleation with primary closure
  • 89. RESIDUAL CUST  Residual cyst ,that is overlooked after causative tooth or root is extracted  An incomplete removed pariapical granuloma  An impacted tooth associated with a lateral dentigerous cyst but cystic lesion unrecognized and left in situ,residual cyst persist and will enlarge  Cystic lesion developes on either a decidous or retained tooth which either exfoliatesor is extracted without knowledge of underlying pathology
  • 90.  Mainly in middle aged and elderly patient  No sex predilection  Incidence greater in maxilla than mandible  Asymptomatic  Occasionally sign of pathologic fracture or signs of encroachment
  • 91. Treatment Enucleation with primary closure
  • 92. INFLAMMATORY PARADENTAL CYST  First reported by Main 1970  Associated with a lateral accessory root canal of a non vital tooth  In 3rd decade of life  Male mostly affected  Mandibular 3rd molar mostly
  • 93.  Radiological features Often superimposed on the buccal root face as well demarcated radiolucencies,often with corticated margin. Periodontal ligament space not widened and lamina dura is intact around the tooth  Treatment Enucleation
  • 94. NON-ODONTOGENIC CYST  Nasopalatine duct cyst Derived from embryonic epithelial residues in nasopalatine canal Or from epithelium included in lines of fusion of embryonic facial process May be occur within the nasopalatine canal or in soft tissues of the palate At the opening of the canal – cyst of palatine papiilla
  • 95.  Clinical features Mostly 3rd to 6th decades of life Higher ratio of man affected Common symptom swelling Also occurs in midline on labial aspect May produce bulging of nose Pain and discharge which is salty in taste Displacement of teeth
  • 96.  Radiological features Round or oval shape radiolucency some time Heart shape radiolucency in between the central incisors  Treatment Surgical enucleation
  • 97.  Nasolabial cyst – Occurs outside the bone in nasolabial folds below the alae nasi Arises from epithelium enclaved at the site of fusion of the globular, lateral nasal and maxillary process It could develop from remnants of embryonic nasolacrimal rod or duct
  • 98. Wide age spread from 12-75 years Women affected more Swelling Pain and difficulty in nasal breathing Slow growing Swelling of lip, fill out the nasolabial and lift the alae nasai Fluctuant
  • 99. Radiological features- Radiolucency of alveolar process above the apices of incisors teeth Treatment  Enucleation
  • 100. NON-EPITHELIAL CYST  Solitary bone cyst  Aneurysmal bone cyst
  • 101. ANURYSMAL BONE CYST  Jaffe and Litchtenstein 1942  Often seen in lonf bones and spine  Aetiology Trauma Possible relationship with giant cell lesion Variations in hemodynamics of area Sudden venous occlusion
  • 102.  Clinical features Very rare Children and young adults mostly affected Mandible affected more than maxilla Firm swelling Displacement of teeth Egg shell crackling Lesion not pulsatile
  • 103.  Treatment Complete curretage Local excision with bone grafting
  • 104. SOLITARY BONE CYST  Termed as haemorrhagic bone cyst
  • 105.  Aetiology Trauma and haemorrhage with failure of organization  Spontaneous atrophy of the tissue in a central benign giant cell lesion  Abnormal calcium metabolism  Chronic low grade infection 
  • 106.  Clinical features Occurs in children and adolescent Male predliction Mandible affected more Symptomless Expansion of lingual cortex
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  • 108. MANAGEMENT OF CYST OF THE JAWS  Removal of lining or enable the body to rearrange position of abnormal tissue to eliminate from within, and prevention of recurrence.  Minimum trauma to patient and maximum conservation of tissue mainly of dental components.  Preserve adjacent important structures  Achieve rapid healing; to minimize number of visits  Restore the part to near normal and normal function  Prevention of pathologic fracture  Facial esthetics.
  • 109.  Rationale behind treating a cyst  To avoid displacement and loosening of teeth  To avoid pathological fractures of the jaw due to expanding lesion  To avoid displacement of the inferior alveolar canal and destruction of other vital structure around the cyst  To aim at removing the entire lining, preserving the adjacent structures
  • 110.  Operative Procedures Basically two types  Enucleation  Marsupialization
  • 111. Enucleation Enucleation and packing Enucleation and primary closure Enucleation and primary closure with reconstruction Enucleation wth chemical cauterisation Marsupialisation Partsch I Partsch II Marsupialization by opening into nose or antrum
  • 112.  Marsupialisation or Partsch I operation also known as cystotomy or decompression  Partsch 1892 described a type of compression procedure Principle : Marsupialization or decompression refers to creating a surgical window in the wall of cyst, and evacuate cystic contents
  • 113.  Indication Age - Young child with developing tooth buds When development of the displaced teeth has not progressed,and enucleation would damage the tooth buds. Proximity to vital structures – when proximity of cyst to vital structures, could create an oronasal ,oro antral fistula , injure neurovascular structures or damage vital teeth
  • 114. Eruption of teeth – marsupialization permit the eruption of unerupted teeth Size of cyst – very large cyst where enucleation could result in a pathological fracture Vitality of teeth- when apices of the many adjacent teeth are involved with in the large cyst
  • 115.  Advantages Simple procedure to perform Spares vital structures Allows eruption of teeth Prevents oro nasal oroantral fistula Prevents pathological fracture Reduces operating time Reduces blood loss Helps shrinkage of cystic lining Allows for endosteal bone formation to take place
  • 116.  Disadvantages Pathologic tissue is left in situ Histologic examination of entire lining is not done Prolonged healing time Inconvenience to the patient Prolonged follow up visits Periodic irrigation of cavity Regular adjustment of plug Periodic changing of pack Secondary surgery may be needed
  • 117. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE  Anaesthesia  Aspiration  Incisions – circular oval eliptical inverted ‘u’  Removal of bone  Removal of cystic lining specimen  Irrigation of cystic cavity
  • 118.  Suturing  Packing – white head’s varnish tincture of benzoin bismuth iodine paraffin paste(BIPP)  Maintenance  Use of plug  Healing
  • 119.
  • 120. MODIFICATIONS OF MARSUPIALIZATION  Waldron’s method(1941)  Two stage technique  Combination of two standard technique  First marsupialization  Second enucleation,when the cavity becomes smaller
  • 121.  Indications When bone has covered the adjacent vital structures Adequate bone fill has strengthened the jaw to prevent fracture during enucleation Pt. finds difficult to clean cavity For detection of any occult pathologic condition
  • 122.  Advantages Development of a thickened cystic lining which makes enucleation easier Spares adjacent vital structures Combined approach reduces morbidity Accelerated healing process Allows histopathological examination of residual tissue
  • 123.  Disadvantages Patient has to undergo secondary surgery and possible complications
  • 124. MARSUPIALIZATION BY OPENING INTO NOSE OR ANTRUM Cyst that have destroyed a large portion of of the maxilla and have ancroached on the antrum or nasal cavity Technique 1. Anaesthesia 2. Incision – gingival curvilinear incision taken along the involving teeth 3. Two releasing incision are made at 45°angle and extending in to buccal sulcus
  • 125. Mucoperiosteal flap is raised Removal of bone(usually in large cysts ,an opening already exist) This stage a window is made by removing a portion of cystic lining like partsch I technique Second unroofing is performed by removing antral lining presents between the cavities
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  • 127.  This allows the cyst cavity to become lined with normal ciliated and mucous secreting epithelium regenrating from the respiratory mucosa other than a squamous epithelium  Additionally intranasal antrostomy may be performed . Cavity packed with a ribbon gauze soaked withtincture of benzoin or antibiotic ointment
  • 128. ENUCLEATION  Principle - surgical removal of entire cystic lining  Shelling out of the entire cystic lining without rupture  After enucleation of the cyst the underlying space filled with blood clot,which eventually organizes to form normal bone
  • 129.  Indications Treatment of OKC Recurrence of cystic lesions of any cyst type Advantages- Primary closure of wounds Rapid healing Postoperative care is reduced Thorough examination of entire cystic lining can be done
  • 130.  Disadvantages – In young persons , the unerupted teeth in dentigerous cyst will be removed with the lesion Removal of large cystic lesion in mandible ,making it prone to fracture When a cyst involves the apices of one or more teeth in such a way that the blood supply to the pulp passes through the capsule of lesion,enucleation of cyst could be result in pulpal necrosis
  • 131.  Enucleation with primary closure- Anaesthesia Incision- envelope flap trapezoidal Elevation of Mucoperiosteal flap Bone removal Exposure of cystic lining Try to remove entire cyst lining in a single piece Irrigation of cavity and hemostasis ensured suturing
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  • 134. Enucleation with open packing large cyst which was previously infected ,closure may not be possible the wound is packed with gauze impregnated with bismuth idoform parafin paste (BIPP) or whitehead’s varnish. Whitehead’s varnish contains Benzoin 10 gm, Storax 7.5 gm, Balsam of tolu 5gm, iodoform 10 gm, solvent ether upto 100ml
  • 135. Enucleation with bone curettage After enucleation if there is a doubt that a part of lining has been left behind, it can be curetted out A bone curett is used to scrap the bone and remove any remaining lining Enucleation with peripheral osteotomy Instead of using a curett a large round burr may be used to remove around 1- 2mm of bone around the entire peripheral cavity
  • 136.  Enucleation with chemical cauterisation  Stoelinga has advocated the use of carnoy’s solution Mainly indicated in OKC. Carnoy’s solution contains Glacial acetic acid, Choloroform, Absolute alcohol, Ferric chloride
  • 137. Enucleation with bone grafting Bone grafting with autogenous cancellous bone grafts can be done in case of large bony defects Bone graft obliterates the cavity and stimulates osteogenesis There is , however , a risk of infection of the bone graft which may lead to failure
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  • 139. Segmental resection Indicated when there is a large odontogenic keratocyst with massive bone destruction Indicated when there is suspected neoplastic transformation of the cyst
  • 140. Procedure Anaesthesia Incision – a submandibular incision , which may at times be required to extend into postramal region,is taken 1.5 – 2 cm below thr inferior border of mandible Incision extends ,through skin and subcutaneous tissue,blunt and sharp dissection carried out layerwise through tissue planes e.g. superficial cervical fascia ,platysma ,and deep cervical
  • 141. Care is taken to marginal mandibular nerve and facial artey and vein are clamped and ligated Small bleeders cauterized with diathermy Pterygomassetric sling divided ,periosteum incised down to bone and flap is raised superiorly to expose the bone Depending upon the extent of lesion involvement to surrounding tissues ,enucleation or marginal resection done.
  • 142. COMPLICATIONS OF CYSTIC LESION AND MANAGEMENT  Risk of bone fracture (pathological) If fracture occurs during surgery,after removal of cyst bone plating should be done to strength the mandible  Inferior dental nerve involvement If cyst is in very close proximity with to neurovascular bundle,possibility of damage must be explained to advance Management of teeth related to cyst
  • 143. CONCLUSION Diagnosis is always very important to decide the treatment plan of the cyst Care always should be done to prevent nearer structure or tooth or tooth bud.
  • 144. REFERENCES  A text book of cyst and management by shears  Text book of minor oral surgical procedure by jeffery L.hoe  Text book of oral surgery part II-by laskin  Text book of oral minor surgery by killey n keys  Text book of oral pathology by shafers  Text book of oral maxillofacial surgery by neelima malik