physiotherapy physical therapy assessment rehabilitation services in india disability management occupational rehabilitation physical capability work rehabilitation fca tertiary prevention industrial therapy functional capacity assessment management elderly geriatric upper limb tension test neural tissue mobilization ultt research strategies to inititate cbr activities objectives of cbr principles of cbr cbr matrix community based rehabilitation difference between cbr and ibr approaches of rehabilitation models of rehabilitation types of rehabilitation team members rehabilitation early identification disability screening levels of prevention prevention types of disability disability barriers of communication communication process types of communication communication community awareness yoga and mind limbs of yoga benefits of yoga types of yoga lifestyle disorders yoga composite regional centre national institutes district rehabilitation centre tertiary health care community health centre secondary health care chief medical officer primary health centre primary health care national health delivery system quality of life wellness promotion health triage recovery response preparedness mitigation hazard disaster job demand job simulation rtw return to work conditioning work hardening work conditioning validity index physical demand functional capacity evaluation gait variables time temporal distance spatial rnt unt mnt2 mnt1 neurodynamic community old age evaluation domain falls spss q q plot box plot biostatistics normal distribution gaussian curve shapiro wilk normality neuromuscular junction muscle nerve physiology anatomy pad pvd insufficiency circulation venous peripheral arterial articles randomized control trial critical appraisal met pnf stretches mobility training electrotherapy current russian theory control motor biomechanics joint knee examination shoulder
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