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  Nonprofit Finance Fund

Pay for Success Projects and
Social Impact Bonds

Structuring Considerations and
Adaptations Arising from the Field

April 28, 2011
Welcome to the Webinar

 Before we get started….

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 !  Having trouble? Please email
    and we’ll respond right away.


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  Very efficient
Cost efficiencies

  Less efficient

                    Small   Size of organisation/unit   Large
Very efficient
 Cost efficiencies

   Less efficient

                     Small   Size of organisation/unit       Large



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Thank You!
To Stay Connected…

  About SIB      
                           About NFF’s work to build SIB resources
  Join the       
  Group                    Building community resources on SIB and other
                           models. The Webinar recording will be available
                           here shortly. You’ll also find the transcript from
                           our first web chat, articles, and more.
  About NFF      


  Our Blog       

  Sign Up                                                                19

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