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Constructing Construction Statistics Available through SSAS ,[object Object],Author: John Stires October 10, 2008 Table of Contents TOC  
     I.Overview PAGEREF _Toc211525246  3II.Component Parts PAGEREF _Toc211525247  3A.Creating the Cube PAGEREF _Toc211525249  31.Setting up the Data Source Connection to the Database. PAGEREF _Toc211525251  32.Build the cube PAGEREF _Toc211525253  33.Created Dimensions PAGEREF _Toc211525255  3B.MDX Querie PAGEREF _Toc211525257  51.Job Summaries PAGEREF _Toc211525259  52.Overhead Summaries PAGEREF _Toc211525261  61.Materials Summaries PAGEREF _Toc211525263  72.Labor Summaries PAGEREF _Toc211525265  7C.Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs). PAGEREF _Toc211525267  81.% Open Receivables PAGEREF _Toc211525269  82.Increase in the Number of Jobs PAGEREF _Toc211525271  83.Percent Overhead PAGEREF _Toc211525273  84.Percent Profit. PAGEREF _Toc211525275  95.Increase in Percent of Overhead by Category. PAGEREF _Toc211525277  9Appendix A - All Works DS Data Source View PAGEREF _Toc211525279  11Appendix B - All Works Cube  Design View PAGEREF _Toc211525280  12Appendix C  MDX Job Master Queries PAGEREF _Toc211525281  13Appendix D  MDX Overhead Queries PAGEREF _Toc211525282  25Appendix E  MDX Materials Queries PAGEREF _Toc211525283  28Appendix F  MDX Labor Queries PAGEREF _Toc211525284  32Appendix G  KPIs (Key Performance Indicators PAGEREF _Toc211525285  37 Overview TC 
 This project creates the Cubes and Dimensions necessary to generate MDX Queries and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a simulated Construction company.  The focus of the data for this project is on data for labor, materials, overhead, and summarized job information.  The data was loaded from a zipped database and a cube and its associated dimension and hierarchies.  The Data Source and Data Source Views were defined.  Once this was done, the cube was created and then dimensions were created in order to organize the data in such a way as to enable the MDX queries and KPIs to perform their functions efficiently.The net result was a collection of MDX queries and KPIs showing critical business information in a way that it can be quickly analyzed. Component Parts TC 
Component Parts
 There were three main component parts to this project: Creating the cube Creating the MDX Queries Creating the KPIs Creating the Cube TC 
Creating the Cube
 In creating the cube a data base was supplied containing all of the necessary data to carry this project forward.  The database name was SSASStudentProject. Setting up the Data Source Connection to the Database TC 
Setting up the Data Source Connection to the Database
 . The connection was set to the SSASStudentProject database located in the folder: C:etFocusBIProjectstudentVersionSASStudentProjectSASStudentProjectin A Data Source View was set up to design the chart showing the data relationships and establishing the Fact Tables (Measures) and the Dimensions.  This chart can be viewed in Appendix A. Build the cube TC 
Build the cube
  once the database connect had been established and the Data Source View created, the Cube, AllWorks Cube was created.  As this was accomplished, a basic chart was created showing the relationships of the data within the cube.  The wizard was used to create the cube and then the individual elements were adjusted as necessary for producing the desired queries and KPIs.  This Cube Design chart can be seen in Appendix B. Created Dimensions TC 
Created Dimensions
  Measures Fact Tables. Job Labor Facts Hoursworked Job Labor Facts Total Labor Job Material Facts Job Material Facts Count Purchase Amount Job Overhead Summary Facts Job Overhead Summary Facts Count Weekly Over Head Job Summary Facts Additional Labor Profit Amount Received Hours Worked Invoice Amount Job Summary Facts Count Total Labor Cost Total Labor Profit Total Material Cost Total Material Profit Total Overhead Dimensions All Works Calendar Qtr Weekend Date Year Calendar (Hierachy) Year Qtr Weekend Date Client Groupings Client Groupings Grouping Name Clients Clients.Account No Clients.Client Image Clients.Client Name Clients.Clients Clients.Project Manager Clients.Hierarchy Clients Clients – County PK Clients – County PK.Coutny Clients – County PK.County Name County County.County County.County Name Division Division Division Name Employees Cell Phone Employee Flag Employees First Name Full Name Last name Job Master Additional Overhead Pct Client Job Description Job Closed Job Closed Date Job master Material Markup Pct Job Master – Client PK Job Master – Client PK.Account No Job Master – Client PK.Client Image Job Master – Client PK.Client Name Job Master – Client PK.Clients Job Master – Client PK.Project manger Job Master – Client PK.Hierarchy (Hierarchy) Job Master – Client PK.Clients Job Master – Client PK – County PK Job Master – Client PK – County PK.County Job Master – Client PK – County PK.County Name Material Types Description Material Types Overhead Description Overhead HierarchiesTwo dimensions had hierarchies. All Works CalendarThree hierarchies were created for the calendar based on: Year Qtr Weekend Date ClientsA single hierarchy based on the Client ID. Job Master – Client PKA single hierarchy based on Job Master – Client PK.Clients MDX Queries TC 
MDX Queries
 The MDX queries are grouped in to several categories.  They will be presented in those groupings.  An example of the display of each can be found in the appendixes as indicated in the description for each query. Job Summaries TC 
Job Summaries
 Screen prints for this group can be found in Appendix C. JobSummary01.mdxRetrieve total labor costs by Client JobSummary02.mdxRetrieves total labor costs by Client, and filters out any NULL values JobSummary03.mdxRetrieve total labor costs by County JobSummary04.mdxRetrieve total labor costs by Division JobSummary05.mdxRetrieve total labor costs by Client Account grouping JobSummary06.mdxBy client, retrieve total labor cost, total material cost, and total overhead. JobSummary07.mdxDo the same (retrieve 3 measures) and add a 4th measure, a calculated measure, that adds all three costs. JobSummary08.mdxRetrieve and calculate the total costs, the total profit, and total profit %, for each individual job.  The three re calculated as follows: Total costs=total labor cost +  total material cost+ total overhead cost Total profit=labor profit+ material profit+ additional labor overhead profit Total profit %= (total profit / (total cost + total profit))*100 JobSummary09.mdxBy client, retrieves and calculate the total costs, the total profit, and total profit %, for each individual job.  The three re calculated as follows: Total costs=total labor cost +  total material cost+ total overhead cost Total profit=labor profit+ material profit+ additional labor overhead profit Total profit %= (total profit / (total cost + total profit) )*100 JobSummary10.mdxBy client, displays a count of Jobs. JobSummary11.mdxRetrieve all Clients with a Total Labor cost to date greater than 5,000, and the word 'INC' appears in the client name JobSummary12.mdxList the jobs that make up the top 30% of total invoice amount. Overhead Summaries TC 
Overhead Summaries
  JobOverHead01.mdxShows Overhead by Overhead Category for Q3 and Q4 2005 (hint, use the FY Qtr as a dimension). JobOverHead02.mdxShows Overhead by Overhead Category for Q3 and Q4 2005, and also show the % of change between the two. JobOverHead03.mdxShows Overhead  by Overhead Category for all of 2005, order by Overhead Dollar amount descending. Materials Summaries TC 
 Materials Summaries 
  The result set should have 1 column for the purchase amounts for Fuel, Materials, and petty Cash. JobOverMaterials02.mdxShows Material purchase amounts for 2005, broken out by Material Purchase type and client. JobOverMaterials03.mdxShows a list of total client material purchases for 2005, in descending purchase amount order.  The result set should show at the top which client required the most materials. JobOverMaterials04.mdxShows jobs in order of purchase amount and then show the breakdown in each job of material type  (for instance, Job A, total purchase amount, amount for fuel, amount for materials, amount for petty cash, etc.).  The general order should be by total purchase amount, so that the top of the result set shows the jobs that required the highest purchase amounts. Labor Summaries TC 
Labor Summaries
  JobOverLabor01.mdxLists Hours Worked and Total Labor for each employee for 2005, along with the labor rate (Total labor / Hours worked). JobOverLabor02.mdxLists Hours Worked and Total Labor for each employee for 2005, along with the labor rate (Total labor / Hours worked).  The listing will sort the employees by labor rate descending, to see the employees with the highest labor rate at the top. JobOverLabor03.mdxFor 2005, show Total Hours worked, total labor dollars, and total labor rate for contractors (employee flag is false) and employees (employee flag is true). JobOverLabor04.mdxFor 2005, this shows the job and the top three employees who worked the most hours.  Show the jobs in job order, and within the job show the employees in hours worked order. JobOverLabor04.mdxShows All employees for 2005 Q4, and four periods ago, for total hours worked in the Quarter. Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs) TC 
Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs)
 Five KPIs were created using the Allworks Cube and its associated  dimensions.  They are briefly described below.  Where possible, when a division provides that possibility for the potential of a “divde by zero” condition, checks are made and steps taken to avoid output errors.  If the denominator turn out to be a zero, the out is converted to 100%. % Open Receivables TC 
% Open Receivables
 This KPI shows, by client, the persent of receivable that are outstanding.  The staus display displays the values and status by client.  See Appendix G to see a screen print of this KPI. Measures and Dimensions Measures Invoice Amount Amount Received DimensionN/A Basic formulaOpen Receivables=Invoice Amount  /  Amount Received Status Indicator is the Traffic Light.  The status values are: Good=0 to 10% Warning=>10% to 20% Bad= >20% Increase in the Number of Jobs TC 
Increase in the Number of Jobs
 This KPI displays the change in the number of jobs by client for the time period of the 2nd quarter of 2006 from the previous quarter. Measures and Dimensions Measures Job Summary Facts Count Dimension(s) All Works Calendar Basic formulaChange in number of Jobs=Job Summary Facts Count of the current quarter -Job Summary Facts Count of the previous quarter FilterThere is a filter in the Excel spreadsheet to select for the 2nd quarter of 2006. Status Indicator is the Traffic Light.  The status values are: Good=Greater than 0 Okay=0 - No Change on the job count Bad= >less than 0 (jobs lost) Percent Overhead TC 
Percent Overhead
 This KPI displays the percent of overhead by job for all jobs. Measures and Dimensions MeasuresA calculated member is used for the sum of the Measures for Total Cost. Total Overhead Total Material Total Labor Cost Dimension(s)N/A Basic formulaPercent Overhead=Total Overhead  /  Total Cost Status Indicator is the Traffic Light..  The status values are: Good=0 to 10% Warning=Greater than 10% to 15% Bad=Greater than 15% Percent Profit TC 
Percent Profit
 This KPI displays the percent of profit for all clients.. Measures and Dimensions MeasuresA calculated member is used for the sum of the Measures for Total Cost. Total Overhead Total Material Total Labor Cost Dimension(s)N/A Basic formulaPercent Overhead=Total Overhead  /  Total Cost Status Indicator is the Traffic Light..  The status values are: Good=0 to 10% Warning=Greater than 10% to 15% Bad=Greater than 15% Increase in Percent of Overhead by Category TC 
Increase in Percent of Overhead by Category
 This KPI displays the change in the persent of Overheadt for the time period of the 2nd quarter of 2006 from the previous quarter. Measures and Dimensions Measures [Job Overhead Summary Facts].[Weekly Over Head] Dimension(s) All Works Calendar Basic formulaFor clarity and ease of reading a calculated member was created to represent the Weekly Overhead for the previous quarter.Change in Percent Overhead=(Weekly Overhead for the current quarter - Weekly Overhead for the previous quarter) -/Weekly Overhead for the previous quarter FilterThere is a filter in the Excel spreadsheet to select for the 2nd quarter of 2006. Status Indicator is the Traffic Light.  The status values are: Good=Less than 10% Okay=10% - 15% Bad= >Greater than 15% Appendix A - All Works DS Data Source View TC 
Appendix A - All Works DS Data Source View
  Appendix B - All Works Cube  Design View TC 
Appendix B - All Works Cube  Design View
  Appendix C  MDX Job Master Queries TC 
Appendix C  MDX Job Master Queries
  1-1Total Labor Costs by Client 1-2Labor Costs by Client with filtering out the Nulls 1-3Total Labor Costs by County 1-4Total Labor Costs by Division 1-5Total LaborCosts by Client Account Grouping 1-6Labor, Material, and Overhead Costs by Client 1-7Labor, Material, and Overhead Costs and then Total Costs by Client 1-8Total Costs, Profit and Percent Profit by Job 1-9Total Costs, Profit and Percent Profit by Client 1-10Job Counts by Client 1-11Clients with Greater than $5,000 and “INC” in Their Name 1-12Top 30% Jobs by Invoice Amount Appendix D  MDX Overhead Queries TC 
Appendix D  MDX Overhead Queries
  2-1Overhead by Category for the Last Two Quarters of 2005 2-2Overhead by Category and the Percent Change for the Last Two Quarters of 2005 2-3Overhead by Category for 2005  -  Highest to Lowest Appendix E  MDX Materials Queries TC 
Appendix E  MDX Materials Queries
  3-1Material Purchases for Fuel, Materials, Petty Cash and Total 3-2Purchase Amounts by Material Type and by Client 3-3Total Material Purchases By Material Type by Client Starting with the  Client with the Highest Total Purchase Amount First 3-4Material Costs Ordered for Each Job Appendix F  MDX Labor Queries TC 
Appendix F  MDX Labor Queries
  4-1Labor Hours Worked, Total Cost and the Labor Rate for 2005 4-2Labor Hours Worked, Total Cost and the Labor Rate, Highest to Lowest  by Rate for 2005 4-3Total Labor Hours Worked and Labor Costs by Employees and Contractors for 2005 4-4Jobs with the Most Labor Hours and the Top Three Employees within Each Job 4-5Total hours Worked for Q4 2005 and the Quarter One year Prior Appendix G  KPIs (Key Performance Indicators TC 
Appendix G  KPIs (Key Performance Indicators
  KPI-1Percent Open Receivables By Client KPI-2Change in the Number of Jobs by Client KPI-3Percent overhead by Job KPI-4Percent Change in Profit by Client KPI-5
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio
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MS BI SSAS Project Portfolio

  • 1.