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Customize Project Server 2010

Analysis Management Object

Version: 1.0

Prepared by: Huynh Thi Bao Chau

Date: 9/26/2011

Coastal Point Solutions
Analysis Management Object

Table of Contents
Revision history ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.      Analysis Management Object (AMO) ................................................................................................... 5
1.1.        What is AMO? ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.        Architecture ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.        AMO OLAP classes ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.      Programming AMO OLAP Basic Objects ............................................................................................... 7
2.1.        Dimension Objects ............................................................................................................................ 7
     Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Dimension .......................................................................................... 7
     Processing a Dimension ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.        Cube Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 8
     Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Cube ................................................................................................... 8
     Processing a Cube ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.        MeasureGroup Objects ................................................................................................................... 10
     Creating, Dropping, and Finding a MeasureGroup ................................................................................. 10
     Processing a Measure Group .................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.        Partition Objects ............................................................................................................................. 12
     Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Partition ........................................................................................... 12
     Processing a Partition ............................................................................................................................. 12
     Merging Partitions .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.5.        Aggregation Objects........................................................................................................................ 13
2.6.        Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.      Customizing Analysis Services (AS) Cube using AMO in Project Server 2010 ..................................... 15
3.1.        The code .......................................................................................................................................... 15
     References .............................................................................................................................................. 15
     Event Handler.......................................................................................................................................... 15
     Retrieving AS DB Connection Strings ...................................................................................................... 15
     Analysis Services Cube Customization .................................................................................................... 16
3.2.        Deployment..................................................................................................................................... 17
     Register Event Handler ........................................................................................................................... 17
     Deploy Custom Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 19

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                               manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions.
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Analysis Management Object

     Add Eventing Config Parameters ............................................................................................................ 20
3.3.       Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.       Debug .............................................................................................................................................. 22
4.      References .......................................................................................................................................... 22

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Analysis Management Object

Revision history
 Name               Date                     Reason for changes                                              Version
 Huynh Thi          9/26/2011                Newly created                                                   1.0
 Bao Chau

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                               manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions.
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Analysis Management Object

1. Analysis Management Object (AMO)
   1.1. What is AMO?
    -    Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is the complete library of programmatically accessed
         objects that enables an application to manage a running instance of Microsoft SQL
         Server Analysis Services.
    -    AMO is an administrative object model you can use to programmatically manage instances of
         SSAS. AMO resides in the Microsoft.AnalysisServices namespace.There are a total of 260 classes
         found in this object model.
    -    Like all other SSAS object models, AMO translates programmatic calls into XMLA (XML for
         Analysis Services) and sends the XMLA to the SSAS instance.

    1.2. Architecture

    1.3. AMO OLAP classes
The hierarchy of objects exposed through AMO

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Analysis Management Object

2. Programming AMO OLAP Basic Objects
   2.1. Dimension Objects
Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Dimension
Creating a Dimension object is accomplished in four steps:

    1.   Create the dimension object and populate basic attributes.
    2.   Create the attributes that define the dimension.
    3.   Create the hierarchies that the user will access to navigate the dimension.
    4.   Update the server by using the Update method of the current dimension.

The following sample code creates the Product dimension for the AdventureWorks2008R2 Sample

static void CreateProductDimension(Database db, string datasourceName)
// Create the Product dimension
Dimension dim = db.Dimensions.FindByName("Product");
if ( dim != null)
dim = db.Dimensions.Add("Product");
dim.Type = DimensionType.Products;
dim.UnknownMember = UnknownMemberBehavior.Hidden;
dim.AttributeAllMemberName = "All Products";
dim.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(datasourceName);
dim.StorageMode = DimensionStorageMode.Molap;

#region Create attributes


attr = dim.Attributes.Add("Product Name");
attr.Usage = AttributeUsage.Key;
attr.Type = AttributeType.Product;
attr.OrderBy = OrderBy.Name;
attr.KeyColumns.Add(CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "DimProduct",
attr.NameColumn = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "DimProduct",


#region Create hierarchies

      Hierarchy hier;

hier = dim.Hierarchies.Add("Product Model Categories");
hier.AllMemberName = "All Products";
hier.Levels.Add("Category").SourceAttributeID = "Category";
hier.Levels.Add("Subcategory").SourceAttributeID = "Subcategory";
   The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any
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Analysis Management Object
hier.Levels.Add("Model Name").SourceAttributeID = "Model Name";



staticDataItemCreateDataItem(DataSourceViewdsv, string tableName, string
DataTabledataTable = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[tableName];
DataColumndataColumn = dataTable.Columns[columnName];
return new DataItem(tableName, columnName,

Processing a Dimension
Processing a dimension is as simple as using the Process method of the Dimension object.

Processing a dimension can affect all cubes that use the dimension.

The following code does an incremental update in all dimensions of a supplied database:

static void UpdateAllDimensions(Database db)
foreach (Dimension dim in db.Dimensions)

    2.2. Cube Objects
Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Cube
Managing cubes is similar to managing dimensions. Creating a Cube object is accomplished in four steps:

    1.   Create the cube object and populate basic attributes.
    2.   Add the dimensions of the cube
    3.   Create the Measure Groups that the user will access to browse the data of the cube
    4.   Update the server by using the Update option ExpandFull to make sure that all objects are fully
         updated in the server

The following code sample creates the parts of the Adventure Works cube.

static void CreateAdventureWorksCube(Database db, string datasourceName)
// Create the Adventure Works cube
Cube cube = db.Cubes.FindByName("Adventure Works");
if ( cube != null)
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Analysis Management Object

db.Cubes.Add("Adventure Works");
cube.DefaultMeasure = "[Reseller Sales Amount]";
cube.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(datasourceName);
cube.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap;

#region Create cube dimensions

                   Dimension dim;

dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Date");
cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Date", "Order Date Key - Dim Time");
cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Ship Date",Ship Date Key - Dim Time");
cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Delivery Date",”Delivery Date Key - Dim Time");

dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Customer");

dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Reseller");


#region Create measure groups




Processing a Cube
Processing a cube is as simple as using the Process method of the Cube object. Processing a cube also
processes all measure groups in the cube, and all partitions in the measure group.

In a cube, partitions are the only objects that can be processed; for the purposes of processing, measure
groups are only containers of partitions. The specified type of processing for the cube propagates to the
partitions. Processing of cube and measure group internally is resolved to processing of dimensions and

foreach (Cube cube in db.Cubes)

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    2.3. MeasureGroup Objects

Creating, Dropping, and Finding a MeasureGroup
Managing measure groups is similar to managing dimensions and cubes. Creating a MeasureGroup
object is accomplished in the following steps:

    1. Create the measure group object and populate the basic attributes
    2. Create the measure group, verify that the measure group does not exist. In the sample code
       that follows, if the measure group exists, then the measure group is dropped and re-created.
    3. Add the dimensions of the measure group
    4. Dimensions are added to the current measure group dimensions collection from the parent
       cube dimensions collection. As soon as the dimension is included in the measure group
       dimensions collection, a key column from the fact table can be mapped to the dimension so that
       the measure group can be browsed through the dimension.
    5. Add the designed partitions of the measure group.
    6. Update the server by using the Update method of current measure group.

static void CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroup(Cube cube)
            // Create the Internet Sales measure group
            Database db = cube.Parent;
MeasureGroup mg = cube.MeasureGroups.FindByName("Internet Sales");
if ( mg != null)
mg = cube.MeasureGroups.Add("Internet Sales");
mg.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap;
mg.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.LazyAggregations;
mg.Type = MeasureGroupType.Sales;

#region Create measures

                   Measure meas;

meas = mg.Measures.Add("Internet Sales Amount");
meas.AggregateFunction = AggregationFunction.Sum;
meas.FormatString = "Currency";
meas.Source = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales",

meas = mg.Measures.Add("Internet Unit Price");
meas.AggregateFunction = AggregationFunction.Sum;
meas.FormatString = "Currency";
meas.Visible = false;
meas.Source = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales",


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#region Create measure group dimensions


            //   Mapping dimension and key column from fact table
            //      > select dimension and add it to the measure group
cubeDim = cube.Dimensions.GetByName("Date");
regMgDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension(cubeDim.ID);

                   //           > add key column from dimension and map it with
                   //             the surrogate key in the fact table
mgAttr =
// this is dimension key column
mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
"FactInternetSales", "OrderDateKey"));   // this surrogate key in fact table

cubeDim = cube.Dimensions.GetByName("Product");
regMgDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension(cubeDim.ID);
mgAttr =
mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
"FactInternetSales", "ProductKey"));


#region Create partitions

CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroupPartitions( mg)


Processing a Measure Group
Processing a measure group is as simple as using the Process method of the MeasureGroup object.
Processing a measure group will process all partitions that belong to the measure group. Processing a
measure group internally is resolved to processing dimensions and partitions.

static void FullProcessAllMeasureGroups(Cube cube)
foreach (MeasureGroup mg in cube.MeasureGroups)

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    2.4. Partition Objects
Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Partition
Partitions are simple objects that can be created in two steps.

    1. Create the partition object and populate the basic attributes.
    2. Update the server by using the Update method of the current partition.

The following code sample creates partitions for the 'InternetSales' measure group.

static void CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroupPartitions(MeasureGroup mg)
             Partition part;
part = mg.Partitions.FindByName("Internet_Sales_184");
if ( part != null)
part = mg.Partitions.Add("Internet_Sales_184");
part.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap;
part.Source = new QueryBinding(db.DataSources[0].ID, "SELECT * FROM
[dbo].[FactInternetSales] WHERE OrderDateKey<= '184'");
part.Slice = "[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2001]";
part.Annotations.Add("LastOrderDateKey", "184");

part = mg.Partitions.FindByName("Internet_Sales_549");
if ( part != null)
part = mg.Partitions.Add("Internet_Sales_549");
part.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap;
part.Source = new QueryBinding(db.DataSources[0].ID, "SELECT * FROM
[dbo].[FactInternetSales] WHERE OrderDateKey> '184' AND OrderDateKey<=
part.Slice = "[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2002]";
part.Annotations.Add("LastOrderDateKey", "549");

Processing a Partition
Processing a partition is as simple as using the Process method of the Partition object.

static void FullProcessAllPartitions(MeasureGroup mg)
foreach (Partition part in mg.Partitions)

Merging Partitions

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Merging partitions means performing any operation that results in two or more partitions becoming one

Partitions can be merged only if they meet all the following criteria:

    -    Partitions are in the same measure group.
    -    Partitions are stored in the same mode (MOLAP, HOLAP, and ROLAP).
    -    Partitions reside on the same server; remote partitions can be merged if on the same server.

static void MergeAllPartitions(MeasureGroup mg)
if (mg.Partitions.Count> 1)
Partition[] partArray = new Partition[mg.Partitions.Count - 1];
for (int i = 1; i <mg.Partitions.Count; i++)
partArray[i - 1] = mg.Partitions[i];
        //To have last changes in the server reflected in AMO

    2.5. Aggregation Objects
Aggregations can easily be created and assigned to measure groups or to partitions by using the
DesignAggregations method from the AggregationDesign object.

static public String DesignAggregationsOnPartitions(MeasureGroup mg, double
optimizationWanted, double maxStorageBytes)
double optimization = 0;
double storage = 0;
longaggCount = 0;
bool finished = false;
AggregationDesign ad = null;
            String aggDesignName;
            String AggregationsDesigned = "";

aggDesignName = mg.AggregationPrefix + "_" + mg.Name;
ad = mg.AggregationDesigns.Add();
ad.Name = aggDesignName;
while ((!finished) && (optimization <optimizationWanted) && (storage
ad.DesignAggregations(out optimization, out storage, out aggCount, out

foreach (Partition part in mg.Partitions)
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Analysis Management Object
part.AggregationDesignID = ad.ID;
AggregationsDesigned += aggDesignName + " = " + aggCount.ToString() + "
aggregations designedrntOptimization: " + optimization.ToString() + "/" +
optimizationWanted.ToString() + "nrtStorage: " + storage.ToString() + "/"
+ maxStorageBytes.ToString() + " ]nr";

    2.6. Summary
         Managing Objects                                              AMO (C#)
Connecting to the Server                       amoServer.Connect("SS2005_Server");
Creating database                              amoDB = amoServer.Databases.Add("NewDb");

Create cube                                    amoCube = amoDB.Cubes.Add("NewCube");

Create measure                                 //in SQL Server, Analysis Services cubes can have more than 1
                                               measure group. A measure group was required before adding
                                               the measure

                                               amoMG = amoCube.MeasureGroups.Add("NewMeasureGroup");
                                               amoMeas = amoMG.Measures.Add("NewMeasure");

Removing database                              //being amoDB a database object
                                               //the database pointed by amoDB is dropped from system


Removing cube                                  //being amoCube a cube object
                                               //the cube pointed by amoCube is dropped from system


Changing Object                                //Start cube definition

                                               //Set Description for new cube
                                               amoCube.Description = "simplified sales cube";

                                               //Provide the data source for the cube.
                                               amoCube.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding("FoodMart");

                                               //Update cube to save changes

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Processing Objects                             //Default processing for all objects in a database
                                               dsoDB.Process( ProcessType.ProcessDefault);

                                               //Full processing a cube
                                               amoCube.Process( ProcessType.ProcessFull);

3. Customizing Analysis Services (AS) Cube using AMO in Project Server
   3.1. The code
To be able to override an EPM 2010 Event Handler and do AMO customization you will have to add the
following references to the C# Class Library solution:

     -   C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKAssembliesMicrosoft.AnalysisServices.dll
     -   C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office
     -   C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers14.0BinMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll

Event Handler
The CubeProcecessedEvent is overridden to launch our Analysis Services Cube customization once the
standard EPM 2010 cube has been built:

// Override CBS event to call custom AMO code
publicclassCubeProcessedEvent : CubeAdminEventReceiver
        #region Public Methods

publicoverridevoid OnCubeProcessed(PSContextInfo contextInfo,
CubeAdminPostCubeProcessEventArgs e)
base.OnCubeProcessed(contextInfo, e);

// Process Analysis Services customization

Retrieving AS DB Connection Strings
The CONFIG file is located under: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers14.0Bin

//   --------------------------------------------
//   STEP 0: Retrieve Analysis Services server configuration from
//   Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config
//   --------------------------------------------

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string connectionString =

Analysis Services Cube Customization
This is the main method doing all the Analysis Services customization (using AMO):

privatevoid ProcessCubeCustomisation(string databaseName)
Stopwatch timeToProcess = newStopwatch();
bool success = false;
string msg = string.Empty;

// --------------------------------------------
// STEP 0: Retrieve Analysis Services server configuration from
// Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config
// --------------------------------------------
string connectionString =
string databaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ASDatabaseName"];

// --------------------------------------------
// STEP 1: Connect to Analysis Services server.
// --------------------------------------------
Server asServer = newServer();

// --------------------------------------------
// STEP 2: Locate the necessary OLAP objects.
// --------------------------------------------
Database p12Database = asServer.Databases.GetByName(databaseName); // this
throws exception if the database is not found
Cube mspPortfolioAnalyzer =
Dimension taskListDimension = p12Database.Dimensions.GetByName("Task List");
// this throws exception if the dimension is not found

// --------------------------------------------
// STEP 3: Perform OLAP customisation
// --------------------------------------------
DimensionAttribute tnDimAtt = taskListDimension.Attributes.Add("Task Name");
    tnDimAtt.Usage = AttributeUsage.Regular;
    tnDimAtt.Type = AttributeType.Regular;
    tnDimAtt.OrderBy = OrderBy.Name;
"MSP_EpmTask_OlapView_Dimension", "TaskName"));
    tnDimAtt.NameColumn = CreateDataItem(p12Database.DataSourceViews[0],
"MSP_EpmTask_OlapView_Dimension", "TaskName");

// Create Task Name Hierarchy
Hierarchy tnHierarchy =

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Analysis Management Object
DimensionAttribute tlAttribute = taskListDimension.Attributes.GetByName("Task
List attribute");
    tlAttribute.AttributeRelationships.Add("Task Name");
    tnHierarchy.Levels.Add(tnDimAtt.Name).SourceAttributeID = tnDimAtt.Name;
    tnHierarchy.Levels.Add(tlAttribute.Name).SourceAttributeID =

ValidationErrorCollection errorCol = newValidationErrorCollection();
    taskListDimension.Validate(errorCol, true);

//   --------------------------------------------
//   STEP 4: Process updates
//   --------------------------------------------
//   Process dimension update

    success = true;
catch (Exception e)
    msg = "FAILED to process AS customisation, exception: " + e.Message;

if (success)
     WriteEvent("SUCCESSFULY processed AS customisation, Time= " +
timeToProcess.Elapsed.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Information, 9999);
     WriteEvent(msg + " , Time= " + timeToProcess.Elapsed.ToString(),
EventLogEntryType.Error, 9999);

privateDataItemCreateDataItem(DataSourceViewdsv, stringtableName, stringcolumnName)
stringselectedTableName = tableName;
for (int i = 0; i < ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables.Count; i++ )
if (((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[i].TableName.Contains(tableName))
selectedTableName = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[i].TableName;
DataTabledataTable = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[selectedTableName];
DataColumndataColumn = dataTable.Columns[columnName];
returnnewDataItem(selectedTableName, columnName,

     3.2. Deployment
The procedure to deploy custom Event Handler (calling custom AMO code) is as follow:

Register Event Handler

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       1. Connect to the PWA server and go to Server Settings
       2. Select Operational Policies ->Server-Side Event Handler Configuration
       3. Select Cube Admin ->Cube Processed

       4. Enter the following information and click Save:

       Name                    CustomTask Name Hierarchy

       Description             Custom AMO code thataggregatestasks by name

       Assembly Name           CoastalPoint.CustomProjectServer.AMOEvent, Version=,
                               Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=9af84715c1210e08

       Classe Name             CoastalPoint.CustomProjectServer.AMOEvent.CubeProcessedEvent

       Order                   1

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       Once the assembly has been deployed it should appear as shown below (takes a few minutes to
       take effect):

Deploy Custom Assembly
       1. Copy compiled assembly AMOEvent.dll from proper BIN directory to C:WINDOWSassembly
          (Drag & Drop)
       2. Assembly should now appear in the folder as shown below:

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Add EventingConfig Parameters
       1. Copy the EPM Eventingconfig file located under C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office
          Servers12.0BinMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config to have a backup and
          open the file using an XML editor
       2. Add the following parameter: ASConnectionString
              <addkey="ASConnectionString"value="CHRISFIE03SQL" />

    3.3. Testing
First you will have to the build the cube with the newly deployed customization.

The CBS (Cube Building Process) will look like this:

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Ensure that the newly added hierarchy has been added to the cube using Visual Studio:

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    3.4. Debug
    -    Deploy project
    -    Go to Service, restart 2 services: Microsoft Project Server Events Service 2010 and Microsoft
         Project Server Queue Service 2010
    -    Attach process : Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe
    -    Go to PWA -> Server Settings -> OLAP Database Management, choose a database and click Build
         Now button.

4. References

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Customize Olap By Amo

  • 1. Customize Project Server 2010 Analysis Management Object Version: 1.0 Prepared by: Huynh Thi Bao Chau Date: 9/26/2011 Coastal Point Solutions
  • 2. Analysis Management Object Table of Contents Revision history ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1. Analysis Management Object (AMO) ................................................................................................... 5 1.1. What is AMO? ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Architecture ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3. AMO OLAP classes ............................................................................................................................ 5 2. Programming AMO OLAP Basic Objects ............................................................................................... 7 2.1. Dimension Objects ............................................................................................................................ 7 Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Dimension .......................................................................................... 7 Processing a Dimension ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.2. Cube Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Cube ................................................................................................... 8 Processing a Cube ..................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3. MeasureGroup Objects ................................................................................................................... 10 Creating, Dropping, and Finding a MeasureGroup ................................................................................. 10 Processing a Measure Group .................................................................................................................. 11 2.4. Partition Objects ............................................................................................................................. 12 Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Partition ........................................................................................... 12 Processing a Partition ............................................................................................................................. 12 Merging Partitions .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.5. Aggregation Objects........................................................................................................................ 13 2.6. Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 14 3. Customizing Analysis Services (AS) Cube using AMO in Project Server 2010 ..................................... 15 3.1. The code .......................................................................................................................................... 15 References .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Event Handler.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Retrieving AS DB Connection Strings ...................................................................................................... 15 Analysis Services Cube Customization .................................................................................................... 16 3.2. Deployment..................................................................................................................................... 17 Register Event Handler ........................................................................................................................... 17 Deploy Custom Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 19 The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 2 of 23
  • 3. Analysis Management Object Add Eventing Config Parameters ............................................................................................................ 20 3.3. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 20 3.4. Debug .............................................................................................................................................. 22 4. References .......................................................................................................................................... 22 The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 3 of 23
  • 4. Analysis Management Object Revision history Name Date Reason for changes Version Huynh Thi 9/26/2011 Newly created 1.0 Bao Chau The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 4 of 23
  • 5. Analysis Management Object 1. Analysis Management Object (AMO) 1.1. What is AMO? - Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is the complete library of programmatically accessed objects that enables an application to manage a running instance of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. - AMO is an administrative object model you can use to programmatically manage instances of SSAS. AMO resides in the Microsoft.AnalysisServices namespace.There are a total of 260 classes found in this object model. - Like all other SSAS object models, AMO translates programmatic calls into XMLA (XML for Analysis Services) and sends the XMLA to the SSAS instance. 1.2. Architecture 1.3. AMO OLAP classes The hierarchy of objects exposed through AMO The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 5 of 23
  • 6. Analysis Management Object The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 6 of 23
  • 7. Analysis Management Object 2. Programming AMO OLAP Basic Objects 2.1. Dimension Objects Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Dimension Creating a Dimension object is accomplished in four steps: 1. Create the dimension object and populate basic attributes. 2. Create the attributes that define the dimension. 3. Create the hierarchies that the user will access to navigate the dimension. 4. Update the server by using the Update method of the current dimension. The following sample code creates the Product dimension for the AdventureWorks2008R2 Sample Databases. static void CreateProductDimension(Database db, string datasourceName) { // Create the Product dimension Dimension dim = db.Dimensions.FindByName("Product"); if ( dim != null) { dim.Drop(); } dim = db.Dimensions.Add("Product"); dim.Type = DimensionType.Products; dim.UnknownMember = UnknownMemberBehavior.Hidden; dim.AttributeAllMemberName = "All Products"; dim.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(datasourceName); dim.StorageMode = DimensionStorageMode.Molap; #region Create attributes DimensionAttributeattr; attr = dim.Attributes.Add("Product Name"); attr.Usage = AttributeUsage.Key; attr.Type = AttributeType.Product; attr.OrderBy = OrderBy.Name; attr.KeyColumns.Add(CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "DimProduct", "ProductKey")); attr.NameColumn = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "DimProduct", "EnglishProductName"); #endregion #region Create hierarchies Hierarchy hier; hier = dim.Hierarchies.Add("Product Model Categories"); hier.AllMemberName = "All Products"; hier.Levels.Add("Category").SourceAttributeID = "Category"; hier.Levels.Add("Subcategory").SourceAttributeID = "Subcategory"; The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 7 of 23
  • 8. Analysis Management Object hier.Levels.Add("Model Name").SourceAttributeID = "Model Name"; #endregion dim.Update(); } staticDataItemCreateDataItem(DataSourceViewdsv, string tableName, string columnName) { DataTabledataTable = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[tableName]; DataColumndataColumn = dataTable.Columns[columnName]; return new DataItem(tableName, columnName, OleDbTypeConverter.GetRestrictedOleDbType(dataColumn.DataType)); } Processing a Dimension Processing a dimension is as simple as using the Process method of the Dimension object. Processing a dimension can affect all cubes that use the dimension. The following code does an incremental update in all dimensions of a supplied database: static void UpdateAllDimensions(Database db) { foreach (Dimension dim in db.Dimensions) dim.Process(ProcessType.ProcessUpdate); } 2.2. Cube Objects Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Cube Managing cubes is similar to managing dimensions. Creating a Cube object is accomplished in four steps: 1. Create the cube object and populate basic attributes. 2. Add the dimensions of the cube 3. Create the Measure Groups that the user will access to browse the data of the cube 4. Update the server by using the Update option ExpandFull to make sure that all objects are fully updated in the server The following code sample creates the parts of the Adventure Works cube. static void CreateAdventureWorksCube(Database db, string datasourceName) { // Create the Adventure Works cube Cube cube = db.Cubes.FindByName("Adventure Works"); if ( cube != null) { cube.Drop(); The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 8 of 23
  • 9. Analysis Management Object } db.Cubes.Add("Adventure Works"); cube.DefaultMeasure = "[Reseller Sales Amount]"; cube.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(datasourceName); cube.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap; #region Create cube dimensions Dimension dim; dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Date"); cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Date", "Order Date Key - Dim Time"); cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Ship Date",Ship Date Key - Dim Time"); cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID, "Delivery Date",”Delivery Date Key - Dim Time"); dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Customer"); cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID); dim = db.Dimensions.GetByName("Reseller"); cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID); #endregion #region Create measure groups CreateSalesReasonsMeasureGroup(cube); CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroup(cube); CreateResellerSalesMeasureGroup(cube); CreateCustomersMeasureGroup(cube); CreateCurrencyRatesMeasureGroup(cube); #endregion cube.Update(UpdateOptions.ExpandFull); } Processing a Cube Processing a cube is as simple as using the Process method of the Cube object. Processing a cube also processes all measure groups in the cube, and all partitions in the measure group. In a cube, partitions are the only objects that can be processed; for the purposes of processing, measure groups are only containers of partitions. The specified type of processing for the cube propagates to the partitions. Processing of cube and measure group internally is resolved to processing of dimensions and partitions. foreach (Cube cube in db.Cubes) { cube.Process(ProcessType.ProcessFull); } The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 9 of 23
  • 10. Analysis Management Object 2.3. MeasureGroup Objects Creating, Dropping, and Finding a MeasureGroup Managing measure groups is similar to managing dimensions and cubes. Creating a MeasureGroup object is accomplished in the following steps: 1. Create the measure group object and populate the basic attributes 2. Create the measure group, verify that the measure group does not exist. In the sample code that follows, if the measure group exists, then the measure group is dropped and re-created. 3. Add the dimensions of the measure group 4. Dimensions are added to the current measure group dimensions collection from the parent cube dimensions collection. As soon as the dimension is included in the measure group dimensions collection, a key column from the fact table can be mapped to the dimension so that the measure group can be browsed through the dimension. 5. Add the designed partitions of the measure group. 6. Update the server by using the Update method of current measure group. static void CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroup(Cube cube) { // Create the Internet Sales measure group Database db = cube.Parent; MeasureGroup mg = cube.MeasureGroups.FindByName("Internet Sales"); if ( mg != null) { mg.Drop(); } mg = cube.MeasureGroups.Add("Internet Sales"); mg.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap; mg.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.LazyAggregations; mg.Type = MeasureGroupType.Sales; #region Create measures Measure meas; meas = mg.Measures.Add("Internet Sales Amount"); meas.AggregateFunction = AggregationFunction.Sum; meas.FormatString = "Currency"; meas.Source = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales", "SalesAmount"); meas = mg.Measures.Add("Internet Unit Price"); meas.AggregateFunction = AggregationFunction.Sum; meas.FormatString = "Currency"; meas.Visible = false; meas.Source = CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales", "UnitPrice"); #endregion The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 10 of 23
  • 11. Analysis Management Object #region Create measure group dimensions CubeDimensioncubeDim; RegularMeasureGroupDimensionregMgDim; ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimensionmmMgDim; MeasureGroupAttributemgAttr; // Mapping dimension and key column from fact table // > select dimension and add it to the measure group cubeDim = cube.Dimensions.GetByName("Date"); regMgDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension(cubeDim.ID); mg.Dimensions.Add(regMgDim); // > add key column from dimension and map it with // the surrogate key in the fact table mgAttr = regMgDim.Attributes.Add(cubeDim.Dimension.Attributes.GetByName("Date").ID); // this is dimension key column mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity; mgAttr.KeyColumns.Add(CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales", "OrderDateKey")); // this surrogate key in fact table cubeDim = cube.Dimensions.GetByName("Product"); regMgDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension(cubeDim.ID); mg.Dimensions.Add(regMgDim); mgAttr = regMgDim.Attributes.Add(cubeDim.Dimension.Attributes.GetByName("Product Name").ID); mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity; mgAttr.KeyColumns.Add(CreateDataItem(db.DataSourceViews[0], "FactInternetSales", "ProductKey")); #endregion #region Create partitions CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroupPartitions( mg) #endregion } Processing a Measure Group Processing a measure group is as simple as using the Process method of the MeasureGroup object. Processing a measure group will process all partitions that belong to the measure group. Processing a measure group internally is resolved to processing dimensions and partitions. static void FullProcessAllMeasureGroups(Cube cube) { foreach (MeasureGroup mg in cube.MeasureGroups) mg.Process(ProcessType.ProcessFull); } The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 11 of 23
  • 12. Analysis Management Object 2.4. Partition Objects Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Partition Partitions are simple objects that can be created in two steps. 1. Create the partition object and populate the basic attributes. 2. Update the server by using the Update method of the current partition. The following code sample creates partitions for the 'InternetSales' measure group. static void CreateInternetSalesMeasureGroupPartitions(MeasureGroup mg) { Partition part; part = mg.Partitions.FindByName("Internet_Sales_184"); if ( part != null) { part.Drop(); } part = mg.Partitions.Add("Internet_Sales_184"); part.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap; part.Source = new QueryBinding(db.DataSources[0].ID, "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] WHERE OrderDateKey<= '184'"); part.Slice = "[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2001]"; part.Annotations.Add("LastOrderDateKey", "184"); part = mg.Partitions.FindByName("Internet_Sales_549"); if ( part != null) { part.Drop(); } part = mg.Partitions.Add("Internet_Sales_549"); part.StorageMode = StorageMode.Molap; part.Source = new QueryBinding(db.DataSources[0].ID, "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] WHERE OrderDateKey> '184' AND OrderDateKey<= '549'"); part.Slice = "[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2002]"; part.Annotations.Add("LastOrderDateKey", "549"); } Processing a Partition Processing a partition is as simple as using the Process method of the Partition object. static void FullProcessAllPartitions(MeasureGroup mg) { foreach (Partition part in mg.Partitions) part.Process(ProcessType.ProcessFull); } Merging Partitions The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 12 of 23
  • 13. Analysis Management Object Merging partitions means performing any operation that results in two or more partitions becoming one partition. Partitions can be merged only if they meet all the following criteria: - Partitions are in the same measure group. - Partitions are stored in the same mode (MOLAP, HOLAP, and ROLAP). - Partitions reside on the same server; remote partitions can be merged if on the same server. static void MergeAllPartitions(MeasureGroup mg) { if (mg.Partitions.Count> 1) { Partition[] partArray = new Partition[mg.Partitions.Count - 1]; for (int i = 1; i <mg.Partitions.Count; i++) partArray[i - 1] = mg.Partitions[i]; mg.Partitions[0].Merge(partArray); //To have last changes in the server reflected in AMO mg.Refresh(); } 2.5. Aggregation Objects Aggregations can easily be created and assigned to measure groups or to partitions by using the DesignAggregations method from the AggregationDesign object. static public String DesignAggregationsOnPartitions(MeasureGroup mg, double optimizationWanted, double maxStorageBytes) { double optimization = 0; double storage = 0; longaggCount = 0; bool finished = false; AggregationDesign ad = null; String aggDesignName; String AggregationsDesigned = ""; aggDesignName = mg.AggregationPrefix + "_" + mg.Name; ad = mg.AggregationDesigns.Add(); ad.Name = aggDesignName; ad.InitializeDesign(); while ((!finished) && (optimization <optimizationWanted) && (storage <maxStorageBytes)) { ad.DesignAggregations(out optimization, out storage, out aggCount, out finished); } ad.FinalizeDesign(); foreach (Partition part in mg.Partitions) { The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 13 of 23
  • 14. Analysis Management Object part.AggregationDesignID = ad.ID; AggregationsDesigned += aggDesignName + " = " + aggCount.ToString() + " aggregations designedrntOptimization: " + optimization.ToString() + "/" + optimizationWanted.ToString() + "nrtStorage: " + storage.ToString() + "/" + maxStorageBytes.ToString() + " ]nr"; } returnAggregationsDesigned; } 2.6. Summary Managing Objects AMO (C#) Connecting to the Server amoServer.Connect("SS2005_Server"); Creating database amoDB = amoServer.Databases.Add("NewDb"); amoDB.Update(); Create cube amoCube = amoDB.Cubes.Add("NewCube"); amoCube.Update(); Create measure //in SQL Server, Analysis Services cubes can have more than 1 measure group. A measure group was required before adding the measure amoMG = amoCube.MeasureGroups.Add("NewMeasureGroup"); amoMeas = amoMG.Measures.Add("NewMeasure"); amoMG.Update(); Removing database //being amoDB a database object //the database pointed by amoDB is dropped from system amoDB.Drop(); Removing cube //being amoCube a cube object //the cube pointed by amoCube is dropped from system amoCube.Drop(); Changing Object //Start cube definition //Set Description for new cube amoCube.Description = "simplified sales cube"; //Provide the data source for the cube. amoCube.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding("FoodMart"); //Update cube to save changes amoCube.Update(); The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 14 of 23
  • 15. Analysis Management Object Processing Objects //Default processing for all objects in a database dsoDB.Process( ProcessType.ProcessDefault); //Full processing a cube amoCube.Process( ProcessType.ProcessFull); 3. Customizing Analysis Services (AS) Cube using AMO in Project Server 2010 3.1. The code References To be able to override an EPM 2010 Event Handler and do AMO customization you will have to add the following references to the C# Class Library solution: - C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKAssembliesMicrosoft.AnalysisServices.dll - C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers12.0BinMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.Events.Receivers.dll - C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers14.0BinMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll Event Handler The CubeProcecessedEvent is overridden to launch our Analysis Services Cube customization once the standard EPM 2010 cube has been built: // Override CBS event to call custom AMO code publicclassCubeProcessedEvent : CubeAdminEventReceiver { #region Public Methods publicoverridevoid OnCubeProcessed(PSContextInfo contextInfo, CubeAdminPostCubeProcessEventArgs e) { base.OnCubeProcessed(contextInfo, e); // Process Analysis Services customization ProcessCubeCustomisation(e.DbName); } Retrieving AS DB Connection Strings The CONFIG file is located under: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers14.0Bin // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 0: Retrieve Analysis Services server configuration from // Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config // -------------------------------------------- The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 15 of 23
  • 16. Analysis Management Object string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ASConnectionString"]; Analysis Services Cube Customization This is the main method doing all the Analysis Services customization (using AMO): privatevoid ProcessCubeCustomisation(string databaseName) { Stopwatch timeToProcess = newStopwatch(); timeToProcess.Start(); bool success = false; string msg = string.Empty; try { // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 0: Retrieve Analysis Services server configuration from // Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config // -------------------------------------------- string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ASConnectionString"]; string databaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ASDatabaseName"]; // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 1: Connect to Analysis Services server. // -------------------------------------------- Server asServer = newServer(); asServer.Connect(connectionString); // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 2: Locate the necessary OLAP objects. // -------------------------------------------- Database p12Database = asServer.Databases.GetByName(databaseName); // this throws exception if the database is not found Cube mspPortfolioAnalyzer = p12Database.Cubes.GetByName("MSP_Portfolio_Analyzer"); Dimension taskListDimension = p12Database.Dimensions.GetByName("Task List"); // this throws exception if the dimension is not found // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 3: Perform OLAP customisation // -------------------------------------------- DimensionAttribute tnDimAtt = taskListDimension.Attributes.Add("Task Name"); tnDimAtt.Usage = AttributeUsage.Regular; tnDimAtt.Type = AttributeType.Regular; tnDimAtt.OrderBy = OrderBy.Name; tnDimAtt.KeyColumns.Add(CreateDataItem(p12Database.DataSourceViews[0], "MSP_EpmTask_OlapView_Dimension", "TaskName")); tnDimAtt.NameColumn = CreateDataItem(p12Database.DataSourceViews[0], "MSP_EpmTask_OlapView_Dimension", "TaskName"); // Create Task Name Hierarchy Hierarchy tnHierarchy = taskListDimension.Hierarchies.Add("TaskNameHierarchy"); The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 16 of 23
  • 17. Analysis Management Object DimensionAttribute tlAttribute = taskListDimension.Attributes.GetByName("Task List attribute"); tlAttribute.AttributeRelationships.Add("Task Name"); tnHierarchy.Levels.Add(tnDimAtt.Name).SourceAttributeID = tnDimAtt.Name; tnHierarchy.Levels.Add(tlAttribute.Name).SourceAttributeID = tlAttribute.Name; ValidationErrorCollection errorCol = newValidationErrorCollection(); taskListDimension.Validate(errorCol, true); // -------------------------------------------- // STEP 4: Process updates // -------------------------------------------- // Process dimension update p12Database.Update(UpdateOptions.ExpandFull); p12Database.Process(ProcessType.ProcessFull); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { msg = "FAILED to process AS customisation, exception: " + e.Message; } timeToProcess.Stop(); if (success) WriteEvent("SUCCESSFULY processed AS customisation, Time= " + timeToProcess.Elapsed.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Information, 9999); else WriteEvent(msg + " , Time= " + timeToProcess.Elapsed.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 9999); } privateDataItemCreateDataItem(DataSourceViewdsv, stringtableName, stringcolumnName) { stringselectedTableName = tableName; for (int i = 0; i < ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables.Count; i++ ) { if (((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[i].TableName.Contains(tableName)) { selectedTableName = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[i].TableName; break; } } DataTabledataTable = ((DataSourceView)dsv).Schema.Tables[selectedTableName]; DataColumndataColumn = dataTable.Columns[columnName]; returnnewDataItem(selectedTableName, columnName, OleDbTypeConverter.GetRestrictedOleDbType(dataColumn.DataType)); } 3.2. Deployment The procedure to deploy custom Event Handler (calling custom AMO code) is as follow: Register Event Handler The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 17 of 23
  • 18. Analysis Management Object 1. Connect to the PWA server and go to Server Settings 2. Select Operational Policies ->Server-Side Event Handler Configuration 3. Select Cube Admin ->Cube Processed 4. Enter the following information and click Save: Name CustomTask Name Hierarchy Description Custom AMO code thataggregatestasks by name Assembly Name CoastalPoint.CustomProjectServer.AMOEvent, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=9af84715c1210e08 Classe Name CoastalPoint.CustomProjectServer.AMOEvent.CubeProcessedEvent Order 1 The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 18 of 23
  • 19. Analysis Management Object Once the assembly has been deployed it should appear as shown below (takes a few minutes to take effect): Deploy Custom Assembly 1. Copy compiled assembly AMOEvent.dll from proper BIN directory to C:WINDOWSassembly (Drag & Drop) 2. Assembly should now appear in the folder as shown below: The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 19 of 23
  • 20. Analysis Management Object Add EventingConfig Parameters 1. Copy the EPM Eventingconfig file located under C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Servers12.0BinMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe.config to have a backup and open the file using an XML editor 2. Add the following parameter: ASConnectionString <configuration> <runtime> <assemblyBindingxmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <probingprivatePath="ProjectServerEventHandlers"/> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> <appSettings> <addkey="ASConnectionString"value="CHRISFIE03SQL" /> </appSettings> </configuration> 3.3. Testing First you will have to the build the cube with the newly deployed customization. The CBS (Cube Building Process) will look like this: The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 20 of 23
  • 21. Analysis Management Object Ensure that the newly added hierarchy has been added to the cube using Visual Studio: The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 21 of 23
  • 22. Analysis Management Object Specifically: 3.4. Debug - Deploy project - Go to Service, restart 2 services: Microsoft Project Server Events Service 2010 and Microsoft Project Server Queue Service 2010 - Attach process : Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe - Go to PWA -> Server Settings -> OLAP Database Management, choose a database and click Build Now button. 4. References The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 22 of 23
  • 23. Analysis Management Object analysis-management-objects-amo.aspx The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary and should not be disclosed, copied or duplicated in any manner without written permission of Coastal Point Solutions. Customize Project Server 2010 Document Version1.0 Page 23 of 23