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875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
Pivotal Greenplum Database
Prepared By
Pivotal Korea
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
For any questions regarding this document contact:
Name: Seungdon Choi
Document Revision History
Date Version Description Author Reviewer
04/02/2015 0.1 Draft for internal
09/02/2015 0.9 For Distribution
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
Table of Contents
DOCUMENT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................4
System configuration.......................................................................................................4
OS PREREQUISITE........................................................................................................5
RUN GREENPLUM INSTALLER...................................................................................7
INSTALL & CONFIG ALL HOSTS.................................................................................9
create data storage areas.............................................................................................12
validate system...............................................................................................................12
initialize greenplum database system.........................................................................14
RUN ERRANDS & CONFIGURATIONS....................................................................20
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
본 문서는 Pivotal Greenplum Database 를 Virtual Machine 환경에 설치하는
방법에 대해서 다룬다.
i. 문서에서 다루는 가이드들은 Pivotal 의 공식적인 답변이 아니며, 공식적인 설치
문서는 를 참고하도록 한다.
ii. 문서에서 다룬 Greenplum Database 의 설정값들은 운영환경을 위한 값이
아니며, 사용자의 PC 상에서 테스트를 위한 최소 설정값이다. 실 운영환경을 위한
설정값은 공식적인 문서와 Pivotal 의 컨설팅을 요한다.
참고 문서
Pivotal Greenplum Installation Guide
본 문서에서 사용된 VM 정보와 설치 정보는 다음과 같다.
MacBook Pro – CPU 2.6GHz Intel i7, 16GB Mem
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
VMWare Fusion 6
VM Name IP 용도
HD1 Master
HD2 Standby Master,
HD3 Segment
HD4 Segment
각 VM 노드들은 1 vcpu, 1G Mem 으로 구성. OS: CentOS 6.5
실제 구성은 정식 문서(
system-req.html#topic2) 를 따른다.
1.설치에 필요한 Greenplum 설치 패키지 다운로드 에서
Pivotal Greenplum Database  Database Server
Greenplum Database for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 를 선택하여
다운로드한다. HD1 VM 에 업로드 해놓도록 한다.
각 노드에 하기와 같이 OS 설정을 진행한다.
2. Disable Firewall (ip tables)
/sbin/chkconfig iptables off
/sbin/chkconfig --list iptables
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
3. Disable SELinux
System reboot 을 수행한다.
4. /etc/sysctl.conf 의 설정 추가
xfs_mount_options = rw,noatime,inode64,allocsize=16m
kernel.shmmax = 500000000
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 4000000000
kernel.sem = 250 512000 100 2048
kernel.sysrq = 1
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.msgmax = 65536
kernel.msgmni = 2048
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096
net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1025 65535
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
#sysctl –p
5. /etc/security/limits.conf
soft nofile 65536
hard nofile 65536
soft nproc 131072
hard nproc 131072
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
6. NTP 설정
/etc/ntp.conf 에서 master node(HD1) 을 가르키도록 설정
server HD1 prefer
server HD2
NTP daemon 을 사용하여 모든 greenplum host 의 system clock 을 sync 맞춤.
[root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpssh -f hostfile_exkeys -v -e 'ntpd'
[Reset ...]
[INFO] login hd1
[INFO] login hd2
[INFO] login hd3
[INFO] login hd4
[hd1] ntpd
[hd2] ntpd
[hd3] ntpd
[hd4] ntpd
[INFO] completed successfully
Master node (HD1) 에 greenplum media 를 설치한다.
Root 유저로
-rw-r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin 133791166 Feb 3 23:32 greenplum-db-
[gpadmin@hd1 stage]$ unzip
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
inflating: greenplum-db-
[root@hd1 stage]# ./greenplum-db-
You must read and accept the Pivotal Database license agreement
before installing
IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This Software contains computer programs and
other proprietary material and information, the use of which is subject to
and expressly conditioned upon acceptance of this End User License
Agreement ("EULA").
…… 스킵스킵
Do you accept the Pivotal Database license agreement? [yes|no]
Provide the installation path for Greenplum Database or press ENTER to
accept the default installation path: /usr/local/greenplum-db-
Install Greenplum Database into </usr/local/greenplum-db->? [yes|no]
/usr/local/greenplum-db- does not exist.
Create /usr/local/greenplum-db- ? [yes|no]
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
(Selecting no will exit the installer)
[Optional] Provide the path to a previous installation of Greenplum Database,
or press ENTER to skip this step. e.g. /usr/local/greenplum-db-
This installation step will migrate any Greenplum Database extensions from the
provided path to the version currently being installed. This step is optional
and can be run later with:
gppkg --migrate <path_to_old_gphome> /usr/local/greenplum-db-
Extracting product to /usr/local/greenplum-db-4.3.4.
Skipping migration of Greenplum Database extensions...
Installation complete.
Greenplum Database is installed in /usr/local/greenplum-db-
Pivotal Greenplum documentation is available
for download at
Root 권한으로 접속하여 grenplum 환경 변수를 source 한다.
#su –
#source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
Greenplum 이 설치될 host list 를 기록한 hostfile 을 생성한다.
vi hostfile_exkeys
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
설치전에 root 유저의 ssh key exchange 를 수행한다.
gpssh-exkeys -f hostfile
모든 노드에 greenplum software 를 설치한다.
[root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpseginstall -f hostfile -u gpadmin -p changeme
20150204:00:31:30:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Installation Info:
link_name greenplum-db
binary_path /usr/local/greenplum-db-
binary_dir_location /usr/local
binary_dir_name greenplum-db-
20150204:00:31:30:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-check cluster password access
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-de-duplicate hostnames
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-master hostname: hd1.vm
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-check for user gpadmin on cluster
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-add user gpadmin on master
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-add user gpadmin on cluster
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db-; rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db-
20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-cd /usr/local; tar cf greenplum-db- greenplum-db-
20150204:00:31:34:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-gzip /usr/local/greenplum-db-
20150204:00:31:52:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: mkdir -p /usr/local
20150204:00:31:52:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: rm -rf
20150204:00:31:53:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-scp software to remote location
20150204:00:31:57:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: gzip -f -d
20150204:00:32:04:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-md5 check on remote location
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
20150204:00:32:05:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: cd /usr/local; tar xf
20150204:00:32:08:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: rm -f
20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: cd /usr/local; rm -f
greenplum-db; ln -fs greenplum-db- greenplum-db
20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: chown -R
gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db
20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: chown -R
gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db-
20150204:00:32:10:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db-
20150204:00:32:10:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Changing system passwords ...
20150204:00:32:11:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-exchange ssh keys for user root
20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-exchange ssh keys for user gpadmin
20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-/usr/local/greenplum-
db/./sbin/gpfixuserlimts -f /etc/security/limits.conf -u gpadmin
20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: .
/usr/local/greenplum-db/./; /usr/local/greenplum-db/./sbin/gpfixuserlimts -f
/etc/security/limits.conf -u gpadmin
20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-version string on master: gpssh version build 1
20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: .
/usr/local/greenplum-db/./; /usr/local/greenplum-db/./bin/gpssh --version
20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: .
/usr/local/greenplum-db-; /usr/local/greenplum-db- --
20150204:00:32:18:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-SUCCESS -- Requested commands
설치 validation 을 진행한다.
su - gpadmin
source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
gpadmin ssh key exchange
gpssh-exkeys -f hostfile
install 본 확인
gpssh -f hostfile -e ls -l $GPHOME
설치가 정상적으로 완료되었다면 각 host 에 greenplum S/W 가 설치되고 각
노드에 gpadmin 으로 접속시 password 입력없이 로그인이 가능하다.
각 노드별로 data directory 를 생성한다.
Master Node
[root@hd1 home]# mkdir -p /data/master
[root@hd1 home]# chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master
[root@hd1 home]# source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
[root@hd1 home]# gpssh -h hd2 -e 'mkdir -p /data/master'
[hd2] mkdir -p /data/master
[root@hd1 home]# gpssh -h hd2 -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master'
[hd2] chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master
Segment Node
[root@hd1 home]# vi hostfile_gpssh_segonly
gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'mkdir -p /data/primary'
gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'mkdir -p /data/mirror'
gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/primary'
gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/mirror'
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
1. gpcheck 를 사용하여 각 노드들의 OS 셋팅값을 validation 한다.
[root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpcheck -f hostfile_exkeys -m hd1 -s hd2
20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-dedupe hostnames
20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Detected platform: Generic Linux Cluster
20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-generate data on servers
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-copy data files from servers
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-delete remote tmp files
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Using gpcheck config file:
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on
device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on
device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on
device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on
device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-gpcheck completing...
2. Gpcheckperf 를 사용하여 각 노드들의 Hardware Performance 를 채크한다.
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
su - gpadmin
cp $GPHOME/docs/cli_help/gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config /home/gpadmin/gpconfigs/
declare -a DATA_DIRECTORY=(/data/primary /data/primary /data/primary)
gpinitsystem -c gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config -h gpconfigs/hostfile_gpinitsystem
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking configuration
parameters, please wait...
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reading Greenplum configuration
file gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Locale has not been set in
gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config, will set to default value
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Locale set to en_US.utf8
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-Master hostname hd1 does not
match hostname output
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking to see if hd1 can be
resolved on this host
20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Can resolve hd1 to this host
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No DATABASE_NAME set, will
exit following template1 updates
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-MASTER_MAX_CONNECT not
set, will set to default value 250
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking configuration
parameters, Completed
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks,
please wait...
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Configuring build for standard
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks,
20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Building primary segment
instance array, please wait...
20150208:16:15:47:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking Master host
20150208:16:15:47:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts,
please wait...
20150208:16:15:54:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts,
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database Creation
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Configuration
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master instance name = EMC
Greenplum DW
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master hostname = hd1
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master port = 5432
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master instance dir =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master LOCALE =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum segment prefix =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Database =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master connections = 250
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master buffers =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segment connections = 750
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segment buffers =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checkpoint segments = 8
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Encoding = UNICODE
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Postgres param file = Off
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Initdb to be used =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GP_LIBRARY_PATH is =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Ulimit check = Passed
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Array host connect type =
Single hostname per node
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [1] = ::1
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [2] =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [3] =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [4] =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [5] =
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Standby Master = Not
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Primary segment # = 3
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total Database segments = 12
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Trusted shell = ssh
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Number segment hosts = 4
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Mirroring config = OFF
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Primary Segment
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg0
40000 2 0
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg1
40001 3 1
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg2
40002 4 2
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg3
40000 5 3
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg4
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
40001 6 4
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg5
40002 7 5
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg6
40000 8 6
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg7
40001 9 7
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg8
40002 10 8
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg9
40000 11 9
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg10
40001 12 10
20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg11
40002 13 11
Continue with Greenplum creation Yy/Nn>
20150208:16:15:58:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Building the Master instance
database, please wait...
20150208:16:16:06:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting the Master in admin
20150208:16:16:15:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel build of
primary segment instances
20150208:16:16:15:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes
batch [1], please wait...
20150208:16:16:17:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Waiting for parallel processes
batch [1], please wait...
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Parallel process exit status
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as
completed = 12
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as killed
= 0
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as failed
= 0
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Deleting distributed backout files
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Removing back out file
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No errors generated from parallel
20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restarting the Greenplum
instance in production mode
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstop with args: -a -i -m -d
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Version: 'postgres
(Greenplum Database) build 1'
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-There are 0 connections to the
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance
shutdown with mode='immediate'
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master host=hd1.vm
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance
shutdown with mode=immediate
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master segment instance
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Attempting forceful termination of any
leftover master process
20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Terminating processes for segment
20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstart with args: -a -d
20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating
the environment...
20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Binary Version: 'postgres
(Greenplum Database) build 1'
20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Catalog Version:
20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance in admin mode
20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog
20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from
20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Setting new master era
20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Started...
20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Shutting down master
20150208:16:17:08:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel segment instance
startup, please wait...
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Process results...
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Successful segment starts
= 12
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Failed segment starts
= 0
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Skipped segment starts (segments
are marked down in configuration) = 0
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Successfully started 12 of 12 segment
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance hd1.vm
directory /data/master/gpseg-1
20150208:16:17:11:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Command pg_ctl reports Master
hd1.vm instance active
20150208:16:17:12:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No standby master configured.
20150208:16:17:12:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Database successfully started
20150208:16:17:12:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Completed restart of Greenplum
instance in production mode
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
20150208:16:17:12:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Loading gp_toolkit...
20150208:16:17:13:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Scanning utility log file for any
warning messages
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-Scan of log file indicates that
some warnings or errors
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-were generated during the array
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Please review contents of log file
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To determine level of criticality
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-These messages could be from a
previous run of the utility
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-that was called today!
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database instance
successfully created
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To complete the environment
configuration, please
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-update gpadmin .bashrc file with
the following
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-1. Ensure that the file is sourced
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-2. Add "export
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- to access the Greenplum scripts
for this instance:
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- or, use -d /data/master/gpseg-1
option for the Greenplum scripts
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Example gpstate -d
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Script log file =
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To remove instance, run
gpdeletesystem utility
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To initialize a Standby Master
Segment for this Greenplum instance
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Review options for gpinitstandby
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The Master /data/master/gpseg-
1/pg_hba.conf post gpinitsystem
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-has been configured to allow all
hosts within this new
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-array to intercommunicate. Any
hosts external to this
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-new array must be explicitly
added to this file
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Refer to the Greenplum Admin
support guide which is
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-located in the
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
/usr/local/greenplum-db/./docs directory
20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------
1) pg_hba.conf
Postgresql/Greenplum 과 동일하게 HAWQ 접속을 위해서는 접속할
데이터베이스, User, IP 등을 등록해야 한다.
만일 모든 client, db 에 접속 제한을 하지 않으려면 host all all
trust 입력
$ vi pg_hba.conf
# Type : local : 마스터 노드에서 접속, host : IP로 접속
# Database : all 은 모든 데이터베이스 접속 허용, 특정 db만 접근할 경우 database 명
# user : all / user명
# CIDR-ADDRESS: IP/0 : 전부 허용, IP/8: A class 허용, IP/16 B Class 허용
# IP/24 C Class 허용, IP/32 IP 일치시 허용
# METHOD : md5 : 비밀번호 필요, trust : 비밀번호 필요치 않음(비밀번호가 틀리더라도
접속 가능 함)
# 예제
local all gpadmin trust
host all all md5 # 172.16.X.X B class, 패스워드
host bmt all trust # bmt database에 모든 user가
192.168.10.X C class로
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
# 패스워드 없이 접속 가능함
host bmt u1234 192.168.10..101/32 md5 # bmt 데이터 베이스에 u1234 /
해당IP에 대해서
# 패스워드가
일치해야지만 접속할 수 있음
$ gpstop –u # 시스템에 반영(실제 DB Restart 는 하지 않음)
2) postgresql.conf
PostgreSQL 의 configuration 을 모아둔 파일이다.
$ vi postgresql.conf
# 수정할 값
log_duration = on
client_encoding = uhc
datestyle = 'iso, ymd'
gp_external_grant_privileges = on
max_connections=200 # 세그먼트는 1000
3) .psqlrc
psql 로 접속하였을 때 쿼리 소요시간 , fetch count 를 적용한다.
$ cd ~
$ vi .psqlrc
set FETCH_COUNT 10000
4) .pgpass
5) .bash_profile
.bash_profile 상에 MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY 설정
source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/master/gpseg-1
일반적으로 많이 사용하는 모니터링 쿼리와 설정들은 하기와 같다.
# Get the aliases and functions
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
export PATH PS1
export PATH
export EDITOR=vi
## Greenplum 환경설정
source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
source /usr/local/greenplum-perfmon-web-
export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/gpdb_master/gpseg-1 ## 각 환경설정에
맞도록 셋팅
export LC_ALL=C
## DB 접속 파라미터 셋팅
export PGPORT=5432 ##Greenplum Port
export PGDATABASE=stat ##Greenplum Database명
export USER=gpadmin ## 접속할 계정
## aliases for the tables
#-- 세션 확인
alias qq="psql -c " select now()-query_start, usename, client_addr, waiting, procpid,
sess_id from pg_stat_activity where current_query not like '%IDLE%' order by 4, 1
#--실행 쿼리 확인
alias cq='psql -c "select now()-query_start, procpid, usename, sess_id, current_query
from pg_stat_activity where current_query not like '''%IDLE%''' order by 1 desc;"'
#-- locks 확인
alias locks="psql -c " SELECT pid, relname, locktype, mode from pg_locks, pg_class
where relation=oid and relname not like 'pg_%' order by 3;""
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
#리소스 큐 확인
alias rs='psql -c " select a.rsqname, a.rsqcountlimit as countlimit, a.rsqcountvalue as
countvalue, a.rsqwaiters as waiters, a.rsqcostlimit as costlimit, a.rsqcostvalue as
costvalue, b.rsqignorecostlimit as ignorecostlimit, b.rsqovercommit as overcommit from
pg_resqueue_status a, pg_resqueue b where a.rsqname = b.rsqname order by 1;"'
[gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ createdb test
[gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ export PGDATABASE=test
[gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ psql
psql (8.2.15)
Type "help" for help.
test=# l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding | Access privileges
postgres | gpadmin | UTF8 |
template0 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin
: gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin
template1 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin
: gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin
test | gpadmin | UTF8 |
구 분 명령어
DB Start gpstart or gpstart -a
DB Stop gpstop –af
875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
DB Restart gpstop -r
환경 정보 읽어오기(Reload) gpstop -u
마스터 노드 DB Start gpstart –m
마스터 노드 DB Stop gpstop –m
유틸리티 모드시 psql 접속 PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility'
구 분 명령어
DB 상태 $ gpstate
DB 상세 상태 $ gpstate -s
Primary/Mirror 매핑 정보 $ gpstate -c
Mirror정보 $ gpstate -m
Standby Master 정보 $ gpstate -f
포트 정보 $ gpstate –p

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greenplum installation guide - 4 node VM

  • 1. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 Pivotal Greenplum Database INSTALLATION GUIDE ON VM Prepared By Pivotal Korea
  • 2. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 DOCUMENT CONTROL For any questions regarding this document contact: Name: Seungdon Choi E-mail: Document Revision History Date Version Description Author Reviewer 04/02/2015 0.1 Draft for internal review 09/02/2015 0.9 For Distribution
  • 3. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 Table of Contents DOCUMENT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................4 System configuration.......................................................................................................4 OS PREREQUISITE........................................................................................................5 RUN GREENPLUM INSTALLER...................................................................................7 INSTALL & CONFIG ALL HOSTS.................................................................................9 create data storage areas.............................................................................................12 validate system...............................................................................................................12 initialize greenplum database system.........................................................................14 RUN ERRANDS & CONFIGURATIONS....................................................................20
  • 4. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW 본 문서는 Pivotal Greenplum Database 를 Virtual Machine 환경에 설치하는 방법에 대해서 다룬다. i. 문서에서 다루는 가이드들은 Pivotal 의 공식적인 답변이 아니며, 공식적인 설치 문서는 를 참고하도록 한다. ii. 문서에서 다룬 Greenplum Database 의 설정값들은 운영환경을 위한 값이 아니며, 사용자의 PC 상에서 테스트를 위한 최소 설정값이다. 실 운영환경을 위한 설정값은 공식적인 문서와 Pivotal 의 컨설팅을 요한다. 참고 문서 Pivotal Greenplum Installation Guide SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 본 문서에서 사용된 VM 정보와 설치 정보는 다음과 같다. Machine: MacBook Pro – CPU 2.6GHz Intel i7, 16GB Mem
  • 5. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 VMWare Fusion 6 VM Name IP 용도 HD1 Master HD2 Standby Master, Segment HD3 Segment HD4 Segment 각 VM 노드들은 1 vcpu, 1G Mem 으로 구성. OS: CentOS 6.5 실제 구성은 정식 문서( system-req.html#topic2) 를 따른다. OS PREREQUISITE 1.설치에 필요한 Greenplum 설치 패키지 다운로드 에서 Pivotal Greenplum Database  Database Server Greenplum Database for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 를 선택하여 다운로드한다. HD1 VM 에 업로드 해놓도록 한다. 각 노드에 하기와 같이 OS 설정을 진행한다. 2. Disable Firewall (ip tables) /sbin/chkconfig iptables off /sbin/chkconfig --list iptables
  • 6. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 3. Disable SELinux /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled System reboot 을 수행한다. sestatus 4. /etc/sysctl.conf 의 설정 추가 xfs_mount_options = rw,noatime,inode64,allocsize=16m kernel.shmmax = 500000000 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.shmall = 4000000000 kernel.sem = 250 512000 100 2048 kernel.sysrq = 1 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 kernel.msgmnb = 65536 kernel.msgmax = 65536 kernel.msgmni = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096 net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1025 65535 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000 vm.overcommit_memory = 2 #sysctl –p 5. /etc/security/limits.conf soft nofile 65536 hard nofile 65536 soft nproc 131072 hard nproc 131072
  • 7. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 6. NTP 설정 /etc/ntp.conf 에서 master node(HD1) 을 가르키도록 설정 server HD1 prefer server HD2 NTP daemon 을 사용하여 모든 greenplum host 의 system clock 을 sync 맞춤. [root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpssh -f hostfile_exkeys -v -e 'ntpd' [Reset ...] [INFO] login hd1 [INFO] login hd2 [INFO] login hd3 [INFO] login hd4 [hd1] ntpd [hd2] ntpd [hd3] ntpd [hd4] ntpd [INFO] completed successfully RUN GREENPLUM INSTALLER Master node (HD1) 에 greenplum media 를 설치한다. Root 유저로 -rw-r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin 133791166 Feb 3 23:32 greenplum-db- [gpadmin@hd1 stage]$ unzip Archive: inflating: README_INSTALL
  • 8. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 inflating: greenplum-db- [root@hd1 stage]# ./greenplum-db- ******************************************************************************** You must read and accept the Pivotal Database license agreement before installing ******************************************************************************** *** IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *** PIVOTAL GREENPLUM DATABASE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This Software contains computer programs and other proprietary material and information, the use of which is subject to and expressly conditioned upon acceptance of this End User License Agreement ("EULA"). …… 스킵스킵 ******************************************************************************** Do you accept the Pivotal Database license agreement? [yes|no] ******************************************************************************** yes ******************************************************************************** Provide the installation path for Greenplum Database or press ENTER to accept the default installation path: /usr/local/greenplum-db- ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Install Greenplum Database into </usr/local/greenplum-db->? [yes|no] ******************************************************************************* yes ******************************************************************************** /usr/local/greenplum-db- does not exist. Create /usr/local/greenplum-db- ? [yes|no]
  • 9. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 (Selecting no will exit the installer) ******************************************************************************** yes ******************************************************************************** [Optional] Provide the path to a previous installation of Greenplum Database, or press ENTER to skip this step. e.g. /usr/local/greenplum-db- This installation step will migrate any Greenplum Database extensions from the provided path to the version currently being installed. This step is optional and can be run later with: gppkg --migrate <path_to_old_gphome> /usr/local/greenplum-db- ******************************************************************************** Extracting product to /usr/local/greenplum-db-4.3.4. Skipping migration of Greenplum Database extensions... ******************************************************************************** Installation complete. Greenplum Database is installed in /usr/local/greenplum-db- Pivotal Greenplum documentation is available for download at ******************************************************************************* INSTALL & CONFIG ALL HOSTS Root 권한으로 접속하여 grenplum 환경 변수를 source 한다. #su – #source /usr/local/greenplum-db/ Greenplum 이 설치될 host list 를 기록한 hostfile 을 생성한다. vi hostfile_exkeys
  • 10. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 hd1 hd2 hd3 hd4 설치전에 root 유저의 ssh key exchange 를 수행한다. gpssh-exkeys -f hostfile 모든 노드에 greenplum software 를 설치한다. [root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpseginstall -f hostfile -u gpadmin -p changeme 20150204:00:31:30:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Installation Info: link_name greenplum-db binary_path /usr/local/greenplum-db- binary_dir_location /usr/local binary_dir_name greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:30:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-check cluster password access 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-de-duplicate hostnames 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-master hostname: hd1.vm 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-check for user gpadmin on cluster 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-add user gpadmin on master 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-add user gpadmin on cluster 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db-; rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:31:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-cd /usr/local; tar cf greenplum-db- greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:34:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-gzip /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:52:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: mkdir -p /usr/local 20150204:00:31:52:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: rm -rf /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:31:53:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-scp software to remote location 20150204:00:31:57:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: gzip -f -d /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:32:04:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-md5 check on remote location
  • 11. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 20150204:00:32:05:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: cd /usr/local; tar xf greenplum-db- 20150204:00:32:08:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: cd /usr/local; rm -f greenplum-db; ln -fs greenplum-db- greenplum-db 20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db 20150204:00:32:09:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:32:10:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-rm -f /usr/local/greenplum-db- 20150204:00:32:10:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Changing system passwords ... 20150204:00:32:11:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-exchange ssh keys for user root 20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-exchange ssh keys for user gpadmin 20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-/usr/local/greenplum- db/./sbin/gpfixuserlimts -f /etc/security/limits.conf -u gpadmin 20150204:00:32:12:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: . /usr/local/greenplum-db/./; /usr/local/greenplum-db/./sbin/gpfixuserlimts -f /etc/security/limits.conf -u gpadmin 20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-version string on master: gpssh version build 1 20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: . /usr/local/greenplum-db/./; /usr/local/greenplum-db/./bin/gpssh --version 20150204:00:32:13:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-remote command: . /usr/local/greenplum-db-; /usr/local/greenplum-db- -- version 20150204:00:32:18:002919 gpseginstall:hd1:root-[INFO]:-SUCCESS -- Requested commands completed 설치 validation 을 진행한다. su - gpadmin .bash_profile source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
  • 12. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 gpadmin ssh key exchange gpssh-exkeys -f hostfile install 본 확인 gpssh -f hostfile -e ls -l $GPHOME 설치가 정상적으로 완료되었다면 각 host 에 greenplum S/W 가 설치되고 각 노드에 gpadmin 으로 접속시 password 입력없이 로그인이 가능하다. CREATE DATA STORAGE AREAS 각 노드별로 data directory 를 생성한다. Master Node [root@hd1 home]# mkdir -p /data/master [root@hd1 home]# chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master [root@hd1 home]# source /usr/local/greenplum-db/ [root@hd1 home]# gpssh -h hd2 -e 'mkdir -p /data/master' [hd2] mkdir -p /data/master [root@hd1 home]# gpssh -h hd2 -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master' [hd2] chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/master Segment Node [root@hd1 home]# vi hostfile_gpssh_segonly hd2 hd3 hd4 gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'mkdir -p /data/primary' gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'mkdir -p /data/mirror' gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/primary' gpssh -f hostfile_gpssh_segonly -e 'chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/mirror' VALIDATE SYSTEM
  • 13. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 1. gpcheck 를 사용하여 각 노드들의 OS 셋팅값을 validation 한다. hostfile_gpcheck hd1 hd2 hd3 hd4 [root@hd1 greenplum-db]# gpcheck -f hostfile_exkeys -m hd1 -s hd2 20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-dedupe hostnames 20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Detected platform: Generic Linux Cluster 20150208:16:01:27:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-generate data on servers 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-copy data files from servers 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-delete remote tmp files 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-Using gpcheck config file: /usr/local/greenplum-db/./etc/gpcheck.cnf 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd1.vm): on device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384'
  • 14. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd2.vm): on device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd3.vm): on device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (sr0) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (sda) IO scheduler 'cfq' does not match expected value 'deadline' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (/dev/sda3) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (/dev/sda1) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (/dev/sda2) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[ERROR]:-GPCHECK_ERROR host(hd4.vm): on device (/dev/sda) blockdev readahead value '256' does not match expected value '16384' 20150208:16:01:28:004841 gpcheck:hd1:root-[INFO]:-gpcheck completing... 2. Gpcheckperf 를 사용하여 각 노드들의 Hardware Performance 를 채크한다. INITIALIZE GREENPLUM DATABASE SYSTEM
  • 15. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 su - gpadmin cp $GPHOME/docs/cli_help/gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config /home/gpadmin/gpconfigs/ ARRAY_NAME="EMC Greenplum DW" SEG_PREFIX=gpseg PORT_BASE=40000 declare -a DATA_DIRECTORY=(/data/primary /data/primary /data/primary) MASTER_HOSTNAME=hd1 MASTER_DIRECTORY=/data/master MASTER_PORT=5432 TRUSTED SHELL=ssh CHECK_POINT_SEGMENT=8 ENCODING=UNICODE gpinitsystem -c gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config -h gpconfigs/hostfile_gpinitsystem 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking configuration parameters, please wait... 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reading Greenplum configuration file gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Locale has not been set in gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config, will set to default value 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Locale set to en_US.utf8 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-Master hostname hd1 does not match hostname output 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking to see if hd1 can be resolved on this host 20150208:16:15:42:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Can resolve hd1 to this host 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No DATABASE_NAME set, will exit following template1 updates 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-MASTER_MAX_CONNECT not set, will set to default value 250 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking configuration parameters, Completed 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks, please wait... .... 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Configuring build for standard array 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks, Completed 20150208:16:15:43:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Building primary segment instance array, please wait... ............ 20150208:16:15:47:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking Master host 20150208:16:15:47:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts, please wait... ............ 20150208:16:15:54:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts, Completed 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database Creation Parameters 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:--------------------------------------- 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Configuration 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------
  • 16. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master instance name = EMC Greenplum DW 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master hostname = hd1 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master port = 5432 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master instance dir = /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master LOCALE = en_US.utf8 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum segment prefix = gpseg 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Database = 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master connections = 250 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master buffers = 128000kB 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segment connections = 750 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segment buffers = 128000kB 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checkpoint segments = 8 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Encoding = UNICODE 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Postgres param file = Off 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Initdb to be used = /usr/local/greenplum-db/./bin/initdb 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GP_LIBRARY_PATH is = /usr/local/greenplum-db/./lib 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Ulimit check = Passed 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Array host connect type = Single hostname per node 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [1] = ::1 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [2] = 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [3] = 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [4] = fe80::20c:29ff:fe89:1623 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master IP address [5] = fe80::20c:29ff:fe89:162d 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Standby Master = Not Configured 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Primary segment # = 3 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total Database segments = 12 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Trusted shell = ssh 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Number segment hosts = 4 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Mirroring config = OFF 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------- 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Primary Segment Configuration 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------- 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg0 40000 2 0 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg1 40001 3 1 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd1 /data/primary/gpseg2 40002 4 2 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg3 40000 5 3 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg4
  • 17. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 40001 6 4 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd2 /data/primary/gpseg5 40002 7 5 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg6 40000 8 6 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg7 40001 9 7 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd3 /data/primary/gpseg8 40002 10 8 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg9 40000 11 9 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg10 40001 12 10 20150208:16:15:55:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-hd4 /data/primary/gpseg11 40002 13 11 Continue with Greenplum creation Yy/Nn> y 20150208:16:15:58:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Building the Master instance database, please wait... 20150208:16:16:06:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting the Master in admin mode 20150208:16:16:15:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel build of primary segment instances 20150208:16:16:15:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes batch [1], please wait... ............ 20150208:16:16:17:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Waiting for parallel processes batch [1], please wait... .............................................. 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- -- 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Parallel process exit status 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- -- 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as completed = 12 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as killed = 0 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as failed = 0 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- -- 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Deleting distributed backout files 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Removing back out file 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No errors generated from parallel processes 20150208:16:17:05:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restarting the Greenplum instance in production mode 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstop with args: -a -i -m -d /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment... 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog information 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master...
  • 18. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) build 1' 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-There are 0 connections to the database 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance shutdown with mode='immediate' 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master host=hd1.vm 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance shutdown with mode=immediate 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master segment instance directory=/data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Attempting forceful termination of any leftover master process 20150208:16:17:05:046923 gpstop:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Terminating processes for segment /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstart with args: -a -d /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment... 20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Binary Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) build 1' 20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Catalog Version: '201310150' 20150208:16:17:06:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance in admin mode 20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog information 20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master... 20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Setting new master era 20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master Started... 20150208:16:17:07:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Shutting down master 20150208:16:17:08:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel segment instance startup, please wait... .. 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Process results... 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------- 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Successful segment starts = 12 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Failed segment starts = 0 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Skipped segment starts (segments are marked down in configuration) = 0 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------- 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Successfully started 12 of 12 segment instances 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------- 20150208:16:17:10:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance hd1.vm directory /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:11:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Command pg_ctl reports Master hd1.vm instance active 20150208:16:17:12:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No standby master configured. skipping... 20150208:16:17:12:047010 gpstart:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Database successfully started 20150208:16:17:12:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Completed restart of Greenplum instance in production mode
  • 19. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 20150208:16:17:12:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Loading gp_toolkit... 20150208:16:17:13:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Scanning utility log file for any warning messages 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:- ******************************************************* 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-Scan of log file indicates that some warnings or errors 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:-were generated during the array creation 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Please review contents of log file 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- /home/gpadmin/gpAdminLogs/gpinitsystem_20150208.log 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To determine level of criticality 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-These messages could be from a previous run of the utility 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-that was called today! 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[WARN]:- ******************************************************* 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database instance successfully created 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- --------- 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To complete the environment configuration, please 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-update gpadmin .bashrc file with the following 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-1. Ensure that the file is sourced 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-2. Add "export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/master/gpseg-1" 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- to access the Greenplum scripts for this instance: 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- or, use -d /data/master/gpseg-1 option for the Greenplum scripts 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Example gpstate -d /data/master/gpseg-1 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Script log file = /home/gpadmin/gpAdminLogs/gpinitsystem_20150208.log 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To remove instance, run gpdeletesystem utility 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To initialize a Standby Master Segment for this Greenplum instance 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Review options for gpinitstandby 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- --------- 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The Master /data/master/gpseg- 1/pg_hba.conf post gpinitsystem 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-has been configured to allow all hosts within this new 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-array to intercommunicate. Any hosts external to this 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-new array must be explicitly added to this file 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Refer to the Greenplum Admin support guide which is 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:-located in the
  • 20. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 /usr/local/greenplum-db/./docs directory 20150208:16:17:14:012179 gpinitsystem:hd1:gpadmin-[INFO]:---------------------------------------------- --------- RUN ERRANDS & CONFIGURATIONS DB ENVIRONMENT CONFIGURATION 1) pg_hba.conf Postgresql/Greenplum 과 동일하게 HAWQ 접속을 위해서는 접속할 데이터베이스, User, IP 등을 등록해야 한다. 만일 모든 client, db 에 접속 제한을 하지 않으려면 host all all trust 입력 $ cd $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY $ vi pg_hba.conf # TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD # Type : local : 마스터 노드에서 접속, host : IP로 접속 # Database : all 은 모든 데이터베이스 접속 허용, 특정 db만 접근할 경우 database 명 기입. # user : all / user명 # CIDR-ADDRESS: IP/0 : 전부 허용, IP/8: A class 허용, IP/16 B Class 허용 # IP/24 C Class 허용, IP/32 IP 일치시 허용 # METHOD : md5 : 비밀번호 필요, trust : 비밀번호 필요치 않음(비밀번호가 틀리더라도 접속 가능 함) # 예제 local all gpadmin trust host all all md5 # 172.16.X.X B class, 패스워드 필요 host bmt all trust # bmt database에 모든 user가 192.168.10.X C class로
  • 21. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 # 패스워드 없이 접속 가능함 host bmt u1234 192.168.10..101/32 md5 # bmt 데이터 베이스에 u1234 / 해당IP에 대해서 # 패스워드가 일치해야지만 접속할 수 있음 $ gpstop –u # 시스템에 반영(실제 DB Restart 는 하지 않음) 2) postgresql.conf PostgreSQL 의 configuration 을 모아둔 파일이다. $ cd $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY $ vi postgresql.conf # 수정할 값 log_duration = on client_encoding = uhc datestyle = 'iso, ymd' gp_external_grant_privileges = on max_connections=200 # 세그먼트는 1000 max_prepared_transactions=200 3) .psqlrc psql 로 접속하였을 때 쿼리 소요시간 , fetch count 를 적용한다. $ cd ~ $ vi .psqlrc timing set FETCH_COUNT 10000 4) .pgpass 5) .bash_profile .bash_profile 상에 MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY 설정 source /usr/local/greenplum-db/ export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/master/gpseg-1 일반적으로 많이 사용하는 모니터링 쿼리와 설정들은 하기와 같다. # Get the aliases and functions
  • 22. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH PS1 PATH=${PATH}:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/perl- 5.8.8/bin:/usr/local/sbin export PATH export EDITOR=vi ## Greenplum 환경설정 source /usr/local/greenplum-db/ source /usr/local/greenplum-perfmon-web- export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/gpdb_master/gpseg-1 ## 각 환경설정에 맞도록 셋팅 export LC_ALL=C ## DB 접속 파라미터 셋팅 export PGPORT=5432 ##Greenplum Port export PGDATABASE=stat ##Greenplum Database명 export USER=gpadmin ## 접속할 계정 ## aliases for the tables #-- 세션 확인 alias qq="psql -c " select now()-query_start, usename, client_addr, waiting, procpid, sess_id from pg_stat_activity where current_query not like '%IDLE%' order by 4, 1 desc;"" #--실행 쿼리 확인 alias cq='psql -c "select now()-query_start, procpid, usename, sess_id, current_query from pg_stat_activity where current_query not like '''%IDLE%''' order by 1 desc;"' #-- locks 확인 alias locks="psql -c " SELECT pid, relname, locktype, mode from pg_locks, pg_class where relation=oid and relname not like 'pg_%' order by 3;""
  • 23. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 #리소스 큐 확인 alias rs='psql -c " select a.rsqname, a.rsqcountlimit as countlimit, a.rsqcountvalue as countvalue, a.rsqwaiters as waiters, a.rsqcostlimit as costlimit, a.rsqcostvalue as costvalue, b.rsqignorecostlimit as ignorecostlimit, b.rsqovercommit as overcommit from pg_resqueue_status a, pg_resqueue b where a.rsqname = b.rsqname order by 1;"' DB CREATION AND RUN A TEST [gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ createdb test [gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ export PGDATABASE=test [gpadmin@hd1 ~]$ psql psql (8.2.15) Type "help" for help. test=# l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Access privileges -----------+---------+----------+--------------------- postgres | gpadmin | UTF8 | template0 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin : gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin template1 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin : gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin test | gpadmin | UTF8 | BASIC GPDB COMMANDS GPDB STOP, START 구 분 명령어 DB Start gpstart or gpstart -a DB Stop gpstop –af
  • 24. 875 How ard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 DB Restart gpstop -r 환경 정보 읽어오기(Reload) gpstop -u 마스터 노드 DB Start gpstart –m 마스터 노드 DB Stop gpstop –m 유틸리티 모드시 psql 접속 PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql GPDB CHECK STATUS 구 분 명령어 DB 상태 $ gpstate DB 상세 상태 $ gpstate -s Primary/Mirror 매핑 정보 $ gpstate -c Mirror정보 $ gpstate -m Standby Master 정보 $ gpstate -f 포트 정보 $ gpstate –p