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Guide to Investment
PwC Russia (
provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services. Over 2000 professionals working in PwC offices in Moscow,
St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladikavkaz share their thinking, experience and solutions to
develop fresh perspectives and practical advice for our clients. The global network of PwC firms brings together more than
161000 people in 154 countries.PwC first appeared in Russia in 1913 and re-established its presence here in 1989. Since then,
PwC has grown to become the largest professional services provider in Russia.

According to the annual rating prepared by the independent rating agency Expert RA, published in Expert magazine, PwC is
the largest auditor, tax and legal advisor in Russia (see Expert, 2000-2010).

This overview has been prepared in conjunction with and based on the materials provided by the Administration of

This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional

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7    Welcome message from the Head of Ekaterinburg –
     Chairman of the Ekaterinburg City Duma
9    Welcome message from the Mayor of Ekaterinburg
11   Foreword by the Partner of PwC in Ekaterinburg
12   Ekaterinburg: an overview
     Geographic location
     Human resources
16   Economic potential
     The city’s development strategy
     Living standards and personal income
     Ekaterinburg’s social and economic development in 2010 versus other Russian
     cities with one million-plus inhabitants
     Banking system
22   Economic structure by sector
     Technoparks and industrial parks
26   Urban infrastructure
     Hotels and restaurants
     Transport potential
30   Foreign trade relations
32   Investment potential
     Major investment areas
     Tax system
37   Conclusion
38   Contacts

                                                                                   PwC | Ekaterinburg | 5
6 | Guide to investment | PwC
Welcome message from the Head of Ekaterinburg – Chairman of the
Ekaterinburg City Duma

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Ekaterinburg, the capital of one of Russia’s most advanced regions. Today, the capital of the Ural Federal District is a leader in most critical
metrics among Russian cities with one million inhabitants or more. Over the past 15 years, the city has succeeded in diversifying its economy and
preserving its traditional competitive advantages, while working hard to create new ones.

The city’s industrial base is dominated by heavy engineering, which accounts for a 35% share, with metallurgy, chemicals, construction materials and
food processing also prominent sectors, with an aggregate share of 27%. Ekaterinburg’s qualitative economic development is reflected in the increasing
integration of science and production, and the growth of science-intensive industry and high-tech production facilities. The services sector and
wholesale and retail trade are also gaining momentum. The city's economic development priorities are focused on the quality of the business and social
infrastructure, and creating a favourable climate for businesses, including foreign partners.

It’s particularly noteworthy that our investment resources have come primarily from the local business community, which has eagerly taken up the
challenge of investing in and developing diverse sectors of the city’s economy. Both Russian and foreign companies are actively carrying out a number of
ambitious, large-scale development projects.

Ekaterinburg has been active in expanding its international links. Every year, the city hosts hundreds of business delegations. Ekaterinburg ranks third
among Russia’s cities, behind only Moscow and St Petersburg, in the number of foreign consulates and diplomatic missions.

But, even with all the positive trends in developing business and trade relations, the international business community’s insufficient awareness of
Ekaterinburg’s strong potential has hampered the development of new areas for cooperation. So, we hope this Investor’s Guide will help you learn more
about the many opportunities that Ekaterinburg has to offer.

We believe the most promising areas for cooperation are:

   - creating new production facilities, primarily for innovation-driven sectors.
   - developing technoparks. We are particularly interested in sharing experience and technology related to providing public services.
   - promoting tourism and trade - cooperating in exhibitions and trade shows: Along with business missions, exhibitions and trade shows
   offer valuable opportunities to identify suitable business partners. That’s why we would like to invite you to use Ekaterinburg-Expo, our new exhibition
   centre, as a venue for your next trade show or exhibition.

Ekaterinburg is open for business cooperation, which we see as the cornerstone of future success and prosperity for us all!

Evgeniy N. Porunov

Head of Ekaterinburg –
Chairman of the Ekaterinburg City Duma

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Welcome message from
the Mayor of Ekaterinburg

Dear partners,

I am pleased to present this Investment Guide to Ekaterinburg, one of Russia’s largest and most dynamic cities. Today’s Ekaterinburg is not
only the capital of the Ural Federal District but also a leader in many categories among Russia’s major cities with million-plus populations.
We encourage you to learn more about our city’s diverse economy, key urban infrastructure, historical leaders in industry and innovation,
and the city’s development strategy and future prospects, all of which together define the Urals capital’s business profile.

Historically, our city has been famous for its advanced industrial production facilities. Now, in the early 21st century, Ekaterinburg is also
a major transportation and logistics hub and a centre of information, business, science, technology and culture that offers significant
investment potential. The city’s extensive international links are supported by the presence of many foreign diplomatic missions and
business representative offices. In recent years, Ekaterinburg has hosted world-class national and international events: the SCO and BRIC
summit meetings in 2009, the Innoprom exhibition and forum in 2010, and many others. In 2011, Ekaterinburg was selected as one of
several host cities across Russia for the 2018 Football World Cup.

The Urals capital not only values its rich heritage and is actively building its present, but also looks to the future with confidence.
Ekaterinburg’s strategic development plan up until 2025 calls for an entire range of programmes focused on the city’s integrated
development as an efficient, modern, innovation-friendly business environment, a space for living and realising the boldest of ideas.

The Ekaterinburg City Administration has consistently emphasised strengthening and expanding the city’s economic relations at the local,
interregional and international levels. You’ll find our city to be hospitable, ready for open dialogue and welcoming to new friends and
business partners. We hope that what you learn from this Investor’s Guide to Ekaterinburg will start you on the path to a long-term and
mutually beneficial cooperative relationship!

Alexander E. Yakob

Mayor of Ekaterinburg

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Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s most attractive cities for doing business. In May 2010, Forbes magazine published a new rating
on the business appeal of Russian cities. Among the 103 cities analysed, Ekaterinburg ranked third according to six different
parameters: business climate, consumer purchasing power, ability to weather a crisis, social characteristics, infrastructure, and ease
of doing business for business owners and top managers.

For a long time, Ekaterinburg has retained its leadership position thanks to a diversified economy and the equal playing field that
the local authorities have ensured for all businesspeople.

Ekaterinburg was founded as a mining community on the banks of the Iset River in 1723. Throughout its history, the city has
developed as one of Russia’s leading industrial, cultural, transportation, administrative, scientific, military and political centres.

Among Russia’s major metropolitan areas, Ekaterinburg ranks third in size, with a total population of over 25 million and a land
area exceeding 3 million square kilometres. Building on its strong economic potential and status as the capital of the Ural Federal
District, Ekaterinburg is considered the country’s second most important economic hub, just behind the Moscow metropolitan area.

Ekaterinburg's investment appeal has been growing at a very dynamic pace. This is due to the city’s unique economic and
geographic location at the crossroads of transport routes between Europe and Asia. This favourable geographic location has
enabled Ekaterinburg to become one of Russia's major transport and logistics centres, integrating traffic flows from all directions
on all modes of transport, including rail, motor and air, linking Ekaterinburg to all regions of Russia. In recent years, Ekaterinburg
has experienced a rapid pace of social and economic development. A building boom, growing manufacturing base and expanding
services sector have been the main drivers of the city's dynamic social and economic development and financial sustainability.

The City Administration maintains strong cooperative relations with both Russian and foreign business partners and guarantees
support in promoting and carrying out investment projects. This Guide to Investment is designed to help potential investors assess
the most promising sectors of Ekaterinburg’s economy. It was prepared jointly by PwC Russia and the External Relations Committee
of the Ekaterinburg City Administration, which has generously provided reference materials and data.

Maxim Matsiborko

Partner, Head of
PwC office in Ekaterinburg

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Ekaterinburg: an overview

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Geographic location                                             Human resources

Ekaterinburg is one of Russia's largest and most                In the past five years, gains from in-migration and a
dynamically growing cities. As the administrative centre        reduced rate of population decline have helped increase
of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ural Federal District, it is   the city's population by 28 300.
one of Russia’s most important industrial, transportation,
trading, financial, scientific and cultural centres.            Ekaterinburg has a broad labour market, with over 700 000
                                                                people employed across all economic sectors. Industrial
Ekaterinburg's geographic location is extremely                 employment continues to dominate within Ekaterinburg’s
favourable. The city occupies a low-lying section of the Ural   labour market, a legacy of the city’s heritage as a centre of
Mountain range, which puts it at the confluence of major        heavy industry. The city’s popu-lation boasts a high level
transportation routes from Central Russia to Siberia (first     of education, including a significant number of people
the Great Siberian Route, which was then followed by the        with higher vocational education. With its strong scientific
Trans-Siberian Railway). As a result, Ekaterinburg has          and technical heritage, the city enjoys significant human
emerged as the strategically important centre of Russia,        resources potential.
which continues to link the European and Asian parts of
the country.
                                                                       Ekaterinburg's population (in thousands)*
The city has a population of 1 386 500 inhabitants and          1380
covers a land area of 491 square kilometres, ranking fourth
in Russia.                                                      1370

Ekaterinburg is 1 667 kilometres from Moscow, or two            1360
hours by airplane.


                                                                       2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010

                                                                * Population figure as of 1 January 2011

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As one of Russia’s largest scientific and technological
centres, Ekaterinburg is the site of intensive scientific
research activities.

The region’s scientific community has made a significant
contribution to the technological modernisation of
industrial facilities in the Ural region, as well as the
development of new sources of raw materials, and
improvements in the region's environment.

The city is home to 20 academic scientific institutions that
conduct research in many areas, including mathematics
and mechanics, physics and chemistry, metallurgy,
environmental science, geology, nanotechnology and many
other fields of science. Their research is highly regarded
both within Russia and internationally.

Ekaterinburg is one of Russia's major centres of higher
education-based research. The city boasts 45 higher
educational institutions with 180 000 students studying
practically all specialist disciplines available in Russia. With
65 000 students, the Boris Yeltsin Ural Federal University,
named in honour of Russia's first President, was founded in
Ekaterinburg in 2010 by presidential decree on the basis of
two of the region’s oldest higher educational institutions.
The city's higher education-based research community has
increasingly been integrating into academic and industry

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Economic potential

Every year, critical projects in all areas of business
(industry, trade, and residential construction) are carried
out in Ekaterinburg, reflecting the city’s strong economic
potential and dynamic growth.

This has resulted mainly from the development of the
services sector, growing industrial production and
residential construction, as well as the concentration
within Ekaterinburg of macro-regional level administrative
and support functions. In the period 2003-2010, the
volume of goods shipped by large and medium-sized
enterprises grew by 2.7 times, while retail sales grew by
over 2.5 times, the number of residential and commercial
premises built rose by 2.3 times and 4.8 times, respectively,
and real earnings increased 1.9 times.

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The city’s development strategy

Ekaterinburg is one of the first cities in Russia to develop
its own strategy. For the past eight years, Ekaterinburg’s
development has been guided by the Strategic
Development Plan up to 2015, approved by the City Duma
in June 2003. The Plan constitutes a set of materials on the
city's development strategy, which integrates key future
development goals, missions, programmes and projects
focused on achieving strategic results.

Today's Ekaterinburg is an interregional financial and
business centre and a venue for international events. In
June 2009, the city hosted several important transnational
events: a meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member countries
(the SCO Summit and the first BRIC Summit). In 2010,
Ekaterinburg hosted such significant events as the 12th
round of German-Russian interstate consultations, the
10th German-Russian Petersburg Dialog Forum, and the
6th session of the Russo-German Youth Parliament (in
June 2010), among others. In 2010 and 2011, Ekaterinburg
was the site of Innoprom, the Ural International Exhibition
and Forum of Science and Innovation. In 2011, this
important event is expected to attract attendees from over
40 countries.

Ekaterinburg is currently building Ekaterinburg Expo,
the region’s largest exhibition complex and the most
advanced facility of its kind in Russia. Ekaterinburg Expo
is scheduled to host Expo 2020, which is billed as “Russia’s
first global multi-purpose exhibition”.

Ekaterinburg has also been selected as one of several
Russian host cities for the 2018 World Cup Football
Championship. The region’s preparations for the 2018
World Cup are expected to have a very positive impact on
job creation, labour productivity, salary levels, and the
general quality of life.

                                                               PwC | Ekaterinburg | 17
Living standards and personal income

In many social and economic indicators, Ekaterinburg
outperforms Russia’s other million-plus cities. The high
income level of Ekaterinburg's population drives the city’s
leadership in terms of retail sales growth (RUR 450.7
billion in 2010). The city’s sales volume per capita is 2.7
times higher than the nationwide average. Ekaterinburg is
a traditional shopping centre for residents of smaller cities
and towns in the Ural region and Siberia.

The average monthly salary in the city is RUR 26,097.

Ekaterinburg’s social and economic development in 2010 versus other Russian cities with one million-plus inhabitants

                          Unit of                                                       Nizhniy
      Indicator                          Volgograd     Ekaterinburg       Kazan                       Novosibirsk      Omsk      Rostov-on-Don   Samara     Ufa      Chelyabinsk
                          Measure                                                      Novgorod

   Population as of
   beginning of year        ‘000           1014,9         1375,4          1136,6         1278,8          1409,1        1127,7       1048,1       1133,8    1038,1      1095,9

                                                                           Volume of locally produced goods shipped

Industrial production
        index                %              87,2            107            99,3             -              98             -          70,5         76,9      95,3        73,6

  Capital investment
 by large and medium-      RURm            7164,8         62200          18608,9         13347,4         13964         12197,2      12650,8      12203,6   12998,6     11521,4
    sized businesses

     Retail sales          RURbn           170,2           450,7           259             204             -            157,9        233,1        200,6     300,6       231,5

   New residential
    construction          sq.m ‘000        325,5          1026,8          771,8           365,4           1017         349,8          850         588,7    654,41      1487,4

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Banking system

Ekaterinburg has one of the country’s most advanced         of BSGV Bank CJSC in Ekaterinburg (Bank Societe General
banking systems. The number of banks operating in           Vostok), the Ekaterinburg branch of UniCreditBank CJSC,
Ekaterinburg has doubled over the past five years.          the Ekaterinburg branch of Promsvyazbank OJSC, a branch
The city's banking sector encompasses over 80 lending       of Absolut Bank in Ekaterinburg, the Ekaterinburg branch
institutions, including:                                    of Home Credit and Finance Bank,

    19 banking organisations registered in

    2 banking organisations registered in the
    Sverdlovsk Region;

    46 banking organisations registered in other
    regions of the Russian Federation;

    and over 10 representative offices of banking
    organisations and one non-banking lending
    institution (Clearing Agency of Ural Regional
    Currency Exchange, CJSC).

Some of the characteristics of Ekaterinburg's banking
sector are:

    a broad range of activities;

    an advanced institutional structure;

    a significant need for accelerated capitalisation
    of the banking sector to increase the range of
    services to meet growing customer demand;

    a high degree of customer loyalty;

    and a high degree of innovation.

As of the beginning of 2011, Ekaterinburg has 10 foreign-   the Ural branch of CitiBank CJSC, a branch of MBA-
owned registered banks, including: the Ural branch of KMB   MOSCOW in Ekaterinburg, and a branch of BNP Paribas
Bank, the Ural branch of Raiffeisen Bank CJSC, a branch     Vostok in Ekaterinburg.

                                                                                            PwC | Ekaterinburg | 21
Economic structure by sector

Manufacturing                                                   aerospace industry, motor vehicles, and many other things.

                                                                In recent years, the small business sector has been shifting
                                                                away from its traditional focus on trade and services
Manufacturing is Ekaterinburg's leading economic sector         towards manufacturing and auxiliary services, as well
with an annual turnover exceeding RUR 150 billion. Heavy        introducing new technologies and proactive cooperation
engineering dominates the city’s industrial structure.          with leading businesses.
Ekaterinburg is the largest centre of heavy engineering in
the Ural region and in Russia as a whole. It has 50 major
heavy engineering enterprises that account for over 40% of      Import structure in 2010
the city's production. Goods manufactured in Ekaterinburg
are shipped to over 100 countries around the world.

Equipment, machinery and vehicles, tools and instruments,
and automation facilities and systems designed and
manufactured in Ekaterinburg are used widely by leading
metallurgical, mining, chemical, and machine-building
plants, as well as in such sectors as power generation, oil
and gas, housing and public utilities, food processing,
consumer goods, and water and land transport.

In addition to military orders, the city's defence industry
produces high-quality goods for the public health sector,
agriculture, housing and public utilities infrastructure, the

                                                                n	 43,2% Machine-Building
                                                                n	 22,5% Metallurgical Production and Production of Metal
                                                                n	 3,1% Other Production Facilities
                                                                n	 4,2% Production of Miscellaneous Non-Metallic Mineral
                                                                n	 0,6% Cellulose and Paper Production, Publishing and
                                                                   Printing Business
                                                                n	 13,1% Food Production
                                                                n	 7,3% Chemical Production (Including Pharmaceuticals
                                                                n  5,2% Production of Rubber and Plastic Goods
                                                                n  0,8% Light Industry

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Technoparks and industrial parks

Ekaterinburg's development strategy is focused on              Innovation Centre and to generate RUR 240 million in
creating a favourable infrastructure and organisational        earnings by 2018.
conditions within the city to stimulate innovative processes
as a critical driver for ensuring sustainable economic         The Priborostroyeniye Technology Park was created
development and improved public welfare.                       as part of the Semikhatov Automation Research and
                                                               Manufacturing Association. The Akademicheskiy Centre
The city is aggressively creating an infrastructure for        for Innovation and Technology (a part of the Ural division
innovation-driven businesses (technoparks, industrial          of the Russian Academy of Sciences) continues its efforts
parks and innovative technology centres).                      to promote innovative products manufactured by research
                                                               institutes and small businesses. Its innovation-driven
An IT cluster was created in 2010, which includes              initiatives encompass such areas as metallurgy, industrial
equipment manufacturers, such as ASK, IskraUralTel and         waste recycling and beneficiation, instrument engineering,
Data-Center. In early 2011, a project to build an IT park in   construction materials and new types of equipment.
Ekaterinburg was presented. To date, over RUR 1.2 billion
of investment financing has been raised for the project,       The Tekhnomet Technology Park has been created to
which is expected to become a branch of the Skolkovo           focus energy conservation technologies in metallurgy and

                                                               Construction has started at a 1.7-hectare site provided by
                                                               the City Administration on the Averon Technology Park,
                                                               which will produce electronic medical equipment and
                                                               automation equipment.

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The strong growth in Ekaterinburg's economy is best
reflected in the city's “building boom”.

In 2010, Ekaterinburg's large and medium-sized
construction companies carried out building contracts
worth a total of RUR 22,7 bln..

Ekaterinburg is currently the site of the largest building
project in Russia and Europe: construction of the
Akademicheskiy housing estate, which will provide over
nine million square metres of new housing. In twenty
years, over 325,000 people, or about one-fourth of
Ekaterinburg's current population, will be able to live
there. The first apartment units are already occupied and
the estate features a newly built secondary school, the
city’s largest, which will accommodate 1,000 students from
September 2011.

       New residential and commercial construction
1000                                955,02                    964,5
 800 735,3
             495,5            502



         2006           2007           2008             2009             2010

                                                                                     PwC | Ekaterinburg | 25
Urban infrastructure

Hotels and restaurants

The city's hotel infrastructure consists of fully refurbished
and newly constructed facilities. To date, Ekaterinburg
has 56 hotels, of which 44 were built in the past five years,
including such cutting-edge, world-class hotel facilities as
the Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg, the Angelo Airporthotel
Ekaterinburg, the RAMADA Ekaterinburg, the Park Inn
Ekaterinburg and the Accor Novotel.

Ekaterinburg has an extensive food service and restaurant
sector with 1,563 restaurants that can serve up 120,500
diners. With a sales volume of RUR 15.4 billion in 2010,
the city’s dining establishments offer a wide selection
of international cuisine, including Russian, Ukrainian,
Caucasian, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, German,
Cuban, Serbian and Czech, among others.

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In recent years, the growth of the city's economy has         Two new subway stations - Chkalovskaya and
stimulated a rapid increase in the number of motor            Botanicheskaya - will be opened by the end of 2011. This
vehicles, which not only requires ongoing maintenance and     will complete construction on the first subway line, which
repair of the city’s road network but also resolving major    is 13.5 kilometres long and has nine stations. Construction
transportation issues facing the city, primarily through      of the second line to link the city's west and east sides is
building new roads and rebuilding existing ones as well as    scheduled for 2012.
building new transport facilities.

Ekaterinburg's municipal public transportation system
features most types of surface transport (tram, trolleybus,
bus, minibus taxi and regular taxi, and suburban electric
train) as well as an underground subway system. Public
transport routes serve all city districts. The municipal
transport fleet is upgraded every year for an average of
new 75 units annually.

28 | Guide to investment | PwC
Transport potential

The construction of several state-of-the-art logistics hubs
                                                                Koltsovo Airport is an international air-transport
represents a quantum leap in the development of the city's
                                                                hub that meets all international standards. The
transportation infrastructure. In the near future, the city
                                                                airport can handle a large volume of passengers
will be in a position to handle up to one-fourth of Russia's
                                                                (up to eight million passengers annually) and cargo
total cargo traffic. To date, annual freight traffic amounts
                                                                traffic of 79 400 tonnes. It has a modern terminal
to 3,464,000 tonnes.
                                                                serving international and domestic airlines. To
The city's strong transport potential is driven by its unique   increase passenger flow, an express train was put
geographic location, proximity to national and regional         into service between Koltsovo Airport and the main
highways, a major railway hub, and an airport that ranks        railway station. From downtown Ekaterinburg, you
fifth in Russia in terms of passenger traffic.                  can reach the airport in 20 minutes.

                                                                                             PwC | Ekaterinburg | 29
Foreign trade relations

Ekaterinburg maintains strong trade relations with 129      As of the end of 2010, Ekaterinburg had 320 registered
countries around the world. The city’s enterprises do       foreign businesses. On average, 20 foreign businesses are
business with partners from the Netherlands, Kazakhstan,    launched in the city annually.
Germany, the United States, China, Italy, India, Ukraine,
South Korea and Belarus. Over 100 business missions visit   Ekaterinburg has 12 partner cities in 7 countries:
the city annually.                                          Guangzhou (sister city) in China; Genoa, Turin and San
                                                            Remo in Italy; Plzen in the Czech Republic; Inchon (sister
Ekaterinburg currently has 20 foreign consulates,           city), Seongnam and Pohang in South Korea; Minsk and
including:                                                  Mogilev in Belarus; Plovdiv in Bulgaria; and Annaba in
    11 consulates-general: the United States,
    the United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, the Czech
    Republic, Germany, the People’s Republic of
    China, Vietnam, France, Hungary, Tajikistan and

    8 honorary consulates: Austria, Hungary,
    Democratic Republic of Congo, South Korea,
    Mongolia, Republic of Seychelles, Italy and
    Luxembourg; and

    an office of the Embassy of Belarus.

    In addition, the city hosts:

    2 trade missions: the Netherlands (unaccredited)
    and Ukraine; as well as several official
    representative offices without diplomatic status,
    including Czech Trade, an agency for supporting
    Czech business; a correspondent station of ICE,
    Italy's Foreign Trade Institute; NBSO, a centre for
    supporting Dutch business; a contact bureau of
    Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) in Russia; and the
    Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce.

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Investment potential

In 2010, large and medium-sized businesses of all types     Cartier, etc. In the past five years, the auto market has also
made capital investments totalling RUR 62.2 billion aimed   seen considerable transformations with several dozen new
at developing the city’s economy and social services.       showrooms opening up, offering, among other things, such
                                                            luxury makes as Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche and others.
Major investment projects include the construction of
the Ekaterinburg City urban business district and the
Akademicheskiy housing estate.

Ekaterinburg is becoming more appealing for Russian
and foreign investors. International retail chains
(Metro, Auchan, IKEA) and hotel chains (Hyatt Regency
Ekaterinburg, Park Inn Ekaterinburg, Angelo Airporthotel
Ekaterinburg, RAMADA Ekaterinburg, Accor Novotel)
came to Ekaterinburg right Moscow and St Petersburg and
are now successfully operating in the city.

Among the city’s retail outlets are stores of Europe's
leading fashion labels, such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton,

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Major investment areas include:                           Tax system

                                                          In the Russian Federation, investment and business activity
    • technical upgrade of industrial enterprises;        must comply with the current tax regime.
    • establishment of joint ventures for                 The Russian Tax Code establishes the system of taxes and
      manufacturing competitive and innovative            fees and general principles governing taxation and fees in
      products;                                           the Russian Federation. Main taxes and fees include:

    • creation of dedicated centres rendering general
      industrial services (casting, galvanics, etc.);         • Income tax – 20%.

                                                              • VAT –10% or 18% (based on the type of
    • upgrade and refurbishment of boiler rooms,
      heating networks and heating lines;
                                                              • Property tax – 2.2%
    • upgrade and refurbishment of sewage disposal
      plants, sewerage systems and pumping stations;          • Transport tax - from 15.7% (based on
                                                                engine horsepower)
    • recycling of domestic waste; construction of
      sorting plants; recycling of glass, paper, rubber       • Personal income tax – 9%, 13%, 15% or
      and sludge; - recycling of medical waste,                 30% (based on the type of income)
      household appliances waste and wood;
                                                              • Insurance premiums - 34% (charged to
    • cleaning of storm water drains;                           the labour compensation fund, based on
                                                                annual earnings)
    • upgrade of lift facilities;

    • major repairs of apartment blocks;

    • energy conservation for housing and public
      utilities infrastructure;

    • upgrade of vehicles used for intra-city
      transportation; and

    • construction and refurbishment of roads,
      construction of road junctions; subway.

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The Ural region, centred around the city of Ekaterinburg,       Ekaterinburg into an air transport centre.
is a cornerstone of Russia which forms the heart of the
country’s industrial base. Ekaterinburg is the leader among     It is also important that Ekaterinburg has been included in
Russian cities with million-plus population in terms of         the Great Cities of the Future rating. This study, conducted
investment appeal and the sustainability of positive social     by the English-language edition of Forbes magazine,
and economic development trends, as well as the level           was based on the top ten positions in the Worldwide
of development of its retail and service sectors, and the       Emerging Markets Index, as calculated by MasterCard
maturity of its consumer market.                                after researching the 85 most promising cities that drive
                                                                development in the world's 30 leading markets. In the
A significant part of Ekaterinburg's investment appeal          MasterCard index, Ekaterinburg ranks 59th, with Moscow
is based on the fact that it is home to many foreign            (14th) and St Petersburg (41st) the only other Russian
consulates, as well as the central office of the Ural Customs   cities to outrank the Ural capital.
Administration. Another attractive feature is Koltsovo
International Airport, Russia's largest regional transport
and logistics hub, which has been fully refurbished to turn

36 | Guide to investment | PwC
The rating took into account eight primary

   • overall economic and business environment;         This is why a number of major Russian and foreign
   • economic growth rate;                              investors, after assessing Ekaterinburg's investment
                                                        potential, are successfully doing business in the city in such
   • conditions for doing business;                     diverse sectors as construction, ferrous and non-ferrous
                                                        metallurgy, chemicals, construction materials, textiles and
   • standard of financial services provided;           food processing, and agriculture.
   • business compatibility with other markets;         The Ekaterinburg City Administration and the city’s
                                                        leadership are ready for an open dialogue and are doing
   • people's educational level and IT infrastructure
                                                        their utmost to ensure that our business partners grow and
     development standard;
                                                        prosper together with the city, and that Ekaterinburg offers
   • overall quality of life; and                       a favourable environment for your business operations. We
                                                        are ready to help you realise your investment plans.
   • overall safety level and number of potential
     risks.                                             Welcome to Ekaterinburg!

                                                                                           PwC | Ekaterinburg | 37

Ekaterinburg City Administration               PwC Russia - Ekaterinburg

24A Lenin Ave., Ekaterinburg, 620014           7A Gorkiy St., Ekaterinburg, 620075
Tel.: +7 (343) 355 2990                        Tel.: +7 (343) 253 1433
Fax: +7 (343) 355 2992                         Fax: +7 (343) 253 1430 26
www.екатеринбург.рф                            E-mail:
Committee for External Relations
                                               Maxim Matsiborko
Svetlana A. Garipova                           Managing Partner
Committee Chair
Tel.: +7 (343) 354 5567

Ekaterinburg Congress Bureau

Tel.: +7 (343) 371 79 27
Fax: +7 (343) 371 79 26

Ekaterinburg Information and Tourist Service

21 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620014
Tel.: (343) 376-43-61

38 | Guide to investment | PwC
2 | Guide to investment | PwC
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Each firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any sevices to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any
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Путеводитель инвестора. Екатеринбург

  • 2. PwC Russia ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services. Over 2000 professionals working in PwC offices in Moscow, St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladikavkaz share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice for our clients. The global network of PwC firms brings together more than 161000 people in 154 countries.PwC first appeared in Russia in 1913 and re-established its presence here in 1989. Since then, PwC has grown to become the largest professional services provider in Russia. According to the annual rating prepared by the independent rating agency Expert RA, published in Expert magazine, PwC is the largest auditor, tax and legal advisor in Russia (see Expert, 2000-2010). This overview has been prepared in conjunction with and based on the materials provided by the Administration of Ekaterinburg. This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. 2 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 3.
  • 4. 4 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 5. Contents 7 Welcome message from the Head of Ekaterinburg – Chairman of the Ekaterinburg City Duma 9 Welcome message from the Mayor of Ekaterinburg 11 Foreword by the Partner of PwC in Ekaterinburg 12 Ekaterinburg: an overview Geographic location Human resources Science 16 Economic potential The city’s development strategy Living standards and personal income Ekaterinburg’s social and economic development in 2010 versus other Russian cities with one million-plus inhabitants Banking system 22 Economic structure by sector Manufacturing Technoparks and industrial parks Construction 26 Urban infrastructure Hotels and restaurants Transport Transport potential 30 Foreign trade relations 32 Investment potential Major investment areas Tax system 37 Conclusion 38 Contacts PwC | Ekaterinburg | 5
  • 6. 6 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 7. Welcome message from the Head of Ekaterinburg – Chairman of the Ekaterinburg City Duma Dear ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Ekaterinburg, the capital of one of Russia’s most advanced regions. Today, the capital of the Ural Federal District is a leader in most critical metrics among Russian cities with one million inhabitants or more. Over the past 15 years, the city has succeeded in diversifying its economy and preserving its traditional competitive advantages, while working hard to create new ones. The city’s industrial base is dominated by heavy engineering, which accounts for a 35% share, with metallurgy, chemicals, construction materials and food processing also prominent sectors, with an aggregate share of 27%. Ekaterinburg’s qualitative economic development is reflected in the increasing integration of science and production, and the growth of science-intensive industry and high-tech production facilities. The services sector and wholesale and retail trade are also gaining momentum. The city's economic development priorities are focused on the quality of the business and social infrastructure, and creating a favourable climate for businesses, including foreign partners. It’s particularly noteworthy that our investment resources have come primarily from the local business community, which has eagerly taken up the challenge of investing in and developing diverse sectors of the city’s economy. Both Russian and foreign companies are actively carrying out a number of ambitious, large-scale development projects. Ekaterinburg has been active in expanding its international links. Every year, the city hosts hundreds of business delegations. Ekaterinburg ranks third among Russia’s cities, behind only Moscow and St Petersburg, in the number of foreign consulates and diplomatic missions. But, even with all the positive trends in developing business and trade relations, the international business community’s insufficient awareness of Ekaterinburg’s strong potential has hampered the development of new areas for cooperation. So, we hope this Investor’s Guide will help you learn more about the many opportunities that Ekaterinburg has to offer. We believe the most promising areas for cooperation are: - creating new production facilities, primarily for innovation-driven sectors. - developing technoparks. We are particularly interested in sharing experience and technology related to providing public services. - promoting tourism and trade - cooperating in exhibitions and trade shows: Along with business missions, exhibitions and trade shows offer valuable opportunities to identify suitable business partners. That’s why we would like to invite you to use Ekaterinburg-Expo, our new exhibition centre, as a venue for your next trade show or exhibition. Ekaterinburg is open for business cooperation, which we see as the cornerstone of future success and prosperity for us all! Evgeniy N. Porunov Head of Ekaterinburg – Chairman of the Ekaterinburg City Duma PwC | Ekaterinburg | 7
  • 8. 8 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 9. Welcome message from the Mayor of Ekaterinburg Dear partners, I am pleased to present this Investment Guide to Ekaterinburg, one of Russia’s largest and most dynamic cities. Today’s Ekaterinburg is not only the capital of the Ural Federal District but also a leader in many categories among Russia’s major cities with million-plus populations. We encourage you to learn more about our city’s diverse economy, key urban infrastructure, historical leaders in industry and innovation, and the city’s development strategy and future prospects, all of which together define the Urals capital’s business profile. Historically, our city has been famous for its advanced industrial production facilities. Now, in the early 21st century, Ekaterinburg is also a major transportation and logistics hub and a centre of information, business, science, technology and culture that offers significant investment potential. The city’s extensive international links are supported by the presence of many foreign diplomatic missions and business representative offices. In recent years, Ekaterinburg has hosted world-class national and international events: the SCO and BRIC summit meetings in 2009, the Innoprom exhibition and forum in 2010, and many others. In 2011, Ekaterinburg was selected as one of several host cities across Russia for the 2018 Football World Cup. The Urals capital not only values its rich heritage and is actively building its present, but also looks to the future with confidence. Ekaterinburg’s strategic development plan up until 2025 calls for an entire range of programmes focused on the city’s integrated development as an efficient, modern, innovation-friendly business environment, a space for living and realising the boldest of ideas. The Ekaterinburg City Administration has consistently emphasised strengthening and expanding the city’s economic relations at the local, interregional and international levels. You’ll find our city to be hospitable, ready for open dialogue and welcoming to new friends and business partners. We hope that what you learn from this Investor’s Guide to Ekaterinburg will start you on the path to a long-term and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship! Alexander E. Yakob Mayor of Ekaterinburg PwC | Ekaterinburg | 9
  • 10. 10 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 11. Foreword Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s most attractive cities for doing business. In May 2010, Forbes magazine published a new rating on the business appeal of Russian cities. Among the 103 cities analysed, Ekaterinburg ranked third according to six different parameters: business climate, consumer purchasing power, ability to weather a crisis, social characteristics, infrastructure, and ease of doing business for business owners and top managers. For a long time, Ekaterinburg has retained its leadership position thanks to a diversified economy and the equal playing field that the local authorities have ensured for all businesspeople. Ekaterinburg was founded as a mining community on the banks of the Iset River in 1723. Throughout its history, the city has developed as one of Russia’s leading industrial, cultural, transportation, administrative, scientific, military and political centres. Among Russia’s major metropolitan areas, Ekaterinburg ranks third in size, with a total population of over 25 million and a land area exceeding 3 million square kilometres. Building on its strong economic potential and status as the capital of the Ural Federal District, Ekaterinburg is considered the country’s second most important economic hub, just behind the Moscow metropolitan area. Ekaterinburg's investment appeal has been growing at a very dynamic pace. This is due to the city’s unique economic and geographic location at the crossroads of transport routes between Europe and Asia. This favourable geographic location has enabled Ekaterinburg to become one of Russia's major transport and logistics centres, integrating traffic flows from all directions on all modes of transport, including rail, motor and air, linking Ekaterinburg to all regions of Russia. In recent years, Ekaterinburg has experienced a rapid pace of social and economic development. A building boom, growing manufacturing base and expanding services sector have been the main drivers of the city's dynamic social and economic development and financial sustainability. The City Administration maintains strong cooperative relations with both Russian and foreign business partners and guarantees support in promoting and carrying out investment projects. This Guide to Investment is designed to help potential investors assess the most promising sectors of Ekaterinburg’s economy. It was prepared jointly by PwC Russia and the External Relations Committee of the Ekaterinburg City Administration, which has generously provided reference materials and data. Maxim Matsiborko Partner, Head of PwC office in Ekaterinburg PwC | Ekaterinburg | 11
  • 12. Ekaterinburg: an overview 12 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 13. Geographic location Human resources Ekaterinburg is one of Russia's largest and most In the past five years, gains from in-migration and a dynamically growing cities. As the administrative centre reduced rate of population decline have helped increase of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ural Federal District, it is the city's population by 28 300. one of Russia’s most important industrial, transportation, trading, financial, scientific and cultural centres. Ekaterinburg has a broad labour market, with over 700 000 people employed across all economic sectors. Industrial Ekaterinburg's geographic location is extremely employment continues to dominate within Ekaterinburg’s favourable. The city occupies a low-lying section of the Ural labour market, a legacy of the city’s heritage as a centre of Mountain range, which puts it at the confluence of major heavy industry. The city’s popu-lation boasts a high level transportation routes from Central Russia to Siberia (first of education, including a significant number of people the Great Siberian Route, which was then followed by the with higher vocational education. With its strong scientific Trans-Siberian Railway). As a result, Ekaterinburg has and technical heritage, the city enjoys significant human emerged as the strategically important centre of Russia, resources potential. which continues to link the European and Asian parts of the country. Ekaterinburg's population (in thousands)* The city has a population of 1 386 500 inhabitants and 1380 covers a land area of 491 square kilometres, ranking fourth in Russia. 1370 Ekaterinburg is 1 667 kilometres from Moscow, or two 1360 hours by airplane. 1350 1340 1330 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 * Population figure as of 1 January 2011 PwC | Ekaterinburg | 13
  • 14. Science As one of Russia’s largest scientific and technological centres, Ekaterinburg is the site of intensive scientific research activities. The region’s scientific community has made a significant contribution to the technological modernisation of industrial facilities in the Ural region, as well as the development of new sources of raw materials, and improvements in the region's environment. The city is home to 20 academic scientific institutions that conduct research in many areas, including mathematics and mechanics, physics and chemistry, metallurgy, environmental science, geology, nanotechnology and many other fields of science. Their research is highly regarded both within Russia and internationally. Ekaterinburg is one of Russia's major centres of higher education-based research. The city boasts 45 higher educational institutions with 180 000 students studying practically all specialist disciplines available in Russia. With 65 000 students, the Boris Yeltsin Ural Federal University, named in honour of Russia's first President, was founded in Ekaterinburg in 2010 by presidential decree on the basis of two of the region’s oldest higher educational institutions. The city's higher education-based research community has increasingly been integrating into academic and industry research. 14 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 16. Economic potential Every year, critical projects in all areas of business (industry, trade, and residential construction) are carried out in Ekaterinburg, reflecting the city’s strong economic potential and dynamic growth. This has resulted mainly from the development of the services sector, growing industrial production and residential construction, as well as the concentration within Ekaterinburg of macro-regional level administrative and support functions. In the period 2003-2010, the volume of goods shipped by large and medium-sized enterprises grew by 2.7 times, while retail sales grew by over 2.5 times, the number of residential and commercial premises built rose by 2.3 times and 4.8 times, respectively, and real earnings increased 1.9 times. 16 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 17. The city’s development strategy Ekaterinburg is one of the first cities in Russia to develop its own strategy. For the past eight years, Ekaterinburg’s development has been guided by the Strategic Development Plan up to 2015, approved by the City Duma in June 2003. The Plan constitutes a set of materials on the city's development strategy, which integrates key future development goals, missions, programmes and projects focused on achieving strategic results. Today's Ekaterinburg is an interregional financial and business centre and a venue for international events. In June 2009, the city hosted several important transnational events: a meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member countries (the SCO Summit and the first BRIC Summit). In 2010, Ekaterinburg hosted such significant events as the 12th round of German-Russian interstate consultations, the 10th German-Russian Petersburg Dialog Forum, and the 6th session of the Russo-German Youth Parliament (in June 2010), among others. In 2010 and 2011, Ekaterinburg was the site of Innoprom, the Ural International Exhibition and Forum of Science and Innovation. In 2011, this important event is expected to attract attendees from over 40 countries. Ekaterinburg is currently building Ekaterinburg Expo, the region’s largest exhibition complex and the most advanced facility of its kind in Russia. Ekaterinburg Expo is scheduled to host Expo 2020, which is billed as “Russia’s first global multi-purpose exhibition”. Ekaterinburg has also been selected as one of several Russian host cities for the 2018 World Cup Football Championship. The region’s preparations for the 2018 World Cup are expected to have a very positive impact on job creation, labour productivity, salary levels, and the general quality of life. PwC | Ekaterinburg | 17
  • 18. Living standards and personal income In many social and economic indicators, Ekaterinburg outperforms Russia’s other million-plus cities. The high income level of Ekaterinburg's population drives the city’s leadership in terms of retail sales growth (RUR 450.7 billion in 2010). The city’s sales volume per capita is 2.7 times higher than the nationwide average. Ekaterinburg is a traditional shopping centre for residents of smaller cities and towns in the Ural region and Siberia. The average monthly salary in the city is RUR 26,097. Ekaterinburg’s social and economic development in 2010 versus other Russian cities with one million-plus inhabitants Unit of Nizhniy Indicator Volgograd Ekaterinburg Kazan Novosibirsk Omsk Rostov-on-Don Samara Ufa Chelyabinsk Measure Novgorod Population as of beginning of year ‘000 1014,9 1375,4 1136,6 1278,8 1409,1 1127,7 1048,1 1133,8 1038,1 1095,9 Volume of locally produced goods shipped Industrial production index % 87,2 107 99,3 - 98 - 70,5 76,9 95,3 73,6 Capital investment by large and medium- RURm 7164,8 62200 18608,9 13347,4 13964 12197,2 12650,8 12203,6 12998,6 11521,4 sized businesses Retail sales RURbn 170,2 450,7 259 204 - 157,9 233,1 200,6 300,6 231,5 New residential construction sq.m ‘000 325,5 1026,8 771,8 365,4 1017 349,8 850 588,7 654,41 1487,4 18 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 20. 20 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 21. Banking system Ekaterinburg has one of the country’s most advanced of BSGV Bank CJSC in Ekaterinburg (Bank Societe General banking systems. The number of banks operating in Vostok), the Ekaterinburg branch of UniCreditBank CJSC, Ekaterinburg has doubled over the past five years. the Ekaterinburg branch of Promsvyazbank OJSC, a branch The city's banking sector encompasses over 80 lending of Absolut Bank in Ekaterinburg, the Ekaterinburg branch institutions, including: of Home Credit and Finance Bank, 19 banking organisations registered in Ekaterinburg; 2 banking organisations registered in the Sverdlovsk Region; 46 banking organisations registered in other regions of the Russian Federation; and over 10 representative offices of banking organisations and one non-banking lending institution (Clearing Agency of Ural Regional Currency Exchange, CJSC). Some of the characteristics of Ekaterinburg's banking sector are: a broad range of activities; an advanced institutional structure; a significant need for accelerated capitalisation of the banking sector to increase the range of services to meet growing customer demand; a high degree of customer loyalty; and a high degree of innovation. As of the beginning of 2011, Ekaterinburg has 10 foreign- the Ural branch of CitiBank CJSC, a branch of MBA- owned registered banks, including: the Ural branch of KMB MOSCOW in Ekaterinburg, and a branch of BNP Paribas Bank, the Ural branch of Raiffeisen Bank CJSC, a branch Vostok in Ekaterinburg. PwC | Ekaterinburg | 21
  • 22. Economic structure by sector Manufacturing aerospace industry, motor vehicles, and many other things. In recent years, the small business sector has been shifting away from its traditional focus on trade and services Manufacturing is Ekaterinburg's leading economic sector towards manufacturing and auxiliary services, as well with an annual turnover exceeding RUR 150 billion. Heavy introducing new technologies and proactive cooperation engineering dominates the city’s industrial structure. with leading businesses. Ekaterinburg is the largest centre of heavy engineering in the Ural region and in Russia as a whole. It has 50 major heavy engineering enterprises that account for over 40% of Import structure in 2010 the city's production. Goods manufactured in Ekaterinburg are shipped to over 100 countries around the world. Equipment, machinery and vehicles, tools and instruments, and automation facilities and systems designed and manufactured in Ekaterinburg are used widely by leading metallurgical, mining, chemical, and machine-building plants, as well as in such sectors as power generation, oil and gas, housing and public utilities, food processing, consumer goods, and water and land transport. In addition to military orders, the city's defence industry produces high-quality goods for the public health sector, agriculture, housing and public utilities infrastructure, the n 43,2% Machine-Building n 22,5% Metallurgical Production and Production of Metal Ware n 3,1% Other Production Facilities n 4,2% Production of Miscellaneous Non-Metallic Mineral Commodities n 0,6% Cellulose and Paper Production, Publishing and Printing Business n 13,1% Food Production n 7,3% Chemical Production (Including Pharmaceuticals n 5,2% Production of Rubber and Plastic Goods n 0,8% Light Industry 22 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 24. Technoparks and industrial parks Ekaterinburg's development strategy is focused on Innovation Centre and to generate RUR 240 million in creating a favourable infrastructure and organisational earnings by 2018. conditions within the city to stimulate innovative processes as a critical driver for ensuring sustainable economic The Priborostroyeniye Technology Park was created development and improved public welfare. as part of the Semikhatov Automation Research and Manufacturing Association. The Akademicheskiy Centre The city is aggressively creating an infrastructure for for Innovation and Technology (a part of the Ural division innovation-driven businesses (technoparks, industrial of the Russian Academy of Sciences) continues its efforts parks and innovative technology centres). to promote innovative products manufactured by research institutes and small businesses. Its innovation-driven An IT cluster was created in 2010, which includes initiatives encompass such areas as metallurgy, industrial equipment manufacturers, such as ASK, IskraUralTel and waste recycling and beneficiation, instrument engineering, Data-Center. In early 2011, a project to build an IT park in construction materials and new types of equipment. Ekaterinburg was presented. To date, over RUR 1.2 billion of investment financing has been raised for the project, The Tekhnomet Technology Park has been created to which is expected to become a branch of the Skolkovo focus energy conservation technologies in metallurgy and machine-building. Construction has started at a 1.7-hectare site provided by the City Administration on the Averon Technology Park, which will produce electronic medical equipment and automation equipment. 24 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 25. Construction The strong growth in Ekaterinburg's economy is best reflected in the city's “building boom”. In 2010, Ekaterinburg's large and medium-sized construction companies carried out building contracts worth a total of RUR 22,7 bln.. Ekaterinburg is currently the site of the largest building project in Russia and Europe: construction of the Akademicheskiy housing estate, which will provide over nine million square metres of new housing. In twenty years, over 325,000 people, or about one-fourth of Ekaterinburg's current population, will be able to live there. The first apartment units are already occupied and the estate features a newly built secondary school, the city’s largest, which will accommodate 1,000 students from September 2011. New residential and commercial construction 1200 1026,8 1000 955,02 964,5 899,53 859,1 816,53 800 735,3 658 600 495,5 502 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PwC | Ekaterinburg | 25
  • 26. Urban infrastructure Hotels and restaurants The city's hotel infrastructure consists of fully refurbished and newly constructed facilities. To date, Ekaterinburg has 56 hotels, of which 44 were built in the past five years, including such cutting-edge, world-class hotel facilities as the Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg, the Angelo Airporthotel Ekaterinburg, the RAMADA Ekaterinburg, the Park Inn Ekaterinburg and the Accor Novotel. Ekaterinburg has an extensive food service and restaurant sector with 1,563 restaurants that can serve up 120,500 diners. With a sales volume of RUR 15.4 billion in 2010, the city’s dining establishments offer a wide selection of international cuisine, including Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Cuban, Serbian and Czech, among others. 26 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 28. Transport In recent years, the growth of the city's economy has Two new subway stations - Chkalovskaya and stimulated a rapid increase in the number of motor Botanicheskaya - will be opened by the end of 2011. This vehicles, which not only requires ongoing maintenance and will complete construction on the first subway line, which repair of the city’s road network but also resolving major is 13.5 kilometres long and has nine stations. Construction transportation issues facing the city, primarily through of the second line to link the city's west and east sides is building new roads and rebuilding existing ones as well as scheduled for 2012. building new transport facilities. Ekaterinburg's municipal public transportation system features most types of surface transport (tram, trolleybus, bus, minibus taxi and regular taxi, and suburban electric train) as well as an underground subway system. Public transport routes serve all city districts. The municipal transport fleet is upgraded every year for an average of new 75 units annually. 28 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 29. Transport potential The construction of several state-of-the-art logistics hubs Koltsovo Airport is an international air-transport represents a quantum leap in the development of the city's hub that meets all international standards. The transportation infrastructure. In the near future, the city airport can handle a large volume of passengers will be in a position to handle up to one-fourth of Russia's (up to eight million passengers annually) and cargo total cargo traffic. To date, annual freight traffic amounts traffic of 79 400 tonnes. It has a modern terminal to 3,464,000 tonnes. serving international and domestic airlines. To The city's strong transport potential is driven by its unique increase passenger flow, an express train was put geographic location, proximity to national and regional into service between Koltsovo Airport and the main highways, a major railway hub, and an airport that ranks railway station. From downtown Ekaterinburg, you fifth in Russia in terms of passenger traffic. can reach the airport in 20 minutes. PwC | Ekaterinburg | 29
  • 30. Foreign trade relations Ekaterinburg maintains strong trade relations with 129 As of the end of 2010, Ekaterinburg had 320 registered countries around the world. The city’s enterprises do foreign businesses. On average, 20 foreign businesses are business with partners from the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, launched in the city annually. Germany, the United States, China, Italy, India, Ukraine, South Korea and Belarus. Over 100 business missions visit Ekaterinburg has 12 partner cities in 7 countries: the city annually. Guangzhou (sister city) in China; Genoa, Turin and San Remo in Italy; Plzen in the Czech Republic; Inchon (sister Ekaterinburg currently has 20 foreign consulates, city), Seongnam and Pohang in South Korea; Minsk and including: Mogilev in Belarus; Plovdiv in Bulgaria; and Annaba in Algeria. 11 consulates-general: the United States, the United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, the Czech Republic, Germany, the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, France, Hungary, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan; 8 honorary consulates: Austria, Hungary, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Korea, Mongolia, Republic of Seychelles, Italy and Luxembourg; and an office of the Embassy of Belarus. In addition, the city hosts: 2 trade missions: the Netherlands (unaccredited) and Ukraine; as well as several official representative offices without diplomatic status, including Czech Trade, an agency for supporting Czech business; a correspondent station of ICE, Italy's Foreign Trade Institute; NBSO, a centre for supporting Dutch business; a contact bureau of Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) in Russia; and the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce. 30 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 32. Investment potential In 2010, large and medium-sized businesses of all types Cartier, etc. In the past five years, the auto market has also made capital investments totalling RUR 62.2 billion aimed seen considerable transformations with several dozen new at developing the city’s economy and social services. showrooms opening up, offering, among other things, such luxury makes as Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche and others. Major investment projects include the construction of the Ekaterinburg City urban business district and the Akademicheskiy housing estate. Ekaterinburg is becoming more appealing for Russian and foreign investors. International retail chains (Metro, Auchan, IKEA) and hotel chains (Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg, Park Inn Ekaterinburg, Angelo Airporthotel Ekaterinburg, RAMADA Ekaterinburg, Accor Novotel) came to Ekaterinburg right Moscow and St Petersburg and are now successfully operating in the city. Among the city’s retail outlets are stores of Europe's leading fashion labels, such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, 32 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 34. Major investment areas include: Tax system In the Russian Federation, investment and business activity • technical upgrade of industrial enterprises; must comply with the current tax regime. • establishment of joint ventures for The Russian Tax Code establishes the system of taxes and manufacturing competitive and innovative fees and general principles governing taxation and fees in products; the Russian Federation. Main taxes and fees include: • creation of dedicated centres rendering general industrial services (casting, galvanics, etc.); • Income tax – 20%. • VAT –10% or 18% (based on the type of • upgrade and refurbishment of boiler rooms, goods) heating networks and heating lines; • Property tax – 2.2% • upgrade and refurbishment of sewage disposal plants, sewerage systems and pumping stations; • Transport tax - from 15.7% (based on engine horsepower) • recycling of domestic waste; construction of sorting plants; recycling of glass, paper, rubber • Personal income tax – 9%, 13%, 15% or and sludge; - recycling of medical waste, 30% (based on the type of income) household appliances waste and wood; • Insurance premiums - 34% (charged to • cleaning of storm water drains; the labour compensation fund, based on annual earnings) • upgrade of lift facilities; • major repairs of apartment blocks; • energy conservation for housing and public utilities infrastructure; • upgrade of vehicles used for intra-city transportation; and • construction and refurbishment of roads, construction of road junctions; subway. 34 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 36. Conclusion The Ural region, centred around the city of Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg into an air transport centre. is a cornerstone of Russia which forms the heart of the country’s industrial base. Ekaterinburg is the leader among It is also important that Ekaterinburg has been included in Russian cities with million-plus population in terms of the Great Cities of the Future rating. This study, conducted investment appeal and the sustainability of positive social by the English-language edition of Forbes magazine, and economic development trends, as well as the level was based on the top ten positions in the Worldwide of development of its retail and service sectors, and the Emerging Markets Index, as calculated by MasterCard maturity of its consumer market. after researching the 85 most promising cities that drive development in the world's 30 leading markets. In the A significant part of Ekaterinburg's investment appeal MasterCard index, Ekaterinburg ranks 59th, with Moscow is based on the fact that it is home to many foreign (14th) and St Petersburg (41st) the only other Russian consulates, as well as the central office of the Ural Customs cities to outrank the Ural capital. Administration. Another attractive feature is Koltsovo International Airport, Russia's largest regional transport and logistics hub, which has been fully refurbished to turn 36 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 37. The rating took into account eight primary criteria: • overall economic and business environment; This is why a number of major Russian and foreign • economic growth rate; investors, after assessing Ekaterinburg's investment potential, are successfully doing business in the city in such • conditions for doing business; diverse sectors as construction, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemicals, construction materials, textiles and • standard of financial services provided; food processing, and agriculture. • business compatibility with other markets; The Ekaterinburg City Administration and the city’s leadership are ready for an open dialogue and are doing • people's educational level and IT infrastructure their utmost to ensure that our business partners grow and development standard; prosper together with the city, and that Ekaterinburg offers • overall quality of life; and a favourable environment for your business operations. We are ready to help you realise your investment plans. • overall safety level and number of potential risks. Welcome to Ekaterinburg! PwC | Ekaterinburg | 37
  • 38. Contacts Ekaterinburg City Administration PwC Russia - Ekaterinburg 24A Lenin Ave., Ekaterinburg, 620014 7A Gorkiy St., Ekaterinburg, 620075 Tel.: +7 (343) 355 2990 Tel.: +7 (343) 253 1433 Fax: +7 (343) 355 2992 Fax: +7 (343) 253 1430 26 www.екатеринбург.рф E-mail: Committee for External Relations Maxim Matsiborko Svetlana A. Garipova Managing Partner Committee Chair E-mail: Tel.: +7 (343) 354 5567 Ekaterinburg Congress Bureau Tel.: +7 (343) 371 79 27 Fax: +7 (343) 371 79 26 E-mail: Ekaterinburg Information and Tourist Service 21 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620014 Tel.: (343) 376-43-61 38 | Guide to investment | PwC
  • 39. 2 | Guide to investment | PwC
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