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Security = Protecting Assets’ CIA
• Confidentiality = Keeping the Asset from those who should not have access to it
• Integrity = Protecting the Asset from damage or destruction
• Availability = Ensuring that the Asset can be accessed by those who should get to it
Asset Examples:
• Data: Customer Lists, Client PII (Personally Identifiable Information), Financial records
• Systems: Web site, Order processing system, Financial system
• Secrets: Proprietary methods or processes, Formulas
• Capabilities: People, processes, tools, data
Threat Examples:
• Hackers, Corporate espionage, System failures, Disgruntled employees, Ex-employees
Vulnerability Examples:
• Threat: Hackers: Firewalls misconfigured, Software defects, Inadequate monitoring
• Threat: Corporate Espionage: Firewalls misconfigured, Software defects, Doors not locked
• Threat: System failures: Inadequate monitoring, Lack of redundancy or back-ups
• Threat: Disgruntled employees: Lack of access control, Inadequate monitoring
• Threat: Ex-employees: Doors not locked, Credentials not revoked, Lack of access control
Exploit Example:
• A hacker using SQL Injection inserts code into your system that exports Credit Card
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information from your database so he/she can sell it.
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Risk Management is a well-defined discipline. “Risk” is defined as a potential (but not certain) future
event that would have a material impact if it occurs.
Security Risk Analysis is merely Risk Management applied to Security Risks – Risks to the Confidentiality,
Integrity or Availability of Assets.
• Identifying and analyzing Assets allows us to understand the potential business impacts if those
assets are violated.
• Identifying and evaluating Threats allows us to identify the potential future events that could
threaten the Assets.
• Identifying and understanding Vulnerabilities allows us to forecast the probability that we will
actually experience those Threats.
The purpose of Risk Management is to identify mitigations (Actions that can be taken before the Risk is
realized that will reduce or eliminate it).
Mitigations for Security Risks focus on reducing or eliminating Vulnerabilities.
Security Testing focuses on finding Vulnerabilities so they can be mitigated.
Page 3
“Defense In Depth” refers to the necessity of a multi-pronged approach to security. Network security
and operational policies are necessary, but not sufficient in and of themselves. The defenses that are
needed against the Security Threats we face must address all of the ways in which we are vulnerable to
attack. On this page, we list several of the layers that are necessary in a Defense In Depth strategy.
This session focuses on one of those layers: Ensuring that the software we create is as free of security
vulnerabilities as we can possibly make it. Security vulnerabilities in software are always a side-effect of
certain kinds of defects that are injected during the development process. No software can ever be
guaranteed to be free of defects, so the concept of Defense In Depth is applied within software
development by addressing every part of the software development life cycle.
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Even Security Testing must be done “in depth”
Each of the 5 layers of security testing is likely to find different types of Vulnerabilities. The lack
of any of the Layers could allow some Security Risks to remain.
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8 Design Principles, proposed by Saltzer in 1974 and still apply today.
1. Economy of mechanism. Complexity leads to errors, defects and Vulnerabilities.
2. Fail-safe defaults. Base access decisions on permission rather than exclusion.
3. Complete mediation. Every access to every object must be checked for authority.
4. Open design. Secret designs will be reviewed only by hackers.
5. Separation of privilege. e.g. Require two keys to unlock a capability.
6. Least privilege. Every program and every user has only necessary privileges.
7. Least common mechanism. Minimize mechanisms common to multiple users.
8. Psychological acceptability (Usability). So users routinely do the secure thing.
Secure Wrappers intercept calls to a flawed component and ensures that the known
Vulnerabilities can not be exploited by validating inputs and system conditions.
Input Validation Principles
1. All input sources must be identified. Not just the User interface.
2. Specify and validate data. Data must be validated against detailed specifications.
3. The specifications must address limits, minimum and maximum values, minimum and
maximum lengths, valid content, initialization and re-initialization requirements, and
encryption requirements for storage and transmission.
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4. Ensure that all input meets specification as soon as possible
Continued on the next page…
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Security Requirement Types:
• User Authentication requirements specify the strength (vs. ease of use) of authentication. e.g.
• All users shall be authenticated using a method not less rigorous than {example type}.
• {Function} shall require the user to re-authenticate and provide a session-specific pass key.
• Access Control requirements define different levels of access allowed by type of user. e.g.
• Read-only access to the {ABC} function shall be available to users in Classes B & C only.
• Update access to the {ABC} function shall be available to users in Classes D & E only.
• {XYZ} shall be initiated by users in Classes C or E only, and confirmed by a different user in
Class E only.
• Data Confidentiality requirements specify any data that shall receive special protection. e.g.
• Credit Card numbers, security codes and expiration dates shall not be stored in any form.
• {XYZ transaction} data shall be protected from interception while it is being transmitted to
{ABC System} using a method not less rigorous than 128-bit encryption.
• Data Integrity requirements specify system actions to protect against data corruption. e.g.
• Data received from {ABC} shall be checked for corruption (e.g. by a Check-sum)
• All updates and deletions of data shall be reversible by the system administrator.
• Input Validation requirements specify how inputs from untrusted sources shall be handled. e.g.
• User search inputs shall be checked for embedded SQL and not processed if any is found.
• Data received from {ABC system} shall be validated as follows …
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• Monitoring and Logging requirements specify mechanisms by which the system
itself or system administrators shall be able to identify nefarious activity. e.g.
• The system shall log all login attempts (successful or not) in the event log.
• The system shall raise a security incident when the event log size changes
Risk-Based System Security Testing: See the prior page.
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Fuzz Testing (also called “fuzzing”) is automated negative testing of interfaces. Any interface
between a system and its environment is a potential attack vector, so all of the system’s
interfaces should be subjected to fuzzing. This includes the User Interface, files, network
connections, configuration settings (e.g. the Windows registry), etc.
White-box fuzzing uses inputs that are designed to stress the interfaces based upon their
specifications and designs. Developers are well-advised to include white-box fuzzing in their
automated testing plans to test the resiliency of their interfaces against unexpected inputs.
Black-box fuzzing is the most common form of Fuzz Testing – throwing random inputs at the
system to see how it handles them. Although Black-Box Fuzzing can be done with most
automated testing tools, there are also special-purpose tools available that are specifically
designed for Fuzzing.
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Use Cases are a widely used way to define system requirements. Each Use Case describes an
interaction between actors and the system, specifying what the system shall do in response to
those specific Actor actions. The key to defining system requirements with Use Cases is to
ensure the completeness of the set of Use Cases; to be sure that all cases have been defined.
Misuse Cases (also known as Abuse Cases) use the same approach to define system security
requirements. A Misuse Case may be about legitimate actor(s) trying to subvert the system, or
it may be about an attack from outside the system. Either way, the system actions in the
Misuse Case defines how the system should respond to prevent or limit the damage done by
the Misuse. As with Use Cases, the key to successfully using Misuse Cases is to ensure that all
threats or potential threats have been accounted for.
Identifying Misuse and Abuse Cases during the Requirements phase can ensure that appropriate
security controls are built into the system.
Each Misuse or Abuse case must be tested to ensure the system is resilient against it.
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It is valuable to analyze the product architecture with reference to each of the six STRIDE
STRIDE is a system developed by Microsoft for thinking about computer security threats. It
provides a mnemonic for security threats in six categories:
• Spoofing – An attacker pretending to be a person or system that should legitimately interact
with the system being attacked.
• Tampering – Altering a system or its data in order to gain control or advantage.
• Repudiation – Presenting altered or false information as being legitimate.
• Information Disclosure – Publishing or taking confidential information.
• Denial of Service – Preventing a system from providing its intended service (usually by over-
consuming a resource).
• Elevation of Privilege – Gaining the ability to access data or system resources that should be
available only to more privileged users.
Any identified threat should be addressed in system design and development.
Testing must confirm that the threat has been mitigated.
Page 11
Coding Standards ensure code quality
• Customized to the organization & Unique to each Language and Runtime Environment
• Accessible and Usable (e.g. checklists), Trained, and Updated as Needed
Common Coding Errors – some examples of good sources
• 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them (Michael
Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is
dedicated to describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it.
• Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling
organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be
• Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley) lists 8
“Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down for a total of 86 “Phyla”.
Code Scanning – There are many good static code analysis tools available. Choose one that
works well in your development environment with your programming languages, and has these
additional attributes:
• Is up-to-date (and will be kept up-to-date) on security vulnerabilities
• Allows you to customize the analysis with your own rules. This will allow you to add checks
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for your organization-specific coding standards and any new security threats the
tool vendor has not yet addressed.
Peer Reviews – Static Analyzers cannot catch all of the issues in code. For issues that
require human analysis, the most effective approach is Peer Review guided by a
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Common Coding Errors – Although these lists are primarily aimed at helping developers to
avoid making common mistakes, many of the items on the list can be tested for by system
testers, and should be as a backstop to the work the developers are doing.
• In the book 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
(Michael Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is
dedicated to describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it in each of the
programming languages that is susceptible to it.
• Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling
organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be
• The book Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley)
lists these 8 “Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down into many
“Phyla”, for a total of 86 Phyla.
Page 13
Penetration Testing is testing that simulates actual attacks, just as hackers are likely to attack.
• Many good Penetration Testing tools are available.
• Additional Penetration testing is necessary in addition to the use of tools because:
1. New attacks are being perpetrated almost daily, and no tool will be fully up-to-date.
2. The most critical parts of the system’s Attack Surface should be carefully probed.
Independent Security Review – Necessary in certain organizational contexts, e.g.
Risk appetite is low, Impacts of security incidents could be large,
Regulatory oversight requires it, or Market dynamics demand it
• Expert review of key development artifacts (e.g. Architectural document, Design
specifications, source code, test plans and test results) can reveal shortcomings.
• External Penetration Testing will subject the system to a realistic attack.
These reviews and tests can be expensive, but the benefits (security incidents avoided) can
potentially outweigh the high cost.
Release Readiness Security Review should be part one component of the over-all Release
Readiness Review. As a minimum, it should include reviewing these things.
• Ensure that all security-related activities that were planned for the project have been
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completed and that the outputs they should have produced are available and
complete. e.g.: Security Risk Assessment, Attack Surface Analysis, Static Code
Analysis, Penetration Testing
• Ensure that all security goals have been achieved including:
• All identified Security Risks have been mitigated as planned
• Any security issues have been adequately addressed
• The security impacts of any defects that will be released have been adequately
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Microsoft has been focusing on improving the security of their software since 2010, and have achieved an
order of magnitude improvement in the security of the software they produce. They have made
information about their Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle generally available for others to use.
They also provide tools to support various activities in this lifecycle.
Page 16
The Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) was developed to guide organizations as they build
their ability to develop more secure software. The BSIMM is built around the Software Security
Framework (SSF), which includes the definition of a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL). The
SSDL Touchpoints are a comprehensive set of practices that should be incorporated into a Secure
Software Development Lifecycle.
Page 17
CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) is a division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a
Federally-Funded Research and Development Center that is overseen by the US Department of Defense,
and is located at, and managed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh.
Cybersecurity Engineering:
Secure Coding:
Page 18
In the book 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them (Michael
Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is dedicated to
describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it in each of the programming languages that is
susceptible to it.
1. Buffer Overflows – Writing more characters than allocated memory can hold
2. Format String Problems – Allowing user input to hijack formatted output functions
3. Integer Overflows – e.g. multiplication resulting in a number that is too long
4. SQL Injection – Allowing user input to corrupt SQL commands
5. Command Injection – Allowing user input to be executed as commands
6. Failing to Handle Errors – Assuming functions never fail
7. Cross-site Scripting – Allowing user input to be executed as Client-side scripts
8. Failing to Protect Network Traffic – e.g. transmitting sensitive data in the clear
9. Use of Magic URLs & Hidden Form Fields – Which are available to hackers to do as they wish
10. Improper Use of SSL and TLS – Implementing them in insecure ways
11. Use of Weak Password-Based Systems – Allowing insufficient password protection
12. Failing to Store & Protect Data Securely – e.g. Not encrypting data at rest
13. Information Leakage – Protected (e.g. encrypted) data that can be partially disclosed
14. Improper File Access – Failing to protect against unauthorized file reads and writes
15. Trusting Network Name Resolution – Assuming a website is what it claims to be
16. Race Conditions – Concurrent access/update of one object by multiple threads
17. Unauthenticated Key Exchange – Improper authentication before exchanging encryption keys
18. Cryptographically Strong Random Numbers – Improper use of Random numbers
19. Poor Usability – Causing users to avoid security or do it improperly
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Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling
organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted.
1. Injection – Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent
to an interpreter as part of a command or query.
2. Broken Authentication & Session Management – Application functions related to authentication and
session management are often not implemented correctly.
3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – XSS flaws occur whenever an application takes untrusted data and
sends it to a web browser without proper validation or escaping.
4. Insecure Direct Object References – A direct object reference occurs when a developer exposes a
reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file, directory, or database key.
5. Security Misconfiguration – Good security requires having a secure configuration defined and
deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server, and
platform. Secure settings should be defined, implemented, and maintained, as defaults are often
insecure. Additionally, software should be kept up to date.
6. Sensitive Data Exposure – Many web applications do not properly protect sensitive data, such as
credit cards, tax IDs, and authentication credentials. Sensitive data deserves extra protection such as
encryption at rest or in transit, as well as special precautions when exchanged with the browser.
7. Missing Function Level Access Control – Most web applications verify function level access rights
before making that functionality visible in the UI. However, applications need to perform the same
access control checks on the server when each function is accessed.
8. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a
forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically included
authentication information, to a vulnerable web application.
9. Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – Components, such as libraries, frameworks, and
other software modules, almost always run with full privileges. Applications using components with
known vulnerabilities may undermine application defenses and enable a range of possible attacks and
10. Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards – Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to
other pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the destination pages.
Page 20
The book Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley) lists these 8
“Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down into “Phyla”, for a total of 86 Phyla.
1. Input Validation & Representation Errors involve dealing with metacharacters, multiple encodings
and special representations, as well as insufficient validation due to trusting input more than the
context calls for. This Kingdom includes 26 Phyla, from Buffer Overflow to XML Validation.
2. API Abuse involves violation of the caller-callee contract – using the API in a way that was not
intended by its creator. This Kingdom includes 11 Phyla, from Dangerous Function to Unchecked
Return Value. In addition, Appendix B of that book lists 37 pages of specific APIs and the ways they
are commonly abused, from access() and TOCTOU Vulnerabilities to the wprintf family of functions
and their susceptibility to format string and buffer overflow issues.
3. Security Features are supposed to enhance the security of our software, but improper use of these
features can make them Vulnerable to attack. This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from Insecure
Randomness to Privacy Violation (e.g. password handling).
4. Time and State errors result when programmers think (and design and code) in a linear way about a
system that will be multi-threaded in operation. This Kingdom includes 7 Phyla, from Deadlock to
Signal Handling Race Conditions.
5. Error Handling problems include not handling them at all, as well as handling them badly or in ways
that violate security. This Kingdom includes 5 Phyla, from Catch NullPointerException to Unchecked
Return Value.
6. Code Quality issues result in unpredictable system behavior, which provides hackers with
opportunities to stress the software in unexpected ways. This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from
Double Free to Use After Free.
7. Encapsulation misuse involves neglecting the boundaries among objects, which can leave Trust
Boundaries unguarded. This Kingdom includes 10 Phyla, from Comparing Classes by Name to Trust
Boundary Violation.
8. Environment This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from ASP .NET Misconfiguration: Creating Debug
Binary to J2EE Misconfiguration: Weak Access Permissions.
Page 21

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The 5 Layers of Security Testing by Alan Koch

  • 2. Security = Protecting Assets’ CIA • Confidentiality = Keeping the Asset from those who should not have access to it • Integrity = Protecting the Asset from damage or destruction • Availability = Ensuring that the Asset can be accessed by those who should get to it Asset Examples: • Data: Customer Lists, Client PII (Personally Identifiable Information), Financial records • Systems: Web site, Order processing system, Financial system • Secrets: Proprietary methods or processes, Formulas • Capabilities: People, processes, tools, data Threat Examples: • Hackers, Corporate espionage, System failures, Disgruntled employees, Ex-employees Vulnerability Examples: • Threat: Hackers: Firewalls misconfigured, Software defects, Inadequate monitoring • Threat: Corporate Espionage: Firewalls misconfigured, Software defects, Doors not locked • Threat: System failures: Inadequate monitoring, Lack of redundancy or back-ups • Threat: Disgruntled employees: Lack of access control, Inadequate monitoring • Threat: Ex-employees: Doors not locked, Credentials not revoked, Lack of access control Exploit Example: • A hacker using SQL Injection inserts code into your system that exports Credit Card Page 2
  • 3. information from your database so he/she can sell it. Page 2
  • 4. Risk Management is a well-defined discipline. “Risk” is defined as a potential (but not certain) future event that would have a material impact if it occurs. Security Risk Analysis is merely Risk Management applied to Security Risks – Risks to the Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability of Assets. • Identifying and analyzing Assets allows us to understand the potential business impacts if those assets are violated. • Identifying and evaluating Threats allows us to identify the potential future events that could threaten the Assets. • Identifying and understanding Vulnerabilities allows us to forecast the probability that we will actually experience those Threats. The purpose of Risk Management is to identify mitigations (Actions that can be taken before the Risk is realized that will reduce or eliminate it). Mitigations for Security Risks focus on reducing or eliminating Vulnerabilities. Security Testing focuses on finding Vulnerabilities so they can be mitigated. Page 3
  • 5. “Defense In Depth” refers to the necessity of a multi-pronged approach to security. Network security and operational policies are necessary, but not sufficient in and of themselves. The defenses that are needed against the Security Threats we face must address all of the ways in which we are vulnerable to attack. On this page, we list several of the layers that are necessary in a Defense In Depth strategy. This session focuses on one of those layers: Ensuring that the software we create is as free of security vulnerabilities as we can possibly make it. Security vulnerabilities in software are always a side-effect of certain kinds of defects that are injected during the development process. No software can ever be guaranteed to be free of defects, so the concept of Defense In Depth is applied within software development by addressing every part of the software development life cycle. Page 4
  • 6. Even Security Testing must be done “in depth” Each of the 5 layers of security testing is likely to find different types of Vulnerabilities. The lack of any of the Layers could allow some Security Risks to remain. Page 5
  • 7. 8 Design Principles, proposed by Saltzer in 1974 and still apply today. 1. Economy of mechanism. Complexity leads to errors, defects and Vulnerabilities. 2. Fail-safe defaults. Base access decisions on permission rather than exclusion. 3. Complete mediation. Every access to every object must be checked for authority. 4. Open design. Secret designs will be reviewed only by hackers. 5. Separation of privilege. e.g. Require two keys to unlock a capability. 6. Least privilege. Every program and every user has only necessary privileges. 7. Least common mechanism. Minimize mechanisms common to multiple users. 8. Psychological acceptability (Usability). So users routinely do the secure thing. Secure Wrappers intercept calls to a flawed component and ensures that the known Vulnerabilities can not be exploited by validating inputs and system conditions. Input Validation Principles 1. All input sources must be identified. Not just the User interface. 2. Specify and validate data. Data must be validated against detailed specifications. 3. The specifications must address limits, minimum and maximum values, minimum and maximum lengths, valid content, initialization and re-initialization requirements, and encryption requirements for storage and transmission. Page 6
  • 8. 4. Ensure that all input meets specification as soon as possible Continued on the next page… Page 6
  • 9. Security Requirement Types: • User Authentication requirements specify the strength (vs. ease of use) of authentication. e.g. • All users shall be authenticated using a method not less rigorous than {example type}. • {Function} shall require the user to re-authenticate and provide a session-specific pass key. • Access Control requirements define different levels of access allowed by type of user. e.g. • Read-only access to the {ABC} function shall be available to users in Classes B & C only. • Update access to the {ABC} function shall be available to users in Classes D & E only. • {XYZ} shall be initiated by users in Classes C or E only, and confirmed by a different user in Class E only. • Data Confidentiality requirements specify any data that shall receive special protection. e.g. • Credit Card numbers, security codes and expiration dates shall not be stored in any form. • {XYZ transaction} data shall be protected from interception while it is being transmitted to {ABC System} using a method not less rigorous than 128-bit encryption. • Data Integrity requirements specify system actions to protect against data corruption. e.g. • Data received from {ABC} shall be checked for corruption (e.g. by a Check-sum) • All updates and deletions of data shall be reversible by the system administrator. • Input Validation requirements specify how inputs from untrusted sources shall be handled. e.g. • User search inputs shall be checked for embedded SQL and not processed if any is found. • Data received from {ABC system} shall be validated as follows … Page 8
  • 10. • Monitoring and Logging requirements specify mechanisms by which the system itself or system administrators shall be able to identify nefarious activity. e.g. • The system shall log all login attempts (successful or not) in the event log. • The system shall raise a security incident when the event log size changes unexpectedly. Risk-Based System Security Testing: See the prior page. Page 8
  • 11. Fuzz Testing (also called “fuzzing”) is automated negative testing of interfaces. Any interface between a system and its environment is a potential attack vector, so all of the system’s interfaces should be subjected to fuzzing. This includes the User Interface, files, network connections, configuration settings (e.g. the Windows registry), etc. White-box fuzzing uses inputs that are designed to stress the interfaces based upon their specifications and designs. Developers are well-advised to include white-box fuzzing in their automated testing plans to test the resiliency of their interfaces against unexpected inputs. Black-box fuzzing is the most common form of Fuzz Testing – throwing random inputs at the system to see how it handles them. Although Black-Box Fuzzing can be done with most automated testing tools, there are also special-purpose tools available that are specifically designed for Fuzzing. Page 9
  • 12. Use Cases are a widely used way to define system requirements. Each Use Case describes an interaction between actors and the system, specifying what the system shall do in response to those specific Actor actions. The key to defining system requirements with Use Cases is to ensure the completeness of the set of Use Cases; to be sure that all cases have been defined. Misuse Cases (also known as Abuse Cases) use the same approach to define system security requirements. A Misuse Case may be about legitimate actor(s) trying to subvert the system, or it may be about an attack from outside the system. Either way, the system actions in the Misuse Case defines how the system should respond to prevent or limit the damage done by the Misuse. As with Use Cases, the key to successfully using Misuse Cases is to ensure that all threats or potential threats have been accounted for. Identifying Misuse and Abuse Cases during the Requirements phase can ensure that appropriate security controls are built into the system. Each Misuse or Abuse case must be tested to ensure the system is resilient against it. Page 10
  • 13. It is valuable to analyze the product architecture with reference to each of the six STRIDE Threats. STRIDE is a system developed by Microsoft for thinking about computer security threats. It provides a mnemonic for security threats in six categories: • Spoofing – An attacker pretending to be a person or system that should legitimately interact with the system being attacked. • Tampering – Altering a system or its data in order to gain control or advantage. • Repudiation – Presenting altered or false information as being legitimate. • Information Disclosure – Publishing or taking confidential information. • Denial of Service – Preventing a system from providing its intended service (usually by over- consuming a resource). • Elevation of Privilege – Gaining the ability to access data or system resources that should be available only to more privileged users. Any identified threat should be addressed in system design and development. Testing must confirm that the threat has been mitigated. Page 11
  • 14. Coding Standards ensure code quality • Customized to the organization & Unique to each Language and Runtime Environment • Accessible and Usable (e.g. checklists), Trained, and Updated as Needed Common Coding Errors – some examples of good sources • 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them (Michael Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is dedicated to describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it. • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted. • Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley) lists 8 “Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down for a total of 86 “Phyla”. Code Scanning – There are many good static code analysis tools available. Choose one that works well in your development environment with your programming languages, and has these additional attributes: • Is up-to-date (and will be kept up-to-date) on security vulnerabilities • Allows you to customize the analysis with your own rules. This will allow you to add checks Page 12
  • 15. for your organization-specific coding standards and any new security threats the tool vendor has not yet addressed. Peer Reviews – Static Analyzers cannot catch all of the issues in code. For issues that require human analysis, the most effective approach is Peer Review guided by a Checklist. Page 12
  • 16. Common Coding Errors – Although these lists are primarily aimed at helping developers to avoid making common mistakes, many of the items on the list can be tested for by system testers, and should be as a backstop to the work the developers are doing. • In the book 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them (Michael Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is dedicated to describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it in each of the programming languages that is susceptible to it. • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted. • The book Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley) lists these 8 “Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down into many “Phyla”, for a total of 86 Phyla. Page 13
  • 17. Penetration Testing is testing that simulates actual attacks, just as hackers are likely to attack. • Many good Penetration Testing tools are available. • Additional Penetration testing is necessary in addition to the use of tools because: 1. New attacks are being perpetrated almost daily, and no tool will be fully up-to-date. 2. The most critical parts of the system’s Attack Surface should be carefully probed. Independent Security Review – Necessary in certain organizational contexts, e.g. Risk appetite is low, Impacts of security incidents could be large, Regulatory oversight requires it, or Market dynamics demand it • Expert review of key development artifacts (e.g. Architectural document, Design specifications, source code, test plans and test results) can reveal shortcomings. • External Penetration Testing will subject the system to a realistic attack. These reviews and tests can be expensive, but the benefits (security incidents avoided) can potentially outweigh the high cost. Release Readiness Security Review should be part one component of the over-all Release Readiness Review. As a minimum, it should include reviewing these things. • Ensure that all security-related activities that were planned for the project have been Page 14
  • 18. completed and that the outputs they should have produced are available and complete. e.g.: Security Risk Assessment, Attack Surface Analysis, Static Code Analysis, Penetration Testing • Ensure that all security goals have been achieved including: • All identified Security Risks have been mitigated as planned • Any security issues have been adequately addressed • The security impacts of any defects that will be released have been adequately addressed Page 14
  • 20. Microsoft has been focusing on improving the security of their software since 2010, and have achieved an order of magnitude improvement in the security of the software they produce. They have made information about their Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle generally available for others to use. They also provide tools to support various activities in this lifecycle. Page 16
  • 21. The Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) was developed to guide organizations as they build their ability to develop more secure software. The BSIMM is built around the Software Security Framework (SSF), which includes the definition of a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL). The SSDL Touchpoints are a comprehensive set of practices that should be incorporated into a Secure Software Development Lifecycle. Page 17
  • 22. CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) is a division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a Federally-Funded Research and Development Center that is overseen by the US Department of Defense, and is located at, and managed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh. Cybersecurity Engineering: Secure Coding: Page 18
  • 23. In the book 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them (Michael Howard, David LeBlanc & John Viega ©2005, McGraw-Hill/Osborne), each chapter is dedicated to describing one of the 19 Deadly Sins and how to prevent it in each of the programming languages that is susceptible to it. 1. Buffer Overflows – Writing more characters than allocated memory can hold 2. Format String Problems – Allowing user input to hijack formatted output functions 3. Integer Overflows – e.g. multiplication resulting in a number that is too long 4. SQL Injection – Allowing user input to corrupt SQL commands 5. Command Injection – Allowing user input to be executed as commands 6. Failing to Handle Errors – Assuming functions never fail 7. Cross-site Scripting – Allowing user input to be executed as Client-side scripts 8. Failing to Protect Network Traffic – e.g. transmitting sensitive data in the clear 9. Use of Magic URLs & Hidden Form Fields – Which are available to hackers to do as they wish 10. Improper Use of SSL and TLS – Implementing them in insecure ways 11. Use of Weak Password-Based Systems – Allowing insufficient password protection 12. Failing to Store & Protect Data Securely – e.g. Not encrypting data at rest 13. Information Leakage – Protected (e.g. encrypted) data that can be partially disclosed 14. Improper File Access – Failing to protect against unauthorized file reads and writes 15. Trusting Network Name Resolution – Assuming a website is what it claims to be 16. Race Conditions – Concurrent access/update of one object by multiple threads 17. Unauthenticated Key Exchange – Improper authentication before exchanging encryption keys 18. Cryptographically Strong Random Numbers – Improper use of Random numbers 19. Poor Usability – Causing users to avoid security or do it improperly Page 19
  • 24. Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted. 1. Injection – Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. 2. Broken Authentication & Session Management – Application functions related to authentication and session management are often not implemented correctly. 3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – XSS flaws occur whenever an application takes untrusted data and sends it to a web browser without proper validation or escaping. 4. Insecure Direct Object References – A direct object reference occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file, directory, or database key. 5. Security Misconfiguration – Good security requires having a secure configuration defined and deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server, and platform. Secure settings should be defined, implemented, and maintained, as defaults are often insecure. Additionally, software should be kept up to date. 6. Sensitive Data Exposure – Many web applications do not properly protect sensitive data, such as credit cards, tax IDs, and authentication credentials. Sensitive data deserves extra protection such as encryption at rest or in transit, as well as special precautions when exchanged with the browser. 7. Missing Function Level Access Control – Most web applications verify function level access rights before making that functionality visible in the UI. However, applications need to perform the same access control checks on the server when each function is accessed. 8. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically included authentication information, to a vulnerable web application. 9. Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – Components, such as libraries, frameworks, and other software modules, almost always run with full privileges. Applications using components with known vulnerabilities may undermine application defenses and enable a range of possible attacks and impacts. 10. Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards – Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to other pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the destination pages. Page 20
  • 25. The book Software Security: Building Security In (Gary McGraw, ©2006 Addison Wesley) lists these 8 “Kingdoms” of coding errors, each of which is further broken down into “Phyla”, for a total of 86 Phyla. 1. Input Validation & Representation Errors involve dealing with metacharacters, multiple encodings and special representations, as well as insufficient validation due to trusting input more than the context calls for. This Kingdom includes 26 Phyla, from Buffer Overflow to XML Validation. 2. API Abuse involves violation of the caller-callee contract – using the API in a way that was not intended by its creator. This Kingdom includes 11 Phyla, from Dangerous Function to Unchecked Return Value. In addition, Appendix B of that book lists 37 pages of specific APIs and the ways they are commonly abused, from access() and TOCTOU Vulnerabilities to the wprintf family of functions and their susceptibility to format string and buffer overflow issues. 3. Security Features are supposed to enhance the security of our software, but improper use of these features can make them Vulnerable to attack. This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from Insecure Randomness to Privacy Violation (e.g. password handling). 4. Time and State errors result when programmers think (and design and code) in a linear way about a system that will be multi-threaded in operation. This Kingdom includes 7 Phyla, from Deadlock to Signal Handling Race Conditions. 5. Error Handling problems include not handling them at all, as well as handling them badly or in ways that violate security. This Kingdom includes 5 Phyla, from Catch NullPointerException to Unchecked Return Value. 6. Code Quality issues result in unpredictable system behavior, which provides hackers with opportunities to stress the software in unexpected ways. This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from Double Free to Use After Free. 7. Encapsulation misuse involves neglecting the boundaries among objects, which can leave Trust Boundaries unguarded. This Kingdom includes 10 Phyla, from Comparing Classes by Name to Trust Boundary Violation. 8. Environment This Kingdom includes 9 Phyla, from ASP .NET Misconfiguration: Creating Debug Binary to J2EE Misconfiguration: Weak Access Permissions. Page 21