palestine higher education middle east socent social media pcrf baraka ventures uae rama chakaki social entrepreneurship dubai education good news welfare association arab women mena bir zeit university social publishing syria communications women anera training mentoring barakabits lebanon workshop ngo arab arab youth training social impact crowdfunding branding intelligent optimism heroes entrepreneurship nyu palestine children's relief fund medical charity gaza youth mentorship media conflict people culture history communication strategy egypt jordan nyuad children iraq arab world united arab emirates technology storytelling volunteer youth development empower zeedna 2010 tawasul sheikh hamdan bidayat saudi syrian revival siba edseed investment freelance afkar plus coe birzeit university sales strategy learn4life company profiles media training public speaking stuart matthews brand bzu marketing social media marketing online education social impact fund alquds university mentor training crowdfunding for education coaching 2013 crowdsourcing youth engagement scholarship ngo development youth employment public private sector collaboration refugee sponsorship sponsorship package sample social business san fransisco women in the media journalism alternative palestine childrens relief fund hackathon arab spring innovation hack uplifting middle east news good middles east good news positivity baraka qatar yemen environmental arab social entrepreneurs social development leaders offendum medical mohamad chakaki zikra initative marine conservation education program content marketing saudi arabia positive outlook tech incubator women in technology social venture optimism pediatric charity triple bottom line sustainable business impact investment amman campaign plan 30th anniversary communcation civil society undp fundraising dubai university arabs khalifa fund meditation sunnah muslim islam ramadan religion and spirituality buksha latham & watkins entrepreneur science abu dhabi computing joi ito scuba diving dubai4acumen shelter gcc #bizacu4good acumen social enterprise vulnerability personal development health life balance relationship memes 3bl associates young arab leaders leadership development bahrain impact insead inspire socialmedia accomplishments baraka fellowship marine conservation ali bin thaleth iman odeh yabroudi khalil arabic csr open diversity wana
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