SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1 of 13
1. dbcon.php
   $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No
   mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");
2. index.php
<div id="container">
   <div id="header">
         <?php include ("header.php"); ?>
   <div id="loaisp">
   <?php include ("loaisp2.php"); ?>
   <div id="content">
      <div id="sdmenu">
         <?php include ("sdmenu/sdmenu.php"); ?>

      <div id="gsp">
               if (!isset($_GET["act"]))
               { include ("gsp.php");}
                            case "loaisp": include ("sanpham.php");
                            case "tim": include ("sanpham2.php");
                            case "chitiet": include ("ctsp.php");
   <div id="footer">
         <?php include ("footer.php"); ?>
3. gsp.php
<scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " src=" j query.mi n.j s" ></ scri pt >

<scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " >
$(docu ment ).read y(f unct i on (){
     $(' # mai n_phi m>di v' ).ea ch(f unct i on (){
         var $i mg=$ (t hi s).chi l dren(). at t r (' src' );
         / / al ert ($i mg)
         var $t i t l e=$(t hi s ).f i nd(' p.nam e' ).t ext ()
         / / al ert ($t i t l e)
         $(t hi s ).f i nd(' di v.i nf o' ).pr epend(' <i mg src=' +$i mg+' / ><p cl ass=" t i tl e" >' +
$t i tl e+' </ p>' )
     $(' # mai n_phi m>di v>i mg' ).ho ver (f unct i on (){
         $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).show ()
     },f unct i on(){
         $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).hi de()
     }).mous emov e(f unct i on (e ){
         var $ i ent X
         var $Y i entY
         $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).css ({' l ef t ' :$X+20,' t op' :$Y })
     }).cl i c k(f unct i on (){
         var $l i nk=$ (t hi s).par ent (). f i nd(' a' ).at t r(' href ' )
         w i ndow .open ($l i nk,' ' )
</ scri pt >

    //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam

     $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link);
     $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so
    dong du lieu truy van
     //ceil lay tron

      if (!isset($_GET["p"]))
      { $p=1;
        $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so

         $query_sanpham="select * from sanpham limit $x, $sodong";
//chep den day

<div id="main_phim">

   <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?>
  <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo
      <div class="info">

      <p>Gia=<?php echo $d["Gia"]; ?></p>
      <p>MaSP=<?php echo $d["MaSP"]; ?></p>
  <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo $d["MaSP"];
?>"> Chitiet </a>

  <?php } ?>

<p align="center">
//can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang
{ if ($i==$p)
   { echo $i."&nbsp;";
 <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a>
//chep den day
4. loaisp2.php
   $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No
   mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");

     $query_chungloaisp="select * from hocsinh";


<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post"
   <select name="truong" id="list">
while($chungloaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_chungloaisp)) { ?>
               <?php if(isset($_POST["loaisp"]) &&
($_POST["loaisp"]=="cl-".$chungloaisp["idCL"])) echo
"selected";?> value="cl-<?php echo $chungloaisp['idCL']; ?>"
class="menu_cap1"><?php echo $chungloaisp['Ten']?> </option>
                    $query_loaisp="select * from loaisp where

   while($loaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_loaisp)) {
                   if(isset($_POST["loaisp"]) &&
($_POST["loaisp"]==$loaisp["idLoai"])) echo "selected";?>
class="menu_cap2" value="<?php echo $loaisp['idLoai'];?
>">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $loaisp['Ten'];
                   ?> </option>
    <?php }?>
    <?php } ?>
<select name="mon" id="mon">
 <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option>
    <?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){?>
<option <?php if(isset($_POST["price_from"]) &&
($_POST["price_from"]== $i*100)) echo "selected";?> value="<?
php echo $i*100;?>"><?php echo ($i*100)." VND"?>
    <?php }?>

 <select name="hk" id="hk">
 <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option>
    <?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){?>
                <option <?php if(isset($_POST["price_to"]) &&
($_POST["price_to"]==$i*100)) echo "selected";?> value="<?php
echo $i*100;?>"><?php echo ($i*100)." VND"?>
    <?php }?>
 <label>Ten hs
 <input value="<?php if(isset($_POST["henhs"])) echo
$_POST["tenhs"]; ?>" type="text" name="tenhs" id="tenhs" />
 <input type="submit" name="button" id="button"
value="Submit" />
4. sanpham2.php

<div id="main_phim">


  //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam

 $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link);
$tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so
dong du lieu truy van
 //ceil lay tron

 if (!isset($_GET["p"]))
 { $p=1;
   $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so

  //chep den day

         if (substr($id,0,2)=="cl")
               $s="select * from sanpham,loaisp
               where sanpham.idLoai=loaisp.idLoai
               and idCL=$idcl and Gia between $price_from and
$price_to and mota like '%$mota%' limit $x, $sodong ";
               $s="select * from sanpham where idLoai=$idloai
and Gia between $price_from and $price_to limit $x, $sodong ";
  <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?>
  <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo
      <div class="info">

     <p>IDLoai= <?php echo $d["idLoai"]; ?></p>
     <p>Gia= <?php echo $d["Gia"]; ?></p>
     <p>Mota= <?php echo $d["Mota"]; ?></p>
 <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo
$d["MaSP"]; ?>"> Chitiet </a>

   <?php }?>

<p align="center">
//can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang
{ if ($i==$p)
   { echo $i."&nbsp;";
 <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a>
//chep den day
5. sanpham.php

<div id="main_phim">

 $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link);
 $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so
dong du lieu truy van
 //ceil lay tron

 if (!isset($_GET["p"]))
 { $p=1;
   $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so

  $query_sanpham="select * from sanpham limit $x, $sodong";
 <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?>
   <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo
      <div class="info">
      <?php echo $d["MaSP"];?><br />
      <?php echo $d["Gia"];?><br />
    <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo
$d["MaSP"]; ?>"> Chitiet </a>

    <?php }?>
<p align="center">
//can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang
{ if ($i==$p)
   { echo $i."&nbsp;";
 <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a>
//chep den day

6. sdmenu.php
  <l i nk rel =" st yl esheet " t ype=" t ext / css" href =" sdmenu.css" / >
  <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " src=" sdmenu.j s" >
           / ***********************************************
           * Sl ashdot Menu scri pt - By Di mX
* Submi t t ed t o Dynami c Dri ve DHT ML code li brary:
ht t p:/ /w w w .dynami cdri
                * Vi si t Dynami c Dri ve at ht t p:// w ww .dynami cdri ve. com/ f or f ul l source
      </ scri pt >
      <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " >
      / / <![C DAT A[
      var myMenu;
      w i ndow .onl oad = funct i on() {
                myMenu = new SDMenu (" my_menu" );
                myMenu.i ni t ();
      // ]] >
      </ scri pt >

  $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No
  mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");

   $query_chungloaisp="select * from chungloaisp";

  <div style="float: left" id="my_menu" class="sdmenu">
while($chungloaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_chungloaisp)) { ?>

           <span><?php echo $chungloaisp['Ten']?></span>
           <?php $idCL=$chungloaisp['idCL'];
              $query_loaisp="select * from loaisp where
              while($loaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_loaisp)) { ?
                 <a href="index.php?act=loaisp&idLoai=<?php
echo $loaisp["idLoai"];?>"><?php echo $loaisp['Ten'];?></a>
           <?php }?>
      <?php } ?>
7. hanghoa.php
<p align="center">Danh Sach Hang Hoa</p>
<table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0"
   <td width="200"><div align="center">ten hang hoa</div></td>
   <td width="100"><div align="center">gia</div></td>
   <td width="100"><div align="center">hinh</div></td>
 require_once("dbcon.php"); //include
 $kq=mysql_query("select * from hanghoa",$link);
 $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so
dong du lieu truy van
 //ceil lay tron

 if (!isset($_GET["p"]))
 { $p=1;
   $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so
 $s="select * from hanghoa limit $x,$sodong";
   <td width="200"> <div align="center"> <?php echo
$dong["Tenhang"];?> </div></td>
   <td width="100"> <div align="center"> <?php echo
$dong["gia"];?> </div></td>
   <td width="100"> <div align="center"> <img width="50"
height="50" src="hinh/<?php echo $dong["hinh"]; ?>"
 <?php } ?>
<p align="center">
{ if ($i==$p)
  { echo $i."&nbsp;";
 <a href="hanghoa.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?

8. hanghoa_nhom.php
<p align="center">Danh Sach Hang Hoa</p>
<table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0"
   <td width="200"><div align="center">ten hang hoa</div></td>
   <td width="100"><div align="center">gia</div></td>
   <td width="100"><div align="center">hinh</div></td>

 if(!isset($_GET["tst"])) {

 $kq=mysql_query("select * from hanghoa where
 if (!isset($_GET["p"]))
 { $p=1;
$s="select * from hanghoa where manhom='$manhom' limit $x,
    <td width="200"><div align="center"><?php echo
$dong["tenhang"]; ?></div></td>
    <td width="100"><div align="center"><?php echo
$dong["gia"]; ?></div></td>
    <td width="100"><div align="center"><img width="50"
height="50" src="hinh/<?php echo $dong["hinh"]; ?>"
  <?php } ?>
<p align="center">
{ if ($i==$p)
   { echo $i."&nbsp;";
 <a href="hanghoa_nhom.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>&tst=<?php
echo $tongsotrang; ?>&m=<?php echo $_GET["m"]; ?>"><?php
echo $i; ?></a>
9. nhomhang.php
<table width="100" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0"
    <td><div align="center">nhom hang</div></td>
  $kq=mysql_query("select * from nhomhang",$link);
  <td><div align="center"><a href="hanghoa_nhom.php?m=<?
php echo $dong["manhom"]; ?>"><?php echo $dong["tennhom"]; ?
 <?php } ?>


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  • 1. 1. dbcon.php <?php $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No connection"); mysql_select_db("banhang",$link); mysql_query("set names 'utf8'"); ?> 2. index.php <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <?php include ("header.php"); ?> </div> <div id="loaisp"> <?php include ("loaisp2.php"); ?> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="sdmenu"> <?php include ("sdmenu/sdmenu.php"); ?> </div> <div id="gsp"> <?php if (!isset($_GET["act"])) { include ("gsp.php");} else { switch($_GET["act"]) { case "loaisp": include ("sanpham.php"); break; case "tim": include ("sanpham2.php"); break; case "chitiet": include ("ctsp.php"); break; } } ?> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <?php include ("footer.php"); ?> </div> </div> </body>
  • 2. 3. gsp.php <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " src=" j query.mi n.j s" ></ scri pt > <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " > $(docu ment ).read y(f unct i on (){ $(' # mai n_phi m>di v' ).ea ch(f unct i on (){ var $i mg=$ (t hi s).chi l dren(). at t r (' src' ); / / al ert ($i mg) var $t i t l e=$(t hi s ).f i nd(' p.nam e' ).t ext () / / al ert ($t i t l e) $(t hi s ).f i nd(' di v.i nf o' ).pr epend(' <i mg src=' +$i mg+' / ><p cl ass=" t i tl e" >' + $t i tl e+' </ p>' ) }) $(' # mai n_phi m>di v>i mg' ).ho ver (f unct i on (){ $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).show () },f unct i on(){ $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).hi de() }).mous emov e(f unct i on (e ){ var $ i ent X var $Y i entY $(t hi s ).parent ().f i nd (' di v.i nf o' ).css ({' l ef t ' :$X+20,' t op' :$Y }) }).cl i c k(f unct i on (){ var $l i nk=$ (t hi s).par ent (). f i nd(' a' ).at t r(' href ' ) w i ndow .open ($l i nk,' ' ) }) }) </ scri pt > <?php include("dbcon.php"); //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam $sodong=9; $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link); $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so dong du lieu truy van //ceil lay tron if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $p=1; } else { $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so } $x=($p-1)*$sodong; $query_sanpham="select * from sanpham limit $x, $sodong";
  • 3. //chep den day $table_sanpham=mysql_query($query_sanpham,$link); ?> <div id="main_phim"> <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?> <div> <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo $d["UrlHinh"];?>"> <div class="info"> <p>Gia=<?php echo $d["Gia"]; ?></p> <p>MaSP=<?php echo $d["MaSP"]; ?></p> </div> <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo $d["MaSP"]; ?>"> Chitiet </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <p align="center"> <?php //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang for($i=1;$i<=$tongsotrang;$i++) { if ($i==$p) { echo $i."&nbsp;"; } else { ?> <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a> <?php } } //chep den day ?> </p> </body>
  • 4. 4. loaisp2.php <body> <?php $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No connection"); mysql_select_db("qlhsthpt",$link); mysql_query("set names 'utf8'"); $query_chungloaisp="select * from hocsinh"; $table_chungloaisp=mysql_query($query_chungloaisp,$link); ?> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="index.php?act=tim"> <select name="truong" id="list"> <?php while($chungloaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_chungloaisp)) { ?> <option <?php if(isset($_POST["loaisp"]) && ($_POST["loaisp"]=="cl-".$chungloaisp["idCL"])) echo "selected";?> value="cl-<?php echo $chungloaisp['idCL']; ?>" class="menu_cap1"><?php echo $chungloaisp['Ten']?> </option> <?php $idCL=$chungloaisp['idCL']; $query_loaisp="select * from loaisp where idCL=$idCL"; $table_loaisp=mysql_query($query_loaisp, $link); while($loaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_loaisp)) { ?> <option <?php if(isset($_POST["loaisp"]) && ($_POST["loaisp"]==$loaisp["idLoai"])) echo "selected";?> class="menu_cap2" value="<?php echo $loaisp['idLoai'];? >">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $loaisp['Ten']; ?> </option> <?php }?> <?php } ?> </select> <select name="mon" id="mon"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){?>
  • 5. <option <?php if(isset($_POST["price_from"]) && ($_POST["price_from"]== $i*100)) echo "selected";?> value="<? php echo $i*100;?>"><?php echo ($i*100)." VND"?> </option> <?php }?> </select> <select name="hk" id="hk"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){?> <option <?php if(isset($_POST["price_to"]) && ($_POST["price_to"]==$i*100)) echo "selected";?> value="<?php echo $i*100;?>"><?php echo ($i*100)." VND"?> </option> <?php }?> </select> <label>Ten hs <input value="<?php if(isset($_POST["henhs"])) echo $_POST["tenhs"]; ?>" type="text" name="tenhs" id="tenhs" /> </label> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> 4. sanpham2.php <body> <div id="main_phim"> <?php $id=$_POST["loaisp"]; $price_from=$_POST["price_from"]; $price_to=$_POST["price_to"]; $mota=$_POST["mota"]; ?> <?php include("dbcon.php"); //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam $sodong=9; $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link);
  • 6. $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so dong du lieu truy van //ceil lay tron if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $p=1; } else { $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so } $x=($p-1)*$sodong; //chep den day if (substr($id,0,2)=="cl") { $idcl=substr($id,3,strlen($id)-3); $s="select * from sanpham,loaisp where sanpham.idLoai=loaisp.idLoai and idCL=$idcl and Gia between $price_from and $price_to and mota like '%$mota%' limit $x, $sodong "; } else { $idloai=$id; $s="select * from sanpham where idLoai=$idloai and Gia between $price_from and $price_to limit $x, $sodong "; } $table_sanpham=mysql_query($s,$link); ?> <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?> <div> <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo $d["UrlHinh"];?>"> <div class="info"> <p>IDLoai= <?php echo $d["idLoai"]; ?></p> <p>Gia= <?php echo $d["Gia"]; ?></p> <p>Mota= <?php echo $d["Mota"]; ?></p> </div> <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo $d["MaSP"]; ?>"> Chitiet </a>
  • 7. </div> <?php }?> </div> <p align="center"> <?php //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang for($i=1;$i<=$tongsotrang;$i++) { if ($i==$p) { echo $i."&nbsp;"; } else { ?> <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a> <?php } } //chep den day ?> </p> </body> 5. sanpham.php <body> <div id="main_phim"> <?php $idloai=$_GET["idLoai"]; include("dbcon.php"); $sodong=9; $kq=mysql_query("select * from sanpham",$link); $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so dong du lieu truy van //ceil lay tron if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $p=1; } else { $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so
  • 8. } $x=($p-1)*$sodong; $query_sanpham="select * from sanpham limit $x, $sodong"; $table_sanpham=mysql_query($query_sanpham,$link); ?> <?php while($d=mysql_fetch_array($table_sanpham)) { ?> <div> <img width="100" height="100" src="images/<?php echo $d["UrlHinh"];?>"> <div class="info"> <?php echo $d["MaSP"];?><br /> <?php echo $d["Gia"];?><br /> </div> <a href="index.php?act=chitiet&masp=<?php echo $d["MaSP"]; ?>"> Chitiet </a> </div> <?php }?> </div> <p align="center"> <?php //can chep doan nay vao neu co lam phan trang for($i=1;$i<=$tongsotrang;$i++) { if ($i==$p) { echo $i."&nbsp;"; } else { ?> <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a> <?php } } //chep den day ?> </p> </body> 6. sdmenu.php <l i nk rel =" st yl esheet " t ype=" t ext / css" href =" sdmenu.css" / > <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " src=" sdmenu.j s" > / *********************************************** * Sl ashdot Menu scri pt - By Di mX
  • 9. * Submi t t ed t o Dynami c Dri ve DHT ML code li brary: ht t p:/ /w w w .dynami cdri * Vi si t Dynami c Dri ve at ht t p:// w ww .dynami cdri ve. com/ f or f ul l source code ***********************************************/ </ scri pt > <scri pt t ype="t ext / j avascri pt " > / / <![C DAT A[ var myMenu; w i ndow .onl oad = funct i on() { myMenu = new SDMenu (" my_menu" ); myMenu.i ni t (); }; // ]] > </ scri pt > <body> <?php $link =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("No connection"); mysql_select_db("banhang",$link); mysql_query("set names 'utf8'"); $query_chungloaisp="select * from chungloaisp"; $table_chungloaisp=mysql_query($query_chungloaisp,$link); ?> <div style="float: left" id="my_menu" class="sdmenu"> <?php while($chungloaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_chungloaisp)) { ?> <div> <span><?php echo $chungloaisp['Ten']?></span> <?php $idCL=$chungloaisp['idCL']; $query_loaisp="select * from loaisp where idCL=$idCL"; $table_loaisp=mysql_query($query_loaisp,$link); while($loaisp=mysql_fetch_array($table_loaisp)) { ? > <a href="index.php?act=loaisp&idLoai=<?php echo $loaisp["idLoai"];?>"><?php echo $loaisp['Ten'];?></a> <?php }?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </body> 7. hanghoa.php <body> <p align="center">Danh Sach Hang Hoa</p>
  • 10. <table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><div align="center">ten hang hoa</div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center">gia</div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center">hinh</div></td> </tr> <?php require_once("dbcon.php"); //include $sodong=5; $kq=mysql_query("select * from hanghoa",$link); $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); //tong so dong du lieu truy van //ceil lay tron if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $p=1; } else { $p=intval($_GET["p"]); //intval chuyen chuoi thanh so } $x=($p-1)*$sodong; $s="select * from hanghoa limit $x,$sodong"; $kq=mysql_query($s,$link); while($dong=mysql_fetch_array($kq)) { ?> <tr> <td width="200"> <div align="center"> <?php echo $dong["Tenhang"];?> </div></td> <td width="100"> <div align="center"> <?php echo $dong["gia"];?> </div></td> <td width="100"> <div align="center"> <img width="50" height="50" src="hinh/<?php echo $dong["hinh"]; ?>" /></div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p align="center"> <?php for($i=1;$i<=$tongsotrang;$i++) { if ($i==$p) { echo $i."&nbsp;"; }
  • 11. else { ?> <a href="hanghoa.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ? ></a> <?php } } ?> </p> </body> 8. hanghoa_nhom.php <body> <p align="center">Danh Sach Hang Hoa</p> <table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><div align="center">ten hang hoa</div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center">gia</div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center">hinh</div></td> </tr> <?php require_once("dbcon.php"); $sodong=3; $manhom=$_GET["m"]; if(!isset($_GET["tst"])) { $kq=mysql_query("select * from hanghoa where manhom='$manhom'",$link); $tongsotrang=ceil(mysql_num_rows($kq)/$sodong); } else { $tongsotrang=intval($_GET["tst"]); } if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $p=1; } else { $p=intval($_GET["p"]); } $x=($p-1)*$sodong;
  • 12. $s="select * from hanghoa where manhom='$manhom' limit $x, $sodong"; $kq=mysql_query($s,$link); while($dong=mysql_fetch_array($kq)) { ?> <tr> <td width="200"><div align="center"><?php echo $dong["tenhang"]; ?></div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center"><?php echo $dong["gia"]; ?></div></td> <td width="100"><div align="center"><img width="50" height="50" src="hinh/<?php echo $dong["hinh"]; ?>" /></div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p align="center"> <?php for($i=1;$i<=$tongsotrang;$i++) { if ($i==$p) { echo $i."&nbsp;"; } else { ?> <a href="hanghoa_nhom.php?p=<?php echo $i; ?>&tst=<?php echo $tongsotrang; ?>&m=<?php echo $_GET["m"]; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a> <?php } } ?> </p> </body> 9. nhomhang.php <body> <table width="100" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center">nhom hang</div></td> </tr> <?php require_once("dbcon.php"); $kq=mysql_query("select * from nhomhang",$link);
  • 13. while($dong=mysql_fetch_array($kq)) {?> <tr> <td><div align="center"><a href="hanghoa_nhom.php?m=<? php echo $dong["manhom"]; ?>"><?php echo $dong["tennhom"]; ? ></a></div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </body>