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Course Project Scenario
The Course Project Scenario
In this course, you are introduced to a complex project scenario
as follows:
You have been assigned to be the project manager for the
facility, equipment, and business system upgrade of a call
center. This requires:
*moving all existing call center stations to a newer, larger
*installing and testing a high speed, high capacity Wi-Fi
network in the new facility;
*upgrading workstations so that they include wireless
*installing a new call center management software; and
*converting a legacy proprietary business system with a CRM
application to a new business system.
In this project scenario, time is of the essence. The project
sponsor requires that the project take no longer than 6 months to
complete. Further, the budget is constrained so that the number
of people assigned to the project is very limited and includes
the following:
Outside consultants: 2
Project Manager: 1
Business system project lead: 1
Business system implementation team: 3
Wireless system project lead: 1
Wireless system implementation team: 3
Relocation project lead: 1
Relocation team: 2
Workstation project lead: 1
Workstation upgrade team: 2
Outside contractors: Up to five multidisciplinary contractors are
allowed in the budget.
Note: The wireless system project lead and the workstation
project lead are the same person. Two of the three-member
wireless system implementation team overlap with the
workstation team. This means that only four resources are
available for the wireless system implementation and
workstation upgrade (not counting the possible use of
contractors). The total resources available to the project
include 14 people plus 5 contractors.
In this assignment, you will use this scenario to identify the
project requirements, define the project scope using a work
breakdown structure (WBS), and define the activities required
to produce project deliverables.
MobileGo is a small company that sells prepaid mobile phones
in selected markets. Its primary sales and service channel is
carried out over the internet and by phone. Sales and service has
been supported with a team of 36 customer service
representatives in a small building. Customers, accounts, and all
business functions have traditionally been managed by a
proprietary software application using in-house servers that was
contracted out early in the founding of the company. All
workstations currently connect to the internet and the internal
servers supporting the legacy business system and office
applications. This is a problem because the company had to
move workstations to different parts of the building as the
company has grown (thereby making network wiring out of
control). The company has grown 150% over the last 5 years
and as a result, the systems, the building, and the overall
infrastructure have become outgrown. The company has
therefore recognized the need to move to a new location and
upgrade workstations and systems. The immediate need is to
expand from 36 stations to 50—with the plan to triple that
number within the next 3 years. The immediate challenges are
little funding and people to spare for this set of initiatives. With
multiple activities occurring at once and severe constraints on
schedule and resources, it is acknowledged that this is a highly
complex project.
The Assignment
You have been assigned as the overall project manager for this
important initiative. Your supporting team consists of 14
members (not counting contractors), including two outside
consultants supporting the business system and wireless
upgrade. Now that you have been given this important
assignment, here are your next steps:
1. Identify what you deem to be the client requirements.
2. Using the requirements list, create a work breakdown
structure (WBS) that identifies all project deliverables.
3. Identify the activities (tasks) required to produce each project
4. When identifying project activities, highlight each that may
be expected to require the same resources to be carried out in
parallel. These highlights will be your first clue that the
management of the project can be expected to require some
complex maneuvering.
Guidance notes: The client requirements should be three pages
in length to summarize. You must use at least one outside
source that is peer-reviewed or academic in nature from the
CSU Online Library. Draw upon the high-level project scenario
and, in addition, feel free to draw upon your own experience or
research when developing the requirements. Also, remember
that the WBS includes deliverables only rather than activities.
While the WBS may be written in either a graphical or indented
outline form, the indented outline may be a better approach.
This is because the activities, once identified, may be easily
layered over the project deliverables when using the outline
Submit the requirements summary in a Word document. The
WBS and Activity Identification exercise may be completed
using either Word or Excel.
Unit VI Earned ValueActivityStartPlanned DurationActual
DurationPlan DateActual
NumberHourly $Total $Duration (days)Grand TotalCall Center
StationsOC1Outside consultant 11$ 150.00$ 150.00Call
center stations
C1OC2Outside consultant 21$ 150.00$ 150.00Call center
layout-new3/15/2015183/30/204/2/20-3$ 4,500.00$ 5,400.00-
$900.00C1,C2,C3PMProject Manager: 1$ 100.00$ 100.00Call
center stations breakdown4/2/208134/10/204/15/20-5$
2,400.00$ 3,900.00-$1,500.00C1,C2,C3BSPLBusiness system
project lead: 1$ 125.00$ 125.00Call center stations
pack4/10/205204/15/204/30/20-15$ 1,500.00$ 6,000.00-
$4,500.00C1,C2,C3BSITBusiness system implementation team:
3$ 350.00$ 1,050.00Call center stations
move4/30/2010104/20/205/10/20-20$ 2,000.00$
2,000.00$0.00C1,C2,C3WSPLWireless system project lead: 1$
100.00$ 100.00Call center stations
$1,200.00C4,C5WSITWireless system implementation team: 3$
85.00$ 255.00Office Furniture & Equipment
MoveRPLRelocation project lead: 1$ 90.00$ 90.00Inventory
PLRTRelocation team: 2$ 250.00$ 500.00Inventory
WPL,WUTWPLWorkstation project lead: 1$ 85.00$
85.00Create office
WUTWUTWorkstation upgrade team: 2$ 250.00$
2$2,925.00$4,095.00-$1,170.00WPL,WUTC1Contractor 11$
T, C1C2Contractor 21$ 100.00$
$1,200.00WUT, C1C3Contractor 31$ 100.00$
$3,000.00WUT, C1C4Contractor 41$ 100.00$ 100.00Wi-
FiC5Contractor 51$ 100.00$ 100.00New site
PLVendor selection4/20/2010134/30/205/3/20-
$900.00WSPLOrder Wi-Fi equipment4/30/20155/1/205/5/20-
4$250.00$1,250.00-$1,000.00WSPLInstall Wi-Fi
$255.00WSITTest Wi-Fi
UpgradeWireless card
0WUT,C1Order wireless
stall PC wireless cards5/1/2014185/15/205/19/20-
software5/19/2065/25/205/25/200$1,200.00C4,C5Test wireless
PC5/25/2055/30/206/2/20-3$3,000.00WUT,C1Call Center
SoftwareInstall software5/25/20105/15/205/30/20-
15$5,850.00WPL,WUTTest software5/3/20275/30/206/5/20-
6$15,795.00WPL,WUTSoftware training6/5/2046/1/206/10/20-
9$2,340.00WPL,WUTTrial run6/10/2056/15/206/17/20-
2$750.00OC1Cutover to new
System SoftwareInstall software5/25/2055/30/206/2/20-
3$5,875.00$5,875.00BSPL, BSITTest
BSITSoftware training6/17/2036/20/206/23/20-
3$3,975.00$3,975.00BSPL, BSIT,OC1Trial
BSITCutover to new software7/12/2037/15/207/18/20-
3$3,525.00$3,525.00BSPL, BSIT
Mylan, Inc. is a U.S. pharmaceutical company that manufactures
the EpiPen, an easy-to-use auto-injection medical device.
EpiPen delivers the proper dosage of epinephrine, a drug that
safely and effectively counteracts anaphylaxis, a severe allergic
reaction that can close a person’s breathing passages and cause
death. EpiPen is especially effective because the proper dosage
can be quickly delivered by anyone—the persons themselves,
co-workers, teachers, by standers—by simply placing the device
against the skin and pushing a button. Because of the ease of
use, EpiPens are especially popular for treating severe allergies
in children.
The device itself is simple and inexpensive, costing at most a
few dollars to manufacture. The drug epinephrine is also
inexpensive, costing less than $1 per dose. But, epinephrine
degrades over time, so medical professionals recommend that
unused devices be replaced at least once a year. It is not
uncommon for someone susceptible to anaphylaxis to keep
several on hand at work, school, or home. Because the EpiPen
has been in use and proven its effectiveness for over forty
years, the initial investment required to develop the product has
long since been recovered.
Mylan purchased rights to the EpiPen in 2007. At the time,
EpiPens sold for under $60 each, and annual sales approached
$200 million. Mylan invested to
improve the design and manufacturing process, but the overall
product did not change significantly. Mylan also invested
heavily in marketing the product, including an advertising
campaign aimed at increasing public awareness of anaphylaxis
and lobbying governments to require institutions like schools to
keep EpiPens on hand for emergencies and to protect those
institutions from liability for using EpiPens in emergencies. By
2016, it was estimated that EpiPen accounted for over $1.5
billion in revenues for Mylan.
In the following years, a number of public and private decisions
lead to major increases in the costs to consumers. Because a
portion of anaphylaxis cases require a second dose of
epinephrine, medical guidelines were changed in 2010 to
recommend that patients always have access to two doses. Soon
after this recommendation, Mylan began selling EpiPens only in
packages of two, effectively doubling the price to consumers.
For a variety of reasons, including regulatory roadblocks,
business decisions, and patent protections, competitors have had
a difficult time entering and remaining on the market. By 2016,
when few competitors remained and Mylan had a 90 percent
share of the market, the price for a two-pack of EpiPens had
risen to over $600. It was estimated that in 2016, sales of
EpiPen produced close to $1.5 billion in revenues. During this
same period, Mylan’s CEO’s pay rose from $2.3 to $19 million
annually. In 2016, former CEO Robert Coury was reported to
have received over $90 million in compensation from Mylan.
In 2016, Mylan came under serious public criticism for
increasing the price of EpiPen. Some critics pointed out that
Mylan’s CEO, Heather Bresch, was the daughter of former West
Virginia governor and present U.S. Senator Joe Manchin. These
critics claimed that her political connections helped pave the
way for governmental regulations, including increased risk
warnings for anaphylaxis, encouragement to schools to stock
EpiPens, and regulations to make EpiPens as publicly available
as defibrillators. In October 2016, Bresch was called to testify
before the U.S. Congress to defend Mylan’s actions.
The criticisms of Mylan can be grouped into three general
categories. First, some critics saw the massive profits and
excessive executive compensation as another example of out of
control corporate and personal greed. Second, others saw Mylan
as an example of systemic failures in health care policy and
economics that prevent society from providing adequate health
care. Finally, some critics charged that Mylan’s actions violate
a number of basic ethical principles.
The Mylan hearings took place during a period when affordable
health care was at the center of a national political debate. This
also occurred at the time when another pharmaceutical company
executive, Martin Shkreli of Turning Pharmaceuticals, was in
the news for raising the price of one of its drugs from $13 to
$750 per pill. Shkreli, who the press had named “Pharma-Bro”
for his condescending attitude toward public criticism, had also
been called to testify before Congress, but he refused on the
grounds of self-incrimination. During Bresch’s testimony to the
U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,
Congressman John Duncan told her that “The greed is
astounding, it’s sickening and disgusting. I’m a very
conservative, pro-business Republican, but I am really sickened
by what I heard today and by what I’ve read before about this
situation. In my opinion, no one can really earn or deserve $19
million a year.”
The national debate about affordable health care provided the
context for much of the broader, systemic criticism of Mylan.
The national debate on affordable health care focused on the
relative strengths and weaknesses of free markets and
government regulation in providing adequate health care. Those
who argued for a greater role for free markets, most often
Republicans, saw Mylan as a case study for what happens when
there is a lack of competition and the market gets controlled by
a near monopoly. Mylan was able to exploit this unfair
competitive advantage and raise prices almost without
consequences. These critics also pointed out that government
regulation of the market contributed much to the problem.
Governmental actions, such as requiring institutions and schools
to stock EpiPens and creating regulatory standards that created
a barrier for competitors to enter the market, created an
economic environment in which Mylan’s exploitation could
flourish. As a result, the public was denied access to the
important good of affordable health care.
Those who supported greater governmental involvement in the
health care system, most often Democrats, saw Mylan as a case
study of what happens when important public goods such as
health care are left to the decisions of profit-seeking
corporations. These critics argued that Mylan used its political
influence, lobbing activities, and marketing campaign to create
artificial markets, eliminate competition, and deny the poorest
citizens access to needed health care. From this perspective, a
managed health care system in which private businesses are
regulated by public bodies would provide better overall health
care. In particular, they argued that only government regulation
could prevent companies from price gouging on prescription
drugs and other health care products that consumers need.
Finally, many criticisms of Mylan appealed to fundamental
ethical principles and values. These critics pointed out that
citizens should have a basic right to health care and that this
need should not be sacrificed for the profit of private
businesses. Other critics pointed out that the burden of high
drug prices fell disproportionately on the poor, and that a basic
principle of fairness and equality is violated by a system in
which health care is distributed according to the ability to pay.
Still other critics raised questions about the justice of a system
in which executives earned tens of millions of dollars a year,
while poor, sick people were denied access to the product that
generated this wealth. These critics argued that Mylan had a
duty to provide the EpiPens at an affordable price.
What judgment would you make about Mylan? Did they do
anything ethically wrong in their pricing of the EpiPen?
Do you think that a pharmaceutical company should be allowed
to charge whatever price the market will pay for prescription
drugs? Should prescription drugs be treated differently than any
other consumer product?
Congressman Duncan used the word “greed” when describing
Mylan’s actions. What is the difference between greed and
simply the desire for more money? Is greed always bad? Why or
why not?

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Course Project Scenario The Course Project ScenarioIn this c.docx

  • 1. Course Project Scenario The Course Project Scenario In this course, you are introduced to a complex project scenario as follows: You have been assigned to be the project manager for the facility, equipment, and business system upgrade of a call center. This requires: *moving all existing call center stations to a newer, larger facility; *installing and testing a high speed, high capacity Wi-Fi network in the new facility; *upgrading workstations so that they include wireless capability; *installing a new call center management software; and *converting a legacy proprietary business system with a CRM application to a new business system. In this project scenario, time is of the essence. The project sponsor requires that the project take no longer than 6 months to complete. Further, the budget is constrained so that the number of people assigned to the project is very limited and includes the following: Outside consultants: 2 Project Manager: 1 Business system project lead: 1 Business system implementation team: 3 Wireless system project lead: 1 Wireless system implementation team: 3 Relocation project lead: 1 Relocation team: 2 Workstation project lead: 1 Workstation upgrade team: 2 Outside contractors: Up to five multidisciplinary contractors are
  • 2. allowed in the budget. Note: The wireless system project lead and the workstation project lead are the same person. Two of the three-member wireless system implementation team overlap with the workstation team. This means that only four resources are available for the wireless system implementation and workstation upgrade (not counting the possible use of contractors). The total resources available to the project include 14 people plus 5 contractors. In this assignment, you will use this scenario to identify the project requirements, define the project scope using a work breakdown structure (WBS), and define the activities required to produce project deliverables. Background MobileGo is a small company that sells prepaid mobile phones in selected markets. Its primary sales and service channel is carried out over the internet and by phone. Sales and service has been supported with a team of 36 customer service representatives in a small building. Customers, accounts, and all business functions have traditionally been managed by a proprietary software application using in-house servers that was contracted out early in the founding of the company. All workstations currently connect to the internet and the internal servers supporting the legacy business system and office applications. This is a problem because the company had to move workstations to different parts of the building as the company has grown (thereby making network wiring out of control). The company has grown 150% over the last 5 years and as a result, the systems, the building, and the overall infrastructure have become outgrown. The company has therefore recognized the need to move to a new location and upgrade workstations and systems. The immediate need is to expand from 36 stations to 50—with the plan to triple that
  • 3. number within the next 3 years. The immediate challenges are little funding and people to spare for this set of initiatives. With multiple activities occurring at once and severe constraints on schedule and resources, it is acknowledged that this is a highly complex project. The Assignment You have been assigned as the overall project manager for this important initiative. Your supporting team consists of 14 members (not counting contractors), including two outside consultants supporting the business system and wireless upgrade. Now that you have been given this important assignment, here are your next steps: 1. Identify what you deem to be the client requirements. 2. Using the requirements list, create a work breakdown structure (WBS) that identifies all project deliverables. 3. Identify the activities (tasks) required to produce each project deliverable. 4. When identifying project activities, highlight each that may be expected to require the same resources to be carried out in parallel. These highlights will be your first clue that the management of the project can be expected to require some complex maneuvering. Guidance notes: The client requirements should be three pages in length to summarize. You must use at least one outside source that is peer-reviewed or academic in nature from the CSU Online Library. Draw upon the high-level project scenario and, in addition, feel free to draw upon your own experience or research when developing the requirements. Also, remember that the WBS includes deliverables only rather than activities. While the WBS may be written in either a graphical or indented outline form, the indented outline may be a better approach. This is because the activities, once identified, may be easily layered over the project deliverables when using the outline
  • 4. form. Submit the requirements summary in a Word document. The WBS and Activity Identification exercise may be completed using either Word or Excel. Unit VI Earned ValueActivityStartPlanned DurationActual DurationPlan DateActual DateDifferenceBudgetActualDifferenceResourceLabelResources NumberHourly $Total $Duration (days)Grand TotalCall Center StationsOC1Outside consultant 11$ 150.00$ 150.00Call center stations inventory3/1/2014143/15/203/15/200$2,100.00$2,100.00$0.00O C1OC2Outside consultant 21$ 150.00$ 150.00Call center layout-new3/15/2015183/30/204/2/20-3$ 4,500.00$ 5,400.00- $900.00C1,C2,C3PMProject Manager: 1$ 100.00$ 100.00Call center stations breakdown4/2/208134/10/204/15/20-5$ 2,400.00$ 3,900.00-$1,500.00C1,C2,C3BSPLBusiness system project lead: 1$ 125.00$ 125.00Call center stations pack4/10/205204/15/204/30/20-15$ 1,500.00$ 6,000.00- $4,500.00C1,C2,C3BSITBusiness system implementation team: 3$ 350.00$ 1,050.00Call center stations move4/30/2010104/20/205/10/20-20$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$0.00C1,C2,C3WSPLWireless system project lead: 1$ 100.00$ 100.00Call center stations install5/10/209155/1/205/25/20-24$1,800.00$3,000.00- $1,200.00C4,C5WSITWireless system implementation team: 3$ 85.00$ 255.00Office Furniture & Equipment MoveRPLRelocation project lead: 1$ 90.00$ 90.00Inventory furniture3/15/2015153/30/203/30/200$1,350.00$1,350.00$0.00R PLRTRelocation team: 2$ 250.00$ 500.00Inventory equipment3/30/2011114/10/204/10/200$6,435.00$6,435.00$0.00 WPL,WUTWPLWorkstation project lead: 1$ 85.00$ 85.00Create office layout4/10/20554/15/204/15/200$2,925.00$2,925.00$0.00WPL, WUTWUTWorkstation upgrade team: 2$ 250.00$
  • 5. 500.00Dissassemble4/15/20574/20/204/22/20- 2$2,925.00$4,095.00-$1,170.00WPL,WUTC1Contractor 11$ 100.00$ 100.00Pack4/22/20995/1/205/1/200$5,400.00$5,400.00$0.00WU T, C1C2Contractor 21$ 100.00$ 100.00Move5/1/2014165/15/205/17/20-2$8,400.00$9,600.00- $1,200.00WUT, C1C3Contractor 31$ 100.00$ 100.00Install5/17/20385/20/205/25/20-5$1,800.00$4,800.00- $3,000.00WUT, C1C4Contractor 41$ 100.00$ 100.00Wi- FiC5Contractor 51$ 100.00$ 100.00New site survey3/10/20553/15/203/15/200$1,250.00$1,250.00$0.00WSPL ,OC2Develop requirements3/15/2015153/30/203/30/200$5,325.00$5,325.00$0. 00WSPL,WSITVendor search3/20/2021214/10/204/10/200$2,100.00$2,100.00$0.00WS PLVendor selection4/20/2010134/30/205/3/20- 3$2,550.00$3,315.00-$765.00WSITDesign layout4/15/205154/20/204/30/20-10$450.00$1,350.00- $900.00WSPLOrder Wi-Fi equipment4/30/20155/1/205/5/20- 4$250.00$1,250.00-$1,000.00WSPLInstall Wi-Fi system5/5/2010135/15/205/18/20-3$850.00$1,105.00- $255.00WSITTest Wi-Fi system5/18/2075/25/205/25/200$3,500.00WSITStation UpgradeWireless card selection3/30/2021214/20/204/20/200$12,600.00$12,600.00$0.0 0WUT,C1Order wireless cards4/20/2011115/1/205/1/200$5,500.00$5,500.00$0.00WUTIn stall PC wireless cards5/1/2014185/15/205/19/20- 4$11,200.00$14,400.00-$3,200.00WUT,C1,C2,C3Load software5/19/2065/25/205/25/200$1,200.00C4,C5Test wireless PC5/25/2055/30/206/2/20-3$3,000.00WUT,C1Call Center SoftwareInstall software5/25/20105/15/205/30/20- 15$5,850.00WPL,WUTTest software5/3/20275/30/206/5/20- 6$15,795.00WPL,WUTSoftware training6/5/2046/1/206/10/20- 9$2,340.00WPL,WUTTrial run6/10/2056/15/206/17/20- 2$750.00OC1Cutover to new
  • 6. software6/17/20136/30/206/30/200$1,950.00OC1Business System SoftwareInstall software5/25/2055/30/206/2/20- 3$5,875.00$5,875.00BSPL, BSITTest software6/13/2026/15/206/15/200$2,350.00$2,350.00BSPL, BSITSoftware training6/17/2036/20/206/23/20- 3$3,975.00$3,975.00BSPL, BSIT,OC1Trial run6/24/2066/30/206/30/200$7,050.00$7,050.00BSPL, BSITCutover to new software7/12/2037/15/207/18/20- 3$3,525.00$3,525.00BSPL, BSIT Mylan, Inc. is a U.S. pharmaceutical company that manufactures the EpiPen, an easy-to-use auto-injection medical device. EpiPen delivers the proper dosage of epinephrine, a drug that safely and effectively counteracts anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can close a person’s breathing passages and cause death. EpiPen is especially effective because the proper dosage can be quickly delivered by anyone—the persons themselves, co-workers, teachers, by standers—by simply placing the device against the skin and pushing a button. Because of the ease of use, EpiPens are especially popular for treating severe allergies in children. The device itself is simple and inexpensive, costing at most a few dollars to manufacture. The drug epinephrine is also inexpensive, costing less than $1 per dose. But, epinephrine degrades over time, so medical professionals recommend that unused devices be replaced at least once a year. It is not uncommon for someone susceptible to anaphylaxis to keep several on hand at work, school, or home. Because the EpiPen has been in use and proven its effectiveness for over forty years, the initial investment required to develop the product has long since been recovered. Mylan purchased rights to the EpiPen in 2007. At the time, EpiPens sold for under $60 each, and annual sales approached $200 million. Mylan invested to
  • 7. 21 improve the design and manufacturing process, but the overall product did not change significantly. Mylan also invested heavily in marketing the product, including an advertising campaign aimed at increasing public awareness of anaphylaxis and lobbying governments to require institutions like schools to keep EpiPens on hand for emergencies and to protect those institutions from liability for using EpiPens in emergencies. By 2016, it was estimated that EpiPen accounted for over $1.5 billion in revenues for Mylan. In the following years, a number of public and private decisions lead to major increases in the costs to consumers. Because a portion of anaphylaxis cases require a second dose of epinephrine, medical guidelines were changed in 2010 to recommend that patients always have access to two doses. Soon after this recommendation, Mylan began selling EpiPens only in packages of two, effectively doubling the price to consumers. For a variety of reasons, including regulatory roadblocks, business decisions, and patent protections, competitors have had a difficult time entering and remaining on the market. By 2016, when few competitors remained and Mylan had a 90 percent share of the market, the price for a two-pack of EpiPens had risen to over $600. It was estimated that in 2016, sales of EpiPen produced close to $1.5 billion in revenues. During this same period, Mylan’s CEO’s pay rose from $2.3 to $19 million annually. In 2016, former CEO Robert Coury was reported to have received over $90 million in compensation from Mylan. In 2016, Mylan came under serious public criticism for increasing the price of EpiPen. Some critics pointed out that Mylan’s CEO, Heather Bresch, was the daughter of former West Virginia governor and present U.S. Senator Joe Manchin. These critics claimed that her political connections helped pave the way for governmental regulations, including increased risk warnings for anaphylaxis, encouragement to schools to stock
  • 8. EpiPens, and regulations to make EpiPens as publicly available as defibrillators. In October 2016, Bresch was called to testify before the U.S. Congress to defend Mylan’s actions. The criticisms of Mylan can be grouped into three general categories. First, some critics saw the massive profits and excessive executive compensation as another example of out of control corporate and personal greed. Second, others saw Mylan as an example of systemic failures in health care policy and economics that prevent society from providing adequate health care. Finally, some critics charged that Mylan’s actions violate a number of basic ethical principles. The Mylan hearings took place during a period when affordable health care was at the center of a national political debate. This also occurred at the time when another pharmaceutical company executive, Martin Shkreli of Turning Pharmaceuticals, was in the news for raising the price of one of its drugs from $13 to $750 per pill. Shkreli, who the press had named “Pharma-Bro” for his condescending attitude toward public criticism, had also been called to testify before Congress, but he refused on the grounds of self-incrimination. During Bresch’s testimony to the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Congressman John Duncan told her that “The greed is astounding, it’s sickening and disgusting. I’m a very conservative, pro-business Republican, but I am really sickened by what I heard today and by what I’ve read before about this situation. In my opinion, no one can really earn or deserve $19 million a year.” 22 The national debate about affordable health care provided the context for much of the broader, systemic criticism of Mylan. The national debate on affordable health care focused on the relative strengths and weaknesses of free markets and government regulation in providing adequate health care. Those
  • 9. who argued for a greater role for free markets, most often Republicans, saw Mylan as a case study for what happens when there is a lack of competition and the market gets controlled by a near monopoly. Mylan was able to exploit this unfair competitive advantage and raise prices almost without consequences. These critics also pointed out that government regulation of the market contributed much to the problem. Governmental actions, such as requiring institutions and schools to stock EpiPens and creating regulatory standards that created a barrier for competitors to enter the market, created an economic environment in which Mylan’s exploitation could flourish. As a result, the public was denied access to the important good of affordable health care. Those who supported greater governmental involvement in the health care system, most often Democrats, saw Mylan as a case study of what happens when important public goods such as health care are left to the decisions of profit-seeking corporations. These critics argued that Mylan used its political influence, lobbing activities, and marketing campaign to create artificial markets, eliminate competition, and deny the poorest citizens access to needed health care. From this perspective, a managed health care system in which private businesses are regulated by public bodies would provide better overall health care. In particular, they argued that only government regulation could prevent companies from price gouging on prescription drugs and other health care products that consumers need. Finally, many criticisms of Mylan appealed to fundamental ethical principles and values. These critics pointed out that citizens should have a basic right to health care and that this need should not be sacrificed for the profit of private businesses. Other critics pointed out that the burden of high drug prices fell disproportionately on the poor, and that a basic principle of fairness and equality is violated by a system in which health care is distributed according to the ability to pay.
  • 10. Still other critics raised questions about the justice of a system in which executives earned tens of millions of dollars a year, while poor, sick people were denied access to the product that generated this wealth. These critics argued that Mylan had a duty to provide the EpiPens at an affordable price. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What judgment would you make about Mylan? Did they do anything ethically wrong in their pricing of the EpiPen? Do you think that a pharmaceutical company should be allowed to charge whatever price the market will pay for prescription drugs? Should prescription drugs be treated differently than any other consumer product? Congressman Duncan used the word “greed” when describing Mylan’s actions. What is the difference between greed and simply the desire for more money? Is greed always bad? Why or why not?