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Nature Astronomy
Driss Takir 1,7
, Wladimir Neumann 2,3,4
, Sean N. Raymond 5
Joshua P. Emery6
& Mario Trieloff 3
4.0 μm)spectraoflow-albedoasteroidsinthemid-outermainbelt.Weshow
thatnumerouslarge(diameter>100 km)anddark(geometricalbedo<0.09)
havehighlyporousinteriors,accretedrelativelylateat1.5–3.5 Myrafter
maximuminteriortemperaturesof<900 K.Ceres-likeasteroidsare
localizedinaconfinedheliocentricregionbetweenabout3.0 auand3.4 au,
Dark asteroids, most of which are located in the mid-outer main belt
(2.5 < a < 4.0 au,whereaisthesemimajoraxis)1
vers from the formation of the planets2
and remnants of the primary
accretion of the first Solar System planetesimals3
. These asteroids are
genetically linked to carbonaceous chondrites4
and are collectively
refs. 5,6
) and space-based7
telescopes and spacecraft8
. Using the NASA
spectra(~1.9–4.1 µm)oflow-albedoasteroidsinthemid-outermainbelt
andidentifiedfourmainspectralgroupsbasedonthe3 µmbandshape:
(1) The sharp group has a 3 µm band consistent with CI or CM car-
bonaceous chondrites (for example, ref. 9
). Most of this group’s
asteroids are located closer to the Sun in the 2.5 < a < 3.3 au
(2) A group of asteroids that are spectrally similar to Ceres, located
in the ~2.6 < a < 3.2 au region, and has a relatively narrow feature
centred at 3.05 µm superimposed on a much broader absorp-
tion feature from ~2.8 µm to 3.7 µm.
(3) A group of asteroids that are spectrally similar to asteroid (52)
Europa, located in the ~3.1 < a < 3.2 au region and exhibit a 3 µm
band centred at 3.15 µm also superimposed on a much broader
absorption feature from ∼2.8 µm to 3.7 µm. No meteorite match
was found for both Ceres- and Europa-like groups in the 3 µm
(4) The rounded group is located in the ~3.4 < a < 4.0 au region and
has a 3 µm band that is possibly attributed to water ice (for ex-
ample, ref. 11
Here we present visible and near-infrared (NIR; ~0.5–4.0 µm)
reflectance spectra of 10 Ceres- and Europa-like asteroids (including
spectra of asteroid Europa) measured at the IRTF. We place the astro-
Received: 3 January 2022
Accepted: 18 January 2023
Published online: xx xx xxxx
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Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA. 2
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin,
Germany. 3
Klaus-Tschira-Labor für Kosmochemie, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. 4
Institute of Planetary
Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany. 5
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France.
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA. 7
Present address: NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, University of Hawaii, Mauna Kea, HI, USA.
Nature Astronomy
such as the decay of 26
Al, reacting with anhydrous materials to form
composition. The temperature and bulk density evolution of initially
by 26
Al, 60
Fe and long-lived radionuclides. An ice-rich initial composi-
alteration (with an initial ~13 wt% H2O consumed completely for the
aqueous alteration leading to a composition with ~60 vol% hydrated
silicates as suggested by the water content and modal mineralogy of
CM and CR chondrites) was assumed.
of asteroids from an initially low density (that is, highly unconsoli-
dated porous structure) and a bigger size to a higher density and a
was reduced following the change of the strain rate calculated as
Voigt approximation from the strain rates of components17
. Mate-
rial properties (thermal conductivity, density, heat capacity and so
on) corresponded to the composition assumed and were adjusted
with temperature and porosity. For illustration and comparabil-
ity, we associate bodies of an equal mass but different porosities
(that is, different bulk densities and sizes obtained after a model cal-
culation) with a ‘reference’ mass. The reference mass and accretion
time intervals covered by our estimates are 1015
kg to 1021
kg (which
would correspond to diameters of ~10 km to 1,000 km at a grain
density of 2,460 kg m−3
and zero porosity) and 1 Myr to 5 Myr rela-
tive to the formation of calcium–aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs),
respectively. Models with a low initial density (that is, a high initial
porosity) were calculated for all resulting pairs of parameters. The
From those matches, accretion times were derived. Figure 2 shows
the maximum temperature and the average density calculated as
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Semimajor axis (au)
Aqueously altered asteroids Unaltered asteroids
planetCeresarelocatedinthe~3.0–3.4 auheliocentricregion(grey).TheCM/CI-
likeandaqueouslyalteredasteroids(sharpgroup;bluetriangles)fromref. 5
thatarespectrallysimilartoCereshavediametersgreaterthan~100 km
asteroidsexhibitabandcentredaround3.05–3.15 µm(Supplementary
Table 2, column 2) mainly superimposed on a much broader absorp-
tion feature from ~2.8 µm to 3.7 µm and a broad feature centred at
~1–1.5 µmthatgenerallyhasaconcave-upshapeatshorterwavelengths
(~0.6–2.0 µm) (Supplementary Fig. 1). The absorption band intensi-
ties at 3 µm for these asteroids range from ~2% to 8% (Supplementary
Table 2, column 3). The 3 µm band areas range from 0.012 µm−1
0.015 µm−1
(Supplementary Table 2, column 4). Previously published
visiblespectra(0.4–0.93 µm;
spectra of all the identified large dark asteroids that are found to be
consistent with those of the dwarf planet Ceres.
centratedbetween~3.0 auand3.4 au.Twoasteroids,(24)Themisand
(65) Cybele, which were classified by ref. 5
in the rounded group, are
reclassified in this work in the Ceres-like group because of their spec-
tral similarity to Ceres’ spectra. Asteroid (324) Bamberga is grouped
by refs. 5,12,13
as a Ceres-like object; however, more recent work has
shown that this asteroid is classified in the sharp group14
. Bamberga’s
spectralshapeinthe~0.5–2.5 µmregion,characterizedbyasteepslope
with a slight upwards curvature around 1.5 µm, further suggests the
classification of Bamberga in the sharp group. Bamberga may have a
ExceptforasteroidCybelelocatedat3.4 au,allCeres-likeasteroids
arelocatedinanarrowheliocentricregionbetween~3.0 auand~3.2 au,
beyondCeres’orbitat~2.8 au.Figure1alsoshowsbodieslocatedcloser
to the Sun whose ice melted, leading to aqueous alteration (sharp
group), and those farther from the Sun that contain unmelted ice
Nature Astronomy
functions of reference masses and accretion time, where the mass
and the accretion time t0 were varied as stated above. Furthermore,
the accretion times for several of the asteroids studied that result
information about the fitting procedure of bulk densities for the
and uncertainties.
The availability of 26
Al determines the heating and compaction
temperatures and structures vary enormously for t0 < 3 Myr relative
the surface-to-volume ratio, that is, the size that corresponds to this
as an observational parameter and calculate bulk porosities consist-
ent with these densities. We find that most highly porous interiors
characterize the large and dark asteroids (Fig. 3) and, consequently,
accretedrelativelylate,thatis,at1.5–3.5 Myrrelativetotheformation
ofCAIswithamaximumtemperatureof<900 K(Fig.2).Lowerbounds
for which observational constraints (that is, the density) do not suf-
fice for producing accretion time fits. These lower bounds are 300 K,
450 K,550 K,620 Kand650 Kfor(762)Pulcova,(31)Euphrosyne,(360)
Carlova, (165) Loreley and (241) Germania, respectively. The range of
is insufficient for dehydration, in agreement with the spectra of large
models do not produce a correlation between accretion times and
to derive such objects’ accretion times. However, this includes such a
correlation at the original accretion location of these asteroids that
mixing of small bodies2
. Volatile-rich asteroids were implanted from
in multiple episodes (Fig. 4).
(1) The giant planets’ rapid gas accretion destabilized the orbits
of nearby planetesimals and scattered them in all directions.
A fraction was trapped in the belt under gas drag18
(2) The giant planets’ orbital migration acted to scatter and shep-
herd planetesimals. In the Grand Tack model context, the gi-
ant planets’ late outwards migration scattered volatile-rich
planetesimals inwards and implanted a fraction into the belt19
Other migration pathways—such as those dominated by the
inwards migration of the giant planets—would also have led to
(3) The ice giants’ accretion—from the inwards migration and colli-
sional growth of a population of about five Earth-mass cores21
scattered planetesimals inwards, implanting a fraction in the
asteroid belt due to gas drag22
(4) The giant planet dynamical instability scattered the bulk of
the primordial outer planetesimal disk through the inner Solar
System to be ejected by Jupiter23
. A small fraction of these very
volatile-rich objects were captured onto stable orbits in the in-
ner Solar System: Jupiter’s co-orbital region24,25
and the asteroid
These four implantation mechanisms form a rough temporal
sequence: giant planet growth, migration and instability. There is an
implied gradient in the accretion ages of implanted asteroids by dif-
ferent mechanisms simply because planetesimals must have formed
before being implanted. The feeding zones of the other mechanisms
(assuming no migration) implants asteroids from a zone ~5 au wide,
from ~4 au to 9 au (ref. 18
). Accounting for the gas giants’ migration
and the ice giants’ growth, the source region of dark asteroids would
have extended from a few to ~20 au, yet with a strong preference for
objectsoriginatingbetween~5 auand10 au(refs.18,20,28
growth implanted planetesimals from ~10 au to at least 20–30 au
accretedat~20–40 au(ref.25
Although the exact timing of giant planet growth, migration and
temperature (K)
1 2 3 4 5
Accretion time (Myr after CAIs)
Average density
(kg m
1 2 3 4 5
Accretion time (Myr after CAIs)
Nature Astronomy
process. The giant planet’s dynamical instability (mechanism 4) is the
strongest candidate for implanting large dark asteroids. The critical
piece of evidence is that these objects are concentrated in the outer-
most parts of the main belt, mostly between 3.0 au and 3.2 au (Fig. 1).
planetesimals is close to Ceres’ actual orbit18,22
. However, suppose we
assume that Ceres and the large dark asteroids are part of the same
tation of asteroids during the giant planet instability (mechanism 4)
is almost entirely confined to the outer belt, beyond 2.5 au and with a
steep radial number density gradient (although the exact distribution
of implanted objects depends on the detailed evolution of scattered
dark asteroids originated in the 20–40 au region26,27
. The outstanding
Despite their overlapping orbital distributions, dark asteroids
and their more refractory-dominated counterparts (such as S types)
probably originated in disconnected regions of the Solar System2,29
The nature of the surface compositions of Ceres, and also Ceres-like
nine carbonaceous chondrite types found no spectral matches for
to constrain and estimate its surface composition. Using linear mix-
ing, ref. 35
found hydroxide brucite, serpentines and carbonates con-
sistent with Ceres’ ground-based spectra. Another study33
the surface composition of Ceres and found evidence of widespread
porating material transported into the main belt region33
Spectra of large dark asteroids are similar to the spectra of
,thelargestirregularsatelliteofJupiterat5.2 au.Theirregular
satellite’s spectra exhibit 1 µm and 3 µm bands consistent with those
found in Ceres-like asteroids. In addition, NIR spectroscopic meas-
urements of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko by the Rosetta
revealed that this comet’s spectra exhibit a 3 µm feature
that is similar to the spectra of Ceres and other large asteroids. The
3 µmfeatureincomet67Pwasattributedtoammoniumsalts38
System beyond 5 au, could have migrated inwards and incorporated
other large dark asteroids in the main belt40
. In particular, Ceres has a
higher density at present than most other large dark asteroids, had,
potentially, a higher H2O fraction in the past that led to differentia-
and might have experienced a loss of a past water ocean42
. Both
modelling and observations suggest a small porosity for Ceres40,43
in agreement with more vital compaction due to its larger size and
indicate no free water and higher porosity, and lower metamorphic
temperatures for the other large dark asteroids, supported by our
owes its impressive geological evolution and past to its dwarf planet
dwarf planet in the main belt? The Dawn mission revealed that Ceres
is geologically evolved, with evidence of tectonic and cryovolcanic
similar in that they both have a 3 µm band centred at ~3.05 µm (ref. 5
unlikemostofthestudiedlargedarkasteroidsthathavea3 µmfeature
centredat~3.15 µm.Inaddition,Hygieawasfoundtohaveabasin-free
.Theaccretiontimeof2.65 Myr
after CAIs derived for Hygiea is earlier than the accretion times of
≥5 MyrafterCAIssuggestedforCeresbydifferentstudies(forexample,
earlier, this would have led to elevated temperatures, dehydration
and, potentially, a loss of its water content. However, reducing the
radiogenic energy for late accretion provides less energetic heating
and compensates for a weaker cooling for Ceres. As Ceres probably
had, and still has, a more significant water fraction than large dark
shifting the density isolines in Fig. 2b to more enormous reference
Fig.2bimplyanaccretiontimeclosetoorlaterthan~5 MyrafterCAIs.
occurred over an extended time interval of more than 2.5 Myr in the
Most evolved
25% ≥ φc
≥ 10%:
10% > φc
> 0%:
(372) Palma
(423) Diotima
(451) Patientia
(52) Europa
(65) Cybele
(431) Nephele
(24) Themis
(94) Aurora
φ = 0% for innermost:
30 vol% (10) Hygiea
40 vol% (259) Aletheia
Hydrated and partially
Structure evolution with time
wellasfinalstructuresobtained. a,Asteroidsformaslooseagglomerates
varyingdegreefordifferentasteroids)withahighcentralporosityofϕc ≈ 25%(c),
Nature Astronomy
Observations and data reduction
We measured asteroid spectra of large and dark asteroids with the
Prism (0.7–2.52 µm) and long-wavelength cross-dispersed (LXD;
1.9–4.2 µm) modes of the SpeX (0.8 × 15 arcsec slit) spectrograph/
imager at the IRTF45
. Supplementary Tables 4 and 5 summarize the
observing parameters for the studied asteroids observed between
2015 and 2020 with the prism and LXD modes of SpeX. We used the
Interactive Data Language-based spectral reduction tool Spextool
technique used in ref. 5
. The spectral image frames were divided by
a flat field frame measured using an internal integrating sphere. To
correct for the contributions of the OH line emission and the thermal
emission from the sky (longwards of ~2.3 µm), we subtracted spec-
tral image frames of asteroids and the solar analogue standard stars
in Supplementary Tables 4 and 5 (G-type stars close to asteroids on
the sky at similar airmass) at beam position A from spectral image
background was removed by subtracting the median background
outside the data aperture for each channel. Spectra were extracted
by summing the flux at each channel within a user-defined aperture.
Asteroid spectra were divided by spectra of the solar analogue meas-
ured close in airmass to remove telluric absorptions (mostly water
λ < 2.5μmusingargonlinesmeasuredwiththeinternalcalibrationbox
andatλ > 2.5 µmusingtelluricabsorptionlines.
The measured LXD spectra of dark asteroids show a steep increase of
apparent reflectance longwards of ~2.5 μm due to thermal radiation
from the asteroids’ surfaces. Removing the thermal excess in spec-
tra is essential for adequately characterizing mineral absorptions in
to constrain the model thermal flux longwards of 2.5 μm in asteroids.
NEATM is based on the Standard Thermal Model (STM) of ref. 48
. The
(1) Planetesimals and
planetary embryos form
with a gradient of
Increasingly volatile-rich
Gaseous disk
(2) Jupiter and Saturn's
rapid gas accretion
implants volatile-rich
planetesimals in the
outer main belt
(3) Jupiter and Saturn's
outwards migration (if it
happened) implants
volatile-rich planetesimals
into the outer main belt
(4) The ice giants accrete
from inwards-migrating
icy cores beyond the
gas giants and scatter
outer planetesimals to
the outer main belt
(5) The giant planet
instability clears out
the outer planetesimal
disk and implants very
volatile-rich objects
into the outer belt
Extra ice giant
formation(forexample,ref. 15
Nature Astronomy
tary Fig. 3) that was then subtracted from the measured thermal flux
tric and geocentric distances, visible geometric albedo and phase
angle at the time of observation obtained from the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory Horizon online ephemeris generator (Supplementary
Table 2). A default value for the slope parameter G of 0.15 was used
for all asteroids49
. Because we used the V-band albedo in the thermal
model, we applied a K to V scale (derived using Prism spectra) for all
asteroids to reconcile the two reflectance values at the two different
chi-squared fit to asteroids’ observational data and find the surface
model iterates through several approximations of the beaming and
geometric albedo. We assumed both bolometric and spectral emis-
sivity to be 0.9 and the night sides of the asteroids to emit no thermal
Calculationofthe3 µmbandparameters
The absorption feature at ~3 µm in the studied asteroids was isolated
and divided by a straight-line continuum in wavelength space fol-
lowing the methodology used in ref. 50
. Two maxima determined the
absorption feature’s continuum at ~2.85 µm and 3.25 µm. The 3 µm
band depth, Dλ, at a given wavelength, was calculated relative to the
Dλ =
Rc − Rλ
, (1)
whereRλ isthereflectanceatagivenwavelengthλ,andRc isthereflec-
tance of the continuum at the same wavelength as Rλ. Band depth
𝛿𝛿Dλ = Dλ ×
+ (
, (2)
R1 = Rc − Rλ, (3)
𝛿𝛿R1 = √(𝛿𝛿Rc)
+ (𝛿𝛿Rλ)
, (4)
δRc and δRλ were derived using each wavelength’s uncertainty calcu-
The 3 µm band area was calculated by integrating the spectral
was computed by applying a sixth-order polynomial fit to the central
made by varying the positions of band maxima was used for the band
area and band centre calculations. Uncertainties for the band area
for planetesimals heated by 26
Al, 60
Fe and long-lived radio-
pressing of bodies with an initially unconsolidated porous structure
was modelled to fit the bulk densities of large low-albedo asteroids
A 1D finite differences thermal evolution model for planetesimals
study. It calculates the heating of small porous bodies, their thermal
several equations that describe these processes. A non-stationary 1D
heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates is discretized by
the finite differences method along the spatial and temporal domain
ρcp (1 + xiceSice)
(kr2 ∂T
) + Q (r, t) , (5)
with the bulk density ρ, the heat capacity cp, the initial fraction xice
and the Stefan number Sice for water ice, the temperature T, the time
t, the radius variable r, and the energy source density Q. The energy
source for the temperature change is the radioactive decay of typical
short-lived radionuclides 26
Al and 60
Fe and long-lived 40
K, 232
Th, 235
Q (r, t) = (1 − vice) ρ ∑
exp (−
t − t0
) , (6)
with the initial water ice volume fraction vice, the porosity-dependent
bulk density ρ, the number of atoms of a stable isotope per 1 kg of the
Z, the decay energy E, the mean life τ = λ/log(2), the half-life λ and the
accretiontimet0 oftheplanetesimal.SeeSupplementaryTable6forthe
within the material is assumed, while the heat source density scales
out the interior but develops heterogeneously with depth during the
thermal evolution under the action of temperature and pressure.
The temperature calculation starts from an initial value of TS = 230 K
We assume properties similar to CM chondrites based on spectral
such as the decay of 26
Al, reacting with anhydrous materials to form
H2O/OH-rich minerals15
. An ice-rich initial composition that leads to
a material dominated by phyllosilicates after aqueous alteration was
assumed as suggested by the water content and modal mineralogy
of CM chondrites51
, that is, ~13 wt% or ~33 vol% H2O ice initially that is
with~60 vol%hydratedsilicatesand~40 vol%anhydroussilicates,that
is,~50 wt%foreither.Inthefollowing,notationsxice = 0.13,xdust = 0.87,
vice = 0.33, vdust = 0.67, xhyd = 0.5, xanh = 0.5, vhyd = 0.6 and vanh = 0.4 are
used.Thisagreeswithanaveragegraindensityof~2,460 kg m−3
lated for a mix of water ice and olivine initially and a mix of antigorite
and olivine after water consumption. This initial composition is an
idealized approximation that provides material properties, such as
numerical procedure. This approximation does not include minor
ence material properties to an amount that would lead to negligible
they are neglected, but this neglection does not contradict the pres-
lower end of known CM grain densities. An average grain density of
2,700 kg m−3
Nature Astronomy
during the accretion in the absence of notable heating (for example,
chose a grain density corresponding to no more than 43% of current
porosities. The initial water content could have varied according to
the range derived for CM chondrites. In general, a different water
fraction would influence the energy balance in the models only via
small changes in the latent heat consumption during the melting of
ice. A reasonable variation in the water content would, thus, lead to
used here is reasonably representative in terms of thermal evolution
of the strain rate that is calculated as Voigt approximation from the
strain rates of components53
. While a variation of the initial porosity
within a few per cent appears to be reasonable, we believe that we
already considered a reasonable value. Porous non-lithified material
of ~44% (refs. 54,55
). While planetesimals accrete from very fluffy dust
lead to compaction of the material, and experiments show that such
repeated micro-impacts can reduce the porosity to less than ~60%
(refs. 56,57
) before the accretion of these aggregates to a planetesimal.
The value of 50% used is smaller than 60% and larger than that of the
random loose packing and is, further, typically used for planetesimal
Material properties (thermal conductivity, density, heat capac-
ity and so on) corresponded to the composition assumed and were
adjusted with temperature, porosity and composition. The melting
of water ice is considered in a temperature interval of two degrees
between Ts = 272 K and Tl = 274 K to avoid numerical issues with too
sharp a phase transition at 273 K. We include the consumption of the
latent heat L = 3.34 × 105
J K−1
during the melting of the ice via a
Stefan number (equation (1) and ref. 43
) using for its calculation the
heatcapacityof4,200 J K−1
The local bulk density ρ is derived from the grain density ρg by
scaling it with the local volume filling factor (1 − ϕ): ρ = (1 − ϕ)ρg. The
equations for the heat capacity cp and the thermal conductivity k are
averages of the water ice and anhydrous silicates (T < Tl) or hydrated
andanhydroussilicates(T ≥ Tl)contributions.Thethermalconductiv-
ity k is calculated as a volume-fraction-weighted geometric mean of
k (ϕ, T) = (
4.3vdust [exp (−
ϕ) − exp (−4.4 −
for T < Tl,orofhydratedandanhydroussilicates
k (ϕ, T) = (
[(max (1 − 2.216ϕ, 0))
− exp (−4.8 −
for T ≥ Tl.
Similarly, the heat capacity is calculated as a mass fraction-
cp (T) = xice (185 + 7.037T) + xdust (800 + 0.25T − 1.5 × 107
) (9)
for T < Tl,and
cp (T) = xhyd (0.9 − 6.3T−0.5
− 14, 600T−2
+ 1.91 × 106
+xanh (800 + 0.25T − 1.5 × 107
for T ≥ Tl, where the olivine heat capacity is approximated with a
ityϕiscalculatedforT ≥ Tl byconsideringthecreepofdryolivineand
wet olivine as an approximation of the bulk material. It is described
by non-stationary differential equations for a strain rate–stress rela-
tion. The bulk strain rate is calculated as a volume-fraction-averaged
∂ log (1 − ϕ)
= ̇
ε = vhyd ̇
ε1 + vanh ̇
ε2, (11)
with a diffusion creep equation for the deformation of wet olivine
ε2 = 1.2 × 10−26
exp (−
295, 000 + P × 20 × 10−6
) , (12)
and a diffusion creep equation for the deformation of dry olivine
ε2 = 1.26 × 10−18
exp (−
355, 640
) , (13)
withtheeffectivestressσ,thegrainsizeb = 10−5
sure P and the temperature T in kelvin. An initial porosity of ϕ0 = 0.5
used is a typical value based on the porosities of the random loose
and random close packings43,52
). The effective stress σ is calculated
as in ref. 17
for the simple cubic packing of equally sized spheres59
has a porosity of ~50%. With ϕ0 = 0.5 and ρg = 2,460 kg m−3
, the initial
densityis1,230 kg m−3
radius r,accordingto
R (t) = (1 − ϕbulk)
R, (14)
tive for sets of bodies with equal mass and grain density but different
ranging from the centre of the planetesimal up to its surface. The
spatial grid is transformed from 0 ≤ r ≤ R, with the distance from the
centre r in metres, to 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 using the transformation η = r/R(t). The
Lagrangian transport of porosity and other quantities are accounted
for. While the positions of the grid points between 0 and 1 are fixed,
the variable values at the grid points are updated at every time step
We used asteroid bulk densities and sizes from ref. 60
for most aster-
oids, ref. 44
for Hygiea and ref. 61
for Nephele. The total porosities of
the asteroids were calculated from the densities and sizes. Note that
ref. 60
also presented porosities. However, those were macroporosi-
ties assumed to be representative of all asteroids presented in ref. 60
Nature Astronomy
for which they assumed rubble pile structure. However, based on the
sizes of known rubble piles of <10 km in size62
, on collisional lifetimes
of≥10 kmobjectssurpassingtheageoftheSolarSystem63
sizes of the asteroids we consider in the present study being >90 km,
zero macroporosity. A new macroporosity result of ~16% for the sub-
the past64
. Therefore, we consider that the porosity is microporosity
by its nature and calculate it from the asteroid bulk densities and the
ϕ = ϕmicro = 1 −
, (15)
where ρmeteorite,grain is the grain density of the meteorite analogue. As a
and very similar spectral properties that indicate a similar composi-
tion. Previous studies5,10,12
found that the 3 μm reflectance spectra of
Ceresandthelargest(d > 200 km)darkasteroidshavesimilarspectral
properties and presumably compositions. We extend this statement
to the asteroids investigated in the current study. Therefore, it is rea-
logue suggested for Aletheia and Palma and a mesosiderite analogue
suggested for Cybele by ref. 60
would contradict asteroids’ hydrated
no aqueous alteration and have less than ~4 vol% phyllosilicates51,66,67
and mesosiderites are similar to igneous eucrites and diogenites in
For deriving the accretion times of the asteroids, we use an
approach similar to that in ref. 17
, where the bulk porosity calculated
for planetesimals was compared with the porosity of Ryugu’s surface
boulders. The goal of the fitting procedure is to find accretion time t0
values that result in bulk density and diameter values that match the
but different porosities (that is, also different bulk densities and sizes
a theoretical diameter at zero porosity. Note that for illustration and
comparability, we associated such bodies with a reference mass in the
tion time intervals covered by our calculations are 10 km to 1,000 km
and1 Myrto5 MyrrelativetotheformationofCAIs,respectively.Unlike
of the accretion times with heliocentric distance15
, this work showed
that the accretion times of large dark asteroids derived are not found
to correlate in any way with their current semimajor axes and that the
of such objects. Therefore, the accretion time is a free parameter, its
earliest value being limited by the formation of CAIs and the latest by
Within the compaction procedure, a body of a given mass and
porosity (that is, bulk density) becomes less porous (that is, denser)
due to compaction via creep. The mass remains constant, the diam-
becomes higher and all values are calculated consistently. Due to the
boundary condition of TS = 230 K for the planetesimal surface, a rela-
the structure of this layer is that of an unsintered low-strength loose
particle agglomerate. Therefore, such layers must have been ablated
material was exposed. Removing thin upper layers by impacts is also
sation of the compaction remove the primordial low-strength layer
that would partly evaporate and partly disperse, we consider only
the interior of planetesimals where hydrated and at least partially
lithified material was able to form and calculate the average density
the grain density (approached only for nearly complete compaction)
and below by the initial density (retained if no compaction occurs at
all), and its value depends on the thermal evolution experienced by
a planetesimal. The sizes of the hydrated parts of planetesimals and
for some unique accretion time, such that an accretion time can be
assigned to this asteroid. For the cases shown in Fig. 2, the primordial
layeristypicallyafew100 mthickatmost.
Our analysis is concentrated on the size and density values currently
rather negligible, the density values have, in most cases, significant
uncertainties of up to 60%. In some cases, one or both of the lowest
and the highest density values available are outside of the interval
spanned by the initial density of 1,230 kg m−3
and the grain density of
2,460 kg m−3
tion time, the bulk density isolines reach plateaus (Fig. 2) where both
Therefore, if plotted, some error bars for the accretion time would
derived can be constrained only for a few cases. For (259) Aletheia, an
uncertaintyof+0.1/−0.6 Myrcanbedeterminedfort0.Inothercases,
an estimate only towards either an earlier or a later formation time
canbeprovided(orevennone):(423)Diotima,−0.6 Myr;(52)Europa,
−1.5 Myr;(372)Palma,−0.1 Myr;(451)Patientia,−0.9 Myr;(10)Hygiea,
−0.7 Myr;(65)Cybele,−0.4 MyrrelativetoCAIs.
thus, masses, arise from the mass estimate uncertainties. They were
D = 2 (
metres (16)
andvaryfrom<7 km(Aletheia)to69 km(Patientia),correspondingto
radius differences of ~3 km to ~35 km. The reference diameter spread
for each asteroid is shown in Fig. 2 with vertical error bars. Our fitted
reference diameters are nearly centred within these intervals, with
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D.T. acknowledges support by NASA’s Solar System Observations
grant NNX17AJ24G. S.N.R. thanks the CNRS’ PNP and MITI programmes
for their support. W.N. acknowledges support by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), project number 434933764. W.N. and
M.T. acknowledge support by Klaus Tschira Foundation. We thank B.
Carry for providing the unpublished density values of some large dark
asteroids used in this study. We also thank the NASA IRTF staff for their
assistance with asteroid observations. Spextool software is written
and maintained by M. Cushing at the University of Toledo, B. Vacca
at SOFIA and A. Boogert at NASA InfraRed Telescope Facility (IRTF),
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai’i. NASA IRTF is operated
by the University of Hawai’i under contract NNH14CK55B with NASA.
D.T. is a visiting astronomer at the Infrared Telescope Facility under
contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
which is operated by the University of Hawaii.
D.T. measured, analysed and interpreted asteroid data. W.N. developed
thermal evolution models for the observed asteroids. S.N.R. helped
place asteroid observations in terms of the dynamics of the solar
system. D.T., W.N. and S.N.R. wrote the first draft of the paper. J.P.E.
and M.T. edited the paper and assisted with the data analysis and
interpretation. All authors contributed to the revision of the paper.
The authors declare no competing interests.
Supplementary information The online version contains
supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materialsshould be addressed to
Driss Takir.
Peer review information Nature Astronomy thanks Andrew Rivkin,
Henry Hsieh and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their
contribution to the peer review of this work.
Reprints and permissions informationis available at
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Late accretion of Ceres-like asteroids and their implantation into the outer main belt

  • 1. Nature Astronomy natureastronomy Article LateaccretionofCeres-likeasteroidsand theirimplantationintotheoutermainbelt Driss Takir 1,7 , Wladimir Neumann 2,3,4 , Sean N. Raymond 5 , Joshua P. Emery6 & Mario Trieloff 3 Low-albedoasteroidspreservearecordoftheprimordialSolarSystem planetesimalsandtheconditionsinwhichthesolarnebulawasactive. However,theoriginandevolutionoftheseasteroidsarenotwell constrained.Herewemeasuredvisibleandnear-infrared(about0.5– 4.0 μm)spectraoflow-albedoasteroidsinthemid-outermainbelt.Weshow thatnumerouslarge(diameter>100 km)anddark(geometricalbedo<0.09) asteroidsexteriortothedwarfplanetCeres’orbitsharethesamespectral features,andpresumablycompositions,asCeres.Wealsodevelopeda thermalevolutionmodelthatdemonstratesthattheseCeres-likeasteroids havehighlyporousinteriors,accretedrelativelylateat1.5–3.5 Myrafter theformationofcalcium–aluminium-richinclusions,andexperienced maximuminteriortemperaturesof<900 K.Ceres-likeasteroidsare localizedinaconfinedheliocentricregionbetweenabout3.0 auand3.4 au, butwereprobablyimplantedfrommoredistantregionsoftheSolarSystem duringthegiantplanet’sdynamicalinstability. Dark asteroids, most of which are located in the mid-outer main belt (2.5 < a < 4.0 au,whereaisthesemimajoraxis)1 ,arethoughttobelefto- vers from the formation of the planets2 and remnants of the primary accretion of the first Solar System planetesimals3 . These asteroids are genetically linked to carbonaceous chondrites4 and are collectively calledprimitiveasteroids.Primitiveasteroidshavebeenstudiedusing variousobservationaltechniques,includingground-based(forexample, refs. 5,6 ) and space-based7 telescopes and spacecraft8 . Using the NASA InfraredTelescopeFacility(IRTF)telescope,TakirandEmery5 measured spectra(~1.9–4.1 µm)oflow-albedoasteroidsinthemid-outermainbelt andidentifiedfourmainspectralgroupsbasedonthe3 µmbandshape: (1) The sharp group has a 3 µm band consistent with CI or CM car- bonaceous chondrites (for example, ref. 9 ). Most of this group’s asteroids are located closer to the Sun in the 2.5 < a < 3.3 au region. (2) A group of asteroids that are spectrally similar to Ceres, located in the ~2.6 < a < 3.2 au region, and has a relatively narrow feature centred at 3.05 µm superimposed on a much broader absorp- tion feature from ~2.8 µm to 3.7 µm. (3) A group of asteroids that are spectrally similar to asteroid (52) Europa, located in the ~3.1 < a < 3.2 au region and exhibit a 3 µm band centred at 3.15 µm also superimposed on a much broader absorption feature from ∼2.8 µm to 3.7 µm. No meteorite match was found for both Ceres- and Europa-like groups in the 3 µm band10 . (4) The rounded group is located in the ~3.4 < a < 4.0 au region and has a 3 µm band that is possibly attributed to water ice (for ex- ample, ref. 11 ). Here we present visible and near-infrared (NIR; ~0.5–4.0 µm) reflectance spectra of 10 Ceres- and Europa-like asteroids (including spectra of asteroid Europa) measured at the IRTF. We place the astro- nomicalobservationsoftheselargedarkasteroidsinthecontextofthe thermalevolutionanddynamicalmodelsandprovideinterpretations fortheoriginandevolutionoftheseasteroids. Received: 3 January 2022 Accepted: 18 January 2023 Published online: xx xx xxxx Check for updates 1 Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA. 2 Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 3 Klaus-Tschira-Labor für Kosmochemie, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. 4 Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany. 5 Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France. 6 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA. 7 Present address: NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, University of Hawaii, Mauna Kea, HI, USA. e-mail:
  • 2. Nature Astronomy Article Ceres-likeasteroids’thermalevolution Primitiveasteroidsarethoughttobecomposedinitiallyofmixturesof anhydrousmaterialsandwatericethatwaslatermeltedbyheatsources such as the decay of 26 Al, reacting with anhydrous materials to form H2O/OH-richminerals15 ,andacarbonaceouschondriticCM-orCI-like composition. The temperature and bulk density evolution of initially water-richsmallbodieswerecalculatedusingaone-dimensional(1D) finitedifferencesthermalevolutionmodel16,17 forplanetesimalsheated by 26 Al, 60 Fe and long-lived radionuclides. An ice-rich initial composi- tionthatleadstoamaterialdominatedbyphyllosilicatesafteraqueous alteration (with an initial ~13 wt% H2O consumed completely for the aqueous alteration leading to a composition with ~60 vol% hydrated silicates as suggested by the water content and modal mineralogy of CM and CR chondrites) was assumed. Inparticular,thermallyactivatedcompactionduetohotpressing of asteroids from an initially low density (that is, highly unconsoli- dated porous structure) and a bigger size to a higher density and a smallersizewasmodelledtofitthebulkdensitiesandsizesofthestudied largedarkasteroids.Tothisend,atypicalinitialporosityof50%(ref.17 ) was reduced following the change of the strain rate calculated as Voigt approximation from the strain rates of components17 . Mate- rial properties (thermal conductivity, density, heat capacity and so on) corresponded to the composition assumed and were adjusted with temperature and porosity. For illustration and comparabil- ity, we associate bodies of an equal mass but different porosities (that is, different bulk densities and sizes obtained after a model cal- culation) with a ‘reference’ mass. The reference mass and accretion time intervals covered by our estimates are 1015 kg to 1021 kg (which would correspond to diameters of ~10 km to 1,000 km at a grain density of 2,460 kg m−3 and zero porosity) and 1 Myr to 5 Myr rela- tive to the formation of calcium–aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs), respectively. Models with a low initial density (that is, a high initial porosity) were calculated for all resulting pairs of parameters. The massesandbulkdensitiesobtainedfromcompactionweresearched formatcheswiththemassesandbulkdensitiesofobservedasteroids. From those matches, accretion times were derived. Figure 2 shows the maximum temperature and the average density calculated as 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 100 1,000 Semimajor axis (au) Diameter (km) Themis Cybele Europa Euphrosyne Patientia Carlova Germania Diotima Loreley Nephele Alethiesa Palma Aurora Aqueously altered asteroids Unaltered asteroids Ceres Hygiea Pulcova 91 324 34 54 187 36 308 704 48 120 130 104 511 1015 121 334 41 211 98 13 190 153 361 107 401 790 76 Fig.1|Orbitaldistributionoflargedarkasteroids.Theidentifiedlargedark asteroids(redsquares)thatwerefoundtobespectrallysimilartothedwarf planetCeresarelocatedinthe~3.0–3.4 auheliocentricregion(grey).TheCM/CI- likeandaqueouslyalteredasteroids(sharpgroup;bluetriangles)fromref. 5 are plottedatlowersolardistancesandunalteredasteroids(roundedgroup;black stars)atgreatersolardistances. OrbitaldistributionofCeres-likeasteroids Inthiswork,weareupdatingtheclassificationofref.5 andcombining Ceres-andEuropa-likegroupstogetherinonegroup,aCeres-likegroup. Weidentifiednineadditionalasteroids(inadditiontoasteroidEuropa) thatarespectrallysimilartoCereshavediametersgreaterthan~100 km withdifferentspectralclasses,includingC,B,P,FandD,andgeometric albedosoflessthan0.09(SupplementaryTable1).SpectraofCeres-like asteroidsexhibitabandcentredaround3.05–3.15 µm(Supplementary Table 2, column 2) mainly superimposed on a much broader absorp- tion feature from ~2.8 µm to 3.7 µm and a broad feature centred at ~1–1.5 µmthatgenerallyhasaconcave-upshapeatshorterwavelengths (~0.6–2.0 µm) (Supplementary Fig. 1). The absorption band intensi- ties at 3 µm for these asteroids range from ~2% to 8% (Supplementary Table 2, column 3). The 3 µm band areas range from 0.012 µm−1 to 0.015 µm−1 (Supplementary Table 2, column 4). Previously published visiblespectra(0.4–0.93 µm; includedinthisstudytoprovideadeeperunderstandingofthesurface compositionoftheseasteroids.SupplementaryFig.2showsprocessed spectra of all the identified large dark asteroids that are found to be consistent with those of the dwarf planet Ceres. Figure1illustratesthatallidentifiedCeres-likeasteroidsarecon- centratedbetween~3.0 auand3.4 au.Twoasteroids,(24)Themisand (65) Cybele, which were classified by ref. 5 in the rounded group, are reclassified in this work in the Ceres-like group because of their spec- tral similarity to Ceres’ spectra. Asteroid (324) Bamberga is grouped by refs. 5,12,13 as a Ceres-like object; however, more recent work has shown that this asteroid is classified in the sharp group14 . Bamberga’s spectralshapeinthe~0.5–2.5 µmregion,characterizedbyasteepslope with a slight upwards curvature around 1.5 µm, further suggests the classification of Bamberga in the sharp group. Bamberga may have a heterogeneoussurfacerepresentingbothgroups,Ceres-likeandsharp. ExceptforasteroidCybelelocatedat3.4 au,allCeres-likeasteroids arelocatedinanarrowheliocentricregionbetween~3.0 auand~3.2 au, beyondCeres’orbitat~2.8 au.Figure1alsoshowsbodieslocatedcloser to the Sun whose ice melted, leading to aqueous alteration (sharp group), and those farther from the Sun that contain unmelted ice (roundedgroup)5 .
  • 3. Nature Astronomy Article functions of reference masses and accretion time, where the mass and the accretion time t0 were varied as stated above. Furthermore, the accretion times for several of the asteroids studied that result fromthebulkdensityandmassfitsareshown.SeeMethodsformore information about the fitting procedure of bulk densities for the studiedlargedarkasteroidsandtheircorrespondingaccretiontimes and uncertainties. The availability of 26 Al determines the heating and compaction ofplanetesimals,thatis,bytheaccretiontimet0,suchthatmaximum temperatures and structures vary enormously for t0 < 3 Myr relative toCAIs.However,foralateraccretion,onlythemass(moreprecisely, the surface-to-volume ratio, that is, the size that corresponds to this massatagivengraindensityandbulkporosity)ofthebodydetermines itsmaximumtemperatureanddensityduetonearlyconstantheating bylong-livedradionuclides.Themodelsfittheasteroidbulkdensities as an observational parameter and calculate bulk porosities consist- ent with these densities. We find that most highly porous interiors characterize the large and dark asteroids (Fig. 3) and, consequently, accretedrelativelylate,thatis,at1.5–3.5 Myrrelativetotheformation ofCAIswithamaximumtemperatureof<900 K(Fig.2).Lowerbounds onthemaximumtemperaturescanbeprovidedbycomparingmasses withmaximumcentraltemperaturesinFig.2aforthosefiveasteroids for which observational constraints (that is, the density) do not suf- fice for producing accretion time fits. These lower bounds are 300 K, 450 K,550 K,620 Kand650 Kfor(762)Pulcova,(31)Euphrosyne,(360) Carlova, (165) Loreley and (241) Germania, respectively. The range of maximumtemperaturesagreeswiththehydrationofdrysilicatesand is insufficient for dehydration, in agreement with the spectra of large darkasteroids. Contrarytowhatwasassumedbyref.15 ,state-of-the-artaccretion models do not produce a correlation between accretion times and heliocentricdistance.Thecurrentsemimajoraxesshouldnotbeused to derive such objects’ accretion times. However, this includes such a correlation at the original accretion location of these asteroids that mighthavedifferedconsiderablyfromthepresentonesaccordingto ourdynamicalmodels. DynamicsofCeres-likeasteroids’orbital implantation Theplanets’growthanddynamicalevolutioncausedwidespreadradial mixing of small bodies2 . Volatile-rich asteroids were implanted from moredistantorbitsbybeingscatteredinwardsbythegiantplanetsand thentrappedonstableorbitswithinthebelt.Thisprobablyhappened in multiple episodes (Fig. 4). (1) The giant planets’ rapid gas accretion destabilized the orbits of nearby planetesimals and scattered them in all directions. A fraction was trapped in the belt under gas drag18 . (2) The giant planets’ orbital migration acted to scatter and shep- herd planetesimals. In the Grand Tack model context, the gi- ant planets’ late outwards migration scattered volatile-rich planetesimals inwards and implanted a fraction into the belt19 . Other migration pathways—such as those dominated by the inwards migration of the giant planets—would also have led to implantation18,20 . (3) The ice giants’ accretion—from the inwards migration and colli- sional growth of a population of about five Earth-mass cores21 — scattered planetesimals inwards, implanting a fraction in the asteroid belt due to gas drag22 . (4) The giant planet dynamical instability scattered the bulk of the primordial outer planetesimal disk through the inner Solar System to be ejected by Jupiter23 . A small fraction of these very volatile-rich objects were captured onto stable orbits in the in- ner Solar System: Jupiter’s co-orbital region24,25 and the asteroid belt26,27 . These four implantation mechanisms form a rough temporal sequence: giant planet growth, migration and instability. There is an implied gradient in the accretion ages of implanted asteroids by dif- ferent mechanisms simply because planetesimals must have formed before being implanted. The feeding zones of the other mechanisms alsoformaroughradialprogression.JupiterandSaturn’sinsitugrowth (assuming no migration) implants asteroids from a zone ~5 au wide, from ~4 au to 9 au (ref. 18 ). Accounting for the gas giants’ migration and the ice giants’ growth, the source region of dark asteroids would have extended from a few to ~20 au, yet with a strong preference for objectsoriginatingbetween~5 auand10 au(refs.18,20,28 ).Theicegiants’ growth implanted planetesimals from ~10 au to at least 20–30 au (ref.22 ).Finally,thedynamicalinstabilityimplantedplanetesimalsthat accretedat~20–40 au(ref.25 ). Although the exact timing of giant planet growth, migration and instabilityremainuncertain,weexpectlaterasteroidaccretiontimesto Maximum temperature (K) 400 4 0 0 600 600 6 0 0 800 800 8 0 0 1,0 00 1 , 0 0 0 27 3 1 2 3 4 5 Accretion time (Myr after CAIs) Planetesimal mass (kg) 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Average density (kg m –3 ) 1,300 1 , 3 0 0 1,300 1,500 1,500 1 , 5 0 0 1,500 1,800 1,800 1 , 8 0 0 1,800 2,000 2,000 2 , 0 0 0 2,000 2,200 2,200 2 , 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 2,400 1 2 3 4 5 Accretion time (Myr after CAIs) 10 16 10 17 10 18 10 19 10 20 10 21 Planetesimal mass (kg) 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 a b (431) (52) (10) (423) (372) (94) (259) (65) (10) (52) (423) (372) (24) (431) (451) (65) (94) (451) (259) 10 16 10 17 10 18 10 19 10 20 10 21 80 0 (24) Fig.2|Maximumtemperatureandaveragedensityforinitiallywater-rich planetesimalsasafunctionoftheaccretiontimerelativetoCAIsandthe referencemass.a,Maximumtemperature.b,Averagedensity.Thesquaresshow fittedasteroidscentredattheirreferencemassesandaccretiontimesandthe verticalerrorbarsshowthemassuncertainty.Thestudiedasteroids’numbersare alsoincludedintheplots.SeeMethodsformoredetailsaboutthermalevolution modelling.SupplementaryTable3summarizeskeyobservedpropertiesof asteroidsfittedwiththermalevolutionmodels,theirinitialandintermediate propertiesinvolvedinthemodellingprocedureandthefinalcalculated propertiesofasteroidfitsandresultingaccretiontimesderived.Theerror barsplottedshowthemassuncertaintiesofthefits(Methods)thatresultfrom themassestimateobservationuncertainties.Fortheaccretiontimeestimate uncertainty,seeSupplementaryTable3.
  • 4. Nature Astronomy Article correlatewithamoredistantoriginandimplantationbyalater-occurring process. The giant planet’s dynamical instability (mechanism 4) is the strongest candidate for implanting large dark asteroids. The critical piece of evidence is that these objects are concentrated in the outer- most parts of the main belt, mostly between 3.0 au and 3.2 au (Fig. 1). Gas-drivencapture(mechanisms1,2and3)producesabroaderdistribu- tionofimplantedasteroidsinwhichitisstatisticallyunlikelynottohave capturedanyobjectsinteriortoCeres’present-dayorbit18,19,22 .Forboth mechanisms1and3,thepeakinthedistributionofimplantedCeres-sized planetesimals is close to Ceres’ actual orbit18,22 . However, suppose we assume that Ceres and the large dark asteroids are part of the same populationandthatnolargedarkasteroidsexistclosertotheSunthan Ceres.Inthatcase,itbecomesapparentthatthesemechanismscannot explaintheimplantationofthelargedarkasteroids.Incontrast,implan- tation of asteroids during the giant planet instability (mechanism 4) is almost entirely confined to the outer belt, beyond 2.5 au and with a steep radial number density gradient (although the exact distribution of implanted objects depends on the detailed evolution of scattered planetsduringthedynamicalinstability26,27 ).Thisimpliesthatthelarge dark asteroids originated in the 20–40 au region26,27 . The outstanding questioniswhythedwarfplanetCeresshouldbetheinnermost. Despite their overlapping orbital distributions, dark asteroids and their more refractory-dominated counterparts (such as S types) probably originated in disconnected regions of the Solar System2,29 . Thecarbonaceous/non-carbonaceousisotopicdichotomymeasured inmeteorites30 suggeststhattheirparentbodiesformedconcurrently butnotnearby31 .Instead,thediskofplanetesimal-formingsolidswas dividedintwo,perhapsbyJupiter’sgrowingcore,anon-planet-related pressurebumpinthediskorotherprocessesrelatedtotheplanetesi- malformation32 .Darkprimitiveasteroidsprobablyrepresentplanetary buildingblocksintheoutermostpartsofthedisk. Surfaceandinteriorcompositionoflargedark asteroids The nature of the surface compositions of Ceres, and also Ceres-like asteroids,isstillunderdebate,anddifferentinterpretationshavebeen putforthtoexplaintheabsorptionfeaturesintheseobjects33–35 .Labo- ratoryandspectroscopicexperimentsonmeteoritesrepresentingall nine carbonaceous chondrite types found no spectral matches for theselargeasteroids36 .PreviousstudiesofCereshavebeenconducted to constrain and estimate its surface composition. Using linear mix- ing, ref. 35 found hydroxide brucite, serpentines and carbonates con- sistent with Ceres’ ground-based spectra. Another study33 estimated the surface composition of Ceres and found evidence of widespread NH3-phyllosilicatesacrossitssurfaceusingbest-fitsolutionstoDawn’s NIRspectra.ThepresenceofNH3-phyllosilicatesimpliesthatmaterial fromtheouterSolarSystemwasincorporatedintolargedarkasteroids, eitherduringtheirformationatagreatheliocentricdistanceorincor- porating material transported into the main belt region33 . Spectra of large dark asteroids are similar to the spectra of Himalia37 ,thelargestirregularsatelliteofJupiterat5.2 au.Theirregular satellite’s spectra exhibit 1 µm and 3 µm bands consistent with those found in Ceres-like asteroids. In addition, NIR spectroscopic meas- urements of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko by the Rosetta spacecraft38 revealed that this comet’s spectra exhibit a 3 µm feature that is similar to the spectra of Ceres and other large asteroids. The 3 µmfeatureincomet67Pwasattributedtoammoniumsalts38 .Another study39 alsosuggestedthaticyammonia,condensedintheouterSolar System beyond 5 au, could have migrated inwards and incorporated intoCeresandpresumablyotherlargedarkasteroidsinthemainbelt. Cereshasaspecificcompositionthatappearstodifferfrommost other large dark asteroids in the main belt40 . In particular, Ceres has a higher density at present than most other large dark asteroids, had, potentially, a higher H2O fraction in the past that led to differentia- tion41 and might have experienced a loss of a past water ocean42 . Both modelling and observations suggest a small porosity for Ceres40,43 , in agreement with more vital compaction due to its larger size and moreenergeticthermalevolution44 .Incontrast,currentobservations indicate no free water and higher porosity, and lower metamorphic temperatures for the other large dark asteroids, supported by our modellingthermalevolutionsection.Beingmuchmoreevolved,Ceres owes its impressive geological evolution and past to its dwarf planet sizeandamuchmoreextensivewateraction. IsasteroidHygiea,thefourthlargestmainbeltasteroid,thesecond dwarf planet in the main belt? The Dawn mission revealed that Ceres is geologically evolved, with evidence of tectonic and cryovolcanic activitiesandaheavilycrateredsurface8 .Previousobservationalresults showedthatthedwarfplanetCeresandasteroidHygieaarespectrally similar in that they both have a 3 µm band centred at ~3.05 µm (ref. 5 ), unlikemostofthestudiedlargedarkasteroidsthathavea3 µmfeature centredat~3.15 µm.Inaddition,Hygieawasfoundtohaveabasin-free sphericalshapecomparabletoCeres44 .Theaccretiontimeof2.65 Myr after CAIs derived for Hygiea is earlier than the accretion times of ≥5 MyrafterCAIssuggestedforCeresbydifferentstudies(forexample, ref.16 andreferencestherein).Thisisconsistentwithlessefficientcool- ingofCeresthroughthesurfacethanforHygiea.IfCereshadaccreted earlier, this would have led to elevated temperatures, dehydration and, potentially, a loss of its water content. However, reducing the radiogenic energy for late accretion provides less energetic heating and compensates for a weaker cooling for Ceres. As Ceres probably had, and still has, a more significant water fraction than large dark asteroidsaddressedhere,itwasexplicitlynotfitted.However,models withaCeres-likewaterfractionwouldnecessitatealowergraindensity, shifting the density isolines in Fig. 2b to more enormous reference massesandtolateraccretiontimessincethewaterfractionwouldnot containradioactiveheatsources.Theshapesofthedensityisolinesin Fig.2bimplyanaccretiontimeclosetoorlaterthan~5 MyrafterCAIs. SupposeCeresandHygieahaveasimilarsurfacecompositionandare ofasimilarorigin.Inthatcase,theaccretionofplanetesimalsmusthave occurred over an extended time interval of more than 2.5 Myr in the regionoftheSolarSystemwherebothobjectsformed.Thediscovery oflargedarkasteroidssmallerthanCeresnearitsorbitalvicinitysug- geststhatthisdwarfplanetispossiblynotuniqueinthemainbeltand itssurfacecompositionisnotdrivenbyitsvastsize. Most evolved structure 25% ≥ φc ≥ 10%: 10% > φc > 0%: (372) Palma (423) Diotima (451) Patientia (52) Europa (65) Cybele (431) Nephele (24) Themis (94) Aurora φ = 0% for innermost: 30 vol% (10) Hygiea 40 vol% (259) Aletheia a b c d Hydrated and partially compacted Partially compacted Fully compacted Structure evolution with time Hydrated surface Fig.3|Evolutionoftheasteroidinteriorstructurefromlefttoright,as wellasfinalstructuresobtained. a,Asteroidsformaslooseagglomerates ofdrydustandiceparticles.b,Heatingoftheinteriortriggershydrationand progressivecompaction.c,Grazingimpactsthenremovetheremainingloose surficiallayerexposingahydratedsurface.d,Someasteroidsevolvetoastage thatischaracterizedbyfullycompactedcentralregions.Finalstructuresrange fromstructuresthatareporousthroughout(thoughpartiallycompactedtoa varyingdegreefordifferentasteroids)withahighcentralporosityofϕc ≈ 25%(c), tostructureswithstronglyreducedcentralporositiesofdownto3%(c),tofully compactedinteriorsoverlainbyhighlyporousouterlayers(d).
  • 5. Nature Astronomy Article Methods Observations and data reduction We measured asteroid spectra of large and dark asteroids with the Prism (0.7–2.52 µm) and long-wavelength cross-dispersed (LXD; 1.9–4.2 µm) modes of the SpeX (0.8 × 15 arcsec slit) spectrograph/ imager at the IRTF45 . Supplementary Tables 4 and 5 summarize the observing parameters for the studied asteroids observed between 2015 and 2020 with the prism and LXD modes of SpeX. We used the Interactive Data Language-based spectral reduction tool Spextool (v4.0)toreducethedata46 . Forasteroids’LXDandPrismobservations,wefollowedthesame technique used in ref. 5 . The spectral image frames were divided by a flat field frame measured using an internal integrating sphere. To correct for the contributions of the OH line emission and the thermal emission from the sky (longwards of ~2.3 µm), we subtracted spec- tral image frames of asteroids and the solar analogue standard stars in Supplementary Tables 4 and 5 (G-type stars close to asteroids on the sky at similar airmass) at beam position A from spectral image framesatbeamBofthetelescope.Afterthissubtraction,theresidual background was removed by subtracting the median background outside the data aperture for each channel. Spectra were extracted by summing the flux at each channel within a user-defined aperture. Asteroid spectra were divided by spectra of the solar analogue meas- ured close in airmass to remove telluric absorptions (mostly water vapouratthesewavelengths).Wavelengthcalibrationwasconductedat λ < 2.5μmusingargonlinesmeasuredwiththeinternalcalibrationbox andatλ > 2.5 µmusingtelluricabsorptionlines. Thermalfluxmodellingandcorrection The measured LXD spectra of dark asteroids show a steep increase of apparent reflectance longwards of ~2.5 μm due to thermal radiation from the asteroids’ surfaces. Removing the thermal excess in spec- tra is essential for adequately characterizing mineral absorptions in asteroids.WeusedtheNear-EarthAsteroidThermalModel(NEATM)47 to constrain the model thermal flux longwards of 2.5 μm in asteroids. NEATM is based on the Standard Thermal Model (STM) of ref. 48 . The (1) Planetesimals and planetary embryos form with a gradient of compositions Increasingly volatile-rich Gaseous disk Rocky (2) Jupiter and Saturn's rapid gas accretion implants volatile-rich planetesimals in the outer main belt (3) Jupiter and Saturn's outwards migration (if it happened) implants volatile-rich planetesimals into the outer main belt (4) The ice giants accrete from inwards-migrating icy cores beyond the gas giants and scatter outer planetesimals to the outer main belt (5) The giant planet instability clears out the outer planetesimal disk and implants very volatile-rich objects into the outer belt Extra ice giant ejected Fig.4|Implantationofplanetesimalsintotheasteroidbeltduringthe planets’growthanddynamicalevolution.Thedisk’stemperatureprofile establishedagradientinthecompositionofsmallbodiesduringplanetesimal formation(forexample,ref. 15 ).Thepresenceofammoniatedphyllosilicates33 indicatesthatCeres(andpresumablyalsothelargedarkplanetesimals)probably originatedbeyondSaturn’sorbitandperhapsmuchfartherout.Planetesimals fromtheJupiter–Saturnregionwereimplantedduringthegasgiants’rapidgas accretion18 .Themigrationofthegasandicegiantscausedthesourceregion ofimplantedplanetesimalstoexpandoutwards18,19 .Theicegiants’growth implantedadditionalplanetesimals22 .Thegiantplanet’sinstabilitythen implantedsomeasteroidsfromtheouterplanetesimaldisk25,26 —thisisthelikely sourceofthelargedarkasteroids.Theinstabilitymayhavebeentriggeredbythe dispersalofthegaseousdisk68 ,suchthattheseimplantationmechanismswere separatedintimebyonlyafewtotenmillionyears.Manyvolatile-poorasteroids wereprobablyimplantedfromtheterrestrialplanet-formingregion29 .
  • 6. Nature Astronomy Article measuredthermalexcesswasfittedwithamodelexcess(Supplemen- tary Fig. 3) that was then subtracted from the measured thermal flux relativespectraoftheasteroids(SupplementaryFig.4). Inthethermalmodel,weusedparametersthatincludeheliocen- tric and geocentric distances, visible geometric albedo and phase angle at the time of observation obtained from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Horizon online ephemeris generator (Supplementary Table 2). A default value for the slope parameter G of 0.15 was used for all asteroids49 . Because we used the V-band albedo in the thermal model, we applied a K to V scale (derived using Prism spectra) for all asteroids to reconcile the two reflectance values at the two different wavelengths.ThebeamingparameterwasincorporatedintheNEATM modeltoaccountfordifferencesinsurfaceroughness.Tominimizea chi-squared fit to asteroids’ observational data and find the surface temperaturethatbestmatchesthemeasuredthermalflux,theNEATM model iterates through several approximations of the beaming and geometric albedo. We assumed both bolometric and spectral emis- sivity to be 0.9 and the night sides of the asteroids to emit no thermal energyinthemodel. Calculationofthe3 µmbandparameters The absorption feature at ~3 µm in the studied asteroids was isolated and divided by a straight-line continuum in wavelength space fol- lowing the methodology used in ref. 50 . Two maxima determined the absorption feature’s continuum at ~2.85 µm and 3.25 µm. The 3 µm band depth, Dλ, at a given wavelength, was calculated relative to the continuumusingthefollowingequation: Dλ = Rc − Rλ Rc , (1) whereRλ isthereflectanceatagivenwavelengthλ,andRc isthereflec- tance of the continuum at the same wavelength as Rλ. Band depth uncertaintywascalculatedusingthefollowingequation: 𝛿𝛿Dλ = Dλ × √ √ √ √ ( δR1 R1 ) 2 + ( δRc Rc ) 2 , (2) where R1 = Rc − Rλ, (3) and 𝛿𝛿R1 = √(𝛿𝛿Rc) 2 + (𝛿𝛿Rλ) 2 , (4) δRc and δRλ were derived using each wavelength’s uncertainty calcu- latedduringthedatareductionprocess. The 3 µm band area was calculated by integrating the spectral curvebelowthecontinuumoftheabsorptionfeature.Thebandcentre was computed by applying a sixth-order polynomial fit to the central partoftheabsorptionfeature.Anaverageofatleastfivemeasurements made by varying the positions of band maxima was used for the band area and band centre calculations. Uncertainties for the band area andcentrewerecalculatedbythe2σstandarddeviationrepresenting variabilityfromtheaverage. Thermalevolutionmodeldescription Thetemperatureandbulkdensityevolutionofinitiallywater-richsmall bodieswerecalculatedusinga1Dfinitedifferencesthermalevolution model16,17 for planetesimals heated by 26 Al, 60 Fe and long-lived radio- nuclides.Inparticular,thermallyactivatedcompactionduetothehot pressing of bodies with an initially unconsolidated porous structure was modelled to fit the bulk densities of large low-albedo asteroids underconsiderationand,therefore,constraintheiraccretiontime. Energybalance A 1D finite differences thermal evolution model for planetesimals heatedmainlyby26 Alpresentedinrefs.16,17 wasadaptedforthecurrent study. It calculates the heating of small porous bodies, their thermal evolution,andthecompactionofamixtureofdryandhydratedmate- rialfromaninitiallyunconsolidatedstateduetohotpressingbysolving several equations that describe these processes. A non-stationary 1D heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates is discretized by the finite differences method along the spatial and temporal domain andsolvedforthetemperature: ρcp (1 + xiceSice) ∂T ∂t = 1 r2 ∂ ∂r (kr2 ∂T ∂r ) + Q (r, t) , (5) with the bulk density ρ, the heat capacity cp, the initial fraction xice and the Stefan number Sice for water ice, the temperature T, the time t, the radius variable r, and the energy source density Q. The energy source for the temperature change is the radioactive decay of typical short-lived radionuclides 26 Al and 60 Fe and long-lived 40 K, 232 Th, 235 U and238 U: Q (r, t) = (1 − vice) ρ ∑ i fiZi Ei τi exp (− t − t0 τi ) , (6) with the initial water ice volume fraction vice, the porosity-dependent bulk density ρ, the number of atoms of a stable isotope per 1 kg of the primordialmaterialf,theinitialratioofradioactiveandstableisotope Z, the decay energy E, the mean life τ = λ/log(2), the half-life λ and the accretiontimet0 oftheplanetesimal.SeeSupplementaryTable6forthe associatedparametervalues.Ahomogeneousheatsourcedistribution within the material is assumed, while the heat source density scales furtherwiththeporosityϕ.Theporosityisinitiallyconstantthrough- out the interior but develops heterogeneously with depth during the thermal evolution under the action of temperature and pressure. The temperature calculation starts from an initial value of TS = 230 K throughouttheplanetesimalwithaconstantsurfacetemperatureTS. Compositionandmaterialproperties We assume properties similar to CM chondrites based on spectral similaritiesoflargedarkasteroidswithwater-richcarbonaceouschon- drites.Theinitialcompositionisconsideredtobemainlyamixtureof anhydrousmaterialsandwatericethatwaslatermeltedbyheatsources such as the decay of 26 Al, reacting with anhydrous materials to form H2O/OH-rich minerals15 . An ice-rich initial composition that leads to a material dominated by phyllosilicates after aqueous alteration was assumed as suggested by the water content and modal mineralogy of CM chondrites51 , that is, ~13 wt% or ~33 vol% H2O ice initially that is entirelyconsumedfortheaqueousalterationleadingtoacomposition with~60 vol%hydratedsilicatesand~40 vol%anhydroussilicates,that is,~50 wt%foreither.Inthefollowing,notationsxice = 0.13,xdust = 0.87, vice = 0.33, vdust = 0.67, xhyd = 0.5, xanh = 0.5, vhyd = 0.6 and vanh = 0.4 are used.Thisagreeswithanaveragegraindensityof~2,460 kg m−3 calcu- lated for a mix of water ice and olivine initially and a mix of antigorite and olivine after water consumption. This initial composition is an idealized approximation that provides material properties, such as graindensity,thermalconductivityandheatcapacity,neededforthe numerical procedure. This approximation does not include minor phasesandtraceelements.Minorphasessuchasammoniawouldinflu- ence material properties to an amount that would lead to negligible differencesinthethermalevolutionmodellingoutcomes.Therefore, they are neglected, but this neglection does not contradict the pres- enceofammoniaintheinitialcomposition.Thegraindensityisatthe lower end of known CM grain densities. An average grain density of 2,700 kg m−3 appliedtotheasteroidsconsideredwouldimplycurrent porositiesofupto50%.However,theprocessofcoldpressingthatacts
  • 7. Nature Astronomy Article during the accretion in the absence of notable heating (for example, ref.52 )alreadyreducestheporosityinplanetesimalsto~43%.Thus,we chose a grain density corresponding to no more than 43% of current porosities. The initial water content could have varied according to the range derived for CM chondrites. In general, a different water fraction would influence the energy balance in the models only via small changes in the latent heat consumption during the melting of ice. A reasonable variation in the water content would, thus, lead to negligiblevariationsinthemodellingoutcome.Thus,thecomposition used here is reasonably representative in terms of thermal evolution andcompactionbehaviour. Atypicalinitialporosityof50%wasreducedfollowingthechange of the strain rate that is calculated as Voigt approximation from the strain rates of components53 . While a variation of the initial porosity within a few per cent appears to be reasonable, we believe that we already considered a reasonable value. Porous non-lithified material canbeapproximatedbypackingsofspheres.Theloosestclosepacking thatisjuststableundertheapplicationofexternalforceshasaporosity of ~44% (refs. 54,55 ). While planetesimals accrete from very fluffy dust aggregateswithporositiesofupto90%,collisionsoftheseaggregates lead to compaction of the material, and experiments show that such repeated micro-impacts can reduce the porosity to less than ~60% (refs. 56,57 ) before the accretion of these aggregates to a planetesimal. The value of 50% used is smaller than 60% and larger than that of the random loose packing and is, further, typically used for planetesimal thermalevolutionmodels(forexample,ref.52 andfollow-uppapers). Material properties (thermal conductivity, density, heat capac- ity and so on) corresponded to the composition assumed and were adjusted with temperature, porosity and composition. The melting of water ice is considered in a temperature interval of two degrees between Ts = 272 K and Tl = 274 K to avoid numerical issues with too sharp a phase transition at 273 K. We include the consumption of the latent heat L = 3.34 × 105 J K−1 kg−1 during the melting of the ice via a Stefan number (equation (1) and ref. 43 ) using for its calculation the heatcapacityof4,200 J K−1 kg−1 ofliquidwater.Theaqueousalteration and,therefore,theformationofhydratedsilicatesisassumedtooccur quasi-instantaneouslyafterreachingTl. The local bulk density ρ is derived from the grain density ρg by scaling it with the local volume filling factor (1 − ϕ): ρ = (1 − ϕ)ρg. The equations for the heat capacity cp and the thermal conductivity k are averages of the water ice and anhydrous silicates (T < Tl) or hydrated andanhydroussilicates(T ≥ Tl)contributions.Thethermalconductiv- ity k is calculated as a volume-fraction-weighted geometric mean of thethermalconductivitiesofwatericeandanhydroussilicatedust: k (ϕ, T) = ( 567 T ) vice 4.3vdust [exp (− 4 0.08 ϕ) − exp (−4.4 − 4 0.17 ϕ)] 1/4 (7) for T < Tl,orofhydratedandanhydroussilicates k (ϕ, T) = ( 1 0.404+0.000246T ) vhyd 4.3vanh [(max (1 − 2.216ϕ, 0)) 4 − exp (−4.8 − 4 0.167 ϕ)] 1/4 (8) for T ≥ Tl. Similarly, the heat capacity is calculated as a mass fraction- weightedarithmeticmean cp (T) = xice (185 + 7.037T) + xdust (800 + 0.25T − 1.5 × 107 T−2 ) (9) for T < Tl,and cp (T) = xhyd (0.9 − 6.3T−0.5 − 14, 600T−2 + 1.91 × 106 T−3 ) +xanh (800 + 0.25T − 1.5 × 107 T−2 ) (10) for T ≥ Tl, where the olivine heat capacity is approximated with a H-chondriticcp. Forthethermalconductivitiesandheatcapacitiesofthespecies, seeref.16 andreferencestherein. Porosity Theevolutionofthevolumefractionofbulkporespace,thatis,poros- ityϕiscalculatedforT ≥ Tl byconsideringthecreepofdryolivineand wet olivine as an approximation of the bulk material. It is described by non-stationary differential equations for a strain rate–stress rela- tion. The bulk strain rate is calculated as a volume-fraction-averaged expressionintheVoigtapproximation53 : ∂ log (1 − ϕ) ∂t = ̇ ε = vhyd ̇ ε1 + vanh ̇ ε2, (11) with a diffusion creep equation for the deformation of wet olivine derivedbyref.58 : ̇ ε2 = 1.2 × 10−26 σ1.1 b−3 exp (− 295, 000 + P × 20 × 10−6 8.314T ) , (12) and a diffusion creep equation for the deformation of dry olivine derivedbyref.59 : ̇ ε2 = 1.26 × 10−18 σ1.5 b−3 exp (− 355, 640 8.314T ) , (13) withtheeffectivestressσ,thegrainsizeb = 10−5 m,thelithostaticpres- sure P and the temperature T in kelvin. An initial porosity of ϕ0 = 0.5 used is a typical value based on the porosities of the random loose and random close packings43,52 ). The effective stress σ is calculated as in ref. 17 for the simple cubic packing of equally sized spheres59 that has a porosity of ~50%. With ϕ0 = 0.5 and ρg = 2,460 kg m−3 , the initial densityis1,230 kg m−3 . Radiusandresolution TheradiusR(t)oftheobjectconsideredchangeswiththebulkporosity ϕbulk(t)atthetimet,obtainedbyintegratingthelocalporosityoverthe radius r,accordingto R (t) = (1 − ϕbulk) −1/3 R, (14) whereRisthereferenceradius,thatis,theradiusatzeroporosity.The referenceradiusisusedfortheanalysisoftheresultsasitisrepresenta- tive for sets of bodies with equal mass and grain density but different porosity.Allequationsinvolvedaresolvedonthespatialradiusdomain ranging from the centre of the planetesimal up to its surface. The spatial grid is transformed from 0 ≤ r ≤ R, with the distance from the centre r in metres, to 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 using the transformation η = r/R(t). The timeandspacederivativesarealsotransformedandthetransformed expressionsareappliedtoallequationsinvolved,suchthatfeatureslike Lagrangian transport of porosity and other quantities are accounted for. While the positions of the grid points between 0 and 1 are fixed, the variable values at the grid points are updated at every time step accordingtotheabovetransformations.Non-stationaryequationsare alsodiscretizedwithrespecttothetimevariabletandsolvedusingthe implicitfinite-differencemethod. Fittingprocedure We used asteroid bulk densities and sizes from ref. 60 for most aster- oids, ref. 44 for Hygiea and ref. 61 for Nephele. The total porosities of the asteroids were calculated from the densities and sizes. Note that ref. 60 also presented porosities. However, those were macroporosi- ties assumed to be representative of all asteroids presented in ref. 60
  • 8. Nature Astronomy Article for which they assumed rubble pile structure. However, based on the sizes of known rubble piles of <10 km in size62 , on collisional lifetimes of≥10 kmobjectssurpassingtheageoftheSolarSystem63 ,andonthe sizes of the asteroids we consider in the present study being >90 km, alltheseasteroidsareprobablynotrubblepilesandshouldhavenearly zero macroporosity. A new macroporosity result of ~16% for the sub- kilometrerubblepileRyuguindicates,further,thatevenfortinyrubble piles,macroporositiesmayhavebeensystematicallyoverestimatedin the past64 . Therefore, we consider that the porosity is microporosity by its nature and calculate it from the asteroid bulk densities and the meteoriteanaloguegraindensity: ϕ = ϕmicro = 1 − ρasteroid,bulk ρmeteorite,grain , (15) where ρmeteorite,grain is the grain density of the meteorite analogue. As a meteoriteanalogueweusedCMchondrites,assuggestedbyrefs.60,65 , and very similar spectral properties that indicate a similar composi- tion. Previous studies5,10,12 found that the 3 μm reflectance spectra of Ceresandthelargest(d > 200 km)darkasteroidshavesimilarspectral properties and presumably compositions. We extend this statement to the asteroids investigated in the current study. Therefore, it is rea- sonabletoassumeasimilarcompositionforthemodelling.ACVana- logue suggested for Aletheia and Palma and a mesosiderite analogue suggested for Cybele by ref. 60 would contradict asteroids’ hydrated surfacesactuallyobserved,asCVchondritesexperiencedverylittleto no aqueous alteration and have less than ~4 vol% phyllosilicates51,66,67 , and mesosiderites are similar to igneous eucrites and diogenites in theirsilicatecomposition. For deriving the accretion times of the asteroids, we use an approach similar to that in ref. 17 , where the bulk porosity calculated for planetesimals was compared with the porosity of Ryugu’s surface boulders. The goal of the fitting procedure is to find accretion time t0 values that result in bulk density and diameter values that match the bulkdensitiesanddiametersofthelargeprimitiveasteroidsconsidered. Forillustrationandcomparability,weassociatebodiesofanequalmass but different porosities (that is, also different bulk densities and sizes obtainedafteramodelcalculation)witha‘reference’diameter,thatis, a theoretical diameter at zero porosity. Note that for illustration and comparability, we associated such bodies with a reference mass in the mainpaperasthereferencediameterscaleiseffectivelyequivalenttoa massscaleatauniformgraindensity.Thereferencediameterandaccre- tion time intervals covered by our calculations are 10 km to 1,000 km and1 Myrto5 MyrrelativetotheformationofCAIs,respectively.Unlike previousthermalmodellinginvestigationsthatassumedacorrelation of the accretion times with heliocentric distance15 , this work showed that the accretion times of large dark asteroids derived are not found to correlate in any way with their current semimajor axes and that the currentsemimajoraxesshouldnotbeusedforderivingaccretiontimes of such objects. Therefore, the accretion time is a free parameter, its earliest value being limited by the formation of CAIs and the latest by theendtimeofplanetesimalaccretion.Thermalevolutionandcompac- tionmodelswithalowinitialdensity(thatis,ahighinitialporosity)and biggerinitialdiametersthanreferencediameters(asprescribedbythe initialporosity)werecalculatedforallresultingpairsofparameters. Within the compaction procedure, a body of a given mass and porosity (that is, bulk density) becomes less porous (that is, denser) due to compaction via creep. The mass remains constant, the diam- eterbecomessmaller,theporositybecomessmaller,thebulkdensity becomes higher and all values are calculated consistently. Due to the boundary condition of TS = 230 K for the planetesimal surface, a rela- tivelythinsuperficialregolithlayerisretained,wherewatericedoesnot meltatanytimeduringtheevolutionandwheretheinitialcomposition ofwatericeanddrysilicatesdoesnotchange.Thisdoesnotagreewith thespectralobservationsofasteroidsinthepresentstudy.Inparticular, the structure of this layer is that of an unsintered low-strength loose particle agglomerate. Therefore, such layers must have been ablated byimpacts,suchthathydratedandhigher-strengthpartiallysintered material was exposed. Removing thin upper layers by impacts is also reasonableasasteroidfamiliesareobserved,andtheyprobablyformed inasimilarway.Assumingthatthoseimpactsthatoccuraftertheces- sation of the compaction remove the primordial low-strength layer that would partly evaporate and partly disperse, we consider only the interior of planetesimals where hydrated and at least partially lithified material was able to form and calculate the average density oftheinterior.Theaveragedensityisavaluethatisboundedaboveby the grain density (approached only for nearly complete compaction) and below by the initial density (retained if no compaction occurs at all), and its value depends on the thermal evolution experienced by a planetesimal. The sizes of the hydrated parts of planetesimals and theirbulkdensitieswerethensearchedformatcheswiththeasteroids’ sizesandbulkdensities.Suchmatchesalreadyhavethebulkdensities andsizesoftheasteroids.Foragivenasteroid,amatchcanoccuronly for some unique accretion time, such that an accretion time can be assigned to this asteroid. For the cases shown in Fig. 2, the primordial layeristypicallyafew100 mthickatmost. Accretiontimeandreferencediameter(ormass)uncertainties Our analysis is concentrated on the size and density values currently providedwithinthemarginoferror60 .Whilethesizeuncertaintiesare rather negligible, the density values have, in most cases, significant uncertainties of up to 60%. In some cases, one or both of the lowest and the highest density values available are outside of the interval spanned by the initial density of 1,230 kg m−3 and the grain density of 2,460 kg m−3 .Furthermore,asthethermalevolutionofplanetesimals thataccreteaftertheextinctionof26 Al(afewhalf-lives)andareheated onlybylong-livedradionuclidesisverysimilarregardlessoftheaccre- tion time, the bulk density isolines reach plateaus (Fig. 2) where both peaktemperatureandbulkdensityisolinesbecomenearlyhorizontal). Therefore, if plotted, some error bars for the accretion time would extendinfinitelyintimetowardsthepresentday.Thisisnotreasonable sinceaccretiontimesarelimitedbythetimewhentheaccretionofplan- etesimalsended.Theresultsofourmodellinginherittheshortcomings oftheavailabledata.Theresultinguncertaintiesintheaccretiontimes derived can be constrained only for a few cases. For (259) Aletheia, an uncertaintyof+0.1/−0.6 Myrcanbedeterminedfort0.Inothercases, an estimate only towards either an earlier or a later formation time canbeprovided(orevennone):(423)Diotima,−0.6 Myr;(52)Europa, −1.5 Myr;(372)Palma,−0.1 Myr;(451)Patientia,−0.9 Myr;(10)Hygiea, −0.7 Myr;(65)Cybele,−0.4 MyrrelativetoCAIs. Themaximallypossibleuncertaintiesforthereferencediameters, thus, masses, arise from the mass estimate uncertainties. They were obtainedusingtheequation: D = 2 ( 3 4𝜋𝜋 M ρmeteorite,grain ) 1/3 metres (16) andvaryfrom<7 km(Aletheia)to69 km(Patientia),correspondingto radius differences of ~3 km to ~35 km. The reference diameter spread for each asteroid is shown in Fig. 2 with vertical error bars. Our fitted reference diameters are nearly centred within these intervals, with slighttendenciestowardstheupperbounds. Dataavailability AlldataareavailableinthepaperoritsSupplementaryInformation. References 1. DeMeo, F. E. & Carry, B. 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D.T. is a visiting astronomer at the Infrared Telescope Facility under contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which is operated by the University of Hawaii. Authorcontributions D.T. measured, analysed and interpreted asteroid data. W.N. developed thermal evolution models for the observed asteroids. S.N.R. helped place asteroid observations in terms of the dynamics of the solar system. D.T., W.N. and S.N.R. wrote the first draft of the paper. J.P.E. and M.T. edited the paper and assisted with the data analysis and interpretation. All authors contributed to the revision of the paper. Competinginterests The authors declare no competing interests. Additionalinformation Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at Correspondence and requests for materialsshould be addressed to Driss Takir. Peer review information Nature Astronomy thanks Andrew Rivkin, Henry Hsieh and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Reprints and permissions informationis available at Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2023