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Hi LA Apache Spark friends!
Thanks for coming early! Enjoy burritos and the
WWGuest WiFi network
(or you know in person networking works too)
Intro & Extending Spark ML
With your “friend” @holdenkarau
& friend Boo!
Who’s presenting:
● My name is Holden Karau
● Prefered pronouns are she/her
● I’m a Principal Software Engineer at IBM’s Spark Technology Center
● Apache Spark committer (as of January!) :)
● previously Alpine, Databricks, Google, Foursquare & Amazon
● co-author of Learning Spark & High Performance Spark
● @holdenkarau
● Slide share
● Linkedin
● Github
● Spark Videos
Who is Boo?
● Boo uses she/her pronouns (as I told the Texas house committee)
● Best doge
● Lot’s of experience barking at computers to make them go faster
● Author of “Learning to Bark” & “High Performance Barking”
● On twitter @BooProgrammer
Spark Technology
Founded in 2015.
Physical: 505 Howard St., San Francisco CA
Web: Twitter: @apachespark_tc
Contribute intellectual and technical capital to the Apache Spark
Make the core technology enterprise- and cloud-ready.
Build data science skills to drive intelligence into business
applications —
Key statistics:
About 50 developers, co-located with 25 IBM designers.
Major contributions to Apache Spark
Apache SystemML is now an Apache Incubator project.
Founding member of UC Berkeley AMPLab and RISE Lab
Member of R Consortium and Scala Center
Spark Technology
What we are going to explore together!
● Who I think you all are
● Spark’s two different ML APIs
● Running through a simple example with one
● Model save/load
● Discussion of “serving” options
● Extending Spark ML
● Optional take home exercises
● Finish up with a raffle & cookies (sponsored by Qubole!)
○ Please fill out your ticket if you want to win!
The different pieces of Spark
Apache Spark
Python, &
Spark ML
bagel &
Grah X
The different pieces of Spark: 2.0+
Apache Spark
Python, &
bagel &
Graph X
Who do I think you all are?
● Nice people*
● Some knowledge of Apache Spark core & maybe SQL
● Interested in using Spark for Machine Learning
● Familiar-ish with Scala or Java or Python
If you're planning to following along:
● Spark 2+ (Spark 2.2 would be best!)
○ (built with Hive support if building from source)
● Since this is a regular talk, you won’t have time to the
exercises as we go -- but you can come back and finish
it after :)
Some resources: OR
Download census data
Dwight Sipler
Getting some data for working with:
● census data:
● Goal: predict income > 50k
● Also included in the github repo
● Download that now if you haven’t already
● We will add a header to the data
So what are the two APIs?
● Traditional and Pipeline
○ Pipeline is the new shiny future which will fix all problems*
● Traditional API works on RDDs
○ Data preparation work is generally done in traditional Spark
● Pipeline API works on DataFrames
○ Often we want to apply some transformations to our data before
feeding to the machine learning algorithm
○ Makes it easy to chain these together
(*until replaced by a newer shinier future)
Steve Jurvetson
So what are DataFrames / Datasets?
● Spark SQL’s version of RDDs of the world
○ It’s for more than just SQL
● Restricted data types, schema information, compile time
○ Datasets add the types back
● Slightly restricted operations (more relational style)
○ Still support many of the same functional programming magic
○ map & friends are here to stay, but at a cost
● Allow lots of fun extra optimizations
○ Tungsten, Apache Arrow, etc.
● Not Pandas or R DataFrames
What is DataFrame performance like?
Andrew Skudder
Spark ML pipelines
Tokenizer HashingTF String Indexer Naive Bayes
Tokenizer HashingTF
String Indexer
Naive Bayes
● Sci-Kit Learn Inspired
● Consist of Estimators and Transformers
So what does a pipeline stage look like?
Are either an:
● Estimator - has a method called “fit” which returns an transformer
● Transformer - no need to train can directly transform (e.g. HashingTF) (with
Both must provide:
● transformSchema* (used to validate input schema is reasonable) & copy
Often have:
● Parameters for configuration (think input columns, regularization, etc.)
Wendy Piersall
How are transformers made?
class Estimator extends PipelineStage {
def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): Transformer = {
// magic happens here
Let’s start with loading some data
● We’ve got some CSV data, we could use textfile and
parse by hand
● spark-packages can save by providing the spark-csv
package by Hossein Falaki
○ If we were building a Java project we can include maven coordinates
○ For the Spark shell when launching add:
--packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0
Jess Johnson
Loading with sparkSQL & spark-csv returns a DataFrameReader
We can specify general properties & data specific options
● option(“key”, “value”)
○ spark-csv ones we will use are header & inferSchema
● format(“formatName”)
○ built in formats include parquet, jdbc, etc. today we will use csv (added
in Spark 2.0, prior to that as com.databricks.csv)
● load(“path”)
Jess Johnson
Loading with sparkSQL & spark-csv
df =
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
Lets explore training a Decision Tree
● Step 1: Data loading (done!)
● Step 2: Data prep (select features, etc.)
● Step 3: Train
● Step 4: Predict
Data prep / cleaning
● We need to predict a double (can be 0.0, 1.0, but type
must be double)
● We need to train with a vector of features
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
from import DecisionTreeClassifier
from import Param, Params
from import Bucketizer, VectorAssembler,
from import Pipeline
Data prep / cleaning continued
# Combines a list of double input features into a vector
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["age", "education-num"],
# String indexer converts a set of strings into doubles
indexer =
# Can be used to combine pipeline components together
pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([assembler, indexer])
So a bit more about that pipeline
● Each of our previous components has “fit” & “transform”
● Constructing the pipeline this way makes it easier to
work with (only need to call one fit & one transform)
● Can re-use the fitted model on future data
prepared = model.transform(df)
What does the pipeline look like so far?
Data Assembler Input Data
+ Vectors
Input Data
+Cat ID
+ Vectors
While not an ML
learning algorithm
this still needs to be
This is a transformer
- no fitting required.
Ray Bodden
Let's train a model on our prepared data:
# Specify model
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(labelCol = "category-index",
# Fit it
dt_model =
# Or as part of the pipeline
pipeline_and_model = Pipeline().setStages([assembler, indexer,
pipeline_model =
Yay! You have an ML pipeline!
Photo by Jessica Fiess-Hill
And predict the results on the same data:
Pipeline API has many models:
○ BinaryLogisticRegressionClassification, DecissionTreeClassification,
GBTClassifier, etc.
○ DecissionTreeRegression, GBTRegressor, IsotonicRegression,
LinearRegression, etc.
● You can also check out spark-packages for some more
● But possible not your special AwesomeFooBazinatorML
PROcarterse Follow
& data prep stages...
○ ~30 elements from VectorAssembler to Tokenizer, to PCA, etc.
● Often simpler to understand while getting started with
building our own stages
PROcarterse Follow
What is/why Sparkling ML
● A place for useful Spark ML pipeline stages to live
○ Including both feature transformers and estimators
● The why: Spark ML can’t keep up with every new algorithm
● Lots of cool ML on Spark tools exist, but many don’t play nice with Spark ML
or together
So now begins our adventure to add stages
So what does a pipeline stage look like?
Must provide:
● Scala: transformSchema (used to validate input schema is
reasonable) & copy
● Both: Either a “fit” (for estimator) or transform (for
Often have:
● Params for configuration (so we can do meta-algorithms)
Wendy Piersall
Building a simple transformer:
class HardCodedWordCountStage(override val uid: String) extends Transformer {
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("hardcodedwordcount"))
def copy(extra: ParamMap): HardCodedWordCountStage = {
Not to be confused with the Transformers franchise from Hasbro and Tomy.
Verify the input schema is reasonable:
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
// Check that the input type is a string
val idx = schema.fieldIndex("happy_pandas")
val field = schema.fields(idx)
if (field.dataType != StringType) {
throw new Exception(s"Input type ${field.dataType} did not match
input type StringType")
// Add the return field
schema.add(StructField("happy_panda_counts", IntegerType, false))
How is transformSchema used?
● When you call fit on a pipeline it calls transformSchema
on the pipeline stages in order
● This is used to verify that things should work
● Ideally allows pipelines to fail fast when misconfigured,
instead of at the final stage of a 48-hour process
● Doesn’t always work that way :p
● Not supported in Python (I’m sorry!)
Tricia Hall
Do the “work” (e.g. predict labels or w/e):
def transform(df: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
val wordcount = udf { in: String => in.split(" ").size }"*"),
Do the “work” (e.g. call numpy or tensorflow or w/e):
class StrLenPlus3Transformer(Model):
def __init__(self):
super(StrLenPlusKTransformer, self).__init__()
def _transform(self, dataset):
func = lambda x : len(x) + 3
retType = IntegerType()
udf = UserDefinedFunction(func, retType)
return dataset.withColumn(
"magic", udf("input")
What about configuring our stage?
class ConfigurableWordCount(override val uid: String) extends
Transformer {
final val inputCol= new Param[String](this, "inputCol", "The input
final val outputCol = new Param[String](this, "outputCol", "The
output column")
def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = set(inputCol, value)
def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value)
Jason Wesley Upton
What about configuring our stage?
class StrLenPlusKTransformer(Model, HasInputCol, HasOutputCol):
# We need a parameter to configure k
k = Param(Params._dummy(),
"k", "amount to add to str len",
def __init__(self, k=None, inputCol=None, outputCol=None):
super(StrLenPlusKTransformer, self).__init__()
kwargs = self._input_kwargs
Jason Wesley Upton
What about configuring our stage?
def setParams(self, k=None, inputCol=None, outputCol=None):
kwargs = self._input_kwargs
return self._set(**kwargs)
def setK(self, value):
return self._set(k=value)
def getK(self):
return self.getOrDefault(self.k)
Jason Wesley Upton
So why do we configure it that way?
● Allow meta algorithms to work on it
● Scala:
○ If you look inside of spark you’ll see
“sharedParams.scala” for common params (like input
○ We can’t access those unless we pretend to be inside
of org.apache.spark - so we have to make our own
● Python: Just import
Tricia Hall
So how to make an estimator?
● Very similar, instead of directly providing transform
provide a `fit` which returns a “model” which implements
the estimator interface as shown above
● Also take a look at the algorithms in Spark itself (helpful
traits you can mixin to take care of many common things).
● Let’s look at a simple one now!
A simple string indexer estimator
class SimpleIndexer(override val uid: String) extends
Estimator[SimpleIndexerModel] with SimpleIndexerParams {
override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): SimpleIndexerModel = {
import dataset.sparkSession.implicits._
val words =$(inputCol)).as[String]).distinct
new SimpleIndexerModel(uid, words)
Quick aside: What’ts that “$(inputCol)”?
● How you get access to a configuration parameter
● Inside stage only (external use getInputCol just like
Java™ :p)
And our friend the transformer is back:
class SimpleIndexerModel(
override val uid: String, words: Array[String]) extends
Model[SimpleIndexerModel] with SimpleIndexerParams {
private val labelToIndex: Map[String, Double] = words.zipWithIndex.
map{case (x, y) => (x, y.toDouble)}.toMap
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
val indexer = udf { label: String => labelToIndex(label) }"*"),
Still not to be confused with the Transformers franchise from Hasbro and Tomy.
Ok so how do you make the train function?
● Read some papers on the algorithm(s) you care about
● Most likely some iterative approach (pro-tip: RDDs >
Datasets for iterative)
○ Write down your cost function
○ Seth has some interesting work around pluggable
optimizers -- you can play with them or read about
parallel iterative algorithms.
● Closed form solution? Go have a party!
What else can you add to your models?
● Put in an ML pipeline
● Do hyper-parameter tuning
And if you have some coffee left over:
● Persistence*
○ MLWriter & MLReader give you the basics
○ You’ll have to do a lot of work yourself :(
● Serving*
*With enough coffee. Not guaranteed.
Ok so I put my new fancy thing on GitHub
● Yay thank you!
● Please publish to maven central
● Also consider contributing it to SparklingML
● Also consider listing on spark-packages + user@ list
○ Let me know ( ) :)
● Think of the Python users (and I guess the R users) too?
Custom Estimators/Transformers in the Wild
Deep Learning!
Feature Transformation
More resources:
● High Performance Spark Example Repo has some
sample models
○ Of course buy several copies of the book - it is the gift of the season :p
● The models inside of Spark itself (internal APIs though)
● Sparkling ML - So much fun!
● Nick Pentreath’s FeatureHasher
● O’Reilly radar blog post
Captain Pancakes
Want to do Optional Exercise 1?
Go from the index to something useful
● We could manually look up the labels and then write a
select statement
● Or we could look at the features on the
StringIndexerModel and use IndexToString
● Our pipeline has an array of stages we can use for this
from import IndexToString
labels = list(pipeline_model.stages[1].labels())
inverter = IndexToString(inputCol="prediction",
outputCol="prediction-label", labels=labels)
ion-label", "category").take(20)
# Pre Spark 1.6 use SQL if/else or similar
Exercise 2: Add more features to your tree
● Finished quickly? Help others!
● Or tell me if adding these features helped or not…
○ We can download a reserve “test” dataset but how would we know if
we couldn’t do that?
cobra libre
Exercise 3: Train a new model type
● Your choice!
● If you want to do regression - change what we are
Exercise 4: Make a pipeline stage!
● Birthday*-saurus** will thank you!
*Birthday in the sense you tell the olive garden it’s your birthday -- not like a “real” birthday
Learning Spark
Fast Data
Processing with
(Out of Date)
Fast Data
Processing with
(2nd edition)
Analytics with
Spark in Action
High Performance SparkLearning PySpark
High Performance Spark!
Available today!
The rest of you can buy it from that scrappy Seattle
bookstore :p
And some upcoming talks:
● Data Day Seattle (SEA, October)
● Spark Summit EU (Dublin, October)
● Big Data Spain (November, Madrid)
● Bee Scala (November, Ljubljana)
● Strata Singapore (Singapore, December)
● ScalaX (London, December)
● Linux Conf AU (Melbourne, January)
● Know of interesting conferences/webinar things that
should be on my radar? Let me know!
k thnx bye :)
If you care about Spark testing and
don’t hate surveys:
I have to give a talk on this in ~ 2
weeks (meeps!)
Will tweet results
“eventually” @holdenkarau
Any PySpark Users: Have some
simple UDFs you wish ran faster
you are willing to share?:
Pssst: Have feedback on the presentation? Give me a
shout ( if you feel comfortable doing
so :)
because saving a test set is effort
● Automagically* fit your model params
● Because thinking is effort
● has the tools
○ (not in Python yet so skipping for now)
Jonathan Kotta
Pipeline API has many models:
○ BinaryLogisticRegressionClassification, DecissionTreeClassification,
GBTClassifier, etc.
○ DecissionTreeRegression, GBTRegressor, IsotonicRegression,
LinearRegression, etc.
PROcarterse Follow
So serving...
● Generally refers to using your model online
○ Generating recommendations...
● In batch mode you can “just” save & use the Spark bits
● Spark’s “native” formats (often parquet w/metadata)
○ Understood by Spark libraries and thats pretty much it
○ If you are serving in JVM can load these but need Spark
dependencies (albeit often not a Spark cluster)
● Some models support PMML export
○ etc.
● We can also write our own export & serving by hand :(
Ambernectar 13
So what models are PMML exportable?
● Right now “old” style models
○ KMeans, LinearRegresion, RidgeRegression, Lasso, SVM, and Binary
○ However if we look in the code we can sometimes find converters to
the old style models and use this to export our “new” style model
● Waiting on / for pipeline
● Not getting in for 2.0 :(
How to PMML export*
● returns a string or
● takes a path to local fs and saves results or
● takes a SparkContext & a distributed path and saves or
● takes a stream and writes result to stream
Oooor just wait for something better
Exercise 2: Add more features to your tree
● Finished quickly? Help others!
● Or tell me if adding these features helped or not…
○ We can download a reserve “test” dataset but how would we know if
we couldn’t do that?
cobra libre
Exercise 3: Train a new model type
● Your choice!
● If you want to do regression - change what we are
Optional* exercise time
● Take a model you trained and save it to PMML
○ You will have to dig around in the Spark code to be able to do this
● Look at the file
● Load it into a serving system and try some predictions
● Note: PMML export currently only includes the model -
not any transformations beforehand
● Also: you might need to train a new model
● If you don’t get it don’t worry - hints to follow :)

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Spark ML Intro & Extending

  • 1. Hi LA Apache Spark friends! Thanks for coming early! Enjoy burritos and the WWGuest WiFi network (or you know in person networking works too)
  • 2. Intro & Extending Spark ML With your “friend” @holdenkarau & friend Boo! Hella-Legit
  • 3. Who’s presenting: ● My name is Holden Karau ● Prefered pronouns are she/her ● I’m a Principal Software Engineer at IBM’s Spark Technology Center ● Apache Spark committer (as of January!) :) ● previously Alpine, Databricks, Google, Foursquare & Amazon ● co-author of Learning Spark & High Performance Spark ● @holdenkarau ● Slide share ● Linkedin ● Github ● Spark Videos
  • 4. Who is Boo? ● Boo uses she/her pronouns (as I told the Texas house committee) ● Best doge ● Lot’s of experience barking at computers to make them go faster ● Author of “Learning to Bark” & “High Performance Barking” ● On twitter @BooProgrammer
  • 5.
  • 6. Spark Technology Center 6 IBM Spark Technology Center Founded in 2015. Location: Physical: 505 Howard St., San Francisco CA Web: Twitter: @apachespark_tc Mission: Contribute intellectual and technical capital to the Apache Spark community. Make the core technology enterprise- and cloud-ready. Build data science skills to drive intelligence into business applications — Key statistics: About 50 developers, co-located with 25 IBM designers. Major contributions to Apache Spark Apache SystemML is now an Apache Incubator project. Founding member of UC Berkeley AMPLab and RISE Lab Member of R Consortium and Scala Center Spark Technology Center
  • 7. What we are going to explore together! ● Who I think you all are ● Spark’s two different ML APIs ● Running through a simple example with one ● Model save/load ● Discussion of “serving” options ● Extending Spark ML ● Optional take home exercises ● Finish up with a raffle & cookies (sponsored by Qubole!) ○ Please fill out your ticket if you want to win!
  • 8. The different pieces of Spark Apache Spark SQL & DataFrames Streaming Language APIs Scala, Java, Python, & R Graph Tools Spark ML bagel & Grah X MLLib Community Packages
  • 9. The different pieces of Spark: 2.0+ Apache Spark SQL & DataFrames Streaming Language APIs Scala, Java, Python, & R Graph Tools Spark ML bagel & Graph X MLLib Community Packages Structured Streaming
  • 10. Who do I think you all are? ● Nice people* ● Some knowledge of Apache Spark core & maybe SQL ● Interested in using Spark for Machine Learning ● Familiar-ish with Scala or Java or Python Amanda
  • 11. If you're planning to following along: ● Spark 2+ (Spark 2.2 would be best!) ○ (built with Hive support if building from source) ● Since this is a regular talk, you won’t have time to the exercises as we go -- but you can come back and finish it after :) Amanda
  • 12. Some resources: OR Download census data Dwight Sipler
  • 13. Getting some data for working with: ● census data: ● Goal: predict income > 50k ● Also included in the github repo ● Download that now if you haven’t already ● We will add a header to the data ○ PROTill Westermayer
  • 14. So what are the two APIs? ● Traditional and Pipeline ○ Pipeline is the new shiny future which will fix all problems* ● Traditional API works on RDDs ○ Data preparation work is generally done in traditional Spark transformations ● Pipeline API works on DataFrames ○ Often we want to apply some transformations to our data before feeding to the machine learning algorithm ○ Makes it easy to chain these together (*until replaced by a newer shinier future) Steve Jurvetson
  • 15. So what are DataFrames / Datasets? ● Spark SQL’s version of RDDs of the world ○ It’s for more than just SQL ● Restricted data types, schema information, compile time untyped* ○ Datasets add the types back ● Slightly restricted operations (more relational style) ○ Still support many of the same functional programming magic ○ map & friends are here to stay, but at a cost ● Allow lots of fun extra optimizations ○ Tungsten, Apache Arrow, etc. ● Not Pandas or R DataFrames
  • 16. What is DataFrame performance like? Andrew Skudder
  • 17. Spark ML pipelines Tokenizer HashingTF String Indexer Naive Bayes Tokenizer HashingTF Streaming String Indexer Streaming Naive Bayes fit(df) Estimator Transformer ● Sci-Kit Learn Inspired ● Consist of Estimators and Transformers
  • 18. So what does a pipeline stage look like? Are either an: ● Estimator - has a method called “fit” which returns an transformer ● Transformer - no need to train can directly transform (e.g. HashingTF) (with transform) Both must provide: ● transformSchema* (used to validate input schema is reasonable) & copy Often have: ● Parameters for configuration (think input columns, regularization, etc.) Wendy Piersall
  • 19. How are transformers made? Estimator data class Estimator extends PipelineStage { def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): Transformer = { // magic happens here } } Transformer
  • 20. Let’s start with loading some data ● We’ve got some CSV data, we could use textfile and parse by hand ● spark-packages can save by providing the spark-csv package by Hossein Falaki ○ If we were building a Java project we can include maven coordinates ○ For the Spark shell when launching add: --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0 Jess Johnson
  • 21. Loading with sparkSQL & spark-csv returns a DataFrameReader We can specify general properties & data specific options ● option(“key”, “value”) ○ spark-csv ones we will use are header & inferSchema ● format(“formatName”) ○ built in formats include parquet, jdbc, etc. today we will use csv (added in Spark 2.0, prior to that as com.databricks.csv) ● load(“path”) Jess Johnson
  • 22. Loading with sparkSQL & spark-csv df = .format("csv") .option("header", "true") .option("inferSchema", "true") .load("resources/")
  • 23. Lets explore training a Decision Tree ● Step 1: Data loading (done!) ● Step 2: Data prep (select features, etc.) ● Step 3: Train ● Step 4: Predict
  • 24. Data prep / cleaning ● We need to predict a double (can be 0.0, 1.0, but type must be double) ● We need to train with a vector of features Imports: from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors from import DecisionTreeClassifier from import Param, Params from import Bucketizer, VectorAssembler, StringIndexer from import Pipeline Huang Yun Chung
  • 25. Data prep / cleaning continued # Combines a list of double input features into a vector assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["age", "education-num"], outputCol="feautres") # String indexer converts a set of strings into doubles indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="category") .setOutputCol("category-index") # Can be used to combine pipeline components together pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([assembler, indexer]) Huang Yun Chung
  • 26. So a bit more about that pipeline ● Each of our previous components has “fit” & “transform” stage ● Constructing the pipeline this way makes it easier to work with (only need to call one fit & one transform) ● Can re-use the fitted model on future data prepared = model.transform(df) Andrey
  • 27. What does the pipeline look like so far? Input Data Assembler Input Data + Vectors StringIndexer Input Data +Cat ID + Vectors While not an ML learning algorithm this still needs to be “fit” This is a transformer - no fitting required. Ray Bodden
  • 28. Let's train a model on our prepared data: # Specify model dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(labelCol = "category-index", featuresCol="features") # Fit it dt_model = # Or as part of the pipeline pipeline_and_model = Pipeline().setStages([assembler, indexer, dt]) pipeline_model = Edmund Fitzgerald
  • 29. Yay! You have an ML pipeline! Photo by Jessica Fiess-Hill
  • 30. And predict the results on the same data: pipeline_model.transform(df).select("prediction", "category-index").take(20)
  • 31. Pipeline API has many models: ● ○ BinaryLogisticRegressionClassification, DecissionTreeClassification, GBTClassifier, etc. ● ○ DecissionTreeRegression, GBTRegressor, IsotonicRegression, LinearRegression, etc. ● ○ ALS ● You can also check out spark-packages for some more ● But possible not your special AwesomeFooBazinatorML PROcarterse Follow
  • 32. & data prep stages... ● ○ ~30 elements from VectorAssembler to Tokenizer, to PCA, etc. ● Often simpler to understand while getting started with building our own stages PROcarterse Follow
  • 33. What is/why Sparkling ML ● A place for useful Spark ML pipeline stages to live ○ Including both feature transformers and estimators ● The why: Spark ML can’t keep up with every new algorithm ● Lots of cool ML on Spark tools exist, but many don’t play nice with Spark ML or together ●
  • 34. So now begins our adventure to add stages
  • 35. So what does a pipeline stage look like? Must provide: ● Scala: transformSchema (used to validate input schema is reasonable) & copy ● Both: Either a “fit” (for estimator) or transform (for transformer) Often have: ● Params for configuration (so we can do meta-algorithms) Wendy Piersall
  • 36. Building a simple transformer: class HardCodedWordCountStage(override val uid: String) extends Transformer { def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("hardcodedwordcount")) def copy(extra: ParamMap): HardCodedWordCountStage = { defaultCopy(extra) } ... } Not to be confused with the Transformers franchise from Hasbro and Tomy.
  • 37. Verify the input schema is reasonable: override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { // Check that the input type is a string val idx = schema.fieldIndex("happy_pandas") val field = schema.fields(idx) if (field.dataType != StringType) { throw new Exception(s"Input type ${field.dataType} did not match input type StringType") } // Add the return field schema.add(StructField("happy_panda_counts", IntegerType, false)) }
  • 38. How is transformSchema used? ● When you call fit on a pipeline it calls transformSchema on the pipeline stages in order ● This is used to verify that things should work ● Ideally allows pipelines to fail fast when misconfigured, instead of at the final stage of a 48-hour process ● Doesn’t always work that way :p ● Not supported in Python (I’m sorry!) Tricia Hall
  • 39. Do the “work” (e.g. predict labels or w/e): def transform(df: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = { val wordcount = udf { in: String => in.split(" ").size }"*"), wordcount(df.col("happy_pandas")).as("happy_panda_counts")) } vic15
  • 40. Do the “work” (e.g. call numpy or tensorflow or w/e): class StrLenPlus3Transformer(Model): @keyword_only def __init__(self): super(StrLenPlusKTransformer, self).__init__() def _transform(self, dataset): func = lambda x : len(x) + 3 retType = IntegerType() udf = UserDefinedFunction(func, retType) return dataset.withColumn( "magic", udf("input") )
  • 41. What about configuring our stage? class ConfigurableWordCount(override val uid: String) extends Transformer { final val inputCol= new Param[String](this, "inputCol", "The input column") final val outputCol = new Param[String](this, "outputCol", "The output column") def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = set(inputCol, value) def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value) Jason Wesley Upton
  • 42. What about configuring our stage? class StrLenPlusKTransformer(Model, HasInputCol, HasOutputCol): # We need a parameter to configure k k = Param(Params._dummy(), "k", "amount to add to str len", typeConverter=TypeConverters.toInt) @keyword_only def __init__(self, k=None, inputCol=None, outputCol=None): super(StrLenPlusKTransformer, self).__init__() kwargs = self._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs) Jason Wesley Upton
  • 43. What about configuring our stage? @keyword_only def setParams(self, k=None, inputCol=None, outputCol=None): kwargs = self._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs) def setK(self, value): return self._set(k=value) def getK(self): return self.getOrDefault(self.k) Jason Wesley Upton
  • 44. So why do we configure it that way? ● Allow meta algorithms to work on it ● Scala: ○ If you look inside of spark you’ll see “sharedParams.scala” for common params (like input column) ○ We can’t access those unless we pretend to be inside of org.apache.spark - so we have to make our own ● Python: Just import Tricia Hall
  • 45. So how to make an estimator? ● Very similar, instead of directly providing transform provide a `fit` which returns a “model” which implements the estimator interface as shown above ● Also take a look at the algorithms in Spark itself (helpful traits you can mixin to take care of many common things). ● Let’s look at a simple one now! sneakerdog
  • 46. A simple string indexer estimator class SimpleIndexer(override val uid: String) extends Estimator[SimpleIndexerModel] with SimpleIndexerParams { …. override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): SimpleIndexerModel = { import dataset.sparkSession.implicits._ val words =$(inputCol)).as[String]).distinct .collect() new SimpleIndexerModel(uid, words) } }
  • 47. Quick aside: What’ts that “$(inputCol)”? ● How you get access to a configuration parameter ● Inside stage only (external use getInputCol just like Java™ :p)
  • 48. And our friend the transformer is back: class SimpleIndexerModel( override val uid: String, words: Array[String]) extends Model[SimpleIndexerModel] with SimpleIndexerParams { ... private val labelToIndex: Map[String, Double] = words.zipWithIndex. map{case (x, y) => (x, y.toDouble)}.toMap override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = { val indexer = udf { label: String => labelToIndex(label) }"*"), indexer(dataset($(inputCol)).cast(StringType)).as($(outputCol))) Still not to be confused with the Transformers franchise from Hasbro and Tomy.
  • 49. Ok so how do you make the train function? ● Read some papers on the algorithm(s) you care about ● Most likely some iterative approach (pro-tip: RDDs > Datasets for iterative) ○ Write down your cost function ○ Seth has some interesting work around pluggable optimizers -- you can play with them or read about parallel iterative algorithms. ● Closed form solution? Go have a party!
  • 50. What else can you add to your models? ● Put in an ML pipeline ● Do hyper-parameter tuning And if you have some coffee left over: ● Persistence* ○ MLWriter & MLReader give you the basics ○ You’ll have to do a lot of work yourself :( ● Serving* *With enough coffee. Not guaranteed.
  • 51. Ok so I put my new fancy thing on GitHub ● Yay thank you! ● Please publish to maven central ● Also consider contributing it to SparklingML ● Also consider listing on spark-packages + user@ list ○ Let me know ( ) :) ● Think of the Python users (and I guess the R users) too?
  • 52. Custom Estimators/Transformers in the Wild Classification/Regression xgboost Deep Learning! MXNet DL4J etc. Feature Transformation FeatureHasher
  • 53. More resources: ● High Performance Spark Example Repo has some sample models ○ Of course buy several copies of the book - it is the gift of the season :p ● The models inside of Spark itself (internal APIs though) ● Sparkling ML - So much fun! ● Nick Pentreath’s FeatureHasher ● O’Reilly radar blog post ng-for-spark-ml Captain Pancakes
  • 54. Want to do Optional Exercise 1? Go from the index to something useful ● We could manually look up the labels and then write a select statement ● Or we could look at the features on the StringIndexerModel and use IndexToString ● Our pipeline has an array of stages we can use for this
  • 55. Solution: from import IndexToString labels = list(pipeline_model.stages[1].labels()) inverter = IndexToString(inputCol="prediction", outputCol="prediction-label", labels=labels) inverter.transform(pipeline_model.transform(df)).select("predict ion-label", "category").take(20) # Pre Spark 1.6 use SQL if/else or similar
  • 56. Exercise 2: Add more features to your tree ● Finished quickly? Help others! ● Or tell me if adding these features helped or not… ○ We can download a reserve “test” dataset but how would we know if we couldn’t do that? cobra libre
  • 57. Exercise 3: Train a new model type ● Your choice! ● If you want to do regression - change what we are predicting
  • 58. Exercise 4: Make a pipeline stage! ● Birthday*-saurus** will thank you! *Birthday in the sense you tell the olive garden it’s your birthday -- not like a “real” birthday
  • 59. Learning Spark Fast Data Processing with Spark (Out of Date) Fast Data Processing with Spark (2nd edition) Advanced Analytics with Spark Spark in Action High Performance SparkLearning PySpark
  • 60. High Performance Spark! Available today! The rest of you can buy it from that scrappy Seattle bookstore :p
  • 61. And some upcoming talks: ● Data Day Seattle (SEA, October) ● Spark Summit EU (Dublin, October) ● Big Data Spain (November, Madrid) ● Bee Scala (November, Ljubljana) ● Strata Singapore (Singapore, December) ● ScalaX (London, December) ● Linux Conf AU (Melbourne, January) ● Know of interesting conferences/webinar things that should be on my radar? Let me know!
  • 62. k thnx bye :) If you care about Spark testing and don’t hate surveys: I have to give a talk on this in ~ 2 weeks (meeps!) Will tweet results “eventually” @holdenkarau Any PySpark Users: Have some simple UDFs you wish ran faster you are willing to share?: Pssst: Have feedback on the presentation? Give me a shout ( if you feel comfortable doing so :)
  • 63. Cross-validation because saving a test set is effort ● Automagically* fit your model params ● Because thinking is effort ● has the tools ○ (not in Python yet so skipping for now) Jonathan Kotta
  • 64. Pipeline API has many models: ● ○ BinaryLogisticRegressionClassification, DecissionTreeClassification, GBTClassifier, etc. ● ○ DecissionTreeRegression, GBTRegressor, IsotonicRegression, LinearRegression, etc. ● ○ ALS PROcarterse Follow
  • 65. So serving... ● Generally refers to using your model online ○ Generating recommendations... ● In batch mode you can “just” save & use the Spark bits ● Spark’s “native” formats (often parquet w/metadata) ○ Understood by Spark libraries and thats pretty much it ○ If you are serving in JVM can load these but need Spark dependencies (albeit often not a Spark cluster) ● Some models support PMML export ○ etc. ● We can also write our own export & serving by hand :( Ambernectar 13
  • 66. So what models are PMML exportable? ● Right now “old” style models ○ KMeans, LinearRegresion, RidgeRegression, Lasso, SVM, and Binary LogisticRegression ○ However if we look in the code we can sometimes find converters to the old style models and use this to export our “new” style model ● Waiting on / for pipeline models ● Not getting in for 2.0 :(
  • 67. How to PMML export* toPMML ● returns a string or ● takes a path to local fs and saves results or ● takes a SparkContext & a distributed path and saves or ● takes a stream and writes result to stream Oooor just wait for something better
  • 68. Exercise 2: Add more features to your tree ● Finished quickly? Help others! ● Or tell me if adding these features helped or not… ○ We can download a reserve “test” dataset but how would we know if we couldn’t do that? cobra libre
  • 69. Exercise 3: Train a new model type ● Your choice! ● If you want to do regression - change what we are predicting
  • 70. Optional* exercise time ● Take a model you trained and save it to PMML ○ You will have to dig around in the Spark code to be able to do this ● Look at the file ● Load it into a serving system and try some predictions ● Note: PMML export currently only includes the model - not any transformations beforehand ● Also: you might need to train a new model ● If you don’t get it don’t worry - hints to follow :)