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                                                          ti                                                                   {}scv*s

                             ffi*ghth $*Nx*es*er ffi"H" S}*gree &xsrr*$nxti*ra, May/"hxrx* ft*t$
                                        &q$wm$xffiffiS ffiqpxx*rm€* Ywwhmxmlegp

             Tim*: 3 hre"                                                                                           Max. Marks: l$$
                                              N*te: dnswer *rly *T}/tr fir,ll qaestions, seJer#mg
                                                     sd fe*sf ffrc? EuesStrrx,r;?"t ea*k p*rS.

                                                                P&R"T' - A
                     &,    ]lnum*rat* fhe imp*rt*nce *l'llnpre"s *.ornpouficl in ordinary p*rtliurcl **trl*n{. {t}s M*rks}
                     h.    *is*uts thn fa*tor* r*sponsibl* in af?*cting the strengt* ol'concrete"              {t}s Mwrks}

                     c.    Whn{ *re t}rc p*ran:eters d*{i*ing rh*ol*gy of f}csh +oncr*te? Expiain.             ($s Mar}cs}

                     a"    Sis*uss *r* *fTbcts of sxp*r plnsii*ix*rs *n &esh and hard*ned *oncr*te.                            (0$ Mnr$*s)
 ui ..               b.    Hxph*n th* eff**t *{'*ir-*ntr;rirur"rent *rr lhr proper'{i*s *f c*n*r*t*.                           {$$ Mnrks}
 Y^ "{)
                     *.    Wlrat is SSBS? Explain th* perf'crnx*n** of {itiHii i* c*n*rotc.                                    {t}* i{*rks}
s,,                  &"    ExplnJn tI:* fs*t*rs *.ttecting *'rix design i:f     c*ncr*t*:.                                     ($s ft{srks}
*co                  b.    Cai*ulette lh* gel/sp*ce ratir: a:ld th* rir**r*tir:al str**gl* of n sarnpi*         i:f **rr*rer*. m*ds w{tl:
 {d <'                     SCIO gm ceruent with {}.5 rv*t*rlc*ms*.t r*ti*, *n irrll hydration ond
 Xo)                                                                                                                                  Marks)
-* $i                      Hxpl*i* th* frctoro wl**h afl.est p*rnlvabilify r:f c*nr:r*t*.                                             Msrks)

             4&.           Briitg out th* discu sion *bout th*m:nl prclperti**            *f'**n*r*                                      *rrks)
                     b.    Write sh*$ n*l*s,li) elk*l: itH$r*Sate reacti$*,                                                              *rl*"t)
                           Hxpl*in **rr*sio* xl**heinism and its **iltrc)!.                                                              urk;)
ad fd                                                                   PAXTY    * $}
;a sl
             J(-I.         What is r*ftd.v rnix *;r:ncr*t*'l flxpiain Ih* ffi*s *f r**ely mrix                                 {{}S   k$*rk*}
rcfl                 i).   Hxpi*in with a *k*tsh th* pro*ex* *f pux"r.pi*g *f c*n*r*ts.                                        {{}* Mllrks}
>r r'                      Whtlt is high v*i*me $y mtrl osn$r*te? Sxplnin its sp*eial pr*p*$i*s.                               itlS Flxrks)
             $s.           J)*fi** s*l,{' *:xrspa.*ling r:*n*rst*. {}xpiain         Ni:e nup*ssitv     of obt*i*ing s*}i' **r*pn*ting
ui                         $*n*fi)t*"                                                                                          i{}S &,t*rkr:.}
                     k     [,ist tk* advaxt*ges <lf     $ilt
                                                        sv*r tttl]x]&l cr:n*rct*.                                   ($s Mmrkx]
ra ;::                     Sdhnt is lihre reinl?:r*ed c*ncr*{*? $is*xss t}'l*r g:r*p*r{i*s *{- v*riq:xs li}:r*s, lV}r*t is &*ir
                           *ffect on c.*ncr*t*?                                                                                ($s }t{*rtn}

e *i!
qi   :-*
             ? it.         Whar is the ci*finiti**        *l' iiiglr p*rfhffii1s.rl** c*ncr*t*! lVh*t nr* th* *riti**l        g:nram*ters
                           ixv*lv*d itt th* pr*duci*g *:1' I {}uC'i
**                   h"    Ili**ulis th* prop*rti*rs *f c*rn:n*ln lig${ w*igi:t      -*
                                                                                                                               {tls h**r$*r}
                                                                                          *cn*rut*. Iixpiain the st*ps {* nriv*,
LJ "(
Jri                  *.    What ix ferro**ment? Ilis*ir*s the appli*ati*n q:flf*xxcl**ment in th* *i:nstru*nirr. l*txT:lffi.-*-'
                                                                                                                               {$rS   iu*r}x}
c                    &.    ,ilutrrlain ths   ixfiuenc* of thc rat* *:f applic*ti*n of k:ad *n tho ummprsssiv* strr:ng{h of
                           **m*r*tq:"                                                                                          {{}S tvlmrtu}
                     k)'   Wknl *r* th* t**i:niqu*s          lrl*ns*.*"ing p}*s*: v*irx;ity tlxr:r.lg.h **rir:x:t*? Iixplaix" {{}$ M*rt*x}

                     *.    lffh*t {Ir* *i*   *ppli**tir:n$ (.if'ti:u pr:ls* v*l*cit.v ::retir*ds t* q:valunte c$n*r$t* s{ru$tur*s?
                                                                                                                               {$$    lv$S}"Sis}
                                          sigh*rl      $.$*rmest'ex" $$".$i1,.     $}*gree ${.xxx$irsn{i&ffi, &r}$Eyl"$tlxxe }*$$
        *                                                                                                                                  n,lip rvjrrrks:lilr,
                      I   tmc:     r+
                                    ^t   nr$
                                                            N*te: I. ,;{n.slrl*r #rxc rga**'$roxJir.rml ibur{ A *nd
        (d                                                           #n* grles$dr.rn;&**r 'frrlr"/ '&'
                                                                   ?-   {..1sg   r,f.r.s";$#s    *   J#*}?   r*pryJ    s{*eJ tr:$ds rlre llern*/|ed.
E0*                                                                -$" .4.s.w*E**l   *   rs*is.t*islg rdxrdx slaifet   J:   f1r"

 no ll
 goo                                                                                       ry"I--*s.
'n if
                                         Ascr:*nr1-"rl:yhram{SM]: :lrlt}(4*i6}}'l/:nistoh*jtin*c}t*th*:rfisinb*$misiM134{)ti";'
 :: iO
 Xt)                         il.
                                                                                                                              hr.tll.s o['tliitttlr:{ct
 *c eJ                                   6,lfi 1..1/rn".l"n$ rms]*s i$A }fi x"${} x * nrr-r u$*i".l i*r *{1n11**Iir}}1.'lhr*e                            ";
 {));                                               i"lser,i ti: *or***i *r,tr11*s l* fh*,.v*b u{'lSIv'lB
                                                                                                          }0t1. s b*lts *f }Zmnr dia:*el*r iu* u*q:ii
                                         mm arc
 Ylo                                                                                                                   r'rungeri *J'i:si{.h h*ams   il'*
                                                                                                                                                *re sall'r*fft
                                         to **}nn*}i:t t}r* arr6}*:s t* tt,r- rveh Err'}sMI3 400^ r'he
                                         l*v*}. Dr*w to a suit*hi* $.r*.1-'.
                                                                                                                                                             {{}S Mr:rk"s)
 bii                                      ij    $*:*lio*al tl*v*ti*lr'
                                                                                                                                         {*? h"}nri"';i
  a                                       iil   Si*l* t,iew slr*r,r'inB all detnils'                       r 1 ,",. .- ..---..^i,-.,              'l'iit:
              s               b.
                                               *h*n*crs r$M{.        q{)fi (*; 4i}4 r{lrx pi**r:d h*r:k {* txrck with ;r str:r**ing 25{i n:rn,
                                         *har:rnels *re $rppCIrteei. *r: * siab h*s* ha,ing ?ilO
                                                                                                     x ?{}0 x fi{} m:n xiz*- T'h* sicle *ngles ill"+
                                                                                          suitable b*lts. N}as* pl*te is *onu**tucl to ffixt*r*ir:
                                         i(}{} x 1{}{J x I{: an*t iir* coitr.}dcrerl hy
                                                                                                                       ?{i nrm hir'r'it'rg 35* ;i'r*i
                                         p*d*stal 2m x ?rn x il.g lr.r siz* irsing 4 i:rn*h*r bq:lts *f'rii*m*tcr
  ,i,         d.)

                                         i*ngth. Llrarv ro a suitabtr* srtl$ tl:c iirik:wir"lgo' :                                           lt;rll.r;!          $s
                                          i)     li*cti*l:*l t:l*v*ticxl.
                                                                                                                                                                 t{}? i'l*rlqs)
                                          iil    })lnn *f slab has* giving ali d*tails'
  h ';:
  i4 fi:
                                                                                                                                      hy rneans erf
  !{)                     za.             An l$l,ts 40t) w,5S$ Nlm b*utx r:*nnocts ISr"lB 3{}fi r$} 58S,1'tr,1rn.c$ltttjlnro's ol'5 bolt:
  0.^(-                                   stirT.ened er:nne*tit:n""tr'rr* sriff*n*r angir:s ar* iliA 9{} x rx')"x l{) *:ur wirl: twri
                                                                                                                      cl**rr angle ISA 90 x 9{l x 1ll
  * 5r)                                   ${.dia*rot*r?0 nrm. s*ar angl* is l$A }i{} x 1]L} x r{} rnm and
  p. ci                                   rvith ntwinarl b*lting. ilra'"v:                                                             '
                                                        r:kvatiixr.                                                                                              {tt} Mrrrks}
   6g                                      i)     Ilyr:nt
                                                                                                                                                                 {l*     tulxrks}
                                                  Sid* viow *'jth **tailx.
    --)r                                   li:                                                                           -...-*^,*I$}-l}1 :'{i(} 'ti
                                          A* lsi.{B 31"1{} ,:$i s311 }d/m i* rlt* !.:rv*r sl.r:r*y *f ;"r huilding is uonn*c{ecl-t*x s rnrn platr*s
   *                               b.
                                                                            '$'he xplic* ibr rhe c*iusttts ccnsisls of 25{} x }00
      ;                                   d.fi13 N/m *f the -d;; s{*r*y.
      s                                   wi{h *lt r*u*cl ,**i*iu*g    'rhl bas* $h* lo l0ti x ?.5{} x 50 *rm"* suit$hl* w*b irxgles ;rnd
        d                                 w*lding for *urul*cti**. lh*rv:
                                           ii     $i*cti*nal l'ilevati*r:.
                                                                                                                                                                  {}t}   &'trrlr}rs}
                                           ii)    $ide vinv wit}T d*t*ils"

                                                                                                         I t)l   "i,


              tr-he fink m:oi'rruss {or iui indilsr.ria] i:uiiding h;,rs ti:*
                                                                              f*ll*wing detxils.
              $pitlr * I0 rn, Risc 2.j ln, b**ring,,,,, 1il0 rmn, sl1;pe {} *.,
              Iis *, F C :::; | .{                                                                                              "I{:r.$o. i}uncl wiclth   AI)   ,,. IJl.l

             I)*sign lh* m*mbevs CIf'thc jr;int                              il   anrt      ,      cirmpl*t*ly, ,{I** r{esign th* sliriing has* ar A

             il.clxs:ti*r: i).i A            -'2t] ill,{
             ror*e in ilir             "''   o(i      ''' 3{, kFl *t:rnp*svi*r'i i*nd ?} kry r*nsi**
             Fr:r** in {jN'* il{} ,.,}.i}                     k.},1 ***rprr:ssir:* IS kittr:nsi*n
             Fi:rsi*   irT   AI") = $? kN {c*nrpr*ssi*n}
             I;'{:rx:* in      {r{J kle {t*rrs}r:ni.
                             r"1h.,l    ,,.,,

            Use strit*hie cliavn*ter h*ltn li:r alJ *:r:nn**t!<:ns. Alri: rI*sign
                                                                                  tli*                                           i*:*i:*r h*l1s lirr * 1..rrli *l   ,]{}
            kN" $r*x, t* * suital:le ***l* :
            "llh* *lerr*ti*n *f rrlr:l. truss
      i.                                      gr**h*r thn"n hall. *pi:r"r.
      b.    Iil*vaticrr *:{j*ir:t      il r* *l larg*r scai*.
      c.    lil*v*lion        and pl*:r dct*rijs *{,* ut,4,
                                                                                                                                                        {?{} Mlarks}

           t)*sipr * sirnply su;:p*rted *rirrlc gilnrry girder firr th* l*ik:wing
                                                                                              data" 'f.h* girei*i: is
           *]**tri*ally op*r*{*:ri. yi*}cl str**s uf' srr":r:l- is-is* }v{p:r. use l(:
                                                                                       nrrn dinn:*t*r l:l:lt r:f^gurrt*
           $ l'
             i)          l$pr*n        *l'*riin*          lrir   d*r                                       "Ii,v,
             ii:        $pa:: *1'gar:tr-v gii:ii:r                                                         '1,-.,
            iii")       il*p*r*it3, *{'tl:* srii$*                                                 :::     ??n       L   lt
            iu)         $*lf w*igihr ti{ cr;rn* *rcl*dir:g                        *rai:           ::::::
                                                                                                           ?{}il kN
            v)          W*ight               *i.c*:.b                                            :: 6* kl,J
            vii         Wh**l b*s* disitr*ri**                                                             .).,1. fi l
            vii)        ll.{inimuryrh**k lrppr***h                                               ::,:
                                                                                                           i.{ vl
            viii)       Scl{'w*igl'rt *i'ri*ii                                                             U.   .] t( t/t'il
            ix)          I{*ight *f r"*il                                                                  75 :i:rn
           I..)ralv   tt: i* suil*hle s*ili*                 :
     a.     l'l,t* ex"lrst s**:ticlr.t          r.rl"   uri*tr"v 1.lir"ri*r i*ntj lrs il{t;, l# sLipilol-li*g *l:3unrn
                                                                                                                                    anrj th* hr*r:k*t
     it.,llialrr dri.ajls.
     c.    fii*i* *'l*v*ti*n.
                                                                                                                                                      {7{} Mxrks)


1"]$$'{   r-t- 1-
                                                I I i
                                        ${,lghtk S*rxxq*s&*r
                                                                I l-
                                                                  i-L         i

                                                                                     H}*gr**           ffixmrm*mx*iu*nr, &{[wyl'$rx:x* ?t] t {}

                                                         *NNSxms*w$m$ &ffi ww*mwffs$ffi $- X"rww*w*E
                                                                                                     ffi r&&

                                                                                                                                                      Ma.r Ma:'ks:.l0()
       *            Ti*:r*: 3 hrs"
                                                           N *** ;   r'$.rr.$n'Er rxsxy ff.f,   $/$.$e$f          sa*'vsf   *rts' srJcct'f"ag
       rg                                                                                                    *g

                                                                            fetrss 3"M$ Srdss-y{#}s'n"J}*rr* etxc& pnrJ'

                                                                      of ii',.**rirliliXilr*,].ci*xls fcr incluslrial ellJu*rils rneant I*r
                                       lixi"rl*rin th*: signili*ilxrce
                                                       .inr* s*r[*c* w*rms. Indicate thc pruserih*ri h:dian litandards (l]lSi firr axry t*tr
                                       ;i;ils-                                                                                       N**rt*n)                       {l{}
                                       [*ff-*":t- in a t*rbular thrnr'                             ,, sev"ag<: ,--,.*4],-rr*+ *rn,rr {l{i ]$:rrkr}
                                                                                                            ... lrs*tm$rt plarlt'
Gc)                         t).        lixptain bri*{'[y thc *l'f*cts *l'inrJustrial r,virstes cxt i]re
3,t                                                                                                               -' Ph*lph':i it:nn*Jali*n'
Hog                   tA
                      L     <,        Deriv* thc diss*1lv**} *xyg*n {l.X}i sng cqualii'tr u'i}Sr'**ter:                                                              {l{} &{xrks}
.: c'I                                                                                                                                                                          qr}i*s'*
                                                                                                                                   into rt st'rram
                                       ,{ ibncl pr*ressing ixchistry riischarrqes 115 N{l'$ of wastervatr:r}tn'rii:r"I'}:r: t*n:pi*rtitr'}r{}
 9dr                                                                     gsiln lis^ "I'he vel*ciry i:l-ttre stream is i'2
 otr                                   mi*imum rat* o1 fiLrv is
                                       o{, tlre w&ste$,ar*r is 2(},,{)" whil* t}rat ofi
                                                                                             t}:* s'rcam is r5"{)- 'J'hi: 2CI"c, 5 dny fi$l} *l r}r*
$l                                                                                                                         "l'h* wa$l*t'l'*t*r *r]nlaitts rtt;
[i ::                                  w:*t*rai*t*r is ?1;{} *[n, whiie that. *f th* sf.reanr is L* mgii'
                                       D$, bllt t]r* strxmr is          t}{}% seturat*d *l lhe rp:ilreiim *l t]re dlscharge' At ?{}"("1' Kl is
                                       estirnirlr:t{ tr:r }:c Q.r pur. ,loy, w}iil* K: is 0.? ;:*r r}*y.
                                                                                                               I}*te**ino the *ritieal {}xyg*n delicit'
                                                                                                                                  p*ifll' l'i** t*ttrperalur*
                                       Als* *sti*,rn't*,rr z13,lc s dxy ${l$ r:{'* sanrgrli: tiikq:n *t th*
                                                                                                       t'c *r.:i K.:. }'lugl**t Li-r, Kr *sli3 li," {10 Mar"ks}
                                        c*-*giciqrxr *f,,ri? f*r,'t-:li1n   t<1 srld r.ilr).{ pE:r
.ii u                                                                                                                             t'r*iiilr:*nt with rlxi:n:pi*r:     :
 14                                     ilxpixin rh* imll*wilq *s nppli*cl              1* in*h.rstritil 1.,{tstQu'i}t*r
 Pd                    J
15 (S                        o..        V$h,rrr*      re*ucti*n                                 b' $trengtir rer{**ti*n
  k0                         *"         $qu*lixrdi*n and     pr*p*r(innir.rg                     cl.   N*$lrxii:{atii}n.                                              {t{} Mxrkx}
                                                                                                                        wztt*r$ :
 :ti                          it.       ii"xplain th*l *ftlcts r:{.lhe {i:itrtwilg milt{irii{ls *n r*c:t*ivitlg *xr$ac*
  (]'"                                                                ii) $rg*ni* ruilli{:r'                                                                           {I{} S{*rks}
  $i'                                   i) tcici and *lJq.nli I
                              t).       Writrt i: hrisf n$t* $n :
  u 'i&                                                                                                               **cl coll*ids'                                      {}{) iltnrks)
  *<.r                                  * l")isposai of s*liql xlxdge ; ii) I{orn*val ol's*sp*nrt*d :;oliels
  kqt                                                                                        I:effi;S                                         iln'l in{r:strial               wa$te
  P "rf
  Y,.x                     $n-          ljnd*r whir:!1        circurnstance.s          th" i*ini         iientrn*pt.         *f    servagc                                             ts
                                                                                                                                                                              I$ M*rlis)
  ;-= cAO                               r*c*mrncncleci?       ])i*cus*.
      a.    ifi               D.        p*int *ul thn *ff**ts *t untr*ateii/pnrtially tr**led w&$t*$ liorx u$lion tex{ile rnill nn
                                                                                                                         l$ &{*rks}
                                        re*eivit$ wat{ir br:riy-
      XaJ                                                                                                                                                                 {

  r:h                                                                                                                              ,4lso rir*w th* $*illml{nl ll*rv shr:*l
  (}.{                        Q
                                        Iliseuss in gen*r*l tl.r* s*ur*es *l inclustrial                   r,vi'rstuwarters.
                                                                                                                                                  I                       {l{} Mxr}*i
  *".i      t'i                          ibr cotton tixtil* x:ill x'{ist*w*i}'l$rs'
      0                           h.     flxpl*in ths felliowing : i) lxg;islati*n tu c$ntrtll$*r p*llrrtirln ;
                                                                   ii) Rce*very nnd r*use o{'inEtuslri*i rt*st*s"                                                         {!t} Mxrk*}

                                         {iiv* t}:* prou$$li .{]6w diagrixn an*l qirtr^r*.cterixti*s *f wast*wnt*t's lt*m
      s                           d.

                                                                                                                                                                              {l{} M*rks}
                                         i) Ilistill*ry i:rdustry ;       ii) {"}niqy indu:;lry'
                                                                                                                                                                      *i*l *f fiuw
                                                                                                                   *JJlLrs*t with
                                         L:xpl*in hriei'ly {hc *}rl.rra*teristirs *mtj tr**lrnrnt *{'sL**l r:riil
                                                                                                                                                                              {}(} Mr*rks}
                                                                                                                    papcr miil' ttrith th*: aid *f
                           S &.          $ive th.* gpical oharas.terlstics *f e*r*binq:d e$lJus:rtt o{ pu}p and
                                                                                                           fCIr pulp and p*p*r mill' lttl M*rks)
                                         *      cliugi**.i. uxpl*in th* avnst*vr*t*r trcntme*t l:,ffi)cess
                                   b.    Writc xh*rt n*t*x str ell)r trs* *f ttr* &:11*wi*p,                      :

                                         i)      Ii{reiurr standardx *r:d *trXr:*nt st'andnrttrs'
                                         *)      *r*b iurel c*mp*xit* :;arxpl*s' Give *xnmpl*s'
                                                                                                                                     inri$stry"                               {}$ M*rks}
                                         lii;        CSnr*ct*rislics    g;r:d     lr*atm*nl fl*rv sh**t {i:r *uming


                                  $i$g$x       {}x   S   *smeste               r   $S"   $tl" $}*gx"*:* $l x*rmx            $   as   * *$*xx, M *xyl.}       ex   * c X{} } {}
                                                          ffims$gxx wS *$pNree$$$ffi S*rws*&x*$'ffis

                               3 hrs,                                                                                                                              lV'{sx. fuX*rks:l{}0
                                                         ld *l$ *   :   "..$
                                                                               ve.s   wsd' *rsr.y $lS ${tr $w/S rirr*usf fs$s', s*:$e* $rng
                                                                         rx$ jg**,gd i'pe/d,I       r*a   ***st'rr*r* s 3$r.rrm r:n*:Jr p*xrd"

                    TJ                                                                            {1*$X-$.l: &
                          a.    Wh*t ri*        y*r"r und*r$t',i$d                 by b*lanei*g ei*pth'i lJ*rivs lii) expro$$i*n l*r* s*ure,                                   {t}tr    }tr*rk*}
                          h.    Wh*{ $re t}r* lil:*ses iu cnnals? Irxplain.                                                                                                         {t}d tutxrho)
                          s.    lixplain hri*:itr1, thc fl*llowing:
                                i) Fr*e b*ard in **:r*l.s ii) Penxan*nt h*nr'l rvidth iii) tnspection                                                r*nd iv) I3*rm v] il*wln.
                    ,,)                                                                                                                                                            {X{} IHxrks}
                                Iles*ribc r,vith tire h*lp o{'s;kct*}:*.c. v* ty1:*sq[crriss*drainaee lvorks.        t{0 M*rkx}
                                lixplnin kl jlr;l"s nltlh*d ot'hy;r*rlx:Ii* tr:lnsititrn. []cr"ive th* equalion y{)u use. {{}$ Marks}
    -13             ,.          Ilxplain th* rvr*thi:el of riet*rmining upiifi llressure nn tl:c rrx.:{'*l a siph*n aqu*d**t.
         f     c*:
                                                                                                                                                                                   {05 Marksi
         gu"              Ch**k th* stability *t'the gravily clarx sr:*tic:n sheiwn in the lrig.Q3, next p&Sel flr:r r*s*rv*ir
    "SU                   *nrpty *ncl reservsir flilt *ondititn.r" I{*511*ct s*isrni* firrr:*s. Als* hnd prin,;iptr} $tr*,is and sh*ar

         o*               itt lhe law *rxJ thr: h*el i:t-the dam,
                           laki: sp*e.ifir wei.11l:t ni"c.on$reu: .., 2.j^544 kNi:r'                                        (usilluisnt *l'1'rictic;n             pr   -   i)^7.
         fa               $henr str*.ng-th r:f *onr.r*r'tr: q "* 1J?3.4 i<ltl/nr:.                                                                                                  {}fi Mrrku)

         b0s              e"    $:xptxin th* v*rious purp*s*s *nd tySr*s r:Ig*}I*ri*.s provi<led irr th* gravitl,i.iririr                                                           {{.}ll   M*rks}
                          h. Oxpl*in with ths h*lp erf diagr{rns} v;xrious^!oiuts                                           and w*tcr seals 6:rovid*rt in graviry d*rns.
                                                                                                                                                                                    (t}*     nt6ytr4u"3

    jld                   c.    I{r:w   ri.o   you c*ntr*l ihe in;.1 co::cr*t*: gravity <i*rn'l                                                                         {{}4 Mnrks}

         d<)              &.    Iliscuss in bricJ,lh* causcs of iailure of **rth dams.                                                                                              {}{} l{*rkr}
                          h"    F*r th* **,rth sJ*rl: ol'hcx*ug*r^r$oulJ s**{irtn        a h*rixnntal filtsr as she:wr-r i* i;ig^Q5{b},
                                rtruw {}ie t*p il*w }ilr*. tri'th* eoel{:*iunt of penr:*;lbiliry of th* snil mat*rial us*ti in {h* clam
         ),d                    is 5xl{}-a cm/s*c, {lncl th* s*spi}S$ {.1+rv pr:r mit length *l t}ie clr:nr.                 (i{} iHarkr}
    V<                                                                                                                                      ff{w
               (                                                                                                                           ' i'"*    50wr

    Y.                                                                                                       ris1.i]5(h)
                          *.    Whart is a      spiliway? Iixplnin *ny fi:r:r typr:s o1'spillways, r,q,itl: sk*t*h*s,                                                               {{l} ivl*rks}
                          b.    il*:tnp*l* th*                $vsr $$ rlg*e r.v*ii.r with c.*clYlci*nt ol dischnrg* r:qua} t* 2"4 *t a
                                heaci of 2 nt"'tr'I:* l*ngtl: *{"th* *rpillw*1, i* l{}(} rn. "{'}r* cr*st rvicltL is I rx *br:v* the irrttixn ul
                                lhe appr**eh ck$.nnel h*ving th* sam* wielth n$ rh*t r:f th* spillway.                               (l$ Mnrks]

                                                                                                                I dl   /
*(i{li s4{i

?    st.   trixpl*in }:riefly nxy firr* typ*s *l'i.alls, w'i{}r sk*tc}r*s.                                                  {l{} Marks}

     b"    $xpl*in tlr* pr*:i:erlur* of designing           iia.rdn   typ* fiill.                                           {10 M*rks}

l*   ii.   I:ixplain the prxri:*ci*re       f*r ri*signing r:ri:$s-:'ugttiatri llttti h**ti r*6',ulxtr:r .                  {tl} tdarl*i}
                                                                                                                            (06 M*rksi
     h,    Wh*rt ar* tlre iunctions *llhend anel. *rt:ss*r*gulators'l
     c.    What are      ths m*thr:ds of *ontrr:iling *ntry of silt nt th* h**drv*rks of                     a   canal'l    {t}s Marks}

                                           ?.$ l--

                                                   *;es:tr                                               /
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                                                                          -*T Afif; lt{ s-*HTHg$
                                  rS                                                   {wn   $*   *6'3
                                                                                       Smm   $s   *S"S
                                    !l        I

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                   Fl*   **..x**J             W6
                             T! .r
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                                                                  ..i r:J" 2

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8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 May - June) Question Papers

  • 1. tt ti {}scv*s ffi*ghth $*Nx*es*er ffi"H" S}*gree &xsrr*$nxti*ra, May/"hxrx* ft*t$ &q$wm$xffiffiS ffiqpxx*rm€* Ywwhmxmlegp Tim*: 3 hre" Max. Marks: l$$ N*te: dnswer *rly *T}/tr fir,ll qaestions, seJer#mg sd fe*sf ffrc? EuesStrrx,r;?"t ea*k p*rS. a.) tii P&R"T' - A & {i( &, ]lnum*rat* fhe imp*rt*nce *l'llnpre"s *.ornpouficl in ordinary p*rtliurcl **trl*n{. {t}s M*rks} d h. *is*uts thn fa*tor* r*sponsibl* in af?*cting the strengt* ol'concrete" {t}s Mwrks} s c. Whn{ *re t}rc p*ran:eters d*{i*ing rh*ol*gy of f}csh +oncr*te? Expiain. ($s Mar}cs} (.) G} a" Sis*uss *r* *fTbcts of sxp*r plnsii*ix*rs *n &esh and hard*ned *oncr*te. (0$ Mnr$*s) ui .. b. Hxph*n th* eff**t *{'*ir-*ntr;rirur"rent *rr lhr proper'{i*s *f c*n*r*t*. {$$ Mnrks} Y^ "{) *. Wlrat is SSBS? Explain th* perf'crnx*n** of {itiHii i* c*n*rotc. {t}* i{*rks} T $u s,, &" ExplnJn tI:* fs*t*rs *.ttecting *'rix design i:f c*ncr*t*:. ($s ft{srks} *co b. Cai*ulette lh* gel/sp*ce ratir: a:ld th* rir**r*tir:al str**gl* of n sarnpi* i:f **rr*rer*. m*ds w{tl: {d <' SCIO gm ceruent with {}.5 rv*t*rlc*ms*.t r*ti*, *n irrll hydration ond Xo) Marks) nJ{: -* $i Hxpl*i* th* frctoro wl**h afl.est p*rnlvabilify r:f c*nr:r*t*. Msrks) 4&. Briitg out th* discu sion *bout th*m:nl prclperti** *f'**n*r* *rrks) ?:, b. Write sh*$ n*l*s,li) elk*l: itH$r*Sate reacti$*, *rl*"t) Hxpl*in **rr*sio* xl**heinism and its **iltrc)!. urk;) $!O ad fd PAXTY * $} ;a sl J(-I. What is r*ftd.v rnix *;r:ncr*t*'l flxpiain Ih* ffi*s *f r**ely mrix {{}S k$*rk*} L;; rcfl i). Hxpi*in with a *k*tsh th* pro*ex* *f pux"r.pi*g *f c*n*r*ts. {{}* Mllrks} >r r' Whtlt is high v*i*me $y mtrl osn$r*te? Sxplnin its sp*eial pr*p*$i*s. itlS Flxrks) 0* "jis $s. J)*fi** s*l,{' *:xrspa.*ling r:*n*rst*. {}xpiain Ni:e nup*ssitv of obt*i*ing s*}i' **r*pn*ting ui $*n*fi)t*" i{}S &,t*rkr:.} k [,ist tk* advaxt*ges <lf $ilt sv*r tttl]x]&l cr:n*rct*. ($s Mmrkx] $:) ra ;:: Sdhnt is lihre reinl?:r*ed c*ncr*{*? $is*xss t}'l*r g:r*p*r{i*s *{- v*riq:xs li}:r*s, lV}r*t is &*ir *(: ;r. *ffect on c.*ncr*t*? ($s }t{*rtn} **s e *i! qi :-* ? it. Whar is the ci*finiti** *l' iiiglr p*rfhffii1s.rl** c*ncr*t*! lVh*t nr* th* *riti**l g:nram*ters ixv*lv*d itt th* pr*duci*g *:1' I {}uC'i ** h" Ili**ulis th* prop*rti*rs *f c*rn:n*ln lig${ w*igi:t -* {tls h**r$*r} *cn*rut*. Iixpiain the st*ps {* nriv*, LJ "( Jri *. What ix ferro**ment? Ilis*ir*s the appli*ati*n q:flf*xxcl**ment in th* *i:nstru*nirr. l*txT:lffi.-*-' {$rS iu*r}x} s Z c &. ,ilutrrlain ths ixfiuenc* of thc rat* *:f applic*ti*n of k:ad *n tho ummprsssiv* strr:ng{h of (L **m*r*tq:" {{}S tvlmrtu} k)' Wknl *r* th* t**i:niqu*s lrl*ns*.*"ing p}*s*: v*irx;ity tlxr:r.lg.h **rir:x:t*? Iixplaix" {{}$ M*rt*x} q-rf *. lffh*t {Ir* *i* *ppli**tir:n$ (.if'ti:u pr:ls* v*l*cit.v ::retir*ds t* q:valunte c$n*r$t* s{ru$tur*s? {$$ lv$S}"Sis}
  • 2. r)6CVlii .,-", l_mI[:ilJ: sigh*rl $.$*rmest'ex" $$".$i1,. $}*gree ${.xxx$irsn{i&ffi, &r}$Eyl"$tlxxe }*$$ ffimw$gxnffigsNffirmq&,*$Bwsss&m*$s*rexm&esfl&s ,L) () Q * n,lip rvjrrrks:lilr, *1" {d I tmc: r+ ^t nr$ s N*te: I. ,;{n.slrl*r #rxc rga**'$roxJir.rml ibur{ A *nd u (d #n* grles$dr.rn;&**r 'frrlr"/ '&' 8, k ?- {..1sg r,f.r.s";$#s * J#*}? r*pryJ s{*eJ tr:$ds rlre llern*/|ed. ()X E0* -$" .4.s.w*E**l * rs*is.t*islg rdxrdx slaifet J: f1r" .F dV 3 no ll goo ry"I--*s. 'n if t. Ascr:*nr1-"rl:yhram{SM]: :lrlt}(4*i6}}'l/:nistoh*jtin*c}t*th*:rfisinb*$misiM134{)ti";' :: iO Xt) il. hr.tll.s o['tliitttlr:{ct *c eJ 6,lfi 1..1/rn".l"n$ rms]*s i$A }fi x"${} x * nrr-r u$*i".l i*r *{1n11**Iir}}1.'lhr*e "; {l'i: {)); i"lser,i ti: *or***i *r,tr11*s l* fh*,.v*b u{'lSIv'lB }0t1. s b*lts *f }Zmnr dia:*el*r iu* u*q:ii mm arc Ylo r'rungeri *J'i:si{.h h*ams il'* *re sall'r*fft to **}nn*}i:t t}r* arr6}*:s t* tt,r- rveh Err'}sMI3 400^ r'he l*v*}. Dr*w to a suit*hi* $.r*.1-'. {{}S Mr:rk"s) bii ij $*:*lio*al tl*v*ti*lr' {*? h"}nri"';i a iil Si*l* t,iew slr*r,r'inB all detnils' r 1 ,",. .- ..---..^i,-., 'l'iit: ;i' 1::r s b. .i"wo *h*n*crs r$M{. q{)fi (*; 4i}4 r{lrx pi**r:d h*r:k {* txrck with ;r str:r**ing 25{i n:rn, *har:rnels *re $rppCIrteei. *r: * siab h*s* ha,ing ?ilO x ?{}0 x fi{} m:n xiz*- T'h* sicle *ngles ill"+ suitable b*lts. N}as* pl*te is *onu**tucl to ffixt*r*ir: r{€ ffit LS i(}{} x 1{}{J x I{: an*t iir* coitr.}dcrerl hy ?{i nrm hir'r'it'rg 35* ;i'r*i p*d*stal 2m x ?rn x il.g lr.r siz* irsing 4 i:rn*h*r bq:lts *f'rii*m*tcr ,i, d.) sr i*ngth. Llrarv ro a suitabtr* srtl$ tl:c iirik:wir"lgo' : lt;rll.r;! $s feL i) li*cti*l:*l t:l*v*ticxl. t{}? i'l*rlqs) iil })lnn *f slab has* giving ali d*tails' h ';: 4o i4 fi: hy rneans erf H* !{) za. An l$l,ts 40t) w,5S$ Nlm b*utx r:*nnocts ISr"lB 3{}fi r$} 58S,1'tr,1rn.c$ltttjlnro's ol'5 bolt: 0.^(- stirT.ened er:nne*tit:n""tr'rr* sriff*n*r angir:s ar* iliA 9{} x rx')"x l{) *:ur wirl: twri >1 cl**rr angle ISA 90 x 9{l x 1ll alc * 5r) ${.dia*rot*r?0 nrm. s*ar angl* is l$A }i{} x 1]L} x r{} rnm and {)l5 Tq3 p. ci rvith ntwinarl b*lting. ilra'"v: ' r:kvatiixr. {tt} Mrrrks} 6g i) Ilyr:nt {l* tulxrks} Sid* viow *'jth **tailx. U --)r li: -...-*^,*I$}-l}1 :'{i(} 'ti A* lsi.{B 31"1{} ,:$i s311 }d/m i* rlt* !.:rv*r sl.r:r*y *f ;"r huilding is uonn*c{ecl-t*x s rnrn platr*s qJd * b. r.d '$'he xplic* ibr rhe c*iusttts ccnsisls of 25{} x }00 ; d.fi13 N/m *f the -d;; s{*r*y. s wi{h *lt r*u*cl ,**i*iu*g 'rhl bas* $h* lo l0ti x ?.5{} x 50 *rm"* suit$hl* w*b irxgles ;rnd d w*lding for *urul*cti**. lh*rv: b o l)- ii $i*cti*nal l'ilevati*r:. {}t} &'trrlr}rs} F ii) $ide vinv wit}T d*t*ils" I t)l "i,
  • 3. t, {}$f,ve? fleffii-:-$ tr-he fink m:oi'rruss {or iui indilsr.ria] i:uiiding h;,rs ti:* f*ll*wing detxils. $pitlr * I0 rn, Risc 2.j ln, b**ring,,,,, 1il0 rmn, sl1;pe {} *., Iis *, F C :::; | .{ "I{:r.$o. i}uncl wiclth AI) ,,. IJl.l 51. I)*sign lh* m*mbevs CIf'thc jr;int il anrt , cirmpl*t*ly, ,{I** r{esign th* sliriing has* ar A il.clxs:ti*r: i).i A -'2t] ill,{ ror*e in ilir "'' o(i ''' 3{, kFl *t:rnp*svi*r'i i*nd ?} kry r*nsi** Fr:r** in {jN'* il{} ,.,}.i} k.},1 ***rprr:ssir:* IS kittr:nsi*n Fi:rsi* irT AI") = $? kN {c*nrpr*ssi*n} I;'{:rx:* in {r{J kle {t*rrs}r:ni. r"1h.,l ,,.,, Use strit*hie cliavn*ter h*ltn li:r alJ *:r:nn**t!<:ns. Alri: rI*sign tli* i*:*i:*r h*l1s lirr * 1..rrli *l ,]{} kN" $r*x, t* * suital:le ***l* : "llh* *lerr*ti*n *f rrlr:l. truss i. gr**h*r thn"n hall. *pi:r"r. b. Iil*vaticrr *:{j*ir:t il r* *l larg*r scai*. c. lil*v*lion and pl*:r dct*rijs *{,* ut,4, {?{} Mlarks} t)*sipr * sirnply su;:p*rted *rirrlc gilnrry girder firr th* l*ik:wing data" 'f.h* girei*i: is *]**tri*ally op*r*{*:ri. yi*}cl str**s uf' srr":r:l- is-is* }v{p:r. use l(: nrrn dinn:*t*r l:l:lt r:f^gurrt* $ l' i) l$pr*n *l'*riin* lrir d*r "Ii,v, ii: $pa:: *1'gar:tr-v gii:ii:r '1,-., iii") il*p*r*it3, *{'tl:* srii$* ::: ??n L lt iu) $*lf w*igihr ti{ cr;rn* *rcl*dir:g *rai: :::::: ?{}il kN v) W*ight *i.c*:.b :: 6* kl,J vii Wh**l b*s* disitr*ri** .).,1. fi l vii) ll.{inimuryrh**k lrppr***h ::,: i.{ vl viii) Scl{'w*igl'rt *i'ri*ii U. .] t( t/t'il ix) I{*ight *f r"*il 75 :i:rn I..)ralv tt: i* suil*hle s*ili* : G. a. l'l,t* ex"lrst s**:ticlr.t r.rl" uri*tr"v 1.lir"ri*r i*ntj lrs il{t;, l# sLipilol-li*g *l:3unrn anrj th* hr*r:k*t it.,llialrr dri.ajls. c. fii*i* *'l*v*ti*n. {7{} Mxrks) S*;$*S .),'t'a
  • 4. 1"]$$'{ r-t- 1- LL__l t-l-l I I i ${,lghtk S*rxxq*s&*r I l- 1- i-L i $S"H. il H}*gr** ffixmrm*mx*iu*nr, &{[wyl'$rx:x* ?t] t {} {}6CV835 *NNSxms*w$m$ &ffi ww*mwffs$ffi $- X"rww*w*E ffi r&& $ .J Ma.r Ma:'ks:.l0() 'i5 * Ti*:r*: 3 hrs" N *** ; r'$.rr.$n'Er rxsxy ff.f, $/$.$e$f sa*'vsf *rts' srJcct'f"ag ? * rg *g fetrss 3"M$ Srdss-y{#}s'n"J}*rr* etxc& pnrJ' *r$ s frSifrl*A of ii',.**rirliliXilr*,].ci*xls fcr incluslrial ellJu*rils rneant I*r {} i6 (J lixi"rl*rin th*: signili*ilxrce .inr* s*r[*c* w*rms. Indicate thc pruserih*ri h:dian litandards (l]lSi firr axry t*tr Yl ({: cJ ;i;ils- N**rt*n) {l{} [*ff-*":t- in a t*rbular thrnr' ,, sev"ag<: ,--,.*4],-rr*+ *rn,rr {l{i ]$:rrkr} ... lrs*tm$rt plarlt' Gc) t). lixptain bri*{'[y thc *l'f*cts *l'inrJustrial r,virstes cxt i]re 3,t -' Ph*lph':i it:nn*Jali*n' Hog tA L <, Deriv* thc diss*1lv**} *xyg*n {l.X}i sng cqualii'tr u'i}Sr'**ter: {l{} &{xrks} .: c'I qr}i*s'* into rt st'rram ,{ ibncl pr*ressing ixchistry riischarrqes 115 N{l'$ of wastervatr:r}tn'rii:r"I'}:r: t*n:pi*rtitr'}r{} d-* c- b. 9dr gsiln lis^ "I'he vel*ciry i:l-ttre stream is i'2 otr mi*imum rat* o1 fiLrv is 'Is o{, tlre w&ste$,ar*r is 2(},,{)" whil* t}rat ofi t}:* s'rcam is r5"{)- 'J'hi: 2CI"c, 5 dny fi$l} *l r}r* $l "l'h* wa$l*t'l'*t*r *r]nlaitts rtt; [i :: w:*t*rai*t*r is ?1;{} *[n, whiie that. *f th* sf.reanr is L* mgii' D$, bllt t]r* strxmr is t}{}% seturat*d *l lhe rp:ilreiim *l t]re dlscharge' At ?{}"("1' Kl is estirnirlr:t{ tr:r }:c Q.r pur. ,loy, w}iil* K: is 0.? ;:*r r}*y. I}*te**ino the *ritieal {}xyg*n delicit' p*ifll' l'i** t*ttrperalur* Als* *sti*,rn't*,rr z13,lc s dxy ${l$ r:{'* sanrgrli: tiikq:n *t th* t'c *r.:i K.:. }'lugl**t Li-r, Kr *sli3 li," {10 Mar"ks} c*-*giciqrxr *f,,ri? f*r,'t-:li1n t<1 srld r.ilr).{ pE:r .ii u t'r*iiilr:*nt with rlxi:n:pi*r: : 14 ilxpixin rh* imll*wilq *s nppli*cl 1* in*h.rstritil 1.,{tstQu'i}t*r Pd J gr:J 15 (S o.. V$h,rrr* re*ucti*n b' $trengtir rer{**ti*n '-{'o k0 *" $qu*lixrdi*n and pr*p*r(innir.rg cl. N*$lrxii:{atii}n. {t{} Mxrkx} 0r wztt*r$ : :ti it. ii"xplain th*l *ftlcts r:{.lhe {i:itrtwilg milt{irii{ls *n r*c:t*ivitlg *xr$ac* SIr (]'" ii) $rg*ni* ruilli{:r' {I{} S{*rks} $i' i) tcici and *lJq.nli I t). Writrt i: hrisf n$t* $n : u 'i& **cl coll*ids' {}{) iltnrks) *<.r * l")isposai of s*liql xlxdge ; ii) I{orn*val ol's*sp*nrt*d :;oliels si kqt I:effi;S iln'l in{r:strial wa$te P "rf Y,.x $n- ljnd*r whir:!1 circurnstance.s th" i*ini iientrn*pt. *f servagc ts I$ M*rlis) ;-= cAO r*c*mrncncleci? ])i*cus*. a. ifi D. p*int *ul thn *ff**ts *t untr*ateii/pnrtially tr**led w&$t*$ liorx u$lion tex{ile rnill nn l$ &{*rks} re*eivit$ wat{ir br:riy- XaJ { r:h ,4lso rir*w th* $*illml{nl ll*rv shr:*l (}.{ Q Iliseuss in gen*r*l tl.r* s*ur*es *l inclustrial r,vi'rstuwarters. I {l{} Mxr}*i *".i t'i ibr cotton tixtil* x:ill x'{ist*w*i}'l$rs' ; 0 h. flxpl*in ths felliowing : i) lxg;islati*n tu c$ntrtll$*r p*llrrtirln ; ii) Rce*very nnd r*use o{'inEtuslri*i rt*st*s" {!t} Mxrk*} {iiv* t}:* prou$$li .{]6w diagrixn an*l qirtr^r*.cterixti*s *f wast*wnt*t's lt*m : e s d. {l{} M*rks} i) Ilistill*ry i:rdustry ; ii) {"}niqy indu:;lry' *i*l *f fiuw *JJlLrs*t with L:xpl*in hriei'ly {hc *}rl.rra*teristirs *mtj tr**lrnrnt *{'sL**l r:riil i"lri: h. {}(} Mr*rks} cha$. papcr miil' ttrith th*: aid *f S &. $ive th.* gpical oharas.terlstics *f e*r*binq:d e$lJus:rtt o{ pu}p and fCIr pulp and p*p*r mill' lttl M*rks) * cliugi**.i. uxpl*in th* avnst*vr*t*r trcntme*t l:,ffi)cess fi1*w b. Writc xh*rt n*t*x str ell)r trs* *f ttr* &:11*wi*p, : i) Ii{reiurr standardx *r:d *trXr:*nt st'andnrttrs' *) *r*b iurel c*mp*xit* :;arxpl*s' Give *xnmpl*s' inri$stry" {}$ M*rks} lii; CSnr*ct*rislics g;r:d lr*atm*nl fl*rv sh**t {i:r *uming
  • 5. / {}$ilvsd$ $i$g$x {}x S *smeste r $S" $tl" $}*gx"*:* $l x*rmx $ as * *$*xx, M *xyl.} ex * c X{} } {} ffims$gxx wS *$pNree$$$ffi S*rws*&x*$'ffis 3 hrs, lV'{sx. fuX*rks:l{}0 ld *l$ * : "..$ ve.s wsd' *rsr.y $lS ${tr $w/S rirr*usf fs$s', s*:$e* $rng rx$ jg**,gd i'pe/d,I r*a ***st'rr*r* s 3$r.rrm r:n*:Jr p*xrd" d TJ {1*$X-$.l: & tJ CJ k a. Wh*t ri* y*r"r und*r$t',i$d by b*lanei*g ei*pth'i lJ*rivs lii) expro$$i*n l*r* s*ure, {t}tr }tr*rk*} ii f" h. Wh*{ $re t}r* lil:*ses iu cnnals? Irxplain. {t}d tutxrho) s. lixplain hri*:itr1, thc fl*llowing: {} i) Fr*e b*ard in **:r*l.s ii) Penxan*nt h*nr'l rvidth iii) tnspection r*nd iv) I3*rm v] il*wln. ,,) {X{} IHxrks} Sx Iles*ribc r,vith tire h*lp o{'s;kct*}:*.c. v* ty1:*sq[crriss*drainaee lvorks. t{0 M*rkx} t- lixplnin kl jlr;l"s nltlh*d ot'hy;r*rlx:Ii* tr:lnsititrn. []cr"ive th* equalion y{)u use. {{}$ Marks} 6*' -13 ,. Ilxplain th* rvr*thi:el of riet*rmining upiifi llressure nn tl:c rrx.:{'*l a siph*n aqu*d**t. f c*: {05 Marksi 'EV gu" Ch**k th* stability *t'the gravily clarx sr:*tic:n sheiwn in the lrig.Q3, next p&Sel flr:r r*s*rv*ir {}* "SU *nrpty *ncl reservsir flilt *ondititn.r" I{*511*ct s*isrni* firrr:*s. Als* hnd prin,;iptr} $tr*,is and sh*ar F:: o* itt lhe law *rxJ thr: h*el i:t-the dam, laki: sp*e.ifir wei.11l:t ni"c.on$reu: .., 2.j^544 kNi:r' (usilluisnt *l'1'rictic;n pr - i)^7. fa $henr str*.ng-th r:f *onr.r*r'tr: q "* 1J?3.4 i<ltl/nr:. {}fi Mrrku) bU b0s e" $:xptxin th* v*rious purp*s*s *nd tySr*s r:Ig*}I*ri*.s provi<led irr th* gravitl,i.iririr {{.}ll M*rks} '()k 4# h. Oxpl*in with ths h*lp erf diagr{rns} v;xrious^!oiuts and w*tcr seals 6:rovid*rt in graviry d*rns. (t}* nt6ytr4u"3 jld c. I{r:w ri.o you c*ntr*l ihe in;.1 co::cr*t*: gravity <i*rn'l {{}4 Mnrks} a)I ^I ,ftkst-}-:-i$ Ird Q,i d<) &. Iliscuss in bricJ,lh* causcs of iailure of **rth dams. {}{} l{*rkr} Iii sl.; c:.; h" F*r th* **,rth sJ*rl: ol'hcx*ug*r^r$oulJ s**{irtn a h*rixnntal filtsr as she:wr-r i* i;ig^Q5{b}, luslth rtruw {}ie t*p il*w }ilr*. tri'th* eoel{:*iunt of penr:*;lbiliry of th* snil mat*rial us*ti in {h* clam :* L$ ),d is 5xl{}-a cm/s*c, {lncl th* s*spi}S$ {.1+rv pr:r mit length *l t}ie clr:nr. (i{} iHarkr} -"o i** B1) V< ff{w ( ' i'"* 50wr ia$rn@ *q ; () Y. ris1.i]5(h) *. Whart is a spiliway? Iixplnin *ny fi:r:r typr:s o1'spillways, r,q,itl: sk*t*h*s, {{l} ivl*rks} s b. il*:tnp*l* th* $vsr $$ rlg*e r.v*ii.r with c.*clYlci*nt ol dischnrg* r:qua} t* 2"4 *t a c$isci:{trge heaci of 2 nt"'tr'I:* l*ngtl: *{"th* *rpillw*1, i* l{}(} rn. "{'}r* cr*st rvicltL is I rx *br:v* the irrttixn ul lhe appr**eh ck$.nnel h*ving th* sam* wielth n$ rh*t r:f th* spillway. (l$ Mnrks] I dl /
  • 6. *(i{li s4{i ? st. trixpl*in }:riefly nxy firr* typ*s *l'i.alls, w'i{}r sk*tc}r*s. {l{} Marks} b" $xpl*in tlr* pr*:i:erlur* of designing iia.rdn typ* fiill. {10 M*rks} l* ii. I:ixplain the prxri:*ci*re f*r ri*signing r:ri:$s-:'ugttiatri llttti h**ti r*6',ulxtr:r . {tl} tdarl*i} (06 M*rksi h, Wh*rt ar* tlre iunctions *llhend anel. *rt:ss*r*gulators'l c. What are ths m*thr:ds of *ontrr:iling *ntry of silt nt th* h**drv*rks of a canal'l {t}s Marks} ?.$ l-- I *;es:tr / l*,'' rl F{&Tg}*Att 0lMESl5tOru5 -*T Afif; lt{ s-*HTHg$ rI rS {wn $* *6'3 Smm $s *S"S !F** Ir .t rl !l I rYl I i $s * Fl* **..x**J W6 T! .r I {r i! 1 I Y !(r ss&rM&sN *.xp:.* $s.?$ rair'mi$ $trrlr,r*a UFL{pT f,}RS$$LJft* fit&SS&ffi ilis'Q3 ***,tr:'i, ..i r:J" 2