truckee tahoe silicon mountain lake tahoe mountain minds monday technology tahoe entrepreneurship reno nasa artificial intelligence wildfire small business patents snow drone drones ketogenic diet ketogenic keto virtual reality rachel arst mccullough entrepeneurial ecosystem startups south lake tahoe ai unr makerspace steam sierra avalanche center avalanche forecasting community entrepreneurs sustainability stem mars education internet of things silicon mountain internet bitcoin startup bicycle watershed council watershed environment truckee river san francisco backcountry skiers backcountry babes backcountry skiing nick polinko ugly bad good vanlife van diy chocolate blackwill hyperloop diesel locomotive fundraising venture capital dave sick stomp sessions mountain ventures summit pam hobday colleen dalton entrepreneurial ecosystems photo bio-modulation longevity cold therapy sauna john limansky biohacking winter wildlife women inventors women in tech inventors bereavement holographs retail ecommerce online shopping shopping mixed reality augmented reality david nickens smoke neil lareau daniel price breadware iot life without ceilings: a woman’s career in compute women computing mary l gorden sports performance type 2 diabetes stephen phinney one million cups business accelerator startup accelerator laura louthan cybersecurity michelle rebaleati maria tran nonprofit mountain town refugees capital desert stacy caldwell tahoe truckee community foundation blockchain nutrition metabolic efficiency endurance athlete fat adaptation fitness performance fitness stories in the snow snowflakes citizen science drought snowpack meghan collins kelly gleason tahoe prosperity center tahoe economic summit beyond line of sight christos papachristos energy efficiency tahoe truckee unified school district anna klovstad ttusd civic technologies survey kevin lyons flashvote government maiya holliday b corp marie koesnodihardjo b lab triple bottom line benefit corporation mccullough web services patent history dick schulze patent trolls history benny bach physics ellen raynor overseas developers contract work gig economy outsourcing contract developers software development 3d modeling tara radniecki libraries tsm chrissy klenke library innovation delamare tech economy trpa tahoe regional planning agency gunnar newquist neuroscience brain will kurt express line grocery store data science statistics textiles casey d sibley funding kickstarter capital crowdfunding nuance unmanned aircraft naasic air traffic control alerttahoe forestguard fire detection fire monitoring design art change agent hackathon hackathons space apps reno america's crisis coach faydra koenig podcast podcasting coming out of the fire astronauts space travel asteroids space international space station iss astronaut human space travel jamie orr airbnb lending club uber parlor shows sharing economy kylie rowe intrapreneur ozmen center for entrepreneurship prosthetic exo-skeletal scoliosis robotics scott summit 3d printing 3d systems limb loss technology jobs software jobs software engineering code bootcamp programming bootcamp trademarks patent intellectual property ip trademark copyright copyrights ptc positive train control raspberry pi train inspections motes railroad union pacific trains train farming organic farming sustainable farming farm to market foodshed agroecology grassroots food security tahoe food hub food hub food desert food investors entrepreneur energy fracking peak oil self-reliance electricity grid solar flares climate change ocean acidification food scarcity solar storms global warming emp nevada public education aact race academy of arts careers & technology rover moon soda springs gerdel central sierra snow laboratory snow surveying donner summit weather history weather donner pass students. wacac financial aid college application high school college uav unmanned aerial vehicle gopro aerial photography quadcopter photography eric jennings pinoccio sedcorp cell service tahoe prosperity plan broadband business cycling lean startup bike
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