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From Apps To Zen:
26+ Ideas for Building
a Business with Balance

Sinead Mac Manus

              bodhi tree courtesy of Christopher Chappelear:

Part thought, part recommendation, From Apps to Zen is an
introduction to how you can build a balanced business.

The 26+ ideas, strategies and people in this book are ones that have
changed the way I do business and have enabled me, most of the time,
to achieve a more balanced working life.

I would invite you to download this ebook, find a quiet space with your
favourite brew and have a read.

My goal with From Apps to Zen is to help you be more mindful and
considered with your work and find YOUR own Zen.

I wish you the best of luck.


If you like this ebook, do subscribe to the blog From Apps to Zen and
sign up to the 8fold newsletter for occasional updates on all things

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 2
About the Author

Sinead Mac Manus is founder of 8fold - a social business that helps
people achieve a balanced working life in the digital age.

She blogs about simplicity, digital technologies and productivity in
business at From Apps to Zen.

Follow Sinead on Twitter.
Connect with her on Linkedin.

“There is more to life than just
increasing its speed.”
                        Mathatma Gandhi

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 3

Apps is short for application - a piece of software that can run on
the Internet, on your computer, or increasingly on your smartphone.

Apps have become synonymous with Apple’s iPhone but new apps are in-
creasingly being developed for other operating systems such as
Google’s Android. But with over 200,000 apps in the Apple App Store
alone, how can you find great apps for your business?

As an avid iPhone user, one of my first questions when playing with a
new piece of software is “does it have an iPhone app?”. All the soft-
ware I use on a daily basis, Gmail for email, Remember the Milk for
tasks and Evernote for information capture, have optimised apps for
the iPhone that sync across the phone, the web and my desktop.

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have specific smartphone apps enabling
you to access and update your social networks on the go, leaving more
time when at your computer for your important work.

Apps come into their own if you are a digital nomad, or if you travel
for work. Digital nomads can access their Dropbox files, use the Skype
app to make free international calls or use AudioBoo or Bambuser to
record multi-media content on the fly straight to your blog.

What apps are you using to streamline your work?

                                                   From Apps to Zen | page 4

How do you respond when people ask you how work is? For most of us the
word “busy!” is our first response. We may be “busy” but are we actu-
ally achieving anything?

Readers of my blog From Apps to Zen, will know that I am a fan of
Michael Bungay Stanier’s book “Do More Great Work”. In the book, Mi-
chael calls for the end of what he terms “Busywork” (Behance’s Scott
Belsky calls this insecurity work) in order to create space and time
for “Great Work”.

I agree. I think there is a real distinction between filling your work-
ing hours with unimportant work and actually doing work that is im-
portant to you and your business. For example, research has shown that
workers can spend up to 4 hours a day on email alone. Is this a good
use of your time? Social media can also be a huge time-suck in our
working and personal lives. Are you actually seeing a value in the
connections you are making online, or are you just plugging away for
the sake of it?

So how do we stop the “Busywork”? For me the answer is simple: BE

Don’t start your week or your day without a clear idea of what you
want to achieve; focus on reducing or eliminating repetitive Busywork
tasks like checking your email every 10 minutes or reading news-
letters or RSS feeds that aren’t adding value; Question yourself (see
Q below) at regular stages during the day. Go beyond asking yourself
“am I being productive or just active?” and ask yourself “am I doing
Great Work or just Busywork”.

Think about your working day: how can you stop the “Busywork”?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 5

In today’s networked world, small businesses and freelancers are in-
creasingly turning to collaboration to get things done and create a
bigger impact with their business. From partnering with another
company on a larger project to outsourcing work to freelancers, being
able to collaborate effectively is the mark of a 21st century

But for many businesses managing collaborations is a nightmare of
round-robin emails, endless travelling to meetings and confusion over
who has got the latest document.

But wait! There is a wealth of online tools and applications that can
help you collaborate effectively, save time, and, save money.

Cloud computing applications such as Google Docs or Zoho can enable
your team to collaborate in real-time. If you prefer (like me) to use
software such as Microsoft Office, a file sharing application such as
Dropbox can ensure everyone in the team is working from the same files.

Project management tools are abundant: two top applications are
Behance’s Action Method and 37signals’ Basecamp or use a simple wiki
format for collaborative writing.

Instead of travelling to meetings, use Skype to hold one to one video
conference calls or Tokbox for larger meetings.

How can you use online tools to collaborate more effectively?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 6

I remember my first proper job in an office. It was 1996.

Email had been around for a while but the Internet was fairly new.
Distractions at work were limited to being interrupted by phone calls,
long (and boring) team meetings, or my annoying colleague rattling on
about his weekend.

Today things are very different.

The pervasive nature of digital technologies means an ever-growing
stream of communication during our working day - what I call the dai-
ly digital deluge. We are bombarded by calls, voice messages, texts,
emails, tweets, Facebook and Linkedin updates, news feeds, instant
messages. And that’s before we get to the tantalizing content on the
Internet – all of which can distract us from the task in hand, and
fragment our productivity.

A useful tool such as RescueTime can help you pinpoint where you are
spending your time and applications such as StayFocused (for Chrome)
or LeechBlock (for Firefox) can be set to block entire websites (e.g.
Facebook) if you don’t have the willpower yourself!

Close down your digital distractions, turn your smartphone to silent
and get some work done.

                                                 From Apps to Zen | page 7
Effectiveness v Efficiency

Many entrepreneurs I know work very EFFECTIVELY. They are competent at
what they do, they have systems such as GTD for getting things done,
they work fast and keep time and effort on tasks to a minimum.

Great. Good for them.

But I would propose that there is an important distinction between
working efficiently and being effective. Let me explain.

Management thinker Elad Sherf makes the point on his blog The
Comparative Advantage that:

“Efficiency is about marginal improvements. We take the current
situation and try to make it better. To make the most of what we have.
To do better with what we have.”

In contrast, effectiveness is about change. It’s about keeping the
bigger picture and longer term goals in your sights on a daily basis,
not getting caught up in the daily grind of Busywork.

Effectiveness is about focusing on the 20% of inputs that account for
80% of your successes. It’s about those activities that result in
quantum changes for your business, not incremental change.

Being efficient is great with regard to tasks and getting things done.
I am all in favour of streamlining processes and shortening task time
to provide focus. However, in the words of one of the most productive
people in the world Jim Collins – “don’t confuse activity with

Are you being effective or just efficient?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 8

I am a huge fan of filters. And not just the Gmail ones either (even
though those are great!)

By filters I mean people and organisations who act as ‘hubs’ of
information and expertise around a topic.

Let me give you some examples.

Life is too short to read 100 blogs a day. Trust me, I’ve tried. But
there are professional bloggers in your business area whose JOB it is
to read 100 blogs a day and sort and filter the best material for their
followers. These are the people that you need to find and follow. For
example, in lifestyle design and simplicity, Tammy from Rowdy Kittens
and Corbett Barr from Free Pursuits consistently highlight the best
advice on the subject on the web.

Similarly, there are 101 social media blogs and websites out there.
After subscribing and trying to keep up to date with them all I
realised that our own homegrown Mashable (Pete is from Scotland) is
unbeatable for all the latest news and tips on the murky world of the
web and social media.

The daily Harvard Business Review blog is one of the few blogs that I
actually want pinging into my Inbox each morning as I find its mix of
articles around business, innovation and technology fascinating. Rare
is an issue that I don’t find a gem of an idea.

In a world of information overload, filters are a great way to save
time and focus on what’s important.

Who are your filters?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 9
Gwen Bell

I have been following blogger and fellow yogi Gwen Bell for some time
now and my own ideas resonate with hers of the importance of balance
and mindfulness in all this web stuff.

The idea of being mindful about what ‘work’ we are doing is something
I hold very dear to my heart. Being busy and effective are two
separate things. One of my goals with 8fold, is to help people achieve
more balance in their working life even in this digital age so that
they can create more time and space for other things in life, like
travel and family, or just finishing work at a decent hour!

As a yoga practitioner and meditation newbie, I was drawn to her re-
cent pledge and poster on 10 Social Media Meditations. It now hangs
pride of place over my desk.

Working on building 8fold as a social business, attending the
School for Social Entrepreneurs, helping co-organise
Latitudinal Cuisine - a non-profit venture, as well as my consulting,
teaching and writing work, can mean that some weeks are a little

When you are logging onto your email at 6am before you go do a days
work for a client or find yourself constantly Tweeting at midnight on
your iPhone, you can start to wonder if this is the best way of being
effective. Gwen’s meditations (which come as a lovely printable PDF
for you to hang above your desk), remind us to stop once in a while
and breathe.

Have a read of Gwen’s 10 meditations. If you feel they resonate, print
them out and post them near your computer.

Then … unplug.

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 10

You will have noticed so far that this ebook is concerned with ideas
and strategies for building a balanced business rather than
focussing on the tools.

But a special mention has to go to Highrise, the Customer Relationship
Management software from the 37signals guys.

Highrise is an intuitive, easy to use, and damn it! good looking way
of keep track of your contacts, leads and sales. It has changed the
way that I keep track of potential customers and clients.

As they say on the Highrise website:

“Know who you talked to, what was said, and when to follow-up. Simple
contact management.”

And the best part?

It’s free for up to 250 contacts. Check it out here.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 11

One of my favourite things about web 2.0 and the new wave of digital
tools and social media applications, is the integration between them.

Due to the opening up of APIs (application programming interface),
developers now seek to make new applications integrate and interact
with each other – a productivity bonus for you and me.

Here are some examples:

Want to post status updates over Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin?
TweetDeck can post to all three networks at the click of a button.

Want to snazz up your Linkedin page? Use the Application Directory
to ‘pull’ in content from other applications such as your blog, your
SlideShare presentations or your Amazon reading list.

Run workshops or events? Eventbrite is an easy to use event booking
system. But where it really comes into its own is its
integration features. You can publish your event straight to Facebook;
embed code into your site to display ‘Click to Register’ buttons or
even the entire ticket form. Add an event calendar to the sidebar of
your website to show your upcoming events with a ‘one-click’ register

Even Facebook have opened up their API to developers and will now
connect with your blog, your Linkedin profile and your Twitter profile.
Business applications such as Mailchimp will even allow you to add a
mailing list signup form on your Fan or Profile page.

How do your online tools and apps integrate?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 12
Jonathan Fields

Another special mention for another special blogger. Jonathan Fields
is an ex-hedge-fund/securities lawyer, originally from New York. He is
now a super successful blogger, writer, speaker and yogi who has been
featured in publications from The New York Times to productivity blog

His blog Awake at the Wheel, subtitled ‘conversations, strategies and
solutions at the crossroads of work, play, entrepreneurship and life’
delivers great advice for budding or world-wary entrepreneurs alike.
Like myself and Gwen Bell, Jonathan takes a considered approach to
work, always trying to find balance in his life.

Recent great articles    include his Bali Dispatch series on the
difficulties of living   the location independent lifestyle. Others that
caught my eye include    the hilariously titled Are You a To-Do List
Bottom Feeder and his    Marketing Checklist: 7 Ways to Prove you Rule.

His best-selling book Career Renegade is a practical look at how you
can turn any passion of yours into a profitable business. Seriously.
Check out the first four chapters for free.

Jonathan, I salute you!

                                                  From Apps to Zen | page 13

I love reading. I love to read books that expand my mind and build my
knowledge of business, the web and simplcity.

My goal at the moment is to read one physical or digital book a week.
This is partly a reaction to reading a story on the Harvard
Business Review blog of an executive chatting to a man on a train.
When the other man commented that he only got through three books
a year due to a combination of work pressures and slow reading, it
dawned on our writer that he might only have 75 books left to read in
his life. 75 books! What a thought!

Maren Kate, voted one of’s ‘20 women entrepreneurs you
should be following on Twitter’ has this advice on reading:

“Read as much as possible on successful people, on businesses, on
random things you find interesting. I believe that constant reading and
the taking in of new information is what separates the extraordinary
from the ordinary.”

Wise words.

“But I can’t afford to buy books every week!” I hear you cry …

I know, neither can I. Nearly everything I read these days comes from
my local library (if they don’t have a book, you can usually order it)
or borrowed from friends.

So go on.

Don’t wait until you have a holiday. Get into the habit of reading and
expanding your knowledge today.

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 14
Location Independence

The Location Independent movement was started by the original
Location Independent Professionals, Lea & Jonathan Woodward. In 2007,
they decided to leave their corporate, well paid jobs and shake up
their lives by working for themselves AND travelling the world. Since
then, the LIP network has expanded to include a series of books and
guides, a blog and resource for location independent parents, and a
business course.

So what is location independence? Essentially it is having the
flexibility in your work to live and work from anywhere in the world.
There are now thousands of individuals, couples and families living,
and enjoying, the location independent lifestyle. Inspired by people
like Lea and Tim Ferriss, they have designed their businesses to suit
their lifestyle allowing them to travel and see the world.

I have been a huge fan of location independence since it came across
my radar back in 2008 and I had a taste of the LIP lifestyle myself
when I moved to Spain that year while building an online business.
However, being distant from clients, the lack of focus, and slow or
no broadband can be a daily reality. Perhaps a middle way is living a
part-time LIP life – something I wrote about recently at From Apps to

However, I do think entrepreneurs can take some inspiration from the
principles of flexibility and being able to choose when and where you
work that form the basis of LIP living. You may not use this
flexibility for trekking around Bali but it might allow you to take ex-
tended weekends away or the odd month-long break where you can really
focus on a project, while still remotely managing your business.

So next time you think of a idea for your business – think how can I
make this Location Independent?

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 15
Minimalist Business

Readers of From Apps to Zen will know that Everett Bogue is in my A-
List of bloggers! His ideas and strategies around living a minimalist,
but fulfilling life are very close to my heart.

Earlier this year I read his Minimalist Business: How to Live and Work
Anywhere. I was just blown away by the simplicity but beauty of his
ideas on how you can build a minimalist business.

So what is a Minimalist Business?

- A business with super low (or no!) overheads meaning 100% of revenue
is 100% profit.
- A business that ideally has one employee (that’s you) with
additional work outsourced to trusted partners or Virtual Assistants
(see O for Outsourcing below).
- A business that runs as much as possible on automation, freeing up
your time.

Don’t get me wrong. Building this kind of business is not easy. Like
most things in life it does take hard work. But I think the benefits
can be worth it.

Even if you have no intention of building a Minimalist Business, I
think, like Location Independence, entrepreneurs can take some of the
strategies and tactics and apply them to any business to make it more
effective and profitable.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 16

I am a huge fan of networking, both on and offline. For a small
business owner, I find networking essential to widen my social network
and sphere of influence and find new business opportunities.

Increasingly we are spending more time networking online. The
accusation from social media dissenters is that these online relation-
ships are false and do not lead to meaningful offline ones. However, in
my experience this is not always true, and I find the web can make the
transition from an online connection into a real world relationship
much easier.

You can use the social web to find great networking events to attend,
either ones frequently by your tribe or sector if you are seeking
collaborations, or industry specific ones if you are looking to connect
with potential clients. Meetup , Upcoming and Eventbrite are great
ways of finding out about suitable events.

You can use the web to find out who will be going to the event. Many
events listed on the above sites will have a list of attendees so you
can choose in advance who you would like to make contact with. If you
have no direct contact to someone and would like an introduction, use
a service such as Twiangulate or Linkedin to find out who you know in

Following up and staying in contact with your new networking friends
is essential. One of my favourite things about social networking is
that it allows for loose ties with many people. After an event,
connecting with contacts through Twitter or Linkedin is a good way of
maintaining a link with that person. A short personal email within a
few days is also a great way of being remembered.

Happy networking!

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 17

Even since Tim Ferriss in the 4-Hour Work Week revealed that he out-
sourced parts of his business to virtual assistants in India, the web
has been alight with debates around the merits, or otherwise, of out-
sourcing work and using Virtual Assistants (VAs).

Outsourcing is also about using freelancers or subcontractors for
specialised tasks but I will focus here on using VAs - a great way of
farming out the more repetitive parts of your business so you can
focus on your important work.

So what sort of tasks are suitable for outsourcing to a VA? Well, any
task that you would assign to an assistant sitting in the same room as
you can be outsourced, e.g. research, data entry, formatting,
presentation preparation. Most virtual assistant firms can also handle
more technical requests such as website building, design and SEO work.

The Netsetter has a great article on the business benefits of out-
sourcing and if you are serious about making outsourcing a part of
your business, David Walsh’s no-nonsense guide to outsourcing - Source
Control - is well worth a read.

There are many options for finding VAs, both in the UK and abroad. You
can register with a VA company or find an individual freelancer. An
advantage of using a firm is that there will always be someone
available to do the assigned tasks. I find that using a foreign company
not only saves on cost but because of the time difference, I can
assign tasks in the evening as I finish work and they are usually
completed by the morning.

One word of caution though: do not outsource work you should not be
doing in the first place. Eliminate and reduce first and then see what
you can delegate.

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 18
Push Me/Pull You

You may be familiar with the children’s story of Doctor Dolittle.

On his voyage to Africa to save monkeys he meets a pushmi-pullyu (pro-
nounced “push-me-pull-you”) - a “gazelle-unicorn cross” which has
two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body. When it tries
to move, both heads try to go in opposite directions. Recognise that

Seriously though, some days you can feel that you are being pushed or
pulled in a hundred directions. So much of our day can be spent
responding and reacting to other people’s demands on our time. With
pervasive digital technologies such as email, instant messaging, phone
calls/voicemail and texts, information is constantly being ‘pushed’ on

But there is another way.

Don’t be a Push Me. Be a Pull You.

Being a Pull You means that you ‘pull’ information towards you when
YOU are ready to process and deal with it, not the other way around.

That means not opening your Inbox until you are ready to deal with the
requests within. Not having social media updates streaming into your
computer or smartphone. And, sometimes, turning your phone to silent
while you get on with your important work.

Don’t let others Push you around.


                                               From Apps to Zen | page 19

If you are anything like me, a work day can pass in a blur of

On bad days I look back and think “what on earth was I doing all

To try and ensure these bad days are infrequent, I try to ask myself a
series of questions throughout the day:

- Am I being productive or just active?

- Do I need to be in my Inbox at the moment?

- Have I completed my Most Important Tasks for the day?

- Do I need to be reading this blog post?

- Is there something else I should be doing right now?

And so on.

What questions do your ask yourself during the day to keep yourself on

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 20

Rework is the very brilliant book from 37signals founders Jason Fried
and David Heinemeier Hasson.

Yes, I am dedicating the letter R to a book. It’s that good.

With short, digestable chapters, the book reveals why 37signals are
continually voted one of the most innovative and best companies to
work for in the world. They are also the great guys that make some of
the best software including one of my favourites - Highrise (see H).

My favourite take-aways from the book? Meetings are Toxic; Good Enough
is Fine; and Drug Dealers get It Right. You’ll have to read the book
to find out what that last one is about (hint: give a free taster and
folks will come back for more).

You can download a PDF except from the website, read the Rework
‘cheatsheet’ from blog Gnat Gnat or just jump in and buy the book.

Read it.

It WILL change the way you work forever.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 21

I love simplicity.

In life and in business.

Simplicity is not being simplistic.

Simplicity is reducing unnecessary effort.

Simplicity is organisation. But not Gantt Charts or colour coded

Simplicity is learning. Knowledge makes everything simpler.

Simplicity is connecting with people on a heartfelt level.

Simplicity is focussing on one thing at a time and doing it to the
best of your ability.

Simplicity is knowing when to stop.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 22

Most people do not have a time problem. Even if they say they do.

I would suggest (politely), that they have a priorities problem.

Fact: there are 24 hours in every day.

Fact: each of us has the same amount of time available.

Time is not equal to money. Time = Wealth.

There is a difference.

The time-rich person is a rich person indeed.

Spend your time wisely.

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 23
Unconventional Guides

Chris Guillebeau blogs about unconventional strategies for life, work
and travel over at his blog The Art of Non-Conformity.

Since I discovered Chris’s thoughtful writing back at the start of
2008, I have been a huge advocate of his work. In three short years,
Chris has grown to be one of the most influential writers on the web.

He shares his secrets through the Unconventional Guides - a series of
ebooks and downloads that deliver no-nonsense, practical advice on
working for yourself, social media, making it as an artist and as a
freelancer. You can even build your own empire.

His free manifesto ‘279 Days to Overnight Success’ charts his steady
rise to the top and gives great advice on how to succeed with your on-
line project.

With so much of the online world dominated by claims of instant ways
to make money with your business, Chris is an inspiration to anyone
who really wants to make a difference.

Go check him out: he will rock your world.

                                                From Apps to Zen | page 24
Vaynerchuk, Gary

With the web and social media, it has never been easier for someone to
become what Daniel Priestly calls a ‘Key Person of Influence’. One of
his recommended 5 steps to becoming a KPI is to become ‘web famous’.

No-one understands this more than Gary Vaynerchuk. After using
traditional methods such as advertising to promote his family’s wine
business, Gary turned to the power of the web and started Wine Library
TV, a daily video blog about wine.

Leveraging social media such as Twitter and Facebook, Wine Library TV
now boasts over 80,000 viewers per day and the family wine business
has a turnover of $60 million a year. Through harnessing the power of
the web and social media, Gary has become a web, and world, famous Key
Person of Influence.

He famously once said, “Content is king but marketing is queen and the
queen runs the household.” So true. Writing quality content on your
blog is great but if you do not invest time in marketing, no-one will
be reading your content. And there is nothing more depressing in the
blogging world, than writing content that only your Mum and your cat

Gary is the author of the best-selling book, Crush It! Why Now is the
Time to Cash in on Your Passion and is in demand as a speaker on the
power of personal branding and social media. At the Web 2.0 Expo in
2008, he gave a passionate talk on how the web has given everyone the
power to do what they love, no excuses.

If you are having a bad day and need a shot in the arm of inspiration,
watch the video.

Go Gary!

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 25

I am a huge fan of WordPress.

In fact I think I can divide my working life into two periods - BWP
(before WordPress) and AWP (after WordPress). BWP meant handing
control over my web presence to a third party. Every update of a site
would require either sending emails to the web designer or fighting
with an out of control content management system (CMS).
Sound familiar?

AWP means that in minutes I can have a sophisticated CMS installed
on a domain name and be adding content within minutes (I use the One-
Click Installation provided by WordPress recommended web hosting
company BlueHost. It means I can change the look and feel of my sites
at a whim. It means I can embed multi-media content easily. It means
I can track visitors to my site and improve my search engine rankings
with the installation of a plugin.

In short, for someone who is not a coder or a designer, but an
entrepreneur, it is heaven.

And it’s free.

At 8fold I run regular practical workshops on how to build a great
looking WordPress site from scratch in just one day.

Interested? Read more here.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 26

I know, I know. It’s not a word – if you have another suggestion for
X, do let me know : )

One of the beautiful things about the web and social media is that you
can try things out, and usually for free.

Want to promote a new workshop? Set up an Eventbrite page and market
it using social media.

Think some targeted advertising might pull in some new business? Set
up a 2 month trial on Google Adwords.

Not sure what your readers want to hear from you? Experiment with
different types of blog posts and measure the results.

Not sure what online tools might work for your business? Sign up for a
free account and try out their features and functionality.

What can you try this week?

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 27

I have been practising yoga for over 10 years.

From Ivengar to Astanga to my current Anusara practice, I have found
that the practice of yoga has helped with many areas in my life
including having a more balanced working life.

The act of sitting at a computer for hours each day can have a
detrimental effect on our bodies with many knowledge workers
experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain. For years I suffered from
Repetitive Strain Injury in my right wrist from my bad typing
position. Today, thanks to yoga, the pain is gone.

Apart from the physical benefits of yoga, I find the meditative aspects
of the practice just as important. As well as being relaxing, it is
often on the mat that my best business ideas come to me.

If yoga is not your cup of green tea, then try to make room in your
working life for some physical activity that gets you away from the
laptop. A walk in the park, a game of tennis, a dance class – studies
have shown that building regular physical activity into your life will
have a knock-one benefit for your work in terms of focus, creativity
and productivity.

How are you staying active on a day to day basis?

                                                 From Apps to Zen | page 28
Zen Habits

Zen Habits is one of the most read blogs in the world.

Author Leo Babauta blogs three times a week about topics ranging from
simplicity and motivation to getting things done and happiness.

As you can probably guess, Leo is a hero of mine and a massive
inspiration behind my work.

His beautifully written blogs posts and ebooks Zen to Done, The Simple
Guide to a Minimalist Life, and The Zen Habits Handbook for Life, as
well as his print book The Power of Less are an inspiration for anyone
wanting to do more with less.

And if you are a blogger and are curious to learn how Leo went from
a tiny blog with no readers 3 years ago to having a blog with over
200,000 subscribers, do check out his free report “How I got 100,000
Subscribers in Two Years: Lessons from Zen Habits”

Leo, you are my hero.

                                               From Apps to Zen | page 29
What now?

I would love for you to share this ebook*:

• Email this to a friend.
• Retweet my blog post (the original post is here.)
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                                                           From Apps to Zen | page 30

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From Apps To Zen: 26+ Ideas for Building a Business with Balance

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  • 2. Introduction Part thought, part recommendation, From Apps to Zen is an introduction to how you can build a balanced business. The 26+ ideas, strategies and people in this book are ones that have changed the way I do business and have enabled me, most of the time, to achieve a more balanced working life. I would invite you to download this ebook, find a quiet space with your favourite brew and have a read. My goal with From Apps to Zen is to help you be more mindful and considered with your work and find YOUR own Zen. I wish you the best of luck. Sinead If you like this ebook, do subscribe to the blog From Apps to Zen and sign up to the 8fold newsletter for occasional updates on all things 8fold. From Apps to Zen | page 2
  • 3. About the Author Sinead Mac Manus is founder of 8fold - a social business that helps people achieve a balanced working life in the digital age. She blogs about simplicity, digital technologies and productivity in business at From Apps to Zen. Follow Sinead on Twitter. Connect with her on Linkedin. “There is more to life than just increasing its speed.” Mathatma Gandhi From Apps to Zen | page 3
  • 4. Apps Apps is short for application - a piece of software that can run on the Internet, on your computer, or increasingly on your smartphone. Apps have become synonymous with Apple’s iPhone but new apps are in- creasingly being developed for other operating systems such as Google’s Android. But with over 200,000 apps in the Apple App Store alone, how can you find great apps for your business? As an avid iPhone user, one of my first questions when playing with a new piece of software is “does it have an iPhone app?”. All the soft- ware I use on a daily basis, Gmail for email, Remember the Milk for tasks and Evernote for information capture, have optimised apps for the iPhone that sync across the phone, the web and my desktop. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have specific smartphone apps enabling you to access and update your social networks on the go, leaving more time when at your computer for your important work. Apps come into their own if you are a digital nomad, or if you travel for work. Digital nomads can access their Dropbox files, use the Skype app to make free international calls or use AudioBoo or Bambuser to record multi-media content on the fly straight to your blog. What apps are you using to streamline your work? From Apps to Zen | page 4
  • 5. Busywork How do you respond when people ask you how work is? For most of us the word “busy!” is our first response. We may be “busy” but are we actu- ally achieving anything? Readers of my blog From Apps to Zen, will know that I am a fan of Michael Bungay Stanier’s book “Do More Great Work”. In the book, Mi- chael calls for the end of what he terms “Busywork” (Behance’s Scott Belsky calls this insecurity work) in order to create space and time for “Great Work”. I agree. I think there is a real distinction between filling your work- ing hours with unimportant work and actually doing work that is im- portant to you and your business. For example, research has shown that workers can spend up to 4 hours a day on email alone. Is this a good use of your time? Social media can also be a huge time-suck in our working and personal lives. Are you actually seeing a value in the connections you are making online, or are you just plugging away for the sake of it? So how do we stop the “Busywork”? For me the answer is simple: BE MINDFUL. Don’t start your week or your day without a clear idea of what you want to achieve; focus on reducing or eliminating repetitive Busywork tasks like checking your email every 10 minutes or reading news- letters or RSS feeds that aren’t adding value; Question yourself (see Q below) at regular stages during the day. Go beyond asking yourself “am I being productive or just active?” and ask yourself “am I doing Great Work or just Busywork”. Think about your working day: how can you stop the “Busywork”? From Apps to Zen | page 5
  • 6. Collaboration In today’s networked world, small businesses and freelancers are in- creasingly turning to collaboration to get things done and create a bigger impact with their business. From partnering with another company on a larger project to outsourcing work to freelancers, being able to collaborate effectively is the mark of a 21st century business. But for many businesses managing collaborations is a nightmare of round-robin emails, endless travelling to meetings and confusion over who has got the latest document. But wait! There is a wealth of online tools and applications that can help you collaborate effectively, save time, and, save money. Cloud computing applications such as Google Docs or Zoho can enable your team to collaborate in real-time. If you prefer (like me) to use software such as Microsoft Office, a file sharing application such as Dropbox can ensure everyone in the team is working from the same files. Project management tools are abundant: two top applications are Behance’s Action Method and 37signals’ Basecamp or use a simple wiki format for collaborative writing. Instead of travelling to meetings, use Skype to hold one to one video conference calls or Tokbox for larger meetings. How can you use online tools to collaborate more effectively? From Apps to Zen | page 6
  • 7. Distractions I remember my first proper job in an office. It was 1996. Email had been around for a while but the Internet was fairly new. Distractions at work were limited to being interrupted by phone calls, long (and boring) team meetings, or my annoying colleague rattling on about his weekend. Today things are very different. The pervasive nature of digital technologies means an ever-growing stream of communication during our working day - what I call the dai- ly digital deluge. We are bombarded by calls, voice messages, texts, emails, tweets, Facebook and Linkedin updates, news feeds, instant messages. And that’s before we get to the tantalizing content on the Internet – all of which can distract us from the task in hand, and fragment our productivity. A useful tool such as RescueTime can help you pinpoint where you are spending your time and applications such as StayFocused (for Chrome) or LeechBlock (for Firefox) can be set to block entire websites (e.g. Facebook) if you don’t have the willpower yourself! Close down your digital distractions, turn your smartphone to silent and get some work done. From Apps to Zen | page 7
  • 8. Effectiveness v Efficiency Many entrepreneurs I know work very EFFECTIVELY. They are competent at what they do, they have systems such as GTD for getting things done, they work fast and keep time and effort on tasks to a minimum. Great. Good for them. But I would propose that there is an important distinction between working efficiently and being effective. Let me explain. Management thinker Elad Sherf makes the point on his blog The Comparative Advantage that: “Efficiency is about marginal improvements. We take the current situation and try to make it better. To make the most of what we have. To do better with what we have.” In contrast, effectiveness is about change. It’s about keeping the bigger picture and longer term goals in your sights on a daily basis, not getting caught up in the daily grind of Busywork. Effectiveness is about focusing on the 20% of inputs that account for 80% of your successes. It’s about those activities that result in quantum changes for your business, not incremental change. Being efficient is great with regard to tasks and getting things done. I am all in favour of streamlining processes and shortening task time to provide focus. However, in the words of one of the most productive people in the world Jim Collins – “don’t confuse activity with productivity”. Are you being effective or just efficient? From Apps to Zen | page 8
  • 9. Filters I am a huge fan of filters. And not just the Gmail ones either (even though those are great!) By filters I mean people and organisations who act as ‘hubs’ of information and expertise around a topic. Let me give you some examples. Life is too short to read 100 blogs a day. Trust me, I’ve tried. But there are professional bloggers in your business area whose JOB it is to read 100 blogs a day and sort and filter the best material for their followers. These are the people that you need to find and follow. For example, in lifestyle design and simplicity, Tammy from Rowdy Kittens and Corbett Barr from Free Pursuits consistently highlight the best advice on the subject on the web. Similarly, there are 101 social media blogs and websites out there. After subscribing and trying to keep up to date with them all I realised that our own homegrown Mashable (Pete is from Scotland) is unbeatable for all the latest news and tips on the murky world of the web and social media. The daily Harvard Business Review blog is one of the few blogs that I actually want pinging into my Inbox each morning as I find its mix of articles around business, innovation and technology fascinating. Rare is an issue that I don’t find a gem of an idea. In a world of information overload, filters are a great way to save time and focus on what’s important. Who are your filters? From Apps to Zen | page 9
  • 10. Gwen Bell I have been following blogger and fellow yogi Gwen Bell for some time now and my own ideas resonate with hers of the importance of balance and mindfulness in all this web stuff. The idea of being mindful about what ‘work’ we are doing is something I hold very dear to my heart. Being busy and effective are two separate things. One of my goals with 8fold, is to help people achieve more balance in their working life even in this digital age so that they can create more time and space for other things in life, like travel and family, or just finishing work at a decent hour! As a yoga practitioner and meditation newbie, I was drawn to her re- cent pledge and poster on 10 Social Media Meditations. It now hangs pride of place over my desk. Working on building 8fold as a social business, attending the School for Social Entrepreneurs, helping co-organise Latitudinal Cuisine - a non-profit venture, as well as my consulting, teaching and writing work, can mean that some weeks are a little crazy! When you are logging onto your email at 6am before you go do a days work for a client or find yourself constantly Tweeting at midnight on your iPhone, you can start to wonder if this is the best way of being effective. Gwen’s meditations (which come as a lovely printable PDF for you to hang above your desk), remind us to stop once in a while and breathe. Have a read of Gwen’s 10 meditations. If you feel they resonate, print them out and post them near your computer. Then … unplug. From Apps to Zen | page 10
  • 11. Highrise You will have noticed so far that this ebook is concerned with ideas and strategies for building a balanced business rather than focussing on the tools. But a special mention has to go to Highrise, the Customer Relationship Management software from the 37signals guys. Highrise is an intuitive, easy to use, and damn it! good looking way of keep track of your contacts, leads and sales. It has changed the way that I keep track of potential customers and clients. As they say on the Highrise website: “Know who you talked to, what was said, and when to follow-up. Simple contact management.” And the best part? It’s free for up to 250 contacts. Check it out here. From Apps to Zen | page 11
  • 12. Integration One of my favourite things about web 2.0 and the new wave of digital tools and social media applications, is the integration between them. Due to the opening up of APIs (application programming interface), developers now seek to make new applications integrate and interact with each other – a productivity bonus for you and me. Here are some examples: Want to post status updates over Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin? TweetDeck can post to all three networks at the click of a button. Want to snazz up your Linkedin page? Use the Application Directory to ‘pull’ in content from other applications such as your blog, your SlideShare presentations or your Amazon reading list. Run workshops or events? Eventbrite is an easy to use event booking system. But where it really comes into its own is its integration features. You can publish your event straight to Facebook; embed code into your site to display ‘Click to Register’ buttons or even the entire ticket form. Add an event calendar to the sidebar of your website to show your upcoming events with a ‘one-click’ register option. Even Facebook have opened up their API to developers and will now connect with your blog, your Linkedin profile and your Twitter profile. Business applications such as Mailchimp will even allow you to add a mailing list signup form on your Fan or Profile page. How do your online tools and apps integrate? From Apps to Zen | page 12
  • 13. Jonathan Fields Another special mention for another special blogger. Jonathan Fields is an ex-hedge-fund/securities lawyer, originally from New York. He is now a super successful blogger, writer, speaker and yogi who has been featured in publications from The New York Times to productivity blog Lifehacker. His blog Awake at the Wheel, subtitled ‘conversations, strategies and solutions at the crossroads of work, play, entrepreneurship and life’ delivers great advice for budding or world-wary entrepreneurs alike. Like myself and Gwen Bell, Jonathan takes a considered approach to work, always trying to find balance in his life. Recent great articles include his Bali Dispatch series on the difficulties of living the location independent lifestyle. Others that caught my eye include the hilariously titled Are You a To-Do List Bottom Feeder and his Marketing Checklist: 7 Ways to Prove you Rule. His best-selling book Career Renegade is a practical look at how you can turn any passion of yours into a profitable business. Seriously. Check out the first four chapters for free. Jonathan, I salute you! From Apps to Zen | page 13
  • 14. Knowledge I love reading. I love to read books that expand my mind and build my knowledge of business, the web and simplcity. My goal at the moment is to read one physical or digital book a week. This is partly a reaction to reading a story on the Harvard Business Review blog of an executive chatting to a man on a train. When the other man commented that he only got through three books a year due to a combination of work pressures and slow reading, it dawned on our writer that he might only have 75 books left to read in his life. 75 books! What a thought! Maren Kate, voted one of’s ‘20 women entrepreneurs you should be following on Twitter’ has this advice on reading: “Read as much as possible on successful people, on businesses, on random things you find interesting. I believe that constant reading and the taking in of new information is what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary.” Wise words. “But I can’t afford to buy books every week!” I hear you cry … I know, neither can I. Nearly everything I read these days comes from my local library (if they don’t have a book, you can usually order it) or borrowed from friends. So go on. Don’t wait until you have a holiday. Get into the habit of reading and expanding your knowledge today. From Apps to Zen | page 14
  • 15. Location Independence The Location Independent movement was started by the original Location Independent Professionals, Lea & Jonathan Woodward. In 2007, they decided to leave their corporate, well paid jobs and shake up their lives by working for themselves AND travelling the world. Since then, the LIP network has expanded to include a series of books and guides, a blog and resource for location independent parents, and a business course. So what is location independence? Essentially it is having the flexibility in your work to live and work from anywhere in the world. There are now thousands of individuals, couples and families living, and enjoying, the location independent lifestyle. Inspired by people like Lea and Tim Ferriss, they have designed their businesses to suit their lifestyle allowing them to travel and see the world. I have been a huge fan of location independence since it came across my radar back in 2008 and I had a taste of the LIP lifestyle myself when I moved to Spain that year while building an online business. However, being distant from clients, the lack of focus, and slow or no broadband can be a daily reality. Perhaps a middle way is living a part-time LIP life – something I wrote about recently at From Apps to Zen. However, I do think entrepreneurs can take some inspiration from the principles of flexibility and being able to choose when and where you work that form the basis of LIP living. You may not use this flexibility for trekking around Bali but it might allow you to take ex- tended weekends away or the odd month-long break where you can really focus on a project, while still remotely managing your business. So next time you think of a idea for your business – think how can I make this Location Independent? From Apps to Zen | page 15
  • 16. Minimalist Business Readers of From Apps to Zen will know that Everett Bogue is in my A- List of bloggers! His ideas and strategies around living a minimalist, but fulfilling life are very close to my heart. Earlier this year I read his Minimalist Business: How to Live and Work Anywhere. I was just blown away by the simplicity but beauty of his ideas on how you can build a minimalist business. So what is a Minimalist Business? - A business with super low (or no!) overheads meaning 100% of revenue is 100% profit. - A business that ideally has one employee (that’s you) with additional work outsourced to trusted partners or Virtual Assistants (see O for Outsourcing below). - A business that runs as much as possible on automation, freeing up your time. Don’t get me wrong. Building this kind of business is not easy. Like most things in life it does take hard work. But I think the benefits can be worth it. Even if you have no intention of building a Minimalist Business, I think, like Location Independence, entrepreneurs can take some of the strategies and tactics and apply them to any business to make it more effective and profitable. From Apps to Zen | page 16
  • 17. Networking I am a huge fan of networking, both on and offline. For a small business owner, I find networking essential to widen my social network and sphere of influence and find new business opportunities. Increasingly we are spending more time networking online. The accusation from social media dissenters is that these online relation- ships are false and do not lead to meaningful offline ones. However, in my experience this is not always true, and I find the web can make the transition from an online connection into a real world relationship much easier. You can use the social web to find great networking events to attend, either ones frequently by your tribe or sector if you are seeking collaborations, or industry specific ones if you are looking to connect with potential clients. Meetup , Upcoming and Eventbrite are great ways of finding out about suitable events. You can use the web to find out who will be going to the event. Many events listed on the above sites will have a list of attendees so you can choose in advance who you would like to make contact with. If you have no direct contact to someone and would like an introduction, use a service such as Twiangulate or Linkedin to find out who you know in common. Following up and staying in contact with your new networking friends is essential. One of my favourite things about social networking is that it allows for loose ties with many people. After an event, connecting with contacts through Twitter or Linkedin is a good way of maintaining a link with that person. A short personal email within a few days is also a great way of being remembered. Happy networking! From Apps to Zen | page 17
  • 18. Outsourcing Even since Tim Ferriss in the 4-Hour Work Week revealed that he out- sourced parts of his business to virtual assistants in India, the web has been alight with debates around the merits, or otherwise, of out- sourcing work and using Virtual Assistants (VAs). Outsourcing is also about using freelancers or subcontractors for specialised tasks but I will focus here on using VAs - a great way of farming out the more repetitive parts of your business so you can focus on your important work. So what sort of tasks are suitable for outsourcing to a VA? Well, any task that you would assign to an assistant sitting in the same room as you can be outsourced, e.g. research, data entry, formatting, presentation preparation. Most virtual assistant firms can also handle more technical requests such as website building, design and SEO work. The Netsetter has a great article on the business benefits of out- sourcing and if you are serious about making outsourcing a part of your business, David Walsh’s no-nonsense guide to outsourcing - Source Control - is well worth a read. There are many options for finding VAs, both in the UK and abroad. You can register with a VA company or find an individual freelancer. An advantage of using a firm is that there will always be someone available to do the assigned tasks. I find that using a foreign company not only saves on cost but because of the time difference, I can assign tasks in the evening as I finish work and they are usually completed by the morning. One word of caution though: do not outsource work you should not be doing in the first place. Eliminate and reduce first and then see what you can delegate. From Apps to Zen | page 18
  • 19. Push Me/Pull You You may be familiar with the children’s story of Doctor Dolittle. On his voyage to Africa to save monkeys he meets a pushmi-pullyu (pro- nounced “push-me-pull-you”) - a “gazelle-unicorn cross” which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body. When it tries to move, both heads try to go in opposite directions. Recognise that feeling? Seriously though, some days you can feel that you are being pushed or pulled in a hundred directions. So much of our day can be spent responding and reacting to other people’s demands on our time. With pervasive digital technologies such as email, instant messaging, phone calls/voicemail and texts, information is constantly being ‘pushed’ on us. But there is another way. Don’t be a Push Me. Be a Pull You. Being a Pull You means that you ‘pull’ information towards you when YOU are ready to process and deal with it, not the other way around. That means not opening your Inbox until you are ready to deal with the requests within. Not having social media updates streaming into your computer or smartphone. And, sometimes, turning your phone to silent while you get on with your important work. Don’t let others Push you around. Pull. From Apps to Zen | page 19
  • 20. Questions If you are anything like me, a work day can pass in a blur of activity. On bad days I look back and think “what on earth was I doing all day?”. To try and ensure these bad days are infrequent, I try to ask myself a series of questions throughout the day: - Am I being productive or just active? - Do I need to be in my Inbox at the moment? - Have I completed my Most Important Tasks for the day? - Do I need to be reading this blog post? - Is there something else I should be doing right now? And so on. What questions do your ask yourself during the day to keep yourself on track? From Apps to Zen | page 20
  • 21. Rework Rework is the very brilliant book from 37signals founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hasson. Yes, I am dedicating the letter R to a book. It’s that good. With short, digestable chapters, the book reveals why 37signals are continually voted one of the most innovative and best companies to work for in the world. They are also the great guys that make some of the best software including one of my favourites - Highrise (see H). My favourite take-aways from the book? Meetings are Toxic; Good Enough is Fine; and Drug Dealers get It Right. You’ll have to read the book to find out what that last one is about (hint: give a free taster and folks will come back for more). You can download a PDF except from the website, read the Rework ‘cheatsheet’ from blog Gnat Gnat or just jump in and buy the book. Read it. It WILL change the way you work forever. From Apps to Zen | page 21
  • 22. Simplicity I love simplicity. In life and in business. Simplicity is not being simplistic. Simplicity is reducing unnecessary effort. Simplicity is organisation. But not Gantt Charts or colour coded pencils. Simplicity is learning. Knowledge makes everything simpler. Simplicity is connecting with people on a heartfelt level. Simplicity is focussing on one thing at a time and doing it to the best of your ability. Simplicity is knowing when to stop. From Apps to Zen | page 22
  • 23. Time Most people do not have a time problem. Even if they say they do. I would suggest (politely), that they have a priorities problem. Fact: there are 24 hours in every day. Fact: each of us has the same amount of time available. Time is not equal to money. Time = Wealth. There is a difference. The time-rich person is a rich person indeed. Spend your time wisely. From Apps to Zen | page 23
  • 24. Unconventional Guides Chris Guillebeau blogs about unconventional strategies for life, work and travel over at his blog The Art of Non-Conformity. Since I discovered Chris’s thoughtful writing back at the start of 2008, I have been a huge advocate of his work. In three short years, Chris has grown to be one of the most influential writers on the web. He shares his secrets through the Unconventional Guides - a series of ebooks and downloads that deliver no-nonsense, practical advice on working for yourself, social media, making it as an artist and as a freelancer. You can even build your own empire. His free manifesto ‘279 Days to Overnight Success’ charts his steady rise to the top and gives great advice on how to succeed with your on- line project. With so much of the online world dominated by claims of instant ways to make money with your business, Chris is an inspiration to anyone who really wants to make a difference. Go check him out: he will rock your world. From Apps to Zen | page 24
  • 25. Vaynerchuk, Gary With the web and social media, it has never been easier for someone to become what Daniel Priestly calls a ‘Key Person of Influence’. One of his recommended 5 steps to becoming a KPI is to become ‘web famous’. No-one understands this more than Gary Vaynerchuk. After using traditional methods such as advertising to promote his family’s wine business, Gary turned to the power of the web and started Wine Library TV, a daily video blog about wine. Leveraging social media such as Twitter and Facebook, Wine Library TV now boasts over 80,000 viewers per day and the family wine business has a turnover of $60 million a year. Through harnessing the power of the web and social media, Gary has become a web, and world, famous Key Person of Influence. He famously once said, “Content is king but marketing is queen and the queen runs the household.” So true. Writing quality content on your blog is great but if you do not invest time in marketing, no-one will be reading your content. And there is nothing more depressing in the blogging world, than writing content that only your Mum and your cat read. Gary is the author of the best-selling book, Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion and is in demand as a speaker on the power of personal branding and social media. At the Web 2.0 Expo in 2008, he gave a passionate talk on how the web has given everyone the power to do what they love, no excuses. If you are having a bad day and need a shot in the arm of inspiration, watch the video. Go Gary! From Apps to Zen | page 25
  • 26. WordPress I am a huge fan of WordPress. In fact I think I can divide my working life into two periods - BWP (before WordPress) and AWP (after WordPress). BWP meant handing control over my web presence to a third party. Every update of a site would require either sending emails to the web designer or fighting with an out of control content management system (CMS). Sound familiar? AWP means that in minutes I can have a sophisticated CMS installed on a domain name and be adding content within minutes (I use the One- Click Installation provided by WordPress recommended web hosting company BlueHost. It means I can change the look and feel of my sites at a whim. It means I can embed multi-media content easily. It means I can track visitors to my site and improve my search engine rankings with the installation of a plugin. In short, for someone who is not a coder or a designer, but an entrepreneur, it is heaven. And it’s free. At 8fold I run regular practical workshops on how to build a great looking WordPress site from scratch in just one day. Interested? Read more here. From Apps to Zen | page 26
  • 27. Xperiment I know, I know. It’s not a word – if you have another suggestion for X, do let me know : ) One of the beautiful things about the web and social media is that you can try things out, and usually for free. Want to promote a new workshop? Set up an Eventbrite page and market it using social media. Think some targeted advertising might pull in some new business? Set up a 2 month trial on Google Adwords. Not sure what your readers want to hear from you? Experiment with different types of blog posts and measure the results. Not sure what online tools might work for your business? Sign up for a free account and try out their features and functionality. What can you try this week? From Apps to Zen | page 27
  • 28. Yoga I have been practising yoga for over 10 years. From Ivengar to Astanga to my current Anusara practice, I have found that the practice of yoga has helped with many areas in my life including having a more balanced working life. The act of sitting at a computer for hours each day can have a detrimental effect on our bodies with many knowledge workers experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain. For years I suffered from Repetitive Strain Injury in my right wrist from my bad typing position. Today, thanks to yoga, the pain is gone. Apart from the physical benefits of yoga, I find the meditative aspects of the practice just as important. As well as being relaxing, it is often on the mat that my best business ideas come to me. If yoga is not your cup of green tea, then try to make room in your working life for some physical activity that gets you away from the laptop. A walk in the park, a game of tennis, a dance class – studies have shown that building regular physical activity into your life will have a knock-one benefit for your work in terms of focus, creativity and productivity. How are you staying active on a day to day basis? From Apps to Zen | page 28
  • 29. Zen Habits Zen Habits is one of the most read blogs in the world. Author Leo Babauta blogs three times a week about topics ranging from simplicity and motivation to getting things done and happiness. As you can probably guess, Leo is a hero of mine and a massive inspiration behind my work. His beautifully written blogs posts and ebooks Zen to Done, The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life, and The Zen Habits Handbook for Life, as well as his print book The Power of Less are an inspiration for anyone wanting to do more with less. And if you are a blogger and are curious to learn how Leo went from a tiny blog with no readers 3 years ago to having a blog with over 200,000 subscribers, do check out his free report “How I got 100,000 Subscribers in Two Years: Lessons from Zen Habits” Leo, you are my hero. From Apps to Zen | page 29
  • 30. What now? I would love for you to share this ebook*: • Email this to a friend. • Retweet my blog post (the original post is here.) • Share this on Facebook. Thanks for reading. Web: Blog: Email: Follow me on Twitter: @sineadmacmanus * I would love you to reproduce this work, in full or in part. Please feel free to do so, providing you acknowledge the copyright of Sinead Mac Manus and 8fold as part of any reproduction. Some rights reserved. This e-book published by Sinead Mac Manus, London 2010. This e-book is published under a Creative Commons licence which allows you to copy and distribute the e-book as long as you credit the original author and do not use it for commercial purposes. All images via Creative Commons unless otherwise stated. p3 Bart Claeys, p4 Michael Bungay Stanier, p6 underminingme, p8 aslakr, p10 37signals, p11 certified su, p12 Jonanthan Fields, p14 Location Independent, p15 Everett Bogue, p19 Eleaf, p20 37signals, p22 zoutedrop, p25 WordPress, p27 lululemon athletica, p28 pittaya. From Apps to Zen | page 30