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The Nobility of Mobility
The Nobility of Mobility

                   Sandra Hess Hess RN CCRN
                       Sandra RN BSN BSN CCRN
                   University of Iowa Iowa HospitalsClinics
                       University of Hospitals and and Clinics
Bed rest is not a physiological
Negative Effects:
-Decrease in respiratory excursion
-Decrease in mobilization of
-Increase in atelectasis and
-Increase in dependent edema
-Fluid shifts from lower extremities
 to the thorax. Volumes can
 exceed 500cc.
- Decrease in plasma volume due to fluid
   shifts, and onset of diuresis.
   -Increased workload on the heart related
   to fluid shifts.
   -Gradual onset of tachycardia and hypotension due to diuresis
    following fluid shifts.
   -Decrease in cardiac output due to diuresis and venous pooling.
  - Cardiac deconditioning with a gradual fall in O2 consumption.
   -Neuromuscular polyneuropathies due to deconditioning, loss of
    muscle mass, and release of cytokines in inflammatory
    response. (Chobanian et al, 1974)
Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and Myopathy
                 A recent systematic review of 24 studies found that 46% of
             critical illness survivors developed neuromuscular dysfunction.
             This disability resulted in prolonged hospital length of stay and
             extended rehabilitation. (Needham et al 2007)
                 In a study of long term outcomes after ARDs, critical care
             survivors were only able to walk 66% of the predicted distance
             of a 6 minute walk after one year.
                                             Reasons for the deficit included
                                          global wasting, weakness, foot
                                          drop, joint immobility and dyspnea.
                                          Only 49% of survivors were able to
                                          return to work. (Herridge et al 2003)

                                           Our patients survive
                                        sepsis, systemic inflammatory
                                        response syndrome, ARDs and
                                        multi-organ failure and transfer
                                        out to the floor unable to hold a
                                        spoon, stand up from the bed,
                                        Walk or even brush their teeth.
The patient on CLRT is ready to begin optional forms of
 mobility when there is:
Improvement in the chest X-ray
Improved ABGs
Sedatives are decreased
Patient is able to move and turn self.
        Criteria for Starting Upright Mobility
P/F Ratio ALI >300 ARDs>200
S/F Ratio ALI >315 ARDs>250
De-conditioned by > than 3 days of immobility
Ready to begin ventilator weaning
Requiring orthostatic training to tolerate an upright position
CLRT to Upright Mobility Protocol
During all mobility interventions, monitor the patient for
               hemodynamic tolerance.
   Vital signs: Watch continuously for              Feelings of faintness
   the onset of hypertension or                  dizziness, diaphoresis, shortness of
   hypotension, bradycardia or                   breath or nausea.
   tachycardia greater than 10% above               Allow a 5 minute equilibration
   resting heart rate.                           period after each position change to
   SPO2 drop below 90%-Adjust FIO2               allow for the return of
   up to maintain the O2 saturation              hemodynamic stability.
   above 90%
   ECG-Watch monitor for any
     For hemodynamic intolerance to head up position changes, begin orthostatic
 training with the reverse trendelenberg position. This position allows the baroreceptors
 to respond to the changes in blood pressure, stimulating the central reflex mechanisms
 that allow adjustments via heart rate changes, vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
                                                                 ( Stiller et al, 2004)
Level I                            Criteria
                         -FIO2 > .50
  Passive ROM            -PEEP>8
                         -P/F Ratio<250
  CLRT                   -Lobar collapse, atelectasis,
                         -Excessive secretions
  Manual turning         -Hemodynamic instability with
  Boots or splints to    turning
                         -Increased sedation or
  prevent contractures   paralytics to ventilate
                         -Requirement of 2 or more
                         -Progressing to maximal
                         ventilatory support
                         -Oscillator vent
Level II ( Includes Level I interventions )
  HOB up 45 degrees 20 -30 minutes. Passive ROM
  HOB up 45 degrees, legs dependent for 20-30
  minutes. Passive ROM. Assess for active
  HOB up 65 degrees, feet and legs dependent for
20-30 minutes( Cardiac chair position)

     Assess patient for ability to do active ROM
Level III ( Includes Level I & II interventions)
  Dangle at side of bed with feet supported on a stool. Assess
  ability to hold self upright and move extremities against gravity
  in sitting.
  Standing trial: Can lift buttocks partially off bed without
  assistance. Then move to a full upright stand.
  Step in place ( march) at the bedside 3 times without
  assistance. If able to do this , step forward and backward once
  with each foot.
  Transfer to a recliner at bedside 20-30 minutes.

Level IV ( Includes Levels I, II & III interventions)
  Ambulation with assistance using assistive devices as needed.
  Patient is monitored throughout ambulation to assess tolerance.
                                        (Ahrens et al, 2005; Kubo, 2008 )
Review the patient’s medical history and current conditions.
Past history to include:
     -Medical history of cardiovascular disease
     -Recent symptoms of CV/Respiratory dysfunction
 Pressors             Inotrops         Beta blockers
 Sedatives            Analgesia

Review the current drip rates. When a patient needs pressors to
maintain an adequate B/P at rest, this is a sign of possible
hemodynamic instability with activity.
Assess for sensory losses or abnormalities that need correction
such as vision, hearing or neuropathies.
                                               (Kubo, 2008)
Ideally, a resting heart rate that is less than
50% of the age predicted maximal heart rate is
optimal. Critically ill patients with a high
resting heart rate may have limited cardiac
reserve to tolerate activities that will further
increase the rate. If tachycardic, consider
treatable causes e.g. pain, fever, volume status
or the presence of inotrops.
                         ( Stiller et al, 2004)
Age        Target HR Zone 50–85 %     Average Maximum Heart Rate

20 years   100–170 beats per minute        200 beats per minute
25 years   98–166 beats per minute         195 beats per minute
30 years   95–162 beats per minute         190 beats per minute
35 years   93–157 beats per minute         185 beats per minute
40 years   90–153 beats per minute          180 beats per minute
45 years   88–149 beats per minute          175 beats per minute
50 years   85–145 beats per minute          170 beats per minute
55 years   83–140 beats per minute          165 beats per minute
60 years   80–136 beats per minute          160 beats per minute
65 years   78–132 beats per minute          155 beats per minute
70 years   75–128 beats per minute          150 beats per minute

                                    (American Heart Association)
Variability of B/P- Not more than a 20%
deviation from recent trends.
ECG shows no ischemic changes or arrythmias
affecting cardiac output e.g. A-fib with RVR.
Patient is not currently in a R/O MI protocol.
All other cardiac conditions excluded.
                                (Stiller et al, 2004)
P/F ratio> 250
SPO2 > 90 with no recent drops in O2 Saturation
Stable respiratory pattern with no dyspnea
If ventilated, ability to maintain mechanical
ventilation throughout the trial.
Stable blood gases when ABGs are available.
                            (Stiller et al, 2004)
Hemoglobin stable and greater than 7.0
Platelet count stable and greater than 20,000
Body temperature < 38.5 C. ( Elevations > 38.5 greatly
increase O2 demands)
Patient not overtly fatigued or in pain.
No recent acute change in consciousness level.
Suspicion of DVT or PE ruled out or current order to
ambulate from physician.
If obese, able to be safely managed.
Adequate staff and level of expertise to be able to
manage equipment and monitor patient response.
                                            ( Stiller 2007)
A nurse to manage the IV lines and drips, the cables, and
to monitor the patient tolerance and vital signs.
  A physical therapist to assist with proper transfer
techniques and to assess the ability of the patient to meet
physical directions.
  A respiratory therapist to manage the ventilator, provide
the manual resuscitation bag, and make ventilator changes
as necessary to meet the physical demands of the patient.
  And if the activity includes ambulation ,
  A nursing assistant to follow along with a wheelchair to
provide assistance if the patient becomes weak or fatigued.
                                           (Morris et al, 2008)
Good Tolerance
  Appropriate rise in heart rate—not greater than 10% of
  resting heart rate, allowing 2 to 5 minutes to equilibrate.
  Appropriate rise in systolic B/P from the recent
  baseline, with a stable or slight increase in diastolic B/P.
  Sinus rhythm maintained including baseline rhythm of
  sinus tachycardia.
  P/F ratio is greater than 250 at start of intervention.
  No tachypnea, dyspnea, increase in accessory muscle
  use, nasal flaring or facial expression of distress.
  Color good, skin warm and dry, no chest pain, faintness
  or diaphoresis.
Uncertain of Tolerance
   Excessive increase in heart rate greater than 10% of the resting
   heart rate.
   Rising B/P –Systolic and diastolic with a greater than 20% rise in
   systolic B/P above baseline.
   Increasing ectopic beats with arrythmias.
   Experiencing dyspnea and/or tachypnea.
   Patient looks distressed.
1. Increase the FIO2
2. Decrease or stop the intervention and wait for the patient to
If the reaction doesn’t improve, stop the intervention and seek a
    medical evaluation if necessary.
Poor Tolerance
  Excessive rise in heart rate and B/P plus signs of cardiac stress
  e.g. ST depression on monitor, chest pain, multifocal ectopic
  beats, new onset arrythmias, and hemodynamic instability
  No change or decrease in heart rate but exhibiting signs of
  cardiac stress as listed above.
  Fall in B/P ( Either systolic or diastolic or both) of greater than
  20% indicating hemodynamic intolerance.
  Decrease in baseline SPO2 greater than 4% and not corrected by
  an increase in FIO2.
  If the patient experiences any of the above physical signs and
  develops faintness, dizziness or chest pain, diaphoresis, or
  nausea, Stop the intervention and seek a medical evaluation.
                                               ( Stiller, 2007)
The previous slides are guidelines. Patient
assessments are highly individualized and
should be made by the team members with
each new intervention.
A signal is needed if the patient is intubated or
has a trach so that the team can be alerted
when the patient needs to stop. The approach
always needs to be patient focused to bring
about positive outcomes.
Goals can be reviewed daily with the patient
and family and listed on the white board for
Schweickert et al Lancet ( 2009)
  Randomized controlled trial of 104 functionally independent ICU patients in
  respiratory failure. Participants were randomized < 72 hours after intubation.
  The intervention group underwent early physical and occupational therapy.
  The control group received usual ICU care.
  The primary endpoint was a return to functional independence at hospital
  discharge, including the ability to bathe, dress, eat
  independently, groom, transfer from the bed to chair, toilet and walk
  Days until start of physical therapy: Study group-1.5; Control-7.3
  Independent functioning at discharge: Study group-59%; Control- 35%.
  Unassisted ambulation: Study group 110 feet; Control- 0 feet.
  Ventilator free days: Study group-21.1; Control-23.5
  Duration of ICU delirium: Study group- 2 days; Control group-4 days.
  Adverse events were 4% for all reasons.
Bailey et al Critical Care Medicine ( 2007)
   103 participants; 1449 recorded mobility activities
    Purpose of the study was to determine if early physical therapy was safe for ICU
   patients with respiratory failure.
   Activity events were defined as sitting on the edge of the bed without back support,
   sit in a chair after transfer from a bed, and ambulate without assistance with a walker
   or with support from the staff.
   Goal: Would they improve to the point that most would ambulate by ICU discharge.
   By activity level, on the last day of ICU admission, looking at survivor data only, 2.4%
   had no activity, 4.7% sat on the bed, 15.3% sat in the chair, 8.2% ambulated < 100
   feet and 69% ambulated > 100 feet. Age above 65 did not preclude participation in
   the activities. Exclusions were patients who would be extubatesd < 4 days, coma
   patients and palliative care patients. All others were assessed and started on activities
   as soon as physiologically stable.
    At discharge from the ICU, 69% ( majority ) were able to walk> 100 feet . ( mean
   212+/- 18 feet.)
   Adverse events were < 1% including one fall to knees without injury, one feeding
   tube removal, one S B/P > 200 , one S B/P < 90 and one desaturation < 80. No
Morris, et al Critical Care Medicine (2008)
   370 patients with 165 enrolled in an early mobility protocol and
   165 in usual care in ICU.
   Formation of a mobility team consisting of a nurse, physical
   therapist and a nursing assistant. Mobility protocol was initiated
   within 48 hours of intubation, 72 hours in the ICU.
   Time until PT initiated in the ICU: Protocol-91%; Usual care-13%
   Time until out of bed: Protocol - 5 days; Usual care- 11 days
   ICU LOS : Protocol 5.5 days ; Usual care 6.9 days.
   Hospital LOS: Protocol 11.2 days; Usual care 14.5 days.
Use of a team did not increase hospital costs, and there were no
   adverse events. The most frequent reason for ending a mobility
   session was patient fatigue.
Burtin et al Critical Care Medicine ( 2009 )
  RCT In a medical and surgical ICU in a university hospital.
   90 patients were randomized to the study or control group.
   Both groups received respiratory physiotherapy and standard passive ROM. In
addition, the study group received passive and active 20 minute sessions each day
pedaling on a bedside ergometer.
  Results: Functional exercise capacity quadriceps force and self-perceived functional
status was higher at hospital discharge than with the control group. 73% of the study
group vs 55% of the control group could walk independently.
  !7% of the control group was referred to a rehab center after discharge VS 10 % of the
study group.
  74% of the treatment group v.s. 66% of the control group were discharged to home.
Thomsen et al Critical Care Medicine( 2008 )
   Prospective study of 104 Ventilated respiratory failure ICU patients who
   received an early mobility protocol after transfer to a unit where mobility
   was a priority.
   Within 2 days in there was a three fold increase in the number of patients
   ambulating compared to pre-transfer rates.
Aherns, T. et al ( 2005) Progressive mobility guidelines for critically ill patients(
    electronic version) Website: Kathleen Vollman, Advancing Nursing.
    Retrieved, November 2009
Chobanian, A.V. et al (1974) Metabolic and hemodynamic effects of prolonged
    bedrest on normal subjects. Circulation (49) 551-559
Herridge MS et al (2003) One year outcome of survivors of the acute respiratory
    distress syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 348:683-693
Bailey, P. et al (2007) Early activity is feasible and sfe in respiratory failure patients
    Critical Care Medicine, 35(1) 139-145
Morris, P. et al (2008) Early intensive care mobility therapy in the treatment of
    acute respiratory failure. Critical Care Medicine 36(8) 2238-2243
Needham, D. et al (2007) Neuromuscular dysfunction acquired in critical care: a
    systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine 1876-189133:
Stiller, K. ( 2007) Safety issues that should be considered when mobilizing critically
    ill patients. Critical Care Clinics, 23(1) 35-53
Stiller, K., Phillips, A., Lambert, P. (2004) The safety of mobilization and its
    effect on hemodynamic and respiratory status of intensive care patients.
    Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 20, 175-185

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Upright mobility

  • 1. The Nobility of Mobility The Nobility of Mobility Sandra Hess Hess RN CCRN Sandra RN BSN BSN CCRN University of Iowa Iowa HospitalsClinics University of Hospitals and and Clinics
  • 2. Bed rest is not a physiological state Negative Effects: -Decrease in respiratory excursion -Decrease in mobilization of secretions -Increase in atelectasis and pneumonia -Increase in dependent edema -Fluid shifts from lower extremities to the thorax. Volumes can exceed 500cc.
  • 3. - Decrease in plasma volume due to fluid shifts, and onset of diuresis. -Increased workload on the heart related to fluid shifts. -Gradual onset of tachycardia and hypotension due to diuresis following fluid shifts. -Decrease in cardiac output due to diuresis and venous pooling. - Cardiac deconditioning with a gradual fall in O2 consumption. -Neuromuscular polyneuropathies due to deconditioning, loss of muscle mass, and release of cytokines in inflammatory response. (Chobanian et al, 1974)
  • 4. Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and Myopathy A recent systematic review of 24 studies found that 46% of critical illness survivors developed neuromuscular dysfunction. This disability resulted in prolonged hospital length of stay and extended rehabilitation. (Needham et al 2007) In a study of long term outcomes after ARDs, critical care survivors were only able to walk 66% of the predicted distance of a 6 minute walk after one year. Reasons for the deficit included global wasting, weakness, foot drop, joint immobility and dyspnea. Only 49% of survivors were able to return to work. (Herridge et al 2003) Our patients survive sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, ARDs and multi-organ failure and transfer out to the floor unable to hold a spoon, stand up from the bed, Walk or even brush their teeth.
  • 5. The patient on CLRT is ready to begin optional forms of mobility when there is: Improvement in the chest X-ray Improved ABGs Sedatives are decreased Patient is able to move and turn self. Criteria for Starting Upright Mobility FIO2<.50 PEEP<8 P/F Ratio ALI >300 ARDs>200 S/F Ratio ALI >315 ARDs>250 De-conditioned by > than 3 days of immobility Ready to begin ventilator weaning Requiring orthostatic training to tolerate an upright position
  • 6. CLRT to Upright Mobility Protocol
  • 7. During all mobility interventions, monitor the patient for hemodynamic tolerance. Vital signs: Watch continuously for Feelings of faintness the onset of hypertension or dizziness, diaphoresis, shortness of hypotension, bradycardia or breath or nausea. tachycardia greater than 10% above Allow a 5 minute equilibration resting heart rate. period after each position change to SPO2 drop below 90%-Adjust FIO2 allow for the return of up to maintain the O2 saturation hemodynamic stability. above 90% ECG-Watch monitor for any dysrhythmias. For hemodynamic intolerance to head up position changes, begin orthostatic training with the reverse trendelenberg position. This position allows the baroreceptors to respond to the changes in blood pressure, stimulating the central reflex mechanisms that allow adjustments via heart rate changes, vasodilation and vasoconstriction. ( Stiller et al, 2004)
  • 8. Level I Criteria -FIO2 > .50 Passive ROM -PEEP>8 -P/F Ratio<250 CLRT -Lobar collapse, atelectasis, -Excessive secretions Manual turning -Hemodynamic instability with Boots or splints to turning -Increased sedation or prevent contractures paralytics to ventilate -Requirement of 2 or more pressors -Progressing to maximal ventilatory support -Oscillator vent
  • 9. Level II ( Includes Level I interventions ) HOB up 45 degrees 20 -30 minutes. Passive ROM HOB up 45 degrees, legs dependent for 20-30 minutes. Passive ROM. Assess for active participation. HOB up 65 degrees, feet and legs dependent for 20-30 minutes( Cardiac chair position) Assess patient for ability to do active ROM
  • 10. Level III ( Includes Level I & II interventions) Dangle at side of bed with feet supported on a stool. Assess ability to hold self upright and move extremities against gravity in sitting. Standing trial: Can lift buttocks partially off bed without assistance. Then move to a full upright stand. Step in place ( march) at the bedside 3 times without assistance. If able to do this , step forward and backward once with each foot. Transfer to a recliner at bedside 20-30 minutes. Level IV ( Includes Levels I, II & III interventions) Ambulation with assistance using assistive devices as needed. Patient is monitored throughout ambulation to assess tolerance. (Ahrens et al, 2005; Kubo, 2008 )
  • 11. Review the patient’s medical history and current conditions. Past history to include: -Medical history of cardiovascular disease -Recent symptoms of CV/Respiratory dysfunction Medications: Pressors Inotrops Beta blockers Sedatives Analgesia Review the current drip rates. When a patient needs pressors to maintain an adequate B/P at rest, this is a sign of possible hemodynamic instability with activity. Assess for sensory losses or abnormalities that need correction such as vision, hearing or neuropathies. (Kubo, 2008)
  • 12. Ideally, a resting heart rate that is less than 50% of the age predicted maximal heart rate is optimal. Critically ill patients with a high resting heart rate may have limited cardiac reserve to tolerate activities that will further increase the rate. If tachycardic, consider treatable causes e.g. pain, fever, volume status or the presence of inotrops. ( Stiller et al, 2004)
  • 13. Age Target HR Zone 50–85 % Average Maximum Heart Rate 20 years 100–170 beats per minute 200 beats per minute 25 years 98–166 beats per minute 195 beats per minute 30 years 95–162 beats per minute 190 beats per minute 35 years 93–157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute 40 years 90–153 beats per minute 180 beats per minute 45 years 88–149 beats per minute 175 beats per minute 50 years 85–145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute 55 years 83–140 beats per minute 165 beats per minute 60 years 80–136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute 65 years 78–132 beats per minute 155 beats per minute 70 years 75–128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute (American Heart Association)
  • 14. Variability of B/P- Not more than a 20% deviation from recent trends. ECG shows no ischemic changes or arrythmias affecting cardiac output e.g. A-fib with RVR. Patient is not currently in a R/O MI protocol. All other cardiac conditions excluded. (Stiller et al, 2004)
  • 15. P/F ratio> 250 SPO2 > 90 with no recent drops in O2 Saturation Stable respiratory pattern with no dyspnea If ventilated, ability to maintain mechanical ventilation throughout the trial. Stable blood gases when ABGs are available. (Stiller et al, 2004)
  • 16. Hemoglobin stable and greater than 7.0 Platelet count stable and greater than 20,000 Body temperature < 38.5 C. ( Elevations > 38.5 greatly increase O2 demands) Patient not overtly fatigued or in pain. No recent acute change in consciousness level. Suspicion of DVT or PE ruled out or current order to ambulate from physician. If obese, able to be safely managed. Adequate staff and level of expertise to be able to manage equipment and monitor patient response. ( Stiller 2007)
  • 17.
  • 18. A nurse to manage the IV lines and drips, the cables, and to monitor the patient tolerance and vital signs. A physical therapist to assist with proper transfer techniques and to assess the ability of the patient to meet physical directions. A respiratory therapist to manage the ventilator, provide the manual resuscitation bag, and make ventilator changes as necessary to meet the physical demands of the patient. And if the activity includes ambulation , A nursing assistant to follow along with a wheelchair to provide assistance if the patient becomes weak or fatigued. (Morris et al, 2008)
  • 19. Good Tolerance Appropriate rise in heart rate—not greater than 10% of resting heart rate, allowing 2 to 5 minutes to equilibrate. Appropriate rise in systolic B/P from the recent baseline, with a stable or slight increase in diastolic B/P. Sinus rhythm maintained including baseline rhythm of sinus tachycardia. P/F ratio is greater than 250 at start of intervention. No tachypnea, dyspnea, increase in accessory muscle use, nasal flaring or facial expression of distress. Color good, skin warm and dry, no chest pain, faintness or diaphoresis.
  • 20. Uncertain of Tolerance Excessive increase in heart rate greater than 10% of the resting heart rate. Rising B/P –Systolic and diastolic with a greater than 20% rise in systolic B/P above baseline. Increasing ectopic beats with arrythmias. Experiencing dyspnea and/or tachypnea. Patient looks distressed. Maneuvers: 1. Increase the FIO2 2. Decrease or stop the intervention and wait for the patient to stabilize. If the reaction doesn’t improve, stop the intervention and seek a medical evaluation if necessary.
  • 21. Poor Tolerance Excessive rise in heart rate and B/P plus signs of cardiac stress e.g. ST depression on monitor, chest pain, multifocal ectopic beats, new onset arrythmias, and hemodynamic instability OR No change or decrease in heart rate but exhibiting signs of cardiac stress as listed above. Fall in B/P ( Either systolic or diastolic or both) of greater than 20% indicating hemodynamic intolerance. Decrease in baseline SPO2 greater than 4% and not corrected by an increase in FIO2. If the patient experiences any of the above physical signs and develops faintness, dizziness or chest pain, diaphoresis, or nausea, Stop the intervention and seek a medical evaluation. ( Stiller, 2007)
  • 22. The previous slides are guidelines. Patient assessments are highly individualized and should be made by the team members with each new intervention. A signal is needed if the patient is intubated or has a trach so that the team can be alerted when the patient needs to stop. The approach always needs to be patient focused to bring about positive outcomes. Goals can be reviewed daily with the patient and family and listed on the white board for communication.
  • 23. Schweickert et al Lancet ( 2009) Randomized controlled trial of 104 functionally independent ICU patients in respiratory failure. Participants were randomized < 72 hours after intubation. The intervention group underwent early physical and occupational therapy. The control group received usual ICU care. The primary endpoint was a return to functional independence at hospital discharge, including the ability to bathe, dress, eat independently, groom, transfer from the bed to chair, toilet and walk independently. Days until start of physical therapy: Study group-1.5; Control-7.3 Independent functioning at discharge: Study group-59%; Control- 35%. Unassisted ambulation: Study group 110 feet; Control- 0 feet. Ventilator free days: Study group-21.1; Control-23.5 Duration of ICU delirium: Study group- 2 days; Control group-4 days. Adverse events were 4% for all reasons.
  • 24. Bailey et al Critical Care Medicine ( 2007) 103 participants; 1449 recorded mobility activities Purpose of the study was to determine if early physical therapy was safe for ICU patients with respiratory failure. Activity events were defined as sitting on the edge of the bed without back support, sit in a chair after transfer from a bed, and ambulate without assistance with a walker or with support from the staff. Goal: Would they improve to the point that most would ambulate by ICU discharge. Results: By activity level, on the last day of ICU admission, looking at survivor data only, 2.4% had no activity, 4.7% sat on the bed, 15.3% sat in the chair, 8.2% ambulated < 100 feet and 69% ambulated > 100 feet. Age above 65 did not preclude participation in the activities. Exclusions were patients who would be extubatesd < 4 days, coma patients and palliative care patients. All others were assessed and started on activities as soon as physiologically stable. At discharge from the ICU, 69% ( majority ) were able to walk> 100 feet . ( mean 212+/- 18 feet.) Adverse events were < 1% including one fall to knees without injury, one feeding tube removal, one S B/P > 200 , one S B/P < 90 and one desaturation < 80. No extubations.
  • 25. Morris, et al Critical Care Medicine (2008) 370 patients with 165 enrolled in an early mobility protocol and 165 in usual care in ICU. Formation of a mobility team consisting of a nurse, physical therapist and a nursing assistant. Mobility protocol was initiated within 48 hours of intubation, 72 hours in the ICU. Time until PT initiated in the ICU: Protocol-91%; Usual care-13% Results: Time until out of bed: Protocol - 5 days; Usual care- 11 days ICU LOS : Protocol 5.5 days ; Usual care 6.9 days. Hospital LOS: Protocol 11.2 days; Usual care 14.5 days. Use of a team did not increase hospital costs, and there were no adverse events. The most frequent reason for ending a mobility session was patient fatigue.
  • 26. Burtin et al Critical Care Medicine ( 2009 ) RCT In a medical and surgical ICU in a university hospital. 90 patients were randomized to the study or control group. Both groups received respiratory physiotherapy and standard passive ROM. In addition, the study group received passive and active 20 minute sessions each day pedaling on a bedside ergometer. Results: Functional exercise capacity quadriceps force and self-perceived functional status was higher at hospital discharge than with the control group. 73% of the study group vs 55% of the control group could walk independently. !7% of the control group was referred to a rehab center after discharge VS 10 % of the study group. 74% of the treatment group v.s. 66% of the control group were discharged to home. Thomsen et al Critical Care Medicine( 2008 ) Prospective study of 104 Ventilated respiratory failure ICU patients who received an early mobility protocol after transfer to a unit where mobility was a priority. Within 2 days in there was a three fold increase in the number of patients ambulating compared to pre-transfer rates.
  • 27. FINIS
  • 28. Aherns, T. et al ( 2005) Progressive mobility guidelines for critically ill patients( electronic version) Website: Kathleen Vollman, Advancing Nursing. Retrieved, November 2009 Chobanian, A.V. et al (1974) Metabolic and hemodynamic effects of prolonged bedrest on normal subjects. Circulation (49) 551-559 Herridge MS et al (2003) One year outcome of survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 348:683-693 Bailey, P. et al (2007) Early activity is feasible and sfe in respiratory failure patients Critical Care Medicine, 35(1) 139-145 Morris, P. et al (2008) Early intensive care mobility therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure. Critical Care Medicine 36(8) 2238-2243 Needham, D. et al (2007) Neuromuscular dysfunction acquired in critical care: a systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine 1876-189133: Stiller, K. ( 2007) Safety issues that should be considered when mobilizing critically ill patients. Critical Care Clinics, 23(1) 35-53 Stiller, K., Phillips, A., Lambert, P. (2004) The safety of mobilization and its effect on hemodynamic and respiratory status of intensive care patients. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 20, 175-185