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Presenter’s Name
Country Name
Country Analysis
Introduction: Country Name
Location and Geography
Insert Map Here
Sociocultural Environment
Country Composition
Sociocultural Environment
Values and Communication
Business Etiquette
Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
Political-Legal Environment
Government and Ideologies
Political-Legal Environment
Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations
Political-Legal Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
Economic Measures
Economic-Infrastructural Environment
Economic-Infrastructural Environment
Economic-Infrastructural Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
Final Recommendations
Market Entry Strategies
Cultural Awareness
Conflicts are inevitable in human life. Conflict is a situation
between two interdependent
parties that entails the perceived differences that both parties
claim to be negative. This may
result in negative strong emotions and certain behaviours may
prevail. The consequences of
conflict are two-sided that is it can end up causing death and
even destruction. On the other hand,
it may also result in a situation whereby relationships are
enhanced and strengthened. Goals and
effectiveness can be achieved because of an incident of
disagreement among people. Conflict is
an engine of evolution among human beings which enhances us
to grow, learn and progress in
our lives, (Kuster,, 2015). Therefore, conflicts should be
managed in a skilled manner to
further their practical potential.
At the workplace, there are several types of conflict: Conflict
over the decisions and ideas
in business, boss conflicts with staff, personality clashing at
work and even organization
mismanagement of the needs of the staff in general. Employees
are likely to express conflict
through insults, bullying, anger and being uncooperative with
their colleagues, (Field, 2012).
Workplace conflict is not good for productivity in business and
it can harm the operations of the
organization through disruptions of tasks assigned, turnover
rates and job terminations can be
experienced from the same and high decreased production rates.
Workplace conflict can also
create emotional stress among most parties involved.
Since conflict refers to a process in which one party asserts that
their interests are being
opposed by the other party or if they are overstepping, we will
discuss the five stages of the
process of conflict. First, the potential to express opposition or
incompatibility which is
enhanced through communication and it is also based on
personal variables. The second stage
which is cognition and personalization entails the perception of
the conflict itself from the
different groups that are involved. Third stage; intentions of
handling the conflict are another
crucial stage that requires precision during the approach. Fourth
stage, behaviour between the
two parties that is overt in the conflict is detrimental to
reaching a consensus. Fifth stage;
outcomes of the conflict may result in either increase or
decrease group performance once an
agreement is established.
There are several outcomes of conflicts that can manifest
regarding finding a conflict
resolution which means if upon the identification of the conflict
is not managed well conflict can
escalate. Possible outcomes that may emerge include dominance
which may result in resentment
and even damaging consequences on the parties. Avoidance and
withdrawal can be another
outcome which means that resentment will escalate hence
making them feel underestimated.
Another outcome is the negotiations for a resolution if the
conflict is managed well during the
lifecycle of the disagreement. This may result in beneficial
consequences being achieved in one
way or the other. Most of the time these outcomes of conflict
are a result of the approaches and
strategies employed in managing the conflicts. These strategies
may include the following:
Conflict situations can deploy collaboration: this may also refer
to a win-win strategy that
is used in problem-solving where both parties' needs and
interests are engaged and striving to
meet them can be the goal of the arbitrator. At the workplace
employees who conflict is required
to collaborate to strengthen and maintain strong interpersonal
relationships. This is done
regarding the interests of the parties. Compromise can either
turn out to be a mini-win or a mini-
loss type of situation which may partially satisfy the needs of
the parties in the negotiation. This
can result to the effort of attempting to win the compromise and
at the same time preserving the
interpersonal relations as much as one can.
Accommodation can be adopted to convince one party or parties
to profit the other party by
fighting and using all that there is to preserve the relations that
exist between them. Controlling
can either be a win or loss approach basing on the imposition of
a favoured solution on the other
party and by doing so this may result into sacrificing the
interpersonal relationships or intergroup
to achieve a desired outcome regardless of the impact it will
have on the other party involved in
the concession. Avoiding is just a loss or loss strategy involves
leaving or withdrawing from the
conflict to achieve a certain outcome and the relationship
maintenance of the parties.
A win-win approach of management of conflict facilitates the
external aspect of the
problem that the parties had failed to view and tries to bring the
opposing parties to collaborate
to seek high-quality solutions to meet their needs which may be
mutual. This approach helps in
managing conflicts successfully before they escalate to
something serious between the two
parties or more. This can also help in lowering the level of
emotional energy in the parties being
handled. Mutual respect and gravity in relationships is enhanced
by this strategy. The win-win
approach can overwhelm the evident manifestations of conflicts
in the future because they are
likely to be reduced and managed properly and some will be
less intense.
Conflict at the workplace can be resolved through the creation
and establishment of an
organizational culture that prohibits conflicts at the company as
much as possible by the
employer. This helps in identifying where the conflicts emanate
in your organization. Employers
are the ones to preclude conflicts by being the main drivers of
managing conflicts by doing all
they can to not avoid a conflict because the possibility that it
will recur makes it not promising to
reach a substantial resolution. Ensuring that the policies of the
company and communication is
consistent and clear all the time to prevent management
conflicts with their employees.
Employers should ensure that both managers and employees are
able to be accountable for the
resolution of conflicts. Understanding the underlying emotions
of your employees during the
conflict and keeping in their mind that any strategy deployed or
integrated in conflict resolution
depends on the circumstances of the conflict. By putting all this
in mind, the understanding of the
conflict lifecycle can lead to an approach that can lead to
finding desirable solutions that if
managed well can benefit organizations.
Reasons why conflict often escalates over time in the workplace
Conflicts can either be latent or manifests if they are not dealt
with skilfully and these
conflicts may escalate with time in an organization. The
readiness to proceed to violence
between the two parties may grow between the parties because
communication is no longer
working. Conflicts in businesses are normal and the conflict
escalation model developed by
Fredrich Glasl. The occurrence of these conflicts in companies
are as a result of parties not
willing to cooperate in a constructive manner that can leads to
escalation. When parties reach a
point where they feel that communicating with each other is not
productive they tend to create
actions instead of words.
Hardening; this is the first stage of escalation of conflict that
develops when a difference
over a certain issue proves that the resolution efforts are
resistant. The problem sticks between
both parties and leads to exasperations. There exist repeated
efforts which push hard to
overcome the issue but opinions provided among the conflicting
employees become an outlook.
The interactions and arbitration between the two parties
becomes a disappointing adventure
because they perceive it as waste of time and energy. The other
party may be unreasonable but
effort to try and reason with them is always in place. If the
efforts exhibited are not yielding to
anything substantial it provokes doubts in the other party
wondering if the other person wants to
solve the problem.
Debates and Polemics happen when the counterparts have failed
to provide cooperative
arguments. These negotiations always turn to verbal
confrontations between the parties. This
makes it hard to find meaningful and amicable resolutions at the
workplace in most of the
organizations. This creates trust issues which creates a sense of
insecurity and loss of control.
Creating an impression that can lock out a colleague to boost
one’s self-esteem. Competition
prevents them to reach an understanding.
Actions and not words and the colleagues are firm about the fact
that the talk will not
resolve anything and always turn to actions because they
presume each other as a competitor.
One may block the other party from reaching their goals and it
is just a reaction to the other
party’s behaviour in the long run. Images and Coalitions: the
conflict at this stage is about
victory and defeat among the parties because they are majorly
concerned with defending their
reputations. It aggregates into negative stereotypes which mean
that they will not take
responsibility for the escalation of the conflict. Loss of face is
the idea of unmasking the
counterpart’s immoral side to the advantage of the other. They
are now viewing one another as
angels and devils at this stage which makes most of the
escalation of conflicts. These parties are
now on the verge of damaging their public image.
Strategies of threats can make the counterpart to move to a
different direction that is
desired because they have refused to be open about certain
things. Parties can lose control of the
events leading to violence. Limited destructive blows at the
workplace can escalate conflict
because one is poking into the other person’s business to
destroy them. Destruction of the enemy
which aims at the destruction of power and vital systems and
together into the abyss: nothing
else matters anymore and therefore, the enemy is exterminated.
INT 113 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a country
analysis PowerPoint presentation that will answer the following
prompt: What country-specific
information is important in the consideration of market entry?
How do cultural differences impact business communication and
Your assessment for this course will require you to place
yourself in the role of an international business professional.
Imagine you work for an organization that
has decided it wants to enter a foreign market, but has not
settled on the region or country. Your boss has received the
directive to research some countries for
market entry and, in turn, has asked you to select a country and
perform a country analysis for market entry. Your boss expects
you to present your research and
general recommendations for market entry.
Keeping this scenario in mind, select a country other than the
United States for your research. When selecting a country,
consider the following:
Once you have selected your country, you will begin your
research on the relevant forces—including cultural, political,
and economic—that could impact business
operations and decisions. You will then determine your final
recommendations, communicating all in a PowerPoint
presentation. The research will be
communicated in presentation format, giving you the
opportunity to practice business communication skills.
Checkpoint submissions will be posted within Modules Three
and Six, which will allow the opportunity for you to upload
your project-in-progress for a
participation score. You should follow the Final Project Guide
and use research incorporated into the weekly discussions to
complete the checkpoints. Project
elements will be covered in the weekly discussions to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final submissions. Your
comprehensive final PowerPoint presentation
will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
ronment business research to an analysis of
international market conditions
inform market analyses and business communication
practices applicable to global organizations in preparation for
market entry
international business opportunities and determining risks
Your country analysis should answer the following prompt:
What country-specific information is important in the
consideration of market entry? How do cultural
differences impact business communication and decisions?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed
in consideration of your country of choice:
I. Introduction and Country Choice
A. Rationale: Select your country and share why you chose your
specific country for further analysis.
B. Location: In what region is your country located? Is the
country landlocked or does it have water access? Describe the
geography of the region
and include a map for visual impact.
II. Macroenvironment: Address the following with respect to
your chosen country.
A. Sociocultural Environment
i. Country Composition: What are elements of country
composition that impact business decisions? Consider literacy
rates, urbanization
rates, heavily populated cities, age structure, major religions,
and educational data.
ii. Values and Communication: How do cultural values shape
communication and behaviors? Highlight cultural norms that
align with
Hofstede’s and/or Trompenaars’s cultural dimension models.
Outline major languages and nonverbal communication. For
example, you
could include nonverbal cues, physical contact, and body
iii. Business Etiquette: What are some behaviors in business
that are driven by culture? Highlight five rules of business
etiquette that are
pertinent in the region. For example, consider gift giving and
iv. Observation Deck: In what ways do sociocultural elements
apply to business practices and market entry? For example,
highlight cultural
issues that impact marketing or consider the following areas:
employment, consumer demand, managerial approach, and
B. Political–Legal Environment
i. Government and Ideologies: Who is the ruling political party
and leader? Has there been a recent change in ruling parties?
Does a large
opposition group exist?
ii. Corruption: How do unethical practices impact business?
What are three measures of corruption that characterize risks in
the market?
Explain your findings.
iii. Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations: What are four
measures of government influence on trade and employment?
sanctions, tariffs, labeling requirements, restricted items, or
other barriers to trade, minimum wage rates, employment-
laws, or environmental regulations.
iv. Observation Deck: How would a company apply political
and legal information to market-entry decisions and business
practices? Make
an observation regarding political and legal risks or
opportunities. For example, consider safety risks, additional
costs, industry barriers,
high corruption rates, risky ideologies, and so on.
C. Economic-Infrastructural Environment
i. Economic Measures: What are some economic measures and
development data that impact business? Include data on interest
unemployment, inflation, GDP growth rate, exchange rates
against the USD, exchange rate regime, GDP, labor force, major
and FDI rates.
ii. Trade: Describe the important aspects of trade in your
country of choice. Specifically, answer the following questions:
a. Trade partners: Who are the most significant trading
partners? What percentage of trade do they fulfill?
b. Imports: What are major imports to the region?
c. Exports: What are major exports to the region?
d. Trade agreements: What are some important regional trade
agreements (RTA) impacting the country? Who are the members
of the
iii. Transportation and Telecommunication: How does
infrastructure impact trade? Identify major airports, seaports,
railway stations,
internet users, mobile providers, and the Logistics Performance
Index rating.
iv. Observation Deck: What economic and infrastructural
elements apply to multinational business practices and market
entry? For
example, consider ease of distribution, economic growth, and
telecommunication barriers.
III. Final Recommendations
A. Market Entry Strategies: Based on the research findings and
your knowledge of market entry strategies gained in this course,
which market
entry strategy is most attractive? Considering the risks, should
the company enter this market?
B. Cultural Awareness: What specific cultural considerations
should be addressed if the company were to enter this market?
Checkpoint Submission One
In Module Three, you will submit your project-in-progress. Use
the work completed in Modules One through Three discussions
and transfer your work into the
Presentation Template document. This will cover the following
critical elements of the final project: Rationale, Location,
Country Composition, Values and
Communication, Business Etiquette, Sociocultural Environment
Observation Deck, Government Ideologies, and Corruption.
This checkpoint submission is for
participation credit only.
Checkpoint Submission Two
In Module Six, you will submit your project-in-progress. Use
the work completed in Modules Four and Five discussions and
transfer your work into the
Presentation Template document. This will cover the following
critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and
Legal Considerations, Political-Legal
Environment Observation Deck, Economic Measures,
Transportation, and Telecommunication. This checkpoint
submission is for participation credit only.
Final Submission: Country Analysis Presentation
In Module Seven, you will submit your country analysis
PowerPoint presentation. It will include cultural, political, and
economic research that may impact
business operations and decisions. You will determine your
final recommendations, communicating all in your PowerPoint
presentation. The research will be
communicated in presentation format, giving you the
opportunity to practice business communication skills. It should
be a complete, polished artifact containing
all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect
the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.
Your final submission will be graded
using the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your PowerPoint presentation
should be approximately 11 to 15 slides—not including the title
slide and reference slide—with all
references in the most recently published APA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
rationale is exceptionally well
detailed or includes examples
to emphasize rationale
Provides detailed rationale for
country choice
Rationale is present but is
unclear and/or includes few
Does not provide rationale for
country choice
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
is exceptionally detailed or
Accurately illustrates the
location and geography of the
chosen country with a map for
visual impact
Illustrates the location and
geography of the selected
country with a map but with
gaps in accuracy
Does not illustrate the location
and geography of the selected
country with a map
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes substantive details to
illustrate country composition
Accurately identifies elements
of country composition,
including literacy rates,
urbanization rates, heavily
populated cities, age structure,
major religions, and educational
Identifies elements of country
composition but information is
limited or inaccurate
Does not identify elements of
country composition
Environment: Values
and Communication
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes examples to support
the analysis
Analyzes cultural norms of the
country that correspond to
Hofstede’s and/or
Trompenaars’s models and
describes the cultural values
that shape communication,
including major languages and
non-verbal communication
Analyzes cultural norms of the
country that correspond to
Hofstede’s and/or
Trompenaars’s models and
describes the cultural values
that shape communication but
analysis includes gaps in details
Does not analyze cultural norms
and values of the country
Business Etiquette
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is supported by
Describes five rules of business
etiquette pertinent to the
Describes five rules of business
etiquette pertinent to the
region but with gaps in accuracy
or key information
Does not describe five rules of
business etiquette pertinent to
the region
Observation Deck
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into
applying sociocultural elements
to business practices of the
chosen country
Applies sociocultural research
to business practices in the
chosen country
Applies sociocultural research
to business practices in the
chosen country but with gaps in
appropriateness or detail
Does not apply sociocultural
research to business practices
in the chosen country
Government and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation is supported as
necessary with sources or
Explains governing parties and
political ideologies in the
country, including research on
political leaders, opposition
groups, and any recent changes
to leadership
Explains governing parties and
political ideologies in the
country but misses key
information or is inaccurate
Does not explain governing
parties and political ideologies
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides examples to
contextualize explanation
Accurately explains three
corruption measurements
Explains corruption
measurements, but with gaps in
detail or accuracy
Does not explain corruption
Environment: Trade
and Legal
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
including examples to highlight
accuracy of explanations
Explains four elements of
government influence on trade
and employment
Explains four elements of
government influence on trade
and employment, but with gaps
in detail
Does not explain four elements
of government influence on
trade and employment
Observation Deck
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight in
identifying risk and opportunity,
based on political and legal
Applies political and legal
research to business practices,
identifying risks and
Applies political and legal
research to business practices,
identifying risks and
opportunities, but with gaps in
details or accuracy
Does not apply political and
legal research to business
Economic: Economic
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description shows insight into
economic measures
Describes economic measures
of the country, including
interest rates, unemployment,
inflation, GDP growth rate,
exchange rates, exchange rate
regime, GDP, labor force, major
industries, and FDI rates
Describes economic measures
of the country but with gaps in
Does not describe economic
measures of the country
Economic: Trade
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides examples to support
the description
Describes aspects of trade in
the country, including major
trading partners, list of
imports/exports, and details of
RTAs and member countries
Describes aspects of trade in
the country but with gaps in
Does not describe aspects of
trade in the country
Transportation and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports description with
examples or illustrations
Describes infrastructural
elements that impact trade,
including major
airports/seaports/train stations,
internet users, mobile
providers, and a Logistics
Performance Index rating
Describes infrastructural
elements that impact trade but
with gaps in detail or relevancy
Does not describe
infrastructural elements that
impact trade
Observation Deck
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides examples to support
the accuracy of application
Applies economic and
infrastructural research
elements to business practices
and market entry
Applies economic and
infrastructural research
elements to business practices
and market entry, but with gaps
in detail
Does not apply economic and
infrastructural research
elements to business practices
and market entry
Market Entry
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommendation is
substantiated with research,
examples, or substantive detail
to show keen insight into
market entry
Provides logical, applicable
market entry recommendation
based on previous research
Provides market entry
recommendation but lacks logic
or applicability based on
previous research
Does not provide market entry
recommendation based on
previous research
Cultural Awareness
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
elements described
demonstrate keen cultural
awareness regarding market
entry in the country of choice
Describes reasonable and
relevant elements of culture
that should be addressed during
market entry
Describes elements of culture
that should be addressed during
market entry but with gaps in
reason or relevancy
Does not describe elements of
culture that should be
addressed during market entry
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
Presenter’s Name
Country Analysis
Consider adding a
few photos to grab
the attention of the
This guide is a suggested approach for
proficiently meeting the final project rubric
requirements. Your country may require
additional depth in any particular area to
reach exemplary rubric scoring.
Introduction: Country Name
From Module One Discussion
(Included in Checkpoint One)
Share the reasoning you have for choosing this country and
provide examples to emphasize
Location and Geography
Use The World Factbook and World Atlas to identify
geographic characteristics for this section.
• Regional Location
• Water access
• Bordering countries
• Natural Hazards or Climate
(National Geographic, 2015)
Include a map(s) to illustrate
the location and terrain
Remember: Always include an APA 6 ‘in-text’ resource
citation for each idea, fact or graphic. The format is:
(Author Last Name(s), Year Published).
(Author(s), Year)
Sociocultural Environment
From Module One Discussion
(Included in Checkpoint One)
Country Composition
Use The World Factbook to identify elements of country
• Literacy Rate
• Rate of Urbanization
• Heavily Populated Cities
• Major Religions
• Educational Data
• Age Structure
0-14 15-24 25-54 55-64 65+
Consider a chart
or graphic to
illustrate your
most important
data set
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
Sociocultural Environment
From Module Two Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One)
Values and Communication
• Use The Hofstede’s Centre or The Seven Dimensions of
Culture to identify elements of culture
relevant to the chosen foreign country compared to the United
• Use The World Factbook to identify specific languages spoken
in the country
• Use Commisceo Global Culture Guides to assess non-verbal
Business Etiquette
Use Commisceo Global Culture Guides to identify Five rules of
business etiquette. Consider
greetings, gift giving, punctuality, business attire, meeting
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck
Based on Discussions from Module One & Two (Included in
Checkpoint One)
Based on the previous sociocultural research, what observations
can you make
regarding business? Consider the following:
• Marketing
• Employment and Labor Force
• Product Demand
• Managerial Approach
• Rules to Business Etiquette
Explain your research. What are
the most relevant opportunities
and risks a US executive should
consider before deciding if or how
their firm is going to do business
in your foreign country? Why are
these factors important?
Political - Legal Environment
From Module Three Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One)
Government and Ideologies
Use The World Factbook and current news reports to identify
the political situation in the country chosen. Identify the
following elements:
• Government Type
• Political Leaders and their ideologies
• Political Pressure Groups
• Recent Changes in Governing Rule
Use Transparency International and other resources to identify
3 measures of corruption and explain their impact. Consider
the following elements:
• Corruption Perception Index
• Enforcement
• Bribery measures
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
Are your slides becoming cluttered?
PowerPoint allows for additional detail
and explanation to be recorded in the
Speaker’s Notes Section of each slide.
Learn more about using them here!
Political - Legal Environment
From the Module Four Discussion
(Included in Checkpoint Two)
Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations
Identify FOUR measures of government influences on trade and
• Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in
the country. These might include minimum
wages, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, etc. You
made need to use the translation service
through Google Chrome when accessing various sites.
• Use Sales Tax Rates to identify sales tax and rates for a
• Use Sanctions Programs List to identify various
sanctions influencing business in the country
• Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs,
labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to
trade. Consider using the U.S. Trade Representative resource to
identify trade regulations
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
Political - Legal Environment: Observation Deck
Based on Discussions from Module Three & Four
(Included in Checkpoint Two)
Based on the previous political –legal environment research,
what observations can
you make regarding business? Identify political and legal risks
and opportunities.
Consider the following:
• Safety Concerns
• Additional Costs
• Specific Industry Barriers
• High Corruption Rates
• Risky Political Ideologies In Government
Explain your research. What
are the most relevant
opportunities and risks a US
executive should consider
before deciding if or how their
firm is going to do business in
your foreign country? Why
are these factors important?
Economic - Infrastructural Environment
Economic Measures – From Module Five Discussion
(Included in Checkpoint Two)
Use The World Factbook , World Bank, Trading Economics,
and International Trade Centre to find the following
economic data:
• Interest Rates
• Unemployment
• Inflation
• Income Growth
• Exchange Rates
• Exchange Rate
Regime (pp.336-337
course text)
• Labor Force
• Major Industries
• FDI Rates
Trade – From Module Six Discussion (not included in
Two, but incorporated into Final Project)
Use the WTO –RTA website to identify the following
elements of trade:
• Major Trading Partners
• Major Imports/Exports
• Regional Trade Agreements &
Member Countries
Consider organizing
information in chart
format. Ensure font
size is legible to
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used (Author(s),
Year) Citation for each resource used
Economic - Infrastructural Environment
From Module Five Discussion
(Included in Checkpoint Two)
Use The World Factbook and other resources to identify the
• Major Airports/Seaports
• Railway Stations (Research Government websites for more
• Internet Users
• Mobile Providers – Use TxtNation to identify Mobile
Operators by country
• Logistics Performance Index Rating - Use the World Bank –
Logistics Performance Index to identify the LPI
(Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
Economic - Infrastructural Environment:
Observation Deck
Based on Discussions from Modules Five and Six
(Not included in Checkpoint Two, but incorporated into Final
Based on the previous Economic and Infrastructural research,
what observations
can you make regarding business? Consider the following:
• Ease of Distribution
• Economic Growth
• Telecommunication Barriers
Explain your research. What
are the most relevant
opportunities and risks a US
executive should consider
before deciding if or how their
firm is going to do business in
your foreign country? Why are
these factors important?
Final Recommendations
Market Entry Strategies Based on concepts covered in Module
Seven (Not included in
Checkpoints, but incorporated into the Final Project)
Make a final recommendation based on the risks and
opportunities you identified as to whether a US
company should enter the foreign market and to what degree
(indirect and/or direct entry levels and what
modes would be suitable at the suggested level).
Outline market entry mode options for this country. Riskier
regions might need a less risky entry mode,
while regions full of opportunities and minimal risks, could use
a risky approach. Refer to Chapters 14 &
15 of the course text for more information on Modes of Entry.
Consider imports/exports, Acquisition,
Greenfield Investments, Licensing, Franchising, Turnkey
Operations and Joint Ventures.
Cultural Awareness Based on concepts covered in Module Two
(Not included in Checkpoints,
but incorporated into the Final Project)
Apply elements of culture identified in this report that should
be addressed when entering this country.
What considerations should be made for marketing,
employment, and business interactions? Refer to
Chapter 2 of the course text for more information on Cultural
All resources should be cited using APA version 6 format. That
means your ‘in-text’
citation markers should be placed on every slide for each of the
resources you
utilized. The citation markers should look like: (Author last
name(s), Year published).
On this slide you will provide the full details of each reference
used for the viewer
to research themselves.
For more information on proper citation methods using APA 6
format, consider:
Shapiro Library
Purdue Online Writing Lab
7-1 Final Submission: Country Analysis Presentation
You are now ready to make your final recommendations for
your selected country and submit your comprehensive country
analysis presentation using the Final Project Presentation
Template provided.
Your presentation will include cultural, political, and economic
research that may impact business operations and decisions that
you have developed throughout the course. You will determine
your final recommendations, communicating all in your
PowerPoint presentation. The research will be communicated in
presentation format, giving you the opportunity to practice
business communication skills. It should be a complete,
polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the
final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback
gained throughout the course.
Also upload your presentation to the Module Eight discussion to
share your final project with your classmates.
For additional details, please refer to the following documents:
· Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
· Final Project Presentation Template
· Final Project Guide
China Brown
Country Analysis
Introduction: Jamaica
The selection of the states is predetermined by Hofstede’s
findings on the culture in Jamaica.
The culture of this state is characterized by masculinity,
individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and power
distance(Hofstede Insights,2019).
Its cultural diversity forms a better background for the analysis
Location and Geography
The country is not landlocked.
It is an island in the Caribbean sea estimated to be 10990km2.
Its topography is characterized by mountains.
It is capital city is Kinston.
Insert Map Here
Being a country with diverse culture, it provides a better
platform for critic as they cultures interact in business
operations. It an island therefore not vast, its limited area
provides a better ground for interaction of all parties. Thriving
in this country is based on the natural selection laws.
Sociocultural Environment
Country Composition
The country heavily relies on the provision of services rather
than the exchange of goods.
Foreign exchange is mostly obtained from remittances tourism.
The literacy of the state is at 88.1% in adults.
More than half of the population lives in urban centers, thereby
providing a ready market for goods and a ready supply of labor
for industries.
The cities are therefore densely populated as most people live in
the urban centers. It is a state that is cultural attractive thereby
attracting more tourists. Selling of services is categorized as the
one of the major selling item in the state.
Sociocultural Environment
Values and Communication
Rules are leniently followed as associations are the most
preferredThey communicate what they think as the country has
low Uncertainty Avoidance (Commisceo Global, 2019).
Formal communication is prevalent in horizontal
Relationship building is gradual
Business Etiquette
businesses work with scheduled appointments in advance for
They hate high-pressure sales tactics
Business hierarchy is maintained where the senior makes
decisions(Commisceo Global,2019).
Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
The way of life affects business operations in the following
Formal communication is applicable in business in horizontal
The citizens hate bargaining tactics associated with high
Since familiarity is not approved with the first greetings
relationship in business is also develops gradually
Punctuality is ensured as companies operate on appointments.
Business hierarchy is maintained when the seniors make
Political-Legal Environment
Government and Ideologies
The ruling party is Jamaica Labor Party. Its is led by Prime
Minister Andrew Holness, who is the current leader.
The opposition is strongly emanating from the PNP whose
leader is Dr. David Phillips.
There have been no recent changes in the ruling reign
The country is ranked 70/180 in terms of CPI with a score
More persons are engaging in corruption, especially in public
offices. This is a negative attribute that may drive investors
away as according to Transparency International, there is an
increase in cases of corruption in the country(Transparency
International, 2019).
Political-Legal Environment
Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations
Being a member of CARICOM, some items are subjected to
Common External Tariffs.
Foreign workers have challenges obtaining work permits.
The high cost of electricity impacts businesses negatively.
There are phytosanitary and sanitary restrictions regardless of
trade liberalization in the state.
Political-Legal Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
The information provided may be useful to an organization in
the following ways.
Information regarding trade restriction may help an investor
identify goods allowed.
The high cost of electricity in the country may act as a business
Countries that are members of CARICOM enjoy free duty,
thereby attracting other countries to invest.
The increase in the rate of corruption is a warning to investors
who are against the vice.
Economic Measures
The GDP growth as was at 1.7%. The inflation rate was at 3.4%
as at 2017.
The unemployment rate as at 2013 was at 9.6%
More than 75% of the population is living above the poverty
The main export partners are USA contributing 40.8%
Canada, Netherlands, the United Kingdom each contributing
less than 15%
The main import partners include US, Trinidad, China, Japan,
Brazil with the main export item being bauxite beverages,
The main items of import include food, industrial supplies
Agreements made on CARICOM and CET dominate the
exchange of items.
NFTA has also made investments possible
Economic-Infrastructural Environment
Economic-Infrastructural Environment
Investments in information communication technology have
boosted investments in the country as communication has been
aided. Cellular mobiles, fixed lines, and other technologies are
The country has invested a lot in constructions of roads that
make it easy for the transportation of industrial good.
Security is not a concern in the area making it suitable for
Economic-Infrastructural Environment: Observation Deck
Business Observations
The country is ranked 70th in terms of ease of doing business.
There are fewer telecommunication barriers thereby promoting
business operations.
Trade agreements such as CARIMA, WTO, NFTA provide a
better playing ground for member states to interact with
The increase in corruption rates is a delimiting factor.
The GDP of the state is also attractive to investors.
The low unemployment rate facilitates this.
Economic - Infrastructural Environment
Employment law (, 2019)
The current minimum wage in Jamaica took effect on Aug 01,
All workers, except security guards, receive 7,000 Jamaican
dollars per week
Private security guards receive at least 9,700 Jamaican dollars
per week
Female workers are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave;
with possible extension for another two weeks - Maternity
Leave Act
Sales Tax ((Duty Calculator, 2019)
VAT (sales tax): 33.3%
Trade Policies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade,
The ministry makes regular reviews on the overall national
development objectives, economic trends, and tariffs
Import duties on some agricultural products, including
vegetables, chicken, and consumer goods
Economic - Infrastructural Environment
Business Observations
High protection of a domestic import-competing industry
Increasing government to liberalize the investment and trade
since the early 2000s
Institutional and legislative reforms to facilitate enhanced
transparency and market-opening initiatives
Stagnation of per capita income characterized by slow growth
due to high public debt
The government should improve the predictability of reforms
for investors through increasing the multilateral commitments
Economic - Infrastructural Environment
Major airports: Norman Manley International (KIN) in
Kingston, Donald Sangster
Internet users: 1,336,653
45% percent of the population (July 2016 est.)
Mobile providers:Claro (América Móvil) and Digicel (Digicel
Logistics performance index rating: 2.52
Railways: please see figure
Final Recommendations
Market Entry Strategies
Turnkey projects is a suitable strategy as it is most applicable in
countries that rely on services as it is in this case. Services such
as environmental consulting are appropriate in this state.
It is one of the best ways of getting assurance in payment as the
government in most cases is the buyer.
Cultural Awareness
The cultural elements to be considered in this case include the
tariffs present.
A country will be placed better if it is sharing a general trade
agreement with the state.
Other factors such as the way of life of the citizens will not
affect as the relationship is between the government and the
service provider.
Commisceo Global. (2019). Jamaica - Language, Culture,
Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from https://www.commisceo-
Hofstede Insights. (2019). Country comparison: What about
Jamaica? Retrieved from https://www.hofstede-
Jamaica map!4m2!3m1!1s
Transparency International. (2015). Corruption by
country/territory: Jamaica. Retrieved from

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Presenter’s NameCountry NameCountry Analysis1Int.docx

  • 1. Presenter’s Name Country Name Country Analysis 1 Introduction: Country Name Rationale Location and Geography Insert Map Here 2 Sociocultural Environment Country Composition 3 Sociocultural Environment Values and Communication
  • 2. Business Etiquette 4 Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations 5 Political-Legal Environment Government and Ideologies Corruption 6 Political-Legal Environment Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations 7
  • 3. Political-Legal Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations 8 Economic Measures Trade Economic-Infrastructural Environment 9 Economic-Infrastructural Environment 10 Economic-Infrastructural Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations 11 Final Recommendations Market Entry Strategies
  • 4. Cultural Awareness 12 References 13 Conflicts are inevitable in human life. Conflict is a situation between two interdependent parties that entails the perceived differences that both parties claim to be negative. This may result in negative strong emotions and certain behaviours may prevail. The consequences of conflict are two-sided that is it can end up causing death and even destruction. On the other hand, it may also result in a situation whereby relationships are enhanced and strengthened. Goals and effectiveness can be achieved because of an incident of disagreement among people. Conflict is an engine of evolution among human beings which enhances us to grow, learn and progress in
  • 5. our lives, (Kuster,, 2015). Therefore, conflicts should be managed in a skilled manner to further their practical potential. At the workplace, there are several types of conflict: Conflict over the decisions and ideas in business, boss conflicts with staff, personality clashing at work and even organization mismanagement of the needs of the staff in general. Employees are likely to express conflict through insults, bullying, anger and being uncooperative with their colleagues, (Field, 2012). Workplace conflict is not good for productivity in business and it can harm the operations of the organization through disruptions of tasks assigned, turnover rates and job terminations can be experienced from the same and high decreased production rates. Workplace conflict can also create emotional stress among most parties involved. Since conflict refers to a process in which one party asserts that their interests are being opposed by the other party or if they are overstepping, we will discuss the five stages of the process of conflict. First, the potential to express opposition or
  • 6. incompatibility which is enhanced through communication and it is also based on personal variables. The second stage which is cognition and personalization entails the perception of the conflict itself from the different groups that are involved. Third stage; intentions of handling the conflict are another crucial stage that requires precision during the approach. Fourth stage, behaviour between the two parties that is overt in the conflict is detrimental to reaching a consensus. Fifth stage; outcomes of the conflict may result in either increase or decrease group performance once an agreement is established. There are several outcomes of conflicts that can manifest regarding finding a conflict resolution which means if upon the identification of the conflict is not managed well conflict can escalate. Possible outcomes that may emerge include dominance which may result in resentment and even damaging consequences on the parties. Avoidance and withdrawal can be another
  • 7. outcome which means that resentment will escalate hence making them feel underestimated. Another outcome is the negotiations for a resolution if the conflict is managed well during the lifecycle of the disagreement. This may result in beneficial consequences being achieved in one way or the other. Most of the time these outcomes of conflict are a result of the approaches and strategies employed in managing the conflicts. These strategies may include the following: Conflict situations can deploy collaboration: this may also refer to a win-win strategy that is used in problem-solving where both parties' needs and interests are engaged and striving to meet them can be the goal of the arbitrator. At the workplace employees who conflict is required to collaborate to strengthen and maintain strong interpersonal relationships. This is done regarding the interests of the parties. Compromise can either turn out to be a mini-win or a mini- loss type of situation which may partially satisfy the needs of the parties in the negotiation. This can result to the effort of attempting to win the compromise and at the same time preserving the
  • 8. interpersonal relations as much as one can. Accommodation can be adopted to convince one party or parties to profit the other party by fighting and using all that there is to preserve the relations that exist between them. Controlling can either be a win or loss approach basing on the imposition of a favoured solution on the other party and by doing so this may result into sacrificing the interpersonal relationships or intergroup to achieve a desired outcome regardless of the impact it will have on the other party involved in the concession. Avoiding is just a loss or loss strategy involves leaving or withdrawing from the conflict to achieve a certain outcome and the relationship maintenance of the parties. A win-win approach of management of conflict facilitates the external aspect of the problem that the parties had failed to view and tries to bring the opposing parties to collaborate to seek high-quality solutions to meet their needs which may be mutual. This approach helps in managing conflicts successfully before they escalate to something serious between the two
  • 9. parties or more. This can also help in lowering the level of emotional energy in the parties being handled. Mutual respect and gravity in relationships is enhanced by this strategy. The win-win approach can overwhelm the evident manifestations of conflicts in the future because they are likely to be reduced and managed properly and some will be less intense. Conflict at the workplace can be resolved through the creation and establishment of an organizational culture that prohibits conflicts at the company as much as possible by the employer. This helps in identifying where the conflicts emanate in your organization. Employers are the ones to preclude conflicts by being the main drivers of managing conflicts by doing all they can to not avoid a conflict because the possibility that it will recur makes it not promising to reach a substantial resolution. Ensuring that the policies of the company and communication is consistent and clear all the time to prevent management conflicts with their employees. Employers should ensure that both managers and employees are able to be accountable for the
  • 10. resolution of conflicts. Understanding the underlying emotions of your employees during the conflict and keeping in their mind that any strategy deployed or integrated in conflict resolution depends on the circumstances of the conflict. By putting all this in mind, the understanding of the conflict lifecycle can lead to an approach that can lead to finding desirable solutions that if managed well can benefit organizations. Reasons why conflict often escalates over time in the workplace Conflicts can either be latent or manifests if they are not dealt with skilfully and these conflicts may escalate with time in an organization. The readiness to proceed to violence between the two parties may grow between the parties because communication is no longer working. Conflicts in businesses are normal and the conflict escalation model developed by Fredrich Glasl. The occurrence of these conflicts in companies are as a result of parties not willing to cooperate in a constructive manner that can leads to escalation. When parties reach a
  • 11. point where they feel that communicating with each other is not productive they tend to create actions instead of words. Hardening; this is the first stage of escalation of conflict that develops when a difference over a certain issue proves that the resolution efforts are resistant. The problem sticks between both parties and leads to exasperations. There exist repeated efforts which push hard to overcome the issue but opinions provided among the conflicting employees become an outlook. The interactions and arbitration between the two parties becomes a disappointing adventure because they perceive it as waste of time and energy. The other party may be unreasonable but effort to try and reason with them is always in place. If the efforts exhibited are not yielding to anything substantial it provokes doubts in the other party wondering if the other person wants to solve the problem. Debates and Polemics happen when the counterparts have failed to provide cooperative arguments. These negotiations always turn to verbal
  • 12. confrontations between the parties. This makes it hard to find meaningful and amicable resolutions at the workplace in most of the organizations. This creates trust issues which creates a sense of insecurity and loss of control. Creating an impression that can lock out a colleague to boost one’s self-esteem. Competition prevents them to reach an understanding. Actions and not words and the colleagues are firm about the fact that the talk will not resolve anything and always turn to actions because they presume each other as a competitor. One may block the other party from reaching their goals and it is just a reaction to the other party’s behaviour in the long run. Images and Coalitions: the conflict at this stage is about victory and defeat among the parties because they are majorly concerned with defending their reputations. It aggregates into negative stereotypes which mean that they will not take responsibility for the escalation of the conflict. Loss of face is the idea of unmasking the
  • 13. counterpart’s immoral side to the advantage of the other. They are now viewing one another as angels and devils at this stage which makes most of the escalation of conflicts. These parties are now on the verge of damaging their public image. Strategies of threats can make the counterpart to move to a different direction that is desired because they have refused to be open about certain things. Parties can lose control of the events leading to violence. Limited destructive blows at the workplace can escalate conflict because one is poking into the other person’s business to destroy them. Destruction of the enemy which aims at the destruction of power and vital systems and together into the abyss: nothing else matters anymore and therefore, the enemy is exterminated. INT 113 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a country
  • 14. analysis PowerPoint presentation that will answer the following prompt: What country-specific information is important in the consideration of market entry? How do cultural differences impact business communication and decisions? Your assessment for this course will require you to place yourself in the role of an international business professional. Imagine you work for an organization that has decided it wants to enter a foreign market, but has not settled on the region or country. Your boss has received the directive to research some countries for market entry and, in turn, has asked you to select a country and perform a country analysis for market entry. Your boss expects you to present your research and general recommendations for market entry. Keeping this scenario in mind, select a country other than the United States for your research. When selecting a country, consider the following: Once you have selected your country, you will begin your research on the relevant forces—including cultural, political, and economic—that could impact business operations and decisions. You will then determine your final recommendations, communicating all in a PowerPoint presentation. The research will be
  • 15. communicated in presentation format, giving you the opportunity to practice business communication skills. Checkpoint submissions will be posted within Modules Three and Six, which will allow the opportunity for you to upload your project-in-progress for a participation score. You should follow the Final Project Guide and use research incorporated into the weekly discussions to complete the checkpoints. Project elements will be covered in the weekly discussions to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. Your comprehensive final PowerPoint presentation will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: ronment business research to an analysis of international market conditions inform market analyses and business communication practices applicable to global organizations in preparation for market entry international business opportunities and determining risks
  • 16. Prompt Your country analysis should answer the following prompt: What country-specific information is important in the consideration of market entry? How do cultural differences impact business communication and decisions? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in consideration of your country of choice: I. Introduction and Country Choice A. Rationale: Select your country and share why you chose your specific country for further analysis. B. Location: In what region is your country located? Is the country landlocked or does it have water access? Describe the geography of the region and include a map for visual impact. II. Macroenvironment: Address the following with respect to your chosen country. A. Sociocultural Environment i. Country Composition: What are elements of country composition that impact business decisions? Consider literacy rates, urbanization rates, heavily populated cities, age structure, major religions, and educational data. ii. Values and Communication: How do cultural values shape communication and behaviors? Highlight cultural norms that align with Hofstede’s and/or Trompenaars’s cultural dimension models. Outline major languages and nonverbal communication. For example, you
  • 17. could include nonverbal cues, physical contact, and body language. iii. Business Etiquette: What are some behaviors in business that are driven by culture? Highlight five rules of business etiquette that are pertinent in the region. For example, consider gift giving and greetings. iv. Observation Deck: In what ways do sociocultural elements apply to business practices and market entry? For example, highlight cultural issues that impact marketing or consider the following areas: employment, consumer demand, managerial approach, and business etiquette. B. Political–Legal Environment i. Government and Ideologies: Who is the ruling political party and leader? Has there been a recent change in ruling parties? Does a large opposition group exist? ii. Corruption: How do unethical practices impact business? What are three measures of corruption that characterize risks in the market? Explain your findings. iii. Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations: What are four measures of government influence on trade and employment? Consider sanctions, tariffs, labeling requirements, restricted items, or other barriers to trade, minimum wage rates, employment- discrimination laws, or environmental regulations.
  • 18. iv. Observation Deck: How would a company apply political and legal information to market-entry decisions and business practices? Make an observation regarding political and legal risks or opportunities. For example, consider safety risks, additional costs, industry barriers, high corruption rates, risky ideologies, and so on. C. Economic-Infrastructural Environment i. Economic Measures: What are some economic measures and development data that impact business? Include data on interest rates, unemployment, inflation, GDP growth rate, exchange rates against the USD, exchange rate regime, GDP, labor force, major industries, and FDI rates. ii. Trade: Describe the important aspects of trade in your country of choice. Specifically, answer the following questions: a. Trade partners: Who are the most significant trading partners? What percentage of trade do they fulfill? b. Imports: What are major imports to the region? c. Exports: What are major exports to the region? d. Trade agreements: What are some important regional trade agreements (RTA) impacting the country? Who are the members of the agreement? iii. Transportation and Telecommunication: How does infrastructure impact trade? Identify major airports, seaports, railway stations,
  • 19. internet users, mobile providers, and the Logistics Performance Index rating. iv. Observation Deck: What economic and infrastructural elements apply to multinational business practices and market entry? For example, consider ease of distribution, economic growth, and telecommunication barriers. III. Final Recommendations A. Market Entry Strategies: Based on the research findings and your knowledge of market entry strategies gained in this course, which market entry strategy is most attractive? Considering the risks, should the company enter this market? B. Cultural Awareness: What specific cultural considerations should be addressed if the company were to enter this market? Checkpoints Checkpoint Submission One In Module Three, you will submit your project-in-progress. Use the work completed in Modules One through Three discussions and transfer your work into the Presentation Template document. This will cover the following critical elements of the final project: Rationale, Location, Country Composition, Values and Communication, Business Etiquette, Sociocultural Environment Observation Deck, Government Ideologies, and Corruption. This checkpoint submission is for participation credit only. Checkpoint Submission Two
  • 20. In Module Six, you will submit your project-in-progress. Use the work completed in Modules Four and Five discussions and transfer your work into the Presentation Template document. This will cover the following critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations, Political-Legal Environment Observation Deck, Economic Measures, Transportation, and Telecommunication. This checkpoint submission is for participation credit only. Final Submission: Country Analysis Presentation In Module Seven, you will submit your country analysis PowerPoint presentation. It will include cultural, political, and economic research that may impact business operations and decisions. You will determine your final recommendations, communicating all in your PowerPoint presentation. The research will be communicated in presentation format, giving you the opportunity to practice business communication skills. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Your final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric. Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your PowerPoint presentation should be approximately 11 to 15 slides—not including the title slide and reference slide—with all references in the most recently published APA format.
  • 21. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Rationale Meets “Proficient” criteria and rationale is exceptionally well detailed or includes examples to emphasize rationale Provides detailed rationale for country choice Rationale is present but is unclear and/or includes few details Does not provide rationale for country choice 3.04 Introduction: Location Meets “Proficient” criteria and is exceptionally detailed or informative Accurately illustrates the location and geography of the chosen country with a map for visual impact
  • 22. Illustrates the location and geography of the selected country with a map but with gaps in accuracy Does not illustrate the location and geography of the selected country with a map 4.6 Sociocultural Environment: Country Composition Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes substantive details to illustrate country composition Accurately identifies elements of country composition, including literacy rates, urbanization rates, heavily populated cities, age structure, major religions, and educational data Identifies elements of country composition but information is limited or inaccurate Does not identify elements of
  • 23. country composition 4.6 Sociocultural Environment: Values and Communication Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes examples to support the analysis Analyzes cultural norms of the country that correspond to Hofstede’s and/or Trompenaars’s models and describes the cultural values that shape communication, including major languages and non-verbal communication Analyzes cultural norms of the country that correspond to Hofstede’s and/or Trompenaars’s models and describes the cultural values that shape communication but analysis includes gaps in details Does not analyze cultural norms and values of the country 7.66 Sociocultural
  • 24. Environment: Business Etiquette Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is supported by examples Describes five rules of business etiquette pertinent to the region Describes five rules of business etiquette pertinent to the region but with gaps in accuracy or key information Does not describe five rules of business etiquette pertinent to the region 7.66 Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into applying sociocultural elements
  • 25. to business practices of the chosen country Applies sociocultural research to business practices in the chosen country Applies sociocultural research to business practices in the chosen country but with gaps in appropriateness or detail Does not apply sociocultural research to business practices in the chosen country 5.75 Political-Legal Environment: Government and Ideologies Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation is supported as necessary with sources or examples Explains governing parties and political ideologies in the country, including research on political leaders, opposition groups, and any recent changes to leadership
  • 26. Explains governing parties and political ideologies in the country but misses key information or is inaccurate Does not explain governing parties and political ideologies 7.66 Political-Legal Environment: Corruption Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides examples to contextualize explanation Accurately explains three corruption measurements Explains corruption measurements, but with gaps in detail or accuracy Does not explain corruption measurements 4.6 Political-Legal Environment: Trade
  • 27. and Legal Meets “Proficient” criteria and including examples to highlight accuracy of explanations Explains four elements of government influence on trade and employment Explains four elements of government influence on trade and employment, but with gaps in detail Does not explain four elements of government influence on trade and employment 7.66 Political-Legal Environment: Observation Deck Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight in identifying risk and opportunity, based on political and legal research Applies political and legal research to business practices,
  • 28. identifying risks and opportunities Applies political and legal research to business practices, identifying risks and opportunities, but with gaps in details or accuracy Does not apply political and legal research to business practices 5.75 Economic: Economic Measures Meets “Proficient” criteria and description shows insight into economic measures Describes economic measures of the country, including interest rates, unemployment, inflation, GDP growth rate, exchange rates, exchange rate regime, GDP, labor force, major industries, and FDI rates Describes economic measures of the country but with gaps in detail Does not describe economic
  • 29. measures of the country 4.6 Economic: Trade Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides examples to support the description Describes aspects of trade in the country, including major trading partners, list of imports/exports, and details of RTAs and member countries Describes aspects of trade in the country but with gaps in details Does not describe aspects of trade in the country 7.66 Economic: Transportation and Telecommunication Meets “Proficient” criteria and supports description with
  • 30. examples or illustrations Describes infrastructural elements that impact trade, including major airports/seaports/train stations, internet users, mobile providers, and a Logistics Performance Index rating Describes infrastructural elements that impact trade but with gaps in detail or relevancy Does not describe infrastructural elements that impact trade 4.6 Economic: Observation Deck Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides examples to support the accuracy of application Applies economic and infrastructural research elements to business practices and market entry Applies economic and infrastructural research elements to business practices
  • 31. and market entry, but with gaps in detail Does not apply economic and infrastructural research elements to business practices and market entry 5.75 Final Recommendations: Market Entry Strategies Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommendation is substantiated with research, examples, or substantive detail to show keen insight into market entry Provides logical, applicable market entry recommendation based on previous research Provides market entry recommendation but lacks logic or applicability based on previous research Does not provide market entry recommendation based on previous research
  • 32. 5.75 Final Recommendations: Cultural Awareness Meets “Proficient” criteria and elements described demonstrate keen cultural awareness regarding market entry in the country of choice Describes reasonable and relevant elements of culture that should be addressed during market entry Describes elements of culture that should be addressed during market entry but with gaps in reason or relevancy Does not describe elements of culture that should be addressed during market entry 7.66 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and
  • 33. organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 5 Total 100% Presenter’s Name Country Name Country Analysis
  • 34. Consider adding a few photos to grab the attention of the audience! This guide is a suggested approach for proficiently meeting the final project rubric requirements. Your country may require additional depth in any particular area to reach exemplary rubric scoring. Introduction: Country Name From Module One Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One) Rationale Share the reasoning you have for choosing this country and provide examples to emphasize Location and Geography Use The World Factbook and World Atlas to identify geographic characteristics for this section. • Regional Location • Water access • Bordering countries • Natural Hazards or Climate (National Geographic, 2015)
  • 35. Include a map(s) to illustrate the location and terrain Remember: Always include an APA 6 ‘in-text’ resource citation for each idea, fact or graphic. The format is: (Author Last Name(s), Year Published). (Author(s), Year) Sociocultural Environment From Module One Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One) Country Composition Use The World Factbook to identify elements of country composition. • Literacy Rate • Rate of Urbanization • Heavily Populated Cities • Major Religions • Educational Data • Age Structure 25.50%
  • 36. 16.80% 42.90% 8.10% 6.70% AGE STRUC TUR E 0-14 15-24 25-54 55-64 65+ Consider a chart or graphic to illustrate your most important data set (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used Sociocultural Environment From Module Two Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One) Values and Communication • Use The Hofstede’s Centre or The Seven Dimensions of Culture to identify elements of culture relevant to the chosen foreign country compared to the United States • Use The World Factbook to identify specific languages spoken in the country • Use Commisceo Global Culture Guides to assess non-verbal
  • 37. communication Business Etiquette Use Commisceo Global Culture Guides to identify Five rules of business etiquette. Consider greetings, gift giving, punctuality, business attire, meeting details. (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck Based on Discussions from Module One & Two (Included in Checkpoint One) Based on the previous sociocultural research, what observations can you make regarding business? Consider the following: • Marketing • Employment and Labor Force • Product Demand • Managerial Approach
  • 38. • Rules to Business Etiquette Explain your research. What are the most relevant opportunities and risks a US executive should consider before deciding if or how their firm is going to do business in your foreign country? Why are these factors important? Political - Legal Environment From Module Three Discussion (Included in Checkpoint One) Government and Ideologies Use The World Factbook and current news reports to identify the political situation in the country chosen. Identify the following elements: • Government Type • Political Leaders and their ideologies • Political Pressure Groups • Recent Changes in Governing Rule Corruption Use Transparency International and other resources to identify 3 measures of corruption and explain their impact. Consider the following elements: • Corruption Perception Index
  • 39. • Enforcement • Bribery measures (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used Are your slides becoming cluttered? PowerPoint allows for additional detail and explanation to be recorded in the Speaker’s Notes Section of each slide. Learn more about using them here! ER/GlobalResources/Pages/BusinessNewsbyCountry.aspx your-slides-26985155-35f5-45ba-812b-e1bd3c48928e?ui=en- US&rs=en-US&ad=US Political - Legal Environment From the Module Four Discussion (Included in Checkpoint Two) Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations Identify FOUR measures of government influences on trade and employment • Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in the country. These might include minimum wages, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, etc. You
  • 40. made need to use the translation service through Google Chrome when accessing various sites. • Use Sales Tax Rates to identify sales tax and rates for a country. • Use Sanctions Programs List to identify various sanctions influencing business in the country • Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs, labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to trade. Consider using the U.S. Trade Representative resource to identify trade regulations (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used around-the-world sales-tax-guide---rates center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx Political - Legal Environment: Observation Deck Based on Discussions from Module Three & Four (Included in Checkpoint Two) Based on the previous political –legal environment research, what observations can you make regarding business? Identify political and legal risks and opportunities. Consider the following: • Safety Concerns
  • 41. • Additional Costs • Specific Industry Barriers • High Corruption Rates • Risky Political Ideologies In Government Explain your research. What are the most relevant opportunities and risks a US executive should consider before deciding if or how their firm is going to do business in your foreign country? Why are these factors important? Economic - Infrastructural Environment Economic Measures – From Module Five Discussion (Included in Checkpoint Two) Use The World Factbook , World Bank, Trading Economics, and International Trade Centre to find the following economic data: • Interest Rates • Unemployment • Inflation • Income Growth
  • 42. • Exchange Rates • Exchange Rate Regime (pp.336-337 course text) • GDP • Labor Force • Major Industries • FDI Rates Trade – From Module Six Discussion (not included in Checkpoint Two, but incorporated into Final Project) Use the WTO –RTA website to identify the following elements of trade: • Major Trading Partners • Major Imports/Exports • Regional Trade Agreements & Member Countries Consider organizing information in chart format. Ensure font size is legible to reader. (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used (Author(s),
  • 43. Year) Citation for each resource used country-industry/ _map_e.htm Economic - Infrastructural Environment From Module Five Discussion (Included in Checkpoint Two) Use The World Factbook and other resources to identify the following: • Major Airports/Seaports • Railway Stations (Research Government websites for more detail) • Internet Users • Mobile Providers – Use TxtNation to identify Mobile Operators by country • Logistics Performance Index Rating - Use the World Bank – Logistics Performance Index to identify the LPI rating (Author(s), Year) Citation for each resource used
  • 44. Of-Mobile-Operators-By-Country-slow-loading- Economic - Infrastructural Environment: Observation Deck Based on Discussions from Modules Five and Six (Not included in Checkpoint Two, but incorporated into Final Project) Based on the previous Economic and Infrastructural research, what observations can you make regarding business? Consider the following: • Ease of Distribution • Economic Growth • Telecommunication Barriers Explain your research. What are the most relevant opportunities and risks a US executive should consider before deciding if or how their firm is going to do business in your foreign country? Why are these factors important? Final Recommendations Market Entry Strategies Based on concepts covered in Module
  • 45. Seven (Not included in Checkpoints, but incorporated into the Final Project) Make a final recommendation based on the risks and opportunities you identified as to whether a US company should enter the foreign market and to what degree (indirect and/or direct entry levels and what modes would be suitable at the suggested level). Outline market entry mode options for this country. Riskier regions might need a less risky entry mode, while regions full of opportunities and minimal risks, could use a risky approach. Refer to Chapters 14 & 15 of the course text for more information on Modes of Entry. Consider imports/exports, Acquisition, Greenfield Investments, Licensing, Franchising, Turnkey Operations and Joint Ventures. Cultural Awareness Based on concepts covered in Module Two (Not included in Checkpoints, but incorporated into the Final Project) Apply elements of culture identified in this report that should be addressed when entering this country. What considerations should be made for marketing, employment, and business interactions? Refer to Chapter 2 of the course text for more information on Cultural Environments. References All resources should be cited using APA version 6 format. That means your ‘in-text’ citation markers should be placed on every slide for each of the
  • 46. resources you utilized. The citation markers should look like: (Author last name(s), Year published). On this slide you will provide the full details of each reference used for the viewer to research themselves. For more information on proper citation methods using APA 6 format, consider: Shapiro Library Purdue Online Writing Lab 7-1 Final Submission: Country Analysis Presentation Assignment You are now ready to make your final recommendations for your selected country and submit your comprehensive country analysis presentation using the Final Project Presentation Template provided. Your presentation will include cultural, political, and economic research that may impact business operations and decisions that you have developed throughout the course. You will determine your final recommendations, communicating all in your PowerPoint presentation. The research will be communicated in presentation format, giving you the opportunity to practice business communication skills. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Also upload your presentation to the Module Eight discussion to
  • 47. share your final project with your classmates. For additional details, please refer to the following documents: · Final Project Guidelines and Rubric · Final Project Presentation Template · Final Project Guide China Brown Jamaica Country Analysis 1 Introduction: Jamaica Rationale The selection of the states is predetermined by Hofstede’s findings on the culture in Jamaica. The culture of this state is characterized by masculinity, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and power distance(Hofstede Insights,2019). Its cultural diversity forms a better background for the analysis Location and Geography The country is not landlocked. It is an island in the Caribbean sea estimated to be 10990km2. Its topography is characterized by mountains. It is capital city is Kinston. Insert Map Here Being a country with diverse culture, it provides a better
  • 48. platform for critic as they cultures interact in business operations. It an island therefore not vast, its limited area provides a better ground for interaction of all parties. Thriving in this country is based on the natural selection laws. 2 Sociocultural Environment Country Composition The country heavily relies on the provision of services rather than the exchange of goods. Foreign exchange is mostly obtained from remittances tourism. The literacy of the state is at 88.1% in adults. More than half of the population lives in urban centers, thereby providing a ready market for goods and a ready supply of labor for industries. The cities are therefore densely populated as most people live in the urban centers. It is a state that is cultural attractive thereby attracting more tourists. Selling of services is categorized as the one of the major selling item in the state. 3 Sociocultural Environment Values and Communication Rules are leniently followed as associations are the most preferredThey communicate what they think as the country has low Uncertainty Avoidance (Commisceo Global, 2019). Formal communication is prevalent in horizontal communication Relationship building is gradual Business Etiquette businesses work with scheduled appointments in advance for punctuality. They hate high-pressure sales tactics
  • 49. Business hierarchy is maintained where the senior makes decisions(Commisceo Global,2019). 4 Sociocultural Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations The way of life affects business operations in the following methods. Formal communication is applicable in business in horizontal communication. The citizens hate bargaining tactics associated with high pressure. Since familiarity is not approved with the first greetings relationship in business is also develops gradually Punctuality is ensured as companies operate on appointments. Business hierarchy is maintained when the seniors make decisions. 5 Political-Legal Environment Government and Ideologies The ruling party is Jamaica Labor Party. Its is led by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who is the current leader. The opposition is strongly emanating from the PNP whose leader is Dr. David Phillips. There have been no recent changes in the ruling reign Corruption The country is ranked 70/180 in terms of CPI with a score 44/100. More persons are engaging in corruption, especially in public
  • 50. offices. This is a negative attribute that may drive investors away as according to Transparency International, there is an increase in cases of corruption in the country(Transparency International, 2019). 6 Political-Legal Environment Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations Being a member of CARICOM, some items are subjected to Common External Tariffs. Foreign workers have challenges obtaining work permits. The high cost of electricity impacts businesses negatively. There are phytosanitary and sanitary restrictions regardless of trade liberalization in the state. 7 Political-Legal Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations The information provided may be useful to an organization in the following ways. Information regarding trade restriction may help an investor identify goods allowed. The high cost of electricity in the country may act as a business gap. Countries that are members of CARICOM enjoy free duty, thereby attracting other countries to invest. The increase in the rate of corruption is a warning to investors who are against the vice.
  • 51. 8 Economic Measures The GDP growth as was at 1.7%. The inflation rate was at 3.4% as at 2017. The unemployment rate as at 2013 was at 9.6% More than 75% of the population is living above the poverty line Trade The main export partners are USA contributing 40.8% Canada, Netherlands, the United Kingdom each contributing less than 15% The main import partners include US, Trinidad, China, Japan, Brazil with the main export item being bauxite beverages, chemicals The main items of import include food, industrial supplies machinery. Agreements made on CARICOM and CET dominate the exchange of items. NFTA has also made investments possible Economic-Infrastructural Environment 9 Economic-Infrastructural Environment Investments in information communication technology have boosted investments in the country as communication has been aided. Cellular mobiles, fixed lines, and other technologies are used. The country has invested a lot in constructions of roads that make it easy for the transportation of industrial good. Security is not a concern in the area making it suitable for
  • 52. investments. 10 Economic-Infrastructural Environment: Observation Deck Business Observations The country is ranked 70th in terms of ease of doing business. There are fewer telecommunication barriers thereby promoting business operations. Trade agreements such as CARIMA, WTO, NFTA provide a better playing ground for member states to interact with Jamaica. The increase in corruption rates is a delimiting factor. The GDP of the state is also attractive to investors. The low unemployment rate facilitates this. 11 Economic - Infrastructural Environment Employment law (, 2019) The current minimum wage in Jamaica took effect on Aug 01, 2018 All workers, except security guards, receive 7,000 Jamaican dollars per week Private security guards receive at least 9,700 Jamaican dollars per week Female workers are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave; with possible extension for another two weeks - Maternity Leave Act Sales Tax ((Duty Calculator, 2019) VAT (sales tax): 33.3%
  • 53. Trade Policies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, 2019) The ministry makes regular reviews on the overall national development objectives, economic trends, and tariffs Import duties on some agricultural products, including vegetables, chicken, and consumer goods Economic - Infrastructural Environment Business Observations High protection of a domestic import-competing industry Increasing government to liberalize the investment and trade since the early 2000s Institutional and legislative reforms to facilitate enhanced transparency and market-opening initiatives Stagnation of per capita income characterized by slow growth due to high public debt The government should improve the predictability of reforms for investors through increasing the multilateral commitments Economic - Infrastructural Environment Major airports: Norman Manley International (KIN) in Kingston, Donald Sangster Internet users: 1,336,653 45% percent of the population (July 2016 est.) Mobile providers:Claro (América Móvil) and Digicel (Digicel Group) Logistics performance index rating: 2.52 Railways: please see figure
  • 54. Final Recommendations Market Entry Strategies Turnkey projects is a suitable strategy as it is most applicable in countries that rely on services as it is in this case. Services such as environmental consulting are appropriate in this state. It is one of the best ways of getting assurance in payment as the government in most cases is the buyer. Cultural Awareness The cultural elements to be considered in this case include the tariffs present. A country will be placed better if it is sharing a general trade agreement with the state. Other factors such as the way of life of the citizens will not affect as the relationship is between the government and the service provider. 15 References Commisceo Global. (2019). Jamaica - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from https://www.commisceo- Hofstede Insights. (2019). Country comparison: What about Jamaica? Retrieved from https://www.hofstede- Jamaica map!4m2!3m1!1s 0x8eda2a1bc6cf719d:0x59a0d1c0b5120efa?sa=X&ved=2ahUKE wj18-Ps8dzkAhUpxYUKHWOeDmUQ8gEwKHoECA4QBA Transparency International. (2015). Corruption by country/territory: Jamaica. Retrieved from
  • 55. 16