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Lecture 1

PowerPoint® Lecture Slides are prepared by Dr. Isaac Barjis, Biology Instructor

MCAT Prep Exam

Cell Structure and


Cellular Level of Organization


Prokaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells


Cell theory
Cell size


Nucleus and Ribosome
Endomembrane System
Other Vesicles and Vacuoles
Energy related organelles

Centrioles, Cilia, and Flagella
Cell Theory
 Cell

was not discovered untill the development of
 Detailed study of the cell began in the 1830s
 A unifying concept in biology
 States that:
All organisms are composed of cells
 All cells come only from preexisting cells
 Cells are the smallest structural and functional unit of
 Cells carry genetic information in the form of DNA

Sizes of Living Things

Cell Size
 Cells

range in size from one millimeter down to
one micrometer
 Cells need a large surface area of plasma
membrane to adequately exchange materials.
 The surface‑ area‑ to‑ volume ratio requires that
cells be small

Surface to Volume Ratio

Microscopy Today: Compound Light
 Light

passed through specimen

 Focused
 Max

by glass lenses

magnification about 1000X

objects separated by 0.2 µm, 500X
better than human eye

 Resolves

 Resolution

is limited by the wavelength of light
Compound Light Microscope
 Diaphragm

– controls
amount of light –
important for image

 Coarse

Adjustment Knob
– focuses the image

 Fine

Adjustment Knob –
finely focuses the image
Microscopy Today: Transmission
Electron Microscope
 Abbreviated


 Uses

a beam of electrons to allow 100 fold higher

Because it uses beam of electrons, its resolution is at
the atomic level (picometer)

 Tissue
 Can

must be fixed and sectioned

living specimen be examined by T.E.M?

Transmission Electron Microscope

Microscopy Today: Immunofluorescence
Light Microscope
 Antibodies

developed against a specific protein

Fluorescent dye molecule attached to antibody
 Specimen exposed to fluorescent antibodies

 Ultra-violet


light (black light) passed through

Fluorescent dye glows in color where antigen is
 Emitted light is focused by glass lenses onto human

 Allows

in cell

mapping distribution of a specific protein

Microscopy and Amoeba proteus

Cells Under the Microscope
 phase-contrast

light microscope - look at
unstained living animal cells.
 electron microscope - look at organelles
e.g. ribosomes.
 fluorescence microscope - look at a living
cell expressing green fluorescent protein or
to do confocal microscopy.
 Radioactive

compounds decay or
transform into other compounds or
 An autoradiograph is an image on an xray film or nuclear emulsion produced by
the pattern of decay emissions (e.g., beta
particles or gamma rays) from a distribution
of a radioactive substance
 Autoradiography can also uses radioactive
molecule to study biochemical activity,
Cell Fractionation and Differential
 Cell

fractionation is the breaking apart of
cellular components

 Differential
 Allows

separation of cell parts

 Separated

 Works

out by size & density

like spin cycle of washer

 The

faster the machine spins, the smaller
the parts that are settled out
Cell Fractionation and Differential

Eukaryotes Vs Prokaryotes
Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic Cells

The cells of “complex” organisms,
including all plants, Protists, fungi and
Contain a nucleus and membrane
bound organelles

“Simple” organisms, including
bacteria and cyanobacteria
(blue-green algae)
Lack a nucleus and other
membrane-encased organelles.

Can specialize for certain functions,
such as absorbing nutrients from food
or transmitting nerve impulses;
multicellular organs and organisms

Usually exist as single, virtually
identical cells

Cell Wall present in Plants and Fungi
Ribosome: 40s, 60S

Cell Wall
Ribosome: 30S, 50S

The Structure of Bacteria

Occur in three basic shapes:


Spherical coccus,
Rod-shaped bacillus,
Spiral spirillum (if rigid) or spirochete (if flexible).

Cell Envelope includes:

Plasma membrane - lipid bilayer with imbedded and peripheral
Cell wall - maintains the shape of the cell

The Structure of Bacteria

The Structure of Bacteria

The Structure of Bacteria Cytoplasm &


Semifluid solution



Bounded by plasma membrane
Contains water, inorganic and organic molecules, and enzymes.

Nucleoid is a region that contains the single, circular DNA
Plasmids are small accessory (extrachromosomal) rings of DNA



Flagella – Provide motility
Fimbriae – small, bristle-like fibers that sprout from the cell
Sex pili – rigid tubular structures used to pass DNA from cell to

Eukaryotic Cells

Domain Eukarya includes:








Cells contain:

Membrane-bound nucleus that houses DNA


Specialized organelles


Plasma membrane


Much larger than prokaryotic cells


Some cells (e.g., plant cells) have a cell wall
Hypothesized Origin of Eukaryotic Cells

Eukaryotic Cells: Organelles
 Eukaryotic

cells are compartmentalized

They contain small structures called organelles
Perform specific functions
 Isolates reactions from others

 Two

classes of organelles:

Endomembrane system:

Organelles that communicate with one another


Via membrane channels
Via small vesicles

Energy related organelles
Mitochondria & chloroplasts
 Basically independent & self-sufficient

Plasma Membrane

Animal Cell Anatomy

Plant Cell Anatomy

 Cytosol,

contains many long, fine filaments
of protein that are responsible for cell
shape and structure and thereby form the
cell’s cytoskeleton

 Command

center of cell, usually near center
 Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear envelope
Consists of double layer of membrane
 Nuclear pores permit exchange between nucleoplasm
& cytoplasm

 Contains

chromatin in semifluid nucleoplasm

Chromatin contains DNA of genes, and proteins
 Condenses to form chromosomes


Chromosomes are formed during cell division

 Nucleolus

is a dense structure in the nucleus

Synthesize ribosome RNA (rRNA)
Anatomy of the Nucleus

 Are

the site of protein synthesis in the cell

 Composed

of rRNA and protein


Consists of a large subunit and a small subunit


Subunits made in nucleolus

 May

be located:


On the endoplasmic reticulum (thereby making it
“rough”), or


Free in the cytoplasm

Nucleus, Ribosomes, & ER

Endomembrane System
 Series

of intracellular membranes that
compartmentalize the cell

 Restrict

enzymatic reactions to specific
compartments within cell

 Consists



Nuclear envelope


Membranes of endoplasmic reticulum


Golgi apparatus



Several types


Transport materials between organelles of system
Endomembrane System:
The Endoplasmic Reticulum

A system of membrane channels and saccules (flattened vesicles)
continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope
Rough ER

Studded with ribosomes on cytoplasmic side
Protein anabolism

Synthesizes proteins
Modifies and processes proteins


Adds sugar to protein
Results in glycoproteins

Smooth ER

No ribosomes
Synthesis of lipids
Site of various synthetic processes, detoxification, and storage
Forms transport vesicles

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Endomembrane System:
The Golgi Apparatus
 Golgi


 Consists

of flattened, curved saccules

 Resembles
 Modifies

stack of hollow pancakes

proteins and lipids

 Receives

vesicles from ER on cis (or inner face)

 Modifies

them and repackages them in vesicles

 Release

the vesicles from trans (or outer face)


Within cell


Export from cell (secretion, exocytosis)
Golgi Apparatus

Endomembrane System: Lysosomes
 Membrane-bound

vesicles (not in plants)


Produced by the Golgi apparatus


Contain powerful digestive enzymes and are highly

Digestion of large molecules


Recycling of cellular debris and resources


Autolysis may occur in injured or dying cell to cause
apoptosis (programmed cell death, like tadpole losing tail)


Endomembrane System: Summary
 Proteins

produced in rough ER and lipids from
smooth ER are carried in vesicles to the Golgi
 The Golgi apparatus modifies these products and
then sorts and packages them into vesicles that
go to various cell destinations.
 Secretory vesicles carry products to the
membrane where exocytosis produces
 Lysosomes fuse with incoming vesicles and
digest macromolecules.
Endomembrane System: A Visual Summary

 Similar

to lysosomes


Membrane-bounded vesicles


Enclose enzymes that rid the cell of toxic peroxides


Participate in the metabolism of fatty acids and many
other metabolites


 Membranous

sacs that are larger than vesicles

Store materials that occur in excess
 Others very specialized (contractile vacuole)

 Plants

cells typically have a central vacuole

Up to 90% volume of some cells
 Functions in:

Storage of water, nutrients, pigments, and waste products
 Development of turgor pressure
 Some functions performed by lysosomes in other eukaryotes


Energy-Related Organelles:
Chloroplast Structure
 Bounded
 Inner

by double membrane

membrane infolded


Forms disc-like thylakoids, which are stacked to form


Suspended in semi-fluid stroma

 Chlorophyll

Green photosynthetic pigment


Chlorophyll capture solar energy
Energy-Related Organelles: Chloroplasts

Serve as the site of photosynthesis


Captures light energy to drive cellular machinery



Synthesizes carbohydrates from CO2 & H2O


Makes own food using CO2 as only carbon source


Inorganic molecules (Energy-poor compounds) are converted to organic
molecules (energy-rich compounds)


Only plants, algae, and certain bacteria are capable of conducting

Chloroplast Structure

Energy-Related Organelles: Mitochondria

Smaller than chloroplast


Contain ribosomes and their own DNA


Surrounded by a double membrane

Inner membrane surrounds the matrix and is convoluted (folds) to form


Matrix – Inner semifluid containing respiratory enzymes

Break down carbohydrates


Involved in cellular respiration


Produce most of ATP utilized by the cell


Contain their own DNA and ribosome i.e. they are semiautonomous


Inherited from Oocyte
Mitochondrial Structure

Mitochondrial Origin Hypothesis

The Cytoskeleton
 Maintains
 Assists
 Aids

cell shape

in movement of cell and organelles

movement of materials in and out of cells

 Three

types of macromolecular fibers




Intermediate Filaments



 Assemble

and disassemble as needed
The Cytoskeleton: Actin Filaments
 Microfilament are rods of actin
 Extremely thin filaments like twisted


 Support for microvilli in intestinal cells
 Intracellular traffic control
For moving stuff around within cell
 Cytoplasmic streaming

 Function in pseudopods of amoeboid cells
 Important component in muscle contraction

The Cytoskeleton: Actin Filament Operation

The Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments
 Intermediate


 Rope-like

in size between actin filaments and

assembly of fibrous polypeptides

 Functions:

Support nuclear envelope


Cell-cell junctions, like those holding skin cells tightly

The Cytoskeleton: Microtubules
 Hollow

cylinders made of two globular proteins called
α and β tubulin
 Spontaneous pairing of α and β tubulin molecules
form structures called dimers
 Dimers then arrange themselves into tubular spirals
of 13 dimers around
 Assembly:

Under control of Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC)
Most important MTOC is centrosome

 Function:

Provide framework for movement of organelle within cell
Direct separation of chromosomes during cell division (e.g.
Centrioles are composed of microtubules)
Provide locomotion and movement (e.g. flagella and cilia)
The Cytoskeleton: Microtubule Operation

The Cytoskeleton

Microtubular Arrays: Centrioles
 Short,
 One

hollow cylinders

pair per animal cell


Located in centrosome of animal cells


Oriented at right angles to each other


Separate during mitosis to determine plane of division

Cytoskeleton: Centrioles

Microtubular Arrays: Cilia and Flagella
 Hair-like

projections from cell surface that aid in
cell movement
 In eukaryotes, cilia are much shorter than flagella
Cilia move in coordinated waves like oars
 Flagella move like a propeller or cork screw

Structure of a Flagellum

Comparison of Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic Cells

Lecture 1

PowerPoint® Lecture Slides are prepared by Dr. Isaac Barjis, Biology Instructor

MCAT Exam Prep

Membrane Structure
and Function

 Membrane



 Plasma

Membrane Structure and Function





 Plasma

Membrane Permeability






Transport Via Carrier Proteins

 Cell

Surface Modifications
Structure and Function:
The Phospholipid Bilayer
 The

plasma membrane is common to all cells

 Separates:

Internal living cytoplasmic from


External environment of cell

 Phospholipid



External surface lined with hydrophilic polar heads


Cytoplasmic surface lined with hydrophilic polar heads


Nonpolar, hydrophobic, fatty-acid tails sandwiched in

Unit Membrane

Membrane Models
 Fluid-Mosaic

 Three components:
 Basic

membrane referred to as phospholipid
 Protein molecules
 Float

around like icebergs on a sea
 Membrane proteins may be peripheral or integral

Peripheral proteins are found on the inner membrane
Integral proteins are partially or wholly embedded
(transmembrane) in the membrane

 Some

have carbohydrate chains attached

 Cholesterol
The Fluid Mosaic Model

Transmembrane Proteins

Functions of Membrane Proteins

Channel Proteins:


Carrier Proteins:



Provides unique chemical ID for cells
Help body recognize foreign substances

Receptor Proteins:


Combine with substance to be transported
Assist passage of molecules through membrane

Cell Recognition Proteins:


Allow passage of molecules through membrane

Binds with messenger molecule
Causes cell to respond to message

Enzymatic Proteins:

Carry out metabolic reactions directly

Membrane Protein Diversity

Science Focus: Cell Signaling

Types of Transport: Active vs. Passive
 Plasma

membrane is differentially (selectively)

Allows some material to pass


Inhibits passage of other materials

 Passive



No ATP requirement


Molecules follow concentration gradient

 Active



Requires carrier protein


Requires energy in form of ATP
Passage of Molecules Across the

Types of Membrane Transport: Overview

Types of Transport: Diffusion

solution consists of:

A solvent (liquid), and
 A solute (dissolved solid)

 Diffusion

Net movement of solute molecules down a
concentration gradient
 Molecules move both ways along gradient
 Molecules move from high to low
 Equilibrium:

When NET change stops
 Solute concentration uniform – no gradient

Gas Exchange in Lungs: Diffusion
Across Lung

Types of Transport: Osmosis
 Osmosis:

Special case of diffusion
 Focuses on solvent (water) movement rather than
 Diffusion of water across a differentially (selectively)
permeable membrane

Solute concentration on one side high, but water
concentration low
 Solute concentration on other side low, but water
concentration high

Water diffuses both ways across membrane but
solute can’t
 Net movement of water is toward low water (high
solute) concentration

 Osmotic

pressure is the pressure that develops
due to osmosis
Types of Transport: Carrier Proteins
 Facilitated


 Small


 Can’t

get through membrane lipids

 Combine
 Follow

 Active

with carrier proteins

concentration gradient


 Small


 Move

against concentration gradient

 Combining
 Requires

with carrier proteins

Types of Transport: Carrier Proteins
 Facilitated


 Small


 Can’t

get through membrane lipids

 Combine
 Follow

 Active

with carrier proteins

concentration gradient


 Small


 Move

against concentration gradient

 Combining
 Requires

with carrier proteins

Types of Transport:
Membrane-Assisted Transport
 Macromolecules

transported into or out of
the cell inside vesicles
 Exocytosis

– Vesicles fuse with plasma
membrane and secrete contents

 Endocytosis

– Cells engulf substances into
pouch which becomes a vesicle
 Phagocytosis
 Pinocytosis


– Large, solid material into vesicle

– Liquid or small, solid particles go into

 Receptor-Mediated

using a coated pit

– Specific form of pinocytosis
Cell Surface Modifications: Junctions
 Cell

Surfaces in Animals

 Junctions

Between Cells

 Adhesion

Intercellular filaments between cells

 Tight


Form impermeable barriers

 Gap



Plasma membrane channels are joined (allows
Cell Surface Modifications
 Extracellular



External meshwork of polysaccharides and proteins


Found in close association with the cell that produced

 Plant

Cell Walls

Plants have freely permeable cell wall, with cellulose
as the main component

Plasmodesmata penetrate cell wall


Each contains a strand of cytoplasm


Allow passage of material between cells


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Lecture 1 cell

  • 1. Lecture 1 PowerPoint® Lecture Slides are prepared by Dr. Isaac Barjis, Biology Instructor MCAT Prep Exam Cell Structure and Function 1
  • 2. Outline  Cellular Level of Organization     Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells       Cell theory Cell size Organelles Nucleus and Ribosome Endomembrane System Other Vesicles and Vacuoles Energy related organelles Cytoskeleton  Centrioles, Cilia, and Flagella 2
  • 3. Cell Theory  Cell was not discovered untill the development of Microscope  Detailed study of the cell began in the 1830s  A unifying concept in biology  States that: All organisms are composed of cells  All cells come only from preexisting cells  Cells are the smallest structural and functional unit of organisms  Cells carry genetic information in the form of DNA  3
  • 4. Sizes of Living Things 4
  • 5. Cell Size  Cells range in size from one millimeter down to one micrometer  Cells need a large surface area of plasma membrane to adequately exchange materials.  The surface‑ area‑ to‑ volume ratio requires that cells be small 5
  • 7. Microscopy Today: Compound Light Microscope  Light passed through specimen  Focused  Max by glass lenses magnification about 1000X objects separated by 0.2 µm, 500X better than human eye  Resolves  Resolution is limited by the wavelength of light (nanometer) 7
  • 8. Compound Light Microscope  Diaphragm – controls amount of light – important for image contrast  Coarse Adjustment Knob – focuses the image  Fine Adjustment Knob – finely focuses the image 8
  • 9. Microscopy Today: Transmission Electron Microscope  Abbreviated T.E.M.  Uses a beam of electrons to allow 100 fold higher magnification  Because it uses beam of electrons, its resolution is at the atomic level (picometer)  Tissue  Can must be fixed and sectioned living specimen be examined by T.E.M? 9
  • 11. Microscopy Today: Immunofluorescence Light Microscope  Antibodies developed against a specific protein Fluorescent dye molecule attached to antibody molecules  Specimen exposed to fluorescent antibodies   Ultra-violet specimen light (black light) passed through Fluorescent dye glows in color where antigen is located  Emitted light is focused by glass lenses onto human retina   Allows in cell mapping distribution of a specific protein 11
  • 12. Microscopy and Amoeba proteus 12
  • 13. Cells Under the Microscope  phase-contrast light microscope - look at unstained living animal cells.  electron microscope - look at organelles e.g. ribosomes.  fluorescence microscope - look at a living cell expressing green fluorescent protein or to do confocal microscopy.
  • 14. Autoradiography  Radioactive compounds decay or transform into other compounds or elements.  An autoradiograph is an image on an xray film or nuclear emulsion produced by the pattern of decay emissions (e.g., beta particles or gamma rays) from a distribution of a radioactive substance  Autoradiography can also uses radioactive molecule to study biochemical activity, 14
  • 15. Cell Fractionation and Differential Centrifugation  Cell fractionation is the breaking apart of cellular components  Differential  Allows separation of cell parts  Separated  Works centrifugation: out by size & density like spin cycle of washer  The faster the machine spins, the smaller the parts that are settled out 15
  • 16. Cell Fractionation and Differential Centrifugation 16
  • 17. Eukaryotes Vs Prokaryotes Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells The cells of “complex” organisms, including all plants, Protists, fungi and animals Contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles “Simple” organisms, including bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Lack a nucleus and other membrane-encased organelles. Can specialize for certain functions, such as absorbing nutrients from food or transmitting nerve impulses; multicellular organs and organisms Usually exist as single, virtually identical cells Cell Wall present in Plants and Fungi only Ribosome: 40s, 60S Cell Wall Ribosome: 30S, 50S 17
  • 18. The Structure of Bacteria  Occur in three basic shapes:     Spherical coccus, Rod-shaped bacillus, Spiral spirillum (if rigid) or spirochete (if flexible). Cell Envelope includes:   Plasma membrane - lipid bilayer with imbedded and peripheral protein Cell wall - maintains the shape of the cell 18
  • 19. The Structure of Bacteria 19
  • 20. The Structure of Bacteria 20
  • 21. The Structure of Bacteria Cytoplasm & Appendages  Cytoplasm  Semifluid solution      Bounded by plasma membrane Contains water, inorganic and organic molecules, and enzymes. Nucleoid is a region that contains the single, circular DNA molecule. Plasmids are small accessory (extrachromosomal) rings of DNA Appendages    Flagella – Provide motility Fimbriae – small, bristle-like fibers that sprout from the cell surface Sex pili – rigid tubular structures used to pass DNA from cell to cell 21
  • 22. Eukaryotic Cells  Domain Eukarya includes:   Fungi  Plants   Protists Animals Cells contain:  Membrane-bound nucleus that houses DNA  Specialized organelles  Plasma membrane  Much larger than prokaryotic cells  Some cells (e.g., plant cells) have a cell wall 22
  • 23. Hypothesized Origin of Eukaryotic Cells 23
  • 24. Eukaryotic Cells: Organelles  Eukaryotic  cells are compartmentalized They contain small structures called organelles Perform specific functions  Isolates reactions from others   Two  classes of organelles: Endomembrane system:  Organelles that communicate with one another    Via membrane channels Via small vesicles Energy related organelles Mitochondria & chloroplasts  Basically independent & self-sufficient  24
  • 28. Cytosole  Cytosol, contains many long, fine filaments of protein that are responsible for cell shape and structure and thereby form the cell’s cytoskeleton 28
  • 29. Nucleus  Command center of cell, usually near center  Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear envelope Consists of double layer of membrane  Nuclear pores permit exchange between nucleoplasm & cytoplasm   Contains chromatin in semifluid nucleoplasm Chromatin contains DNA of genes, and proteins (Histones)  Condenses to form chromosomes   Chromosomes are formed during cell division  Nucleolus  is a dense structure in the nucleus Synthesize ribosome RNA (rRNA) 29
  • 30. Anatomy of the Nucleus 30
  • 31. Ribosomes  Are the site of protein synthesis in the cell  Composed of rRNA and protein  Consists of a large subunit and a small subunit  Subunits made in nucleolus  May be located:  On the endoplasmic reticulum (thereby making it “rough”), or  Free in the cytoplasm 31
  • 33. Endomembrane System  Series of intracellular membranes that compartmentalize the cell  Restrict enzymatic reactions to specific compartments within cell  Consists of:  Nuclear envelope  Membranes of endoplasmic reticulum  Golgi apparatus  Vesicles  Several types  Transport materials between organelles of system 33
  • 34. Endomembrane System: The Endoplasmic Reticulum   A system of membrane channels and saccules (flattened vesicles) continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope Rough ER   Studded with ribosomes on cytoplasmic side Protein anabolism   Synthesizes proteins Modifies and processes proteins    Adds sugar to protein Results in glycoproteins Smooth ER     No ribosomes Synthesis of lipids Site of various synthetic processes, detoxification, and storage Forms transport vesicles 34
  • 36. Endomembrane System: The Golgi Apparatus  Golgi Apparatus  Consists of flattened, curved saccules  Resembles  Modifies stack of hollow pancakes proteins and lipids  Receives vesicles from ER on cis (or inner face)  Modifies them and repackages them in vesicles  Release the vesicles from trans (or outer face)  Within cell  Export from cell (secretion, exocytosis) 36
  • 38. Endomembrane System: Lysosomes  Membrane-bound vesicles (not in plants)  Produced by the Golgi apparatus  Contain powerful digestive enzymes and are highly acidic  Digestion of large molecules  Recycling of cellular debris and resources  Autolysis may occur in injured or dying cell to cause apoptosis (programmed cell death, like tadpole losing tail) 38
  • 40. Endomembrane System: Summary  Proteins produced in rough ER and lipids from smooth ER are carried in vesicles to the Golgi apparatus.  The Golgi apparatus modifies these products and then sorts and packages them into vesicles that go to various cell destinations.  Secretory vesicles carry products to the membrane where exocytosis produces secretions.  Lysosomes fuse with incoming vesicles and digest macromolecules. 40
  • 41. Endomembrane System: A Visual Summary 41
  • 42. Peroxisomes  Similar to lysosomes  Membrane-bounded vesicles  Enclose enzymes that rid the cell of toxic peroxides  Participate in the metabolism of fatty acids and many other metabolites 42
  • 44. Vacuoles  Membranous sacs that are larger than vesicles Store materials that occur in excess  Others very specialized (contractile vacuole)   Plants cells typically have a central vacuole Up to 90% volume of some cells  Functions in:  Storage of water, nutrients, pigments, and waste products  Development of turgor pressure  Some functions performed by lysosomes in other eukaryotes  44
  • 46. Energy-Related Organelles: Chloroplast Structure  Bounded  Inner by double membrane membrane infolded  Forms disc-like thylakoids, which are stacked to form grana  Suspended in semi-fluid stroma  Chlorophyll  Green photosynthetic pigment  Chlorophyll capture solar energy 46
  • 47. Energy-Related Organelles: Chloroplasts  Serve as the site of photosynthesis  Captures light energy to drive cellular machinery  Photosynthesis  Synthesizes carbohydrates from CO2 & H2O  Makes own food using CO2 as only carbon source  Inorganic molecules (Energy-poor compounds) are converted to organic molecules (energy-rich compounds)  Only plants, algae, and certain bacteria are capable of conducting photosynthesis 47
  • 49. Energy-Related Organelles: Mitochondria  Smaller than chloroplast  Contain ribosomes and their own DNA  Surrounded by a double membrane  Inner membrane surrounds the matrix and is convoluted (folds) to form cristae.  Matrix – Inner semifluid containing respiratory enzymes  Break down carbohydrates  Involved in cellular respiration  Produce most of ATP utilized by the cell  Contain their own DNA and ribosome i.e. they are semiautonomous  Inherited from Oocyte 49
  • 52. The Cytoskeleton  Maintains  Assists  Aids cell shape in movement of cell and organelles movement of materials in and out of cells  Three types of macromolecular fibers  Microfilament  Intermediate Filaments  Microtubules  Assemble and disassemble as needed 52
  • 53. The Cytoskeleton: Actin Filaments  Microfilament are rods of actin  Extremely thin filaments like twisted pearl necklace  Support for microvilli in intestinal cells  Intracellular traffic control For moving stuff around within cell  Cytoplasmic streaming   Function in pseudopods of amoeboid cells  Important component in muscle contraction 53
  • 54. The Cytoskeleton: Actin Filament Operation 54
  • 55. The Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments  Intermediate microtubules  Rope-like in size between actin filaments and assembly of fibrous polypeptides  Functions:  Support nuclear envelope  Cell-cell junctions, like those holding skin cells tightly together 55
  • 56. The Cytoskeleton: Microtubules  Hollow cylinders made of two globular proteins called α and β tubulin  Spontaneous pairing of α and β tubulin molecules form structures called dimers  Dimers then arrange themselves into tubular spirals of 13 dimers around  Assembly:   Under control of Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC) Most important MTOC is centrosome  Function:    Provide framework for movement of organelle within cell Direct separation of chromosomes during cell division (e.g. Centrioles are composed of microtubules) Provide locomotion and movement (e.g. flagella and cilia) 56
  • 59. Microtubular Arrays: Centrioles  Short,  One hollow cylinders pair per animal cell  Located in centrosome of animal cells  Oriented at right angles to each other  Separate during mitosis to determine plane of division 59
  • 61. Microtubular Arrays: Cilia and Flagella  Hair-like projections from cell surface that aid in cell movement  In eukaryotes, cilia are much shorter than flagella Cilia move in coordinated waves like oars  Flagella move like a propeller or cork screw  61
  • 62. Structure of a Flagellum 62
  • 63. Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 63
  • 64. Lecture 1 PowerPoint® Lecture Slides are prepared by Dr. Isaac Barjis, Biology Instructor MCAT Exam Prep Membrane Structure and Function 64
  • 65. Outline  Membrane  Models Fluid-Mosaic  Plasma Membrane Structure and Function  Phospholipids  Proteins  Plasma Membrane Permeability  Diffusion  Osmosis  Transport Via Carrier Proteins  Cell Surface Modifications 65
  • 66. Structure and Function: The Phospholipid Bilayer  The plasma membrane is common to all cells  Separates:  Internal living cytoplasmic from  External environment of cell  Phospholipid bilayer:  External surface lined with hydrophilic polar heads  Cytoplasmic surface lined with hydrophilic polar heads  Nonpolar, hydrophobic, fatty-acid tails sandwiched in between 66
  • 68. Membrane Models  Fluid-Mosaic Model  Three components:  Basic membrane referred to as phospholipid bilayer  Protein molecules  Float around like icebergs on a sea  Membrane proteins may be peripheral or integral   Peripheral proteins are found on the inner membrane surface Integral proteins are partially or wholly embedded (transmembrane) in the membrane  Some have carbohydrate chains attached  Cholesterol 68
  • 69. The Fluid Mosaic Model 69
  • 71. Functions of Membrane Proteins  Channel Proteins:    Carrier Proteins:     Provides unique chemical ID for cells Help body recognize foreign substances Receptor Proteins:    Combine with substance to be transported Assist passage of molecules through membrane Cell Recognition Proteins:   Tubular Allow passage of molecules through membrane Binds with messenger molecule Causes cell to respond to message Enzymatic Proteins:  Carry out metabolic reactions directly 71
  • 73. Science Focus: Cell Signaling 73
  • 74. Types of Transport: Active vs. Passive  Plasma membrane is differentially (selectively) permeable  Allows some material to pass  Inhibits passage of other materials  Passive Transport:  No ATP requirement  Molecules follow concentration gradient  Active Transport  Requires carrier protein  Requires energy in form of ATP 74
  • 75. Passage of Molecules Across the Membrane 75
  • 76. Types of Membrane Transport: Overview 76
  • 77. Types of Transport: Diffusion A solution consists of: A solvent (liquid), and  A solute (dissolved solid)   Diffusion Net movement of solute molecules down a concentration gradient  Molecules move both ways along gradient  Molecules move from high to low  Equilibrium:  When NET change stops  Solute concentration uniform – no gradient  77
  • 78. Gas Exchange in Lungs: Diffusion Across Lung 78
  • 79. Types of Transport: Osmosis  Osmosis: Special case of diffusion  Focuses on solvent (water) movement rather than solute  Diffusion of water across a differentially (selectively) permeable membrane  Solute concentration on one side high, but water concentration low  Solute concentration on other side low, but water concentration high  Water diffuses both ways across membrane but solute can’t  Net movement of water is toward low water (high solute) concentration   Osmotic pressure is the pressure that develops due to osmosis 79
  • 80. Types of Transport: Carrier Proteins  Facilitated Transport  Small molecules  Can’t get through membrane lipids  Combine  Follow  Active with carrier proteins concentration gradient Transport  Small molecules  Move against concentration gradient  Combining  Requires with carrier proteins energy 80
  • 81. Types of Transport: Carrier Proteins  Facilitated Transport  Small molecules  Can’t get through membrane lipids  Combine  Follow  Active with carrier proteins concentration gradient Transport  Small molecules  Move against concentration gradient  Combining  Requires with carrier proteins energy 81
  • 82. Types of Transport: Membrane-Assisted Transport  Macromolecules transported into or out of the cell inside vesicles  Exocytosis – Vesicles fuse with plasma membrane and secrete contents  Endocytosis – Cells engulf substances into pouch which becomes a vesicle  Phagocytosis  Pinocytosis vesicle – Large, solid material into vesicle – Liquid or small, solid particles go into  Receptor-Mediated using a coated pit – Specific form of pinocytosis 82
  • 83. Cell Surface Modifications: Junctions  Cell Surfaces in Animals  Junctions Between Cells  Adhesion  Intercellular filaments between cells  Tight  Junctions Form impermeable barriers  Gap  Junctions Junctions Plasma membrane channels are joined (allows communication) 83
  • 84. Cell Surface Modifications  Extracellular Matrix  External meshwork of polysaccharides and proteins  Found in close association with the cell that produced them  Plant  Cell Walls Plants have freely permeable cell wall, with cellulose as the main component  Plasmodesmata penetrate cell wall  Each contains a strand of cytoplasm  Allow passage of material between cells 84