atopic dermatitis allergy envicon format 2012 attilio boner asthma university of verona food allergy rhinitis pulmonology immunotherapy drug allergy diagnosis atopy environment pathogenesis definition & phenotyping compliance /adherence genetics & gender therapy: what can be done prognosis & natural history: difficult/severe treatment problems comorbidities is it asthma? food-based therapies not only food allergy food allergy&ipersensitivity and brain possible mechanisms immunity & ipersensitivity micronutrients and behaviour burden urticaria & angioedema anaphylaxis format 2015 what new risk & protective factors allergic rhinitis allergic asthma diagnosis vaccini urticaria anaphylaxis poliposis sinusitis lung function ultrasound physiology general pediatrics protective factor atopy risk vaccines anaphiyaxis urticaria astma pediatry physiology lung function atopy risk protective factor allergen skin
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