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All information about the condition, medical history
or treatment of patients disclosed at this clinical
meeting is absolutely confidential.

The Health Information Privacy Code (1994)
applies to all present whether or not they are
employees of, visitors to, or studying at the
Canterbury District Health Board or the
University of Otago, Christchurch.

REMINDER-cell phones to vibrate mode please
                 Newbie? That’s
                 Greek for “not
                  real doctor”
Dr Katherine Armour
 Consultant Dermatologist
Canterbury District Health
Not exhaustive (SSSS, immunobullous, Kawasaki’s
Approach to clinical scenarios

Conditions discussed are emergencies because they
 can lead to “acute skin failure” – i.e. Loss of
 thermoregulatory/metabolic/infection control
 mechanisms of skin
Recognition and clinical features
Widespread pustules
Generalised pustular psoriasis
Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis
Disseminated HSV (rarely)
Neutrophilic dermatoses-Behcet’s/Sweet’s/PG
IgA pemphigus
(Exanthematous DE – often have a few pustules of
 follicular origin)
Acute/subacte/chronic-superimposed on plaque type disease or
  de novo after developing atypical, acral or flexural disease in
  later life

Acute form is an “emergency”= von Zumbusch variant

Clinical features: Warning signs – burning, tenderness,driness

Abrupt onset high fever and severe malaise

Pre-existing plaques become fiery and superimposed pustules
Sheets of erythema and waves of pustulation spread to
 involved previously normal skin, esp. Flexures and genitals
Remission days-weeks +/- erythroderma+/-relapse
Triggers for acute GPP
Irritating topical therapy – tar/dithranol
Drugs – salicylates, iodide, lithium, terbinafine
Withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids/potent
Complications of Erythroderma
“THE I NET +metabolic”
Haemodynamic- renal
Infection - cutaneous and respiratory
Nutrition     ( albumin)/nails/nodes
Enteropathy - Fe/B12/folate/protein/fat
Telogen effluvium
Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance
Complications of acute GPP
Low – albumin, calcium
Cholestatic jaundice
Secondary Staph. aureus infection
Inflammatory polyarthritis
Amyloidosis (rare)
Obstetric complications
Acute telogen effluvium
Management acute GPP
Withdraw/treat provocative factors
Admit to hospital
Strict bed rest
Thromboprophylaxis +thermoregulation
Fluid and nutritional support/electrolyte s
Analgesia and antihistamines
Management acute GPP
Topical therapy: Bland emollients/wet
 dressings/mild-moderate potency topical steroids.
Tar and dithranol are contraindicated

Systemic therapy: Most require (difficult in
Acitretin = treatment of choice
MTX/CyA/TNF-α blockers
Oral steroids only when urgent control of metabolic
 complications necessary/consider in pregnant
Acute generalised exanthematous
pustulosis (AGEP)
 Acute febrile pustular eruption
 > 90% drug induced (other causes – HS to mercury, enteroviral
 Short time between drug and eruption <2- 4/7
 Drugs causing AGEP: “BAD FACE”-mostly penicillins and macrolides
 Bactrim
 Antibiotics and
 Diltiazem
 Frusemide
 Allopurinol/antimalarials
 Cimetidine
 Epileptics
Small non-
AGEP – Clinical Features
High fever (usu. Onset same day as rash)
Numerous small, primarily non-follicular, sterile
 pustules arising within large areas of oedematous
 erythema +/- burning, pruritus
Lesions start face and flexures, then disseminate over
 a few hours
Other features: facial & acral oedema, erythema multiforme-llike lesions,
vesicles, bullae, purpura, mucosal in 50%
Face, flexures, trunk, upper limbs

Lesions last 1-2 weeks; resolve with
superficial desquamation
AGEP - Treatment
Stop the offending drug
Supportive measures – rest/bland emollients/topical
 corticosteroids/occasionally prednisolone
• Fever                          Well
• LAD                            Mild eosinophilia
• Elevated LFTs, eosin, atypical
(Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), aka drug
hypersensitivity syndrome
     – Triad: fever, rash, internal organ involvement
         (hepatitis, lymphadenopathy, nephritis, pneumonitis,
         haematological, myocarditis, thyroiditis – atypical ↑L∅, ↑N,
     –   Onset 1-8 wks
     –   Prodrome: fever, malaise, pharyngitis
     –   Rash: morbilliform (usually), exfoliative, erythrodermic,
         pustular, SJS, TEN
     –   Onset rash usually face/upper trunk +extrem.
     –   Features suggesting: facial oedema, eosinophilia (90%),
         atypical lymphocytes (40%), deranged LFTs,
     –   Mortality 8%
     –   Drug causes: “MATES”
         incl. dapsone
Other cutaneous drug reactions
Viral infections
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome
Investigations - DRESS
FBC – eosinophilia and atypical lymphocytosis
UEC                         )
Elevated hepatic enzymes ) close monitoring
CXR – pulmonary infiltrates
Biopsy for H+E – Dense superficial dermal
 lymphocytic infiltrate +eosinophils/dermal
 oedema+/-pseudolymphomatous (if chronic)
Treatment- DRESS
Stop the drug!
Consult as per investigations for organ involvement
Corticosteroids first-line (good for skin, heart and
 lungs, but less useful to treat renal and liver disease)
PNL may be need to be tapered over many months to
 avoid relapse
Emollients/antihistamines/TCS/wet dressings
Presence of erythema and scaling involving more
 than 90% of skin surface (can be caused by any
 inflammatory skin condition)

Primary: erythema (often initially on trunk) extends
 within few days to weeks to involve whole skin
 surface. Followed by scaling
Secondary: generalisation of a preceding localized
 skin disease (e.g. psoriasis, atopic eczema)
Acute vs chronic
Causes of Erythroderma
                     Drug causes: DESIGN CHAMP
“Top 5” – “PEDLI”    Diuretics (frusemide +thiazides)
                      Epileptics
Psoriasis            Sulfas
Eczema               Isoniazid (TB-RIPE)
Drug eruptions       Gold
                      NSAIDS
                      Captopril/ACEI
Idiopathic           Homeopathy/Herbs
                      Allopurinol/antibiotics
                      Malarials
                      Psychotics (anti) - lithium
Causes of Erythroderma-”PENCIILS
Psoriasis and variants - PRP/Seb. Derm/Reiter’s
Neoplasia-lymphoma/CTCL/SS/leukaemia/solid organ
CTD – LE/DM/Sjogren’s
Infection – scabies/HIV/d’phyte(T.violaceum), SSSS, TSS
Immunobullous /acantholytic– PF/BP/Hailey-Hailey,
Lichen planus
 Sarcoidosis
Graft vs host disease
Ichthyosiform erythrodermas – lamellar
 ichthyosis/Netherton’s syndrome/CIE/BIE
Drugs- should improve within 2-6/52 off drug unless
Erythroderma – clinical
Rapidly extending erythema (may be universal in
 12-48 hrs – esp. rapid in primary eczema and
Fever, shivering, malaise- hypo>hyperthermia
 (low –reading thermometer)

Scale (fine/branny/large) –after 2-6 days
Pruritus (90%) + tightness of skin
Erythroderma – clinical
Lymphadenopathy-extent variable. Dermatopathic
 (sl-mod. enlarged and rubbery) vs 2⁰ lymphoma

Weeks: Hair-diffuse, non-scarring alopecia (20%
Nails (40%)– “shiny” , discoloured, subungal
 hyperkeratosis, Beau’s lines, splinter hge’s
Multiple seborrhoiec keratoses

Oedema – lower legs/ankles

Clues – underlying skin disease
Complications of Erythroderma
“THE I NET +metabolic”
Haemodynamic- renal
Infection - cutaneous and respiratory
Nutrition     ( albumin)/nails/nodes
Enteropathy - Fe/B12/folate/protein/fat
Telogen effluvium
Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance
Erythroderma- Investigations
Diagnosis: Biopsy – H+E/DIF (+/-)/TCR-GR
                Skin scrapings
•   Extent/Cx: Blood cultures if febrile
•   FBC – eosinophilia/lymphocytosis
•   UEC/Ca/Mg/PO4/LFTs/protein/albumin
•   MSU
•   Fe/B12/folate
•   Skin swabs
•   CXR-CHF/Ca/pneumonia
•   ECG – if elderly
Erythroderma- Investigations
For associated conditions:
IgE and E⁰’s/patch/photo-patch
FBC+film/TCR-GR/L⁰ subsets/LDH/Sezary cell count
Lymph node/BMBx
CXR/CT chest/abdo/pelvis
Immunohistochemistry on skin biopsy CD3/4/5/7 +/- CD
Pre-treatment investigations – QF-gold/Hep etc.
Erythroderma - Treatment
Admit to hospital (if acute/unwell)

Management of fluid balance and temperature

Review medications (cease non-essential)

Topical (care re impaired barrier)
  Emollients, +/- mild/mod topical steroids
  Wet dressings
Erythroderma - Treatment
Treat infection
Systemic steroids in some (not if ?psoriasis)
Referrals – Nutrition/Cardiology

Treat the underlying disease!
Erythema multiforme-how do you tell that
this isn’t a true emergency? (no risk of progression to TEN)
 Self-limited, but potentially recurrent disease
 Abrupt onset symmetrical, fixed red papules, some of
   which evolve into typical/atypical papular target lesions
 Typical targets- at least 3 different zones
 Atypical – only 2 different zones and poorly-defined

Target lesions favour acrofacial sites; extremities and face
Targets may blister
+/- mucous membranes
Classic targets / iris – triphasic
    1) Central purple/ dusky area
    2) White oedematous
    concentric rim
    3) Red halo

                                     Dusky centres
EM minor vs major
EM minor                          EM major
Typical +/- atypical papular     Typical > atypical targets
 targets                          Severe mucosal and systemic
Little or no mucosal
No systemic symptoms

In all EM, majority lesions
 will develop within 24 hr (all
 by 72 hr)
Duration episode approx.
           EM             SJS                  TEN

Rash       Typical        Atypical targets, blisters widespread
           targets        SJS <10%; TEN > 30%
           Acrofacial +   Mortality 5% SJS/30% TEN
Mucous     Absent/        Severe
membrane   Mild (unless

Drug       HSV >> drug    Anticonvulsants, sulfonamides,
                          allopurinol, NSAID, b-lactams
Erythema Multiforme - aetiology

   Infection:HSV(most common ), mycoplasma
   Drugs - sulphonamides, phenytoin,
    barbiturates,penicillin, allopurinol
   Immunological – LE, RhA, DM, Behcet’s
   Idiopathic - 50%
Urticaria – ITCHY!
                                     Erythema multiforme
   Central zone is normal skin
                                        Central zone of epidermal
   Lesions are transient, lasting
                                         damage (dusky, bullous,
    several hours                        crusted)
   New lesions appear daily            Lesions 'fixed' for at least 7
   Associated with oedema hand          days
    and feet (angioedema)               All lesions appear within
                                         first 72 hours
                                        No oedema
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal
• Rare , acute life-threatening mucocutaneous diseases
• Overlapping features-both T-cell-mediated
• Extensive keratinocyte cell death – separation of skin
  at DEJ
• Keratinocyte death via apoptosis – mediated by
  interaction of the death receptor-ligand pair Fas-FasL
• Same precipitants-almost always DRUGS!!!
• The more widespread, the more likely drug cause (SJS
  50% drug; TEN 90%)
Genetic susceptibility         HLA-B12 ↑/HLA-B*5701, HLA-DR7
Failure to detoxify reactive     +HLA-DQ3 =   100% predictive TEN with abacavir

 intermediate drug
Immune response to
 antigenic complex
Interaction between Fas
 (CD95) and its ligand on
 epidermal cells triggers
 apoptosis pathways and
 cell death
• Spectrum of severity
   – SJS < 10% epidermal detachment
       •   ≥ 2 mucosal sites
   – SJS / TEN overlap 10-30%
   – Toxic epidermal necrolysis >30%
     • Large areas denuded skin
     • TEN: compared to SJS: extensive confluence, large areas of denuded
       skin; poorly delineated red plaques;

• At risk:
   –   Slow acetylators
   –   HIV (1000x)
   –   Lymphoma
   –   SLE
  Drugs 50% ≥ 14/7 (NSAIDS>sulfonamides, anticonvulsants,
   penicillins and tetracyclines)
  Infections 50%
       Mycoplasma, Yersinia, TB, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Strep, Typhoid,
        Pneumococcus; Coccidiodomycosis, Histoplasmosis; Enterov,
        Adenov, Measles, Mumps, Influenza
The more widespread, the more likely drug cause (SJS 50%
  drug; TEN 90%). Other causes=infections and immunisations

Drugs causing TEN: “LOV THE SAND”
Lamisil +other antifungals
TB drugs
HIV drugs (esp. Nevirapine +abacavir)/herbs
Epileptics (phenytoin/CBZ/lamotrigine)
Sulphas (Bactrim,sulphasalazine), statins
Allopurinol (very common)/antibiotics (penicillins, Bactrim)
SJS /TEN clinical features
• 1-3 weeks after exposure to drug
• Prodrome (1-3 days)– malaise, fever, pharyngitis, eye
•   Skin lesions: Usually first on trunk, then neck, face and
    proximal upper extremities
•   Palms +soles may be involved early
•   Erythema and erosions of oral, ocular, genital mucosae in
•   Respiratory tract epithelium involved in 25%
•   GIT mucosal erosions
•   Skin and mucosal erosions tender and very painful
•   Systemic manifestations: fever, LN, hepatitis, cytopenias
    (neutropenia, lymphopenia,thromobcytopenia= poor
SJS   Haemorrhagic crusting
      Denuded lip
Lesions initially
erythematous, dusky or
purpuric macules-
tendency to coalesce
+/- atypical targets

48M                      Positive Nikolsky sign
As necrosis becomes full-thickness, dusky –red
macular lesions become grey (hours-days)
Necrotic epidermis then detaches, fluid fills space
b/t epidermis and dermis         flaccid blisters
which break easily Tense blisters usu. only on
palmoplantar surfaces
Raw and often bleeding dermis
RIP 24 hours
Mucous membranes
  90% mucosal lesions

  Painful micturition
  Severe pain
  Acute renal failure
  Erosions lower respiratory tract/gut-BOOP
SJS / TEN complications
• Hypovolaemia, metabolic abnormalities, secondary
  bacterial infection
• Death
  – infections (S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
  – ARDS
  – multiorgan failure/thromboembolism/GI hge
• Scarring – skin, joint contractures, cornea,
  conjunctiva, lacrimal ducts, oesophageal strictures,
  anal strictures, vaginal, urethral meatal stenosis (eye
  complications 40%)
• Mortality 1-5% SJS/25-35% TEN (+ more in elderly)
SJS / TEN complications
  Irregular pigmentation
  Eruptive naevi

  Nail dystrophy

  Sicca symptoms
SCORTEN severity-of-illness score
                          Sum   Mortality %
Age >40                   0-1   3.2
Malignancy                2     12.1
HR > 120/min              3     35.8
Initial >10% epidermal    4     58.3
Urea > 10 mmol/L          ≥5    90
Glucose > 14 mmol/L
Bicarbonate < 20 mmol/L
Important DDx’s for SJS/TEN
• Paraneoplastic pemphigus/pemphigus vulgaris/ bullous
  pemphigoid(including drug-induced) – DIF/IDIF

• Linear IgA disease (+drug-induced)-DIF/histology

• Bullous lupus erythematosus - ANA/DIF

• Stage IV acute GVHD-evolution

• Kawasaki’s disease (children)

• Staphylococcal scalded skin ∑ (frozen section/H+E)

• Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis-self-limiting when cease drug
Investigations in SJS/TEN
As for erythroderma
CXR/UEC/LFT’s/Coags for systemic invlt
FBC – prognosis and evidence infection
SCORETEN – Day 1 and Day 3
Biopsy – H+E/DIF +/- frozen section
Indirect immunofluorescence – exclude PNP/PV
ANA/ENA/dsDNA (before give IVIg)
Regular cultures – skin/blood/mucous membranes
Viral swabs
IgA levels (before IVIg)
Early lesion: apoptotic keratinocytes   Early lesion: separation of epidermis from
                                        dermis; full thickness necrosis +bulla
                                        formation; variable density dermal
                                        mononuclear infiltrate (mostly T Lₒ)
Management SJS/TEN
Stop causative drug and all non-life-sustaining drugs
Admit to hospital

Rapid initiation-
a) Supportive
b)Specific management – controversial and evidence
 is still evolving
Management SJS/TEN-Supportive
Admit Burns Unit/ICU
Correct/monitor fluid and electrolyte balance
Nutrition – refer – replace calories/protein/etc
Surveillance for infection- regular swabs mouth, eyes,
  skin, sputum (treat based on culture results and when
  signs of sepsis – NOT PROPHYLACTICALLY)
Analgesia – Pain team review
Eye care – Consult Ophthalmology-lubricant
 drops/steroid drops/chlorsig
Urology/Gynae – IDC/manual exam or dermeze tampons
Mouth care – PMMW/xylocaine viscus 2%/Diprosone OV
 ung/Daktarin oral gel/white soft paraffin lips
Management SJS/TEN-Supportive
Physio. to prevent contractures and respiratory
Skin care – gentle handling/no tapes on skin/air
 mattress/non-adherent dressings (Bactigras and
 Acticoat)/biologic skin equivalents reported
Care to avoid pressure areas


Medic Alert Bracelet/ADR notification/counsel relatives
Proton pump inhibitors for GIT prophylaxis
Management SJS/TEN-
• CONTROVERSIAL! Complementary – apoptosis is
    rapid + irreverisble once triggered so must be early (1st
    4 days)

• Corticosteroids – deleterious effect in small studies/
    possible benefit recent studies? Poor outcomes 2ₒ
    inadequate doses? (pulse dexa 1.5mg/kg/day for 3/7)
•   CyA - ?anti-apoptotic via ↓regulation NF-κB (3-4mg/kg/day)
•   Cyclophosphamide
•   Infliximab
•   Plasmapheresis +/- IVIg (remove drug/metabolites/cytokines)
•   IVIG high dose 2-4 g/kg
IVIG – autoantibodies
against Fas receptor block
Fas-FasL binding and
thereby prevent (in vitro)

  1g/kg for 3 days (total
  Miami group AAD 2011 –
  use 1g/kg for 4/7
  Survival  with every
  1g/kg increment in dose
  (OR = 4.2)

 No prospective controlled
 studies with sufficient
 numbers. Doses varied in
 previous studies
•HLA-B*1502 is strongly associated with carbamazepine-induced
TEN/SJS – reported in several independent studies
•Mostly observed in patients of South-East Asian descent

•This may also be seen in drugs with structural similarity to
CBZ in patients with HLA-B*1502

•HLA-B*5801 associated with allopurinol-induced TEN/SJS

•Screening for HLA-haplotypes ideal before using these drugs in
relevant patients
Eczema Herpeticum/Kaposi’s varicelliform
 Widespread cutaneous infection with a virus that normally
  causes localised or mild vesicular eruptions – IN A PATIENT
 Majority of cases are HSV-1 in atopic eczema = eczema
 KVE = widespread infection with other viruses (coxsackie A16,

 Children and young adults usually (2 nd-3rd decade)
 In eczema herpeticum, majority are primary infections, but can
  occur with endogenous recurrent infection (herpes labialis)

 Risk factors
    Atopic dermatitis
    Parental /close contacts herpes labialis
    Other chronic skin disorders (pemphigus foliaceus, Darier’s, Hailey-
      Hailey, MF, Sezary syndrome, ichthyosis vulgaris, CIE etc)
Clinical features
Incubation period 10 days
Underlying skin disease
Crops of vesicles that rapidly become pustules (new
 crops 5-7 days)
Lesions begin in abnormal skin +/- generalise
Painful ‘punched out’ erosions
Secondary staph infection
Monomorphic 2-3mm haemorrhagic crusts = clue
Fever onset 2-3 d after eruption –lasts 4-5/7
+/- severe constitutional Sx
Regional lymphadenopathy
Progression to potentially fatal systemic infection
Eczema herpeticum/KVE-clinical
Localised mild infections – low-grade fever and
 lymphadenopathy- usually self-limiting

Recurrences may be milder than initial
 episode/sometimes comparable severity
Oral (or IV antivirals)

+/- Anti-staph antibiotics

Aluminium acetate soaks

Treat underlying skin disorder
Refer to Ophthalmology if periorbital
Any questions?

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Dermatology emergencies grand rounds

  • 1. All information about the condition, medical history or treatment of patients disclosed at this clinical meeting is absolutely confidential. The Health Information Privacy Code (1994) applies to all present whether or not they are employees of, visitors to, or studying at the Canterbury District Health Board or the University of Otago, Christchurch. REMINDER-cell phones to vibrate mode please
  • 2. Dermatology Emergencies?!? Really??? Dermatologist Newbie? That’s Greek for “not real doctor”
  • 3. Dr Katherine Armour Consultant Dermatologist Canterbury District Health
  • 4. Disclaimer Not exhaustive (SSSS, immunobullous, Kawasaki’s disesase) Approach to clinical scenarios Conditions discussed are emergencies because they can lead to “acute skin failure” – i.e. Loss of thermoregulatory/metabolic/infection control mechanisms of skin
  • 5. Overview Recognition and clinical features Aetiology Complications Management
  • 6.
  • 7. Widespread pustules Generalised pustular psoriasis Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Folliculitis-bacterial/viral/eosinophilic/pityrosporum Disseminated HSV (rarely) Neutrophilic dermatoses-Behcet’s/Sweet’s/PG IgA pemphigus (Exanthematous DE – often have a few pustules of follicular origin)
  • 9. GPP Acute/subacte/chronic-superimposed on plaque type disease or de novo after developing atypical, acral or flexural disease in later life Acute form is an “emergency”= von Zumbusch variant Clinical features: Warning signs – burning, tenderness,driness Abrupt onset high fever and severe malaise Pre-existing plaques become fiery and superimposed pustules Sheets of erythema and waves of pustulation spread to involved previously normal skin, esp. Flexures and genitals Remission days-weeks +/- erythroderma+/-relapse
  • 10. Triggers for acute GPP Irritating topical therapy – tar/dithranol Infection Pregnancy Hypocalcaemia Infection Drugs – salicylates, iodide, lithium, terbinafine Withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids/potent TCS/cyclosporin
  • 11. Complications of Erythroderma “THE I NET +metabolic” Thermoregulation/Thrombosis Haemodynamic- renal perfusion/CHF/pneumonia/oedema Ectropion Infection - cutaneous and respiratory Nutrition ( albumin)/nails/nodes Enteropathy - Fe/B12/folate/protein/fat Telogen effluvium Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance
  • 12. Complications of acute GPP “THE I NET M” Low – albumin, calcium Cholestatic jaundice DVT Secondary Staph. aureus infection Inflammatory polyarthritis Amyloidosis (rare) Obstetric complications Acute telogen effluvium
  • 13. Management acute GPP Treatment: Withdraw/treat provocative factors Admit to hospital Strict bed rest Thromboprophylaxis +thermoregulation (hypothermia) Fluid and nutritional support/electrolyte s Analgesia and antihistamines
  • 14. Management acute GPP Topical therapy: Bland emollients/wet dressings/mild-moderate potency topical steroids. Tar and dithranol are contraindicated Systemic therapy: Most require (difficult in pregnancy) Acitretin = treatment of choice MTX/CyA/TNF-α blockers Oral steroids only when urgent control of metabolic complications necessary/consider in pregnant patients
  • 15.
  • 16. Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP)  Acute febrile pustular eruption  > 90% drug induced (other causes – HS to mercury, enteroviral infection)  Short time between drug and eruption <2- 4/7  Drugs causing AGEP: “BAD FACE”-mostly penicillins and macrolides  Bactrim  Antibiotics and antifungals(Vanc/Penicillins/Cephalosporins/Macrolides/terbinafine/i traconazole)  Diltiazem  Frusemide  Allopurinol/antimalarials  Cimetidine  Epileptics
  • 18. AGEP – Clinical Features High fever (usu. Onset same day as rash) Numerous small, primarily non-follicular, sterile pustules arising within large areas of oedematous erythema +/- burning, pruritus Lesions start face and flexures, then disseminate over a few hours
  • 19. Other features: facial & acral oedema, erythema multiforme-llike lesions, vesicles, bullae, purpura, mucosal in 50%
  • 20. Face, flexures, trunk, upper limbs Lesions last 1-2 weeks; resolve with superficial desquamation
  • 21. AGEP - Treatment Stop the offending drug Supportive measures – rest/bland emollients/topical corticosteroids/occasionally prednisolone
  • 22. • Fever Well • LAD Mild eosinophilia • Elevated LFTs, eosin, atypical lymphocytes
  • 23. DRESS (Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), aka drug hypersensitivity syndrome – Triad: fever, rash, internal organ involvement (hepatitis, lymphadenopathy, nephritis, pneumonitis, haematological, myocarditis, thyroiditis – atypical ↑L∅, ↑N, ↑eos) – Onset 1-8 wks – Prodrome: fever, malaise, pharyngitis – Rash: morbilliform (usually), exfoliative, erythrodermic, pustular, SJS, TEN – Onset rash usually face/upper trunk +extrem. – Features suggesting: facial oedema, eosinophilia (90%), atypical lymphocytes (40%), deranged LFTs, lymphadenopathy – Mortality 8% – Drug causes: “MATES” Minocycline/allopurinol/ARV/terbinafine/epileptics/sulfas incl. dapsone
  • 24. DDx of DRESS Other cutaneous drug reactions Viral infections Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome Lymphoma/pseudolymphoma
  • 25. Investigations - DRESS FBC – eosinophilia and atypical lymphocytosis UEC ) Elevated hepatic enzymes ) close monitoring CXR – pulmonary infiltrates Biopsy for H+E – Dense superficial dermal lymphocytic infiltrate +eosinophils/dermal oedema+/-pseudolymphomatous (if chronic)
  • 26. Treatment- DRESS Stop the drug! Consult as per investigations for organ involvement Corticosteroids first-line (good for skin, heart and lungs, but less useful to treat renal and liver disease) PNL may be need to be tapered over many months to avoid relapse Emollients/antihistamines/TCS/wet dressings
  • 28. Erythroderma Presence of erythema and scaling involving more than 90% of skin surface (can be caused by any inflammatory skin condition) Primary: erythema (often initially on trunk) extends within few days to weeks to involve whole skin surface. Followed by scaling Secondary: generalisation of a preceding localized skin disease (e.g. psoriasis, atopic eczema) Acute vs chronic
  • 29. Causes of Erythroderma Drug causes: DESIGN CHAMP “Top 5” – “PEDLI”  Diuretics (frusemide +thiazides)  Epileptics Psoriasis  Sulfas Eczema  Isoniazid (TB-RIPE) Drug eruptions  Gold  NSAIDS Lymphoma  Captopril/ACEI Idiopathic  Homeopathy/Herbs  Allopurinol/antibiotics  Malarials  Psychotics (anti) - lithium
  • 30. Causes of Erythroderma-”PENCIILS GID” Psoriasis and variants - PRP/Seb. Derm/Reiter’s Eczema-atopic/irritant/allergic/CAD Neoplasia-lymphoma/CTCL/SS/leukaemia/solid organ CTD – LE/DM/Sjogren’s Infection – scabies/HIV/d’phyte(T.violaceum), SSSS, TSS Immunobullous /acantholytic– PF/BP/Hailey-Hailey, Darier’s Lichen planus  Sarcoidosis Graft vs host disease
  • 31. “PENCIILS GID” Ichthyosiform erythrodermas – lamellar ichthyosis/Netherton’s syndrome/CIE/BIE Drugs- should improve within 2-6/52 off drug unless DRESS
  • 32. Erythroderma – clinical features Rapidly extending erythema (may be universal in 12-48 hrs – esp. rapid in primary eczema and lymphoma) Fever, shivering, malaise- hypo>hyperthermia (low –reading thermometer) Scale (fine/branny/large) –after 2-6 days Pruritus (90%) + tightness of skin Lichenification
  • 33. Erythroderma – clinical features Lymphadenopathy-extent variable. Dermatopathic (sl-mod. enlarged and rubbery) vs 2⁰ lymphoma Weeks: Hair-diffuse, non-scarring alopecia (20% chronic) Nails (40%)– “shiny” , discoloured, subungal hyperkeratosis, Beau’s lines, splinter hge’s Multiple seborrhoiec keratoses Oedema – lower legs/ankles Clues – underlying skin disease
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. Complications of Erythroderma “THE I NET +metabolic” Thermoregulation/Thrombosis Haemodynamic- renal perfusion/CHF/pneumonia/oedema Ectropion Infection - cutaneous and respiratory Nutrition ( albumin)/nails/nodes Enteropathy - Fe/B12/folate/protein/fat Telogen effluvium Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance
  • 38. Erythroderma- Investigations Diagnosis: Biopsy – H+E/DIF (+/-)/TCR-GR Skin scrapings • Extent/Cx: Blood cultures if febrile • FBC – eosinophilia/lymphocytosis • UEC/Ca/Mg/PO4/LFTs/protein/albumin • MSU • Fe/B12/folate • Skin swabs • CXR-CHF/Ca/pneumonia • ECG – if elderly
  • 39. Erythroderma- Investigations For associated conditions: IgE and E⁰’s/patch/photo-patch FBC+film/TCR-GR/L⁰ subsets/LDH/Sezary cell count Lymph node/BMBx CXR/CT chest/abdo/pelvis Immunohistochemistry on skin biopsy CD3/4/5/7 +/- CD 30+ SPE ESR Ca-serum/urine ANA/ENA/C’/dsDNA/RhF Pre-treatment investigations – QF-gold/Hep etc.
  • 40. Erythroderma - Treatment Admit to hospital (if acute/unwell) Management of fluid balance and temperature Review medications (cease non-essential) Topical (care re impaired barrier) Emollients, +/- mild/mod topical steroids Wet dressings
  • 41. Erythroderma - Treatment Treat infection Antihistamines Systemic steroids in some (not if ?psoriasis) Thromboprophylaxis Referrals – Nutrition/Cardiology Treat the underlying disease!
  • 42. Erythema multiforme-how do you tell that this isn’t a true emergency? (no risk of progression to TEN) Self-limited, but potentially recurrent disease Abrupt onset symmetrical, fixed red papules, some of which evolve into typical/atypical papular target lesions Typical targets- at least 3 different zones Atypical – only 2 different zones and poorly-defined border Target lesions favour acrofacial sites; extremities and face Painful/pruritic Targets may blister +/- mucous membranes
  • 43. Classic targets / iris – triphasic 1) Central purple/ dusky area 2) White oedematous concentric rim 3) Red halo Dusky centres
  • 44. EM minor vs major EM minor EM major Typical +/- atypical papular Typical > atypical targets targets Severe mucosal and systemic Little or no mucosal features involvement No systemic symptoms In all EM, majority lesions will develop within 24 hr (all by 72 hr) Duration episode approx. 2/52
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  • 48. EM/SJS/TEN EM SJS TEN Rash Typical Atypical targets, blisters widespread targets SJS <10%; TEN > 30% Acrofacial + Mortality 5% SJS/30% TEN limbs Mucous Absent/ Severe membrane Mild (unless major) Drug HSV >> drug Anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, allopurinol, NSAID, b-lactams
  • 49. Erythema Multiforme - aetiology Infection:HSV(most common ), mycoplasma Malignancy Drugs - sulphonamides, phenytoin, barbiturates,penicillin, allopurinol Immunological – LE, RhA, DM, Behcet’s Idiopathic - 50%
  • 50. Urticaria – ITCHY! Erythema multiforme  Central zone is normal skin  Central zone of epidermal  Lesions are transient, lasting damage (dusky, bullous, several hours crusted)  New lesions appear daily  Lesions 'fixed' for at least 7  Associated with oedema hand days and feet (angioedema)  All lesions appear within first 72 hours  No oedema
  • 51. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
  • 52. SJS/TEN • Rare , acute life-threatening mucocutaneous diseases • Overlapping features-both T-cell-mediated • Extensive keratinocyte cell death – separation of skin at DEJ • Keratinocyte death via apoptosis – mediated by interaction of the death receptor-ligand pair Fas-FasL • Same precipitants-almost always DRUGS!!! • The more widespread, the more likely drug cause (SJS 50% drug; TEN 90%)
  • 53. Pathogenesis Genetic susceptibility HLA-B12 ↑/HLA-B*5701, HLA-DR7 Failure to detoxify reactive +HLA-DQ3 = 100% predictive TEN with abacavir intermediate drug metabolites Immune response to antigenic complex Interaction between Fas (CD95) and its ligand on epidermal cells triggers apoptosis pathways and cell death
  • 54. SJS and TEN • Spectrum of severity – SJS < 10% epidermal detachment • ≥ 2 mucosal sites – SJS / TEN overlap 10-30% – Toxic epidermal necrolysis >30% • Large areas denuded skin • TEN: compared to SJS: extensive confluence, large areas of denuded skin; poorly delineated red plaques; • At risk: – Slow acetylators – HIV (1000x) – Lymphoma – SLE
  • 55. SJS Precipitants Drugs 50% ≥ 14/7 (NSAIDS>sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, penicillins and tetracyclines) Infections 50%  Mycoplasma, Yersinia, TB, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Strep, Typhoid, Pneumococcus; Coccidiodomycosis, Histoplasmosis; Enterov, Adenov, Measles, Mumps, Influenza IBD Vaccine
  • 56. TEN The more widespread, the more likely drug cause (SJS 50% drug; TEN 90%). Other causes=infections and immunisations Drugs causing TEN: “LOV THE SAND” Lamisil +other antifungals Omeprazole Vancomycin TB drugs HIV drugs (esp. Nevirapine +abacavir)/herbs Epileptics (phenytoin/CBZ/lamotrigine) Sulphas (Bactrim,sulphasalazine), statins Allopurinol (very common)/antibiotics (penicillins, Bactrim) NSAIDS Dapsone
  • 57. SJS /TEN clinical features • 1-3 weeks after exposure to drug • Prodrome (1-3 days)– malaise, fever, pharyngitis, eye discomfort • Skin lesions: Usually first on trunk, then neck, face and proximal upper extremities • Palms +soles may be involved early • Erythema and erosions of oral, ocular, genital mucosae in >90% • Respiratory tract epithelium involved in 25% • GIT mucosal erosions • Skin and mucosal erosions tender and very painful • Systemic manifestations: fever, LN, hepatitis, cytopenias (neutropenia, lymphopenia,thromobcytopenia= poor prognosis)
  • 58. SJS Haemorrhagic crusting Denuded lip Bullae Bactrim
  • 59. Lesions initially erythematous, dusky or purpuric macules- tendency to coalesce +/- atypical targets 48M Positive Nikolsky sign amphetamines
  • 60. As necrosis becomes full-thickness, dusky –red macular lesions become grey (hours-days)
  • 61. Necrotic epidermis then detaches, fluid fills space b/t epidermis and dermis flaccid blisters which break easily Tense blisters usu. only on palmoplantar surfaces
  • 62. Raw and often bleeding dermis revealed.
  • 64.
  • 65. Clinical Mucous membranes 90% mucosal lesions Erosions/erythema General Photophobia Painful micturition Fever Severe pain Acute renal failure Erosions lower respiratory tract/gut-BOOP
  • 66. SJS / TEN complications • Hypovolaemia, metabolic abnormalities, secondary bacterial infection • Death – infections (S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) – ARDS – multiorgan failure/thromboembolism/GI hge • Scarring – skin, joint contractures, cornea, conjunctiva, lacrimal ducts, oesophageal strictures, anal strictures, vaginal, urethral meatal stenosis (eye complications 40%) • Mortality 1-5% SJS/25-35% TEN (+ more in elderly)
  • 67. SJS / TEN complications Skin Irregular pigmentation Eruptive naevi Nail dystrophy Sicca symptoms
  • 68. SCORTEN severity-of-illness score Sum Mortality % Age >40 0-1 3.2 Malignancy 2 12.1 HR > 120/min 3 35.8 Initial >10% epidermal 4 58.3 detachment Urea > 10 mmol/L ≥5 90 Glucose > 14 mmol/L Bicarbonate < 20 mmol/L
  • 69. Important DDx’s for SJS/TEN • Paraneoplastic pemphigus/pemphigus vulgaris/ bullous pemphigoid(including drug-induced) – DIF/IDIF • Linear IgA disease (+drug-induced)-DIF/histology • Bullous lupus erythematosus - ANA/DIF • Stage IV acute GVHD-evolution • Kawasaki’s disease (children) • Staphylococcal scalded skin ∑ (frozen section/H+E) • Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis-self-limiting when cease drug • SEE FEB. 2007 JAAD CME PAPER
  • 70. Investigations in SJS/TEN As for erythroderma CXR/UEC/LFT’s/Coags for systemic invlt FBC – prognosis and evidence infection SCORETEN – Day 1 and Day 3 Biopsy – H+E/DIF +/- frozen section Indirect immunofluorescence – exclude PNP/PV ANA/ENA/dsDNA (before give IVIg) Regular cultures – skin/blood/mucous membranes Viral swabs IgA levels (before IVIg)
  • 71. Early lesion: apoptotic keratinocytes Early lesion: separation of epidermis from dermis; full thickness necrosis +bulla formation; variable density dermal mononuclear infiltrate (mostly T Lₒ)
  • 72. Management SJS/TEN Stop causative drug and all non-life-sustaining drugs Admit to hospital Rapid initiation- a) Supportive b)Specific management – controversial and evidence is still evolving
  • 73. Management SJS/TEN-Supportive Admit Burns Unit/ICU Correct/monitor fluid and electrolyte balance Nutrition – refer – replace calories/protein/etc Surveillance for infection- regular swabs mouth, eyes, skin, sputum (treat based on culture results and when signs of sepsis – NOT PROPHYLACTICALLY) Analgesia – Pain team review Eye care – Consult Ophthalmology-lubricant drops/steroid drops/chlorsig Urology/Gynae – IDC/manual exam or dermeze tampons Mouth care – PMMW/xylocaine viscus 2%/Diprosone OV ung/Daktarin oral gel/white soft paraffin lips
  • 74. Management SJS/TEN-Supportive Physio. to prevent contractures and respiratory Skin care – gentle handling/no tapes on skin/air mattress/non-adherent dressings (Bactigras and Acticoat)/biologic skin equivalents reported Care to avoid pressure areas Thromboprophylaxis Medic Alert Bracelet/ADR notification/counsel relatives Proton pump inhibitors for GIT prophylaxis
  • 75. Management SJS/TEN- Specific/Adjunctive • CONTROVERSIAL! Complementary – apoptosis is rapid + irreverisble once triggered so must be early (1st 4 days) • Corticosteroids – deleterious effect in small studies/ possible benefit recent studies? Poor outcomes 2ₒ inadequate doses? (pulse dexa 1.5mg/kg/day for 3/7) • CyA - ?anti-apoptotic via ↓regulation NF-κB (3-4mg/kg/day) • Cyclophosphamide • Infliximab • Plasmapheresis +/- IVIg (remove drug/metabolites/cytokines) • IVIG high dose 2-4 g/kg
  • 76. IVIG IVIG – autoantibodies against Fas receptor block Fas-FasL binding and thereby prevent (in vitro) apoptosis 1g/kg for 3 days (total 3g/kg) Miami group AAD 2011 – use 1g/kg for 4/7 Survival  with every 1g/kg increment in dose (OR = 4.2) No prospective controlled studies with sufficient numbers. Doses varied in previous studies
  • 77. •HLA-B*1502 is strongly associated with carbamazepine-induced TEN/SJS – reported in several independent studies •Mostly observed in patients of South-East Asian descent •This may also be seen in drugs with structural similarity to CBZ in patients with HLA-B*1502 •HLA-B*5801 associated with allopurinol-induced TEN/SJS •Screening for HLA-haplotypes ideal before using these drugs in relevant patients
  • 78.
  • 79. Eczema Herpeticum/Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption  Widespread cutaneous infection with a virus that normally causes localised or mild vesicular eruptions – IN A PATIENT WITH PRE-EXISTING SKIN DISEASE  Majority of cases are HSV-1 in atopic eczema = eczema herpeticum  KVE = widespread infection with other viruses (coxsackie A16, VZV)  Children and young adults usually (2 nd-3rd decade)  In eczema herpeticum, majority are primary infections, but can occur with endogenous recurrent infection (herpes labialis)  Risk factors  Atopic dermatitis  Parental /close contacts herpes labialis  Other chronic skin disorders (pemphigus foliaceus, Darier’s, Hailey- Hailey, MF, Sezary syndrome, ichthyosis vulgaris, CIE etc)
  • 80. Clinical features Incubation period 10 days Underlying skin disease Crops of vesicles that rapidly become pustules (new crops 5-7 days) Lesions begin in abnormal skin +/- generalise Painful ‘punched out’ erosions Secondary staph infection Monomorphic 2-3mm haemorrhagic crusts = clue Fever onset 2-3 d after eruption –lasts 4-5/7 +/- severe constitutional Sx Regional lymphadenopathy Progression to potentially fatal systemic infection rarely
  • 81.
  • 82. Eczema herpeticum/KVE-clinical features Localised mild infections – low-grade fever and lymphadenopathy- usually self-limiting Recurrences may be milder than initial episode/sometimes comparable severity
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. Treatment Oral (or IV antivirals) Aciclovir/famciclovir/valaciclovir +/- Anti-staph antibiotics Aluminium acetate soaks Treat underlying skin disorder Refer to Ophthalmology if periorbital involvement

Notas del editor

  1. Change order – pustules, DRESS, TEN, erythroderma
  2. Subtypes of pustular psoriasis – Localised (palmoplantar, acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau) Generalised (acute, of pregnancy, infantile and juvenile, circinate, localised - not hands and feet)
  3. Occ agran, low plt, coombs+ h’lytic an, apl an, autoimmune thyroiditis after 2m
  4. Fine in atopic dermatitis or dermatophytosis, branny in seb derm, crusted in PF, thicker in psoriasis. Skin hot to touch
  5. Waxy orange PPKD, follicular horny plugs elbows+ knees and dorsal fingers and toes, islands of sparing+PRP, crusted erosions and flaccid bullae in PF, pre-existing nail changes such as pits etc in psoriasis, horizontal ridging in AD
  6. Lichenification and excoriations
  7. Islands of sparing, follicular accentuation
  8. Complications?
  9. Due to some clinical similarity, EM/SJS/TEN all previously considered to be spectrum. New concept that EM is a distinct disease entity on several levels (clinical, prognostic, aetiologic)
  10. Concentric zones of colour change. Usually greater than 100 lesions. Recurrences are usual
  11. What is the most common cause of EM?
  12. HSV may be facial or genital. Mycoplasma is another common cause.
  13. These two entities are frequently confused
  14. TEN: compared to SJS: extensive confluence, large areas of denuded skin; poorly delineated red plaques;
  15. Exfoliation due to extensive death of K’s mediated by interaction of the death receptor-ligand pair, Fas-Fas ligand on the surface of K’s
  16. Drugs started 14+ days prior to onset. Genetic differences in detoxification likely to be responsible.
  17. Recent report TEN secondary to beta-blocker eyedrops
  18. Skin is extremely painful
  19. Prognosis is highly correlated with extent of skin detachment. Prognosis also correlates with SCORTEN in which these 7 parameters are given equal weight
  20. Biopsy needed to differentiate all. Vancomycin can induce both TEN and LAD – mucosal involvement is rare in DI-LAD. BMT pts receive many meds known to cause TEN and mucositis following chemo-induced neutropenia is common – folliculocentric, begins acrally and spreads proximally/TEN begins centrally and spreads periph
  21. Fluid loss is significant Increased energy expenditure so hight caloric intake needed
  22. By day 6-10 of admission, most of the skin erosions will re-epithelialise
  23. IVIg remains preferred treatment in our unit – anecdotally good experience/helps combat infection
  24. Diagnosis?