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development of
Nature Based
Tourism and
Conservation in

Report on the potential
establishment of an
institutional Center for
Outdoor Industries and

Tony Karzen for UNDP
This report establishes the potential contribution of the Outdoor Industry, (nature based tourism,
educational programs, skills training and certification programs, et al.), to the sustainability of the
economy and environment in Montenegro and more specifically the need to establish a uniting
organization to ensure that potential to contribute is capitalized upon. With a wealth of natural
resources, Montenegro has the potential to become a top destination for adventurous/nature based
activities which include but are not limited to; Hiking, Mountain biking, Climbing; Kayaking;
Orienteering; Road cycling; Bouldering; Caving; Canoeing; Diving; Kite surfing; Paragliding; Skiing;
Snowboarding; Nordic Walking; White water rafting and Windsurfing.

The report assesses the current situation in Montenegro and what steps are necessary to maximize its
potential. The assessment is a result of interviews with relevant stakeholders, (Mountaineering
Association, Cycling Association, Ministry of Tourism, National Tourism Organization, and various Civil
Society Organizations). The report also takes into consideration best case practice examples from
around the world, (New Zealand, UK, Australia, The United States and Canada).

With the combination of these two sources of information, a clear picture of what is needed in
Montenegro becomes evident. Specifically, the lack of central coordination for outdoor related tourism
development, management of the relationship of that development to environmental conservation, and
weakness in outdoor education programs are major obstacles to effective and sustainable development.
As such, there is a need to establish such an organization through which all subsectors of the outdoor
industry can benefit.

A “Centre for Outdoor Industry and Education” would be able to centralize coordination, management,
and development and minimize the lack of organizational capacity that exists throughout the various
activities related organizations within the sector. This organization would be developed so as to provide
sustainable Nature Based Tourism development through sectored destination management,
organization of educational programs, provision of awards, (certifications), for cross-training of guides,
and particularly through establishing international partnerships for business, research, and any other
viable activity. Furthermore, this organization would, (in time as a multiplier effect), develop the ability
to provide assistance in policy development in the areas of conservation, education, safety, tourism
development, youth activation, and others.

Background Statement
The concept of protecting wild lands for their inherent natural beauty, cultural and biological
significance was realized in 1872 with the creation of Yellowstone National Park, the world's first
protected area. Since then, people have visited parks around the world to experience wilderness and
pay homage to natural sites and icons. This is the essence of what is termed "nature-based tourism".
Recently, with increasing appreciation of nature and heightened awareness of declining biodiversity
worldwide, nature-based tourism has evolved as a rapidly growing sector of a globally significant

In Southeast Europe nowhere has this fact attracted more attention than Montenegro.

Montenegro is blessed by a wealth of biodiversity and natural resources that is capped by the existence
of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, National Park Durmitor. With this wealth of natural resources,
Montenegro has the potential to become a top destination for outdoor/nature based activities which
include but are not limited to; Hiking, Mountain biking, Climbing; Kayaking; Orienteering; Road cycling;
Bouldering; Caving; Canoeing; Diving; Kite surfing; Paragliding; Skiing; Snowboarding; Nordic Walking;
White water rafting and Windsurfing.

In an effort to build upon the established strategy to enhance environmental protection and develop
nature based tourism in Montenegro, UNDP has commissioned a report to assess the need and
potential for establishing a Center for Outdoor Industry and Education. Based upon the strategies for
Mountain Tourism development, (“Program Razvoja Planinskog Turizma u Crnoj Gori”, Ministry of
Tourism 2005) with supporting evidence from additional strategies, (Oliver Bennett “Review of
Mountain Tourism Potential”, 2005 UNDP, “Sustainable winter & summer tourism in northern & Central
Montenegro” 2005 RBF-UNDP, “Strategic Framework For Development Of Sustainable Tourism In
Northern & Central Montenegro”, Montenegro Ministry of Tourism-UNDP 2004, and the “Human
Resources Development Strategy for the Tourism Sector in Montenegro”, GTZ 2006). As well, the
Montenegrin Tourism Master Plan, while still undergoing final revisions, is expected to more support to
the area of nature based, (“Outdoor”), tourism. The plan as it is states, within the executive summary, a
relevant weakness for Montenegro, “The country lacks… a commercial product and adequately qualified
specialist personnel”. Furthermore, The plan makes numerous references to the need for Montenegro
to develop “specialized” forms of tourism with further references to wilderness hiking and biking, (as
well as other related activities), as viable forms that have potential to be developed, particularly in the
North of the country.

These statements are reinforced when put into the context of Montenegro’s ranking on the World
Economic Forum “Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report”, 2008. This report shows that
Montenegro ranks 76th in Human Resources and a lowly 129th in Price Competitiveness, (despite a #1
ranking for affinity for travel and tourism). The tie between these two is substantial. The current offer of
Montenegro has been built upon discount “sun and sea” tourism which requires low human capital, and
does not require a high quality variety of product offerings. This, of course, is not a sustainable path.
Robert McIntosh & Shashikant Gupta, authors of “Tourism Principles, Practices, Philosophies”, state,
“Tourism is very sensitive to the quality of recreational use of natural resources, and unless high
standards are maintained, a depreciation of demand will invariably result. Thus, ecological and
environmental considerations are vital”, and, “Tourism development must be guided by carefully
planned policy, international in concept and interdisciplinary in its creation. A sound development policy
can have the happy result of a growing tourist business and the preservation of the natural and cultural
resources which attracted the visitors in the first place.”

Within this context the Ministry of Tourism and UNDP have begun to provide immediate support to
nature based/outdoor tourism starting with the Hiking and Biking sectors. An institutional assessment of
two associations, Mountaineering and Cycling, was necessary to begin this process and has been
completed along with a plan of action aimed at building capacity. These institutions are seen as
cornerstones to nature based/outdoor tourism development as they are natural stewards and standard
bearers of this sector. However, to build the outdoor/nature based tourism sector as a whole,
enhancing these two institutions is seen to be not enough. While critical in improving their areas of
focus, they are too narrow in scope to address the needs of the sector as a whole.

 It was out of this reality that considerations were made as to what type of institution could function
towards the larger goal of Sustainable Nature Based Tourism development. UNDP and the Ministry of
Tourism discussed the matter and consulted independent experts and through this process it was
determined that an institution which has a mandate of sustainable development of the sector as a
whole, promotion of conservation and education was needed, thus the concept of establishing the
Center for Outdoor Industry and Education was developed. The decision to pursue this effort in the near
term has been deemed to be essential as capacity building efforts will be required and it will take time
for the institution to mature. Where it is anticipated that this organization will have a primary initial aim
of tourism development, its nature based orientation and the need to provide educational programming
to ensure sustainability will position the institution as a potential central player and primary partner in
future development projects funded by the European Union, (IPA), as Montenegro moves towards

As will be shown in this report, throughout the world various forms of Outdoor /Nature Based
Tourism/Education Associations have been developed to achieve the very aims that are being sought in
Montenegro. These aims can be summed up in what the proposed COIE can provide;

Nature based tourism organizations can deliver a range of environmental, social and economic benefits

•   Increased community and visitor environmental awareness and understanding;
•   Promotion of environmental and cultural values;
•   Generation of revenue for the conservation and management of natural and cultural heritage;
•   Greater community and visitor enjoyment of natural and cultural sites and facilities; and
•   Employment opportunities, utilizing local knowledge and facilities.
•   Visiting natural areas provides opportunities for private contemplation (“getting centered”) and
    multiple unique experiences that are unattainable elsewhere and are a high value added product in
    the tourism industry. (Nature based tourists tend to be high yield tourists, spending more, and
    staying longer in a destination than general tourists.)
•   Improved knowledge of other people, areas, and natural resources will always lead to a greater
    understanding of and concern for these people, areas, and natural resources.
•   Properly managed and developed Nature based tourism is characterized by the existence of a large
    number of very small businesses that support & are supplementary to the industry. As tourism
    flourishes so do they. (Plus, not only does the tourist contribute financially to a specific area through
    direct expenses, but there is a multiplier effect as those tourist funds are spent on other indirect
    expenses related to the trip.)
•   The preservation of wildlife sanctuaries and parks as well as national monuments and other cultural
    resources are often encouraged when tourism begins to be a force in the society.
•   Nature-based tourism provides unique, regional experiences that create an awareness of the special
    value of the natural areas visited.
•   When properly managed, nature-based tourism is a way of offering low-impact experiences that
    bring unending benefits to the tourist & ultimately to the resource itself through efforts to preserve
    its quality.

Importantly, as tourism, and in particular nature based tourism, is essentially about the environment in
which we live, work and play Montenegro’s natural assets also represent significant community
resources and recreational opportunities that can be capitalized upon for the benefit of both
conservation and tourism development. However, a mechanism to ensure this must be in place, and
that mechanism is the proposed “Centre for Outdoor Industry and Education”.

Vital Components of Nature-Based Tourism

Established author PH.D. Antony Lynam, a respected Australian conservation scientist and Tourism
consultant states in an online article on the Thailand Ministry of Tourism web site,
(, “To be truly successful, nature tourism must benefit both wildlife and
inhabitants”. Tourism is one means by which local people can derive benefit from protected areas. If
tourism can provide employment and communities can benefit from activities in protected areas,
wildlife, their habitats, and other natural features, the objects of nature based tourism can be sustained.
Tourism and conservation can then coexist or the two are even symbiotic.

The challenge for developing nature-based tourism is to make it symbiotic with conservation. A common
denominator is that if nature tourism can focus on special places, special activities, and select groups of
people, then it can be done and not requires large-scale investment in infrastructure that has a high
impact on the environment. Taking this into consideration, as the COIE is developed, it should be done
so in a way as to support these vital components, it is anticipated that initial focus should be on the

•   Increase the recognition of Montenegro as a unique nature based tourism destination – via
    destination branding and positioning and the development and implementation of targeted and
    effective marketing strategies;
•   Provide quality nature based tourism products and experiences – via appropriate investment,
    research and training;
•   Foster the development of an effective, efficient and profitable industry – through the facilitation
    of linkages and development of opportunities within and between sectors.
•   Contribute to the conservation of Montenegro’s natural and heritage assets – via improved
    understanding, appreciation and interpretation of the environment and sound management
    principles and practices;

Values and benefits of outdoor education, training and recreation

A critical aspect of sustainable Nature Based Tourism development is education and training. The UK
Institute for Outdoor Learning provides perhaps the strongest guidance on the importance of outdoor
education and training and the value it provides with numerous statements on its web site,
( These statements demonstrate both the importance of outdoor
education to Nature Based Tourism, as well as the multiplier effect that it has socially, delivering much
more than improved tourism.

“Outdoor education, training and recreation promote active learning through direct personal
experience and offer excitement, fun and adventure within a framework of safety.”

Active learning and adventure outdoors can take place in a variety of environments: rural and urban,
local and more remote. Outdoor education, training and recreation involve both young people and
adults in a wide range of experiences, including adventurous activities on land and water and activities
with an environmental focus. Methods used include skills-focused learning, problem solving, team
building and self-reliant journeys and activities, with residential experience an especially valued feature.

“Challenging experience outdoors impacts powerfully upon a young person’s intellectual, physical,
spiritual, social and moral development.”

Use of the outdoors makes a major contribution to physical and environmental education and enhances
many other curriculum areas. It contributes to personal growth and social awareness and develops skills
for life and the world of work. Qualities such as a sense of responsibility and a purpose in life are
nurtured. There is also a great deal of intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction to be experienced from
participation in outdoor activities.

“Building self-confidence and self-esteem is fundamental to any young person’s development.”

 Outdoor activities provide valuable alternative, often non-competitive, avenues for achievement, as
well as opportunities to develop independence and self-reliance. Through successfully facing up to the
challenges which outdoor activities provide, overcoming fears and apprehensions along the way, young
people make major strides in confidence, with implications for all aspects of their development.

“A positive attitude to learning is essential if young people are to make the most of their education.”

 Participation in exciting and enjoyable outdoor activities with teachers, youth workers and peers
reinforces a positive attitude to education and contributes significantly to the general ethos of a school
or youth group. Direct experience out of doors stimulates and reinforces learning across many areas of
the curriculum, and the use of the outdoors encourages young people to take greater responsibility for
their own learning.

“Awareness of the needs and contributions of others and the ability to sustain effective relationships,
at work and in the family, are vital in today’s society.”

 Experience in the outdoors provides rich opportunities for personal and social development through
carefully structured group work in challenging situations. Trust, care, tolerance and the willingness to
give and accept support are all encouraged and anti-social behavior is challenged. Opportunities are
presented to exhibit and develop effective inter-personal behavior and to work co-operatively and
effectively in teams.

“The purposeful use of leisure time is increasingly seen as making an important contribution to a
fulfilling lifestyle.”

 Outdoor recreation introduces young people to a range of worthwhile leisure pursuits which will enrich
their future lives, and develops the skills and knowledge essential for safe participation. Outdoor
exercise contributes greatly to health and fitness and continuing participation in outdoor pursuits
encourages the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle into middle age and beyond.

“Our relationship with the environment is a key issue facing tomorrow’s citizens.”

Active learning and adventure outdoors introduces young people to the environment in a way which
develops understanding, appreciation and respect. It fosters sensitivity to the environment, helps young
people to see themselves in a global context and helps to develop citizens with an awareness of the
need for sustainable use of the world’s natural resources.

“Tomorrow’s successful citizens will possess the adaptability to cope with a rapidly changing world of
work and the responsibility to be an effective member of a community.”
Challenging outdoor experiences promote the development of communication, problem solving and
decision making skills which have currency across a range of occupations. They encourage a positive
"opting in" and "can do" attitude. Young people’s horizons are broadened, new challenges come to be
relished rather than shunned, and perseverance and determination are reinforced. Values and attitudes
developed in a context of shared endeavor help to form a sound basis for responsible citizenship.

International Perspectives and Best Case Practices
Throughout the world there are various institutions that have a nature based tourism development
focus. Some of these institutions are oriented towards pure business development, others are focused
on education. Some are, as would be the case in Montenegro, focused on both. Here is a list of
numerous institutions from around the world that provide various benefits to Nature Based Tourism
development that would be provided by the COIE.

ATTA: Adventure Tourism and Travel Association

Internationally, the ATTA is the leader in Nature based Tourism development.

The ATTA has operated since 1990 as the only international adventure travel trade association. Over the
years, the ATTA has executed many different programs and strategies, which has made it a central
organization in the Adventure Travel Industry worldwide. It has operated twelve World Congresses on
Adventure Travel (both in the US and internationally), built the trade association as high as 750 member
companies, performed numerous research projects for companies and organizations in the industry, and
acted as a consultant to the World Bank and various Ministries of Tourism on research assignments for
different countries. The organization has worked with many adventure luminaries including Richard
Leakey, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Richard Bangs, Galen Rowell and David Brower. Additionally, it has
served as an industry spokes-group, often quoted by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times
and many others when it comes to expertise regarding Adventure Travel.

The ATTA offers various benefits for members, producing valuable industry research and raising the
profile of the whole adventure travel industry via a strategic trade and consumer media communication
plans. While the ATTA originally pursued primarily tour operators, refocused interests includes travel
agencies, media companies, online content companies, ministries and boards of tourism, transportation
companies, product vendors, travel experts, lodges, resorts and destinations. By working together as a
whole, much better and bigger industry initiatives may be pursued.

The relevance of the ATTA to Montenegro is derived primarily from both the benefits it provides to its
members, as well as activities related to the organizations “refocused interests”. It is anticipated that
the COIE would provide similar benefits to its members while also seeking to bring together a broad
cross-section of stakeholders that can through the COIE work together to pursue “better and bigger
industry initiatives”.

Victorian Outdoor Education Association (Australia)

Another related institution is the Victorian Outdoor Education Association (VOEA), the peak body and
professional teaching association supporting teachers and educators in the conduct of outdoor
education in schools and other educational programs in Victoria, Australia.
The VOEA is a non-governmental organization. It is funded through membership fees, special projects,
state government grants, revenue from the Education Outdoors Shop and sponsorship. The mission of
the VOEA is to lead the development and support of the outdoor education profession.

What does the VOEA do?
- acts as a advocate for outdoor education in Victoria
- provides a resource and advisory service for outdoor educators
- develops and reviews curriculum, guidelines and standards in outdoor education
- promotes a philosophy of environmental awareness and conservation

The VOEA supports its members through newsletters and journals, conferences, professional
development, selling resources, consultancy and network links. In turn the VOEA relies on fees from
members, resource sales and events for its operation.

The relevance of this institution to Montenegro comes from its structure, (a member driven non-profit),
and its position as an advocate and central player in the field of outdoor education and environmental
sustainability. Both of these aspects are expected to be incorporated into the COIE.

Similarly, the Outdoor Council of Australia is an institution that works towards the combined end of
environmental protection, economic growth and professionalism;


To develop and promote a professional community that provides quality outdoor experiences.


The Outdoor Council of Australia provides services to support:

Professional conduct (Human Resources)

Environmental sustainability (Education and Planning)

Cultural and social sensitivity (Human Resources and Education)

Risk minimization (Education and Planning)


The role of the Council is to represent to the community, industries and all levels of government, the
views and needs of outdoor educators, leaders and guides as well as organizations that support
leadership or are otherwise involved in the training of outdoor educators, leaders and guides via their
state and national peak bodies.

This institution has also had a substantial impact on policy at the government level, contributing to the
establishment of various related strategies, such as the Nature Based Tourism Strategy for the
Australian Capital Territories.

Perhaps the most directly related of any institution, the vision, mission and role are all expected to be
fully incorporated into the COIE in Montenegro. The three core areas of focus, Human Resources,
Education and Planning are areas of critical importance to development of sustainable Nature Based
Tourism and will be of great value to meet the current needs of Montenegro as it develops the sector.
Outdoors New Zealand is yet another exemplary institution to demonstrate the value of these types of
organizations. This particular institution serves to ensure the highest quality level possible in the area of
human resources related to nature based activities. The organization has established a series of
standards for guiding and rescue services and runs both training and certification programs as a
mechanism for financial self sustainability. Furthermore, they organize conferences, provide knowledge
based research in the area and actively promote outdoor leadership training as a means to conservation
and sustainable development. The organization of certification for guiding, called “OutdoorsMark”, has
been developed upon that of the UK Adventure Activities Licensing Authority scheme and was launched
by the Ministry for Sport and Recreation in the NZ Parliament on 1 March 2004.

ONZ is also very similar in what it is the COIE will do functionally. Their human resources efforts and use
of the “Outdoors Mark” brand of certification will be something that should be directly mirrored.
Furthermore, their organization of conferences and research efforts to ensure the highest possible
standards are also relevant activities that could apply to the COIE. As well, their usage of the training
and certification programs as a revenue stream to aid in financial sustainability is a functional aspect
that the Center should employ.

The UK Adventure Activities Licensing Authority certification program began in 1996 to ensure quality
standards would be maintained within outdoor educational programs. A license indicates that a provider
has been inspected by the Adventure Activities Licensing Service, and has been able to demonstrate
compliance with nationally accepted standards of good practice in the delivery of adventure activities
with due regard to the benefits and risks of the activity. This program has led to the UK achieving a
position as international leaders in the area of conservation education and practice as well as having
guide certification programs that are among the most recognized in the world, (example: the British
Canoe Union guide certification program is so highly regarded that any guide holding this certification is
employable anywhere in the world as it is transferable at a higher standard level to any other
certification program).

This certification model is clearly the primary model that should be followed by the COIE as it develops.
The high regard with which the certifications are held internationally provides a benchmark the Center
can use to maximize the level of quality care and product delivery, thereby enabling Montenegro to
capitalize the small but lucrative high value added end aspect of Nature Based Tourism.

The British Activity Holiday Association was formed by a number of responsible activity centre
operators in 1986, with the express intent of establishing operating guidelines for an ‘industry’ that
otherwise had no specific controlling regulations. Representatives from established activity holiday
companies formed a steering committee, chaired by the Sports Council, and spent several months
drafting a Code of Practice and Constitution. The English Tourist Board invited activity operators to two
open meetings after which the Association was launched.

During 1993 the Association completed a revision of its Code of Practice and inspection scheme, giving
due regard to the documents produced by the United Kingdom Activity Centre Advisory Committee, the
Wales Tourist Board and the EU Package Travel Directive for the UK Travel Industry. Further revisions
have taken place since to accommodate the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 1996 (Activity
Centers Act) and other developments.

Since that time, successive committees of elected members have developed a Code o f Practice, Activity
Guidelines and an Inspection Scheme.
The BAHA Members’ Manual lays down standards for:

    •   Customer Care,
    •   Recruitment, staffing and management,
    •   Staff induction / training / assessment,
    •   Accommodation,
    •   Health and Safety,
    •   Fire Precautions,
    •   First Aid,
    •   Insurance,
    •   Activity Equipment,
    •   Activity guidelines ,
    •   Transport,
    •   Environmental responsibility

While the focus of this institution, Human Resources Development and quality of care, are both aspect
that will be functionally within the Center, what is of particular note from BAHA is its existence as a
member driven organization. Certainly the longstanding success of the institution must be derived from
this fact. It is well known that the more an institution of this type is “owned” by its members, the
greater the level of impact, relevance and ability to provide benefit. As the COIE is developed, the fact
will be taken into deep consideration as to ensure stakeholder/member “ownership”.


At the European level, there are a couple of relevant institutions. The European Institute of Outdoor
Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) and the Association for Conservation, (an initiative
of the European Outdoor Group.

The EOE seeks to achieve the following:

    •   Develop theoretical foundations for the field of outdoor activities.
    •   Promotes alternative education and complementary education through the means of outdoor
    •   Outdoor recreation of young people and of aged people is promoted and encouraged as well.
    •   Therapy by using outdoor adventure activities is a field that the Institute tends to support and
    •   Research on using experiential learning as a means to nonconventional education and
        environmental education is also encouraged.

Within the context of Montenegrin ascension to the EU, these activities can be highly relevant. While it
is not anticipated that the Center would initially function towards these specific goals, as the institution
grows and develops more capacity, all of these are activities that would be excellent as either direct
focus or a smaller portion of potential EC funded projects. Furthermore, the EOE represents a potential
partner in that respect.

The European Outdoor Group, (Association for Conservation)

The European Outdoor Group is an organization of outdoor product manufacturers and retailers that
has established within its structure an “Association for Conservation”. This Association is an active
funder and technical assistance provider of activities that protect threatened wild areas for their habitat
and recreational value, focus on specific issues and root causes, involve direct citizen action, are time
sequenced, results oriented and measurable, have a one to two year lifecycle and that build public
involvement, consensus and support.

The EOG’s Association for Conservation represents another potential partner for the COIE. This is true
both in terms of potential to seek funding from within their grant scheme, and also as possible partners
in related activities within an EC funded program, (Life+, Europe 4 Citizens, as well as others).

European Union Priority Relevance

Also relevant on the European level are priorities relating to the Lisbon Process, as well as the
sustainable tourism development strategy. The EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) has three
key objectives: economic prosperity; social equity and cohesion; and environmental protection. Taking
each of these in turn, the following aims for the sustainability of European tourism are proposed by the
European Commissions Sustainable Tourism Group:

1. Economic prosperity
        a. To ensure the long term competitiveness, viability and prosperity of tourism enterprises and
        b. To provide quality employment opportunities, offering fair pay and conditions for all
        employees and avoiding all forms of discrimination.

2. Social equity and cohesion
         a. To enhance the quality of life of local communities through tourism, and engage them in its
        planning and management
         b. To provide a safe, satisfying and fulfilling experience for visitors, available to all without
        discrimination by gender, race, religion, disability or in other ways.

3. Environmental and cultural protection
        a. To minimize pollution and degradation of the global and local environment and the use of
        scarce resources by tourism activities.
        b. To maintain and strengthen cultural richness and biodiversity and contribute to their
        appreciation and conservation.

As indicated through the various examples already presented, these objectives sit at the core of any
organization with an agenda towards Nature Based Tourism and Outdoor education. Aspects of these
objectives exist either directly or indirectly within all of the examples given thus far. It is therefore
relevant and consistent to say that they should and will be a central driver within the COIE.

With respect to the Lisbon Process, Tourism is regarded as a major tool for job growth throughout
Europe, and there is particular focus on job creation for youths within the sector. To this end, the
Sustainable Tourism Group has set forth within its various stated “Challenges for European Tourism”, a
variety of activities to support job growth, improve the standard of living and protect the
environment. Some of these are;

        • Being more prepared to use the tourism argument (as an economic driver) as a reason to fund
        the protection of nature and culture and prevent damaging change.

        • Appropriate designation of protected areas, including completing the Natura 2000 network.
• Strengthening the relationship between protected areas and local tourism interests, within the
        context of a sustainable tourism strategy and action plan

        • Pursuing ways of increasing contributions to conservation and management from visitors, the
        tourism sector and other enterprises benefiting from tourism.

        • Supporting conservation activity, linked where appropriate to tourism, on individual sites and
        private land, including the restoration of heritage buildings and the maintenance of traditional
        landscapes and habitats.

        • Strengthening the development, interpretation and promotion of quality products and
        services based on natural and cultural heritage, including traditional crafts, local produce and
        other elements of local distinctiveness, as a component of the visitor experience.

        • Developing monitoring programs to measure trends and impacts and facilitate adaptive

As the Lisbon Process has a primary focus on employment development through human resource
development this list of challenges gains direct relevance for Montenegro. It is expected that the COIE
will develop the capacity to address these challenges. This expectation further demonstrates the
importance of establishing the institution. As the COIE develops the ability to address these objectives, it
gains by becoming a player in Montenegrin alignment to the EU’s Aquis, and potentially become a
leader within the region for addressing these challenges.

The Montenegrin Situation: What will the Center for Outdoor Industry and Education be
and how will it be developed?
What will the COIE be?

The establishment of an institution such as a Center for Outdoor Industry and Education in Montenegro
would provide substantial benefit to the development and sustainability of Nature Based Tourism, as
well as provide numerous other benefits. The institution will be the central coordinating and driving
body supporting associations, businesses, educators, civil society and the government in Nature Based
Tourism Development and Outdoor Education, (it is believed that the institution will, due to its relation
to the outdoor industry as a whole, have the capacity to participate in the development of relationships
between international outdoor product manufacturers and domestic textile suppliers, however this will
not be the focus of the organization).

The Center will be an independent, non-governmental organization. It will develop and ultimately be
funded through membership fees, special projects, state grants, and revenue from educational
programs as well as potentially generating revenue through Destination Management Organization type
functions. The organization will be a member driven institution with primary focus on providing benefit
to those members. The organization will also seek to function for the improvement of lives of all
Montenegrins. OIEC’s mission should be one that seeks to develop and implement a vision for
sustainable nature based tourism industry/outdoor education development in Montenegro in
partnership with local communities, domestic and international institutions and businesses. An example
how that may look is thus;

        COIE’s mission is to be an inspirati
                           o       inspirational leader excelling in responsible nature-based tourism. Not
        to simply meet best practice – but to lead best practice. Furthermore, COIE seeks to position
        Montenegro as an authentic and diverse nature
                                                   nature-based destination of choice. The Center will
        work to involve all stakeholders in the process of development and ensure its position as a
        leader by developing a first class outdoor education system in cooperation with and for the
        benefit of the members, local communities, civil society organizations and the n  nation. The COIE
        will work with international organizations to ensure that standards are at the highest level
        possible and to improve the state of Nature Based Tourism and Outdoor education everywhere.

The Role of the Center will be to engage in a variety of activities designed to achieve the mission. These
activities, while diverse, will also be cross
                                        cross-cutting, (interlinked, i.e., Education and environment, Tourism
and education, environment and tourism, etc.), and together will serve to ensure the organizations
position and that it is able to provide intended benefits to its members. The COIE will provide specific
support to its members by a variety of means; professional development, (skills training), developing
international linkages, promoting Montenegri businesses and organizations, develop and provide
                                      Montenegrin                                   ,
outdoor education programs, and develop an take part in award and certification schemes that meet
                                               and                                        scheme
international standards. The organization will, over time, develop the capacity to provide guidance and
consulting services to the Government in preparation of future relevant strategies, policies, and legal

After review of numerous similar institutions, (such as those listed in the International Perspectives and
Best Case Practices section), it is expected that f
                                                  functionally, the institution will likely have a structure
such as the following;

                                        Board of trustees

                         WG Education

                                                             WG Development

                      WG Environment


           Environment                    Development                          Education
           Coordinator                     coordinator                        Coordinator
The Board and working groups are expected to be made up of members and stakeholders on a voluntary
basis. It is expected that the director/presidents position will also be a volunteer position although this is
not a certainty. The rationale for this is that the Board, working groups and directors’ position should
shift amongst stakeholders/members to ensure that all feel that they have a vested stake in the
institutions operational success. The coordinator positions will be professional paid positions that will
administer and manage the day to day operations of the organization and contribute directly to it’s long

In order to implement its mission, the COIE will need to address the following objectives:

    •   The protection and preservation of rural/environmentally sustainable way of life.
    •   The recognition of a stewardship role regarding the environment.
    •   To draw together the principal representative organizations operating in the field of outdoor
        education, training and recreation
    •   To develop opportunities for participation in adventurous activities and experiences outdoors
    •   To encourage the provision of outdoor learning experiences of the highest quality, safety, value
        and enjoyment
    •   To promote environmentally sustainable and responsible practice in the use of the outdoor
    •   Participate in the development of Outdoor Industry related production and sales businesses,
        (manufacturing, wholesale, retail).
    •   General promotion of active lifestyles
    •   Promote partnerships among businesses, communities and institutions;
    •   Represent and promote the interests of members at meetings with governments, government
        agencies, commissions, other organizations;
    •   Support the development of tourist products that exceed market standards by creating quality
        standards and by recognizing success with awards;
    •   Ensure the participation of all stakeholders in the development and promotion of tourism and
        outdoor activities.
    •   Place a priority on increasing awareness of nature based tourism as a sustainable economic
        development opportunity;
    •   Develop programs for “at risk” groups, (women, youths), to ensure inclusive participation
    •   Support and encourage human resources development.
    •   Develop alliances and coordinate with other tourism, outdoor and environmental organizations
        and to work toward common goals;
    •   Actively seek funding and other resources from governments, the private sector and others,
        (National Ministries, EC, UN, WB, USAID, etc.)
    •   Develop, where appropriate, revenue-generating activities.

Ultimately, it is expected that the institution, whatever its final structure, should be able to deliver
outputs in the following areas:

Enhance and grow authentic experiences

        Deliver innovative nature-based visitor experiences.
        Undertake an audit of our nature-based attributes to establish opportunities and priorities
Use the audit to select specialist product opportunities, develop effective partnerships and seek
        funding sources
        Work to increase the number and quality of experiences in parks
        Provide business advice and support to new and existing private sector, nature-based tourism
        Explore the opportunities for additional World Heritage listings
        Investigate the opportunities for engaging children and families in nature-based experiences
        Support the development, operation and promotion of urban nature-based experiences
        Identify at least three opportunities for cross-thematic product development
        Ensure cycling is a healthy soft adventure way of connecting with nature-based and cultural
        themes and secrets
        Commit to a strong interpretive element in all nature-based product (consistent with accepted
        Cultural Tourism principles of interpretation)
        Encourage existing and new links between local, regional and international educational and
        research institutions to facilitate innovative content-driven experiences
        Develop by 2010 three to five new or revitalized ‘iconic’ nature-based experiences.

Be productive in marketing

• Position Montenegro, (a self-proclaimed “Eco-State”), as an inspirational leader in nature-based

        Connect with global initiatives in sustainable tourism, nature-based tourism and ecotourism
        (e.g. World Tourism Organization [WTO] ‘Signposts for Sustainable Tourism’ Program, United
        Nations Environment Program [UNEP] Ecotourism Partnership Program, UNESCO’s Man and the
        Biosphere Program, Earthwatch, Cairns Charter on Ecotourism Partnerships)
        Showcase Montenegrin environmental management initiatives and products at relevant
        international and national tourism conferences
        Involve internationally respected experts in nature-based tourism and related fields
        Encourage and support more Montenegrin entries in the Environment category of Tourism and
        Education Awards
        Encourage the inclusion of a specific Sustainability Award in National Tourism Awards
        Attract high profile, nature-based ecological sustainability conferences
        Convey the message that Montenegro welcomes developers and investors that are innovative
        and have a sustainability mindset and motivation.

• Undertake targeted promotion with the right messages.

        Ensure all relevant marketing communication messages are responsible and reinforce
        environmental values and experiences
        Encourage the linking and bundling of complementary experiences
        Develop a new media kit for nature-based tourism highlighting Montenegro’s products
        Work to promote selected ‘tourism ready’ parks
        Target cultural / nature-based publications for visiting journalist programs (e.g. ‘National
        Continue to produce information-rich visitor promotional material
Target and develop strong distribution links with the high yield ‘not-for-profit’ and special
        interest travelers, (e.g. ‘Voluntourism’)
        Explore the opportunities to develop the conservation volunteer market
        Improve the knowledge of tourism organization staff about local and national nature-based
        products and experiences

Achieve strategic policy, investment and development

As the Centre develops capacity and gains valuable experience, it is expected that it will, as a central role
player and stakeholder, be capable of advising in policy matters through consulting and participating
projects with a policy impact component.

• Develop a sound planning policy framework for nature-based tourism

        Consult on the integration of positive, responsible nature-based tourism policies into policy
        instruments of government agencies
        Support the requirement for a comprehensive site analysis and design response to be
        undertaken for any development assessment within sensitive environments
        Ensure nature-based tourism opportunities are identified in regional strategic planning
        Work within the framework of the Tourism Master Plan to facilitate innovative and sustainable
        nature-based tourism development
        Encourage and Consult in the development of a Protected Area Tourism Strategy.

• Establish infrastructure that supports nature-based tourism.

        Identify key infrastructure priorities from the audit of nature-based attributes and from each
        regional tourism strategy plan and incorporate these into future infrastructure projects
        Give high priority to environmental management infrastructure within the scope of potential
        infrastructure funding programs
        Ensure that developments demonstrate environmentally sustainable principles and use design
        expertise and innovative technologies
        Facilitate by 2012 at least three memorable nature-based accommodation developments in
        strategic locations

Develop a strong professional and profitable industry

• Ensure high standards of nature-based operating practices

        Encourage tourism and tourism related businesses to achieve appropriate accreditation (e.g.
        Green Globe – tourism related businesses; Nature and Ecotourism Accreditation Program
        (NEAP) – nature-based operators)
        Achieve a 200% increase in the number of Montenegrin nature-based products that are
        accredited by mid-2010
        Promote development of an system of licensing commercial tour operators in protected areas

• Build a strong and vital nature-based sector capacity.

        Strengthen our understanding of the nature-based market through targeted research
        Encourage the participation of tour operators within the institution
        Undertake a training needs analysis and conduct periodic nature-based stakeholder forums
Investigate and develop ‘best practice’ public/private partnership agreements (especially within
        protected areas)
        Encourage nature-based training initiatives (e.g. on-job traineeships)
        Develop stronger links with Research Centre’s for Sustainable Tourism.


        Build strong partnerships and mobilize resources to achieve common objectives
        Build strong partnerships with other agencies and organizations both domestically and
        internationally. Special attention should be paid to developing strong partners within the EU
        Participate in funding bids for the implementation of nature-based tourism initiatives and

How will the COIE be developed?

In order for this institution to succeed, various support efforts will be required to build up the
organization. As such, a series of strategies and actions can be set forth to accomplish this thusly;

Strategies and actions

To achieve the desired outcomes, support to the COIE must invest in and implement a range of
strategies that focus on:

•   Coordination– effectively linking stakeholders
•   Structure and Planning – ensuring sustainability.
•   Product Development – providing quality nature based tourism experiences;
•   Marketing and Promotion – promoting the Natural Resources of Montenegro.

    (Efforts under the first two headings should take place before the end of 2008 so that the
    organization can be in existence by January 2009)

Coordination – effectively linking stakeholders

Development of nature based tourism relies on a range of complementary nature based tourism
stakeholders and private sector tourism interests. These include:

•   resource management and regulatory agencies;
•   relevant associations
•   nature based, ecotourism and adventure tourism operators;
•   attractions with nature based tourism and heritage links
•   civil society
•   tourism marketing and development organizations

This initial effort that will be taken by UNDP and the Ministry of Tourism will seek to develop
mechanisms, such as a Working Group, that will foster cooperation, coordination and communication
amongst the various stakeholders. This working group will be informed as to the benefits of a COIE and
possible structures for the institution.
Structure and Planning – ensuring sustainability,

Upon establishment of the Working Group, the process of determining the exact structure will be the
primary objective, with a further objective being establishment of a strategic development plan. The
effort to do this will be facilitated by UNDP in Partnership with the Ministry of Tourism. It will be
essential to the success of the institution that the Working Group takes an active role in its
establishment and final design. The provision of Technical Assistance in this area will be essential as
proper planning has obvious near, mid, and long term benefits that are essential to sustainability. The
technical assistance will work with the group to ensure both a full understanding of risks and benefits of
certain structures and improve the capacity of the working group through training and assistance in
developing strategic plans for the institution.

         (The following two efforts should begin once the organization has been legally established and
        should be completed within a 6-9 month time frame following that).

Product Development – providing quality nature based tourism experiences

While Montenegro’s natural areas provide are a substantial asset, establishment of a significant
competitive advantage requires the development of specific natural area “product”. Technical
Assistance to the COIE in the form of training and partner development towards three product
development priorities can be identified:

    1. Improving access to nature based tourism experiences through the development of packages
       and partnerships with complementary stakeholders and external institutions.

    2. New product development through the development of ‘destination nodes’ that link key natural
       areas and nature based tourism stakeholders.

    3. Development and support to weaker product offerings by means of Human Resource
       development efforts that will raise the standard of care in under utilized sectors of Nature Base
       Tourism, (e.g., kayaking, fishing).

Marketing and Promotion – promoting Natural Resources

In developing a market position and profile as an alternative nature based tourism destination, the
marketing of Montenegro’s nature based tourism opportunities needs to be broadened to encompass a
range experiences, including:

•   active recreational pursuits, such as hiking and cycling;
•   adventure tourism opportunities, such as; rafting, kayaking, (sea and whitewater), rock climbing and
    others at appropriate sites;

Technical assistance will be provided to the Organization in best practices to promote Montenegro’s
assets through training, and light practical, internal ‘pilot projects’ such as development of a web site
that will enable the organization to capitalize on cost effective new media as a means of promotion.
Beyond the initial phase of development

While the initial four areas of focus will be essential from the outset, as the organization develops and
capacities are built up, more support will be needed to enable it to fulfill its mission. The second phase
of development and assistance will have to focuses; Practical experience and additional training. This
phase will last over a 2 -3 year time frame, after which the institution will be expected to be fully self-

A series of trainings Pilot Projects will be developed to enable the organization to develop the practical
experience needed to manage and develop its activities. The projects will both build upon the training
provided thus far and will ensure the sustainability of the institution. These projects will ultimately be
decided upon by the working group, but it is expected that they will include, but not be limited to,
efforts such as;

    •   Partnering with the British Adventure Activities Certification Authority to develop and
        implement an award and certification scheme aimed at developing human resources and
        ensuring quality of product delivery.

    •   Training for and development of a Destination Management Strategy and Plan. The Strategy and
        Plan will then be implemented with technical assistance. This activity will be essential as it will
        be one of the first major efforts at developing a viable revenue stream for the organization.

    •   Development of an outdoor education program which can be used as a domestic capacity
        building and awareness raising effort as well as a product offering for potential international
        partners, (Outward Bound, NOLS, etc.).

    •   Development and implementation of event driven tourism that utilizes to links Montenegro’s
        natural assets (Adventure races, Mountain Festivals)

From a training standpoint, there will be a primary focus on efforts to raise capacity for fundraising.
These efforts will include training in EU project proposal preparation and management, training in
general proposal writing and developing knowledge of the various funding mechanisms that exist and
how to access them, (domestic and international). As indicated within the pilot project section, an effort
to provide training in the area of Destination Management will be a key area to be addressed during the
second phase of development as a means to achieve self-sustainability. There will be further trainings
provided in sustainable event management, development of outdoor leadership education programs
and others as determined by the working group.

Potential Obstacles and Risks

On the road to development of the COIE there will be various obstacles and risks that will have to be
overcome. Central amongst these is the risk of low interest amongst weaker stakeholders within the
sector. It is due to this that the initial efforts at coordination and establishment of the working group will
seek to enable these stakeholders and give them a sense of empowerment that will be necessary to
ensure their participation. Another, similar risk is rejection from the larger stakeholders who may feel
that they will lose their position within an institution of this sort. As a remedy to this, in the initial phases
of the organizations establishment will seek to provide these stakeholders with a clear understanding of
the benefits they can derive from its existence, and the importance of their involvement during the
earliest stages as their experience will be invaluable during this process.

There are also obstacles that exist from the stakeholder standpoint. These obstacles revolve primarily
around determination of exact institutional structure and objectives. Each stakeholder/member will
have a different view of what the institution can and should do, and how it should do it. This obstacle
will be addressed by the provision of expert technical assistance in the formation process that will help
all of the stakeholders feel that the organization can provide benefits to them and be functionally
capable of fulfilling its mission. Additionally, a further obstacle exists from a human resources
standpoint. This obstacle is acquisition of qualified candidates who can be trained to perform the tasks
of the coordinator positions. While knowledgeable candidates likely exist, ensuring that those
candidates are brought in will be a difficult task.

Other Risks that exist, but are outside of the control of the stakeholders are; regional political stability,
national commitment to current policies are sustained, and international tourism trends continue to see
Nature Based Tourism as one of the fastest and consistently growing sectors.

Closing Statement

While the above list is ambitious, it is by no means unrealistic. Presuming the initial phases of
development are successful, the ability to deliver on the above list will necessitate further assistance in
the following areas; fundraising, establishment of domestic and participation in international award
programs for sustainability and quality of product delivery, project development and management,
development and implementation of outdoor education programs. The timing of these assistance
efforts will be dependant on the availability of funding to provide support, but it is advisable that initial
training in these areas be completed within a six to nine month time frame following completion of the
initial phases of development listed earlier. Following this, (and in certain cases coinciding), pilot
projects should be developed and implemented to provide practical experience to the organization. This
effort will require the full commitment of initial funders to provide support during the early phases of
the institutions existence. This support is particularly critical as the capacity of the institution shall grow
at its fastest rate during the early development period and assistance will be needed to ensure that
process is measured and responsible chronologically. Assistance will also be needed in the early years to
ensure that any training is matched by practical application of developed skills to ensure real time
reinforcement of those skills. This reinforcement will perhaps be the most critical portion of assistance
provided as it is the core element of organizational self-sustainability.

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Nature Based Tourism and Environmental Conservation in Montenegro

  • 1. Sustainable development of Nature Based Tourism and Environmental Conservation in Montenegro Report on the potential establishment of an institutional Center for Outdoor Industries and Education Tony Karzen for UNDP Montenegro
  • 2. Introduction This report establishes the potential contribution of the Outdoor Industry, (nature based tourism, educational programs, skills training and certification programs, et al.), to the sustainability of the economy and environment in Montenegro and more specifically the need to establish a uniting organization to ensure that potential to contribute is capitalized upon. With a wealth of natural resources, Montenegro has the potential to become a top destination for adventurous/nature based activities which include but are not limited to; Hiking, Mountain biking, Climbing; Kayaking; Orienteering; Road cycling; Bouldering; Caving; Canoeing; Diving; Kite surfing; Paragliding; Skiing; Snowboarding; Nordic Walking; White water rafting and Windsurfing. The report assesses the current situation in Montenegro and what steps are necessary to maximize its potential. The assessment is a result of interviews with relevant stakeholders, (Mountaineering Association, Cycling Association, Ministry of Tourism, National Tourism Organization, and various Civil Society Organizations). The report also takes into consideration best case practice examples from around the world, (New Zealand, UK, Australia, The United States and Canada). With the combination of these two sources of information, a clear picture of what is needed in Montenegro becomes evident. Specifically, the lack of central coordination for outdoor related tourism development, management of the relationship of that development to environmental conservation, and weakness in outdoor education programs are major obstacles to effective and sustainable development. As such, there is a need to establish such an organization through which all subsectors of the outdoor industry can benefit. A “Centre for Outdoor Industry and Education” would be able to centralize coordination, management, and development and minimize the lack of organizational capacity that exists throughout the various activities related organizations within the sector. This organization would be developed so as to provide sustainable Nature Based Tourism development through sectored destination management, organization of educational programs, provision of awards, (certifications), for cross-training of guides, and particularly through establishing international partnerships for business, research, and any other viable activity. Furthermore, this organization would, (in time as a multiplier effect), develop the ability to provide assistance in policy development in the areas of conservation, education, safety, tourism development, youth activation, and others. Background Statement The concept of protecting wild lands for their inherent natural beauty, cultural and biological significance was realized in 1872 with the creation of Yellowstone National Park, the world's first protected area. Since then, people have visited parks around the world to experience wilderness and pay homage to natural sites and icons. This is the essence of what is termed "nature-based tourism". Recently, with increasing appreciation of nature and heightened awareness of declining biodiversity worldwide, nature-based tourism has evolved as a rapidly growing sector of a globally significant industry. In Southeast Europe nowhere has this fact attracted more attention than Montenegro. Montenegro is blessed by a wealth of biodiversity and natural resources that is capped by the existence of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, National Park Durmitor. With this wealth of natural resources, Montenegro has the potential to become a top destination for outdoor/nature based activities which
  • 3. include but are not limited to; Hiking, Mountain biking, Climbing; Kayaking; Orienteering; Road cycling; Bouldering; Caving; Canoeing; Diving; Kite surfing; Paragliding; Skiing; Snowboarding; Nordic Walking; White water rafting and Windsurfing. In an effort to build upon the established strategy to enhance environmental protection and develop nature based tourism in Montenegro, UNDP has commissioned a report to assess the need and potential for establishing a Center for Outdoor Industry and Education. Based upon the strategies for Mountain Tourism development, (“Program Razvoja Planinskog Turizma u Crnoj Gori”, Ministry of Tourism 2005) with supporting evidence from additional strategies, (Oliver Bennett “Review of Mountain Tourism Potential”, 2005 UNDP, “Sustainable winter & summer tourism in northern & Central Montenegro” 2005 RBF-UNDP, “Strategic Framework For Development Of Sustainable Tourism In Northern & Central Montenegro”, Montenegro Ministry of Tourism-UNDP 2004, and the “Human Resources Development Strategy for the Tourism Sector in Montenegro”, GTZ 2006). As well, the Montenegrin Tourism Master Plan, while still undergoing final revisions, is expected to more support to the area of nature based, (“Outdoor”), tourism. The plan as it is states, within the executive summary, a relevant weakness for Montenegro, “The country lacks… a commercial product and adequately qualified specialist personnel”. Furthermore, The plan makes numerous references to the need for Montenegro to develop “specialized” forms of tourism with further references to wilderness hiking and biking, (as well as other related activities), as viable forms that have potential to be developed, particularly in the North of the country. These statements are reinforced when put into the context of Montenegro’s ranking on the World Economic Forum “Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report”, 2008. This report shows that Montenegro ranks 76th in Human Resources and a lowly 129th in Price Competitiveness, (despite a #1 ranking for affinity for travel and tourism). The tie between these two is substantial. The current offer of Montenegro has been built upon discount “sun and sea” tourism which requires low human capital, and does not require a high quality variety of product offerings. This, of course, is not a sustainable path. Robert McIntosh & Shashikant Gupta, authors of “Tourism Principles, Practices, Philosophies”, state, “Tourism is very sensitive to the quality of recreational use of natural resources, and unless high standards are maintained, a depreciation of demand will invariably result. Thus, ecological and environmental considerations are vital”, and, “Tourism development must be guided by carefully planned policy, international in concept and interdisciplinary in its creation. A sound development policy can have the happy result of a growing tourist business and the preservation of the natural and cultural resources which attracted the visitors in the first place.” Within this context the Ministry of Tourism and UNDP have begun to provide immediate support to nature based/outdoor tourism starting with the Hiking and Biking sectors. An institutional assessment of two associations, Mountaineering and Cycling, was necessary to begin this process and has been completed along with a plan of action aimed at building capacity. These institutions are seen as cornerstones to nature based/outdoor tourism development as they are natural stewards and standard bearers of this sector. However, to build the outdoor/nature based tourism sector as a whole, enhancing these two institutions is seen to be not enough. While critical in improving their areas of focus, they are too narrow in scope to address the needs of the sector as a whole. It was out of this reality that considerations were made as to what type of institution could function towards the larger goal of Sustainable Nature Based Tourism development. UNDP and the Ministry of Tourism discussed the matter and consulted independent experts and through this process it was determined that an institution which has a mandate of sustainable development of the sector as a whole, promotion of conservation and education was needed, thus the concept of establishing the
  • 4. Center for Outdoor Industry and Education was developed. The decision to pursue this effort in the near term has been deemed to be essential as capacity building efforts will be required and it will take time for the institution to mature. Where it is anticipated that this organization will have a primary initial aim of tourism development, its nature based orientation and the need to provide educational programming to ensure sustainability will position the institution as a potential central player and primary partner in future development projects funded by the European Union, (IPA), as Montenegro moves towards ascension. As will be shown in this report, throughout the world various forms of Outdoor /Nature Based Tourism/Education Associations have been developed to achieve the very aims that are being sought in Montenegro. These aims can be summed up in what the proposed COIE can provide; Nature based tourism organizations can deliver a range of environmental, social and economic benefits including: • Increased community and visitor environmental awareness and understanding; • Promotion of environmental and cultural values; • Generation of revenue for the conservation and management of natural and cultural heritage; • Greater community and visitor enjoyment of natural and cultural sites and facilities; and • Employment opportunities, utilizing local knowledge and facilities. • Visiting natural areas provides opportunities for private contemplation (“getting centered”) and multiple unique experiences that are unattainable elsewhere and are a high value added product in the tourism industry. (Nature based tourists tend to be high yield tourists, spending more, and staying longer in a destination than general tourists.) • Improved knowledge of other people, areas, and natural resources will always lead to a greater understanding of and concern for these people, areas, and natural resources. • Properly managed and developed Nature based tourism is characterized by the existence of a large number of very small businesses that support & are supplementary to the industry. As tourism flourishes so do they. (Plus, not only does the tourist contribute financially to a specific area through direct expenses, but there is a multiplier effect as those tourist funds are spent on other indirect expenses related to the trip.) • The preservation of wildlife sanctuaries and parks as well as national monuments and other cultural resources are often encouraged when tourism begins to be a force in the society. • Nature-based tourism provides unique, regional experiences that create an awareness of the special value of the natural areas visited. • When properly managed, nature-based tourism is a way of offering low-impact experiences that bring unending benefits to the tourist & ultimately to the resource itself through efforts to preserve its quality. Importantly, as tourism, and in particular nature based tourism, is essentially about the environment in which we live, work and play Montenegro’s natural assets also represent significant community resources and recreational opportunities that can be capitalized upon for the benefit of both conservation and tourism development. However, a mechanism to ensure this must be in place, and that mechanism is the proposed “Centre for Outdoor Industry and Education”. Vital Components of Nature-Based Tourism Established author PH.D. Antony Lynam, a respected Australian conservation scientist and Tourism consultant states in an online article on the Thailand Ministry of Tourism web site,
  • 5. (, “To be truly successful, nature tourism must benefit both wildlife and inhabitants”. Tourism is one means by which local people can derive benefit from protected areas. If tourism can provide employment and communities can benefit from activities in protected areas, wildlife, their habitats, and other natural features, the objects of nature based tourism can be sustained. Tourism and conservation can then coexist or the two are even symbiotic. The challenge for developing nature-based tourism is to make it symbiotic with conservation. A common denominator is that if nature tourism can focus on special places, special activities, and select groups of people, then it can be done and not requires large-scale investment in infrastructure that has a high impact on the environment. Taking this into consideration, as the COIE is developed, it should be done so in a way as to support these vital components, it is anticipated that initial focus should be on the following; • Increase the recognition of Montenegro as a unique nature based tourism destination – via destination branding and positioning and the development and implementation of targeted and effective marketing strategies; • Provide quality nature based tourism products and experiences – via appropriate investment, research and training; • Foster the development of an effective, efficient and profitable industry – through the facilitation of linkages and development of opportunities within and between sectors. • Contribute to the conservation of Montenegro’s natural and heritage assets – via improved understanding, appreciation and interpretation of the environment and sound management principles and practices; Values and benefits of outdoor education, training and recreation A critical aspect of sustainable Nature Based Tourism development is education and training. The UK Institute for Outdoor Learning provides perhaps the strongest guidance on the importance of outdoor education and training and the value it provides with numerous statements on its web site, ( These statements demonstrate both the importance of outdoor education to Nature Based Tourism, as well as the multiplier effect that it has socially, delivering much more than improved tourism. “Outdoor education, training and recreation promote active learning through direct personal experience and offer excitement, fun and adventure within a framework of safety.” Active learning and adventure outdoors can take place in a variety of environments: rural and urban, local and more remote. Outdoor education, training and recreation involve both young people and adults in a wide range of experiences, including adventurous activities on land and water and activities with an environmental focus. Methods used include skills-focused learning, problem solving, team building and self-reliant journeys and activities, with residential experience an especially valued feature. “Challenging experience outdoors impacts powerfully upon a young person’s intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and moral development.” Use of the outdoors makes a major contribution to physical and environmental education and enhances many other curriculum areas. It contributes to personal growth and social awareness and develops skills
  • 6. for life and the world of work. Qualities such as a sense of responsibility and a purpose in life are nurtured. There is also a great deal of intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction to be experienced from participation in outdoor activities. “Building self-confidence and self-esteem is fundamental to any young person’s development.” Outdoor activities provide valuable alternative, often non-competitive, avenues for achievement, as well as opportunities to develop independence and self-reliance. Through successfully facing up to the challenges which outdoor activities provide, overcoming fears and apprehensions along the way, young people make major strides in confidence, with implications for all aspects of their development. “A positive attitude to learning is essential if young people are to make the most of their education.” Participation in exciting and enjoyable outdoor activities with teachers, youth workers and peers reinforces a positive attitude to education and contributes significantly to the general ethos of a school or youth group. Direct experience out of doors stimulates and reinforces learning across many areas of the curriculum, and the use of the outdoors encourages young people to take greater responsibility for their own learning. “Awareness of the needs and contributions of others and the ability to sustain effective relationships, at work and in the family, are vital in today’s society.” Experience in the outdoors provides rich opportunities for personal and social development through carefully structured group work in challenging situations. Trust, care, tolerance and the willingness to give and accept support are all encouraged and anti-social behavior is challenged. Opportunities are presented to exhibit and develop effective inter-personal behavior and to work co-operatively and effectively in teams. “The purposeful use of leisure time is increasingly seen as making an important contribution to a fulfilling lifestyle.” Outdoor recreation introduces young people to a range of worthwhile leisure pursuits which will enrich their future lives, and develops the skills and knowledge essential for safe participation. Outdoor exercise contributes greatly to health and fitness and continuing participation in outdoor pursuits encourages the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle into middle age and beyond. “Our relationship with the environment is a key issue facing tomorrow’s citizens.” Active learning and adventure outdoors introduces young people to the environment in a way which develops understanding, appreciation and respect. It fosters sensitivity to the environment, helps young people to see themselves in a global context and helps to develop citizens with an awareness of the need for sustainable use of the world’s natural resources. “Tomorrow’s successful citizens will possess the adaptability to cope with a rapidly changing world of work and the responsibility to be an effective member of a community.”
  • 7. Challenging outdoor experiences promote the development of communication, problem solving and decision making skills which have currency across a range of occupations. They encourage a positive "opting in" and "can do" attitude. Young people’s horizons are broadened, new challenges come to be relished rather than shunned, and perseverance and determination are reinforced. Values and attitudes developed in a context of shared endeavor help to form a sound basis for responsible citizenship. International Perspectives and Best Case Practices Throughout the world there are various institutions that have a nature based tourism development focus. Some of these institutions are oriented towards pure business development, others are focused on education. Some are, as would be the case in Montenegro, focused on both. Here is a list of numerous institutions from around the world that provide various benefits to Nature Based Tourism development that would be provided by the COIE. ATTA: Adventure Tourism and Travel Association Internationally, the ATTA is the leader in Nature based Tourism development. The ATTA has operated since 1990 as the only international adventure travel trade association. Over the years, the ATTA has executed many different programs and strategies, which has made it a central organization in the Adventure Travel Industry worldwide. It has operated twelve World Congresses on Adventure Travel (both in the US and internationally), built the trade association as high as 750 member companies, performed numerous research projects for companies and organizations in the industry, and acted as a consultant to the World Bank and various Ministries of Tourism on research assignments for different countries. The organization has worked with many adventure luminaries including Richard Leakey, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Richard Bangs, Galen Rowell and David Brower. Additionally, it has served as an industry spokes-group, often quoted by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and many others when it comes to expertise regarding Adventure Travel. The ATTA offers various benefits for members, producing valuable industry research and raising the profile of the whole adventure travel industry via a strategic trade and consumer media communication plans. While the ATTA originally pursued primarily tour operators, refocused interests includes travel agencies, media companies, online content companies, ministries and boards of tourism, transportation companies, product vendors, travel experts, lodges, resorts and destinations. By working together as a whole, much better and bigger industry initiatives may be pursued. The relevance of the ATTA to Montenegro is derived primarily from both the benefits it provides to its members, as well as activities related to the organizations “refocused interests”. It is anticipated that the COIE would provide similar benefits to its members while also seeking to bring together a broad cross-section of stakeholders that can through the COIE work together to pursue “better and bigger industry initiatives”. Victorian Outdoor Education Association (Australia) Another related institution is the Victorian Outdoor Education Association (VOEA), the peak body and professional teaching association supporting teachers and educators in the conduct of outdoor education in schools and other educational programs in Victoria, Australia.
  • 8. The VOEA is a non-governmental organization. It is funded through membership fees, special projects, state government grants, revenue from the Education Outdoors Shop and sponsorship. The mission of the VOEA is to lead the development and support of the outdoor education profession. What does the VOEA do? - acts as a advocate for outdoor education in Victoria - provides a resource and advisory service for outdoor educators - develops and reviews curriculum, guidelines and standards in outdoor education - promotes a philosophy of environmental awareness and conservation The VOEA supports its members through newsletters and journals, conferences, professional development, selling resources, consultancy and network links. In turn the VOEA relies on fees from members, resource sales and events for its operation. The relevance of this institution to Montenegro comes from its structure, (a member driven non-profit), and its position as an advocate and central player in the field of outdoor education and environmental sustainability. Both of these aspects are expected to be incorporated into the COIE. Similarly, the Outdoor Council of Australia is an institution that works towards the combined end of environmental protection, economic growth and professionalism; Vision To develop and promote a professional community that provides quality outdoor experiences. Mission The Outdoor Council of Australia provides services to support: Professional conduct (Human Resources) Environmental sustainability (Education and Planning) Cultural and social sensitivity (Human Resources and Education) Risk minimization (Education and Planning) Role The role of the Council is to represent to the community, industries and all levels of government, the views and needs of outdoor educators, leaders and guides as well as organizations that support leadership or are otherwise involved in the training of outdoor educators, leaders and guides via their state and national peak bodies. This institution has also had a substantial impact on policy at the government level, contributing to the establishment of various related strategies, such as the Nature Based Tourism Strategy for the Australian Capital Territories. Perhaps the most directly related of any institution, the vision, mission and role are all expected to be fully incorporated into the COIE in Montenegro. The three core areas of focus, Human Resources, Education and Planning are areas of critical importance to development of sustainable Nature Based Tourism and will be of great value to meet the current needs of Montenegro as it develops the sector.
  • 9. Outdoors New Zealand is yet another exemplary institution to demonstrate the value of these types of organizations. This particular institution serves to ensure the highest quality level possible in the area of human resources related to nature based activities. The organization has established a series of standards for guiding and rescue services and runs both training and certification programs as a mechanism for financial self sustainability. Furthermore, they organize conferences, provide knowledge based research in the area and actively promote outdoor leadership training as a means to conservation and sustainable development. The organization of certification for guiding, called “OutdoorsMark”, has been developed upon that of the UK Adventure Activities Licensing Authority scheme and was launched by the Ministry for Sport and Recreation in the NZ Parliament on 1 March 2004. ONZ is also very similar in what it is the COIE will do functionally. Their human resources efforts and use of the “Outdoors Mark” brand of certification will be something that should be directly mirrored. Furthermore, their organization of conferences and research efforts to ensure the highest possible standards are also relevant activities that could apply to the COIE. As well, their usage of the training and certification programs as a revenue stream to aid in financial sustainability is a functional aspect that the Center should employ. The UK Adventure Activities Licensing Authority certification program began in 1996 to ensure quality standards would be maintained within outdoor educational programs. A license indicates that a provider has been inspected by the Adventure Activities Licensing Service, and has been able to demonstrate compliance with nationally accepted standards of good practice in the delivery of adventure activities with due regard to the benefits and risks of the activity. This program has led to the UK achieving a position as international leaders in the area of conservation education and practice as well as having guide certification programs that are among the most recognized in the world, (example: the British Canoe Union guide certification program is so highly regarded that any guide holding this certification is employable anywhere in the world as it is transferable at a higher standard level to any other certification program). This certification model is clearly the primary model that should be followed by the COIE as it develops. The high regard with which the certifications are held internationally provides a benchmark the Center can use to maximize the level of quality care and product delivery, thereby enabling Montenegro to capitalize the small but lucrative high value added end aspect of Nature Based Tourism. The British Activity Holiday Association was formed by a number of responsible activity centre operators in 1986, with the express intent of establishing operating guidelines for an ‘industry’ that otherwise had no specific controlling regulations. Representatives from established activity holiday companies formed a steering committee, chaired by the Sports Council, and spent several months drafting a Code of Practice and Constitution. The English Tourist Board invited activity operators to two open meetings after which the Association was launched. During 1993 the Association completed a revision of its Code of Practice and inspection scheme, giving due regard to the documents produced by the United Kingdom Activity Centre Advisory Committee, the Wales Tourist Board and the EU Package Travel Directive for the UK Travel Industry. Further revisions have taken place since to accommodate the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 1996 (Activity Centers Act) and other developments. Since that time, successive committees of elected members have developed a Code o f Practice, Activity Guidelines and an Inspection Scheme.
  • 10. The BAHA Members’ Manual lays down standards for: • Customer Care, • Recruitment, staffing and management, • Staff induction / training / assessment, • Accommodation, • Health and Safety, • Fire Precautions, • First Aid, • Insurance, • Activity Equipment, • Activity guidelines , • Transport, • Environmental responsibility While the focus of this institution, Human Resources Development and quality of care, are both aspect that will be functionally within the Center, what is of particular note from BAHA is its existence as a member driven organization. Certainly the longstanding success of the institution must be derived from this fact. It is well known that the more an institution of this type is “owned” by its members, the greater the level of impact, relevance and ability to provide benefit. As the COIE is developed, the fact will be taken into deep consideration as to ensure stakeholder/member “ownership”. EUROPEAN LEVEL: At the European level, there are a couple of relevant institutions. The European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) and the Association for Conservation, (an initiative of the European Outdoor Group. The EOE seeks to achieve the following: • Develop theoretical foundations for the field of outdoor activities. • Promotes alternative education and complementary education through the means of outdoor activities. • Outdoor recreation of young people and of aged people is promoted and encouraged as well. • Therapy by using outdoor adventure activities is a field that the Institute tends to support and develop. • Research on using experiential learning as a means to nonconventional education and environmental education is also encouraged. Within the context of Montenegrin ascension to the EU, these activities can be highly relevant. While it is not anticipated that the Center would initially function towards these specific goals, as the institution grows and develops more capacity, all of these are activities that would be excellent as either direct focus or a smaller portion of potential EC funded projects. Furthermore, the EOE represents a potential partner in that respect. The European Outdoor Group, (Association for Conservation) The European Outdoor Group is an organization of outdoor product manufacturers and retailers that has established within its structure an “Association for Conservation”. This Association is an active
  • 11. funder and technical assistance provider of activities that protect threatened wild areas for their habitat and recreational value, focus on specific issues and root causes, involve direct citizen action, are time sequenced, results oriented and measurable, have a one to two year lifecycle and that build public involvement, consensus and support. The EOG’s Association for Conservation represents another potential partner for the COIE. This is true both in terms of potential to seek funding from within their grant scheme, and also as possible partners in related activities within an EC funded program, (Life+, Europe 4 Citizens, as well as others). European Union Priority Relevance Also relevant on the European level are priorities relating to the Lisbon Process, as well as the sustainable tourism development strategy. The EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) has three key objectives: economic prosperity; social equity and cohesion; and environmental protection. Taking each of these in turn, the following aims for the sustainability of European tourism are proposed by the European Commissions Sustainable Tourism Group: 1. Economic prosperity a. To ensure the long term competitiveness, viability and prosperity of tourism enterprises and destinations. b. To provide quality employment opportunities, offering fair pay and conditions for all employees and avoiding all forms of discrimination. 2. Social equity and cohesion a. To enhance the quality of life of local communities through tourism, and engage them in its planning and management b. To provide a safe, satisfying and fulfilling experience for visitors, available to all without discrimination by gender, race, religion, disability or in other ways. 3. Environmental and cultural protection a. To minimize pollution and degradation of the global and local environment and the use of scarce resources by tourism activities. b. To maintain and strengthen cultural richness and biodiversity and contribute to their appreciation and conservation. As indicated through the various examples already presented, these objectives sit at the core of any organization with an agenda towards Nature Based Tourism and Outdoor education. Aspects of these objectives exist either directly or indirectly within all of the examples given thus far. It is therefore relevant and consistent to say that they should and will be a central driver within the COIE. With respect to the Lisbon Process, Tourism is regarded as a major tool for job growth throughout Europe, and there is particular focus on job creation for youths within the sector. To this end, the Sustainable Tourism Group has set forth within its various stated “Challenges for European Tourism”, a variety of activities to support job growth, improve the standard of living and protect the environment. Some of these are; • Being more prepared to use the tourism argument (as an economic driver) as a reason to fund the protection of nature and culture and prevent damaging change. • Appropriate designation of protected areas, including completing the Natura 2000 network.
  • 12. • Strengthening the relationship between protected areas and local tourism interests, within the context of a sustainable tourism strategy and action plan • Pursuing ways of increasing contributions to conservation and management from visitors, the tourism sector and other enterprises benefiting from tourism. • Supporting conservation activity, linked where appropriate to tourism, on individual sites and private land, including the restoration of heritage buildings and the maintenance of traditional landscapes and habitats. • Strengthening the development, interpretation and promotion of quality products and services based on natural and cultural heritage, including traditional crafts, local produce and other elements of local distinctiveness, as a component of the visitor experience. • Developing monitoring programs to measure trends and impacts and facilitate adaptive management. As the Lisbon Process has a primary focus on employment development through human resource development this list of challenges gains direct relevance for Montenegro. It is expected that the COIE will develop the capacity to address these challenges. This expectation further demonstrates the importance of establishing the institution. As the COIE develops the ability to address these objectives, it gains by becoming a player in Montenegrin alignment to the EU’s Aquis, and potentially become a leader within the region for addressing these challenges. The Montenegrin Situation: What will the Center for Outdoor Industry and Education be and how will it be developed? What will the COIE be? The establishment of an institution such as a Center for Outdoor Industry and Education in Montenegro would provide substantial benefit to the development and sustainability of Nature Based Tourism, as well as provide numerous other benefits. The institution will be the central coordinating and driving body supporting associations, businesses, educators, civil society and the government in Nature Based Tourism Development and Outdoor Education, (it is believed that the institution will, due to its relation to the outdoor industry as a whole, have the capacity to participate in the development of relationships between international outdoor product manufacturers and domestic textile suppliers, however this will not be the focus of the organization). The Center will be an independent, non-governmental organization. It will develop and ultimately be funded through membership fees, special projects, state grants, and revenue from educational programs as well as potentially generating revenue through Destination Management Organization type functions. The organization will be a member driven institution with primary focus on providing benefit to those members. The organization will also seek to function for the improvement of lives of all Montenegrins. OIEC’s mission should be one that seeks to develop and implement a vision for sustainable nature based tourism industry/outdoor education development in Montenegro in partnership with local communities, domestic and international institutions and businesses. An example how that may look is thus;
  • 13. Mission: COIE’s mission is to be an inspirati o inspirational leader excelling in responsible nature-based tourism. Not based to simply meet best practice – but to lead best practice. Furthermore, COIE seeks to position Montenegro as an authentic and diverse nature nature-based destination of choice. The Center will . work to involve all stakeholders in the process of development and ensure its position as a leader by developing a first class outdoor education system in cooperation with and for the benefit of the members, local communities, civil society organizations and the n nation. The COIE will work with international organizations to ensure that standards are at the highest level possible and to improve the state of Nature Based Tourism and Outdoor education everywhere. The Role of the Center will be to engage in a variety of activities designed to achieve the mission. These f activities, while diverse, will also be cross cross-cutting, (interlinked, i.e., Education and environment, Tourism , and education, environment and tourism, etc.), and together will serve to ensure the organizations organizat position and that it is able to provide intended benefits to its members. The COIE will provide specific support to its members by a variety of means; professional development, (skills training), developing international linkages, promoting Montenegri businesses and organizations, develop and provide Montenegrin , outdoor education programs, and develop an take part in award and certification schemes that meet and scheme international standards. The organization will, over time, develop the capacity to provide guidance and consulting services to the Government in preparation of future relevant strategies, policies, and legal structures. After review of numerous similar institutions, (such as those listed in the International Perspectives and those Best Case Practices section), it is expected that f functionally, the institution will likely have a structure tution such as the following; Board of trustees WG Education WG Development WG Environment Director/President Environment Development Education Coordinator coordinator Coordinator
  • 14. The Board and working groups are expected to be made up of members and stakeholders on a voluntary basis. It is expected that the director/presidents position will also be a volunteer position although this is not a certainty. The rationale for this is that the Board, working groups and directors’ position should shift amongst stakeholders/members to ensure that all feel that they have a vested stake in the institutions operational success. The coordinator positions will be professional paid positions that will administer and manage the day to day operations of the organization and contribute directly to it’s long development. In order to implement its mission, the COIE will need to address the following objectives: • The protection and preservation of rural/environmentally sustainable way of life. • The recognition of a stewardship role regarding the environment. • To draw together the principal representative organizations operating in the field of outdoor education, training and recreation • To develop opportunities for participation in adventurous activities and experiences outdoors • To encourage the provision of outdoor learning experiences of the highest quality, safety, value and enjoyment • To promote environmentally sustainable and responsible practice in the use of the outdoor environment • Participate in the development of Outdoor Industry related production and sales businesses, (manufacturing, wholesale, retail). • General promotion of active lifestyles • Promote partnerships among businesses, communities and institutions; • Represent and promote the interests of members at meetings with governments, government agencies, commissions, other organizations; • Support the development of tourist products that exceed market standards by creating quality standards and by recognizing success with awards; • Ensure the participation of all stakeholders in the development and promotion of tourism and outdoor activities. • Place a priority on increasing awareness of nature based tourism as a sustainable economic development opportunity; • Develop programs for “at risk” groups, (women, youths), to ensure inclusive participation • Support and encourage human resources development. • Develop alliances and coordinate with other tourism, outdoor and environmental organizations and to work toward common goals; • Actively seek funding and other resources from governments, the private sector and others, (National Ministries, EC, UN, WB, USAID, etc.) • Develop, where appropriate, revenue-generating activities. Ultimately, it is expected that the institution, whatever its final structure, should be able to deliver outputs in the following areas: Enhance and grow authentic experiences Deliver innovative nature-based visitor experiences. Undertake an audit of our nature-based attributes to establish opportunities and priorities
  • 15. Use the audit to select specialist product opportunities, develop effective partnerships and seek funding sources Work to increase the number and quality of experiences in parks Provide business advice and support to new and existing private sector, nature-based tourism initiatives Explore the opportunities for additional World Heritage listings Investigate the opportunities for engaging children and families in nature-based experiences Support the development, operation and promotion of urban nature-based experiences Identify at least three opportunities for cross-thematic product development Ensure cycling is a healthy soft adventure way of connecting with nature-based and cultural themes and secrets Commit to a strong interpretive element in all nature-based product (consistent with accepted Cultural Tourism principles of interpretation) Encourage existing and new links between local, regional and international educational and research institutions to facilitate innovative content-driven experiences Develop by 2010 three to five new or revitalized ‘iconic’ nature-based experiences. Be productive in marketing • Position Montenegro, (a self-proclaimed “Eco-State”), as an inspirational leader in nature-based tourism Connect with global initiatives in sustainable tourism, nature-based tourism and ecotourism (e.g. World Tourism Organization [WTO] ‘Signposts for Sustainable Tourism’ Program, United Nations Environment Program [UNEP] Ecotourism Partnership Program, UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program, Earthwatch, Cairns Charter on Ecotourism Partnerships) Showcase Montenegrin environmental management initiatives and products at relevant international and national tourism conferences Involve internationally respected experts in nature-based tourism and related fields Encourage and support more Montenegrin entries in the Environment category of Tourism and Education Awards Encourage the inclusion of a specific Sustainability Award in National Tourism Awards Attract high profile, nature-based ecological sustainability conferences Convey the message that Montenegro welcomes developers and investors that are innovative and have a sustainability mindset and motivation. • Undertake targeted promotion with the right messages. Ensure all relevant marketing communication messages are responsible and reinforce environmental values and experiences Encourage the linking and bundling of complementary experiences Develop a new media kit for nature-based tourism highlighting Montenegro’s products Work to promote selected ‘tourism ready’ parks Target cultural / nature-based publications for visiting journalist programs (e.g. ‘National Geographic’) Continue to produce information-rich visitor promotional material
  • 16. Target and develop strong distribution links with the high yield ‘not-for-profit’ and special interest travelers, (e.g. ‘Voluntourism’) Explore the opportunities to develop the conservation volunteer market Improve the knowledge of tourism organization staff about local and national nature-based products and experiences Achieve strategic policy, investment and development As the Centre develops capacity and gains valuable experience, it is expected that it will, as a central role player and stakeholder, be capable of advising in policy matters through consulting and participating projects with a policy impact component. • Develop a sound planning policy framework for nature-based tourism Consult on the integration of positive, responsible nature-based tourism policies into policy instruments of government agencies Support the requirement for a comprehensive site analysis and design response to be undertaken for any development assessment within sensitive environments Ensure nature-based tourism opportunities are identified in regional strategic planning processes Work within the framework of the Tourism Master Plan to facilitate innovative and sustainable nature-based tourism development Encourage and Consult in the development of a Protected Area Tourism Strategy. • Establish infrastructure that supports nature-based tourism. Identify key infrastructure priorities from the audit of nature-based attributes and from each regional tourism strategy plan and incorporate these into future infrastructure projects Give high priority to environmental management infrastructure within the scope of potential infrastructure funding programs Ensure that developments demonstrate environmentally sustainable principles and use design expertise and innovative technologies Facilitate by 2012 at least three memorable nature-based accommodation developments in strategic locations Develop a strong professional and profitable industry • Ensure high standards of nature-based operating practices Encourage tourism and tourism related businesses to achieve appropriate accreditation (e.g. Green Globe – tourism related businesses; Nature and Ecotourism Accreditation Program (NEAP) – nature-based operators) Achieve a 200% increase in the number of Montenegrin nature-based products that are accredited by mid-2010 Promote development of an system of licensing commercial tour operators in protected areas • Build a strong and vital nature-based sector capacity. Strengthen our understanding of the nature-based market through targeted research Encourage the participation of tour operators within the institution Undertake a training needs analysis and conduct periodic nature-based stakeholder forums
  • 17. Investigate and develop ‘best practice’ public/private partnership agreements (especially within protected areas) Encourage nature-based training initiatives (e.g. on-job traineeships) Develop stronger links with Research Centre’s for Sustainable Tourism. Implementation Build strong partnerships and mobilize resources to achieve common objectives Build strong partnerships with other agencies and organizations both domestically and internationally. Special attention should be paid to developing strong partners within the EU context Participate in funding bids for the implementation of nature-based tourism initiatives and infrastructure How will the COIE be developed? In order for this institution to succeed, various support efforts will be required to build up the organization. As such, a series of strategies and actions can be set forth to accomplish this thusly; Strategies and actions To achieve the desired outcomes, support to the COIE must invest in and implement a range of strategies that focus on: • Coordination– effectively linking stakeholders • Structure and Planning – ensuring sustainability. • Product Development – providing quality nature based tourism experiences; • Marketing and Promotion – promoting the Natural Resources of Montenegro. (Efforts under the first two headings should take place before the end of 2008 so that the organization can be in existence by January 2009) Coordination – effectively linking stakeholders Development of nature based tourism relies on a range of complementary nature based tourism stakeholders and private sector tourism interests. These include: • resource management and regulatory agencies; • relevant associations • nature based, ecotourism and adventure tourism operators; • attractions with nature based tourism and heritage links • civil society • tourism marketing and development organizations This initial effort that will be taken by UNDP and the Ministry of Tourism will seek to develop mechanisms, such as a Working Group, that will foster cooperation, coordination and communication amongst the various stakeholders. This working group will be informed as to the benefits of a COIE and possible structures for the institution.
  • 18. Structure and Planning – ensuring sustainability, Upon establishment of the Working Group, the process of determining the exact structure will be the primary objective, with a further objective being establishment of a strategic development plan. The effort to do this will be facilitated by UNDP in Partnership with the Ministry of Tourism. It will be essential to the success of the institution that the Working Group takes an active role in its establishment and final design. The provision of Technical Assistance in this area will be essential as proper planning has obvious near, mid, and long term benefits that are essential to sustainability. The technical assistance will work with the group to ensure both a full understanding of risks and benefits of certain structures and improve the capacity of the working group through training and assistance in developing strategic plans for the institution. (The following two efforts should begin once the organization has been legally established and should be completed within a 6-9 month time frame following that). Product Development – providing quality nature based tourism experiences While Montenegro’s natural areas provide are a substantial asset, establishment of a significant competitive advantage requires the development of specific natural area “product”. Technical Assistance to the COIE in the form of training and partner development towards three product development priorities can be identified: 1. Improving access to nature based tourism experiences through the development of packages and partnerships with complementary stakeholders and external institutions. 2. New product development through the development of ‘destination nodes’ that link key natural areas and nature based tourism stakeholders. 3. Development and support to weaker product offerings by means of Human Resource development efforts that will raise the standard of care in under utilized sectors of Nature Base Tourism, (e.g., kayaking, fishing). Marketing and Promotion – promoting Natural Resources In developing a market position and profile as an alternative nature based tourism destination, the marketing of Montenegro’s nature based tourism opportunities needs to be broadened to encompass a range experiences, including: • active recreational pursuits, such as hiking and cycling; • adventure tourism opportunities, such as; rafting, kayaking, (sea and whitewater), rock climbing and others at appropriate sites; Technical assistance will be provided to the Organization in best practices to promote Montenegro’s assets through training, and light practical, internal ‘pilot projects’ such as development of a web site that will enable the organization to capitalize on cost effective new media as a means of promotion.
  • 19. Beyond the initial phase of development While the initial four areas of focus will be essential from the outset, as the organization develops and capacities are built up, more support will be needed to enable it to fulfill its mission. The second phase of development and assistance will have to focuses; Practical experience and additional training. This phase will last over a 2 -3 year time frame, after which the institution will be expected to be fully self- sustaining. A series of trainings Pilot Projects will be developed to enable the organization to develop the practical experience needed to manage and develop its activities. The projects will both build upon the training provided thus far and will ensure the sustainability of the institution. These projects will ultimately be decided upon by the working group, but it is expected that they will include, but not be limited to, efforts such as; • Partnering with the British Adventure Activities Certification Authority to develop and implement an award and certification scheme aimed at developing human resources and ensuring quality of product delivery. • Training for and development of a Destination Management Strategy and Plan. The Strategy and Plan will then be implemented with technical assistance. This activity will be essential as it will be one of the first major efforts at developing a viable revenue stream for the organization. • Development of an outdoor education program which can be used as a domestic capacity building and awareness raising effort as well as a product offering for potential international partners, (Outward Bound, NOLS, etc.). • Development and implementation of event driven tourism that utilizes to links Montenegro’s natural assets (Adventure races, Mountain Festivals) From a training standpoint, there will be a primary focus on efforts to raise capacity for fundraising. These efforts will include training in EU project proposal preparation and management, training in general proposal writing and developing knowledge of the various funding mechanisms that exist and how to access them, (domestic and international). As indicated within the pilot project section, an effort to provide training in the area of Destination Management will be a key area to be addressed during the second phase of development as a means to achieve self-sustainability. There will be further trainings provided in sustainable event management, development of outdoor leadership education programs and others as determined by the working group. Potential Obstacles and Risks On the road to development of the COIE there will be various obstacles and risks that will have to be overcome. Central amongst these is the risk of low interest amongst weaker stakeholders within the sector. It is due to this that the initial efforts at coordination and establishment of the working group will seek to enable these stakeholders and give them a sense of empowerment that will be necessary to ensure their participation. Another, similar risk is rejection from the larger stakeholders who may feel that they will lose their position within an institution of this sort. As a remedy to this, in the initial phases of the organizations establishment will seek to provide these stakeholders with a clear understanding of
  • 20. the benefits they can derive from its existence, and the importance of their involvement during the earliest stages as their experience will be invaluable during this process. There are also obstacles that exist from the stakeholder standpoint. These obstacles revolve primarily around determination of exact institutional structure and objectives. Each stakeholder/member will have a different view of what the institution can and should do, and how it should do it. This obstacle will be addressed by the provision of expert technical assistance in the formation process that will help all of the stakeholders feel that the organization can provide benefits to them and be functionally capable of fulfilling its mission. Additionally, a further obstacle exists from a human resources standpoint. This obstacle is acquisition of qualified candidates who can be trained to perform the tasks of the coordinator positions. While knowledgeable candidates likely exist, ensuring that those candidates are brought in will be a difficult task. Other Risks that exist, but are outside of the control of the stakeholders are; regional political stability, national commitment to current policies are sustained, and international tourism trends continue to see Nature Based Tourism as one of the fastest and consistently growing sectors. Closing Statement While the above list is ambitious, it is by no means unrealistic. Presuming the initial phases of development are successful, the ability to deliver on the above list will necessitate further assistance in the following areas; fundraising, establishment of domestic and participation in international award programs for sustainability and quality of product delivery, project development and management, development and implementation of outdoor education programs. The timing of these assistance efforts will be dependant on the availability of funding to provide support, but it is advisable that initial training in these areas be completed within a six to nine month time frame following completion of the initial phases of development listed earlier. Following this, (and in certain cases coinciding), pilot projects should be developed and implemented to provide practical experience to the organization. This effort will require the full commitment of initial funders to provide support during the early phases of the institutions existence. This support is particularly critical as the capacity of the institution shall grow at its fastest rate during the early development period and assistance will be needed to ensure that process is measured and responsible chronologically. Assistance will also be needed in the early years to ensure that any training is matched by practical application of developed skills to ensure real time reinforcement of those skills. This reinforcement will perhaps be the most critical portion of assistance provided as it is the core element of organizational self-sustainability.