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Pathogenesis of
Dental Caries

                                 Ujwal Gautam
                                431, BDS 2009
            College of Dental Surgery, BPKIHS

             ORGANIC ACID

                        Caries Tetralogy, Newbrun, 1982
Dental Caries

    Dental Caries is an irreversible
microbial disease of the calcified
tissues of the teeth, characterized
by de-mineralisation of inorganic
portion and destruction of organic
substance of the tooth, which often
leads to cavitation.

Shafer‘s Textbook of Oral Pathology, 6th edition
   Can remineralisation explain
    the reversibility?

   Caries initiation is due to
    demineralisation of inorganic
    component and destruction of
    organic component. Which occurs

   Does cavitation necessarily
    involve in the carious process?
Role of Carbohydrates
• Carbohydrate                     caries
 content in diet                   incidence

                      suggested by;
      HopeWood House Study,        Sullivan and
       Harris- 1958, Harris-1963
      Vipeholm Study, Gustaffson et al, 1954
      Patient with Hereditary Fructose
       Intolerance have less chance of
       developing caries, Newbrun- 1969
Role of Carbohydrates

Fermentable Carbohydrates

Role of Carbohydrates

Cariogenicity of Carbohydrates determined by:

Sticky, solid Carbohydrate more cariogenic
   than liquid
Mono or di- saccharides more cariogenic
   than poly saccharide
Increased frequency of diet has more chance
   of cariogenicity
In-between diets increase the chance of

 Sucrose is more cariogenic than

 While Xylitol, sorbitol and Sachharin
  are found to be non- cariogenic.
Role of Carbohydrates

Cariogenicity of Starch???
• Starch are very slowly diffused
  into the diet and they also
  require extra cellular amylase
  to become hydrolysed before
  they can be assimilated and
  metabolised by plaque bacteria.
Role of Carbohydrates

• Role of Salivary Carbohydrates???
        »NO EFFECT
            as they are bound to
        proteins and are not
        available for microbial
Role of microorganisms
   Antoni Van Leeuwenhock (1632-1723)
indicated the presence of microorganisms
  in the scrappings obtained from the
     carious lesion of tooth surface

     Erdl, in 1843, first
    associated filamentous
microorganisms to caries on a
        causative basis
                        ___ Parasitic Theory
Evidence for role of microorganisms:

  – Oral organisms can demineralise tooth
    enamel in vitro and produce lesions
    similar to the naturally occurring dental
    caries; Miller, 1889
  – Streptococcus mutans is invariably
    isolated from carious lesions in the
    teeth of British patients; Clark, 1924
  – certain bacteria with acidogenic
    potential can be isolated and identified
    from the carious lesions; Florestano,
• S. mutans : development of early carious
  lesions in enamel

• Lactobacilli : associated with dentinal

• Actinomyces : associated with root surface

• Vellionella: possibly anti-cariogenic
• Catalase -ve, gram +ve, facultative
                anaerobic cocci
              • Grow as convex colonies in mitis
                salivarius bacitracin agar
Cariogenicity due to:
  • Aciduric, can survive at pH as low as 4.2
  • Present in large number in saliva
  • Can adhere to acquired pellicle thus facilitating
    plaque formation
  • Can adhere and grow even in hard and smooth tooth
  • Homofermentive; lactic acid being the major

Role of S. mutans:
  a) Lactic acid production
  b) Formation of adhesive plaques
  c) Production of fermentable sugars
Sucrose                   glucose + fructose

                      Glucosyl      Fructosyl
                   transferase    transferase
produced by
 S. mutans

                           glucans       fructans

                             Promote      reservoir
                          accumulation        for
                            of plaque    fermentable
                                          sugars for
• gram +ve, non spore forming rods
              • grow best in microaerophilic
              • grows in rogosa agar (low pH
                suppresses others)

       acidogenic + aciduric

  Possibility as Secondary invaders due to
          their acidophilic nature

Predominant site of attack are deep fissures
         and deep dentinal lesions
Role of acid

― caries is caused by acid
  formed by fermentation of food
    particles around the teeth‖
Robertson, 1835___Chemical (acid) theory
Role of acid

 ―.. dental caries is caused by
 acid produced by microorganisms
from the fermentation of dietary

 W. D. Miller, 1889 _____ Miller’s
                    Chemicoparasitic Theory

Chemical Theory
                       Parasitic Theory
          most accepted & backbone of current
       knowledge and understanding of etiology
                              of Dental caries
Role of acid


• Major degradation product of carbohydrates;
           Lactic acid
           Butyric acid
     Resulting from anaerobic catabolism
Role of acid

   mere presence of acid is of less

‗acidic saliva causes tooth decay‘

Localisation of acid upon tooth surface

    holding mechanism = Dental Plaque
Role of Dental Plaque
 Miller ruled out           • Plaque is the soft, non
  role of Plaque in                  mineralised, thin
  Carious process and                 transparent film
  regarded it as a         predominently consisting of
  protective layer
  over the enamel         micro organisms suspended in
                                   salivary mucins and
                               extracellular bacterial
 G. V. Black, 1889,
  associated Dental                   polysaccharides.
  Plaque with caries    • Initiation of Plaque is with
  and described it as            formation of acquired
  a separate identity           pellicle from salivary
                             glycoproteins which later
 Bibby described the     harbors organisms such as S.
  nature of plaque,            sanguis, A. viscous, A.
  its role in caries      naeslundii, Veillonellae aka
  and adherence on                pioneering organisms
  tooth surface             • S. mutans appears in due
Plaque Hypotheses Theories

Non-Specific Plaque Hypothesis purports the
caries disease is an outcome of the overall
activity of the total plaque microflora and
not a specific organism.

Specific Plaque Hypothesis proposes that among
the    diverse    collection     of   bacteria
encompassing the plaque microflora, only a few
species of bacteria are involved in the
disease. The plaque per se is not pathogenic,
but the presence of pathogenic species within
the plaque causes dental caries.
 Harbors the cariogenic   bacteria
  on tooth surface

 Acid production on plaque-tooth
  interface through fermentation of

 Localisation   of    acid    thus

 Prevents the diffusion of acid

 Restrict the buffering action of
Buffering capacity of Saliva
           » Bicarbonate
           » Urea
           » Arginine-rich proteins
    ** Sellman, 1949 found that total amount of acid
required to reduce the salivary pH is always greater
            for saliva from caries resistant persons

• Initiation of caries occurs at pH 5.2 -
     At 5.5 pH, saliva ceases to be
     saturated with calcium and phosphate
     leading to the dissolution of inorganic
     components of tooth  CRITICAL pH
describes the changes in pH ocurring within dental plaque
when it is subjected to a carbohydrate diet
Homeostasis at normal pH
Saliva is supersaturated with respect to enamel

   Sali            Ca+aPRP
             [Ca]          [PO4]
                           [Ca]         [PO4]


Dietary CHO + biofilm = lactic acid; diffusion into enamel = local pH drop

           Sal                       [Ca]
                    Ca+statherin     [PO ]                        4

                        [Ca]              [PO4]
                                          [Ca]             [PO4] to
                                   CHO                    +
                   CHO                              CHO [H ]

           Enamel                                   [H+]      Enamel
                       [H+]                                   solubility
pH at            enamel
‗plaque-tooth interface‘  demineralization
       less than 5.5       process begins

loss of calcium and phosphates from the surface and
           subsurface enamel, creating a
                 white spot lesion.

          1st detectable evidence of
           Enamel demineralisation

          frank cavitation if the
          bacterial plaque is not
         regularly removed from the
               tooth surface.
Saliva flow clears CHO; salivary HCO3 returns pH to normal

        iva 3]
                  statherin Ca+aPRP
[PO4]     [HCO                    CHO
move into         [Ca]      [PO4]
                            [Ca]    [PO4]
enamel     [HCO3]      [HCO3]     CHO

Enamel Enamel
soluble                Ca10(PO4)6OH2
demineralization process is reversible
               provided that the
   acidogenic properties of the biofilm are

        Buffering capacity of saliva

If dietary carbohydrates are removed / pH
      = 7  REMINERALISATION occurs

  Once the pH returns to higher than the
   critical point, demineralization is
arrested and minerals can be added back to
      the partially dissolved enamel
Alternating cycles of
Demineralisation & Remineralisation

 • Net loss
    – Subsurface demineralization
    – New caries
    – Progression of old lesions

 • Net gain - remineralization of existing
Remineralization, a conservative alternative
  to conventional caries removal and dental

• natural    process    for    repairing
  subsurface    non-cavitated    carious
  lesions   caused   by  organic   acids
  created by bacterial metabolism of
  fermentable carbohydrates.
• Fluoride ions in the presence of
  calcium    and    phosphate    promote
  remineralization by building a new
  surface on existing crystal remnants
  in subsurface demineralized lesions
  thus favoring the formation of the
  more favored fluorapatite crystal in
  the enamel.
Dental caries

Robert H Selwitz, DDS, Amid I
  Ismail, DrPH and Nigel B
          Pitts, BDS

        The Lancet
 Volume 369, Issue 9555,
   Pages 51-59 (January
 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60031-2
Diagram of the
caries process as
regular flux of
(destruction) and
(repair); Adapted from
Kidd and Joyston-Bechal,

         Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Caries, a Proteolytic
Proteolytic enzymes liberated by cariogenic

     destruction of the organic matrix

 detachment of inorganic crystals from one

         collapse of whole structure

  Gottlieb (1994) and Gottlieb, Diamond and Applebaum (1946)
                                  _______ Proteolytic theory
• Proteolytic bacteria are rare in oral cavity

• No explanation for role of carbohydrates,
  acid, etc in dental caries

• Carious lesions cannot be reproduced in vitro
  by the proteolytic mechanisms

• Gnotobiotic studies: caries can occur in
  absence of proteolytic organisms.

• Enamel is largely inorganic. So, the caries
  initiation from proteolytic activity is less

                   RULED OUT
CARIES = acidogenic + proteolytic,
            a possibility?
           ______ Manley and Hardwick (1951)

Both type of organisms can be present, each
functioning independently.

Possible mechanisms;

 microorganisms invade enamel lamellae,
 attack enamel and involve dentine before
 clinical evidence of caries.

 Alteration in enamel prior to invasion by
    micro organisms through decalcification
Proteolytic Chelation theory
Proteolytic breakdown of organic portion
                of enamel

    Proteolytic breakdown products +
   acquired pellicle + food debris =
             chelating agent

  CHELATION  -vely charged chelating
  agent releases +vely charged Calcium
        ions from enamel/dentine

 Dissolution of inorganic component of
                       _______ Schatz et al, 1955
Factors that influence Dental Caries
  (Workshop on Dental Caries mechanisms & Control Techniques,
                  University of Michigan, 1947)

Host factors                    Components
A. Tooth                        1. Composition
                                2. Morphologic
                                3. Position
B. Saliva                       1. Composition
                                a. Inorganic
                                b. Organic
                                2. pH
                                3. Quantity
                                4. Viscosity
                                5. Antibacterial    factors
C. Diet                         1. Physical factors
                                a. Quality of Diet
                                2. Local factors
                                a. Carbohydrate content
                                b. Vitamin content
                                c. Fluorine content
D. Systemic conditions
Histological Changes
Pit and Fissure caries
Due to Poor self-cleansing/ developmental faults of tooth

   Early lesions appear black/ brown;
                feel soft and ‗catch‘

      Region bordering the lesion appear
                     opaque bluish white

       Caries follow the direction of enamel
       rods and thus form cone shaped lesion
                            with base at DEJ

             Undermining occurs through lateral
                                  spread at DEJ

                 May penetrate into dentine through
                                   dentinal tubules
Smooth surface caries
Earliest change is the appearance of white
chalky spot which is due to the loss of
interprismatic substance of enamel

   Earliest microscopic change involves
   accentuation of striae of Retzius and

   Appears as well demarcated faint opacity or
   yellow/brown pigmentation with adsorption of
   exogenous materials by porous region

          With progression, forms a cone shaped
          lesion with base towards the tooth surface

               Eventual loss of enamel leads to
               roughening and superficial
Longitudinal ground sections reveal 4 zones
        Translucent zone
                advancing front of enamel lesion
                appears structureless after imbibition with quinolone
                         in transmitted light
                pore volume 1% compared to 0.1% of sound enamel
                no evidence of protein loss
        Dark zone
                usually present as a dark brown zone in the
                         transmitted light due to excessive
                shows birefringence with sound enamel after imbibition
                         with quinolone in polarised light, so called
                         positive zone
                contains 2-4% pore volume
        Body of Lesion
                area of greatest demineralisation
                polarised light shows pore volume of 5% near periphery
                         and 25% in the centre region
                appears translucent when examined in quinolone under
                         transmitted light
                shows birefringence with sound enamel after imbibition
                         with water
        Surface zone
                partial dimeneralisation of 1- 10%
                pore volume less than 5% of the spaces
                negative birefringence of surface region with water
                positive birefringence of porous subsurfaceregion
Dentinal Caries
• Defense reaction of
    pulpo-dentinal complex
     – Sclerotic dentine
     – Reactionary dentine formation
     – Sealing of dead tracts

• Carious destruction
     – Demineralisation
     – Proteolysis
Early dentinal changes:
 Deposition of fat globules
 Sclerosis of dentinal tubules
 Decalcification of wall of dentinal tubules 
  Pioneer bacteria
 Microbial invasion: Proteolytic, Acidogenic

Advanced Dentinal Changes:
 Decalcification and confluence of dentinal
 Thickening of sheath of Neuman
 Increase in diameter of Dentinal tubules with
  lodging of microorganisms
 Formation of Liquifaction foci
 Acidogenic and proteolytic activity
 Formation of transverse clefts
 Caries progression with apex pulpally and
  base towards enamel
Zones in advancing lesion of
dentinal caries:

i. Zone of fatty degeneration of Tomes‘
ii.Zone of dentinal sclerosis
iii.Zone of decalcification of Dentine
iv.Zone of bacterial invasion
v. Zone of decomposed dentine
Root Caries
• Initiates on mineralised cementum
  and dentin surfaces which have
  greater organic component than
  enamel tissue
• On buccal or lingual surface of
• Dental plaque and microbial
  invasion important aspect
• Decalcification of cementum
  follows destruction of remaining
Arrested caries
• No tendency for further
• Exclusively in occlusal surface
• Large open cavity in which the
  superficially softened and
  decalcified dentine is
  burnished to a brown, polished
  hard surface.

•   apical periodontitis
•   periapical abscess
•   osteomyelitis of
     the jaw
Pathogenesis of Dental
     Fermentation of dietary
      sugars by Oral micro-
     De-mineralisation
     Re-mineralisation
     Further demineralisation
      and Cavitation
     Initiation / Formation of
Dental Caries is a multifactorial

Histopathologist      stages of lesion
                   viewed microscopically.

Chemist    interrelationship beetween pH,
          mineral flux and solubility at
               tooth-saliva interface

Microbiologist      interaction involving
              oral bacteria and dental tissue

  Current concept of caries etiology implies
interplay of host, microbial floras, substrate
      and time as the principle factors
•   Shafer, Hine, Levy; Shafer‘s Textbook of Oral
    Pathology; 6th Ed.; Elsevier; 2009
•   Shobha Tandon; Textbook of Pedodontics; 2nd Ed.;
    Paras Medical Publisher
•   M. W. Roberts, J. T. Wright; The Dyanamic Process of
    Demineralisation and Remineralisation; Dimensions of
    Dental Hygiene. July 2009; 7(7): 16, 18, 20-21
•   J.D.B. Featherstone; The Continuum of Dental Caries—
    Evidence for a Dynamic Disease Process; Journal of
    Dental Research; July 2004 Vol.83 no. suppl 1
•   M. Hurlbutt, B. Novy, D. Young; Dental Caries: A pH-
    mediated disease; CDHA Journal – Winter 2010
•   Alexander V. Zavgorodniy, Ramin Rohanizadeh, Michael
    V. Swain, Ultrastructure of dentine carious lesions,
    Archives of Oral Biology, Volume 53, Issue 2,
    February 2008, Pages 124-132, ISSN 0003-9969,
Pathogenesis of dental caries

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Pathogenesis of dental caries

  • 1. Pathogenesis of Dental Caries Ujwal Gautam 431, BDS 2009 College of Dental Surgery, BPKIHS
  • 2. SUGAR + TEETH + MICRO-ORGANISMS ORGANIC ACID Caries Caries Tetralogy, Newbrun, 1982
  • 3.
  • 4. Dental Caries Dental Caries is an irreversible microbial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth, characterized by de-mineralisation of inorganic portion and destruction of organic substance of the tooth, which often leads to cavitation. Shafer‘s Textbook of Oral Pathology, 6th edition
  • 5. Can remineralisation explain the reversibility?  Caries initiation is due to demineralisation of inorganic component and destruction of organic component. Which occurs first?  Does cavitation necessarily involve in the carious process?
  • 6. Role of Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate caries content in diet incidence suggested by; HopeWood House Study, Sullivan and Harris- 1958, Harris-1963 Vipeholm Study, Gustaffson et al, 1954 Patient with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance have less chance of developing caries, Newbrun- 1969
  • 7. Role of Carbohydrates Fermentable Carbohydrates CARIOGENIC BACTERIA acid
  • 8. Role of Carbohydrates Cariogenicity of Carbohydrates determined by: Sticky, solid Carbohydrate more cariogenic than liquid Mono or di- saccharides more cariogenic than poly saccharide Increased frequency of diet has more chance of cariogenicity In-between diets increase the chance of caries  Sucrose is more cariogenic than fructose  While Xylitol, sorbitol and Sachharin are found to be non- cariogenic.
  • 9. Role of Carbohydrates Cariogenicity of Starch??? • Starch are very slowly diffused into the diet and they also require extra cellular amylase to become hydrolysed before they can be assimilated and metabolised by plaque bacteria.
  • 10. Role of Carbohydrates • Role of Salivary Carbohydrates??? »NO EFFECT as they are bound to proteins and are not available for microbial degradation
  • 11. Role of microorganisms Antoni Van Leeuwenhock (1632-1723) indicated the presence of microorganisms in the scrappings obtained from the carious lesion of tooth surface Erdl, in 1843, first associated filamentous microorganisms to caries on a causative basis ___ Parasitic Theory
  • 12. Evidence for role of microorganisms: – Oral organisms can demineralise tooth enamel in vitro and produce lesions similar to the naturally occurring dental caries; Miller, 1889 – Streptococcus mutans is invariably isolated from carious lesions in the teeth of British patients; Clark, 1924 – certain bacteria with acidogenic potential can be isolated and identified from the carious lesions; Florestano, 1942
  • 13. • S. mutans : development of early carious lesions in enamel • Lactobacilli : associated with dentinal caries • Actinomyces : associated with root surface caries • Vellionella: possibly anti-cariogenic
  • 14. • Catalase -ve, gram +ve, facultative anaerobic cocci • Grow as convex colonies in mitis salivarius bacitracin agar Cariogenicity due to: • Aciduric, can survive at pH as low as 4.2 • Present in large number in saliva • Can adhere to acquired pellicle thus facilitating plaque formation • Can adhere and grow even in hard and smooth tooth surfaces • Homofermentive; lactic acid being the major product Role of S. mutans: a) Lactic acid production b) Formation of adhesive plaques c) Production of fermentable sugars
  • 15. Sucrose glucose + fructose invertase Glucosyl Fructosyl transferase transferase enzymes produced by S. mutans glucans fructans Promote reservoir accumulation for of plaque fermentable sugars for oral bacteria
  • 16. • gram +ve, non spore forming rods • grow best in microaerophilic condition • grows in rogosa agar (low pH suppresses others) acidogenic + aciduric Possibility as Secondary invaders due to their acidophilic nature Predominant site of attack are deep fissures and deep dentinal lesions
  • 17. Role of acid ― caries is caused by acid formed by fermentation of food particles around the teeth‖ Robertson, 1835___Chemical (acid) theory
  • 18. Role of acid ―.. dental caries is caused by acid produced by microorganisms from the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates‖ W. D. Miller, 1889 _____ Miller’s Chemicoparasitic Theory Chemical Theory Parasitic Theory  most accepted & backbone of current knowledge and understanding of etiology of Dental caries
  • 19. Role of acid ACID CAUSE DISSOLUTION OF THE HYDROXYAPATITE CRYSTALS OF THE ENAMEL FOLLOWED BY DENTINE (Demineralisation) • Major degradation product of carbohydrates; Lactic acid Butyric acid Resulting from anaerobic catabolism
  • 20. Role of acid mere presence of acid is of less significance ‗acidic saliva causes tooth decay‘ Localisation of acid upon tooth surface holding mechanism = Dental Plaque
  • 21. Role of Dental Plaque  Miller ruled out • Plaque is the soft, non role of Plaque in mineralised, thin Carious process and transparent film regarded it as a predominently consisting of protective layer over the enamel micro organisms suspended in salivary mucins and extracellular bacterial  G. V. Black, 1889, associated Dental polysaccharides. Plaque with caries • Initiation of Plaque is with and described it as formation of acquired a separate identity pellicle from salivary glycoproteins which later  Bibby described the harbors organisms such as S. nature of plaque, sanguis, A. viscous, A. its role in caries naeslundii, Veillonellae aka and adherence on pioneering organisms tooth surface • S. mutans appears in due course
  • 22. Plaque Hypotheses Theories Non-Specific Plaque Hypothesis purports the caries disease is an outcome of the overall activity of the total plaque microflora and not a specific organism. Specific Plaque Hypothesis proposes that among the diverse collection of bacteria encompassing the plaque microflora, only a few species of bacteria are involved in the disease. The plaque per se is not pathogenic, but the presence of pathogenic species within the plaque causes dental caries.
  • 23.  Harbors the cariogenic bacteria on tooth surface  Acid production on plaque-tooth interface through fermentation of carbohydrates  Localisation of acid thus produced  Prevents the diffusion of acid  Restrict the buffering action of saliva
  • 24. Buffering capacity of Saliva » Bicarbonate » Urea » Arginine-rich proteins ** Sellman, 1949 found that total amount of acid required to reduce the salivary pH is always greater for saliva from caries resistant persons • Initiation of caries occurs at pH 5.2 - 5.5; At 5.5 pH, saliva ceases to be saturated with calcium and phosphate leading to the dissolution of inorganic components of tooth  CRITICAL pH
  • 25. describes the changes in pH ocurring within dental plaque when it is subjected to a carbohydrate diet
  • 26. Homeostasis at normal pH Saliva is supersaturated with respect to enamel Sali Ca+aPRP va Ca+statherin [Ca] [PO4] [Ca] [PO4] Enamel Ca10(PO4)6OH2
  • 27. Demineralization Dietary CHO + biofilm = lactic acid; diffusion into enamel = local pH drop Sal [Ca] Ca+aPRP iva Ca+statherin [PO ] 4 [Ca] [PO4] [Ca] [PO4] to exit saliva CHO + CHO CHO [H ] [H+] [H+] Enamel [H+] Enamel [H+] solubility increases Ca10(PO4)6OH2
  • 28. pH at enamel ‗plaque-tooth interface‘  demineralization less than 5.5 process begins loss of calcium and phosphates from the surface and subsurface enamel, creating a white spot lesion. 1st detectable evidence of Enamel demineralisation frank cavitation if the bacterial plaque is not regularly removed from the tooth surface.
  • 29. Remineralization Saliva flow clears CHO; salivary HCO3 returns pH to normal Sal [Ca] iva 3] statherin Ca+aPRP [PO4] [HCO CHO move into [Ca] [PO4] [Ca] [PO4] enamel [HCO3] [HCO3] CHO Enamel Enamel becomes less soluble Ca10(PO4)6OH2
  • 30. demineralization process is reversible provided that the acidogenic properties of the biofilm are neutralized. Buffering capacity of saliva If dietary carbohydrates are removed / pH = 7  REMINERALISATION occurs Once the pH returns to higher than the critical point, demineralization is arrested and minerals can be added back to the partially dissolved enamel crystallites.
  • 31. Alternating cycles of Demineralisation & Remineralisation • Net loss – Subsurface demineralization – New caries – Progression of old lesions • Net gain - remineralization of existing lesions
  • 32. Remineralization, a conservative alternative to conventional caries removal and dental restoration • natural process for repairing subsurface non-cavitated carious lesions caused by organic acids created by bacterial metabolism of fermentable carbohydrates. • Fluoride ions in the presence of calcium and phosphate promote remineralization by building a new surface on existing crystal remnants in subsurface demineralized lesions thus favoring the formation of the more favored fluorapatite crystal in the enamel.
  • 33. Dental caries Robert H Selwitz, DDS, Amid I Ismail, DrPH and Nigel B Pitts, BDS The Lancet Volume 369, Issue 9555, Pages 51-59 (January 2007) DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60031-2 Diagram of the caries process as regular flux of demineralisation (destruction) and remineralisation (repair); Adapted from Kidd and Joyston-Bechal, 199749 Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
  • 34. Caries, a Proteolytic process Proteolytic enzymes liberated by cariogenic bacteria destruction of the organic matrix detachment of inorganic crystals from one another collapse of whole structure CAVITATION. Gottlieb (1994) and Gottlieb, Diamond and Applebaum (1946) _______ Proteolytic theory
  • 35. however, • Proteolytic bacteria are rare in oral cavity • No explanation for role of carbohydrates, acid, etc in dental caries • Carious lesions cannot be reproduced in vitro by the proteolytic mechanisms • Gnotobiotic studies: caries can occur in absence of proteolytic organisms. • Enamel is largely inorganic. So, the caries initiation from proteolytic activity is less likely THOUGH ITS ROLE IN CARIES PROGRESSION CANNOT BE RULED OUT
  • 36. CARIES = acidogenic + proteolytic, a possibility? ______ Manley and Hardwick (1951) Both type of organisms can be present, each functioning independently. Possible mechanisms;  microorganisms invade enamel lamellae, attack enamel and involve dentine before clinical evidence of caries.  Alteration in enamel prior to invasion by micro organisms through decalcification
  • 37. Proteolytic Chelation theory Proteolytic breakdown of organic portion of enamel Proteolytic breakdown products + acquired pellicle + food debris = chelating agent CHELATION  -vely charged chelating agent releases +vely charged Calcium ions from enamel/dentine Dissolution of inorganic component of tooth _______ Schatz et al, 1955
  • 38. Factors that influence Dental Caries (Workshop on Dental Caries mechanisms & Control Techniques, University of Michigan, 1947) Host factors Components A. Tooth 1. Composition 2. Morphologic characteristics 3. Position B. Saliva 1. Composition a. Inorganic b. Organic 2. pH 3. Quantity 4. Viscosity 5. Antibacterial factors C. Diet 1. Physical factors a. Quality of Diet 2. Local factors a. Carbohydrate content b. Vitamin content c. Fluorine content D. Systemic conditions
  • 40. Pit and Fissure caries Due to Poor self-cleansing/ developmental faults of tooth Early lesions appear black/ brown; feel soft and ‗catch‘ Region bordering the lesion appear opaque bluish white Caries follow the direction of enamel rods and thus form cone shaped lesion with base at DEJ Undermining occurs through lateral spread at DEJ May penetrate into dentine through dentinal tubules
  • 41. Smooth surface caries Earliest change is the appearance of white chalky spot which is due to the loss of interprismatic substance of enamel Earliest microscopic change involves accentuation of striae of Retzius and Perikymata Appears as well demarcated faint opacity or yellow/brown pigmentation with adsorption of exogenous materials by porous region With progression, forms a cone shaped lesion with base towards the tooth surface Eventual loss of enamel leads to roughening and superficial decalcification
  • 42. Longitudinal ground sections reveal 4 zones Translucent zone advancing front of enamel lesion appears structureless after imbibition with quinolone in transmitted light pore volume 1% compared to 0.1% of sound enamel no evidence of protein loss Dark zone usually present as a dark brown zone in the transmitted light due to excessive demineralisation shows birefringence with sound enamel after imbibition with quinolone in polarised light, so called positive zone contains 2-4% pore volume Body of Lesion area of greatest demineralisation polarised light shows pore volume of 5% near periphery and 25% in the centre region appears translucent when examined in quinolone under transmitted light shows birefringence with sound enamel after imbibition with water Surface zone partial dimeneralisation of 1- 10% pore volume less than 5% of the spaces negative birefringence of surface region with water imbibition positive birefringence of porous subsurfaceregion
  • 43.
  • 44. Dentinal Caries • Defense reaction of pulpo-dentinal complex – Sclerotic dentine – Reactionary dentine formation – Sealing of dead tracts • Carious destruction – Demineralisation – Proteolysis
  • 45. Early dentinal changes:  Deposition of fat globules  Sclerosis of dentinal tubules  Decalcification of wall of dentinal tubules  Pioneer bacteria  Microbial invasion: Proteolytic, Acidogenic Advanced Dentinal Changes:  Decalcification and confluence of dentinal tubules  Thickening of sheath of Neuman  Increase in diameter of Dentinal tubules with lodging of microorganisms  Formation of Liquifaction foci  Acidogenic and proteolytic activity  Formation of transverse clefts  Caries progression with apex pulpally and base towards enamel
  • 46. Zones in advancing lesion of dentinal caries: i. Zone of fatty degeneration of Tomes‘ fibres ii.Zone of dentinal sclerosis iii.Zone of decalcification of Dentine iv.Zone of bacterial invasion v. Zone of decomposed dentine
  • 47. Root Caries • Initiates on mineralised cementum and dentin surfaces which have greater organic component than enamel tissue • On buccal or lingual surface of tooth • Dental plaque and microbial invasion important aspect • Decalcification of cementum follows destruction of remaining matrix
  • 48. Arrested caries • No tendency for further progression • Exclusively in occlusal surface • Large open cavity in which the superficially softened and decalcified dentine is burnished to a brown, polished hard surface.
  • 49. ORAL HEALTH CONSEQUENCES • apical periodontitis • periapical abscess • osteomyelitis of the jaw
  • 50. Pathogenesis of Dental Caries  Fermentation of dietary sugars by Oral micro- organisms  De-mineralisation  Re-mineralisation  Further demineralisation and Cavitation  Initiation / Formation of Caries
  • 51. Dental Caries is a multifactorial disease Histopathologist  stages of lesion viewed microscopically. Chemist  interrelationship beetween pH, mineral flux and solubility at tooth-saliva interface Microbiologist  interaction involving oral bacteria and dental tissue Current concept of caries etiology implies interplay of host, microbial floras, substrate and time as the principle factors
  • 52. References • Shafer, Hine, Levy; Shafer‘s Textbook of Oral Pathology; 6th Ed.; Elsevier; 2009 • Shobha Tandon; Textbook of Pedodontics; 2nd Ed.; Paras Medical Publisher • M. W. Roberts, J. T. Wright; The Dyanamic Process of Demineralisation and Remineralisation; Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. July 2009; 7(7): 16, 18, 20-21 • J.D.B. Featherstone; The Continuum of Dental Caries— Evidence for a Dynamic Disease Process; Journal of Dental Research; July 2004 Vol.83 no. suppl 1 • M. Hurlbutt, B. Novy, D. Young; Dental Caries: A pH- mediated disease; CDHA Journal – Winter 2010 • Alexander V. Zavgorodniy, Ramin Rohanizadeh, Michael V. Swain, Ultrastructure of dentine carious lesions, Archives of Oral Biology, Volume 53, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 124-132, ISSN 0003-9969, 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2007.08.007. ( 03996907001999)

Editor's Notes

  1. Etiology of dental caries involves interplay between --
  2. Latin, rot/ decay
  3. HFI = Pt has tendency to avoid fructose containing has remarkably reduced of hepatic fructose-1-phosphate aldolase which splits fructose-1-phosphate into three C fragments.
  4. 80 umThe glucose concentration averaged 79.4±5.8𝜇M in unstimulated saliva, as distinctfrom only 32.4±4.4 𝜇M in stimulated saliva.
  5. Mutans?????Strept. And Lacto. Are homofermentive; actinomyces are heterofermentive(produce propionic, butyric, succinic acid)If the bacteria possess catalase (i.e., are catalase-positive), when a small amount of bacterial isolate is added to hydrogen peroxide, bubbles of oxygen are observed.A> d/t glycolytic pathway
  6. Glucans and fructans are the homopolymers
  7. However, amount of acid produced is insignificant as compared to others
  8. Before robertson, in 1820 Parmly had already claimed that presence of unidentified ‘chymal agent’ is responsible for causing caries. That had led to the belief that decay is affected externally rather than internally as it had been claimed earlier.
  9. Substantial breakthrough;. most accepted & backbone of current knowledge and understanding of etiology of Dental cariesWith this acid production in oral cavities can be associated with microorganisms
  10. Normal pH = 7.4
  11. response after exposure of dental plaque to a fermentable carbohydrate
  12. The buffering capacity of saliva plays a critical role in helping restore a neutral pH at the tooth surface.
  13. Proteolytic organisms = Actinomycesdentocariosus
  14. Saliva-lactoperoxidase, Lysozyme, Lactoferrin, IgAVit B6- pyridoine :- anticariogenic
  15. On proximal tooth surface or gingival third of buccal and lingual areaPreceded by formation of a microbial plaque
  16. All the 4 histological sections can not be examined under a single medium
  17. Early interproximal caries. Ground section in water viewed by polarized light. The body of the lesion and the intact surface layer are visible. The translucent and dark zones are not seen until the section is viewed immersed in quinoline.Early interproximal caries. Ground section viewed by polarized light after immersion in quinoline. Quinoline has filled the larger pores, causing most of the fine detail in the body of the lesion to disappear, but the dark zone with its smaller pores is accentuated.The same lesion in early section of the article viewed dry under polarized light to show the full extent of demineralization
  18. Reactionary: pre existing odontoblastsReparative: newly differentiated odontoblast like cells