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Pleasure is a mental and emotional state that
humans and other animals experience as
positive, enjoyable, satisfying, giving joy and
happiness or worth seeking.
It may include other mind states such as
happiness, entertainment, enjoyment,
ecstasy, and euphoria, with peak experiences.
Some of the former schools of psychology and
psychiatry described the concept of pleasure
as the “pleasure principle”, which was
regarded as innate and instinctive, inevitable.
Pleasure has neuroanatomical and
neuropharmacological basis and
components, as well as brain circuitries.
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Pleasure is a component of reward, but some
rewards are not that pleasurable.
Stimuli that are naturally pleasurable, and
therefore attractive, are known as intrinsic
rewards (for instance sexual drives, the
imagining of a nude and beautiful woman for
a man), an instinctive and innate stimulus
Stimuli that are attractive and motivate
approach behavior, but which hasn’t passed
through the genetic codes (and not inherited,
not innate), are coined as extrinsic rewards
(for instance sexy objects)
The reward system contains specific brain
pleasure centers or “hedonic hotspots” that
mediate pleasure or "liking mood” from
intrinsic rewards!
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Hedonic hotspots (pleasure centers) that
have been identified are:
lateral thalamus
Ventral tegmental area
nucleus accumbens (NA)
ventral pallidum
parabrachial nucleus
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
cingulate cortex
insular cortex
Prefrontal cortex
Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) can also be
counted as a hot spot because it contains
many dopaminergic neurons that project into
Nucleus Accumbens.
The posterior ventral pallidum contains a
hedonic hotspot, while the anterior ventral
pallidum contains a “hedonic cold spot” which
induces a negative emotion, such as fear and
disgust, when stimulated.
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
It was shown that, when there is pleasure the
following areas of the brain may become
thalamus and/or lateral hypothalamus
nucleus accumbens (NA)
ventral tegmental area (VTA)
ventral pallidum
cingulate cortex
prefrontal cortex
orbitofrontal cortex
Dopamine is the major neurotransmitter
that induces pleasure.
5000 Dopaminergic neurons in VTA
radiate into Nucleus Accumbens and
Prefrontal cortex, carrying pleasure
Dopamine neurotransmitter takes part
• Pleasure
• Motivation
• Orgasm
• Motor coordination
• Learning and Memory
• Synaptic Plasticity
• Insticts and Drive
• Emotions
Receptor Locations Functions
↑↑ cAMP
Found in high concentration in mesolimbic,
nigrostriatal and mesocortical areas , such as
substantia nigra, olfactory bulb, nucleus
accumbens, caudate, putamen, striatum.
Expressed in low level in cerebellum, hippocampus,
thalamus, hypothalamus, kidney
Voluntary movements, regulate growth and development,
regulations of feeding, affect, attentions, reward, pleasure,
sexual activity, orgasm, sleep, impulse control, emotions,
instincts, reproductive behaviors, working memory, learning,
control of rennin in kidney
↓↓ cAMP
Expressed in high levels in as substantia nigra,
olfactory bulb, caudate, putamen, ventral
tegmental area(VTA), nucleus accumbens Found in
low level in hypothalamus, septum, kidney, cortex,
heart, blood vessels, adrenal glands,
gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia
Involved in working memory, reward-motivation functions
regulate blood pressure, renal functions, gastrointestinal
motility, vasodilatations, regulate locomotion-presynaptic
receptors inhibit locomotion and post synaptic receptors
activate locomotion
↓↓ cAMP
D3 Expressed only in CNS and it is not found
outside the CNS. Found in olfactory bulb, nucleus
Involved in endocrine function cognitions, emotions,
regulations of locomotor functions and modulates endocrine
↓↓ cAMP
Substantia nigra, hippocampus, amygdala,
thalamus, hypothalamus, kidney, frontal cortex,
heart, blood vessels, adrenal glands,
gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia, globus
pallidum, Lowest receptor found in CNS than all
dopamine receptors
Regulations of renal functions, gastrointestinal motility,
vasodilatations, blood pressure, modulations of cognitive
↑↑ cAMP
Substantia nigra, hypothalamus, hippocampus,
dental gyrus, kidney, heart, blood vessels, adrenal
glands, gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia
Involved in pain process, affective functions, emotions,
endocrine functions of dopamine
Table-2 : The summary of the locations and functions of dopamine receptors.
People unconsciously try to increase their
dopamine levels in the brain by means of,
eating excessive food or chocolate; by
running; by gambling; by listening to music;
by using drugs which increase dopamine, such
as amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis etc.; by
excessive sex and sexual pleasure etc.
One of the main purposes of life actually is
getting high on dopamine.
Psychotic patients who are treated with
dopamine receptor blocking medication (e.g.
haloperidol, fluphenazine etc.) complain
about anhedonia. Blockade of dopamine
receptors, decrease or abolish pleasure.
All mind states, mood states are a result of
the balance of brain neurochemistry and
getting high on dopamine is the pleasure
principle of life!
Getting High on Dopamine
Even sexual activity may become a method of
getting high on dopamine.
For women, oxytocin and dopamine rush for a
healthy life may become very important,
Because orgasm induces, euphoria, sedation,
satisfaction, joy, self-fulfillment
While it subsides and decreases pain, anxiety,
and depression.
During female orgasm, large amounts of
dopamine and oxytocin are released.
Dopamine and Oxytocin work parallel to each
In sexuality serotonin (5-HT) works on the
opposite way by decreasing libido, pleasure
and suppressing orgasm. Oxytocin-9 amino acids
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Dopamine’s effect on D1-like or D2-
like receptors.
By the activation of G-proteins a
cascade of reactions starts.
Dopamine is an excitatory
neurotransmitter at D-1 and D-5
dopamine receptors;
However, dopamine is an inhibitory
neurotransmitter at D-2, D-3, D4
dopaminergic receptors
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Homo sapiens is a pleasure seeking higher
primate. Hedonism is the ultimate goal.
He /she escapes from dysphoria, stress,
anxiety and depression and choses the
behaviors that lead him/her to euphoria,
anxiolysis, relieving his / her depression.
For instance, drug usage, alcohol addiction,
over eating etc. are the clinical signs of the
attempts to relieve stress, anxiety and
depression and attain mild sedation, elevated
mood, contentment, and even euphoria.
Caricature, Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
When it comes to sexual pleasure, particularly
for women, orgasmic experience gives anti-
depressant, anxiolytic, sedative and analgesic
effects mostly because of the “rush” of the
following neurochemicals:
Epinephrine & norepinephrine
Oxytocin is a healing hormone; it increases
the immune response; it repairs heart cells; it
heals wounds and inflamation; it heals the
whole body against infections; it prevents
cancer formation.
Oxytocin is the LOVE hormone and it has
many functions:
• Pleasure
• Contraction of Uterus
• Orgasm
• Love-Falling in Love
• Motherhood
• Social Bonding
• Bonding to the partner
• Sexual Arousal
• Fantasy
• Triggering the orgasm reflex alone in
• Triggering the ejaculation reflex alone
in men
• Empathy feeling
• ESR and NEO Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Feeling uneasy, aggressiveness, anxiety Peacefullness- Anti Stress
Feeling bad, Excitation, Stress Serenity, Peacefulness, Motivation, The interest
to the outer world
Aggrevates Addictions Decreases Addictions
Suppresses Libido, Sexual Pleasure, Blocks orgasm;
induces sexual function disorders
Increases Libido, sexual pleasure and the
intenstiy of orgasm, treats sexual function
Blocks ORGASM and Orgasmic pleasure Activates and triggers ORGASM; enhances
Toxic to brain cells, may induce amnesia Increases the activity of brain cells, enhances
learning and memory
May induce the weakening of tissues, muscles and
Enhances healing. Strengthens tissues, muscles
and bones
Weakens the immune system, delays the wound
Activates and stimulates the immune system;
increases wound healing and protects from
Increases PAIN and dysphoria Induces Euphoria, Analgesic, Decreases pain
Increases blood pressure Kan basıncını düşürür, kalp hastalıklarına karşı
koruyucu etkisi olduğu sanılıyor
Released during love in tiny amounts, induces
Released during LOVE in huge amounts. Induces
happiness, motivation, pleasure and
contentness, empathy
Stres Hormonu Kortizol ile Mutluluk ve
Aşk Hormonu Oksitosinin Karşılaştırması
Saldırganlık, huzursuzluk Anti-stres hormonu, barış huzur hali
Uyarılma, anksiyete, kötü hissetme, stres Sakin ve huzurlu hissetme, Merakın ve dış dünyaya
ilginin artması
Bağımlılıkları aktive eder, artırır,
Aşırı arzulamayı, bağımlılıkları azaltır
Libidoyu, cinsel hazzı baskılar, aşkta az miktarda kanda
Libidoyu, alınan cinsel hazzı arttırır; aşkta kanda ve
beyinde çok artar
Orgazmı, cinsel hazları bloke eder Orgazmı aktive eder, güçlendirir
Beyin hücrelerine toksik olabilir,
unutkanlık yapar
Beyin hücrelerinin aktivitesini arttırır; öğrenmeyi arttırır,
hafızayı güçlendirir
Kasların, bağ dokusunun, kemiklerin zayıflamasına yol
Kasların, kemiklerin, bağ dokusunun iyileşmesini
hızlandırır, güçlendirir
İmmün sistemi (Bağışıklık sistemini) zayıflatır, yara
iyileşmesini geciktirir
Yara iyileşmesini hızlandırır, bağışıklık sistemini aktive
Ağrıyı ve disforiyi arttırır Ağrı duygusunu azaltır, öfori yaratır, oksitosin çok güçlü
bir analjeziktir, ağrıyı kaldırır
Yüksek tansiyona neden olur, kalp
hastalığı riskini artırır, damar tıkanıklığını kötüleştirebilir
Kan basıncını düşürür, kalp hastalıklarına karşı koruyucu
etkisi olduğu sanılıyor
Aşk sırasında salınması az miktarda olsa da aşk sırasındaki
huzursuzluk ve stres durumu yaratır
Aşk sırasında büyük miktarlarda hem kana, hem de
beyne salınır, mutluluk-uçma hali oluşturur
İnsan psikolojisini çok olumsuz değiştirir. Mutsuzluk hali oluşturur.
Alttaki bir depresyonu veya psikozu tetikleyebilir. Kötü illüzyonlar,
sanrılar ve aşırı disfori yapar. Paranoid reaksiyon gelişebilir.
İnsan psikolojisini çok olumlu değiştirir. Mutlu illüzyonlar veya
sanrılar oluşturur. Daha önce var olan depresyon, anksiyete veya
psikiyatrik bozukluklar birden ortadan kalkabilir
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
First Study Proving that Oxytocin is Increased During Orgasm in Males and Females-1987
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
3.5 times increase 3 times increase
Half-life of Oxytocin in the Blood is
Nearly 2 minutes
Half-life of Oxytocin in the Brain is Nearly
20 minutes
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
4.5 times increase
9 times increase
Half-life of Oxytocin in the Blood is
Nearly 2 minutes
Half-life of Oxytocin in
the Brain is Nearly
20 minutes
Single Orgasm
Blood Plasma Oxytocin
Five Orgasms
Blood Plasma Oxytocin
3.5 times increase 4.5 times increase
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Single Orgasm
Brain (CSF) Oxytocin
Five Orgasms
Brain (CSF) Oxytocin
3 times increase
9 times increase
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
During the last several decades,
neuroscientists have attained very
important clues about the neuroanatomy
and neurochemistry of pleasure and
happiness, which have three components
(Berridge, 2009):
• Wanting and motivation
• Learning and associations &
• Liking and pleasure
Incentive salience model for wanting, learning and liking. References: Freud, 1950, Berridge, 1991, 1998, 2003, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2015; Komisaruk, 2005, 2006, 2011; Wise, 2017; Jannini, 2018; Sayin, 2012, 2014, 2015-a,b, 2017-a, b, c, 2018-
a,c; Maslow, 1968; Taylor, 2000, 2002; Schultz, 2015.
Incentive salience model for wanting, learning and liking, reassessed with the
alterations of neurotransmitters
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
What Kind of Behavioral Changes Occur in Lovers In Response to
Neurotransmitter Changes?
• Love, in human beings, is a complex
behavioral, emotional and consciousness
state and a “peak experience”;
• It requires many higher cortical functions
in coordination with many alterations in
the limbic circuitry.
• Brain chemistry changes, for at least 6
months; in some cases these changes may
continue up to two years or more
The components emerging from the genetic
factors, subconscious, collective
unconsciousness, limbic system, learned
information and conditioning since childhood,
sexual preferences, fantasies, childhood
traumas, abstract thinking, social norms and
conditioning, social and religious dogmas,
biases, etc., contribute to the development of
Neuro-Imaging Studies of Passionate Love, Sexual Desire and Arousal
The parieto-temporo-occipital region induces
the perception of integrity of the self with the
Activation of this region makes the person
differentiate self from the outer world and
space. During love this region is inactivated
(Zeki, 2007; Bartels & Zeki, 2000; Esch & Stefano, 2005)
Hence the individuals may perceive a
diminishing ego, or an ego-loss, which is
replaced by a perception of integration and
unification feeling (with the partner, with the
nature or universe).
Neurotransmitter and behavioral changes in the brain during passionate love.
References: Bartels, 2000, 2004; Emaluele, 2006; Esch, 2005; Zeki, 2007, 2010; Marazziti, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2010; Fichetti, 2011;
Fisher, 2004, 2010; Kim, 2017; Meston, 2000; Tarlaci, 2017; Freud, 1950; Diamond, 2012; Ortigue, 2010
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Caudate nucleus and VTA are
the most consistent regions
associated with romantic
Romantic love is an intense
motivational state and
extraordinary experience
which also uses the reward-
pleasure circuitry and some
of the “hedonic hot spots”.
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
Apart from love, during usual sexual
encounters, certain brain regions do appear to
be activated in response to sexual stimuli,
such as the (fMRI and PET studies)
• hypothalamus,
• putamen,
• visual cortical areas
• inferotemporal cortex,
• orbitofrontal cortex,
• anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),
• parietal cortex,
• temporo-parietal junction,
• insula,
• ventral striatum,
• anterior temporal areas,
• interior frontal
• cingulate areas,
• Amygdala
• basal ganglia
Decrease of Serotonin
 Increased obsession and compulsion
 Increased aggression
 Mood instability, alterations of mood
 Contributes better and intense orgasm in women,
 May induce premature ejaculation in men
Increase of Dopamine
 Decreases sadness and unhappy feelings
 Increases motivation
 Increases joy, happiness, delight
 Increases pleasure taken from the love itself
 Increases pleasure during making love
 Increases the intensity of orgasms particularly in women;
very powerful and multiple orgasms
 Abolishes anxiety and depression
 Increases attachment to the lover
 Addiction occurs
Increase of Cortisol (stress hormone)
 Increases stress
 Increases fear to lose
 Increases jealousy
 Increases attention
 Increases susceptibility to painful stimuli
 Makes female psychology more fragile, being easily upset
and sentimental
 Increases attachment
Increase of Vasopressin
 Increases sexual arousal
 Increases sexual attraction
 Increases libido
 Decreases anxiety
Increase of Oxytocin
 Increases euphoria
 Increases motivation
 Increases confidence
 Attachment to the lover is increased
 Increases happiness. A very happy mood
 Increases libido
 Increases pleasure taken from love making
 Induces more intense and powerful orgasms
 Increases empathy
 Increases being romantic and sentimental
 Decreases fear and anxiety
 Increases attachment to life
Increase of Norepinephrine
 Sympathetic Autonomous Nervous System is activated
 Increases excitation.
 Increases heart beats and palpitations
 Episodes of hypertension
 Increases alertness
 Increases pleasure
 Increases libido
 Increases joyful mood and happiness
 May increase anxiety
 Decreases sleep
Neuroimaging Studies during Sexual Stimulation and Orgasm
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
By self-stimulation of clitoris, vagina and
cervix the overlapping regions of sensory
cortex and cortex region overlapping with the
innervation of pudental, pelvic and
hypogastric nerves, were activated
(Komisaruk, 2006; Jannini, 2018).
Nipple self-stimulation activated paracentral
lobule, interestingly which also overlaps with
the areas that are activated during genital-self
stimulation (Allen, 2016; Komisaruk, 2011,
In the brain, stimulation of nipples is also
perceived as genital stimulation, as well as it
induces oxytocin release. Stimulation of
breasts and sucking of nipples activates the
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus and
pituitary, from where oxytocin is released.
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
Prior to orgasm, Komisaruk et al have found
that amygdala, hippocampus, nucleus
accumbens, hypothalamus, septum, anterior
cingulate, insula and VTA were activated with
also dorsal raphe (Komisaruk, 2011; Wise,
2017; Jannini, 2018).
• At orgasm, nucleus accumbens (NA) and
VTA areas were both activated.
• These regions play great roles in
dopaminergic transmission, reward-
pleasure reaction and VTA projects into
NA, where dopamine release creates
cascades of reactions that may alter
learning, memory, synaptic plasticity and
• Dopaminergic agonists can promote sexual
response, pleasure and orgasm;
• While dopaminergic antagonists attenuate
sexual response and orgasm (Komisaruk,
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
The anterior cingulate and insula are
activated at orgasms, but they can also be
activated by painful stimuli (Pukall, 2005;
Casey, 1994, 2001).
There is a possibility that pain and orgasm
may be using similar or the same
spinothalamic pathways, a neurophysiological
mechanism which can explain why some
women and men enjoy mild pain and
pleasure/orgasm together in BDSM sessions.
The putamen and caudate nucleus are both
associated with reward and motivational
states, desire, sexual arousal.
The relevance of the anterior cingulate cortex
(ACC-center of self-knowledge, subjective
feelings and perception of the self) for both
love and sexual desire is significant.
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
Regional Activation of Brain Regions (at fMRI) of Women in 10 seconds After the Start of Self-Induced Orgasm.
The pleasure hot spots of N. Accumbens, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Cingulate Cortex, Insula, Hypothalamic PVN area, and some other
structures of limbic system were activated with the start of orgasm. Published with the permission of Prof. Barry Komisaruk.
Reference: Jannini E.A, Wise N. Frangos E. and Komisaruk BR. Peripheral and Central Neural Bases of Orgasm. In Texbook of Sexual
Function and Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment, First Edition, Edited by Sue W. Goldstein, Noel N. Kim, Anita H. Clayton. New
York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018. Chapter 13, pp:179-195; 2018.
Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
The balance between neurotransmitters and how they influence
pleasure, libido, arousal and orgasm.
Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
The neuroscience of desire, pleasure, love
The neuroscience of desire, pleasure, love

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The neuroscience of desire, pleasure, love

  • 2. Pleasure is a mental and emotional state that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, satisfying, giving joy and happiness or worth seeking. It may include other mind states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria, with peak experiences. Some of the former schools of psychology and psychiatry described the concept of pleasure as the “pleasure principle”, which was regarded as innate and instinctive, inevitable. PLEASURE Pleasure has neuroanatomical and neuropharmacological basis and components, as well as brain circuitries. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 3. Pleasure is a component of reward, but some rewards are not that pleasurable. Stimuli that are naturally pleasurable, and therefore attractive, are known as intrinsic rewards (for instance sexual drives, the imagining of a nude and beautiful woman for a man), an instinctive and innate stimulus Stimuli that are attractive and motivate approach behavior, but which hasn’t passed through the genetic codes (and not inherited, not innate), are coined as extrinsic rewards (for instance sexy objects) The reward system contains specific brain pleasure centers or “hedonic hotspots” that mediate pleasure or "liking mood” from intrinsic rewards! PLEASURE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 4. Hedonic hotspots (pleasure centers) that have been identified are: lateral thalamus Ventral tegmental area nucleus accumbens (NA) ventral pallidum parabrachial nucleus orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) cingulate cortex insular cortex Prefrontal cortex Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) can also be counted as a hot spot because it contains many dopaminergic neurons that project into Nucleus Accumbens. The posterior ventral pallidum contains a hedonic hotspot, while the anterior ventral pallidum contains a “hedonic cold spot” which induces a negative emotion, such as fear and disgust, when stimulated. PLEASURE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 5. It was shown that, when there is pleasure the following areas of the brain may become activated thalamus and/or lateral hypothalamus nucleus accumbens (NA) ventral tegmental area (VTA) ventral pallidum insula cingulate cortex prefrontal cortex orbitofrontal cortex septum Accessory: hippocampus amygdala PLEASURE
  • 6. DOPAMINE PLEASURE Dopamine is the major neurotransmitter that induces pleasure. 5000 Dopaminergic neurons in VTA radiate into Nucleus Accumbens and Prefrontal cortex, carrying pleasure signals. Dopamine neurotransmitter takes part in: • Pleasure • Motivation • Orgasm • Motor coordination • Learning and Memory • Synaptic Plasticity • Insticts and Drive • Emotions
  • 7. Receptor Locations Functions D1 Excitatory ↑↑ cAMP Found in high concentration in mesolimbic, nigrostriatal and mesocortical areas , such as substantia nigra, olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, caudate, putamen, striatum. Expressed in low level in cerebellum, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, kidney Voluntary movements, regulate growth and development, regulations of feeding, affect, attentions, reward, pleasure, sexual activity, orgasm, sleep, impulse control, emotions, instincts, reproductive behaviors, working memory, learning, control of rennin in kidney D2 Inhibitory ↓↓ cAMP Expressed in high levels in as substantia nigra, olfactory bulb, caudate, putamen, ventral tegmental area(VTA), nucleus accumbens Found in low level in hypothalamus, septum, kidney, cortex, heart, blood vessels, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia Involved in working memory, reward-motivation functions regulate blood pressure, renal functions, gastrointestinal motility, vasodilatations, regulate locomotion-presynaptic receptors inhibit locomotion and post synaptic receptors activate locomotion D3 Inhibitory ↓↓ cAMP D3 Expressed only in CNS and it is not found outside the CNS. Found in olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens Involved in endocrine function cognitions, emotions, regulations of locomotor functions and modulates endocrine functions D4 Inhibitory ↓↓ cAMP Substantia nigra, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, kidney, frontal cortex, heart, blood vessels, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia, globus pallidum, Lowest receptor found in CNS than all dopamine receptors Regulations of renal functions, gastrointestinal motility, vasodilatations, blood pressure, modulations of cognitive functions D5 Excitatory ↑↑ cAMP Substantia nigra, hypothalamus, hippocampus, dental gyrus, kidney, heart, blood vessels, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, sympathetic ganglia Involved in pain process, affective functions, emotions, endocrine functions of dopamine Table-2 : The summary of the locations and functions of dopamine receptors.
  • 8. People unconsciously try to increase their dopamine levels in the brain by means of, eating excessive food or chocolate; by running; by gambling; by listening to music; by using drugs which increase dopamine, such as amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis etc.; by excessive sex and sexual pleasure etc. One of the main purposes of life actually is getting high on dopamine. Psychotic patients who are treated with dopamine receptor blocking medication (e.g. haloperidol, fluphenazine etc.) complain about anhedonia. Blockade of dopamine receptors, decrease or abolish pleasure. All mind states, mood states are a result of the balance of brain neurochemistry and getting high on dopamine is the pleasure principle of life! PLEASURE Getting High on Dopamine
  • 9. Even sexual activity may become a method of getting high on dopamine. For women, oxytocin and dopamine rush for a healthy life may become very important, Because orgasm induces, euphoria, sedation, satisfaction, joy, self-fulfillment While it subsides and decreases pain, anxiety, and depression. PLEASURE During female orgasm, large amounts of dopamine and oxytocin are released. Dopamine and Oxytocin work parallel to each other. In sexuality serotonin (5-HT) works on the opposite way by decreasing libido, pleasure and suppressing orgasm. Oxytocin-9 amino acids
  • 10. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 11. PLEASURE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 12. Dopamine’s effect on D1-like or D2- like receptors. By the activation of G-proteins a cascade of reactions starts. Dopamine is an excitatory neurotransmitter at D-1 and D-5 dopamine receptors; However, dopamine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter at D-2, D-3, D4 dopaminergic receptors PLEASURE
  • 13. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 14. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 15. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 16. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 17. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 18. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 19. Homo sapiens is a pleasure seeking higher primate. Hedonism is the ultimate goal. He /she escapes from dysphoria, stress, anxiety and depression and choses the behaviors that lead him/her to euphoria, anxiolysis, relieving his / her depression. For instance, drug usage, alcohol addiction, over eating etc. are the clinical signs of the attempts to relieve stress, anxiety and depression and attain mild sedation, elevated mood, contentment, and even euphoria. PLEASURE Caricature, Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 20. When it comes to sexual pleasure, particularly for women, orgasmic experience gives anti- depressant, anxiolytic, sedative and analgesic effects mostly because of the “rush” of the following neurochemicals: Dopamine Oxytocin Prolactin Epinephrine & norepinephrine Endorphins PLEASURE Oxytocin is a healing hormone; it increases the immune response; it repairs heart cells; it heals wounds and inflamation; it heals the whole body against infections; it prevents cancer formation. ORGASM HEALS FEMALE ORGASM ALSO DOES ALL OF ABOVE: THEREFORE FEMALE ORGASM IS VERY HEALING!
  • 21. OXYTOCIN PLEASURE Oxytocin is the LOVE hormone and it has many functions: • Pleasure • Contraction of Uterus • Orgasm • Love-Falling in Love • Motherhood • Social Bonding • Bonding to the partner • Sexual Arousal • Fantasy • Triggering the orgasm reflex alone in women • Triggering the ejaculation reflex alone in men • Empathy feeling • ESR and NEO Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 22. COMPARISON OF STRESS HORMONE CORTISOL AND OXYTOCIN FEAR-STRESS-ANXIETY : CORTİZOL LOVE-EMPATHY-ORGASM: OXYTOCIN Feeling uneasy, aggressiveness, anxiety Peacefullness- Anti Stress Feeling bad, Excitation, Stress Serenity, Peacefulness, Motivation, The interest to the outer world Aggrevates Addictions Decreases Addictions Suppresses Libido, Sexual Pleasure, Blocks orgasm; induces sexual function disorders Increases Libido, sexual pleasure and the intenstiy of orgasm, treats sexual function disorders Blocks ORGASM and Orgasmic pleasure Activates and triggers ORGASM; enhances orgasm Toxic to brain cells, may induce amnesia Increases the activity of brain cells, enhances learning and memory May induce the weakening of tissues, muscles and bones Enhances healing. Strengthens tissues, muscles and bones Weakens the immune system, delays the wound healing Activates and stimulates the immune system; increases wound healing and protects from infections. Increases PAIN and dysphoria Induces Euphoria, Analgesic, Decreases pain Increases blood pressure Kan basıncını düşürür, kalp hastalıklarına karşı koruyucu etkisi olduğu sanılıyor Released during love in tiny amounts, induces restlessness Released during LOVE in huge amounts. Induces happiness, motivation, pleasure and contentness, empathy
  • 23. Stres Hormonu Kortizol ile Mutluluk ve Aşk Hormonu Oksitosinin Karşılaştırması KORKU-STRES-ANKSİYETE : KORTİZOL AŞK-SEVGİ-EMPATİ-ORGAZM: OKSİTOSİN Saldırganlık, huzursuzluk Anti-stres hormonu, barış huzur hali Uyarılma, anksiyete, kötü hissetme, stres Sakin ve huzurlu hissetme, Merakın ve dış dünyaya ilginin artması Bağımlılıkları aktive eder, artırır, kötüleştirir Aşırı arzulamayı, bağımlılıkları azaltır Libidoyu, cinsel hazzı baskılar, aşkta az miktarda kanda artar Libidoyu, alınan cinsel hazzı arttırır; aşkta kanda ve beyinde çok artar Orgazmı, cinsel hazları bloke eder Orgazmı aktive eder, güçlendirir Beyin hücrelerine toksik olabilir, unutkanlık yapar Beyin hücrelerinin aktivitesini arttırır; öğrenmeyi arttırır, hafızayı güçlendirir Kasların, bağ dokusunun, kemiklerin zayıflamasına yol açabilir Kasların, kemiklerin, bağ dokusunun iyileşmesini hızlandırır, güçlendirir İmmün sistemi (Bağışıklık sistemini) zayıflatır, yara iyileşmesini geciktirir Yara iyileşmesini hızlandırır, bağışıklık sistemini aktive edebilir Ağrıyı ve disforiyi arttırır Ağrı duygusunu azaltır, öfori yaratır, oksitosin çok güçlü bir analjeziktir, ağrıyı kaldırır Yüksek tansiyona neden olur, kalp hastalığı riskini artırır, damar tıkanıklığını kötüleştirebilir Kan basıncını düşürür, kalp hastalıklarına karşı koruyucu etkisi olduğu sanılıyor Aşk sırasında salınması az miktarda olsa da aşk sırasındaki huzursuzluk ve stres durumu yaratır Aşk sırasında büyük miktarlarda hem kana, hem de beyne salınır, mutluluk-uçma hali oluşturur İnsan psikolojisini çok olumsuz değiştirir. Mutsuzluk hali oluşturur. Alttaki bir depresyonu veya psikozu tetikleyebilir. Kötü illüzyonlar, sanrılar ve aşırı disfori yapar. Paranoid reaksiyon gelişebilir. İnsan psikolojisini çok olumlu değiştirir. Mutlu illüzyonlar veya sanrılar oluşturur. Daha önce var olan depresyon, anksiyete veya psikiyatrik bozukluklar birden ortadan kalkabilir
  • 24. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 25.
  • 26. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 27. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 28. First Study Proving that Oxytocin is Increased During Orgasm in Males and Females-1987
  • 29. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 30. 3.5 times increase 3 times increase Half-life of Oxytocin in the Blood is Nearly 2 minutes Half-life of Oxytocin in the Brain is Nearly 20 minutes Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 31. 4.5 times increase 9 times increase Half-life of Oxytocin in the Blood is Nearly 2 minutes Half-life of Oxytocin in the Brain is Nearly 20 minutes
  • 32. Single Orgasm Blood Plasma Oxytocin Five Orgasms Blood Plasma Oxytocin 3.5 times increase 4.5 times increase COMPARISON Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 33. Single Orgasm Brain (CSF) Oxytocin Five Orgasms Brain (CSF) Oxytocin 3 times increase 9 times increase COMPARISON Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 34. During the last several decades, neuroscientists have attained very important clues about the neuroanatomy and neurochemistry of pleasure and happiness, which have three components (Berridge, 2009): • Wanting and motivation • Learning and associations & predictions • Liking and pleasure PLEASURE
  • 35. Incentive salience model for wanting, learning and liking. References: Freud, 1950, Berridge, 1991, 1998, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015; Komisaruk, 2005, 2006, 2011; Wise, 2017; Jannini, 2018; Sayin, 2012, 2014, 2015-a,b, 2017-a, b, c, 2018- a,c; Maslow, 1968; Taylor, 2000, 2002; Schultz, 2015. PLEASURE
  • 36. Incentive salience model for wanting, learning and liking, reassessed with the alterations of neurotransmitters PLEASURE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 37. What Kind of Behavioral Changes Occur in Lovers In Response to Neurotransmitter Changes? • Love, in human beings, is a complex behavioral, emotional and consciousness state and a “peak experience”; • It requires many higher cortical functions in coordination with many alterations in the limbic circuitry. • Brain chemistry changes, for at least 6 months; in some cases these changes may continue up to two years or more The components emerging from the genetic factors, subconscious, collective unconsciousness, limbic system, learned information and conditioning since childhood, sexual preferences, fantasies, childhood traumas, abstract thinking, social norms and conditioning, social and religious dogmas, biases, etc., contribute to the development of love LOVE
  • 38. Neuro-Imaging Studies of Passionate Love, Sexual Desire and Arousal The parieto-temporo-occipital region induces the perception of integrity of the self with the environment. Activation of this region makes the person differentiate self from the outer world and space. During love this region is inactivated (Zeki, 2007; Bartels & Zeki, 2000; Esch & Stefano, 2005) Hence the individuals may perceive a diminishing ego, or an ego-loss, which is replaced by a perception of integration and unification feeling (with the partner, with the nature or universe). LOVE
  • 39. Neurotransmitter and behavioral changes in the brain during passionate love. References: Bartels, 2000, 2004; Emaluele, 2006; Esch, 2005; Zeki, 2007, 2010; Marazziti, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2010; Fichetti, 2011; Fisher, 2004, 2010; Kim, 2017; Meston, 2000; Tarlaci, 2017; Freud, 1950; Diamond, 2012; Ortigue, 2010 LOVE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 40. Caudate nucleus and VTA are the most consistent regions associated with romantic love Romantic love is an intense motivational state and extraordinary experience which also uses the reward- pleasure circuitry and some of the “hedonic hot spots”. LOVE Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN
  • 41. Apart from love, during usual sexual encounters, certain brain regions do appear to be activated in response to sexual stimuli, such as the (fMRI and PET studies) • hypothalamus, • putamen, • visual cortical areas • inferotemporal cortex, • orbitofrontal cortex, • anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), • parietal cortex, • temporo-parietal junction, • insula, • ventral striatum, • anterior temporal areas, • interior frontal • cingulate areas, • Amygdala • basal ganglia LOVE
  • 42. Decrease of Serotonin  Increased obsession and compulsion  Increased aggression  Mood instability, alterations of mood  Contributes better and intense orgasm in women, particularly.  May induce premature ejaculation in men Increase of Dopamine  Decreases sadness and unhappy feelings  Increases motivation  Increases joy, happiness, delight  Increases pleasure taken from the love itself  Increases pleasure during making love  Increases the intensity of orgasms particularly in women; very powerful and multiple orgasms  Abolishes anxiety and depression  Increases attachment to the lover  Addiction occurs LOVE NEUROTRANSMITTER CHANGES DURING LOVE
  • 43. Increase of Cortisol (stress hormone)  Increases stress  Increases fear to lose  Increases jealousy  Increases attention  Increases susceptibility to painful stimuli  Makes female psychology more fragile, being easily upset and sentimental  Increases attachment Increase of Vasopressin  Increases sexual arousal  Increases sexual attraction  Increases libido  Decreases anxiety LOVE NEUROTRANSMITTER CHANGES DURING LOVE
  • 44. Increase of Oxytocin  Increases euphoria  Increases motivation  Increases confidence  Attachment to the lover is increased  Increases happiness. A very happy mood  Increases libido  Increases pleasure taken from love making  Induces more intense and powerful orgasms  Increases empathy  Increases being romantic and sentimental  Decreases fear and anxiety  Increases attachment to life LOVE NEUROTRANSMITTER CHANGES DURING LOVE
  • 45. Increase of Norepinephrine  Sympathetic Autonomous Nervous System is activated  Increases excitation.  Increases heart beats and palpitations  Episodes of hypertension  Increases alertness  Increases pleasure  Increases libido  Increases joyful mood and happiness  May increase anxiety  Decreases sleep LOVE NEUROTRANSMITTER CHANGES DURING LOVE
  • 46. Neuroimaging Studies during Sexual Stimulation and Orgasm Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
  • 47. By self-stimulation of clitoris, vagina and cervix the overlapping regions of sensory cortex and cortex region overlapping with the innervation of pudental, pelvic and hypogastric nerves, were activated (Komisaruk, 2006; Jannini, 2018). Nipple self-stimulation activated paracentral lobule, interestingly which also overlaps with the areas that are activated during genital-self stimulation (Allen, 2016; Komisaruk, 2011, 2013). In the brain, stimulation of nipples is also perceived as genital stimulation, as well as it induces oxytocin release. Stimulation of breasts and sucking of nipples activates the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus and pituitary, from where oxytocin is released. Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
  • 49. Prior to orgasm, Komisaruk et al have found that amygdala, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, hypothalamus, septum, anterior cingulate, insula and VTA were activated with also dorsal raphe (Komisaruk, 2011; Wise, 2017; Jannini, 2018). Orgasm: • At orgasm, nucleus accumbens (NA) and VTA areas were both activated. • These regions play great roles in dopaminergic transmission, reward- pleasure reaction and VTA projects into NA, where dopamine release creates cascades of reactions that may alter learning, memory, synaptic plasticity and behavior. • Dopaminergic agonists can promote sexual response, pleasure and orgasm; • While dopaminergic antagonists attenuate sexual response and orgasm (Komisaruk, 2006). Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
  • 51. The anterior cingulate and insula are activated at orgasms, but they can also be activated by painful stimuli (Pukall, 2005; Casey, 1994, 2001). There is a possibility that pain and orgasm may be using similar or the same spinothalamic pathways, a neurophysiological mechanism which can explain why some women and men enjoy mild pain and pleasure/orgasm together in BDSM sessions. The putamen and caudate nucleus are both associated with reward and motivational states, desire, sexual arousal. The relevance of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC-center of self-knowledge, subjective feelings and perception of the self) for both love and sexual desire is significant. Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
  • 52. Regional Activation of Brain Regions (at fMRI) of Women in 10 seconds After the Start of Self-Induced Orgasm. The pleasure hot spots of N. Accumbens, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Cingulate Cortex, Insula, Hypothalamic PVN area, and some other structures of limbic system were activated with the start of orgasm. Published with the permission of Prof. Barry Komisaruk. Reference: Jannini E.A, Wise N. Frangos E. and Komisaruk BR. Peripheral and Central Neural Bases of Orgasm. In Texbook of Sexual Function and Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment, First Edition, Edited by Sue W. Goldstein, Noel N. Kim, Anita H. Clayton. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018. Chapter 13, pp:179-195; 2018. Sexual Pleasure and ORGASM
  • 53. The balance between neurotransmitters and how they influence pleasure, libido, arousal and orgasm. Figures, graphics, plots; made by Dr. Ü. SAYIN