love life amor light god vida mother thinking consciousness happiness man felicidad balance luz cosmic parents peace friend loving difficulties universe madre oracion knowledge love one another message strength oneness couple depression think hijos padres virtues ecstasy body failure children crisis world what learning spirituality paz nature mother nature power friendship llanto tumba muerte god of all creed dogma bespeak religion truth libre albedrio hogar consagrarse tierra padre-madre trinidad sagrada meditacion celestial angeles amigos angel amistad consagracion reino de dios arcangeles uno soul inertia nearsightedness creature besmirched a instinct complexity gladness matters complex sorrow faith adversities progress enlightening mediocrity minds conflicts joys experiences efforts inspiration timeless god-nature selfless love time conscious inwar outward selfishness new father born home loving home dad care caring good care take care mom understanding money lack of money opportunity lack difficult troubles choosing problem problems being happier lucky feeling down accepting feeling lucky trouble learning process knowing happy realizacion del alma bebes bebe palabras hijas hijo ternura hija maternidad filiacion paternidad ser madre ser padres amor de madre armonia conciencia cosmos espiritualidad subconsciente consciente padre dimension cuerpo fisico paralelas cuerpo mental abundancia campo energetico cuerpo emocional dimensiones meditation loyalty earthly possessions forsaken man's soul crowds god-light spiritual lesson messengers rhythmic live interchange rhythm law balanced moral values respect one another values ethics elements fear not god's thinking astral bodies reincarnation bodies way of life good will couples child beauty contentment way character confidence fulfillment unity balanced mate positive planet earth mother earth mother love matehood whole planet earth ills distracted distraction depressed cabral. poeta poesia facundo depresion distraccion distraido trovador cause choices effect naught humanity thoughts possessions catastrophe oblivion pulsing self transient motion failures men descubrimiento agonia eones paz interna hombre eternidad dios viaje mundo educacion bullying virtues of balance rectitude awakening souls awakening virtues of love desires god-consciousness soul heart god-awareness suffering parents accomplishments silent actions parentsconcerns good parents parenthood world crisis parents failures loving parents bad parents words teaching actions are mind watching our thoughts controlling our thoughts thinki we cells doors acting thought perspective moving opening brain open moving forward after a difficult moment of a sad l cry overcoming difficult moments of sad loss trascending the pain of a loss with the eternal co where we focuse our minds when we loss the loved o trascending grief sadness living in a new consciousness endless boundaries of love with the loved ones learn to live with consciousness year espiritualidade como better human beings ao prepararse para ser mejores seres en el mundo mejores seres humanos how to aprender a vivir con conciencia book creation early whisperings book mountains flowers birds deers uncaged soul creator i am trees walter russell sunshine lao russell
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