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Lecture 2: Photodetection and

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal       Lecture 2, Slide 1
Photodetection (Continued)

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal   Lecture 2, Slide 2
Electrical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
  ➥ At the receiver, there is noise on the signal arriving at the input and and after detection
  added to that is noise that is injected at various stages of the receiver
       ➥ The current output of the receiver in(t) has current contributions from
             ➥ Electrical shot noise
             ➥ Thermal noise
             ➥ APD detectors have additional multiplication noise
             ➥ Amplifier noise                      photodetector

                                       Popt(t) = PSig(t) + Pn(t)              I(t) = Ip(t) + in(t)
         Detector Output Current (I)



ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                 Lecture 2, Slide 3
Modeling Detector SNR
   When observing the detector current output, it is difficult to tell which noise was
    present at the optical input and which noise was generated internal to the detector.
    So we tend to use several different models and combine them

Optical signal = DC          Current = DC                              Current = DC                     Current = DC
component +                  component +                               component +                      component +
variance (Poisson            variance (Poisson                         variance (Filtered               variance (Filtered
Process)                     Process)                                  Poisson Process)                 Poisson Process +
                                                 Hd(ω) = FT {hd (t)}                                    additive noise)
                photodetector                        Filtering


ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                        Lecture 2, Slide 4
Noise Current
   To quantify the statistical nature of noise, we can’t determine random events ahead
    of time, but we can use their “spectral” characteristics to quantify statistical
         Define an Average (mean) value to quantify the amount of power (energy) in the non-
          time varying part of the signal
         Define a Variance to quantify the amount of power (energy) in the noisy part of the
   Define the “noise” current as

                                  i(t) = I DC + inoise (t)

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                 Lecture 2, Slide 5
Shot Noise Mean and Variance
 For constant power illumination, the rate parameter is constant, and the signal is the mean
 The noise corresponds to the photocurrent variance
 For a filter, homogeneous Poisson process
         Mean (Amps)                  is (t) = i(t) =    Precvd $ hd (# )d#            • Both mean and variance are
                                                      h"        0                      linear with Prevd
                                                                     t                 • As Prcvd is increased, both
                                  2                   !q           2                   signal and noise increase
         Variance (Amps2)         i (t) = var{i(t)} =
                                  n                      Precvd $ hd (# )d#
                                                      h"        0
                       Power Spectrum

                           I DC                                          Total Shot Noise =
                                                                               Area = 2qI DC B
               in (0) = 2qI DC

                                                 Detector Bandwidth

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                      Lecture 2, Slide 6
Photodetector Shot Noise
  The shot noise generated in the photodetection process is physically due to the “quantum
   granularity” of the received (and photo converted) optical signal
  Shot noise sets the ultimate limit of an optical receiver
  Shot noise is a Poisson noise, but it is usually approximated as a Gaussian noise
  Hallmark of shot noise is dependence on q, the electron charge

              Constant Input Optical Power    Detector Shot Noise

              Optically induced current + random electron fluctuations
                                                                               σ2Shot = 2q(Ip + Id)Δf
      Popt                                                                           I

Pin                                Detector                                       <Ip>
                                  (BW = Δf)
                                                      I(t) = <Ip> + ishot(t)
                   t                                                                             t
             Thermally induced current + random electron fluctuations

                    Dark Current (Id)         Detector Shot Noise
ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                             Lecture 2, Slide 7
Shot Noise with Data Modulation
      Consider how the picture changes when we have information modulated on the optical carrier
      Let m(t) be the information transmitted
             Then Prcvd (t) and λ(t) are functions of m(t)
             Assuming the photodetector filter impulse function can change in amplitude from time period to time
              period, let Gj be a time varying parameter
                                                i(t) = # G j hd (t ! " j )
                                                       j =1

                                                     Power Spectrum
is (t) = i(t) =   G ' Prcvd (# )hd (t % # )d#
                                 $                         2
                                                         I DC                                     Total Shot Noise =
                h" %&                                                           Modulation              Area = 2qI DC B
2                   ! 2              2
                                                      2qI DC
i (t) = var{i(t)} =
n                     G & Prcvd (# )hd (t $ # )d#
                    h" $%
                                                                Modulation Bandwidth
                                                                             Detector Bandwidth
    ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                  Lecture 2, Slide 8
Ideal Direct Detection (1)

                                                                                        Ideal Amplifier = unity gain,
                                                                                        zero noise, equivalent load RL

          Ei(t)                      i’(t)        Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)}                            AV=1
                                                                                 i(t)                                       Vout(t)

                                                        # !q Ei (t) 2 &
                                             i(t) = LPF %             (
 Ei (t) = 2Ps Z 0 cos(! s t + " )                       % h" Z 0 (
                                                        $             '                              Vout (t) = i(t)RL
          # Ei (t) 2       &                             # !q 2Ps Z 0                    &
                                                 = LPF %              Cos 2 () s t + * ) (                               !q
          %                (                             $ h" Z 0                        '                  = idc RL =      Ps RL
  Pavg   =%     2          ( = Ps                                                                                        h"
          %          Z0    (                             # !q     1                        &
                                                 = LPF % 2Ps [1 + cos 2() s t + * )](
          $                (
                           '                             $ h"     2                        '
                                                 = idc =     Ps

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                               Lecture 2, Slide 9
Ideal Direct Detection (2)
 Electrical SNR is found using the ratio between the signal power (DC) generated in the load
  resistor and the noise power (shot noise) generated in the load resistor

                                                     # !q         &
                                                          Psignal (
                             Psignal    isignal RL % h"
                                                     $            '   1 !Psignal
             SNRdd =                   = 2         =                =
                              Pnoise     inoise RL   2qh" Psignal B 2 h" B

 This equation shows the fundamental, quantum shot noise limit, where the SNR is limited
  only by the shot noise itself -> Shot Noise Limited Direct (Incoherent) Detection
 SNR improves linearly with input signal strength
 We will discuss other noise contributions that exist that make it difficult to reach this limit

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                     Lecture 2, Slide 10
Ideal Coherent Detection (1)
 Consider the following ideal Heterodyne Coherent Receiver
          Heterodyne implies that a non-zero intermediate frequency (ωIF) is generated prior to data recovery

                         Elo(t)                                                                                  Ideal Amplifier = unity gain, zero
           Local                                                                                                 noise, equivalent load RL
           Oscillator                         ε Plo+ (1-ε) Psignal
                                                                     i’(t)       Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)}                       AV=1
                                                 Ideal                                                    i(t)                                 Vout(t)
           Input                    Power

                                                                  ' !q 1                                                                           2*
                                                       i(t) = LPF )             # 2Plo Z 0 cos($ lot + % ) + 1 & # 2Prcvd Z 0 cos($ s t + % ) ,
Ei (t) = ! Elo (t) + 1 " ! Es (t)                                 ( h" Z 0                                                                           +
                                                                               1                   1
        = ! 2Plo Z 0 cos(# lot + $ )                   using cos - cos . = cos(- & . ) + cos(- + . )
                                                                               2                   2
        + 1 " ! 2Prcvd Z 0 cos(# s t + $ )                         ' !q                                                                            *
                                                       i(t) = LPF )
                                                                   ( h"
                                                                             {                                              (           }
                                                                         Plo# + Prcvd (1 & # ) + 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) cos '($ s & $ lo ) t + % * ,
         % Ei (t) 2       (
         '                *                            Since typically Prcvd = Plo
 Pavg   ='     2          * = Ps                              !q
                    Z0                                 I DC ;    Plo#
         '                *                                   h"
         &                *
                          )                            Assuming the intermmediate frequency ($ IF = $ s & $ lo ) falls within the LPF bandwidth
                                                       i(t) =    2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) cos [$ IF t + % ]
ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                                                     Lecture 2, Slide 11
Ideal Coherent Detection (2)
 Using the same approach as in direct detection to obtain the SNR
                                                       ! i peak $

         SNRhet =
                              = 2
                               isignal RL
                                            (irms )2 = # 2 &
                                                       "        %
                     Pnoise     inoise RL 2qI DC BRL 2qI DC BRL
                   ! 'q                        $
                        2 Plo Prcvd ) (1 * ) )
                   # h(                        &
                   #            2              &
                   "                           &
                                               %   '(1 * ) )Prcvd 'Prcvd
                 =                               =               ;
                          ! 'q       $                 h( B        h( B     limit Plo +,, ) +0
                       2q # Plo) & BRL
                          " h(       %

  Note that shot noise limited heterodyne coherent detection, in the limit where the local
   oscillator is much stronger than the received signal,
         Is a factor of 2 (3dB) better than the shot noise limited incoherent detection

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                  Lecture 2, Slide 12
Ideal Coherent Detection (3)
 The other coherent approach is Homodyne Coherent Detection
           The intermediate frequency (ωIF) is driven to zero (ωIF=0) at phase is driven to φ=0 bringing the data
            immediately to baseband
                                                                Local                                                     Ideal Amplifier = unity gain, zero
                                                               Oscillator                                                 noise, equivalent load RL
               Elo(t)                                                                    Control
                                        ε Plo+ (1-ε) Psignal
                                                                 i’(t)             Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)}                               AV=1
                                           Ideal                                                            i(t)                                             Vout(t)
 Input                     Power

                                                                          ' !q 1                                                                        2*
Ei (t) = ! Elo (t) + 1 " ! Es (t)                              i(t) = LPF )                # 2Plo Z 0 cos($ lot + % ) + 1 & # 2Prcvd Z 0 cos($ s t + % ) ,
                                                                          ( h" Z 0                                                                       +
         = ! 2Plo Z 0 cos(# lot + $ )
         + 1 " ! 2Prcvd Z 0 cos(# s t + $ )                    Since we are using an AFC/APC control to drive $ IF = 0
                                                                           ' !q                                                *
          % Ei (t) 2      (                                    i(t) = LPF )
                                                                           ( h"
                                                                                    {                                         }
                                                                                Plo# + Prcvd (1 & # ) + 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) ,
          '               *
 Pavg    ='     2         * = Ps                               Since typically Prcvd = Plo
          '               *                                           !q
          '               *                                    I DC ;    Plo#
          &               )                                           h"

                                                               i(t) =       2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # )
ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                          h"                                                                  Lecture 2, Slide 13
Ideal Coherent Detection (4)
 Using the same approach as in direct detection to obtain the SNR

       SNRhet =
                                 isignal RL
                                                  (irms )2
                   Pnoise        inoise RL        2qI DC B
                  % !q                     (
                  ' 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 $ # ) *
                  & h"                     )   ! 2(1 $ # )Prcvd    !P
                =                            =                  ; 2 rcvd
                          % !q     (                h" B           h" B       limit Plo +,, # +0
                       2q ' Plo# * B
                          & h"     )

  Note that shot noise limited homodyne coherent detection, in the limit where the local
   oscillator is much stronger than the received signal,
         Is a factor of 2 (3dB) better than the shot noise limited heterodyne receiver and factor of 4 (6dB)
          better than the shot noise limited incoherent detection

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                    Lecture 2, Slide 14

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal   Lecture 2, Slide 15
Photoconductors (1)
 ➱ Photon absorption in semiconductor materials.
 ➱ Three main absorption mechanisms: Intrinsic (band-to-band), Free-Carrier Absorption and
 Band-and-Impurity Absorption
 ➱ Intrinsic (band-to-band) is the dominant effect in most SC photoconductors

       Intrinsic (band-to-band)                      Free-Carrier Absorption            Band-and-Impurity Absorption
                      e-                   Ephoton = hν
                                  Ec                           h+        Ec                         e-           Ec
                                                                               Ephoton = hν
Ephoton = hν                                                                                        +           Donor Level
                                                                                                    -           Acceptor Level
                                                                               Ephoton = hν
                     h+           Ev                                     Ev                                      Ev

   •Incident photon Ephoton= hν= Ec - Ev

 ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                         Lecture 2, Slide 16
Photoconductors (2)

     ➱ For intrinsic absorption, photons can be absorbed if
                                                   hc    1.24
                                   ! ( µ m) >          =
                                                Ec " EV Eg (eV )
                                   ! (nm) >
                                                Eg (eV )

                  Material        Bandgap (eV)             Maximum λ (nm)   Typical Operating
                                                                              Range (nm)
             Si                       1.12                      1110            500-900

             Ge                       0.67                      1850            900-1300

             GaAs                     1.43                      870             750-850

             InxGa1-xAsyP1-y        0.38-2.25                 550-3260         1000-1600

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                 Lecture 2, Slide 17
Photoconductors (3)

           Ephoton = hν                  Semiconductor               ➱ Define:
                                                                         ➱ Pi = incident optical power
                                                                         ➱ R(λ) power reflectivity from input
                          Pi                                             medium to semiconductor
                          Pi(1-R)            Pi(1-R)e-αx                 ➱ α(λ) = 1/e absorption length
                                                                         ➱ 1/ α(λ) = penetration depth

   ➱ Power absorbed by the semiconductor is

                Pabs (x) = Pi (1 ! R)(1 ! e!" ( # )x )
                         = $(#, x)Pi

  ➱ defining the efficiency
                              number of photocarriers produced
                !(", x) =
                                number of incident photons
                        = (1 # R)(1 # e#$ ( " )x )
                      0 % !(", x) % 1

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                  Lecture 2, Slide 18
Photoconductive Photodetectors (1)
     Photogenerated current will have time and wavelength dependence
               i photo (t) =    GPrcvd (t) + idark
                             h"                                                                                  Pi
               # carrier = mean free carrier lifetime
               # transit = transit time between eletrical contacts
                   $#          '
               G = & carrier ) = photoconductive gain
                   % # transit (
               idark = dark current



      The transit time for electrons and holes can be different and in many SCs the
       eletron mobility is greater than that of the hole

              ! e = µe E > µh E = ! h
                                                                                                                 +            iphoto
      The SC must remain charge neutral, for every electron generated, multiple holes
       will get pulled in until the photogenerated electron reaches the other contact. The
       carrier and transit times are limited by the slower carrier and the photoconductive                  Vbias
       gain is given by the ratio of the transit times
                 ! carrier = a
                 ! transit = a

    ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                                           Lecture 2, Slide 19
Photoconductive Photodetectors (2)

 The carrier velocity is a linear function of electric field strength up to a saturation
  velocity (which is the same for both electrons and holes)
       Field strength of about 105 V/cm result in velocities in range of 6x106 to 107 cm/s
       Some materials have an electron drift velocity that peaks at 2x107 cm/s at 104 V/cm
 When photoconductive gain is desirable, detector is operated at low voltages
 Carrier lifetime also impacts the frequency response of the photoconductive
                                                          Prcvd (! )
                                  i photo (! ) = "G
                                                         1+ % (
                                                            $ !c '
                                  !c =               = cutoff frequency
                                         ) carrier

ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal                                                   Lecture 2, Slide 20

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Photodetection and photodetectors

  • 1. Lecture 2: Photodetection and Photodetectors ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 1
  • 2. Photodetection (Continued) ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 2
  • 3. Electrical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) ➥ At the receiver, there is noise on the signal arriving at the input and and after detection added to that is noise that is injected at various stages of the receiver ➥ The current output of the receiver in(t) has current contributions from ➥ Electrical shot noise ➥ Thermal noise ➥ APD detectors have additional multiplication noise ➥ Amplifier noise photodetector Popt(t) = PSig(t) + Pn(t) I(t) = Ip(t) + in(t) Receiver Detector Output Current (I) 2σ1 <I1> <I0> 2σ0 t ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 3
  • 4. Modeling Detector SNR  When observing the detector current output, it is difficult to tell which noise was present at the optical input and which noise was generated internal to the detector. So we tend to use several different models and combine them Optical signal = DC Current = DC Current = DC Current = DC component + component + component + component + variance (Poisson variance (Poisson variance (Filtered variance (Filtered Process) Process) Poisson Process) Poisson Process + Hd(ω) = FT {hd (t)} additive noise) ! Ideal photodetector Filtering Internal Detector Noise ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 4
  • 5. Noise Current  To quantify the statistical nature of noise, we can’t determine random events ahead of time, but we can use their “spectral” characteristics to quantify statistical behavior  Define an Average (mean) value to quantify the amount of power (energy) in the non- time varying part of the signal  Define a Variance to quantify the amount of power (energy) in the noisy part of the signal  Define the “noise” current as i(t) = I DC + inoise (t) ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 5
  • 6. Shot Noise Mean and Variance  For constant power illumination, the rate parameter is constant, and the signal is the mean  The noise corresponds to the photocurrent variance  For a filter, homogeneous Poisson process t !q Mean (Amps) is (t) = i(t) = Precvd $ hd (# )d# • Both mean and variance are h" 0 linear with Prevd t • As Prcvd is increased, both 2 !q 2 signal and noise increase Variance (Amps2) i (t) = var{i(t)} = n Precvd $ hd (# )d# h" 0 Power Spectrum 2 I DC Total Shot Noise = Area = 2qI DC B 2 in (0) = 2qI DC f B Detector Bandwidth ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 6
  • 7. Photodetector Shot Noise  The shot noise generated in the photodetection process is physically due to the “quantum granularity” of the received (and photo converted) optical signal  Shot noise sets the ultimate limit of an optical receiver  Shot noise is a Poisson noise, but it is usually approximated as a Gaussian noise  Hallmark of shot noise is dependence on q, the electron charge Constant Input Optical Power Detector Shot Noise Optically induced current + random electron fluctuations σ2Shot = 2q(Ip + Id)Δf Popt I Pin Detector <Ip> (BW = Δf) I(t) = <Ip> + ishot(t) 2σshot t t Poisson, no-modulation Thermally induced current + random electron fluctuations Dark Current (Id) Detector Shot Noise ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 7
  • 8. Shot Noise with Data Modulation  Consider how the picture changes when we have information modulated on the optical carrier  Let m(t) be the information transmitted  Then Prcvd (t) and λ(t) are functions of m(t)  Assuming the photodetector filter impulse function can change in amplitude from time period to time period, let Gj be a time varying parameter N i(t) = # G j hd (t ! " j ) j =1 Power Spectrum t ! is (t) = i(t) = G ' Prcvd (# )hd (t % # )d# $ 2 I DC Total Shot Noise = h" %& Modulation Area = 2qI DC B t 2 ! 2 2 2qI DC i (t) = var{i(t)} = n G & Prcvd (# )hd (t $ # )d# h" $% f Modulation Bandwidth B Detector Bandwidth ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 8
  • 9. Ideal Direct Detection (1) Ideal Amplifier = unity gain, zero noise, equivalent load RL Ei(t) i’(t) Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)} AV=1 i(t) Vout(t) Ideal Detector RL # !q Ei (t) 2 & i(t) = LPF % ( Ei (t) = 2Ps Z 0 cos(! s t + " ) % h" Z 0 ( $ ' Vout (t) = i(t)RL # Ei (t) 2 & # !q 2Ps Z 0 & = LPF % Cos 2 () s t + * ) ( !q % ( $ h" Z 0 ' = idc RL = Ps RL Pavg =% 2 ( = Ps h" % Z0 ( # !q 1 & = LPF % 2Ps [1 + cos 2() s t + * )]( % $ ( ' $ h" 2 ' !q = idc = Ps h" ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 9
  • 10. Ideal Direct Detection (2)  Electrical SNR is found using the ratio between the signal power (DC) generated in the load resistor and the noise power (shot noise) generated in the load resistor 2 # !q & Psignal ( Psignal isignal RL % h" 2 $ ' 1 !Psignal SNRdd = = 2 = = Pnoise inoise RL 2qh" Psignal B 2 h" B  This equation shows the fundamental, quantum shot noise limit, where the SNR is limited only by the shot noise itself -> Shot Noise Limited Direct (Incoherent) Detection  SNR improves linearly with input signal strength  We will discuss other noise contributions that exist that make it difficult to reach this limit ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 10
  • 11. Ideal Coherent Detection (1)  Consider the following ideal Heterodyne Coherent Receiver  Heterodyne implies that a non-zero intermediate frequency (ωIF) is generated prior to data recovery Elo(t) Ideal Amplifier = unity gain, zero Local noise, equivalent load RL Oscillator ε Plo+ (1-ε) Psignal ε Es(t) i’(t) Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)} AV=1 Ideal i(t) Vout(t) Input Power Detector Combiner RL ' !q 1 2* i(t) = LPF ) # 2Plo Z 0 cos($ lot + % ) + 1 & # 2Prcvd Z 0 cos($ s t + % ) , Ei (t) = ! Elo (t) + 1 " ! Es (t) ( h" Z 0 + 1 1 = ! 2Plo Z 0 cos(# lot + $ ) using cos - cos . = cos(- & . ) + cos(- + . ) 2 2 + 1 " ! 2Prcvd Z 0 cos(# s t + $ ) ' !q * i(t) = LPF ) ( h" { ( } Plo# + Prcvd (1 & # ) + 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) cos '($ s & $ lo ) t + % * , + + % Ei (t) 2 ( ' * Since typically Prcvd = Plo Pavg =' 2 * = Ps !q Z0 I DC ; Plo# ' * h" ' & * ) Assuming the intermmediate frequency ($ IF = $ s & $ lo ) falls within the LPF bandwidth !q i(t) = 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) cos [$ IF t + % ] h" ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 11
  • 12. Ideal Coherent Detection (2)  Using the same approach as in direct detection to obtain the SNR 2 ! i peak $ SNRhet = Psignal = 2 2 isignal RL = (irms )2 = # 2 & " % Pnoise inoise RL 2qI DC BRL 2qI DC BRL 2 ! 'q $ 2 Plo Prcvd ) (1 * ) ) # h( & # 2 & # " & % '(1 * ) )Prcvd 'Prcvd = = ; ! 'q $ h( B h( B limit Plo +,, ) +0 2q # Plo) & BRL " h( %  Note that shot noise limited heterodyne coherent detection, in the limit where the local oscillator is much stronger than the received signal,  Is a factor of 2 (3dB) better than the shot noise limited incoherent detection ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 12
  • 13. Ideal Coherent Detection (3)  The other coherent approach is Homodyne Coherent Detection  The intermediate frequency (ωIF) is driven to zero (ωIF=0) at phase is driven to φ=0 bringing the data immediately to baseband Automatic Local Ideal Amplifier = unity gain, zero Frequency/Phase Oscillator noise, equivalent load RL Elo(t) Control ε Plo+ (1-ε) Psignal ε Es(t) i’(t) Hd(ω) = FT {hd(t)} AV=1 Ideal i(t) Vout(t) Input Power Detector Combiner RL ' !q 1 2* Ei (t) = ! Elo (t) + 1 " ! Es (t) i(t) = LPF ) # 2Plo Z 0 cos($ lot + % ) + 1 & # 2Prcvd Z 0 cos($ s t + % ) , ( h" Z 0 + = ! 2Plo Z 0 cos(# lot + $ ) + 1 " ! 2Prcvd Z 0 cos(# s t + $ ) Since we are using an AFC/APC control to drive $ IF = 0 ' !q * % Ei (t) 2 ( i(t) = LPF ) ( h" { } Plo# + Prcvd (1 & # ) + 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) , + ' * Pavg =' 2 * = Ps Since typically Prcvd = Plo Z0 ' * !q ' * I DC ; Plo# & ) h" !q i(t) = 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 & # ) ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal h" Lecture 2, Slide 13
  • 14. Ideal Coherent Detection (4)  Using the same approach as in direct detection to obtain the SNR SNRhet = Psignal = 2 isignal RL = (irms )2 2 Pnoise inoise RL 2qI DC B 2 % !q ( ' 2 Plo Prcvd # (1 $ # ) * & h" ) ! 2(1 $ # )Prcvd !P = = ; 2 rcvd % !q ( h" B h" B limit Plo +,, # +0 2q ' Plo# * B & h" )  Note that shot noise limited homodyne coherent detection, in the limit where the local oscillator is much stronger than the received signal,  Is a factor of 2 (3dB) better than the shot noise limited heterodyne receiver and factor of 4 (6dB) better than the shot noise limited incoherent detection ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 14
  • 15. Photodetectors ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 15
  • 16. Photoconductors (1) ➱ Photon absorption in semiconductor materials. ➱ Three main absorption mechanisms: Intrinsic (band-to-band), Free-Carrier Absorption and Band-and-Impurity Absorption ➱ Intrinsic (band-to-band) is the dominant effect in most SC photoconductors Intrinsic (band-to-band) Free-Carrier Absorption Band-and-Impurity Absorption e- e- Ephoton = hν Ec h+ Ec e- Ec Ephoton = hν Ephoton = hν + Donor Level - Acceptor Level Ephoton = hν h+ Ev Ev Ev h+ •Incident photon Ephoton= hν= Ec - Ev ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 16
  • 17. Photoconductors (2) ➱ For intrinsic absorption, photons can be absorbed if hc 1.24 ! ( µ m) > = Ec " EV Eg (eV ) 1240 ! (nm) > Eg (eV ) Material Bandgap (eV) Maximum λ (nm) Typical Operating Range (nm) Si 1.12 1110 500-900 Ge 0.67 1850 900-1300 GaAs 1.43 870 750-850 InxGa1-xAsyP1-y 0.38-2.25 550-3260 1000-1600 ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 17
  • 18. Photoconductors (3) Ephoton = hν Semiconductor ➱ Define: ➱ Pi = incident optical power ➱ R(λ) power reflectivity from input Pi medium to semiconductor Pi(1-R) Pi(1-R)e-αx ➱ α(λ) = 1/e absorption length ➱ 1/ α(λ) = penetration depth x 1/α ➱ Power absorbed by the semiconductor is Pabs (x) = Pi (1 ! R)(1 ! e!" ( # )x ) = $(#, x)Pi ➱ defining the efficiency number of photocarriers produced !(", x) = number of incident photons = (1 # R)(1 # e#$ ( " )x ) 0 % !(", x) % 1 ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 18
  • 19. Photoconductive Photodetectors (1)  Photogenerated current will have time and wavelength dependence !q i photo (t) = GPrcvd (t) + idark h" Pi # carrier = mean free carrier lifetime # transit = transit time between eletrical contacts $# ' G = & carrier ) = photoconductive gain % # transit ( idark = dark current Metal Metal Semiconductor  The transit time for electrons and holes can be different and in many SCs the eletron mobility is greater than that of the hole ! e = µe E > µh E = ! h + iphoto  The SC must remain charge neutral, for every electron generated, multiple holes will get pulled in until the photogenerated electron reaches the other contact. The carrier and transit times are limited by the slower carrier and the photoconductive Vbias gain is given by the ratio of the transit times L ! carrier = a "h L ! transit = a "e ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 19
  • 20. Photoconductive Photodetectors (2)  The carrier velocity is a linear function of electric field strength up to a saturation velocity (which is the same for both electrons and holes)  Field strength of about 105 V/cm result in velocities in range of 6x106 to 107 cm/s  Some materials have an electron drift velocity that peaks at 2x107 cm/s at 104 V/cm  When photoconductive gain is desirable, detector is operated at low voltages  Carrier lifetime also impacts the frequency response of the photoconductive photodetector Prcvd (! ) i photo (! ) = "G 2 #!& 1+ % ( $ !c ' 1 !c = = cutoff frequency ) carrier ECE228B, Prof. D. J. Blumenthal Lecture 2, Slide 20